OCR Interpretation

The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, April 27, 1899, Minnesota Law Supplement, Image 12

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

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school district, city, town or village Issu
ing such bonds; nor shall such loans or
indebtedness be made at a lower rate of
interest than three (3) per cent per annum
nor for a shorter period than five (5) years,
nor for a longer period than twenty (20)
years, and no change of the town, school
district, village, city or county lines shall
relieve the real property in such town,
.school district, county, village or city in
this state at the time of the issuing of
such bonds from Bny liability for taxation
to pay such bonds.
■2. This proposed amendment shall
be submitted to the people of this state
for their approval or rejection at the
general elction occurring next after the
passage ol this act. and the qualified
.lectors of the state in their respective
districts may at such election vote for or
against said amendment by ballot; and
the returns thereof shall b.» made and
certified within the time, and such voles
canvassed and the result thereof declared
In the manner provided by law with ref
erence to the election of state officers, and
If it shall appear thereupon that a majori
ty of all the ehctor;: voting at said elec
tion for or against the proposed amend
ment to the constitution, as provided in
the next section, have voted in favor of
the same, then the governor shall make
proclamation thereof, and such amend
ment shall take effect ami be in force as
a part of the constitution.
Se,- :: The ballets used -it said election
on said amendment shall have printed
thereon. "Amendment to section six (6) of
article elffht 18) of the constitution pro
viding for loaning the permanent school
and university funds to or the purchase
of bonds of cities, villages, towns, coun
ties and school districts. Yes — No," and
i-Ai-}; elector voting on said amendment
shall ulace a cross mark thus (X> in a
space to be left opposite either the word |
•Yes or the word "No," and shall be !
counted for or against the proposition in
accordance with the expressed will of the
elector, as provided by the election laws
of the state.
Sec. 1. This act shall take effect and be
In force from and after its passage.
March 23rd. 1599.
CHAPTER 93 S. F. NO. 355.
AN ACT providing for refunding the
amount which shall be paid by purchas
ers of property sold pursuant to chapter
290 of the general laws of Minnesota for
the year 1897, and by assignees of the
Intefesi of the state acquired by sale
pursuant to saiil law. with three (3) per
ceni interest, under certain circum
Be ii enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
S ction I. That when any sale, which
shall be made or certificate which shall Be
Issui .1 pursuant lo chapter 290 of the gen
eral laws ...' Minnesota for the year IS^7,
is declared void by the judgment of a
court of competent jurisdiction, such
finent shall state for what reason such
.-■. lie or certificate is annulled, and in aTi
< ases where any sale or certificate shall
be s< i aside, the money paid by the pur
chaser at the sale, or by the assignee of
i!*e state, upon taking the assignment
certi . Iso subsequent taxes, pen
alties and costs that may have been paid
■•■. the purchaser, shall, with in
terest at the rate of three (3) per cent per
annum from the day of such payment, be
retinae,! to the purchaser or assignee, or
the party holding his right, out of the
county treasury, on the order of the
tditor, provided the action in
whii h such judgment is entered be
brought within two i 2) years from the
date of such sale in cases where no per
lod of redemption is provided for in said
chapter :'.»>. ami that the action in which
such judgmi nt is entered ba brought
within three (3) years from the date of
sale where a time of redemption is al
lowc.i in said chapter 290.
If the action In which such sale is de
claie,i \,,i,i „r certificate is set aside be
not brought within the time herein lim-
Ited, the purchaser or holder of the cer
tificate shall in no event be entitled to a
refundment of the money paid by him,
except as provided in section 2 of this act.
