Newspaper Page Text
Date of I No of ]..„« Perma- Paynient. From What Soubce Received. Audit- SH?" nenl 8t » to In - -iw.i 1897. • or's J5£S Dnlrer- stations. Totsl< 1 Draft. School. gUy Aug. 5. .Geo. H. Crosby, contract No. 282 57 nnoi j — t im nnl __inn nn Aug. 12 The Itasca Iron Co.,contracts Nos. 100, 197, 108, 199, 200, 201, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 40, 47, IS3 l * luuuu fiuu.uu tt* 3 Lfi^.'W 191 77777 81,112 81.800.00 2,100.00 3.600.00 Sept. 3. L. E. Harton, lease No. 2,495 -■ 31.141 25 UO sa nn Sept. 3. H. B. Earhart. lease No. 2,496 * STifl £r™ Bept.2l. If. L. Fay, lease No. 2,497 * . 31170 mrm San Oct. 20. Frank Cutting, leases Nos. 2,498, 2,49!*. 2,500, 2,501 ... 3121T '" "imnfi •»•«■ .rS'JJX Oct. 21. J. K. Jones and Kate N. Davis, lease No. 2,002 ""*, oi'olo lw ' uo iL'j; "" SS'Sa °is 93 21 ' Ge °* J ' Newton ' lea,ies N ° 8, 2,tW3, 2,W4 777777777777777 77777777777777 si^io 30.06 " :?? 77:77: £48 Jan. 17. lOtto Monson, lease No. 2,505 , 31 B2U as nn ok nn Jan. 19. lOtto Monson. leaseH Nos. 2.500, 2,007, 2.508 SiMa «™ „!*. Feb. 1. Peter Nelson, leasts Nos. 2,509. 2,510. 2.511, 2,512 77 , tt'va inn'nn ' «2rS Mar. 20. Peter Nelson, leases Nos. 2,513, 2,014, 2,515 77 ?i ?S? renn *2255 Mar. 20. W. F. Warner, lease No. 2.492 777777 I!"™ SHS 2552 April 0. Wm. T. James, lease No. 2,510 "•" oV«ll (Son d.*™ May 23. Matt Clark, lease No. 2,517 SJ'fJ! ■„■■■■ 2»-00 June 23. !m. Vail, lease No. 2.518 7 '* = SJ'SX? oi'-U ' *«> 25°0 June 2S. ,W. F. James. leases Nos. 2,510. 2.C20 . V.V/.VY.V.V.VV. V.\V.V.V. SinS *n'nn ™™ July 29. iMlssabo Mountain Iron Co., contracts Nos. 05, 68 . ?,'££ o_iJ-nn JS' 00 July 29. 'Mountain Iron Co. contract No. 85 S«5gS fOG.OO 200.00 July 20. jßiwablk Mountain Iron Co., contracts Nos. 104, 215, 210 .*...'. ..... m'hm ln?7nn £?_?'?__ •*.., oi '°*» auu.uu 800. 00 | S $2,700.00 $2,226.00 $60.00 $4,075.00 Dateef Uo of T&7^' From What Soubck Received. Awllt. ™™f ' Draft. School. ° lW°* ! ° 11Vei " Mlnln « Co - «™n ore mined on Sec. 8, T. 58. R. 17 : ' | 31,214 $13,285.31 t 3 "? 1 " „ I J*i?! lve 'f.i ai Jl Inß Co - irot " °»c mined on Sec. 8, T. 6S. B. 17 lai Hl7 78 0 n r*' Si" £ r" ounta > n Iron Co., li-on ore mined on contract No. 218 «'2*U MWM t ** 5" ™Wk J °"W-.ia Iron Co., Iron ore rained on contract No. 210 777 33H i i|t'm Juy 29. Bwabjk Mountain Iron Co., iron ore mined on contract No. 221 u'sm I'ISTM » Uy on Sn Vabl i C Mountaln Co.. iron ore mined on contract No. 224 aft'lffi mS inly 20. Oliver Iron Mining Co.. iron ore mined for 6 months ending June 30, 18987777*777777777777777 77777777*777777777777:77777 '. 777 77. 7. 7. 77 : 7 777. 7. 7.'.'.".'.7.7. 7.'.'.'.'.'.'. . 38.836 | C 2-.00 T ° ta ' "•• ......_............... '.'."'.'.'. 7. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.7.'.'.'. '.'.'. |$18, 488.31 Bate of No. Internal P **7si.- nt From What Soitsce Rkceived. Audi- Permanent General Permanent Gonoral Reform Grain Improve- _. , IS9 " * 0I \J "e^enue. School. School. University. University, oischool. Inspection. ment 10t(U - Draft. , . Fund. aX" *' rK-H2-_S ( ? r defe ctlves, earnings for quarter ending July 81, 1897 31,098 saiß sn , «Ba<. «n Aug. 5. Quarterly interest on U. S. bonds, $200,000 5s and $300,000 4s 31102 * 836 - 80 • « VCnn nn ' 5500 M Aug. 5. \Vestern Electric Telephone Co.. IS9O taxes 7 28 710 *_"m $5,500.00 5, 500.00 Aug. H. A. Casilc, trustee soldiers' home, pensions collected 7 3l",104 i fi.t7.10 ' 1 647 ivn Aug. 0. Treasurer Minnesota state prison, July earnings 31107 .I'X-A li_?H'B? Aug. 9. Game and flsh commission, lines 7 31I0V. - 1 H, ""* ' n"nn •f Ug ' X- 7. r T SUTCT , S a U , Cloud normal school - balance on hand at close of fiscal year 'P. 31,110 *07 2807 Aug. 13. Dary and food commission, fines, sale of illegal milk 81113 nt,m H UC * \t ?