Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XX.— NO. 342. BULLETIN OF Ttt^ ST. PfirU^ GkOBE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, IBOT. "WoallicT for Today — Fair and Warmer. PAGE 1. First Tilt of Hi*' Session. Roads Grunted an Extentilon. Old World Amenities. Di'fnil for DreyfnN Cli«iue. China Yields !<► Germany. Mrs. HcKlnley Still Alive, Haytl Humbled. PAGE 2. JHrs. Welter's Suicide. Lambert Lake Inquest* PAGG 3. Bllim«'ni>ollN Hatters. Hoshik Guilty of Murder. Hem of the Northwest. Mil? Fire Jit Stewartville. PAGE 4. Editorial. Meeting of Lnmbermen. No Fire Hoard Estimate. St. Paul Social World. PAGE 5. Six-Day Cycle Rue*'. General Sporting New«. Mr. Giikv'h Currency Plan. PAGE O. Markets of the World. Bar Sliver, «O I-Se. Cash Wheat nt ( blcago, OS I-4c. Stocks Strong and Higher. PAGE 7. Dulnth Grain Shipments* NcTtN of the Jobbers. PAGE 8. nickel Trial Continued. Albrecbt Resolution Referred. EVENTS TODAY. Met— Prisoner of Zenda, 2.110, 5.15. Grand— l4o2, 2.H0, 8.15. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMSHIPS. m NEW YORK— Sailed: Bovie, Liverpool; Pennsylvania, Hamburg. Arrived: Mobile, London; Augusta Victoria, Naples. QUEBNBTOWN— Arrived: Catalonia, Boston for Liverpool. , TT Gl I JRALTAR— SaiIed: Kaiser Wllhelm 11., New York. _ , i II RISTIANIA— SaiIed: Island, New York. * ■ — How would a receiver do for the em pire of Austria? m ■ Speaker Reed Is happy. He's the whole thing again. Is the biggest man in America Tom Reed or Tod Sloan? The sausage market will not forget Mr. Luetgert in ten years. It looks as If the Chicago river as a boulevard might be a soft thing. , — «^ « Mrs. Craigie's new book Is entitled "A School for Saints." It has not even a remote reference to Minneapolis. — The collar of a St. Louis man cut) his throat. So few St. Louis men wear collars that they are not used to them. Perhaps Dr. Hepworth thinks he will last longer with the Turk if he makes an early announcement that he likes him. . — If our girls should take part in an International scrap, they might be taken in their Russian blouses for Rus sians. The G1 o b cis in receipt of a column fish story. It has been turned over to the Dispatch for use In its political column. Miss Sibyl Sanderson's name has dwindled to simple Sibyl Terry. She got the worst of it in the matter of names in marrying. One of Chicago's assessors has been Indicted for soliciting a bribe. If he didn't get what he solicited, he is a little behind his neighbors. _«. A story got abroad In New Yor1« that Russell Sage was going to give 150,000,000 to charity. Mr. Sage laughed more heartily than anybody else wher? he heard it. Things are coming easy for Uncle Anson. He is to have a salary and no work to do the coming season. There are a million other Americans looking for the same sort of a job. The Fifty-fifth congress must cut ex penditures, or the government will soon have to resort to another bond issue. By this time everybody knows the Dingley bill to be a failure as a revenue gatherer. Somebody has written for one of the big magazines an article on "The Won derful Morning Glories or Japan." This suggests that somebody else could write an article on "The Posies of the St. Paul Council." An anti-football bill will be Intro duced at Albany this winter. It will be punted about the two houses of the legislature for a while, and then some body will give it an ODea kick, and the ball will be lost. .-»-_ Gen. Blanco handles the truth about as gingerly as Gen. Weyler. Blan co says the inhabitants of Cuba do not - need foreign help. This in the face of the fact that thousands of Cubans are dying of starvation. m A child has been born at Hamilton, 0.. with twelve fingers. Although it has never been officially announced, it is Relieved, from his facility in getting them into every Republican pie, that Mark Hanna has at least eighteen. It is said Eugenic Cristoforos, Prin cess Palaeologae-Nicepharae-Comne nae, may soon become ruler of both Greece and Turkey. Almost everybody hopes not. That name would come pret ty close to causing a panic in a di rectory. -~*&- Mayor Carter Harrison, of Chicago, having named the seven wonders oi Chicago, how would it do to name the seven wonders of St. Paul? At a guess they are Mayor Doran, the common council, the high bridge, Rice park, the paving between the tracks on Fourth street, the Minnesota Savings^ bank and the city hall elevator. THE SAINT PAUL GLOBE. SESSION'S FIRST SKIRMISH. Currency and Civil Service Debate Precip= itated in the House. Jim. BBOSVENDB DEDLfIHES HIS INDEPENDENCE. Dingley Attacked by Walker, the Head of the Bank ing Committee — The Differences Regarding the Disposition of the President's Message Finally Compromised. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.— The session of the house today, though it lasted but two hours, witnessed a very lively skirmish over the question of distrib uting the president's message to the various committees clothed with juris diction over the subjects dealt with. The conflict of authority came between the ways and means committee and the banking and currency committee. The battle raged all along the line. During the debate Gen. Grosvenor, of Ohio, fired the first gun against the civil service law, and this also brought the friends and enemies of that measure Into action. Mr. Johnson (Ind.), in a rinsing warning, declared that, if a 1 ill to emasculate the civil service law were passed, it would meet the presi dential veto. Eventually Mr. Dingley, in deference to the- opposition of the members of the banking and currency committee, agreed to a modification of the order of distribution so as to send to the ways and means committee all matters relating to the "revenues, the bonded debt of the country and the treaties affecting the revenues." The resolution was then adopted. After the session Chairman Walker claimed he had won a decisive victory, and that his committee, under the or der, would have jurisdiction of a meas ure to, as he expressed it, convert the greenbacks into gold certificates. But members of the ways and means com mittee insisted that changes of ver biage in the order would not affect their jurisdiction. Mr. Dingley, after the routine pre liminaries, from the committee on ways and means, presented a resolution adopted by that committee for the dis tribution of the president's message to the several committees having juris diction of the various subjects treated. Mr. Walker (Rep., Mass.), chairman of the banking and currency committee, asked for a rereading of the portion of the resolution giving the ways and means committee jurisdiction of all the portions relating to "the revenues, the national finances, the public debt and the preservation of the public credit." A very considerable debate followed upon what the language of the resolu tion meant, and the issue as to juris diction on the currency problem as be tween the ways and means and the banking and currency committees was sharply raised. Before the debate, which lasted over an hour, had been concluded, the house was plunged into a debate on the cur rency problem. Mr. Walker, after the re-reading of the resolution, asked with some heat what was left to his committee. Mr. Eingley replied suavely that all matters relating to banking and cur rency under the resolution would go to the banking and currency commit tee. "There seems to be a decided con flict of opinion as to what matters refer to banking and currency," ex claimed Mr. Walker, rather sharply. Mr. Dingley protested that the lan guage of the resolution was identical with that of former resolutions on the same subject, but he was immedi ately bombarded with questions as to the practical effect of the resolu tion's language. Mr. Bailey (Texas), the minority leader, attacked the flank of Mr. Ding ley. He wanted to know specifically whether a measure to effectuate the recommendations of the president on the currency would go to the ways and means or currency committee. Mr. Dingley avoided a direct re sponse. "If it is proposed to retire the green backs in the manner recommended by the president, where would it go?" asked Mr. Bailey. Mr. Johnson (Rep., Ind.) pressed Mr. Dingley along the same line. "I would leave the determination of that question to the speaker," at last replied Mr. Dingley. The house laughed. Mr. Walker then got the floor and indignantly protested that, if the questions relating to our legal tender money, which lay at the very founda tion of our banking and currency laws, were to come under the juris diction of the ways and means com mittee, the committee on banking and currency might as well be dissolved. If it was to be shorn of its responsi bility, why continue it? He avowed that in the last congress his commjt tee had been steadily disregarded. Its members had cooled their heels in the speaker's