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&HftNEAF>OUS AMQ THE NORTHWEST. RED CROSS MAKES APPEAL PEOPLE OP THE STATE ASKED TO P.EMEMBER THE MEN raMIS Owes It to Itself to Coiitiib u«e in Every Ponsiltlc Way to the Comfort of t!ie Yonns Patriots Wn« Are at the Front to De fend the Nation Rewi of Mln n«-:il:t:IiH. The Red Cross society of Minnesota, thr -ugh J. \v. Mac Donald, president; sale Park Haines, secretary, and Lath Jaeger. W. M. Regan and P. J. K.r.nedy, executive committee, has is sued the following appeal to the peo ple of the st^te: to past but feeble efforts were made t., alleviate the evtta of war. Rut modern so ctety ha* recognized its obligations in this re and in aU civilised countries the a u r. y ol caring for i^e sick and wounded among a nation ■ defenders, and of mitigating the suf ol Others who in various ways are J wars, is accepted as a sacred and ■ one. in the footsteps of the destructive • a of war come th«> nurse; the ambu : the h:ile tilings which, dispensed by 5, sooth.' ihs mind and heal the r the naked; kindness in word • Mend and foe alike. R ; Crocs is ths embodiment of the i spirit of the age in this par ■ Irs benevolent endeavors ate l>> no clime or country, are limittd r vor people, Tho governments of the world recognise its sacred caiiins. and iio verythlng in their power to facilitate its distant from tho scene of action of a i:> which our country is now en the psep'.e cf Minne c a i»e i. to them ■ neglect no opportSßtty to help in it to a successful conclusion. Our y.< nun are at the front, making ready to Qt and die for us. To us, stayers-at-home mea tho call to snioothe tluir way by - ■ . means as we can command, and to re" c privations indispensable to a sol cifT s life to a minimum. And no less are we iv duty bound to <-.nn tribute our share' towards the relief cf those unfortunate victims of misrule and war the entradoa of Cuba. in the name of lrberty and huinanUv the a Srain was begun: kt us bewaro lest Its !:uniaiiiiari.^ii object be lost sight of. The Red Cress Society of Minnesota is or ganized as hii auxiliary to the great lmerna , tunal Red Cross organisation of the world, its objects are identical with those of that body but while its helping hand will be ex tended to whomsoever may ne In need thefeof, the people of our own sttte must furnish the means by which its benevolent purpose alone c;.n be accomplished. To the people of Minnesota, therefore, this ■ ; pea] for assistance is directed. Of willing workers, men as well as women, there is no lack; but money is needed for the purchase ol supplies, and for the equipment and main t- nance of nurses. Ths ptauutest way In which the funfls can be raised is by Joining tho society and payag the membership fee of Jl. This m»r b done directly to the treasurer. James O. Pierce, 616 New York Life Building, Minneap <■ is, Minn., or to some other responsible pcx- Boa authorized by the society to receive such and other contributions." Care, however, should be taken to prevent any miscarrying of money, the society assuming responsibility > .:>■ for what Is forwarded to It direct or rWe<i in the hands of its accredited agents. We are trustful that our fellow citizens, ever ready to assist in philanthropic under takings, while remembering the Maine, will also "rememlier the men." "^he society is sending "cards of iden tity" to all the boys who have gone to the front. They are put up In leather cases, and -will serve the purpose of I'adgres and will be worn at all times, that In case of accident or death the boyi may be easily identified. The out side of the case bears tne words "card of identity inside." They also bear the *jled Cross emblem. Mi?s Elizabeth Chant, one of the vol unteer nurses, lectured before the pupil nurses* cla«s of the Red Cross society last evening in Dr. ilacdonald's office In Masonic Temple. I>r. Phillips will lecture before the trained nurses' class Tuesday evening in the same office, 508 Masonic Temple. SHOT HIS SWEETHEART. 6ol<lier»Vp Prom Vlpprina on a Dead ly Mission. John Knott came all the way from -sTa!ls Church, Va., to kill Miss Emma Oakland, •who is employed in a barber shop at Fifth avenue south and Washington. He Is now at the police station and the girl Is at the city hospital with five bullet wounds iv har left hip. Two of the missiles are lodged in tha •wounds. She is not thought to b? dan^or ously wounded. The affray took p^ace 7CB forenoon In the shep where sh; is employed. Knoit is a private in Company E. Seven t>. niinots infantry, now locst-.d at Camp Al- K'T, Va- To Chief Smi;h, Inspector Morris sty and Officers Russell and Wold, Knott F.iid that he had been engaged to the girl when they both lived in Chicago. Through the rrnresemations cf a friend she had b en led to break the engagement, and sent him a cruel letter. He secured a furlough and ■tartcA for Oils city determined either to le- Bew the er.g^? ment or shoot her. He con f< ssed that when he shot he aim d for her h( rt. and. being considered a good shot, he v ..