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The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, January 01, 1899, Image 17

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

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Ll^UubLu ii LI 9 L lIUI E III LU ul
Arthur Warren Tells Tales Out of School
Regarding Our Battleships Before
Santiago Last July.
Flagship New York a Lame Duck Her For
ward Engines Wholly Disconnected
Boilers Empty and Fireless.
Arthur Warren, in Rngincering Magazine.
All war correspondents are not im
nrane. Their susceptibility to the fever
of excitement may be a qualification.
One of the feverish accounts of the
sinking of Ceivera's fleet began: "As
the smoke from the Spanish vessels
ruse from In hind the hills at the nar^
ii w entrance of Santiago harbor, a
hurried signal from the Brooklyn was
followed by a rush of the American
crews to the winches, and then all the
Yankee ships weighed anchor and
started full speed after the enemy."
The account was possibly graphic,
but it was r.ot true. The crews did
not rush to the winches, because they
were not ordered to do so: there would
have been no object. The ships did
not w.igh anchor, because in weeks
they had not dropped an anchor. They
did not start at full speed, because
they were not in condition.
On a modern warship all tho facts
of a fight are not to be seen from the
bridge. There are important facts
which lurk in what the word-mongers
call "the bowels of the ship." Some
news seekers appear inclined to think
that on the bridge and in the cabin of
tlu- commander they will find the foun
tains of all knowledge. Besides, it is
plcasanter there than in the depths.
How was it that the correspondents at
Santiago omitted to mention a fact no
Uss important than this — that on that.
Sunday morning when the Spanish fleet
broke out from the harbor of Santiago
the American fleet was unprepared to
make a quick movement of any kind
in the face of the enemy?
For the navy the war with Spain in
American waters was an engineers' war.
"The man behind the gun" gave splen
did service — none better— and won glory
fm it. So much praise was used up
on him that the supply was inadequate
for distribution among all branches of
the navy. Jackie deserved his honors.
But even American warships do not
move by wishing or by gun fire. The
engineers put the ships where "the
man behind the gun" could give an
account of himself. Admirals and cap
tains are brave enough, and keen tac
ticians, no doubt, but the best part of
the Spanish fleet would have slipped
thiough somebody's fingers that Sun
day morning at Santiago if America's
righting engineers had not, by the
haidest of work, overcome the obsta
cles imposed upon thorn by orders from
the bridge. If the fighting had been
against men more nearly kin — say
English or German — under conditions
■Identical with those off Santiago on the
morning of July 3, some American hulks
might n«.w be rusting at the bottom of
tropic seas. For engines were uncou
pled, and many fires out, and steam so
h w that all tkc energy of the stokers
was required to get it up again.
The American ships had been off the
coast for weeks, waiting for the enemy
to come out. When the enemy came
out the American ships were ready to
shoot, but not to give chase. This was
no fault of the engineers. It was not
the effect of overconfidenee. It was the
result of a condition. The condition is
peculiar to naval practice. It was long
ago discarded in the merchant marine.
In the merchant service a chief en
gineer controls his department. In the
navy the captain controls the engin
eers, and is in turn controlled by the
>•: mmanding officer of the fleet. The
chief engineer of an Atlantic liner
looks to his captain for starting and
stopping signals only; for the rest, he
takes his orders from his owners, and
reports to them. The chief engineer
alone is responsible for the care, op
eration and economy of the machinery.
In the navy the ship's captain decides
hi w many boilers shall be used, how
much coal shall be burned, what pres
sure shall be carried. And the Amer
ican captains at Santiago had every
thing in readiness except their boilers
and engines. There were two excep
tions — the Oregon and the Gloucester.
The whole world, not excepting the
Spanish officers, has praised the Ore
gon's wonderful work — cruising and
fighting. What the Oregon did other
American ships could do with Bimilar
men. The Oregon's record is a tribute
to the fighting engineers. It is a tribute
to the good sense of the commanding
officer who permitted his chief engi
neer to control the engines. It is a
tribute to the engineer-in-chief of the
navy, Commodore Melville, who de-
Fiprned the engines. It shows the re
lation of the engineer to modern sea
From Bremerton, on Puget sound, to
Jupiter inlet, on the Florida coast, Is
14.500 nautical miles. The Oregon
steamed this distance in 1,299 hours, in
cluding stops for orders and coal; she
burned 4,009 tons of coal; her highest
speed was 14.6 knots, her lowest 10.1G9,
her average 11.16. For the most part
she suited her pace to that of the lit
tle Marietta, which she convoyed. She
arrived at her journey's end. joined the
blockade, and entered the fight with
out having to make a requisition for
is the price of good engines. Robert
Milligan, fighting engineer, and the
men under him put the Oregon where
the men behind the guns could destroy
;the best ships of Spain. The Oregon
started down the Pacific without a
war-time complement of men— 27 short
In the engineer's force, and 67 less than
her builders furnished on her trial trip.
This meant work for the 94 who had
to steam her to Jupiter inlet. When
ihe ship stopped at San Francisco, at
Callao. at Port Tamar, at Punta
Arenas, at Rio. at Bahia, at Brarba
does, they worked all the harber, for
there was coaling to be done, and over
hauling in careful haste. When the
coaling was especially rapid, the
officers and the men of the
engineer's force worked twenty -
four hours on an end, overhauling
and adjusting, so that no minute was
lost. The ship started when the bunk
e: s were filled. There was never a min
ute's delay-. All the cruise through,
there was unremitting care. If a joint
weeped, it was tightened on the in
stant. In the straits of Magellan the
rr.cn wanted to try the forced draught.
That fact is proof of their spirit. Forc
ed draught practice answers to Gen.
