Newspaper Page Text
r HERErTfIERE, EVERYWHERE. J McKinley nnd Domestic Monopoly. In the platform on which Mr. McKinley Was elected his party declared Its opposition to "domestic nieuopAly." The president can not be igr.orani of the fact that monopoly has never so extended and intrenched itself ns since liis election. Nearly every hranch of business In which combination can be ef fected is now controlled by a trust, in de fiance at law. Has there been no "desertion of duty" In the failure of the administration to prevent or to punish these organized robberies?— Ne w World. An Impartial .Tnror. New e*i Idence turns up every day that the whole power of the war department is being Used :o cr::-'; Gen. Miles. It gives out of ficial corresrondenoe, very likely garbled, In the hope of discrediting him. This Is an o'd trick of Alger's. He began it wiih a confidential letter of Roosevelt's last August, which he unblushingly gave to the press in mislead-tng extracts, and then went about Washington boast*|ng that he had "laid out Teddy." Just now he und all the force of his Offlce are engaged in laying oui Miles. 'Ihey furnish the new venal newspapers which support them with "official" copies oi contracts, etc., all showing the zeal and capacity with which the war department can wage war when It Is against the general commanding. Still more astonishing than this, if lhat were possible, is Che furious at ta '• on Gen. Miles made by Dr. Conner, of McKinley's precious investigating commis sion, lie seized the occasion of a "banquet" in Cincinnati to denounce the commanding general of the army, and to declare: "If the board of inquiry reaches the same con clusion as the w.-.r investigating csammittee, tfcen the commanding general will be dis missed from the army of the United States." There is a fine, unprejudiced Investigator for you!— New York Post. President's Object Lesson. The president has had an ohject lesson oi* the resentment the people feel for what he has done through Aiger, or what he has I>. .-mitt, d Alger to do. It is to be hoted the lesson may be effective.— New York Times. The Dwindling Rothschild*.. The fact that Baron Ferdinand de Roths child died without issue suggests that the house of Rothit-hild threatens to dwindle in to very stnail numbers. The founder, Mayer Amselm, left at his death, in 1812, five sons, and Jewish fami.ies are proverbially large! yet the progeny of these five sons today la far from numerous, either in England or on the Continent. The founder of the house had little to do with England. It was his son Nathan, who came here in ISOO, who laid tho foundation of the fortunes of the English branch. Baron Nathan married a Oohea, buy his eldest son. Lionel, married a daughter of Baron Anselni Rothschild, aad his eldest daughter a so:i of Baron Anselm. Lionel's son, the present Lord Rothschild (who suc ceeded a sonless uncle in the baronetcy), mar ried his cjusin. The intermarriage of the family may perhaps help to explain its not Increasing and multiplying.— London Chron icle. Haiulct Net Tailor-Blade. Sarah Bernhardt Is not only going to play "Hamlet," but she proposes to costume the piece in the flowing robes of the ninth FeiUory, ••This is an innovation." she says, 'for •Hamlet' has hitherto been presented in the dress of the Middle ages." Now we are told in the first chapter of 'The Hystorie of Hamblet" that the events recorded took place "long time before the kingdome of Denmarke received the faith of Jesus Christ;" and the fact that ambassa dors bore "letters ingraved in wood," Indi cates "a period of the rudest manners " Richard Grant White says: "Perhaps the tenth century may be accepted as the period which he (Shakspeare) had in mind. For the costume of this day early illuminated manu scripts aud effigies of exceeding rarity fur nish the only authorities. But, as far as concerns the effect which Shakspeare in- ijLil^Cita) Churches The second lecture In the Church club course on great men ae.d great periods iv English church history, will be delivered in Christ church on Tuesday evening, Feb 28. by Rt. Rev. George F. Seymour, D. D.? LL. 1).. bishop cf Springfield, upon the topic! •Lranm r and the Reformation Period." This Is an epoch in church history of profound in terest to all Protestant Christendom and it is not too much to say that there is no prelate in the American church who is better equipped than Bishop Seymour is to handle it 1n.,-1 clear, forcibl. and statesmanlike way. Bishop Seymour is a native of New York city, where he graduated at Columbia college as Greek salutatorian and head ot his class. In 1850. and from the general theological semi nary in 1854. From the time of his ordination he has always recognized the importance of i and lias been deeply interested In, education under the auspices of the church. His early ministry was spent at Annandale, N. V whare he founded and was the first warden of St. Stephen's, an institution chiefly intended for young men who expected to study for holy orders after completing their co.legtaite education. In 1865 he became pro f Sfor of ecclesiastical history In the General Thee logical seminary in New York, and later ill ■ dean of the seminary, both of which po- Eltions he held until his consecration to the episcopate, June 11, IS7S. as bishop of Spring n id. He brought to hi 3 new work the re sults of deep and thorough study and a wide experience. He is a scholar, an ecclesiastical historian, a man of great culture. He is an eloquent speaker, a sound and exact th.clo an accomplished canonist, a skillful con troversialist, a ready writer, a born leader of men. Possessed of a marvelous memory, great familiarity and readiness as to the events of English church history, he is able to ad his audi nee freely and fo-reibly upon such topics without reference to notes. He ranks as one of the great crators and contro versialists In the American church, and is in fr gut-nt dem-Mid as special preacher In thise days of doubt and shifting in matters theological he has ever been a stanch and courageous defender of the faith, and is not inar:ly cahed the Athanasius of the Ameri can church. H-e has strong convictions, and the courage to express them with no uncer tain sound. When upon the platform or in tho pulpit his presence and manner his solidity and force in arguni nt, remind cc of Daniel Webster. In addilion to delivering the above lecture on Tuesday evening at Christ church, the bislvnp will also deliver the noonday address a! tho. service for business people In the as sc mj-iy room of th? St. Paul Fire and Marine "(nsiiralice building on Tuesday. While in the <•!!.. he wili be the guest of Mr. William H Lightner. • » • Bishop Gilbert will visit St. John's church White Bear lake. March. 