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VOL. XXI.— NO. 279. !. QUAY IS HELD II IST ANSWER THE CHARGE OF I MXG FINDS OF PENN SYLVANIA SENSATIONAL SCENES AT THE HEARING §i:\ V TOR'S COUNSEL FIGHT INTRO DUCTION OF A HBMORAI DIM BOOK COUID NOT KEEP IT OUT OF COURT It Was the Private Diary of the L*ate faultier llopklus, of the People's Hank, and Contains Much That Apjffl DaiuaglnK— Prosecutor Declines to Give the Names of Complainants. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 5. — United dates Senator Quay, his eon, Richard P. Quay, and Charles H. McKee, of Piitsburg, law partner of Lieut. Gov. Lyon, appeared before Magistrate Jer- Mion, in the Central Court, In this city, today to answer to the charge of con epiracy in the alleged misuse of public moneys in connection with John S. Hop kins, former cashier of the People's bank, of this city, who committed sui cide soon after the failure of the bank, In March last. Ex-State Treasurer Haywood. for whom a warrant has been issued in connection with the con epiracy charges, was not in court, but It Is promised that he will be here on Friday to answer to his accuser. After a hearing lasting three hours Senator Quay and his son and Mr. McKee were bound over for appearance at the next term of court Ball was fixed at $5,000 In each case, David H. Lane, a local political leader, going ball. The case How goes on the lfrst for trial at the term of court beginning in November. The toetimony produced by District 'Attorney Graham was In the shape of Hbout twenty letters and numerous tel egrams, covering a period from Sep tember, 1897, to February, 1898, address ed by Senator Quay to Cashier Hop kins, directing the purchase and sale of large blocks of stock, and arrang ing for the placing of margins; a letter from State Treasurer Haywood to the People's bank, and a private memoran dum book of Cashier Hopkins. The lawyers representing the accused fought hard against the introduction of the latter, claiming the bank's books, and not a mere memorandum, should be offered, but it went in as evidence, nevertheless. The district attorney averred the evidence he produced ehowed that Senator Quay had the use of $200,000 of the state's deposit of over $^00,000 in the People's bank for stock speculation; that State Treasurer Hay vooo" placed $100,000 of state funds in the People's bank on condition that that amount of money be loaned to Senator Quay's son, and that there was a reg ular assignment of Interest on state de posits in the People's bank to certain accounts, one-third of it going to Mr. McKee, all of which, he claimed, was In violation of the state law prohibit ing a bank official from making such tiansactiens, and that the accused per sons were guilty of conspiracy in join iner with Hopkins In these transactions. TRIAL DRAWS CROWDS. The court room was filled almost to suffocation with politicians, newspaper men and lawyers. R. E. Shapley and A. S. Shields, two of the brightest lights of the local bar, represented the ac cused. The attorneys for the defense opened the proceedings with a fruitless effort to secure from the district attor ney the names of the persons responsi ble for the prosecution. There were only three witnesses. The first was Thomas W. Barlow, receiver for the People's bank, who is also a special as at district attorney. Mr. Barlow stated that in his capacity as receiver he opened the dead cashier's desk and found among other things a number of letters and telegrams and a book con taining memoranda in Hopkins' hand writing. This book, referred to by Lawyer Shields as a "red book," was about a foot square and contained 200 pages. It figured prominently in the day's proceedings and was the subject of much controversy. Mr. Barlow's cervices as witness ended with the presentation of the letters, telegrams and the book. Alfred Labor, teller of the People's TODAY'S BULLETIN. Page. I— BatUe at Bear Island. Quay Under Bonds. Short Shrift for Spain. 2— Llnd'a Tour Airanged. In County Political Field. B—Sensational8 — Sensational Suicide. Engineers Leave Camp Wikoff. News of the Rallroada. 4— Editorial. War Investigation. 6 — Sporting News. University Eleven Defeated. 6— Markets of the World. Bar Silver. 60c. Cash Wheat. 62V4c 7— Minneapolis Matters. News of the Northwest. B— School Board Scored. Judgeß Entitled to Increase. Odd Fellows' Home. ATLANTIC LINERS. NEW YORK— Arrived: Majestic, Liverpool QUEENSTOWN-Arrived: Teutonic, New York for Liverpool and proceeded. Sailed: Britannic, Liverpool; Friesland Ant werp. ' GLASGOW— Arrived: Furne-:»ia, New York BREMEN— Arrived: Kaiser Frederlch New York. LIVERPOOL— Arrived: Teutonic, New York ROTTERDAM — Arrived: Maasdam New York. TODAY'S EVENTS. METROPOLITAN-Wilbur Opera company i» "Grand Duchess." 8:16 PM GRAND— "Casey's Wife." 8:16 PM Palm Garden, vaudeville. 