Sherman's description of war. It ia
hell. Every ship in the United States
service is supposed by the regulations
to have a forced-draught test twice a
year. Only the commander of the ship
can order it. But some of the ships
have never made a forced draught run
since their trialtrips. Perhaps the cap
tains do not beneve in it. At any rate,
their men have not been trained to use
it in emergency.
Milligan declined to ask the captain
for permission to use forced draught.
Ht knew that his short-handed crew
were working hard enough, and halt
their work was still before them, and a
fight at the end of it. Or the fight
might come any day. But the men
had caught the spirit of their chief:
their pride was to keep everything in
readiness. The difficulty was not to get
them to work, hut to prevent them
from overworking. When the chief
saw that they really wanted to try
forced draught for the ship's sake, he
persuaded the captain to let them do it. |
It was to them what gun drill is to
the men on the deck and In the turrer. i
So they did It, and they did it again,
and at Santiago they handled the force I
draught like a plaything.
Not an ounce of salt water was al
lowed in the Oregon's boilers. MiHigan,
writing from Callao to a brother officer,
said: "I fear that I am rapidly be
coming the most unpopular man In the
ship, because I am determined that we
shall not put salt water in the boilers,
and to that end have insisted to the
captain that, if necessary, we must cut
down the fresh water allowance for
o.'fieers and men to the bare amount
necessary for drinking and cooking,
using salt water for bathing and all
other purposes." -
The lay mind might suppose that the
object of sending the fleet to Santiago
was to have it ready to jump at the
enemy p.t the sound of the general
alarm. There is a touch of the farcical
in building warships, equipping them
with powerful machinery, to be able,
at the instant of battle, to get out of
them only a fraction of their power.
But somebody in authority reasoned in
the fashion of Gilbertian topsy-turvey
dom. So the American fleet waited for
the Spaniards with engines uncoupled,
boilers filled (as they had long been)
with salt water when they were not
empty, and half the grates as clean
as whistles and as cold as ice boxes.
"On the fighting ship the fighting
man must stand supreme," said Theo
dore Roosevelt, when he was assistant
secretary of the United States navy.
And then he shrewdly added: "Only
he must know how to handle his tools, j
and must change as the ship changes, i
so that, precisely as he once knew
about sails, now he must know about !
engines. There can be no divided com- ;
inand. Only one man can exercise it: i
but he must be thoroughly fitted for :
it." !
"We were caught unprepared," said
one of the United States engineers at
Santiago; "low fires in three boilers,
others empty, and furnaces not charg
Then there was the Brooklyn. She
had five double-ended and two single
ended boilers, the equivalent of six
double-ended boilers, in three water
tight compartments. She steamed from
Hampton Roads to the south coast of
Cuba, via Key West, using four boilers
and four engines over the entire dis
tance. •
The commodore or the captain al
ways designated the number of boilers
and engines to be used on the Brook
lyn. In practice it took half an hour
! or more to couple the forward pair to
j the after pair of engines, and nearly
an hour to uncouple them. There are
no friction brakes fitted to the Brook
| lyn's propeller shafts, a,s In the case
of the triple-screw cruisers; so, aboard
the flagship of the flying squadron
it was necessary, when coupling up the
forward engines, to stop one after en
gine and run the other slowly for half
j an hour or longer, and then repeat the
! operation on the other side of the ship.
There was another way to do it; they
could stop both port and starboard
engines, and then couple up!
When there was no enemy anywhere
about — on the way from Hampton
Roads to Santiago— the flagship of the
United States flying squadron had
all her engines and four of her boilers
lin use. When she went on the block
-1 ade at Santiago and had the enemy in
j touch, the flagship of the flying
squadron had only half her engine
I power and half her boiler power ready
; for use. Did the bridge expect the
enemy to signal: "Please connect your
engines and boilers and be good enough
to light your fires. I am coming out!"
' Admiral Cervera was polite enough to
! pay the Brooklyn the compliment of
! his best intentions. He acknowledges
i that he thought her the fastest of the
| United States ships, and that his hope
was to disable or sink her. Admiral
Schley (commodore, as he then was)
turned his ship to starboard, swung
to the south and ran seawards before
taking up a parallel course with the
1 now retreating Spaniards. Schley is
' reported to have turned his ship in or
der to avoid being rammed. It might
be asked why he didn't do the ram
ming himself. But, if he had desired
to do It and if his ship had been built
for it, he couldn't have managed it
with only half his engine power. He
had steam only in three boilers; of his
remaining boilers, some had water,
others were empty. The interesting
maneuvers of the Brooklyn will be
none the less Interesting if it is found
on investigation that standing orders
from the bridge to the engine room had
deprived the ship of so much of her
power that she had to turn on her heel
and keep at a respectful distance from
the Spaniard.
After the general alarm was sound
ed there was nothing for it but to fill
the Brooklyn's empty boilers with sea
waier. Then the fires had to be laid
and statrted. Just before the Colon
surrendered — that is, just at the end of
the battle— all the Brooklyn's boilers
were steaming at maximum pressure.
But the forward engines were, of
course, uncoupled still. There had
been no time to stop or to slow up. The
engineers had their hands full with the
job of shoving the ship after the
Spaniard, then pulling her away from
him and then running with him so that
the man behind the gun could pump
shells into him. The Brooklyn's ac
tual running time over the forty-five
miles from Morro to the stranded Colon
was three hours and nineteen minutes
—a speed of 13.06 knots. At her rated
speed under natural draught full power
is 18 knots; under forced draught, 22
knots. But the Brooklyn was not the
only ship caught unawares on that
hustling Sunday morning off Santiago
bay. Sampson's flagship, the New'
York, was
of the fleet. The trifling distance be
tween her eastward position and the
line of the dash of Cervera was not
what kept her out of the battle. Her
forward engines, by orders from the
bridge, were disconnected. There were
boilers disconnected, empty, and, of
course, flreless. Three hours after the
New York started on the westward
chase she had steam in all her boilers.