17, 7:30 p. m., to ad? minister the apostolic rite of confirmation * » • St. Peter's church. Dayton's bluff the rec tor. Rev. G. H. Mueller, will deliver during Lent at the Friday evening services, a series ot addresses upon character. Wednesday evening next the rector of St. Peter"s will ex change with the Rev. Charles Holmes rector of Ascension church on the West side • • • On mid-Lent Sunday at St. James' church Lawson and De Soto street, a service espe' cially adapted for children with illustrations on the '-Christian Year" will be held at 10 a. m. * « • A parlor concert was given Friday evenin" at the Gustavus Adolphus church. Misses No° ble had charge of the programme * * * r,u h0 J-^lf s " Gum of st - James' Episcopal Church will meet next Thursday afternoon at the heme of Mrs. F. C. Howe on Burr street. The Old Ladies' Society of the First Swedish Baptist Church will meet next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the basement of the new church on Payne avenue. « • 0 The Ladies' Aid Society of Central Park M E. Church will meet Thursday, March 2 wi"tli Mrs. C. L. Grant at her home, 534 Canada Btreet. * * * A called meeting of the presbytery of St Paul will be held in the House of Hope church, St. Paul, on Monday, Feb. 27, at 2 30 p. m. • • • The Rectors' Aid Society of St. Paul's Church will meet at the Church home, on Ol ive street, corner of Grove, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. • » • At 3 p. m. the Sunday Afternoon Educa tional association will be addressed by Rev F. Cowgill in the Clinton Venue M. B? dhurch. The subject for this meeting Is tended to produce, the action may be sup posed to take place at any time previous to the Wars of the Roses." Yes, and Hamlet In frock-coat and mauve colored trousers would still be Hamlet — Bos ton Journal. St-iintur-Hlect C'lurk n Hard Worker. Senator-elect W. A. Clark, of Montana, in spite of tho fact that his fortune Is counted by tens of millions, is said to work as hard and constantly as tho man who carries the tin pail. Several years ago a Washington man visited Montana with a letter of in troduction- to Clark. He found the million aire seated in a plain, poorly furnished of fice, working as if life depended upon it He was pleasant enough, but It could be plainly semi that he hud no time to devote to the gentleman from the capital. Noting this, Mr. X. retired, not, however, before he had received an invitation from Mr. Clark to return lv an hour and lunch with him. The meal was of the plaiuest descrip tion and hurriedly disposed of. Again there was no time to talk, but Mr. X. managed to make Clark consent to meet him the follow ing morning. v "What time will you come around?" asked Clark. "Any time that will suit you," X. replied. "Seven o'clock, then," responded Clark, explaining the earlineSs of the hour by say ing: "I am rather an early riser. It Is a habit I have got into. I do not ask my em ployes to get around any earlier than I do myself. I am always at my office at 7 o'clock every morning when 1 am in town." Subsequently Mr. X. ascertained that the office hours of this Croesus were from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m., with the brief interval of half an hour in the middle of the day tor refreshments: — Washington letter to the New York Tribune. Jones Is n Misfit. If its aim was wide the Democratic national committee made a mistake when it intrusted the chairmanship to a gentleman resident iv Arkansas, necessarily not in touch with the great body of the people in the republic nor in sympathy with the party struggling as a minority and hoping for success in common wealths which were not politically as solid as Arkansas. Mr. Jones was net broad. He was not familiar with large affairs, HI3 knowledge of men and of business methods was necessarily circumscribed. His environ ment was not that which would produce a capable actor upon the large stage to the center of which he was thrust. His inca pacity, his narrowness were demonstrated in the campaign of '96. That he is lacking in intelligent grasp is seen almost daily. If the Democratic party is to be committed indefinitely to the Ideas which have their strongest hold upon such states as Missis sippi and Arkansas Jones is as well suited to the chairmanship of the executive committee as any other Democrat, for, as the campaign last fall demenstrated, under his manage ment the party goes from bad to worse; not that a change in the chairmanship would at all affect the result, but the narrowness of the whole view emphasized by Jones tends to make Democracy merely sectional and dimin ishingly sectional. We have recent demonstration of the inad equacy, the lack cf tact and knowledge which characterize Jones. He deems that an ad visory committee is necessary and while go ing to Michigan he chooses the national com mitteeman of that state; he gees out3ide the national committeeman In Illinois to select one who is in opposition to the Democratic party as recognized by local organization. Jones deliberately "throws down " as the Phrase is. Mr. Gahan, who last November was a victim in part of Jones' incompetency and his lack of tact and discernment, to take up with Mr. Altgeld and, necessarily to en courage factional strife in Democratic" ranks This is not the work of a deft leader. It is. on the contrary, a proceeding character istic of a stupid leader. He should use all means to conciliate. As for crushing Jones hasn't the power to crush anybody north of Mason and Dixon's line.