Newspaper Page Text
\ feju^-'- ■ r-r M <&^ \ own way, and what we save in the buying we give you in the selling. These j \ \ 1 j! are days when manufacturers and importer's generally are willing to sell at a ! \ T"*""' k\ v. A CTT \f \IH A¥CT '' loSS ' Chance after chance comes our way, arid we avail ourselves of them — !; LI MiicJin lln /1/=v*-*» me* *» t K%&m|3j **. OXLfIV W 1!; soraetim esi It's a great relief to the market to catch the things that fall and J ffe>^ jj&j *""**" H UllClCrWCcir 1 iMsp*J \ hand tllem over to you. St. Paul has advantage in drawing to itself a wider ![ \%^W^} We buy the leaders of cv- /^ LV \ trade by SUCH b ' g VaIUCS WG ° ffer thlS W6e[C ' UTW Cry manufacturer ' s production I <JL^I k*J jt\. M. lv/llt | —^n^wv^^s^^^ — •~~^~~*^~%~>~n~s~n~n~^^ I/ A y represented in the Eastern 'l^fjfry ' . ? A FT -i¥ /■>•■** /^ ■* <i markets. To sacrifice them is lomorrowmormngrwe will inaugurate a Silk. Waist sale that {1 M fiCll l**ll ft* A/1 liitin Villr V#ll/\ !' no reflection upon their value or effective- W\ unsurpassed June mik sale, k-j^*^^^^- >|\ New $10, $12 and $15 Tailor-Made Silk Waists for «! Monday we will commence a great sale- of hot weather Silks. This is i ! that we obey lo y all - v ' regardless of what it £Tr 1-* s^s^ rtr — — what the ladies of the Twin Cities have».lx#n waiting for, as they all know l| c ° sts * Th< : la , dles oi t] ? e Twin Cities cannot '»KShs^ Tk^llll *h Oil *k *% flfV that vve alwa y s have a s P eclal sale of the ri^"t Silk, at the right season for aff ord _. to miss , the ? reat bar S ains w^ are offer- i^CVV I+JCJ.V/V/ iJJO.V/V/ the right price. Come and get a Summer Silk Waist or Dress Monday You mg thls month ' S P ecials for Monday: HERF'S THF Will find them the coolest garments for hot days. 5, dozen Ladies' fine Muslin Night 25 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Ur n■ iui\uu lIIU OIUIVIi j, _ _ § , r#l< , ji Gowns, Empire style, front trimmed brella Drawers, with 7-inch lawn ruf r * A ,. ltorill|r establishment ..Ho, Waists FIVC G^t Ba^lllS M Sift fa SUmVKiT WMt. ££.££ t ~^i, "fc.^s «*£* "SfcE \fy^M> only for the finest retail trada closed out <| <! of 3 tacks, edged with 'cambric ruffle- ° Ur pnce ' Moada y onl y--- "« WES 3? to US all the short lengths and broken <! -. THE PRICES ARE: || garment cuUyctra wide and long; can- 50 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Draw <s]W -| --../-•, > ( not be matched by others at less than ers - tuA umbrella style, with 7-inch %*"**/ pieces of their finest stlks to be made up Ji ■g^ Y^%^h Y^ r^ £ 4~±. mm — ** mmk.wm '' 7Sc - Our price, pa cambric ruffle, trimmed with band of in .heir newest design,, incluiiuj many ]**f< /ttff JfCff Jiff" "^Qr U 7 iZf, } M °' M *' ° M > OOC ig^SfiX 'FSS&ISi at'a ( v^\l V%S^\S beautiful corded and tucked styles, a him- S A^F^^S £L*\jf^'m l\rVt Ku<T )>_r %, ' v/ M L^% J ( 25dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Skirts, bargain by others at 59c. AQ l^-^lil'^^r^K dred difiFerent kinds dainty brilliant Cham- 7 / 7 7 <; with 16-inch lawn umbrella flounce, Our price, Monday 0n1y.... O«fC nP1 aids,O m bre strip,,, tw, and three- The kinds are Summer Jap Silks in all colors, all our Imported and 'Z^^uT^'L.VtTZ J" ££?X *^J '^ & tone Block Checks, Louisiue Checks, etc., Dros. roulards, lovely designs in Printed Indias, Wash Silks in \ brie dllst ruffle ; si<itt full 4 yards trimmed with fine lawn ruffle, trim- etc. About six hundred woi,t, all told. checks and stripes, Swiss Taffetas in checks, pla.ds and stripes, beautiful ™£ Zn^ tiy o^ 98c t^u^^-^VfiaSSwS *Wt lCTlftim The last Waist was finished Saturday and brocades, and every kind of Black Silk you can mention. The greatest bar-! rhlA . , . „ fine pearl buttons; sold by others at ■** the entire lot .ill c o oa our m«« a.sle gains ever offered in June, worth up to *1. 50 yard. "„"* IZZ"tI ZZJZTJfc '... 31C *barg-ain tables toaiatTiW ra>rninj at thi ■^ vvvwv^ iAnAAJW^^ Cambric Umbrella Drawers, with 5- Children's Plain Drawers— 100 doz price the other fellows ask for "trash." |^**W^S«3«^ || a^lusS^^tcts^or chS :?a?fiitaS\fth e s?.^f n 3 I Scri ITT" rtH iTT" HO aT'P" Aft C W-x«-^w T^-»/^ i ijWWw.i.l '! ren 4*° 16 years ° f age; worth 45c - an< * dee P "em; for children Ito 10 $5 $5 $5 1 DRUGS AND SUNDRIES. Jfe 29c s^jbs?^.^ ioc You will sea many of these Silk 3in the g I lA/ILL F»/W YOU to read this advertisement over care- Jj ~^^*rC~T~*^~t 7~1 -%^ p.ece on Silk counter, around town at S huv lt # w "^ *5 5 ° P Mr C6Ut ° n every P^chase if you V| STRAW HATS Si <;n to $2 «tfi a v^r.l & \ 7 , anythinr that is on this list Monday. We guarantee every article to be 1 * I V^^ ▼ ▼ linl O, W J got the oest quality and strictly fresh. No old stock on our shelves. The sale S OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT PFnilCFn Pl?irP<s You will see similar Waists, poorer style and cheao.-r maks, | starts at Ba. m. and will continue until 6p. m. 1 Your choice of ail our B '25 around town at $10, Sl2 and $15. g r r n.| ?ists ' Goldeil P Hcl e S BIB ' 3 ' Golden Rule g| to^JIpL-,— Stra'wVa'S^aU B^l^. ° Sal? p^rice 2 !? 1 8C Only six hundred wamia can buy these Waists, but we wish |' Jtt SI.OO Paine's Celery Compound 65c 00 Pinkham's Compound 63c <| 4 V • t» every woman in town could see and compare them with the "job f SI.OO Wyeth's Beef, Iron and Wine 52c KD^ J.^XsW SarsaVaViha -''SiS I -Jfr >^^7 U and «c St«w HatT. "ale ??fce. . 39< : 25G lot" war scare trash advertised by high-price exag^g-erators. >S *x.oo Peruna , 60c $i^oo Meiiin's F00d... !!!49c M*\ > W ?1 00 Hood's Sarsaparilla 59c $1.00 Warner's Safe Cure ....... ! 75c l^T^f 1 / /^^V ' Your choice of all our Men's 50c QQ. P. S. — In order to give suburban residsnts an equal oppor- Ji SI.OO Hostetter's Bitters 62c SOfc Stnart'sTiyspepsia Tablets!. !!.!!!! 