lobby, he said, and, when at last they were allowed to bring in a bill, the previous question had been demanded without permission for debate, and he had been allowed to address the house only by unanimous consent. Mr. Cow (Dem., Term.). the senior Democratic member of the currency committee, seconded the protest of Mr. Walker. Mr. Grosvenor (Rep., O.) diverted the whole course of the debate by an at tack on the civil service law, which was several times enthusiastically ap plauded both by members on the floor and spectators in the galleries. At the outset, he repudiated the idea that opposition to the civil service law involved an affront to the president. Congress was empowered to deal with the subject, and the president had referred it to congress. He heartily agreed with the president "that there were places in the classified service which ought to be exempt." "I am glad." said Mr. Grosvenor, "to go that far with the president, even if I am compelled to part com pany with him when he says the civil service system has the official sanction of the people." Mr. Grosvenor declared that he had kt-pt in touch with the sentiment of the country, and that if the question were submitted to the people west of the Allegheny mountains, it would be bur ied under their overwhelming condem nation. His remarks in denunciation of "life tenure in office" were met with WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1897. REPUBLIDfINS INDULGE IN H PfIRTY SQUfIBBLE. uproarious applause from the galleries, in which many members on the floor heartily joined. Mr. Bailey (Dem., Tex.) comment Ted Mr. Grosvenor's utterances against building up an office-holding class in this country — a doctrine, he sa : d, which was almost litterally emlxidied in the Chicago platform (Democratic ap plause). "That is the only grod feature of that platform, " ejaculated Mr. Steele (Rep., Ind.) amid laughter on the Republican side. Mr. Cochran (D:m., Mo.) in a satirical speech spoke of the injustice of turning over a subject which Mr. Walker had freely admitted he knew all about to Mr. Dingley, who had fathered a tariff bill that had already produced $i0,10J, --000 deficit. Mr. Bland (Dem., Mo.) averred that it was well understood that nothing would be done with the currency prob lem, and Mr. Bodine (Dem., Mo.) al leged that the civil service law was a . humbug, which the West and South op posed. The latter gave some amusing illustrations of its operations and caus ed a laugh by the statement that Mr. Cleveland had been some time in the White house before he discovered" that the United States were not bounded on tho West by the Allegheny mountains. During the progress of the debate Messrs. Walker and Johnson had con sulted with Mr. Dingley and a modifr-a -tion of the resolution of distribution was agreed upon. It struck out the words "the national finances, the pub lic debt, the preservation of the gov ernment credit," and gave the ways and means committee jurisdiction over all matters in the message relating "to the revenue, the bonded debt of the United States and to the treaties of tho United States affecting the revenue." When this amendment was presented the opposition withdrew and the reso lution was adopted without division. The house then, at 2 o'clock, adjourned. SEX ATE SESSION. Contest for Hie Itiuht of Way Is Pendingr. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7.— A new member, H. D. S. Money, of Mississippi, was introduced in the senate today, ail after some brief criticism of the form of his credentials, the oath of office was administered to him. Mr. Money was as- signed to the seat formerly occupied by Mr. Daniel, of Virginia, the latter securing the seat in the center of the Democratic sid-?. which was occupied by the late Senator George. During the session 108 bills, many of which j were private pension measures, were introduced in addition to several joint resolutions ard tome senate ri solutions. An interesting contest for precedence in consideration of Mr. Lodge's immi gration bill and the proposed legislation to confer authority upon the president to act for the protection of the govern nunt's interest at the sale of the Kansas Pacific was pjndirg at th J close of the session. The probab ; lity is that it will be amicably arranged before the senate convenes tomorrow. Mr. Pettigiew (S. D.), during the day, secured the passage of a reso'ution c I! --ing upon the interstate commerce com mission to furnish the senate a list of the railroad companies, which have complied wholly, in part or net at all, with the law of congress providing that safety appliances be affixed to railread cars; the resolution also calls for the total number of persons killed by the railroads during the past year. KNEW HER SON. i'r.