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TWO PARTS VOL. XXII.— NO. 106. CROWD WASLARGE THOVSAXDS ATTEND THE CHICAGO PLATFORM DOLLAR-DIKXEB U XEW YORK MR. BlFffl WELL RECEIVED WAS COMPLIMEXTED BY THE SI'KAKKHS \M> CHEERED. BY MEN AMD WOMEN PRESENT CONTRAST TO OTHER DINNER There Whs No Attempt at Decora tlon or Display, and Flowers Were Srarre Walls Appropri ately Draped WitU Fla«a — -Thor onglily Rrpreseutatlve Gatberln Gave Attention to the Speakers. NEW YORK. April IB.— The dollar Je ferson dinner of the Chicago platfor Democrats, at the Orand Central Palac tonight, was, in point of numbers, on of the lareest affairs ever held In th city. Nearly 3,000 persons, men and worn en, sat down at the long tables In th big room of the Grand Central Palace. The main hall presented a differen aspect from that of the Metropolita opera house, at the $10 dinner of the Democratic club. There were no flow er embellishments, but Just long avenues W tables, covered with clean white plates. The boxes about the hall were festooned with flags, with silken banners suspend.. - ed between the flag's. At the back of the stage were two American flags, drap ed, one bearing the portrait of Jefferson, the other the portrait of Bryan. Small portraits of Bryan were Interspersed be tween the flags on the balconies. The diners began to arrive at the Grand Central Palace at 6 o'clock. There were 160 policemen in and about the place. The men, to the number of 475, dined in the long hall just off the second gallery. They sat down to the tables at 6:30 o'clock. The first excitement of the evening oc curred when the Russian-American Dem ocratic association, 250 strong, from the Eighth assembly district, marched in. They were received with cheers. VERY DEMOCRATIC. There was no concerted attempt to seat the 3,000 diners simultaneously. All were told to go in and sit down. About 7 o'clock nearly every seat of the men's table was occupied, and the service began. Over 600 waiters started out Into the main hall with soup a few minutes before 7 o'clock. The menu included soup, fish, rbast beef, turkey, ice cream, coffee and cigare. Three thousand bottles of wine were gratuitously served by a wine company. Mr. Bryan did not arrive until shortly after 7 o'clock. Crowds on the outside signaled his appearance by tremendous cheering. He came in a cab, and was es corted through a tremendous crowd to the waiting room outside the main hall. Here he shook hands -with the commit tee. Then he was escorted to the guests' tßble— a long table in front of the plat form. Following came the speakers of the evening. The band played "Hail to the Chief.' Mr. Bryan was hurried down one of the main aisles. There was a tre mendous cheering and waving of nap kins. Diners stood on chairs and table, waving frantically. The demonstration lasted for five minutes. Among those who eat at the guests' table were: James R. Brown, presiding; on his right, W. J. Bryan; on his left, Charles A. Towne, of Minnesota; O. H. P. Eelmont, William S. McNary, secre tary of the Democratic state committee of Minnesota; Mayor J. L. Rhimoosh, of Covington, Ky. ; Burton Hall, George Fred Williams, ex-Congressman William E. Ryan, of Rochester, A. S. Townsend, of Virginia; Col. Thomas Smith, of Vir ginia, and John Clark Rldpath. The crowd was a thoroughly represent ati\o, and before the dinner was con > chilled hundreds of diners left their seats and crowded about the guests' table and began to shake hands with Col. Bryan. This was stopped with much difficulty. At 9 o'clock the committee and speak ers ascended to the platform. Mr. Bry an received a vociferous ovation, the din ers in many instances again standing on chairs and tables and the women waving i napkins wildly. James R. Brown called the meeting to Older, and introduced George Fred Witt -: lams, of Massachusetts, who was given a five reception. The crowds in the gal leries meanwhile had increased, and there . ./vere at least 5,000 people in the hall. The mention of Henry George's name evoked an extraordinary demonstration. MR. 11EIMONT SPEAKS. O. 11. P. Belmont was next introduced and read the following from manuscript: •'To-night the East extends its hand of welcome to the West, and is ready to do honor to one of her great sons, of whom Bhe is so Justly proud. Let this be the Bign that there is no North, no South no East, no West In the Democratic par ty. Whatever our individual, local or sec tional opinions are, let us express them and let them " be respected; this Is the boul of Democracy. But when, after these opinions and conditions have been submitted to our chosen leaders in con