Newspaper Page Text
/read\ ((THE GLOBE'S]) V OFFER, JJ \Page 6^-Z VOL. XVIII.— PRICE TWO GENTS— j _^Tcixr%.\ BULLETIN UF. Trt^ DflrlLY GI^OBE,. ■ THURSDAY, AUG. 22, THURSDAY, AUG. 22, .Weather for Showers, PAGE 1. Buckeye Democrats Nominate. Waller's Release Expected, Newts of the Northwest. Hot Meeting of Battery A. PAGE 2. IMsr Bike Day at the Fair. Census Bulletin No. C. PAGE 3. Bis* Loan Society Fails. Saloonkeepers Organize PAGE 4. Editorial. What the Threshers Say. Summer Fete to Be a Success. mini's Shipwreck. PAGE 5. Apostles Get Revenge, Kaws Take Two From Millers. Sensational Lynching in Ohio. PAGE «. Templar Rates Run Riot, Train Robbers Used Dynamite. PAGE 7, Bar Silver. (Hi 5-Sc. Dash Wheat in Chicago, Gl 1-Sc, Better Tone to Stocks. PAGE 8. Death at a Horse's Heels. Work of Commissioner*. ' Actors "Wed. "oar From Britain. a TODAY'S EVENTS. TPildwood— U. A. O. D. Picnic. Ramaley's. White Bear— Concert. At any rate. Mr. Brice doesn't talk through his tile. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMSHIPS. ------""'.; : NEW YORK, Aug. 19.— Arrived: Na- XEW YORK. Aug. 19.— Arrived : Na vel, Bremen and Southampton. NEW YORK— Arrived: Noordland, Antwerp; Orizaba, Havana, Leith and Dundee; Noordland, Antwerp; Roman Prince, Santos and Rio Janiero; Do- rian, Morant Bay; Massasoit, Rotter dam. And Senator Quay was fighting a political machine. The train robber's activity indi cates thai he is expecting a hard ■vinter. What is Defender going to do if the wind becomes stiff when she is racing Valkyrie III.? -n» It isn't clear that that tele-gram from Minnie R. Williams did not some from a cemetery. Hon. J. Sterling Morton was once irrested on the charge of larceny Df Nebraska cordwood. But he did a't steal the wood. The Minneapolis team has not tel egraphed home that it is fatigued because of the three runs it made luring the last three games. Mr. Cleveland is in some danger politically because he wears a polka dot necktie and braid on his coats, both of which are out of style. A Kentucky colored woman has been discovered who knew Daniel Boone. But this will not help Gen. Hardin to square himself with his party. Prof. Swift is trying to com-et over the American people again, but Messrs. Brice and Quay don't care if he is. It is hinted that the Chinese vege tarians cut short the careers of the women missionaries because they wore their hair unfrizzled and un hanged. Now that Campbell is named by acclamation to Lead the Onio Demo crats, the people of the BucKeye state should turn to and make his Election unanimous. Maidstone, England, has passed ah ordinance prohibiting the display of stockings by bicyclers of either sex. The "British matron" of the news papers is getting in her work. Now that the steamer St. Louis has acquitted herself so nobly on the wave, the people of the Minnesota capital are anxious for the St. Paul to take a dip in the old Atlantic. It may have been the Grand Rap- Ids ball team that robbed the West Michigan train. This aggregation of diamond talent hadn't been able to steal or win so much as a base ball In the last three weeks. Those who declare that the law discriminates against silver will be nuzzled to answer the suggestion that the government should put both petals on an equality by discontinu ing the free coinage of gold. Missouri has broken the record on the unique. At Schell City t lawn party depended for light upon •"lightning bugs" imprisoned in flasks Und suspended about the grounds. Kentuckians have the lightning in .flasks, too, but they don't use it to light up grounds. Gen. Coxey's roving disposition will not down. He is running for governor of Ohio, but making silver speeches in Nebraska and threaten ing to move to Oklahoma. Couldn't be make it Arizona and cut the tele graph communication with the rest Of the country. Miss Mary Elizabeth Manning is entitled, to the sympathy of all Americans. At Albany yesterday, If sound mind and perfect health, she deliberately united herself in mar riage of Jules Cornelius yon der Dudermeulen. He may be a nice mougl. young man, but no American jirl should marry a man whose We is so long you can't see from lie end to the other of it. -777*7 ■ —■'-" ■ - . . - ■ . . " -* _ '- - - _ _ . * . - •*.""-. ■ ■ - ■ • * BEIGE'S CONQUEST. CLEVELAND'S MONETARY" AND TARIFF POLICIES STOUT- LV* UPHELD CAMPBELL FOR GOVERNOR. UNANIMOUSLY* RENOMINATED WITH A GREAT ROAR OF ENTHUSIASM. SILVER'S HOPELESS MINORITY. Strong Arguments on National Is- sues in the Senator-Chair- man's Opening Address. Governor JAMES E. CAMPBELL Governor JAMES E. CAMPBELL, I. Lieut. Gov JOHN B. PEASLEE State Auditor...... JAMES W. KNOTT State Treasurer WM. B. SHOLER Supreme Judge WM. T. MOONEY Any. Gen.. GEORGE A. FAIRBANKS Member Board Public Works— HENRY" B KEEFER Clerk of Supreme Court— J. W. CRUIKSHANK SPRINGFIELD, 0., Aug. 21.