2 ask us to stop," said Dr. Abbott, with em phasis. "Will you go down the list the same w_y? The reasons why Mr. Weltbrecht was chosen as principal are his long service, good record and the fact that he has given general satisfaction. Our action is in no sense a re flection on Gen. Smith." Inspector Yoerg—l can see no reason why we should not grant the delay asked for. Inspector Wilkes—Mr. Lewis, what reason can you give why we should delay action on this matter? Mt. Lewis—l'must congratulate the board on its efforts to .retrench,, but there Is a dif * lerehce of opinion concerning the proposed action. No wrong can be done to any one by a few days' delay. There is a strong senti ment among certain people to come before the board, and we ask that you postpone action until Monday or Tuesday. President Abbott said the people have known that the board was considering the matter, and asked why they had not come be fore. Several gentlemen flatly differed with this view of the president, among them Inspector Yoerg. They said all the proceedings had beea so secret -that only within the last day or two could the press get any inkling of what was befng done. Inspector Wjlkes insisted that some rea son be given for delay, and continued: "I am going to talk plain. We have im ported three principals who were failures. We want no fhore strangers, though I will say Gen. Smith Is a good disciplinarian. Let us practice civil service reform where we can. De not mince matters. What is the reason for d^lay? I want a reason." Judge of Probate Willrich. an ex-member of the school, board, said he would talk plain too. He had been instrumental in bringing Gen. Smith to St. Paul to assume charge of the high school. "Now, said he, "there is nothing said against him. It Is admitted by President Abbott and Inspector Wilkes that he 1-5 a good disciplinarian, and people gen erally consider him the best principal the school has ever had." He quoted the argu^ ment for civil service in Smith's favor, and thought it very strange that the board should now desire to advance Weltbrecht, the as sistant, over Smith, the principal. "The board now only proposes to put the school back to where It was when Smith came," continued the judge, "under one head. Why let Smith out now? We come here simply as petitioners, but this matter is of such Importance that the board should give a fair hearing to*-citizens on the merits of the two m*n." Mr. Vanish tartly criticir*ed President Ab bott's statement, as to publicity of the pro poped action. "I g-*>t my first intimation of it yesterday, on the ouiet," he said. "We want an opportunity to be heard after peopl-? have been given reasonable notice. The secrecy in which the board has acted has been a very un fair proceeding, to say the least. There are reasons, and we want tn give them." President Abbott—lf you have reasons, give them. Dr. Highee said the chamber of commerce meeting was unnnimous in asking for delay. Inspector M-eNamee reft'ewefl his motion to dispense with the manual training school, and in doing so said: "I want my position plainly understood. If the manual training school is not abolished I shall vote for Weit brecht. as the most, suitable man to run it." President Abbott declared the motion out of order, as there was a previous motion pend ing. Inspector McNair spoke in favor of granting the delay asked-, and said he would support McNamee in the motion to abolish manual training. Inspector Wilkes asked if all of the commit tee appeared in behalf of Gen. Shlth. Mr. Abbott, one of the committee, replied that he was for Mr. Weitbrecht. President Abbott spoke of moving the man ual training plant to the basement of the high school, and Judge Willrich said the people might also like to be heard on that proposi tion. Inspector ,McNamee said if the people knew the uselessness and great cost of the school and its great expense it would have been abol ished long ago. Judge Willrich said he would be favorable to dispensing with it. under certain conditions. A. 11. Lind.'ke spoke very earnestly for de lay. He considered it an important emer- MARKET HOUSE. $1.59 For 98-lb sacks Yerxas' Family Flour (for an other day only). 9 cents Per can for 3-lb cans Baked Beans In To mato Sauce. 5 cents Per can for 2-lb cans Baked Beans in To mato Sauce. 6 cents Per can for 3-lb cans Standard Tomatoes. 10 cents Per dozen for Fancy California Seedless Lem ons. 15 cents Each for good size, fancy Pineapples. 15 cents Per gallon for Blood-red Pickled Beets. 8 cents Per bottle for Yerxas' Root Beer Extract. Will make 5 gallons Sparkling Root Beer. 11 cents Per pound for fine, Domestic Swiss Cheese. 10 cents Per pound for fancy Brick Cheese. 15 cents Per pound for fine Creamery Butter. 15 cents Per pound Tor fancy Dairy Butter, in 5-lb jars. 10 & 12 cents Per pound for choice Dairy Butter, in jars. 1 cent Per package lor Best Garden Seeds. Strawberries! Strawberries! Today we will receive our first shipment of Illinois Berries. "We expect thorn to be the finest that have been seen this year. Prices 'will be lower than the lowest. MEAT MARKET. .Best Boiling Btefj per lb, 3 cents; 40 lbs for ' $1.00 Fine Pot Roasts, per lb **.. Selected Shoulder Roasts, per lb Gc Best Stewing Veal, per lb 6o _ Best Stewing Mutton, per 1b.... " 4 e Selected Picnic Hams, per lb 7c Salt pork, per lb ' ....1'...'. 