Her engines are like those in the
Brooklyn. Their condition at 9:30 that
Sunday morning was precisely similar.
The New. York's running time, forty
five miles from the Morro to the Colon,
was four hours and eight minutes— a
speed of 11.06 knots. Her rated speed
under natuial draught full power is
sixteen to seventeen knots; under
forced draught, twenty-one knots.
When the flagships set such sea
manlike, workmanlike, fighting exam
ples, what can be expected from the
rest of the fleet? Chiefly, at the last
minute, dependence on the fighting
engineers to overcome needless obsta
cles, put the ships into position, and
hold them there.
Until that morning the Brooklyn had
never been under forced draught since
her contract tr.al trip. I have said
that the service relations require forc
ed-draught trials at least twice a
year. The relations also provide that
forced draught shall never be used,
except by order of the commanding
The lowa, under orders to carry
steam enough to give a seven-knot
speed at night and a five-knot speed
by day, was bent chiefly on coal econ
omy. The Oregon passed her like a
racer. Perhaps that is why the Ore
gon's erratic chaplain thought the
lowa was -going in the opposite direc
tion. The Indiana was more complete
ly unprepared than the Brooklyn, if
possible; as elaborately so as the lowa.
The torpedo boats had a hard time in
the Spanish-American war. Officers
who were on them, and officers who
were not on them, but who know the
facts, tell truths unfamiliar to the pop
ular ear. At the outbreak of the war
the number of engineer officers in the
United States navy was so ridiculously
inadequate to the duties required that
the navy department was compelled to
experiment at running torpedo flotillas
with a single engineer. Not one engi
neer to a boat, but one engineer to six
or eight boats! Young line officers had
to look after the engines in the inter
vals of their other duties. They are
not to be blamed for the defective re
sults. They were faithful enough and
ambitious enough, but you cannot
learn engineering in three months.
Some of the United States torpedo
Of Boston, Who Will Deliver Three Popu Jar Art Lectures at the People's Church.
boat boilers were completely wrecked
for lack of water. One of the boats
burned all her boilers so badly that
when they were taken out the work
men, the contractors, inspectors and
everybody else who saw them were
amazed at the temerity of the men who
had kept steam in them. The com
manding officer, of one torpedo boat
prepared an elaborate report on the
constructive defects of the machinery
of his craft. A judicous friend pointed
out that his report really proved the
mishaps in his engine room to be due
to the inexperience of the men who
had been allotted to duty there.
was not favored by positon at half
past nine that Sunday morning off San
tiago. She was, if anything, farther
from the harbor entrance and the
course of the Spaniards than the other
battleships, but in the long chase her
shells told the Colon that the game
was up. The Colo.-., in spite of her poor
mechanical condition, was nearly hold
ing her own with the Brooklyn. But
the Oregon, nominally of five knots
less speed, was steadily gaining. Milli
gan's work brought the ship into po
sition where the man behind the gun
could use his biggest armament. The
Oregon was running at a rate exceed
ing sixteen knots. Her shots sent the
Vlzcaya to the shore in flames. Her
thirteen-inch shells compelled the Co
lcn to surrender. Every official report
paid tribute to her work. It is even
officially conceded that, but for the
Oregon, the Colon and probably another
Spanish ship would have escaped. So
much for having engines in order, boil
ers ready, fires burning. Here was a
ship after a 15,000-mile run, four
months out of dock, with foul bottom
and increased displacement, almost
equaling her trial-trip record for speed.
And she fought as she ran. Inside of
fifteen minutes after the full-speed sig
nal was given she was making fifteen
knots. Within an hour she was mak
ing nearly seventeen.
Coming down the Pacific, the Oregon
had Cardiff coal under her boilers— the
beet quality of Cardiff for steaming.
When she turned the corner of the con
tinent and got into the Atlantic, she
picked up in the coal-ports the best
fuel she could buy, but it was much
inferior to Cardiff. Milligan had a
few hundred tons of Cardiff left. He
shovelled them into the fighting bunk
ers. "This will do for emergency,"
said he. Then he locked the bunkers.
On the blockade the coal supplied to
the ships was— well, less fiery than
patriotism. On the day of the battle
Milligan unlocked the fighting bunkers,
and the Cardiff coal helped the Oregon
to make her burst of "speed. Besides,
there were fires under ail her boilers
when Cervera slipped out. "For God's
sake, get on more boilers!" That was
the sort of message sent from the
bridge of one of the United States war
ships to the chief engineer, half a dozen
times In an hour, when the fleet was
pelting the Spaniards. The authority
who to time of war had his boiler
rooms ready for peace chafed at the
delay. His anxious messages were be
ginning to worry the. men below—ma
chinists, water-tenders, oilers, coal
passers, firemen. The chief engineer
stood in between, knowing that his men
must keer> cool-headed, and -he sent
back word that all the boilers were
connected, filled, and all the tires burn
ing. "It's the only way to keep the
old man quiet," he said. But all the
boilers were not yet connected when
the fight finished.
If you were sealed up in a heated
Iron tank floating! on the sea and ham
mered at by missiles which now and
then let in daylight and splinters, you
would get a dimfldea of the lot of the
engineer's men jjjfcard a battleship in
action. But the^engineer's men have
to work in the hurly-burly, and you
would go mad in your tank. The
enemy's shot pounds the ship, but the
. engineer and his men know not where
tho: enemy is or \fji£a]e the ship is head
ing. And they can't stop to think
about it. Keep " that bearing cool,
smother it in qUk drown it in water!
Keep it cool, or the-game's up!
The men on deck can let the splinters
lie wheie they fall; "But the men in the
engine room have to keep the splinters
out. of the machinery. Steam pipes are
pierced. Mend 'efai. Crawl behind the
boilers, and stop that steam leak. Im
possible to shut off anything. Scalded?