29c M J&^i — \ and 75c Stt aw Hats. Sale price VvC tunity to attend this remarkable will not bsg-in until \lt £0c Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 29c Jaundice Bitters 150 a fi/^2 NttJ ullli&fcxk '^^ 1 f= >"•»■••-■•"«>• uver Pins...:::. 5c Ka^corn-saw.:::::::: ::::•?§ I mn . X0 ™-W.. tU ,«««„„.., of . h e,e WaUH return to I 'Sf^S^ I P^i^PP US in good condition Within a wees. j[ B 25c Belladonna Plaster 5c lUILtII SOAPS. f| \wt^^M r^^^'aJ $1.00 quality Ventilated Bicyclof-A^ ?ae A box containing 4 cakes of Kirk's Club # V^cP^/ /' '*®MM' CapS " Sale price OlfC r~*IlVTl~"* i^fAr^tJ <^ TOILET ARTICLES. Ba * th iToilet Soap, worth 4c per cake, per 1 I — « I r^J 1— < V\/A^ri Iff II lit <* box, only 7c. # Tfcf^^ sOc quality Ventilated Bicycle OE«* t llli-* TV r\Ul I KJVJVJUiJ. jfi Jfr*^ Thesearesome MJgU^^^-, gp 1 «*a^^ Caps. Sale price OOC T^^f Ms^ri«S | ESI --r,™ I JUNE SHIRT SALE. / mrs'l '/ Section will convince you that, in spite of our tre- 5 R ' e W&K&^&y£S& «lnJ ?\n!w «? BMjMnHlsl who ha 3 u »«d this mcd- _ . . . .. T «,,...«.. -. Monday's specials in seasonable merchandise: W^^A^Jm"'^ |||nmml|ijffi merita. Only 8c per| -onsal^n^ur • MamJofh'Mel's De art *V Mjtsrfwl Fl Ffl Linen and Pique Skirtings j| S|i^^fc^|fe^ " iHmBIHiISI cake- 9 ment/maln floor, 7th" s treet entrance^first 1 jIHiF/ Wtt^ X^"*^ The two most popular fabrics for Summer Skirts <* IlliP JlßS^Bfifei Our goods are Jj Ul SKIOSI J < department on the left. I <MjT*§l£ J FOR f \^ P^' : ; "i, are Linens and Piques. In these two lines we will S R Fresh, and come naMiSSsSH 21G PfiP BoY 3 TniMOPPrtW"? cppriAi c. f^ *^ « in • M offer S pe C ial inducements Monday. 2JO pieces of \ £ direct from her vMbBBBBMP •- ■w ■ «*s uuAi J .umUKKUW 2» i>l tCIALS. llt HflnHni/ f^inens. Crashes aal Striped Crash Skirtings will po on sale Monday at R >v_ t* . ._ , m , o : . 100 dozen Men's full size, soft Ne<rliiree /A// (VI I cents, 20 cents, 18 cents, 15 cants, and 12}£ CSnts a yard, j 1 jrfJ r^ laboratories Wool boap, large size cakes 6o J Shirts, made of Satin Twill or Oxford WUwkJfflfl niUIIUU J / Monday we will give you the best bargain ever offered in White Piques. | daily " WhU l ° r A Gr ?? Im " -« 1 Cl ? th ' al l f nC , at> , ne^ P atte ™ 3 ' act " al 50c if^^^^m^*--^^^ We have just received 10 pieces of fine v*hite Pique, worth 18 cents a yard. < S Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic «s«ir pOrted Caatlle ' P er cake - 4 =? 3 for - • • lOc J values. Monday's June Shirt « E "^HH» Jflst th*thin ff for skirts and suits. For one day only, extra spa- 4Q1 A f Mme. Hair Ton c 55c Dozen 45c f Sale pnce only oSOC rial a yard ' BZoft ) 1^ Mme. Yale's La Freckla 55c * <-- , c^ -X* * ,* c, ■ -^t^j/T^ Liai, ayaru lt«2w ( „ <| i 6* dozen fine Madras Golf Shirts, starched bands seoarate cuffs r» *n (We have a full line of White Ducks from IOC to 18C a yard) | Mme. Yale s Almond Blossom 55c MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. 