Newspaper Page Text
2 Parts VOL. XXI.— NO. 17 O. Our Men's h *+THe nobthwzst's tmeATcsT^^g^jsroßEi 4m MiUln&rv i^** White Sailors for Hot weather dinal and White. Monday, or while they £yQ M "W% £%Wlk O> wWf^lMlAk HJ I -We have twenty styles direct Qoods Lead. 3xy^ : "^^' ;^ atte VUlllllKl Ift IVJ uWll W Hot Weather ™«*^t^ '*??• „ Men's Oneita Balbri ff ffan Union Suits, perfect fitting; the best Oil AJM MM>Wmmm.^r *********** Kenmore Dun forth &Co Underwear for hot weather. Regular price, $1.50. NUf Ap^ SMX>T*t A WJkBJkSMs* J5T*. **AU£. 9 A§iNN. Af n. , n . _ t London, all the best braids bui t U7V • * * mw and blocks. White Leghcrns are scarce, but our big- line is un- Men's fine worsted two-piece Bathing or Athletic Suits, Black fl»| PA ' broken. All styles and prices. New White EA Zn*--l"?. s "T.: *'»") FJ j. t» C ll* £IV t. C A TrimmedHatsforsummcrwear - si-oto-- $lU.OU Women's Suits, J£^ixss??ss%z CXlldOrfllfldry oCllUlg 01 WflSfl llOOflS Great Silk Trade SALES LARQER C m, c ,. .. . |row 8 warmer-sales never so great. ■ KJ VJIVO.L A^lllV 1 1 dUC. AND LARQER. WaiStS g^jjj L ri t C Ws n seas O n. OaCCeptable tO WiH Begln at lhiS StOrC Monda y Mo ™ing at 8 O'Clock. Right now, during- the war excitement and the dull months, 30(1 Jackets some new things are Women's Or- An immense assortment closed out by us th«| week at a great bargain for spot cash our X* business is doubling itself every day. Our Silk depart- J * gandie two-piece dresses, made with from the well known firm nf " ment has never been m such excellent shape as at present. No rows of narrow lace, ver, stylish ana pretty. VI SO Wl « ■ « « ■""* • « 1 /• •^ StyleS al rl S ht P rlce3 are whi »t bring us the Silk business of the Tie P are e s; m ' a ;;--- : ,V-i "-" / Islf*C MQ I I I-* 14*1/1 /&* I i\ Twin Cities. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Specials: trim !T e °*l n^ style of Linen Suits, made in the new Eton Jacket, f\T~* /^Uir»Ar»A ored Taffetas, in all the best shades , entire stock oi Best Wash Silks, in trimmed with white and blue Pique on the reverse; quite new and stylish; \Jr Wfl IwAaJL) for foundati <> n s of Lawns, Organ- r ßtripes, Checks and Plaids *r skirt very full with deep hems. Examine these suits, as they are the very dies and Grenadines. You all -5 A the 50-cent kinds— iSf E " tern Xo« Pc «? riC "« „«* wiU be Pa ced on our counters Moad *y mornin 2 at Prices that have never been K,*£^3!^»K «• —^ « ** ««.c^^ f ij^i^tL a !!S JK^*« ne eqUale ? ' n St P aul - J. his sale completely knocks out all feeble attempts of . 0.^,»2tE^?.,1!£; ha» ff i Off . Special for Cda, I«S » n ™W«nSdi»: ?!?„?. 95C Competitors and establishes Over again thS fact that m Evening Satins-worth 65 *n regular price p 10 98 cent.. 1 p *•»"»« ««l.2«, «!.«», »|.T8 ,»p.0»3.80. H" G ° dVC M»nja,-to close- 43C Also a full assortment of White Pique from 760 to $7 6O al i« w — — _—^ --_-- _ „., ____. _.__ _^ _ ny .. 10v , J . l r < ' v ' 1 M r V°. refllUy the variety of prices and l styles of "our" Shirt Waists at this reason ot \mJ %-* I C 1 ll HTII E* TTITIIA/lIT ffIUT 11/ I CIV C* ffl fl B> C° r> • .. ''■ >^n"Vin u the^ll?hSVffl T» Ll CA If IHr S 1 1 W W I ill WASH flB \W Grenadines 50 cents on the dollar. , If** M^*+r*U MMIE^ AUTTjm Ujm Y?