2 Parts VOL. XXL— NO. 100. SPAIN IS NOW SLOWLY BACKING DOWN. GEN. LEE LEAVES. The Stars and Stripes No Longer Float at Ha vana. BLANCO EXTREMELY BUSY. No Time to Say Good Bye to the Departing Americans. EXCITING INCIDENTS WANTING no HOSTILE DEMONSTRATION ON THE PART OF THE SPANISH SYMPATHIZERS. American Vessels in Havana Harbor Sailed Away One After the Other, the Fern Hearing; the Consul Gen eral. Other I onsuls and the News paper Men Being the Last to Leave The Day One of Quiet in the Cuban Capital Mls.h Barton Leaves. HAVANA, April 9.— At 1 o'clock this afternoon Consul General Lee, accom panied by his sitaff, boarded the dis patch boat Fern, and Consuls Spring er and Barker went on board at 5 o'clock. The Machina wharf, where they embarked was crowded with curi , cus persons, but no discourtesy was ehown the officials. At 5:30 the American vessels began leaving the port. The Spanish tug Susie towed out the schooner James H. Dudley, which arrived here on Thurs day last from Pensacola with lumber, but did not discharge her cargo. The steamer Evelyn followed,, with about fifty passengers, and after her came the Olivette, with 247 passengers, among whom were Miss Clara Barton and the other representatives of the Red Cross society who have been en gaged in relief work in the island. She was followed by the Bache, with ten passengers, and last of all came the Fern, which le,ft at 6 o'clock, having on board Consul General Lee, Consuls Springer and Barker, Consular Clerks Fosca, Dolse and Drain, Correspond ents Johnston, Pepper, Redding, Akers, FrantCe, Dunning, Nichols and Scovel, Messrs. G. Lawton Childs and William j Law ton and Dr. Brunner. The Fern is commanded by Lieuten ant Commander Sawyer. Ensign Pow elson was also on board. There was shipped on the steamer Orizaba today $423,000 in French gold for New York. Blanco Too Busy. At 10 o'clock this morning Consul j Gtneral Lee, accompanied by British i Consul Gollan, called on Gen. Blanco J to bid him good-bye. The governor | general was very busy and could not I receive Gen. Lee. The American flag upon the consu late building has been taken down by consulate employes. The inhabitants of this city enjoyed j a fine tropical day. Holy Saturday I was generally observed at all the churches. The services began at 10 o'clock with bell ringing accompanied I by cannon salutes from the fortress of i Cabanas. The bishop officiated at the high mass, which was celebrated at the cathedral. The services were ac companied by the singing of "Gloria in Excelsis Deo," during which the movement of coaches, carts, etc., In the streets of Havana was suspended. . Later on the Cuban capital resumed the ordinary run of business. The news of the American consuls i leaving their posts spread rapidly about the city and produced consid erable surprise. The matter was talked j about generally, and the remark, j "well, let them go," was heard here and there. The Spaniards say the fact i of the consuls leaving has not pro- I duced the effect which the friends of j the insurgents are alleged to have ex- ! pressed. The Spanish patriots also I claim they are taking things coolly i • and are awaiting further events with | serenity. They quote many prominent people as saying there Is no impor tance in the action of the consuls. FREE TO LEAVE. IVoodford's Withdrawal From Spain Left to His Own Discretion. S? t the s ate department that United States Minister Woodiford, at Madrid has not been actually recalled, but has been given full discretion to govern his movements by the progress of events at the Spanish capital. Under his in structions it will not be necessary to formally recall him. He has informed the department of his purpose of re maining at his post of duty so long as - there is any possibility O f rendering any service to his government, and conse quently, unless the conditions at Mad rid endanger his personal safety it is more than probable that he will re main there up to the time of the be ginning of hostilities between the two countries, if such a condition results from the present crisis. It is understood here that Gen. Wood fcrd is personally popular in the Span ish capital,- and that the authorities would leave nothing undone to secure bi , S .u Sa u ety> even after an outbreak With the country he represents. Should it become necessary, Gen. Woodford and the members of his official family Tvill have the protection of the British embassy until such time as they can THE ST. PAUL GLOBE take their departure without molesta tion. Permission has been Riven by the state department to the United States consuls in Spain to leave that country, if they so desire, pending the threat ened severance of all diplomatic rela tions between Spain and this country. They have not been