One of the Annual Custom* of the
Board In to Be Put a Stop to—
Special Meetings of the Board
Called lo Dlmcuiui Needed Reforms
Retrenchment In Expenditures
Must Be Made.
A special meeting of the state board of
health has been called by Gov. Llnd, to
bring about a belter understanding be
tween the governor and the board regard
ing the latter's method of bookkeeping;.
The report of a recent investigation of
the accounts of the board by Bank Ex
aminer Pope has bi-en placed in the hands
of the governor, and the board will be
called upon to make an explanation of \
certain extravagant expenditures, which |
appear as a matter of record.
All the funds of the board pass through
the secretary, Dr. H. M. Bracken, who
was recently requested to turn over all
money in his possession to the state treas
ury. In the past it has been the custom
of the secretary to keep on hand moneys
paid the board for services instead of
turning them over to the state treasurer.
Tho request did not meet with the favor
of the secretary, and It was not until Dr.
Bracken had written several, ill-natured
letters to the public examiner that he ac
ceded to the request.
The report arranged by Gen. Pope from
tho books of the auditor covers a perloJ
of several years, and shows a deficit at
tho conclusion of each year— that Is, the
account of the board with the state had
been overdrawn a couple thousand dol
lars. This custom of overdrawing ac
counts with the state is one which Gov.
Lind is thoroughly Investigating, and a
similar report has been prepared by the j
bank examiner upon every other state j
board and institution in the state.
Dr. Bracken was the last of all the ac
counting officers to comply with the re
quest of the bank examiner for certain
Information and an accounting as to
funds on hand. It was at the instance of
Gov. Lind that Gen. Pope made a request
for the desired information.
Of all the state boards it is said that
none has on its pay roll as many high-
Balaried officials as the board of health.
The charge has been made that the board
is most extravagantly run. and seems to
be substantiated by the monthly expense.
In the statement of last month's ex
penditures an item of $25 paid for drafting
a legislative bill appears. Another bill
appears which has been disallowed by
State Auditor Dunn, for $316 rendered by
the Pioneer Press company for publishing
a part of the annual report of the secre
tary. The report should have been
printed out of the general printing fund,
but owing to the shortage the secretary
was notified that It would not be printed.
In the face of this a portion of the re
port was printed and the expense charged
up to the general appropriation, helping
to make the deficiency. At present the
timount to the credit of the board will not
pay expenses until the end of the fiscal
year, July 31. Unless there is a decided
retrenchment the board will have to sus
pend business for a while next summer,
ns no overdrawn accounts will go with
the state auditor.
Another item of expense which appears
In the expense statement Is that of $100
per month for a man to test samples of
•water submitted to the board, properly
tlhe work of those In charge of the bac-
Capt. Cook Soon Followed His
Wife to the Grave.
Capt. Alonzo Cook died yesterday af
ternoon at his home, 33 College avenue,
after an illness of three days.
Capt. Cook had two brothers and two
Bisters, who are still alive. J. B. Cook,
of St. Paul; Mrs. Mary Ives, of Detroit;
Myron B. Cook, of Peoria, and Mrs. Arch
ibald Warren, of Owatonna, Minn. Two
children survive, John K. Cook and Mrs.
Harriet A. Smith, of St. Paul.
The funeral will take place from the
fumily home Monday afternoon.
Capt. Cook- was born in Cayuga coun
ty, New York, Oct. 10, 1825, and came to
St. Paul in 1856. He went up the river
and built the town of Champlain, oppo
site Anoka, and lived there until 1860,
■when he went into the steamboat busi
ness on the Mississippi river. At one
time he lived in a house at the site of
the Davidson building, Fourth and Jack
son. At one time he managed the Moffat
hmis-e, and later changed it to the War
ren house, after his brother-in-law, who
lived at Owatonna.
""Better the Feet Slip
Than the Tongue/
Slips of any kind are to
be deplored, but there is one
slip Nature never forgives.
It is the carelessness of ig
noring the signal that the
body is in danger of wreck.
It may be that the kidneys
or the stomach or the head
gives the warning sign. But
remember, the blood feeds
every organ of the body*
Make no slip, but first tone up the
system through the blood, and health
will surely follow. Hood's Sarsaparilla
is the best preparation man has de
vised to make pure, life-giving blood.
It never disappoints.