-siii.-iii MeKinley Recognised by HiH Mother. CANTON, 0., Dec. 7. — Once more the children of Nancy Allison McKinley have gathered about her couch, and the reunion is complete. The president and Mrs. McKinley arrived today and find the aged mother still living. With the children are Mrs. Abigail Osborne, mother of Consul William Osborne; Miss Sarah Duncan, who came from Chicago, where she is attending school; her brother. Jack Duncan, who came today from an Eastern school, and the other grandchildren, who have been summoned from their studies and their homes, together with other rela tives, making the immediate family cir cle almost complete. In the midst of the deep sorrow of the family there is a feeling of joy that the president has been permitted to reach his mother's bedside before the inevitable dissolu tion came and that the mother might again realize his presence and he knew that he had been recognized. These hopes have been granted them, and j they now patiently and resignedly await the end. The president and Mrs. McKinley, to gether with other relatives from the East, came early in the morning, the latter part of the journey being made on a special train. They were taken to the homestead as rapidly as possi ble, and as they entered the sick room the dying woman rallied and for a mo ment plainly evinced her recognition of her son and others about her. The president has remained almost con stantly at the bedside since his ar rival and kept tonight's vigil, relieving others of the children who have been so constantly at the bedside. He re mained close to the house all day, going out only for a little air and exercise, taking a walk near the house. -^» INDEPENDENT HUNGARY. Hostilities Opened by Kos.suth With a Fierce Speech. BUDAPEST, Dec. 7.— ln the lower house of the Hungarian parliament to day, Francis Kossuth, the leader of the party advocating an independent Hun gary, opened hostilities with a fierce speech on a motion, which the house, just before closing yesterday, granted him permission to introduce today. SOFJE AMITIES OF TI(E OLD WORLD. German Expedition flassacred in Africa. LONDON, Dec. 7.— According to mall ad vices from Batanga, on the West African coast, southeast of the Cameroons, in the Banoko country, a German expedition con sisting of six white officers and 200 natives recently met with a severe reverse at the bauds of the Mboulies, a warlike tribe that has leas. harassed the Geruian trade caravans t(. the south of Batanga, in the Molinji coun try, and especially along the Campo or Ntem river, which divides French and German ter ritories. A German wav^hijj with troops is already en route for the^Cumeroons to rein force the expedition tha.4 ia being organized to punish the Mboulies. Talked of Killing Himself. THOSE people who were in the billiard room at the Merchants hotel yesterday, right after lunch, witnessed rather a sensational Incident, which was the more perplexing to them as they were permitted to remain in ignorance as to the final denouement. Chief Grain Inspector Clausen w:>s playing billiards with a friend after lunch, when in rushed a man who. after spying the inspector, went up to him and at the finish of same excited remarks which were not entirely audi ble to the astonished on-!ockers, yelled at the top of his voice, "It's not right, and I tell ; you right now I'll not stand it. I did not get a fair deal, and I hold you responsible for it. That stuff came from the coun try to me in good: shape, and through your faulty grading at Mlnnf ajwlis I have suffered a loss of $25,000, and I tell you again I do not mean to stand It. It has about ruined me, and as soon as I get home I shall end my existence." Before the thunderstruck spectators realized what was happening Mr. Clausen took the man by the arm. and led him out of the billiard room through the corridor of the hotel, and to the storm entry, where he stood and talked with him for possbly ten minutes. Then the man disappeared and Mr. Clausen, rejoined by his friend, went up Fourth street to his office In the Endicott. The man was of medium