vention; when they have sifted them down and chosen the material from which our platform is to be constructed, then let us, with one voice, say, this is - the platform upon which we will stand, shoulder to shoulder as a unit, to win or lose. "We have reached a point when Deisoc racy must rule, or the heirs to this great republic that we know of must bow their necks to the most powerful plutocracy the world has even known; mind you, not even a national plutocracy, but an in ternational plutocracy, without faith or kin, which will drag us to the most ab ject slavery. "To-day the people are waking up to the fact that the freedom of man Is the question they are called upon to decide, and not theoretical issues for political su premacy; and in looking about for the means to secure this right, they see their only hope in the Democratic party, and what makes them hesitate? A doubt in the unanimity in the party. And what makes the Republicans exult? The same thing, coupled with the knowledge they are concentrating all the sinews of war. There is one other ray of hope held out to them by honest, but I hold a misguid ed people, and that is the creation of a third party, to be made up, as they claim, ~* from the best elements of both. This ray only creates a situation for the mul tiplication «t -io.iis. The most liberal minded man never claims more *l>an two sides to a question; then why a third party The issue will be In lf-00. are we to be controlled by the cosmopolitan mon ey power, or are we to be free men of — * —^ pU i v — <- this great republic? Nothing more, noth ing; less. "The Republicans have ranged them selves on the side of monopolies and the concentration of wealth. They have ranged themselves on the side of con trolling the municipal, state and national legislation by wealth. They were slow In avenging the Insult and Injuries of the enemy, and only did so when pushed to It by the Democracy of the country. They are guilty of carrying on our late war In a partisan and corrupt manner, and to the profit of corporations. To all this Democracy, I hold, is opposed, and Kembling its mighty army to defeat ngerous foe." MPLIMKXT FOR MR. BRYAN. i Clark Ridpath spoke on "Thomas son." When Mr. Ridpath said Jef i stood above Adams and Otis, and was the most Intelligent Democrat that ever lived, a hundred voices shouted: "No, no; Bryan, Bryan." Mr. Williams whispered something to I Ridpath and the latter said: accept the suggestion," and bowed 01. Bryan, the close of Mr. Rldpath's speech a eshoe of flowers was presented to Bryan, who rose and bowed, in S. Crosby spoke on "Civil Llb roducing Mr. Bryan, Chairman vn said Abraham Lincoln had come of the West to save the nation, and her man had come from the West to the nation. A perfect tempest of ause from the men and women brojte Mr. Bryan raised his hand depre catingly, but the more he did this the more the crowd cheered. It was a wild, frantic demonstration. It lasted for at least five minutes. MR. BRYAN'S SPEECH. Guest of I lie Evening Waa Given Generous Applause. Mr. Bryan said: I esteem It a great privilege to be per mitted to attend this, probably the larg est banquet ever given In the United States. (Interruption of cheers for (in.) The object of this banquet was five Chicago platform Democrats a ice to celebrate the birthday of ■nas Jefferson. (Cries of "That's It"), ■c was a banquet given in honor of nas Jefferson two nights ago, and discussion of the price per plate ob ed to some extent the differences be sn that banquet and this. A Demo has a right to pay whatever he ses for a dinner if he has the money, character of a political banquet is rmined not by the cost of it, but by sentiments which are woven into the post-prandial oratory. We have not one word of hostility to utter towards those Democrats who left the Democratic party in 1596. Far be it from us to criticise any man whose judgment or conscience leads him out of the Democratic party. When the Republicans met at St. Louis some Republicans left the Republican Ity rather than adapt themselves to platform written out at St. Louis. y organized a distinct party, and they t a name sufficiently different from Republican so that no one would mls e the one for the other. They made a 1 and earnest fight, and the Republic who left the party in 1896 hn-"e her gone back, nor, standing outs. l^^ c they attempted to write the piai. --n of the party which they left. There were Democrats who left us in 1896. They organized a distinct party; they nomin ated a ticket and perfected their national organization. But instead of calling themselves gold Democrats, so that they could not