Newspaper Page Text
«> §~ I\DE HIS MILLION IN MflNlLff *t £» Edward H. Green. Husband of the Famous Hetty Green, Took a -^ Fortune Out of the Philippines Many Years Ago. V NEW YORK, Feb. 23.— Forty years ago there came out of tbe little vil lage of Bellows Falls, Vt., a young man who was destined to become famous In several ways. Like the prince in the fairy tale who died famous without ever knowing it. Edward 11. Green has mod a reputation along lines of which neither he nor ih>> world knew any thing. Paradoxical as this may seem it is a tact that Edward 11. (Ireen might make a name for hlmseK upon any one of the many things which have com- to him by fate, vv which he won by fortune. He is tbe husband of Het ty (*ict!,, who is the lie-best woman in the world. He is extremely good friends with a wife with whom he does not live because she is so wealthy. He was the first American to make a for tune in the Philippine Islands. He In troduced into the United States certain varieties ot' Manila hemp rope and paper, which have become very val nable in the commercial world. Though the husband of the richest woman In the world, he lives en a few hundreds a year. As the husband of Hetty Green. Ed ward H. Green has achieved more no toriety tha:- will come to the husband oi Wilhelmina ..t Holland. By notoriety Is nu-ant a certain amount of fame both enviable and unenviable; for at times Mr. Green has found the fait of his relationship so unpleasant that he has bribed she attendants of the hotel at Which he lived to keep out Interviewers - and turn visitors away. As the maker of a million in a strange land, the name of Edward H. Green was so well known twenty years a-<o en Wall street that millionaires and bankers were proud to receive a letter in one of his business envelopes; and tbe greatest of them was willing to take oft his hat to the tall, well-built, self-made man of millions. But riches fled, and as they vanished Edward li. Green lost his family with them. All New Englanders aro wealthy. Born upon a hard soil into which they must dig deep for the slender rewards that come forth, they learn to pinch and t< save. Soon they have a comfor table thousand where the young man who is born upon more generous soil has not a dollar. Edward H. Green was one of these. EndoW^d with some money and adding to it by his own efforts, he sailed in his y< img manhood for what was then a remote corner of the carth — the Philippines. Today the Philippines are still at the antipodes, but they are not nearly so far away. Y*ou can go to Manila now in a month. Then it took Edward Green three times as long, for he went In a sailing vessel and the journej was fraught with danger. He went to make a fortune at Manila for he knew- in a business way of the great chance there was to deal in hemp and rope, in Manila flax and paper, and all the products of that wonderful plant, the Musa textilis.the plant which is so closely allied to the banana, which grows in a wild state in the Philippines. They had never succeed ed In getting the pure Manila rope from any other place, and young Green un derstood this and wanted to take com mercial advantage of It. He also dealt in other commodities of the Philippines. It did not take him long to make his million. A man can make a million quickly in this world: at the time It seems slow to him, but wh?n he looks lack upon It, at the age of sixty years, he feels that he made it very fast. Young Green, a little older and a lit tle grayer, came back to Vermont with his idle. His exact age at this time it is Impossible to tell for family reasons which will soon be evident. Soon alter his return he discovered that he was in love with pretty, sen sible Hetty Robinson, the daughter of 1 Bellows Falls millionaire, and like any man in love he wanted to get mar ried. But here the trouble came. Her folks were violently oppos?d to the match. Miss Robinson was the only daughter; gay, generous and the type of th.- good New England woman. Ed ward Green was twice her age, a man of the world, worn out with forttme seeking, and read;* to settle down in life. The Robinsons felt that it would be an uneven match and they could not bear to sacrifice their daughter. Yes, Edward Green was too old and too settled to make a young girl happy. But true love, after suffering as only true love can. and surviving as true love always does, carried the day and saw the white feather of surrender raised over the Robinson homestead. Hetty Robinson and Edward Green were married, and. after a honeymoon, went to London to live. They had too many interests to remain long in New England, or even on one continent. Two children were