— Democratic state convention here to- day made all its nominations with- out opposition. The convention was in session from 10:20 to 2:40, and the ; nominations were completed a half ': hour after ex-Gov. Campbell had been drafted for the standard-bearer. The ballots were all on the minority report, "on credentials and resolu tions, and the time was thus con- sumed in the contests between the gold and the silver men. The gold men, headed by Senator Brice, had claimed that there would be less J. E. CAMPBELL. than 300, and probably not many more than 200, of the 808 delegates vote for free silver. The silver men claimed they would have no less j than 300, and probably 350 delegates, for free silver. It developed that there were 270 free silver delegates. It was a fighting minority, but it did not carry the fight further than ! on the platform. The nominee for | member of the board of public works ; is said to be the only free silver I man on the ticket, although the sil- j ver lines were not drawn on the | candidate. There was considerable : enthusiasm over the nomination of j Campbell. He defeated ex-Gov. For- I aker in 1889, and was defeated for | re-election as governor in 1891 by I William McKinley Jr., the present incumbent. The nomination of Mr. i Campbell means an aggressive cam paign in Ohio, where McKinley is i now recognized as a candidate for ! president, and Foraker for senator, the fate of both depending largely ; on the pending contest between Campbell and Bushnell for governor. | It is generally understood that Gov. i Campbell was induced to make the race by promises of support for the : presidential nomination in the event of his success next November, in i which contingency he would again confront his old opponent, McKinley, : should the latter be nominated. And j in co-operating with Senator Brice I for a Democratic legislature, ex-Gov. '. Campbell is also again confronting j his other old opponent, Foraker. < A COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING. Although Senator Brice is also SENATOR CALVIN S. BRICE. known to have presidential aspira tions, it is the generally accepted theory that Brice and Campbell have reached such an understanding as to contest everything in Ohio with McKinley and Foraker, who have everything at stake on the selection of Gen. Asa A. Bushnell as governor, and a Republican legislature next November. It is thought the con test between these old leaders in Ohio will overshadow the currency question and other issues. , There is so little difference between the Re-" publican and Democratic '* platforms on silver that the currency question is now generally believed to be dis posed of in Ohio, but the tariff will be kept prominent, as the parties dif fer widely on that -issue, and Gov. Campbell is expected to arraign the Republican state administration of the past four years very severely, as he did "in the previous campaigns. Gov. Cambpell called* in his" friends tonight before leaving/arid with Sen ator Brice and others arranged for beginning at once an aggressive" cam ST. PAUL, MINN.: THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST \ 22, 1895. paign, in which they expect the co operation of leading " Democrats throughout the country. Previous to his election as governor in 1889 Gov. Campbell had been three times elect ed to congress in a Republican dis trict, and is recognized as the best campaigner of his party in Ohio. His running mate for lieutenant gov ernor, John B. Peaslee, was for years superintendent of the Cin cinnati schools, and last week re tired as clerk of the courts of Ham ilton county. Mr. Peaslee is also a fine campaign speaker. Prof. Knott, the candidate for auditor of the state, is a college man, and the nominee for supreme judge is now on the common pleas bench. Mr. Fairbanks, for attorney general, is a friend of Thurman at Columbus. His name was presented by Congressman Outhwaite. Several personal encounters were features of the meetings during last night, and the feeling was no better when the delegates assembled this morning. The Brice men had every thing, and their only consideration was that of avoiding further trouble. When Senator Brice entered the hall on time he was accorded an ovation. Gov. Campbell afterward was re ceded wjfh rounds of applause. The hall was elaborately decorated, but was too small to accommodate all holding tickets. It was 10:30 when the chairman of the state commit tee, M. A. Smalley, called the conven tion to order. Prayer was offered by Professor Breckinridge, after which Senator Brice was introduced as the presiding officer and spoke as follows: BRICE'S OPENING SPEECH. "Gentlemen of the Convention: I recognize the honor and responsibility of the position which has been as signed me, and shall endeavor to fill it to the best of my ability, with per- feet impartiality and due regard for the right of each and every* delegate. I can only succeed with your forbear- ance and assistance, upon which I shall rely, knowing that we have all come for the same general purpose — the success of the Democratic party in the state. We may, as we often have in the past, differ as to details and have warm controversies as to the manner in which we may best accom- plish our common purpose; but the Ohio Democracy must fight with un- broken ranks and against the common enemy. We must recognize the grav ity of the situation. It is now less than a year since we were beaten in this state by nearly 140.000 majority. Nor was this a local disaster, affecting only the party In