- rarprteed that he had not kill d her. He showed no signs of sorrow for what he h^d done, and said that if she died he wjuld seoli foilow her. I'yUiinn Memorial, Tho. joint lodges O f t he Knights of Pythia* _will h.;M their annual Pythian Memorial ex " tomorrow morning at 10:30 in the V,i£-hts Trmnlars' hall. Masonic Temple. In the jjarade the uniform ranks will have the right of Hre, and will b<> fo'.llowrd by the several lodges of Minneapolis and St Paul in the order of their seniority. William Henry Eustis will be the orator cf the occasion. Stute. Minsion Meeting. The women of the home m'.ss'oi societies of the state had an all-day session yesterday In Hcnnepin M. E. church. Delegitea from • t. r. hamline, Merriam Park, St. Paul and Morris wire pr. sent, as v»-cll as a large audience of Minneapolis women. The an- T>'jal election of officers resnltrd in ths ci nire of Mrs. Evans, of Hamii'-", as presi dent: Mrs. Waller, vice president: Mrs. Mc- J!r;do. recording secretary: Mrs. jo'pn Taylor, cc rrespon ".ing secretary; Mrs. F. P. Safford, treasurer. Cormany's Staff. M. L. Cormany has returned from the state encampment of the Sons of Veterans at Sauk Center, where he was elected division commander for Minnesota, with the rank of colonel. Mr. Cormany has appointed C. ML Bawttser, of this city, his adjutant, which was his first official act. Today he appoint ed Eben Oal:e=, of St. Paul, senior past cap tain, vice Cant. Paul Hcnninger. of Com pany L, Tv.-elfth regiment, now at Chicka niauga park. ReeeptlOM for Dr. Abbott. The Men's Club of Plymouth Church gave a large reception last evening for Dr. Lyman Abbott, of Brooklyn, and W. P. Howland, editor of the Outlook. ' MINNEAPOLIS BREVITIES. The floater found in the river Thursday Tras yesterday identified as Charles SrhHcht- Ing. who disappeared from the oity hospital June .">. L. Krpm^r, fifty years o:<s, died yesterday at Asbury hospital. Bears the ,» The Kind You Have Always Bought Hsfjiiisir Oannon Balls! Naiis and Wire are liable to advance soon ~^-._ Order Now. Steeß Ware NaiJs— 6od 51. 47; 50d 51. 47; 40d $1.47; 30d $1 47* 20d 51. 47; 16d $1.52; 12d 51.52; lOd SI.S2; 8d $1.57; 6d $1.67; 4d 51. 77; 2d 51.92; 3d fine 52.07. Wire Finishing Nails— iod $1.72; 8d $1.92. Wire Cas'ng Nails— iod 5i.62; 8d $1.72; 6d $1.82. Net Cash. JNo Discounts. Prices for 100-lb. keirs. PRISONERS BROKE JAIL Took Advantage of the Firemen* Rnci.s at Yanklon, Special to The St. Paul Globe. YANKTON, S. D., June 17.— During the firemen's down town abJOi't 7:45 this evening, four prisoners broke out of the county jail, among them Thomas Meek, who was brought from Lincoln, Neb., about a month ago, having broke jail in March with ten ethers. Officers were in puisuit within tt-n minutes, but the men have not been captured. Notwithstanding the intense heat a good crowd was in attendance for the programme this afternoon. The win ners were: Greta hook and ladder, Yankton; Parks ton, second; third-class hose race, Sioux Falls; double men's coupling oowtest. Crane and Roberts, Vermillion, first; Fox and* Welsh, Yankton, second; championship hook and ladder, Yankiton, first; Parkston, second; final heat tug-oif-war, Yank ton won. The South Dakota Volunteer Fire-men ¥ s association elected the fol lowing officers: President, Jerry Carle ton, Bioux Falls; first vice president, I>avid Finneg-an; second vice president, A. F. Grimm,_Parkston; recording s-xi retary, C. I. Vaughn, Vormilikm; treas urer. T. H. Helgerson, Canton. FEW HOPPKRS FOUND. CoiKlKioiiH About Grand Forks Are Xot Serious. GRAND FORKS, N. I>.. June 17.— Considerable Interest has been taken in this locality in the report that Prof. Lugger had found large numbers of half-developed grasshoppers in the Red river valley. Careful inquiry among farmers from ail parts of the country Calls to confirm Prof. Lugger's fears, so far as Grand Forks county is con cerned. Reports from the counties farther West, where the land is lighter and more rolling, indicate that quite a serious condition of things prevails, as the young insects are said to have hatched in large numbers. The insects are reported to be the true Rocky moun tain locusts, whose migratory habits make them a menace to the entire East ern portion of the state, and also to Northern Minnesota. Druwnlng at Ada. Special to The St. Paul Globe. ADA, Mir.n., June 17.— Clarence Smith -was drowned here tonight while in swimming in Long lake. It is thought he was taken witii a cramp and went down before assistance could reach him. The young man was twen ty-two years of age. and had resided heie but a short time, coming from Sauk Center. The affair Is made doubly sad by the fact that a sister died but a few months ago. Howard Case on Trial. Special to The St. Paul Globe. CHAMBERLAIN, S. D., June 17.— The case of Mrs. Millie ilanore against Miss Grace Howard, daughter of Joe Howard Jr., tho New York journalist, for the alienation of the affections of her husband, Joseph Ma nore, is now on trial here. The case wiil hardly go to the jury before tomorrow. Receiver Stricken. MARSHALL, Minn., June 17.— George M. j Laing, receiver of the government land of fice, had a probably fatal stroke of apo- j plexy this morning, shortly alter opening the office. His family, still at Windom. iiavo been summoned. He represented the Eighth I district in the last house, and was nomi nated receiver here in November, and com- I missioned and assumed the duties of the of- | flee in February. Northwest Pensions. WASHINGTON, June 17.— Northwestern pensions were granted yesterday, as follows: Minnesota— Original: Charles P. Nicholas, Northfield, $10; Charles A. Baer, Inver Grove, $3. Increase: Valentine Jacob, Min neska, $6 to $10. New I'ost»ftices. WASHINGTON. June 10.