7c Choice Corned Dee., .per lb 3 C V«Mf Bros, if Co., Market House,7tb and Wabasha gency, in which the right of the taxpayers to be heard should be respected. His children attending the school spoke very highly of Gen. Smith, he said, and in closing Mi\ Lin deke spoke of a mass meeting to be called, which may or jnay not have an effect an the action of the beard. Then, on motion of Inspector McNamee, the matter of deciding the principalship of the high school was postponed until next Tuesday at 4 o'clock p. m. When the delegation of citizens had retired happy the board-again took-up =the recommen dations of the committee. The position "61 supervisor of intermediate and grammar grades was retained by a vote of 4 to 3. By the same vote tbe positions of special teachers of music and physical culture were abolished. The title of "special .ai^tetant.,teacher of manual training" was abolished, hut the teach er will be retained. Special teacher of drawing is abolished. On motion of Inspector Scholle, an addi tional supervisor of intermediate and gram mar grades was provided for. Miss Saunders will fill this position*. *■■a- - * - Assemblyman Johnson and a delegation of ladies were present to ask that Miss Amery he not transferred from_tbe Dr_;w school to tho. Douglas. Their request was granted, with the understanding that the principalship of the latter school be left open until In spector Yoerg can select-a good 'teacher whom he will ask the board to appoint. The board voted'to transfer Sfrs. Whitman from the Douglas to the Nelll school,. Instead of the Maxfleld. On a proposal to make Miss Hanehett prin cipal of the Maxfleld school Inspector Mc- Namee objected. He wanted Mrs. McGee put in the place. The difference was settled by a motion from Inspector Wilkes, to leave it open until a committee from the district can be heard. On the vote to close the Tilden school only Inspectors McNamee and Wilkes voted in the negative. The school will be closed. It is located on the corner of Albany and Arona avenues, in the Midway district. Inspector Wilkes moved that no appoint ments of high or manual training school teachers be made until after the conference appointed for Tuesday afternoon. Adopted. SCHEDULE OF SALARIES. Inspector Scholle Submitted the following from the special committee on teachers' sal aries: Your committee appointed to formulate a schedule of salaries for the teaching fore, for the ensuing year submit the following schedules, providing as a general rule, to ap ply to all principal teacher*, kindergartens, grade teachers, training and high school teachers, that the yearly schedule advance shall not be allowed in any case where the present salary received is $500 or over, un less hereinafter particularly specified to the contrary: Supervisois—Kindergarten and primary, $1,800; grammar ajid iatermediate,. $1,200, Special Teachers—Penmanship-, $1,000; man ual training, $1,450;. manual u-aining assist ants, $000 and $050; drawing, $1,200; German, $900; music, $1,200. Principals—Central high, $2,500; Cleveland and Humboldt, $1,800 each; Franklin, Mad ison, Van Buren, Webster, Lincoln, Jef ferson training teachers, $1,600 each; Sib ley, Adams, Jackson, Monroe, Hendricks, Gorman. Rico. Lafayette..sl,3oo, each; Erics son, $1,100, if the principal does not elect to teach a room; $1,150 if the ropm is. taught. Grant, Harrison, Hawthorne. Garfield, Neill, Irving, Hancock, Longfellow,. Scheffer, Max field, $1,150 each. Smith, Douglass, Drew, $900 each. All other buildings not named in above list shall be in charge of teachers under the rank and pay of "principal teachers." who shall receive $5 per month in addition to their regular schedule salary; provided, that no principal teacher shall receive over $800 per year. High Schools—We recommend that the present schedules be discontinued at the com mencement of the ensuing 3chool year, and that the salaries for the various positions be fixed as follows: F. \V. and C. A. Fiske, $1,600 each; H. B. Sawyer and F. C. Carel, $1,500 each; L. B. Wilson and C. L. Caldwell, $1,400 each; M. J. Newson, L. Minor, C. S. Austin, F. L. Austin, L. A. Vanderwarker, L. Schumm, O. T. Denny, M. J. Beach, D. Lange, M. A. Anderson, C H. Oakes. L. E. Pope, M. Bronson, J. Zuber, J. C. Gauthier, $1,200 each; L. H. Higgs, M. G. Stevens, H. M. Pollock, G. F. De Camp, B. J. Morgan, Nj Dennison, 0. H. Allison. J. E. Kenny. $1,100 each; E. Deem, L. Burlingarrie, $1,100 each; S. E. Crumbacher, J. Ickler, E. Gray, J. M. Farrar, M. E. J. Colter,. W. P. ,Mc- Govern, $900 each; E. Freeman, H. Maokey, modeling and carving, $800 each; C. N- Kel logg, $700; E. Nabersberg, $600; M. Keane, $400; George Rink, —. Teachers' Training School—Director prac tice, first year, $1,100; second year., $1,150; third year, $1,200; fourth year, $1,250, for first primary only. Assistant, first year, $1,000. We recommend that M. C Winchester re ceive $850 for the ensuing school year. Kindergarten Department—All-day direct resses, first year, $500; second year, $550; third year, $600; fourth year, $650; fifth year, $700. All-day assistants, first year, $350; sec ond year, $400; third year, $450. Grade Teachers—Eighth and seventh grades, first year, $500; second year, $550; third year, $600; fourth year, $650; fifth year, $700; sixth year, $750. First to sixth, inclusive, first year, $400; second year, $450; third year, $500; fourth year, $550; fifth year, $600; sixth year, $650. First primary, all buildings, first year, $450; second year, $500; third year, $550; fourth year, $600; fifth year, $650; sixth year. Night Schools, District—Principals, $2.50 per night, teachers, $2 per night. Night High Schools—Principals, $3.