stature, quietly dressed and with a perfectly smooth face. He appeared to be suffering from unusual tension of some kind. Nobody knew who he was. It was said he had sought the Inspector at the latter's office, and had been told he was at the Merchants. Where he went Is not known. Mr. Clausen was seen during the afternoon at his office, but denied all knowledge of any such unpleasantness. He had, he said, just returned from the hotel, where he had been with Banker Stephens, of Crookston. The people in the hotel, including the attaches of the place, who had witnessed the affair, believed the man was a Minneapolis wheat man. The view was expressed that he might have been under the Influence of liquor, but the general opinion was that he was suffering from a great mental strain. His manner was excited, and his calling Mr. Clausen by name left no doubt in their minds that he knew to whom he was speaking. He ex pressed his determination to the grain Inspector to put an end to his un happy life by the use of laudanum when he reached Minneapolis. Later in the afternoon Mr. Clausen, although he did not mention the mxn's name, discussed the unpleasant affair with some friends, and gave it as his opinion that the man fancied thai he had been swindled in the matter of grades on some wheat sent in from the country to the Minneapolis market. DEFEAT FOR DREYFIS. Action of the Government Approved by the Senate. PARIS, Dec. 7.— ln anticipation of an exciting session of the senate, the precincts of the Luxembourg palace were crowded today, and the police were called into requisition to keep the people moving. There were many ladies and persons of prominence in the gal leries of "the senate, and there was a full attendance of senators. When the opening formalities had been concluded) the president, M. Loubet, announced that M. Scheurer-Kestnar desired to interpellate the government in the per sons of the premier, M. Meline, and the minister for war, Gen. Billot, in regard to their declarations in the chamber of deputies on Saturday last, on the subject of ttu- alleged false im prisonment of Alfred Dreytus, a former captain of artillery, convicted by a court martial of selling military secrets to the agents of a foreign power. The premier signified his readiness to answer the questions put to him, and the senate decided to open the discus sion forthwith. M. Scheurer-Kestnar then reviewed the Dreyfus case at length. The minister for war, Gen. Billot, replied that M. Scheurer-Kestnar had submitted no evidence. He had con tended, the minister explained, that the anonymous note was the basis of the whole affair, and that, if it was snuwn not to have been written by Dreyfus, the latter ought to be accorded a new HOW LOXi CAN HE STAND IT i Revolt of Albanians in flacedonia. SOFIA, Dec. 7. — Alarming news reached here today from Macedonia. The Albanians are reported to be committing great excesses at Debra. and Kitchevo, and lv the surround ing districts, killing men, outraging women and stealing cattle. The local authorities are powerless. Wholesale prosecution and arrests of Bulgarians by Turks are also re ported from the Bulgarian frontier. The news has caused the greatest excitement here. PRAGUE^- Bohemia, Dec. 7.— Antl-Semttic riots have occurred at Pribram. The windows of the H.vnagogue and of the houses lnnabited by Jews have been smashed by the mobs. trial. But the general, as minister for war, could not go back of the judg ment of the court martial, and he acted within his right in dpclaring and re peating that Dreyfus was guilty. (Cheers.) The premier, M. Meline, was the next speaker. He said it was the duty of the minister of war to affirm the au thority and judgment of the court; it was not his function to revise it. He (the speaker) had told M. Schcurer- Kestnar that the minister for war had FOR ROADS. "WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.— The inter state commerce commission has decid ed to extend for two years the period within which railroads must comply with the act of congress requiring all railroads to be equipped with safety appliances for" the protection of the em ployes and passengers. The commis sion this afternoon authorized the fol lowing statement: In the matter of the application of the Chicago & Alton Railroad company and other carriers, to the interstate commerce commis sion, to extend the period within which they shall comply with the provisions of the act of congress of March 2, 1893, commonly known as the safety appliance act, and upon which PRICE TWO CENTS— |&V,Tcs*T" French Expedition Wiped Out by Natives. BRUSSELS. Dec. 7.