Newspaper Page Text
NE\A/S OF^ THE NORTHWBar. >The Globe's Minneapolis Office [ for Subscriptions, WHEAT UNDER SNOW THE FARMERS OF XORTH DAKOTA HAD NOT FINISHED THEIR THRESHING WHEN THE BIG STORM BROKE It la Estimated That There Are 10,000,000 Bniheli ol Wheat l'l» Tbere Inder Several Feet ol Snow It Will Not Be of Any I- Ise for Flour Purposes Only Good for Feed. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28. — Thou sands of acres of wheat in shock were caught by the recent snow storm ln the northern part of North Dakota and will be of no use except for feed. James H. Wilson made this statement at the Sanders hot^l today. Mr. Wilson has a large grain farm ln Richland county, N. D., near King's Co,, lie. He harvested 6,000 bushels of wheat and a large crop of oats and h^s tiie grain stored in elevators. , Speaking of t_he loss of grain to farm ers in the northern part of North Da kola, he said that about 10,000,000 bush els of wheat lies under snow there now. It was not stacked and the rain came and pi evented threshing for several _■ and was followed by snow, Which prevents its being threshed at all. None of it will be tit for market Ifor flour purposes. This wheat is all owned by farmers in a small way, who did not have the money or Inclination to hire help to put it in stacks or buy machines to thresh it before the wet ■ eather came on. The loss will be heavy on these farmers, as practically all of their reason's work went for naught. Or. I ishhiatlH Troubles. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28.— There arn-. In Minneapolis today Dr. E. M. . i'ishblatt. at one time a promine; t J physician in the Northwest. Becoming a vic i to (be morphine and cocaine habits, he rapidly sank iv the professional nnd soelil ►i-'-ai«- and i lao lott bis wealth. Lea* than a year .11.0 he waa sent West by soma of his friends, but he is now almost a total wreck. :iave been ill ior dye weeks in 4 St. Paul ho&pital. I li-- city furnished the unfD.-Mraio nna ! with a railroad ticket to Wiln ngtJti, N. C, where, lie Fays, he has a hrj-.'i -r nvir.g. He has net been at his old homo f ji- fiftec?n yrara. CoTitrnereinl t'lufo Seeretnryship. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28. - A mec.lng or tbe dire; tors of the Minneapolis Commercial club will be held ti'mirr.iw ait ernoon to select a secretary to succeed E. R. Willard, resigned, and to diipoje of other metiers that will be reported upon i)y U.e executive committee of the board. Tne;.- are fourteen candidates for th. sic retaiyblp. A little later an ualacait secre tary will be selected. I'roposed Frelalit Bureau. MIXNKAPOUS, Nov. 28. - Thora Is aiid to be a movement on f.<>t ln the Minneapolis chamber o: commerce to i3 tabHsfa ;i freight bureau. Its ueed has been apparent for some time. It is iald tiiat the railroad:, giving di-cct oeaaeeticna to Milwaukee and Chicago to the wheat fields of lowa and Southern MlaneaetS li.iv discriminated In favor of the long rua i-.k^iiist the Shorter hiul to Minnoapj'is. A committee on transportation, consisting <f C. A. Pillsbury and Howard Commons, hai Gone much ' warda (-"curing oetMeaatonf rroai tbe \ railroads ton the work has bt come so oaeriSa thai It is proposed to install ■ bureau, at the head of which a capable mim will be plj- • d. I'iiMtor Eraser KmlKnn, MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 28.— 1t was told in the UM-eting of the Presbyterian preachers today that Key. \\ '. H. Kraser. psstor of Ollvor Pr«»t-t>_ rian church, had decided to resign. Mr. Frazil., health bas beer poor fer somo time, and ihe gn ;it r. s;,<n_iil>i iti. s ln eon '■■uii with the work ol the pastorate has made it Oi coaaary that he should take up work in s .me church whiivh is less laborious and exacting than U*at of Olivet ohurch. The resignation will be laid before the member ship of the church Thursday evening. Ilonahton for Building' Inspector. MDTNBAPOLIS, Nov «.— When the Re publican aldermatfic cancu. meets, there is win ii llu re will be no contest. 1 <>r if 'here i- even a s iiiblun<e of a com it will simply be a cut and dried afTalr, and ! in the end lames O. H< ugl-ton will be named as building inspector, with John A. t.l.mnn .is flrst assistant Mr. Houghton is at pres enl latent under Mr. Oilman. A _ trade been consummated, so it is said, by which the present building inspector, who -. is a Dem era", steps down, aud gives way 1 I to hie first assistant. !To Select a Secretary, MINNEAPOLIS, Nov tt.— A n:-»etlng of the directors of the Commercial club will be h.'id ' tomorrow afierno >n to ssset a secrstar\ to EC. it. WTMrd. rvslgmd. and to dls m <• other matters that will be re i upon i,y \he executive committee of the bond. Some fourteen can didates warn the secretaryship. E. It. Rarto, who has been 1- i-.ant secretary for about a year, si- nis to be a strong flavorite. HiffmßAPoua Buvirm, Bnlistmenta for the hospital corps of tbe l 1 States army at the T.iir.l _treeit re- i •■ni:-- ore being m..,!.> daily. Dr. McKem 1. i a United States examining sur- ; .;eon in charge, said ] sal 111 day that tiiere were fifty four applicants awaiting examlua- a RESULTS Are What You Want. -MPt^" AmC sk fig -I^l g g\ TREATMENT mm THE FIRST TIM. lUHO TREATMENT U Dr. Coles own discovery for WEAK MEN. - v eV e:y way weak, who may be suffering from the wasting 'weakening and nervous results of LOST MANHOOD. __ After a quarter of a century's practice in ih. curing of all DISttASBH OW MEN _ a specialty, and in treatment and cure of Jutt such cases as these Dr. Cle discovered his fan-cu* t REO TREATMENT. It uot only acts directly on the (JK.MTO-I RIN VR V ening. Invigorating, revltal y.'.d rejuvenating the fundamental or gans, but at o:.ce imparts to him the vitality . manhood tiiat be fhould possess. « RBO TREATMENT eleetrifles t'::e whals system 1 arc <s out the weak points and for •h ra at once by acting on the nerve tenters, stcnaih. digestive organs, heart, liver, kidneys, bladder, spinal .-ord and brain; thus preparing the way for nature to assert •I^. If. making the man strong, vigorous, ro bust ar.d healthy, with ut an ache or pain, correcting tbe whole system. OFFIOE TREATMENT. In every case, where it is possible for you to come to the offices, by all mean, do so. It ' is so much more satisfactory to you and to I -the doctor to have a personal consultation and examination. You then gee and talk with tho old a HOME TREATMENT. • who cannot come to the offices our method cf home treatment in all case? fa perfect as it can be made. A complete and ._is is made cf each case, free of charge, and a special c. urse of treatment is sent to meet the apecial requirt m. n-s of each case, by mail or exp-v.