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Iflasic and lasiciafls Live News From a Large Field It is both interesting and instruc tive to note how unceremoniously great composers handle the material which they incorporate into their operas. The old Teutonic legends, with their weird tales of endless doom, were not adapt ed to the idea of symmetry, organism and completeness in a musical master piece. For example, the original legend or' the "Flying Dutchman" is a. very different story from that told in Wag ner's masterpiece. Originally no ten der, loyal Senta appears to lift the heavy sentence from the doomed Dutchman. It is a harsh, grewsome story of the sailor who, baffled in his attempts to round a dangerous promo tory, cursed the winds and vowed that he would succeed in his undertaking in spite of the gods. He drank, swore and laughed to scorn the fears of his crew, and when the Holy Ghost came in visible form to warn him, he shot at the incarnated spirit. For this he f m I - f LEADER GRAVES, Fort Snellius Band. •was condemned to sail the seas eter nally, to have only red-hot iron for food and blood for drink; himself « phantom, captain of a phantom ship, with a phantom crew. Not only so, but the very sight of him brought evil to mariners who might chance to meet the spectral ship. For would not their wine all sour and their food all turn to beans? And, surely, than this there was nothing worse to a Dutch sailor. There is no romance in this version of the legend; not a gleam to relieve the gloom of the picture. The first ray ol' light that appears is the treatment which Heinrich Heine gives the story In his "Salon," where the condemned captain is permitted to land once in seven years; and, if in that time he can find a maiden who will be faithful unto death to him, his sentence will be lift ed. Upon this version Wagner based his immortal opera. The myth which was sacred and awe-inspiring to the an cient mariner, was ruthlessly handled by these two master minds; and, as n consequence, the old legend now forms the foundation of two noble structures, one of literature, the other of music. The Fenwick Musical club, of Eden Valley, had an opening meeting Tues day. An address by Prof. Fenwick, of fit. Paul, the originator of the club, a musical programme, by the club, and refreshments were the features of the evening. This club has the distinction of being a very big, flourishing club in a very small town. ♦ * * "Alda," with Melba in the title role, will be Walter Damrosch'a initial effort for this season. The opera will be given in Philadelphia, Nov. 29. * * * In the editor's comment upon the se ries of articles, which Adolph Grethen has written for the Progress, occurs these lines which are full of sugges tion: "Music for the Masses" is Mr. Grethen's hobby.and for the attainment Of such an end he advocates a perma nent symphony orchestra in the Twin Cities, combined with an everyday, Wide-open, musical church. He wants &. union of musical forces in behalf of the best In musical art. and for the widest possible beneficence. * * * However this particular scheme may be regarded, it cannot be denied that the net musical art results in the Twin Cities are insignificant in comparison with the magniiicent possibilities." I? not this suggested local federation of musical energy right in line with the present movement toward a national federation, in which the St. Paul musi cal leaders are particularly interested? In the October number of "Music" William Armstrong has a short but very readable article entitled, "An Aft ernoon with Madame Patti." It is just WHEN IT COMES TO PRICES, ASSORTMENT AND RE liability of our stoves, there's nobody dare to meet us in open competition. Here at the very beginning- of the stove season we quote the following- low and unapproachable prices: CANNON HEATERS, warmth givers $2.75 Brick-lined Sheet Iron Heaters 3.50 Favorite Oak, for Coal or Wood 5.95 Self-Feeder, Base Burners 11.50 Large Double Heaters 23.50 We exchange new stoves for old. We carry all kinds of stove furniture. Pay freight 100 miles. \A/E ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS F="OR. BRILLIANT SUNSHINE and GOLDEN SUNSHINE HEATERS. These are the famous coal-savers and heat-producers. We have them in all sizes. In addition we carry "The Favorite," "The Wesl Point," "The Imperial," "Norman" and other well known makes. I Illlfl Al f^r Q^f The great -wood burners, absolutely air- Iflf 8 IIWI IW IS I™ II tight; the original; nothing like it ever ■ ■ **ill#lwll shown before. Constructed on entirely new principles. Call and see it in operation. The only place to get the WONDER. We are exclusive agents. They are not for sale at any other place in St. Paul. Be sure and get the genuine. Prices $5.75, $11.50 and $16.50 wise and economical are our patrons."