— The Mouvement Geog raphique today announces that It learns that a French expedition under MaJ. Marchand. while on its way to the Nile, has been mas sacred near Bahrelghazel. The survivors of the party, it Is added, retreated to Bomou. The place to which the survivors of the Freuch party have retreated, according to the .Mouvement Geograi-Wque, is Bomou and not Bernou, as the publication first an nounced. Bomou is an advance station of the French Congo, on the way to Bahrelphazel, near or at which place the expedition is said to have been massacred. no right to receive evidence. If M. Scheurer-Kestnar had fresh documents to produce they should be submitted to the minister of Justice, but those in terested preferred another method. The government, M. Meline further said, had taken the only course possible in the midst of this storm of conflicting passion. The debate was then closed and a motion by Senator Frank Chauevan ap proving the government's declaration \\a« cairied. At the conclusion of Gen. Billot's statement, M. Siheurer-K"stnar thanked him for his promise to submit the various documents in the ease i<> a commission of inquiry. The impress mi in the lobbies after the close of the ile bate and the adoption of Senator Chauevan's motion was that M. Scheurer-Kestnar's defente had receiv ed a death blow. MESSAGE DISCUSSED. Its (ieucral Tone Sot Sach an to Arauiie Spain. MADRID, Dec. 7.— The cabinet to day considered dispatches from Senor de Dome, Spanish minister at Washing ton, containing extracts from President McKinley's message to congress. The ministers agreed in considering the rt'e:-sage generally favorable to Spani.h interests. Its tone has produced a t^ood effect in official circles; but it is pointed out that "the paragraphs relating to the alleged rights of the United States to intervene in the Cuban question are calculated to displease the Spanish peo ple." DAKOTA FARM SOLD. ('anil ('otiMiderution of \.--.-irl\ Two Hundred TbouKnnd DoJlara. BUFFALO, N. V., Dec. 7.— Robert Jones, of this city, has purchased one of the largest farms in the country, a tract of 6,000 acres of wheat land on the "Soo" railroad in North Dakota, for a cash consideration of about $175, --000. The great farm is in the south eastern part of Richlands county, and was formerly owned by Daniel O'Day, j S. G. Bayne, the president of the Sea board National Bank of New York, and others. CARSON CITY LYIfCHIHO. Adam Alier HniiKed and Ills Ilody Riddled. CARSON, New, D*o. 7.— Adam Über, who killed Hans Anderson at ville last week, was taken from Ge n<.a jail at 2 a. m.. stripped of his clothes, and hanged. His body was rid dled with bullets, by an angry mob of twenty-five men supposed to be from Gardnerville. Two Years Granted by the Interstate Commerce Commission. hearing has just been had. the commission has decided, upon causes shown, to extend said period two years for the petitioning carriers. While the formal order and staf - merit of facts and reasons constituting cans ■ for such extension have not ye* been prepared, it is understood that the extension will not be conditional, and that the commission has under consideration the question of requiring quarterly or other periodical reports of prog ress by each carrier during the two-year period. I :i«t weok the commission gave sev eral hearings to railroad men and labor leaders on this question, the rail roads asking for five years' extension, and the labor leaders urging that an extension of one year should be suffi cient YIELDS TO GERMANY. China Ready to Comply With All the Demands of the Kaiser. CESSION OF THE BAY. England May Object to That Part of the Surrender. FIGHTING AT KIAO=CHAU. Advance of the Marines Re sisted by the Garrison for a Time. LONDON, Dec. B.— A special dispatch from Shanghai says: When < "apt. Becker, with 210 German marines, left Kiao-Chau bay to occupy th» surround* Ing villages, whence they proceeded to capture the city, the Chinese forts opened fire, and the Germans replied, killing three of the garrison, which thereupon fled in disorder. The Chin ese general in command was captured, but afterward liberated. Several Ger man sailors were Injured by stones Hung by the Inhabitants of the vil lages. In return for this the head men of these villages were beaten with bamboo sticks by order of the German commander. It is reported here that China is willing to pay an indemnity of 1,000,000 taels (about $785,260) and to grant all the German demands, includ ing the temporary cession of Kiao-Chau bay and adjoining territory. LONDON, Dec. B.