- Chicago Chronicle (Dem.). ''Crime and Its Causes." Good music hna ifnH / / m'/ n '" d ,, d * A cordia > InvYtatioi" is ex tended to all to be present. " ,l,ou 13 c*e *- Pa T rk c M Un K 0r rM PW 2 rth League of t'^tral t-ans M E. Church gave an "at home" Col^ cS 6 d 4 y c P e n? ni , n | a ,' the home or Mrs. was LiuiS?'^ 1 Pnrk place east - Th* house was beautifully decorated with flaes and ni,. ture? appropriate for the occasion Tim guests were received by George and Marthf Ru" h,n i& ,m PJ»onatea bf Ha'rofd^and l U n l tof C li!!-tZio m3S EMther C ° Uer ' Si thT h fV ariOUS ,ables were Presided over b> the following young ladies iiesesu in colonial costume: Misses Gertrude Miiler, Emma War Eft Ma 7 ;, McKnlght. Harriet Furlong Hifdl and Ruth Colter, Edna and Edith Douglas, May Hall and Barni Lap * * • „<,?," T . hursd ?V evening there will be a con chuU iV Tke n r * c f Pap ' flc Congregational ??h r V A . cker street, under the auspices of nre^ d ' eS ?***• by *• Ml »er JackwhCou I %iI,T? y ' J hey wi " be «»££* Miss Mavmo* wi* **^ W . lke ' ' soprano, and Miss May me /Wier, elocutionist. 0 f Minneap olis. A pleasing programme ii. promised hnM cie i( Minn T ta a Congregational club will ho.d its one hundred and elghty-e'glitli -ecu lar meeting next Tuesday ev;nin~ in the Fir" Congregational church. Minneapolis At 53. o cock an executive meeting wMll he h-irt l'*x at 6:20 supper will be served by the Conf'r-res of the First church. President -*M ward n Eaton, of Belolt college, w *l deliver an ad" dress onJiSome Problems of the Far East " d^ d s n^ 5 be e^b n frN^' SUbJeCt * * « * * • %&JF# i ?3g, '" «5'S the * ♦ • Presiding Elder Rule, of the M. E. church will speak at the St. Anthony Park ME church this morning at 10:30 * • • A special service will be held at 7-30 this evening at St. Mary's Episcopal church und'? the auspices of the Brotherhood of St \ fhT'add^, 0 - We,lS ' Ph - D *' winder * • • ,Jtl ™ r,St '£ n Endeawr Of the East Presfcy « l Church gave a dime social Thursday Co a ok Lt 1 &* hODle of Mr * and Mrs Harvey Cook, 1007 Fauauier street. An interesting programme has been arranged. '""testing The Sacred Thirst Total Abstinence socie+v WW meet this afternoon at 2:30 at Cr^ln Rev. J. C. Anderson, Dastor of t-h« <*tt James A. M. E. ohurohtpulle? and Jay a«»f™ this evening she seZid ijt\ his series* ot sermons on "The Sower the * • • 0 ? J ' W * J , J^ rc * wlll Preach at the First Norwegian aad Danish Methodist church Broadway and Thirteenth street, at 10:30 this morning Thursday evening at the same > place he will deliver bis lecture on "An American in China, Japan and Corea." » • • The Christian Workers met at the home of Rev J A. Detzer, 3,->8 Woodward avenue, on \\ednosday evening for the purpose of elect ing officers, with the following results: Presi \u1* Hn^i F ' or ,t nO6 Olson ' vlc <> President, Miss Hattie Kellar; secretary, Miss Alvina Gundorson; treasurer. Mfss Hattie Hausur. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mass Kellar, on iLafayette avenue. Miss Eva Marshall Shontz, of Chicago will give an ad-dress upon the "Chicago Temple" at the regular meeting of the Central Wo man's Christian Temperance union at the Commons Monday aftornoon at 3 o'clock Friends of this memorial to Miss Willard are Invited to be present. * * « A special vesper service will be held at bt. Luke s Catholic church at 7:30 p. m_ Ths "Gall' 11 "" S ' ng Corrilli ' s vespers and Gounod's * • • Rev T. J. Gibbons, pastor of St. Mary's? will deliver an address to young men at CHURCH SERVICES TODAY. W~ These notices will be printed as part of the news of the day, and free of charge every Saturday and Sunday. They should bi forwarded so as to reach the City Editor of THE ST. PAUL GLOBE SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1899. The Globe either Friday or Saturday after noon. Baptist. BURR STREET, York and Burr. 10:30 AM. Rev. R. H. Battey, superintendent ot the Minnesota Anti-Saloon league. FIRST, Ninth and Wacouia. Closing day of Crane and Wolfsohn meetings. Rev. Arthur Crane will preach at 10:30 AM on ,? A Bid for a Soul.' At 3:30 PM on "Graoe by Faith." and at 7:45 PM on "Suicide." MP. Wolfsohn will sing at each of the servioes. WOODLAND PARK, Selby and Arundel. Morning: "The 'Mysteries of the Kingdom." Evening prelude, "Pope Leo and Fatihsr Hecker." (at hollo. ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. PAUL. Most R«v. John Ireland, archbishop; Rev. J. Starrtha, vicar general, and Rev. Richard Cahlll, sec retary. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. Saturday. Feb. 25— Ember Day. Fast and Abstinence. Sunday, Feb. 26— Second Suuday in Lent St. Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, Oon fessor. Monday, Feb. 27— St. Leander, Bishop and Confessor. Tuesday, Feb. 28— St. Romanus, Abbot. Wednesday, Feb. I— St. David, Arohblahop. Thursday, Feb. 2— St. Simplicius, Pope and Confessor. Friday, Feb. 3— St. Cunegundls, Empress. ASSUMPTION (German), Franklin and Ninth. Services, 6:30, S and 10 AM. 3 PM CATHEDRAL, Sixth and St. Peter. Rev. J. J. Lawler. pastor. Rev. Peter Meade, Rev. William Dolan, assistants. Services at 6, 7:30. 9. 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM. SACRED HEART. Dawson and Arcade. Sun day services 7, 8, 9, 10:30 AM, 7:30 PM. Sun day school, 3 PM. ST. ADELBERT'S, Charles and (J-aultler. Rev. D. Mayer, pastor. Sunday services 8, 10:30 AM. 7:30 PM. Sunday school 3 PM. ST. AGNES'. Kent and Lafond. Rev. M. Solnce, pastor. Rev. John Mies. Services 8. 9:15 and 10:30 AM, 3 PM. ST. ANDREW'S. Como villa. Rev. L. Cos grove. Sunday services, 9 AM. Sunday school. 