WeakneßH— "I bless the day I heard
of Hood's Sarsaparilla as it cured me of
extreme weakness after grip, built my
husband up after pneumonia, cured ec
zema and blood poisoning in our chil
dren." Mrs. M. A. Dilworth, Box 4,
Embreevllle, Pa.
Rheumatism— "A few bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla entirely cured my
sufferings from rheumatism. Later on it
stopped dyspepsia from which I suffered
intensely. I can eat anything now." Wm.
A. Buckley, 344 Summer Street, East Bos
ton, Mass.
Catarrh— "Many years suffering from
catarrh makes me appreciate Hood's
Sarsaparilla which cured me; also of
indigestion and kidney trouble. It gave
me strength and good appetite." Mrs.
O. J. Phillips, Pontalc, Mich.
Liver and Kidney*— "My mother was
very sick with congestion of the liver and
kidney trouble. Nothing helped her until
we got Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
showed its effects with first dose. She is
well and hearty." Mrs. D. A. Stone,
Wlnthrop, Me.
Sick Headache— "For years I tried
different medicines for my sick head
aches. Found no relief until I used
Hood s Sarsaparilla. It is marvelous in
s\ S re% U t i ; e Dunk r irk He N nry Y Milleri Le ° nard
s™£ m n <ism ~" F , lye bottles of Hood's
& a^rn%nri^a^ y now n d^ry a o°w r ?;
Bood'uPlUt core liver I1U; the non-lrriteflnTJMd
oujy cathartic to tote urita Hoodi Sar»aparlU^
No Date Set for the Board of Public
Works to Get Together.
The deadlock in the board of public
works is still on and no attempt was
made yesterday to break It; no one about
the city hall is able to predict with any
degree of certainty when it will be
broken, and the members of the board
themselves are not giving out any hope
of such a consummation.
Important business has been postponed
until tomorrow, and the chances are that
it will have to be continued again to some
future time. Mr. Sandell said yesterday
that he was prepared to vote for W. L.
Wilson for city engineer, and Mr. Mabon
would be pleased tc see Mr. Rundlett re
main in the position.
The two new members, Messrs. Ames
and Pottgieser, will not indicate their
choice, which is considered an indica
tion that the mayor has not made up
their minds yet. They have said that
the mayor desires to offer the position
to his choice, then send the name to the
board and have It approved; as things
now stan dhe cannot offer any one the
position with the certainty that he will
ba appointed, and, if the mayor intends
sticking for the big show, there will be
no new city engineer before next March.
Oscar Clausen is the latest person
named for the office, but it looks as if
Oscar would have to go get a reputation
as a good waiter before he will be quali
fied to wait for the engineership.
adminisiratoFgembe is out
Action Said to Be Due to the Con
dition of the Helm John L.
Wagner Appointed tiuardian of
the Children.
Probate Judge Bazille yesterday ac
cepted the resignation of Francis C.
Gembe as administrator of the estate of
Francis H. Gembe, deceased, and granted
a petition for the appointment of a guar
dian for John A. Gembe, Mary Gembe
and Albert Gembe, minor children of
Mrs. Lena Gembe. John L. Wagner was
named as guardian.
Mrs. Gembe and her children are heirs
to the estate, which consists of over $20,
--000 in real and personal property. Gembe,
who Is a son of Francis M. Gembe by a
former marriage, has had the custody of
the property, while Mrs. Gembe and her
three small children are said to have
been In destitute circumstances at their
home, at 561 Pine street, and dependent
on the charity of the neighbors for fuel.
The administrator was brought into
court on an order to show cause why the
necessities of the widow had not been
relieved, and why he had failed to pay a
monthly allowance of $35, ordered by the
court in 1894.
He filed an accounting on the order of
the court, and yesterday resigned the ad
ministratorship. The petition for the ap
pointment of a guardian was filed by
Gebhard Willrich, as attorney for Mrs.
Gembe, to protect the rights of the chil
dren in the estate.
The hearing on the accounting was set
for March 27, and then the court may or
der the sale of a part of the real estate
for the benefit of Mrs. Gembe and the
children, whose necessities were origi
nally brought to the attention of the
court by Humane Agent Moak.
Gov. Mini Ma>- Be Aaked to Veto
Salary Repeal Bill.
