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AGRICULTURAL-COMMERGIAL-IMDUSTRiAL-FIMAMCIAL. 6 GROW AND FEED HORSES BIPOKTANCE OF THIS DETAIL; NEXT TO CHOICE OF BiiEEDS Breeding Simula Re Wltli Refer- ■, eitoe to Distinct CItMM Xeees- j t»ity and I'roiitT Care and Fooil | Boraea Should He lired With ' Reference to Value* on the Mar- Kit Some General Vlenn, The subject of growing and feeding young h irs< * is next in importance for consideration by Cramers starting this industry to the of breeds and the manner of mating, j The time has come, in connection with horse for large attention to be paid to | th< general improvement of all classes. With | ;'.; - :. - :i basis, tho next object shojld be to 1>:.,.1 in distinct classes. If a draft horse Is : wanted, und this is likely to piove mire j profitable In this sei-tion of the countr? vhan • jiiiy ether for many years to come, let the ji'.an;* tie first Well selected end the service be oi tin 1 available. In no other way j will the Improvement sought be attained. A | :. :-, 1.- usually bred with the primary ob- j Ji 1 i of sale, and for this purpose, while the ! farmer is about It, he should aim to secure j a foal which will prove desirable and bring price when taken to market. Beginning with distinct classification— that ! Is, fccurlng a horse for a definite purpose, cari' should be exercised iv rearing the foal. And this relates to tempering the animal by kindly treatment as well as to the proper 1 feeding .■; him in order to secure natural ' development arid conformation. It is as uecos- i i-ary that a horse should be well ftd on good j substantial provender as that a steer should j not be allowed to become stunted in growth \ from being forced to go hungry. No matter of how good blood an animal is possessed, if he is not cared for as lu 1 should b? during the progress of his growth, he will result in nothing better than an ordinary scrub. There I 13 a period in the life of a colt as theie Is In the choldhoDd of the human being when the animal may falsely develop. It never pays to compel a colt to shift for himself. He I may become and seem to bo full, but If the food lacks stamina, the horse will develop into the same condition. A writer to the Breeders' Gazette, refer ring to this subject, says: You must feod right as well as breed right for the successful production of a good ani mal. Becretary Wilson, in his recent tour of observation in ' the Western horse-breeding sections, was of the opinion that so many un <lersi^ed horses were caused by the use of trotting blood; but much of this lack of size and substance- was caused by the rough-and ready system of horse-keeping that is quite behind the present times of advanced knowl edge of what is proper care and feed to grow and mature stock. Ever since the depression i:i values of horses there has been a conse quent lack of Interest in feeding and caring for the farmer's most useful and indispensable animal. Horses have been too cheap to breed and too cheap to feed in the mind of the av erage farmer of the West, who depends on | the corn crop for his mainstay and considers the sow as his most valuable stock. There fore the stable has been turned into snw pens, while the horse that has produced the feed to make the sow profitable is left to shift for himself, neglected and despised. The value of a good, well-fed horse as an ellieient auxiliary to the successful operator of a farm has been ignored by many who have been producing cheap grain at a profit with cheap horses. Xot only have they been in different to young stock, but also to the proper attention of the work horses. CheaD grain makes cheap feed and a good horse should be worthy of his keep. The manufac turer when his valuable machinery beoomen cheaper does not try to wear It out auicker. The majority of farmers know how to feed cattle and hogs and realize the importance cf proper management for profitable produc tion, but say it does not pay to breed good torses because It does not pay to give them the attention and feed. The quality of an animal not on'.y depends or the blood but also on the management and feed it may have received while growing to maturity, and that develops size, soib- Btance. stamina, and soundness. By Improper care you can Btuut the Bize, oheck the sub 6tance, weaken the stamina, and make horsee liable to unroundness. It Is not blubber you wont for your feed, but bone and muscle that j should be ripe and ready for service at ma turity. The superiority or mediocrity of our horses does not only depend on improved Btandrds o! breeding but a better system of horse-keeping. "Blood will tell," but gen erous care Is the best Interpreter. Right bred and right fed will catch the high dollar now and tomorrow. The Drover's Journal offers some observa tions of timely Importance to breeders, as follows: A fe-w breeders are timid as to the future cf good harness horses, for fear that so jnany fine horses may be prochiced that prices i will fall below the cost of production. Such pessimistic views are contrary to the ex perience of the enterprises of breeding fine horses. For more than a century the breed ers of Prance, Germany, Belgium and Eng land have made a s-peclalty in breeding fine coach and draft horses, and still those coun tries are far from being oversupplied. In fact, the above countries are the best buy ers of fine American horses, and the United States is being thoroughly canvassed for choice horses to supply the European de mand. If the effort of more than one hun dred years has failed to produce an over supply of desirable torsrs in Europe, Ameri can breeders need not be apprehensive of overstocking the domestic market. When dealers will pay as much as $355 for a single draft horse for exportation and proportional ly as high for coach horses and drivers there need be no fear that fine horse breeding ia in aar.gcr of being overdone in this oountry. The Indiana Farmer is another Journal which regards with favor the extension of the industry of horse breeding at the present time. In its latest issue it says: Jiore capital Is required for breeding good horses than in any other live stock industry ■ and the breeder has longer to wait for re turns upon his investment, but If he has been Judicious in selecting his foundation stock and carries the same good Judgment Into his breeding, feeding and handling the rewards are greater than in raising any other class of live stock. 