— Minnesota post offices established: Ralph, Beltrami county, Charlas Fleishman, postmaster; Tarn, Isantl county, Oloff Lundeen, postmaster. Posl master3 commissioned: North Dakota — Al mon L. Loomis. Fargo. South Dakota — Alexander Bagstad, Volin; Henrietta Phil lips, Grashull. Postmasters were appointed yesterday as follows: Minnesota — Highland. Fillmore county, Mary Nepstad, vice Charles Lawson, resigned. VISITS THE TWIN CITIES. Dr. Liiiinn Abbott, the I)i*C ' :;u ;i isli etl Divine, Is Here. Dr. Lyman Abbott, the distinguished clergy man, accompanied by his daughter, is enjoy ing a short vacation trip. He arrived in Min neapolis yesterday morning and spent the day in going about the city Today he will come to St. Paul, and tomorrow ne will preach in Plymouth church. Minneapolis, in the morn ing, and in the People's church, St. FanL in the evening. On Monday he will go to Duluth, and will then return home. After lunch at the West the party was taken up the river for a look at tha lumber mills. and the remainder of tho afternoon v/as spent in driving through the parks and residence parts of the city. The party will be guests of the St. Paul Congrrgationalists today and will be shown over that city and entertained by its people. Time Is Money. Save it by traveling on the Soo Line. New- Pacific Limited leaving St. Paul dally at 1:25 p. m. The War Isn't over and will not be yet awhile. A3 long as it lasts the Northern Pacific's Army and Navy Book will be in demand. It has been called for from the Rocky mountains to Washington, D. C. Have you a copy? Send 10 cents to Chas. S. Fee, St. Paul, Minn., for one. CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW. t^ r These notices will be printed as part of the news of the day, and free of charge, every Saturday and Sunday. They should be forwarded co as to reach the City Editor of The Globe either Friday or Saturday afternoon. llaptist. FIRST, Ninth and Wacouta. ' Rev. H. F. Stilwell. Services 10:30 AM, 8 PM -Morning subject, "The Christian Patriot's Mission." Evening subject, "The World's Antiseßtic." WOODLAND PARK, Selby and Arundel. Rev. W. W. Everts. Services 10:30 AM, S P.M. Morning topic, "Healing in His Wing 3." Evening, "John Knox." PILGRIM. Cedar and Summit <lev. D. S Orner. Services, 11 AM, 8 PM. Morning topic, "The Flying Angel." Evening, "The Rider." One thousand dollar rally next Sunday, June 26. Come ever and help us. Catholic. ASSUMPTION (German), Franklin and Ninth Rev. Alfred Mayer. Services 6:30, 8 and 10 AM, 3 PM. CATHEDRAL, Sixth and St. Peter. Rev. J. J. Lawler, pastor. Rev. William Colbert, Rev. J. H. Brannan, assistants. Services at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM. ST. AGNES', Kent and Lafond. Rev. M. Solnce. pastor: Rev. H. Smalian. Serv ices 8, 9:15 and 10:30 AM, 3 PM. ST. BERNARD'S, Albemarle, between Gera nium and Rose. Rev. A. Ogulin. Services 8, 10 AM. 2:30 PM. ST. CASIMIR'S, Jessamine and Forest. Rey. HKJ ftfiTft The following B§l U 1 Catalogues cm # Unl Wreceipt of 2c each « pnn P to pay postage ■ LULL on fhem - Bab y ■•"' I nLLi carria^ c <**•• ■ ■ ■■■■*•■ Agricultural Im plement Cat, Harness, Buggies, Cutters and Team Bob Oai/ Df iig Cat., Stove Cat., Musical instru ment Cat., Bicycle Cat. Ben<| 15q and our large Supply Cat» Of oVef 776 pages, 100,000 cuts afldtricet, will be sent postpaid. R. L. Guzowskl. Services 8 and 10:30 AM. 3 PM. ST. JOSEPH'S. Virginia and Carrol). Rev. John T. Harrison, pastor. Rev. W. P. Walsh, Rev. William Sheran. assistants. Services 6. 7, 8, 9, 10:20 AM, 7:30 PM. ST. LOUIS" (French), Wabasha and Exchange, Roy. Henry Gros, pastor. Rev. J. Thomas, Rev. Alexander Hamet, assistants. Serv ices 7, 8, 10 AM. 3 PM. ST. LUKE'S, Summit and Victoria. Rev. Ambrose McNultj-, pastor. Rev. Thomas Rehill. assistant. Services 7, 9, 10:30 AM. 8 PM. ST. MATTHEWS. 500 Hall. Roy. Father Jung. Kirst Mass 8 AM. Second Mass 10 AM. Vespers 3 PM. Sunday School 2 PM. ST. MARY'S. Ninth and Locust. Rev. T. J. Gibbons. Patrick Shea. Services 10:30 AM, 7:30 PM. ST. MICHAEL'S. Parnell ami Colorado. Rsv. P. O'Neil. First Ma?B 8 AM. Children* Mass S AM. High Mass and Sermon 10:30 AM. Sunday school 2:30 FM. Vespers 7:30 PM. ST. PATRICK'S. Case and Mississippi. Rev. J. F. PoU'hin, pastor. Services. 7:30. 10:30 AM, 7:30 PM. ST. PETER CLWER'S (Cclored), Aurora and Fariington. Rev. T. A. Printon, pas tor. Services, 10:30 AM, f:3O PM. ST. VIXCEXT'S. Blair and Virginia. Rev. 1.. Cosgrove. Services 8 and 10:30 AM, 7:30 t'hi-lntian. FIRST, Nelson and Farrington. Services at 11 A.M. by the pastor, Rev. A. I). Harmon. Subject, 'The New Covenant." Services 8 PM, sernii:n by Mrs. Harmon; subject, "Christ Our Pattern." _^ Conf.jreKntlo!sal. i PARK. Holly and Mackubin. Rev. Alex Mc- Gregor. J0:30 AM, S PM. Homing. "The Search After God." Evening. "Christ the Fulfillment of Prophecy." j PLYMOUTH. Summit and Wabasha. Rev. George B. Soper. 10:30 AM, 8 PM. Morn h.g. anniversary sermon by Rev. J. p. Dudley, of Fargo, Plymouth pa.sior 1563-18CG. Evening, "What of the Future." Afternoon* communion, 4 PM. PEOPLE'S. Pleasant. 10:::o AM R v. W. W. Newell, of Bethany church, will address the Modern Woodmen of America (who wili attend in a body) on the subject, "My P.i-.jther's Keeper." 8 PM, Rev. Lymtn Abbott, of Brooklyn, will conduct the serv ice. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Kplxcopal. DIOCESE OF MINNESOTA— Rt. Rev. Henry B. Whipple, D. D., LL. D., residence, I'ail oault; Rt. F:gv. M. N. Gilbert, O. D., L.L.D., Coadjutor: residence, li Summit court. June 19, second Sunday after Trinity. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Twelfth a::d Cedir. William C. Pcpe, rec tor. H AM, 8 PM. Morning topic "The Pattern Man." Sunday acjhool 9:30 AM. Preaching on the comer of Seventh and Cedar Monday, 8:30 PH. ASCENSION. Clinton ari Isabel. Rev. Chas. Holmes. 7:30 and 10:20 AM, 8 PM. Sun day School, 12 M. CHRIST, Fourth and Franklin. Rev. Charles D. Andrews. 