Newspaper Page Text
NO FUNDS FOR PATHS HIOWKIMV (OIXTV WILL NOT DO ANYTHING FOR WHEELMEN THIS YEAR DAMAGE FROM DRIVING II In Probable I u!«'ss Some Steps Are TaUen by Private EuternrUr— I (ul. W esl's Fnneral Woman Itt Forced to Testify Despite Her l'rotenl \\ imlil-11,. Snieitle Es capes. Newa of Minneapolis. f+LOBE'S MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE, C 720 WASHINGTON AY. SOUTH. Hennepin county will build no bicycle paths during the present year. When ch-3 board of equalization cut clown the coun ty levy last fall from Xtil mills to 287 mills they effectually put a stop to any project for obtaining funds Lor such a. purpose. As it is. tlu- commissioners say they will Ik- hard pressed for cash before the year is over, and the expenditure of anj sum whatever for bicycle paths Is considered ■utile out of the quest-on. The Bubject '>r i ompleting the surface of Su perior boulevard this summer will also have to be abandoned, simply for lack o? funds vyith which to carry on the work. The Mlnnetonka path was in good con dition last fall, but since that time tho farmers are reported to have driven over different parts of it repeatedly. The great danger, how.-ver. will come with the dis appearance of the snow in tr.e spring, as the path, higher than the road, will nat urally dry first, thus offering a consider able temptation to drivers with heavy binds. I'nless the Cycle Path association or some other organization shall take im mediate steps to see that this danger is guarded against, it is quite probable* that serious injury will be indicted. All repairs on existing paths, as well as all paths which may be constructed this j ear, will have to be paid for by private subscriptions to the association. WHEN V WOMAN WON'T There Are Ways of lVrsnadlns Her In Mill lieu polls. Sadie Ring will hereafter know that It is not a wise thing to object to an order made by Judge Kerr, while he is on ihe bench ot" the police court. Mrs. Ring had her husband arrested for as s m lt and battery, and, when the case tame on. Assistant City Attorney Dick inson was not present to handle the case, so the court took It upon himself to do the examining. "Be sworn. Mrs. Ring," said the judge. "No, 1 won't be sworn," was the sharp reply. "I see this is all a scheme to rob me of justice. I will not be sworn until the attorney comes to look after my in terests." "Well, I will fine you $5 or five 'days in the workhouse lor contempt of court. Now be sworn." ordered the judge. Mrs. Ring held up her right hand, the oath was administered. Her husband was fined t' or five days. COI.. WEST'S FINERAt,. It Will Occur Friday From the Par lors mf the Hotel. Funeral services over the remains of the late Col. West will be held Friday afternoon ai 2:30 at the parlors of the hotel. The nature of the services will depend somewhat upon Mr. Underwood, the general manager of the Baltimore <$: Ohio, he and the colonel having a compact that the first to die should have his funeral arranged by the other in accordance with certain wishes. Mr. I nderwood will arrive this evening. Walter Collins, general manager of the Milwaukee, will also attend the funeral. Fraternity Banquet. n. T £ c V^ ,mni and undergraduates of Phi IJelta Theta fraternity of the state uni versity celebrated the anniversary of the rj, h ? f „ the founder of the brotherhood, Robert Morrison, with a banquet in the ladies ordinary of the West hotel last evening. L. a. Straight, of St Paul "cted as toastmaster. The responses were made by Oscar Haliem, of St Paul whose subject was "Expansion and Ex tension, • and H. N. Allen, of Minneapolis Who spoke of "The Active Chapter and ■JUT Quests. ' Among those present were: 1.. A. Hunt. S. E. Mahan, J. P Keves and Mr. Hunt, of St. Paul. Ready for Bobbers. The system of burglar alarms which the Hennepin county commissioners or dered placed in the county treasurer's orhce is now completed, and was tried yesterday, the results proving all that had been expected. A number of con cealed buttons have been placed about Hie office, within easy reach of the em ployes, and should an attempt be made to hold up the office an alarm could be s-nt instantly to the sheriff, who would have a force of men upon ihe scene within a few seconds. Jacobson Bill Indorsed. The Young Men's Democratic club at a meeting in the board of trade rooms last evening unanimously adopted a resolu tion favoring the increase of the cross earnings tax on railroads from 3 to' 4 per cent, as provided in the Jacobson bill now pending In the state legislature b. M. Owen was appointed a committee *;• see that the action was brought to the attention of both houses of the legis lature and to urge the passage of the measure upon the Hennepin delegation. Woiild-Be Snicide Escapes. Alice Farnham, a 19-year-old eirl who ea^v^ _2S__ to b *', takins 'audaiTum eartj last week as the result of trouble with .her lover, escaped from the city hospital last evening, clad in her night gown and and old dress. She climbed out of a bath room window and had made good her departure before her absence was noted. uw Vonng Lane's Case. An officer of the Humane society snent the greater p,rt of yesterday looking into the case of Walter L ane , the 15-year-old adopted son of Frank S. Lane, custodian L t . h l. court .J louse - Toun S Lane claims tnat his mother turned him away from home a week ago Wednesday. Since then he has slept part of the time in barns and part at the houses of neighbors. Heavy Calendar. The criminal calendar of the district court promises to be somewhat heavier tins term than usual. There are between twenty-five and thirty jail cases awaitine investigation at the hands