Never mind. It's all in the day's work.
Don't let the water down. Pass the
coal lively. And, while you're about it,
put out that fire in the bunkers. Grimy
men, dripping with sweat, go about
quietly, with clear heads, watching
everything-. There's no bawling, no un
usual noise, no confusion. In the lower
engine rooms the thermometer shows
136 degrees in front of the ventilating
blowers; in the upper engine rooms,
190 degrees. Men dart into the upper
rooms twice an hour or so, look around
for a minute or two, and then dart
out again. There on the hot seas, on
July 3, the temperature above the boil
ers of the Texas was sometimes 200 de
grees !
The fighting engineers! By old-time
tradition, dating from the days when
steam power was merely an auxiliary
to wind power, the naval engineers are
thought of as non-combatants. Ships,
change, and duties change. The engi
neer is now a combatant as truly as
the man on the bridge or the man be
hind the gun. The modern fighting
ship is a fighting machine; her effi
ciency depends upon the engineer.
The engineer of the merchant service
has authority which the naval engineer
does not possess. It is now proposed,
in the United States navy, to improve
on the practice of the merchant service.
Enlightened opinion favors the plan for
abolishing the distinction between line
and staff. Engineer officers are to be
officers of the line. All line officers are
to be taught engineering.
A generation hence the anomalies of
the present service will have passed
away. The line officer of the future
will know the engine room as well as
the wheel-house and the bridge, for he
will serve below as well as above.
Meanwhile nothing will be lost, if we
remember what the fighting engineers
did to save the day at Santiago.
Sn.vs the Sew York Always Had
Plenty of Steam On.
NEW YORK, Dec. 31.— Referring to
the article In the Engineering Magazine
Capt. Chadwick, commander of the
New Tork, says:
The New York and Brooklyn have four
engines, all of which together can only to
used to advantage with full power. The New
York was using forty-five tens of coal a day
in blockade as It was. It was the practice to
keep steam on four of the six boilers, a fifth,
filled with water, kept hot by the hydrokime
ter and prepared for firing, and a sixth clean
ing. This v.as the condition the day of the
r.ction. The sixth boiler, as were all the
lest, was filled with fresh, not salt, water.
To have kept fire sufficiently to use efficiently
all the englnos coupled would have occa
sioned an expenditure of coal which would
haVte forced the New York from her station
as it did others. As It was, she was hanging
on by her eyelids, so to speak, avoiding as
long as possible, going to Guantanamo for
coal. The use of her engines and the Brook
lyn's coupled before the moment of full power
would have been a very serious detriment,
and after full power was on It would have
been very absurd to have stopped to couple
when going sixteen or seventeen knots, and
thus lose from four to five miles when It
was so clearly apparent that the chase iras
being rapidly overhauled. Stringent orders
existed regarding the u&e of fresh water in
all ships; it was not singular to the Oregon.
The New York never ha 4 any but fresh water
in her boilers, and a circular order of Ad
miral Sampson's of May ; i29 covered this mat
ter In great detail. If full steam had been
kept at all times It would simply have meant
more ships off their stations and less force to
meet the enemy. It would have been a fool
ish thing to do from any point of view, par
ticularly from the engineering, as bleeding
continuously into the condensers at a high
pressure would have been most injurious to
them, and we should 'have had our ehip3
shortly altogether incapacitated.
Most Protestant Country.
Sweden is the most Eiotestant country, for
out of a population; of 4,774,409, only 810 are
Roman Catholics.
I S+n<* So'cSt&t, at one» AM-*6oif£&\. I
It la Promised to ComprlHe go>me
lCtllf} fiiK Gemn From the General
Fund of Modern Art Lore Ani
trla, Italy and Other Old World
Conntrle*, Besides Art In Amer
ica, Will Be Ulsvnitßed.
St. Paul has rarely been visited by
a lecturer on art subjects who would
compare with Fred Hovey Allen, of
Boston. Mr. Allen's series of lectures
to be given at the People's church, un
der the auspices and for the benefit
of St. Paul School of Fine Arts, are
replete with the true art spirit. Mr.
Allen is an authority on modern art
which he has studied exhaustively in
every country in Europe. His stereop
ticon illustrations are of exceptional
value, having been secured from "the
artists themselves or by their direc
tion. The lecture on "Vienna, Its Art
and Architecture" would alone be
worth the price of the entire course.
But when this is followed by lectures
on "Italian and Russian Art" and
"American Art." the series is seen to
I be a feast such as only comes to one
■ once in a lifetime. Mr. Allen, It is said.
I puts a personal element into his lec
| tures which brings the listener close to
the artist and leads him to realize the
thought he has wished to express in
his pictures. The first lecture will be
given at the People's church next Sat-'
urday evening, but on Tuesday the
course tickets can be reserved at the
muste store of Howard, Farwell & Co
The ladles of the school of fine arts
here, up to date, disposed of 932 course
tickets. Every effort will be made to
sell 1,500 before the end of the week,
and If this is done the greatest lecture
audiences in the People's church will
. be seen during this course.
Mr. Allen is the author of several
books on modern art, and is consider
ed the finest critic of contemporary art
in this country. The subject of his
first lecture will be "Art and Archi
tecture of Vienna;" the second wirrta
on "Russian and Italian Art." In this
lecture Mr. Allen will compare the
northern school of art with the south
ern. The last lecture of the series will
be on "American Art."
The three lectures will be very fully
Illustrated with stereopticon views.
The lectures will be given for the
benefit of the St. Paul School of Fine
Arts and the ladies having charge of
the series hope to realize several hun
dred dollars from the sale of tickets.
The tickets for the course are $1 Sin
gle tickets, 50 cents.