/1W?1| UUUI/W?, AH Grenadine, left go at ONB-HAI,F PRICE. LadieS' t-,^. 02^ adieS ' Flne Im P° rted A Great 3 Days* Sale-Every woman, far and near, will be here. Extra help Underwear. lei.'.ilkU^d exquisul SXfJS «d counter .pace « arninged for We will wait on all as fast as we can, but advise com- We offer two remarkable basins in Dress Goods for Mon- . !_ only; regular price 50 cents rip" ■ *** as possible while this sale lasts. Remember, these are fresh, day, Tuesday and Wednesday, or until they are sold out. each; all sues. On Monday,' as a flyer, half-price. #SC nGW ' beautlful goods— not old, shop- worn stuff, strch as some stores advertise — the choice. Plr^cc Ciru\tl c OT x ~ 1 « 50() y ards Plain » Fanc y and Or ~ each p art of t he extra summer stock of Marshall Field & Co., and contain new patterns and L ' lC ~ VJOOUS Biack^w.. G^ods, m^n the jate^t fabrics, 50 dozen Ladies' 75-cent Domestic Lisle Thread styles that have never been shown in St. Paul before. Some of the items are below — I^pmnflfltc short length, ah our remnants up to so c and Union Suits, black, whito or ecru, silk taped, perfect P" A but there are i\ciHliaiHs. 75c go in this lot Monday, QC p finish; regular price 75c each; all sizas. On Monday, f"||fC ■ _ P er >' ard <&*»*# asaflyer— each JVV f**^* i? I\. T /*+ 1 „ LOT 2-1,000 yards Black and Fancies, from the very best English, ';.'"/" : ' ' .T\ ' . ''.: . . . J W 1 .CI CL^ 4L /^T \ A\lf ■ il4~\f\f~%£l French and German makers, a general clean-up of all short lengths in this Men's, Boys' -^^Z^^\^^^ **5 Vd^ W O1 [^W UOOUS =rS=^TSSSjaSS Mr^ and Children's for y° ur selection. The pr:ces are less than half what you pay usually. ' Cinthino- l^£*&*&%&y^^^Jm: \ 5 CASES FRENCH OR- 3 CASES OF 36-INCH We have bought Marshall PaHs Skirt and <&k jgi x^ U ""^' Sfff'iff^^lliSI 61 ** 811 J7K GANDIES, the very best, PERCALES, the usual 10c Field & Co. 's entire stock of Shirt Waist Suonnrter VW Jik $?$ You'll not find them elsewhere at 'its^aaSl^ar^ce v/.M theusual 4 oc quality, in the quality, cloßedfrpiri. Marshall FANCY STRIPED DIM- VVaiSt Supporter yr m£jgL Kjy c „ tl newest patterns. No woman Field & Co. at less P" ITIES CORD DIMITIES Lady demonstrator here. clur- /^s^V jßSin /T>rO^i V Above Suits are all on separate tables. Come • .1, 'p • '. , , , . ... , ( 1111-0, v.uivi^ UI.UIUM, n"- the entire wep'k to fpnrti *lia I 11/50 1 in B^l U j 7TI V early and get choice selection. m the Twin Cities who wants than half-price, will be jyn PLAIN COLORED DIM- r b oper c u e 4 of^th^ fpari^kirt and ifi-^ B^^^ (1 rf' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in our Hat a stylish summer dress should on sale Monday •11^ ITIES. This lot embraces Shirt Waist Supporter. iWJ^^M^ m department, Crash and straw Hats in ail the newest miss this lot. Marshall Tield at the newest novelties of the " • f^tfmh. wl?l§i|||^ / / /|?Y xJMIHi/ bI ° CkS> & Co. closed the lot to us at 3 CASES OF DIMITIES, season, and they are all Price, 15 Cents. ' /7Tt V; HH 25C, 50C atld 75C ourownpnee. They will be closed from Marshall Field & fine goods. The lot will — " on sale in our cen- Co. , the newest styles i\ also be on sale on m aisle on three l\ln and colorings, at 41 n our center aisle ta- IWn LlttenS and Our bargains in Linens and White Boys' Clothing. $££t3 