8 and 11 AM, 8 PM. Sunday schon! 9:-J5 AM. ST. BARNABAS' MISSION, Lilydale. W. M. Farrar, Lay Reader. 4 PM. Sunday School, 3 PM. ST. BONIFACIUS 1 CHAPEL. Mackubin aad Aurora. Rev. John Salinger. Sermon, 10:35 AM. Sunday School, 1:30 PM. ET. CLJSMENT'S, Milton- and Portland. Rev. Ernest Dray. Holy Communion 8 AM Morning prayer and Holy Communion. 11 AM. Sunday school 3 PM. Evening service 7:30. ST JAMES", De Soto and Lawson. Rev Car] Reed Taylor, 8 and 11 A.M. 8 PM. Sunday school 9:50 AM. Service Friday, 8 PM. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. Portland and Kent. Dudley W. Rhodes. D. D., 11 AM 4 PM. Sunday school 10 AM. ST. MATTHEW'S, St. Anthony Park Rev Charles E. Hixon. 11 AM. Sunday school 12:15 PM. ST. PHILIP'S MISSION, 4G3 Rice. Sunday - Morning Holy Communion. 11 AM. Sumiiy school 12:15. Young Men's Bible class 0 PM. Seriron 8 PM. ST. PETER'S. Dayton's Bluff. Fourth and Map'.e. Seats free. Rev. George H Muel ler, Holy Eucharist, 7:30 AIL Mat ! ns and sermon 11 AM. Evensong and sermon, 8 PM. Sunday school 9:?,0 AM. "HOLY SPIRIT" MISSION. Hastings and Earl. Sunday school 9:20 AM. ST STEPHEN'S MISSION. Randolph and V.'ew. Rev. G. H. Ten Broeck. Evcn'ns Prayer and Sermon 7:30 PM. Sunday School ST MARY'S. Merriam Park. Rev. George H. Ten Broeck. Morning prayer and ser mon, 10:30 AM. Sunday School 12 M. ST. SIGFRID'S. Locust find Eighth. Rev J. V. Alfregsn, Swedish. 10:S0 AM 8 PM Sunday School 12:10 PM. THE MESSIAH, Fuller and Kent. C. Edgar Haupt. 11 AM, 8 PM. Sunday School? 3 TRINITY. St. Paul Park. Rev. Charles Holmes. Services will be resumed in near future. ST ,; T ?\ UL ' S - Ninth and Ollve - ttev. Jonr \\ right, D. D. Holy Comrnunlun S \M. Sunday School 9:30 AM. 11 AM, 7:30 PM. "HOLY FAITH" MISSION, Post Siding. Sunday school 9:30 AM. Lutheran. ST. JAMES' ENGLISH, Marshall and Grotto Rev. Frank E. Jensen. 10:30 AM R=-v w K. Frick, of Milwaukee, wiil preach' Theme: "Faith and Works." No evening service, as the congregation and friends will go over to St. John's Lutheran church Seventh and Chicago avenue, Minneapolis' where the English Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the Northwest Is in session Rev J. Teleen will preach on "Foreign Mis sions." ■MEMORIAL ENGLISH, West Sixth, near Exchange, Rev. Alex J. D. Hauot 10:30 AM, 8 PM. Rev. James F. Bc-ates, of Se- NEW CAPITOIi FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Proposal* to Purchase Certificates of Indebtedness. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be re ceived at the office of the Board of State Capitol Commissioners. No. 612 Endicott Building St. Paul, Minnesota, at any time prior to 11 o clock a. m. June 24th, 1898, and at that time will be opened by the Board for the purchase of certificates of Indebted ness to the total amount of $200,000 to be dated and issued July Ist, 1898, bearing 4 per cent interest therefrom, payable semi annually, at the office of the State Treasu-er and maturing: $50,000 July Ist, 1900- $100 1 000 July Ist, 1901; $50,000 July Ist, 1902- said certificates being issued under the provisions of Chapter 96 of the General Laws of 1897 approved April 3d, 1897, for the purpose of providing funds to facilitate the construction of the new Capitol for the State of Minne sota. Proposals will be received for any por tion of said issue. Said certificates will be Issued in sums of 50, 100. 500 and 1,000 dol lars, or upwards, and intending purchasers are requested to designate their preference Copies of the act authorizing this issue may be obtained, and a specimen copy of said certificates may be seen, on applica tion to the Secretary at the office of the Board. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any defeot or informal ity in any bid, If it be deemed in the in terest of the state to do so. Proposals re ceived after the time stated will be returned to the bidders. Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes, sealed and marked "Proposals for the purchase of certificates of Indebted ness," and addressed to the Board of State Capitol Commissioners. For the Board of State Capitol Commit sioners. CHANNINO SEABTJRY, Vice President St. Paul. June Bth. 1898. A Emu Drift n A Fromoi^77£paga 21 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00-Aii goods rHW rIIJIPR Catalog-tic: .'Shot at wholesale prices to consumers I Off I I lIIUO Guns, $3.^751 { () .Win- o , .. _ . Chester Rifles, $9.03; Tentd, $1.95? new Cook BJ "«»ng Twine— Write for prices. !S«£ji%, lS ii wr 1 ? 5 St ° VeS> $ kV Up! St< LOUBS Whito Lead-P«t "P in 12#, 25, SO and 100-lb. fainted Barb Wire, $1.65 per cwt.J Galvan- kegs, per lb., 3&c. ized Barb Wire, $1.95; Cut Nails,. 6d finish, . , . .„. .«„ 7So per kegj Wire Nails, 60d $1.47 linseed and Paint Oil— Prices of Linseed Oil include bar per keg| Tja Wa^h Boilers, oopper bottom, rel# Half barr ela 75c extra. In less quantities add price of 590j American Washing Machine, $2.07; J*"' _. , , Per gal. Neve eryans, $38.65f (Musical Catalogue 3 9 ff strlctl 7 P"" (warranted) Boiled Linseed Oil 4So f ree)| tiew Clocks, 54c; new Watches, 97c| 1053 % Strictly pur© (warranted) Raw 0i1. . . , 43c n«W Hammock*, 4?cj Croquet Sets, 65cj Barbed Fence Wire— "Glidden" Two-Point Barb. ?n^ t ll fl lL 8t o 49c i ew> Car P etß » P«f yard, Barbed Wire— ln lots of less than 2,000 lbs.— Painted (hoe ISH *&lWi££ r t \ per 7 ard .' 19c i ßam * of c^tle) per cwt., $1.65j Galvanized (hog or cattle) per cwtf, S2t£ r2LJr ¥" ins Machines, $17.50 51. 