be mistaken for the regular Democrats, they called themselves na tional Democrats, although they did not expect to carry a precinct in the United It is a compliment to receive a presiden tial nomination from any national con vention, but I am proud that jny nomina tion came from a convention of Demo cratic citizens. (Loud applause). It has vindicated that platform and every plank of it is"stronger today than It was when the platform was written. Those who believe that we should in vite into the Democratic party all those who can share in the purposes and the aspirations of that party— l cannot speak for others, I speak for myself — are wrong, and I say that I would not ab stract from It a single plank to get back any who left it. Nor do I believe we could draw people to us by cowardice The day for ambiguity has passed. Tha platform must mean something, and i you ask me why it was that in the cam paign of 1886 the hearts of the people .were stirred as they have not been lately stirred, I v/ill tell you that it was be cause the struggling masses found in tha platform an inspiration, and a.sgi elated wealth found in it a menace to every man who robs his neighbor for his own benefit. It was those who have entrench ed themselves behind abuses of govern ment who objected to that platform, anc well they might object, because that plat form was aimed at every abuse of gov eminent, and I am Klad that I was sup ported by those who would have only asked me for just laws. I am glad that the six million and a half people who voted for me simply wanted me to get other people's hands out of their pockets (applause) and not to get their hands into other people's pockets. MONEY AND MEN. The Republican party Is putting the dol lar above the man in all its legislation, and nowhere is it more apparent than In matters of taxation. The Republican i>r.rty is not trying to restore justice in taxation. The war has shown that when this eovernment deals with an individ ual itR power is limited. It can draft the citizen but it cannot touch the dol lp-r. In the hour of peril the nation can take the son from his mother and the husband from his wife, and stand them up before the enemy's guns, but it dare not lay its finger upon the wealth of ths rich and make them contribute their share. (Tremendous cheering.) The income tax is stronger than It was. and it Is placed upon the shoulders of the poor, who have to carry the burden, but In the Democratic party you can say there is one man who is willing to pay his share. (Loud applause.) My friends, why should not people be willing to bear their share of the burdens of govern ment? If in time of war your country needs you, you are willing to give your life's blood— why deny the nation its just due in time of peace? It has been the his tory of the world that those who can make much have been unwilling to share the burdens of government and have sought to use the instruments of govern ment for private gain, to take from those who can make less than they can. The Democratic party is a protector of the rich and the poor, and that party which makes the rich bear their share of ihe burden Is a better friend of the rich man than the party that takes his money There is another plank in this platform, which I desire to make mention of. The Republican party and the gold Democrats have been burying the money question so often that I almost feel I ought to apolog ize for speaking of the dead before" so large an audience. The Democratic plat form denounced the gold standard, called It un-American and anti-American and pledged the party to destroy it at once and substitute in Its place independent bimetallism at the ratio of 16 to 1. If the gold standard was un-American in 1896; It is un-American now. If it was anti- American two years apo, it is anti-Amer ican now, and if the gold standard was bad In 1896, you were convinced it was bad in 1897, because Mr. McKinley sent three distinguished commissioners to Eu rope to get rid of the gold standard. And why did they not succeed? It was because they asked of the financiers of the old world a favor, which they ought to know (c financier? would not grant. Why did s oppose the gold standard? Because It s raised the purchasing power of the liar and lowered the price of the pro ducts of labor. When our commissioners went abroad they went to supplicate from persons who had profited and could not be expected to do away with a thing from which they had made money. FILIPINO SENTIMENTS CHEERED. Mr. Bryan's reference to the United States as a bully in striking down the Filipino natives created the great en thusiasm of the night. There