-0 per night; teachers, $3 per night. Substitute Teachers—Receive the minimum of the salary schedule of the grade In which they teach. We recommend that all teachers salary schedules now in force and not contained in the above list of schedules be discontinued at the commencement of the ensuing school Inspector Scholle said the saving on ttie combination scheme would be about $6,750, and on kindergartens $6,000 a year. Eight teachers are dropped altogether. The salary schedule was acted on by sec tions. The first and second were adopted without debate, but after considerable argu ment, $50 a year was added to the salaries of principals who must hereafter teach one room. This is to recompense them for extra work put upon them. RECONSIDERATIONS. After the increase had been allowed to principals who teach, Inspector Wilkes se cured a consideration of the vote by which the special teacher of music was cut oil. The position was reinstated, and on motion of In spector Yoerg, Prof. Congdon was reappointed at a salary of $1,200 a year. The vote was unanimous. Inspector McNamee asked reconsideration of the vote cutting off Prof. Hermann, special teacher of physical culture. His request was granted; but, while all the members spoke very highly of Prof." Hermann's work, the majority seemed to think the ground could not be covered to advantage by one man, and, as the board could not afiord several teachers for this branch, they decided to abolish it. The vote went accordingly. The schedule for director of practice and teachers' training school was laid over for further consideration. Miss Williams, assistant in the teachers' training school, will hereafter draw $1,200 a year, a raise of $200. Tbe increase was al lowed after Inspector Scholle had explained that the lady should have received that amount last year, but through a misunder standing, injustice had been done her ln the matter of salary. Inspectors McNamee and Yoerg voted against the increase as being against the policy of retrenchment. The positions of kindergarten trainer and assistant were voted out; but Miss Everett, who will have charge of this work, will here after get $SSO, an advance of $150. This will still leave a saving of a large sum in this de partment, compared -with the old schedule. On motion, the schedule for model teachers was dropped altogether. Then the individual salaries jor model teachers were fixed at these figures: Miss King, $900; Misses Thay er, Strong and Winchester, $850, an increase of $50 for the last named lady; Misses Nix and Squire, $800; Misses Williams and Mc- Grorty, $700. an increase of $50 for each of the four: Miss Sargent, a beginner, $550. In spectors McNamee and McNair voted against these increases, which amount to $600 In __L While this matter was being talked over Supt. Oilbert dwelt on the importance of en couraging good model teachers to stay, and said the Jefferson school will cost $100 less than last year, even with the training school added. On the kindergarten and grades schedule the vote was unanimous. When night schools were reached, the- vote was likewise solid, "provided we have any," being the comment. Inspector Wilkes added to. this by saying: "About next Thanksgiving day I expect to r.ee the sch6&.9.. y ejq. edTJ-ttehter than a drum for lack of funds." Andseveral other mem bers nodded their beads rh assent. Substitute teachers will, as heretofore, re- THE SAINT PAUL GLOBE: SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1898. ceive the minimum salary of the grade in which they teach. LIST OF TEACHERS. The committee on schools made the fol lowing report, which waa adopted, practically without debate: To the Committee on Schools—Gentlemen: Since the last meeting of the board we have received tbe following resignations: L. B. Wilson, central high school; Miss Nellie B. Lloyd, teachers' training school; Miss Agnes Grace, Nelll school; Miss LII lie Pollock, Cleveland school; Miss Eunice Pea body, Hendricks school; Miss Alice Starrett, Hendricks school; Miss Hattie Wing, Webs ter school; Miss Florence Forbes, Webster school; Miss Mary Evans, Drew school; Miss Mary Hayes, Hancock school; Mrs. E. E. Scott, Rice school; Miss Margaret Bowie, Ramsey school; Miss Inez Bunker, Drew school. We recommend that leave of absence be granted to the following: Mrs. L. Stanford, Ames school: Miss L. J. Sterrett, Scheffer school. The following is the list of appointments: Supervisors and Special Teachers—J. D. Bond, penmanship; Miss S? C. Brocks, kin dergartens and primary grades; Miss Ger trude Stoker, drawing; Ela Pickwick, manual I training; Mrs. J. M. Farrar, German; Hans Schmidt, manual training; Mrs. C. L. Place, l supervisor; Miss C. F. Saunders, supervisor 1 of intermediate and grammar grades; C. H. ! Congdon, supervisor of music. Lincoln School—Miss E. Walker, principal; ■ Miss M. T. Farr, eighth grade; Miss E. S. i Robb, seventh; Miss C. T. Buell, sixth; Miss ; la. M. Sanders, fifth; Miss K. Kenkel, fifth; I Miss _t C. Fanning, fourth; Miss C. Kirby, ; fourth; Miss I. GundMach, fourth; Miss G. I Robinson, third; Miss N. Clinton, third; Miss i K. Sexton, second; Miss M. Gaskell, second.; Miss H. Ogden. first; Miss E. C. O'Brien, first; Miss J. Brash, first; Miss A. F. Phelan, first primary; Miss F. Whitney, kindergarten j directress; Miss S. Lenhart, assistant. Cleveland School—S. A. Farsworth, prlncl ! pal; Mrs. S. M. Bement, eighth grade; Miss