95. In lots of 2,000 lbs. « niore-Piinted (hog or cattle [fiwt wachiift mad*). ~r cwt, f1.60; Galvanized (hoj or cattU) cwt, #1.90; writ* Mr rates to jour shipping poini. THE ST, PAUI, GLOBE SATURDAY JUNE 18, 1893. >Jf COMBINED TREATMENT *£ -OF JHE GREAT CURATIVE POW|^ . Permanently Loratttti, Uaninij Secured Leone of Premises at SOI ijennepin Avenue (Corner Third Street), Minneapolis, of E. L. Bidivetl ct Co., for a term of years. W* giva reference to the best Hanks, Business Mm& und .V.erclan's of this city. Is t;i2 working capiial oi taitj; h3 wh3 loses that is wretched indeed. WEAK BE® &HB SUFHEBIHQ WOSBEBi Remember the wonderfully successful specialists and treatment ot this insti tute combine the two greatest factors of the healing- art known to the medical profession— Electricity and Msdiobte. It is the largest, most thoroughly and completely eatupped institute, both electrically and medically, ever establish ed in the Northwest for the treatment and absolute cure of all nervous chronic and private diseases of Msn and Women. Honorable and fair deal ing- accorded to all. The OF THIS HGSTITUm GAM HOUE Y@y. SjMeteUatt for ttixettuns of Men and SpeelaitstM for Diseases of Women. The prreuicleotitesl and ih^cnl specialists of t:iis instiliue are far the besr, most successful audseient !ic the world has cyer£ a« at whom «ira icradnatea of Hie best Medical Colleges in the worll. eacn h:vvm.,' h:ul lons ana successful practice in his specialty, and are achiovln- re suHsiiicurliitfihesJcis aua.s»i!r«ius by their combined Eieetro-MeUnul treatmeat which would be iaipossibie to secure by oitho: e!ec:ncal or madicil treatment alone. Thu Slate Klectro-Med lcnl Institute is ths pijty where you can Obtain the benefits of this fcuccessful treatment under the most ss:l!fnl ami teiT:ie.J sper:iulists. B: Assured :hat if any power on earth can cure you these Doctors can. They hive eiFected complete and permanent cures after nil others had laved. Snma doctors tail because of treating the wrong disease; others from not knowiu" the n.nh t tre:itm. -lit. MO MISTAKES HERE AMD MO FAiUS&ES. A perfect cure puarauteed in all cases accepted. Our special combined Klectro-Medical Treat ment for Nervous lability never faiis. YOUSIS, A«O OL^J MEnl. Lost Ainuhood— the awful eflccts of ffuliseretions | n youth, self-abiise, excesses in after life and the effects of neglected or Improperly treated cases, producing lack of vitality, sexual weakness un developed or shrauken organs, palii in back, loin and kidneys, chest pain^ nervousness sleepless neas weakness of body and brain, dizziness, failing memory, lack of energy and conii'dence da spondeuoy, evil torebodinas. timidity and other distressing symptoms. Such cases if neglected almost invarially lead to i>reu;ature decayrir.sanity and death. Ruptuiv, Varleocele, Eiydrccole, S\vcsliii 2 s. Tenderness, I>i»claargcs, Solcairo*. Miiall, Weak and Miiiuikeu Farts. a\\ Blood, Skin and trlvnte Disease-*, absoluttly cured by this treatment after all other means have failed. WfIIKIFiH The combinedElectro-Medieal Treatment of the State Electro-Medical Institute fc# is especially effectlra In the cure of ail female complaints, fallii g or displace ment <H the womb, infliimmaMoii or u'.ceraiion, bloating, headaches, spinal weakness whites backache hot Hushes, nervousnes--, Io«s of appetite and general weakness, discharges, kidnov and biauder disease. Charges reasonable in all cases. ' CiJjcc Hgu3*s— Daily, from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 11 to 12 a. m. WIHW IF \«ST CANNOT CALL— AII Correspondence In plain envelopes. Confidential. ST&TE ELEGTRO-MEDIGAL IfiSTITiITE, 301 Hennepin Avenue; Corner Third Street, Minneapolis. Minn. attle. Wash., wiil preach at the mcrnins service. Special services in the evening. Methodist Episcopal. CLINTON AVENUE, Clinton and Isabel. Thomas Hariibly. 10:30 AM, 8 P.M. Morn ing, Mrs. B, f<\ Pctter will preach. The evening sermon 1 will be followed by "Bis -solving views of "Nearer, My God^ \j Thee." Sunday sehcoJ at 12 Ji. Pru,y<lr ' meeting Wednesday 8 P.M. New Jerusalem. NEW JERUSALEM (or Swedenborgian). Vlr g nia and Selby. Rev. Edward C. Mitchell. 10:3 i) AM. Subject, "Natural Life the Sr-rdow of Spiritual Life." Sunday School at 11:45 AM. Presbyterian. DAYTON AVENUE, Dajton and Macknbin. Rev. Maurice D. Edwards. 10:30 A.M. 8 PM. Text for sermon, "Our PmbUc Schools." WESTMINSTER, Greenwood and Ean Wini fred. Rev. R. L. Borackman. 10:30 AM, 8 PM. Text for morning ssrmon: "Bndv. Soul and Spirit" Evening: "John Chrys ostoni." Sunday school 12 JI. Prayer service Wednesday, 8 PM. Scientist. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,' Ryan Buiid ing, 41S Robert street. 10:15 AM. Subjevt, "The Risen Jesu3." Sunday school at t: c same hour. Experience meeting Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. Spiritualist. CHURCH OF THE SPIRIT, "Central hill, Sixth and Seventh streets. Percy Clifford will hold services every Sunday evening 8 PM. An&wers questions from audience and tests. Assisted by others. PROBATE NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL. PROPERTI'. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to and by virtue of the order of the Probate Court for Ramsey county, Stat? of Minnesota, midi and entered in the matter of the estate of Norman W. Kittson, deceased, and filed in said court on June 16. 