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14 ggllllillillliliii HlnsiPau]§o6iai6»| liliii!!!!i;i!!!:'!il!l!!!ll!|l!liI!ili!P The society belle is a very d< inure creature during these •!.•.>< of fasting and prayer. Her ravorite gown la Bure to be grey, iis sombre liuv- relieved, perhaps, bj :i bunch of English violets but tbeee lattei .-r,- the only frivolity she permits herartf. For the Lenten maid takes life seriously. Indeed. History clubs and inns:- .-lulis. ;i .;j.ct luncheon or an iufonnal afternoon ten. these little indulgences she permits herself, but all larger affairs are strictly barred. Thi society i>. tie may be se rious In the religious ieal Bhe now affects, or she may be simplj profiling by the lull In social li!.. to plan her >.-..\viis. at auy jrate this increased Interest In things spiritual, de- I, is undeniably becoming. Mrs .! ,:hn I. md will receive from 4 to 6 Deal Thursdaj afternoon ct the Ryan hotel. Miss l>o;,.. man entertained a company of eight al luncheon Tuesdaj afternoon at the Aberdeen for Miss Canterbury, of Boston. Mra. i' B. n.'rrui of Bast Congress street, will entertain ;'t luncbeon Tuesday for Mrs. Myron Brown. THE FUTURE. The Dayton's Bluff Mothers' club will meet ut the Van Buren school at "l-.4"> tomorrow afternoon. Thomas Yapp will address the olt:b on "! Lome ' it',,. 1 es." The .Manhattan Pleasure club will give a smoking party instead of a card party Wedn-sday evening at the club rooms, Rice and v.-- - ati bi r< ets. The Entre Eucbre club will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pease on Grand avenue. Rev. W W Evarts will address the Arling ton Hills Mothers' club Wednesday, March 1, at 4 p. m. in John Ericsson school. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball, oi Fast Third street, will entertain the Hesperian Euchre club Wednesdaj mug. Mrs. VY. il. Allen ht.s issued invitations for an afternoon tea Wednesday at her home on Holly avenue. Mrs E E. Merrill, of Holly avenue, will entertain the Alert Euchre dub Tuesday aft ernoon. The Standard club will give a <-ard party a week from Thursday at Standard hall. THE PAST. Mr .md Mrs. L,. C. Flood. York street, celebrated the twelfth anniversary of their marriage Wednesday .veiling. Progressive euchre was played prizes being won by Mrs. M Flood, Mrs M eve ten, Mrs. Carrey. Mr. Sandberg, Mr Kemp. Mr. C. Bean. After refreshments were Served .Miss Mamie Pendy entertained the guests with music. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove Mr. and Mrs. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Carrey, Mr. and Mrs. M. Flood, .Mrs. P. H. Floody, Mr. and Mrs Tlerney, Mr. and Mrs. Ahem, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Deitch, Mr. and Mrs. Bonar, Mrs. P. Nad-.iu. Mra. Brink, Mrs. Merelen, Mr 3. Sandberg, Mr.-. Ferriless, Mrs. Tompson, Mrs. C. it^at. of Atwater; Mrs. J. Heibal, of Hutchinson; Mrs. .!. Stocking, of Hutchinson; Miss Heals Miss Flood, the Misses Bartons, Miss Church. Miss Kyle; Mr. Coalt, Mr. Rad- Ica, Mr. Paris, Mr. C. Bean, Mr. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A.-.gusi liahms were pleasant ly surprised last Wednesday evening at their home on Carroll street. The occasion was their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. They were the recipients ■>! many handsome' gifts, 1 which was a beautiful silver service. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. I. Dickman, of Cannon Kails: Mr. and Mrs. A. Groehler. Mr. and Mrs. Asmusson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Btiehm. Mr. and Mrs. Rht.y, Mr. and Mrs. H>h eder, Mr. and Mrs. i<ami!. s , Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Ur. and Mrs. Breher, Mr. and Mrs. Bock, Mr. ;.>,d .Mrs. Buschinau, Mr. and Mrs. William Juds, Mr. and Mrs. Ilart l:.o Mr. and Mrs. Artz, Dr. and Mrs. Binder, Mr and Mrs. C. Knauff, Mr. and Mrs. Erd man, Miss Beckman, Miss Kittle, Miss Stiehm, Miss Groehler and Miss Swift, Mr. Hickman, Mr Rhoy, Horton, Mr. Ri:tle, Mr. Friellng, Mr. Peters, Mr. F. Kletzin, of Minneapolis, aril 11. Dahm, of Anoka. Harry Huntsman, of 144 Grove street, was < ', y a large number of his friends Tuesday -veiling. The t irprUe was given la honor ,it I: is LSd birthday. Proeressive cinch «is v..m "d, prizes bi g w. qby Laura Hunts man. Laura Thalheimer, Carry I.undburg, Arthur Cbapdelane Supper was eerved by- Mrs Kttchum and Mrs. Huntsman. Music for the dancing which followed was furnished b > '''" Happj Tour Mandolin eiub. Thosa • were: Mrs J. Huntsman. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Mahan, Mr. and Mrs. Yetter, Mr. and Mrs. Chapdelane. Mr. and Mrs. Eiehorn Mr. and Mrs. Ketehiim, Miss Laura Talheim? er. Miss Agues Gilbt •;. Miss T< seie Ketchum Miss Laura Huntsman, Miss Rose Reller -" V! 1 ' Stella Chi 3S Josephine Hunts !'*'"■ Harrj Lundberc, Arthur Chapdelane, ii Huntsman Fred Ketchum, Richard Hunts man, W. Wallace. .- M V. ; ' ?1,1 -'■- Ed Broscht gave a Martha Washington party Wednesday evening at their . Cards -.ver,. played, follow^ by music aid dan. ing. Thcs= pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Defield. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Haupt, Mr. and Mrs. R H \,X'.y Mr u and Mrs - A - ' Feise, ii*. and Mrs? William koe--. •.-. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bolig Mr. ami Mrs. W. O. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. \\ . Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. w Freder icks; Mr. and .Jvs. Luis Lauber, of Min neapolis; Mrs. Anft,.!.;, Devitt and daushlrr. Miss Kat Metzdorf, _ 18l Josle Morath Mis^ Labmiller, Ed M irgan. Maj. Feise repre fhlngton in fun costume. dreassi la Martha Wash ington style. n The ' '" Rp >' White and Blue iro»s lesgui gavi their second annual fancy dress party, in celebration of Washington's Wrthday, ye I'd ol ye month of February in SL 1 " * il ' ! m "'tnessed the frolic Among the. ltttl- people were Gen. and Lady Wash ington, with staff. Betsy Ross presented ye flag, while, ye I pp c joined in ye chotus "of nbus. ye grand march and ye minuet irere colonial dames, gypsies and Red Riding Hoods. I r.eie Sam was seen socially •baking hands with Columbia, fkiry queens The Twentieth Century History circle met Friday afternoon with Mrs. o. J. Reynolds of Fairmount avenue. Shakespeare's play lohn." was discussed. Mrs. Saunders paper on "Worcester Cathedral." Mrs "-.111 B paper was entitled "A Fa? •nous rrio." She told something of thelives 0 "* " llire '' '■' '"' women of Kine lohn's reign. Eleanor. Blanche, of rastile" g and the j;.-'* "• ■:« Alice. Miss Willis read a pap?r on The Pendulum of Irony," in which she *!"•'"-■ dist-ussed the struggles of the two - times and i.tiks. jhe Red, White and Blue Cross ■as about 25 members, who havo broS lielpers in Red Cross work and for a ears bav< visited the' poor with their hands and arms full of good thlngS Preside^ Helen MclvSr; •ry, Ela ijlmson: treasurer. Hatha K.nk; chaplain, JulU Johifson; marsha a ( lara Eisner and Edna Heaton; orator Mar go..-.-,. Bueckling; musicians, Ella «Sno w Ilao Probst. Hilda Northman and May v ßank' Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Kane, of the Coloi-wde w-ranged a surprise party Friday evenmg for Miss Kate Robertson, Miss Moore and. Miss Mclntyre of tbe Colonnade. During the "fW ' ."■■ " ! " ni«g progressive euehrl was playW^ ,r„.e S being won by Miss Barlga" «r. 1... llatield and Mrs. M^ | Announcement Unusual I To the Ladies of the Twin Cities: % Our stock of materials for Made=to=Order Shirt Waists Is now very complete, embracing the leading fashionable patterns and fabrics for the corn ing season. They are exclusive and of the best quality. Your inspection is requested. - KiSgore & Briggs Company, | Shirt Makers 370 Robert Street. § | mATER.fILS FOR SALB IN WA , ST LENGTHS g CulloUßh. AftPi- the game danrlng was in dulged in. iho Twin City Mandolin elnb play ing for the numbers. Refreshments were served -:*. 11 O'clock. Miss Klla If, Campbell, of the Colonnade, entertained the Ladies' Euchre club Thurs day at Mrs. SandbiMg's, 71:7 Carrol) btreet. The prizes were won by M.sdames Shepley, Saudberg. Comiskoy and Fielding. A dainty Inch was served in the dining room, while Miss MiXamee rendered some very fine mu sl<\ The next meeting will be at Mrs. L. &. Bhekley s. 19!) University. Trosperity Woodmen circle entertained at cards last Monday evening. Those present were: Mrs. Clayton. Mrs. Seixas, Mrs. Ji n klus and Miss Brown. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mablu, Mrs. Klenholz and Mrs. Harrington. About forty couples were present. Prizes were won by Mrs. Brown. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Henly. A surprise party was given in honor of Mr. Jess Ehneott, at Sherman hall, on Tues-' day evening. There were over 100 couples present. Mr. meott and Miss Alice Nichol son le<l the grand march. Lunch was served at 11:30, and music was furnished by the Mozzara orchestra. Ueorge W. Mahle, of Mt. Ida street, was tertUered a "Surprise Monday eveniug. Over thirty guests were entertained. Games were played durl.ig the evening, prizes being won by Miss Alice Repke, George Adams and Louis Roth. Refreshments were served dur ing the evening. The Liberty Cinch club has elected the fol lowing officers for the year 1599: President. Walter A. Conway; vice president. Miss Mary MeMahon; .ecretary. Miss Agnes McCarthy: treasurer. Miss Mary Clormen. The club will give a card party in the near futiye. An enjoyable time was afforded the mem bers of Camp Jo-Ha-Kl-Ka Wednesday even ing at the home of Hon. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson, th ' occasion being the birthday an niversary of t heir daughter Georgia. Mrs. P. R. Her ich. of Aurora avenue, en tertained the Daisy Bell Euchre club Thurs day afternoon. Prize- were won by Mrs. C. S. Beurman, Mrs. F. R. Gerlich and Mrs. Smith. Mrs Busche, of Cook streot. will en tertain next Mrs. Strauss, of Pleasant avenue, enter tallied the Stormy Euchre club Tuesday after noon. High scores were made by Mrs. C. Prey, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Welz and Mrs. Mack lett. Mrs. H. F. Briggs. of Sherburne avenue, ga\v a birthday card party Friday evening. A large number were entertained. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hallam. of Fairmount avenue, gave the second of a series of euchre parties Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. I. Towla. of Laurel avenue enter tained a number of ladi>s at duplicate whist Tuesday afternoon. LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Floan. of Ashland ave nue, celebrated the second anniversary of their marriage with a dinner last Monday evening. Ex-Mayor and Mrs. F. B. Doran entertain ed a number of the members of the Ex- Prisoners of War association aud their wives Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allison, of Bates ave nue, gave a G o/clock dinner Thursday even ing for Rev. John Sinclair. Mrs. Messner, of Ashland avenue, enter tained at luncheon Wednesday for Mrs Mitchell, of Louisville, Ky. Miss Harriet A. Hall, of Grand avenue en tertained Miss Margaret J. Evans, of North field, at iuncbeon Tuesday. Consul and Mrs. Ilobe. of Dayton avenue, will entertain at dinner tomorrow evennlng. Mrs. M. L. Countryman entertained In formally at luncheon Thursday, at diner Thursday evening at their home on East Congress street. PERSONALS. George Mahle has returned to Rugby. N. D. -Mrs. H. C. Sargent and family left Friday evening for a visit to Rsendale, Wis. Later they will leave for their future hme in. Val dost.a. Ga. Mrs. R. Peel entertained during tho week Mrs. L. M. Johnson, state treasurer", and Mrs. William Moses, past state chaplain of the Indies of the G. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cook left last week for San Francisco and the_Paclflc coast. They will return in June. Henry Stein, of the firmof H. Stein &Co left last night for for New York on a bus? Iress trip. .Miss Belle Hope, of Farriugton avenue, left last night for Chicago t attend the Art in stitute. Mis. F.lix A. May, of Laurel avenue, will leave tomorrow night for Chicago. M. J. Fink, the ladies' tailor, has gone East. DAYTON'S BLUFF. The Red, White and Blue Cross society gave a masquerade Wednesday evening at Iron hall, corner Third and Bates avenue. The cihaperones were Mrs. Mclvor, Mrs. Rank and Mrs. Bradley. Music was furnished by Ep son's orchestra. Fred Van Duyno anfc Eva Fabian personated George and Martha Wash ington. Those present were Helon Mclvor Mabel Mattimore, Bertha Rink. Clara and Alice Ellsner, Marguerite Bueckling, Ellen and Julia Johnson, Gertrude Deebach Flor ence Bascomb. May Rank, Luella ' Snow. Esther Johnton. Carrie Zumba^-h, Eva Fabian Ethel and Belle Ball, Bettie and Martha Miller, Agnes Beuchner. Hilda Nordstaiom Grace Tuelly, LinrJa Hartman, Edna and Elsie Van Duyne. Edna and Linda McMan nus. William Willis, Fred Van Duyne, Clifford Bascomb. Edgar and Carl Ellsner, Louie Bradley, Eddie Ball. Eddie Johnson, George Miller, Edward Mattimore and Fred Van Duyne. Mrs. C. J. Miss and Mrs. Ornar W. Seotit gave a reception Friday from 3 to G o'clock at the home of Mrs. Miss. The decorations were palms, ferns, roses and earnatlons. Mrs H. T. Lachua and Mrs. .Edwin G. Splndler served punch. Mrs. Allen Krelger served tha lees and Mrs. William Grant poured coffee Others assisting were Mrs. C. Krcieer Mri? E. O. Osborne, of St Louis; Mrs. Lerov Noll of Quincy. nj.; Mrs. C. O. Kreiger and the Misses Jameson, Holl, Freeman and Flor ence Kreig?r. Miss Jchanna Seeger entertained Thursday afternoon for her birthday. Prizes were won by Rosa Lee, Gretchen and Dorothy Ileineman, Helen Dieter and Libbie Miller. The HLle guests were Henrietta and Marian Boggs, Lillian Kuhlo, Edna and Lima Mc- Mannus Carl Welnhagen, Etta Bergmeier, Marie Muench Helen Hlnrlchs. May Johnson Kosa Lee Helen Dietor, Gretchen and Dorothy He.neman, Libbte Juiller. Gustava and rreda Se^ger. Mrs. J T. -Spiel entertained the members of the Linco.u Buchre club on Washington™ K*?^' MrS - Sple * wa * agisted by Mrs Fred Harry and Mrs. Charles Fontaine The rooms were decorated with carnations, palma 582 J*** 0 " 188 -, TJ« Mora cards were littS gilded paper hatchets. Priz.* wer e awarded to Mrs. Fisher Mrs. Fontaine, Mrs. Atkins SS" u £ and * Mrs * Jensen - Mr* Berris! rt«t' i? iS*™"*! Stre€t ' wiU e "tertain the club in two weeks. The following officers were elected at lh« meeting of the Dayton's Bluff cte r m.n M B Sunday school Wednesday evening: Superinl • Lace Department. / J_T # Hos* r -II We are constantly receiving novel- <-j a* , Jo^^. A&mM -W*AW w* M^ m -_ /-*fc^^^ JL ties, and at present are showing a OIXLII and £r m #«f<#'f aWaY awU iWm AWI AW aWW9 MJ rM Sixth 'inff The ■ a * ,t rall f " r Ladles' and Chii -1 grand line of Laces and Lace Goods. Fj___W _W § LvkW M M M /W AW jkW W M/M AW WW MSrtkW J *-'»^ , - ,, *"•« dren's Winter- weight Hosiery 'and Exquisite Black Spangled Skirts, Robert Sts f/£« £CC##fyr/W / D~U~-<- c* Underwear. Winter is not over yet— 1 with waist Garnitures to match. "'' *^_^_W / W VVW m *^^— 5--=CT? *^^^ C-^ KODertbtS., March is coming. Here is a good op ( New effects in Black Drapery Nets, c* Paul *^**^L M portuirtty to "piece out" at pieces of /'MoUh d in na bowiJot a s de and sprays. - - CoW> |lee«* Cotton, WoSted PuS? in Black Broderie, spangled and ~ ■ • .. _ 52? I ,£ * a 6 Worsted Ribbed , white and natural. rr\_ m T n •—*. JJests? ests *"d Pants, also Ladies* Heavy ■dsssarfi J}^^ QSt Spnng Dress Goods - sapsssx-' lar 75c value for , . u/v Monday we'll show our patrons the most complete line of High-class Plain and Novelty t« Handsome newsets in Roubalx and Dr «* <^>ods ever displayed in this town-ever^hing that's right. - v^' ?% •"*" Ribl ? ed v Mer . ino I Normandy Val., Paris Point. Mech- , n . M , B j-> g . . „ _, . iTninn «*f £? E *>'P tian lin ami hand-made Linen Laces for . All-wool Spring- Granite in most Chevron Cheviot, the correct fab- NEW BLACK GOODS t- ? ' Heav^ Black Merino | wash dresses or underwear. desirable shades of marine, navy, ric for tailor-made costumes, in all An exceptional showino- of Wh i!§, ' C1 H ldren ' s Best Gra y £»»-> --2,500 yards of Nainsook. Swiss £^V^\_££lt?^' *** ?*■ '*?** *¥ ***" ■"*£—• « art Crepons-exclusive effects ,%„ £ \TZZ°?L ?"*£ ™ A Pants ' aQtl ' and Cambric Embroideries, | A Sif^SS COC lnche * w, ?5 ■ all P ure <R _ f_f\ which this department has long- ♦ S ,?' t £ft." worth up to 50c a yard Spe-lUC y Monda y ** ■ i> UV ' worsted. Peryard -^1.00 been famed. - ff markably strong "bunch of flUf cial for Monday..". *j 1/V Our ever-famous Sunderland T . * . . . 20 pieces of new French Crepons Dargra ' ns at our last call price New Veilings - New Neckwear Ser^. steam-sponged and shrunk . -Zt?™* „ *'"? ' hair C h . e,rl ° ta J»3t from the custom house, styles Ladies' Imported Fleeced and New Spangled K Godet Laces! omla[: ™ady to wear; colors fast, and for J** UOt showa before - ia P°P«l« blis- ****» Cott^ Hose, Heavy Seamless ( est Novelty. service this cloth is unexcelled. wiae, lailor Suitings in neat hi tie tered patterns, the retru- Cashmere Hose, Children's 1* Special, per yard ___ £«£ \n "iixtures 43 inches lar $2.25 quality, for (t. Ribbed Worsted Hose. Mon- [AC ' ~ Monday.. SQC J?J ' a *d worsted, J M.nday. ....... .... 3>1»75 da y special Wash GOOdS Dept. Our Pilot Cheviot, sponged and ' * & 50-inch all-wool spongtd Cheviots, Ladies' Fine Imported Cashmere Thus early in the season we have shrunk. 