the*state. We suffered from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to the gulf. We were beaten in our strongholds as well as in doubtful places, and it is idle to talk of its being the fault of any one man or any; single act of the party, or any of the minor causes that affect political success. The shadow of the great, world-wide panic; the indus- trial and* financial depression; low prices for all products; low wages, or no wages, for workingmen every- where; despair for farmer and me- chanic, terror and ruin for banker and merchant; and at the bottom of it all a false tariff system, ruining in turn manufacturer and consumer, and an unwise and fatally weak currency situation, had .thrown. over the whole nation resentment against the party which happened to be in power when the disaster came. Millions of Dem ocrats remained at home— hundreds of thousands in our own state a mute protest againts * the powerlessness of their president and their congress to prevent or protect them from these disasters. Men from all parties and everywhere were freely saying that the Democratic party was dead, dis- solved, gone off into the camps of the Populists and socialists, and had be- come mere wandering bands of fugi* fives, without union and without hope. There was wild, fierce clamor against the senate and against the Democratic house. So widespread was the feeling of hopelessness among our party, that we have already lost our majority in the senate, not to be regained in many years. Our majority of more than 100 in the house of representatives has been reversed, and our membership in that branch of the present congress is a mere handful. ■ PANIC AND FEAR HAVE PASSED. "Is this the time for those who re- main steadfast and loyal to the great. party of Jefferson, . Jackson, Tilden and Cleveland to indulge in quarrels and recriminations? Should we not rather gather together all people who are willing to join hands, and build the Democratic structure, on which, as we believe, lies happiness and safety for this government and its people? But. gentlemen, doesn't this convenxion.and the intense feeling* manifested by those who attend it, and those who have sent their delegates here, tell the story that a change has come over the pub- lie mind— that the Democratic party is no longer prostrate: that its fortunes are rising, and that it is quite worth the while to be in the Democratic army, "which already has the assured and con- fident step of a march toward victory? Panic and fear have passed away. The beneficence of Democratic legisla tion has already produced, and is pro- ducing, its effect. Faith is rapidly being restored, confidence re-estab lished and business everywhere reviv- ing, and it is now clear that it is only a question of time, either in November of this year or of next year, when the American people will reward the Dem ocratic party for its profound service to the republic. The three great promises made to the American people in 1892 have been more nearly fulfilled, and carried more nearly into execution, than any three promises ever made by any party in any platform. What were they? They were summed up by Sam- uel J. Tilden forty years ago, as home rule, sound money and free trade, as nearly as government requirements permit; and under the very shadow of the disaster brought on this country by the Republican laws, against which we protested and whose repeal we de manded—the force bill, the McKinley bill and the Sherman bill— these prom ises were fulfilled. The Democratic party met and wiped from the statute book the force bill, and gave home rule to this country as far as your national legislature had anything to do with the question: and next repealed, uncondi tionally, the Sherman silver law, and thereby prevented the absolute bank ruptcy of the United States treasury which was imminent. There is no human being, whose judgment is en- titled to the slightest weight, who does not know that the gravity of the situ- ation and the imminence of the peril were averted by the repeal of The Sher man law. TARIFF REFORM. And the third, and in the Democratic' heart the most desired, . the repeal of the McKinley bill, was secured against greatest obstacles and the fiercest and bitterest opposition, and ta> its place was passed a Democratic tariff bill which will long stand as the law of the land. I sneak with some fullness of feeling and knowledge of this partic ular bill, because I took great interest in it during its consideration by the senate. Many of -my . Democratic friends in Ohio were seriously dis turbed, some of them quite indignant, at my course ta the framing of that bill. Gentlemen of the convention, when sent by you and your associates to repeal the McKinley bill, we did not propose to return to you with the McKinley bill unrepealed, if it- lay within our power, and- we did not. We had also been sent by you to support the government of the United States, and to secure the best prosperity- and happiness of the people of this coun. try. This we- could not do if we aboh tailed all taxes and . large I appropria tions, resulting in the bankruptcy" of the United State! treasury, and con sequent uncertainty and ruin of all your business, financial andTlhdustrial ; machinery. We could • therefore not consent to the passage of a bill which did not -provide, sufficient revenue. .