^ y and , f «°°w a commiss l°n. ™«I- licenses, year ending May 1, IS9B 31,114 iMflflß ' 155000 Aug. 10 t-ame and flsh commission, fine 81116 ik'"!n in,?_ Aug. 17. Interest on July deposits in sundry banks ...... 77 7 7 £.!« 2 V s.mir 2 709 8? Aug. 18. Fergus Falls hospital, receipts for quarter ending July 31, 1897 31124 ' -s'Vr * ?s*7* Aug. 18. "A. Castle, president soldiers' home, pensions collected 31122 ftjaaS 2 sAs'nfl Aug. 20. Dairy and food commission, lines 31lS£ Z "^' u " 'ijf™ Aug. 20. Dairy and food commission, fine .777777 7 Iliis ****HS «?^ Aug. 24. Albert Berg, secretary of state, July fees ". 77777," 81180 si'?n si'VX Aug. 27. Game and flsh commission, sale of game and lines " 31*131 „., „„: Aug. 28. AC. Clausen chief inspector, account earnings of grain inspection department 81.184 - b'ViinrM 10 50000 Aug. 30. Game and fish commission, flne . . 31135 *-V.v. 10.00U.00 w.otm.ov Sept. 1. Game and flsh commission, flne SIISH in'YZ 15™ Sept. 2. Game an <J Ash commission, fine '.. 31J1A i°'^! JO. 00 sept. 2 -^ rtu erg, secretary of state. August fee5.....::::::. ,\*7' :::::::::;;:::; 3^ 10400 * iS-22 Sept. 3. Interest from Citizens' State Bank of Waseca, August deposit 31144 to 7 ■ " '"' T?2? Sept. 4. fairy and food commission, fines 31145 in',,,, ££'2A Sept. 7. Jf _D. Kenyon, public examiner, fees sundry building societies .....,..,.77.7.7. 8l7l« mr in 1 '"" "' _»'AA Sept. 8. Jf"* a " d "° d commission, account milk licenses for year ending May 1, 1897 31,148 16000 loom Sept. 8. SJR- JS?»2£- publl , c examiner, fees from sundry buiiding societies 131 149 4000 ' 22"22 Sort 10 Game and fish commission, fines „',,? *X' 22 i 0 * 00 Sept. 10. Treasurer state prison, earnings for August ."..;. ..\777.7-77.77. 7 SUM «7«73 fi 7?1 '22 Sept. 10. £. M. « f lough, governor, state aid from national government for soldier-' home 31153 629000 «■«,„,,„ Sept. 13. JJ. D. Kenyon, pubic examiner, fees sundry building and loan societies 31135 2000 on' 22 Sept. 14. "• ■ D - Kenyon public examiner, fees sundry building and loan societies 81156 1000 " Tn'nA Sept. 15. Interest from Bank of Minneapolis V\ iv. ™-°° l 0 -°0 Sept: it. Game and !ißh commission, fines ..77777777. .7 M*lS «H ; 68 * 20 Sei tlO Interest on August deposits in sundry banks. Hi'ina o _>io x£ 1 74 - 85 £ Gam D P * K dT, n ' P " b ", C IXaminer'1 Xaminer ' 'ccs y sund n ry building* *and* tt*imm.l\- 7777777777777 6IS ' 199 " 82 3 'S gg-»- i^^^^^^ o^™^ SHE "S:S8:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Too Sept.2l. M i>. K e n s*°7'.. Public examiner, fees sundry building and loan' societies'.'.'., 77777:; 777 777|*"1'17T 20*00 i£!£ Sept. 22 Game and fish commission, fines m i-i i, In ' 20.00 Sept. 2&: Dair y and f ood commission, fines mi 170 ;2'22 ! ' 10 - 00 Sept. 27. Interest from receiver of Bank of New England, Minneapolis ..'./.."... 7. ..7.. '7. i7.7777777fiK_7.J38 32QW Jli_*22 Sept. 29. Dairy and food commission, fines . . 31180 in'on ' ' 329.30 Sept. 29. AC Clausen, chief inspector, receipts of grain inspection department tc Sept 28, 1897. 8l7l« Y. Vn'« / on o *nn'™ Sept. 29. Interest on funds in First National Bank, Sauk Center 31 1 Bfl ioc- 0,500.00 9,500.00 Sept. 30. Proceeds of sugar beet sales 31188 .T'si 12 ' 87 Sept. 30. treasurer St. Cloud normal school for brick furnished to contractor. ..i":.': '.'. 77 77 .' P. 81*190 47.00 _s's_! Sept. 30. »- D - Kenyon. public examiner, fees sundry building and loan associations 31*189 on'no 4 Z BOO Oct. 1. Dairy and food commission, milk licenses ' mini o-fAA *" -<r.* ... ,.. .... 20.00 Oct. 4. Game and fish commission, fines " . . 