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Do You Believe lt?^lg||f||»r gSIXSE SILKS l afe-H* rfß^ ; ■ '' 7,.-^^^^>i_*3* round to some of \ 'W^^k^kwSSS^^Smm\v^^***^ff^ x,w Before our large stock of new Silks arrives We must /ZjLtfiiO [ rf " 4 ;^KfJ///)^^ HALF-OFF U „, Start th <i H and ww i se " what we have on hand if price wi " do ''" (u-I'LA. \ " /_* 3hß-l!__S-L-J!^iyP Ate^u^seen [f^ Week In Janua^wTth a lo '° oo y ards of Si,k at . a Fraction f|||||* IQK oS l^^ the garments are Wipf — — — -— — of Their Regular Price. l^^|^p^^W^^^^_t you satisfied that '***./ Brilliant Blaze of Bargains. * »_^cs- - f#fec -'^T wliat vnn anw in " -~™____ Great clearance of all odd ends of Silk, Fancies, Brocades -f PPrf r \S.'> fMSss&!£L' ' /^-d / UU . . Yes, "Bargains" is the word, though it is badlr abused and Plain; worth up to 39c yard. 1 *"^ C* '^^L^^^^^hz^^^ y£W tlie advertisement through indiscriminate usage, but we use it in its best aad fullest Monday yard At7V \§7y / j^m^Stj^ »* t*-* I ***^ — (/Jfy ' , o sense. Encouraged bj the unqualified success of the past week's * J * ■*&>&*-• WaS triie l sales, and more than ever convinced that our earnest, unceasing 50 pieces Striped Wash Siik, worth a little later in the sea- A*\\ f% *™**\ . and /°° s^ntious efforts toward furnishing our patrons better son 3^ and SQO short ends f Fancy. Silks* worth up f J \C 9 We believe in honest sales! We'll have one tomorrow! gM-*KVffi^^ «** Monday, *s y :.i :.„... p IA/ E H.^VE TAKLL2 IN— combined energy of tins great organization in the attempt to Cream W hite and all Colored Satins, Cream White and all eclipse even our best previous record in selling choice goods at n '■, „ j T „ »• r? „ j t? c- ■ , Every Jacket in the house worth up to $6.00 O^ Kf| P rices be - vond the P ale of competition. Colored Indias, tancy Brocades, Fancy Stripes and /-% /-J goes in this sale for Zp^.OU . many other desirable Silks, worth up to 75c. Monday, mJajQ EVe in thi^sale 11 for° $, °'° 0 $5.00 IP%-^ FatlCV QOOdS. A -? rand assortment of all our better Silks will be placed on the tables dfY^^^^^x ** xn our S®* aisle. They consist of almost every style and weave of Silk, Every Jacket up to $15-00 : _fe*B WdM?} NOTICE— S2, OOO worth Stamped Linena both in black and colors, and are worth up to $3.00 yard. Take your in this sale for *p 4 .<IJ\J MA Fj^K and a , ncy f ° ods t must be closed out at ODCe ' choice Monday, 'J fflX'Wm, [jnWifiaM&i regardless of cost. ' Everything Up tO $25.00 JRIO OO ///iff!!. 18 - inch Sla '"P ed AU-Unen Center Pieces, R- 43C •63C•73C _Q 3C &H.I Si 13 Yard goes at Hri V,# "V f jMJA^|f W\ size 18x18; .5c quality. While they last, each OG tlim t ld Z___ .. ... .• • . j r; 11 A I\rt All-Linen Stamped Tray Cloths, assorted _ _ * _ __, __ , . . No woman will go away disappointed. Ihe pr.ce you ll get >.^%3@^V \ \ ., patterns. 25c and 35c quality, while they -f g- &\ «»« I A/^ F"J T^ ¥~^ T^TH will be legitimate— a real cut. without any sei jht-of-haiid performances! (Q {lpSfwl W last ' each ' IOC jfe^ yj'j | Zl l^p |if 1^ _T"^ 1 All of the. fackets are new, stylish and right up to date. wb^an^is Aii-unen stamped sideboard or uresser IU" \ T*t / F m**** __.