^ WALLBIOM FURNITURE & CARPET CO., 40U-403 J.UKMIN STREET. another of those pleasing glimpses into the home life of the singer. Mine. Sembrich is now on her way to this country. In company with her husband and Signor Bevlgnanl, her musical conductor, she sailed on Thurs day of last week from Plymouth on the steamship Normannia. When she arrives here she will begin rehearsals for hey operatic concert tour. Her first appearance >vill be at the Metropolitan opera house, New York, on Oct. 26, and at a matinee in the same house on Sat urday, Oct. 30. The Paris correspondent of "The Concert Goer" gives an account of the grand opera performances there in August that is worth reproducing. After speaking of the substitution of less important singers and orchestral players for the better-known artists and taking care to add that the per formances are always smooth and con scientious, the writer says: "Boxholders, who naturally are ab sent from Paris during the summer, H. P. STOBLi, Musician. have formed the miserable habit of giving their boxes to their provincial friends — these generally go to Paris during the vacation and take in~the opera. If the giving of boxes stopped here, the effect would not be bad, as 'country cousins' get themselves up in proper style for the occasion, but un fortunately many boxholders go fur ther, and, during their own absence, give the use of their boxes to their ser vants. As a result, the Parisian chanc ing to drop in during a performance in August enjoys the spectacle of see ing comfortably installed in the best 'loges' the butlers, valets, maids and even the cooks, of his friend's house hold. A protest was raised last year against the practice of promiscuously giving the use of 'loges' even by 'lo cataires,' but, as they are the private property of the persons occupying them and have been held for generations by the same families, it is not practical to restrict their privileges in regard to their disposition. "Another amusing sight Is the tourist, American or English, and there are many who, during the summer season, appear at the opera in outing cos tumes, while the feminine members of the family are attired in dark skirts and Bilk blousee. The only sign of suitable toilets is the absence of hatfv This is exacted by the direction of the theater, otherwise the Parisian would no doubt be treated to the regulation snilor hat worn by summer tourists. The aspect of the opera with rows of gaily-bedecked maids and valets in the boxes and simply attired-tourlsts in the stalls can more easily be imagined than described." Curiously enough, the concert season In New York begins this year with a musical entertainment, furnished en tirely by newcomers. The opening gun was fired Friday night, at the Met ropolitan opera house, by the Ban<3a Rcssa di San Severo, an Italian or ganization of sixty men commanded by Signor Eugenio Sorrentino. The Ban da Rossa, or Red Band, is the munici pal band of the town of San Severo, and during its fourteen years of exis tence has won considerable fame, at least in Italy. It carried off first prize at the Christoforo Colombo festival at Genoa in 1592 form sixty-four competi tors. Accompanying the band as soloists are Frauleln Margarete yon Vahsel, soprano, and Carlotta Stubenrauch, a thirteen-year-old violinist. The great European Diva, Marcella, Sembrich, Is to have a concert tour in the United States this season., and -will open her engagements at the Metro politan opera house in New York the last week in October. She is under contract with H. M. Hirsehberg, of New York, who is to take her all the way to San Francisco. It is ten 3 r ears since Sembrich made her American debut, being at that time only in the commencement of her career. During: THE SAINT PAUtr