of the grand jury. It is probable that the total number or cases to be entered upon the calendar will be at least 100. -^ Gov. I. md Invited. A delegation frcm the Minneapolis Vol unteer Auxiliary association, headed by flavor Gray and ex-Mayor Pratt, was at the capitol yesterday afternoon for the purpose of asking Gov. Lind to make an address at the Thirteenth regiment ben efit entertainment next Tuesday night. Alleged Blind Plggers. John Lindquist and John Olson, al leged to have been selling liquor without a license at 4215 Lyndale avenue north, *-amden place, were arrested and re leased on bail. MINNEAPOLIS BREVITIES. The police have been notified that E. f • , Andres et left his boarding house Sat- Since then nothing has GRAIN-0 BRINGS RELIEF JViw^F 6 ? dr,nke , r - Co n*ee drinking Is a habit that is universally indulged in and almost as universally Injurious Have - you tried Grain-O? It Is' almost fike cof fee but the effects are just the opposite Coffee upsets the stomach, ruins the di gest on, affects the heart and disturbs the whole nervous system. Grain-O tones un the stomach, aids digestion and strength ens the nerves There ls nothing but nourishment ln Graln^O. It can't be oth erwise. 15 and 26c per package. WANT ADS FOR THE GLOBE May Be Left at Your Nearest Drug Store At the Same Rates as at the Publication Office. j _3 '_L AGENTS AND AGENCIES. SO Words or Less, SOc. BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION As sets, $850,000; largest, strongest, best Minnesota life company; wants capable agents; gives producers every assist ance. Address Douglas Putnam, Sec retary, St. Paul. OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE extending Its a_rency force wants capable men and women to_ travel and appoint agents. Sulury, $75 per month and expenses. Some for local work. Good opportunity for ambitious workers. Apply with ref erence. Butler & Alger, New Haven, Conn. SALESMEN for cigars; $125 month and expenses; old firm; experience , sary; Inducements to customers. C. C. \ Bishop & Co.. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED— Ladies and gentlemen to can vass; salary paid; no samples to carry. ViTlte to Q 102, Globe. HELP WANTED — MALES. SO Words or Less, SOc WANTED— Men to learn barber trade; two years saved; two months complete; 300 Positions to fill in May: splendid facilities; 60 chairs In constant opera tion; special finishing department; steady practice; expert instructions: tools presented; positions guaranteed; see class; room for 500 visitors; cata logue free. Moler Barber College, 223 Washington ay. south, Minneapolis. 100 RAILROAD LABORERS for Wal lula. Wash.; 200 men for Lavita, Col.; also 100 railroad laborers for Bonner's Ferry, Idaho; $2 per day; cheap rates to above points; also railroad laborers for Minnesota. lowa and Missouri; free fare; farm hands and dairy hands near the city. Call on A. H. Anderson, 179 East Third st. HELP WANTED — FEMALES. SO Words or Less, SOc BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, lady book keeper and stenographer: must be ex perienced. Arlington Bakery. 863-865 Payne ay. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for general housework; German or Scandi navian preferred; good wages. Apply 486 Rice St., or 89 Atwater st. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, young girl to assist in light housework. 777 Iglchart st. NURSE— Wanted, nurse girl. Clarendon hotel, room 10. WANTED— Cook and waitress in country hotel; good wages. Call this morn ing. Room 32, Hotel Northern. RELIEF SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT REGISTER. Office. 141 East Ninth St. Telephone 183. We can furnish men for janitor work, wood sawing and odd jobs. Women to sew, clean house, wash and care for the sick. Boys to do chores and run messages. COWS. SO Words or Less, SOc. FAMILY' AND DAIRY FRESH MILCH cows a specialty Lytle & Raeburn. cattle dealers, Union Stockyards, South St. Paul. Branch, Midway Market, 2161 University ay. BOARD OFFERED. SO Words or Less, lOe. BOARD— Good, wholesome table board, with room, for $4.00 per week; within five minutes' walk of postoflice. Call 568 Wabasha st. been heard of him. Andreset is 26 years of age. A telegram from Red Wing announces the death of Mrs. J. S. Brenneman, sister of Judge Robert Jamison and D. Jami son, of this city. A convention will be held at the Swed ish Tabernacle, beginning this evening, and continuing each evening to and in cluding Sunday. The funeral of Mrs. B. H. Timberlake took place yesterday morning from Oli vet Baptist church. The interment was at Hillside cemetery. Judge Lochrep is quite 111 with the grip. On account of this the March term of the United States court has been ad journed. A committee of several delegates from each of the Minneapolis and St. Paul camps of the order of Woodmen held a meeting yesterday afternoon ln the par lors of the Brunswick hotel to consider ways and means of promoting the inter ests of the order in the two cities. Paul Walet, the Minneapolis factory in spector under the labor bureau, has lo cated his office at 240 Temple Court. VICTIM IS BLIND. Unknown Woman I'ses Vitriol With Terrible Effect. ST. LOUIS, March 13.