-. Continued on Third Page. " IT'SfISTHOHGGfISE ■ ■ '- *7 WALLER SURE TO BE RELEA'^fib" WALLER SURE TO BE RELEASES) FROM PRISON AND IN- DEMNIFIED. 7 7 ACTING WITH GREAT CARE. ACTING WITH GREAT, CARE.; • ••■-'■ AAA' . ■ ,-a TOO, IMPORTANT INTERESTS *IN-' TOO IMPORTANT INTERESTS IN-' VOLVED TO HURRY' SET*. TLEMENT. FRANCE MUST MAKE AMENDS.^ • - *"*/. Peremptory Demand for the Pris- Peremptory Demand for the Pris- oner's Release Likely *n Be Made at Once, WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.— With reference to the criticisms which have been made from time to time concerning the state department's conduct of the Waller case, it can be stated that Mr. Waller's friends here are satisfied the case is receiv ing the most careful and zealous attention of the department. It is learned on the best authority that, notwithstanding Secretary 01ney's( absence from the city, he has given personal attention to the conduct of the negotiations looking to Mr. Wal ler's release and restoration to his rights. Furthermore, the president* himself has manifested a concern re garding the matter which he would not give if he did not feel that the case was unusual in complications ' involved. Enough is known regard ing the progress of the negotiations to justify the statement that the de partment is confident it will result in the release of Mr. Waller, with indemnity for his imprisonment and the restoration of his property rights. _ There is also authority for the state-! ment that the department feels as-' sured that Mr. Waller's bare release j could not have been secured before' now, but it was felt that this would I be accomplished at the risk of losing * indemnity for imprisonment, and' protection of Mr. Waller in his prop--, erty rights in Madagascar. As the' money interests involved are placed by' no one in the department at less I than a million dollars, the case has been handled on the theory that ii was better that Mr. Waller should. continue to endure his incarceration" for a few months than risk losing his claim. Ambassador Eustis has found it impracticable to secure more of the record in France than the specifi cation of the charges, but it is un derstood a promise has been made to' secure the full record from Madagas car. 5 This will take some time, . but' the state department is so confident that when received it will bear out the full , representations of : the de partment, and aid materially in se curing justice to Mr. . Waller, that it is deemed wise to wait for it rather than to unduly press the matter." DEMAND FOR RELEASE. There is good authority for the state ment that a peremptory demand will be made by the United States on France for the release of ex-Consul Waller, with a probable request for a commission to determine Waller's rights in Madagascar. The discussion of the case between the French and American diplomats has reached a point where it is said there is little else for the United States to do, owing to the fact that repeated requests for. a copy of the charges and testimony* upon which Waller was convicted have not been furnished by the French government. It was said at the suit* department today that the delay in the case had been very annoying to the officials, and especially to Ambassa dor Eustis. The dilatory action of? France in this matter is regarded "as indicating that the French govern ment has a very poor case, and will be unable to resist the demands made by the United States for the restoration of Waller to liberty and indemnity for his losses. A condition which makes the delay of France more aggavating is the fact that the department is* aware of the serious illness of Waller in prison and that his further con finement is harmful to his health. In ternational questions generally move slowly, but the delay in producing pa-. pers and testimony in the case ; of Waller has been of a very exasper ating kind, and has resulted in sharp pressure by United States officials -to bring about a settlement, the belief being that a great deal of the delay has been largely unnecessary. Some of the reports which have been re ceived at the department indicate that the treatment of Waller has been? un just, and his arrest and trial a breach of international comity. ej SPOFFORDJS ACCOUNT. ' — 'a - i: Sensational Story of a Heavy De-' Sensational Story of a Heavy De- falcation. ■ y WASHINGTON, Aug. Treasury. ; officials have not yet completed their; final report of the investigation, into the accounts' of Librarian Spofford, be- gun about six weeks ago. Expert Mey ers, of the fifth auditor's office, has* made a partial report, but in the ab sence of Fifth Auditor Holeomb, his deputy, J. J. Willie declines to go into details, pending the receipt of a com munication which he is expecting from Mr. Spofford. Mr. Willie declined to affirm or deny the truth of a story | printed this morning by the New. Tork ! World, which stated that Mr. Spofford - is short in his accounts about $35,090. The World said that Mr. Spofford ! had utterly failed to account for moneys re ceived for searching the copyright files and for furnishing kindred informa tion in reply to inquiries. •- It also , stated that Mr. Spofford had carried oh the rolls positions that were unfilled; that employees received salaries much below those accredited to, them on the' pay rolls, and that Mr. SpofforcT- had offered to make good $22,000 of the al leged discrepancy: Mr. Spofford hand- led the moneys received for copyrights and disbursed th? salaries of the em ployees of his office. With reference to the report that Secretary Carlisle had" recommended Mr. . Spofford's v imme diate removal, Mr. Willie called attend tion to the fact that Mr. Spofford ii responsible by law to the president- alone. ?.,* 7>.