UGn ' 1™ e °" c - third I gf M °»<^, 19C White Goods. y price... ........... at down. Examine our goods. The worth $?.?o U and i $5 a oip ce e rs luf1 uft < ! inffStyle3 ' ** " b ° ys ° f all SiZS3 ' $2 Qfi prices will surprise you. go in thissale. .' ; «P«J«/O j ~ ~^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^iy^^-; 20 pieces half-bleached All-Unen Irish Satin Damask; heavy AP A "■-•••-• S ■*|f*Wrf% 4"ri 4"U«nk O/^rk^ ' ■ Jk 4-"C« CT * l\ <' and one tha t will give satisfaction. Special, yard &9G &&3^s!sl ><t^^§^tK ![ t*IIV I|VVU til IsllV VJIA I#iljf3 |j 22x22 Bleached All-Linen Napkins; would be cheap at AT A^^i^^gL ;?^\^>^ ■.-. i : i ■•■••• i--- r - ,-., ■„- ,-» • ,iT* ' •■ - - V $1-75 dozen. Special, dozen OScifcO <00M '^Wm^j $W=^Hr^lM9 Pa ""equaled selling at this great shopping corner— comes another week !; WhitP nnnrtz r \|Er:^^pfvM^r|| of bargains the like of which cannot be found issuing from any store— East or West i vvnite uooas. l^^f \J^^W^^k lan y ne^ goods this week-much of the Spring stock is gone now. Everythinp; F J^ a Op^SSS sJiS ffl^XSS.itKiuS: '*& A ft' 1 C^V'-' " mm that was ' Surplus Will be Cleaned up by Saturday. Big sales last week clocrged Our j ities, White Pique and Fancy Lace Effects; worth from 2Sc to SOc. 4Q O W§ #«# delivery system somewhat— but you understood the reason and helped us out by be- Sale Monday, yard l5fC -^^ "*. itlff pleasant about it This week we arp hpttpr nrpr , arfll .l C rt ~ nma a ~J\ r , ) For 10c you can get 30-inch Sheer India Linon, 40-inch Victoria Lawn, | _ - ,w »-- ■■ : ■ v v r> j ■- n Detter prepared. bO COme early and get J, 40-inch Apronette, Checked and Striped Nainsook, Hairline Dim- 4A ' hp IQPfI! llSt' Ffl^i"PriPf" the best. Kead our overflow ad. on Page 4 if you need a Trunk or a Grip |! i4 y and Lace Effects, isc to 20c yard, only ItfC Does away with the use of pins entirely; does not disfigure the ~™~ ~v™™™~ ~™™™~ S Hair Dressing Short Stem Gray Switches, worth $2.50; Mon hat; is much more secure than a hat pin. If you wear one once . *• day and Tuesday we will sell for $1,75 you will never be without one. Come in and examine them. P« P « cn l c n-.i,v If you need anything in the De Pt- Specials. We make a specialty of •'Curiine»-wili keep — ——^^—^^— _______ KaraSOlS UrilST - ?• nee ** n J l ? m S m tne the hair in curl during damp and warm weather. ~ »/■ ■• M^« .. 1 1 4. it. «"«»•'•* mm '^»W>^ Drug line— there IS but one Small bottles, 10c. Larger ones for 25C Our Muslin and Umbrellas «g^3X* Specials. UliuGrWCar lar3 " Want to glve you the advanta §re — — If© — prices for the reliable goods. Olir Ne\V Is a big success. Sales are coming in, DeDt. P O nt^e a rrSfev:r/g a a y r! We lead the town and the M* Jg S Camera rlg^ ~ thC ° nffmal s'o°°5 ' o °° PUt ° U Sale NorthWCSt iU ParaS ° ls - "H^Z^H S^&mta^SSSk^ * - ::: i§S Department PRINTING AND DEVELOPING for Amateur.. There are Women's Night Gowns, good quality Muslin, yokes of «r C ° me in and proVe this fact «^. '^TfwL^ I^°° ™" e *\ Rostorativ . e ' Nervine !!;!!!!!.".'