was a mighty demonstration when he said that it was this country which had Inspired the Filipino with the love of liberty. The military government of the Philippines was a despotism, he said, and this was also applauded. It was not surprising, he said, that a country that would send to Englaixi for a financial policy, as It BUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1&99 THIRTY-TWO PAGES. lift cor;'t be always sunlight, Iov«, Nor flprll always blue. fiofsstimes we face fair skies above. Sometimes a shower or two. had two years ago, should now send there for a colonial policy. This was re ceived with wild applause. When he in timated that he wanted to stop he was told to go on, and many requested him to talk more on imperialism. When he said: "We may fall In 1900," there was tu multous cries of "No, never." When he concluded another hurricane of aplause broke forth. Men and women acted wildly. Men again threw up their hate and women waved their cloaks and handkerchiefs and shouted and Jumped up and down. Mr. Towne spoke on "Americanism," and his address was well received. EJ) AS HOSTAGES. •riMoners Are In the Hand* of the Germans. April 15.— Baron yon Ileyking, the German minister to China, returned today from Kiao-Chou. He Informs United States Minister Edwin D. Conger that the German punitive force which recently went down into Southern Shan tung to quell native hostility to foreign residents has arrested a number of Chinese literary men of Ji-Chou. The Germans declare that they will hold these prisoners as hostages until the ac tual perpetrators of recent outrages on German Catholic priests shall have been seized and punished. To all previous demands of the Germans the local officials have returned evasive replies, declaring that the guilty could not be found. The Germans believe the Ji-Chou magistrate will be more suc cessful now in discovering the culprits, but in any case Ji-Chou will be occupied until the German demands are complied with, and of course the occupation may | be permanent. Minister yon Heyking cays that the American missionaries at I-Chou-Fu, the original destination of the punitive expe dition, are safe, but the natives In the district surrounding that town are so Inflamed with hatred for foreigners that it is unsafe for missionaries to venture far from the protection of the local mag istrate. SUMMONED TO* WASHINGTON. Commissioner to Samoa 'Will Re ceive Instruction In Person. WASHINGTON, April 15.— Mr. Bartlett Tripp, the member of the Samoan com mission who will represent this country, has been summoned to Washington to receive his instruction. It has been found that he can reach here and still depart from Washington on the 19th in order to leave San Francisco on the 25th. As the Instructions are very long, It was considered more advisable to have them delivered to him in person. SAMOA DEAD. Bodies of I.nnndnle and Mnnaghan to Be Brought Home. WASHINGTON, April 15. — Secretary Long has instructed the commandant of the Mare island navy yard to procure the metallic caskets and send them out on the Badger to Samoa to receive the remains of Lieut. Lansdale and Ensign Monaghan, of the Philadelphia, which will be returned to the United States for burial. _ SPAIN'S NEW MINISTER. Duke of Areos Will Be Nominated by the Cabinet. MADRID, April 15.— The cabinet has de cided to nominate the duke of Arcos, un der secretary of state for foreign affairs, and former Spanish minister to Mexico, as Spanish minister to Washington. Se nor Dupuy de Lome will succeed the duke of Arcos as under secretary of state for foreign affairs. It null of Water, BISMARCK, N. D., April 15.— Advlcea from Washburn, forty milefi north of this city, report the river fifty feet above low water mark and the highest In Its history An immense gorge of ice Is plied up and has backed the water all over the bot tomrf along the Missouri. At Roach, Staley's ranch is Inundated and buildings wiped out. Bridges In all parts of the county are washed away and travel sus pended everywhere. The rush of water was so great that Immense cottonwood trees were snapped off like reeds by ice and water. AF^IL SriOWHIJS. MILLION Ift FUMES ALMOST HALF A BLOCK CkF CLEVE LAND BUSINESS HOUSFA DE STROYED BY FIRE NINE PERSONS ARE INJURED Escape of Girls Employed In Straw Goods Factory, Where Fire Start ed, Regarded as Almost Mirac ulous — Description of Property Destroyed and Damaged, Togeth er With the Losses Incurred. CLEVELAND, 0., April 15.