GL,OBKi SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 1897, Royal mekes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., NEW YORK. her last engagement in London, in 1895, the Times critic took occasion to note the volume and sympathetic charm which her voice has gained, and de plored the fact that Wagner had writ ten no music for a soprano leggiero; in fact, he thought that Sembrich had to sing music which was really not good enough for her voice. This Is taking an extremely modern view cf the situation, for just as long as there are voices like Sembrich's, the music of Donnizetti, Bellini, Meyerbeer and Mozart will be heard and admired. The music-loving public, despite the vogue of the Wagner music drama, will always flock to hear phenomenal sine ing, and Sembrich is a vocal phenome non as well as a great artist. Curi ously enough she is an enthusiastic Wagnerite. Her traveling support will include six soloists and an orchestra of forty musicians. * * * The Boston Symphony orchestra, Emil Paur, conductor, will give five evening concerts at the New York Met ropolitan opera house at intervals of one month, beginning Thursday, Nov. 11. The following is a list of the or chestral works chosen for performance: Beethoven, Symphony No. 3 (Broica) and three movements from Symphony No. 9; Brahms, Symphony No. 3, In F major and Academic Overture; Dvorak, Symphony, "From the New World," and the following for the first time here: Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, Symphony in E minor (Gaelic), op, 82; Tschaikowsky, Italian caprice; Rlmsky Korsakoff, three movements from the Sym phonic suite, "Scheherazade;" Massenet, suHe, "Lea Erinnyes;" Chabrier, Symphonic poem, "Espagna," and Richard Strauss, Sym phonic poem, "Also Spracht Zarathustra." Other numbers will be Volkmann, sere nade for string orchestra, No. 3, in D minor, with solo violincello, Alwin Schroeder; Web er-Weingartner, "Invitation to Dance;" Bee thoven, overture, "Lenore, No. 3;" Berlioz, overture. "Benvenuto Cellini," and selections from Wagner. Mr. Joseffy will be the soloist of the first concert. Mme. Melba, Mme. Nordica, Mr. Kneisel and Mr. Loeffler will also appear In the series. The rehearsals for the twenty-fifth season of the Oratorio society have been resumed, and are held every Thursday evening at Music hall. The programme for this year includes not only the regular concerts of the season, hut a festival in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the found ing of the society in 1573 by Dr. Leopold Damrosch. Although the Paris grand opera season goes on throughout the year, the autumn is gener ally a fine time for changes in the personnel of the company. Next year's troupe will be made up as follows: Mme. Rose Caron, the idol of the French, leads the list of the sopranos, assisted by Breval, Grandjean, Lafargue, Ganne and Picard. The "Chanteuses legeres," or those reserved for page and other minor roles, are Mmes. Carrere. Bosnian, Berthet, Loventz, Agussol, Beauvais and Mathleu. Mmes. Deschamps-Jehin, Heglon, Dufrane k* ,11. a*/ '■ '^^t^SiaKf'' ■•*aj«aß,gEafcr3K^-^ <^'" -■'■aßgtrr'^lS^SmraMKl' ■»Sr '^- L waafr_^ When the Thompson residence was built on Dayton's bluff, nearly forty years ago, it was considered one of the finest homes in St. Paul, massive in its exterior and ele gant in all its appointments. It was the property of J. E. Thompson, who. with his brother Horace, founded the First National bank, of St. Paul. Mrs. Thompson took a great interest in its construction, and, in fact, looked after many of the little details., so that everything was of the best. The late J. D. Pollock was the architect, and the house, buiit by day labor, cost nearly a round $100, --000. It was a large three-story building, with and Vincent make up the corps of contraltos. For tenors the Parisians will have Alvarez, Afire, Vnguet, Courtois-Beyle, Raynal, Gau tier, Duffaut, Cabillot, Laurent and Gallois. MM. Renaud. Note, Bartet, Sises, Douail lier, Ezuet, Laconic compose the corps of baritones. The bass roles will be sustained by Gresse, Delmas, Fournets, Chambon. Delpouget, Paty, Denoye, Palianti and Cancelier. Among the operas prepared for the season , will be the revival of the "Le Prophet." "Lea j Maitres Chanteurs." "Briseis" and "Thais" : will