8:30 AM. ST. AUGUSTINE'S. South St Paul. Rev. John Gmelner. Sunday services S. 10:30 AM. Sunday school 3 PM. ST. BERNARD'S, Albemarle, between Gera nium and Rckc Rev. A. Ogulln. Services 8, 10 AM. 2:30 PM. , ST. CASTMIR'S, Jessamine and Fonsst. Rev. R. L. Guzowski. Services, 8 and 10.30 AM. 8 PM. ST. FRANCIS', West Seventh and James, Rev. J. M. Starlha, pastor. Sunday eerv tces 7, 8. 9, 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM. Sunday school, 3 PM. ST. JAMES', Juneau and View. Rev. William Colbert. Sunday services. 8 and 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM. Sunday school. 3 PM. ST. JOSEPH'S. Virginia and Carroll. Rev. John T. Harrison, pastor. Rev. W. P. Walsh, Roy. William Sheran, assistants. Services 6. 7, S. 9 and 10:30 AM. 7.30 PM ST. LOUIS' «Frencr-). Wabasha and Ex change. Rev. Henry Gros, pastor, Rev. J. Thomas, Rev. Alexander Hamet, atpibtants. Services 7, 8, 9 and 10 AM. 3 PM. ST. LUKE'S. Summit and Victoria. Rev. Ambrose McNulty. pastor. Rev. Thomas P.ehill, assistant. Services 7, 9 and 1030 AM 8 PM. ST. MARK'S, Merriam Park. George D. Doyle, pastor. Sunday services 8:30 and 10:30 AM. ST. MARY'S. Ninth and Locust. Rev. T. J. Gibbons. Rev. John Brannon, assistant First Mass. 7 AM. Second Mass, 8 AM for children. Third. 9 AM. High Mass, 10:30 AM. Sunday School, 2:30 PM. Vespers 7:30 PM. ST. MATTHEW'S, 500 Hall. Rev. Father Jung. First Mass. S AM. Second Mass, V) AM. Vespers, 3 PM. Sunday School 2 PM ST. MICHAEL'S. Parnell and Colorado. Rev? P. O'Neil, Rev. F. D. Casey. First Mass, 8 AM. Children's Mass. 9 AM. High Mass and sermon, 10:30 AM. Sunday School, 230 PM. Vespers 7:30 PM. ST. PATRICK'S, Case and Mississippi. Rev J. F. Dolphin, pastor: Rev. M. W. Hart, assistant. Service.-), 7:30, 10:30 AM 7*30 PM* ST. PETER CLAVER'S (Coloredl, Aurora and Farrington. Rev. T. A. Printon pas tor. Services 1C:30 AM. 7:30 PM ST. STANISLAUS', Western and Superior. Rev. John Rynda. pastor. Sunday services 8, 10:30 AM, 7:30 PM. Sunday School 3 PM ST. VINCENT'S, Blair and Virginia? ReV L. Cosgrove. Services 8 and 10:30 AM 7-3* l PM. Con«reß-ntloiial. ATLANTIC, Bates ard Conway. W W Lewis, pastor. 10:30 and 7:45. The Rev? J. H. Chandler, of Owatcnna, will preach at both services. Sunday school 12 M Junior Endeavor 3 PM. Senior Endeavor 680 PM Preparatory lecture In church parlor "■Vidnesdav evening at 8 o'clock. PA 'IK, Holly and MaelcuMn. Rev. Alex Mc- Gregor, pastor. Preaching morning and e\ening. Morning subject: "A Retrospect and Prospect." Evening subject: "Our Girls." PACIFIC. J. Alexander Jenkins, pastor Morn ing, 10:30. First service in the Hartsough series. Evening. 7:30, -second service. Evangelistic meeting everv*avenlng, at 7*45 PFOPLES, Pleasant. 10:30 J. M. Hanson' former assistant pastor, will occupy the pulpit Subject: "Saviors of the World " At 8 PM Rev. T. A. Alton. Subject: "Coming Through the Rye." Illustrated by stereo ptlcon. PLYMOUTH, Summit, corner of Wabasha Preaching morning and evening by the pastor, G. E. Soper. Morning subject: "Action and Adoration." Evening at B "RpKnons'bilitv for Strength " UNIVERSITY AVENUE, Avon and Sherburne. Rev. 11, W. Parsons, pastor. 7:30 PM "Di vine Restoration;" 10:45, R. H. Crafts, of the Minnesota Anti-Saloon league. Christian. FIRST, Nelson and Farrington. Rev A D Harmon, pastor. 11 AM: "An Exegesis" 7:30: "The Son of Man." Christian Science. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Conover Music hall. Sixth and St. Peter. 10:45 AM Sub ject: "Man." LIBERAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE meeting at Central block, hall 6, corner Sixth and Sev enth streets, Sunday at 3:30 PM. Held by Loula S. Lamoreaux, of Chicago, and Fan nie E. Speycr. of Kalamazoo. Episcopal. DIOCESE OF MINNESOTA— Rt. Rev. Henry B. Whipple, D. D.. LL! D.. residence. Fart oault; Rt. Rev. M. N. Gilbert, D. D., LL. D.. coadjutor, residence. 18 Summit court.. Second Sunday In Lent. Week days days of abstinence. ASCENSION. Clinton and Isabel. Rev. Charles Holmes. 7:30 and 10:30 A.M 7*30 PM. Sunday school, 12 M. CHAPEL OF THE RESURRECTION At water and Steller. W. C. Pope, 330 PM CHRIST, Fourth and Frankli.i. Rev. Charles D. Andrews, 8 and 11 AM, 7:30 PM. Sunday school. 9:!5 AM. I^snten services, 10 AM week days, 5 PM week days except Tues days, Tuesdays 8 PM. Church club lecture Feb. 22. Rt. Rev. G. F. Seymour, D D ' LL. D. CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH, Fuller and Kent. Rev. C. Edgar Haupt. Holy Com munion. 8 AM. 9:30 AM; morning service 11 AM. Sunday school. 3 PM. Young People's society. 6:30. Evening prayer, 7:30. During Lent, evening services on the Par ables. CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. Portland and Kent. Rev. Dudley W. Rhodes, rector. Sermon. Jl AM HOLY FAITH MISSION. Post Siding. Sun day school 2:30 PM; infant baptism, 3 PM HOLY SPIRIT MISSION. Hastings and Earl. Sunday School, 9:30 AM. NOON DAY LENTEN SERVICES. Week days, 12:0*"* to 12:25. Assembly room St Paul Fire and Marine building, Third and Jackson streets; take elevator SOUTH ST. PAUL, services every Sunday morning at 10:30. and Sunday school at II :30. ST. BONIFACIUS* CHAPEL, Ma^kubin and Aurora. Rev. John Salinger rector. 10-30 AM, Sunday school 2 PM. ST. CLEMENT'S, Portland and Milton. Rev. Ernest Dray, rector. , Hours of service: Holy communion each Sunday execept the first in the month, 8 AM. Morning service and holy communion first Sunday in the month, 11 AM. Sunday school, 3 PM. Evening prayer, 4 PM. Friday evening, 8 PM. B ' ST. LUKES' HOSPITAL CHAPEL, Smith and Sherman. Rev. C. D. Andrews. 3:30 PM ST. MARY'S, Merritm Park. Rev. George H. Ten Broeck, rector. Holy Communion, 8:30 AM. Morning prayer and sermon, 10:30 AM. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30; Wed nesday and Friday evenings. 7:30 PM. ST. MARK'S, Highwood. Rev. Charles Holmes. 4:45 PM. Sunday school 3:45 PM ST. MATTHEW'S, St. Anthony Park. Rev? Charles E. Hixon. 