— The best men on the force of Maj. Desmond, chief of detectives, are engaged today in looking for an unknown woman, who called at the residence of Mrs. M. F. McVean, a widow, and threw vitriol in the latter's face, blinding her and causing burns* that may result fatally. Several weeks ago Mrs. McVean caused a sensation by appearing at police headquarters with, a box of candy which she said she had received through the mail. She charged a prominent young woman of this city with having sent It to her, because she was jealous of the attentions paid Mrs. McVean by a- well-known West End physician. Mrs. McVean is unconscious and blind; her family and physician will not per mit her to be seen. Before becoming unconscious Mrs. McVean told her sis ter. Miss Mollie McGraw, that a strange weman, whom she described, called her to the door, by ringing the bell, and threw the contents of a bottle into her face. No person other than Mrs. Mc- Yean saw the acid thrown, and no one saw the strange woman about the place. Dr. Boll's eongh Syrup cures sore throat. Don't delay when you are bothered with a sore throat. It may lead to bronchitis. This remedy is a sure cure. Price only 25c. Wan l strength, healtk, ton* development to ererr _F«/J CIE,R mK^/e&fs. overwork, worry, I Tfl All B the - o!lies of youth and ex* I ■II ALL B cesse3 ot manhood quickly | lifu 1 Appliance afid rem- , VIVI |_|_ M odies gent on trial. Ko Z*4r money in advance. Sealed particulars free. Corre pa ie IZm, . « . sPjradefice conadenOal, ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo. N.Y., I Subscriptions for Ramsey County Bonds. | | OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR. j]| « ST. Paul, Minnesota, March 7th, 1899. jj! R Subscriptions will be received until Aprfl 3. 1899, for eighteen !l! 5 thousand (18,000) dollars of the bonds of Ramsey county. Minnesota, 3 « to be issued in denominations of on. hundred (100) dollars to one !< » thousand (1.000) dollars to suit the subscriber, and to run for ten (10) lj' « years from date of issue, bearing interest at 3% per cent per annum, 8 « payable semi-annually at the office of the county treasurer of Ramsey ] ' » county, Minnesota, or at the financial agency of Ramsey county ln the Q Jji city of New York. (Ji Bonds wHI be dated May 1, 1899. No subscriptions will be received ft V for less than par and accrued interest; being computed from date of ii (, issue to date of delivery, both Included. , '!? » Right is reserved to reject any* and all subscriptions. Bids should '} C be marked 'Subscriptions for Ramsey County Bonds" and addressed to l ( ! » M. R. Johnson, county auditor, St. Paul. Minnesota. Preference will be ! ! » E '-T, ei l to SmaH bldderS ° f ° Ur own clUze «»- Bids for small amount. i C, will be awarded in the order filed. V THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1399 SITUATIONS WANTED — MALES. Anybody ont of work In St. Paul or Minneapolis may Insert an adver tisement under this beading: free of charge. ADS ON ANY SUBJECT written care fully, conscientiously and forcibly, by experienced ad writer. Address P O Box 412, city. BOOKKEEPER- Wanted, - situation by thorough bookkeeper; will accupt small salary; references. Address B 105, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Strong "young man wants work of any kind; best of ret'er enoes. Address W 102. Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, work of any kind by strong boy of 18, with rei'er ences. Address 731 Agate st. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, position, by young man in wholesale house on or before May 1. Address S V,, Gurman- American Bank. EMPLOYMENT— Young man wants work around some store or private family; well acquainted with city. Address 451 East Sixth. EMPLOYMENT— Boy of seventeen wants work of any kir.d; well acquainted with city; can furnish references; state wages and kind of work. Address F 107, Globe. EMPLOYMENT— Wanted, position by young man in wholesale store or office work of any kind. V 74, Globe. EMPLOYMENT — Competent man with six years' experience as salesman and bookkeeper; can furnish references and bond. Address N 108, Globe. EMPLOYMENT-Sober man. willing to do work of any kind; am caroenter by trade. Grand Block. Room 616. City. EMPLOYMENT— Young man of twenty one wants situation of any kind; can give A 1 reference. A 105, Globe. EMPLOYMENT _ by sober, industrious man on a farm; understands stock and dairying. O 107. Globe. MAN AND WIFE would like work In boarding house or private family; wife a first-class cook. W 101, Globe. WANTED— A position on a poultry or stock farm by a boy of 17, who has a desire to learn the business; good pen man. Address W. H. R., 409 Marshall ay., St. Paul. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES Anybody ont of vrorli in St. Paul or Minneapolis may insert an adver tisement under this beading- free of charge. A WOMAN living at home wants 3 or 4 hours' work each day. 642 Jackson st. CLERK— Young lady wishes position as clerk ln baksry or confectionery store, or assistant in baking; references. Ad dress H, Hanson, 933 Beech st. DRESSMAKER wants sewing InTamllles or to take home; will work reasonable. Call or address 315 East Seventh st., third floor. EMPLOYMENT-German girl wants po sition as cook in hotel or boarding house. 514 Bay st., near West Seventh. GIRL wants to work morning and even ing for board and room; can furnish r£> fer £? c f s; must be respectable place. G iQa, Globe. LAUNDRESS - First-class laundress would like rough dry washing to do at home; clothes called for and delivered Address Laundress, 451 East Sixth. NURSE— Competent nurse wishes position as nurse for walking children. Call 446 Minnesota st. NURSE— Girl would like work in a family as nurse or chambermaid; has had some experience. Address 279 Martin st. STENOGRAPHER-A young lady ste nographer, having four years' experi ence, desires a position; can furnish references. Address L 103. Globe. STENOGRAPHER-A young lady sten ographer desires a position; five years' experience. Address B 106, Globe. ' STENOGRAPHER-A young lady ste nographer desires piece work of any kind. Address C 105, Globe. SEWING GIRL would like sewing ln families; good cutter and fitter. Ad dress 279 Martin st. WASHING— Wanted, to take washing home, or go out. M. G., 219 East Four teenth st. WASHING— Woman would like to go out washing or cleaning, or take washing home. Address 242 Grove st. WASHING— German lady would like to take washing at home and to go out. Call or address 809 Mississippi st. FINANCIAL. 