Newspaper Page Text
2 Parts VOL. XXII.— NO. 57. - rlfS 1 11 Kttr Ylil li LTLS IIN hi IIRE WAN - 8 Additional Wants ON PAGE 10. Help Wanted-Males £t. Paul and Minneapolis Ads. no Words or Less, 10c. Out -of -Town Ads. no Words or Less, nOc. AGENTS— Wanted, a few good agents for sick aud accident Insurance company; sal ary Horn start for good men; special ar rangements made with good industrial in surance men. W. A. Bergen, superin tendent, £37 Endicott building. BAKERS— Two bakers wanted to work on cakes; none but good men need apply. 116"> West Seventh st. BAK ER— Wanted, man to work in bakery; one that is not afraid of work and who can attend to steam boiler preferred. 1165 West Seventh St. DRlVEß— Wanted, man for driving delivery team; one that understands care of horses. Address F 109, Globe. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS— Don't prepare for any civil service examination without seeing "our illustrated catalogue of Informa tion. Sent free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. HELP FOR UNCLE SAM. Thousands of appointments to be m-ade to government po sitions in customs, postofflco, internal reve nue, railway mail and government print ing services and departments at Washing ton. "Prospects for 1599," giving laill par ticulars, published by iNat'l Correspondence Institute, Washington, D. C, sent free to readers of The Globe. Write for it to day. Examinations soon to be held in St. Pant PRINTER— Wanted, lob printer, first-class; must understand Job presses aud be compe tent to take charge of small offlce; state ex perience and least you will work for. Ad drtss J 108. Globe. PERMANENT PROFITABLE EMPLOY, ment for you at home. Any person, young or old, can learn to operate a typewriter In an hour, and we require hundreds of home workers who can give all or part of their time to typewrite from copy on paper, furnished without oharge, advertisements used in our new advertising paper novel ties. Tlie employment ts permanent and we will contract for all work you can do in your spare hours and leisuie moments for one year, at prices paying $3.00 to $15.00 per week, according to the time you give to the work. If you do not own a typewriter we do not expect you to purchase one, but will arrange lo supply you with same. Full particulars upon receipt of self-addreised envelope. L. F. Wells & Company, 103 State St., Chicago. SALESMEN for cigars; $125 month and ex penses; old firm; experienc unnecessary; In ducements to customers. C. C. Bishop & Co., St. Louis. Mo. STENOGRAPHERS— Wanted, four good ste nographers at once; salary, $50 to $60; also ten bright young men to study shorthand and typewriting and prepare for special po sitions at once. Hess Business College. SOLICITOR wanted to solicit Job printing. C. V. Johnson. 51 East Fourth st. "WANTED — Bookkeepers and stenographers to register for positions at Globe Business Col leges; practical bureau of shorthand and bookkeeping. Seventh and St. Peter. WANTED — Young man for offlce work and to take orders; one who has had experience in printing or stationery trade preferi-ed; sal ary moderate. Address P 109, Globe. WANTED— Reliable man to travel in this and nearby towns; salary and expenses weekly. State age and occupation. Address Globe Co., 723 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, Pa. WAGONMAKER— Wanted, an all-around wagor.maker. McGuiggan Bros., Winnebago City, Minn. WE HAVE the nicest maple In the city, and we are selling at reduced prices; also good birch and tamarack. You had better see us before you buiM_ Hill Fuel and Express Cc., __» .Minnesota st. Tel. 1G44-2. WANTED— Men to learn barber trade. Eight weeks completes. Two years saved. Best season to begin. 300 positions to fill. Special Inducements to strangers. Call or write today. Moler Barber College, 223 Washing ton ay. south, Minneapolis Up Wanted—Females £f. Paul and Minneapolis Ads. ','0 Words or Less, 10c. Out -or- Town Ads. "*0 Words or Less, nOc. DO YOU EARN $1.50 per day? If not, call at the Dress Cutting and Fitting school, 422 Washburn building, and investigate. GUITERMAN BROS. WANT 100 OVERALL MAKERS. APPLY 5 SIBLEY. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for house work and to euok for small family of grown up people; home-like place; fair wage 3. 20J Globe Building. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, competent girl as cook and laundress; good wages. 