5 actual 75c value. Monday's ' June Shirt Sale Price'onl? .. . . "vi^.'s OO Monday we will sell all our Imported Novelties in sheer Wash Fabrics at i # JJ me - J a j c ' s J km Whitener 55c J| 50 dozen Boys' Soft Ne S Ii ff ee Shirts, full size, a regular 35c Shirt. 4 ««. greatly reduced prices. These include our Embroidered Muslins, regular \ h "' * c s kln Soap 14c A lar S e s 'Z e Ba th Sponge, only 8?. Monday's June Shirt Sale price only llf G prices 590 and 75c; Dotted Swiss Organdies, 50c and 69c; Satin Striped Organ- J «l Mme. Yale's Face Powder 27c Worth 15c. />^^^^^^ rf>^^^^^ rf>^^ -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>^^^vv^x^^^N rf N^^^^ dies, 40c and 50c; Silk and Linen Novelties, 69c to 98c. All these QC- \ B Mme. Yale's Fruitcura. . . 55c Ammonia, pints, extra strong 3 C DOMP^Tir^ 1 r->^-^^-^ ■-- lines for Monday only go at, per yard JOO | Mme. Yale's Special Lotion . 5 5c Sea Salt, 3-pound packages 5c 1 5-cent American stninTpriuts *<U^/V\, £00 pieces of 40-inch Madrases, 40-inch Organdies, 40-inch Batistes, -S R. w;ik«.^'= f, m «.,= <sf^i-^ «„.„„♦ * a -m- Bird Seed, 1-pound packages 3c X 7-cent Black and Whit 3 calicoes. Special ""I-I"*"!!! .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. i«I? ya n r c d Dit Mon c d S av nd ° rffaDdieS Gi^ hamS ' - rth frOm lOc tO 18c k ftfi f kado^sV Perfume .^Se^ullr Jgi"«J.^: Dickinson's Best WUch Hazel Extraci *° I f»tSSSXSiSS'&Si, WEBSrHE EST~IE yard. Monday 19t#<A where 50c tier ounce Our orice Monday per pint, only lOc ' J-cem Cream shaker Flannel. Special" '^ — ™~™^™ _] | wiyl^pS^cTboSaS^t^mS ■ Bring Bottle. 1O<! 1|; a^te^^^B^r^S- S :^="r.™jr^ WHITF finorm AlVn I impmc * bottle of either patent stopper Root Beer m* %!; 7 - cemAmoskeaKApronchec^^^ s p^ar:::::::;":;:;::";:;;:;;;"/;- WnilC VJUUUJS /\IMJ UIIMiIND. j j p REE p RE R Bottles, per dozenV.^.-. . . . . 45c /W. I DRESS LIINIINGS. Immense assortment; no scarcity. Prices lower than ever. § p inand .. V e«Uble Toilet Water ail ™ of Manahan's W I 'on?^" T^SSS oWIS^ specials f^or moNDAY I odors •••■ 4Bc J a 7 rine h Moth Pa r r> size ML I : IS 1-0 "^^^^ iTI^' I>IIJ/^ V*Y * <S Java Rice Powder, imported, all tints.. 21c 5x7 inches, regular price MSBfk 1 ire Fnst Black Ku&tllng Taffeta. Speclai. ::.:.:...:. ,?« 5,000 yards of Lace Striped Organdy, Plain India Linon and C^ j«? Mermen's Talcum Powder 10c 25 \ Mo «day only, per 'd J^Ho^fstrfpedPercaii o,^"0 ,^" SPCC ' a ' -i:: """i: ':::":. ::.":: ."::: Bleached Muslin Remnants, worth up to 10c. Special for OC < | 8-ounce Bottle of Florida Water, 2 for 25© Package 15 C J^^H f Real^English flerrlngbone ' lfSircloih 5weia1"..:".:"."".".'.'.'.."'.'.".'."".": !?* lease of Heavy Twilled Linen Roller Toweling, fast color red g+^ \ & A ' S Vi oi« I'pouad packages of Best 118111 °f ~" " ~ ---^s^-^^^^^^^ border; regular 8c quality. Special for 6C | "ggg} g^^!