-?. Dr. Alfred L. le. Medical institute and Council cf Piijsl clens. 2. Washington Avease S.uth. Mtnne apel it Iftinneapolls Book Exchange, 20 Washington Ay. South, tion. A souad of twenty-five accepted men were started for Augusta, Ga. Saturday, making 225 thus far enlisted m Minneapolis. Gethsemane Parish society, of Minneapolis, held iv annua! election of officers last even ing with the following result: Senior warden, E. F. Weitzell; junior warden, W. H. Ritchie^, vestrymen, C. J. Gutgefell, F. B. Dodge. WT R. Sweatt.. C. G. Church. J. A Peterson. Isaac Peterson. A. W. Scott, F. C. Ger hard, P. V. T. Wiggins. The financial ro port, covering the time from Easter to Ad vent, showed that the receipts had been $6, --730.28, and the disbursements, $6,529.54. leav ing a cash ballance on hand of |3W.7__. Mrs. Hilda Johnson, 1236 First avenue north, Minneapolis, reported to the police last night that her 7-year-old son had run away from home ln the afternoon. The runaway ia described as of light complexion and woro a blue coat, and long cap, with tassell. The officers were told to be on the lookout. STILLWATER. Probability of a Prosecution for Having- a Firkin ot Oleo. STILLWATER, Minn.. Nov. 28.— Inspectors Staples and Wilson, of the dairy and food commission, were in the city today on a still hunt for oleomargarine. They found a firkin ln one of the establishments on Chest nut street, and It was confiscated. The com miisioncr was notified and the parties having oleomargarine . In their possession will prob ably be prosecuted. Mrs. Richard Cloney, residing on West Oak street, died yesterday, of typhoid fever. She was Eixty-eight years of age, and had been ill about five weeks. She is survived by a husband and nine grown children. The funeral will be held from 3t. Michael's church tomorrow morning. G. A. Wright, who was sent to prison from Blue Earth county last week, to serve one year and eight months for grand larceny, turns out to be 'ironfoot" Johnson, a no torious crook, who has served time in a j number of prisons and who was released from the prison at San Quentin, Cal., a few months ago, after having s?rved a t r n years' term there. District court reconvened this morning and the case of Dennis Boyle and William O'Brien va. Museer, Sauntry & Co., ls on trial. The : plaintiffs demand $G,OOO for driving loge be- ] longing to the defendant corporation on Ket- ■. tie river in 1896. In the case of F. E. Campbell against G. A. Kelm. tried in the municipal court s~me i time ago. Judge Doe has rendered a decision ln favor of the plaintiff, who receives Judg ment for the fuil amount of his claim. Lainmers Bros., who are operatiug exten sively at Eau Claire lakes b-gin stripping horses from here today and will ship about 125 head. "homeTsweethojie" THAT IS WHAT THE TWELFTH REGIMENT BAND IS TRYING TO PI.AY TEARS IN ITS TROMBONES Date- Are Canceled A Winona Boy of Eighteen Die* From Ex- SB— lts t v l__-«re_te Smoking Death la a Montana Snianh-1 p lil»e Blaze nt Aantln General Xtwi of the \orlhwest. WINONA. Minn., Nov. 28.— (Special.) —The Twelfth Regiment band, which Lavs been touring the state the past month, came to grief at this city to day when Its managers were compell ed to cancel their .late here, owing to cHffß&t-Sfactlon among- the members, they claiming that their management has been neglected. They played at St. Charles last night, but the atten dance was so slim that tht> performers refused to show. An effort is balng n ads here to get them on the road and play their next booking, which is Ro <i;isUr, tomorrow ni?ht. FINAL HEARING ASKED. It. D. Hnbliard'a Pervonal Estate Will Snon Be Settled. MANKATO, Minu.. Nov. 28.— Assignee George M. Palmer, of the R. 1). Hubbard personal estate, has applied to the court tor a Ins! hearing and final accounting, a; d wi 1 follow this up by aoking for hi 3 dheiiarge aa such assignee, after paying to the creditors of the estate a dividend, which will amouut to _3 1-3 per cent. The amount of money held by the assignee is about $22,000 and the claims will reach $108,000. All c a'mants. with tfcs exception of oue. have filed releases. This c aim is hed by an eastern party and it amounts to about $aoc.coo. Mr. Hubbard's personal liabilities were nearly $400. n00. The assignment was made on May 30, 1897. Prior to the assignment ef toits for a settlement were made ad creditoia were offered 25 seats on tht dollar. TOO MAW CIGARETTES. A Winona Boy Dftsa From Their Ex reulve l»c WINONA, Minn.. Nov. ____— (Spec a!.!- -Fells Puppel, eighteen yt ars of age. di'-d toiay m tha result of excessive cigarette smoking. He w-js taken down about a year ago witb a disease akin to consumption, but, though the I'hysicians Insisted on his stopping ib- Lai-it he- still persist d. wi h the result that he died. His mania was so strong that when he could not buy cigarette* he either stole or begged them. Th.' ease was made an ob.ect lesson ln a sermon preached at the Polish Catholic church, the boy b ing a ui.mbcr. Celebrate- Silver Aiinirernary . MANKATO. Minn., Nov. 28.— The jubilee exercises of Bt. Peter and Paul's Catholic church, celebrating the twenty-tilth anniver sary of that sacred edifice, was held yester day and today. Pontifical high mass was celebrated by Rt. Rev. Bishop Cotter at 10 . o'clock yesterday morning. Rev. Aug!i<-tin 1 Wlrth. under whose direction the chnrch j was erected. preael.-Ml the sermon. Bishop I James Trobeo, of St. Cloud, and other pre- I lates. together with a larse number of priests or other dioceses, were in attendance In the evening at 7 o'clock a reception and social reunion wn luid at the school halL This morning at H o'clock requiem high ; mass was held for deceased members of the congregation. The Jubilee ceremonies were brought to a closn tonight with thf presentation of the fivt -act drama, by the Thalia Dramatic cub entitled -Heriuigikl, or the Two Crowns. " Morris Off to \\ n-li Ini_l on . ni"LI*TH, Minn., Nov. «.