B. Hartley, eighth; Miss A. Hartley, seventh; j Miss IL Fayerweather, sixth; Miss B. Hough, | sixth; Miss M. Axtell, sixth; Miss E. Wal strom, fifth; Miss G. Sanders, fifth; Miss L. i Hough, fifth; Miss M. Pauline, fourth; Mi3s ! L. Withrow, fourth; Miss L. Stanton, fourth, ; Miss A. Peterson, fourth; Mrs. E. Pugh, I fourth; Miss M. McShane, third; Miss A. ! Knudson, third; Miss A. Miller, third; Miss .I E. Parkinson, second; Miss B. Farn, sec ond; Miss K. Macdonald, first; Miss F. H. Johnson, first primary. Grant School—C. E. Flltner, principal; Miss N. Goodhue, fifth grade; Miss M. Morrison, fourth; Miss M. G. O'Neill, third; Miss K. Gaughen, third; Miss B. Fifield, second; Miss j Anna Reinecker, first primary; Miss E. Stevenson, kindergarten directress; Miss Mary Ward, kindergarten assistant. Harrison School-Miss E. F. McGrorty, principal; Miss C. A. Whaley, fourth grade; Miss A. M. Thornton, third; Miss L. M. i Bryan, third; Miss F. Walker, second; Miss M. Curry, first; Miss M. Kimball, first pri mary; Miss E. Ickler,kindergarten directress; Miss May Williams, kindergarten assistant. Hawthorne School—Miss .1. E. Ginn, prin cipal; Miss A. J. Nelson, third grade; Miss K. M. Weber, third; Miss L. Allison, second; Miss A. C. Brash, second; Miss A. C. Cole man, first; Miss M. L. Bartleheim, first pri mary; Miss E. Stevenson, kindergarten di rectress; Miss Mary Ward, kindergarten as sistant. Monroe School—Miss A. V. Wright, princi pal; Miss L. C. Flint, eighth grade; Miss C. E. Lynch, seventh; Miss L. F. O'Neill, sixth; Miss K. A. Sllney, fifth; Miss A. Burgess, fourth; Miss J. O'Connor, fourth; Miss E. Gill, third; Miss K. O'Brien, third; Miss M. E. Elllthorpe, second; Miss E. T. Sliney, second; Miss M. O'Toole, first; Miss E. Wal la, first; Miss M. Farrell, first primary; Miss S. Greene, kindergarten directress; Miss S. Farrell, kindergarten assistant. Ericsson School—Miss H. E. Ruddy, prin cipal; Miss L. Roth, fourth grade; Miss S. Robinson, third; Miss M. Smith, third; Miss F. Nicoll, third; Miss A. Shields, seco.id; Mrs. C. Allyn, second; Miss J. Griffin, first; Miss M. Holland, first; Miss A. Perry, first primary; Mrs. D. Ames, kindergarten di rectress; Miss E. Mattocks, kindergarten as sistant. Van Buren School—Miss Laura Hand, prin cipal; Miss Mabel Colter, eighth grade; Miss M. M. O'Brien, seventh; M,s. M. M. Swans trom, seventh; Miss J. O'Connor, sixth; Miss J. Macmillan, sixth; Miss M. Cutler, fifth; Miss M. Burns, fourth; Miss M. Schroer, fourth; Miss L. Comnick, fourth; Miss W. L. Eagan, third; Miss A. Fisher, third; Miss K. Kendall, third; Miss J. Ekman, third; Miss E. Huelster, second; Miss E. Hibben, second; Miss K. Eagan, second; Miss N. Krieger, first; Miss C. Krieger, first; Miss B. Forsberg, first; Miss J. Stapleton, first primary; Miss C. Kendall, kindergarten di rectress; Miss E. Davies, kindergarten as sistant. Sibley School—Miss Margaret Lennon, prin cipal; Miss Anna Morrow, eighth grade; Miss F. Mackey, seventh; Mrs. F. Cahoon, sixth; Miss C. Gibbons, fifth; Miss A. Sterner, fifth; Miss G. Mehl, third: Miss G. White, third; Miss F. Hart, second; Miss B. Johnson, sec ond; Miss E. Brown, second; Miss L. Kerwin, first; Miss L. Ansbro, first; Miss A. Campion, first primary; Miss A. McCray, kindergar ten directress; Miss M. Plummer, kindergar ten assistant. Deane School —Miss Mary Gray, principal teacher; Miss Emma Kelley, first primary. Fisher Ames School —W. C. L. Schaefer, principal teacher; Miss Winnie Meginrr, first primary. S. S. Taylor School—Miss Kitt Clum, prin cipal teacher; Miss Adelaide McCaine, inter mediate. Philip Sheridan School—Paul Zumbach, principal teacher; Miss Ella Bailey, interme diate. Franklin School—H. S. Baker, principal; Miss Margaret Corcoran, eighth grade; Mis 3 A. M. Hosmer, eighth; Miss M. Z. Dallas, eighth; Mrs. G. L. Patterson, seventh; Miss Mary O'Brien, seventh; Miss L. D. Hughs, sixth; Miss N. M. O'Keefe, sixth; Miss A. Yost, fifth; Miss B. M. Yost, fifth; Miss A. O'Keefe, fifth; Miss M. Clum, fourth; Mrs. D. E. Terry, fourth; Miss M. D. Day, fourth; Miss M. Doyle, fourth; Miss G. O'Brien, third; Miss N. Campbell, third; Miss J. Strong, second; Miss L. Brown, second; Miss J. Marsden, second; Mrs. C. E. Corrigan, first; Miss B. Saver, first; Miss M. M. Clear man, first; Mrs. E. M. Lowry, first primary; Mrs. M. B. Passage, kindergarten directress; Miss Louise Jewett, kindergarten assistant; Miss Jane Wood, kindergarten assistant. Adams School—Miss Mary Dougherty, prin cipal; Miss E. Manning, seventh grade; Miss T. Dougherty, sixth; Miss Ethel Garrison, fifth; Miss Alice Kelly, fourth; Miss J. Toby, fourth; Miss Agnes Taylor, third; Miss J. Brown, third; Miss S. Gaughan, second; Miss K. A. Slye, second: Miss S. Tener, first; Miss A. Macdonald, first; Miss E. Sliney. first; Miss L. Bartlette, first primary; Miss A. Choate, kindergarten directress; Miss Grace Metcalf, kindergarten assistant. Lafayette School—Miss May Cummings, principal; Miss N. D. Dow, eighth grade; Miss A. S. Kelly, sixth; Miss M. Maher, fifth; Miss A. O'Connor, fourth; Miss J. B. Day, third- Mrs. B. Devitt, third; Mrs. M. Weis enburger, second; Mies C. Asp, second; Miss M Slattery, second; Miss M. Newman, first; Miss I. Roth, first; Miss M. Hawthorne, first primary Miss M. Pfaender, kindergarten di rectress; Miss F. Webb, kindergarten assist ant. _. Garfield School—Miss Lilian Cummmgs, principal; Miss F. R. Hight, eighth grade; Miss M. Daly, sixth; Miss S. Carroll, fifth; Tired Without exertion, weak, weary