born, Edward H. Robinson Green, and Sylvia, and the Green family was a happy one. But the fever of speculation spread over the country and the germs attack ed Edward Green, the father of the family. Twenty years ago he went Into Wall street, and Wall street did for him what it has done for many another man, it sent him forth penniless. Lur ed on by the fortune which seemed ever within his grasp, he spent money freely and became known for his gen erosity to public charities and to the Btreet poor. Commodore A r ariderbilt once called him "Spendthrift Green," x and the name clung to him. It happen ed in this wise: A visitor said to the commodore: "Green was in to see me today." "What Green?" asked the commo dore. "Do you mean spendthirft Green?" and the visitor replied that he did. When Edward Green lost his money, the Green family might have been straitened In circumstances had it not been for the wife. Mrs. Green, who had some money left her from her father which she had wisely invested, suddenly discovered that the money had been turning itself over to very good profit. She also found that by as sisting it in its revolutions she could add a great deal to the bulk; and so she and the money together could keep rolling the sum into a vast fortune. She turned her attention to Wall street. But, instead of speculating, she studied up good investments, and was anxious to loan a little here and there. Tho agents of millionaires would quiet ly notify her when their patrons were out of money, and she would just as quietly loan them $50,000 or so with a good rate of interest. She did nothing illegitimately, taxed nobody unduly, and though she drove hard bargains, she kept her agreements and did all she promised to do and a little more. Meanwhile Edward Green, overcome by the lack of his fortune, desired quiet. He needed constant care and the rest of a home. This his wife with her many interests found it impossible to give him, and when he suggested that he would be very comfortable at a hotel in Xew York where he had once lived, she readily agreed, and with her own hands fitted up very nice apart ments for him. His rooms were near the Union club, of which he was a member, and from that day to this he SI 00 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall 'B Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucou-j. surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any tase that It fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address, F. J. CHBNEY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills are the best \ has lived in his own apartments and daily visited the club when he was able. Ten years ago Hetty Green is said to have remarked to a relative: "Mr. (?reen is too old to live in the hurly burly of business life and so we have fixed him up at the club. At seventy a man cannot bear as much as he could at forty." So Edward Green at seventy gave the reins Of Ids fortune Into the hands of his energetic wife and settled down quietly to become "Hetty Green's hus band." Nor was Mrs. Green less capable In disposing of the rest of her family. Her son, Edward, having grown to man hood, was sent to different parts of the country, to New England, to the Paci fic coast, to Europe and to Mexico on business missions. The daughter Sylvia was put into the hands of an elder? so ciety woman of New York, who intro duced her to old Knickerbocker society at a tea and then allowed her to spend her time in tlie quiet way which pleas ed her. A Wall street man said tbat Hetty Green told him r.t the time of her sepa ration from her family that she did not like Mr. Green because he spent mom y too fast. But if is very doubtful if she ever said such a thing. It was not a case of incompatability, but only one of business. For the richest woman in the world found herself with -so many irons in the fire that she positively could not darn socks nor attend to the needs of a husband. That was the whole secret of it. As for herself. Mrs. Green lives quiet ly at one of several places. Part of the time she lives in a hotel in Brooklyn, very near the bridge, which she is ru mored to own. Here she occupies a single room and eats at the public table. She never takes dessert, and re fuses all but the most substantial food. When she is in New York she occu pies a very comfortable room in the middle of the town, and generally has the society of her daughter, who is very fond of her mother. Mrs. Green and Sylvia have been photographed to gether very often, and the daughter in speaking of her mother is enthusias tic in her praise of her disposition and business qualities. When Hetty Green was a young girl she was a great