^r__—_/ ____^ _L-_/ m M • ,.,,.-;.,.,,-., , , ;.-*.-, c • W /Mmm*"\T Scarfs, 50 inches ling-, assorted patterns, *f_|_-l_*, Urn.* V -»__«' _/ ' .F "* Rh.Mt.MBLR, we do not mark up our goods for tlie p nrpose of giv- | (fimV 50c quality, each ___«fO SU*^3^*^3__ Do not miss our Ladies' Linen Cuffs. ing big discount. We say, shop and compare beiore you buy. « UIVP/' Aii-Wnen Lunch cloths, with 4-inch wide ¥&- \tL^vtM Special Sale of , _»,. ,T . "■ ._ J . . YaiV hem, stamped in beautiful designs, size _l___S_|j '^&T?_2 t^^^« , ,„l a 2 °° "OZ. of Ladies Linen Cuffs, PVV 45x^5, $1.25 quality. While they last, 'JCa n^&g&r' •■ '^____rV 10,000 yaras Ol o- o od Styles* recrular mr r\ rnBCCT rfeiirO'F each • • **>C i^^fe^R Machine Tor- ,„Tr!r ff . 9Qc "> L^.SS^T^'t Slil-^a _ _ ii and 25c Cuffs at -7W / %*>"<* »\rL/^ I !_>___, A I • ' One bi ff lot Assorted Table Covers, 50c and 75c goods. To close OC-r. chon J they are all \ PYTPA PliO TOMf,!?la>nw out, each ___•_s© new, durable, pretty patterns, and are Baby Bonnets. bAIKA SKctiAL, t-UK IUIVLJKKUW. Your choice of 500 Cushion Tops, 25 and 35-cent goods, -| _fl«. worth ioc per yard. Monday A 20 doz. White China Silk Baby \ only, each I *\9 nt 1 j "^T__. x> r- 1 " Jl Your choice of 205 dov,::] Cor wis. In this lot you will find 'r , ■_ „, .„ .. „ sale price, per yard Uonneta. Sale price, lOa-i ; ,i lece.ohr1 ece.ohr. f d Th„u, pi o_, Gh.«-Fi ; ,i., as many 29© Net Top Oriental L«m-2.000 yds. of "*'**' lyC other popular maSes. Ac, 7oc anl ipi.OU qualities sro at . * F , T * -it a t^ , One bi«- lot Battenberg Patterns, io and 15-cent goods. To go at, B. nne quality JNet lop Oriental Laces, 3, Angora bonnets, white only re^- OQn A PAIR. each 4,5- 7-in- wide, worth 39, 48, 1 ff p ular price $1.25 and Qo' \J**? J %Af piush Bails, all colors ..6odozen 69c yd. Sale price, per yard At-JW $1.59. Sale price... P.S^ - m ff * ek Annual Sale of Muslin Underwear SS 1 i_4ka____?s_iii^-_?- arfj_ i?reat many ;;:^ i lU ; ' : '^f iH>^ liral/ A GOLDEN HABVESt i FOR ECONOMICAL PURCHASERS! fg| XL ]$$^f£&'' ! HV I Each day adds -greater force to. our Great Muslin Underwear Sale, which sweeps everything before it. AU previous P° rt , ieres - xY^^Hl^lli:^ ><yV^IT / Mr-ri'x l rf^^_L business events are excelled by these unusual and^extraordinary bargain offerings in our Muslin Underwear Department, etc., which ' /§& \U< \ }^% Cw^a. v/ / F.IRMSH- J m$L : ?_SXS_W'^_9 cve f were the women so enthusiastic — so eager to take advantage of an opportunity to save money. * tuni'Ynto ° // _*7iktlk_i(. Hl^^^g^ Don't Fail to Attend the Great Sale Monday! c»j_3 *JU_Ft w •r_r*i , V * »y^ / ' tneir real "v- •««. * value. W T e offer Silkolines and Golden ri • Night Gowm. Ladies' Skirts. Ladies' Drawers. Corset Covers. Imnftrt^flt NfttlfP q S^ e^.