ordered to leave, as such a step is not resorted to ex cept in a case of a rupture between the two nations, but they are permit ted to exercise their own discretion in the matter. The effects of the consulates, such, for instance, as important papers and furniture, will be turned over to the representative of some friendly gov ernment. As Great Britain has au thorized her consular officers in Cuba to take ch«.rge of the effects of all Unit ed States consulates there, it Is pre sumed like permission will be given to English consuls in Spain. So far as the officials here have been advised, none ef the consuls has left his post in the peninsula, ALL NEWS SUPPRESSED. \oihlni; of Importance to Be Cabled From Porto Rico* CHARLOTTE AMALIE. Island of St. Thomas, April 9. — The strict press cen sorship exercised by the Spanish au thorities in Porto Rico prevents the sending of any important news from that island, but steamers from Porto Rico are expected here next week and some interesting information may be obtainable. The schooner Southard has arrived here with 1,000 tons of coal for the use of the warships of the United States. She is at anchor here, awaiting orders. The French admiral in these waters, with two warships, is awaiting events at this port. A French gunboat left here yesterday under sealed orders. Re port has it that she is bound for Cuba. SHIP WAITING HIM. Means of Escape tor the Connnl at Porto Klco. NEW YORK, April 9.— The shipping firm of Miller, Bull & Knowlton, gen eral agents of the New York & Porto Rico Steamship company, received a cablegram from Latimer & Fernandez, their agents at San Juan, Porto Rico, today, asking permission to place the British tramp steamer Virginia at the disposal of the American consul, Mr. Hanna, and his family, and other Americans, to take them to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies. The New York agent of the steam ship company telegraphed to the state department at Washington that the Virginia will be placed at the service of the American consul without delay. OXE REPIBLICAS OBJECTS. He Does Not Believe the House Will Accept Spain* Terms. WASHINGTON, April 9.— A leading Repubican member of the house com mittee on foreign affairs expressed the opinion late tonight that the ar mistice offered by Spain, instead of relieving the situation, would only ag gravate it. He said that he believed this country would not rest short of the complete abjuration of the Spanish authority over and part of Cuban ter ritory. "I do not believe," he said, "that the armistice arranged at this late date by Spain will effect the attitude of the United States. There is every reason why Spain should want an ar mistice now, and it might be signifi cant as a central motive that the rainy season, with all the horrors it has to the unaccllmatized Spanish soldier, will set in within three weeks and con tinue until about November. "Everybody knows what its effects have be-en on the troops sent over from the peninsula, and, in th 3 present con tingency, with her resources practical^ ly exhausted, continued activity of the Insurgents, coupled with the fatal work of the seafon, may mean, and I think would mean, a fatal termination of the Spanish cause in the conflict. Its ob jects are relief from the hoped-for avoidance of action by this country, as- well as delay with the Insurgents until • a more auspicious reason. In that view, I am against its considera tion for a moment. Our position at this time with reference to Spain con templates first, intervention in hu manity's cause, which would not be fulfilled by anything short of the en tire sweeping away of Spanish sov ereignty, and, second, the destruction of the IVraine. "I repeat that I do not believe that the armistice at this time will, or it certainly should not, have any bearing on our attitude in the situation." VIEWS OF HOUSE MEMBERS. Spain's Concession Not Likely to iChause the Situation. WASHINGTON. April 9.-Represent ative Lorimer (111.), one of the organiz ers of the Republican movement to take immediate action for Cuba, said to night: -The decree of armistice will not change the situation one iota. It will not delay the president's message It is only another pretext for delay because Spain is not able to fight In the rainy season. They hope by estab lishing an armistice extending over the rainy season to prepare themselves for an active campaign in the autumn which no one in favor of Cuban Inde pendence or intervention would enter tain for a moment. Its issuance with those conditions will make public men now in favor of asking further delay proceed immediately to act." Representative Mann (111.), who has taken active part in the Cuban agita tion in the house, said: "If the decree of armistice proposes such conditions to be observed by the United States the decree is a fraud on Its face If the president delays the message on that account, there will be a declara tion of recognition of independence by congress by the middle of next week If any European power starts to aid Spain, it will result in a war between the powers of Europe, which will mean a division of China, and will be a con flict that will be one of the greates* in history." WILD WAR TALK. Spanish Diplomat Promises Six ' Years of Conflict. LONDON, April 10.