— Congressman j Page Morris, of the Sixth district, left last night for Washington, and will not return till I the holiday adjournment of congress. After ti.e holidays Mrs, -Morris will a<vompany the I Judge to Washington, and remain there dur- I ing the month of January. Secretary Boobar left for Washington today. The Singer and Innnn lines have each brought In a cargo from the wrack and th.. aggregate value of the merchandise and cop ' per thus far recovered is about $140,000. The tag companies are recovering the cargn of j the steamer at a fixed sum per day. th u<h ! it is generally supposed that it is a ca;-. of : salvage. Elopement Create* a Sensation. GROVE CITY. Minn.. Nov. 28.— This com munity haa had a sensation in Uie shape of a genuine elopement. The contracting parties were Miss Emma Ha mon. second daughter of Mr. ard Mrs. W. P. Hamon. a very n'-e ! young gin. aged seventeen, and a Mr! V* ill ; Davis, of New York state, who has bet n \ s -1 it'.ng relatives near Mr. Hamon's. The young j man aforesaid was determined to carry off Mite Emma, and. not receiving reay permis sion, went to Paynesville with al! his bflong ! ings Saturday and purchased two railroad j tickets. He came back on Sunday evening i and took Misa Emma away a; midnight, leav ing Paynesville on the 3 a. m. train for N°w York. A few days later they sent home the announcement of their marriage. Steamer Harlem Awliore. PILUTII. Minn.. Nov. 28.— Tfce steamer Harlem, of the Western Transit line. is ashore on the s >uth side of Isle Royale, near Menagerie light, lv nearly the same sjK.t es the Centurion treat dowu two years sgo. She is in an exposed position, and is thouth: to bt 1 leaking. Tho news was brought by the steamer Thompson, and tugs have been sent to her assistance. The Harlem is believed to ] be bound for this port wi.h a oargo of gen eral merchandise. Killed tbe Fireman. HFI.K.A. Vjnt., Nov. 2S.— Two Northers IVoific eng.n.e met in a cut twenty-one miles east of Missoula at 4 o'clock yester day afternoon and the west-bound engine, which was running light, blew vp t killing Fireman P. J. Murray, and Injuring En gineer F. M. House, of Missoula, but not fatally. House disregarded orders. The wreck waa the worst on the division in ten years, and will delay through passen ger trains at least twelve hours. Ble Blaze at Austin. AUSTIN Minn., Nov. 28.— (Special.)— The heaviest fire loss this city has suffered in many years occurred last night, when W. R. Talt's double store burned, consuming the entire stock, entailing a loss of $30,000, In sured for $20,500. The building was owned by L, D. Balrd, whose loss is $2,500, fully insured. Hormel's meat market adjoining was damaged $400 and the postoffice $200. Talt will open again ln a few days. Will Succeed .Incise Lovely. AUSTIN, Minn.. Nov. 28.— 1t is rumored that the law firm of French A Wright will be dissolved on Jan. 1. Mr. French, lt la said, falls heir to the law practlve of John A. Lovely, of Albert Lea. who bas recently been elected one of the Judges of the supreme court. Crippled Soldier Seeks a Job. BROWNSDALE. Minn.. Nov. 28.— (Bpeclal.) — IM. B. Johnson, of this place, wishes to an nounce himself as a candidate for assistant sergeant-at-arms of the house for this win ter. Johnson is a hustler, and has held po sitions ln the state capitol before. He Is an old soldier, and has but one leg. On Trial for Murder. HASTINGS. Nov. 28.— (Special.)— Tbe cess of Gebhard Otto. Indicted for murder ln the flrst degree, for the killing of Mathew Klein, of New Prier, was begun in the district court today. Five jurors have thus far been se cured. Raptured a Blood Vessel. WINONA Minn., Nov. 28— (Special.)— John Erickson. a carpenter, while working on the roof of a residence this afternoon, slipped and fell to tbe ground below, where he was picked up lifeless. He bad ruptured a b'.cod vessel. Wed in Pennsylvania. RED WINO, Minn., Nov. 28.— (Special.)— Miss E. Olive Derickson and George I. Gove, both of Red Wing, were married yesterday at Delta, Pa. They will make their future home here. Mr. I phani's Land Sold. THORPE. Wis.. Nov. 28.— (Special.)— X ye, Luf.k and Hudson ha'-e purchased all of ex- Gov. Upham's iand in this vicinity. The tract comprises 2,300 acres, all hardwood timber. NORTHWEST NEWS NOTES. FERGUS FALLS, Minn.. Nov. 28.— The es tablishment of a local branch of the Y. M. C. A. is a possibility of the near future. As sistant State Secretary Hill h«s been here in consultation with citizens with the result that the city will be canvassed, and if a branch is wanted one will be located. RED WIXG. Minn., Nov. 28.— The students of the Red Wing seminary gave a pleasing entertain. -nent at St. Peter's Norwegian Luth eran church. A collection was taken and about $18 realized, which will be fcr tho beneflt of a former student of the seminary who Is ill. CASTLEWOOD. S. D.. Nov. 28.— The social event of the season wa3 the dance given by the members of White Ash Camp No. G. 231, M. W. of A. About seventy-five couples at tended and had a most enjoyable time SUPERIOR, Wis., Nov. 28.— The Superior Commercial cub will celebrate its third an niversary the second Tuesday in December, and tiie members are preparing to make a demonstration on that evening. During the last three years the club has done much to advance public interests, aiding every propar movement intended to upbuild the "city. The South Superior young men who last year formed the Town and Country club and gave so many successful social events have organized for the coming season. Cleon Surdby has been elected president and Sid Coates secretary and treasurer. DEATH ¥Tl¥sMHI Continued From First Page. counted for. and some, perhaps, never will he. co thoroughly have wind and wave done their work. It is known 4e_inlteiy tonight that more than seventy lives have been 10.-t in the wrecks of tus^.i, schr»oners and coal barg<s during th:* storm of Satur day night ar.d Sunday morning, and if the steamer Portland has also gone down, as now lvossible, the list of casulties will rise to 140, with over 100 vessels of all descriptions ashore, two score of them to be wrecks and an unknown, number of them probably be neath the waves of Massachusetts bay. FLiEF-Tr OF VESSELS DESTROYED. VINE YARD HAVEN, Mass., Nov. 28.— The fierce northeast storm, which Struck this port Saturday night, and continued all day Sunday, with gre^t I v. '(..ity, .«wept out of existence a large I fleet of sailing vessels, which anchor |ed off this port to escape its fury. It ! is known at least four men have j perished, and it Ls probable that as ; many more have lost their lives. Twenty-five st-hocners, pearly all h:av ilv laden, and one barker-tine are now lying at anchor totally dismasted, two i the s were sunk and one bark is resting on the bottom entirely submerged. E . KRAL, SCHOONERS WRECKED. COHASSKT. Mas.?.. N,,v. 28.