43J750C. AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS. Never before has the United States sent abroad so much of her agricultural products es during the fiscal year just closed. In breadstuffs alone the exports of the year amounted to nearly $1.000 000 for each busi- Ee-ss day, and will be more than $100,000 000 ta excess of last year's exports of breadstuffs Nearly all articles classed as breadstuffs have participated in this increase. In "provisions " In wnich t^rm are included beef, hog nnd dairy products, there is also a marked in, the total exports of provisions for the year l,?ing likely to reach $100,000,000 in value Most of Uiis increase, however, J 3 m hoe pr< aucta. Exports of bacon, which were ' $34,1*7,147 in value last year, are likely to reach $44,000,000 this year. Lard shows a Bimilar incrfase, the figure.?, which last year r , c - $2 ,"', 12<i ' 4 * 5 ' being likely to reach $37, --000.Out this year. Live cattle s^«m to be gain- Ing in popularity with our foreign customers the exerts of beef cattle having Increased materially, while those of beef, either fresh canned or salted, have failf-d to show any Increase, in most cases a decided falling off being noticeable. The numDer of cattle- ex ported during the first ten months of the flscnl year were 379.663, against 310,478 in the corresponding months of last year- the value in the ten months of 1898 being J32 352 833 against $25,866,703 In the corresponding months of last year, while fresh beef in the 6ame period fell from 242,168.034 pounds in ten months of 1897 to 227,434,373 pounds in the corresponding ten months or 1898, salted beef showing a fall of "35 per cent for the year and canned beef dropping from 46,349 00S pounds in the ten months of 1897 to 34 01l'l°9 pounds in the ten months of 1898.— Drovers' Journal. WHEAT PRICES WITHERED. Sunshine Drove the Bulls Prom the Fit and Bears Were Jubi lant.' J l_ WHEAT SUMMARY. Prey. Close. Day. July, Minneapolis S6V> 92 I July, Chicago 751Z 7914 I July, Duluth 84 9i) j July, New York 83% 85^ 1 r CHICAGO. June 17.— The uplifting of the curtain of rain-chareed cioudi that have Jpr about three weeks overhung the Western skies, let in such floods of sunshine today that values of wheat were withered. July closed with a loss of H&9B%C, and September with a loss ol 2K@2%c. Corn loft off I%@lV2<> lower, and oats are down %c. The declines in pfovisj[pn£ wore: Pork, 12Vjc; lard, 6@7%c, pnd rius. s*' *" *sj^.«s- ----«.v *-. — • ■ WeaK foreign markets and brilliant weather in the winter wheat belt presented an op portunity {or short sellers of wheat, which they hastened to ayall fnenifielvcs of at tl)6 start. September, which closed yesterday at 70%@70%C, started today at from 70c down to 6?Tic, and after touching 70 1 4c for a moment, it beg-an to roll down hill, and did not cease its descent for two hours, except to gather force for a further fall. In that time it had dec-lined to 68»ic. December in the same time had gunk from 70 1 ,*!g70%c > around the open ing to 69Vi@C9%c. July had sold off from 78V4c to 7G'ic. Everybody sold wheat, and evinced no dis position to buy It back, even on such a break as that shown above. There was nothing In their minds, apparently, but the coming of a great crop of now wheit here and in Europe, and the hastening of the advent of the homo crop by the cessation of rain and the fair, warm weather that had generally succeeded it. The market refused to respond for more than a few minutes at a time, and then only a small fraction, and grew still weaker as the close of the session approached. Liverpool was 3>id lower in July, and l%d in Septeni hPr The Paris market was heavy also, and Ant werp extremely weak. The domestic receipts were small, and Atlantic port clearances large, but such matters were, lgnored. The re ceipts at Chicago were 9 cars, against 19 a year ago, aud at Minneapolis and Duluth 77 car loads, compared with 227 the correspond ing day last year. Atlantic port exports of wheat and flour were eoual to 700.000. Argen tina shipped only 272.000 bu this week. July opened lc lower at 7S@7S%c: sold down to 77% c; up to "Sc: then dropped off to 75%G, tihe closing price. September began %@%c down, at 70c. df-ellned to 60^c, advacned to 70 1 / 4 c, then fell off to 6SSo bid at the close. The reappearance of the sun in the Western country had a depressing influence on corn. It thawed out a good deal of long corn that holders had frozen to for some time, and !t all dropped into the pit. July opened %@M>c down at 32T4@33c. sold off gradually to 31%@ 32c bid. the resting price. The weakness in oats was mainly in sympa thy with the other grains, although the weather was to some extent a bearish factor. July opened %c lower at 24>,&c, advanced to 24V4c. then weakened to 23% c, the closing Drlce. The decline in wheat and corn affected pro visions unfavorably. There was a desultory commission house selling. July pork started 20c lower, sold up to $9.62%, then declined to $9.60, the closing figure. The range in lard and ribs was unimportant. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 8 cars; corn, 485; oats, 190; hogs, 18,000 head. The leading futures ranged as toilows: o a r o b S Em Wheat— j June ! 84 I 84 80 80 July !78-78%| 78%) 75% 75% Sept I 70 j 70%! 68M>I 68% Dec !70Vi-%! 70% 169 | 69% Corn— I I I June I 32%! 82% | 31V41 31% July !32%-33i32%-33!31%-22>31%-32 Sep"t .-...i33%-% 33%j 32%! 32% Oats- July 24%! 24% i 23%! 23% Sept ! 21%! 21% I 20%j 20% -Mess Pork— I July ! 9 52%! 9 62% 9 52%' 9 60 Sept !9 75 9 82% 970 975 Lard- July !5 75 580 575 575 Sept 585 6 83% 585 585 Short Ribs- July 545 545 5 42% 545 Sept .. 5 52% 555 550 ! 5 52% Cash ouotations were as follows: Flour — Dull. No. 2 spring wheat, 74@76c; No. 8 spring wheat, 70<gS0c; No. 2 red. 82c. No 2 corn 32% c; No. 2 yellow, 32% c. No. 2 oats. 25c; No. 2 white, 2S'A@29c; No. 3 white, 27%!?? 27% c. No. 2 barley, 32@35c. No. 1 flaxseed. $1 12%. Prime timothy seed, $2.60. Mess pork, per bbl $9.60@9.65. Lard, per 100 lbs, $5.70@ 5.77%. Short ribs sides (loose), 55.30@5.65. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 4%@5c. Short clear sides (boxed), $5.75(56. Sugars, cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts— Flour, 5,500 Wbls; wheat 9 100 bu; corn, 305,000 bu; oats, 125,300 bu; rye, 3,500 bu; barley, 3,700 bu. Shipments — Flour 5 298 bbls; wheat, 1.900 bu; corn. 863,500 bu; oats, 216,800 bu; barley, 1,000 bu. 'On the produce exchange today the butter market was firm; creameries. 14@16c; dairies, 11%@13%c. Eggs, steady; fresh, 9%c. MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN. MINNEAPOLIS, June 17.— Market was nervous, wheat opening decidedly lower. Rumors regarding Armour's closing out Leiter wheat have decided effect- July wheat opened at 92c, being the same as Thursday's close, and declined gradually to 87%0, with but little trading done in it A rally of %c was scored by 11:30 a. m. September wheat opened at 71c, being a full cent under Thursday's close, declined to 70% c, gained %c, dropped to 69% c, firmed up to 70c, sold down to 69%0, advanced to e9%(g69%c, declined to 69% c, gained %c, dropped to 69% c by 11:26 and by 11:50 held at 69% c. December wheat opened at 69c, against 6976 c, Thursday's close, dropped to 68% c, gained %c, declined to 67% c. firmed up to 68c, lost %c by 11:30 a. m. and by 11:50 held at 67% c. The cash wheat was very quiet throughout the session. Offerings were very light, but the demand seemed to be etlll more light. Local millers were absent, and the shipping demand almost nothing. Prices are lower In Bymipathy with the futures market. June wheat closed at 86% c, July at 86% c, September at 69 l-16c and Deoembsr at 67% c. RANGE OF PRICES. Open- High- Law- Cloving, ing. est. est Frl. Thurs. June 86% 92 July 92 92 Bfi% 86 92 September 71 71 69 69% 72 December 68 .69 67% 67% 69% On track— No. 1 hard, 89% c; No. 1 north ern, 87% c; No. 2 northern, 8494 c; June oats, 25% c; June corn, 30% c. Curb on September wheat CB% Puts 67% Calls 70@70% SOME SAMPLE SALES. No. 1 northern, 2 ears 93 No. 2 northern, 8 cars 90 No. 2 northern, 2 cars 89% No. 3 Wheat, 1 car 88 No. 3 wheat, 3 cars 83 No. 3 wheat, to arrive, 8 cars 83 No. 8 wheat, 1 car 88 Rejected wheat, 1 car 82 FLOUR. . The flour market today was very dull and heavy. Some good sales were made yesterday and the day before with Khe outlook bright for a good dem-amd. The demoralized condi tion of the wheat market, howerver, has dashed the miller's hopes once more. First patents $4 90@>5 20 Second patents 4 75@>5 00 Firet clears 3 86@4 00 Second clears 3 60@3 iO I BRAN, SHORTS AND COARSE GRAIN. Bran in bulk $8 50® 9 (0 Shorts in bulk 9 eo@lO CO Middlings in bulk 12 Oo@l2 50 Red dog. 40-lb sacks, f. o. b 15 0?