^^^ JR Cotton, only.. .25c ||| | 19C VeStS at 10C, Monday. Children's HOSe. 150 pieces of White Goods— Lawns, India Linons, Dimities and JB. W Crystal Cream for the Complexion 29c 4- row French Bristle Tooth B^sffSß 100 doz. Ladies' Fancy Sleeve- -i A Children's 1-1 and 2-1 Ribbed -t A Organdies; worth up to 25c a yard. Special this week I9C 3 4-ounce bottle of Violet Toilet Water, Brushes, well worth 10c & le ss Vests, trimmed with lace, Illr Stockings, fine gauge sizes 6to Illf BED SPREADS S onlyl3c, 2for 25c Monday, only 5 C PJ^fifPl « white and ecru, regular 19c, for. vv 10; regular 15c. Monday IVW 1 case Satin Bed Spreads, elegant Marseilles patterns, full \ *£*B*l&%&*S&S*&m&&%S&%^ j W^lTln^rZ^rr^rr^^ ca z ch and in other stores; here for this week * $ i Qii i t ™™^^™S^™< II A RDW ARE DE PT SPECWL REmN^NT SALE SHOE DEPT. STATIONERY. the^fceraTerno^^ n l n nV q C v r a e ii^s ßleached " d T « A^ R^ Na P kins «- Funny what a difference the Shoe /^^B-p. One of the s« O re c 1 Z^> mates in determimugf a woman's appear- s / F^^r^v * A tests of refinemenTan'd ) \ Qjj ance. a ney are smaii xiiings, luese < / I o I good breeding is the sta I ~^z£ais&stt&'^^ C}au2a S x* ST PAtH'S fiRFATPST fPOfI^PPV HPPT slender caselets for dainty feet - but the - v //<w**V / *L oi i cc ry. y r uses - .^ . j^S^^ ?!? ye r J Jl« r/\tl J UIICAICjI ti\UtlVCKl llCrl. J hold a world of style within their grasp I I %^ / that is cheap or in bad i^&a^ffJS^ SI ? y V«r^ Special Toilet Set Sale Monday -«^- the f r^ ht , ? oth jr & J/^lo^ / SiS'lSii^wS M^ 6 ¥_3 but tlie right sort here. "Style" is the / it. Every box we sell i s MBF&M. 1-burner F*- ! r z^. 50 6-piece Toilet Sets, beautiful fancy shape, "Open Sesame" to The Golden Rule. The ml the latest and most cor- l^^jUfafc^^mc size. Mon- «fe.i — jf\^ choice of three colors of decorations, consisting ( "gfO out" passport is "low price." wK l C\~~j \ rect thing. You get pre- day we say IS^I \ispmtmjsg SB of Wash Bowl and Pitcher, Covered Chamber, < — - - : - ¥% W0 \ cisely as much style and "^^BWmmKmgggg 29c. JET*iH Jy\sihWk II Soap Dish and Mug. Q M Kkf*\ Ladies' French Dong-ola KS^SSS \ ¥— ~t*~W^\ e°°d taste in a box that 5 2-burner ( V^W\# Monday only, set ■"•*• J Kid Boots, Brown or Black, Il^^f AVwSb^uX costs ten cents as in a HAIR CLIPPERS-Best quality steel cut- size. Mon- I*" r CC \ T ° Uet SetS ' sha P c, C hoice Silk Vesting Panel top. MB Vf^fH iTt?,'* 00^%?^ Monda^^Jy^"^" "^ 690 E^ I ■''■BJf^N ?onJst?S of* Wa WQ a " d & re . en deco _ ration ' j This is new, and they are IMfiMtn \\ \ Stationery Department, j *" — *— "^^^S--— i^^P^ Covert So^Dis^^Mug^Tooth'Br'Jsh \ Ho °' #s^^^\ S Mondavi Vflh'P«' < * fc jBIBASS SISKLES-Extra quality steel blades, handy to trim 4 rtT /.