— The schooner Juniata of Boston, Capt. Corey, was wrecked on Bead- Mand Sunday during the storm. Capt. Core] and crew of eighteen were rescued. The Juniata had a cargo of 14.000 pounds of fresh lish. The fishing >'ncr Gioiiana i* ash* re in Cohasse. harixir and will he a total lo3s. Her crew teas save,'. There are also two jes M-hore outside the break w-u -i at Oohasset. The crew of one is re ported to hay- perished. SAILORS' T.IVES IMPERILED. NEW YORK. Nov. 28.— Capt. John Wese, of the barge Independent, and J. H. Mtl.eod. a resident of Cleveland, arrived at Rlverhead. L. [.. j this afternoon- They said that the In j dependent was ashore at Roanoke, five I miles from Riverhead. and that they ' left three of the crew aboard. The tug Santuit, with the barges In- I dependent and City of Montreal in t vv. ■fere coming down the Long Island sound during the storm bound for Newport News, Va. The Independent broke away from the tug. and the othor barge drifted on the coast at Roanoke. The captain anxiously in quired whether the Santuit or City of Montreal had been heard from and wh; n told no word had been received he expressed grave fears as to the 1 safety of the men on board the tug J and missing barge. SEVEN VESSELS ASHORE. PLVMOrTH. Mass.. Xov. 25.-S ,v< n vessels are ashore and three more are ! still to be heard from today. By a hli:h tide Sunday the entire length of Water street was flooded, with the sea wash ing completely arm:.,J Plymouth Rock. The schooners ashore are the Freedom, Of Salem; the J. J. Li .tie. of New Bed ford; the Mary Rmeraoa, the Fitz Oakes. of Gloucester; the Two Forty and the Phantom, of Boston, and j Charles Caswell, of Gloucester. THE CREW ESCAPED. BELFAST, Me.. Nov. 28. — Tho schooner A. B. Perry. Capt. Cotton, from Bangor for New York, with 17,000 feet of lumber, drag-ged ashore near North Port camp ground during the night and will be a total loss. The vessel and her cargo were valued at $4,000. The crew escaped. ASHORE ON THE ROCKS. MARBLEHEiAD, Mass., Nov. 2S — During the storm yesterday evening the coasting schooner J. C. Mahoney, bound from Bangor to Besterly, lum ber laden, went ashore on the rocks near Naugushead, and is a total wreck. The crew of four men made a landing. FATE OF THIS SHIP FN DOUBT. BOSTON, Nov. 2S.— The tug Under writer. Capt. Wiley, arrived here this afternoon from Newport News, after a terrible battle with the storm In the bay, during which she lost both her THE ST. PAUL GLOBE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 29, 1833. barges, the Virginia and the Lucy A. Nichols. A report of the loss of the latter was received tonight from Nan tucket, where it is learned that three of her crew were rescued and two of them lost. The fate of the Virginia ls still a mystery and it seems probable that she foundered in the storm. The barges broke away from the Under writer about midnight Go. Saturday be tween Mlnot's light and Harding's •ledge. Drowned in Her Cottage. SCITUATE, Mass., Nov. 28.— Mrs. Wilbur, of Baynham, was drowned on Sunday while trying to eecaoe from her summer cottage. Her body was washed ashore aad picked up in the street. The life saving crew reports the wreck of a large barge ashore at Hum&cock Beach, lt ls thought to bo the deroliet Itenny, of Boston. No traoe ot the crew has been found. Sixty cottages at Sand Hill wore totally de stroyed. Anchored and Abandoned. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Nov. 28— The tow ing steamer Orion, which plies between Bos ton, Nerwport Newß and Norfolk, arrived at the Delaware breakwater today* and reported that the barge Ocea<n Belle, which, together with the Enos Soule, waa ln tow of tho Orion, had been anchored and abandoned in a sinking condition three miles southeast of winter quarters ehoals. Tbe crew was saved. The Enos Soule also broke adrift and ths Orion is now searching for her. Additional Casualties. NEW LONDON, Conn., Nov. 28.— Tho schooner W. F. Dickinson, Capt. Rodman, is sunk near Fort Trumbull, and will probably be a lose. The schooner Hattie P. Douglass, Capt. Moxby. is aahoro near tha Thames river bridge, with a large hole stove In her bottom. ARRESTED FGK FORGERY. Harry B. Weston, Recently Out of Prison, Again Oat of Tronble. KEOKUK, 10., Nov. 28.— Harry B. Weston was arrested here today for forgery. He was paroled from Chester, 111., penitentiary last Thursday. He came directly here, and is ac cused of forging two checks on a local bank. Weston was sent to the penitentiary a year ago for forgery at Decatur, 111. His family live in Wisconsin. He and his wife lived in San Francisco until lately. TIIROIGH CARS TO CALIFORNIA. Qnick Time ■ Best Service. Tourist car running through to Los Angeles leaves Twin Cities every Thursday via "The North-Western Line"— C, St. P. M. & O. Ry.— the Pioneer tbrsugh car lino from the Twin Cities to California, making the following fsst time: Leace Minneapolis 7:10 p. m..St. Paul 7:45 p. m. Thursday, arrive Ogden 1:40 a. na. Sunday. San Francisco 9:45 a., m. Monday, Los Angeles 7:30 a. m. Tuesday. Each of these cars is accompanied througti from starting point to destination by one of our own employes, thuß insuring every attention to ladies and children, or any other passengers. For tickets at lowest rates and other in formation call at 418 Nicollet avenue, Minne apolis, and 395 Robert street, St. Paul, or address T. W. Teasdale. general passenger agent. St. Paul. Bids Wanted. For Sale of City Bonds, Little Falls, Minnesota. Notice is hereby given that bids for the purchase of water and llfjht bonds of the city of Little Falls, Minnesota, in the sum of s.xty thousand dollars (S6O,Cf:O) will be re ceived by the undersigned at hi* oilice in said city, until 8 o'clock p. m., of December 16. IS3S. All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a draft or certified check In the sum of five hundred dollars. Said bonds to be in denominations of one thousand dollars (J1.00J) each, to come due twenty years from date or issue, and to bear Interest at the rate of 5 p.T cent per annum, payabU semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the National Bank of tie Republic, New Vjrk city. New York. The said city reserves the -ight to reject any and all bids. Said city also rr-sorves the right to issue the said bonds in any amount, not leas than $45,000. The said Mds will be opened and considered by the city council of the city of Little Falls, at 9 o'clock a. m., D.ceuobtr 17, 1593, at the city hall, in said city. Dated Little Fails. Minn.. November 25. 