Mr. Allen will also deliver three lec
tures in Minneapolis.
CHICAGO, Dec. 31.-The last session of the
year on 'Change was marked by moderate
activity in all markets, with comparatively
insignificant changes in prices. H€avy ou side
buying and prospects of a good visible de
crease advanced wheat &@fce. Corn on the
tKher hand declined %c. Oats eloped a shad
ier; 7^ royis i°? s were irre su'ar, lard ad^
\anclng 7%e, while pork closed a s'^ade lower
and rflbs a shade higher. ~ '
Wheat opened easier, at a em«!l decline
Liverpool paid no attention to the advance
here yesterday, but on the contrary showed a
email decline, and this apathy on the part of
the English market affected local traders to
sJv^i e^ t6n v Ma £* ? pened y * @%c lower at
71%@71%c. \ery little wheat could be bought
at those figures, however, and the market
soon developed a better feeling. About 45
minutes from the opening, large outside buy-
Ing orders were received, St. Louis being par
ticularly prominent in the demand, ami this
buying induced considerable covering by
local shorts, the result being a quick advance
In the May price to 7214 c Another period of
reaction followed. There was more or le=s
liquidation by traders, who did not wish to
howl wheat over the holidays, and realizing
on wheat showing gocd pro-fits. This was
heavy enough to force the price back to 71vic
where it held for a time, wich a small amount
of trading done.
About 11 o'clock, prospects of a lar<*e de
ciease in the visible supply Tuesday, in
creased the buying demand to some extent
and advanced May to 72c again. But the gen
eral tendency to go home with a clean slate
was too strong among traders, and selling
during the last hour slowly forced the price
bock. Atlantic port clearances were fairly
large, 665,000 bu. Minneapolis and Duluth re
ceipts were SOS cars. Chicago receipts were
154 cars, eight of contract grade. Private
catoles increased the Argentine surplus to 50,
--000,000 bu, but said not more than 20,000 00a
of this would reach Europe before July 3.
The Continental markets were firm May
fnally declined to 71%@71%c and was quoed
at that at the close.
Corn was relatively heavy. The market
showed some firmness pariy with wheat, but
later reacted and closed at a slight decline.
Lower cables and cold weather, the lattsr sug
gesting larger receipts, depressed the market.
The long corn was for sale all day. About
100,000 bu was sold here for export. Receipts
were 541 cars. It was a good deal of a scalp
ing market. May ranged from 37%@38c to
38% c, and closed %c lower, at 3S%c.
The market for oats was Blow. There wa»
. little doing beyond scattered scalping busi
ness and prices were influenced almost entire
ly by the action of corn. There was a fair
cash demand. Receipts were 212 cars. May
ramged from 28% c to 28% c, and closed a
shade lower, at 28%@28%c.
Provisions were fairly active. Lard was
again the leader, there being a good demand
for that product all day. Some local bulls
took profits, but the demand was sufficient
to absorb all offerings and prices were well
maintained. At the close. May pork was a
shade lower, at [email protected]%; May lard, 7%c
higher, at $5.90, and May ribs a shade higher
at $5.22%.
Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat, 125
cars; corn, 475; oats. 220; hogs. 45,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
I Open-] High- 1 Low- | Clos-
I Ing. | est. | est. | ing.
Wheat— I
December 68% 69% €8%! 68%
May 71% 72% 71%! 71%
July 69% 70% 69%! 69%
December 87 37% 86% 37%
May 88% 38% 38 38%
July 38% 38% I 38% 38%
May 28% 28% 28%! 28%
July 26% 26% 26% 26%
Mess Pork-
January 10 17% 10 27% 10 15 10 20
May 10 56 10 67% 10 55 10 57%
January 5 62% 566 15 62% 5 65
May 5 85 5 92% 5 85 8 90
January ;4 90 4 92% 4 87% 490
May ( 5 22% 5 27% 520 525
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
Firm. Wheat— No. 3 spring, 66%@69c; No. 2
red, 7Ty 9 @72c. Corn— No. 2, 37% c: No. 2 yel
low, 37% c. Oaits— No. 2, 27%@>27%c; No. 2
white. .30% c: No. 3 white, 29029%-c. Rye-
No. 2; SVA. Barley— No. 2, f. o. b., 41®48c.
Flax Seed. $1.13; Northwestern. $1.17%@1.18.
T:icothy Seed— Prime, $2.30. Mess Pork— Per
bbl, $5.95@9. Lard— Per 100 lbs. $5.57%@5.65.
Ribs— Short sides, (loose), [email protected]. Shoul
ders, (boxed), 4%@4%c. Sides— Short, clear,
(boxed), [email protected]. Whisky— Distillers' fin
ished goods, per gal, $1.27. Sugar— Cut loaf,
6.95 c; granulated, 5.26 c. Receipts— Flour,
30 000 bbls; wheat, 195.000 bu: corn. 366,000 ftu;
oats, 308,000 bu; rye, 28,000 bu; barley. 64,000
bu. Shipments — Flour, 6,000 bu: wheat, 103,
--000 bu; corn, 91,000 bu; oats, 167,000 bu; rye,
10,000 bu; barley, 8,000 bu. On the produce
exchange today, the butter market was firm;
creameries, 14@20%c; dairies. 12%@17c.
Cheese, quiet, 9%@11c. Egg 3, firm; fresh,
DULDTH, Minn., Deo. 81.— May opened %o
Oft at 69% c, sold at 70c at 9:35, -at 69% cat
9:38, at 70% cat 10:23, at 700 at 10:35, at 70% c
at 11:45 and closed at 70c. Cash sales were
30,000 bu at 2c under May. Bales: 20,000 bu
No. 1 northern, 68c; 2 cars No. 1 northern,
67% c; 2,000 bu No. 2 northern, 63% c; 1,000 bu
No. 8 spring, 60% c; 4 cara no grade, 3 lbs off,
54c; % cars barley, 88% c; 5,000 bu flax. May,
$1.18; 1 car flax. May, $1.12. Close: Wheat,
No. 1 hard, cash, 70c bid; December, 69%0
bid;^May, 71c bid; No. 1 northern, cash. 67% c
bid; December, 67% c bid; May, 70c bid; No.