91104 Tr.'An '••'•• ' 27 -°° Oct. 5. I Game a nd Ash commission, flne Hlin^ X - 3 ; 10-00 Oct. 5. Game and lish commission, fine . '..'", Im IM J«S I'- 00 Oct. 5. I Dclr y an d food commission, fine "IJtllM 10 - 00 Oct. 6. i Albert Beg. secretary of state, September fees '.'.".P. 31*107 iro'22 4800 Oct. 0. Treasurer Minnesota state prison, September earnings, 1807 31*11.8 r rino'^j ' lr,n -00 Oct. 8. Dairy and food commission, fines . . 31192 in'nn 7,902.54 S ct * 8 - SSSTS on , ! f 2 ' 1 ' l 0 Tennessee redemption bonds and $80,000 Tennessee' redemption bonds 3^ 109 « o'7s'nn "' ulmflMl "l , oi2*s__ Oct. 8. Proceeds of sale of $50,000 certificates of indebtedness . 31201 aittiM 6,075.00 $1,800.00, ..] 7,875.00 Oct. 11. United States aid account Hatch bill 31202 00 ' 980 - 00 • I 60,080.00 Oct. 11. Interest on September deposits in sundry banks .77777771* "" 31 __o«l "VJbVAA 8,750.00 LltfU,' 8,750.00 Oct. 13. North American Telegraph Co., 1805 taxes . mvn tis7*2_l ' 184 ' 43 2,081.43 Oct. 15. Treasurer University of Minnesota, proceeds of sale of farm produce <rf Bub-'_t*tio__i7 7 7 7 7 3i;210 "072*77 I, Si'22 Oct. 15. Game and fish commission, fines *1 oil or'An 672.77 Oct. 15. Dairy and food commission, fines "1212 in' 22 3 0-°° Oct. 21. Nonh American Telegraph Co., 1808 taxes....;:;:::::::;;::..';:::.'.'.'.'.'.';.";*.' 2V7J4 Imi 100 ° Oct. 27. Game and fish commission, fines 31*223 «_*oo 1,891.50 Oct. 27. M- D- Kenyon, public examiner, fees sundry building and 'loan 'a.Wociat'ons:.'." .'.'.*: .':.'.'.'.' 31*224 4000 ' 00 Oct. 2R. Treasurer Minnesota state reformatory, receipts . 81S q nT.2 . n 40 °0 Oct. 28. Dairy and food commission, flne ' i31?35 *7.'<« i 1 8,002.70 Oct. 20. A. C. Clausen, chief inspector, receipts to Oct. 28, 188j.777777..777.!n,7777777. : *777777*'_817t0 'AA n,^nk _. 8000 Oct 29. Dairy and food commission, milk licenses 1.124 ft "*'i..oAn ••• 20,000.00 Nov. 1. Treasurer St. Cloud normal school, discounts on bi115....'. " .'..". 131'<>43 ""'u : 100.00 Nov. 1. Treasurer Mankato normal school, receipts " ' (nl'o«4 aiji'in '"" 2 - 84 Nov. 1. Account of sale of Tennessee settlement bonds 31'24^ "wn™™ 034.40 Nov. 2. Treasurer University of Minnesota, receipts 31248 1 * M,,000 -0 0 60.000.00 Nov. 2. Interest due November 1, on $200,000 registered U. S. bonds :.'.::..'"." 31'r247 ok^'AA 40,940.69 46.940.69 Nov. 2. Albert Berg, secretary of state. October fees . 31248 'iia'9- 1 2,500.00 2,000.00 Nov. 8. Treasurer Winona normal school, collections quarter ending Oct. 31, 1897777 7777777777777 31*253 1478*101 - - fi8 ' 2B Nov. 8. St. D. Kenyon, public examiner, fees sundry building and loan associations 31254 ' ->000 B'l98 ' 19 Nov. in. Treasurer Minnesota state prison, earnings for October, 1897 31290 dX osi'm 2nno Nov. 12. R - T. O'Connor, U. S. marshal, amount of refunded money advanced in case of State' v's' ' ***>.-*** i.m 46,261.64 Armour Packing Co '11110 o .0 ' ' No.-. 12. Interest on October deposits in sundry banks 7777"7 81 11" 1 uw'nn V_vi'A; . 8 4 6 Nov. 13. Dairy and food commission, fines iil]% ' «22 ' 1660 i 1.349.04. _£!_.' .«' reasure . r Rochester hospital, receipts quarter ending* Oct. 31. '189777777777777777777777 7 31328 148113"" , .o?'^ Nov. 16. Minnesota soldiers' home, collection ot pensions .. . , ',S o'ln«Afi 1.481.13 S W - Treasurer University of Minnesota, proceeds of sales 777 31 3S '12r"22 2,806.00 0V * S* J reasure r Minnesota state prison, account November collection 77777' 81845 •>% ooo'oo «___ B _J_. 2o S OY ' JS" Treasurer St. Cloud normal school, collection quarter ending Oct. 31, 1897 777 31846 '07885 25,000.00 £ ov - Jf- Treasurer Minnesota training school, collection quarter ending Oct. 31, 1807 81347 is^'lo ? 78 - 85 Nov. 18. Treasurer St. Peter hospital, steward's sales.... 