^ m £2i Clearing Sale After In- The latest assort- _ Our stock of Corset inipUridni nOUte. yard only f. . .. . ....... DO ment and ex gui site /*t\m^ Our Lalies' %W "j^^V n^&™^si!l««* W% Covers is very large. JA. each for 50-iuch square Tapestry Cover. VentOry. j^^isS^* styles of fine Nainsook, /Srry, Skirts aire ail W J^Pf Zfl f ?, consist 5-? For style, fit, finish and *»C Positively worth 73c. /^tei|||f» Cambric and Muslin made very wide jLJ ' f ~ls*\ °. , & , "1 W /l^«l price they cannot be I nHsVc' Fvtrfl fi arm P Sirs £f *3Q e^ for dining room table size Chc- Stock-takitlg brought to light /^HB» Gowns at from 35c to flffi^ with French j£&&hs? &n X * h ° w °. b y /B» equaled. We guaran- LflOteS tXtra MZe UarmeHtS. JI.CJ-Sf alio Cover, worth surplus Stocks in many lines that feßlflf^.^ 1 ' Trimmed l^^p^ and volte band, n!an U facture« n & (W tee every corset cover We have a complete line of Ladies' Mt uX^Koo™g^ n *"' must be sold at once We have V^AJj W SS.^f.rnV'o? w^i.VuJl 'n.i.ff.ll"^ OT Sf S.^^r^S «-*» Size Garments in all the new $249 .^'^^^^o? '"" marked at prices that Will Clear mf \[f§ embroideries and laces; J(^^^^m fles. all ma- AW&3&®*"* vu n il,? materials, which will styles. $ A £Q a r air for Irish Point Cnrtsl.,.. Po.i these lines quickly. Be Oil baud '"* k all materials aro war- terialsarewar- fully the style a 'fi * . s c , c*e * stand a guarantee. ©■»■ IB lively worth Sfl.oo and ST.r.O. early tomorrow moruing. Ba tisfacfon in ranted SS -f t t^t ranted t0 give and "yo« will be pLaS. '°l°" "^ 100 dozen Ladies' fine Muslin Cor- Extra SIZQ GoWttS. (f.^g Cm f^ M - **" $..oo Night Shirts, 6 9 c. weWtion^pfjtS miur "^ 100 dozen Lad-es' fine Muslin Draw SSKS^SS? S "J» dozen Ladies' fine soft Muslin 98C %S& \V.£ V ~* r ***-* 14 dozen double-fleeced Night " " " 10 ° d ° ZCQ Ladi «' fi « e M - lin fiEJ^SS SSS^aSffi Our g reat sale price C SI.S9 _^^W P ° rt:ere8 ' P ° Si - Shirts. best patterns of the season, - 4 7,7.7, M.. Skirts, with 12-inch Lawn Umbrella and deep hem, all with perfect-fitting only ~ andaS-ves trimmed with fine em #StA J^^^^-Ewttet^.,.!. neatly trimmed, extra lar-^e betng 100 dozen Ladies' fine Muslin Flounce, trimmed with 4-inch fine >' oke bands, worth 19c. _| | 100 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric broidery" sizes TlB and 19 all cv. '* ,79 ?iveT/ %**ss*£* *£ "" 62 inches lens, jmd made with gore Gowns V neck Hubbard style, embroid extra .fc C Great sale price |"J "*£ Corset Covers. V neck, „?ra Side and &! r"' c_nno *« 9Q -a Pair for Rope Portieres. -*si m skirt, actual SI.OO value. Do not trimmed with 2 bands of fine embn id- uer^' extra 4,n a v " st only0 nly I ___• 2 W trimmed with embroid- _1 (tf^ J «tra wiae ana loa*;. Uown cannot -J»Ei*3M lively worth **2.00. confound these with the A A cry insertion with 2 clusters of tucks. «"»?• all With French bands, worth 19c _ Qur I» 1 'f be inatclied under W.2S. *f\Q *0 |Q a set for Bope Portieren, positively cheap sort offered by oth- kU H neck, front and sleeves finished with bkirt worth 69c. Great y| £- 100 dozen Ladies' fine Muslin Urn- great sale price 0n1y. .. . 9 a€n 2^ C pnCC MO V •■l» worth| er, OurSalePrice 00 ll SSt2_SSU"^I^S OQf oSy^^ Sr^Vt^ -ith 7-inch Cambric 10 0 dozen Lakes' French Corset ** V %[M S_M«S&J_R.