The passage of H. F. 500, repealing the
Renvllle county salary law, has caused
a general expression of indignation from
the Renville county people, from the fact
that the bill was put through by Repub
lican legislators who had gone on record
as being opposed to any change in the
county salary law. The proposition was
one of the hot local issues at the last
election. The Democrats claim their
convention went on record as favoring
the present system of paying the sal
aries of county officials. Ac few days
later a circular was issued, signed by
every Republican on the ticket, supple
mented with big headlines, "A Lie Nailed;
Warning to Voters; Reply to Democratic
Roorback," asserting that the statement
that the Republicans were in favor of
repealing the law was false and of Dem
ocratic origin. The circular. In flaming
type, put the entire Republican county
ticket on record as being in favor of al
lowing the law to stand.
The bill was passed a few days ago by
both Jiouses, and was fostered by Repre
sentative Peterson.
Bad faith is being charged of the Re
publican delegation from the district,
and even the Republicans are thoroughly
disgusted with the breach of faith on the
part of Mr. Peterson.
There is a strong probability that Gov.
Lind will veto the bill. A delegation is
expected from Renvllle Monday after
noon to present the facts to the governor
as they exist.
Frederick Blanck Die* at the Mc-
Millan Packing House.
m Frederick Blanek, a butcher at the
packing house of McMillan & Co., on the
upper levee, dropped dead at his work
yesterday afternoon. Heart failure Is
supposed to have been the cause.
Blanek was a German and lived with
his wife and three children, the oldest
seven years, at 538 Charles street. He
has been a resident of the city for fifteen
He was employed as a butcher by the
racking company and had a killing pen
on the upper floor, where he struck the
pigs with a hammer and then bled them
with his knife before they are transferred
to the r6oms below. He was alone at the
time of his death and some of his fellow
workmen, noticing that there was no
further squealing from the killing pen,
went to see what was the matter. Blanek
lay dead on the floor.
The body was taken to the county
morgue in the ambulance and is held for
burial there. A post mortem will be held
Blanek was a member of the Sons of
Spark Ignited Curtains, but Einil
Onet Put It Out.
Emlle Onet, the well known vocal In
structor, was severely burned last Fri
day night in an effort to extinguish a
blaze in his apartments at the Albion.
A nurse In attendance upon Mrs. Onet
struck a match to light a lamp and ac
cidentally a spark of burning sulphur
dropped on some draperies. In a minute
tho soft curtains were all in a blaze. Mr.
Onet was called and upon entering the
room at once grasped the burning dra
peries and attempted to smother the
blaze with his hands. He was success
ful, but was severely burned before the
blaze was extinguished.
Police at Work on the Weber or
Thomas Snlctde.
Detective Campbell yesterday received
word from Hanan & Co., of Brooklyn, to
whom he wrote for information as to
where the shoes worn by the suicide, sup
pesed to be T. J. Weber or T. Thomas,
were bought, received an answer yester
day telling him that the shoes mentioned
were apart of a lot sent to the firm of
L. V. Bockius & Co., ©anton, O. Word
has also been received from the Stein &
Bloch Co., of Rochester, N. V., concern
ing the overcoat belonging to the sui
cide, but they -were unable to give any
information of value, without additional
The ;boajj 6f the suicide was burled in
Forest cemetery Friday;
They Are to B« Carefully Looked
Into, and Some One's Head May
Drop Into the Basket Before the
Pnblle Examiner la Done With
the Matter Gov. Llnd Gave the
Board a Hint.
Public Examiner Pope yesterday re
ceived the following communication from
A. E. Willard, secretary of the Minne
sota state training school for boys and
"At a special meeting of the board of
j managers of the Minnesota state train
ing school, held March 16, 1599, the fol
lowing resolution was unanimously
adopted :
"Whereas certain complaints in re
gard to the marnigement of the Minne
sota state training school for boys and
girls have come to the knowledge of this
board. Therefore, be it
"Resolved, That we earnestly request
>lon. E. M. Pope, public examiner of the
state to make, at an early date, a spe
cial and thorough investigation and ex
amination of all departments of this
institution, covering the general work of
the school, its financial management,
prices paid for supplies, salaries paid
and everything in connection therewith
and submit a full detailed report of the
result of such examinations to his
excellency, Gov. Lind."
It was reported a few days ago that
certain officials had been getting a "rake
off" from contracts for giving preference
in purchasing supplies for the school.
