VOL. XXII.— NO. 58. KIPLIK LIFE IS FAST EBBIM CHANGE! FOR THE "WORSE IN THE CONDITION OF THE PAMOI'S WRITER DOCTORS RESORT TO HEROIC TREATMENT OXYGEN ADMINISTERED TO SUS TAIN THE FADING SPARK OF LIFE ANXIOUS WATCHERS ABOUT HIS BEDSIDE _Mi> MleiaiiK In Constant Attendance, and Nothing Left Undone That Mi»lit Aid In Upbuilding; the StrenK'tli of the Pnlleut— Throiigs of Cullers and a Flood of Jli's neiiKcrs iini Little Hope Left. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.— At 2 o'clock this morning it was reported that Mr. Kipling was very low, and unconscious. This information, however, was unoffl clal, though it is no exaggeration to say that every one was prepared for the worst. The last authentic news which came from the sick room was at 10:30 p. m.. whe__Che following bulletin was issued: Mr. Kipling's condition remains the same as at last report. — E. G. Janeway. — Theodore Dunham. Early in the afternoon it became known about the Hotel Grenoble that Mr. Kipling's condition was worse than at any time since he became ill. Dr. Janeway arrived at the hotel at 3:30 p. m., and, as he was not expected until later in the afternoon, lt was at once evident there had been a sudden change for the worse, and that the physician had been called. He remained in the hotel until 4:15 and then left, returning in half an hour. Almost at the same time an oxygen tank was brought to the ho tel and taken up to the Kipling apart ments on the first floor. That the ox ygen was to be administered was prac tically admitted by Dr. Janeway. This Is heroic treatment and Is resorted to only In extreme cases. EARLY' BULLETINS. Both Dr. Janeway and Dr. Dunham were with Mr. Kipling, alternately, through last night, and both were In attendance on him early in the morn lrg. At 9:30 o'clock ln the morning the foil v.ing bullstin was issued: Rudyard Kipling remains in. a critical con dition. The disease continues. — E. G. Janeway, M. P. — Theodore Punham, M. P. Soon after 11 o'clock Dr. E. G. Jane way Jr., son of Di. Janeway, was also in consultation on the condition of Mr. Kipling. Dr. Dunham came to the sick chamber shortly after 11 o'clock. His wife is a sister of Mrs. Kipling. "Is Mr. Kipling suffering from pneu monia?" Dr. Dunham was asked. "We will call it inflammation of the lungs," he replied. "If he gets through today, will he be safe?" "If he gets through today, he will be much nearer to safety," replied Dr. Dunham. At 3:CO o'clock the following bulletin was posted: Mr. Kipling still remains in a very critical condition. — E. G. Janeway, M. P. — Theodore Punham, M. P. Dr. Janeway would not say any thing about Mr. Kipling's condition, ti. sorting there was nothing to add to the bulletin. It was learned, how ever, from other souices that Kipling was extremely weak. At times he recognized those around him. Those at the bedside were Dr. Dunham, Mrs. Kipling, her mother, Mrs. Balestler; Mr. Doubleday, the children and two nurses. MANY VISITORS. An order was issued from the hotel Office in the afternoon that no letters nor notes should be sent to the room unless they were of the utmost impor tance, and then only when the names of the senders are known. There was a constant stream of visitors at the Grenoble, asking for information about the author. One clerk was kept busy receiving cards. Some of the callers were admitted this afternoon to the sick chamber. Among those favored TODAY'S BULLETIN. Page I— Reported Intervention at Manila. Paris PoJiee Active. Closing Week of Congress. Kipling's Life Ebbing. 2— Senator Quay's Trial. Work of Congress Reviewed. Freedom Promised for Cuba. B—-Minnesota's8 — -Minnesota's Palry Interests. Bugs Bad for Plants. The Legislative Session. 4 — Editorial. St. Paul Jobbing Trade. 6 — Sporting News. Western League Meeting. 6— Week's Markets Reviewed. 7— 'Minneapolis Matters. Northwest News. S^-In the Feld of Labor. Two Costly Fires. Ideas of Paullsts. Chance for the Public. ATLANTIC LINERS. NEW YORK— Arrived: Umbria, Liverpool- Cuflc, Liverpool. Sailed: Furuessia Glas gow; Pomeranian. Glasgow; Kaiser Wilhelm 11., Genca; Amsterdam. Rotterdam QUEENSTOWN— SaiIed: Luoania, New York LIVERPOOL— Arrived: Etrurla, New York ' HAVRE — Arrived: La Bretagne, New York. TODAY'S EVENTS. METROPOLITAN— Jefferson Pc Angelis in . "The Jolly Musketeer," 8 PM. GUANO— "My Friend From India," 8 PM. Palm Garden — Vaudeville, 2 and 8 PM. House of representatives meets at capitol 8 PM. ' Chamber of commerce meets, 11 AM. Recital, Mrs. Lamberson's pupils, 8 PM. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE were: W. D. Howells, Nikola Tesla, S. S. McClure and Charles Battel Loomls. The following bulletin was issued at 7 o'clock: Mr. Kipling's condition, has been very ser ious during this, tbe sixteenth day of the disease, giving ripe to th. gravest appre hensions of the outcome. — E. G. Janeway, M. P. — Theodore Dunham, M. P. At that hour the physicians were making almost constant use of oxygen. Their demeanor indicated a most criti cal state of the disease. Mr. Kipling was delirious as the above bulletin was issued. Neither Dr. Janeway nor Dr Dun ham would say a word; In fact, neith er ventured from the patient's side for more than a minute at a time. prayerTotTkipling. The Recessional H. inn Also Sung in a Lonlsville Church. LOUISYII.J.E, Ky., Feb. 26.