* .7 _ - • .'" A -;! In a statement made today \ by Mis * Spofford, he maintained "that the -al leged discrepancies were caused by! the accounts of the department having be- * come confused and misleading;. 7s-*? ' It Is Hinted This May Be the Comet Discovered by Prof. Swift Yesterday; HEAT, HAIIt THEY VISIT PORTIONS OF BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH DA- 7 ' ' KOTA. NORTH DAKOTA RAILWAYS. THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FINISHES "WORK? OF VAL- IDATION. CHAMPION THIEF IN WINONA. CHAMPION" THIEF IX WINONA. Lutheran College May Be Loca- ted Between Twin Cities— Northwest News. Special to the Globe. .. PIERRE^ S. D., Aug. 21.— mer- ; 1 cury "was at 106 today 'by the gov-" ' ernment thermometer. Showers to night saved crops from damage. Special to- the - Globe. WAHPETON, N. D., Aug. 21.— A tremendous storm of rain and hail visited this .vicinity today, commenc ing at half past 5 and lasting three hours. The damage to crops is large but cannot now be estimated. FAIR DEAL FOR ALL. Board of Equalization Fixes Val ues of North Dakota Railways. Special to the Globe. BISMARCK, N. D., Aug. 21.— state board of equalization finished its work and -adjourned today. The mat ter of greatest interest in connection with their meeting was the valuation of railroad property under the new di- rect tax law. Heretofore the North ern Pacific has been the only road in the state to pay tax on an assessed valuation per mile, the other road paying on a gross earnings system. But the "gross earning law was re- i pealed by the last legislature, and as a consequence the property of the roads has had to be fixed in value per mile by the board. For the past few days a number of representatives of the roads have been before the board, including G. S. Fernald, of the North ern Pacific; D. W. Cassidy, of the Soo; F. P. Cradon, of the Chicago & North- western; R. A. Wilkinson, of the Great Northern, and T. S. McDonald, of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. All these representatives have addressed the board, setting forth the unprofit able business of many of their lines In the state and asking for a valuation to be placed in accord with these facts, I as set forth. The board today fixed value of $2,500 per mile on Northern Pacific main line and $2,700 on branches. This is tne same as last year on the main line, but a reduction of $900 per mile on branches. The Great Northern -was fixed at $3,250 on main line and $2,700 on branches per! mile. '. The Soo was assessed at $2,500. per mile. The Milwaukee at $2,000 and the Northwestern at $1,500. The valu ation is considered equitable. MOTHER AND BABE IX PERIL. Narrowly Escape Cremation by Overturning of a Lump. -** Special to the Globe. ' | EAU CLAIRE, Wis., Aug. 21.— An al cohol lamp in Dr. French's house, yes terday during the absence of the nurse, set fire to a quantity of alcohol, which in turn set fire to the bed in which j young Mrs. French and her newly- born infant lay. Mr. French hearing the screams, snatched up the mother 1 first and " extinguished the flames around her face, her hair having :. caught fire. She was removed to a place of safety; also the babe. The fire brigade had everything quickly- under control. This is the house of Miss Myrta French, the opera singer. She was absent at the time, likewise her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dr.* French. It was a very narrow es cape. HIS BONES CANNOT. REST. Remains of a Winona Chinaman -Go Back to the Flowery King -7 - dom. ... -. , Special to the Globe. WINONA; " Aug. ' 21.— The . following - letter was today presented to uperin- tendent Marvin, of Woodlawn ceme tery: a A Victoria, B. C— Dear Sir: The bearer of :? this letter is a CKinaman, Yip '- Chong, • "who wants to - remove the bones of a Chinaman named Ah Fune, who was buried in 1876 In youf ceme tery. ; He wishes to ship the bones to China By doing this, you will -greatly oblige, HENRY W. SHEPHARD, '. [ By Ah Wing. ■:■ ■ ; Chief of "Police. . ■ • ' It seems that about twenty years ago, Ah .Wing came .to this - country : LESSON IN ASTRONOMY. and settled here in Winona. He had as an assistant in his laundry busi ness Ah Fune, who died and was buried here in 1876. Ah Wing soon after left Winona and has not been heard of until the present time. He Is now a rich Chinaman, a contractor by trade, residing at Victosja, B. C. Recently the family of Ah Fune wrote to Ah Wing and said they wanted the remains of Ah Fune home. So Ah Wing had the chief of police of his city write the above letter for Yip Chong. The letter was mailed, and reached here in safety, Yip Chong getting the bones of his countryman from the cemetery this afternoon. He I placed them in a large hand satchel, ' and leaves with them this evening for San Francisco. Here he gives them to a Celestial who is about to return to China, and then Yip Chong will re turn to his ironing in Winona. He will stand his expenses to San Francis- I co and back, personally, for love of '- his countryman. He deserves to be commended for his charity. CHAMPION THIEF Coolly Walks Into a Winona Res- idence and Abstracts Jewelry. Special to the Globe." . WINONA Aug. 21.