50 inches wide, all pure English Hard-twisted Covert Suit re S ular $1-00 quality, mmmm^, Hose ' Children's Best English Wor- ( been doing a tremendous business in wool, in navy, marine, cadet. Ha- ing- s . an uo-to-now fabric ; n all th." for >SC sted Hose, 75c to $1.25 goods. JA Wash Fabrics. A number of lines vana, ox-blood, myrtle and black. „„, « n 3 ,r,' ci ! en ■ v ,i , *** Monday 8 AUr i are broken. These we are going to Our special price, per *„' ™L S S.^oo $. « ff %.^« 1 « C . h " u lfr"^- T°.° ! P h<sViot ' the r^" s P" ia l 4^ C clear out Monday with a rush. There yard "*?.»*- TEC »1.00, $1.35, $1-50, $1.75 ular $1.20 quality, for <£ X ( will be a loss to us, but we take it * J *}** and *2.00 a yard. Monday -pI.OO Not al > si z^s in every line, but all willingly in order to make a quick . . . sizes in the lot. I and linai ciean-up of all broken sorts. Ask to see our plain colored fabrics for costumes and tailor-made ?owni-pvi>rr f**v.;™,Ki«. .. weave and shade-Venetians, Coverts, Kerseys, Meltons, Broadcloths, Cheviots Vi^oreaux T«^~^ t^ « Lot 1-150 pieces of 32-inch Scotch Poplins, Reps, Whipcords, Clay Worsteds and Satin-faced Cloths— all at popular oricef- ' in tlie rur Dept. Zephyrs .and Corded Madras, *fj\ F F P - LADIES' SEAL JACKETS worth 2.1 c a yard. Special, |I-,L " llr . «**-** g to close Monday "i v >^> -g y^V • C m. T **v — We would like to have you look at ' sa«s&3tfic Qrand °P enm S of New spring Silks. w " / ' . - ■'•'•* , \ • ASTRAKHAN JACKETS. g Warh^GoS. "The' Mond e ay in a S t t^ .J° "^ tUG !^ raUCe Tt ? f thl3 ffS^ We : H ° ffer tempting bargains that Will prove u Fi -' *<•**. curly Astrakhan J tions are new Kmbroidered Swisses, aDsoiuteiy irresistible. It s a well known fact that when bargains are advertised at Mannheim skln3 - I,n « d with Skinner satin, iin- \ Dotted Swiss, Piques in plain colors, ers' they are here as advertised. Never at this season of the year has our storir «f v— c„ : ingr e uarant «e d for two (t**r aa _ plaids, stripes and Dresden designs, and Summer Silks been so romnVt. luimlro^ n f «„„ .i 0 . t , f , WeW S P rm ff years-$35.00 Jackets N/S|l|H Madras. Cheviot and Oxford suit- ana OUl «mer buns been so cpmpiete— hundreds of new pieces. To describe the styles and tell f Qf tp^tJtWv ings, Ginghams in plain colors, you ol the prices wouid take too itauch space. To appreciate the grand collection the SilW $4SL oo Jackets for " con „ n ' S^tffSLS must be seen, so we cordially invite you to call and look them over. g eCtl ° n ' %_\ °* c '£_£ * 35 °° , teas, and a beautiful line of Percales. New Novelty Taffetas, dainty brocaded effects, Fancy Striped Taffetas, French Plaid Taf- Just ab °"t 20 of them left ?o aa d i n i. r^ * t Sf anckall the new ldeas ln P lain Sllks a t pricesjanging from 50 cents to $3. 00 a yard "' 24 inche » long, quite the d»i a a a ' Corset Comfort Comes .«„,,,.„,. _ , A v yara ' thing for eir i y spring- N I} L ,;„ . „ _, CRENADINES-Just a word about our superb | FOU LAR DS-Cheney Bros.' celebrated Foulards -520.00 ones for ......... VIV.WW ' Co,St Se b"ause V iris SSS- "?*. .^ is the largest acd most comprehensive ever ™™j^™f •»? the'r large shipment-The" l^ $30.00 ones for $15 . 00 1 title principles, with a view to giv- shown in the two towns— over 100 distinct patterns. iate st aesigns and colorings— over 200 pieces to make 4 ing women proper forms, helping And we advise an early selection, as the choicest pat- fc™!l;j! C „«*!,*. 01^ Pric ? s are 75c to 98c. You \^irs^ I3w««„ them to walk erect and carry them- «^.. „.,, . , . „ 4 . Jl ,v . kn °w our reputation for getting the newest and most NOtlOtl CXtraS, _ selves gracefully, without requiring terns will be eagerly snapped up. See the display in excTttsivo things the mlrkets^afford -t*o™tlWi* Hi-r.-. , i" iTT - ' injurious tight lacing. our Sixth street window. this the case in Foulards. especially Is Here s a special list of those littlo a In the embrace of "Her Majesty's" __ _.^i*l«.^ l? ln * s that are needed everyday. ' Corset one feels buoyant and easy— MONDAY EXTRA SPECIALS. Quality best, and prices 'way down _ I*! B!**8 !** r, mf ° rt giVer aS We " as a A big table of plain and Fancy 12 pieces of Black Brocaded Taffe- pi ain Ta ff.f « for Monday. \ licia^femon.trations all this Colored Silks, worth from 25c to 75c ta, summer weight, th*^ I.** fn IT- * Best Black Sewing Silk, ,jr -| Jm^'tS^SS^SMt. You *y ard - They are marked to quality for X ..! 59C J^" *^ lv ?*** ? affeta ' all S s C", 6 °° aU 3SC I •tie invited sell at 1 *^ * snaaei, cream and white in- sizes. Special, per spool wuv I * ! : ** 10 pieces Black Figured Gros do eluded, our 75c quality foi». . SQC Light weight aud Pure Rub n, ~ reg o uia n r C 397av e a r? abUtai fo o^' $L °° qUaHt7 68C Thr « Black Taffeta Special ll*??** Shield »' lar *« "9C i Extra GloVe Notes. oualitv IOC 20-inch, 59c quality for Alt,, per, pair 7V j . . .« quality lyk, 20-inch Black Satin Duch- /C^_ * 20-inch 750 !1 H w = Fine American Pins, all sizes 1 A ' Our spring importation of Per- 22-inch Black Habutai, esse, the $1.00 quality for. .. OOC 22-inch $100 nnalftl f«V «o° re & ular S * quality, Special,' |||f I r.ns Peerless Pique Gloves has worth 50c a yard, f0r. ...... 2QC 20 inch Black P«„^^ c 2 69 ° 3 P apers for " ......... IVt just arrived. They are in all the ~ iu-incti black Peau de /^ For Monday Only rah ;„,. n n . * _ leading colors, staple and fancy 24-lnch Cheney Bros.' Black Twil- Soie. the $1.00 quality for .. O9C we will sell nor w».ir.n. 1 a sorted^tJll -S"':^ 1 <»«»t, as- 1 shad - led India, the $1.00 quality _ A new line of Cable Cord Sd 'SL* T^ta^^ * *2?s£_T£$ tr Sf < This simple announcement will f ° r 59^ Wash Silks. « F . ci al 3QC 72«0 and ST^c . y.rd. 2 f ° r .-..^[^i serve to bring a big crowd of buyers *-n - n 1 i ... - who appreciate good hand wear. 1 o give all an equal chance, covers will not be raised till 9:30 Monday morning. n \ Remember we seii the d»| aa ■ Carpet Department. wor'af.'