11 AM. Sunday school 12:15 PM. ST. PAUL'S. Ninth and Olive. Rev. John Wright, D. D., rector. Holy Communion 7 S, 11 AM. ST. PETER'S, Fourth and Maple, Dayton's bluff. Seats free. Strangers made wel come. Rev. George H. Mueller, rector. Second Sunday In Lent Holy Eucharist 7:30 AM. Sunday school, 9:30 AM. Matins and sernuon 7:30 PM. Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7:30 PM; other days 4 PM. Con firmation classes Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 4 PM. ST. PHILIP'S MISSION, 463 Rice st. Rev Harvey Officer Jr., rector. Holy eucharist 7 AM. Morning prayer and holy eucharist 11:45 AM. Sunday school, 12:30 PM. Men's Bible class, 6:30 PM. Evening prayer, 7:30 PM. ST. SIGFRID'S, Eightfi and Locust. Rev John V. Alfogren, rector. 10:30 AM 8 PM- Wednesday. 8 PM. ST. STEPHEN'S MISSION. Randolph and View. Rev. G. H. Ten Brock.reotor. Evening prayer and serjnon, 7:30 PM. Sunday school, 8 PM. Thursday evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 PM. . TRINITY, St Paul Park. Mr. M. Parrar 8 PM. Sunday school 3:30. Lutheran. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER, Lafayette and Woodward. Sunday services at 10-4B AM and 7:30 PM. In the evening the pastor will preach the second of his series of Lenten sermons. Subject: "Peter's Sin " DANISH, Orleans and Stevens. Rev. J. C. Peterson, pastor. Sunday school, 1:80 PM Preaching service, 8 PM. Lutheran League meets first and third Thursdays In svery month. EMANUEL BY ANGELICAL. Ooff and Dear born. Rev. E. L. Luebbort, pastor. Sun day school, MO AM. Preaching service, GERMAN ' BVANGELIOAL. Winifred and Bancroft. Rev. Mandly, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM Sunday school at 9:80 AM. Y?p. A mast ing at 6:« PM. All welcoma, MEMORIAL ENGLISH, Wast Sixth near Exchange. Alexander J. D. Haunt, 'paitor 10:80 iM. 8 PM. Morning topic. Jesus* Pest;" evening "SanoUflcatlon." Sunday school 12 to 1 PM. Luther league reception Tuesday. Ladles' Aid meets Wednesday. Lenten servtos Wednesday 8 PM, "Labor Not." NORWEGIAN. Canada and Thirteenth Rev Thomas Nilsson, pastor. Services' every Sunday at 10:80 AM and 7:80 PM. Sunday school 9 AM. ' SALEM'S EVANGELICAL. South Robert and Bunker. Ray. Wm. Utesch, pastor. Sun day school, 9:80 AM. Preaching service 10:80 AM. Evening «ervlce. 7 -30 PM ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL. South Bt Paul Rev. Wm. Utesch. pastor. Sunday school' 1:30 PM. Preaching service. 3:30 pm ' TRINITY ENGLISH, Roble and Ada ' Rev W. H. Zuber, pastor. Sunday school at 10 AM. Morning services 11. All are wel come. Seats free. Methodist Episcopal. FIRST, Dayton and West Third. Rev Frank B. Oowgill, D. D., pastor. Preaching by the pastor nt 10:30 AM. Subject- "The Suicide of the Soul." Miss Carrie Krieger Mrs. McKean and Messrs. J. F. Starkey and Frank Wilson will sing the "Jubilate Deo " by Dudley Buck, and Miss Krieger will sing the offertory solo. Sunday school at 12 M Young people's prayer meeting at 6 45 pm' Sermon story by the pastor at 8 pm' Theme: "Social Service— Girl's Work and Wages in Department Stores." Miss Krieg er, Mrs. (McKean, Messrs. Starkey and Wil son will render a carefully prepared musical service. GRACE M. E.. Burr and Minnehaha, 'homer C. Ashcraft, M. A., pastor. 10:30 and 7:30 Morning theme, "The Climax of Service." Evening subject, "What Is Man'" ST. ANTHONY PARK M. E. Presiding Elder Rule will preach at the St. Anthony Park M. E. church Sunday morning ST. JAMES' A. M. E., Fuller and Jay. Rev. J. C. Anderson, pastor. Morning subject "Gospel Heroism." Evening subject tha second in the series on "The Sower the Seed and the Soil." to wit: "The Seed " The choir sing "What Shall the Harvest Be?" with the solo by Mrs. R. C. Minor. New Jernsalem. NEY JERUSALEM (or Swedenborgtan) Vir ginia and Selby. Rev. Edward C. Mitchell pastor. Service at 10:S0 AM. Subject of sermon, "Coming From East and West, and Sitting Down With Abraham, Isaac and Ja cob, in the Kingdom of Heaven." Sunday school at 11:45 AM. * Presbytertyn. BETHLTOHEM GERMAN, Peasant and Ram sey. William C. Laube, pastor. Services 10:30 AM, 7:30 PM. Morning subject: "Thy Will Be Done on Earth as It Is in Heaven." In the evening a patriotic service in com memoration of the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln will be ' held. A special pro gramme with extra music is arranged. FIRST, Lincoln and Grotto streets. Rev John Sinclair. 8 PM. Rev. R. H. Battey] superintendent of the Minnesota Antl-Sa loon league. EAST, Ross and East Seventh. Rev. John Copeland, pastor. Morning services at 10:30. Subject ,of morning sermon, "The Star in tbe East." Evfnlng services, 7:30. Special patriotic music. Subject of evening sermon, "Lessons From Lincoln " HOUSE OF HOPE, Fifth and Exchnnge. Services every Sunday at 10:30 o'clock AM and 8 o'clock PM. The Rev. James D. Pax ton will preach tomorrow morning and evening. Subject, b>:3o AM, "Following Christ."— John xxi., 22. Subject BPM "The Call of Matthew."— Matt, ix., 9. Sabbath school and Bible classes at 12:10 o'clock PM. Society of Christian Endeavor meets in the lecture room at 7 o'clock PM. Mid week lecture and prayer meeting Wednes days at 8 o'clock PM. All are welcome. WESTMINSTER, corner East Winifred street and Greenwood avenue. Rev. R. L. Barack man. 10:30 AM, morning service. Gospel talk by W. F. Bischoff. 