— The residence of A. H. Snow was robbed; in a smooth "< manner this morning. A young light- j 3 complexion ed- man.. walked .boldly, up to . the * house," opened the j door and j walked up stairs. In a few minutes I he came down and walked out of the house. Only Mrs. Snow and a young lady niece, who had just arrived in the city, were in the house at the time. Mrs. Snow was in the kitchen. The young lady saw* the house breaker, but from his actions supposed he belonged in the house. Over $200 in jewelry was taken. The burglar has not been j caught. . '■.A'l-yA-.'Aji-A ;y~^A:- BETWEEN TWIN CITIES. New Norwegian Lutheran College May Be Located. Special to the Globe. RED WING, Aug. 21.— The last day of the Norwegian Lutheran ministerial conference, which has been in session here the past week and which has been the most successful conference of the kind yet held, opened, this morn [ ing with devotional exercises, con ducted by Rev. H. I. G. Krogh. The I j report of the financial secretary j showed that $35,000 had been raised by I subscription during, the past year; ! $10,000 received from sale of property at Madison, Wis. With money still I due the society the deficit amounts to ! $7,000. •..-"'; "7 " The church council meets tomorrow. The location of the Lutheran seminary, which was located at Robbinsdale, will be the main thing considered. Minne apolis, St. Paul, La Crosse, SiouX Falls and Red Wing are all bidders j for the school. Many of the commit- j tee members favor a location near the ! Twin Cities in the Midway district. AN IN THE CASE. Chicago Negro Looking for His White Wife in St. Cloud. Special to the Globe. : 7 7 . ST. CLOUD. Minn., Aug. 21.— E. D. Lindsay, colored, of Chicago, was in St. Cloud looking for his wife, a white, j woman, who suddenly disappeared from Chicago, taking $700 of his money. He traced her baggage tc. St. Cloud, but found it was a blind. They are said to have lived happily for twelve ' years and he first thought that his wife* had left in a state of mental aberration, but now he thinks {here is a man in the case. 7*7-7-7 Bad Times for Reds. BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis., Aug. That the Indians must suffer this winter unless something is done for their relief is very evident. There are many of them who lost ' houses, wig wams, clothing, blankets and in fact all they had by fire last fall, and barely escaped with then- lives. How they lived last winter is a mystery. ._ There Is no game; fish are scarce, and not one ln a hundred has raised anything like enough to suport them. . The gov ernment requires them to prove up on their lands in order to get their annu ity interest, which will be about $18 per capita. Their final papers on their homesteads will "cost them about $5 each- --There is. little hopes of them getting any of. the principal for which they applied. - - .— ..* Strikers Weakened Quickly. ESCANABA, Mich., Aug. . 21.— The strike of the lumber handlers, mem bers of the longshoremen's union here, j was short lived. - Yesterday morning they demanded 50 cents an .hour. in stead of 40, and quit work today. They were informed by the C. & N. W. com pany that if -they would not work for 40 cents they must keep off the docks of the company and not interfere with men who would work at that rate. The strikers saw they had no chance to win and decided to return to work this afternoon at the old rate of 40 cents. ■ * --* ** * . To Aid Their Injured. Special to the Globe.l" ' - * . FARIBAULT, Aug. 21.— - mem bers of the Faribault fire* department have r* organized amd incorporated a firemen's relief association, to be known as. the "Fa-rib "Cult Fire Department Re lief -Association," -"with -the -following offie«r»i 7 Otto Strobftrger, president; PRICE TWO CENTS-{ F^lSia }-NO. 234. John Deverey, vice president; Henry Mosher, "secretary; Edward " Kelly, treasurer; John Kasper, E. Kaul, John Reardon, Edward Detert, Henry Steuz, John Reising. Martin Eglund are the board of directors. - Cranberry Crop a. Failure. BEAR MARSH, Wis., Aug. 21.— cranberry crop in this section, owing to winter killing, spring frosts and summer drouth, will be very light this season, but one or two growers having any berries at all. Owners of marsh lands are, however, devoting quite an acreage to oats, timothy and buck wheat with, in some cases, phenomenal success, the heretofore designated "swamp lands" being found in dry sea sons well adapted for raising the fore going products. Salvationists on Trial. MADISON, Wis., Aug. 21.