20 Words or Less, 20c. J*H -$10, $20, $30, $40,^50. 8100 TO LOAN *-w on furniture, pianos, household good* J~* etc.. without removal. Loans can ba FN paid in installment!, reducing cost £h accordingly. Promptness, privacy and *r lowest rales. Guaranty Loan Co.. 201 Manhattan Building. Robert and Fifth LOANS on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal from your resi dence; moderate rates; call and get rates; confidential; private offices. Min nesota Mortgage Loan Co., 317 Pioneer Press Building. MONEY' loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with reliable con cerns, upon their own names, without security; call and get our terms and plan of lending before closing loans elsewhere; easy payments; confidential. 31 1 Pioneer Press Building. MONEY LOANED on life policies; or 2. ol rfi] t - h\, F - Van Norman, Guaranty Building, Minneapolis. 5 AND 6 PER CENTMONEY to loan on Improved property In St. Paul and Min neapolis. V. C. Gilman, New York Life Building. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. 20 "Words or Less, SOc. AUCTION! AUCTION! Horses! Horses! Barrett & Zimmerman and H. A. Wins low have constantly on hand 500 heavy drafters, farm mares, carriage horses and mules. Auction every Wednesday. Private sales dally at their Midway Horse Market, Minnesota Transfer St Paul. SEVENTY-FIVE HEAD of the finest farm mares and chunks ln the North ■ west at G. W. Wentworth & Co.'s Stables, South St. Paul. WANTED-To buy wagons and harness, buggies and harness and all kinds of tools for cash. Address P 101, Globe. HOUSES FQR RENT. SO Words or Less, SOo. COTTAGE— For rent, 5-room cottage, 149 Martin St., with or without barn; reaa onable. See Smith, 345 Minnesota st. ROBERT It, "WARE A CO., Rental Aitency, 88 East Fourth Street, Globe Bldg., have for rent houses, flats, stores and offices. - — p — 1 ROOMS FOR 1 RENT. SO "Words or Less, lOe. ROOMS— At Hotel Fey, corner Cedar and Seventh; one block from all street car lines; two blocks from the theaters; fur nished rooms by day or week, with steam heat, bath, etc. Transient trade solicited. STORES FOR RENT. SO Words or Less, SOc. WANTED IMMEDIATELY DESIRABLE TENANTS FOR STORES in the NEW LIBRARY BUILDING. (Formerly the Market House.) Corner Wabasha and Seventh Sts. Premises arranged and Improved to suit all tenants. Rents reasonable. Leases for long or short terms given. Best location In town. Apply to tlie Board of Directors of the Public Li brary, or EDWARD FELDHAUSER. Room 105, Germania Life Bldg. SEWING MACHINES. SO Words or Less, SOc. SEWING MACHINES— For sale, all makes of sewing machines, from $3 up; machines sold on payments; fine repalr ing. 99 West Seventh st. BUSINESS PERSONALS. SO Words or Less, *tOc. VARICOCELE, SEXUAL WEAKNESS and all nervous arid private diseases cured. Call or address Room 206, Mer rill Building, St. Paul, Minn. Cases treated by mail. LOST AND FOUND. SO Words or Less, SOc. DOG LOST— A water spaniel puppy; answers to the name of Baby. Reward for Return to 447 St. Peter st.. Flat 1. LOST OR" STOLEN from 260 WesV Third St., March 5, 1899, one brindlo bull fe male dog. A liberal reward for her re turn to the above number, or any infor matlon as to her whereabouts. LOST, on Seventh and Robert or Eighth ' and Jackson, envelope containing pair of gloves, two handkerchiefs. Liberal reward if returned to .649 Portland. POCKETBOOK LOST —On interurban; please keep change and return the bal ance. 333 East Seventh, corner Pine. J!^g§j& MASSAGE. 2J|_^T^ij_ ~° Woro * or Less. :;Oe ANNA MACK, from Chicago; steam, tub, medicated baths; select massage; pro fessional operators; open day and night. 186 East Seventh st. MAGNETIC and massage treatment for ladies and gentlemen. 27 East Seventh St., suite 200; will treat you at your resi dence; new management. MRS. LEONIE— From Parts— Massage, Turkish, vapor, alcohol and perfumed baths; also electric treatment. Room 8, 165 East Seventh st. MRS. DR. DE LAlTTßE— Scientific mas saglst, medicated, vapor baths, mag netic treatment. 9 to 9 daily. 56 East Seventh st. SUPERIOR MEDICATED VAPOR and salt glow baths by Mrs. Sldnev, of 803 --ton. 108 East Seventh st.. Room 16. f MEDICAL. SO Words or Less, 30c. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills Brand), a r e the Best. Safe,' Reliable. Tike no other. Send 4c.. «__ps. For particular, '- IWlef *• **^t'.".'l!J; I!TTK JS,w y Upturn Mail. . At um^eu. Chichester Cheinlc&i Co.. PhihuU., !>_. IF YOU have a good medicine that has merit it will pay you big to have a small ad under this column. The cost is small, the returns large. Why not give it a trial? J V^^ CHIROPODISTS. [' _______^ a> * Wo "" d » » r Less, SOc. LOCKWOOD'S Good Luck Salve; best thing for sore feet; all druggists; estab lished sixteen years. INDEMNITY MITI.IL MARINE INSVRANCE COMPANY (LTD.). Principal office in the U. S., Chicago, 111. (Commenced business in the U. S. 1889.) Geo. I_ McCurdy, General Manager ln the United States. Attorney to ac cept service in Minnesota: Insurance Commissioner. Deposit capital, $200,000. INCOME IN 1898. Premiums other than perpetuals.ss76,B33.SO Rents and Interest 7,513.21 From home office 202,974. 7u Total income J757.321.81 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1898. Amount paid for losses $506,397.65 Commissions, brokerage, salaries and allowances to agents 54,581.43 Salaries of officers and employes. 