405 Ash- 1 land ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted? - competent girl to j do first work in small family; wages $16. j Apply B-t once at 856 Dayton ay. HOUSEWORK— GirI wanted at 587 Rondo St.; ! call at once; take Rondo street car to Kent. I HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a young girl for ! light housework; three in family. 369 North I Washington, second floor. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for general housework. Flat 10, 217 Pleasant I ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework; must be good cook. Apply at oinc, 00l Holly ay. TTOUSEWORK-Wanted, girl for general housework ; family of three. 268 Carroll sit. j HOUSEWORK— Wanted. girl for general ! housework. 71S Iglehart St. j HOUSEWORK— Good girl for general house work. 4.-*9 Grand ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl for general housework. Call 349 North Franklin sl. LADIES AND GIRLS make $7 to $10 per week working for us at home; permanent positions: send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Standard Mfg. Co., 56 Fifth ay., Chicago. LAUNDRESS— Wanted, competent laundress 236 Summit ay. NURSE— Wanted, a reliable nurse girl; good wages; no other work; references required. _601 Selby &v. WANTED — Correspondents everywhere to write up items of general Interest: also good MSS. Enclose stamp. Illustro-Llterary Register Co., Chicago. WANTED— Skirt girl; com«T~Monday morn lng prepared to work. 217 Moore Bldg, Seven corners. WANTED— A girl to learn dressmaking; permanent position. 183 Pleasant ay., up stairs. WE NEED ladles and gentlemen as corre spondents, also to take photographs for il lustrating: fascinating employment, requir ing no experience; good camera supplied free; s nd addressed envelope for terms; act quickly. Colonial Magazine, 108 Park Row, New York. WILL GIVE free instruction to lady in re t caching; one willing to help in reception rocm. An^ly 140 East Seventh st. Sswiitg Machines. SEWING MACHINES -For sale, all makes of sewing machines, from $3 up; mach ne* sold on payments; fine repairing. 99 West Seventh st. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE Agents and Agencies, no Words or Less, nOc. AGENTS— SIOO weekly and expanses guaran teed good men to sell Arctic refrigerating machines for cooling refrigerators; guaran teed 76 per cent cheaper than ice; inde structible, everlasting; every owner of a re frigerator buys them, as the saving of ice in one month more than pays for machine have over 5,000 in use; 1,000 testimonials from leading merchants of the U. S.; great est monopoly ever offered agents; no com petition; exclusive territory assigned good salesmen; write today and secure your ter ritory before it is taken. Arctic Refriger ating Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED to sell the new process window washer; water tank, sponge aud rubber dryer combined. Kiefer Bros.. Cleveland, O. AGENTS— Latest craze; eight difT rent col ored revolving bosoms on one shirt; saves laundry bills; sample free. Krueger Mfg. Co., Chicago. • AGENTS everywhere for new gasoline gas lamrp; makes its own gas; sells itself. Bril liant Gas Lamp Co., 48 Clark st., Chicago. CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY gives the beßt sick and accident insurance. Both men and women agents wanted. Wood Fine, Secretary, Murphy Bldg., San Fran cisco, Cal. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE extending lt3 agency force wants capable men and women to travel and appoint agents. Salary, $75 por month and -expenses. Some for local work. Good opportunity for ambitious workers. Apply with reference. Butler & Alger, New Haven, Conn. SALESMEN — Side line evaporating nest eggs; good sellers to dealers; $2.00 gross profit; give territory-; sample free. Nest Egg Fac tory, Wahoo, Neb. SALESMAN— SS a day; no canvassing; no de liveries; no collections; samples free. Side line or exclusive. Mfrs.. 3941 Market st. Phlla. OUR METAL PASTRY BOARD sales lire enormous; many agents average $10 per day; 500 ladies and gents wanted to sell novel ties; give exclusive territory. Metallic Bread Board Co., Cambridge, O. WANTED SALESMEN visiting liquor and cigar stores to handle our Slot Machines. Big commission. McDonald Mfg. Co., 85 Dearborn st., Chicago. Situations Wanted-Males Anybody out of work in St. Paul or Minne apolis may insert an advertisement under this heaiinff fre .