1893, the undersigned, as the executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, will, on Thursday, the thir tieth (30th) day of June, IS9B, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of The St. Paul Trust Company, in tho Endicott building, on Fourth street, in' the City of St. Paul, In said Ramsey county, offer and expose for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, all and singular the following per sonal property, belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wlt: Six (6) U. S. four per cent consols, series of 1877-1907; for $500 each. Three (3) shares capital stock Second Na tional Bank of St. Paul; par value $100 per share. One (1) share capital stock Merchants Na tional Bank of St. Paul; par value $100 per share. One-half flfc) share capital stock H. M. Smythe Printing Company; par value $100 per share. Seven (7) shares capital stock The St. Paul Trust Company; par value $100 per share. 1,245 shares St. Paul Globe Publishing Com pany; par value $50 per share. And at a special term of said Probate Court appointed to be held at the Court House, In the City of St. Paul, in said county, on Tues day, the fifth day of July, 1898, at the open. Ing of said court on that day, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, the-.saidaexecutor ■will apply to said court for «n ; ori&r confirming the sales of such of saidv. property as may then be sold. 1 « Purchasers of such property* ■will be re quired to pay twenty-five -per 1 cent of their respective bids at time of sale, the balance to be paid immediately after, the confirma tion of the sale, and uppn the delivery of the property. t . .-, Dated June 18, 1898. THE ST. PAUL TRUST COMPANY, As Executor of Will of Noraaa W. Kittson, Deceased. ~- & a By J, W. BtSHOR President CHARLES W* HBERLEIN, ,r m Secretary. *r- it. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. STATE OP MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey-District Court. Second Judicial District— No. 72304. lii thj matter of the assignment of the St Faul Savings & Lean Association, J. M Hawthorne, Assignee; and also in the mat ter of the receivership of the St Paul Savings & Loan Association, W. T. Mcliur ran. Receiver. On reading and filing the petition, final report and account of J. 11. Hawthorne as signee m said matter, praying among other things tnat his account be allowed, that his compensation as assigneo be determined and tuat he and his surety be discharged on his bond and obligation herein, and generally that he have the relief prayed for in said petition, it is Ordered, That all persons interested in said matter show if any they have, before ??« C ? U , r n tl ? n , Saturday, the 25th day of June, ibya, at 10 o cock in the forenoon of said (Jay or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard why the prayer of said petitioner con tained in said petition should not be granted Ordered further. That notice of said hear ing be given to all persons interested in said matter by publication of this order once in each week for three successive weeks prior to said hearing in The Saint Paul G 1 o be. a daily newspaper printed and published in St. Paul, in said County. Ordered further. That a printed copy of thi3 notice be served by mail upon said in solvent St. Paul Savings & Loan Association, and upon all creditors entitled to participate in the distribution of said estate at least twenty days before the time so named for such hearing. Dated June 3, IS9B. JOHN W. WILLIS. District Judge. SUMMARY STATEMENT. Total amount of moneys received by assignee Jl 050 60 Total amount of moneys disbursed by assignee _ 731>09 Cash on hand $318 97 Bills due and uppaid (aside from ' compensation of assignee to be de termined by the court) estimated at jAQ 00 The property received by assignee and by him transferred and de livered to the receiver consists of real estate, estimated value 66 9% 00 Loans en real estate, estimated val- Loans on stock, estimated" value!.'! 2!o9SOO Office saie, estimated value 150.00 Total, estimated value J75.423.C0 STATE OP MINNESOTA. COUNTY OP Ramsey— District Court, Second Judicial District. 11 ?. 81 "* 51 " of the assignment of Fred-rick W. Faber, insolvent, to M. Brooks Hender son, assignee. Upon reading the petition of M. Biooks Henderson, assignee herein, and upon the files and records in said proceeding, it is Ordered, that all persons interested in s_iid proceeding be and appear beforo this courf at a special term thereof appointed to be he!d at the court house, in the city of St. Paul county of Ramsey, Minnesota, on Saturday' the 9th day of July, 1838, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon the-r-ap-or as counsel can be heard, and then and th re show cause, if any thtre be, why sad as signee's account, as filed herein, should rot be allowed and said assignee dlschare.d Ordered further, that this order D 3 pub lished once in each week for thres successive weeks, in The St. Paul Daily Globo a newspaper printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said couroty and states aid that a copy hereof be forthwith served by mall, on each of the persons who have filed proofs- of claims in said proceeding and whose address is known to said assignee By the Courti OLIN B. LEWIS, _ ,' j District Judgo. Dated June 17th. IS9B, LBAVB YOUR AD at any of the branch of fices; list on page 7, If you are not down town. Sams rate, cent a word. GLOBE WANT ADS Same rate as charged at Globe Office, Fourth and Minnesota- No advertisement lea 3 than 20 cents. Two oents per word for Perso nal, Clairvoyants, Pa/mists, Massage and Medical Ads. Leave your want ads at any one of the following Globe Branch Offices. ARLINGTON HILLS. Bedford and Decatur C. R. Marelius Payne, 9H A. & G. A. Schumacher DAYTON'S BLUFF. East Third, 679 Sever Westby , LOWER TOWN. Broadway, 442 M. D. MerrJH Grove and Jackson Joseph Argay Seventh and Sibley William K. Collier MERRIAM PARK. St. Anthony and Prior A. L. Woolsey ST. ANTHONY HILL. Dale, 171 A. T. Guernsey Grand and St. Albans Emll Bull Rondo and Grotto Straight Bron. ' Rondo, 235 A. A. Campbell Selby and Western W. A. Frost & Co. Victoria and Selby Bracketfa UNION PARK. University and Prior C. A. Monchow UPPER TOWN. East Seventh, 29 B. J. Witte Klce, 490 F. M. Crudden Robert and Twelfth W. E. Lowe Riot- and Iglehart Bay Campbell Seven Corners S. H. Reeves St. Peter and Tenth C. T. Heller WEST SIDE. South Robert and Fairfield The Eclipse State and Concord Concord Drug Store Wabasha and Fairfleld George Marti Vv'abasha and Isabel A. T. Hall WEST SEVENTH STREET. James and West Seventh J. J. Mullen West Seventh. 