?.."'. 0 ".. .'°. "! c vIM Men's FHrnishings. Art Department. SK Mail Orders. " b,S"„ s SSf^'fer '^,7 drt&sßa&Tsj»*B2.'. - extea specia^-monday. «^^^ovr,^ "? & ? ™?s* s. Riifff»ifiotr PftftPfMs Shirts, including finest Madras, Ox- »., . Mails twt «Z *A^~f , and Smith's Velvet Cameta in oil ButtencK Patterns fds and *^ Crepeß> colored All Lamps • v£Sis££m SKp^ grades - o^r JJ ( are fashion's latest-have a national ""g- "J^J^g- the . hanasomest 2Q Per _ D |SCOUNT-211 "' .KKS £ * "T^~ =c maV. XCI^%S 0 ?S? W g and international reputation. We are assorted s iock of. Negligees shown in W Cent «I»UUUI1 S — ZIP Cent WPBt T. ail orcler houße ** the North- , n a floor coverin c ' agents. Subscriptions taken for the this city. Prices are $1.00, $1.25 and ... „, style and colors. Tha above maire« 4 Delineator. $1.50 each. See them. All UflyX 1 aDfeS See onr I^JeT^orf^ ~ c the hi^est class in America '! I your Inspection is solicited { tendent, Julius Molting: assistant superin tendent, Frederick Gackstetter; secretary, Gustave Elger; treasurer, John Pfeiffer: su perintendent primary department, Miss Lizzie Burger; assistant superintendent, Miss Amelia ,Wichman; librarian, Henry Beckendorf. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kullen entertained the kuidergarten members of the Longfellow school Wednesday afternoon, in honor of tht fifth birthday of their son, Carl. About thlrty flve children were present. The refreshments consisted of milk, sandwiches, cake and Ice cream. Mrß. Kuern was -assisted by Mis& Blackman, Miss McFetridge, Miss Burr, Mrs. McFarland and Miss Brehmer. Tha Relief Society of St. Paul chapter No. 24, Order of the Eastern Star, gave a card party Tuesday afternoon at Odd Fellows' hall, corner Seventh and Reaney streets. The com? mittee in charge was Mrs. William Densmore, Mra B. F. Miller and Miss Addie Knapp The prizes were won by Mrs. D. R. Hevener. Mrs. P. Roper, Mrs. McMauus, Mra. Brookins and Mrs. Griswold. The Musikvereln gave a card and dancfhg party Thursday evening at the Irish-Ameri can club rooms. Prize?, at cinch, were award ed to Miss Cora Bohn, Miss Anna Seeger, Mrs. Reynolds, Miss Stock, Mr. Mathls, Mr Geb. hard Bohn, Mr. Gallasch and Carl Kuhl. The Dayton's Bluff Card club met Satur day evening with Miss Jean Gavin. The prizes were won by Miss Johanna Holl and .Frank Hevener. The club will meet Friday with Misi Elsie Mc-rtens. Misg Birdie Shinners entertained the Bach elor Belles Friday afternoon.. Miss Yon Deyn and MrSs Cora Bohn took the prizes The club will meet next with Miss Janette Flshbein. A surprise party was given Wednesday evening for Miss Thea Kuhl. Prizes at euchre were won by Miss Margaret Mlddleton, Wal ter Holl, Miss Elsie Mortens and Miss Martha Scheffer. Dr. and Mrs. Bender entertained the Two- Hour Euchre club Tuesday evening Feb H The prizes were taken by Mrs. William Rog ers, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Bender and William Rogers. Miss Lena Hagert entertained at cinch • Tuesday evening. The prizes were taken by Mrs. Blomqulst, Miss Meisner, Miss Hegert Mrs. W. B'.omquist, Charles Blomqulst and c' W. Swenson. Mrs. F. Hinrichs entertained the Cinch club Tuesday evening. Tho prizes were give* to Miss Erna Heineman, Miss Olga Muench Mr Bengen and Mr. Seeger. The Dayton's Bluff Mother's club will meet Monday. The subject will be "Children's Fears: Inherited, Acquired, Nature Cause and Cure." A special meeting of the Ladies' Co-opera tive Society of the Atlantic Church was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Hol lenbeck. Flora Rebekah lodge met Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, on Seventh etreet A social and hop will be given early In March. The Young Ladles' Sodality of St John's church met Tuesday evening in the hall 'on Francis street to organize a literary society. The Epworth League of the Dayton's Buff German M. E. Church gave an entertainment Thursday evening in the church parlors. Mrs. Armanda Wetherell. of Champlaln and Mrs. J. McDonald, of Excelsior Minn were guests of Mrs. R. E. McCleary. Miss Nettie Pulsifer, who has been visit ing her aunt, Mrs. George Smith, has re turned to her home in Minneapolis. Mrs. Atkinson entertained at dancing Wednesday evening. Music was furnished by Elmer Deebach and Albert Eggert. The Thimble Bee met Friday with Mrs Ed ward Funk. Mrs. Buchanan will entertain the members at tea Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Weinhagen entertained Mon. day afternoon and evening for the birthday of her mother, Mrs. Eggers. „, T !i, c „ Latiles ' MA Society of the Dayton's Bluff German M. E. Church met Friday after, noon with Mrs. A. Kaese. Mr. and Mrs. William Sonnen will enter tain the Young People's Literary and Social club Wednesday evening. Mrs. Putnam and Miss Katherine Putnam recent guests of Mrs. Frank Stewart have returned to Fargo. Pros-perlty Camp No. 1534, Royal Neighbors gave an entertainment Wednesday evehine at Odd Fellows' hall. The Boy's Brotherhood of St. Andrew's met Monday evening in the guild rooms of St Peter's church. Miss Mahan and Miss Vanderbie, of Min neapolis, spent the week with Mrs J C Vanderbie. n^J lU w^ r ° f^ youn l ladies « aye a surprise MlUer Uednesday wtemoon for Miss Eva oo^ A X , nes Gulld of * 8t - Peter's Church held a fecial meeting Monday evenlng-wlth Mrs -r-??. r "/ n,l . Mr "i H * Sarsent and family left Thursday for their future home in Georgia 7 w.°fh C T T - U t" clx i b wUI meet Tuesday. March 7, with Jess Lewis, of Thirteenth street r.?V^TL^j lau # *_?£?