-• of charge. A YOUNG man of 25 wants work of some kind; is a good worker. Apply J. Rob bins. 11 West Fourth st. BUSINESS MEN needing bookkeepers, stenographers, etc., please telephone 1729-5, Globe Business College's practical bureau of shorthand and bookkeeping. F. A. Ma ron, Principal, Seventh and St. Peter. GOOD, RESPECTABLE ycung~man~ofTß de sires position of some kind; can furnish flrst-clafs recommendations. AddTess E. W. H., 374 Duke st. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, position by young man in wholesale store or office work of any kind. V 74. Glebe. EMPLOYMENT— PIace wanted by young married man; thoroughly acquainted with advertising; work needed badly; will work at anything. Address V 110, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, position by first class office man; experience: references; moderate salary. Address F 10S, Globe. ENGINEER and machinist wishes position, to run steam plant; best of references. J. L., _238_East Lucy st. KITCHEN WORK— Strong boy of 17 would like to get work in kitchen or restaurant. Address 388 Erie st. MAN of 20 would like position of any kind. Address 697 East Third st.. city. OFFICE WORK— Young man experienced in. offlce and wholesale house wants situation of some kind; have reference. Address H 109, Globe. YOUNG MAN wants work of any kind; will work nights. X 106, Globe. YOUNG MAN wants situation of any kind; experienced in dry goods and hardware packing; wages no object. Address T 105, Globe. YOUNG MAN would like work of some kind. Address R. __. Globe. Sit ust ions Waeited-Females Anybody out of work in St. Paul or Mlnn*. ajmlis may insert an a verlisement under this head i iff jVee of chary '. A LADY who has a few spare hours each day would like a set of books to take charge of. Address H 83, Globe. — BOOKKEEPER— Young lady, eighteen, wants position as assistant bookkeeper; williag to start on -nominal salary; best of refer ences. Address W 83. Glob?. COOK — Good Norwegian girl, plain cook, wants a place, where the lady is willing to help wi;h the deserts; wages, $12. In- quire 108 East Seventh st.. Room No. 3. DRESSMAKER feslrea work in families; per fect fit guaranteed; best of references given. Addreso 88 Park place. DRESSMAKER- Tho?o^ghly o mpetent dress maker would ;ike sewing in lnmilles; shirt waists and skirts a specialty. 225 Spruce. HOUSEWORK— Neat, reliable girl wants place to do light housework. F 104, Globe. HOUSEKEEPER — Wanted, situation as housekeeper. 336 East Seventh St., Room 8. LAUNDRESS— GirI desires a situation as laundress or dishwasher in hotel or restau rant. Address 139 East Tenth st. NURSE— Situation wanted, by a thoroughly competent nurse. B 107, Globe. NURSE— Si tua.ticn wanted by experienced nurse; city references. Call or address 14 Douglas st. STENOGRAPHER— Lady stenographer, with (3) three yeais experience; nart day work salary_moderate. Address W 107, Globe. STENOGRAPHER desires position; have had experience end can furnish best of refer ences. Address L 110. Globe. WANTED— Fy - in tlderly woman, work in family of two. Address 194 Fourteenth St., city. RELIEF SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT REGISTER. Ofljce, 141 East Ninth st. Telephone. 183. MAN — We can furnish a good, strong, handy man for wholesale house or any other such work. BOY— A bright willing boy for offlce or er rand boy; needs work badly. SEWING — We have several good women "^l3 want to get plain sewing to do: also a woman who can do all kinds of crocheting etc. NURSES — We can furnish efficient women to care for the sick. WOMEN— To do washing, ironing and clean ing can be had from this offlce; also men to dn n<M vmh! sawing, etc. Professional. », no Words or Less, nOc. THEATRICAL AND MASQUERADE cos tumes, wigs, beards, grease paints, etc., by Mrs. Louise Neitmann, 66 East Seventh St.. St. Paul, Minn. SUNDAY MORNING ti#|a Hous9» for Rant. ISMqI m> Words or Less. nOe. COTTAGE— For ren>,/ a splendid nine-room cottage, furnished, aud one seven room*), with hot water heat, at White Bear. D. 11. Elder, Manhattan building. HOUSE— -For rent, No. 323 Oneida st., a^ sev en-room house, large, warm, cellar and very large ynrd, city water; oue block from the West Seventh st. car. HOUSE— For rent, 1030 Hague ay., almost new; modern conveniences, gas, bath, city water; go and see It; possession March 15. Inquire^ 26 East