2. Whenever the holder of any tax
certificate of sale issued under chapter
if the genera] laws of the State of
Minnesota for the year IS!>7, who is not in
possession, by himself or others, of the
real property described therein, or any
part thereof, shall petition the board of
county commissioners of the county
where the. land is situated, setting forth
facts claimed to invalidate said certificate
within the meaning of any decision of the
supreme court of this state, said commis
sioners shall Inquire into the truth of the
facts alleged in said petition, and, if they
are satisfied that all the facts affecting
the c as- are fully and fairly stated, they
shall so certify to the state auditor, and
the latter officer, if he is satisfied, upon
consultation with the attorney general,
that the facts stated render the certificate
void within the principle of any decision
of the supreme court, shall authorize the
refunding of the amount paid for said cer
tificate, with interest at the rate of three
(8) p< s r cent per annum, together with the
amount of other subsequent taxes paid on
said property by the holder of said cer
tificate, with interest from the time of
payment thereof at the same rate upon
the surrender of said certificate. If the
s.imp has not been recorded, or upon the
delivery of an assignment thereof to the
state, duly executed, acknowledged and
recorded as by law provided for the exe
cution, acknowledgment and record of In
struments conveying real property; and
thereupon the county auditor shall draw
an order for the sum so authorized to be
refunded, on the treasurer of said coun
ty, to be countersigned and paid as other
county orders. Provided, however, that
no money shall be refunded under this
section unless the petition provided for
Herein is presented to the board of county
commissioners within two (2) years from
the nate of sale of the property" under said
chapter, In <a«es where no time of re
demption js allowed under said chapter
and within threo (3) years in cases where
a timo of redemption Is provided for un
der said chapter 290.
Sec. 3. In case of any refundment un
der this act the several funds— state
county, town, village, school and other
shall be charged with their several pro
portions of the amount so refunded in ac
cordance with the amount received by
them on account of such sale or assign-
Sec. 4. Where the amount paid by any
purchaser or holder of any certificate is
refunded under the provisions of this act
such rofundment shall not be construed
;is a payment or cancellation of any tax
■ncluded m the judgment or refundment,
but the same shall stand as originally ex
tended against the property, and, with
all accrued and accruing penalties Inter
est and costs, be included with the tax
in the next application for Judgment,
when the .liidgment rendered under said
chapter 290 shall be declared void
J\ hen the sale provided for under said
chapter is declared void and the judg
ment is not the county auditor shall im
mediately after making the next annual
tax sale, offer said property for sale pur
euani to tho original judgment, and the
same sh:>n be sold with like effect as if
sold at the time provided for in said act
ir the certificate or deed issued under
the provisions of said act is declared
void, and the sale i.s not declared void
the county auditor n:ay make a new cer
tificate or deed to any purchaser offering
to pay the same as provided in said act
Bee. 5. rhls act shall take effect and be
In fore.- frond and after its passage
Approved March 23rd. 1899.
CHAPTER 94 -S. F. NO 263.
AN ACT to prevent fraud in the branding
.-nd sale of process and renovated but
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
1. No person, firm, corporation
npent or employe shall manufacture sell
ofier or expose for sale. In this state' any
butter that is produced by taking original
packing stock butter, or other butter or
both, and melting the pame so that the
butter fat can h.-* drawn off or extracted
then rulxlnar the sai.l butter fat with
skimmed milk, or milk, or cream or oth
er .milk product, and recharnlng or re
working The said mixture, or that pro
duced by any process that is commonly
Known as boiled, process or renovated
butter, unless the same is branded or
marked ns provided in section 2 of this
See. 2. No person, firm, corporation
agent or employe shall sell, offer or ex
pose for sale, or deliver to purchaser any
boiled, process or renovated butter, as
de*ired In section 1 of this act. unless the
words renovated butter" shall be plainly
branded with Gothic or bold-faced letters
at least three-fourths of an inch in
lensrth. on tne top and sides of each tub
or box or pail, or other kind of a case
or packi-e, or or. the wrapper of nrints
or rolls in which it is put up If such
butter is exposed for sale uncovered or
not in a case or package, a placard con
taining tho label so printed shall bo at
tached to the mass of butter In such
manner as to easily be scon and read by
the purchaser. '
The branding or marking of all pack
ages shall be in the English language
and in a conspicuous place, so as to be
easily seen and read by the purchaser
Sec. 3. The state dairy and food co'm
mlssioner. and his assistants, experts and
chemists, by him appointed, shall be
charged with the proper enforcement of
all the provisions of this act. When com
plaint is made by the said dairy and food
commissioner, his assistants, employes
and chemists, or by any other person au
thorized by the said dairy and food com
missioner, security for costs shall not be
required of the complainant in any case
at any stage of the prosecution on trial
Sec. 1. Whoever violates any of the
provisions of this act shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall for
each offense, upon conviction thereof, be
subject to a fine of not less than twenty
five (25) dollars, nor more than fifty (50)
dollars and costs, or by Imprisonment not
to exceed two (2) months.