^ 3 ° X6o} - S, s oF:a,n e! Shirts, 9 8 Cent, ,oc, great sale price only" Z3 C y^t^sfdr^^ JSg2 J§£ Se^d b.nd^id $3^^ s^^^^p^S^^ $g.79 3 °^ Your choice of all our if 1.48 heavy 200 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric and 100 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric 2;>c - Our great sale price I Vs<JC round yoke trimme-1 with lace, arm rieVv^strimm^with ane" o **^ 0 = I Flannel Shirts — Stripes A ft ... Musliu Gowns, Empire, Hubbard and Skirts, with full 14-inch Cambric ° nly ■ *** holes trimmed with lace; 4 _ embroidery, gown worth *T 'JQ QHOF and Checks, Tans and UjlO Bishop styles, trimmed beautifully Umbrella Flounce, trimmed with , nnA T.. , £ „,. Tr cover worth 35c. Great "J 1 Q »•«»■ «reat sale price | Cs l I V^ Lw UUH. Brown, Sale Price 00b SS^'^^^tV^ b^ 'SfS^i^^Tiii ,*, i_ c n K^S! 2Tf $..oo and $,. 25 Woo, Sweaters, 75 c. lect^from worth from q9c Q s^t So h SS' S_ r f _iLp h ' R^' edged withfine embroidery all Co^t'c^er^ oT^nt^am'oric" LadlCS' Extra Size Drawers. Sf^grfS? P^l by ATin^ Men's and Boys' All-wool Sweaters. to . 7£ft Great sale price £L W£ great sale price /KCTq "f" T^Rr round yoke trimmed with band of «. „ r fin . M , .. „ , t^ WOme^ of St Patll bj grmttg all odds and ends of $1.00 and SI. 25 onl y ~ V only „ /Q^ 39c ' °, ur g reat ssa c /QC point de Paris insertion, band of trfdV^v^t^yl V °-T the m the best kind of Shoe* for rroods, Roll Collar, Turtle 'jr 100 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric and price only _g» %_4? beild ing, laced with ribbon, ed ? ed iniah-dwhh cluster of T^d the SHlaillest price. This lar^e, Neck and Byron Collar, [|)P Muslin Gown, ii all the new styles IQQ d Cambric 100 dozen Ladies' fine Muslin Urn- g2 LT tJ ma i! Ch ' *- J^ 1 " dee P " hera ' worth 3 9c. S -J n rOOItI - V and Well depart- 'JU .^id^ST^^rLTtSa^ iWrtJtfuSffiS Srr^"^ W tf 2 8 rS C T? riC - 7"f 'G C r 0 e V ar sa i. caP 4.Q C o G nTv at3alepriCe 25C »"* is teeming with the best g 2 oc nzrnolialf-hos?, 12-. Cents. tucks, cannot be matched j**> f\ bounce, trimmed with 8-inch fine S"5- 0 n •" hdd t* all th P rice onl Y • • '"t'O^ ° nly an\m\m9 bargains in America. I 2' Odozen regularise and 20c |A I uu . der S: | o0 ' Great sale -OMC XS^SH^af >\jo^OA^oinm^^o^£\A*\ SO dozen Ladies' fine Lawn and 25 dozen Ladies' fin. Cambric Urn- «.,**■•*&} j quality Natural Merino |Vjft P»ce only VP ffl t e = witnth.alot we put |oc. Great sale price TTf Nai^ o°k0 ° k Cojset Covers, in all the brella Drawers, with 8-inch fine lawn *MM ™t,„t tin", hand Half-ho-e. Sale Price B__i2u I°° dozen Ladies' fine Cambric, L" « yl ? B of fine lace and only \J\J^ "<=^ styles shown, trimmed beauti- ruffle, trimmed with clusters ot tucks W&i ? aten l h , a "v " Nainsook and Muslin Night (Towns ft, 0 ' 1 " ' fully with all the new and dainty and hemstitched ed^re. all with per*- tlPl S tl*"' Co B All edds and ends of our Glove stock in all the new styles shown, beauti- ai-tn n under Q 100 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Urn- designs of fine embroideries and feet fitting yoke bands. f\ f*\ *mM&\ J«ia tops. -uom mu,t go. These four lots contain fully trimmed with new and dainty 7 , r sreat sale brella Drawers, with 9-inch Lawn laces, not a cover in the Drawers worth 69c. "€V.C "^MmY\ par « Ihw n i \ rare bargains. designs of fine embroideries, laces P * V_T Ruffle, trimmed with 2 bands of lace lot worth under $1.25 &*\g\„ Great sale price only %J *na* % * I tot 1 ay... m a am , ttt 1 andclusters of tucks, 10 different insertion, ed^ed with lace, all with and $1 48. Great shoes. 