2 northern, 63% c; No. 3 spring, 60% c; to ar
rive, No. 1 hard, 70c; No. 1 northern, 68c;
oats, 30@29%c; rye, 54c; barley, 36@42c; flax,
$1.13; December. $1.13: May, $1.17; corn, 84%0.
Receipts— Wheat, 118,826 bu; stra, 14,4»2; ry«,
"On or IV/IOaM CV "On or
Beforo" |V| \J IN CL I B i.ore"
To loan on improved prnparl/ a
Minneapolis anl St. Paul
In sums to Sui:.
4 per cent allowed on t\x months' deposit
Beeve Bid* , Ploneor i'ress Bl Jg.
Minneapollf. St. Paul.
C. H. F. SMITH & GO.
Stocks, Bond*, Grain, Provisions aid Cotton
Private wires to Xeto York and Chicago.
*OV Flonrer Brest Building. St. Paul, Stinn.
Bankers and Brokers,
341 Robert St. St. Paul.
L]fllß & rl3Bulirn, Fam"y and Dalry'cowj
UNION STOCK V a HOS. Branch, Midway
Cow Market. 2161 University Ay., St. Paul.
| The Breeders' Gazette, 8!
01 The leading authority on Live 8
w Stock Matters in the United X
JR States (published weekly), will X
9 be given as a premium for one 9
J| "year to any country reader who fl
* will remit $3.50 to pay for a if
fil year's subscription to The Daily 8
J Globe. The regular price of both B
m paper* is $5.00 per annum. f
1.C07; barley, 14,587; flax, 6,214. Shipments-
Wheat, 64,429.
Quotations on grain, hay, feed, etc fur
nished by Grlggs Bros., grain and seed mer- I
WHEAT— No. 1 northern, 6)>Vi@69c- No 2
nP'/hern, 66i4@66%c. CORN-Xo. 2 yellow,
32V4@33c; No. 3, 32@32'/ 2 c. OATS-Xo. 3
white, 28@2S 1 / ic; No. 3, 27%@284c. BAR
LEY AND RYE— Sample barley, 36@42c- No
2 rye, B0@51c; No. 3 rye, 49@49^c. SEEDS
—No. 1 flax. [email protected]; timothy seed, $10110
--red clover, $3.50@4. FLOUR— Patents, per
JKxt,!?^ o ®?^ rye flour > *[email protected].— —
r™??5S»i P P D ~ * 13 @'3-50- COARSE
CORN MEAL— [email protected]. BRAN— JlOif-10.00
— -SHORTS-In bulk. [email protected].— -HAY-
Market about steady for choice qualities I
choice lowa and Minnesota upland. $6^6 25 : '•
No. 1 up.and, [email protected] ; wild, $305; good tj I
choice timothy, $6.25@7; clover and timothy !
o^t^JlJf 6 — STRAW - Rye - *■**>■. !
Live Stock Markets.
a t B ?^ T^ , ST - PAUL - D «>. 31.-The receipts
at the Lnlon stockyards today were: Cattle
none; calves, none; hogs, 1,800; sheep, none' !
mere were no catt.e in and no market. The !
yards have been practically cleared at the :
dose of each day during the week, on ac
count of the light receipts, and there was '
no.hing in the pens to offer. . There was a
good run of hags and the market was active
1 r.e range on butchers -was $3 37%®3 47U.
with the bulk going at $3.42y 2 and *3.46, inakl
Ing the market strong to 5c higher. The
qua.ity of the hogs was good. There were
no sheep in and none wero offered for sale
from the pens.
Hoffs — Comparative receipts'
Total for today ! 800
A week ago 800
A year ago 250
Market, strong to 5c higher. The range en
butchers was $3.87%@3.47V4, with the bulk
going at $3.42% and $3.45. The run was
heavy and the quality good. Representative
No. Wt. D'k'ge. Price No. Wt. EVk'ge. Price.
11 175 . . $3 40 67 222 . . $3 42V,
57 195 .. 340 73 242 .. 345
98 212 40 3%5 73 203 40 3 42U
107 ICS . . 3 37% 78 215 40 3 42%
88 197 40 3 42%: 70 208 .. 3 37^
8 198 „. 3 42% 6$ 234 80 3 45"
75 199 . . 3 42% I C4 204 40 3 45
67 225 80 345 1 73 236 . . 3 47%
Packers —
i 430 7. $Tl6 <S 430 4!) $3 15
1 440 40 3 16 3 430 80 3 15
2 315 . . 3 15 6 423 . . 3 15
6 442 .. 3 15 1 430 .. 8 15
5 455 „ 3 15
Cattle— Comparative receipts:
Tota.l for today None
A week ago 150
A year ago 150
No sales.
Sheep — Comparative receipts:
Total for today None
A week *«o None
A year ago None
No sales.
Day's Sales— Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Swift & Co im
Dec. 31. — Lytle & Raeburn's report: Choice
cows and forward -springers quoted steady.
Other kinds selling slow. Re-preseirtattve
No. Price.
2 cows $75 00
1 cow 40 00
were on the market: Thecdor* Brubsr, W«lch,
hogs; Block,- Cannon FaKs, hops; B. V. Mil
ler, Ncrthfield, hogs; B. F. Martin, Clear
Lake, hogs; John Heberson, Carver, hogs;
Pirius Bros., Red Wing, hogs; L. Wooders.