7?. ..ff 7 ai'sfio 1 nio'odi "• 180 - 22 Nov. 19. Treasurer Fergus Falls hospital, receipts quarter ending Oct. 31. 1897 .7777:31862 4488 ' '■ "*" *.030.04 Nov' -2' r.fw»^% S . 0l , dle r v°« c ' f a te aid less pensions retained, quarter ending Sept. 30. 1897. Zl'.m 5 551501 _tJ?-*S No\. 20. Citizens State bank. Montevideo, correction in Interest statement for October. 1807.. 31304 823 5,851.50 Nov. 20 Treasurer Minnesota institute for defectives, receipts quarter ending Oct. 81. 1897... 31305 94997 „ 5 2 3 KW.SS. Sundry freight line and equipment complies, 2 per cent tax on proportionate value if ' I I , 949 - 97 capital and property "*~ 11 oRn rt-i rJ ' '. Nov. 23. West Side bank. Interest on balance state funds for 10 months, 15 days .. 7 71 31178 *iS ' ' eslo <> Nov. -4. M. D. Kenyon, public examiner, building and loan association fees 77 31389 onnn ' SH! Nov. 20. A. C. Clausen, chief inspector, receipts of grain Inspection department -to November 24th 31*390 '„'„'^'„'AA «. 3 00 Nov. 30. M. D. Kenyon, public examiner, building and loan association fees 'ai ifli in'AA 22,000.00 22,000.00 Dec. 2. Albert Berg, secretary of state, November fees -.'" . [St'Soo ilinn 10.00 Dec. 3. Game and fish commission, flne >. '""ailis m S '• 135.00 Dec. 0.1 Interest on November deposits in sundry banks 8143fi nnj'22 so -00 Dec. 10. I M. D. Kenyon, public examiner, building and loan association fee . . " '" ISl*4<M in' 22 175.02 839.02 Dec. lv. Game and flsh commission, fine '".'jS ViPx 10.00 Dec. 11.1 Treasurer Minnesota state prison, balance November earnings'. 777 7 7"' 31'.4l m_i ru? .7 55.00 Dec. 13.' North American Telegraph Co., interest on draft No. 25.973 11208 v-V'So 104,643.27 Dec. 13. j North American Telegraph Co., interest on draft No. 25.714 7.7777 ""7 31« on fin'X2 131.99 Dec. 18. Balance money arriving from exchange of Tennessee bonds 31445 " "Knk'nkV.; 6900 Dec. 18. Treasurer University of Minnesota, proceeds of sales 1144fi ""tenia O0 .o«>-07 60,565.07 Dec. 18. Game and flsh commission, fines 11447 oil*. 32148 Dec. 29. A. C. Clausen, receipts of grain department ' 11401 ' 24.85 lb9B. 81 ' 464 I 25,000.00 25,000.00 Jan. 3. Game and fish commission, fine 31 4RB tnnn Jan. 3. I Redemption of Minnesota funding bonds .7777.777 31400 o 'nVr.' AA 1 V»"^' 10-00 Jab. 3. Interest on Minnesota funding bonds . lia-2 9,000.00....... 18,000.00 27,000.00 Jan. 3. Game and flsh commission, fine 11471 Wnnn 2,092.50 4,795.00 7,787.50, Jan. 4. Rochester Telephone Co., 1897 taxes ' 11477 ~r'i-7, 20-00 Jan. 4. Crookston Telephone Co., 1897 taxes ' 1147Q iia'ii 75 -70 Jan. 4. Wlllmar Telephone Exchange Co., 1897 taxes il'lin ail 59.37 Jan. 4. Fairmount Telephone Co., 1897 taxes 3148. -ia? 9 - § 8 Jan. 4. Albert Berg, secretary of state, December fees, 1597 ;. 31*400 i«'?K •' 71.55 Jan. 5. Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., 1897 taxes 11*471 10 nS__' rt 86 -75 Jan. 6. Dairy and food commission, milk licenses 11401 '™„„ 10,024.01 Jan. 6. Game and fish commission, fines 11402 k__<m ' 100.00 Jan. 7. Winona Telephone Co., 1897 taxes 114-0 OTo'c-i 54.00 Jan. 7. Home Telephone Co., 1897 taxes 31482 «3o 273.83 Jan. 7. Game and flsh commission, fines ...... h'jo- n-'nn 6 - 78 Jan. 8. Duluth Telephone Co., 1807 taxes P' 31 454 si?'i; "' 7500 Jan. 8. Southwestern Minnesota Telephone Co., 1807 taxes , .77. 31*486 1740 831.30 Jan. 8. Game and flsh commission, licenses Issued in international waters a ... m'mn o n?J.'__2 * 87 - 48 Jan. 8. Government aid, account Hatch bill ll'r,oi -""".oo 2,000.00 Jah. 11. I Interest due Jan. 1, ISOB, on bonds.." ." il'Su '«_*.