!.'63c OUR PRICES| tucks, neck and sleeves trimmed with cambric ruffles: ail sizes. "SSC* for yourself. jl-00 Miles' Blood Purifier 63 C Developing, doz. Println)? and Mounting, doz. Monday and all the week MS* J ** tolK&f&f ■ 2Sc Ayer's.Pills, 2 for 25c c^ Ko<Jak 20° or Best work guaranteed. Give us a trial. Women's Drawers-Muslin yoke bands with hem and cluster of |P Ladies' black Union Silk Parasols, with Of>_ leW^lrV NeW Dcsi 2 ns in Belts. m TnSTLST q " * ' IDC eboni Z ed wood handles. Special '. 89C W e have just received from the o| . " , J. ' _"~ kleadihV^wnVnWpnVedCo^sVoVsummen'n Ladle 'bet L B ttkh « Center Table, Belts ' wUh^eUiiS SlOaHe'S Ne\V YOrk T^ Alex Smith Carpet Mill, not seen our line don't buy till you do. It will pay you. /V dies best q^X Sun Umbrellas, in changeable Main Aisle. '"g™ c^ B *"* W"* ij the largest m America, has Chfanonpiat *<«/W red » blue » green and browns, with handsome Dresden or .Duckies, gold-plated, all different . . .. .. »>•••••.• •• •••• natural handles. Other stores ask $3.50. fl>O Etf¥ designs. They retail regularly Camet AllCtlftfi SO d at auctlon the entire These are perfect fitting and worth 39c. Better ones for s oc. Here for .... $2a50 from SI. 50 to 53. 00. We bought them remarkably fIUC rtUt LIU ll * surplus stock of Sorino- Cir —^^-^_i.^^^^.^_ M^ M^ B^_^ cheap and make them at one price VxV f V s Second Week June Close-Out Sale. ! — -^ ; — : . . . ~ peti<lßr " d , Ruffs We se " 1"^ m T l"^ f"^ "m r T^ a my» w w w t- wa. t *-w^* >^». ww▼ m. ▼ cured some of the choicest patterns, and will close out the un- Cow priced 1 furniture! EVERY.FAMIJLY IN TOWN soldbalaoceo fth -' w '- k - r — *•«** \^r ° f "" BeSt ****-* Y " r '" *« p """' Enou s h. Must have bou e ht Kitchen Thing* here tot 3d? We continue the S a.e at S a»e prices another £S£S^:':::::i^::4 L All"rt k * barSa - n5 re °f" ed W "° °°' eXha ° Me<L GOOd "■'"'* add " 1 ' W<!ek ' ETerytlun^ ST OCS - ■ HaH-Price 13 the rale. Wilton Velvets 69c 27-m.ii% ft. best Wilton $■> 95 B- * "°V" Brass and Enamel* B.ds. fCg~^ ISIF 5 _A ™»^-— J^^^_o?^l^li 7" * L"? r*"*^^' 111^-""** i^T O Close-out price «Pi).U I^^M\}^y/ W?Sifl / Price - Price - HI r-'^ Challc» K e Ics- 75 Rolls Cody Brussels at 95c |75 rolls All-wool Ingrain at 50c * i n urn i\ . 102fc-Llke cut, size 3 feet and 3 feet s&+ Aff 1 ..#"_ ■ MIMIMUIT tHHI / caut' lon 7SC SS^^^ No - lOc flff WuJj^^^M I *~~T 'T-'-'c'" ■f| " J inches, oue-inch post, polisbed brasa knobs; \\ In V ; liKWljSJf tSSSS&BT K °- " ..-45c :3c i|fM r^ rr^n li,, 7 ««d i^ j— r-r-ff" ■ftT •£ regular price, $iO>. close-out price Vu.7i» v j^fQfitaUflMH Bicycle Enamel mSB^IB No. 12 490 250 \s>M \"Z&>SO- 1 1 1 L «»■ . , T , , . „ . 1 !!] i^3=Jsl DJU >oc S:!5:::::::::15 a |k S™r y «™ Valenciennes te e!Slr£r n S s S,H M t "f^^vT' " rp*^^ regular price 84.50. Close-out price ' rJ^HUNtM^M \ E^ M J| Knlsomine— DICP Rni , ___ 1119 ETffllfff cial P rtees for cents and 35 cents a yard. To 4A_. i : «L»,^site= No. 5-Uke cut. l<*-incta post, brass' Vooi */ ie <^^^^ mlcWeT' 5>C ° at RICE « OILE « S - flM ' 3M' tblss * leouly: I fIfPC sell at-yard I UC : T JljL . r; I No. 15-Like cut, 3 feet only, one-inch post d>l Ar 50 dozen Cballense Clothes Wrlnsers, No. 14 49c 25c 11/ flffiH' 4-, each $5.05 , c , en 7:^ ■ drtn and ladies, worth fromjl.sO Ktf|*» <& ' -%\ brn *s foot and head rail; regular price. $0.45. XI US wood frame and double screws. Sale C. No If! r,a« «?o« K&fftiggS S B** S I f SMEiStf ' to $2.50. I' or JU«.» *• ""« Close-out price ! 