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The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, July 17, 1898, Image 3

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2 Parts
VOL. XXI.— NO. 198.
Madrid Correspondent Claims to Have Official
Information to That Effect, and
Cables It to London
Spain Is Willing to Give Up Cuba and to Make Such
Other Concessions as Are Within the Bounds of
Reason — Spanish Hinisters Endeavoring to Keep
the Proceedings Secret Until the End Desired
Has Been Accomplished — Surrender of Santiago
and Sending Home of Spanish Prisoners Thought
to Be the Beginning of the End of the Hispano-
American War.
LONDON, July 17.— The Madrid Correspondent of the Sunday
Times says:
"Despite official denials and preparations for a continuance of
fighting, I have the best of authority for saying- that peace is as
sured. It is beyond doubt that the main points have been agreed
upon with the Washing-ton authorities. It is understood that
Spain will evacuate Cuba, the Americans undertaking- to transport
the troops to Spain.
Spain, through the Mexican minister, has represented to
America that she is firmly decided on peace, at the same time real
*■ izing the difficulties arising from the opposition of the Cuban vol
unteers and Spanish army, notwithstanding their heavy losses.
'•The political situation is most critical, owing to agitations
in the principal towns."
British Minldlcr.i Proffer* Spain
Good Offices of That Government.
PARIS, July 16. — The correspondent
of the Temps at Madrid says:
"The British ambassador daily press
es the government to accept the good
offices of the British cabinet, stating
that it alone can obtain honorable con
ditions for Spain."
The correspondent sarcastically says:
"The ambassador points out that Eng
land will only ask a slight extension of
Gibraltar or the island of Tarsti.'e as a
Suggestion as to the Disposition to
Be Made of Spain's Colonies.
LONDON, July 17. — The Sunday i
Times this morning suggests that the '
United States invite Great Britain, as |
the most interested country, to join i
with themselves and Spain in a pro
tectorate over the Philippine islands
until a government capable of ruling
without assistance shall have been es- !
tablished. The paper says:
"The United Statas may now reason- j
ably claim a protectorate over Cuba,
but should return Porto Rico, the Lad
ronea and any other territory the gov- !
ernment might seize, though they ,
■might temporarily retain the first nam- i
ed until the war indemnities shall have
been paid."
No Cable Communication With Cuba
and Carllsts Active.
MADRID; July 16.— Senor Sagasta !
declares -that he is wholly without in
formation from Santiago owing to the
interruption of cable communications
between Spain and Cuba.
The movements of the Carlists are J
causing Increased anxiety. The organ- ;
I— Terms of Surrender Settled.
Peace .Said t» Be Assured.
Porto Rico Expedition.
2— Cervera at Annapolis.
Germany More Friendly.
3— News of Camp Thomas.
Recruits at Camp Ramsey.
4— Editorial.
Poetry of the Period.
6 — News of the Railroads.
Republican League May Meet Here.
Minnesota Exhibit at Omaha,
i Crops Are Abundant.
6-Brutalities at Santiago.
Life With Sampson's Squadron.
7— Minneapolis Matters.
News of the Northwest
B— Sporting News.
Tigers Shut Out the Saints.
White Bear Yacht Race 3.
Gossip of the Ring.
B—Jimmy8 — Jimmy Michael Beaten.
Lexington Park Cycle Races.
Error ln Bicycle History.
10— A Soldier for a Day.
Lind's Reply Expected Today.
To Reorganize the National Guard.
12- -Editors In Northwest Territories.
Statistics of Hawaii.
Remarkable Pair of Elks.
A Soldier's Marvelous Escape.
Today at the Churches.
13 — Suburban Social News.
14— Social News of St.. Paul.
Latest Things in Fashions.
35 — In Woman's Realm.
Tbe Literature of the Day.
IG- Curiosities of Cuba.
Brave Raphael Semmes.
Beautiful Isle of Pines.
Life of "Buckey" O'Neill.
Tricks of tlie Foils.
17— Wauta.
Cash Wheat ln Chicago, 73*>4c.
Bar Silver. 69*ic
IS— Backwoods of Bolivia.
Woek at the Theaters.
The President's Flag.
Saved by a Confederate.
lzatlon of the adherents of the pre
tender is complete, and they have rep
resentatives in every town. The rural
clergy, especially in the Basq.ue prov
ince, and in Navarre, Catalonia and
"Valencia, are powerful auxiliaries of
Don Carlos, whose standard would be
sufficient to cause the simultaneous ap
pearance of bands in other provinces.
The government has 100,000 troops in
readiness for eventualities.
French CoJnsul Intercedes for Sub
jects Now at Guantanamo.