*___ 3,760.00 8,750.00 Jan. 12. Owatonna Telephone Exchange Co., 1897 taxes 11'w! __VAA 60,160.00 6,645.00 65,805.00 Jan. 13. B 'ue Earth Valley Telephone Exchange Co., 1807 taxes ........777 "" 31^11 iro'l2 4220 Jan. 13. Treasurer Minnesota state prison, earnings for December, 1807 77777 31*510 10 Too'm 1 69 - 48 Jan. 18. Interest on December deposits ln sundry banks . °lini2 aH™ 19,122.01 Jah. 14. Western Minnesota Telephone Co., 1807 taxes 31481 iar 160.49 632.49 Jan. 18. | v " dr y freight line and equipment companies, 2 per cent tax on gross earnings; '1897.'.' 31.250 Soo'oo -J!'™ Jan. 21. Pullman Palace Car Co., 1897 taxes - SISO oiA'l^i 800.00 Jan. 21. Rushf ord Telephone Co., 1807 taxes ii^vn e.^ • •-.. 219.73 Jan. 24. Game and flsh commission, fines | ".i'mi Knnl"" "Jl 7 Jan. 25. Bralnerd Telephone Exchange Co., 1897 taxes " miv?,_ 02*22 50.00 Jan. 25.1 Game and fish commission,- fines 31 Sri 86 - 85 Jan. 20. 1 Game and fish commission, balance from licenses issued in 'l-4i_7-' of 'tlie Wood.: ::::::' " 31*536 sin 1 ;; m Jan. 28. Game ana flsh commission, fines birmi niin 1 830.00 Jab. 28. Western Union Telegraph Co., 1897 taxes oi ™, „*« 25.00 Jah. 31. A. C. Clausen, chief Inspector, receipts to January 28, 18»8. . ." ' 11S4B A}."-V0 20,772.00 Jafe. 31. Treasurer Minnesota state reformatory, receipts j.,, 11547 '"ncWnkk 16,600.00 10.500.00 Jan. 31. Treasurer University of Minnesota, collections fcr quarter ending Jan "s'l" 1898 Il^s - MU -o«" 2.810.69 Jah. 31. Game and flsh commission, fine ' ' Il'rso ' WAA 26,063.82 26,663.82 an ' S* °T«a-t Northern Railway Co., cost taxed by appellant on reversal' of i3*tc'n'n^_oii'c^__: ::'.'. 31*549 fino'22 '- •••• 5 -°° Jan. 31. Merchants' Dispatch Transportation Co., 1807 taxes 11 SJ? 600.00 Feb. 2. Aibert Berg, secretary of state, January fees '. VCSm -,a2'2a 30.00 Feb. 3. Treasurer Minnesota institute for defectives, receipts *'"- Si'So? I°2« 100.00 S^' 2- Tr easure r Winona normal school, collection for quarter ending Jan. 31, 1895..'. ...77.777 31 1568 1.7 _'r2 ' 1 7 « 3 -88 Feb. 3. Treasurer St. Cloud normal school, receipts Vt'hsft .nioxT, 1 1,373.02 Feb. 3. Quarterly interest due Feb. 1. 1898, on $200,000 U. S. 5 per cent bonds ...7.777777 31 570 i-" 15 * 18 o'^'AA 1 1,019.10 Feb. 7. New Ulm Telephone Co., 1897 taxes T '■ vt'tm WiA 2,600.00 j 2 500 00 Feb. 7. Minnesota soldiers' home, pensions collected '. 311.7!. o oTo'S ' 27*84 !7 e £* ?7 Treasurer Minnesota state prison, earnings for January, 1898 7.7...7777<7.'7'3175_a lT*7Po'n2 ' • 2,018.00 . Feb. 9. Treasurer Minnesota state training school, receipts \tllsa ko|2q i 11700 02 Feb. 10 Interest ou January deposits in sundry banks "" 31 587 i-r'n'n '■••' 535 28 £ 6 v* « Minnesota soldiers' home, aid for 304 members, average at $100 per annum ...777777 31.580 0 447*00 101 - 33 l 547.*33 5 e v" }«' treasurer St. Peter hospital, receipts for quarter ending Jan. 31. 1808 ... 31507 1 21409 • 6,447.00 Feb. 10. Chatfield Telephone Co., 1807 taxes Wtd-ft ' *2U 1 214 on Feb. 17. St. Croix Valley Telephone Co., 1897 taxes 77..7..7.77. '.'. 3l'«i4 '« •-• • PP Bfl Feb. IS. Game and flsh commission, sale of flsh 'llROf OK • 86 S e ?* J!!' **■ D - Ken so n. P u hllc examiner, building and loan association fee«7. 7777777777777^77777 M<o7 20*00 •' 77 '»6 S*s' !!' l reas '"*er Rochester hospital, receipts quarter ending Jan. 31, 1898 31*608 2 340* OR • 20 00 S e , b * 2* Treasurer Fergus Falls hospital, receipts for quarter ending Jan. 81, 1808 .. §1010 87R5 * 2,340 95 Feb. 19. Game and fish commission, fine . io/pii Annn 87 rk Mar. 3. A. C. Clausen, chief Inspector, account receipts to Feb.* 2*S "is9S* : : : ' : '.'. mmi * :.' :.'