@16 CO Feed in 200-lb 6acks $1 per ton additlonl in 100-lto sacks, $1.50 additional. Prices are firm, with a good demand at quotations. Corn Is weak, 81% c No. 4; 30% c for No 3- No. 3 yellow, 31% c. ' ' Oats are very weak; No. 3 held at 25526 - No. 3 white held at 26%e. Rye— No. 2 quoted at 42% c; no sales. Barley— Feed barley quoted at 28c; no sales The trade Is good with a fair demand. Values are looking upward. Coarse corn meal and cracked corn, In sacks, per ton, sack 3 x . cx t r a ••••••■ $12 75@18 75 No. 1 ground feed, 2-3 corn, 1-3 oats, 80-lb sacks, sacks extra. . 13 75@14 25 No. 2 ground feed, % corn, % oats 75-lb sacks, sacks extra 14 25@14 75 STATE GRAIN INSPECTION. Northern. Ra'lroads. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Re]. NO G. N.— Breck Dlv 12 8 11 G. N.— O. F. Div * .... C, M. & St. P 6 2 i " M. & St. L 12.. Northern Pacific • *+• C St. P., M. & 0 18 7!'. I Totals 4 13 16 ~B ~6 Other Grains— Winter wheat. 8; No. 3 corn 1; no grade corn, 1; No. 3 oats, 10; no grade oats, 4: No. 2 rye, 1; no grade barley, 1; No 1 flax, 1. Cars Inspected Out— Wheat— No. 1 northern 18, No. 2 northern, 17; No. 3, 32; rejected' 34; No. 3 corn, 21; no grade corn 8- No a oats, 6; No. 1 flax, 3. ' 8 RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Received— Wheat, 48 cars, 54.050 bu; corn 6,840 bu; oats, 15,540 bu; barley, 2,280 bu- rye! 1,020 bu; flax, 640 bu; oil, 75,000 lbs- flour 300 bbls; millstuffs, 60 tons; hay, 106 tons ; fruit, 180,252 lbs; merchandise. 1,338,639 lbs : lumber, 13 cars; posts and, 2 cars ma chinery, 434,800 lbs; coal, 283 tons; wood, 17 cords; brick, 73.000;. lime, 2 cars; cement 200 bbls; ties, 2 cars; stone and marble, 10 cars dressed meats, 109. 5C0 lbs; railroad materials' 6 cars; sundries, 27 cars; car lots, 333 Shipped— Wheat, 23 cars, 17,250 bu; oats 3,300 bu; barley, 1.560 bu; rye, 580 bu- flax' 1,860 bu; flour, 12.778 bbls; mriJlstuffs 469 tons; fruit, 72,000 lbs; merchandise, 2.341,030 lbs; lumber. 108 cars; machinery, 663 480 lbs brick, 33,000; cement, 325 bbls; ties. 6 cars : stone and marble, 1 car; live at»ck, 1 car; ,' railroad materials, 11 cars; sundries, 16 cars; car lots, 496. DULTJTH GRAIN. DULUTIf, Minn., June 17.— Market dull nnd weak. September opened l^o off at 711^c, sold up to 71^o In 10 minute 3, off to 70%0 at 11:40, rallied to 7«% cat 12:20 and at 12:30 VFaS quoted at 70% c. Cash, 4,000 No. 2 northern mills, at §7c. Wheat stocks will decrease 150,066 this week. Car Inspection- Wheat, 84; corn, 7; oats, 0; rye, I; flak', 3. Receipts— Wheat, 73,803; corn, 6,086; oats, 2, --269; rye, 1,797; flax, 4,421. Shipments- Wheat, 50,788; oats, 30,000; rye, 17,000. Sep tember closed 70e. Spot, No. 1 hard, 86c; No. 1 northern, 84c; No. 2 northern, 80c; No. 3 spring, 75c; to arrive, No. 1 hard, 86e; No. 1 northern 84c; No. 1 hard, July, 86c; Sep tember, 71c; No. 1 northern, July, 84c; oats, 26<5200; rye, 43c; barley, 270; flax, $1.10; Sep tember, $1.08%; corn, 28M>c OTHER GRAIN MARKETS. GRAIN GOSSIP. Gossip by private wire to C. H. F. Smith & Co., St. Paul, members of the New York stock exchange aud Chicago board of trade: Modern Miller: Another week of p:ag nant trade conditions. Flour buying is lim ited to actual needs, also domestic buyers awaiting developments on new crop. Export business only fallr. Harvesting progress- Ing rapidly throughout the southern and ':en tral winter wheat belt, and returns confirm predictions of large yield and fine quality. Wet weather has not yet materially affected conditions. Kansas City: Glorious weather prevails. The roar of thunder and patter of rain haVe been succeeded by the click of the harvester and vibration of the thresher In the land of Kansas and Oklahoma. Capt. Phillips has a letter from his farms In Kansas which recites a poor story about corn being; backward, weedy and with wheat harvest preventing cultivation. NEW YORK. NEW YORK, June 17.— Flour— Receipts, 14,571 bbls; exports, 6.301 bbls. Weak and 15 @ 25 cents lower. Wheat— Receipts, 184,075 bu. ; exports, 440,602 bu. ; spot, weak; No. 2 red, 89c f. o. b., afloat; options experienced another weak day and closed about the low est at 1%@4 cents net decline, late on July. Bears were vigorous short sellers on cables, improved crop advices and bearish modern miller report. No. 2 »ed July. 81@85c; c.osod, 81% c. Corn— Receipts. 1C5.300 bu. ; exports, 110,285 bu. Spot, weak; No. 2. 37% c: options developed further weakness in response to more favorable crop rospeets, liquidation lower cables and the break in wheat; closed l^c net lower. July, 36%@37< / 4c; closed, 36% c. Oats— Receipts. 182,400 bu. ; exports, 14,761 bu. No. 2 white, 32c; options were dull and weak with corn, closing %c net K>w er. July closed 29c. ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS, June 17.— Wheat, lower; No. 2 red cash elevator, 81c; track, 85@86c; July, "lVfec; September, 65%@66c; December, 67% c; No. 2 hard, nominal. 85@87c. Corn, lower; No. 2 cash, 32c; July, 30% c; September, 31% c; Oats, lower; No. 2 cash, 24c; track, 24c; July, 24c; September, 21c; No. 2 white, 29% - Rye steady, 40c. Flaxseed, nominal, $1.10. Lard, dull, easy, $3.80 sellers. Spelter, firm, $4.80 @4.85. MILWAUKEE. MILWAUKEE. June 17.— Flour, lower; wheat, lower; No. 1 northern. 92c; No 2 northern, 90c; July, 87V4c. Oats lower, 26® 27% c. Rye, steady; No. 1, 44% c. Barley dull sample, 35c. ST. PAUL PRODUCE. Butter In fair supply. Price unchanged. Egg-s in good demand. Fair offerings. Fru t3 more abundant. The price of butter remained practically unchanged under a fair supply and good de mand. Eggs were not offered In very larg> quantities, but the trade in them was act.v?, largely for local use and storage. Fruit Is becoming more and more remtiful. Water melons and peaches are coming forward In good supply. Strawberries are very choice and largely from Minnesota lots. Corrected exclusively for The Globe every day by the secretary of the board of trade. The following are the quotations: Apples— Ben Davis, per bbl, $4.50; Genltnns per_ bbl, $3@3.50; Willow Twigs, per obi, Apricots— Per box, $1.40@1.75. Bananas— Choice Shipping— Large bunches $2 @2.25; smail bunches, $1.75@2. Beans— Per Bu— Brown, $1; dirty lots 60@S5c fancy navy, $1.25; medium, hand-picked, Beef — Per Lb — Country -dressed, 6@.