PLAYA DEL ESTE, Guantanamo
Bay, July 16.— A steam launch from
the Spanish gunboat Sandoval came
down the bay this afternoon flying the
French flag. The French consul at
Guantanamo was on board, as was also
the Spanish bishop of the Catholic
church at Guantanamo. They held a
conference with Commander McCalla
relative to the removal of indigent
French subjects from Guantanamo to
the French cruiser now in the harbor.
Their request was refused until the
number of persons to be removed was
definitely known.
The French consul said that there
had been absolutely no communication
at Guantanamo with the outside world
since June 7. He was greatly surprised
to hear of the destruction of Admiral
Cervera's fleet, and the surrender of
Santiago. The latter news and the
terms of the surrender, Involving the
Guantanamo forces will be communi
cated to the Spaniards at once.
A launch from the cruiser Marble
head while scouting along the west
shore of the bay this afternoon near
the mouth of Guantanamo river was
flred upon by a squad of Spanish pick
ets guarding the road in that vicinity.
The launch replied with her one
pounder and a lively fight resulted.
The Marblehead threw two shells from
a six-pounder into the woods and the
fire of the Spaniards ceased suddenly.
The launch was not hit.
It Ia Being Closely "Watched by Gov.
eminent Officials.
WASHINGTON, July 16.— The offi
cials qf the war department have in
stituted inquiries into the sanitary con
dition of the various military camps
in Florida, with a view to the removal
of the troops to more salubrious places
in case it be found advisable to do so.
In view of the reported appearance of
suspicious cases of fever among the
troops at Tampa, the secretary of war
has telegraphed Gen. Coppinger, in
command of that military district, to
make a full report of the sanitary con
ditions there. In case of necessity the
troops will be Immediately transferred
to Chickamauga, or some other camp
in a more northern latitude, probably
Newport News, Va.
According to a report Just received
at the war department from Maj. Gen.
Lee, commanding the troops at Jack
sonville, there is no occasion for any
change from a sanitary standpoint. He
says that the camp at Jacksonville ls
ln excellent condition with plenty of
water and all the requisites for a camp.
Preparations for Its Departure Are
Being; Pushed.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. — Maj.
Gen. Merrlam has assumed command
of the expeditionary forces. Today
active preparations were continued on
the vessels of the fifth Manila expedi
tion. There will be a final inspection
of the Pennsylvania tomorrow, and, if
everything is satisfactory, the troops
designated for her will embark at once.
The troops that are detailed for the
Pennsylvania are the First Montana
regiment and the recruits for the First
The South Dakota regiment is to go
on the Rio de Janeiro. It Is doubtful
whether the Rio de Janeiro will be
ready by Tuesday. The delay i s j n
putting ln the bunks. Men will work
all day tomorrow. There is, so far
no sign of the St. Paul, due from St!
Michael. She is now a week overdue,
but has probably had to wait for river
The Utah light battery of volunteer
artillery received orders this morning
to prepare and be ready to embark on
the Rio de Janeiro without delay. They
consist of 105 officers and men. The
heavy baggage of the battery -was
packed today.
Spaniards Wanted to Get at Massa
chusetts' Regiment Stores.
PORTSMOUTH, N. H., July 16.—Re
garding the mutiny which occurred on
board the Harvard Just before she sail
ed from Santiago, it has been learned
that the Spaniards wanted to get at
the stores of the Ninth Massachusetts
regiment, which went to Santiago on
board the Harvard. Part of the troops
had been landed, but a detail had been
left to guard the stores and ammuni
It ls not clear whether the prisoners
actually made a break for the stores,
or whether they simply threatened to
do so, but there was a clash between
the Spaniards and the Massachusetts
men in the face of a marine guard, who
had the prisoners ln charge. The cap
tain of the guard, on seeing the dan
ger of an outbreak, ordered his men to
fire, and the marines obeyed, killing
six and wounding a dozen prisoners.
The last large load of Spaniards from
the Harvard was landed Just before
4 o'clock.
Soldier* Sent for a Ten-Mile Tramp
Suffer Severely.
CHARLESTON, July 16.— The three
regiments camped here were ordered
out today for a ten-mile tramp in
heavy marching order. The day was
an exceptionally hot one, and the men
suffered greatly. Before half of the
"Who Will Command the Porto Rican Expedition.
Journey was accomplished, the ranks
had been decimated by men falling
from exhaustion. Before they had re
turned to camp, some companies lost
half of their men. Some of the men
are seriously sick, as a consequence of
the march. Nineteen of them are in
the city hospital, and several of these
are thought to be in a critical condi
tion. The trouble seems to be that the
men have been kept on traveling ra
tions for over a week. Before starting
on their tramp, they had breakfast,
•consisting of hardtack, coffee and
canned tomatoes. There was not suf
ficient food to sustain them through
the task set for them.