.::::::.':: 40*00 M4r. 3. Albert Berg, secretary of state, February fees, IS9S 31 fits ar« 0,750.00 6 760*00 Mftr. 3. Six months' interest on $130,000 Massachusetts bonds m nio V_,«*„'A' 0725 Mftr. 3. Came and fish commission, flne W.aR *ionn 1.050.00 ••'•• x gmM Mar. 8. Treasurer Moorhead normal school, receipts for quarter ending Oct 7 1897 ai«.n _,"i',\« I ' ' 10*00 Mar. 8. Treasurer University of Minnesota, collections made from tees |i_Si 4od * 05 | .*777i7 PP 77 45305 MJir. 10. Northern Pacific Express Co., 1897 taxes mfc? '""•£?& 17,000.00r 17 ooo'no 2£ r ' ih Minnesota state prison, earnings for February. 1808 777777777 31635 8 lai'm 77 79602 Mfcr. 14. Western Express Co., 1807 taxes aiJsS '??'£? B.IMM Mtr. 14. Interest on February deposits in sundry banks . . " 7*7 7 ai Sa «ip'2i ' ... 77 77 MOl .......... ••••« o_,u-_o tkfiO.Uv ........ .... .. » ...11 ■•• txx.vx ' ••••' ..J 100.26 816.28 THE SAINT PAUL PIONEER PRESS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1898. STATEMENT D. Receipts from Mineral Leases on State Lands. STATEMENT E. Receipts from Royalty on Iron Ore. STATEMENT F. Receipts into Treasuryfrom Miscellaneous Sources. jj 0 Inlernal Date of Audi- Permanent General Permanent General Reform Grain Improve- Payment From What Source Received. •-->) Rcvonuo. School. School. Uui.erslty. University. School. Inspection. ment xocai. IS.B. Draft. Fund - Mar 16. Citizens' Telephone Co., 1807 taxes 31,623 60.50 «g- 6 » Mar 17 Northfield Telephone Co., 1897 taxes 31,622 20.33 ~ ,rV*XS Mar' 17* American Express Co., 1897 taxes 31,031 1.131.08 HS'2 Mar*. 21. Great Northern Express Co., 1807 taxes 31,029 2,035.28 io'Sn Mar 23 Dairy and food commission, sale of oleomargarine to Minnesota Soap Co 31,707 49.30 kStS Mnr" 23* c,t y of st - Pan', fees examining city officers 31,734 310.00 „ixV2 SSl\ ?£ Adams Express Co., 1897 taxes 31,033 282.18 J'^VAA *•' „ ££_™ ™«V sn A. C. Clausen, chief inspector, earnings for March 31,708 7,000.00| 7 '°°<.-£. A,Jn i Dairy and food commission, fine 31.781 00.00 _■ f**W a£3i a" R - c - Dunn, state auditor, grass sales for year 1807 31,785 2,084.64 -"••. ?'!._*.•.£ as3i d University of Minnesota, fees received during March, IS9B (31,780 5,000.00 5,000.00 \77 r ti ti Albert Berg, secretary of state, March fees, 1808 131.787 145.55 146.55 a . ! tt Albert Lea Telephone Exchange, tax from April 23 to Nov. 30, 1807 (31,493 40.60 40.60 a ii X Albert Lea Telephone Exchange, tax from January 1 to April 2.', 18U7 |31.494 20.80 ■• 20.80 a —11 a' University of Minnesota, account Hatch bill, as per U. S. treasury warrant |..1.809 0,,00.00 3, ,50.00 ■7 P .\ 2' John A. Lytle, rent of unsold reform school property, ISDB J31.510 130.00 1 130.00 "r pr „ I" Dairy and food commission, oleomargarine sold at Duluth 131,814 2.02 2.03 » p ,1 Minnesota state prison, March earnings J31.815 0,444.75 • 6,444.75 a i! Ji" Oovernor of Minnesota, 5 per cent net proceeds, sale of public lands 1897 |31,823 1 $2,549.07 2,549.07 . L, .i' Six months' interest on $350,000 Tennessee redemption 4% per cent bonds 31.824 1 1 6,075.00) 1,800.00 7,875.00 . ! JJ" Game and fish commission, fines [81,827 25.00 1 25.00 » J__* Infferest on March deposit in sundry banks '. 181,880 1,208.00 |... 107.94| 1,375.94 a. 9«' Dairy and food commission, fines |31.831 50.00 1 60.00 April ju. gt _ p au ] Booh ajjfl stationery Co., n mount refunded for excess payment from public I . .. 01 school libraries, Rochester city schools '31,340 40.87 1 40.57 •?' ,R. C. Dunn, state auditor, grass sales, season of 1807, St. Louis county 31.841 29.25 1 29.25 a i on Gamo and fish commission, line [31.842 4.90 1 4.90 a or Interest on penalty collection, reform school lands 131,840 1 82.80 82.80 ■? < ot Board of state capitol commission, lumber sold to Butler-Ryan Co |31,551 16.10 1 I 10.10 a S! an' Dairy and food commission, Ramsey county court fees refunded, year 1803 31,862 00.00 1 1 60-00 fir!