2 and 8 PM Assembly, council chamber, 7:15 PM Board of aldermen, council chamber 4 pu Prof. Zeublin'a lecture, Central high school 8 PMs THE ST. PAUL GLOBE bank, then Identified the handwriting In the book as that of Cashier Hop kins, and also identified a number of letters as written by Senator Quay and Treasurer Haywood'. A number of tluse letters were put in evidence, one from Treasurer Haywood to President MoManes, saying that $600,000 of state funds would be deposited the following week, and that Richard Quay be al lowed to borrow $100,000. Through the third witness, Mr. C. R. Goldsmith, an expert accountant, who had worked on the bank's books, Mr. Graham finally got the "red book" admitted in evi dt nee. Its entries covered from May 1, ISM, to the closing of the bank nearly four years. Only a few entries were read. They showed that between April 30 and Oct. 31, 1597, the state deposit in the bank ran up from $52r>,000 to $565,000. From this total there was a deduction of 20 per cent, evidently, as Mr. Graham explained, for the bank's use, then an entry, "lees $200,000 Quay, 1594, 1 S." For this period the inter est was computed in the book as $5,844, one-third of which, $1,894, was marked "Paid O. H. ftlcK." In October, 1898, there was a computation of interest on state deposit amounting to $7,353, of which $2,451, or one-third, was marked "Handed to C. H. McK." The name of "C. H. McKee, 118 Diamond streeet (Mr. McKee's Pittsburg address)," was entered in another part of the book. In referring to the book Mr. Graham said that in all entries of the amount of the state deposit there was a deduc tion of the amount Mr. Quay had in use, and there was never a dollar of interest credited against it. He said there were frequent entries of "Due R. B. Q.," "Due M. S. Q.," and "Due . Quay." DEFENSE FOUGHT HARD. Mr. Shapley, after the district attor ney had concluded his presentation of facts, said: "In all these transactions there is not an instance to prove that either Senator Quay or his son Richard engaged in speculations with the state money. They bought and ordered shares of stocks which they paid fur with their individual funds, and that is proved by the letters read by the district attorney." Mr. Shields referred several times in the course of the hearing to Mr. Graham's arguments as "swallow stump speeches." All through the ordeal Senator Quay bore an air of composure. He prompted his lawyers frequently, and passed judg ment on every point raised. The district attorney had some diffi culty in deciphering the Senator's hand writing occasionally, but the latter al ways came to his aid in the reading. Senator Quay tonight, In response to an inquiry for a statement by a rep resentative for the Associated Press, spoke as follows: "I think that no one who was present at the hearing todiay entertains any doubt as to the truthfulness of the charge boldly made by my counsel that this proceeding was instigated by poli tical enemies of mine, who hid behind the district attorney, and will not per mit him to reveal their names, and that their sole purpose was to manufacture campaign literature by false charges that could not be met and answered except before a court. Of course every body knows that on such a hearing I could not be permitted to make any de fense or show the falsity of these char ges, and my counsel advised me it will be worse than useless to attempt to do so at this time, and In such a proceed ing. But you may be sure that I have instructed them to force this case to a speedy trial, in a court where both sides can be heard, and after that to expose legally and punish to the ut most the instigators of this proceeding. My counsel assure me that not a scin tilla of legal evidence was offered to day to justify the issue of a warrant or a binding over. As to the charges themselves I have simply this to say, that they are absolutely false and wholly without foundation. "I have always had an account with the People's bank, and have frequently instructed Mr. Hopkins to have brok ers buy for me stocks that I thought were likely to rise in value, but they were always bought with my own money, or upon my own credit, and I have always borrowed money on good collateral, and the People's bank was amply protected for any money bor rowed from it. Not a single share of stock was bought for me either direct ly or indirectly with the public money, and my letters, which were offered in evidence, themselves clearly show this. Nor did I have the use or benefit either directly or Indirectly to the extent of a penny of the public deposits in the People's bank. Nor did I obtain from the bank the loan of a single dollar because of the deposit with it of the state money. Nor did I obtain a sin gle penny, for every penny I ever bor rowed from it was promptly paid by me at maturity. As to my son's trans actions.which were perfectly legitimate, I