^P^m^^f^^^^^ Holder and small Jug. Gil TO Our bale Price, ? W . W^BBBK iTiUHUay S VailieS. > the lawn. Monday, we say I '^ J ■■"■ , -y ••'ripj&^F* ' _, S Kid finish Papers, the latest and neatest, Ox- S k WASH BOILERS. ; '--■- *0 Toilet Sets, nice fancy shape, pretty i'ffr» JstiffiiZ&Sg^mß ford size. 60 sheets of paper and 50 envelopes? /\ _— claret brown decoration, complete set, including Ij) m II>C in a neat box- A better value was never «Q 41 -^ ) / K\ Strong- fenji- Covered Slop Jar; crockery stores' fancy price, $4.50. ' AA RA # 4 ril| < sold in this city. Special tomorrow, box <£m 1O \ Tin ' -'J 1 |J-fW We say Monday only, set H •*^ < ■ < r --■■ r -aff^ tßlw"*"' ' IIH r Copper OTjli SB^^^r^ffl WNSm^SntiSßßr I Tinted Papers, Octavo sizes, in Old Rose, < X&fcl-' / bottom. I if ■"*■•'?'■ f,■ T'C V:^s SneCial Lamn Rarcrain*; for Mnndflv '' WM * S °^^^^^ i 1 Silver Gray, Apple Green and Electric Blue. ) >§BS/ , W^-*g^MS3S£a&~ :^a special Ump Bargains lOr lYlOnaay. La(3ies , $3>oo Boots> Tan or Black> S2 4 sheets and 24 envelopes in a box. Spe- |7^ MondSr"' HHBTI'^ 1 ' 3 This list week we purchased two big snaps in Lamps, ip]| Our Sale Price j cial per box, Monday M£G< FRO T Pii£SBES— A very ood S9c ' J'fs M* ' -'•■"'l"^''^ PZ Ind^osjorfa W.'K^aS f 1 $2 -°° ° Xf ° rd Ti «' °- Sal « Qftft BOOKS. s^^ Ma3hCn 1 5C 2^s* W :UKLI 000 fancy decorated Lamps, with shades and globes to ! **%M ,| lOc pa p er bound books, written by some of \ . fScs aB "~ match, all new advance samples for this fall. Placed on i 1 Ladies' $1.25 Oxford Ties. Our Sale |£*Cfc '' c best known a "thors — a variety to se- C^ J sale Monday morning at less than the cost of making. '! Price OvO '\ lect from. Monday they go at, per box. .. UU i >^^V Od^VSTSiZfld IIIqA^ — Lot No. I—Decorated1 — Decorated Lamps and Shades. TFO** tfa^UßEm ( i s^^^yv^^v^vN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^s^^^^^vv^^^^,; r -^ Your choice, complete, only 7JC ft_3l PAINT DEPARTMENT. Specials for Honday. I; /__J Pasißa OooIePS. Your^cho^'.VoSprete^/ 1111011^^ 101169 ' 98C HBiT |i Golden Rule, Ready Mixed House 7 q BOmine Brushes in the city, from the ordinary i 1 Paiat8 ' s P ecial > P er gallon IUU Brush to the finest made, and the prices are al- I 1 liPH|^^^^ljM ; >am. fft Xw size. Lot No. 3— Decorated Lamps and Globes, fi^ 4 JB O <WJfc ( | Furniture Varnish, half-pint 8o ways Tight. ' XP^WfflnHl^V Y^^B^Si Monday... M «9C Your choice, complete, only O I aHhO ]i Bath Tub Enamel (resists hot and cold water), Lewis' Lye, 3 cans ... . 25c !' W«¥rffiS^^W 10-quart size, I^MMBaS -Sssss^:: $2.48 a ::::^- iSHaisHs^c ism«-c ■ £: -- 98 « Don't fail to see and secure one of these bargains of Kw A 2^ -inch Paint Brush, all bristle Scratch or mar, per quart can 48c | •pfl^^Hf »»^O .^^l^Kl 4-gallon size. Fancy Lamps Monday morning. <^^I^^^^ ( ! w IL"'," •/;.* ."••• ®° lkjuart can Axle Oi) 25c i| f^^ "^Sfßlr 14-aitart size, #i^^) Mon- J^ « 41 E We carry the largest line of Paint and Kal- Send us your mail orders. < Monday . ...14« f j ;iy . _ o |^ THE ST. PAUI, GLOBE SUNDAY—— JUNE 19, 1898. 15