_r a Gams and flsh commission, fines |:.1,858 60.00 60.00 r?J ay *• Quarterly interest due May 1. ISOS. nn $200,000 TI. S. registered 5 per cent bond- |31,555 2,500.00 * 2,500.00 May 4. glx mont ha' interest due May 1, ISOS, on $205,000 Massachusetts registered 3& per centl „ . bonds 31,866 4,637.50 4,037.50 „ ay *• A. C. Clausen, chief grain inspector, April collection 31,857 ' 5.000.00' 8,000.00 JJ ay *■ Albert Borg, secretary of state, April fees [31,858 100.85 1 100.55 May 4. pt cloud normal school, receipts tor quarter ending April 30, 1898 |31.559 735.35 735.36 J* ay *• Mankato normal school, receipts for C months ending April 30, 1808 [31,860 1,859.01 1,851>.»1 May 5. winona normal school, receipts for quarter ending April 30, 1898 181,881 1,415.07 1,416.07 5J H:y 2" Game and flsh commission, line [81,868 13.80 13.90 ™ ny X' Game and flsh commission, flne 131.804 10.00 lu.oi. J}** T. Fergus Falls hospital, receipts for quarter ending April 30. 1808 131.803 111.74 111.74 May 10. interest on amount withdrawn from New York banks, deposited for redemption of old| 111.48 111.48 state bonds now on dnposlt with Merchants' National Bank, St. Paul 131,800 May 11. Soldiers' home, government aid to 3X3 members from Jan. 1 to March 31, 1898, at the | 7,219.00 7,219.00 rate of $100 per annum, less one-half pension retained [31.808 May 11. Rt p eter hospital, receipts for quarter ending April 30, 1898 131.809 1,327.90 1,327.00 May 11. name and fish commission, flne 131.870 10.00 10.00 May 12. oime and fish commission, flne 131.871 5.00 6.00 May 12. M D Kenyon, public examiner, fees from Homestead Building and Loan Association. 131.872 10.00 10.00 May 13. g ta te prison, earnings for April, 180.9 131.873 8,012.04 8,012.04 May 13. State university, sales of sub-stations [31.874 6C3.00 663.06 May 13. St. Peter hospital, interest received from Mrs. Moore on mortgage J31.575 00.00 60.00 May 13. St. Peter hospital, cancellation of building risk April 30, 1898 131.876 10.00 10.00 May 14. North American Telegraph Co., taxes for 1897 131.508 1,452.00 1,462.00 May 14. Game and flsh commission, flno 131.885 5.00 6.00 May 14. Game and flsh commission, flne J31.580 10.00 10.00 May 14. Stata training school, receipts quarter ending April 80, 1808 J31.887 604.48 694.48 May 10. Game and flsh commission, flne T [31.889 5.00 n <v> May 10. Interest on April deposits ln Hiindry banks 181.890 1,841.00. (. | | 167.38). 1.998.38 STATEMENTS— Continued. Date of No. ( Internal >„_,., f„„_, «._,.. «„„„„,. d.,,,.,,,™ Audi- Permanent General Permanent '"eneral Reform Grain Improve- m„,., V *Fms Fbom What fcODHCK R * CE1 VED. tor' Revenue, school. School. University. University. ScW. Inspection, ment Total 1898' Draft r V a Fund. May 17. Rochester hospital, receipts quarter ending April 30, 1808..- 31,391 1,848.66 1,848.50 May 24. Game and flsh commission, fines 31.807 75.00 75.00 May 24. Institute for defectives, earnings for quarter ending April 30, 1808 31.808 1,381.57 1,381.57 May 26. Interest from Citizens' Bank of Redwood Falls 31,902 291.90 *. 291.90 May 27. United States Express Co., taxe» for 1897 31,630 1,737.59 1,737.59 May 27. Dairy and food commission, sale of oleomargarine 81,004 49.00 49.00 May 27. Interest from Allemannla Bank 31,005 1,000.00 '. 