12,397.06 Taxes and fees 7,070.66 All other disbursements, includ ing $208,514.49 remitted to home office 212,111.65 Total disbursements $792,558.43 Excess of disbursements over income $5,236.62 ASSETS DEC. 31, IS9B. Bonds \and stocks owned $215,000.00 Cash in office and in bank 167,246.13 Accrued Interest and rents 1,704.13 Premiums in course of collec tion 65,605.81 All other admitted assets 3,867.33 Total admitted assets $453,423.40 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unadjusted.slS7.46s.62 Losses resisted and disputed 35,105.00 Reinsurance reserve 46 571 33 All other liabilities 22750 23 Deposit capital 200,000.00 Total liabilities $491,892.18 Deficit *$38,468.78 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1898 BUSI NESS. Marine and inland risks writ ten during the year $103,809,346.00 Premiums received thereon... 685,282.10 Net amount in "force at end of the year $4,903,355.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN IS9B. " Fire Risks- Risks written j $6,014,756.00 Premiums received 19,517.00 Losses paid , 12,490 00 Losses incurred ...jks 12,490.00 •A special deposit of $40,000.00 made with the Central Trust Company, of New York, to make good.;, the impairment of capital stock, February* 27th, 1899. State of Minnesota, Department of Insurance. ... M St. Paul, March 8, 1899. I, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota, do here by certify that the Indemnity Mutual Marine Insurance Company (Ltd.), above named, has complied with the laws of this State relating to insurance, and ls P,°_ f ully empowered, through its au thorized agents, to transact its appro priate business of Marine and Inland In surance ln this State for the year end ing January 31st, 1900 J- A. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Insurance Commissioner. BUSINESS CHANCES. SO "Words or Less, SOc. A BUSINESS CHANCE— Good $2 day ho tel doing successful business; county seat; 6,000 population; only hotel; 111 health cause of selling. Write for par tlculars, B 103, Globe. CIGAR STORIO FOR SALE— One that has always made money. Good location; fixtures as fine as any in the city and well stocked. Inquire of Dennis & Co., 5 Globe Building. FOR SALE— Boarding house, with sleep ing accommodations for fifty people, at Nlckerson, Minn., on Eastern Minnesota railway line. This is the best lumber ing district in the state. Reason for selling, leaving country. For terms and particulars apply John Wright, Ntcker son. Minn. FOR SALE— Stock of drugs and drug sundries: all new goods; invoice $2,000; very low rent. Address Lock Box No. 6, Hayward, Wis. HAVE YOU STOCK GOODS (any kind) you wish exchanged quickly, without publicity? Write "WILDE," 512 Man hattan block. St. Paul. WILL PAY SPOT~CASH for aT stock of shoes, dry goods, clothing or general merchandise; fixtures or location not wanted. All correspondence confiden tial; no fake stocks wanted; we mean business. Write, giving full particulars. -R. E. Cline & Co., Ashland.* Wis. MISCELLANEOUS. SO "Words or Less, SOc. LADIES, clean your kid gloves with Mil ler s Glovine; for sale only by Mann helmer Bros., sole agents for the cele brated Victor Pique, Perrin's and Rey nler Paris kid gloves, and the best dol lar glove- in America. INDIANA MILLERS' MUTUAL FIRE IXSIRAM'E COMPANY. Home office. Indianapolis, Ind. Organ zed In ISB9. M. S. Bllsh, President E E Perry. Secretary. Attorney to accept service In Minnesota, Insurance Com missioner. Permanent fund, none. INCOME IN 1898. Premiums other than from as sessments $16 567 22 Assessments against contln gent liability 60 332 84 Rents and interest 4!524.96 Total income $81,425.02 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1898. Amount paid for losses $27 094 57 Return premiums and other profits to policy holders.... 13 172 24 Salaries of officers and employes 7,025.00 Taxes and fees 1 629 46 All other disbursements 7,2(K>!79 Total disbursements $56,022.06 Excess of Income over dis bursements $25,402.96 ASSETS DEC. 31. 1898. Mortgage loans $29,050.00 Collateral loans 6,319 06 Bonds and stocks owned 58*571 90 Cash In office and in bank 6490 76 Accrued interest and rents.. l •>-•> 15 Premiums in course of col lection 131 25 All other admitted assets 189]8S Total admitted assets $102,025.00 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unadjust ed $7,000.00 Reinsurance reserve 22.923 35 Total liabilities $29,101.65 Net surplus $72,101.65 RISKS AND PREMIUMS 189S, BUSI NESS. Fire risks written during the y ea r .-••••• • '....$1,005,900.00 Premiums received thereon 16,594.33 Net amount in force at end of the year 52,765.025.03 BUSINESS DONE IN MINNESOTA IN 1898. Fire Risks- Risks -written $95 500 Premiums received !!!!!!.' 492S Losses paid V.V.V. 7 212 Losses incurred V.V.V. 14212 Amount at risk V.V.V. 204000 State of Minnesota, Department of Insurance St. Paul, March 11, 1899. I, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota do hereby certify that the Indiana Miners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, above named, has complied with the ' laws of this state relating to insurance, and is now fully empowered, through its author ized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Fire Insurance in this State for the year ending January 31st, 1900 J. A. O'SI-IAUGHNESSY, Insurance Commissioner. MILLERS' NATIONAL INSIKANCE COMPANY. Principal Office, Chicago, 111. (Organ ized in 1869.) C. H. Seybt, President. \V. L. Barnum. Secretary. Attorney to Ac cept Service in Minnesota, Insurance Commissioner. Cash capital, $200,000. INCOME IN 1898. Premiums other than perpetu als $65,551.91 Rents and interest 24,642.34 Assessments on deposit notes. 