Gov. Lind was advised of the matter
fully a month before the facts were stat
ed in The Globe, and after an investi
gation expressed himself in no uncertain
terms about the matter He told the of
ficials of the school tnat if they were
right prompt they could invite the bank
examiner in, and save him the trouble
of doing it. The board acted promptly
upon the governor's suggestion, with the
result given above.
Nevr I'nlted State* Manhal and His
Force IU-Rii: Their Work.
United States Marshal Grimshaw took
his oath of office yesterday and the new
office force spent the day in becoming
acquainted with the details of the office
work. In an interview Mr. Grimshaw
My St. Paul force will consist of four
deputies— Stephen J. Picha, of St. Paul;
Timothy J. Sheehan, of St. Paul; C. A.
Nimocks, of Minneapolis, and a male ste
nographer not yet selected.
Mr. Picha comes highly recommended,
and along with his tine clerical abilities
he brings youth and vigor to the office.
He will occupy the place so ably filled
by J. M. Redding, and will be known as
the general office man. In my absence
he will answer all questions.
Mr. Sheehan will continue to act as
heretofore. He has been in the office so
long that his services are rather essen
tial to any newly appointed marshal. Ha
enjoys an extended acquaintance and
is generally well liked. His knowledge of
proceedings will be of great value to me.
I have raised hiß salary and he will act
as an all around deputy throughout the
C. A. Nimocks, of Minneapolis, stands
second to no man in the Northwest as an
expert accountant; as an addition to the
force he is certainly a great acquisition.
He can unravel anything, no matter how
complicated in the line of bookkeeping.
He will help Mr. Picha in the office and
assist Mr. Sheehan In the field. I wish
it distinctly understood that I have no
first deputy. They all draw the same
salary and are equal in rank, In regard
to the field deputies, I have not had time
to consider them individually. I have re
quested them all to continue in the serv
ice until they are reappointed or suspend
ed by me. The public good requires delib
eration in each case before any change
is made.
I wish to add that it will be my am.
bition to extend the same courtesy lo my
successor that Richard T. O'Connor has
shown to me. In fact, the retiring force
have all taken great pains to make my
entrance into this office agreeable and
pleasant, and have instructed my depu
ties as much as possible in the ditties of
the office.
T. J. Monahan, the deputy at Duluth,
was tendered a reappolntment, but re
fused. His successor has not yet been
decided upon.
Centervllle Man Who Disappeared
Three Weeks Ago.
J. Lanouette, of Centerville, called at
the central police station last evening
for information regarding his brother,
George N. Lanouette, who left his home
in Centerville three weeks ago, intending
to come to St. Paul. He was seen in
this city a week ago, but since then his
relatives have been unable to find any
trace of him. He is thought to be a vic
tim of mental aberation, induced by
family troubles.
For several weeks previous to his leav
ing his home, he manifested signs of se
rious mental trouble, and his actions were
unusual and strange. This has led his
family to fear that he may have taken
his own life. Mr. Lanouette visited the
county morgue and viewed the bodies
the;t>, but stated that he found none re
sembling his brother. The missing man
was well known to the brickmakers of
the city, and is described as five feet
seven in height, light complexion, mus
tache, forty-four years old and speaks
English with a foreign accent.
are not more deadly than the millions of
disease germs that are floating in the air
we breathe and in the water we drink —
germs of typhoid fever, malaria, con
sumption. Compared to a disease germ,
a rattlesnake is a gentleman. He is a
fair fighter. He tells yon to look out.
He rattles before he strikes. You have
a chance to fight or run. The disease
germ sneaks in. It comes while you are
sleeping. It gains an entrance to the
blood. It propagates there. It multi-
Elies. In a few hours, or days, your
lood is full of its children — millions of
them. They go all over your body seek
ing a weak spot. They don't rattle —
they strike. You feel listless, nerveless,
sluggish, feverish, and maybe you're flat
on your back before you really know
there is anything the matter.
The only way to keep out disease
germs — to keep from being sick — is to
keep your blood pure and rich, and your
liver active and healthy.
Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery,
the greatest tonic in the world, will do it.
Charles H. Sargeant, of Plain City, Madison
Co., Ohio, writes: " During the summer and fall
of 1896 1 became all ' run-down,' nerves were out
of order and stomach out of order. I wrote to
Dr. Pierce for advice. He said I had general
debility, and advised Dr. Pierces Golden Medi
cal Discovery. Since I stopped taking it about
one year ago, I have not taken any medicine of
any kind, and have been able to work every day.