Sixth st., second floor. HOUSE — For rent, a large, modern brick dwelling hou'«; suitable for a private hos pital; rent very low. J. C. Bhandrew, 220 Endlfott Building. . HOUSE— For rent, at St. Anthony Park, ten rcom house, furnace, bath and barn. Apply at 220G Scudder ay. " HOUSE — Best and cheapest eight-room house iv Merriam Park; bath, furnace, gas, barn, stone sidewalks; a bargain; owner gone West. Address H. A.. Globe. MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY, Nat. Ger m&n-Aiuerlcan Bank Bldg., corner Fourth and Robert — Houses, flaits, stores and rooms for rent In all parts of the city. SCHHAM'S RENTING AGENCY, Rooms 320 and 322 Manhattan Bids. 133 ELEVENTH— Cottage; city water, sewer .-. $5.00 171 Cayuga— s rooms; city water 5.00 171 Granite — 5 rooms; city water 8.00 861 Aurora — 8 rooms; water, sewer, ham jo.OO 551 Laurel— 9 rooms; bath, furnace 25.00 Owners — We want, more houses, flats; un able to supply the demand; bring in your keys for prompt rental. - R. M. LAAVTON. DON'T fail to call and see me if you want to rent or buy a home, lot, store or farm. I can save you money. 69 East Fourth St., opposite Dispatch. 918 JUNO — Corner Milton — Seven-room housed city water. 904 Dawson St. — Seven rooms; city water and sewer; two blocks from Seventh st. car line; $10 to May 1. Inquire Room 4, Ge'r mania Life Bldg. "WE ARE NOT THE "ONLY PEBBLE ON THE BEACH," BUT WE CLAIM THAT WE CAN RENT A MODERN HOUSE AS QUICKLY AS ANY AGENCY IN ST. PAUL. IP YOU DOUBT IT, LIST YOUR PROPERTY "WITH ROBERT L. WARE & CO., RENTAL AGENCY, GLOBE BUILD. ING, AND BE CONVINCED. Rooms for Ron!. no Words or Less, 10c. ROOMS— At Hotel Fey. corner Cedar and Seventh; one block from all street car lines; two blocks from the theaters, furnished rooms by day or week, with steam heat. bath, etc. Transient trade solicited. COLLEGE AY., 28 WEST— Fine furnished roonss; steam heat, gas and bath; rents moderate. ELE V ENTH ST., 73 EAST— For rent, room In private family, with or without board; all modern conveniences; near capitol. ROOM — Furnished front room and alcove, steam heat, gas and bath. The Buckingham, corner Ninth and Smith ay., flat 36. JOHN ST., 585 — Four very pleasant unfur nished rooms, from March 1; modern con veniences; ten minutes' walk from busi ness tenter; rent reasonable to responsible party. ROOMS— One room, furnished or unfurnished, opposite Lafayette park, 448 East Ninth St.; also four rooms. Harvester ay. ; $5.00. SEVENTH ST., 236 EAST— Room" 8, Second Floor— For rent, furnished room for light housekeeping. SEVENTH ST.. 225*4 WEST-Furnished room with gas and bath. TENTH ST., 416 EAST— For rent, four pleasant furnished rcoms, suitable for ligiht housekeeping; heat, bath and gas; private family. Offices for Rent. no Words or Less, nOc. FOR RENT. LARGE OFFICE. Plenty of daylight. -~ Electric lights. ROOMY* VAULT. Stationary Wash Bowl. Rent" reasonable. For particulars inquire ASSISTANT MANAGER, THE GLOBE. Newsoaner Row. - Flats for Ren!, no Words or Less, tlOc. FLATS— For rent, flats, seven rcto'ms; hot and cold water, bath, etc. ; $13 and $15. Fo;a Block, Dousman st.. near West Seventh. FLAT— For rent, small, comfortable flat with private entrance; convenient to business. 567 V& Broadway. Stores for Ren!. no Wonts or Less, nOc. HALF OF STORE for rent; steam heat; rent reasonable. 385 Wabasha st. 756 PAYNE AY.— Brick store, with barn; fine location lor grocery or dairy. 256 West Seventh st.— Newlv remodeled store Inquire Room 4, Germania Life Bldg. Real Estate— For Sale. no Words or Less. nOc. $550 EACH buys lots 2, 3 and 4, block 5, Merriam's Second addition, between Wilder and Moore, on Marshall ay. ; water; sewer and sidewalk. Cremer & Co.. 315 Jackson. LOOK HERE— SI,OOO for two good lots and three houses, on Dayton's bluff. J I Faricy, 54 Nat. Ger.-Am. Bank Bdg. Wanted to Rev '■iO Words or Less, lOe. ROOM— Wanted, furnished room for two gentlemen ; modern conveniences ; alcove preferred; private bath; close to Rondo line. Address Room 3, Horman Blk., Rice and University. HOUSE— Wanted, to rent small detached house, at once. H 9. Globe. NOTWITHSTANDING THE COLD SNAP OF THE PAST WEEK, THE DEMAND POR MODERN HOUSES FAR EXCEEDS THE SUPPLY. MORAL— LIST YOUR PROPERTY AT ONCE WITH ROBERT L. WARE & CO., RENTAL AGENCY, GLOBE BUILDING. -JU^fe Biaisaga. ■igywBATH sj^fr no Words or Less, HOr. ANNA MACK, from Chicago; steam, tub, medicated baths; select massage; profes sional operators; open day and night; 186 East Seventh st. DR. STELLA FREMONT, scientific massage, vapor and electric baths; also treatments for rheumatism. Room 4, 165 East Seventh St., corner of Jackson. MRS. DR. DE LAlTT ßE— Scientific massa glst, medicated vapor baths, magnetic treatment, 9 to 9 daily. 