Goodhue, hogs; L. M. Weston, Kenyon, 6
loads hogs; D. D. Farrell, Fountain hogs;
Fairbank & Proll, Blxby, hogs: H. N. Dahly,
Mlnnrota, hoss: W. Boerbcom, Ghent, hogs;
Black, New Uhn, 2 loada hog»; F. W. Hub
bard, Keckcnuy, hoc*; J. Schotz, Montgom
ery, hogs: E. P. Stokes. Monticello. hogs.
Transfer, St. Paul — Barrett & Zimmerman's
report: Tho cold weather seemed to put some
vitality to the trade, but not enough to war
rant a satisfactory business; lumbermen visit •
Ing the market were all buyers end pur
chased in small Quantities; North Dakota
dealers present did only calculate on future
dealings in farm stuff; supplies on hand were
ample to meet the most active demand, and
constitutes an unusual large lot of available
horse*. The nominal va'.uo of sorviceably
sound horses, from 4 to 8 years, as follows:
Drafters, choice to extra $80®12O
Drafters, common to good 65 fr 80
Farm horses, choice to extra 75@ kO
Farm 'horses, common to goo* 60® SO
York, Dec. 31.— The weekly bank statement ,
shows the following changes: Surplus r«- j
serve, decrease $435,075; loans. Increase $6.
--095,600; specie, increase $790,600: legal tend
ers, increase $792,800; deposits. Increase $S,
--085,900: circulation, increase $34,300. Tho
banks now hold $19.150,970 in excoss of the
requirements of the 25 per cent ra'.e.
81. — The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says: "The stock market
here today was brisk for the last day of the
y«»r especially in Americans for which the
demand was excellent, notably R©aiin«. Cop
per shares were in demand. Anacondas were
6% on a cable statement that an Important
deal was being negotiated with other eom
ptaniee. Of gold £16,000 *n bars w»i
bought by the bank, almost completing the
market deliveries of forward bul'.ion sold to
Germany. The impending f 500,000 from
the Cape will come. The open market quo
tations for gold aro 77s 10% d bid. Call money
4 per cent; bills 3. Continued- ease Is ex
pected for a week or two,' then hardness."
St. Paul, $888,016.08.
Minneapolis, $1,868,314.
Chicago, $20,508,124.
New York, $231,824,944.
Tattooed. Dogs.
Tattooed dogs ere now the fashion in Lon
don. A ooat of arm* or a monogram is
marked on the throat or breat of the animal.
The process is made almost painles3 by the
use' of cocaine. . _
DR. E. C. WEST'!,
'^H^SkEgrßcd Label Special j&Ejiffi
'J^BnTEgf For Impotency, Yi<js# ot'Er^ \T\
TfomjJL Sterility or Barrenness!
<HaP>Bhsl a box; «ix for |5, witlmjrmm*
ftfirmT" — '**"" (^ aarantee^nn^^}
11. E. Coan, Clarendon Drug Store, 6th A Wi-
Ittsha. * W. a Oetty. 848 Robwt St. St. Paul
Trains leave and arrive at 8l Paul aa l»l.
|9 \ t MJ&~^W °i ViVa l||» LJ 3 1 -nTT^n
Ticket Office-Uffl East Third St. 'Phone 1142.
Leave, i a Dally.'b Except SundiyTyArrTT^T
M../K. W J i , l!mar . 3- Fa"s. YankwlTj
w» $? i ßlo^ Clty - Brown '« Va! bs:3spn»
b8 35am Sauk C..F' K 3 Falla.G'd F'ks b4:3F,p°
b f *^ am _ Wlllnvar. via St. Cloud.. b«:l6pm
!T Br ~ k - F «««». O'dF'kaWpgl .7:45 am
5i"52 pm ■•■ Mont «na * Pac. Coast... a6:i:pm
«S- : i^nm •• E " e ' Blo J & HutchlD» a ..|bll:««in
JiiUWpin^^ Crookiton_Exprea» ....| a7 :3oam
iuiS£!D«««U» ■•><> West Superior. fgJia^S
Uwoj sth *■ Robert Sts.
'*i« StiHon, St. Fj-.1.
Mi. wackte Station, MlnnrapolU
DlnlaK »i»d Puilroan Car. on Wlnniper 4 Coast Train*.
P»Cillo lUU, Dallj; Fai,o, Bowman, 1^»»» Airtir.
Uutte, Helena. Mlaaoma. Spokane
Tacoma. Beattl. and Potland.^Ji :300m SMOom
Moorhcad, Fargo. Feruut Fa'K
Wahp.tonCrook.ton, Grand Fotk,
Gratton and Winnipeg
"North-Western Llne' f — C. f St.P., M.&O.
°fl|ce^ 395 Robert St. 'Phono 480.
,^^±±o^],. b Except S^daTTrATrlVr
alO M?m '^ a P k f t0 rt " d SIOUX CUy - bl:40oTTl
vi' 22f m ;? v Olty - Omaha, Kan. City. a«-55p-n
M:Mpm Mankato, New Ulm, Elmofe bio (»°m
a7:4Bpm|Su City. Omaha. Kan. Cityl a7:2^i "
Chicago, Milwaujoj &lTpau! Rjflroai~
Ticket Office, 865 Robert SL 'Phone »8.
a Dally, b Except Sunday. | Ivv^St^.jAr.St.P.