— Almost half the block of business houses bounded by Lake, Bank, Academy and St. Clair streets was wiped out by fire this after noon, the damage done amounting to almost $1,000,000. The flames broke out in a straw goods factory, whete a large number of girls were employed* and that none_of them lost their lives 1b remark able A number of persons were injured, as follows: August Marguardt, fireman engine com pany No. 3, head cut and stunned, taken to the Lakeside hospital, not serious; Frank Hughes, engineer, engine company No. 9, head, face and bands burned; Frank Kane, hook and ladder company No. 7, head and face burned; Fireman O'Brien and Fireman Ealle, engine com pany No. 1, were slightly burned; Mrs. Mary Mylett, No. 84 Marion street, badly burned about head, hands and chest, taken to St. Vincent's hospital, severely hurt, but will recover; Patrick Jordan, en gine company No. 1, burned about head and hands; Frank Brunner, engine com pany No. 1, burned about face; Frank Murphy and Sherwood Hoyt, engine com pany No. 1, burned faces and hands; John Rauschert, No. 69 Bozetta street, badly burned on head, face and arms, will re cover. PROPERTY LOSSES. The damage done is as follows: Four-story brick building, No. 99 Bank street, owned by E. N. Bosenfeld, and occupied by Meyer Jaskulek, packer of leaf tobacco. Rosenf eld's loss, $25,000; Jas kulek's loss, ?25,000. Four-story brick block, 91 Bank street, owned by E. I. Baldwin estate and occupied by L. H. Whitcomb & Co. and A. W. & J. Bam pliner, cloak manufajctarers. Baldwin es tate loss, $10,000; L. H. Whitcomb & Co. loss. $35,000; A. W. & J. SamDliner loss, P 00,000. Six-story brick block, 85 Bank street, owned by the E. I Baldwin estate and occupied by Hart & Co., wholesale milliners. Baldwin estate loss, $50,000; Hart & Co. loss, 545,000; Four-story brick block. 81 Bank street, owned by the Bradley estate and occupied by H. Black & Co., cloak manufacturers; Estate's loss, $50,000; Black & Co.'s loss, $50,000. Four-story brick block, 75 Bank street, owned by E. H. Footte and occupied by Reed Bros. & Co., milliners and import ers of straw eoods. C. H. Foote's loss, $50,000; Reed Bros. & Co.'s loss, $75,000. Five-story brick building, No. 9 Academy irtreet, owned by the Bradley estate and occupied by Comey & Johnson, straw hat manufacturers. Estate's loss, $15,000; Co mey & Johnson's loss, $150,000. Two-story frame building, owned and occupied by E. Roßenfeld, cigar manufacturer, loss $50,000. Six other two-story frame dwell ings and a small ivery stable on Academy street were damaged to the extent of about $5,000. The fir*» started in the rear of the sec ond floor of Comey & Johnson's factory, and in a few minutes th«f whole building was ablaze, the 200 girls and women em ployed getting out by means of the fire escapes. COST MONEY NOW. New Check to Shooting in the State of Kentucky. LEXINGTON, Ky., April 15.— A verdict for $5,000 damages against Maj. T. J. Car son, a prominent race horse breeder, In favor of W. E. Singleton, photographer, who was shot by Carson, was returned tod^y. Singleton sued for $10,000. The shooting resulted from an alleged re mark by Singleton regarding Carson's niece. This is one of the very few cases in Kentucky for which damages have been given for physical Injuries received In a shooting affray. Oh, Life and £prfi feov* darK bours Tbat soon grew glad agaiQ; So soy not* dMiv b«eous« It showers, T'oat Life ts «§vf€E3fs rain. —Arthur J, Strlng^iv BULLETIN OF IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY Weather Forecast for St. Paulj Fair and "Warmer. I— Democratic Dinner. German Jlngnlatt Noisy. Loss of A Million. Explosion Kill* Five. 3— Capture of Bamrti. 3 — Company D Hero. To Enforce Game Law*. •*— Diplomatic Victory for Berlin. Alleged Ohio Bribery. 6— Red Book Admitted. Return of Volunteer*. t'rokcr on the Stnad. 6— Evidence Against Mrs. George. 7— Minneapolis Matters. B— Editorial. 9— Newn of the Railroads. BfortliTvest Newt, lO— Sack Pay Recovered. In the Field of Labor. 11— Trlnli. of an Editor. 12— Memorial Day rinns. Minnesota's Prison. 13— The Legislative Session. Honor of Solons. Faith In Schellbaeh. Tawney and Antl-Trnst Bill* 14 — Sporting Sewi. Bis; leagne Season Open. Comlskey's Men Win. 16 — Leotnhauser Inquiry. 16— 'Davis on Samoa. School Board Asks Aid. 17— Business Announcement* 18 — Books of the Hour. 19 — Business Announcement. 20— Social Hews of St. Paul. 21— Suburban Social News. Lillian Russell Resigns. 22 — Fashions folr the Fair. 23-26— The Ac e of Spades. 27— Electrics and Their Future, A Short Frontier Story. 28 — Fltzaiuimona and Jeffries. Amoag the Local Cyclists. 29— Life of James J. Hill. May Wheat Declines. BO— Realty Gets a Boom. 31— Wants. 