56 East Seventh st. MRS. LEONIE— From Paris— Massage, Turk ish, vapor, alcohol and perfumed baths; also electric treatment. Room 8, 165 East ; Seventh st. FEBRUARY 26, 1899 TWENTY-SIX PAGES. era ART & CO., MANAGERS OF PROPERTY, 23-24 Merchants' Natl. Bk. Bid*. HOUSES FOR RENT. Per Mouth. 60S HOII3- A v. — 10 rooms (f»^--l PA and bath, fur-iace, thZZ.#)U gas, etc , H" mmm vv 315 Martin St. — 6 rooms d*!^ AA and bath, furnace, \l / Bill £fas, etc t. ■ 307 Martin St. — 6 rooms (f»| r\ £_(_ rj. ,y ....... a>iz.oii 498 Marion St. — 6 rooms (|»|/> AA SS^' $12.00 170 and 174 Martin St.— 6 £f •*) /|A rooms and city thlZ IMV water <!/*«•"" 376 to 394 North Ex change St. — 10 rooms and (f-JP AA bath, pas, hot and cold A^!).UIl water, steam heat At Merriam Park. TWO 50-FOOT LOTS, WITH 18-FOOT STONE-CURBED BOULEVARD AND TSEES ON MARSHALL AY., $653 EACH. 7-ROOM M9DESN EOU E WITH BARN, $2,800. 8 -ROOK HOUSE, 31,903 IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR $1,900. SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS AT THE PARK. J. W. Shepard, 94 E. 4th St. $2,2*5*. 00 Ten-room house, with large lot, No. 338 Aurora avenue. $2,200.00 Ten-room house, with modem improvements No. 647 Martin street. A. STCLPESTAD 406 Pioneer Press Building. 61 FEET. 61x150 io alley, south-facing on corner Gee drfoh and St. Al bans. Price $3,030. No apol ogies to make for this fine lot, and it's ths only ona left In a radius of several blocks. W. 0- HEAD, 515 New York Life Bldg. FOlt REST— House No. , 805 Jlayton ay., 11 large rooms, combination. lieming ;>lant, rood en; conveniences, Sm_o bam and beautiful grounds. D. a. ELDER, Manhattan Building. $425.00 Buys ?. fine south-facing 40-foot lot on Charles street, -east of Mackubin street. Any reasonable terms. Wa- G. READ, 515 New York Life Building. Sjoherg & Hedberg, REAL ESTATE, 313 Jackson Street, Second Floor. We are in the buslnessito do business. We are going to do as 'much as any one in our line. And in order to do to We have secured the bargains ot St. Paul property which are sure to sell. Call on us. Fa m lmi§. no Wor:ls or Less, nOc. FARM FOR RENT— We own and offer to rent for a term of years the farm known as the Midvale. or Merriam farm, consist ing of 2H) acres of land, situated near the Wood Harvester works, east of the city limits; 2CO acres under, cultivation. 135 acres fall plowed and r<»ady for crop, balance meadow and pasture .- land. Good house, large barn, granary, hennery, etc. Farm under high state of cultivation, and will make one of the best milk and dairy farms in the country. EL & 0. Kipp, 76-78 Ger mania Life building, St. Paul, Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Said to be the best 80-acre farm, all things considered, in Rice county, Minnesota. The farm ad joins the beautiful city of Faribault; 10 --rooin house, barn 60xtM, large granary, car riage house, ice house, double chicken house, machine and implement sheds, power house, wellhouses and windmill; all nearly new, well und*rptnned and all well paint ed; never falling well and Bpring; soil, black loam; no waste land; none better; but ten minutes' drive to schools, churches and postoffice; 28 head of cattle, mo*-tly Jersey cows, five horses, machinery, etc., will be sold with farm if desired; milk route net ting over $2,000 a year: also valuable mar ket garden, fruit and berries; would con sider some trade; also give time to suli purchas-er. Address H. H. Bishop, owner, Faribault, Minn. SMALL FARMS near and fine farming lands en easy monthly or yearly payments; plats furnished. Harris Land Company, 24 East Fourth. SEVERAL LARGE TRACTS of ffnast North Dakota wheat lands for sale at a bargain; excellent investment; great opportunity for colony; act promptly. Winterer & Winterer, Valley City. N. D. ' TEN acres, four miles from union depot, im proved, $500; improved -farm to trade for house; house on m*Dnthly payments. J. C. Beattie, 303 Manhattan Blßg. VIRGINIA AND CAROLINAS ILLUS. gives general information of these s:ates illus., descriptions of elegant and cheap fruit, grain, 6tock farms for sale. Postpaid 25c. Southern Farm . Agency, Lynchburg, Va. Board Offered. 