Sec. 5. The said commissioner, and his
assistants, experts, chemists and agents
he shall duly authorize for the purpose,
shall have access and ingress to all places
of business, factories, stores and build
ings used for the manufacture or sale of
butter. They also shall have power and
authority to open any tub, box, pail or
other kind of case or package, contain
ing any butter that may be manufac
tured, sold or exposed for sale. In viola
tion of the provisions of this act.
Sec. 6. This act. shall take effect and be
In force from and after its passage.
Approved March 23rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 05— H. F. NO. 137.
AN ACT to amend section three hundred
forty (340) of the general statutes of
eighteen hundred and ninety-four (1894),
relating to the office of state treasurer
and the sureties on his officlnl bond.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section three hundred
forty (340) of general statutes of eighteen
hundred and ninety-four (1891), be amend
ed so as to read as follows:
Section 340. Before entering on his
duties the treasurer shall give bond with
five (5) or more sureties, or corporate
surety, to be approved by the governor
and state auditor. In the sum of four hun
dred thousand (400,000) dollars payable to
the State of Minnesota, conditioned for
the faithful discharge of his duties us
treasurer, and shall take and subscribe
the oath required by law, which bond
and oath shall be deposited with the sec
retary of state.
The governor and state auditor may at
any time during the continuance in oflico
of the treasurer require him to give addi
tional security as they may deem nec
essary to the complete safety of the
Provided, that -where the bond herein
before provided for is given with corpo
rate surety, in lieu of individual sureties,
the treasurer is hereby authorized to
pay annually for said corporate surety
the sum of four hundred (400) dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary to
secure the same.
Sec. £. That the sum of four hundred
(400) doliars shall be appropriated for
the year eighteen hundred and ninety
nine (ISD9), and annually thereafter, for
the payment of the premium to be paid
the corporate surety as provided in sec
tion one (1) of this act.
Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts In
consistent with this act are hereby re
Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Approved March i",th, 1599.
AN ACT to provide for the payment of all
moneys derived from license for the
sale of intoxicating liquor in counties
having a population of two hundred
thousand (200,000) or more to the town
wherein such license was granted. -
Be. it enacted by the Legislature of the
Stale of Minnesota:
Section I. All moneys received by the
county treasurer o( any county In this
state having a population of two hundred I
thousand (200,000) people or more for
license for the sale of intoxicating liquor
in any town of such county, shall be paid
over by such county treasurer to the
treasurer of the town wherein such li
cense was granted, and all such moneys
shall ha placed to the credit of the road
and bridge fund of such town, to be dis
bursed by such town according 1 to law.
Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts in
consistent herewith are hereby repealed.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be
in force -from and after its passage.
Approved March 25th, ISO 9.
CHAPTER 97— If. P. NO. 150.
AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred
and fifty-three (153) of the general
laws of the State of Minnesota for the
year one thousand eight hundred and
eighty-one US81). being an act entitled,
"An act to repress and punish disorderly
conduct on public conveyances, and to
regulate actions of persons riding
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section one CD of chap
ter one hundred and fifty-three (153) of
the general laws of the State of Minne
sota for the year one thousand eight hun
dred and eighty-one (isSl), and entitled,
"An act to repress and punish disorderly
conduct on public conveyances," be and
the same is hereby amended so as to read
as follows: —
"Section 1. Any person who shall will
fully, by any offensive or disorderly act
or language, annoy or Interfere with the
passengers of any public stage, railroad
car, ferryboat or other public conveyance,
or who shall willfully disturb or annoy
the occupants or passengers of such public
stage, car, ferryboat or other public con
veyance, orby any disorderly act, language
or display, although such act, conduct or
display may not amount to assault, or as
sault and battery, and any person who
shall enter upon, ride upon or secure
passage upon a railroad car or engine of
any description other than a car com
monly used for the carriage of passengers
without right and without permission of
the conductor of the train and with Intent
thereby to obtain a ride without payment
therefor, and any person excepting rail
way employes in the performance of their
duty, who shall take passage or ride upon
or enter for the purpose of taking pas
sage or riding upon the trucks, rods,
brake-beams or any part of any car, loco
motive or tender not ordinarily and cus
tomarily used and intended for the rest
ing place of a person riding upon and
operating the same, shall be deemed guil
ty of a misdemeanor, and such person so
offending, upon conviction before any mu
nicipal court, police court or justice of
the peace having jurisdiction of the of
fense, shall be punished by a fine not ex
ceeding fifty (50) dollars and costs of pros
ecution, and In default of payment there
of may be imprisoned for a period not ex
ceeding sixty (60) days."
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Approved March 25th, 1899.
CHAPTER 9S— H. F. NO. 204.
AN ACT to provide punishment for illegal
voting at school meetings.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. Whoever not being a quali
fied voter, and not entitled to vote at a
school meeting, held In any school dis
trict, shall with unlawful intent to vote
at any such school meeting, or on any
question, or for the election of any offi
cer to be elected at such school meeting,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
on conviction thereof shall be punished
by a fine of not to exceed one hundred
dollars ($100), or imprisonment in the
county Jail for not exceeding three
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Approved March 25th, 1899.
CHAPTER 99— H. F. NO. 221.
AN ACT to amend section sixty-eight
hundred fifty-seven (6857), general stat
utes eighteen hundred and ninety-four
(1894), relating to the getting on and
off moving cars or engines.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section sixty-eight hun
dred fifty-seven (6857), general statutes
eigteen hundred and nlnetv-four (1894),
be and the same is hereby amended so as
to read as follows:
It shall be unlawful for any person,
other than passengers or employes, to get
on or off, or attempt to get on or off, or
to swing on or hang on from the outside
of, any engine or car or any electric mo
tor or street car upon any railroad or
track, while such engine, car. motor or
street car is in motion, switching or
being switched.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
In force from and after its passage.
Approved March 2f.th, 1899.
CHAPTER 100— H. F. NO. 16.
AN ACT to prevent railroad companies
doing business in this state from raising
rates for the transportation of certain
freight between points in this state
without the consent of the railroad and
warehouse commission.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That after any railroad com
pany has once put Into effect and main
tained for sixty (60) days or more, any
rate for the transportation of grain, flax,
lumber, coal or live stock, between any
stations in this state, on its line of rail
road, it shall be unlawful for such rail
road company to charge any higher rate
for the transportation of any such freight
articles between such points, or in any
manner change its freight schedules or
classifications so that the rate on any
such articles of freight shall be in
creased between such points in this
state, without first obtaining from the
railroad and warehouse commission an
order in writing allowing such advance In
rate or change of classification.
Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any rail
road company or companies after once
having established and maintained for
sixty (60) days or more, a joint rate for
the transportation of the aforesaid ar
ticles of freight, or any of them, between
stations or places in this state, to raise
such rate and charge more for the trans
portation of any such freight articles or
classifications so that said joint rate will
be increased without first obtaining a
written order from the railroad and ware
house commission permitting such change
of joint rate or change of 'classification.