171,775.17 Total Income $261,969.42 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1898. Amount paid for losses $145,436.66 Commissions, brokerage, sal aries and allowances to agents 6,243.13 Salaries of officers and em ployes 39.540.84 Taxes and fees 2,509.51 All other disbursements 20,765.54 Total disbursements $214,495. 6S Excess of Income over dls busements $47,473.74 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1898. Mortgage loans $47,205.00 Collateral loans 15,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned 575.671.50 Cash in office and in bank 34,061.25 Accrued interest and rents... 9,999.94 Premiums in course of collec tion 5,080.44 Deposit notes, net value 1,721,909.44 Total admitted assets $2.405.927.57 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unad justed $26,849.23 Losses resisted and disputed. 5.422.63 Reinsurance reserve 93.009.57 Capital stock paid up 200,000.00 Total liabilities, including capital $325,281.43 Net surplus $2,083,646.14 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1898 BUSI NESS. Fire risks written during the year $8,351,963.00 Premiums received thereon.. 124,658.41 Net amount in force at end of the year $15,394.560.58 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1898. Fire Risks- Risks written $822,175.00 Premiums received 23,633:00 Losses paid 14,855.00 Losses incurred : 24,855.00 State of Minnesota, Department of Insurance, St. Paul, March 13. 1899. I, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the Millers' National Insurance Company, above named, has complied with the laws of this State re lating to insurance, and Is now fully em powered, through its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Fire Insurance in this State for the year ending January 31st, 1900. J. A. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Insurance Commissioner. 1 MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (LTD.). Principal Office in the United States, New York. N. Y. (Commenced Business in the United States 1884.) Chubb & Son, General Managers ln the United States. Attorney to Accept Service In Minnesota, Insurance Commissioner. Deposit Cap ital, $300,000. INCOME IN 1898. Premiums other than perpet r , ua } s $362,095.27 Rents and interest 10,424.92 Total Income $373,120.19 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1898. Amount paid for losses $156,726.61 Amount returned to home of fl, c ® • 144,919.91 All other disbursements 12.772.40 Total disbursements $356,267.87 Excess of income over dis bursements $16,852.32 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1898. Bonds and stocks owned $515.283 00 Cash ln office and in bank.... 22 751 27 Premiums ln course of col lection 55 232 77 All other admitted assets..... 35,548.87 Total admitted assets $628,815.91 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unad- JV Sted $47,080.00 Reinsurance reserve 4179100 Commissions and brokerage. 17 219 11 All other liabilities 450000 Deposit capital 300,000.00 Total liabilities $410,590.47 Nst surplus $218,225.44 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1898 BUSI NESS. Marine and inland risks writ ten during the year $468,070,610.00 Premiums received thereon.. 509,905.99 Net amount in force at end of the year $41,789,171.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1898. Inland — Risks written ..........: $176,2:15.00 Premiums received 581 00 Losses paid * 133200 Amount at risk 8,811.00 State of Minnesota, Department of insurance _ .. St. Paul, March 7, 1599. I, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota, do here by certify that the Marine Insurance Company, above named, has complied with the laws of this State relating to Insurance, and is now fully empowered through its authorized agents, to trans act its appropriate business of Inland Insurance in this State for the year end ing January 31st, 1800. J- A. O'SHAUGHNESSY, Insurance Commissioner. Notice of Assigrnee Sale. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. | District Court, Second. Judicial District i In the Matter"-** the Assignment of the Pro vident Trust Company, Insolvent. | -Notice is hereby given, that I, as Assignee ln the above entitled insolvency proceedings will offer for sale and sell, subject to the' confirmation of said Court, to the highest bidder, for cash, at 10:00 a. ni. on Wednesday the sth day of April, A. D. 1599, at the Alle mannla bank, corner of Third and Robert streets, St. Paul, Minnesota, all the interest of said insolvent in this property scheduled by it as assets in these proceedings; that said as sets will be sold in parcels, and consist of Ij7 shares of the capital stock of the North St. Paul Cottage company. 160 shares of the capital stock of the North I St. Paul Casket company. 1,412 shares of the capital stock of the Rain bow Falls Land company. 2 shares of the capital stock of the Doer flinger Book and Stationery Company. 53 shares of the capital stock of the Na tional Plate Glass Company. 2 shares of the capital stock of the Hauser & Sons Malting Company. Account receivable, due from the North western Security Investment Company, of Note of Mrs. Henry Pitz for $8.50, due three months after its date, Feb. 11, 1897, secured by $40.00 face value of Allemannia Bank re organization certificates. 5 Allemannia Bank reorganization certifi cates, amounting to $155.17. Tax certificates for 1593, on property subject to the mortgage of $50,000.00, hereinafter re ferred to, amounting to $216.61. Tax certificates for the year 1894, on prop erty subject to the $50,000.0u mortgage, here inafter referred to, amounting to $206.38. 