belle, and, as she says in w, i'he "wore silk stockings and went to balls." She was the intimate friend of Miss Catherine Wolfe, who enriched is*ew York with a marvelous art collec tion. Forty years ago these two young women. Miss Robinson and Miss Wolfe, were the great catches of society — the great chance for titled noblemen — for they each represented millions, just as Miss Fair and Miss Goelet do today. Edward H. Green is ill now! Report has it that he is very feeble and his wife has been spending all her days with him to the great exclusion of her business interests. The same rumor whispers that he is eighty-two years old, and that he can not possibly live long. Public tongue is always mischievous about this interesting couple, and a year ago when Mr. Green had an at tack of influenza and required a train ed nurse the public told a queer story of Mrs. Green's jealousy— of how she discharged the nurse and went out and hired one of her own selection,, an ugly faced girl, to whom Mr. Green would not make love. It is considered very smart today to go to the Philippines. The first man who comes back from the Philippine colony with the newly earned millions In his pocket will be famous, but forty years ago Edward Green did that same thing, and nothing was thought of it. Besides earning $1,000,000 in the Philippines he made $40,000,000 by mar rying the right kind of a girl, and that is a pretty good record for one man. RESPECT THE FLAG. * D-aufrfitera of American Revolution Seek to Protect Stars ami Stripe*-. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— At today's session of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution the report of the com n-ittee on the description of the flag waS read and discussed. The report asks for a law to prevent the use of the national flag for advertisements to prevent placing upon it or attaching to it devices and inscriptions, and to pun ish those who treat it with indignity or wantonly injure or destroy It. The re port was enthusiastically received and the committee continued for another year. Mrs. Van Rensaeler Strong, of New York, addressed the congress. She said she had secured an option on the eld Van Rennsaeler mansion house at Greenbush. opposite Albany, N V built in 1642, where "Yankee Doodle' : was written. The purchase price was $6,500, of which she, with the assistance of friends, had paid one-third. This she desired to present to the national body of the Daughters of the American Revolution, on condition that the cave of the mansion and grounds be entrust ed to the New York chapter. She ask ed that the daughters interest them selves in the work of securing con tribuatlong to discharge the remaining debt. The proposition was accepted, and a vote of thanks given to Mrs. Strong. CARL SCHURZS BIRTHDAY. Mode the OecoHion off Cementing German- American Friendship. BERLIN. Feb. 25.— The celebration of the anniversary of the birth of Carl Schurz to night was well attended. Among those pres ent were Mr. Andrew D. White, the American ambassador, and Mrs. White, Prince Schon aeh-Carolath, many members of the reich stag ond of the Prussian diet; Prof. Theodore Momrosen, the well-known German Jurist j Herr Louis Bamberger, the eminent states? man. and Herr Jules Rodenberg, the litera ti; er. A cablegram from the committee having in charge the celebration in Xew York of the anniversary of Mr. Schurz's birth was read, and an oration .on "Schurz as the Med itator Between the Two Nations" was deliv ered by Theodore Berth, who seized upon the occasion to advocate a fuller understanding between the United States and Qermanv. Birthday congratulations were cabled to Mr? Schurz. The celebration was followed by a ban quet, at which numerous toasts were drunk. All the speeches were In favor of harmonious relations with the United States. IS IN FAVOR. House Naval Committee Indorses Hill to Honor Admiral Dewey. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— The naval com mittee of the house today directed a favora ble report on the senate bill creating tha grade of admiral, and intended for Rear Admiral Dewey. The bill was recently added as an amendment to the naval appropriation bill, but as some question was raised as to this method of procedure the committee de termined to report the bill as an Independent measure. The oommitte also acted favorably on the senate bill granting two months' extra pay for naval service out*-ide the United States during the war with Spain. Denver Painters to Strike. DENVER, Col., Feb.25.