_1 E SB M.M. E a BS HE .:3 7a H S 7171. 5 ■ 3 S X B S7l 7lffi. 7E_7lii7ai!! : _i! 7 2!7B;;! l SS!:: ar H''''E;' 37'S!" I
Eg » . ■
i _» I
E=E *< iS
■ » PrCt. m
„ ... . Total Percent Total
~ uauie or— Date. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Loss Engaged. Killed. Loss. 55
Santiago July 1-2, 1898 230 1,284 79 1,593 12,000 2 13 -
» Gettysburg July 1-3, 1863 3,070 14,497 5,434 23,001 80,000 3 4-5 30 *
■ Spottsylvania May 8-18, 1864 2,725 13,416 2,258 18,399 130,000 2 14 i
1 The Wilderness May 5-7, 1864 ...... 2, 246 12,037 3,383 17.666 120,000 1% IS I
j Antietam Sept. 17, 1862 2,108 9,549 753 12,410 85,000 2% 15 ■
* Chancellorsville May 1-3, 1863 1,606 9,762 5,919 17,287 78.000 2 1-16 22 |
Chickamauga Sept. 19-20, 1863. ..1,656 9,749 4.774 16,179 65,000 2% 25
« Cold Harbor June 1-4, 1864. .....1,844 9,077 1,816 12,737 38,000 4# 33 "
I Fredericksburg Dec. 11-14, 1862... .1,284 9,600 1,769 12,653 100,000 \% 13
(| Manassas Aug. 28-30, 1862. ... 1,747 8,452 4,263 14,462 35,000 51-10 42 P*
I Shiloh April 6-7, 1862 1,754 8,408 2,885 13,047 45,500 3# 29 |
Stone's River (Murfreesboro). . . Dec. 31, 1862 1,730 7,802 3,717 13,249 43,000 4 .31 ■
" Petersburg June 15-19, 1864. ...1,688 8,513 1,185 11,386 100^000 17-10 11 |
■ HiiiHiiKaiißaßKnißßiHissaaißEaaßßaai-rB 81
I War News in Brief. ]
< Surrender of Santiago finally accom- S
? plished. (
> Spaniards at Santiago will not re-?
t tain their arms. \
> Santiago surrender includes all\
I troops in the province save those at ]i
? Holguin. ij
> Peace, negotiations said to be actual- J 1
( ly under way. jl
> Mexican minister said to represent i!
'I Sp_/n ;n peace negotiations. ji
i| Preparations for Porto Rican expedi-*',
j! f/'on u//7/ 6e completed within a fort-', 1
i] n/grflf. ( !
]i Gen. flf//es believed to have gone to i!
]i Porfo /?/co fo se/ecf a landing p'aoe for,'
I I American troops. ||
Ji Commodore Watson may now be on \\
i| /j/'s «/aj/ fo f/>_ Spanish coast. Ji
MR Bill
Sternberg of the Cabinet Present at
tbe Conference Gen. Miles Ia to
Go First, and May Select a Place
for Landings the American Troops
—Believed Resistance "Will Be
■ Slight "Watson's Trip to tbe
Coast of Spain.
Washington Bureau St. Paul Globe. \
Corcoran Building. \
WASHINGTON, July 16.— (Special.)—
It was given out here today that prepa
rations for the Porto Rican expedition
would likely be completed within a
fortnight. That the government is de
termined to lose no unnecessary time
in getting the expedition under way
was evidenced ln the prompt summon
ing to "Washington of Gen. Brooke, who
was at the "White house today and had
a prolonged conference with the presi
dent and members of the cabinet. In
official circles it ls said that the troops
at Camp Thomas were pronounced in
excellent shape by Gen, Brooke, who is
said to have added that the soldiers
there could be ready for the forward
movement within two- weeks, at the
outside, and sooner if it became neces
sary. There is general belief that Gen.
Brooke was instructed to get his sup
plies in such shape that they can be
transferred to transports at short no
Nothing has been heard directly from
Gen. Miles during the. day, and it is
suspected that he rs even now on the
way to Porto Rico on a trip of inspec
tion. It is said that Gen. Miles is anx-
ious to post up on the situation before
the actual campaign is Inaugurated.