— A dispatch to the Times from Pekin confirms the report that China, hoping for the evacuation of Kiao-Chau, agrees unconditionally to all the demands of Germany. The Times, dealing editorially with the sit uation at Kiao-Chau, notes that the foregoing telegram, enumerating the German demands, does not Include the permanent occupation of Kiao-Chau, and points out that the evidence is conflicting as to whether this was of ficially demanded. It says: "In any case, now that the other demands have been conceded, what will be the grounds for insisting on a permanent occupation? The double success In Haytl and China, demonstrating th.> practical value of a strong Beet ready to act at short notice In any part ><f the world, will probably give a coup de grace to the declining opposition to the naval bill." HAYTI IS 111 MUM:!). Mttle Republic Forced to yield to the Diiiiii iiilh of (icri".aiij. PORT AU PRINCIJ, Haytl, Dec. 7.— The trouble between Germany and Kayti appears to be settled. The H ti;tn government has saluted the Ger man flag, and the foreigners who bad Bought refuge on board of ships in this harbor have returned to their homes. It is understood t ti.-»t the <iv st ion of tin indemnity demanded by Germany for the allcg. d Illegal arrest and Imprieon n>en of Herr Lueden has been s<-tti< d to the satisfaction of Germany and that all the demands of that country have been agreed to by the government of Hayti, in face of the display of force made by Germany and under th.- threat of a bombardment of the defensive works of the p »it. unless these demands were agreed to within the eight hours following the time the German ultima tum was delivered yesterday morning, shortly after the arrival at this port of the two German cruisers sent w> back up the demands of the German minis ter here. The first part of the settlement to.,k place at 6 o'clock last night, when th" Haytian fleet formally saluted the Ger man flag from the flagship of the ile.-r of Hayti, the Crete-A-f'ierrot. a small vessel of 940 tons armed with a few guns of light caliber. Admiral Klllck, the Haytian commander, had charge of the formal salute of the German flag. W hile the flag of the republic was be ing dipped on board of the Crete-A- I'ierrot to the standard of Germany, the band of the Haytian navy played the German national anthem and the Haytian flagship fired twenty-one guns which were answered by the German flagship, the Charlotte, which Is used as a school ship. The second part of the settlement of the trouble between Germany and Haytl took place this morning, when Count yon Schwerin, the German rnin- Ictrr- t o TT-vti w.ts formally and sol emnly received by the Haytian officials. The latter. It is understood, have ,is surei me uerman authorities thai sum mary justice will be piomp !y meted out to those officials "f Hayti who caused the estrangement. Count Schwerin, the German charge d'affaires, and the countess embarked this morning, escorted by the Officers of the Charlotte. The ultimatum, whose terms w< re accepted in full yes terday, imi>oses the following condi tions: An Indemnity of $?,0,000 to Herr Lue dtrs; the return of Herr Lue l< Hayti, under the guarantee of the gov ernment; an official expression t< I Genran government of the r grel of the Haytian government, ami the reception of Count Schwerin by President Tire- Bias Simon Sam. Had the ultimatum not beea com piled with, the bombardment would have commenced at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Since yesterday there have been in the roadstead two German steamers, a French steamer, the Ger man frigates Charlotte and Stein, and tho French cruiser Admiral Kigault de Genorilly. Although i\ -n- hnv- been no fresh disturbances in the city all pre cautions have been taken to «ua a order. But the government is dumb. BERLIN, Dec 7.— Emperor Wll talking over the trouble between Ger many and Hayti over the l.v dent and referring to the Haytiai quoted as saying: "They are a con temptible crowd of negn • s, slightly in oculated with French civilization. My school ship, even though only manned by boys, will teach them man ners."