— At the regular service tonight of the Broad way Baptist church, one of the largest in Louisville, the pastor, Rev. Helm Jones, asked all the congregation to join him in a prayer for the recovery Qt Rudyard Kipling. Immediately following the prayer, Kipling's recessional was sung as a duet. CUBANS TALKING WAR. Say the Americans Must Leave San tiago Province by July. SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Feb. 26.— The United States transport Minnewaska will leave Tuesday, having on board the Twenty-third Kansas volunteers. The Roumania will probably leave on Thursday with the Eighth Illinois regi ment. It was recently reported to Gen. Leonard Wood, on reliable authority, that a prominent Cuban, holding a high position in the province under the military government, had openiy stat ed that if the Americans did not get out by July Cuba would declare war. Needless to say the military governor attaches no importance to talk of this kind. Very little in the way of improve ments is going on in this province. Gen. Wood is only able to keep on with what he has already begun. He has no fur.ds beyond the monthly allow ance, and this prevents fresh contracts and the giving of work to thousands of Cubans who want lt. LORD CHARLES FETED. Warm Welcome for Hear Admiral Beresford at New York. NEW YORK, Feb. 26.— Rear Admiral Lord Charles Beresford spent the day ln responding to social calls. He be gan with a breakfast given by Commo dore Philip, commandant at the navy yard. He was at luncheon with Mr. and Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, where ex- Mayor Hewitt was also a guest. A part of the evening was devoted to calling, and tonight the admiral was the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bryce. Tomorrow Lord Beresford will dine with Mr. and Mrs. Levi P. Morton, after which the party will attend the opera. Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt will give a farewell dinner to Lcrd Charles Tues day night. He will sail for England on Wednesday. SALOONS SEALED. The First "Dry" Sunday In the His tory of Omaha. OMAHA, Neb., Feb. 26.— Today for the first time in the city's history, the saloons were hermetically sealed. This is the result of a clash between certain factions prominent In city affairs, one of which has made a wholesale on slaught on the gambling fraternity, and the other in retaliation has invoked the power of the police force to close the saloons. The raids on the wet goods dispen saries began three weeks ago today, but those who knew the ropes found little" difficulty in moistening their throats. Today it was different. Twen ty officers weie detailed to watch the saloons and they did their duty. GEN. REYNOLDS DEAD. Soldier Who Served With Distinc tion In the Civil War. WASHINGTON. Feb. 26.— Maj. Gen. J. J. Reynolds, U. S. A., retired, seven ty-seven years of age, is dead. A month ago Gen. Reynolds had an at tack of paralysis, which culminated into cerebral hemorrhages. The re mains will be interred at Arlington, Tuesday or Wednesday. Maj .Gen Reynolds was born in Kentucky January 4. 1822, but was appointed to the military academy from Indiana in 1539. When graduated he was appointed second lieuten ant in the Fourth artillery, and after service at Fort Monroe and in Texas was In ISIG as signed to the Third artillery and was on frontier duty at Fort Washita, 1. T., in 18rtS -56. He then became professor of mathematics and engineering at Washington" unH-ersity, St. Louis, and was also stationed at other colleges. After the beginning of the Civil war he rapidly rose in rank from colonel to major general of volunteers. Puring that time he was in command of Cheat Mountain district, Virginia. In Tennessee he was engaged In the action at Hoover Gap, battle of Chicka mauga and battle of Chattanooga. Later he was in command of the defenses of New Or leans. From Jan. 6 to June 16, 1864, he was in command of the Nineteenth army corps and assisted in organizing forces for the capture of Mobile ar.d Forts Games and Morgan, Mobile harbor, ln the same year. Gen. Reynolds was in command of the Miss issippi river from its mouth to Memphis from January to Pecember 1866. He was mustered out of the service in 1866 and re-appointed col onel in the regular army in the same year. He was brevetted brigadier general ln 1868 . for gallantry and meritorious service at the battle of Chickamauga, and was in the same year brevetted major general for similar serv ices at the battle of Mocomb. After serving in the Fifteenth infantry, he was in 1870 transferred to the engineering service and served at Fort MePherson and on various military boards until 1877, when he was retired on account of disabilities received in line of duty. He leaves a wife, two daughters and two sons, Capt. Reyndols, Twentieth infantry, ana Lieut. Reynolds, of the navy. Promoter Arrested. NEW YORK, Feb. 2C.