and de pressed. This is the pitiable condition of thousands at this season. It is due to impoverished blood. The vital fluid has become loaded with Impurities and depleted in quality. It leaves the sys tem Weak Because the blood is the means nature provides for supplying nerves, organs and tissues with nourishment, and health and vigor oannot be expected when the blood is thin and impure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for this weakness, because" it enriches the blood. It cures Nervous Troubles by feeding the nerves upon pure, rich blood. It overcomes that tired feeling, creates an appetite and gives refreshing sleep. If you want to feel well you must have pure blood. You may have pure blood and good health by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood-Purifier. All drpggista. JL Hood'-*; Pilte cnre Llver ma "> easy •» Mise G. Miller, fourth: Miss H. R. Daly, sec ond; Miss L. Morrow, first primary; Misa I. HUsted, kindergarten directress; Miss G. Col ter, kindergarten assistant. Humboldt School—J. C. Bryant, principal; Miss R. U. Nott, eighthj_rade; Miss E- Thom son, seventh; Miss M." Norton, seventh; Miss E. Kelly, sixth; MLss it. Farley, fifth; Miss C. Gundlach. fourth* Miss C. Mueller, third. Miss C. McCornmcfc, third; Miss C. McGee han, second; Mrs. H. Dora, second; Miss A. Wheeler, first; Misr A. Kelly, first; Miss J. W. Fisher, first primary; Miss G. King, kin dergarten directress; Miss A. Williams, kin dergarten assistant. Douglas School— H-r-T , principal; Miss _ M. Ickler, eightlHlra-e; Miss B. I. Chaplh, sixth; Mrs. A. P. Bell, fourth; Miss T. Dit trich, third; Miss C: "Baer, second; Miss E. Callahan, first primary; Miss I. Husted, kin dergarten 1 directress';* Miss G. Colver, kinder garten assistant. 9 Hendricks School—B. G. Eaton, principal; Miss M. O'Connor.-! eighth grade; Miss Z. Judd. sixth; Miss N. Buckley, fifth; Miss C. Kauffmann. fourth; JUiss C. Miller, fourth; Miss K. Delaney, third; Miss M. Ganser, third; Miss A. O'Net IK second; Miss N. Des mond, second; Miss M.'Slavin, first; Miss L. Robinson, first primary; Miss K. Hancke, kindergarten directress; Miss Grace King, kindergarten assistant. Nelll School—Mrs. Whitman, principal: Miss Julia Spates, fifth .grade; Miss May Caulfleld, fifth; Miss Edith Bell, fourth; Miss Kate PrendergSst, third; Miss Ella Ken nedy, second; Miss Caroline Lamson, first; Miss Margaret Madigan, first primary. Irving School—Miss F. A. Pitts, principal: Miss Nora Gill, seventh grade; Miss Anna Spates, sixth; Miss Carrie Gilbert, fifth; Mrs. H. C. McLeod, fourth; Miss Olive Doo little, third; Miss Emma Rice, third; Miss Jessie Ware, second;. Miss Clara Norcott, j first; Miss Nellie W. Ford, first primary. Webster School—Miss L". M. Miller, prin cipal; Miss A. Patten, eighth grade; Miss , C. J. Knight, eighth; Miss Pollock, eighth; Miss N. Leonard, seventh; Miss A. Ray, sev- ; enth: Miss C. Williams, sixth; Miss L. Fow- : hie, sixth; Mise E. Foulke, fifth; Miss A. , Burr, fifth; Miss L. Wilson, fifth; Miss L. Dougherty, fourth; Miss E. Virtue, third;. Miss J. Young, third; Miss G. Waufte, sec- j ond; Miss E. Barkuloo, second; Miss U. I Smith, first; Mrs. H. B. Schenek, first pri- • mary; Miss F. Rood, kindergarten directress; i Miss M. Corning, kindergarten assistant. > Jackson School—Mrs. K. Deacon, principal; i Mrs. M. G. Clinch, seventh grade; Miss H. M. Kennedy, sixth; Mrs. F. Kuester, fifth; Miss Stella Hallowell. fourth; Miss Josie Mathews, third: Miss K. Butler, third; Mrs. F. Dressell, second; Miss S. Macdonald, sec ond;- Miss, Ottilie Lothman, second: Miss A. B. Walsh, first; Miss L. M* Grace; first; Miss Isabel Williams, first primary; Miss M. Mt- Clellan, kindergarten directress; Miss R. Ma son, kindergarten assistnat. Logan School—Anton Friesenhahn, princi pal teacher. Gorman School , principal; Miss k. Witt, eighth grade; Miss E. Burns, sixth; Miss L. E-an, fifth; Miss E. Ware, fourth; Miss M. O'Connor, fourth; Mrs. J. Williams, third; Miss Mary Casey, third; Miss L. Gil bert, second, Miss U Swartz, second; Miss M. Newton, first; Miss M. Larson, first; Miss M. G. Cosgrave, first; Miss Rose Carroll, first primary; Miss Clara Burr, kindergarten directress, .Miss Gertrude Kops, kindergarten assistant. _ „ . . McClellan School—R. D. O'Connell princi pal teacher; Miss M. Manion, fifth grade; Miss L. Miller, third; Miss M. Hambleton, first primary. _ „ • McClellan School-R. D. O'Connell, prin cipal; Miss Mary Maniou, fifth and sixth grades; Miss Lena Mueller, second and third grades; Miss May Hambleton. first primary. Logan Scholl—Anton Friesenhahn, principal tt_ch ■* '' Logan School—Anton Friesenhahn, principal teacher; Mrs. Agnes Nessenson. fourth grade; Mrs. Anna McCammon, second; Mrs. Mary Cunningham, first primary. Ramsey School -Miss Lucy Bolton principal teacher; Miss M. J. Eyles, intermediate; Miss Olive Long, first primary. . Quincy School -iF. C. Miller, principal teB_kttcckß School-G. ir. McFetridge, prin cipal teacher. _- , Scheffer School-Miss A. K. Pickard prin cipal; Miss E. Curry, sixth prade; Miss BL F. Towey. fourth; Miss C. Canning third; Miss M. Norcott. second; Miss A. Zahm. first, Miss M. Hills, first primary; Miss Alice Ot ficer, kindergarten directress; Miss V. Borup, kindergarten assistant. Drew School—Miss Frances Amery, prin cipal; Miss M. Gill, fifth grade; Miss C. Mc- Shane, fourth; Miss A. Donovan, third; Miss H. Jamer, third; Miss J. O'Halloran second; Miss E. Hawk, second; Miss