also be given. For the latter opera Maa j genet is now engaged in writing a new act. I "Les Maitres Chanteurs," which title sounds j awkwardly enough to ears accustomed to the , ruggeder "Meistersinger," has not been per i formed in France except in Marseilles. Mr. De Bona, a member uf the New York Symphony orchestra, has prepared the fol lowing statistics about the recently com pleted summer season of the orchestra, at. Willow Grove park, near PhiUdelpaia: 228 concerts were given in all au-1 compositioas by 135 composers were ilayed. Of theso Wagner heads the list with 250 performances, Strauss follows next with 230. Gounod 104, Saint-Saens 92. Bizet G9, Tschaikowsky 69, and so ou down to Donizetti, who foots the list with 11 performances. Probably the most popular composition was Handel's "Largo," which, though on the programmes only 35 tfme3, vas given as an encore, by request, at least !.00 times. Com positions by ten members of the New York Symphony orchestra were al3o performed. Mme. Nordica is a passenger on La Bretagne of the French line. She came home earlier than 6he otherwise would in order to sing at the Maine music festival, ■•vhich took place in Bangor Oct. 14, 15 and 16, and in Pert land Oct. 18, 19, and 20. Other well known singers par:lcipatins? in these festivals were Mme. Lillian ftlauvclt, H. Evan Wililams and Gwilym Miles. Mr. and Mrs. George Henschel began their recital tour in Brooklyn on the evtraing of Oct. 13. They are booked in Pittsburg, Ober lin and Toledo, and then on the l*aeific coast, where they will give a number of vocal re citals and also appear in oratorio. The Hen schels sing in New York in early January. I suburb/In | DAYTON'S BLUFF. The literary and musical entertainment giv en in Atlantic Congregational church Wednes day evening was a very enjoyable affair. Those taking part w« Mrs. A. E; Thomp son, Mrs. J. C. Morrijoa,»Mrs. Josepn King the Misses Nellie Dafis find Dora Simpson and Messrs. Harry GeotfgS, G. Abies, Lock wood and Harry Fabi^g, The St. Paul Zither club was also present flgnd feavo several selec tions, which were fiearljy enioyed after which a social good tlml was* had. Ice cream and cake were served in the parlors of the church. The reception committee were Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Lewis, the Misses Calderwood, Brant, AUteon and Lewis, fle freshments— Misses Delam, Nelson, Heist George, Sherman and Fabian. Mrs. Gunther, of Eighth street, gave a birthday party Wednesday afternoon. The guests were Mesdames Krciger, Millar Cald erwood, Klinkerfues,' Elodgett, Habignorst Albritch, Good, Barwise, Seibert, Hlgglns Thompson and Miss. ; The rooms w°re taste^ fully decorated with roses, maidenhair ferns and other cut flowers. Suppor was served at 5 o'clock. Leonard Axelson, of Mendota street was given a surprise Monday evening. Those present were Minnie Lithauser, Mary Sbea Linda O'Maly, Lena Miller, Dora Miller. Lil lian Campbell, Fred Mortison, Andrew Mack elveney, Oscar Smith, John Shea, Archie Duncan, Charley Campbell, Willie Anderson and John Lithau3er. The Ladies' Aid Society of Bates A\onue M. B. Church met Thursday in the church parlors and elected the following olficeis" President, Mrs. Jameson; vice pres ! dcru Mrs Roberston; secretary, Mrs. Homssead* treas urer, Mrs. Jagger. The next meeting ' will be held next Wednesday in the church par lors. The Ladles' Aid Society of St John's Church met at the homo of Mr 3. Daily «n Mendota street, Wednesday afternoon. *The next meeting will be held at the home of >irs. Hilgedick, on Beech street. The Dayton's Bluff Mothers' club will <neet Monday afternoon in the kindergarten rooms of the Van Buren school. Mrs. j. D. Kearney will lead. Mrs. McManus ivill read a pajer. Miss Grace Tully, of Sixth street, was given a surprise Tuesday evening. About twenty were present. Parlor games were played Refreshments were served at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. C. Drake left Friday for Duluth to visit her daughter, Mrs. Frank Barber She will leave soon to Join her husband In Montana, their future home. Mrs. Henry Klinkerfues has returned to her home in La Mars, 10., after having been the guest of Mrs. Edgar Klinkerfues, of Francis street. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allison have returned from their wedding- trip and will be at homo Fridays in November at SSI Bates avenue. Mrs. H. Freeman, of Euclid street, enter tained the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Peter's Episcopal Church Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Blankenburg and Mis 3 Bertha De Haas, of Maple avenue, gave a progressive euchre party Friday evening. George Deebach, of Short street, was pleas antly surprised Thursday evening by about twenty-five young friends. Mrs. M. E. Hammond, of Preble Mreet, en tertained Monday evening for Jir. and Mrs. J. L. Lippey, of Seattle. The Thimble Bee will be entertained at the home of Miss Agnes Hall, on Hoffman ave nue, Tuesday, the 19th*:-. John C. Barber, of Maria avenue, and party from the East, have gone West on their an nual hunting trip. Miss Winnie McClellan, of New Richmond, spent the first of the week as the guest of her parents. Mrs. Bascom, of Marie avenue, entertained at lunch Thursday for Mrs. Rcdfield, of Min iWudolls. Mrs. William Cole, of Fond dv Lac, is the guest of Mrs. John C. Barber, of Maria avenue. Mrs. William Kaig, of Milwaukee, is the guest of Mrs. P. Johnson, of Miniiehaha street. Mrs. A. Gavin, of Little Falls, was a guest of Mrs. B. F. Slater, of Conway street. 'Mrs. Blair Howard, of Warrenburg, is the guest of Mrs. P. Conroy, of Dawson street. W. Rice, of Lansing, Mich., was the guest THE} P, H, KHLLiY RESIDENCE, HOFFMAN AVENUE. a handsome tower, and was built of native gray limestone, making it almost as endur ing as the everlasting hiljs. The doors were of massive oak, three inches thick, and this is but an illustration of the" lavish expendi ture to secure only the very best. Situated in a block on the high land bounded by Maria, Hudsor and Hoffman avenues and Euclid street, it commanded a view up and down the Mississippi valley to the far hori zon where the bluffs seemed to melt in the hazy distance. It was aud is one of the most picturesque spots in the city. After the death of Mr. Thompson, in the '70s, Mrs. Thompson . of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis during the week. Mrs. Gallasch. of Willinar, is the guest of Mrs. P. H. Kelly, of Hastings avenue. Mrs. H. C. Stowell and son Donald have gone to Elba for a week's visit. Miss Kelly will give a dancing party Tues day evening In the Iron hall. EAST ST. PAUL. Mrs. F. A. Pease, of Case street, gave a children's party for her son Arthur's birth day Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6. The tables were decorated with pink carnations and roses. Those present were Misses Edith and Lois Fernwood, Ruth and Violet Moore, Josephine Fowey, Masters John Fowey, Ches ter and Arthur Re<?d. Romie Moore, Davis White, Ralph Hamilton. Music and games were the features. The G. W. H. society wa3 organized Friday In the B fourth grade of John Ericsson school. The officers for the year are: Presi dent, Harry Donaldson; vice president, Miss Elsie Harff; secretary, Henry Johnson. "The meetings are to be held bi-monthly. The Arlington Hills Mothers' club met Wednesday afternoon In the kindergarten rooms of John Ericsson school. Mrs. C. J. Higbee addressed the members on "Personal Service." Musical numbers were given by Misses Shields and Lundquist. A visiting so ciety, has been formed in connection with the club. Mrs. Holmstrom was pleasantly surprised Friday evening in honor of her birthday and was presented with an extension table. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Lund quist, and Mr. and Mrs. Youngquist. Mrs. J. Fallows, of John street, entertained the Idle Hour Cinch elu& Thursday afternoon. The prize winners : Mrs. William Ro decker, Mrs. D. Hutchins, Mrs. Fred Car penter and Mrs. E. F. Terry. Mrs. Fred Car penter, of Seventh stre«, will entertain the club Thursday, Oct. 2S. The Literary Society of Cleveland High School held their first meeting In the assem bly room Tuesday. The following officers were elected: President, Horace Hokarygpn; vice president, Margaret Jenkins; secretary, Amy Lyons; treasurer, George Leonard. Bennet Strong, of Olmstead street, was given a surprise Saturday evening. Dancing and cards were the features, and several musical selections were given by the Misses Rae, Allie, Mattle Porter and Rae Shapers. Refreshments were served. Mrs. S. C. Klinefelter gave a dinner party Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lippey, of Seattle, and M. W. Klinefelter, of Dickin son, Minn. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klinefelter, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dion, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Klinefelter. A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs P. Bren nan, of Fauquier street, Tuesday evening. Dancing was the feature of the evening. Mrs. Brennan was assisted by Mesdames Ge han. Reed and Ryan. Miss Fredi Malmgren was given a surprise Saturday evening at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Johnson, on Arcade street: Miss Malm gren left Monday evening for Sweden. Miss Emma Sandston, of Sims street, gave a birthday party Tuesday afternoon. There were fifteen of her young friends present. Re freshments were served at 4:30. Dr. Cora Smith Eaton, of Minneapolis, will give an address Tuesday evening at the East Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Sibley Mothers' club. Mr. and Mrs. J. Havecost, of Fauquier etree-t, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Deit rich, of West Superior, and Miss Mansfield, of Hammond, Wis. Miss Ella Broms, of York street, gave a birthday party Saturday evening. Parlor games were the features. About twenty-five were present. Mrs. T. D. Graham, of Burr street, enter tained at cards Tuesday evening. Four ta bles were played. Refreshments were served at 11 o'clock. Mrs. 11. L. Cleveland will give a progress ive euchre party next Thursday in honor of her Bister, Mrs. E. F. Terry, of New York city. Mr. and C. J. Dion, of Reaney street, en tertained at dinner Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lippey, of Seattle. Miss Ellen Nelson has returned from a three months' visit in Europe, and resumed her studies in Cleveland high school. Mrs. Hugh Ryan, of Reaney street, enter tained during the week Miss Alice Stenson, of Stilhvater. Miss' Marian Wells, of York street, is en tertaining Miss Jeannette Comstock, of Sioux Falls. Mrs. H. W. Phillips, of Jessamine street, will leave next week for Toronto. HAMLIXE. The freshmen class of the university will give a Hallowe'en party on Saturday even ing, Oct. 30, at the residence of Miss Ger trude McKalg. The Hamline Prohibition club iiold its regu lar meeting en Oct. 19 at the resident of Rev. Gsorge Wells, on Capitil nvenue. Mrs. F. E. Brown entertained Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge, of Anoka. and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hatheway, of St. Paul, to dinner. A German class has been recently formed in Hamline. On Thursday night it met at the home of Mrs. E. E. McCrea. Miss Tenme Griffith very pleasantly enter tained a few friends to Him neon ou Morflay at her home o« Minnehaha street. The sophomore class will receive the sen iors on the evening of Oct. 28 in the uni versity parlors. Miss Letta liice will leave Hamline soon for Springfield, 111., where she v ill conduct a music school. Miss Evelyn Pribble has returned to Anofca after several weeks' visit v ith her lister, Miss Pribble. Rev. L. W. Darling spent part of the weelt In Hamline. He returned on Thursday to Eagle Bend. Mrs. Ella Covell, of Rochester, Minn., is the guest of Mrs. Alexander Adams, of Cap itol avenue. Miss Donahue will entertain the junior class at her home on Saturday evening, Oct. 30th. Mrs. R. R. Atchison, of Minneapolis, was the guest of her daughter during the vtek. Miss Mildred Myers has returned to Ham line after an absence of several months. Fred Webber, who left for Philadelphia, has returned on account of ill health. A family reunion was held at the home of Rev. J. J. Caldwell during the week. Miss Marie Miller, of Cumberland, Wis., is the guest cf Miss Florence Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Behrens celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Miss Nellie Sampson is visiting In Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice and daughter. sold the property to P. H. Kelly, who occu pied the residence for about eighteen years. After the death of Mr. Kelly's son, in 1892, the family moved to California, and the build ing has since been untenanted. Mr. Kelly has now leased it for a term of five years