** sunday Biahop Joyoe will oonduot the services this afternoon and evening at the Dayton's Bluff German M. E. ohurch. Mrß. E. A. Kimball will entertain tho Hes perian club Wednesday evening. Georgo Damkroger, of Faribault,, spent part of the week with Bluff friends. Mrs. Moier, of Kansas City, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Hainlin. Miss Mamie Lange has Issued invitations for a card party Saturday. Mrs. Ferdinand Stock has issued invitations for a card party Thursday. Mrs. Miller entertained the Fleur de Lis club Friday afternoon. Mr. Albrect entertained the Pinochle club Wednesday evening. Miss Anna Seeger entertained informally Wednesday. Mrs. Malone, of Third street, is visiting In Stacy, Minn. George Hainlin has returned from Kansas City. __ WEST ST. PAUL The young people of tlie Clinton Avenue M. E. church celebrated Washington's birth day Wednesday evening In the . parlors of the church. Those taking part on the pro gramme were Misses Weinler, Mclntire, Pen nington, Hare. WHMams, Lorranee, Stedger, Wood and O'Connor and Messrs. Thompson, Theim, Randolph, Vibrance, Koch. The Why Not Cinch club was entertained Wednesday evening by Mrs. T. Roberts. Mr, and Mrs. Wessly. Mr. James Stewart and Mrs. J. Clark won favors. The club will meet next with Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey, of Hancock street. A benefit was held Thursday evening at the West side opera house for Mrs. William Old ham. A fine programme of a literary, musi cal and vaudeville nature was given, after which dancing followed. Supper was served, Pepin's orchestra furnished the music. Henry Stein, of 110 East Winifred street, was tendered a ball Wednesday evening at Assembly hall in honor of his 63d birthday anniversary. The musicians of the local union furnished the music. Mrs. Gordon Getchell was hostess at an afternoon tea Tuesday, given at her home, on Stryker avenue, for Bethany ohurch. A large crowd attended and a pleasant time was enjoyed. Mrs. Hancock Avery, of West Isabel street, gave a dancing party for her daughter Ava, Wednesday evening. A most enjoyable time was had and light refreshments were served by Mrs. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns will entertain the Young People's club tomorrow evening. Miss Ella Rutherford, of East Winifred street, entertained the Young Ladies' Afternoon Euchre club. The Washington entertainment, wnich was given at King Street M. E. church Tuesday evening, was very successful in every way. The programme was very good. A progressive card party and guessing bee •ns given Wednesday evening by Carmel Chapter, O. E. S. No. 129, at Masonic hall, on South Wabasha street. Miss Nellro Graves, of Faribault, Minn., who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Graves, of Bidwell street, has returned to school. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Eissell, of Lucy street, will entertain next Saturday evening in honor of the twentieth anniversary of their daughter Grace. Mr. and Mrs. George Wescott, of Oakdale avenue, entertained at euchre last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bjanchard won high scores. Mrs. A. Rinehart. of Livingston avenue, who has been spending a,' month visiting a* her old home in Dubuque? 10., has returned home. The Feunille d'Erable Euchre club was en tertained Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McDonald, of West Congress street? Mrs. P.asmussen, -' of Pre**cott street, will entertain the ladles of l Trinity English Lutheran church next Wednesday afternoon. A Washington entertaimnent was given by St. Michael's school Wednesday afternoon and evening at the West side opera house. Miss Lottie Dampler, of La Crosse, tha re cent guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Dampier, of East Winifred street, has returned. Miss Mattie Pierce, of Bidwell atreet, is en tertaining Mrs. BurSs, of Clinton, Minn., and Mrs. Alice Thompson, of -.Stillwater. . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stoddard, of Dearborn street, entertained the Thursday Night club last Thursday evening. Mrs. William Caho, of West Delos street, entertained the ladles nf Ascension church Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. Schyler entertained the Ladies' Aid Society of Clinton Avenue M. E. Ohurch Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. John Dale, of Preseott street, enter tained the Eradelphian Reading club Tues day afternoon last. The W. R. B. P. Euchre club met Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. Morrissey, of Clinton avenue. Mrs. Charles Gilmore. of Langdon, Miaa., V. is the guest of Mrs. D. Henchman, of EaSt Winifred street. The Kensington Tea club met Wedneedav afternoon with Mrs. George A. Doran, of Preseott street. Mrs. Stevenson, of Menominee, Wis., to the guest o-t her sister, Mrs. E. Keck, of Bid well stieet. Miss Maud Hubbard of Aurora, 111., Is the guest of Mrs. C. C. Edwards, of Greenwood avenue. Miss Hilda Martin, of East Winifred street, has as her guest Miss Mac McKenna, of Oel wein, 10. Mrs. H. C. Pierce, of Bidwell street, enter tained at 6 o'clock tea Tuesday for visiting guests. Miss Florence Hare, of East Congress street, is visiting in Bismarck and Fargo, N. The Prospect Terrace Cinch club met with Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams Thursday evening. Mr. Fred Sharood, of Ottawa avenue, has returned from a trip down East. Mr. F. B. Doran entertained the ex-prison ers of the Civil war Thursday evening. Mrs. Brayer entertained the Friendly Euchre club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. Neiman left last week to visit friends and relatives in Ohio. D. W. Ringer, of Midway avenue, has re turned from Chicago. Rev. G. H. Gamble, of Midway avenue is in St. Cloud today. Rev. E. L. Lubbert has returned from Strrilwater. EAST ST. PAUL Miss Sadie Smith, of Lawson street enter tained Tuesday evening in honor of her fif teenth birthday. These present were- Edith Staples, Mamie Kurley, Blanch Graves Flor ence McLean, Ruth Hoffman, Florence ' Lizzie and Mabel Olson, Annie