E. A. bnaw, first; Miss M. Kult, first primary. Madison School-Gen. G. C. Smith, princi pal; Miss J. A. Wormwood, eighth grade; Miss E. B. Talor. eighth; Miss S. E. Patton. seventh; Miss S. Witis, seventh; Miss; E. Thuet, seventh; Mrs. A. M. Hunt, sixth; Miss M. L. Williams, s'.xth; Mrs. J. B. Rasmus, fifth; Miss A. E. Sheppard, fifth: Miss A* K. Hern, fejurth; Miss E. P. Lowry, fourth; Miss G. M. Horan, third; Miss N. E. Moran, third- Miss K. BUtle, third; Miss K. Dolan, second; Mrs. M. H. Smith, second; Mrs. b. H West, secrnd; Miss M. Banning, first; Miss M. A. Hoyt, first; Miss A. Furlong, first- M'ss J. Ryan, first; Miss H. Zahm, first; Miss H. M. Davison, first: Mrs. M. M. Tong first primary; Miss C. Adams, kmder garde'n directress; Miss C. Saunders, kinder garden assistant. . Rice School—H. W. Slack, principal; M.ss F D. Ohr, eighth grade; Mrs. M. A. Rowles, seventh* Miss J. Sullivan, sixth; Miss Lillian Maguire fifth; Miss Ellen McShane, fourth; Miss G. Oakes, fourth; Miss M. C. Cullen, third- Miss N. Sullivan, second; Miss H. E. Bigelow first; Miss M. A. Mahoney, first; Miss M. K. Smith, first primary; Miss W. Ohr, kindergarten directress; Miss E. Mac donald, kindergarten assistant. Smith School—Mrs. H. G. McGee. principal; Miss M. Pearce, fifth grade: Miss E. Murphy, fourth- Miss J. Virtue, third; Miss J. Swartz, second; Miss M. Keefe, first primary; Miss G. Borup. kindergarten directress; Miss F. Rose, kindergarten assistant. Hancock School—Miss C. E. Putnam, prin cipal; Miss Jessie Whitman, eighth grade; Miss E. L. Door, sixth; Miss Hattie Garvin, 'fifth; Miss Edith Scott, fourth; Miss Hattie Door, third; Miss Anna-Taylor, second: Miss Anna Ctrter, first primary; Miss Nina Whit man, kindergarten directress; Miss E. H. Baker, kindergarten -'assistant. Baker School—Miss- L. M. Butler, principal teacher; Mrs. A. Nessenaen' intermediate grades; Miss A. McCammon, intermediate grades; Miss M. Ciirmin£ham, first primary. Murray School—Mrs: M. M. Martin, prin cipal teacher; Miss __ CL. Parker, intermedi ate grades; Miss E. L. Cooper, first primary; Miss Nina Whitman, kindergarten directress; Miss E. H. Baker, kindergarten assistant. Longfellow School-^-MiS* C. W. A. Black man, principal; Mis&^L, McFetridge, eighth grade; Mrs. E. H. Bradley, seventh; Miss F. Perry, sixth; Mrs. A.*.o*Toole, fifth; Miss B. Miller, fourth; Miss L* »Baker, second; Miss B. Clark, first primary; .Miss J. McFetridge, kindergarten directress; Miss M. H. Sargent, kindergarten assistant. ' Ramsey School—Miss Li. Bolton, principal teacher; Miss J. M. Eyles, intermediate grades; Miss Olive Long, fiiT* primary. Maxfleld School—Mrs. F. G. Whitman, prin cipal; Miss E. Franklin, fifth grade; Miss A. Nedobyty, fourth; Mrs. N. E. Harris, third; Miss M. McCreroy, third; Miss E. Lowry, second; Miss T. Mulcare. second;. Miss N. Lee, first; Miss Margaret Butler, first primary. Jefferson School (Teachers' Training)— Miss B. M. Phelan, principal; Miss Mary Manchett, director of practice; Miss Grace Williams, assistant; Mrs. C. M. Squire, model teacher, eighth grade; Miss Amalie Nix. model teach er, seventh; Miss Caroline Sargent, model teacher, seventh; Miss Marion Winchester, model teacher, sixth; Miss Katherine Will iams, model teacher, fifth: Miss Geraldine McGrerty, model teacher, fourth; Miss Jen nie E. Pair, model teacher, third: Miss Fan nie Strong, model teacher, second; Miss Mar garet M. King, model teacher, first primary; Miss Frances Parker, third grade; Miss Jen nie Larkin, second; Miss Susie Everett, kin dergarten directress; Miss Sophie Borup, kin dergarten assistant. The salaries of tho employes of the hoard elected yesterday will be: Secretary, $1,500; assistant secretary, $900; superintendent of construction. $1,200. Mr. Healey will take charge of the secretary's office June 1, ac cording to a motion passed by the board, in executive session. Secretary Angeli was much disappointed over the outcome, b_jt7all?he had to say was: "It would naturally yforrj t any man who has any responsibility to., losjs a situation these times; but I suppose all w^ can do is to make the best of it." ' m —fcr— — _ Thousands ojjf People Enjoy a summer outing* saeh year. Are you one? If so, you should send for Summer Tours. A resort suiting-your wants will be found. Soo Line, Tipket-j Office, 398 Robert St. (Hotel Ryan.) *..*. Athletic Ireagne S'leld Day. The St. Paul Inter_*hol%stic Athletic league held a meeting at Clayebind high school, and decided to hold the annual field day on the 23rd, at the state fair grounds. The league consists of the mechanfrts arts high school, Humboldt high school and Cleveland high school. The bicycle races will be of special Interest as "Bob" McCleary, George Buck and O. Ridell-wIU enteiv The Maple Leaf Route* ITaKer Chicago Great Western Railway trains for Chicago and the East and Kansas City and the Southwest. Delightful reclining chair can free, " _*-• Heavy Judgments These* Judgments have been entered in the cases brought by the Farmers* Loan and Trust company against the Northern Pacific rail road, in the United States circuit court of ap peals. The amounts are £,446,9*18.39,, and $685,552.99. - ■ -. . i - -, j LIGHT OF TWO LIVES LEFT RICHLAND, MINN., IN COM PANY WITH GAY EDWARD KRIEGER. JAMES HOPE ASKS THE POLICE TO HELP HIM FIND MRS. HOPE, HER DAUGHTER AND MRS. LUFF. TRACED THEM TO TWIS CITIES. He Says That Krnegrr "Wove a Sppll Around Them and They Eloped Witb Him. _ James Hope, a well-to-do farmer of Rich land, Minn., was