4 M, d ttrßov e s n ' S Wo: from, worth **f R 10 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric bands drawers worth JA Q sale price only C? U * Ladie s' Extra Size SkirtS. JSHH_k X C Qfi , Gloves and Mitts, and Boys' , C(| f^" Great _ala price /QC rim mcd LawnLmb.-cila «-• Great s*.e price _i|n M C Ladies' Skirt ChemJSSS =^^^»>. 0n1y . . . . Ol I 3 0 s___S^^Sg^ ISC SSSS_SS - -::^777cZ" . ««• marguerites. .^sa^^^-i?. boys J 00l Leather and Ku, oeaut.fully tn mined with fine em- Sif-.^ reat ®^ 7& trimmed with new and dainty designs with baud of beading, laced with yoke ban Is. Skirt worth - sf^ Sr °r\n r llA 2 I" 5 * VaIU6S ORn Sr S ' f?f k^ 2d ' ffere v only CD Ic/O of fine lace and embroidery, 10 differ- ribbon, edged with fine Valenci- 69,. Gr.ttsale price £L£tC 3:.ct030c. feale A_l|. at y les select from. Others would onl y V« O * Xs^ erent styles to select from W •*•% ennes lace, arm holes trimmed the only "^O^ _ .. r . . „. . _ Price "" «kjrt»fro_Mt O !LSO.QQ al' G^ QQf same, bottom 'finished with 8-inch /, 8« JiS one^nJ ?KS LOTS— About 38 dozen Men's Kid, Iq,* pnce Z2?o^ 5 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric sale price only <*& %J* lawn ruffle, finished with clusters 5 dozen Ladies' extra sizes Cambric JM J straps French heels Mocha ai:d Leather Gloves pf| ; %mT *** Skirts, with 22-in. Lawn Umbrella of tucks and hemmed Umbrella Skirts, with 16-inch lawn M§m I U sizes and widths - aud Mitts, values 75c. hHP 35 dozen Ladies' fine Nainsook and Flounce, trimmed with 4 bands of Children's llmbi-eIU Skirts » dfre ' che,nise worth a^* umbrella flounce, trimmed with 2 Jp^f-l %. a ee-ular 52.00 Slinnpr Sale Price JU U Cambric Night Gowns in all the new imitation Duchesse Insertion, edged U,luren S 3KiriS. $1 00 Great sale f°| |_|C double h 2 m .Litched ruffles, skirt full k X__A -Slipper. T ,., . . . , _ „ and dainty designs shown, trimmed with 5-in. lace to match, extra 5-in. 50 dozen Children's a-pa price only V-# *maJ \% yards wide, finished with French I %■-. (s-^L- \ Our , T7V 1 "", cn T ,. r f stock ot fine lur- with the most beautiful designs of I>ust Ruffle, others would ask you fine Cambric Umbrella jter***! 10 tloze " Lad:es, fine Lawn O'.Kiuises. bands aid dust ruff e a m*K a** \ \ lined Mocha, Kid Reindeer and Fur fine laces and embroideries to be had; $5.00 for the same skirt. Our Skirts, with 10 to 14- Jk "k v^YYl'YiX'T '^Yl 1 h V ui '^ - ] 7 d-s, worth 5i.75. *jlr\ jJItA \ special v^t inM^- n S) ' QQ I l differe » t W™ select from! great sale £X f* fn inch Lawn Umbrel. (^H KS-'K'^S^h WA U fc ffi i^ Great sale price only LZO lalrPrice 0 .