%cs; rough, <%@4c. Berries— Blackberries, 24 qts, $1.50; red ra'P borrles, $1.50; black raspberries, $1.50: Wis consin, lowa and Illinois strawberries, 16 qts, 90c@$l. Butter— Per Lb— Creameries, extras, 15>4@ 15!£c; creameries, firsts, 14@14M>c; cream eries, as to grade, 11%@13%c; imitations, 13@13%c; dairies, hand separator, Me: dairies, extras, 13@13>£c; dairies, firsts 11 @12c; ladles, extra, 12c; ladles, packing stock. 10% c. Cabbage — California, Cairo, crate, $1; South ern, erato, 150 lbs, $2@2.25. Cheese— Per Lb— Brick, No. 1, 10c; Brick. No. 2, B@9c; Limburger, 10c; Swire, 12@13c; Minnesota and Wisconsin, new, B@BV2C; Young America, fancy, new, 9@9Vjc; priin ost, 6@6%. Cherries — Royal Anne, $1.25; back char tarians, $1; back Oregons, 90c@$l; South ern, 16 qts, $1.50. Cider— Sweet, per bbl, $5@5.50; sweet, p?r half bbl, $2.75@3; hard, per bbl, $5®6; hajd, per half bbl, $3@3.50. Dried Peas— Per Bu— Fancy yellow, 80®85e: medium yellow, 70@75c; fancy green, &C@ 90c; medium green 70@750. Eggs— Cases Included, Per Doz— Fresh stock, loss off, BM>c; seconds, 6c. Fish— Per Lb— Pickerel, 3c; croppies, Do; trout, lake, 6c; whiteflsh, 6c. Frogs' Legs— Per doz, s@loc. Grape Fruit— Per Box— California, $5@5.50. Hogs— Clean, Per Lb— Heavy, 4?4c; light, 5 1 /i@s l /£c; medium, sc. Honey — Per Lb Sections — Buckwheat, 9c; ex- | traded amber, 6@6 1 / & c; extracted white, 6'^@ 7Vfec; Golden Rod, 9@10o: white, choice, 11© 12c; white, fancy, 12@l»c. Lemcns— New— California, 300 to 3605, $3.50® 4; Messinas, choice, 300s, $4@4.50; Messinas, fancy, 300s, $4.50@5; ■Messinas, choice, 3605, $3.50; Mesalnas, fancy, 380s, $5. Maple Sugar— Per Db— Ohio, in bricks, 10c; Veimont, in bricks, 10c; Western, in bricks, 9c. Maple Syrup — Per gallon, 75@80c; per half gallon, 45@50c. Mutton — Per Lb — Bucks, 4%@5c; country dressed, 7@Bc; fall lambs, fat, 7Mj@Bc; milk lambs, pelts off, 9c. Nuts — Almonds, new, small quantities, 11@ 12c; almonds, Tarragona, sacks 100 M>s, 12c; almonds, California. 75 lbs, 12c; Tarragona, small Quantities, 14c; filberts, sacks about 200 lbs, SM>c; filberts, small quantities, 10c; hickory, per bu, 60c@$l; peanuts, per lb, raw, 6@6}fcc; peanuts, per lb, roasted, 7c; pecans, new Texas, polished, 100-lb sacks, 6@9c; pecans, small quantities, 9@loc; wal nuts, California, soft, per rb, 10@llc; wal nuts, California, hard, sacks 100 to 110 lbs, 10@llc: walnuts, English, per lb, small, 8c; black walnuts, bu, $1. Onions— Per Bu— Southern, sack, $2; Califor nia, sack, $2.50@3. Oranges — Per Box — Blood, half-box, $3.50; Mediterranean sweets, $2.50@3; seedlings, choice, $2<g>2.20; seedlings, fancy, $2.26@2.50. Peaches — Per Basket, 70@90c. Pineapples — Per Doz — Indian Rivers, crate, $4.50@5. Plums— Per Box — California, 24-qt, $1.50. Potatoes, 90ffi95c; Bui banks, oar lots, per bu, 45@S0c; mixed stock, per bu, 25@30c. Poultry — Per Lb — Spring chickens, large, 14c; spring chickens, small, ll@12c; hens, 7@ 7V4c; live turkeys, 7c; live roosters, s@sM.c. Veal— 'Per Lb— Coarse and thin, B^iff^Ac; country dressed, B%c; good, 90 to ICO lbs, 7@7%c. Vegetable* — Green — Asparagus, per doz, 2-"c; beans, string, per bu. box, $1; beans, wax, per bu. box, $1; beets, per d-oz, bunches, 15c; cucumbers, per dor. Southern, 40c; cu cumbers, home grown, 50c; lettuce, field, per dloz 'bu, 15c; lettuce, head, per bu, 40c; new carrots, per doz, 40c; new turnips, per bu, $1; onions, per doz, 7c; parsley, per doz, 16c; pie plant, 100-lb box, 40c; radishes, per doz bunches, s@6c; a pinach, per bu, 20c; tomatoes, 4 ba3. 15o; watercress, doz, 250; cauliflower, bu, $1.25; pcs, home grown, bu, 50c; mint, doz, 20c; watermelons, 30c. SEED MARKETS. CHICAGO, June 17.— The flaxseed market was dull and lower in sympathy with every thing else on the floor. It cannot be called weak, yet it is not strong. Receipts here were one car, three cars at Duluth and one car at Minneapolis. The official close as reported by the Weare Commercial company Is as follows: Cash flax at $1.12%@1.13; Northwest at $1.13; June at $1.13; September at $1.08%, and Octo ber at $1.08»4 per bu. Cash timothy seed closed at $2.66 per 100 lbs. Clover seed closed at $6.10 per 100 lbs, Minneapolis. Flaxseed quoted at $1.07% per bu; October, $1.06. BUTTER AND EGGS. NEW YORK, June 17.— Butte-r— Receipts, 4,?63 pkgs; Bteady; Western creamery, 18 w,® 17c; Elglna, 17o; factory, 10%@12%c. Eggs- Receipts, 4,830 ukgs; steady; Southern, lbli© lie. LIVE STOCK MARKET. A I.l»ht Run, Cattle Steady— —A Few Good Ones Offering Hoffa 5 Cents Lower, South St. Paul. SOUTH 9T. PAUL,, June 17.— Receipts at the Union stock yards: Cattle, 100; calves 50 --hogs, 600; horses, 4. There was the usual light run- for the closing days of the week The cattle market was steafiy. Some goci butcher stock sold well but the supply fell far short of the demand. The offerings qz hogs, though light, contained some good lots. Prices were 5c lower. A period of dulness Is apprehended, but shippers bringing in good stock, will find a ready market for all they can furnish. Hogs— The market lost n^ost of the advance yesterday, being a flat nickel lower, in syju pathy with the ESfetej-n doeltne; the quality was not so good us yjepterday; there was a good demand front^pacßfers and city butchers. Representative sales: No. Wt7D'k'ieTPrJoeT'J> T o. Wt. D'k'ge. Price. 6 252 120 $3-l» -'9 170 . . $3 70 8 Soft . . 3CO 56 29$ 80 370 31 248 120 - 360 f,S 183 40 878 14 295 . . 860 "51 195 160 376 28 228 80 3?60 38 226 80 3 77% 4 305 . . 86 5 28 248 80 8 77% 31 242 SO $05 . 78 22G 120 3 77% 92 221 240 3_67% 25 222 80 3 77% 18 192 ■ . g%Q f7l 216 40 3_Bo _ * Cattle — Strong and active on good, dry-fed cattle; grasses and common steady; big bulls are Blow and weak; stockers and feeders steady and pens bare of stock. Representative ealea: | Butcher Cows and Heifers — No. Wt. PflreTTNo. Wt. Price. 1 820 $3 75' 1 1030 $2 80 1 850 iia',l ....'...910 3 CO 1 1040 3 4(> ! 2 1070 3 15 1 1040 3 2>! 1 1040 2 (-0 1 1120 3 40 1 920 2 50 2 1000 8 10 1 960 3 50 1 t 960 2 7oi 3 956 3 50 1 1120 3 60 2 1055 3 35 2 1110 3 6j| 1 1060 2 30 1 880 2 35 1 1130 4 00 3 973 3 05 1 1020 4 10 Stock Cows and Feeders— No] WtT~Price7 No7~ Wt. Price. 1 490 $3 8) 1 870 $3 03 1 3)0 3 50 1 460 3 C 6 1 6SO 3 2") 2 510 3 50 2 7(5 3 05 3 633 3 00 13 338 8 86 1 &10 3 10 1 ...;. 730 309 7 514 3 75 Veal Calves — No] Wt. Price-! No. Wt. Price. 2 140 $6 03) 1 103 $5 25 Stockers and Feeders — No. Wt. PrTceTlNo] Wt. Price. 1 30 $4 £0, 3 &36 4:5 2 205 47615 345 3 80 1 430 4:52 175 4 75 1 220 4 85 8 422 3 80 1 490 4 bO 2 415 3 SO 2 I^o $4 2ql 1 2SO 5 00 Bulls— No. Wt. Price. I No. Wt. Price. 2 735 $1 66 1 1460 $3 15 3 1416 3 0" 1 1440 3(0 1 1210 3 (5 5 52S 3 75 1 910 310 1 640 390 1 900 3 40 Butcher Steers — No] Wtrpri"ce".lNo] Wt7 Price. 20 .1213 $4 J?o| 1 1090 $4 10 Milkers and Springers — No. Price. No. Price. 