in St Paul yesterday look ing for his wife, who, he says, eloped with a young man named Edward Krueger. The runaway couple are accompanied by Hope's five-year-old daughter, and Mrs. Frank Luff discarded home ties and joined the party. Until last Wednesday Mr. Hope was a loving husband, a proud father and the possessor of a home which, he says, was happy until Krueger made his appearance ln the quiet little country village early this spring. He was a handsome young fellow, twenty-three years of age, and possessed of an insinuating manner which soon won the heart of every maiden ln the town. Krueger, however, did not content himself with eligible conquests. He soon became a visitor at other homes, and succeeded in weaving a spell of infatuation about the uneventful lives of Mrs. Hope and Mrs. Luff. Wednesday morning the good people of Richland were treated to a genuine sensation by the announcement that Mrs. Hope and Mrs. Luff had eloped with Krueger the previ ous night. The extent of Krueger's duplicity was not fully known, however, until it was learned that Mrs. Hope had taken away her little daughter and deprived the wronged father of his only child. Mr. Hope is almost distracted over his double loss, though he declares that he will never forgive his erring wife. He wants his di'u>»liter, however, and St. Paul and Minne apolis were searched by the police yesterday in an endeavor to locate the child, but no trace of the fugitives could be found in either city. When Mr. Hope learned that his wife had left, her home he suspected that Krueger might be concerned in her flight, and sought to find the Lothario. Inquiry at the village station elicited the information that Krueger had left town in company with the two miss ing women. The confirmation of his suspi sions was a distressing blow to the unhappy man, and Mr. Hope at once declared he would hunt down the runaways and make Krueger pay the penalty for the part he is now ac cused of having played in the destruction of his home. After a consultation with the hus band of Mrs. Luff, Mr. Hope started in pur suit of the eloping trio. All his desire for re venge has vanished now, and his only wish is to secure the return of his child. At Waterville it was learned that Krueger and the women had taken a Minneapolis & St. Lcuis train for the Twin Cities. Mr. Hope came to St. Paul and enlisted the services of the police in his search, but, weary of his ef forts, the husband returned to his forsaken home last night, leaving instructions that if the elopers were apprehended to secure his child and allow the woman her liberty, as he never desired to see her again. Mrs. Hope is a pretty woman, twenty-eight years of age, with short curly black hair and brown eyes, and of medium statue, while her daughter is a petite light-complexioned child, with large blue eyes. Mrs. Luff is nineteen years old, and had been married but a short time when she de serted her husband. Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castoria. ALMOST LIKE DAY. Sew Street Lighting- Mukeit a Fhton able Impression. In accordance with its contract, the St. Paul Gas Light company began lighting the business district with electricity last night. At every street intersection between Seventh street and Third street, and from Seven Cor ners eastward as far as Kittson street, an are light of 2,000-candle power was suspended. Seventh street was illuminated from Brook to Ramsey streets, and on Third street the arc lights extended from Broadway to Pleas ant avenue. South Robert and South Waba sha street were similarly lighted. If any doubt exists as to the superiority of the electric lights to the gas lamps in the business district, it disappeared last night. Citizens marked the change and commented upon the great improvement. Under the gas light system, it wae impossible to see the street or sidewalks for any great distance ahead, but with the brilliant are lights sus pended over the middle of the streets at each corner, every foot of ground ls visible from Wabasha street to Broadway. '•Summer Out inu-" Is the title of our book, just from the press, giving hundreds of cheap, delightful trips by ocean, river, lake or rail, reached by the Soo Line. Our trips are so numerous and varied as to suit every one (both your fancy and pocketbook). Call at Soo Line Office, 398 Rob ert street (Ryan Hotel), for a copy. Just Oat. . The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.'s bcok of Summer Tours showing routes and rates to the Eastern resorts. One of the hand somest publications of this character ever is: iied. Sent free on application to J. E. Hull, T. P. A^'154 E. Third St., St. Paul, Minn.; C. K. WHber, A. G. P. A., Chicago. Granted a Divorce. Judge Egan yesterday granted a divorce to Thomas Wallace from Anna Wallace. The particulars of the case were given in yes terday's Globe. Cheaper Than Ice. The many delightful trips offered by the Soo Line have just been published in book form, entitled "Summer Outings." Call and get a copy free, and you will be surprised at the variety and cheapness; made to suit every one. Soo Line Office, 398 Robert street (Ryan Hotel). Aldrieh Appeal Abandoned. The appeal of Frederick H. Aldrieh from a judgment of the Minneapolis municipal court was dismissed in the supreme court yesterday. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refinement for over a, quarter of a century. •**■ :* Take? Your Wife one of those handsome Pozzoni Potp Boies. They are gtren'tree with each box of powder, j Field, Schlick & Co. Sareaasors to F eld. Mahler St Co. Saturday Specials Saturday is a great day for Dry Goods—perhaps because we have made it so. Always a lot of good things to be picked up on Saturday. In the morning if .you can; small lots get broken. Don't look for trash here. We j don't keep it. Look for good j goods aad low prices. Look for the latest things out. You will ; not be disappoinced. In the Corset Room. Thomson's. (-Glove-fitting) Cor sets, all kinds, aii sizes, at all ' times, "Ventilating" long or short, sells at A little lot, just 2-3 % pieces, "E" quality, white, drab and black, slightly damaged, will be j sold Saturday at $1.00, The i regular price is Si. 75. Warner's Summer Corsets, (long waist) 50c. Ferris' Ventilating Corset : Waist, $1,25, Bicycle Corsets, short hip, white or black, $1.00, **Z.Z a " Summer Corsets, best of ali, $1.75. Ferris' Waists for Children, 2 to 10 years, white or drab, 25c» Belts for Saturday DO YOU WANT A BELT? Everybody wants a belt. Leather Belts, Silk Belts, Cotton Belts, Belts by the yard, and Buckles till you can't rest. Black Belts, Tan Belts, Green Belts, White Belts, Red Belts, Belts with Rings, Gold Belts, Wide Belts, Narrow Belts. We will sell more Belts on Satur day than would stock up a small store. See how it's done. Just a pointer on Stationery for Saturday: Hurd's "Overland Mail" Pads. "French Quadrille" Papers, oc tavo and commercial sizes, 8 Cents a quire. Envelopes to match, 3c a. pack —hardly half-price. Laces. New every day. Here today, gone tomorrow. A dainty lot of pretty things to select from — could not tell harlf if we tried. Lace Covers for Baby Car riages. Brussels Net and Point d'Esprit, 2 flounces, 3 flounces, small flounces, large flounces, lace trimmed, ribbon trimmed, and best of all —you can't pay much for the best of them. Gloves. Saturday is a great day for Gloves. 4-Button perfect-fitting Glace, with heavy embroidery, all street shades, 90 Gents. 4-button French Suede, very thin and fine, just the Glove for the season, 90 Gents. 7-Hook Lacing Gloves of fine French Kid, all the popular street shades, including the new greens, 90 Gents. Our guarantee goes with every pair of these Gloves, even at 90 Gents. Ladies', Children's and Misses' side Elastics, regular price 15c and 20c, for 10c. Ladies' Satine and Satin Belt Hose Supporters j all sizes, at 19 Gents. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoulder Brace Hose Supporters, 19 Gents. "Witch-Kloth" may be nothing but "a bit of a Rag" but it does the business. No brush, no powder—just the bare "Kloth." It will do good work, it will save a lot of time, It will accomplish wonders. It will not soil jour hands, nor the goods, but it will clean silver or gold or brass, or polish your cut glass or piano as nothing else will, 15c each; 2 for 25c. Umbrellas and Parasols. Up-to-Date -cill-ts"' VR&y piece that we sold last ws£k should-be a walking 1 advertisement for us. Saturday specials in 26-iuch FIELD, SCHLICK & CO., _co.n_uE.u___ Umbrellas at $1.00, $1.50 and 52.25 are hard to beat at whole sale. You can buy one as cheap as jou could buy by the hundred. Linen Room. 1.000 pieces (more or less) of mussed or soiled Stamped L.f_L__S, with hemstitched or button-hole edges. Doylies 5c each, were 15c. Doylies 12c each, were 20c. Center Pieces lie each, were 25c. Center Pieces 20c each, w-tp 35c, Center Pieces 45c each, were 65c, Tray Cloths lSc each, were 3fc Tray Cloths 32c each, were .^>c. Lunch Cloths 65c, were Sl.oo. Lunch Cloths .1.10, were 31.10. Lunch Cloths ?1.20, weresLßQ Lunch Cloths *.1.6 l), were ..2.25. [ he Domestic Room. For Saturday. The balance of a larg-e lot of Linen colored Suit ings extra value at 10c) will gc Saturday at 6-Co Extra values in D.mit.es on the 10c Bargain Tables. In the Cloak Room SATUROAY. You will find it a busy place— (no elevator, no stairs to climb, beautiful light). All our up-to-date, latest styles, tailor-made Jackets, in Tan, Navy, Browns and Black at 54.75, 55.00, $5.75 and £(..50, will go at $3*oo each. A small lot of Broadcloth, Di agonal and Cheviot Capes, fancy silk linings, marked £7.50 and $8.75, will go at $5.75 Shirt Waists. We could use a column to tell about Shirt Waists. Just run your eye over this line. It may cost you something, but you will be glad of it. Saturday Plums in Stockings at 17 Gents. For Girls—Fine Black, Ribbed, Seamless Stocking at ITc. For Boys—Heavy, Black, Cor duroy Ribbed, Seamless, for school or bicycling, ITc. Ladies' Tan Bicycle Leggins, "The Envy," all sizes. Special at 35 Gents. Ladies' Tweed Bicycle Leg gins, light or dark gray mix tures, 50 Gents. A Bargain in Ladies' 2 and 1 Ribbed Lisle Drawers, yoke band, at 25c, 35c and 50c. Lisle Union Suits, at 38c, 78c and $1.15. These two lines are of excep* tional value. For Men. Two items of interest for Sat urday: 50c Neckwear For 28c. Tecks, latest shape knots, cor rect styles; best patterns, 28c. Strap Bows, full size, adjust able, 28 cents. Club Ties, ljs-inch wide, re versible, at 28 cents. FIELD, SCHLICK & CO. Successors to Field, fifalitor A 00. The Oldest and Best Appoints:! StuJio In the Northwest. 1850 Ga%fa& mm ~ZZ> 1896 99 and 101 East Sixth Street, Opposite Metropolitan Opera House. EXQUISITE : PHOTOGRAPHY! For a short Time Ouly. ONE DOZ. er-'ouit riEST r\v'ouk.':s3 Outdoor and commercial work a specialty. t_s-""Mr. Zimmerman'. Personal Attention. Appointments. Telephone 1071. Sum in J. ll? -.fuck [ and H. A. Rider.