Chicago "Day" Express... .| b8:loamiblO:10pm
leaM lca « 0 t!antlc " Ex ! a3:lspm all :4sam
Chcago Fast Mail" j a6:s:,pm. al :4spm
Ch c*ko "Pir.peer Limited"! aß:lopm] a7:.V>am
P^ri P « ine d ?. C - air - M:4opmbll:lsam
Peoria via Mason City .... a4:4opm alllsa.ui
Dubuque via La Crosse.... M:lsam'bW:lop£
St Louis and Kansas City. aS:3sami a6 :2spm
Milbank and Way | bS :2oam b6 :3opm
Aberdeen and Dakota Ex..! a7:ospm| aß:lsam
From Union Depot. Office. 396 Robert~sT
Jgave. I a Dally, b Except Sunday | Arrive
Trains for Stillwater: a 9:00 aT~rn^ al210"
Lv- For I STATIONS. fi7. From
B :l6am |.. Chicago, except Sunday. .| 12 :15pm
8:16am!.3t. Louis, except Sunday. l
S:ospmlChicaeo & St Loulg. dally I 7 :45* m
Ticket Office. 400 Robert St. Tel. 36^
Chicago Great Western Rk
"The Maple Leaf Route."
Ticket Office : Robert St.,ror. stli St. Phone 150.
Trains leave from St. Paul Union Depot.
•Dally. TExceptSunday. Leave. Arrive.
: pubiKjue.Chicago.Waterloo ( taiOam tß.3opm
Marslialltown. I)esMoines,-{ •S.lOpm *7.soarn
flt. Joseph and Kansas City / ♦11.20pm *ii\sopm
Jlantorvllle Local *3.56 pm*io.4s am
tf M., ST. P. & S. S. M. RY. $r
Leave. I BAST. i Arrive 7
7:2Opm|. Atlantic Limited (dally). 846 am
B:4oam|..Pembine Local (ex. Sun.).. 6:o6pra
rt EST.
B:4samj... Pacific Limited (daily!... 7-4SDm
6:oOpmlSt. Crolx Falls Local Except
Sunday. From Broadway
.... Depot, foot 4th St 9:lsara
E:oopm Glenwood Local. (Ex. Sun.)j 9 3oam
Wisconsin cenTraT
City Office. 373 Robert St- 'Phone No. CS4^_
Leave | 1 Arr;v e
St.Paull All Trains Daily. I St. Paul
lEau Claire. Chlppewa FallsJ
I B:ooam;.. Milwaukee and Chicago. .| B:lsam
lAshland, Chippewa Falls.l
7:4opmlOshkosh. Mil. and Chicago.! 4:lopm
M. «. lit. L,. Uri>ut-liruniliin.< .V -Itlj
Leave. I a Dally, b Except Sunday. | Arrive.
IMankato. Dcs Moines, Ce
b9:lsaml..dar Rapids, Kan. City.. b6:3opra
bß:4sam(...Watertown, New Ulm... b4:66pm
b6:oopmj New Ulm Local blO:2oam
a7 :oopm Dcs Moinea & Omaha Urn a8:10am
a7 :oopm ChicaßO & St. Louis L!m. a8:10un
b4:46pm|Alb't Lea A Waaeea Local!blo:3Sam
H&M^^ SL Are What You Want,
fcWfc.jfL Sot Promises.
Kgj^%" Take a Course of
Lost Manhood Prescriptions
Greo Treatmem
It not only acts directly on the GBNITO-URI
NARY organs, utrengthening, lnvigoratlr* re
vitalizing and rejuvenating the fundamental
organs but at once Imparts to him the vital
lty and vigor of manhood that he should pos
sess. CREO TREATMENT electrifies the whola
eyttem, searches out the weak points and
I fortifies them at one* by acting on the nerva
centers, stomach, digestive organs, heart llv
er. kidneys, bladder, Eplnal cord and brain"
thus preparing the way for nature to asssrr
lt»«lf. making the man strong, vigorous „>
bust and healthy; without an ache or bain
correcting the whole system. •
In every case where it Is possible for you tn
come to the offices, by all means do so It «■
so much more satisfactory to you and to thU
doctor to have a personal consultation' and
examination. You then see and talk with
the old doctor. la
For those who cannot come to the otace*
our method of home treatment in all cas«i
Is as perfect as It can be made. A complete
j and correct diagnosis is made of eacn caae
free of charge, and a special course of treat
ment is sent to meet the special requirement*
of each case, by mail or express. Dr. .Alfred
I L. Cole, Medical Institute and Council of
Physicians. 24 Washington Avenue S Mlnne
rCTAi»???*Uw. " £*»*•«»»■ or alteration.
tif|lmEY»Nß ChEUIOAUJo. £nt VrV.^nuu.'. "triD
V—^yO'HOWMTI.O.n"] Sold by Hrujfcista.
<^ >^»i_»- S/W i/~? lp " >l> "- D«*P»id. for
FOkleheater'. Kngli.l. DJamond Hrm B «.
-^BTjv Bj Orl«««al «ad Only Ceaolne. A
fij\3rMk Dru««lrt ftir Ckidur.tr'i B^°Ui"Di\Jf^K
h^*iiS>\i/g^mtmd Brand In Red »a« fluid metaUio\XJW
C^ — -OMv^boifi. ■i'al*^ viLh blu« rlhttna. Take \3y
Vf] *4 WJIIO other. Jk ■»\n» dangrroui inbs'.itu- v
I / w flfliont and imitation: Ai Drs(giiti, or lend 4a.
I •» wf In stamps tt.r ptrtlenlars, tntlmoslth and
VT» B R«Ucf far I.adle*," in Utter, bj r«tarm
— >V ff HaU. 10,000 TMtlmorUli. Kminr Piper.
•old by «U Loci DruErist*. PHIL. OaK PA
|k These tiny Capsules are superior]
j^V'l 1o Balsam of Copaiba, yr-^*^ 1
I % ■ Cubebsorlnjectionsand/y-Y^J
101 1 CURE IN 48 HOURS UniUiJI
!■■ J the same diseases with-^—^ I
out inconvenience. j
Sod hy a! I Druggists. J

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