20 Words or Less, lOc. BOARD — Front altove room and single room, furnished; suitable jfor three ladles or gentlemen; with good hoard, at 167 Nina. Mrs. Dressel. BOARD — Pleasant front room, steam heat, gas. bath; good table board; also side room, very reasonable. 15 East Tenth st. BOARD— For rent, largo, well furnished room . suitable for two, with good board; modern and central. 48 West College ay. BOARD — South-facing front alcove, also side room adjoining, with excellent board; pri vate family ; modern house ; walking dls tance; moderate. 365 Pleasant. ROOM AND BOARD '->ot one or two gentle^ men. 229*£ West Seventh st. - G. 8. HERON, Real Estate and Rentals, lOS East Fourth Street. Houses for rent in all parts of the city. HERE IS A FORTUNE. LOOK ! 106 lots, Including two good houses and large barn; one of these houses- has eight large rooms, mantel, etc.; streets graded, etreet cars run by; near school and easy walking distance; this property must be sold to close an estate; will sell for half its present assessed valuation; or separate lots or house« "way, 'way down, on aaey terms. It will pay you to investigate if in terested. W. F. MORITZ, Pioneer Press Building $900 Six-room cottace with lot 50x132, No. 877 Clark etreet. This must go Monday. A. STOLPESTAD, * 406 Pioneer Press Building. WaNTEO TO BUY fc-nSPK east of Victoria, south of University. About $1,500, all cash. Must be a bargain. H. A. CAMPBELL, Kanhstt:n Bldg. Here Are Some of the Housss and fiats which we have for rent : No. 137 Western (comer Laurel) 14 rooms $60 No. 103 Wilkin, brick. 8 rooms, barn. .S3O No. 513 Marshall, 8 rooms $25 No. 1890 Marshall (Merriam Park), 8 rooms $25 No. 444 Hall, 10 rooms, brick $25 No. 297 Peasant, 6 room* $20 No. 306 Midway, 8 rooms $15 No. 541 Sibley, 8 rooms $13 Five-room steam-hoatetl Hat in Tiie Holland $25 Six-room seam-bea-ed ilat in The Beifeld $23 A tew desirable small flats and cottages also in onr list. J, W. Shepard, 94 E. 4th St. FARMS AND ACRES. 11,200— FOUR-ROOM HOUSE and two acres of land ou South Robert street, four, blocks from end of car line. West side. $1,600 — Small house and five acres of garden iand at end of Greenbrier avenue and White Bear road, city. $600 for forty acres in Ramsey county, near Bald Eagle lake. 160 acres of good land this aide of White Bear lake, near North St. Paul motor line; has four acres of lake in It; a bargain. 60 acres, all under cultivation, with build ings, etc., between harvester worka and North St. Paul, cheap. 150 acres four miles from Alexandria, on 'laaUe Luna," Douglas county; good arid cheap. W. F. Moritz, Pioneer Press Build ing. _^ 266 Charles St. $? t 350 buys this splendid 2-story frame dwelling of eight rooms, con taining sewer and city water and fitted up for two families. The lot Is 50 feet front; the location is near Oaultier St. Will make terms to suit. Wm. G. READ/ 515 New York Life Building. A BARGAIN IN A HOME. I have just had listed with me for sale a sev en-room house on Fuller east of Western. Itis perfect and in the best condition. Must be sold this week as owner is leavinß the city— a special price of $2,100 has been made. If yon wants nice little home you cannot afford to pass this by. G. B. WHITEHORNE, 33 East Fourth Street. Globe Building. Ground oF.oor. $4,509 A comfortable, cosy home of eight rooms and '-. bath and one extra room in attic; modern and convenient; south-facing; on Iglehart etreet, between Western and Mackubin W. F. MOMTZ, Pfonasr Press Building ROBERT L. WARE & CO., Rental Agency, 38 F.nMt Fourth Street, Globe Bldg., ' linve for rent houses, flata, stores j and offices. Auction Sale. 20 Words or I.cnm, 20c. CROSS THE BRIDGE, IT WILL PAY YOU. * If Yon Want FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES Steel Ranges, Iron Beds. Baby Carriages, GasioCine Stoves, Refrigerators? odd Dress^ errs, Ou utiles. Rockers in rattan, oak and mahogany ; also a miscellaneous lot of sec ond-hand Furniture, Carpets^ Folding Beds, two nearly new Singer Sewing Machines with all attachments; leather-covered Parlor Suit, two roll-top combination Book Oases, one fine large Steel Range, with water front and high warming closet, one small four-hole Steel Range, with high (Slhelf, about fifty first-class Cook Stoves, from {2.60 up, apd many other useful arti cles, very cheap, as I need intone y and room for my spring stock. Yonr credit Ist good. I. KATZ. Complete Honsefnrnlaher, 94, 00 % »S Sontl. Wabasha Street. N. B.