My appetite is good, I can eat three square meals
a day, and I do not feel that miserable burning
in the stomach after eating. My blood and
serves are in good shape."
Knox Hat Opening— Knox Hats Are Supreme
in Style and Quality.
Tl» teate in .tyl. aad qaa i ltyv U n#wMt .^^^ o#Btle _
/' " " •« man* Hat.
/^ o^% (BUT) — :
| Ladle*' Imported Walking Bat. l| La«i«i» X
MM. in Belglnm-Whl*.. Tan ana I fc WWu pwl
it Ulu«.
Easy lies the head that wears &
Knox Hat Opening — Knox Hats Are Supreme
in Style and Quality.
Knox Hat Opening— Knox Hats Are Supreme
in Style and Quality.
So Do Loren W. Collins and Robert
G. Evans, and'Tbey Dot Say That
Robert C. Dunn Would Not Be
Averse to Wearing the 1,1 ts a
Leather-Cushioned Rocker After
It is said that Representative Jacob
son's ambition is not to fill Bob Dunn's
shoes two years hence, but to be gov
ernor. There is a well proven adage that
"There is always room at the top" and
ever since coming to St. Paul as a legis
lator from his obscure home in Northern
Minnesota, Mr. Jacobson had had this
in mind. No one appreciated its sig
nificance better than Jacobson, and now
it is said on good authority that "The
alarm clock" ia grooming for the gub
ernatoiial race two years hence.
Mr. Jacobson has served in several
legislatures, but he has never taken as
prominent a part,: and as bold a stand on
many measures as during the present ses
sion. He has beeo- : regarded as one of
the coming strong men in the Republican
ranks, and his name has been mentioned
in connection with the state auditorship
on many occasions: But Jacobson is Bly,
and shrewd. Some of the party v ou!d
be {,'lad if he would commit himself, and
there has been a greats deal of speculation
among party men as t£ his position. The
legislature has always been the political
school for future success and Jacobson
has been measuring noses with the other
members of that, body of late, and has
found that he just about had things his
own way.
• * »
There is perhaps no man - who has
watched all of this of late with as great
an interest as Judge Collins. Judge Col
lins would rather be governor than any
thing else in the world, and his appear
ance around the legislative halls recent
ly is evidence that he is not even allow
ing the more remote fences of his baili
wick to go unattended. He has been In
the lobby of the state house off and on
with great frequency. In short, Collins
and Jaccbson are playing a game of hide
and seek around the legislative nursery
room. Collins is an out and out candi
date for governor. He has said so and
every one knows it. The ink on Gov.
Linds oath of office was hardly dry last
fall when he made an attempt to get Into
the good graces of the old soldiers "Anti-
Eustis club without much success. Since
then he has quietly been at work among
his friends who, it can be said, constitute
the best element ->f the Republican party,
and he is daily growing in favor with
that wing of the grand old party. But
Jacobson while not an out and out can
didate, has the advantage and is in
every way possible making himself solid
with the country delegations. He has
fought all the corporate measures this
session nnd has taken the part of the
taxpayer in evsr*r tontroversy where
there was a chance for him to got In a
few bars of his yoriferous oratory.
Judge Collins has observed this with
no little displeasure, but the fact that
he is an out and out candidate gives him
license to do a little" more work in his
behalf. He has' to date made but one
deal, but it is one wpich will add great
ly to his strength. , For a starter Judge
Collins proposes' to ' nominate H. W.
Childs for chief.' Justice of the supreme
court to succeed J.iidgje Start. Of course,
Judge Start's frj£nds,"wlll raise a small
sized insurrection; 1 Irf, their part of the
country, but it don'C. count as Collins"
don't expect to get his strength from that
locality anyway.
Collins all the\ I! while is figuring with
other Republican^ anld he will probably
have the deal to get' himself nominated
all fixed up by July, 1900. It is an oppn
question, however, whether his early
campaign will not suffer the same fate
that_came to Samuel Ryan Van Sant.
• • •
Incidentally, however, Mr. Jacobson
should not overlook tlte presence In the
ranks of one of the most alert and
sagacious Republican politicians of the
state, Robert G. Evans. While
Robert G. realizes to the full
the political prestige of keeping one's
self before the public and one's parti',
yet he is not a spectacular laurel-chaser.