He will decide upon the _est landing
point, and, together with Admiral
• Sampson, agree upon how the fleet
shall co-operate in the rednction of th«
only real Spanish sWorignold there~
San Juan. Admiral Sampson, who has
had some experience on the coast of
Porto Rico, is said to be of the opin
ion that no very formidable opposition
will be encountered. The port of San
Juan is far easier of access than was
that of Santiago, and after the ships
have thrown in a few shells the Span
ish commandant at San'i'Juan will, it
is believed, reoognize the futility of en
deavoring to prevent the American
forces from taking possession.
Admiral Sampson has made a requisi
tion on the ordnance department for
a large supply of ammunition for the
fleet. Most of this will be turned over
i to Commodore Watson, who, when he
I sails for the coast of Spain, will carry
a supply of projectiles commensurate
with the task ln hand. In addition to
the shells for the big and little guns,
Commodore Watson will carry a num
ber of solid steel, armor-piercing shot,
for use in event of running across Ad
miral Camara's squadron while on the
way across, or after he arrives in
Spanish waters. With the consign
ment for Commodore Watson will also
go a lot of ammunition to replenish
the supplies of the ships that were in
the engagement with Admiral Cervera's
fleet off Santiago.
Secretary Alger's new bureau of
transportation is about to be tested as
to Its ability to handle business ln an
emergency. It ls known as the bureau
of transportation, and ls in charge of
Col. Heicker, who has already given
evidence of possessing ra!,re executive
ability. He has a valuable assistant
in Col. Bird, of the quartermaster's
department, which really has charge of
all government matters appertaining to
transportation. It ls said to be the ex
pressed opinion of Cols. Heicker and
Bird that the problem of sending home
the Spanish prisoners taken at Santiago
will be solved in such a way as to
prove satisfactory to the government
and all parties concerned. The task is
undoubtedly one of stupendous propor
tions, but the officers of the United
States military and naval departments
have fully demonstrated their ability
to arise to the needs of almost any oc
One of the .problems that ls giving
the government considerable concern
Just now ls what sort of recognition
shall be accorded the Cubans who as
sisted in the reduction of Santiago. It
has been proposed that they be permit
ted to practically govern at that point
after the Spanish prisoners have been
sent away. This would, of course, mean
that they ace to remain under the di
rection of American military authori
ties. The government is anxious to get
the troops out of Santiago province as
soon as possible, and It ls argued that
the Cubans cannot be better utilized
than in garrison duty at the captured
Spanish stronghold. It ls a foregone
conclusion ln official circles that the
Cubans will be restricted in whatever
they do to what is directed by the
authorities of the United States.
Probable Starting; Point of tbe Por
to Rico Expedition.
WASHINGTON, July 16.— Maj. Ge...
Brooke, commanding the troops at
Chlckamauga, was in conference sev
eral times today with Secretary Alger.
The two went over to the White house,
where questions relating presumably
to the proposed Porto Rico expedition
were discussed for some time. Secre
tary Alger and Gen. Brooke declined
absolutely to make any statement re
garding the subject.
In other quarters, however, there are
evidences that indicate activity in the
direction of preparation fiar a prompt
forward movement. For instance, steps
are being taken to ascertain and deter
mine to the entire satisfaction of the
war department officials the most
available points on the Atlantic and
Gulf coasts from which to embark
large numbers of men. "Maj. Gen. Wil
son, now at Charleston with a brigade
of soldiers, has expressed the opinion
that that place offers the best harbor
facilities for embarkation between
there and New Orleans. The depth of
the water at low tide is slightly over
twenty feet, while at Savannah it is
about seventeen and at Farnandina,
Fla., the captains of the vessels say
they cannot get into the harbor. Gen.
Wilson has dispatched an officer to
Newport News to look into the question
of shipping facilities, harbor, camp
grounds and water supply at that
place, which seems to indicate that
the department Is considering the
question of sending some troops there
for embarkation.
May Cause tlie Release of* Cnlian
Fatrlotts at Fernando Po.
NEW YORK, July 16.— From private
Information received in this city by
sympathizers with the Cuban cause,
there is reason to believe that Com
modore Watson may include in his mis
sion to the Spanish coast a visit, first
or afterwards, to the Island- Fernando
Po, off the African coast, to release
from imprisonment many people ban-
| ished to the Island by Spain for po
litical reasons. Most of the prisoners
are Cuban sympathizers. That some
consideration has been given to this
proposition by the government or that
the latter Intends to adopt some other
and immediate plan for securing the
release of the Cuban prisoners of war
is partly evidenced by a dispatch re
ceived here reading as follows:
"Hopes for the relief of the patriot
Herrera and others have suddenly
grown brighter. MeKinley gives us
great assurances of prompt action
Four Spanish Prlnonern Dead.