— Lloyd's weekly newspaper this morning puiblish.es prominently an interview with C*>l. John Hay, the American ambassador whose remarks are of the most discreet character.- The paper also publishes an interview with Count de Rascon, the Spanish ambassador, who is reported to have said: "The responsibility rests with Prtsident McKinley. If he makes war there will be a war w-hicto will last five or six years, or forever, and will ruin Spain and the United States. We shall fully avail ourselves of letters of marque. The Maine was lost through the ignorance or caretessness of her officers and crew." SUNDAY MORNING APRIL 10, 1898. T WENTY-FOUR PAGEST" The Semi-Barbarians of the Iberian Penin sula Have Hung Out the White Flag fop a Period of Five Days. MADRID, April 9.— United States Minister Woodford has been officially informed that the Spanish government today telegraphed to the pope that, in view of his urgent request, fortified today by a visit from the representatives in Madrid of the great powers, they (the Spanish government), have tele graphed to (Jen. Blanco, in Cuba, instructing him to iss^ie an armistice proclamation tomorrow, the duration of the armistice to be as he decides. (Jen. Woodford has no information relative to the withdrawal of the American warships. This afternoon Gen. Woodford paid a visit to Senor Gullon, minister of foreign affairs. The general opinion this evening is that today's events settle satisfactorily the first stage of the Spanish- American difficulty and insure peace. • Special to The St. Paul Globe. WASHINGTON, April 9.— Late tonight the peace-at-any-price people are in high fetter over the news from Spain that the queen regent has proclaimed an armistice for the insurgents in Cuba. It is said that Archbishop Ireland has fulfilled hie promise to President McKinley,. that if ten days from a week ago last Thursday were given Spain there would be a declaration of peace from Madrid. Some of the senators, who have been holding out for independence and intervention, have now changed their minds and believe that diplomatic relations should be resumed. Senators-Davis and Vilas are in conference late tonight over this late development in the situa tion. As frquently pointed out, this is another movement in the grand policy of delay of the peace at any price people. The jingo faction are more excited than ever and are insisting that no more delays will be tolerated, but they seem to forget that the rules of the senate that permit an endless chain of tall are still in vogue, and the talkers are preparing for a siege of debate. LONDON, April 10.— Special dispatches from Madrid say it was decided to grant an armistice which should last five days, upon the following conditions: That the United States should immediately cease^o lend moral and material support to the Cuban insurgents, that the American squadron, in Ihe vicinity of Cuba, should be withdrawn and that the American war vessels near the Philippine Islands; also should be withdrawn. If the United States declines these conditions it is declared that the powers will openly lend their support to Spain. r J The correspondent in Madrid of a news agency i^ere says that if the insurgents shall not have laid down their arms by the end of five days, the-; wdr will be resumed and Spain will receive the moral support of the powers. i ' \ OIN EASTER mORN! URGED BY POWERS. Spain Induced to Make a Conceniilon to America. MADRID, April 9.— The ambassadors today collectively called upon Senor Gullon requesting that Spain grant the armistice so repeatedly begged for by the pope. The cabinet then met. Gen. Correa, minister of war, and Admiral Bermejc', minister of marine, objected to the granting of an armistice on the ground that it would be disparaging to Span ish arms. The representative of Rus sia, as a military power, replied that he considered It would be no disparage ment. Objection was again made on the ground that there was no guarantee that the insurgents would accept an armistice. The representatives replied that in that case an armistice would mean only a suspension of hostilities and insisted upon Spain offering the insurgents a last chance of submission for the sake of negotiating peace. If the insurgents continued hostilities the Spaniards woul'J bo allowed legitimate self defense. The ministry then unanimously agreed that an armistice be granted. The decision was attended by the usual solemnity by the drafting of the minutes, which the en lire ministry signed. The news of the granting of an ar mistice was received on the bourse with satisfaction and a rapid advance in values quickly followed. IT PLEASES UI'ES W>\. Head of the Junta Glad toi See the Cabana Recognised. WASHINGTON, April 9.