1 c and 1 c.for $36 00 1 cow ......for $34 03 2 cows .....for 62 00 2 cows for 65 00 1 cow ! for 30 00' 2 cows for 72 0D 6 c and 3 c.for ISO oa' 1 c and 1 c.for 33 00 Sheep — Strong and active; good demand and very few offered ; local feeders sold a good sized bunch to local dealers. Representati\ c sales: No] Wt7~~Prioe I No! Wt. Price. 13 sh'rd l'mbs 66 V 70 ,1 buck 120 $3 60 2 130 4 6j| Disposition of Stock — a • I Cattle. Hog 3. Sheep. Swift & Co ... .',... ...41 639 218 A. D. Stacy . . 3 Hankey Bros 4 ... ... Shimmer & Thomas .15 Ronan Bros 7 The Sutplin Co . h . .... 3 80 J. Bolton 9 Lytle & Raeburn -....12 G. W. Marston .-. 17 E. Turner 50 W. E. McCormick 2 9 16 R. Ames 23 J. F. Weir 168 Armour Packing Co .... 18 J. T. McMillan 76 Haas Bros 40 MILCH COW EXCHANGE. Lytle & Raeburn's report: Choice milkers and springers in demand at fairly good prices; common and poor cows riot sought after; dry cows steady. . Representative Sales — No. Price. 'No. Price. C cows ..".:. ..$223j3 cowa..^ $100 4 c0w5..... 140|2 cows 55 AMONG THE SHIPPERS. The following were on the market wilh stock: Fa'rbank & .Proll, Owatonna, mixed load; Thomas Larson, Hayfleld, hogs; W. Hallard, West Waterloo," cattle; Delaney Bros., Prairie Lake, hogs; A. H. Pettus, St. Peter, 4 horses; Petters & Chapel, St. Pfter, hogs; D. D. Nichols, Red Wood, mixed load; Miller & Steel, orter, hogs; J. O. Dow, Can non Falls, mixed load; W. C. Eluck, R d Wing, mixed load; Charles Dealtay, Adrian, hogs; Porter, Young & Williams, Le Roy, hogs; Charles O. Allen, Faribault, mixed load; O. S. Hansen, Sandowu, mixed load; William Campbell, Paynesville, hugs; John S. Hagerle, St. Bonifacius, hogs; Mllbreath & Schwartz, Lester Prairie, hogs: The following drove stock in: H. Hager meister, A. B. Bruch, Aug. Olsen, George Es linger, Edwd. Frolleke, Aug. Peterson, J. H. Maas, A. Newbauer, H. J. Barber. COMMISSIONS AND INSPECTION. Commissions, Etc. — Public inspection of hogs, 30c per car. On double-deck loads, 50c per car. Dressed animals, including lumpy jawed cattle and meats, are condemned. Sales, unless otherwise stated, per 100 lbs. live weight. Dead hogs, 100 lbs and over, %c per lb, less thon 100 lbs of no value. All ani mals apparently affected with actinomycosis or lumpy-Jaw, or having any swelling on the head or neck, are subject to inspection by the state veterinarian. If they pass their car casses are sold for food, otherwise for fertil izer, etc. Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40 lbs, and 3tags. altered boars, 80 lbg each. Yardage: Cattle, 25c; hogs, 8c; sheep, 5c per head. Feed: Corn, 60c per bu; tay, 75c per 100 lbs: bedding, 50c per 100 lbs. Com missions: Six dollars carload for single deck carloads of hogs and sheep, and $10 carload for double-deck carloads of the same. Fifty cents per head for cattle of all ages, up to $12 per carload; veal calves in less than car lots not less than 25c per head; cars of cattle con taining less than five veal calves of less than 200 lbs weight each, the commission on the calves discretionary. Double-deck cars of calves, $18. Mixed carloads of stock, 50c per head for cattle, 25c per head for calves, iOo per head for hogs and sheep, up to $12 per carload. Thirty head and over of hogs and sheep arriving ut these yards in a single car to be charged ?6 per car; less than carload lots, 50c head for cattle, 25c head for calves; under thirty head of hogs or sheep, lac per head. Public Inspection of hogs 30c per car. Telegraphic market reports, except when quoting bona fide sales made the same day the telegram is sent for the person to whom the telegram is addressed, are at the expense of the recipient. All live stock not suitable tor human food is condemned by the govern ment Government Inspection— Cattle, hogs and sheep are held on account of advanced preg nancy. Cows within a month of parturition and for ten days after will be BUbject to con demnation, also sheep and hogs three weeks before and ten days after. The government inspectors in the various slaughter houses j condemn the meat of all cows that have calves inside with hair on. The inspection of hogs made by the government inspectors at the scales before weighing is very close and their decision Is final, salesmen having no ap peal therefrom. All badly pregnant sows, hogs with bunches, bolls, and also hogs with cuts on the hams and shoulders "Bob" or "Deacon" calves are- condemned. Scabby sheep and those that are emaciated are thrown ouf. Midway Horse Market. Barrett & Zimmerman's report: The tona of the market opened dull with more offer- Ings on hand to meet the present inquiry. There 1b no urgent vitality in the trade. The buying by the 'Manitoba dealers has ceased to a certain extent, but calculate from sellable reports that a general good trade will be placed on this market from that source again in a week. Price* have no new developments, holding in the same line as yesterday, with a slight indication of a rise on the heaviest erf best cfass of horses. A large quantity of cavalry horses has been placed on the mar ket. These are 'horse's 15 to 16 hands high, weighing from 900 to 1,100 pounds. The nom inal value of horsed from 4 to 7 Tears Is as follows: Wt. Price. Drafters, extra, ranging 1,600 $115 Drafters, common, ranging 1,600 75 Farm horses, extra, ranging 1,400 105 Farm horses, common, ranging ....1,400 80 Farm horses, common, ranging ....1,300 60 Drivers, extra, ranging 1,000 125 Drivers, livery, ranging 1,000 90 Mlnneapnll*. NEW BRIGHTON, June 17.— Receipts, 250 hogs, 85 cattle. Hogs— Market weak and bo lower; quality good. Sales: 73 hogs, ay 258 lbs; $3.85; 64 bogs, ar 221 lbs, $3.80: 50 hogs, ay 178 lbs, $3.72; 61 hogs, ay 200 lbs. $8.70. Cattle— Firm on butchers' grades. Sales: 8 cows, ay 871 lbs, $2.80; 1 bull, ay 1,276 lbs. $2.75; 2 cows, ay 994 lbs, $3.25; 1 canner, ay 730 lbs, $2.50; 4 stockers, ay 632 lbs, $3.90. Chicago. CHICAGO, June 17.— There was a good de mand for cattle to-day. Prices were generally steady. Choice steers, $4.90® 5.35; medium, $4.59@4.67%; beef steers, $4.10@4.45; stackers and feeders. $3.50@5.00; bulls, $2.90@4.20; c»ws and heifers, $3.30@4.75"; calves, $3.50@ 7.25; Western steers, ?4.20®4.90; Texas steers, $3.75(5 4.75. The demand for hogs was fairly active, but prices averaged a dime lower. i Fair to choice. $3.92%<fi)4.07% ; packers, $3.75 I »i.90; butchers. $3.8C©4.02Vi; mixed. $3.75® THE ST. PAUI, GLOBE SATURDAY JUNK 18, 1898. 4.00; light, |3.65@3.95; pigs, $3.70@8.50. The supply ol sheep was well taken at steady prices. Native Bheep, $3.26(g>5.15; rams, $2 50 @4.00; fed lambs, $4.00; shorn Jambs, $4.25® 6.10; spring lambs. $6.00@6.50. Receipts, cattfe, 8,000; hogs, 28,000; sheep, 8,000. • Slonx City. SIOUX CITY, 10., June 17.—Cattle—Re ceipts, 400; shipments, 484; market dull, 10® 16c lower. Sales: 4 cows, average 1,120 lbs. $2; 5 cows, average 980 lbs, $8.70; 9 stock heifers, average 701 lbs, $3.86; 12 stock heifers average 340 lbs, $4.50; 2 bulls, average 1,330 lbs, $2.85; 1 bull, 870 lbs, $3.60; % bulls, aver age 420 lbs, $3.86; 7 stockers and feeders, av erago 998 lbs, $3.90; 12 stockera and feeders, average 743 lbs. $4.70; 12 calves, average 492 lbs, $4.45; 16 calves, average 241 lbs, $4.45; 6 yearlings, average Gl2 lbs, $4; 13 yearlings, average 511 lbs, $4.90. Hogs— Receipts Thurs day, 1,849; shipments, none; market about 10c lower, selling $3.70@3.85. Bulk of sales, $3.75 @3.80. Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA, June 17.—Cattle—Re ceipts, 2,000; market steady to strong; native beef steere, $3@4.90; Western steers. $3.85® 4.45; Texas steers, $3.25(54.30; cows and heifers, $3.60<5'4.30- stockers and feeders, $4® 5.10; calves, $4.50@7: bulls, stags, etc., $3@4. Hogs— Receipts, 6,600; market 5c to 10c lower; heavy, $3.80@8.90; mixed, $3.80@3.85; light, $3.75@3.80; bulk of sales, $3.80@3.85. Sheep- Receipts, 100; market strong; fair to ohoice natives, $4®4.65; fair to choice Westerns, $3.80 @4.80; common and stock sheep, $3.50@4.60; lambs, $4.25@6.25. St. loillH. ST. LOUIS. June 17.— Cattle— Receipts, 750 including 500 Texans; market steady to 5c higher for natives; Texans steady; native shipping steers, $4.50@5.20; light and dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.90@4.85; stockera and feders, $3.25@4.70; cows and heifers, $2«? 4.80; Texas and Indian steers, $3.80(ft4.30; cow's and heifers, $2.50@3.40. Hogs— Receipts, 4,500 head; market s@loc lower; yorkers, $3.75® 3.85; packers. $3.80@3.90; butchers', $3.8503.90. Sheep— Receipts, 3.500, including 3,200 Tex ans; market steady; native muttons, $4.25 ©4.50; lambs, $5@6.35; Texas grass sheep, $4 @4.60. Kaunas City. KANSAS CITY, June 17.— Cattle— Receipts. 3,500; market steady; native steers, $3.2f.i3) 4.95; Texas steers, $3.35@4.60; Texas cows, $2.50@3.50; native cows and heifers, $2@4.75; .stockers and feeders, $3.55@5.40; bulls, $2.75® 3.85. Hogs— Receipts, 15,000; market s@loc lower; bulk of sales, $3.75@3.90; heavies, $3.80 @4; packers, $3.65@3.90; mixed, $3.60®3.95; lights, $3.40@3.75; yorkers, $3.70@3.75; pigs, $3@3.60. Sheep— Receipts, 2,000; market strong; lambs, $4.50@5.50; muttons, $3@5. STOCKS WEKE STAGNANT. The Result of Uncertain and Wait ing Temper of Specula tion. _i l FINANCIAL SUMMARY. Prey. Close. Day. Bar silver, New York... 57% 58% Call money, New York. .1%@1% 1% _ __ NEW YORK, June 17.— The uncertain and. waiting temper of speculation was shown no less today by the stagnation in railroad stocks than by the disposition to take up different members of the group known, as specialties. Dealings in the railroad list were few and far between, and the only movement of prices was the sagging tendency almost inev.ta'ols In a lifeless market. Definite information as to the conditions of the coming crops is what speculators would most like to have. The markets were full of rumorß today of damng3 and deteriorlation to the crops. The fai'uri of the wheat market to reflect any crop dam age was attributed to large selling »,f i»v<? ac cumulations of the Leiter deal. But, coupk-d with the reports of crop damage, it served to confuse the speculative mir.d and di&courage operations. Money also showed a slowly hard nlng tendency, and sterling exchange advanced en demand for remittance of dividends and in terest due to foreign holders on July 1. Th 3 violent movement of several of the specialt e3 reflected the general condition, and was with out ffect on the market beyond the st'Ck immediately dealt in. Tobacco, the rubbe* stocks, General Electric, Leather pre'errtd and Lead all showed substantial advances, the dealings in Tobacco being on an enor mous scale. Sugar fluctuated in a most ec centric manner all day over a range of *ok points, part of the time above and part of I the time below yesterday's closing price. Railway bonds were very du!l. in sympathy with stocks, but prices were tetter held. To tal sale-s, $2,690,000. United States 4s reg s tered declined %: do coupon and the old I 4s registered %, the old 4s coupon % 'n the I bid price. The ntw 4s registered and the old ; 4s registered rose 2% and 1% respectively on I sales over the previous sale. I The total sales of stocks were 292,100 shares, including, 6,247 Atchifwn pfd. 5,210 C. & 0., 4 8.945 Burlington, 8,650 C. C. C. & St. L.. 25,020 Manhattan, 4,070 Missouri Pacific, ♦23} Northern Pacific pfd, 8,655 Rock Island, 1,580 i St. Paul, 81,255 Tobacco, 3,630 Chicago Or. at Western, 8,970 Peoria, 3,481 General Electric, 4,319 Sugar. 12,130 Leather pfd, 4,845 Rubber, 6,871 Leather pfd. The following were the fluctuations of the leading railway and industrial shares fur nished by C. H. F. Smith & Co.. members New York stock exchange and Chicago board of trade: §S ? 2 a a- ? 3. aS % 5 m r m Am. Tobacco 114%| 116%[ 113 | 116 Am. Spirits 14% 1 14%| 14 | 13% do pfd 37 | 37% | 37 | 36% Atchison ! 13%| 13%' 13% 13% do pfd I 32% 33 32% 32% Am. Cotton Oil 20 Bay State Gas f 3%| 3% 3% 3% Brooklyn R'pd Tnsit.. | 51% 1 51%! 51 I 51% B. & O I 20%! 21% 20%| 20% C, B. & Q I 105 105 104 11*% C, C, C. & St. L.... 44%! 44% 42%| 4i% Ches. & Ohio 106 | 105 (104 | 104% Chicago aGs 99%-! 93%! 93% | 9fc% Canada Southern .... 51%! 51%! 51%| 51% Col. Fuel & Iron I j I 20% C. G. W 14%| 14% 14 14 C. G. W I 32 Delaware & Hud I | 109% D. L. & W i 1154 D., ». G. & W | | 50% Erie i I 13% do pfd | 36 | 36 I 36 | 35% General Electric . . ..| 37%| 3i% 37%! 87% Great, Northern pfd .'.] | | | 177 Hocking Valley .... 6% 6%! e%| 6% Illinois Central ICS 105 | 105 104% Jersey Central .. .. 94%| 94%! 92% 93% Kansas & Texas | ; 1 11 do pfd 83%! 33% 83% 31% Lead 33% 36% 33% 34% Linseed Oil 17 Laclede Gas | 48% L. & N 62%[ 52% 1 52% T2% L. B. & W I | 71 Leather pfd 64%| 66 I 64% 65% •Manhattan Con .... 104 | 105% 103% 105 Met Traction 161% ! 161%| 169%! 160 ■Minnesota Iron .. .. 73% 73% i 73% i 73% ■M. & St. L | 27% do Ist pfd t. 95% do 2d pfd 61 I Missouri Pacific .. ..| 35% 35% 34^4 35 ! Michigan Central | 103 103 103 103 N. P. common | 29 | 29% 28% 2<v% do pfd I 68% i 68% 68% 65% N. Y. C | 115] 1%16% 115%| 11P% Northwestern \ 125%! 125' A 124% i 125% N. Y. Gas ' 198% l 199 j 396 I 195% North American .. ..| 6% 1 6%! 6%| 6% Norfolk & Western..! 51%! 51%! 51% l 51% Omaha pfd j j 149 O. & W i | 15. Pacific Mail 28%! 23% 2S%| 2»% Pennsylvania R'y I I 116% Pullman f 188 Reading ... 19% 19%| 19%| 19% do let pfd 46 46 I 45% 45% Rock Island 106% 196%! 105% 106% Southern R'y | 57% do pfd 29% 29% 29%' 29% Silver certificates ...I 57% S. R. & T. Co I- 6 Sugar Refinery | 133%! 134% 132%j 132% St. Paul 99% 1 99%| 98%| 99% Tennessee Coal 23% I 23% I 23% 23% Texas Pacific 11%! 11%! 11% 11% U. P., D. & Q 7% 7% 7% 7>| Union Pacific .. ... 23% 23% 28% | ~-l do pfd 59% 59% 68%! 553? U. S. Rubber 21% 23% 21% 23% Western Union 91% 92% 9i% 92%. Wabash 1., | j «o pfd 19%! 19%! "19% 19 W. & L. E 2%| 2%1 2% 2 ♦Ex-dividend 1 per cent. The following were the closing quotations of other stocks as reported by the Associate Press: Can. Pac 85 St. P., m. &~M~I4I~ Can. South .. .. 51% So. Pacific isu Cen. Pac 13% U. P., D. & G 7U C. &E. I 61% W. &L. E " 2 D. &R. Q 12% do pfd n do pfd .. 60% Adams Ex joo Ft. Wayne 168 American Ex .. 127 L. E. &W. pfd .. 