for the purposes of a sanitarium, and a crew of carpenters is at work making the necessary changes for that use. From the day that the Thompson family moved into the dwelling, one bright May day in the early '60s, down to the present, the building has remained a3 first planned and constructed, no alterations, or changes in its appointments having been needed. Berly, of Rush City, are guests of Miss Lett.i Rice. Miss Clara Funk will leave soon for a year's visit in Los Angeles, Cal. The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Chuch met with Mrs. Moody on Thursday. Mrs. G. W. Haskell, of Chicago, is a guest at the home of Miss Rice. Miss Tempt Griffith will leave tomorrow for a few days in Wisconsin. Miss Eva Johnson, of the Ladles' hall, is entertaining her mother. Miss Mateo McKinstry has returned from Winuebago City. Hon. Alexander Adams spent a few days in Waterville. Mrs. B. F. Kemerer, of Stewartville, is In Hamline. Mrs. Francis Pabst has returned to Shreve port, La. p "Who is the most popular school girl in St. Paul? See page 24. MERRIAM PARK. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stratem gave a pro gressive euchre party on Thursday evening in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hib bard, of Chicago. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Coykendall, Mr. and Mrs. Hilscher, Mr. and Mrs. Madigan, Mr. and Mrs. Bald win, Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine and Mr. and Mrs. Kerston. The Merriam Park Travel club will have as its subject tomorrow evening "Ireland." "Irish Things" will be the subject of a pa per to he given by Mrs. D. F. Brooks. C'nas. McCann will read and recite Irish dialect. Harry Crandall will render several Irish melo dies. A pleasant reception was given Rev. and Mrs. John Pemberton on Friday evening in the church parlors. The Gamma Nu club held an interesting meeting on Monday evening at the home of Rev. G. H. Ten Brock. The Daughters of the King will meet with I Rndnr^cl * J* Capt. Castle, in the old days of the Dispatch, used to frequently say, "We consider ourselves modestly endorsed." We are quite of the same V # opinion of our stock. The past two weeks we : have made purchasers out of "lookers" and miss- W Jed so few people that we feel quite set up about # our goods. We know people look around a Jgrear deal nowadays, and when we find so many 9 come back and purchase we feel that our goods & are Right in Style and Price. Our Cloth 4 $ Garments are different from any in the city, and so are our Fur Garments and Collarettes. We £ have used great care in buying and marked our £ J* goods very close, and we know that anything happening wrong with any goods bought of us Swill be cheerfully rectified. A A |H^ you ladies only knew the actual state ot the Fur and Cloak trade and how little made-up J goods are on hand; how goods are advanc- W ing every day, and the actual difficulty of get- tT ting desirable garments at all, you would attend xf now to the purchase of your Winter Wrap. In our opinion November will be a repetition of W November three years ago, when people almost & begged to get a cloak (owing to the great strike). £& b "4w TF\ Garments or Repairs, unless or- J^ 1^ m^ dered soon, you may not get till late December. These are facts, and while we think our store is THE place for you to buy or order, you will do well to buy a somewhere right away. • Miss Florence Brainerd tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Brainerd very pleasantly entertained the Euchre club on Wednesday afternoon. The Mothers' club held a business meet- Ing on .Yednesday in Longfellow school. Mr. and Mra. George F. Kuhles entertained friends in honor of Mr. Kuhles' birthday. Mrs. C. S. McCoy has been entertaining Mrs. George Griffith, of Cincinnati. Mrs. Bowling-, of Detroit, has been visit ing in the Park during the week. Mrs. E. B. Northrup and son are back from the summer In New York. Mrs. Hayler has as her guest Mrs. C. M. Sawyer, of Cannon Falls. Mrs. Bramblett, of Dayton avenue, is vis iting friends in the East. Mrs. Mary Hancock, has as her guest Mra. \V. G. Wheeler. Mra. D. F. Brooks entertniaed the Magazine club Tuesday. Miss Jessie Hubbard Is visiting relatives In Farmington. Mrs. D. F. Brooks is spending a few days In Winona, Mrs. F. W. Fay