1893. (Corporate Seal.> K. E. HALL, City Clerk of the City of Little Falls, Minn. The Issue of bonds proposed to be made by the city of Little Fails was authorized by a special election held in said city on Oct. 4, 1898. at which 435 votes were cast in favor of such U=ue. nnd 144 against. The law under which the city obtained Its power to issue such bonds is Chapter 204 of the General Laws of Minnesota for the year j893. The dt) placed itself v.ithin the scope of the said Chapter 204, by an ordinance unanimously passed by the common council of said cl'.y, and approved by The mayor. The object of the issue of the proposed bends is that the ciiy of Little Falls may cither buy or build a light and water sys tem. The population of the city of Little Falls was 3,ur, according to the state census of UK; it i ; now estimated at 6.000. The as sess d valuation of the city as Snailv equaliz ed fcr the year 189$ la *1.t>92,5*).00. " Th? city is authorized to incur indebtedness to the amount of It) per cent of its sis!>e=scd valua tion, which would be $1n9.958.''0. The pres ent bonded debt of the city ;? $K.Mt. The floating debt of the city, consisting of out standing city orders, is about (12,509. With the proposed issue of $6o.(XH) bonds the total debt of the city would be- |97 50©, or |12,00<j le.s than the amount authorised. The Interest on previous Issues of bends by the municipality haa always been prompt ly raid. There is no litigation or controversy landing or threatened concerning the validity of these bond*, the boundaries of the mu nicipality or the titles of t^e officials to their offices. The proceeds from Eale' of the pro posed bonds cannct be us-rd for any other pu.-r.os. ti...n the buying or em Btructioa of a municipal light and water plant. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramsey— District Court, Second Judicial District. Anna D. Metzger, plaintiff, vs. N. Zent m?yer, Charles R. Cock and E. E. Cook, his wife; also ail other persons unknown. claiming any right, title, estate, lien or ia tere*. in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants. The State cf Minnesota, to the above named defendants: You and each of you are hereby sum moned and re-quired to answer the complaint of the plaintiff In tfie above entitled action, which complaint has been fIW in the office of the Clerk cf the District Court of ths Sec ond Judicial District, in and for the County of- Ramsey and State of Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on th:. subscriber, at Bis office in the City of St. Paul, in said County of Ramsey, withia twenty (2C> days after the service of this summons upon you, exejusive of the day of such genie?: ar.d if you fail to ancwe.r the said complaint withia the time aforesaid, the plaintiff iv this action will apply to the Court for the telief demanded in the com plaint, together with the costs and disburse ments herein. Dated November 2Sth, A. D. IS9B. JOHN S. CROOKS. Plaintiff's Attorney. Offi-e: 70 National Oerman-Am.rican Bank Building. Residence: 645 Central Park Place, St. Paul. Minnesota. STATE OF MINNESOTA COCNTY OF Ramsey— se. In District Court, Second Judicial Distric-.. Anna D. Metzger. plaintiff, v*. Jfchn N. Zent me-yer. Charita R. Cook and T E. E. Cook, his wife; also all other perstrhs unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendant*. ' To tbo above named defendants- and each of you: i Notice is hereby given, That the above en titled action has been commenced and is now pending, in the Court and; County above named, by the above named plaintiff against the above named defendants, and each and all of them, to determine adverse claims on the part of the defendants, and each of them, in ar.d to that certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Ramsey and S.ate of Minnesota, and described as follows, to wit: Lot numbered six (S) in block num bered twenty-one (&) in Terry's addition to tbe City of St. Paul, accordiri to the plat of said addition on file and of record in the effice cf the Register of Deeds in and lor said Ramsey Couuty. Dated November 28th. IS9S. JOHN S. CROOKS. PUin'lfT s Attorney. 70 National G?rmcn-Am.= r'caa Bank Building, S» Paul. M'nncsct* Anybody Out?:< Work In St. Paul or Minneapolis May Insert an Adver tisement in THE QLOBB FREE OF CHARGE ! OTHER WAiNT ADS AT GREATLY REDUCED RITES. 1 1ELP WANTED -HALE OB FE TIALB. 4 B*. Paul Ads- HO words or lews 10* Out-of-Town Ads— ■ ™ 20 words or less 20e Board Wanted- 20 words or less 100. Board Offered— 2o Words or less 10c. For Rent, Boomi-20 words or less 100 Wanted, Rooms— 2o words or less lOe Agents and Agencies 20 words or less 30c Auction Sales 30 words or less 20c Business Chances 20 words or less 20c Business Personals 20 words or less 200 Chiropodists 30 words or less 200 Clairvoyants 20 worda or less 300 i Dyeing and Cleaning 20 words or less 200 • Farm Lands 20 words or less 2Co Financial 20 words or less 200 For Rent, Houses 20 woids or less 300 For Rent. Stores 30 wotds or leas 200 For Rent, Flats 20 words or less 200 For Sale, Miscellaneous. .20 words or lesa 20c For Sale— Real Estate 20 words or less 20c Horses and Carriages 20 words or leas 20c Hotels 20 words or less 2Co Instruction 20 wo.d 3cr les? LOo Lost and Found 20 words or less 200 Massage 20 words or less 30c Medical 20 words or less 000 ■ Miscellaneous 20 words or less 200 Notices 20 words or less 200 j Personal 20 words or kas SOc i Professional 20 words or le.s 20c Storage Jo words or less 20c Wanted to Buy 20 words or le:S 2Co Wanted to Exchange 20 words or less 20c Situations A YOUNG man w.nts some light home work; understands difierent languages. E S4, Globe. COOK— A steady man cook wants position in hotel, restaurant or boarding house; bas no objeoions to going out of the city. Ad drese M 44, Globe. CLERK— Young man; work ln store or in door work; references. N 58, Globe. CLERK— Young man; position of any kind or shipping clerk. V 141. Globe. DAIRYMAN" — Employment by young man in _ dairy ; experienced. U 133, Globe. j DRIVER— A boy seventeen yoars old wan-. work as driver; well known