-The painters' union has decided to strike March 1 for an increase of wages from $2.50 per day of eight hours, to $3, which the master painters have refused to pay. The painters expect, that the other unions of the building trades council will come to their assistance with sympathetic strikes. Mr. Alger's Bnrden. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— 1t was announced at the war department today that the present condition of the army bill and the work in the war department, which wili immediately follow should the bill become a law, makes It necessary for the secretary of war to recall hie invitations for the official trip to Cuba and Porto Rico on the Berlin, which was to leave New York March 8. JHE ST. PAUL GLOBI^ -SUNDAY— -FEBRUARY 26, 1899. 'INCREASE IN CAPITAL NATIONAL STKl*;i, I'ONPAM' IN A .'ll'iASllil-; SHOWS ITS HAND SEVERAL PLANTS ABSORBED Concern Incorporated nl Trenton Its Stock iNMue Krooi One Hundred to Fifty-Nine Million Dollars — Mysterious Con cern Which It Ih Suld Will Dom inate In the Production of Steel. NEW YORK, Feb. 25.— The National Steel company. Incorporated in Tren ton on Feb. 6 with a capital of $100,0(W, has filed a new certificate increasing the capital to $59,000,000, of which $27, --000,000 is in 7 per cent preferred stock and $"12,(100,000 in common stock. The incorporators are James E. Dill, of this city, counsel for the company; Samuel H. Dundell, of Danbury. Conn., presi dent of the Danbury National Bank; and Frederick W. Garvin, of New York. The companies absorbed are the Ohio Steel company, Youngstown, O.; the Shenango Valley Steel company. New Castle, Pa.; the Bellaire Steel company, Bellaire, O.; the Etna-Standard and Iron Bridge company. Bridgewater, 0., and the King. Gilbert & Warner com panies, of Columbus, O. The National Steel company is the mysterious trust said by its promoters to be forming with a capital of $400,000, --000 for the purpose of swallowing the Carnegie, Federal Steel and all the other iron, steel, wire and kindred con cerns on the Western hemisphere. The company is composed of a few small corporations not included in the last three combinations of steel and wire interests. Salt a* Well. XEW YORK. Feb. 24.— The authoritative announcement was made today that plans were being perfected for the consolidation into one company, to be incorporated in New Jer sey, under the name of the National Salt com pany, of several salt manufacturing concerns. The new company, It was added, wouid take over the entire business of the present Na tional Salt company and would have an au thorized capital of $10,000,000. SilJt Thread Combine. NEW LONDON, Coun., Feb. 26.—Announce ment was irade tonight that the American Silk Manufacturing company, of New Lon don, has been capitalized at $12,500,000. The company has secured a special charter in this state for the purpose of uniting and consoli dating the silk thread industry of the United States. The company already controls about 86 per cent of the silk industry of the coun try. Whisky Profits. CINCINNATI. 0.. Feb. 25.— The Kentucky Distilling and Warehouse company will. It is eta ted. formally take charge of tho plants in Kentucky next week, the underwriters of the stock having been notified to turn over the $12,000,000 for the distilleries Monday. Most of this goes to Louisville, but four con cerns here owning Kentucky plants will di vide about $1.0i)0,000 of profits, according to the statement of a member of one of the Arms, from the price of the plants and the in creased price of whisky. t'he-tvlnK Gum Trust. NEW YORK. Feb. 25— The frequently chronicled chewing-gum trust will be formal ly organized in New York city next Tuesday. i The following firms are Included in the enter prise: J. P. Prlmley (California fruit gum) Chicago: W. G. White (Yucatan) and Beeman Chemical company, Cleveland; Adams & Sonis company (Tutli Frutti), Brooklyn, and Kisme Gum company (Kisme), Louisville. These five firms aro the leading gum manufacturers. The new company will have a capital of $15 - 000.000* ' \ MUST BE OF RECORD. Chattel "lorlmiKi- Mast Be on File to Be of Force. In a decision filed in the civil branch of the municipal court yesterday, Judge On- held that a chattel mort gage is of no effect, as against an inno cent purchaser, providing the purchas er was unaware of an existing mort gage, if the mortgage was not on rec ord. The decision resulted from a suit brought against M. L. Finkelstein by J. L. Hart. Plaintiff alleged that the defendant had possession of a piano upon which plaintiff had a mortgoge. It was alleged that the mortgage had been given Jan. 2, 1897, whereas it was not filed until the following August. In the meantime, it was alleged that Finkelstein purchased the piano from the mortgagee. The defendant set up that he did not know of the mortgage and had examined the records to as certain if it existed, without finding it on record. Fnnerul of William Kb rinaii atrant. The funeral of the late William Ehrmann traut will be held at St. John's church. Fran cis and Forest streets, this afternoon at 2:30. The Royal Arcanum and the state militia will attend. The members and ex-members of Company D, First regiment, Minnesota national guard, are requested to meet at the armory at 1 o'clock p. m. today, previous to attending tlu funeral of their late comrade, William Tihr manntraut. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. EAST LIVERPOOL. Eng., Feb. 25.—West ern earthenware manufacturers about aban doned faith In the pottery trust project. TROY, Ala.. Feb. 25.— Sam Rivers. George Hale and Edward Johnson have been sen tenced to hang, March 31, for the murder of eld Mrs. Myers and her daug*«*Ter, several months ago, to secure $2,000 in gold. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 25— The commis sioners of Golden Gate have accepted an offer by Claus Spreckes to erect a marble or granite music stand to cost not less than $60,000. SAN FANCISCO. Feb. 25.— Edward E. Searles. who donated the Hopkins Institute of Art to the University of California, has agreed to add another gallery to the splen did building on Nob hill, in this city. DETROIT. Mich., Feb. 25.— The new pas senger steamer Pennsylvania, built by the Detroit Drydock company, was launched this afternoon from the Wyandotte yard?. The new boat is 208 feet long, 55 feet over the guards, 35 feet meam and 12 feet deep. She will carry passengers between Erie and Buffalo. She is expected to make 28 miles an hour. Ohio Society II -i. NEW YORK. Feb. 25.— Nearly 250 members and guests of the Ohio society sat down to a banquet In the grand banquet hall of the Waldorff-Astoria tonight. President M. J. Southard presided, and with him at the guest table sat Maj. Gen. Weslev Merritt Hon. Whitelaw Reid, Gov. A. 9. Bushnell, of Ohio- Senator Gray, of Delaware: M. S. Harper, D. D., president of the University of Chi cago: Gen. Stewart L. Woodford, Hon. J. E. Campbell, Gen. W. E. Swayne and others After President Southards address of wel come had been delivered there was an ad dress by Hon. Whitelaw Reid. Schley Ia Willinß to Wait. WASHINGTON, Fe"b. 25.— The understand ing among Admiral Schlev's friends now is -that they will not further press the fight over the question of Admiral Sampson's ad vancement over Admiral Sohley. They will, therefore, agree to let the nominations be oonflrmed without much if any miare debate depending upon future legislation to place Admiral Sohley before the country in the position which they think he should occupy. The purpose to ask that provision be made for the appointment of two vice admirals with the understanding that Messrs. Schley and Sampson shall be nominated to the two places thus created. • TO REDUCE HIS BOIN'D. Plea of Charles T. Miller. Assignee of Robert A. Smith. Charles T. Miller, as assignee of Robert A. Smith, Insolvent, yesterday filed a statement of the financial condition of the estate Feb. 1. The receipts from March 23, 1897, to Feb 1, 1899, were $17,626.32, and the disbursements $10,423.91, leaving a cash balance on hand of $7,202.41. On Feb. 1 the estate consisted oi $7,202.41 in cash on hand, and the only assets of value In the opinion of the assignee, were unin cumbered real estate, $14,150, stacks and bonds not ' pledged, $8,100, and mortgages undergo ing foreclosure, $1,550, making a total of $31,. Claims have been filed against the estate •aggregating $17:>,71!».23, and of these $3,088.96 was allowed In full, $60,967.70 was subject to reduction, and $111. 662.64 disallowed in full. In view of tho present comparatively small amount of assets the assignee suggests In his report that the amount of his bond be re duced. OLD PUBLISHING DEAL.. It Im It real led by a Suit Now Hc«nii In the District Court. Charles A. Appleton yesterday commenced an action in the district court against Robert H. Merriam, William R. Merriam, Helen M. Merriam and Charles 11. Merriam, as trustees under the will ofjohu L. Merriam. deceased, anfl William W. Davis, as assignee of Robert 11. Mrrriaiii, to recover judgment debts ag pegating $26,197:95 obtained in New York and held by the plaintiff against Robert'!!. Mer riam. Tho plaintiff asks that the trustees be compelled to make the apportionment of tha estate in order that he can collect from R. H. Merriam's share. '?? Mrs. McCormlclc'a Statement. Mrs. Johanna McCormick writes: About a week ago I had a misunderstanding with a young woman reritin.