-William Wayne Bel vln was arrested at the Waldorf-Astoria late last night, charged with threatening the life of the Denver millionaire, David H. Moffat, and also with trying to defraud the hotel out of $423. Belvin is a well known figure about the Broadway hotelß. He was well dressed and describes himself as a promoter. Oil Mill Burned. MONROE. La., Feb. 26.— The Planters' cot ton seed oil mill was almost entirely destroyed by fire today, together with the seed house, stock, etc. The loss is estimated at $100,000- Insurance not known. MONDAY MORNING UREASE INTHE ARMY FATE OF THE COMPROMISE LIKE LY TO BE DECIDED TODAY BITTER FIGHT ON CANAL BILL River and Harbor Rider "Will Sap ply the Spectacular Features In the House During the Closing Week of the Session Five 111« Supply Bills Are Still to Be Acted I pon Final Bush. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.— The week will open with the compromise army bill still before the senate, but lt is impossible to say how long it may con tinue to demand the attention ol that body. The best opinion is to the effect that a vote will be secured Monday, but this depends largely upon the tem per of Mr. 'Gorman and his friends, who insist upon the amendment of the army bill so as to further curtail the Bize of the army In 1901. It Is not. however, believed that they will press their opposition to the point of extending the controversy over the merits of the measure, and the friends of the bill count confidently on a vote before adjournment Monday. Mr. Gorman disclaims any Intention to force delays, but says he will press his measure as long as there Is any chance of success. If the debate should be continued to any considerable length the action would be generally accepted as In dicating a purpose to force an extra session, as all admit that with as many appropriation bills as are impending it is impracticable to give very much more time to the army bill and still pass the supply bills before March 4. There is yet no great danger of the failure of either an army bill or the appropriation bills. No senator can be found who avows himself as desirous of forcing a called session. Hence the general belief is that all these meas ures will become laws and that when congress adjourns next Saturday legis lation will be in such a state as to render lt possible for the legislators to remain at their homes until next December. There seems no doubt of the passage of the compromise army bill by a large majority when the vote is taken. FIVE BIG BILLS. The appropriation bills will demand almost all the attention of the senate when the army bill is out of the way., and the senate will have to materially increase the length of its sessions in order to secure their enactment into laws. There are still five of these bills which have not as yet received atten tion from the senate; and five others which are In conference and which will require more or less consideration are those providing appropriations for the Indian office, postoffice and the agri cultural department and for the Dis trict of Columbia and the Improvement of rivers and harbors. There are no radical points or difference In any of these bills, except in the river and har bor bill, but there are many questions requiring adjustment and they will necessarily demand time for this pur pose. The river and harbor bill carries the Nicaragua canal provision and other additions appropriating large sums of money. The five bills which have not been reported to the senate are: The sundry civil, the naval, the army, the fortifi cations and general deficiency. All are important and each will require con siderable time for disposal. Of these five, the committee on appropriations has considered only the sundry civil bill. The senate will get them all through, however, unless unexpected opposition should be developed to some of them. The calendar Is full of bills of a pri vate and semi-private nature and also contains many measures of general public importance. Many of these are unobjectionable to all of the members of the senate and a majority Qt those of this class will pass. The beginning of the day's session will probably be changed to 10 or 11 o'clock each day of the week and night sessions are also counted on for the greater part of it. CLOSING WEEK IN HOUSE. It Promises Interesting If Not Sen sationnl Features. WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 26.