had nothing whatever to do, except that having full confidence in his abil ity to pay the loan at maturity, I in dorsed his paper and it was fully paid at maturity. If the president of the bank wanted an assurance from the state treasurer that he would increase or would decrease the line of deposits, it seems to me a very natural course, as he himself was one of the treasur er's bondsmen, and was, as everybody knows, most amply responsible finan cially, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, and had no knowledge of it, and my son certainly did no wrong in borrowing money belonging to the People's bank upon notes secured by collateral, which notes, with inter est, have been fully paid." THE LETTER. The letter on which is based the charge that state deposits were made on condition that Richard Quay were loaned money was from ex-State Treas urer Haywood to President McManes, of the bank, as follows "July 81, 189 C —On Monday w© will mail you a check for $100,000 for credit of com monwealth of Pennsylvania general fund, which will make a credit to our account of $600,000. The understanding is that I am not to draw against any part of this $600,000 un til R. R. Quay has paid or arranged satis factorily to you the loan of $100,000, which you are to make to him on Monday next." OPENING SPEECHES. Ohio Republicans Bcgrln Their Cam paign In Earneat. WOOSTER, 0., Oct. s.— The Republi cans of this (Wayne) county opened the fall campaign here today, Senator Joseph B. Foraker. being the principal speaker. His address was frequently interrupted by enthusiastic applause from the large audience present. Senator Foraker opened with a eujogy of Gov. Bushnell, and a review of his Continued on Seventh Pave, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 6 r 1898. WITH A SHORT TURN SPANIARD'S MAY BE BROUGHT TO A REALIZATION OF THE INEVITABLE FRICTION RUMORS GUESSES Too Early in the Proceedings to Even Speculate as to* the Out come of Peace Negu( I tit lons at Paris Spain Will He Given All CoiiNlderutlon Unless Detected in Dissembling. WASHINGTON. Oct. s.— lt can be stated on authority that the various stories published relating to the work of the peace commission now In Paris, wherever they assume to Indicate a failure of negotiations, a renewal of hostilities, and the dispatch of a naval force to the Spanish coast, are specula tive. As a matter of fact the commis sion has not progressed so far with its work as to warrant the attempt to a conclusion as to the outcome. It Is not even possdble to predict the length of the session with any accuracy. The proceedings may last one month or three. That will depend entirely upon the view taken by the American com missioners of the situation in Paris. If they are convinced that the negotia- i^ SVs L^f<? " " "^ - 0 > I \ ! \ i 1 -A ' \ vl )\ i '{(pa i cam A 1 — *4s^ LEECH LAKE REGION. Map Showing the Location of Bear Island, the Reservation and the Scene of taa Am buscade. tions are being conducted with sincerity on the part of the Spanish commission, there will be no effort made to force them beyond reason. But if it should appear that the Spanish position is not subject to changes, that it ia irrecon clliable with the American demands, and that the Spanish, knowing this, are simply prolonging the proceedings, our commissioners are likely to be promptly recalled. AMERICA'S DEMANDS. The Spanish government is now fully informed, through its commissioners of the exact extent of America's demands. "Whether these are absolute, and not subject to abatement, cannot be ascer tained here, for the responsible officers declare that it would be extremely bad policy to make any admission on this point. But the impression in official circles is that the conditions are ab solute in their general scope; yet there may be opportunity for Blight amend ments in matters of details. As to these details, Admiral Dewey Is one of the most trusted counselors of the American commissioners. Such infor mation as he has been able to collect has already been mailed to the com missioners, and, in addition, the au thorities here have cabled certain ex tracts from the admiral's observations, which are believed to be of special Im portance just now. It is believed that with his usual modesty, the officer has refrained from expressing 1 any opinion upon the very essential point as to. the extent of the American demands in the matter of territory In the Philippines. He has not directly suggested thiat the whole group be taken, nor that our claim be limited to Manila bay and the continguous territory, but he has called attention to one very Important con sideration which has seemed to escape genral observation up to this time, and which has been laid before the Ameri can commissioners. That ia, with all k the advantages in a commercial way possessed by Manila, the place is in defensible unless