-; a room from me," and she had me arrested, charged with (to quote from the. oomplaint filed, and Which was the only charge that the'complaining witness at tempted to substantiate) suffering to be com mitted in my house. 439 East Eighth street, a systematic pounding on her door for sev eral hours. I ras acquitted of this charge, and entirely exonerated; but on the prelimi nary heaiing your paper had It that I was charged with running a disorderly house. If you will kindly give this room in your columns it will correct a misconception that would naturally arise in the minds of a large circle of acquaintances who have read the first report, and have attached thereto the commonly accepted meaning of disorderly house. Cannot Be Sued. It was held in the municipal court yesterday that the state game and fish commission can not be sued; that it enjoys the same freedom from legal process as the state, inasmuch as it is held to be a part of the state govern, ment. Judge Orr filed the decision in the case of George J. Abresch, who claimed mon ey was due him as salary for services as deputy game warden. Nortvejrian Glee C'lnb. The Norwegian Glee club held their tenth annual masquerade ball at Assembly hall last night. The affair was largely attended, and many pretty costumes were worn by those present. The committee in charge were: Arrangeer.ts, Knuth Lee, C. C. Strem, S. Dahl, C. Berg and H. Gilbertson; floor, Ed Nichols, C. C. Strem and Oscar Lee. Minneapolis Boys Released. William Reed arid Asa Biggs, the Minne apolis boys arrested here several days ago, in possession of several pairs of shoes, which Reed admitted had been stolen here, were discharged in the .municipal court yesterday. The boys are said to be sons of respeotable parents, who adjusted the case outside of court. Let Clark Oif Lightly. Walter K. Clark, tlie former employe of Schuneman & Evans', arrested on the charge of passing several worthless checks, to which, It is alleged, he forged the firm's name, was allowed to plead guilty to petty larceny, in the municipal court yesterday, and received a sentence of sixty days in the workhouse. The charge of forgery against Clark was with drawn. Memorial Service. Copeland Camp No. 1544 will hold memorial services at their hall, corner of Payne ave nue and Wells street, Tuesday evening, Feb. 28. Rev. Alvegren, of St. Sigfrld's church, and Rev. Taylor, of St. James' church, will par ticipate. The choir of St. James' church will sing. Members of the enmp snd friends are in vited to be present. To Celebrate Emmet's Birthday. The A. O. H. Society of Ramsey county will give an entertainment at Cretin hall, Satur day evening. March 4, In celebration of Rob ert Emmet's birthday. Addresses will be given by Senator J. J. Ryder and H. H. Gillam, of Stillwater. Mas<i»erade Ball. A complimentary masquerade ball will be given at Sherman hall next Tuesday evening by Prof. Mozarra. The music will be fur nished by the Mozarra orchestra of ten pieces and one of the numbers on the programme will be a prize cake walk. Celebration Was Postponed. Circumstances, over which the management of the celebration of Washington's birthday at the Soldiers' home had no control, having -prevented the same, this is to inform the pub- Ti-: that all holu'n-; tickets for said celebra tion will have their money refunded on pre senting the tickets to those from whom they were purchased. Trolley Company Asks It. At special term yesterday Judge Brill took under advisement, a motion by the defendants for a new trial in the case of Elsie Ed lund against the St. Paul Railway company. Miss Edlund was awarded $5,000 by the Jury for personal injuries. Johnson Was Violent. Charles G. Johnson, a Norwegian, 30 years old, was yesterday adjudged insane in probate court and committed to the state asylum at Rochester by Judge Bazille. Johnson was violent in the court :room and had to bs held by the bailiffs during the examination. An Old Curfew Bell. Providence has a curfew bell which was rung every night for 150 years, and now she wants a law that shall give some au thority to this 9 o'clock tocsin. LATE~"SOCrAT~NEWS. The engagement of Miss Mac Foley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Foley, to George La Brande is announced. j! Tills cloc\ jfciJMs Itself* | /> Danish Jeweler, Who Formerly Hobnobbed With Royalty, Has >J S< Invented a Timepiece That Will Run for Years <l (> Without Winding- or Attention. >i KANKAKEE, 111., Feb. 16.