— The house will devote practically all of the closing week of the session to the appropriation bills and conference re ports, and the prospects are that ev ery minute of the time will be required to get them through before noon on March 4. An order has been made to meet at 11 o'clock each day, but, in addition to this, night sessions will be held, and it would surprise no one if one or more all-night sessions should be necessary. Everything but the appropriation bills and the army reorganization bill will go by the board in the final crush. A few minor bills may go through by unanimous consent, but there is no longer any time for the consideration of important general measures. The bill for the government of Hawaii has been abandoned, and, although the friends of the public building bills, fa vorably acted upon in committee of the whole ten days ago, still cherish a lingering hope that time will be given for their consideration in the house, the chance is so insignificant that it is barely worth mentioning. Although the fear of an extra ses sion practically disappeared with the agreement in the senate upon the army reorganization bill, it will require the most arduous labor to get through the appropriation bills and confer ence reports before the curtain falls next Saturday. The physical work of engrossing eight or ten big appropria tion bills during the last forty-eight hours will necessitate a large tempo rary addition to the clerical force. The engrossment of bills is done at the government printing office when no special exigency exists, but by a spe cial resolution passed Friday, permis sion to engross by hand during the remainder -of the session was given. HOUSE HAS ADVANTAGE. In the final adjustment of differ ences between the two houses, the house is enabled to bring every prop osition to a vote quickly, under sus pension of the rales, a motion to sus pend the rules being In order at any FEBRUARY 27, 1899. time during the last week of the ses sion. This gives the house a distinct advantage and enable* lt, at the fag end of the session, to transact an enormous amount of, business in a very short time. The state of the appropriation bills is such that the situation might well cause alarm, were lt not for the al most universal desire on both sides of the house to obviate the necessity of an extra session of congress. • Only three of the fourteen supply bills have gone to the president — the pension, military academy and consu lar and diplomatic. Slk have passed both houses, and the other, the river and harbor, has been referred to the river and harbor committee of the house. The sundry civil bill has pass ed the house and is under considera tion in the senate. The naval appro priation has passed the house, but has not been reported to the senate. The army appropriation bill is being con sidered in the house and two of the bills, the fortifications and general de ficiency, are yet to be acted on by the house. Most of the bills have problems which are more or less difficult to solve, but none of these difficulties promise a deadlock, with the single exception of the river and harbor bill, and Its loss would not necessitate an extra session. CANAL BILL FIGHT. The fight over the Nicaragua canal amendment which the senate placed upon this bill as a rider will be bitter and to the death. Although the canal proposition undoubtedly would com mand a majority of the votes ln the house, against it is arrayed the oppo sition of tbe appropriations committee and the ablest tacticians of the house, who do not believe legislation author izing such an enormous expenditure should be hastily passed during the dy ing hours of congress. Every strategy known to parliamentary law will be employed to defeat the proposition, and If necessary, to kill the bill, should the senate prefer its death to its enact ment without the canal enactment. After the committee considers the senate amendments, Chairman Burton will probably come Into the house with a motion for a disagreement upon all amendments and an agreement in the senate's request for conference. Mr. Hepburn, chairman of the inter state commerce committee, will move concurrence in the senate amendment, which motion is in order and will take precedence. But as the amendment contains an appropriation it must be considered in committee of the whole first and here the opponents will make their fierce fight. Obstructive tactics may be employed, but its friends hope to win in the end and upon the final vote the amendment may carry. But this will not end the fight. It may be transferred to all con ference reports on the bill and be car ried to the end, so that it seems the friends of the canal amendment may be effectually blocked, unless they can command the necessary two-thirds to suspend the rules. If they can the bill will probably become, a law with the canal amendment in it. If they can not the bill will probably fail, unless the senate at the last moment consents to jettison it. Altogether this promises to be a memorable week in tfa.. house. REBELS WILL RETIRE. Ready to Lay Dorm Their Arms if Granted Pardon. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Feb. 26.— President Zelaya received last night a dispatch from Blueflelds, dated Feb. 23, and signed by Capt. Murr, of the British cruiser Intrepid, ar.d Com mander F. M. Simmonds, of the United States gunboat Marietta, saying: "For humanity and to spare bloodshed, we guarantee that the revolutionists will disarm, if you will guarantee their lives and property and maintain order at Blueflelds and the existing treaties. On receiving your approving reply, we will arrange an armistice." The following dispatch confirming earlier reports has been received from Gen. Estrada, one of the government commanders im the field' "I have taken Aqua Calcente and am moving against Hama (the point of insurgent concentration up Blueflelds liver). The rebels are disbanding and ietreating into the forest." RAILWAY COALING STATION. Great Northern "Will Snpply Its Whole System Front Superior. WEST SUPERIOR, Wis., Feb. 2C— (Special.) —Owing to the immense contracts made for coal to be delivered during the coming sea son, the Great Northern railroad will operate Its own coal dock at this point hereafter. The road a few months ago entered into contracts for the delivery of half a million tons of West Virginia bituminous coal, and it will begin coming with the first boats of the season. The railroad owns the docks now occupied by the Northwestern Fliel company, the Phil adelphia and Reading Coal company and the Ohio Coal company. It contemplates taking the site of one of the Northwestern docks for one of the new steel grain elevators to be erected here, and has accordingly notified the Ohio Fuel company that it will not renew the lease of Its present quarters. The Ohio com pany will continue business from their other docks, and will probably lease Its steel hoists and machinery to the Great Northern people. The railroad will supply Its entire system with coal from this point hereafter, and has arranged for more coal than ever in its his tory. Under the circumstances it will he Im possible to handle the coal ln the old meth ods, having it handled by the various coal companies by contract, though that system will undoubtedly be retained to a certain ex tent. AGGRESSIVE POLICY. It Will Be Pnmned by the Northern Pacific nt "Winnipeg. WINNIPEG, Man., Feb. 26.— (Special.)— President Mellen, of the Narthern Pacific, has had an interview with the toard of trade offi cials and Premier Greenway. He Intimated that the company Intended to pursue a vigor ous policy in this country hereafter, and ex tend its existing lines. Tle company has In structed an architect to make an estimate of the cost of rebuilding the big hotel recently destroyed by fire. Residences Destroyed. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 26.— Overcharged electric light wires caused destructive flres on St. Charles avenue today. Three resid ences, with their contents, were consumed. Moses Stein. J. B. liogan and James Log ender were the chief sufferers. Their losses will aggregate $150,000; Insurance, $125,000. Many other residences were r»o.re or less damaged. Bodies Recovered. CHICAGO, Feb. 20.— The bodies ot Le*#.- Carrier Fred Marty, his wife and 2-year-old child, who ten days ago perished ln tho fire at the Arlington flat building, at Fifty first street and Grand boulevard, were re , covered today. SEARCH OF SUSPECTS VIGOROUS ACTION TAKEN AT PARIS TO SUPPRESS A ROYAL IST UPRISINC PREMIER DUPUY ALARMED Secret Warrants Issued at Midnight on the Strength of n Report Sub mitted by tbe Prefect of Police — Houei olf Royalists Searched and Many Documents Sei«ed — Protest by the Legitimist Leader. PARIS, Feb. 26.— 'In consequence of the placarding throughout the city of the siieech of the Due d'Orleans, the Royalist pretender, recently delivered In San Remo, and the seizure of medals and scarf pins bearing the pretender's portrait, the chief of police waß order ed by the government to make a strict investigation into the recent proceed ings of the monarchist party. Last evening the prefect communi cated the result of his inquiries to M. Dupuy, premier and minister of the interior, with the result that the minister decided upon vigorous action. At midnight M. Cochefort, chief of the secret police, was summoned to the prefecture amd directed to prepare seventeen confidential letters and sev enteen warrants, which were handed to seventeen police commissaries, au thorizing a search of the residences of suspects, particularly M. Guerin, man ager of the newspaper Antl-Julf; Messrs. Devaux, Buffett, Robert de Chavely, Thiebaud, De Monicourt, sec retory to the Due d'Orleans; Debucc, president of the Young Anti-Semites, and Comte Sanbran Ponteves. The confidential letters Indicated that the warrants aimed to discover the existence of any political action on the part of the Anti-Semitic league or its