— Your old furniture taken in exchange or cash paid for same. .-Tel. 94C-3. pP — Cows. l\ ith i no Words or Less, nOe, THOUSANDS of people who want to either buy or sell a cow, look under this head. Why not try It once. A penny a word Is all it costs. FOR SALE cheap, fresh milch cow. 465 Page st., West side. I Chiropodists. I, v -'-^^ no Words or Less, nOe. LOCKWOOD'S Good Lack Salve; t<m thing tor sore foet;all druggists -MtabUet ted ii yrs Part 2 PftlCE FIVE CENTS. II WANT TO INVEST j $100,000.00 I In St. Paul real estate. If you desire to se!! at a bargain write full particulars,, lot. block and addition. If Improved state class, value, condi- I tion, when buiit, exact rental, lowest price and \x terms. Bf mortgaged, amount, rate of interest, I when due, whether can ba paid at once. State | whether you are owner or agent. Give address. Address "INVESTOR," care Globs. G. B. WHITEHORNE AN INVESTMENT— 25 acres of land on the Hudson Road, one and one-half miles in- Blde the city limits. $25,000 was refused for this land a few years ago, now it can be bought for $2,500. In three years it will sell for $12,500. $2,650— An eight-room house on Iglehart, east of Avon, house has all modern conveniences. Here is a chance to buy a good home cheap. . ' $1,600 takes a south-facing 40-foot lot on Goodrich, east of Avon. There is nothing offered for sale in this desirable location a*s Cheap as this. Look it up if you want a fine site for a home. $1,000—42x200 on Summit ay. west of Hamline. There Is only one left at this price that has sewer and water connections. Five houses are to be built between Hamline and Al bert this spring. $750 Buys 60x150 south-facing on the corner of Ashland and Milton. Here is a snap. $425— !0-foot south-facing lot on Hague near Oxford. Adjoining' lots handsomely im proved. Good location for a home. $275 Will buy a lot on Marshall ay., 40x135 to alley, between Dunlap and Griggs. This is the best bargain that has ever been of fered in A. E. Ramsey's addition. You can not help but double your money inside a year. $2,100—61x150. The northeast corner of Fair mount and Victoria st., boulevarded and curbed. Lot is three feet above grade, and most desirable in* every way, and is by far the cheapest corner for sale in Summit Park. G.B. WHITEHORNE 33 EAST FOURTH ST., GLOBE BUILDIN3 - - • GROUND FLOOR. ■IP t__ 4 OR {%— Eiplit-room house, Merriam 9leOU Perk dihtrici: part cash. $1 9fifl -Seven- room house. Merriam ■ "*w w .'Park dititricl; corner lot: also baru. . j£ QAJflfl— - Seven-room home. Holly ave <9AU9W nue, east of Grotto: modern; houth-fiiclug: part cash. $>• .fl ftf|— ' Ei^ht-room house Cherokee I tvv. avenue; 50-foot corner lot; part cash. fIS 07ftfl - Modem house, south-fiicing on *^fi ■ W Martin Btreet, east of Kent street. This is the hnndsomebt j'luce in the vicinity, _\ t_S_~ Seven -room bouse and barn •3* I BY V on Ohio street. tfl _\ 6_S_ f_— Eight-room house, 313 Prei- S* IvwV colt street; grouuds 88x125 feet. <£ ABE _\— Seven -room house. 349 Cayuga vVuU street, corner Westminster street; in good condition; well of pure water; part cash. tfLQflFflV- - Each for nice 50-foot lots, West, %&& tf V side; a sightly place to build. $'i Q|U{ni"- Seveil - room house. MB Euclid ■ fctf tf street; water and sewer iv the street; $200 cash. BAYARD, DEUEL & CD,. 602 Pioneer Press. s - ' - . X __%%- .-- _„_^s£9tß«feui^3BSigK~"-; » ~\^ "VI ?_%V_____s&_W?F_¥l^^ Karminp; !nn,ls and '^S^^ J^i/^^rai^xflß^fflßGS^^B^K'^' :i ili improved farms pMte**^BagHSSig|£Saß mm t_\ jOTTF leseriptions. in -;. K X^^^^ (^^l^^^^^^_^S—iW^^^(^__^r^^mS^'^_tg^ Mr ix and Hay River '' t^'^^^^*r^f^^- ,^^ff^-p^ VHI !CV ti '. I( 1 .» (,\] '], - ~r-§j**^gjfe ,^ffi"'s^ we * ler " Minnesota for ■jajJraSsla*PMßß JKjW'fIiPIIBBWaBBWR sn ' e cheap — reason -frfSsP aEWfrSifsiM l!£sfta:rßH'9» KESri "•'•'"' tenn-. VJ'tfiXK'iHsMtyK^ ->-w--i- .CSSa* -;& -jr: ->^- : ',---aßMßit^!F=^[to Bo you intend to '. sßsg^Jy?? --^-'j^y^^tlllwwriCT ■ W 1 '^^ '^^[^^^^^gIffW^^WBRWTBn '"■ n iKrn or horns *^;_'->^'l. .. . ,rt^.-~ -?|W -his coming sen-un *^Vjfc*i-^S-*~Jft^~^ it will pay yon to 1 ink ver lln? >e,i;.(i'!il £-f^^^^^s£|fe>'*»-^3p^Bl>^**>7l'!-f "--5-.-jS?Bf-g l q|j|B^)BMWßWSr^S : *i farmi 1 1: l f_\^^^^E^S^^^^^_^^ !