is visiting in Duluth for a few weeks. Mrs. W. H. Crandall is visiting friends In Chicago. ST. AXTHOTVY PARK. Miss Armour, who has been spending the» fummer with her sister. Mrs. Valeau, of Langford Park place, returned on Monday to her home In California. Mrs. W. P. Plant was hostess to the Ladles' Guild of St. Mathhhew's Church at her home on Thursday afternoon. Wlss Sadie McMurchee. formerly of the Park, was a guest at the horn« of Mrs. D. N. Jones during the week. Mrs. M. S. Rice, who has been a guest of Mrs. R. D. Jewell, has returned to her home In Detroit. Mrs. Clark entertained the Aid Society of the Methodist Church at her home on Wednesday. The Ladles' Reading circle met on Friday at the home of Mrs. E. H. Burghardt. Mrs. M. H. Morgan has returned from a two weeks' visit In Fargo. Mrs. Werks and mother left on Thursday for Chicago. Mrs. D. F. Polk Is entertaining Mrs. Horan Hancee, of Fargo. Mrs. J. H. Barnum has as her guest Miss Margie Barnum, of lowa. MACALESTEH. Mrs. E. Downing and daughter left on Mon day for a visit in West Virginia. Mrs. E. B. Hubbard entertained friends to dinner on Tuesday. Mrs. E. B. Hubbard gave a small card EASY SELLING ! Best things at best prices aren't hard to sell. That's why business is good with us. The Wonderful /X,]^ T|rfh+ tteafl^ "Economy" / ill " I lgl|l Stoves cap the climax of low-priced house warmers. Saves money when you buy it. Saves fuel when you use it. See them. Prices range from COOK STOVES AND RANGES-ALL KINDS! ALL PRICES! We still have lots of goods in our "Sale L,ot" which are not yet disposed of. Among- them these: Former Price. Price How. >~v>^~>^wn~>~~- Hardwood Bedroom Suits 512.50 $7.00 > A $10^,000 stock of Cane Seat Bockerß $1.75 9Bc / Carpetß. Oilcloths and 2-Burner Gasoline Stoves $4.00 $2.25 /Linoleums from which KUcheu Tables, with drawer $1.50 Hoc ? you may select your Woven Wire Springs 81.50 Site \ choice, saving 15c to Odd Commodes. 14.50 $'4.15 c B'Jc a yard on every 6-Hole Ranges, 20-inch oven 522.00 $12.50 (purchase. Hardwood Sideboards... $10.50 $S.7S s «^~>^w^~-^~>^^~ Sfi MORftflN Furnitur6 and Gar P 6t Go • lit lllV/lVv/111l 405 to 417 Jackson St. J9»~A11 Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.-^BSk 17 party In honor of ber cousin, Bert Tilden, of Galesburg, 111. Who i 3 the most popular school girl in St. Paul? See page 24. EASIER MONEY MARKET. It Is Forcaliadowcil by the WeeUly Bank Statement. NEW YORK, Oct. 16.— The Financier says: A feature of the statement of the Associated Banks of New York, for the week ending- Oct. 16, that attracts attention, is the shrinkage in loans. It is rather difficult to explain the loss, except on the theory that there has been a great deal of liquidation in stock exchange business, and an analy sis of the items of individual banks shows that the loan changes in two large institutions — the National Union and the National City banks — account for the differences reported since the previous week. The effect of the gold imports is shown in the in crease of specie. The gain of legal tenders — the first expansion in this item since Aug. 28 — seems to show that the interior movement is nearing an end. This is not exactly the case, although the drain during the week has been less than usual and the treasury demands have been light. All the gold imported last week does not figure in the totals, so that it is reasonable to suppose that the position of, the banks so far as cash is concerned, is strong er than indicated. The statement points to an easier money market, in the absence of any marked activity in speculation, and the official statements of the national banks of the United States, as publish ed last week, showing their strong po sition with reference to reserves, strengthen this view. The rising rates for money abroad and the continued ease here, foreshadow a situation such as prevailed last season, with the Unit ed States sending large amounts to Europe on sterling bills. The quota tions for money In New York and Lon don are undergoing changes which will raise foreign above domestic rates. Home money to loan at lowest rates on good security. No charge for com mission or exchange. No gold clause. We give the "on or before" privilege. The State Savings Bank, Germania Life Bldg., 4th and Minn. Sts.