Bob hasn't bowled any corporations down
the ten-pin alleys of legislative reverber
ation, like some of the members from
Lac gui Parle, nor has he lectured on
the Moors in Spain nor even the con
quest of Granada, as was the wont of
some of the old 1898 school of Republican
leaders, but at the same time Bob has
made his name and his rotund presence
familiar in a large part of the state kind
of helping out the local Republican club
when it wanted to get up a meeting at
Miller's cross roads, or dropping in for
Decoration day or the Fourth of July,
where there happened to be a few good
Republicans who could be clustered to
gether and a few political leaders Joll.'ed
along after the meeting. Of course, it
was always hard for him to get away
from his law practice, he said, for he rep
resented one of the biggest law firms
in the Northwest. There were four part
ners and few of the others have more
than three. But the other three had to
work so much harder, and Bob went out
saving the country, and after he "had been
national commltteeman and ward boss
of Kenwood for several years, somehow
or other he came to be appointed district
attorney for this district. There is just
work enough there, you know, to keep
him from getting rusty on his law books,
and thus disqualify himself for a possible
future circuit judgeship or something,
and meantime, Robert has looked over
the field with a powerful glass. And Rob
ert has confided to one or two of his
friends that he thinks he can detect in
dications of an Evans boom in the dis
tance. Needless to say, too, Bob did not
squint his eye at this either, for the gov
ernorship would not, necessarily, block
him out of the life long judgeship he
ha 3so long set his heart on.
A few of the Republicans who like to
gather in a St. Paul hotel and fancy
themselves leaders of their party, got to
gether a few days ago and stamped the
Evans boom O. K.
♦ • •
But The Globe has not been informed
whether Tarns Btxby has wired back his
O. K. or not. And there are not a few
Republicans in the state who believe that
when the next Republican gubernatorial
nominee in this state Is presented the
voice of Tarns Blxby will be heard In the
Inner councils.
Maj. Bowler, of the dairy and food com- i
mission, was not speaking idly when, in
his recent interview, he said that he
meant to enforce the pure food laws.
He felt, as a citizen, as others have, that
the most serious defect in the execution
of these laws was the lack of frequent
publicity. The result of Inspections and
chemical analyses were not given to the
public. They were printed once In two
years in the biennial report of the com
mission, which few read. If Borne curi
ous inquirer did read the tables and
find that his baking powder contained
alum or his vinegar was anything but
pure cider, or his butter was only oleo,
or his honey was glucose, he would ba
told by his dealer or the maker that those
practices had been discontinued, and
that now only the genuine articles were
put out. But they aren't. The same old
tricks are played off upon an unsuspect
ing public.
So the major has decided to put the
press of the state upon his staff of in
spectors and through it make public,
each week the analyses made by the
chemists of the department of food prod
ucts, either taken by his inspectors or
sent In by retailers or private indi
viduals. The statements will give the
article, its brand, the name of the maker
and the finding of the chemist. He is of
the opinion that this exposure to "the
fierce light that beats upon a throne"
will have more of a deterrent effect upon
the makers of spurious goods than will
occasional arrest and punishment of un
fortunate and, usually, innocent retail
Somerville Bill Was Signed by the
Governor Yesterday.
Gov. Lind yesterday signed the Somer
ville bill, the McKusick bill prohibiting
the docking of horses' tails, and another
legalizing acknowledgements taken by
notaries who are officers or directors in
banks, and authorizing such officers to
take acknowledgements in the future in
cases where the bank is Interested.
Wand Mlnne to Come in Again.
Gov. Lind has been asked by the direct
ors of the Omaha exposition to interest
the Minnesota people In sending an exhib't
to the display, which will be madt at
Omaha July 1 to Nov. 1. It is to be in
the nature of a continuantion of the
exhibit of last "year. Two million dollars
will bo expended in improving the fair
grounds, and all the buildings will be
repainted and finished oh the interior.
Profs. Shaw and Haecker Paraded
Beef Dairy Cattle In a Prize Com
petition, and then Their Sugges
tion* as to How Much Better the
School Could Do With a Larger
Yesterday was a day off ■with the
Solons, who took a junket to the state
experimental farm over its snow-covered
walks and through the various buildings,
where the farmers' boys and girls alike
are instructed in the arts of modern and
scientific farming.