— Cabery is a little town in Ford county — dull and uninteresting as a village of 500 souls is apt to be — yet it has its ge nius. Peter M. Ravenskilde, a Danish jew-' eler, who once worked in the Copen hagen shop that received the royal family's patronage, and who has often seen the rulers of his country — yes, and the Prince and Princess of Wales — In his employer's place of business, is the man. For Ravenskilde is no ordinary jew eler. He has constructed diminutive watches that would not be barred from service as cuff buttons. He has made highly ornamental clocks that play chimes at different hours of the day. Seven years ago he took up the study of electricity. 'This opened a new field for his inventive genius. Motors from the size of a baby's fist to those large enough to supply motive power for a sewing machine attest his ingenuity. He had a fancy .to experiment with X i rays. Not having enough money to purchase the 'necessary apparatus, he made the apparatus himself. But by far the most interesting, the most wonderful product of the ex-court jeweler's skill' is a clock he has con structed on the perpetual motion plan, if the statements of this inventor and his admiring fellow citizens may be relied upon, this clock, which is cer tainly an accurate timekeeper, will run from year to 'year without any atten tion from Its if)wi-j-ir. The works arid dial of the clock re semble any other, but the motive pow er, instead of being supplied by a spring, comes from a wheel sixty Inches in circumference. On the outer periphery of the wheel are 128 cups, each nearly half an inch In diameter and a third of an inch deep. Each of forty of these cups, 'which are suc cessive cups, contains a steel ball three-eighths of an inch in diameter. These balls move the wheel, which makes a revolution every three hours and a half, as this wheel is slowly I OUR GREAT ALTERATION AND | I EXTENSION SALE f H Which has proven a veritable bonanza to our myriads of customers, 3 H though nearing its close, will still be prosecuted with utmost vigor for a M m few days more, in order to get the most goods possible out of the way S H before the final transformation scenes take place.— We cannot too strongly 8 M urge the people to take prompt and ample advantage of this splendid 2 m opportunity. S | oSlA^^Jf-f-;, MINNEAPOLIS. J I Great Alteration Sale Sacrifices I m Sacrificing New Colored New Black | 1 New Silks Dress Goods... Dress Qoods And grand showing- of new Spring And choice new Spring Colored £ £g Novelties in Taffetas, new Wash Novelties in Cheviots, Granites, A«d o-ranri «!,,,„,•„„ xt c-., *** R Silks,new Taffeta stripe, new Glace Plaids, Pacquin Serges, Bilk and „ g showing New Silk M| and plain Taffetas, new Ombre Wool Novelties, etc. Crepons, Mohair English Crepons, S <-§g Plaids, etc. New bright pi a ; ds aad Mixtures Grenadiu «s, Cheviots, Granites.etc. g JK 50 Glace new Wash Silks, in ex- and Striped Zibileue Q SJfp tra heavy quality checks and Cloths, extra weight, a\C^ mn • *£$ M plaids, regular 60c /-> ,pw at. .. . VJV* JOO pieces 40-inch extra quality W 1 i?t% A l ;r" o, ' Sal - -*ye 4 /»p' r - -w^. ■. sssSsjsbksjiso 1 g c-ricc, y«iru 40-inch Jacquards, Covert Cloths; a t. ' ' lt/V gf! g(£ 100 piece* new Novelty stripe great variety of new spring color- _jo J&3 Habutai Silk 3 and 75-in. heavy ings, Illuminated Mixtures, Bro- ™ n , », S Jg Twill Satins im choice twill satins, cade Poplins in choice colorings, , pI " M New Jamestown Fan- gjjjg » regular 65c qualities. C\ worth to 40c. Alteration -| {"■J ' cies > New Cord Stripes, Cheveron *jf -3B Alteration Sale Price, «3^^C P r ' ce * J' ard » I i^C Weaves - 54-inch All- Wool Cloths, & S yard 19cand *■* *-* w and 46-inch All-Wool Figured W H 150 Noveky Taffetas in stylish 200 pieces of all-wool Fancy Satin Soleils, worth to f\ sif» gjjg plaids, stripes, canilea stripes, 27- Jamestown Mixtures and two-toned S cents. Alteration -^ VJ £[ S j-m* inch all-silk Surah stripes, 72-inch 40-inch Crepons, Cheviot Plaids, Sale p rice -^ W- SR satin colored Taffeta in 20 choice Silk and Wool Mixtures Dress Wt. SB bright colors, extra strong quality, worth to 75c yard. /^ g** 50 pieces 54-inch extra weight Sfe iK 75c and 85c grades in S_f\^. Alteration Sale _^T^C Cheviots, 54-inch Pacquin Serires CE B the lot. Alteration O\JC *" ice • 46 . iQch Crepoas> 46 J ch AUA s oo 't ft H| sale i^rice, yard 54-inch Twill Venetians, 54-inch Granites, $1.00 quality, pm _~ _U «M Black Satin Duchess and extra Coverts, all-Wool Bayadere Soleils, Alteration Sale / Q> jg| heavy Satin Brocade, also high fine Silk and Wool Novelties, Ben- Price •■* *— " #§* §X grade Satin stripe Taffetas, extra galine Plaids with satin bars, all- |f| *&g heavy Glace and plain Taffetas, wool Granites, Stripes, etc., worth Creoons— a grand assortment of 5 M no colo r. i »* s - 85c and f_C\r-t -- osl - 25 y ard - CA« choice new designs, fIT-g /a/x 1 H 90c qualities, \j\jQ I Alteration Sale OUC yer * bri ff ht - high J*R l llO^ ||y«d VV luster, at $I.