in city. T 86, Globe. EMPLOYMENT — Young German-American with business education and general exoeri ence wants position of some kind; refer ences. Address W 131, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Educated young man would like position; henest dnd sober. Address 210 Ninth at. ENGRAVER— Work hs engraver, or Job of any kind. V 72, Glebe. JOB PRESS FEEDER; experienced; refer ences. N 68, Glob?. MAN who needs work badly; wiiling to do any kind of legitimate work; capable book keeper: wants something to do. Address E 86, Globe. | PHOTOGRAPHER would like employment la gallery. V 37, Globe. ! PHOTOGRAPH ER-Situatlon wanted, by photographer of ten years' experience. D. __7J._Globe. I POSITION in office or in who'esalo house; j references. L 81, Globe. STENOGRAPHER— Young man experienced in stenography and typewriting desires po- Sition; references. Address S 62, Globe. I SITUATION wanted, by tooneat. hu*tl7ng young man, ex?,eriencod in retail grocery; i or el.uatioo as traveling salesman; refer cnce-8. W 65. Globe, j WANTED— Blacksmi.h work ln shop at shoe lng. X 59, Globe. I i WANTED— Situation, by competent man. in shipping department of wholesale hou-se, cr any indoor work. N 86, Globe. WANTED— Position, by boy of 16 years; work of any kind. T 85, Globe. I WANTED — Steady work around the house; work cheap. T 87, G'cbe. WORK of any kind by boy of IG years. E 83, Globe. YOUNG MAN, work of any kind; experienced in running elevator. Q L's, Globe. YOl NG man, a place to work for board and at and school. N 63, Globe. VOl NO man v. ants any kind of employment; willing to work. N 64. Globe. Kelp Wanted-Hale! St. Paul and Minneapolis Ads, 20 ■Words or Less, lOe. Out-of-Town Ads, 20 Words or Less, M_e_ IF YOU are a Catholic, unemployed, and will work f. r $18 per week, wri:e MacConne.l Bros.. U Franklin st.. Boston. Maas. PLEASANT HOME WORK for men or wom en, day or evening; 36 to $15 weekly; no canvassing or experience needed; plain In structions ard work mailed on applica tion. Brazilian Mfg. Co., New York City. SALESMAN — Waned. ka_t«__tn ; good salary and expenses, oh yearly contract; one who can loan employer $500 for 60 days; beet of real estate ECeurlty. E b7. Globe. SALESMAN— Business style salesman; give you St. Paul agency; staple; hustler make good money. Mr. Mock, care Ad-ami Com pany, i ourth and 9t Pc«er. I SOLICITORS — I can u«j two good solicitors I for cky work, who cen furnish satisfactory j references ; salary paid. Address with fui! particulars. L go. Globe. SNAPS! -Bundled edgings, J2._o co:d; mix^d wood, $3.50: sound chunks. $3 load; best | hard cosl, $6 ten. Northwestern Ie a: d Fuel Company, corner Eighth and Wec.u a, and 532 Payne ay. TAILOR waned; steady Job. Nela Ander_on, Wlndom. Minn. WANTBP — Meu to learn barber trade. We positively guarantee poalMots at $6n month ly after only eight weeks' practice, also p-« --eent complete outfit cf tocls and a.low com mission from start; have places for 300 graduates. Don't miss this chance. No ] licerse neoesssry. Ca 1 or write Moler Bar ber College, 223 Washington avenue south, Minneapolis. WANTED — General repre entativ« to appcirt ard instruct agents. Salary and expers*^. Address Mauutactuter, P. O. Bjx 755. Phil adelphia. Pa. Horses and Carriages, 20 Words or Less. SOc. FOR SALE — At a sacrifice, good fjmlly horse; good traveler; burners, phaetcn ar.d buggy; all in first-class condi ion. Apply at Reicbow's barn, 343 North Ex hitge s-_. HORSES— AH kinds of horses constantly on hand at G. W. Wentworuh & Co's, South St Paul. f For Sale. 20 "Words or Less, 20c. COAT— For sale, for $45. a very fine bufTalo ralf coat; length, 51 Inches, breast measure 38 inches. Can be seen at 720 Manhattan Building, city. DOG — For aale, English tetter deg puppy, three months old; thoroughbred, fine pedi gree; sire and dam both registered. 1716 Van Buren st. FOR SALE— A stock of fancy goods, nctions and Jewelry; whole or in part; very cheap. CaU at 43 Summit ay. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES— A large line of second-hand stoves and ranges, to close out at less than half price; most of tbem gooa as new; also a large line of new stoves at cut prices. Cardoso Furniture and Ex change Co.. 232 East Seventh st. Telephone 1217-3. All Globe Readers Are prospective buyers or sellers. Small wants receive attention. .... ""-SLQBI'S CiBCULATIOS CIRCULATES Agents and Agencies, 20 Words or Less, 20c. BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION ASSETS. $850,000; largest, strongest, best Minnesota life company; wants capable agents; givas producers every assistance. Address Doug las Putnam, Secretary, St Paul. SALESMEN— Wanted, salesmen for cigars; $125 month and expenses; old firm; ex perience unnecessary; Inducements custom ers. C. C. Bishop & Co.. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED AGENTS-No money risk; $3 a day. Address D. S. Jones, No. 120 Eighth st. north, Fargo. N. D. WANTED— Bright person to travel and ap polnt agents; $60 per month. L 29, Glebe, M. $7.00 DAlLY— Sailing Specialty soap. Sample outfit frea. Lease Soap Co.. Cincinnati. O. Lost and Founds 20 Words or Less, 20e. OUR PRICES FOR REPAIRING WATCHES— Cleaning $1.00 Main spring $1.00 Staff $1.60 Jewels 75 Hands 10 Crystals 10 Cash paid for old gold. F. H. HARM, 111 East Seventh. RING LOST— Lost on lnterurban car. be tween Tenth and Arundel, an Odd Fellow's ring. Return to thla office and receive re ward. SHETLAND PONIES— Found, two Shetland ponies at Randolph st. and Spelling ay. Owner can have same by proving property at the above address. SOLE PROPRIETOR of the great French Ey* Water; best remedy known for weak or In flamed eyes, granular or scaly eyelids, etc.; 25c per bottle; if your druggest don't keep It, send direct to F. A. Upham, 111 B. 7th at, St Paul. Seat by mall poet paid for 25c. TELESCOPE LOST— On University ay.. a telescope containing underwear; finder re turn to 1113 W r ashtngton ay. south, Minne apolis. LibertH reward to finder. Roofing. ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL ROOFlNG—He pairing a specialty; city or country. Amer ican Roofing Co.. orfice ICO East Third st Situatlo^Wai^^ HOUSEKEEPER— Experienced woman house keeper want 9 position where there are no children. Address W 143. Globe. HOUSEKEEPER— Young widow would like position as housekeeper; no objection to chll dren. W r 66, Globe. LADY desire, a situation where she can do dressmaking and assist with second work. W 70. Globe. MENDING— Fine cloth mending done; v^u'i like to take work home. D 71, Globe. 