499. .A. & G. A. Schumacher HELP WANTED BAtltS. AGENTS wanted, for "Our Naval War With Spain;" splendidly illustrated; only authen tic book to be published; free outfit now ready; act quick. National Pub. Co. Lake side Bldg., Chicago. .AGENTS, HAVE YOU HEARD OF IT? The latest improved patd. Vapor Bath Cabinet. Best material, lowest price. Secure terri tory quick. Make $100 a month and ex penses. Write B. Harrison Mfg. Co., Cln cinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED— Active men and wom«=n; greatest inducements offered; $3 to $10 ptr day. Call G2 East Eleventh St., St. Paul. BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION ASSETS. ?£SO,C<X); largest, strongest, best MlaßMOta life company; wants capable agents; sives producers every assistance. Address itotig _l^. s _ ?. u H:iL m ' Secretary, St. Paul. BARBER_ wanted at 391 Wabasha st DON'T BE HARD UP— I started business on $5. Made $12.50 first four hours, $178 ilrst month selling Quaker Cabinets. I v/ork for B. World Mfg. Co., (3) Cincinnati. O. Anybody can get a good job and make _money_Jjy writing them. REGISTERED^ PHARMACIS'f WANTED^ Scandinavian; single. Address, with refer ences ar.d salary expected, Charles H. Brown, Little Falls, Minn. SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers on time. $110 monthly and expenses; exper ience unnecessary. Louia Ernst Co., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED immediately, farmer boys and others to sell an article much needed by all farmers; profit $5 to $10 daily. Address Novelty Works. 279 Williams st.. St. Paul, Minn. WANTED— At once, reliable, energetic man of middle age, with some knowledge of business; position permanent; guaranteed salary or commission. C. F. Adams Co., _corner Fourth and St. Peter sts. WiANTED— Men to learn barber trade; special inducements this month; also old graduates out of employment write for position at once; government wants 100 graduates for army; Ke<l Cross Society write for barber 3 with knowledge of dermatology, as we teach it; many summer resorts want barbers that can do lady hairdressing (we teach both); many barbers- leaving makes home demand and wages good; students joining new can engage for work two months In advance; eight weeks' schooling completes; write at once for catalogue. Moler's Schcol, 221 Washington ay. south, Minneapolis. WANTED— Boy about elghUea to do chores and take care of horse and cow. Call Ro.>m 511, Chamber of Commsrce, Rob"rt and Sixth sts. HELP WANTED FEMALES. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework. Call at once at 442 Asiland _ay., corner Arundel. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl tor general housework by family of two adults. Call 492 Dayton ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework. 638 Fuller st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a neat German girl _to_assist_jn h_oiisework._933 Hague ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for gen eral housework at 826 Selby ay. NURSE— Wanted, a nurse for children. Ap ply to Mrs. Horace E. Thompson, 383 Wood ward ay. SITUATIONS WANTED MALES. BOY wants office work of any kind; resson able salary. Address R. X., 2t'O Duke su SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. KITCHEN GlßLS— Wanted, at the Aberdeen hotel, three kitchen girls^ Apply to chaf. KEUUF SOCIETY Employment Register. Office. 141 East Ninth Street. Te:ephone IS3. We wish to secure work for: BOYS— Two good boya needing work as office or errand boys. BOOKKEEPER AND COLLECTOR— An ef ficient. Tollable man will take any suitable work; moderate salary. REPAIRING of Trunks and Valises wanted by a man who understands the work thor oughly. NURSES — We have efficient women who woald like to get nursing to do. WOMEN for washing, Ironing, house-clean ing, etc., can be obtained from this office; also men to do edd jobs, such as cleaning up yard 3, removing ashes, beating carpets, etc. FINANCIAL. NATIONAL. INVESTMENT CO., 510 Globe Building. Real Estate Loans, Low ItnioH. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE— First-class private board n a; house in city of Sauk Center; will be so d on easy payments, as owner wishes to go West at once. This Is a fine opportun.ty and will bear Inspection. For particulars please address Mrs. Lydla Slmonton, sattk Center, Minn. FOR SALE— MiIk business; 21 cows, 4 horses, two wagons, and 8 acres corn fodder; $l,2oo! 823 Van Buren st. PERSONAL. LADIES' MONTHLY REGULATOR; never falls; send 4 cents for Woman's Safe Guard. Wilcox Med. Co., Dcpt. 146, Philadelphia Pa. LADIES! My monthly regulator never fails 1 box free. Mrs. B. M.Rowan. Milwaukee, Wia. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE— New goods exchanged for •econd-hand. Cardozo Furniture and Ex change Company, 232 East Seventh st. Bar Iron 51.27 a 100 lb>Rates a See our Larg-e Catalogue for Classification, or send f:w our Standard Classification Last of Iron giving sizes and approximate weig-hts. fttffc&iiMM Alcia Si timmi an< * y° a w *^ receive Kill!.* Til 111 1Q UnifT FRR E sample cards of llUlUlll 11380 nlifil Paints, samples of Building paper, samples of Clothing-, New Suits from $4.50 up, St. Louis White Lead, 3?4c per lb. Write now. T. M. Roberts' Supply House. Minneapolis, Minnesota BUSINESS PERSONALS. IBPBjSBBa AUSTIN;S Antiseptic kills IP«^HW«jHSB these microbes. Free micro rafrtfJUlMga BC °P' C search of scalp by Pr >f. K&ttsfiasSa Austin, Syndicate Aicade, MMV-iVfagiflß Minneapolis. It you c in't come send |1 for a bottle. TWIN CITY^AIrTFACTORY. ,#B^TflW Switches, Waves. Bangs and AraßSk Gentlemen's Hair Chains, all ■&BBPT made in the latfet. styles, whole «HpP/( sale nnd retail. Shampooing, 26 ■»■*, V cts. Hair Dressing and Scalp J. JL Treatment. Office and Petri'* Vj*r^ Hair Store. 476 Wabasha St., -*■ Valentine Block, cor. Ninth St. Mall orders filled. St. Paul. Mlna. HOUSES FOR RENT. HOUSE — For rent, a six-room h u:e; all modern improvements; No. 162 Fo.bas iv. Inquire corner Leech and Seventh »'.s., Clarkin's grocery. HOUSES— »OO Nugent St., two one-story brick onuses, city water; cheap. Inquire The State '.iavings Bank. ROOMS FOR RENT. AT HOTEL FEY, corner Crdar aJid S' von h, Rooms at summer prices. By day. -15, ro and $1; week, $2 and $-2 . r»<J ; month. $7 to £10. ROOMS — Two furnished and barn, ona block fixm hotel. Mrs. M. A. Fox, Second St., White Bear, Minn. FATS FOR RENT. 756 PAYNE AY., six room fiat, city water and sewer; on car line. 107G Payne ay., four rooms, lower floor, city we t *i and spwer; nice yard. 25G \T=si Seventh st., flat, city water and sewer; on car lice. Inquire The State Savings Bank. STORE FOR RENT W8 PAXNB AY., brick store with barn ani three adjoining vacant lots; property suit able and used for last five years for fe d and fuel business. 256 West Seventh st., nev/ly remodeled store. Inqu)re_The_Stute_^a\2ng3 Bank. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FIFTY HEAD of young work mules for sale cheap at Barrett & Zimmerman's s;abl-s Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul. HORSES— All classes constantly on hand- Western buyers for farm stock. Come and see us. G. W. Wentworth Co., South St Paul, at Union Stock Yards. THE HEADQUARTERS" foT'all classes of horses, with from 300 to GOO constantly on hand, you find at Barrett & Zimmerman's stables, Midway, St. Paul. Minn. WANTED TO BUY— Phaeton, or single buz gy. 26 East Sixth st. FOR SALE. FOR SALE— Two and one-half horse power gasoline engine, upright. C. I. Johnson <+ bast Fifth st. Printers' machinery and nrl te ers' rollers. THE WHITE GASOLINE ENGINE. 1 to If H. P.; marine and stationary; s«nd for cata logue. Globe Iron Works Co.. Minneapolis, BOARD OFFERED. BOARD— "The Miner;" strangers in the ctly will find pleasant rooms with board at I> ; H College ay., corner Sixth. MEDICAL. ANNA MACK, from Chicago, IS6 East Sev enth St.; baths, all kinds; expert nxaesaglsia. DR MARGARET DE LAITTRE massaelsf manicuring. 56 East Seventh st. MRS. DR. STElN— Baths; electro-magnetle healer; cures nervousness. 27 East Seventh St.. suite 200. THE MISSES ROBERTS— 63 East Seventh st. Fiat 9— Massage parlor. CHIROPODIST. LOCKWOOD'S Good Luck Salve; best thins for sore feet; all druggists; established ll years. ANNOUNCEMENTS. GET your gasoline stoves, lamps, bleyc!«s sewing machine*, etc., repairtd by expe rienced mechanics. Seeger Mfg. Co., former ly Robert Seeger, 261 East Seventh at. B~~LDDDWBDW cured mlo t0 35 dayc. You can be treaVc J & tamef orsasne price under same gZVr£ZZ ty. If you prefer to conaefcere weS tract -topay railroad fareand hotel W s?iS nocnarp, if we fail to cure. If you have taken uier? cury, iodide potash, and still have ache^and pains, MuconsPatcfcps in mouth. Sore Throat timples, .Copper Colored Soots, flee™ on any part of theibody, Hair or E yci-ro ws ; flFfl,? s out, it is this Secondary BLOOD Poisn^ we goarantea to cure. We solicit me mo*t iob^l «s6 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO^ ir.IW_7 ftAAKE PERFECT MEN BO SOT DESPAIR ! DonotSuf< Ifcf _ ~jßl w . or V Bof *e«T ou » IK-bliitrare «jf£, -f-JnSb ■ A BLETS. Give prompt relif. t. n l*^E&y~-' Impal . t yjp-or an,l potent? to every tram tlon. Braeo up tlie system. Oivo *tqb*. bloom v> the cheeks and lustre to the eyes of t-f iVvotin? or old. One.'jOc box renews vital eiierfry.MlfJG boxes at 52. 50 a complete KUarantpt'<i<'uie»jrt» : 5 or money re funded. Can bo carried la vest pockrt. Sold everywhere, or mailed in plain wrapper on receipt of orice by TUB FEHFKCTO CO., Caxten Hldg., ■ i . j c - ■. . 111. Sold In St. Paul by S. H. Reeves. 175 W. 7th St., 7 Corners; Tichnor & Jagger, 404 Robert St.; F. M. Parker, Wabasha and Eth St. PCklcbcst«r>« English Diamond Brand. ERNYMYAL.NI.LB T~v — C^fcij^ita. soileJ with bl-jo rihbot.. Taio^Jß' I / **" fjr 'icm »i:id imitation*, .v pru-vi-tx, jr :■••*:<'. -#c. V J9 "Belief for T.atlic*.*' in Iczur, t>7 return — \7_Z !r MfliL 10,000 T««!uon:.->U. ITaar Paf^. / CfelehentCT Chemical Co., M n dl«mi ~<j aartk Said bj nil Loc»i Drnsslsti. PI!IL.\UA., I'iu 1 A PERMANENT CUKE 5 of thfi most obstinate casfs of Gnnorrliipa c c and Gleot, guaranteed In from 3 to 6 | S days; no oth"r treatment reqeired. J Bold by all (lrnt r cis!s. 5 t&^^gn cure misan I^3l it " n '* "a«»"oo. Paiuleas, and not astria- Vue^Tn!:EvA!(sGKEUiSAi,Co. mi or poiaooooa, V So!<l by ni-;i|y«c3*U, \ V^D. 8. A. y Por sent In plain wr.tpper 7