5 .....<n.y«) price tbi. week, each 3M-25 No. 19 59c Oc |«/ fl 38^11 Se Kr Si! f X ir S These are slightly soiled. Onen Bookcase Special hale on Genuine Granite Steel Jo 20 7^ O^M i BlH&^1 • • .. ..a^^lSw^^^WK Ware, First QuaHty, No S 3 con,s. Ho:-.:::::::.^ J ||g| # Thif S!S?f.^l ?. . C . Ol °: 3 .^..T^. .^..^ 5O rod for curtain. It is made of ' selected wood and */j Ar )H jißsi^VJ TEA KKTTEiUS. • ur-ol'rtMceo^y;.*!^!*^.^* 4^ W. 93 ffiftff^^ '^P C^a "prC'prfce "^^^^te-j^^S HANDLE IC E BOXES. «^^^^^* DmnerV Third , Remaants Printed Denlms-1,500 yard, manufactur- M niitp | FnlHino- RpHc IStfP **8y % Ms33Sm\. *°-Bsize... 98c 400 *Hfe^^i tTCD First size-sale MjKn* ' Wia P vl J Floor « rs remnants of Denims, extra heavy grade. In pieces I iUaiUei i-OlCling tSeOS. JH* Fm ffffP*^OTmk No - asizl! -- S '-' 5 50c >VATER prlcj S3 95 IT 3 ■STMTi I from Ito 5 yards long, great assortment of 12'< c, |- No. 71fV*-Fnll size, hard wood, antique finish, rfffe^^^ 3 *?!^!^ SB ' DIPPERS 1 M & 111 Flonorf ttiofir lie and 20c qualities, Special Monday, per yard. .OC fce^^m7r F i^ !z ViCrric f e IllSh ' bard wool - <c GerDaall i^lMy^'o'ri hi . ! ; ! .; ! : ; : ! [ ::::-.:;;;;;;;;^o ISC ThW.I«-«ae *^^»^^^ long; very good for Ol ßcarf^n£"SrscVeen™e\c! e^.uaU^ Si:t.:i- :. . .7.. h _.! ; $9-95 Lp^feJS^S^ I SnUCS Pan "d^B^^Sr PARLOR price 5.95 - sidered cheap at 10c yard. Monday, per yard O2C S^^l*^ l Vr2 a rrln S WfiKB& 1 l^fck , pe o,a« Sale on Gas " Sllkollnes-2,000 yards best 36-inch Simpson's Silkolines, the finest ported springs; regular price, 816.95 ....:.. •Pi*-95 I'lTl^Sa IfyLJS U K^^^^ 25c quality. i^^^ai»__ Special Sale on Gas- - p goods made; all tins season's good, desirable patterns; sold all tlieK „., . I laJßEalUlfcJßßg MA X- 0 " 1^"- salcpricc.isb if^f^^^^*^llw ~'~! oline *«otck- SS way from 10c to ISc yard. Monday, per yard OC N»l7l-Solld Oak. like cut, antique finish, top 21x42, Ger- 188111 tS fl/ Ad*. mß^Bgßfr ibS&ll^V^lmWjLWßU _. WINDOW SHADES-Aajthia ff (except paper) you require In Window mmi bevel mirror 10x29, nicely ornamented: reeu- fi^T .- L^^'^^^Ss ii^- WKI No 22 i^ ir^ 3-buruer size, each 2.G9 B BFo» bhades we can supply and save you money. We carry the only stock in the lar price, 51195. Close-out 4>9'45 \Ct^^" }Jr No 24 10c _^'~''V^ t l-sK«»tnit»B Ice Cream - - ■ HnwH Northwest of the famous "Sun-Fast Hollands," the only Shade Cloth guar i&SfS&ttrtf^^ KEiif::S: S. L° *^«HF|L e ,ff€S !■■■■■■ I I alt^avTtlle^tre?"^^^^^^^^ b^&^MSlSi^^ ORAN.TE STEEC O.SH PAN 9. J fc^| old kind. JW a^eS^coS. KSR^^f^^^nf SSli Combination De.k and Rnnkca^ H-t Reg . uar .. Pr 4? te SalePr ]^ l^fl» JSS^SrffiiV.-.ftS ffP J*Wl) J5«?" u aL2r- » 10unted on B ? ria s rolle "' cl - th 38 '"^e. wi ie by 6 feet ion ff P d q e. oc^: VUIIIUIIIdUUn UeiK ana DOOKCaS^. 10-quart.. .......... .".:.....: lite 2r>c k^P^'Four-fi nan size .... 1.89 IJI 111 ioT J?l*< Gasoline sirable colors and cheap at -',oc. Monday, each A.OC Tms CASE is 56 inches hieh. 38 inches wide, solid oak, antique finish, 6x14 mirror. o>m AP "-luart .m 2<Jc 15: I^o. t Six-quart size 2.30 JfIBMBMBHi nrice a^^^^^^c^;^B^cli^.d^^ S «?.::: IS TJr |S&»&° *>^£^^m^%^ feet ' Monday ' each ' 18c> Estimates on THE ST. PAUL GLOBE SUNDAY MORNING JUNE 19, 1898 TWENTY-TWO PAGES. Part 2 ,^f PRICE FIVE CENTS.