Subig bay be also held by the United States. This particular bay is, on the whole, regarded as be ing superior from a strategic point of view to Manila bay, and the Spanish government has evidently be«h of the name mind, for before the outbreak of hostilities it was about to embark upon an extensive scheme of defensive works in Subig bay. As a result of a consultation at the White Ikousa between, the »residenfc. Secretary Hay and Secretary. Long, freeh instructions regarding the Phil ippines have been wired to the Ameri can commissioners in Paris, on a new point brought up since the consultation of Maj. Gen. Merrltt with the American representatives. Mr. Day is empower ed to Interrupt tho commission's work any time in case he should find that Spain is either unwilling to agree to the demands of this government or dis posed unnecessarily to delay the com mission's work, and a naval demonstra tion will follow, which the authorities are satisfied will bring the Madrid gov ernment to Its senses. Senor Felipe Agoncolo, the representative of the insurgents commanded by Ag-ulnaldo, will be permitted to lay before the com mission any facts which he may desire to present, and the American commis sioners have been advised of his com ing. AGONCOLLO SATISFIED. Says His Stay in Washington Has Been Satisfactory. "WASHINGTON, Oct. s.— The Philip associates will leave Washington to associates, will leave Washington to morrow, having concluded their mission here. They go to New York, where they take a steamer on Saturday morn- Ing for Havre, and thence to Paris, where they will seek to place the In terests and desires of the Filipinos be fore the American peace commission. Agoncollo said tonight that he had r«- ceived a dispatch from his government stating that the national assembly had elected as its chairman Dr. Paterno and as its secretary of state, Dr. Adel mo. Mr. Agoncollo regarded the su lection of the secretary of state as an interesting- and important development as it showed, he ?aid. how thoroughly organized the legislative and executive tranches of the new government are. With a secretary of state the Philip pine government is now in a position to deal with the outside world. Mr Agoncollo said his stay in Washington had been satisfactory. During the day he made calls on all the cabinet officers and also left his card at the residence of Vice President Hobart, and at the hotel quarters of Speaker Reed. He had tried to talk with members of the house and senate, feeling they would have considerable to do in the settle ment of. the Philippine question. Mr Agoncollo said he would point out to the Paris commission the futility o* continuing Spanish rule In any part of the Philippines, and the capability of the Filipinos to govern themselves as shown by their late actions. GOMEZ FOR PRESIDENT. Cuban In S nr K ent Ticket TUnt I 8 Picked as * Winner. HA\ ANA Oct. 5.-2 p. m.-The press of the island seems to consider the fol lowing: ticket as sure of election In the coming: convention of the Cuban Insur gent party at Santa Cruz del Sur caU ed for Oct. 10: vS i pe B ,aenr.v.v:;.v.v.v.v B^ 0 ;- e G -- Secretary of Foreign Affairs- Domingo Medez Cannt* Secretary of Finance Benjamin G ! Secretary of Justice . T n q« t Secretary of War r^t-Bi^Sß Senor Estrada Palma. Is a candidate for the post of Cuban representative at Washington. Gen. Maximo Gomez Ims declared that he will not accept any office un der the Cuban government, but his friends are convinced of their ability to persuade him to withdraw his ob jection. According to alvlces from Cienfuegos, the Cuiban general. Hl&ino Esquadro, Is camped with 2,500 men on the Santa Rosa estate, about five miles from Cien fuegos. He has established a hospital over which floats the Cuban and Red Cross flags. The condition of the men la excellent. BLOODY BATTLE AT BEAR ISLAND Third Infantry Detachment Ambushed by the Pillager Indian Out- GEN. BACON AND HIS WHOLE FORCE IN PERIL Government Urged to Send Reinforcements at Once to Save the Commander and Troops From Destruction A GENERAL UPRISING OF INDIANS IMMINENT Attack on the Soldiers a Complete Surprise—The News of the Battle Brought Back to Walker by Marshal O'Connor, Who Urged Lieut. Humphrey to Go to the Relief of His Comrades— War Department Will Now Act Effectively in Putting Down the Des peradoes—Wild Story From Duluth==-An Appeal for Aid Sent to Brainerd. Staff Special to The St. Paul Globe. WALKER, Minn., Oct. 6 (2 a. m.]— Urge Fort Snelling authorities to send troops at once to reinforce Bacon and Wilkinson and prevent a threatened Indian uprising. Staff Special to The St. Paul Globe. WALKER, Minn., Oct. 6.-3 a. m.