^ :^ ''iit«k>{:iie wl ■& z ' : -^^S£T^^XX^^s^^'^i^^BjjS^yT-m i__h~*"'^ "~?^S^B3*p«*s£^ lescripiion ajjoOnjces jfff^ff** I _ Tj-ri^ijj*jiPr l^F*-i'* v -- lifl-'nrT "*~ -^ lent free on Ns3a*--a --~"" — *^^*~ ~ -^ 1 tion. Call or h.Mivss Iftlill D Vifie IIU ( Commercial ) 1 10 EAST THIRD STREET, tf Inl! £ i IWkd.UJI-i i B ink Bldg. ( COR. ROBERT, ST. PAUL, MINN. £g> Horses and Carriages. nO Words or Less, nOc. AUCTION, AUCTION. HORSES, HORSES— Barrett & Zimmerman and H. A. Winslow have constantly- on hand 500 horses, farm mares and 100 head of mules; auction every Wednesday; private sales daily at their Midway Horse Market, Minnesota Transfer, St, Paul. FOR SALE— Good 7-year-old horse; Conco*d buggy; top buggy and single haraeaj, cheap. Call at Mercantile Warehousing Co., 563 JJost Third St.. on the brldg*. FOR SALE— A powerful 8-year-old horse, weight, 1.3C0 pounds; price, $80; worth $125. Read's livery, Sherman Bt. FOR SALE — Fifteen horses; two ponies; cine heavy wagon, wide tire, new; one express wagon; one cutter, $3; one single harness; oash or on time. 211 East Ninth st. HORSE AUCTION every Wednesday, con signments soliolted. Barrett & Zimmer man's Horse Market, St. Paul. HORSE— For sale, good delivery horse, weighs about 1,100 lbs, 9 years old, gentle. Call at ' 102 East Fifth. HORSES AND MULES— SOO horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at Barrett A Zimmerman's horse market. Time given if desired. MULES! MULES!— 2OO heed of large and young mules for sale at Barrett & Z i ir- - merman's Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. SEVENTY-FIVE HEAD of the finest farm mares and chunks in the Northwest at G, W. Went worth & Co. 'a Stable*. South St. Paul. TAKE A WALK To the corner of Laurel avenue and Milton street and inspect the housa we are building- there. For $4,000 We will build this house on your choice of 100 Lots In this vicinity. It will be finished iti every detail with hard wood, modern plumbing-, and is roomy and comfort able. Pay for It in monthly pay ments if you wish, with low interest rates. Call and let us talk it over. SMITH Manhattan Building. Wm. C. READ'S Partial R nt List, 815 New York Life Building. 350 Summit ay . 12 rooms ST.j.OO 4 CrocuH Hill, 15"room» 7f>!oo 586 Lincoln ay.. lv rooms - 40 00 917 Iglehart, 9 rooms 25.00 284 West Seventh. 8 rooms 22.60 'I'he above houses are entirely modern. STEAM- HEATED FLAT. In the Elsinore there is a fine six-room flat wllb all modern conveniences and contrivances for comfort. Will rent to a good tenant at re duced price until Septemler. Wm, C. Read, 615 New York Life Building. p. Mcdonald, 428 Globs Bu Iding, $600 — Six-room house, corner lot, In Rice street district. $650— Seven-room house on Marion street. $350 — Three-room house on Wood bridg-e street. $200— Vacant lot on James street, near Victoria street. $650 — Eipht-room house, one block from car line, West Side. $4,ooo— For 2-story double building, two stores on ground floor, liv ing rooms upstairs; also a de tached 7-room house in rear; all improvements made; rents for $40 per month; on a corner lot, West Side. 80 Acre**, ali improved, a few miles north of Lake Como. , p. Mcdonald, 4:8 Gi-be mt\tt_ $1,000 EACH For two 16-acre tract*, in Ro?-: Town Township, lif-msey county, only Hi miles norili of state Agricultural College. A, STOLPESTAB, 403 Pioneer Pre>« Hldg. Board Wanted -20 AVords or L«ai, lOc. BOARD WANTED^L^dT^^w^rU^t)oTd~ia private family where they keep a few boarders; must be within walking distance of ean4tol; state terms. Address V 106. Globe. # Kfedha!, XA no Words or Less, 30c. LADtiCSt Chichester's English Fenayroyal t-*||j Mpi«noo4 Bran*), are the HOSt. S>»o, RtlhM*. Tiko n» otmr. SenH 4c.. »t»mps, for pirttcxlem, '-KelleC for -^tV"." * r - T V„. b '' Return Mail- At urumitu. Chemical Co.. Phlbwla., Fa- LADIES— Your bust enlarged six inches; fail ure impossible; $lt'o cash guarantee; proof free. Leonard Medicine Co., Kansas City, Mo. IF YOU have a good medicine that has merit it - will pay you big to have a small ad under this column. The cost Is small, the returns large. Why not give it a trial? Eir^-ean Tnve'. DON'T MAKE arrangements for your European trip until you have se?n us. It will save you time and money. We can ticket you everywhere. All information t e e. Wrße -ior illustrated travelling litera ture. Alien's Tourist Office, 173 East Third St., St. Paul, Mill*/.