£o and H* I *^^ || | Dress EARU ' SPRIiNGMILUNERY Corset | M Linings. — at — npn a i-fmA«f §& i Haircloth. Genuine Eng- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 3 "" 16 " *■ g g lish Hair Cloth in black You can get anything . you wUh lfl millinery One lot of $1.00 corsets, W Vi^f-ffv^,' 5 ->!p CStf** here and always the latest styles at the lowest medium length, Thomson's 2&j> * Srice »WU P rices - O^ early styles of Walking Hats in glove-fitung, best net £ B priCC B ack and Colors are very stylish. Best braid coutil strir-s _w%_ _wm_ $P m Silk Cloths in al! colors Hat . 9 and Turbans trimmed with Violets are Monday P ' OO g* ■)*: M and black; w_\ €%1 now. special.! ©Wl* Q* S 20c grade at, g^rtl} WINTER GOODS-What is left will be sold S, jS y ard * for almost nothing. W. B. corsets, bias cut, g B Pure Irish Linens, canvas 24 Trimmed Hats, 10 Trimmed Hats, gored hips and bust, fine Sr m facing, black and colors; worth up to SS. g* <g worth up to AR A -sateen, a very fine form !■ -M the 20c 4 To close 91 $2.50. To close -COC worth *X J| i^^Jl' S quility, J Wings, Quills, Ostrich and Felt Hats so cheap 31-50. JR 1 BiflfS ag y ard " —_*-+* that it does not pay to advertise them. Monday SP ■ ■%^%^ Jf |An U ncomf ©rt ably Clos© Oal§ B 1 w_\ ||| That "THE BIG STORE" was not devoured by the same fierce flames that de- £ H stroyed the Tribune and Benz buildings was due to the safeguards wisely adopted MJ g for protection against such a calamity, and also to that kind fortune which gave ** B direction to the winds. But for the unfortunate bursting of two sections of fire hose, 31 >gg causing an embryo deluge on the third floor and more or less damage on the lower 2 H ones, we would have escaped without the slightest mishap. To the splendid work of £ M our plucky firemen and prompt action on the part of the salvage corps under Super- 9 jH intendent Ruane, due credit must be given. The congratulations extended by so H 11 many friends on the narrow escape are highly appreciated. ji S. E. OLSON turned by the weight of the balls, one of the balls drops out of its cup, rolls down an inclined plane twenty inches long, when, by its own weight upon a receiver, it starts a lever which raises the ball in a little car, traveling up a second incline of greater steepness to the top of the wheel, Into a cup which stands vertical for a- short time. The clock is exhibited In a window of Mr. Ravenskilde's small shop. Be hind the dial is a porcelain globe, and at night green, red and white electric lights alternately reflect their rays upon the clock, the colors being chang ed each time a ball is discharged from one of the cups on the timepiece. Mr. Ravenskilde was repairing a clock when his brain evolved the prin ciple of his ingenious piece of mech anism—purely as the result of an ac cident. A bit of brass placed against the main wheel of the clock acted as a lever and set the works In motion. The jeweler determined to put the ac cidental discovery to practical use. His first wheel was rudely fashioned from an old tin can, while the bearings of a bicycle supplied the balls. Frequent experiments and many failures preced ed the perfect clock he exhibits today. The size of the wheel and the number of balls were difficulties that confront ed the inventor. The inventor is anxious not to be classed as a perpetual motion or any other kind of crank. Indeed, he is so modest it is hard to say whether he realizes the importance of his inven tion, although h e has applied for a patent. Children Fire a Honse. WASECA, Minn., Feb. 25.— As a result of children playing with matches the residence of W. E. Scott was visited by fire and Mrs. Scott was severely burned about the hands and head In her endeavor to put out the tirs and save the children. To St. Panl for Trfal. ST. PETER, Feb. 25.— (Special.)— Charles Val-ntine, the burglar who broke info the postoffice early Monday morning and fired s&em*m*n*&Br**»V*t>Ts> tiit-f n mww^hhi wji^i" i<*..m*w».i ■■. i « av.'Ak.i.y,, v ' THE PERPEJTCAL MOTION MAN AXD HIS SMALL SHOP CLOCK IN THE WIN DOW. five shots at Assistant Postmaster Gresham, will be taken to St. Paul for trial in the fed eral court. Living by Grave Side. The Dillon Panglima Kiuta, a n>i.---U>. r Of the state council of Ferak, whose fli*#t wife di. a about two months ago, Is so grieved at her loss that he has had erected a temporary house over her grave, and will live th^re for three months and ten days. The Malays of Ipoh are treat d to a feast every Friday, and s buffalo is kel.ed weekly for this purpose.