80 First Mortgage Bonds of the North St. Paul Land Company, for $1,000.00 each form ing a part. of a total issue of $159,000.00. se cured by first mortgage given by the North St. Paul Land Company to the St. Paul Trust Company, Trustee, covering certain lands in North St. Paul, Minnesota, and recorded in the Ramsey County, Minnesota, Register of - Deeds" Offic-.\ in Book 242 of Mortgages, page ; 1, dated April 1, 1889, due April 1, 18S9, with ; interest at 6 per cent per annum, together j with the interest coupons thereto belonging, i for the interest accruing after October 1, 1896. 4 notes of Anna C Bronsky and Maria Meade for $500.00 each, bearing date March 21, 1890, and payable on or before 2, 3, 4 and E years after their date, respectively, with in terest at 8 per cent., to the order of William G. Ward, and secured by mortgage on lots 1 to 30 inclusive, in block 7. of Bowlin's Addi tion to St. Paul, .Minnesota. Note of Local Investment Company for $1,500.00, dated October 2, 1896, payable to the order of Fred N. Dickson five years after date, with interest at 6 per cent, secured by mortgage upon the following lands in Barrrfn j County, Wisconsin, to-wit: E. »_ of N. E. "4 ! of section 20, township 34, range 14; also E. j _ of N. W. Vi of section 9, township 32, range I 13; also W. V 2 of N. E. Vi and N. E. Vi of N i W. _ and N. W. _ of S. E. _, all of section 29, township 34, range 10; also N. W. _ of section 4 and the S. E. Vi of N. E. Vi of sec tion 5, all in township 33, range 10. 5 notes of Julius H. C. Trieloflt, dated De cember 17, 1895, one for $100.00, due August 10, 1896; one for $100.00, due August 10. 1897: one ! for $100.00. due August 10. 1898; one for $100.00 j due August 10. 1899; one for $600.00, due Au gust 10, 1900; all payable to the order of the Northwestern Security Investment Company, with interest at 7 per cent per annum, and secured by mortgage on lots 1, 2. 8, 10 11 and 12, In Block 33, of the Village of Carver, Car ver County, Minnesota. Note of the Local Investment Company to Fred N. Dickson for $3,600.00, dated July II 1596. due July 11, 1901, with interest at G per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, se cured by mortgage on the N. E. Vi of sec tion 10, township 121, range 10, and the W. "_ of N. W. "4. section 2, township 120, range 39: and S. W. Vi of section 10, township 120. range 38, being in Swift County, Minnesota. Note of the Local Investment Company to F. N. Dickson for $8,000.00, dated July 11, 1896, due July 11, 1901, with 6 per cent inter est, payable semi-annually, and secured by mortgage on certain property situate in Da- ' kota County, Minnesota, which was recorded ! in the Register of Deeds' Office of Dakota County. -Minnesota, in Book SI of Mortgages. 28 to 31. Two notes of the Northwestern Security In vestment Company for $5,000.00 each, to the Provident Trust Company, dated January 20, 1897, and due in one and two years, respect ively, from their date, with 8 per cent inter est, secured by a mortgage upon certain prop erty in North St. Paul, Minnesota, and which was recorded in said Ramsey County Regis ter of Deeds' office in Book 305 of Mortgages 256 to 261. Note of the Local Investment Company to Fred N. Dickson for $17,500.00. dated July 11 1896, due July IT, 1901, with 6 per cent inter est, payable semi-annually, secured by mort gage upon certain property situate in Ramsey County, recorded in said Ramsev County Reg ister of Deeds' Office iv Book 302 of " Mort gages, 561. 5 notes made by the Capital City Real Es tate Improvement Company of $10,000.00 each, ' to E. A. Hendrickson, payable on or before 10 years after their date of August 7. IS9O, with interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-an nually, on which there is now due $47,500.00, with interest from Feb. 7, 1892: and which notes are secured by a mortgage upon certain property in Ramsey County, Minnesota, which 1b recorded in said Ramsey County Register of Deeds' Office, ln Book 174 of Mortgages, 109. That a copy of said schedule of assets may be examined at any time during business hours, before said sale, at his office at said Allemannia Bank, and at the office of his attorneys herein. Messrs. Nelson & Bramhall 508 New York Life Building, St. Paul Min nesota. That neither the title, condition or interest of said insolvent in any of said assets will be guaranteed by the Assignee at said snle, but the interest of said insolvent therein will be 6old for cash; each purchaser being then and there required to deposit with the As signee ten per cent (10) of the purchase price bid by* him, and to pay the balance cf said purchase price immcdHuely after the confir mation by the Court of the sale made to him. In default of doing which, said deposit will be forfeited and retained as liquidated dam ages; but if said sale be not confirmed, that said deposit will then be returned to him. That he will make report of said sale to said Court and ask for the confirmation thereof at the special term thereof to be held in said St. Paul on Saturday, April Bth, 1599. Dated March 6, 1899. EDWARD VANISH. Assignee Nelson & Bramhall, Assignee's Attorneys, MANUFACTURERS A\D MER CHANTS' MITIAIi FIRE INS" |f- AJICE COMPANY. In*ißfri^ Bf„ Cc - & OC £ f ? rd - In ' (Organized W <Q£*¥L W ,- Prlce ' Resident. Geo. . £ r,e ' Secretary.' Attorney to Ac cept Service in Mlnnesotl Insurance Commissioner. Permanent Fund, None INCOME IN 1898. Premiums other than from as sessments Jofl9R7Q_ Rents and interest ...YYYYY i.m'.W Total Income $70, 758.71 "disbursements IN 1899. Amount paid for losses $oi 341 28 Return premiums and other profits to policy holders 6 266 17 Commissions, brokerage, sal aries and allowances to agents 8 790 37 Salaries of officers anil em ployes 7070 00 taxes and fees 1)44 07 All other disbursements .' 