7:30 PM, evening service. Preaching by W. F. Bischoff. Chorus ohoir. Meetings each evening dur ing the week. Come, everybody. "M-il-It llltllNt. CHURCH OF THE SPIRIT, Central block. Sixth and West Seventh. Speaking testß and messages from spirit friends through Mrs. Langdon. Also questions from the audience answered. Good music. Serv ices at 8 PM. All welcome. SPIRITUAL ALLIANCE. Odd Fellows' Tem ple. Wabasha and Fifth. Mrs. S. M. Lowell will lecture at 8 PM on subjects taken from tho audience, following the lecture with psychometric readings. Unitarian. CHURCH OF OUR FATHER, St. Anthony Park. Services at 11 ACM. Subject of ser mon, "Ministering to Christ." UNITY, Wabasha, opposite Summit avenue. At 10:45 AM Rev. Henry Simmons, of Unity church, Minneapolis, will preach. Globe Year Book. Vastly Interesting to* Everyone. The Herald acknowledges the receipt of the Tear Book and Almanac issued by The St. Paul Globe for 1899. It is a very valuable compilation of sta tistical and other information, not only for the editor, but for every intelligent citizen. The work consists of 600 pages and contains much pertaining to the state that cannot easily be found else where. It embraces a complete list of all the state officers, the officers of the state institutions and state societies, a list of the names of the legislators, standing committees, and the names of district judges, the names of their districts, etc. It has a large amount of political information relating to the different parties, giving national and state platforms. In fact, it is pregnant with intellectual pabulum that will prove vastly interesting to the reader. — Winona Herald. A Valuable Reference Work. The Year Book and Almanac issued by The Globe Company, of St. Paul, is the best work of the kind which has come to our notice. Complete in every particular. It combines history and facts, statistics and general informa tion, properly classified and Indexed In a manner which permits of Instant reference. The statistics axe piost com plete and admirably arranged for In telligent understanding. Sixty pages of the 500 which this wonderful book con tains are devoted to Minnesota, and the political Information Is the most com prehensive and valuable ever publish ed in the state. We bespeak for thi3 work the consideration of every intelli gent person in the state, and we can say without hesitancy that It is valua ble alike to Merchant, Farmer, Me chanic, Sportsman or Politician. The price of the book is 25 cents, mailed anywhere, and, considering the amount of information it contains, It is worth fully three times that amount — Austin Dally Herald. Agulnnldo. Agulnaldo Is wise ataong his people, Ig norant among Europeans. A man must be judged by his environments, his compatriots, his race. Agulnaldo is. not a Napoleon nor a Washington; neither is-;; he a Tecumseh or a Sitting Bull. He-Is Agiitnaldo. and his name stands for no metaphor. He has the astute ness of his race,.' the fearless bravery of the savage warrior, the' sphinx-like Imperturbabil ity of the Indian: the straightforwardness cf childhood, and the ?lrinate sense of Justice that characterizes alt^ aboriginal races. It may be premature to "turn up a man's char acter whilo his career is at the zenith. Some trick of circumstance or expediency may shift the kaleidoscope, for no man can stand under the microscope of the historian until the last page of evidence has been turned In; but Agulnaldo, as he Is today, commands the consideration and respect of all who have taken the trouble to study his character and watch the trend of events of which he is the Ot-ntral figure. — Edwin Wild man, vice corsul general at Hong Kong, in I Harper's Weekly. j I NEWS OF CITY SCHOOLS I Patrlotio axerol9es were beld in all the rooms in Irving school on Tuesday, Feb. ul, as follows i Third Grade- Song ."What Name Is This W» Hold So Dear" Recitation by Sixteen Pupils— "George Washington— All Hall to Thee"— Angel o Johnson Song "Sing a Song of Washington" Recitation— "Gifts" Oeraldlne Gorton "Washington and His Hatchet"— Charlotte Kluckholm "A Chain of Events" By ten children Reading— "Washington's Christ Gift"— Route followed on a map, by Joseph Sulli van. Song "Mount Vernon" Recitation— "Tho Little Maid's Reply"— Gall Ewing Something Better" Alice Crosby Song "Re 4 White and Blue" Recitation— "Our Flag" Edgar Russell Recitation— "The Flag" Elmer Koenlg (Carrying a flag.) Flag Salute School Song — "There Are Many Flags in Many Lands." Recitation— "The Little Red Stamp"— Bennla Taylor Dialogue- Alice Kelly, Geraldine Gorton, Gardner Moore, Edgar Russell, in costume ot Washington's time. Song ; "America" Fourth Grade — Song "Red, White and Blue" Patriotic quotations. Conoert Recitation "Washington" Dialogue "The Old Man and Soldier" James Dean, Graham McNamee. Song "Battle Hymn of the Republic" "A Washington Recelptlon"— Characters — George Washington Stan Donnelly Martha Washington Katherlne Duncan Goddess of Liberty Geraldine Ingersioll Page George Walsh Bodyguard— Alfred Kavanagh, Jos. McVeigh All dressed In costume. Flag Drill- Stan Donnelly, as George Washington, re viewing the army; John Adams as com. mander. Soldiers: Kenneth Hensel, Har ry Smith, Wallace Brewer, Easton Con able, James Dean, Graham McNamee, James Markoe, Joseph McVeigh, Mar guerite Hathaway, Henrietta Raudenbush, Emily Tupper, Julia Thuet, Fidelia Pine, Marlon Bartlett, Lulu Ellis, Marlon Tup per. "Crown Our Washington" Martin Rhodes The Thirteen Original States- Adeline Koehler, Marlon Bartlett. Addie Ruff, Florence Davenport, Ida Kueffner Julia Thuet, Marion Kirke, Fidelia Pine? Henrietta Raudenbush, Marguerite Moore, Adelaide Armstrong, Emily Tupper, Mar guerite Hathaway. All dTesaed in white, carrying flags. Enter, George and Martha- Washington, dressed in costume. Song— "Hall to the Chief" School Presentation of the colonies. Speech by George Washington. Speech by Martha Washington Enter Goddess of Liberty, dressed In cos tume and carrying large flag; presenta tion of flag to George Washington and the nation. Song— "Star Spangled Banner"— By Colonies and School Homage to George and Martha Washington and Goddess of Liberty" by the colonies. Song . "America" Sevencth Gradce— Song— "Star Spangled Banner" School Patriotic Quotations School Recitation— "Biography of Washington— r> .. .. ~. E<J nibble Recitation— "Characters of Washington"— a „_ Frank Webster song— Keller s American Hymn" School Recitation— "Freedom" Wm. Gilliam Recitation— "Flowers of Freedom"— „ „ Golda Taylor Song— "Mr. Vernon Belfls" School Recitation— "Washington's Home"— „ „ „ Marjorie Barrows Recitation— "Origin of Our Flag"— a „. Harry .Carroll Song— Stars and Stripes Forever". School Re-citation— "Twenty-second of February— tj ■. .t „ Vera Billings Recitation— "Stories of Washington— v .. .1 ..