71 U. S. Ex 40 ■Met St. R'y 160 Wells-Fargo Ex..120 Mloh. Cen 103 A. Cot. Oil pfd .. 20 N.Y..C. & St. L. 18 do prd 73% do Ist pfd 65 Am. Tobacca pfd. llß% do 2d pfd 31% Cons. Gas 195% Or. R. & N 49 Com. Cable Co ..170 Or. 8. L 30 Illinois Steel .... 50 Ptttsburg , 188 Lead pfd 106 St. L. & 3. F . . 7% Nat. Lin Oil .... 17 do pfd 63% Silver certificates 57% St. Paul 99% S. R. & T 6 do pfd 148% Sugar pfd 112% St. P. & Om 76 |U. S. Leather pfd. 66% do afd MB U. S. Rubber pfd. 86% BONDS. U. S. new 4s reg.l2s N. C. Gs 125 do coup 124% do 4s 1021/. do 43 lO9ftW. P. Gs 115" do coup IUV3! do prior 4s .... 97 do 2ds % do gen 3a 61% do 5s reg 112% N.Y..C. & St.L.4s.lO4Vb District 3 '65a ..1161/.N. & W. 6a 120 Ala. class A 110 " N. W. cons .. ..142 do B 103 do deb. 5s IIS do C 101V4 Or. Nay. lsts 115 do currency .... 90 do 4s 94% Atchlson 4s 93 Or. S. L. 65,t.r... 26^ do adj. 4s 66% do ss,t.r 107»A Can. So. 2ds ....10S% ! Or. Imp. lsts.t.r.. .114 " £•& N. P 86 do 6s,t.r 58% Chicago Term. 4s. !-6 Pacific 6s of '95 . .lul C. &. O. 5s ....114 Reading 4s 85% C., H. & D. 4^5..104% R. O. W. lsts .. 87% D. & R. Q. lsts..!o6'/ 2 IStL. & I.M.con.Ss 94% do 4s 9514! St. L. & S.F.gon.t;sl2o% East Term. Ista ..107%15t. P. con 146V4 Erie Gen. 4a gt p c _ & P-lsU-118^ F.W. & D.lsts.t.r. 72V4 do 5s 116% Gen. Elec. 5s 103 So. R'y. 5s 94% G. H. &S. A. 68.105 S. R. &T. Us .... 67 .do 2ds 105 Term. new set 35.. 91 H. &T.C. 5a ....111 T. P., L. G., 15U..105'4 ■do con. 6s ....104 do reg. 2ds ....39'4 lowa C. lsts ....101% U. P. 4e 9t;% La. new cons. 4s.l(W U.P..D. & G.lsts 62% L. &. N. TJnl. 4s 90 Wab. Ist 5s 109 Missouri 6s 100 do 2ds 84% M. K. &T. 2ds ..63 W. S. 4s 10S do 4s 87% Va. centuries 71% N. Y. C. lsts . .119 do deferred .... B'A N. J. C. 5s 113% NEW YORK MINING. STOCKS. Ch °lor $5 6o,Ontarlo "TTT. $2 50 Crown Point 5 Ophlr 3-') Con. Cal. & Va. . 38 Plymouth 12 Deadwood 41 Quicksilver .. ..100 Gould & Curry .. 10 do pfd 203 Hale & Norcross. 7u Sierra Nevada .. 55 Homestake 4D 00 Standard 1 5o Ir!on Silver 65 Union Con 15 'Mexican 12 Yellow Jaoket 15 WEEKLY DANK CLEARINGS. The following table, compiled by Brai street's, shows the bank clearings for ihe week, with the percentage of increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: |_ n - 1 Inc. 1 JgqT Now York I $754,493.4121 ~2lJi Boston 105,0:9,449! 17.61 Chicago I 108.241.996: 26.5 Philadelphia 71,092,382 i 22.6 St. Louis I 27,301055 Pittsburg 16,989.413 17.0 Baltimore 19.767,844 41.5 San Francisco 15,922,866 15.1 Cincinnati 13.210 050 2.0» .. Kansas C!>ty 10.504.077 l 8.4 i New Orleans 6 903,7061 7.2| Minneapolis 8,548,019! 32. 7 i Detroit 6,£35,995 i 23.1 Cleveland 7,765,284; 24.2 Louisville 7,016,450 12.5 Providence 5,503 COO 1.4 Milwaukee 6.422 973; 26.9 ... St. Paul 4,147.3021 23.4 Buffalo 3,896.290 1.7 Omaha 6,248,330 34.21 Indianapolis 6,191,384 5.4 i ColumbU3, 0 3.845,200 1 1.9 Washington 2.048,590 4.3 Portland, Or 2,040.499 100.7 Dcs Moines 1.252.349 i 34 3. Seattle 1,351,001 108.5 Tacoma 864.562! 156. 8t Spokane 808,832! 36.2 Sioux City 708.014! 11.8 Fargo, N. D £03 033' 62.4 Sioux Falls, S. D.... 103,296! 98.0 Toledo 1,739.9321 14.2 Helena 617,542 Totals, U. 5.... $1,269,686,480! 20.4 Totala ouUsldo N. Y. 515,193,0681 19.4! DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal' $137758^925 f. I Toronto 8,316,2721 20.6 Winnipeg 1,799,072! 32.5 Totals I $26,298,338J 8-5? WALL STREET GOSSIP. New York stock gossip, reported by H. Hol bert & Son, bankers ajid brokers, 341 Rob?rt ! street, National German-American Bank building, St. Paul: Post & Flagg wire us: Today's market was dull, from beginning to end. and, al though the appearance was rather wsak, 1 there was more or less deceptive buying made by room traders, who were the only selleis. I These professionals are, almcst to a man. j bearish, exactly why they don't seem to bi able to say. The only reason they give is that prices are hig'a enough and the bull I market Is over. We don't atjres with this feeling, for we think the market acts as If the reaction were about over, for on the de cline dealings are very light ar.d tons dull. Should any favorable news come, such ai a capture of the Spanish fleet, there will be a lively time among present sellers to get their stocks back. FOREIGN FINANCIAL. NEW YORK. June 17.— The Evening Post's London financial cablegram: The stock mar kets here were very dull today. The ony feature was the flatness of Brazils on a lull exchange. Controversy ranges about the Brazilian funding scheme, Issued direct from ; the Rothschilds, but it may be safely as ! serted that the scheme was the be3t that could be devised under the clrcumstanc:a. Americans were flat, but closed bstter. NEW YORK MONEY. NEW YORK, June 17.— Money on call steady at 1V4@1%; last loan, 1%.' Prime mercantile paper. 3@4 per cent. Sterling ex change firm, with actual business In bank »rs" bills at $4.85%@4.55% for demand, and at $4.84@4.84 :1 / i for sixty days. Posted rates, $4.55@4.55%, and $4.5C%@4.87. Commercial bills, $4.82%@4.53. Silver Certificates, 57%@ 68c. Bar silver. 57% c. Mexican dollars, 45% c. TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON. June 17.— T0-day's state ment of the condition of the trasury shows: Availab'e cash balance, $178,346,809; gold re serve. $163,554,825. BANK CLEARINGS. St. Paul, $643,997.07. Minneapolis. $1,082,864. Chicago, $16,869,210. New York, $125,522,604. MISCELLANEOUS. MINNEAPOLIS HIDE MARKET. MINNEAPOLIS, June 17.— Receipts are light; the market Is active, the demand la In excess of the supply. Nevertheless dealers keep sold up close because G. S. hides are at the high-water mark. Prompt shipments eihould be made to take advantage of the high prices, and save travelers' expenses, which comes out of the seller. : No. 1. No. 2. I Green salted steers, over 60 lbs.. .09% .08% G. S. cows, all weights 09% .08% G. S. branded hides, all wts 08 i G. S. bull, stags and oxen, all wts 08 .07 G. S. long-haired kips, 8 to 25 lbs .09 .07% G. S. veal kips, 15 to 25 lbs 10 .08% G. S. veal calf, 8 to 15 lbs 11 .09% G. S. deacon skins, under 8 lbs each 40 .35 Range. Dry Mont, butcher hides, over 12 lbs 13 @ .14 Dry Moni. fallen hides, over 12 lbs 09 @ .0914 D.y Mont, and Dak. h:d.s, over 12 lbs 08% @ .10 Dry kip, 6to 12 lbs 12 @ .14 Dry calf, under 5 lbs 14 @ .16 Dry salted hides, all wts 07V. @ .10 Dry glue stocks, all wts 04% @ .05 All grades green hides and skins, 1 to IVio per lb less than salted. NEW YORK DRY GOODS. NEW YORK, June 17.— The dry goods mar ket showed generally good results. There had been a widening of the demand for 1 bleached cottons since the reduction of the early part of the week and In some quarters stocks have been very materially reduced Staple cottons, aside from bleached goods are unchanged. The export demand Is only I fair. Print cloths are quiet. There have been sales of 20.000 pieces odd goods, but no ! regulars, which are In slightly less active j demand.- Prints are active in all lines, which j have been reduced and In fall fancies. NEW YORK COFFEE. NEW YORK, June 17.