The visit was made under the guidance
of Dean William M. Liggett, who was
loquacious upon all subjects from the
commercial value of a leg of mutton" to
the ancestry of the bugs in Prof. Lug
ger's collection. The legislative party, in
cluding about a score from each house
and twice as many from the third house,
took Mr. Lowry's air line at 9:30 and were
landed at the port of St. Anthony Park
thirty minutes later. Large busses met
the party, and with the sun shining
brightly upon the fields of snow, the law
makers and others enjoyed this part of
the excursion immensely.
The visitors were shown all over the
grounds. Some took special interest In
the stables, others in the dairy depart
ment, and the ladies of the party ex
pressed great interest in the ladies' hall
and its appointments. The laundry, cook
ing, sewing and all other departments of
domestic science were the center of at
tention given by tho dozen or more ladies
accompanying the Junketers.
Dean Liggett conducted the visitors to
| dairy hall, and seated them around the
live stock amphitheater, where were
trotted out samples of r|ie ribbon cattle
for the inspection of the law-makers.
Dean Liggett Introduced Prof. Shaw,
who told the visiting group of law-makers
all about stock raising and how and why
the graduates of the institution were
never humbugged into buying cattle with
fatty degeneration of the heart.
More cows were brought in. These
cows were rivals of the others, and were
coached by Prof. Haecker. The difference
was that Prof. Haecker's bovines were in
this world for the purpose of raising but
ter, milk and cheese, while the mission
in life of Prof. Shaw's cows was to fur
nish the army with better beef than It
has been getting.
Prof. Haecker enlightened the members
of the legislature as to the value of the
dairy Interests of Minnesota. The value
of the annual output of dairy products
in the state was over $20,000,000. This wat
only a fraction of what might be had if
the legislature would provide more money
so as to allow instructors from the dairy
college to travel about, giving instruc
tion at the creameries.
Prof. Hayes told about farming, the
care and management of crops, and said
that in many counties the past few years
there had been a wonderful falling off in
mortgage foreclosure sales, because the
farmers had stopped raising wheat and
had gone to making butter.
From dairy hall the visitors w«nt to
the gymnasium, where Miss Kiehle put
a class of fifty young and healthy women
through some calisthenics.
After making a round of all that was to
be seen on the grounds, the party as
sembled in the lecture room, where a
number of speeches were made by legis
lators and members of the faculty. Dean
Liggett spoke for the faculty. Representa
tive Staples, Lieut. Gov. Smith and oth
ers responded cordially.
United States Engineer* Are Prepar
ing for High Stage of Water.
The United States engineers are mak
ing preparations for a very heavy flow
of water when the Mississippi river
breaks up. The headwaters are frozen,
but indications all point to an unusually
high river when the Ice breaks. There
is not, however, felt to be danger of
such floods as are reported from Wash
ington to be imminent. Maj. Abbott is
now in St. Louis, but his assistants.. say
there is no danger to be anticipated from
the river this spring, though It may rise
higher than it did last year.
Knox Hat Opening— Knox Hats Are Supreme
in Style and Quality.
Easter Millinery.
Tuesday and Wednesday grand opening
of spring millinery at Mrs. B. A.
Schultz's. 412-414 Wabasha.
By Request
01 flft READINGS Qa nft
*liUU BY MAIL. ®|.UU
/ Place a small piece of gum /
s camphor upon a saucer and ignite )
> the same with a match. Hold a j
i\ sheet of white paper over the i
ji flam* until one side Is covered j
lj black by the smoke. Place the \
\ paper upon the table, and, '
I 1 holding' the fingers wide apart, J
i\ press the palm of the left hand v
|i upon the smoked surface. Lift '
i| your hand from the paper and i
S pour alcohol upon the smoked C
]i surface to harden and set the im- )
<[ pressien. Sign the sheet with
Ji your name (whether Mr., Miss or -
Mrs.), name of city or town, and
state, and mail it to
Windsor Hotel,
with one dollar and one two-cent
stamp, aad you will receive by \
return mail a comprehensive and 5
substantial reading- of your
OIiUU And Upwards, dIiUU
At DR. P~RB*'S Off»c-, Wind*
so?* Hoiii, j*ar o r i3
Hours today ami ever*' r.av until
Wednesday, from 9 a. in. to ;i. p. in.
This advertisement only appeqr*
today. Cut it out so that you raa|
know particulars.