1,000.00 May 31. Soldiers' home, donation from Z. W. Hazleton 31.907 65.00 05.00 May 31. Soldiers' home, pensions collected from Inmates 31.908 2,073.45 2,673.45 June 1. Game and fish commission, fines 31.911 30.00 80.00 June 1. Game and fish commission, Ones 31,012 10.00 10.00 June 2. A. C. Clausen, chief grain inspector. May receipts 31.913 0,800.00 0,800.00 June 2. Albert Berg, secretary of state, May fees , 31,914 110.25 110.26 June 2. Reformatory, receipts 31,910 2,460.80 2,409.80 June 3. Game and flsh commission, fines 33.508 6.00 5.00 June 3. Wagner Palace Car Co., tax for 1897 33.304 37.28 37.28 June 10. Prison, earnings for May, 1808 33.640 10,617.97 10,617.97 June 10. Interest on May deposits in sundry banks 33.542 1.002.00 138.80, 2,130.89 June 11. E. H. Dearth, Insurance commissioner, April and May receipts 33.543 5,703.87 5,793.87 June 10. University, account school of mines support 33,586 1.44 1.44 June 21. University, receipts for June, 1898 33,582 466.81 466 81 June 28. A. C. Clausen, chief grain Inspector, May receipts 33.085 14,500.00 14 500 00 June 28. Interest on funding bonds due July 1, 1898 33,682 2,835.00 4,480.00| 7*315 00 July 1. Dairy and food commission, lines 33,677 20.00 ' 2o 00 July 2. Interest due July 1. 1808, on Virginia funding bonds 33.083 1,250.00 2,250.00 3 50000 July 5. Interest due July 1, 1808, 'on $155,000 Tennessee 4 per cent bonds 33,633 2,325.00 2*325 00 July 5. Interest due July 1, 1898, on Alabama registered bonds 33,606 12,360.00 1,075.00 13* 425 00 July 5. Interest due July 1, 1«98, on $1,830,000 Massachusetts 3% per cant bonds 33,707 32,026.00 32 025 00 July 5. Reform school lands, interest to date 33,708 220.04 ' 229 94 July 6 Sundry trust companies, fees 33,703 144.00 .' 144 00 July 7. Albert Berg, secretary of state. June fees 33,715 75.50 76 50 July 7. Moorhead normal school, receipts from sale 33,716 205.86 205 85 July 7. Prison, June receipts 33,725 82,732.09 82 732*69 July 8. Reformatory, June receipts 33.730 620.56 *620 66 July 11. Sale of $165,000 Tennessee 3 per cent settlement bonds nt 85 33.705 131,760.00 131750 00 July 11. Sale of $50,000 certificates of Indebtedness, stato capTtol commission 33,708 60,000.00 so'ooo*oo July 11. Interest due July 1, 1808, on $213,000 Alabama bonds 33,771 4,630.00 4*53000 July 18. University, U.S. receipts account Hatch bill 33,779 8,750.00 3* 76000 July 14. Game and flsh commission, fine 33,780 30.00 ' 3u 00 July 14. Interest on June deposits ln sundry banks 33,781 1,619.00 120.13 1745 13 July 15. Training school, receipts for quarter ending July 31, 1898 33.782 399.21 *390 ''1 July 10. Sale of 685 pounds sugar beet seed 33,781 73.22 73 _J2 July 18. Money returned by secretary of treasury, application of war loan refused 33,786 4,000.00 4 000 00 July 10. Sale of $100,000 new capitol certificates of indebtedness 33,790 152,905.00 152*005 00 July 19. Premium on sale of $50,000 neW capitol certificates of Indebtedness 33,701 905.26 ~!J05 25 July 19. University, account college of agricultural and mechanics arts 33,783 24,000.00 24 000 00 July 20. M. D. Kenyon, public examiner, sundry bank fees 33,787 1,700.00 I*7oo*oo July 20. M. D. Kenyon, public examiner, sundry bank fees 33,788 165.00 ' 166 00 July 20. State public school, receipts 33,700 3.20 320 July 21. Dairy and food commission, sale of eleomargarlne 33,800 2.70 2 70 July 25. Winona normal school, receipts for quarter ending July 31, 1898 |33,808 1,044.08 1.044..08 July 26. St. Cloud normal school, receipts for quarter ending July 31, 1898 i 33,809 176.25 176.25 July 26. Rochester hospital, receipts for quarter ending July 31, 1898 33,810 1,738.00 1,738.00 July 20. Dairy and food commission, flne •. 33,814 24.00 24.00 July 28. St. Peter hospital, receipts for quarter ending July 81. 1808 |33,820 1,500.13 1,600.13 July 80. Mankato normal school, receipts for quarter ending July 31, 1808 |33,888 2, 130.01 1 1 2,130.61 July 80. A. C. Clausen, chief grain Inspector, July receipts 33,839 ( 5,800.00 6,800.00 July 81.- Albert Berg, secretary of state, July receipts j 33, 840 61.40| ) 61.40 ** * $770,!-76.07! $113,566,071 $137,880,001 $149,750.00 $168,774.51| $442.74| $167,406,001 $2,649.07 $17491,344.06 STATEMENT F.— Continued. 13