— Coffee options open ed steady with prices unchanged to 5 pom's lower; ruled tame with buying checked by bearish average of cables, liberal Krazilian receipts, small United States warehouse de ! liveries and dull spot trade; closed barely steady and 5 points lower. Sales 13 !MH) bags : Including June and July, $5.60. Spot coffee Rio dull and nominal; No. 7 Invoice «•%• I No. 7 jobbing, 6 8-S. Mild inactive Cordova' i 81%@15 ] i. Sugar, raw. quiet bu t steady fair eflning, 3%; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 5-16; refined, steady. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Capitol Building society to Mrs. Annie Gustafson, It 15, blk 44, St. Anthony Park North $700 Carrie L Leonard and husband to J Cody, s 32 ft It 9, blk 5, E Rice's Sec ond add 250 F W Freeman to P Gilbert, It 9, blk IS, White Bear 1 500 Johanna Burke et al to E C Burke, It 2, blk 15, West St. Paul Proper 2,000 Catherine Seeknetter and husband to J A Haussner, Its 1 and 2, blk 5, and It 1, blk 4, Millner's Lake add 75 G D Moore et al to Esther O Beards ley, Its 18 and 19, O'Farrell's Subd blk 91, Dayton's add 650 Olive D Atchison to G D Moore. Its 18 and 19, O'FarreH's Subd bjk 91, Day ton's add 1 B Gerard and wife to J Baucham, w 2-3 It 16, blk 16, Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's add 1 J Beauchamp to Susan Gerard, w 2-3 It 16, blk 16, Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's add 1 C W Hubbard to C Fautle Sr, It 2. Eayfon^s^T' 8 SUbd "*™^ I f sey's Subd blk 26. S, B I R ' K<Un " 5M National Investment compSf'to " B Warren & Rice's add..!!... ' 2 500 E Spiegel and wife to F Spiegel" it's ' blk 26, West St. Paul Proper ' ' t k bpiegel and wife to Louisa Hupbne'r' It 10, blk 30, West St. Paul Proper : 1 Total (16 deeds) turn. In All the World No Trip Like This. Duluth to Buffalo and return via thf mat nin.ent exclusively passenger st'iraS North West and North baud, touching en route "the Soo," Macklnac. Detroit andcL? land. Eastern Minnesota train* (Great North ern line) make close connections at Duluth water °" c hundred mileß of co °' blue FINANCIAL. To loan on approved property ia Minneapolin and St. Paul 5 »« 6% Iv Sams to Salt. R. M. NEWPORT & SON BROKERS. Members -f ?*.* " iork Slock Exchange. } Chicago board of Trade. Stocks, JtotuU, (fraln, t*Tooi*lo>is and Ooilom. ' JMM? Pioneer Press BuUdiny, St. Paul, m,(n. Michael Dor«i. Jttmei Dorm, M. DORAN 6c CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS. 3H_Jaclkson St., St. Paul, Minn. H. HOL3ERT & BON, Bankers an 1 Broker j, Hi HOBEHT BTKEET. BT. PAUL SEED MERCHANTS. GRIiGGS^BROa Soe>d fflarchants. Timothy, Clover, Blue Qraas, Red Top, Ml' let, Hungarian Orchard Oraas, Lawn Grasi etc., etc.. Seed Corn, Buckwheat, Rye and Other seed grain. Our Northern grown Oard n Seeds are unexcelled. Gardau Implement* Poultry Supplies. Write for prices. sutlni quantities wanted. ■ Third and Cedar Streets, St. Paul, Minn. LIVE STOCKS. LYTLE & RAEBURN, CATTLE DEALERS Family and Dairy Cotes a Specially UMON STOCK \AKDB. Brauch, Midwar Cow Market, ami University Ay., at Paul. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Trains leave and arrive at SU Paul as fol lows. LNION DEPOT, SIBLEY STREET. /%o£/tf TICKET OFFICE, k?nßTt^*\# 190 East Third Street. 11 BA"^ 'Phone 1142. Leave, j a Dally, b Except Sunday. | Arri/Q b9:osam l Breck. Div. & B'ches I bs:.?spm bS:2Dam;.F'gus Falls Div. & B'chts.i b4 :3spm tß:2oamj...Willmar, via St. Cloud.. .| b6:lspin a7:oopm Breck., Fargo, Gd.F"ks,W'pg, a7:lDaia al:3opnij Alaska Limited ia6:lspm b4 :3spm ..Excelsior & Hutchinson. .:bll:lsam aß:ooprU;. ... Crookston Express j a" :3oam EASTERN "SINSESOTA «ll:%g! Dulnth^ West Superior. ) »™ggg /^%\ TICKET OFFICE \(flj / R o>>eri & sth Streets. <£tfC\iiyL Btitoß, Bt. T-.-.1. Milwaukee Station, Minneapolis . Dining and Pullman Cars en Winnipeg & Coast Trains. FtCifiC Mail, Dally; Fargo, Bo»manJ Leavo ArrtTO Butte, Helena, Mlssoula, Spokane, Tacoma Seattle and Portland, I:3opm s:lopm Bakott and lUniiob* Express, Daily 1 Moorhead, Far»o, Fergus Falls Wahpeton, Crookston, Grand Forks. Grafionand Wlunlpa* 7:3oprr 7:lsam Tltgt LoeiL Dally except 6und«r, St. Cloud, flrttlnerd and Fargo B:3oam 6 :oopm "North-Western Line"— c, St. P., M.&O Office. 395 Robert St. 'Phone 4S). Leave. | a Dally, b Except Sunday.: Arrive. aß:lsam!. Chicago "Day Express".. \ b9 :sspm b6:3opm:. .Chicago "Atlantic Ex.". .all::» aß :lopm!. Chicago "N. W. Limited".! a":soam b9:2nam'. Duluth. Superior, Ashland boOSpm all :00pm !. Duluth. Superior, Ashland. a6 :soam a9:3sam .Su City, Omaha, Kan. City.' a7:iopm b4 :sopm Mankato, New Ulm.Elmore bl0:01am a7:4spm'Su City, Omaha, Kan. City j a7:2sam ST. PAUL & DULUTH R, R. From Union Depot. Office, 3% Robert St. Leave. ! a Dally, b Except Sunday. Arrive. "a9~:otam DULUTH™ TilrJS* 5 Jgg WEST SUPERIOR! "iSSS Trains for Stillwater: a 9:05 am, al2:10, j a 2:15. a5;35, a 7:30 pm. For Taylor'3 Kalis: a9:oSam, a2 :lspm, bo :35pm. M., ST. P. & 8. S. M. BT. ! Leave. | EAST. jArrive. 7 :2opm [...Atlantic Limited (daily)... S:4 - am B:loam!. Rhinelander Local (ex. Sun.); C:4opm WEST. 9:loam.... Pacific Limtted (da11y). ...| 7:Cspm ISt. Croix Fal's Local, Except: I Sunday. From Broadway | 6:oopm| Depot, foot 4th St ' 9.15 am s:2opm.!Qlenwood Local. Lv. Min-1 I neapolis 12:0.jpm BURLINGTON BOTJTE. FINEST. TRAINS ON EARTH. Lv. For| : BTATHMffI. : Brlsam|.. Chicago, except Sunday..' 12:15pm B:lsam!. .St. Louis, except Sunday..! B:ospm!. Chicago & St. Louis, daily.! 7:45 am TickerofficeT^OO Robert St. Tel. 36. j Chicago Great Western Rv: "The Maple Leaf Route." i Ticket Office: Robert St., ror.Sth St. Rhone ISO. Trains leave from St. Paul Union Depot. ! *Dally. tExeept Sunday. Leave. Arrive. Diibuque. Chicago. Waterloo, ( tS.lOam f*JO i>m Marshilltown, Dos Moines... ■{ *B.lopm *7.4.">;iin St. Joseph and Kansas City.. ( *8.10 pm *12..10 pm Mautorville Local «3.ssi>ni *Ui.4sam : Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. Ticket Office. 365 Hcbcrt_St._'Phone 98.__ a Dally, b Except SundayjLv. St.P-lAr. St.P. Chicago "Day" Express. .1 bS:lsam;b!o:lopra I Chicago "Atlantic" Ex. ...1 a2:sspm all:3oam Chicago "Fast Mail" ' a6:supm; al:Copm : Chicago "Pioneer Limited".! a8:10pm a 7 S-^am ! Chic via Prairie dv C. div. l b4:4Opm I Pec.ria via Mason City ! a4 :4opm all :15am Dubuquo via La Crosse. .| b8:15am ! bl0:10pm St Louis and Kansas CHy.l aß:3sam; a6:2spm Milbank and Way ! bß :2oam! b6 30pm Aberdeen and Dakota Ex..) a7 :ospm aß :lsam WISCONSIN CENTRAL City Office, 373 Robert 3t. 'Phone No. 694. Leavel" jArrlvo StPaul] All Trains Daily; [S.Paul Bau Claire, Chippewa Falls. , 8:00 am Milwaukee and Chicago — B:lsam lAshland Chippewa Falls Osh -7:4orm|kosh. Milwaukee and Chicago. 4:lopm M. & St. li. Depot— Broadway & 4tb. MINNEAPOLIS & ST. IOTJIS R. R. ••ALBERT LEA ROI'TE." Leave. !a Daily. b Except Sunu!ty.| Arrive. iMankato, Dcs Moines, Ce-I b9:lsami..dar Ranids. Kan. City. .! b6 :3opm bS:4nam'. ..Watertown, New Ulm...i b4:sspm b4:3spm! New' Ulm Local ibl0:00am a7:oopm|Des Moines & Omaha L'mJ aS:loanj a?:nopin;Chicago & St. Louis Lim.! aS:loaft b4:4spm| Albert Lea & Waseca LocallblO :3sam