3TENOGR.. P.iER- Experienced A a ographer, with imcbin-e, desires more piece work, work done very reasonable. 15 Viola at WANTED— By a young lady, position as stenographer amd typewriter; can furnish best of references; will work cheap. V 98, Globe. WANTED— To go out doing laundry work or _ any plain sewing. W_64. Globe. WASHING— A woman would like to go out washing, or take home. 187 North Western ay., up stairs. WASHING— A German lady would like to take washing at home; good work guar _anteed. Call or address 809 Mississippi st. WASHING— Wanted, washing to take home, or will go out washing, X 63. G ole. WORK FOR BOARD— Young "glrf^ouid like to assist with light housework and go to school. Address U 145, Globe. YOUNG LADY, four years' experience in the drug business, d.sires a situation in wholesale or retail house, in or out of de reference furnished. X 99. Globe.. Ke!p Wanted Females- St. Panl and 3lli_neapolls Ads, 20 Word, or Leww, lOc. Out-of-Town Ads, 20 Word, or Less, 20c. C ?°. K ,"~? Vran . t - J<l - a *° od all around cook tor n? sw ,n ~iT ln ,? City CaU M ™<»ay morning __at 873 Sherburne ay. C HAMBBRMIID~Wantcdr 7^Fienc^d"h^ _J e L_j i __f 1 ™ b _i rn ?*ld «■* Hotel Metronoll t a n . H R L I S » E f CRK_Waßted - ™y for'se'vMng and ._£____ h * > , u if*'°!__ t; German or French pre ferred. 172 Hoffman ay. ; Maria ay. car, and _get off_ at_Pluni st. NURSZ-Wantsd. tho OV~g__jr <3Wnt«t»nt _r_rf to ___________? e f ? f „ cWld: muat c, J«e *ell recom mended. Call at The Albion, Flit ..3 eveu ings. SOLICITOR-Lady of good address to canvass in cty; miwt have gcod references; gt>-d salary to competent^aollcjror_ i. 10, Globe. WAITRESS wanted, at 3*B Summit ay. Instruction, 20 "Worda or Less, 20e. PIANO pupil, jiven first-.-lass Instructions beginners 1 a specialty; Mason nvthod and Vlrgi. table work; satisfaction guara'-.tred Aodr.s. Q _5. Glob\ THOROUGH Instruction on the nUio given to beginners; terms $10 per quarter-twenty lafsons. of one hour each. Address V !■& Globe. - , Mortgage Sales Notice of Mortgage Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PETE't Zelch and Anna Ztl^h, his wife, mortgager, did execute and deliver to Deles A. Mon:o t mortgagee, their mortgage deed, d tei the 20th day of July, A. D. 1893, which aald mortgage was duly recorded at St. Paul Minnesota, ln the office of the Re^i ter of Deeds In and for the Coun'y of^y at 10:25 o'clock a. m. on the 2_d day of July A. D. 1_93, ln book 261 cf mortgage^ on psge 5D2. ' That thereafter said mortgage was b, sad Delos A. Monfort duly told and a s gned to the Second National Bank of S . Paul Min nesota, by an assignment in writing ' d-ted the 17th day of April, 1894, and whi.'h sj'ld assignment was thereafter duly r- corded at St. Paul, Minnesota, in the offl?e cf the Rr. ister of Deeds in acd for said Ramsey Cojn.y Minnesota, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 6 h day of October. A. D. 1898, in book 33 cf Assign ments, on page 403, and said the Se ond National Bank of St. Paul Is new the owner and holder of said mortgage and the debt secured thereby, and no action at law or proceeding in equity hss been commenced to recover the debt secured by ra!d mortgage. That default has been made In the condi tions of said mortgage, and there is new due and claimed to be due thereon the prin cipal debt secured thereby, to wit: the sum of reven thousand, seven hundred dol lars ($7,700), together with Interest the ft oh from the 30th day of June, A D. 1897, amount ing to the sum of seven hundred acd ninety three and 83-100 dollars ($7f>2.83). making th 3 total amount due and cbimed to <be due upon faid mortgage at this da c the _urn of el .ht thousand, four hundred and ninsty-thr-'e and 83-100 dollars ($8,493.83). The premises described in and conveyed by .aid mortgage deed are situate within said Ramsey County, Minnesota, and are kaown and described In said deed as follow., to wlf Beginning at the south we. t corner of th» t^utheast quarter (S E 14) of section nine (9) in township twenty-eight (28; north of rang^ twenty-three (23); thence running east alon? the south line of faid quarter section eighty (80) rcd3; thence due north twenty (_:o) rods thence due west eighty (SO) roda, to t'-e wes' line of said quarter section; thence south twenty (20) rods to the place of beginning containing ten acres. Also tbe west one-ha f (W %) of lot number fourteen (14) of Reserve Park Garden Lots in section nine (9), town twenty-eight (28) north of range twenty three (23) west, containing five ..) acres cf land, more or les3, according to the plat thereof filed of record in tbe office of rhe Register of Deeds in and for sad Ramsey County. Minnesota. And pursuant to the power of s.le con tained ln said mortgage deed and the statute ln euch cases made and provided, the prem ises above described wil! be sold at publi. auction to the highest blddsr for cash at the Cedar Street Main entrance to the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on Saturday, the 3d day of December, A. D. 1898 st 10 o'clock ln the morning of that day, by the sheriff of said Ramsey County, Minne sota, to satisfy the amount due on said mort gage and cne hundred do'lais ($100) a tor neys' fees stipulated for in si:d m-:r (,a?-e, and the costs acd charges of notice of sale. St. Paul. Minn., Oct. 14h, A. D. 18 8. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ST. PAUL, MINN., Assignee of Mortgage?. C. D. A Thoa. D. O'Brien. Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, 212 Globe Building. St. Paul Mlanewta. 7 — — _J Kouses for Ren!, SO Wordi or Less, 20c. 611 Selby Avenue, Near Mackubin— ll ti rooms .furnace, gas. bath, etc $30 Seville -Flat 4, up-to-date steam-heated nat; gas, range and grate, stationary laundry tubs, etc .. 35 92 Park Place— lo rooms, furnace, bath, closet, etc 5 982 East Seventh Street— Store "and "r corns overhead .• lft 819 Park Avenue— Second floor;' four rtloms; cistern and well water . . { 22 East Chicago Avenue— Cor.' '_> cated^ flats; ail in good order: Flat 5, thl-.d flcor iror.t, four rooms.. 10 «-. *.- at 8 - tVir<l floor front, four roams.. 3 210 West Fifth Street-Two rooms, third floor > 679 Edmund Street— Store and" flat " la 142 East Ninth Street— Twelve rooms- dtv water . 