— The mem bers of the Salvation Army who were arrested here last spring were on trial this afternoon on an indictment of sev eral counts, charging riot, disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. They entered a plea of not guilty. Those accused include not only the members of the local army, four men and five women, but Staff Capt Winchell, who is at. the head of the army in this state, and Capt. Waite, of Milwaukee. Workmen Picnic. Special to the Globe. SPICER, Minn., Aug. 21.— The A. O. U. W. and D. of H. picnic was held here today.**- About 200 .were, present. A special train was chartered. Grand Master Lloyd, Grand Recorder Olson' and Past Master* Taisey- were - present and addressed the picnickers. The day was fine and a good time was had gen erally. - - , New Mining Road. WASHBURN, Wis., Aug. 21.— preliminary survey for the Washburn, Bayfield & Iron River railroad started from this city today and will be pushed through to Iron river as rapidly as possible. Arrangements are perfected for the placing of the bonds immedi ately following the special election on Sept. 17, and grading will be com menced by Oct. 1. More Pay for Miners. HOUGHTON.Mich.. Aug. 21.— Quiney, Wolverine and Kersarge copper mines announce a 10 per cent raise In wages, effective from Aug. 1. The other six active mines have previously an nounced an advance at the same rate. The increase in Houghton county will amount to nearly $50,000 per month. The advance was made voluntarily on the part of the mine owners. Wedded Minnesota. i Special to the Globe. SLEEPY EYE. Minn., Aug. 21.— I L. Thompson and Minnesota Mcßain j were tonight married. The groom is ■ a prominent attorney of Santa Rosa California, and the bride a daughter of I Hugh Mcßain, of Sleepy Eye, and one ■ of the most prominent young society ladies of Sleepy Eye. She is a talented elocutionist and reader. The presents were many and valuable. Sues for His Deposit. Special to the Globe. WINONA. Minn., Aug. 21.— Suit has j been brought in the district court by Charles E. Maynard, of St. Charles, j against the receiver and stockholders I of the defunct Bank of St. Charles to collect $225 still owing on deposit of $300. Go Deeper for Water. Special to the Globe. FARIBAULT, Aug. 21.— The artesian well has reached a depth of 1,055 feet with no increase of water. Operations have been discontinued. It is pro posed to sink another 600 feet, the con tractor offering to do the same for $700. which will give the city a supply of 300,003 gallons per day. Suicided "With a. Scythe. CAMBRIDGE, Minn., Aug. 21.— Fred Rice, a . prominent young man, com mitted suicide yesterday afternoon at his father's home in the town of Isanti. six miles south of Cambridge. He cut his throat with a scythe. When found life was extinct. No cause can be as signed for the deed by his parents. Towne and His Hobby. GRAND RAPIDS, Minn., Aug. 21.— Congressman Towne organized a gold and silver club at Grand Rapids last night. It was a very large meeting from all parts of the county. H. D. Powers was chairman and F. A. King secretary. ,^.- '.*.?' t STARTLING FAKE. Rumor That Admiral Bunce Wonld Seize Havana. Wonld Seize Havana. -77 .- '-" " WASHINGTON, Aug. 2L— There Is no foundation for the story sent by the United Press last night that it had been the intention of the administra tion to send- the fleet of Admiral Bunce to seize the city of Havana, in order to force the payment of the Mora i claim. Acting Secretary Adee, of the j state department, said that he had ab solutely no information that would in any way give foundation for the re- port' Acting : Secretary McAdoo said that the navy department knew noth- i ing of - any such purpose, and other high officials of the navy, who neces sarily would know about such a pro- gramme if one had been outlined/ said that no intimation ever had been given" that the fleet of Admiral Bunce would be -used? for any such purpose, and added that the dates and points which had, been agreed -on* for the cruise of Admiral • Bunce' s fleet absolutely.. pre cluded ' any such intention. It . was, in . fact, a story of the imagination, they said, ** ' ' -' ** JpIHE GLOBE'S) |\j OFFER, j mm. \ // WAS HOT AFFAIR - 7*7. i THE MEETING OF BATTERY 4 77-77 AT THE ARMORY" LAST NIGHT. COOL COUNSEL OVERRULED AND RESOLUTIONS PASSED THAJ MEAN THE DEATH OF THB BATTERY CAPTAIN-ELECT KELLY* RULES) And by a Vote of Thirteen t(f Twelve Has His Commit- tee to Wait on Governor. The meeting of Battery A last night a/t the armory was a rather hot affair. It finally broke up in a dis agreement of the members, and the old-time battery was split in twain and all chances of a peaceful ad justment are practically at an end* If St. Paul has a battery in the fu ture, it -will be a new organization. There were but twenty-five of tha sixty members present, and the small majority of one vote succeeded! in doing that which plainly puts the organization outside the pale of rec ognition cf the military authorities of the state of Minnesota. In vain did the cooler heads of the battery try to stem the tide and counsel moderation and caution. The meeting wound up as an affair de voted to the