— The report was brought to Walker by Marshal O'Connor at 3 o'clock yesterday that the detachment from the Third regiment and the deputy marshals, Indian police, Indian interpreters and the correspondents of the Pioneer Press, Tribune and Minneapolis Times were ambushed and a desperate battle fought at Bear Island today. The marshal left the scene of battle at noon and on arriving at the old Indian agency was put ashore by means of a canoe. He rode three quarters of a mile to the agency and informed Lieut. Humphrey, who is in command of a squad of twenty regulars here, that the troops at his command were needed to reinforce Gen. Bacon at Bear Island. Lieut. Humphrey refused to go to the relief of his comrades-in-arms without he had orders from superior officers. Marshal O'Connor wired the interior department at Washington requesting that troops be sent at once, as there was danger of an Indian uprising, and ad ditional troops were needed at once to reinforce Gen. Bacon, if alive, and put down the fighting Indians in any event. No reply had been received up to 8 o'clock. The unexpected happened yesterday morning a t the main land near Bear island when Company E, of the Third regulars, commanded by Maj. Wilkinson, Lieut. Ross and under charge of Gen. Bacon, were ambushed and trapped by the Indians. The battle was a com plete surprise to the troops, and on the first volley four of the men were stricken down. The first shot was fired at 1 1:30 o'clock, and at noon when your correspondent left for Walker, the fighting was still in progress. The troops, accompanied by Gen. Bacon and Marshal O'Connor, left Walker on the steamboats Flora and Chief. The Flora in addition towed a barge on which was the com pany of the Third. On the steamer were Deputy Marshal Sheehan, W. H. Brill, of the Pioneer Press, K. C. Beaton, of the Minneapolis Tribune, and Harry L. Knappen, of the Minneapolis Times. The steamer Chief had on board Gen. Bacon, United States Marshal O'Connor and half a dozen deputies and nine Indian police and two Indian interpreters. Tiie expedition started at 5:50 o'clock and reached the vicinity of Bear island, where Bog-Ah-Me-Geshik (Bush Ear) had a conference with Marshal O'Connor and Indian In spector Tinker on Monday. The barge having on board the troops was landed, but the water was so shallow that the steamers anchored off the shore. The Flora about thirty-five feet and the Chief about 970 feet. There were several Indians seen about the few log houses on the shore, but when the troops landed all but one disappeared in the woods. On landing, the soldiers proceeded to the house in which Bog- Ah-Me-Geshik resides, when at home, but the chief, who had threat ened to kill the soldiers, in case they should be sent after him, was not at home. Deputy Marshal Sheehan however, found Mah-Quod, a Pillager Indian, who was one of the twenty two who rescued the Pillager chief soma weeks a^o, and placed him under arrest. Mali Quod put up a desperate fight. Although the company of soldiers were drawn up In front of the place, It required the assistance of four soldiers to subdue the pris oner and put the handcuffs on him. During the time Deputy Sheehan had his hands badly cut in putting on the handcuffs'. After Mah Quod had been placed in the bow of the steamer Flora the troops formed columns of twos and marched around the peninsula, which la on the main land off from Bear Isl and. A number of small Indian set tlements were visited and inquiries made for Indians for whom the mar shal and his deputies had warrants. Bog-Ah-Ma-Geshlk kept out of the way as well as the others of the tribe wanted. A number of the loaders talk ed with by Gen. Bacon and Marshal O'Connor professed great friendship for the soldiers and promised to do what they could to secure the members of the tribe wanteG. Several Indiana were seen walking EYTDA 5 A. M. laws and Four Hen Stricken. UNEXPECTED HAPPENED. EXPEDITION STARTED. about with riflVs in hand, but they were always at a distance, and made no demonstrations of war. United States Marshal. Two hours and a half was spent by the troops, and the marshals in visiting PRICE TWO CENTS^jgy^^w — A. F. Morton. the several settlements, and then the party started back for the landing place. Just In front of Bog-Ah-Ma- Geshik's a young Indian was arrested by Deputy Sheehan. The fellow an swered to the name of Musastrand, and made no objection to his arrest. The company, minus a few guards ° n .,. tne steamer Flora, lined up with their backs to the lake, and were put through a few evolutions by Maj. Wilkinson. The last order of the commanding of ficer before the massacre commenced was to unload pieces. ThLs was obeyd, and ias the men rested arms a signal shot was heard. This was followed an instant later by a second one, and then a fustilade of shots was fired from the bushes and small timber by the Indians who were in ambush. When the first shot was heard it was supposed one of the company in un loading his rifle had accidentally dis chaiged It. The second shot created Continued oa Flttk Page.