relations with the Royalist and Bonapartist committee, or with other leagues. No incident occurred in the course of the domiciliary visits. This morning M. Buffett, who rep resents the Due d'Orleans, vigorously protested against the violation of his domicile and declared that the Royal ist party will be -always conspicuous even if threatened with Imprisonment. Many documents were seized at M. Buffett's residence. DOCUMENTS SEIZED. Quantities of propagandist literature and medals of the Duo d'Orleans, a list of members of the Royalist com mittee and voluminous correspondence were seized at the headquarters of the Royalist committee in the Faubourg St. Honore and at the residence of Comte Sanbran de Ponteves. The officer who visited M. de Moni court surprised him just as he had returned from Brussels with letters from the Due d'Orleans addressed to Royalist personages, and Instructions from the pretender to his supporters. All these were seized. M. Thiebaud expressed surprise at the proceedings against him on the ground that he belonged neither to the Royalist committee nor the Anti-Se mitic league. Altogether a large quantity of docu ments were secured and placed under seal. All whose residences were" searched denied the possession of com promising documents, but it is believ ed the raids will be continued. In consequence of an announcement that demonstrations were Intended to be made at the Vendome column, thirty agents of the police were posted ln the vicinity today. About 3 o'clock this afternoon people began to arrive with bouquets of violets. Five who threw flowers over the railing sur rounding the column were promptly placed under arrest, although released shortly afterwards on giving their names and addresses to the police. Henceforth demonstrators will be al lowed to promenade with emblems, but not to approach the column. PRETENDER AT TURIN. TURIN, Feb. 26.— The Due d'Orleans arrived here this evening from Brus sels. SPAIN FEARS CARLISTS. Steps Taken to Prevent an Uprising on the Frontier. MADRID, Feb. 26.— The newspapers are urging the government to main tain its precautions against Carlist ac tivity, especially upon the frontier, where attempts are being made to smuggle arms and ammunition into the country with a view tc an early Carl ist uprising. The senate committee on credentials has examined Admiral Cervera, who had contended that he was entitled to sit In the senate inasmuch as c.'minal action had not been taken against him. The admiral declared that if the loss of his squadron was a crime lt must be attributed to the government which sent him to the Antilles against his will. He told the committee that he wept on receiving congratulations upon his safe arrival at Santiago de Cuba, for he had foreseen disaster. AUTHENTICITY IN QUESTION. Sensational Interview Published in Paris May Not Re Genuine. PARIS, Feb. 26.— 50 extraordinary is the importance attached to the utter ances of Prince Antony Radzwill hi the alleged interview with him in the Liberte, especially in the imputed tone of hostility towards American com merce, that serious doubts are express ed as to whether the Interview is au thentic. Prince Radzwill, who was Emperor William's representative at the Fame funeral, after declaring that the kaiser professes the "greatest admiration for the grand memories of France's na tional history and her present army," and "is actuated by the most friendly sentiments," is representing as saying; "We have so many common points of interest that a loyal understanding seems as desirable to France as eGr many." With regard to the reported Anglo- German agreement, Prince Radzwill re marked: "An entente between such commer cial rivals as Great Britain and Ger many is almost impossible." At this stage of the interview ap pears the reference to America: "But there is another country against which continental powers should indeed co-operate for the organization of their PRICE TWO CENTHM'g'fI,, economio defense. I mean the United States, whose pretensions and wealth are become a danger to us all." CZA~RIsILL Brother otf the Emperor Is Presid ing Over Russia's Destinies. LONDON, Feb. 27.— The Dally Chron icle's correspondent at Stockholm says that it Is rumored there that Emperor Nicholas is ill and that the Imperial Grand Duke Michael Is presiding over the government. The Copenhagen correspondent of the Daily Mail says: "Well Informed per sons here assure me that the health of Emperor Nicholas Is far from good and his condition causes the greatest solicitude. His malady appeared shortly after the issuance of the prop osition for a disarmament and now has assumed a serious form. His mal ady is of such a character as to for bid all intellectual exertion. "His participation In the government is merely formal, confined to signing documents of whose contents he Is ig norant. The Grand Duke Michael pos sesses the executive power, and all government decisions are arrived at without the czar's co-operation or knowledge." Six Men Killed. BERNE, Feb. 26.