— Mr. Que sada, the representative of the Cuban junta in this city, said tonight: "The Cubans are glad to see their belligerency at last recognized by the Spanish government. Cubans will not cease fighting nor entertain any ne gotiations which have not for their basis the absolute Independence of the Island of Cuba." AN ALLEGED CABLE. LONDON, April 10.— The Rome cor. respondent of the Sunday Special says Archbishop Ireland has cabled to the Vatican as follows: "I am in despair. There Is no longer any hope of preventing war." "Parti PRICE FIVE CEXT3. SPAIN GIVING WAY An Armistice In Cuba Order ed By the Sagasta Ministry. PRESSURE BY THE POWERS. Spain Yields. But In So Doing She Attaches Con ditions. RECEIVED AT WASHINGTON, THK ADMINISTRATION IXTE.VUS KOW TO CARRY OUT ITS ORIG INAL. PROGRAMME. I* I« Reported the Arinl.tice I» Only tor Five Days, and That the Fleet* of the United State* at Key West and the Philippines Are Ui Be Withdrawn, While America la to Give No Support to Cuban* Acceptance Very Unlikely. MADRID, April 10 (4:45 a. m.)— Gen. Correa,, minister of war, after the council which lasted two hours, said to the correspondent of the Associated Press: "We yielded to the prayer of tho great powers, granting what we had refused to the United States." KEY WEST, April 9.-The fleet haa not moved and shows no signs of doins so. WASHINGTON, April 9.— President McKinley received a cable dispatch from Minister Woodford at Madrid to night, announcing that the Spanish government had granted an armistic for Cuba, In making this announcement Mi. Woodford conveyed it as a piece- of news In which this country was vitial ly Interested, but not as an nui: ! xl com munication from the Spenfeh govern ment to this government. Nonetheless ft conveyed the eas^tlal fact that Spain had conceded what the powers of Europe and the pope had for many days been urging upon her, and that the concession dispelled for the moment the darkness of the war clouds and brought in their stead what was regarded as at least a faint hope of a peaceful solution of the pending difficulty. The receipt of this news has not, however, resulted in any change of the administration's programme rela tive to sending the message to congress. It was authoritatively announced to night, that it was the intention of the president to send his message to con gress on Monday. Whether he will make any addition to the message referring to the propos ed armistice by Spain could not be as certained definitely. It is scarcely to be doubted, however, that a develop ment of this character would receive attention at the president's hands, al though It could not be learned tonight that this attention will be more than a recital of the facts. After conferences a>t the White hou tonight, gentlemen, who are in the con fidence of the president, expressed the belief that the grant of armistice would not materially change the policy as al eady matured. Peacefnl Solution. One of the gentlemen, who had a long conference with the president to night expressed the opinion that the proposed armistice tended materially toward a peaceful solution of the Cu ban question, although he declined to venture even a suggestion as to how the proposition would be received by congress. "The Maine Incident will still be left for solution," said he, "and that Is the question upon which congress and the country are at the present moment ex ceedingly sensitive." Word that the armistice had I>. granted by Spain spread rapidly through all official a nd diplomatic quar ters, and aroused great Interest and activity throughout the evening. The first word as to Spain's conces sion came to Mgr. Martinelli. the papal delegate, at 6:30 p. m., and announced from the Vatican that the papal nun cio at Madrid had been advised that an armistice was granted. Mgr. Martinelli sent for Archbishop Ireland, and shortly after the message from the Vatican was repeated by tele phone to the White house. Alxmt the same time the dispatch from Minister Woodford was received. Singularly, the Spanish minister, Senor Polo y Ber nabe, had received no advices from Madrid up to midnight. M. Camlbon, Cotntluned on Eleventh Pajfe. Church Services Today. — of services in the j 1 churches of St. Paul appear today l! on page 22. j PAGEs