15 155 Morton Street— Seven rooms; ci tern and weii water g 168 Baker Btreet— Seven rooms; ciV>'°rn and well water g 860 Goodrich Avenue— Eight, rooms! city water and sewer connection 15 706 Mississippi Stroet— Seven rooms g 723 Sherburne Avenue — Three rooms- o'-e --sfcory house '. _ 945 Fremont Avenue — Eight rooms- city water, etc ' jj THE ST. PAULTRU3T CO U PAN / Endioott Aroade. Rooms for Resit. SO Words or Less, lOe. AT HOTEL FEY, corner Cedar and Seven'.h sts.. steam-heated, furnished rooms by day or week, single or en suite, at reaaonab o prices. FIFTH ST.. 124— Furnished front room with alcove. WOULD LIKE TO RENT Trout room and al cove, furnished, to one or two young U diee of good character. 206 East Arch st. Hois.}, 20 Words or Less, 20c. WORKINGMEN'S HOME— AU new. remod eled, furnished; large reading and sitLng room; a good, cheap home for the wiuter. Office. 127 East Eighth st., corner Eighth and Robert. HOTEL IMPERIAL — New, remodeled, fur nUhed steam-heated rooms, with all con veniences; cheap for the winter. 16 East Eighth, near Wabasha Financial. 20 Words or Lesa, 20c. HOME MONEY to loan on good security at moderate rates, without charge for com mission, at tho State Savings Bank, Ocr« _ mania Lite Bldg.. tth and Minn, ata. MONEY TO LOAN— SIO to $100 on housohold furniture, pianos, etc., without removal) loans can be paid ln installments; private offices; confidential. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 317 Pioneer Press Building. MONEY loaned on life policies; or bought L. P. Van Norman, Guar. Bids.. Minneapolis. ST. PAUL MERCHANT wants to boirow $500 to $1,000 lor sixty days from private _ party ; j;ood security. D 98, Globe. WANTED-A loan of $800 on Brit !!!■■ rail estate security. Apply for terms to C. B. Hamilton, 3*lß Manhattan Bldg. Business Chances. 20 Words or Lens, 20e. HOW doctors, dentists, pharmacists, com petent undergraduates, can soon gradual. Box 196. Chicago. PARTNER— Wanted, partner In ii" lW^ars' establish**! carpet cleaning and layirg busine.s, or sell out entire businese. Ad dross Gus Pfelfer & 8r.)., co ncr Ninth _st. and Nicollet ay., Minneapolis. WE HAVE good opening for party ;o :.!. » charge of branch office ard warahou ol! large paying company iv Sr Paul- :. V to invest from RO.OM to $68,000 in th ■ pany's preferred >t>«-k. Addrsis .12:! .it _Jatuea Building, New York tity. Chiropodists. 20 Worda or Leas, 20c. LOCKWOOD'S Good Lock Salve, oe-;;. tin* for sore fnpt;all dru_.Ki«r«:estab!l-b.d :»; , rs. Persona!, 20 -Words or Lena, .lOc. LADIES' MONTHLY REGULATOR, tieer falls; send 4 centa for Woman's Sa.'e Guard. Wilcox Med. Co..D/-pt.l4fl. rhiladelgula. P*. Illogical. 20 Word« nr Lens, 30c. ANNA MACK, fnm Chicago; steam, tub, medicated baths, select massage; proft* ■tonal operators, jjj Eaat Seventh at LADI RHI Cht'chestc.-'s English Pennyroyal fills 'ciuiowi _"^j>, are the Best. «w«/ R*!ut>i«. TA» n« ot.'u-r. *md tc, sump*, for particuMii, - R,|,af tot Lailt.-s," ix lktt»b by Return Mail. At tWriju. Chicheator Cheialc^tVN™T Ihll1 hll_ M __-.^^__r , MRS. DR. STEIN, baths, mas.sag*. electro- ; magnetic healer; cures rheumatism and weakness. 27 Eaet Seventh st. suita 200. Board Offered. 20 Word, or Leas, lOc. BOARD— Two w»ll lighted, heated, c m'ort able rooms, central looa lm, with bodtdj private family. Address H 89. GLbe. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OP 11AU sey—Probate Court. In the matter of the application for license to sell the real estate of Chart* a L. Willis, deceased. On reading and filing the petitiou of Anna M. Willis, administratrix of the estate of said deceased, praying that license be to hf>r granted to sell all of the real estate of which sad deeea?'ed died seized, and It ap pearing by said petition that there is not suf ficient personal estate In the hand, of said administratrix to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased, and the expenses of administration, and that it la neces-nry. in order to pay such debts and expenses, to aeil said real estate at private sale. It is therefore ordered. That all per.-u.ns Interested in said estate appear before tho aaid Probate Court, at a special term thereof to be held on Wednesday, th*> 21st day of December, A. D. 1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House In the City of St. Paul. In said County, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why licauss should not be granted to said administratrix to sell said real e-tate, according to the prayer of said petition. And It is further ordered, That notice of Bueh hearing be given to all persons Inter ested In said estate, by publishing this or der once in each week for throe success lv* weeks prior to said day ot hearing in Tha St. Paul Globe, a daily newspaper printed and published in said Oounty. Dated at Saint Paul, the 26th day of No vember. 1898. By tbe Court: G. WILLRICH, (L. S.) Judge of Probate. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF 1 Ramsey — Probate Court. In the matter of the application for license to mortgage the real estate of Charles L. Willis, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Anna M. Willis, administratrix of the estate of said deceased, praying that license be to her granted to mortgage a part of the real esta r a of which said deceased died seized, and it appearing by said petition that there is not sufficient personal estate in tho ham? . al said administratrix to pay the debts outstand ing against the deceased, and the expenses of administration, and that it is necessary, lrt order to pay such debts and expenses, to mortgage a part of said real estate. It istherefore ordered, That all persons interested in said estate appear before tha said Probate Court, at a special term thereof to be held on Wednesday, the 21st day of December, A. D. 1898, at 10 o'clock in uh« forenoon, at the Court House ln the City of St. Paul, ln said County, then and there to show cause (if any there he) why license should net be granted to said administratrix to mortgage said real estate, according to ths prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered. That notice of such hearing be given to all persons inter ested ln aaid estate, by publishing this order once in each week for tiiree successive weeks prior to said day of hearing ln The St. Paul Globe, a daily newspaper printed and pub lished in said county. Dated at Saint Paul, tha 26th day of Novem« ber. 1898. By the Court: O. WILLRICH, (L S.) Judge of Probata. -J