^ 50 : 0■ 3 0 Soo" S«i? "^J^ 0 " 1 j*: 50 " J^ ® .M H f/j>«- % tn-med with V^W) M- 1u » n J^» pnCe, ■ ,ni-«H^ •CD 1 '! nC • •■ ■ ******* cluster of 5 tucks at top }fm\ ished with 2 nn»ter.of tucks OO n Misses Umb^e a Dr2W^> \ -^ j . * Fnderwear Bargains such aB only sa , e P rice TfoJ J *^\ arid edge of flounce, $*£*&>. and hemmed -dues, worth VS-l^lC 1T1,a3^ 3 umui Clia Jru\\ ~Ts. X 0 i hl\ The Golden Rule offers: on - v ■• •■ V|^ ___■ ■ _Ea %• ..... , ... . A _ sizes for children 2to i®S«^^ 51.50. ureal sale price 0n1y... •%_# VJP _««--_ , jg^^fe^ \ A «M a-i_-i j . »^ Cnildren S NlSfht UOWnS 15 years worth 69c r\ •■ 1 j tv -Hf^X^rV 50dozen Children's 3aS SFH_fe 2 \ J3l T U Use wool R.bbed underwear, 75c Children's Drawers. i^^ih uowns wcr h 69,. Children's Dresses. liPKK and Nlisses ' Ura - -=^B^^ -dozen Natural and Mode Colored npr-n 500 dozen Children's 100 dozen Children's f! 6 priCC 4«sC^^^ A W dozen Children's /rliJtH mad" of fin^'vi .i.^ 1 "' f Qe V" f^' ° V 's $i 0 £ Wool Ribbed Underwear.our-yp J)^BSf\ Heavy Soft Mus 1i n heavj soft Muslin £fe ° nly f.J P 1 a,dDre ssc s . I"^ kl\ "ambric wi\h and two-strap Sandals. A\| / * : Sale 7Rp f// ] \ Drawers, finished with Ni ff h. Gowns, neck, 25 dozen Children's fine soft Mus- §&fe S^lmml^S*^ /It 4tM\ ?n"h "LbriU $1-0 quality for Only PnCe ■WW /f '' \ cluster of 3 tucks and front and sleeves trim- /afljfcv lin Skirts, with 3-i,,ch Lawn Umbrel- WjgM "' '"™ m.n.r braid || J|; *^4 no . trimmed with . .. ,fi . , -; 5 c Fleece Underwear, 59 Cents. j \ deep hems, for children mcd with Cambric Ruf- /jfflßw|o ia Flounce, trimmed with Valenciennes 1"J . I}-f'71 } - f'7 ' U . LL ? : '7 clusters of tucks ..H d ' c " VI V /HY-\ I I A ,? 12 year * ° f a?e ' fle ' si2esfol - children 2 «^1 Lace, cluster of 3 lucks at top of /SE% P r« 2« r ?». ? i d deep hem. fur *> Alaskas. 160 dozen Australian Lamb's Wool tj '._ — V fold every where at from to 14 year, of age, VMW^V flounce; sizes for children from 2to /M|&% ' . 7~i s -*^ a^«^» children 4 to 16 »«ke cut. mace with M'Wm 7^ Fleece-lined Shirts and rA _ „ 7 15c to 19c a pair. worth 50c. f% _| |]|f 12 years, worth 50c. Our /^ _| -^f ™ c th^" *hde r Worth 39c. fan j- heavy rtaecelmmcr. & x SBBffls% Drawer,, our 75c grade. KUft Our great sale price U[ Great sale JIQ // HI L re _t salk price -I 1 f *» 1,7 Q Qi P i Great sale QK C l^fn °.r T'" &?■ ImW Sale Price l) 0 U onl^ price, 0n1y. ... WB V IMS Ll v OI C '* st OJsConlv ____o>^ » Lo °- . - haVC f ' »f^i ■ o r _ . »»' .., . at *90 them in all sizes — £$■. v-#* a**- B -?•-■- Natural Wool Uaiaerwear, 75c. — * -J 2'/. to 3, at only Mi $mm§£l Y%WM^lu Great Values in Infants' Long #. Short Dresses. ,uA 69c J^S? 98c grade. Sale Price I wll <iC^ \ 'U-S_._ !^SiS WVU j 2 °GrRTER'' SanXV^Pure^ool Monday morning we will put on sale 4 great bargains in Infants' Loeg and Short Dresses. All made of fine Nainsook, all new Misses' one of the w.nter Underwear - the finest and styles, trimmed beautifully with fine, dainty embroideries, tucks and hemstitched effects, not a dress id the lot worth under 69c and a W » iSf best, regular value 75c. On ia best Natural Wool Underwear made. .. _t" "" •- ■ ' • _, / ' J Yl, /, . A 'J bargain counter Monday at /lUfl note -The "reductions above & r eat many worth up to $2.00. They will be divided into 4 different Jots at the following prices: IW *[ \ .I VI oul y T'*'U quoted are each and every one yen- 1 _L 1 ffl . r%£\ w . r^ _-s _ ->._% «.^.p-,^ _.« • _ _ _» _ «« IKi! 'aYM Women's high grade Storm Alas ;^ i s^;_sa: > ~ Ev - tot I Only 39c Lot 2 Only 59c Lat 3 Only 75c - Lot 4 Only 98c 25c THE ST, PAUL, GLOBE 3UND.\Y JANUARY 8, 1899 13