32 — Coffee Raisins; in Brazil. Week at the Theater*. ATLANTIC LINERS. NEW YORK- Arrived: Graf Waiaersee, Hamburg. GENOA— Arrived: Ems, New York for Naples. ANTWERP— Arrived: Friesland, New York. LIVERPOOL— Arrived: Lucania, New York. HAMBURG— Arrived: Augusta Victoria, New York via Cherbourg and South ampton. TODAY IN ST. PAUL. METROPOLITAN— "The Carpetbagger," S:l6. GRAND— Nance O'Nell in "Magda," 8:16 Deutscher Central Bund, Mozart hall, 3:30. Concordia society concert, Mozart hall, • p. m. WAS FATAL FOR FIVE THREE KILLED AND FIVE FATAL XX INJURED BT A MILL BOILBR EXPLOSION STBTTCTFBE BLOWN TO BITS All of the El slit Men Who Were la the Mill Hurled Into the Air anil None Escaped Without More or Leas Serious Damage — The Ex. plosion Probably Dae to a De fective Boiler. CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis., April 15.— (Special.)— Three men killed and five In jured ia the result of a boiler explosion In the saw mill located about eight miles east of this city. The mill was a small one owned by George Straight, and was used for cutting bass wood logs. The power was furnished by a twenty-horse power engine and boiler. Without any warning the boiler exploded about 1 o'clock today, entirely demolishing the building and hurling the eight workmen high in the air. The dead are: LEM WILCOX, foreman. JOHN BRISNOIS, sawyer. WILLIAM OLSON, starter. The injured are the engineer, P. A. Briggs, and four whose names are yet unknown. It is almost certain that two of the injured men will live but a few hours. Fragments of the men killed ■were found over 100 yards from the scene Qf the destruction, and portions of the •boiler were picked up a quarter of a mile distant. The explosion, It is said, was due to the weak condition of the boiler, it hav ing been In use for a number of years. The three men killed are residents of Cadot, Wis. Engineer Briggs, who is among the seriously injured, is an Eau Claire man, and the others are farmers who resided near the ill fated mill. All of the injured were frightfully scalded by the steam. They are being cared for at the hospital in Cadot. Two horses standing near the mill were instantly killed. m PRESIDENT INVITED. May Attend the Grand Army En campment at Philadelphia. WASHINGTON, April 15.—Commander in-Chief W. C. Johnson, of the G. A. R., has extended an invitation to President McKinley to attend the national encamp ment -of the organization to begin at Philadelphia on Sept. 4. Commander Johnson was accompanied by Capt. E. R. Monfort, of Cincinnati; Capt. W. H. Armstrong, of Indianapolis, and Capt. George H. Patrick, of Montgomery, Ala. The president said that if he was in Washington at the time he would attend the encampment. It la possible that the president will be in the West. His in tention now is to make hie Western trip in July or August. RALEIGH'S "RECEPTION. It 'Will Be Made a Memorable Event In New York. NEW YORK, April 15.— The mayor's committee has completed the arange ments for the reception which Is to be given for the United States cruiser Ra leigh upon the arrival of that lighting ship from Manila. Gov. Roosevelt has accepted the invitation to meet the Ra leigh, in company with the mayor and his committee. The outer bridge line steamer Pretoria, which arrived at quarantine tonight from Bermuda, reports having passed the United States cruiser Raleigh on Thurs day night, 140 miles north of Bermuda, steaming slowly. The weather was fine at that time. The Raleigh's arrival in port is not expected before daylight tomorrow xnoralrr PART ONE Pages i to 1 6 PRICE FIVE CENTS. BLAME THE BRITON GERMANS tP IN ARMS ABOIT THE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SA MOAN DIFFICULTY PRESS SPEAKS OUT BOLDLY SAYS GERMANY IS COMPLETELY ISOLATED AND ESTRANGED FROM OTHER POWERS SOME CRUMBS OF COMFOBT Foreign Minister -yon Buelow Telia How He Forced the British to Yield a Point Belief That Thera la an Under»tan<llng Between. America and Great Britain Bold* ly Aaaerted. (Copyright by the Associated Press.) BERLIN, April 16 —The Samoan ques« tlor continued to overshadow all other* during the week— bo much so that the In terest In the subject haß even seized the masses. The most remarkable feature of the affair Is the united dally onslaught made by the entire Agrarian, Anti-Semite and part of the Conservative and Nation al Liberal press on the cabinet, and es pecially on the minister of foreign af fairs, Baron yon Buelow, who Is charged with following a weak policy, and yield- Ing too much to "British Insolence and Yankee Impudence." A regular campaign of abuse has been opened against the leaders In foreign pol itics, many of the utterances being of un usual vigor and