— Six men were killed last night by a dynamite explosion at the Elger tunnel works, on the Junxfrau rail-way. It is supposed that the explosion was the result ot an accident. BAD FOR BECKER. Evidence Indicntes That the Chi cago! Butcher Killed His Wife. CHICAGO. Feb. 26. — Evidence strengthening the belief of the police that Butcher Albert A. Becker, who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of having murdered his wife, did actually commit that crime was furnished to day by Dr. W. T. Kirby. who, after a microsocopteal examination of tho stains found on the boards in Becker's barn, expressed the opinion that they were made by human blood. Further examination of the barn has resulted In the discovery of a small bunch of black hair, which neighbors say exactly matches that of the miss ing woman. Search for the missing body of Mrs. Becker was continued today, the build ings and prairie for a mile surrounding being searched, but no trace of it was found. The earrings and ring found in Becker's house, and which the butcher declared he had recently bought for his second wife, were positively identi fied as belonging to the missing woman. SAME OLD SUSPECT. The Police Have Not Changed Their Views in the Adams Case. NEW YORK, Feb. 26.— 1f the inquest into the death of Mrs. Kate D. Adams is not concluded by next Saturday, Coroner Hart will demand that further hearings be postponed until he can dis pose of some outside business. Coroner Hart said today that Assistant Dis trict Attorney Osborne told him he expected to finish the Adams case by the end of the ensuing week. Cornish is to have another session on the slam d, several members and em ploye;? of the Knickerbocker Athletic club are to be called and then the police and detective bureaus and hand writing exoerts will tell what they know and what they suspect. The developments ln the case and the evidence offered at the inquest have not induced the police to change their views. They still hold to their original theory and believe the first suspect guilty of the murder of Mrs. Adams. PACIFIC CABLE PROVISION Inserted in Sundry Civil Bill hy the Senate. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-The senate com mittee on appropriations has completed con sideration of the sundry civil bill. The most Important amendment Is a provision for a cable to Honolulu, the- cost not to exceed $2,5C0,000, to be built from a Pacific port in California, to be designated by the presi dent, to the city of Honolulu. Increases made by the committee amount to $4, 093, 4^6, the bill as reported to the senate carrying $44,593,9*9. Among the items of the bill as amended are: Two revenue cutters for the Great Lakes, $165,000, limit of cost, $330,00J; monument to Sergeant Charles Floyd, Sioux City, $5,000; national soldiers' home, Hot Springs, S. D., $50,000, limit of cost $100,0,' X); Canadian commission, expenses, $50,000; Paris exposition, appropriation authorized increased from $650,000 to $1,050,000, appropriated by amendment $sso,ooo. NEW CENSUS BILL. Compromise Measure Agrecil Upon hy the Conferees. WASHINGTON. Feb. 26.— The conferees on the census bill have agreed and will make their report early in the week. Certain fea tures of both the senate and house bills will be retained. The census will be nominally under the direction of the secretary of the interior, but all appointments In the census bureau will be made by the director of the census. The director, assistant director and 300 su pervisors are to be appointed by the presi dent and confirmed by the senate. The di rector receives a salary of $6,000 and the as sistant director $4,000. Storm Severe. KINGSTON, Jamaica, Feb. 26.— Further ad vices from the Caiman i.lajids, situated 150 miles from here, as to the terrible storm of Feb. 13 and 14, say tha* It was the lbcigest and most severe In the memory cf the In habitants, the seas aJxnost sweeping over the islands. During these two days the winds were from the south. The full extent of the fatalities are not known, but lt Is known that twenty persons are missing. Dlngley Memorial. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.— The annual meet ing of the Congressional Temperance society this afternoon at the Vermont Avenue Christ ian church was a memorlad one, In honcr of the late Nelson Dlngley, who was president of the organization. Representative Martin N. Johnson, of North Dakota, and Hon. Hiram A. Price were among the speakers. Shot by a Soldier. CRAWFORD, Neb"., Feb. 26.— City Marshall Frank D. Mooney was shot and probably fatally wounded at the railway station here last night. Louis Grossman, lsite trumpeter of Company C, First United States cavalry, Is under arrest charged with the shooting. No One Killed. MUNCIE.Ind., Feb. 26.