and Isabel Oberg Josie Berg, Harry Larson, Arthur McLean? Harry Britts, Victor Lyndon, Henning Holm berg, Ben Hoffman, Fred Berg and Samuel Ausvumb. Music and parlor games were the features. Miss Staples was assisted by Mrs Charles Knapp. The Misses Schmidt and Starkey entertained informally Friday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bcrrlsford on Francis street Among those present were the Misses Daly Berrisforti, Schmidt, Starkey. Johnson Em? merson, Levinsky, Messrs. T. Kemplen A J. Kempien, P. Kemplen, A. Starkey, Berris ford, Malloy, Johnson and Ike Spivens. After refreshments the party enjoyed a cake walk whicli was won by Miss Schmidt and t' Kemplen. David Bailey, of York street, was given a surprise Monday evening. Music and parlor i,-ames were the features of the evening Those present were the Misses Mami Kurley' Tessie Basfori, Lulu MortOD, Grace Bailey' Etta Harris. Edith Staples. May Bartlett; Messrs. Sam Ausvumb, Harry Larson, Torrie Johnson, Arthur Bc-rgstrum and Willie Staples. Miss Mamio Kurley and Grace Bailey had charge of the affair. Mrs. M. D. Kelly, of Collins street gavo a card party Monday evening. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. Nf. Goss, Mr and Mrs. G. R. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. J J Mc- Manus, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wessell. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs' James Smith. The prizes were won by Mrs Leonard, Mr 3. McManus, Mr. Wessell and Mr. Holmes. Dudley Blodgett, of Burr street, enter tained the C. T. U. Social club Tuesday even ing. An advertising contest was the feature of the evening. Prizes were won by Mlss Minnie Ball and Bert Wilson. Jesse Lewis 220 Burr street, will next entertain the meet? ing. Mrs. Summerfleld. of 91ms street, gave a trogressive euchre party Monday evening. Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Herder Mrs. Nelson, and Mr. Krahmer. A supper was served at 12 o'clock. The Capitol City Lodge of the United Workmen, No. 23., gave a ball Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows' hall, corner of East Seventh aud Reaney streets. Miss Jenkins gave a Martha Washington tea Wednesday afternoon at her home on East Seventh street. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. B. Norman, of New Richmond. Wis., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z. G. Holmes, of Burr street, during the week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Webster, of Fauquier street will entrain the Trainmen's Railway Social club Saturday evening, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Korth. of Lafaya-^e avenue, entertained during the week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bcony. of Gaylord. Mrs. David Roth, the recent guest of her sister, Mrs. James Smith, of Laws^.n street, has returned to Faribault. Mrs. Walter Graham, of Fort Yates, N. D., is visiting her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Mitcheson, of Burr street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson, of Mt. Ida street, entertained a company of friends at cards Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Quinn, of Arcade o t f r^anr„. 6n N e % in,nS Mr ' MrS * Dor "' ! Mr. James Smith, of Lawson street gave a e^f.5 a l t - y .Ti lursday evening ia honor of his fiftieth birthday. Mr and Mrs. R. Ryerson, of Mandan are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nelson of -etreet. • Dr. and Mrs. O. Sohlberg, of Sims street are entertaining E. M. Sohlbers of Cam bridge, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Culver entertained In formally Tuesday evening at her home on Case street. Miss Dell Croonauist, of Minnehaha street is entertaining the Misses Liilengren of Stillwater. Mr. and Mrs. .T'omee Lyon are entertaining Mr. and Mrs.-William Westcott, of Marshall town. 10. Mr. and Mr*-. McDermott, of Edgerton street, entertained informally Tuesday even ing. Miss Grace Allen, of Annandale, Is visiting Mrs. F. R. Curtis, of Collins street. Miss Bell Hlgglns has as a guest Miss Beatrice Hunt, of Gladstone, Mich. Mra. Benson gave a coffee Wednesday after noon at her home on Cafe street. Miss Marion Spencer has gone to Detroit Miph., tor a month's vkslt. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, who have been visiting friends in Le Sueur. Mies Lizzie Waldorf has gone to St Cloud for a two-weeks' visit. Miss Martha Mltzund has returned from Duluth. Miss Murphy, of Mezeppa, is visiting Mrs. .McCray. HAMLINE. The Fortnightly club gave a rece-ptloin in honor of Miss Margaret J. Evans, of Ca-I'Jon collage, the state weald-ant, at the home of Mrs. F. M. Grant. Miss Elizabeth Meecham and Miss Harmon, of St. Paul, furnished music. Mirs. C. N. Akers, as toast mistress, received responses from Miss Evans Mr D. Jollet, Miss Cummilngs and Prof E W Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Habhawav, of Goodrich avenue, en>tertained at a pi-ogre'jslve euchre party Friday evening. Hamline was repre- I sented by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Grant Mr and Mrs. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Larson' Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs L J. Dobnerr and Mr. and Mrs. G. Buck.' Mrs. Running and son have returned to their home in Eau Claire, after making an extended visit with Mrs. William PremoT J. B. Rossman Is In Canton, O. for the purpose of purchasing machinery with which to operate his mill in Georgia. Mrs.' Nellie Brown and daughter, formerly of Ham ; ine, have been renewing old acquaint ances tlie past week. Mr and Mrs. Wheelock, of Fergus Falls, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ryan. Mrs C. A. Cook, of Eau Claire, Wis., vis ited her sister, Mrs. W. T. Rich, the past week. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wassem entertained at a progressive cinch party Saturday evening. Mrs. F. A. Ackerman entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Blaodin, of Olivia, the past week. Rev. Mr. Vosbeirg and family, of North Dakota, have been the guests ot Mi* Nutting. Mrs. N. B. Biglcwe entertained Mr. Frank Patterson, cf Canada, tho first of the week. Mrs. W. J. Forbes entetrtained a party of friends In honor of her son Karl's birthday. Mrs. Thomas Montgomery is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Danren, of St. Peter. Mrs. A. Montgomery, of Eau Claire, spent Friday with Mrs. Sidney A. Turner. Miss Nettie Stevens spen^part of last week with her aunt, Mrs. C. H. Stevens. Miss Susie Wilcox, of Willmar, has been the gusst of Miss Cora Wllhelml. Mrs. E. E. McCrea entertained Rev. P. B. Doran, of Rochester, on Monday. E. P. C. Fowler and family attended a re union of their family In Minneapolis on Tues day. , Mrs. Do Bois, of St. Cloud, is residing with her daughter, Mrs. Conway. Miss Maude Oleason has started a class in plain sewing for the girl 3. E. P. C. Fowler is entertaining his son, Ed Fowler, of Tallapoosa, Ga. Mr. and Mrs-. Pros3er. of Wisconsin, are visiting Hamline friends. Mr. and Mrs. Deu'.loux returned Monday from r. visit to Duluth. Irvine Dugan, of Barnes vl He. spent Wednes day with his parents. i Louis Parley spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. F. E. CoCe. Dr. and Mrs. Moore entertained at dinner Sunday. Dr. Bridgraan has returned from New York. J. N. Heal has returned from Wisconsin. MERRIAM^ PARK. At the Neighborhood Bible cla.-* Thursday evening papers were read by Mrs. Clinton Kin!" °' E ' WI1 " an -*« «J Mta Mrs. W. O. Hill-nan entertained a party of young people at her house. 398 Dewev avenue served eVPn:lns " Ice creani and c' ak c were Mr. and Mrs. C. j. Humason, of Mar 6nali avenue, are entertaining Gen. and Mn J. H. Mullin. of Wabasha, this week. Mrs. Di\ McAlpine, who. has been the guest of Mrs Paradis for several weeks, returned to her home In Peoria, 111., Friday. The members of Olivet church tendered a reception to their new pastor Rev J M Sammls. and wife Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stoughroli. of Marshall avenue, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Georga M. Fish, of Graeeville. this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Onaltee are cnjovlug a visit from the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs •L. A. Rockwell, of High Forest. A special meeting of the Daughters of the King will be he'd at the homo of Miss Hux tahle, on-Belby avenue. Mrs. J. R. Sammls, of Rondo street, will entertain the Ladies' Aid Socletv of Olivet Church Frida.}* afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Howard N. Bell, of Redwood Falls, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs A B. Bell this week. The Christian Endeavor Society of Olivet Church gave a social in the church parlors Thursday evening. Mrs. Charles Ray, of Selby avenue, is enter, taining Mrs. Alex Currie, of Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. SafTord are visiting their daughter, Mrs A. P. I'rter, nn Carroll street. Mr. and Mrs. T. .>. Camubell entertained - Mis. J. W. Jonta, of Sioux Falls, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bramblett. entertained a num ber of their friends Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Hentierion expect to leave this week for a short visit in Georgia. H. L. Burrlll. agent at i'to Miun e sota Trans fer, Is visiting relatives in Tennessee. Mrs. Moody, of Carroll street, gave a birth day party Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. J. Campbell entertained a few of her friends at tea Wednesday. Mr. and Mrsr-W. D. Madlgan entertained at dinner Tuesday evening. Mrs p. EL Ray is ent <rf.ining Mrs. Geora* Shaw, of Webster City, 10. Mrs. A. M. Vtter returned to her home In Plainview Thursday. Mrs. George Phipps return°d from her visit to Spokane this week. Mrs. George E. Williamson Is home from her visit to Morris. Miss Grace Hancock Is visiting In Wi-won sin and lowa. ST. ANTHONY PARK^ . The Christian Endeavor Society of tho-Con gregational Church will present a farce c*tn edy Tuesday evening in the ohurch parlors Those taking part are Miss May Chase Miss Nina Whitman. Miss Julia Tisdale Messrs Robblu Jacobson, Will Matschke and '\rthur Burghardt, Wlldey lodge entertained about 150 guests on Monday- evening in Odd fellows' hall Or (.'. M. Cannon managed the affair. Those on the programme were Miss Lizzie Stuart Miss Alico Kcnnard, Mrs. A. M. Johnson ' L»o White, S. E. Ash and E. H. Williams.' The Athletic association gave an entertain ment Friday evening In Drill hall There were exhibition drills from Miss Kirhle's and Prof. Mahood's gymnasium classes and from the crack squad. Mrs Virginia C. Meredith gave a Martha Washington party on Tuesday evening as sisted by the young ladies of the college. The, Junior Endeavor Society of the Con gregational Church were entertained Thurs day evening by Mrs. Isaac Cheney. Mr. Schlinger and family, of Humboldt, Wis., have moved Into the house formerly oc cupied by W. W. Clark. The Women's Club of the Church of Our Father gave a dancing party Tuesday even ing in Central hall. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Congrega tional Ckurch met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. C. H. Cannon. The King's Daughters met Monday after noon with Mrs. Herbert Plant, of S'-udder av enue. The C class of the Agricultural school gave a party last evening in the honie building. Mrs. S. B. Green entertained at dinner Sat urday evening. Southern I,nnd». Por information about land and locations in the South you should visit tho Southern Railway Exhibit, at 354 Jackson street, St, Paul. G.neral reading matter, having refer ence to the whole South, furnished free to anj address.