„. . AdW-pb Rank Recitation— Washington" ...Patrick Duggan Song— Hail Columbia" School Recitation— "Birthday Ode".. Esther McDavltt Recitation— "In 1732" William Rhodes Recitai ion— "Fa;Lher to the Father _ less ", • Chester Tavlor bong — America" ?*% -ol At the Jefferaon school. In Room 17, the fallowing programme was had on Washing ton's birthday: Essay on Washington Hilda Hlrschman Song— 'Mount Vernon Bells" .... Class Debate— "Which Is the Mightier, the Pen or *he Sword?" The leader on the affirmative was William Jamar: on the negative sid*e, was Grace Laughlin. The assistants on the affirmative were Blanche Judka and Blhel Costello, on the negative Anna Tlerman and Joseph Bayer. Good papers, were written on both sides. After the reading of the papers the subject was discussed. The jud<?«s for the debate were Rose Hilda Hlrschman Myrtle Tr-fey. John Bunk<?r and Lenny Lar son. The affirmative side won. The following programme wan rendered by the pupils of Room 2 In celebration of Wash ington's birthday: "The Hero of the Revolution" — Stanley Constans, Harold Seixas, Arthur Harrlty, Harmony Laughlin. Sketch of Washington's Life May Sschuttt, Song— "Washington the Soldier True" S,-ho.->i Ode for Washington's Birthday Six giri.-o "America" School Recitation— "My Country"— Nellie Casey, Olive Wray, Edith Ehret, Thekla Schlichting. Song— "Hall, Columbia"— ai .„ , r,. Pa . n i N « lson - Marshall Zeno Sketch from Life of Washington— c w „ . Matie Hawle> Song by Alice Griswold, May Schutte and Myrtle Daley. "Mount Vernon Bells" School In Room 15 of the Jefferson the programme consisted of original essays and patriotic songs. One of the special features of the programme was "The Stars and Stripes For ever," which was sung by a chorus of boys A solo by Ella Herniger was also well ren dered. In Room 14 the prominent features were the following: "'The Ruler of Washington— Bertha Juntrolaus and Marlon Todd The Life of Washington". .Mary Mulcrone Poem and recitation by Susie Bunker. The^ Golden Gate society, formed of girls attending the Jefferson school met on Wash ington's birthday, when the following pro gramme was rendered: Recitations by Myrtle Tracy. Mertle Craw, ford, Annie Scott and Evaline Back; dialogue by Blanche Tracv and Olive Wassel. New officers will be el?cted at the next meeting. The Jefferson school Is greatly Interested In a collection of curios, to assirt In the pre sentation of ssience work, and valuable con tributions are being received from the patron* of the school. The pupils of the Jackson school have been very much Interested In their essays on Alaska and other subjects, written last Thursday. Lincoln school w-ork this week has had for its central thought the topic, "Heroes of Our Count-*y." In each i-own on the afternoon of the 21st Tuesday, there were special exercises com memorative of Washington and Lincoln. The friends and natrons of the school visited us in large numbers. Before the decorations were rtmoved from the eighth grade room, It was photographed, and the result is very ' satisfactory. The Lincoln was favored by a visit from Rev. Mr. Evarts, of tlie Woodland Park Baptist church, last Thursday. Feb. 17 the Eighth Grade Debating Society of Longfellow Schtol was reorganized. The following officers were elected: President Miss Blanche Slscho; vice pcresident, Misa Marlon Sammls; seoretary. Miss Edith Bar rett. — A. J. Smith ia attending the super intendents' branch of the National Education al assoclatibn, at Columbus, 0. Miss Ella Dcor, who has the chair of modern literature, has begun to drill an orchestra in the Humbolt high school. Sh* has had experience in that line of work. Sixth ward scluools have suffered fiom In efficient heating plants. The A class, eighth grade, of the Humboldt school are preparing the cantata, "Red Riding Hood's Rescue," to be given some time near the close of tho soring term. The prweeds are to be used in the purchase of a olass pic ture. Miss Nott, their teacher, an accomp lished musician, is drilling the class. The senior class of the Humboldt high school will give an "Evening WlWi Shake speare," Thmrsday, March 9, at 8 p. m., In the Humboldt assembly hall. Miss Allison, In charge of the department of English litera ture, has been assisted by Miss Nabersberg, in preparing tho programme*. Senator Morgan's Bandana. The late Senator Thurman is still remem bered for the red bandana which he used to carry. Senator Morgan, although his fame rests upon a thousand things, carries a red bandana also.* >. As punctual as the rising sun, Senator Morgan appears every day, emerging from the Democratic cloakroom as the reading of the Journal is concluded. In his band is a red bandana, conspicuous because of its rich and glowing color and its generous size. The bandana, is visible afar off. It is like a danger signal or an oriftamme of war. As the senator walks down the aisle to his desk In the front row, the bandana slowly dis appears from view. It is carefully folded as the senator slowly moves, and by th« time the desk Is reached it is tucked away tn Mr. Morgan's capacious pocket.—Washing ton Post DR. BURKHARTS Vegetable Compound EffeGts Marvelous Cures aqd the SiGk Pcfe Convinced of its Great Virtues. SUFFERING MANKIND RECEIVE THE BENEFIT OF HIS GREAT DISCOVERY. The Result of .a Lifetime Spent in Scientific Research Is Given to the Sick and Afflicted by the Great Healer. Thirty Thousand Homes in St. Paul Have Been Visited During the Past Week by a Trained Array of Distributors, and a Sample Package, Containing Five Days' Treat ment of Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Com pound, the Greatest Discovery of the Age, Has Been Given to All Absolutely Free. Be Sure to Try the Sample and Test Its Wonderful Curative Powers— To Hesitate flight Be the Mistake of Your Life. 