venom for the German press conditions. It la learned on good authority that the aim of this Is to discredit Baron yon Buelow with the emperor, force his re tirement, and prejudice public opinion, and the relchstag against the United States, and thuß defeat the meat Inspec tion bill, which Is considered by the Agrarians to be too favorable to Ameri can, and too harmful to German interests. It Is added that Friday's interpellation of the government In the relchstag, on the Bamoan question, and Baron yon Buelow's reply, were intended as a test of strength between the two contending parties, as Baron yon Buelovs-, as well as the cabinet, which Is more or less sway ed by him, is considered by the Agrarians to be distinctly hostile to their interests. JINGO MINORITY. But the great noise of the Agrarian press and its allies ought not to deceive the people into the belief that they rep resent public opinion. They are merely the blatant minority. Neither the emperor nor the government have allowed them selves to be influenced by these mischief makers. This fact was strikingly illus trated In the passing of the midland canal bill by the diet. The measure was ex- tremely distasteful to the Agrarians. The party Is distinctly on the down-grade In Russia and Germany generally. In the relchstag the party has only about 100 of a total of 397 members, and in the diet Its adherents number considerably less than half the total membership. Dr. Lehr's ridiculous jingoism In the relch stag, last evening, in presenting the open ing speech of the Interpellation, spoiled the Agrarian's game. GERMANY'S ISOLATION. The expressions on the Samoan question differed widely this week according to the political standpoint of the pi*rty. Until Friday, when the high commission was trembling in the balance, the comments naturally were more vivid and more bit ter. The Deutsche Zeltung headed a page editorial, "The Shame of Samoa," and condemned the action of the government in' toto. It declared the cabinet was wholly devoid of national sentiment, and aspirations, and asked ironically: "What more do we want? The drie bund has fallen to pieces, Russia is al lied with France, England with the the United States, Austria is secretly al j lied to France, and Italy is wholly de | pendent upon England, with the possi bility of her sliding over to France. Add to all this the brutal treatment we have been subjected to by England and the United States, by Count yon Thun-Ho henstein (the Austrian premier), Mr. Maxse (the British consul at Apia), Mr. Chambers (the chief Justice of Samoa), and Admiral Kautz. Indeed, we ask, what more do we want?" One Agrarian organ spoke of the "im potent weakness" shown in Samoa, and concluded: "We stand aghast at the tombstone of German honor.'' OFFICIAL UTTERANCES. The more reasonable part of the press expressed itself most bitterly. The Kreuz Zeitung,. officially inspired, said: "It seems to be settled that we were too optimistic in judging good relations of Mr. White (the United States ambas sador at Berlin) that England and Amer ica had not identified themselves in the Samoan matter. This, indeed, seems to be the case, not alone In Samoa, but gen erally, in the White house and Downing street." From Inquiries made among leading members of the colonial party, it is their belief that the United States wants the Samoan islands, and are going to have them. A well Informed correspondent of the Cologne Volkszeitung asserts this in an article, adding many apparent de tails. The Lokal Anzegler, under the head of "A Noble Pair of Brothers," ex presses the opinion that the Anglo- American understanding will not last long, "as merchants so' unscrupulous in competition as the English and Ameri cans will easily become enemies." Con tlning, the Lokal Anzgier says that "the United States, before long, will again be friends with Russia." The Vosfcische Zeltung compares the former cessions to the United States by France, Spain and Russia with the pres ent movement In the British West Indies and says: "All the countries subsequently re gretted their soles, and England has no need to yield valuable possessions in the West Indies so long as she is annexing worthless territories In Africa and Poly nesia. Surely V'aHkee greed at this, the first opportunity, seems to demonstrate that the British-Amertcan friendship will not be of long duration." WANT A STRONGER NAVY. A number of papers also point out the absolute necessity of a larger navy. The semi-official Post, In an inspired article, says: "Probably the Samoan difficulties would not have arisen at all if the other eoun- Contlnued on Eleventh Peare.