PORTSMOUTH, N. H., July l«.-Four
deaths occurred during the night among the
Spanish prisoners now at this port, two men
having died on Seavy's Island and two on
bor.rd tho Harvard. One of the deaths on the
vessel was due to malarial fever, and the
other to heart disease. One of the men who
died on the Island was an apothecary on one
of Cervera's ships and was a victim of paral
ysis. The other died from wounds. The con
j dition of those on board the Harvard was
| reported as being much better today. J
■ I
Spanish Flag Will Be Hauled Down and Stars
and Stripes Unfurled at Nine O'Clock '
This Horning.
— — -* tl
AH Spanish Troops in Santiago Province, Except at
Holguin, Are to Come to ths City of Santiago to
Surrender— Spanish Prisoners Will Be Returned
to Spain, While Volunteers and Guerrillas Hay
Remain in the Province on Parole— All, However,
to First Give Up Their Arms— Americans Get
Possession of Forts, With Ordnance in Good Con
dition, and Gunboat in the Harbor.
1 WASHINGTON, July 1& The following j
message, received by Adjt. Gen. Corbin, has |
been given out at the White House :
j SANTIAGO, July 16. — The surrender has been I
jj definitely settled and the arms will be turned over to- j
morrow morning and the troops will be marched out as \
| prisoners of war. The Spanish colors will be hauled j
jj down at 9 o'clock and the American flag hoisted.
I —Shafter, Major General. 1
The war department has the following :
PLAYA DEL ESTE, July 16, 1898. -The conditions \
of capitulation include all forcss and war material in the
| described territory. 1
The United State 3 agrees, with as little delay as
| possible, to transport all Spanish troops in tie district i
ijj to the kingdom of Spain, the troops, as far as possible, I
j| to embark near the garrison they now occupy. Officers j
« to retain their side arms and officers and men to retain I
[jj their personal property. The Spanish commander is i
| authorized to take military archives belonging to sur- §
J;| render id district
■jj All Spanish forces known as volunteers (Moiri/i- j
» zadves) and guerrillas, who wish to remain in Cuba, j
sj may do so under parole during the present war; giving I
o up their arms.
» The Spanish forces are to march out of Santiago \
sj with the honors of war; depositing their arms at a I
0 point mutually agreed upon, to await disposition of the I
« United States government, it being understood that the x
| United States commissioners will recommend that Span- Sj
| ish soldiers return to Spain with the arms so bravely \
| defended. Th.'s leaves the question of the return of the
| arms entirely in the hands of the government.
| / invite attention to the fact that several thousand {
| surrendered, said by tie general to be about 12,000, \
| against whom a shot has not been fired. The return to |
| Spain of the troops in this district amounts to about I
| 24, 000, according to Gen. Toral. I
W. R. SHAFTER, U. S. Voulunteers.
Secretary Alger, Secretary Gage, Gen. I
Brooke and Gen. Corbin had a conference j
with the president late this afternoon over j
the dispatch from Gen. Shafter, giving the
terms of the surrender of Santiago and the I
Spanish army under Gen. Toral. On leav- \
1 ing the White House they expressed them- j
I selves as highly gratified at the outcome of
the Santiago campaign, as well as the terms ]
of the surrender. It was eminently satisfac- i
tory, Gen. Alger said, and it was a great re- j
lief to know that all had been accomplished |
on the terms which had been secured.
WASHINGTON, July 16.-The sur
render of Santiago has finally been
accomplished, and at 9 o'clock Sunday
morning the Spanish soldiers will
march out of the city, the Spanish Aug
will be hauled down and the Stars and
Stripes will be unfurled in its stead.
That is the official news that comes
to the national capital from Gen. Shat
ter, the commanding offiuer of the Unit
ed States army in Santiago province.
The Spaniards are to give up their
arms and will be sent back to Spain
by or before July 25, is the programme
mapped out by the government. The
refugees at Caney and Siboney are to
be turned back into the city of San
tiago, and an American infantry patrol
will be posted ln the roads surround
ing the city. All the Spanish troops ln
1-10 \
ican hospital corps will care for Spar.
the province of Santiago, with the ex
ception of some 10,000 at Holguin. un
der Gen. Luque, will march to Santia
go city and lay down their arm.-*. The
irregular Spanish troops, such as vol*
unteers and guerrillas, will a.iso b„
called upon to give up their arms. They
wili be v>erm!tted to remain in tha
province, provided they are willing t(>
remain passive so long as the present
war between America and Spain is en.
The American forces are to huve
turned over to them all the ordnance
in the forts of Santiago, and are to
have the use of the Juragua railroad,
which is Spanish property. Spaniards
are to be permitted to take with them
portable church property. The Amer-
I liinl I himml on B.aAnd Pacta.

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