'Dr. Burkhart Is t"he Cincinnati physiciar. who has created sucb a sensation in the Ea-tt by his almost miraculous cures. In speak ing of the extraordlrary sales of his vegetable compound, the famous physician declared that It was a striking evidence that merit wins. Dr. Burktvart occupies today a unique position in tbe medical world. After years of deep study and scientific research, he dis covered a remedy that baffles disease and drives it from the system. And today be is knocking at the doors of the sick and the af flicted and dealing out relief with lavish hand, asking r,o pay unless a cure Is eff-'M.'t td. Thousands who are pronounced incurable by their physicians have taken Dr. Burk hart's treatment and are today strong and healthy men and women. Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound Is a wonderful combination of nature's remedies, roots, herbs, barks and plants, gathered fresh from the forests and the vine-clad hills, their health-giving properties extracted and measured cut by the skilled chemist and ex pert physician. It drives the poisonous ele ments of disease from the system and makes pure. rich, healthy blood, digests food and cures conptl-pa'. ion. indigestion and dysp=psia, sour stomach, bad breath, bad taste in the A Day for Birds. Bird lovers and Band of Mercy children had reason to rejoice Friday when the house pas.ced the bill authorizing the governor to designate a day to be known as Arbor and Bird day. As T. S. Palmer points out in the Con servative, the object of the day "Is to dif fuse knowledge concerning our native birds and to arouse a more general interest in bird protection. As yuch it should appeal not only to ornithologists, sportsmen and farm ers, who have a practical Interest in the preservation cf birds, but also the general public, who wou'.d soon appreciate the loss If the common songsters were exterminated." "Bird day is more than a suggestion," con tinues Mr. Palmer.-' "It has been already adopted in at least two cities with marked success, but as yet it is still an experiment. Apparently the idea originated with Prof. C. A. Babcoek, superintendent of schools iti Oil City, Pa., who wrote to the department of agriculture In 1894. of which J. Sterling Morton was secretary, urging tha establish ment of such a day, and stating that May 4 would be observed as Bird day in Oil City. In reply the secretary of agriculture wrote, among other thine?: " 'Your proposition to establish a Bird day on the same general plan as Arbor day has my cordial approval.' "It is a melancholy fact that among the enemies of our birds two of the most de structive and relentless are our women and our boys. The love of feather ornamenta tion so heartlessly persisted in by thousands ■ of women, and the mania for collecting eggs "The beer that fc^^^^ix ll Rip Van Winkle <i/pt^ I il> drank made;" // ffL^^l/ t^h.^ him sleep for MBjf 5£V twenty years. [/ stPaul - beer we d rink- Ham ms-- makes us deep soundly all night and creates a good appetite in old people like your grandmother!" — ii SB : 17 mouth r.nd coated tongue, dizziness, sick headache and pa If! tat lon of the heart. It drives out the uric acid from the blood, heals ihe kidneys an*-! regulates the urine, cures rluutmatis-m, pain In the points ami stiffness in the limbs. Have you a tired fee-ling In the morning? A disposition to neglect your du ties? An inability to concentrate your mind upon tho details of your business? Do you have night sweats? Ba<l drc*im3? A feel ing of timidity or fear? Pains in the back? In the side? Or under the shoulder blade? Smothering sensations? Or skin troufble of any kind? Are you nervous? Do you *aVo cold easily? Are you losing In -weigh:? In short, are you slekT If bo, you are guaran teed a cure. Do ncr be negligent in a matter af such vital importance. Remember health ii the greatest gift to man by an all-wis" Creator. • there.'ere it should be guarded by ys« with Jealous eye. Too much care cannot be given to your physical condition. When you read this, make it your purpose to purchase at once from your druarzlst a six-month"-' treatment of Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Com pound, ai-d drive from your system the poisonous venom that is endangering your he-alth and hastening you ou to a premature dtath. Six months' guaranteed treatment, $1.00; smaller sizes. 25c and 50c. All druggists. and killing bird? so deeply rooted In our boys, are legacies of barbarism Inherited from our savage ancestry. "The number of beautiful and useful birds annually slaughtered for bonnet trimming 3 runs up into the hundreds of thousand?, and threatens, if it has not already accomplished, the extermination of s-ome of the rarer spe cies. The insidious ess-hunting and pea shooting proclivities of the small boy are hardly less widespread and destructive. "Birds are of Inestimable value to man kind. Without their unremitting services our gardens and fields would be laid waste by inspect pests. "Of the success of this first experiment there can be no question. The day was ob served in the Oil City schools with a de gree of enthusiasm which was good to see. The amount of information about birds thai was collected by the children was simply amazing. Original compositions were read, infoimal discussions were held, tak? by teach ers were given and the birds in liteiatur* were not forgotten or overlooked. • • • The idea simply needs to be known to meet with a warm welcome akin to that with which we greet our first robin or song spar row in the spring. "La--t spring (1896) the movement was started in lowa by Prof. C. li. Merrill, super intendent of schools at Fort Madison, who was apparently unaware of the experiment In Pennsylvania. He set apart May 29. 1896, as Bird day in the schools under his JurU-dlc tion." The department has also received inquiries concerning Bird day from Connecticut, and the matter Ls attracting attention in Nebraska. It will now be In order for the secretary [ of agriculture to include Minnesota among the avowed friends of birds.