4[soy!t» Total disbursements $84,730.54 Excess of disbursements over l"come $14,141.80 ASSETS DEC. 31, 189 S. CpUateral loans $26,570.00 eonas and stocks owned 10 000 00 Cash in office and in bank 9.14353 Accrued Interest and rents "J i BO 57 1 remiums in course of collec tion 9 278 30 All other admitted asseia YY.Y.Y. 1,236.26 Total admitted assets $59,408.65 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unadjust ed $12,381.54 Reinsurance reserve 33 430 S9 All other liabilities '420JJ0 Total liabilities $46,232.43 Net surplus $13,176. 22 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, IS9B BUSI NESS. Fire risks written during the >' ear $3,304,573.00 Premiums received thereon ... 87,4-16.00 Net amount in force at end of the y«ar $2,263,623.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1898. Fire Risks- Risks written $74,840.00 Premiums received 5,832.00 Losses paid "2,657.00 Losses incurred 5,088.00 Amount at risk 237,340.00 State of Minnesota, Department of Insurance, St. Paul, March 11 US9. I, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the Manufacturers and Merchants' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, above named, has complied with the laws of this state relating to in surance, and is now fully empowered, through Its authorized agents, to trans act its appropriate business of Fire In surance ln this State for the year end ing January 31st. 1900. J. A. O'SHAUGHNESSY, * Insurance Commissioner. UNION MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (LTD.). Principal office in the U. S., New York. (Commenced business in the U. S. 1S80." Jones & Whitlock, General Managers in the United States. Attorney to accept service in Minnesota: Insurance Commls : sioner. Deposit capital, $o!'\sCo. INCOME IN 1808. Premiums other than perpetua!".32s.42 I Rents and interest 17,978. 53 j Profit on ledger assets over book values 11. 3.1 1. '"j From home office 46,288.38 Total income $367,326.47 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1898. Amount paid lor losses $105,055.05 Amount returned to home office. 107,451.01 Commissions, brokerage, salaries and allowances to agents 29,788.30 | Taxes and fees 6.238. 1t : All other disbursements 19,143. Total disbursements $268,315.57 I Excess of disbursements over income ja ASSETS DEC. 31, 1838. ~ Bonds and stocks owned $566,901.97 Cash in office anil in bunk r,7s.'ji Premiums in course of collec tion 24,313.76 Total admitted assets $691,827.33 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unadjusted. $36,303.43 Losses resisted and disputed 8,687.05 I Reinsurance reserve 35,289.78 Deposit capital 398,500.00 Total liabilities $47* Net surplus $113,017.07 RISKS AND PREMIUMS. IMS BUSI NESS. I Marine and inland risks writ ten during the year $52,622,952.00 j Premiums received thereon .. 330, 170.52 Net amount ln force at end of the year $2.619.072. 00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1308. Inland— ] Risks written $619.366. 00 | Premiums received 1,510.00 i Losses paid 1.334.00 I Losses incurred 1,334.00 State of Minnesota. Department of Insurance. St. Paul. March 10, 1899. T, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota, do here by certify that the Union Marine Ir.sur- I ance Company (Ltd.), above named, has J complied with the laws of this State re : lating to insurance, and is now fully em powered, through its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of .Marine and Inland Insurance in this State for the year ending January 3!st, ISOO. J. A. O'SHAUGHNESSY. Insurance Commissioner. SEA INS! "RANCK COMPACT. Principal office in the U. S.. New York, N. Y. (Commenced business in the U. S. in 1888.) Chubb & Son. General Managers in the United States. Attorney to accept service in Minnesota: Insurance Cora missionet. Deposit capital, $200,000. INCOME IN 1898. Premiums other than perpetua!s.s3SS.ool .27 ; Rents and interest 11. :?>.,■) From home office 60,052. 4 i Total income $463,621.38 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1898. j Amount paid for losses .$286,718.27 Commissions,' brokerage, salaries and allowances to agents 55, 104. 50 Taxes and fees 10,360.36 All other disbursements 14,155.74 Total disbursements $366,338.8$ Excess of income over disburse ments $87,286.46 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1898. ~ Bunds and stocks owned $411,848.36 Cash in office r.nd in bank 33,927.03 Premiums in course of collec tion 83,113. 0S All other admitted assets, due for reinsurance 65,664.71 Total admitted assets $694,553.33 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted and unadjusted. $62,105.06 Reinsurance reserve 56,111.6.) Deposit capital 200,000.00 AH other liabilities 49,433. Sj Total liabilities $368,460.49 Net surplus $226,092.82 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, IS9B BUSI NESS. Marine and inland risks writ ten during the year $124,036,796.68 Premiums received thereon... 688,072.00 Net amount in force at end of tho year $10,350,001.00 No business ln Minnesota in 1898. State of Minnesota. Departmtnt of Insurance. St. Paul, March 7. 1899. I, the undersigned Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the Sea Insurance Company, above named, has complied with the laws of this State relating to insurance, and is now fully empowerea, through Its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Inland Insur ance in this State for the year ending January 31st, HOO. J. A. O'SHAUGHNESSY. , insurance Commissioner. 7