— Fire in a two-story tenement house near the factory district this morning at 2:30 o'clock caused a false rumor that twelve persons had been burned. Nobody was injured and the loss was wnaiU FOREIGN SHIPS LAI TROOPS OFFICIAL REPORT TO THAT EP. FEC'T RECEIVED AT MADHIIJ FROM MANILA ATTACK EXPECTED ON AN OUTPOST REINFORCEMENTS SENT FORWARD AT THE REQUEST OF GEN. M'AHTHI'R QUIET IS REPORTED ALL ABOUT ILOILO Rebels There Are Inactive, and Business Is Being Resumed Re port of a Clash Between Admiral Dewey and the German Xnvai Commander Denied List of Cas ualties The Taking of Cebu. MADRID, Feb. 26.— An official dis patch from Manila says: The situation here is very Merlon*. The foreign warships are disem barking troops. Gen. Bios will lea-re Manila and go to Zamhoangn, Island of Mindanao. The government has also received a long dispatch from Gen. Rios at Ma nila, but refuses to impart its contents. El Imparcial. which asserts that it Is in a position to know the truth of the situation at Manila, says: "There is constant fighting between the Americans and the Tagalos. The courage and stubbornness of the latter have caused great anxiety to the Amer icans, who do not conceal their belief that the war will be a long and des perate one. There is the greatest alarm among foreigners in Manila, and the commanders of the foreign warships have decided to land forces to protect their subjects." DISPATCH DISCREDITED. Washington Officials Do Not BelieTe Troops Hare Been Landed. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.— The gov ernment officials here discredit the statement that the foreign warships are disembarking troops at Manila. Span ish sources of information respecting affairs In the Philippine island, they say, are not to be relied upon, as the press and people of Spain do not hesi tate to circulate statements inimical to the Interests of this country. Secretary Alger was shown the dis patch tonight and without entering into a discussion of its Importance said he had had heard no news of that sort. Several dispatches that reached the war department today from Gen. Otis and which were made public were con fined to routine matters, while Secre tary Long said he had not heard a word from Admiral Dewey all day. Gen. Otis has stated to the officials all along that he has the situation well In hand, and there ie no reason to believe that he would have trouble in keeping order in Manila where the cream of his troops are stationed. The press dispatches from Manila also show a generally satisfactory condition of af fairs in that quarter, and there is no danger to foreign lives and property, thus avoiding necessity of outside as sistance. ATTACK ANTICIPATED. ReinfoircementN Sent to the Front to Strengthen the Line. MANILA, Feb. 26.— Last night the rebels concentrated In 'such numbers near the Chinese cemetery that Gen. Mac Arthur anticipated an attack and asked for reinforcements. Two com panies of the Twenty-third regulars were sent to Caloocan and a battalion of the Twentieth regulars to the ceme tery at about midnight. The expected attack was not made, the rebels after making a great noise with bugle calls and yelis of "Viva in dependencia" and "Much malo Amer icanos" and firing volleys, disappeared in the woods. It is believed their leaders are get ting desperate and are attempting to force the United States troops to make an attack, in the hope of breaking through the American lines, but the rebels are evidently unwilling to be pacified when facing the Americans. It is just possible, however, that they may be goaded into such a move be fore reinforcements arrive. All was quiet in the city last night. No such emergency exists here as is presented by reports circulated in the United States — and cabled back to Ma nila—to the effect that Admiral Dewey has had a collision of a forcible char acter with the German naval com mander. TAKING OF CEBU. According to the advices brought this morning by the steamer N. ustra Senora del Carmen, bringing the news that the American flag bad been raised over the island of Cebu, the United States gunboat Petrel. Commander C. C. Cornwell, visited Cebu on Feb. 22. Commander Cornwell ser.t an ulti matum ashore declaring the intention of the Americans to take possession, peaceably if possible, by force if neces sary. The rebels immediately vacated, taking their guns to the hills. A party of marines and blue-jackets was landed and the American flag was raised by them over the government building, which they still occupied when the Neustra Senora del Carmen arrived. A battalion of the Twenty-third regulars left for Cebu today. QUIET AT ILOILO. The same steamer brought dispatches from Brig. Gen. Miller at Iloil.i to Maj. Gen. Otis, reporting that all was quiet there: that there had been no further fighting; that confidence had been re stored and business was being general ly resumed. Gen. Miller thinks it prob able the natives will soon become con vinced of the error of opposing the in-