cause of captain-elect Kelly, who came prepared for the emergency. It was no longer a ques tion of seeing the battery- reinstated upon its own merits, but the support ers of Kelly went so far as to de mand recognition for their man from the adjutant general, which seems to be a bone of contention. When the meeting convened tha committee appointed at a previous meeting to wait upon the governor, of which Sergeant Wallace was chairman, made its report. Mr. Wal lace stated that the committee had seen the governor and had presented the petition of the battery to him, but that the governor had desired them to see the adjutant general on the matter. The committee had done so, and Gen. Mu^hlberg had informed him that the battery could be reinstated if it would select three good men as officers, who should be acceptable to all, that Kelly should forego his rights to a commission and that Lieut. Allen should resign. Sergeant Rooch said that the adju tant general - had written out his propositions under which ' the" battery might be "reinstated, ? ahd " afnong these was the demand that the ofli eers all tender their resignations. This was as follows: "The battery must be reorganized under a newl regime, that is, it must reorganize under an entirely new set of officers. The late officers as well as Sergeant Kelly musil step aside and out. Se lect for your officers men of charac ter, fitness and respectability, hand their names to Major Libbey, who will forward them through the reg ular military channels, and if satis factory to all, then there will be no difficulty in reinstating the battery." Then came a desultory discussion of the subpject. Mr. Wallace sug gested thart the battery proceed ta elect three new officers. This would be the only thing for it to do. Kelly replied that so far he had not signed any document as demanded by the adjutant general and ha wished to know what disposition; was to be made of him. Corporal Bisbie held that the battery at pres ent was not a military organizations and that there was no need for any, one to sign any resignations. Kelly, however, stood pat and refused tot comply with any such summary dis missal from even the rank and file of the service. He had prepared a set of resolutions and an address to the governor, which he desired to read, and permission being granted, he read the following: THE RESOLUTIONS. To His Excellency, David M. Clough. Governor of the State of Minnesota: Battery A. First battalion artillery, N. G. S. M., stationed at St. PauL has been in the honorable service os this state for about fifteen years and has always borne excellent character That these conditions still exist is conclusively shown by the files of the adjutant general's oflice of the state of Minnesota After the. annual inspec tion of 1595, made by Lieut. A B. Johnson, U. S. A., appointed to such duty hy the honorable the secretary of /war, Lieut. Johnson certified to tha adjutant general of the state that ha found the condition of battery A "very, good" in matters of drill, discipline, efficiency of its officers, condition ofi uniforms and equipments, records re- ports and files, attendance at drills, and in all respects said report was es pecially complimentary to the non- commissioned officers and privates in said command. Thereafter Capt. W. J. Murphy re*» signed the service, and the command devolved upon Lieut. Allen. Underi his command the battery reported fori duty, and did service in all respects! satisfactory (as will appear from tha official reports now in the adjutant! general's office) at the encampment! held at Camp Lakevlew in July last While In camp, and pursuant to or- ders, and in . conformity to section" 1719, laws of this state, the battery: held an election to fill the vacancy oc casioned by Capt. Murphy's resigna tion. At this election, in all respecta properly conducted. ... First Sergeant Kelly was ' elected captain. Sergeant Kelly thereafter reported before' tha examining board appointed by law. and was examined, and passed as qual ified to be captain of the battery. Hia commission was duly recommended by, all his superior, officers having legal cognizance of such matters. All thesa matters were duly, and, according to ■ military rules and practices, reported) to the adjutant general of -* the state* Under the facts and the law the cap- tain-elect . was entitled to be commis sioned," and the battery entitled to the officer it had chosen: but the adjutant general, without* any legal or just ex- cuse; without any charge having been preferred against the captain- elect,, or, if any has been preferred, without daring, to bring him to trial thereon, arbitrarily - re-fused to Issue said commission, but did issue, upon his own motion, his now famous Spe cial Order No. C, assuming to muster out of the state service all the enlisted men of the battery. * Your excellence has doubtless read it; if not, it can! be easily obtained. It requires no argument to show that this order is absolutely without war- . rant of. law, entirely unjust to sixty, faithful soldiers of the state, prejudi cial |to the integrity of the National Guard and subversive of all discipline. If the National Guard can be m-v-%- -