Sec. 3. Any railroad company desiring
to increase a rate already made by it or
nny joint rate to which it is a party, com
ing under the provisions of this act, may
make application to the railroad and
warehouse commission, stating the exist
ing rate and the amount of the proposed
Increase, or If the Increase Is to De made
In the classification, showing what
change in classification Is desired and
how much such change will increase the
rate, and the reasons for making such
changes. Upon receiving such applica
tion, the said commission shall fix a time
and place for hearing, and give such no
tice to interested shippers as it shall
deem proper and reasonable, and after
hearing all the evidence offered, if it finds
that it is reasonable, fair and just to both
the shippers and the carriers that the cur
riers should bo allowed to make the in
crease of its rates asked for, it shall
grant the application, otherwise It shall
deny the application.
Sec. 4. Any railroad company that shall
violate any of the provisions of either
section one (1) or two (2), this act, shall
be subject to a penalty of one hundred
(100) dollars for each and every day such
violation shall cotlnue, to be recovered In
a civil action brought in the name of the
State of Minnesota by the attorney gen
Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after lta passage.
Approved March 27th, 1899.
CHAPTER 101-H. F. NO. 257.
AN ACT to provide for unirorm state cer
tificates for teachers in certain public
schools in this state, and to repeal ail
laws Inconsistent therewith.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the state superintendent
of public instruction be authorized to issue
state certificates of the following grades: i
A first grade certificate valid for not to |
exceed five (5) years, and a second grade
certificate valid for not to exceed two (2)
years. The requirements for first and sec
ond grade certificates shall include both
scholastic and professional ability, and
the regulations governing the examination
for such certificates shall be prescribed by
the state superintendent of public instruc
tion. A complete certificate shall certify
the scholastic and professional require
ments, skill in teaching and moral char
acter. The written answers for the scho
lastic examination hereinafter provided
for shall be read and marked under the
direction of the state superintendent of
public instruction, and the markings for
the professional retiulretnents shall be
governed by the county superintendent,
who shall also be the judge of skill in
teaching and moral character of the ap
Sec. 2. The county superintendent may
revoke any certificate for good cause. The
county superintendent shall within ten
(10) days after his decision to refuse to
issue a certificate or to revoke one already
issued, transmit a written statement to
the person aggrieved, stating the grounds
I upon which he refused to grant a certili- J
j cate, or upon which one already granted
I was revoked by him, and a copy of such
statement shall be forwarded to the state
superintendent of public Instruction. The
person aggrieved, desiring to appeal from
such decision, shall, within ten (10) days
after receipt of such notice, serve a writ
ten notice of appeal from such decision
on the state superintendent of public in
struction, which notice shall specify the
grounds upon which the appeal is taken.
Sec. 3. A complete first grade eertiti- j
cate certifying to scholastic requirements
I by the state superintendent and to pro
fessional requirements, skill in teaching
and moral character by the county super
intendent In whose county the examina
tion is held, shall be valid in any county |
of the state. A complete second grade
certificate for both scholastic and profea- j
sional requirements, signed by the state j
superintendent and the county superin
tendent, as indicated above for a first
grade certificate, shall be valid In the
county in which the examination is held,
and may be made valid In any county by
the indorsement of the county superin
tendent of said county. No teacher shall
be entitled to receive a certificate of any
grade herein provided for who fails to
give proper evidence of possessing a good
moral character, and no teacher shall re
ceive a complete first grade or second
grade certificate who has not had success
ful experience in teaching for at least
eight (8) months for a first grade, and
five (5) months for a second grade, and
who shall not be at least eighteen (IS)
years of age; provided, that the county
superintendent may issue a limited sec
ond grade certificate, good for one (1)
year, to applicants without experience
not under seventeen (17) years of age,
who have passed the scholastic examina
tion given by the state department of
public instruction. It Is further pro
vided, that the county superintend
ent may, when he deems it neces
sary, issue a third (3d) grade cer
tificate upon his own examination,
for a term of one (1) year, such
third (3d) grade certificate to designate
the district in which said certificate shall
be valid, said certificate not to be renew
able without examination. No teacher
shall be entitled to receive a third (3d)
grade certificate more than twice In the
same county.
Sec- 4. The state superintendent of
public Instruction shall prescribe regula
tions for renewing first (Ist) and second
(2d) grade certificates, and for providing
a fair review in the casa of an appeal
from the decision of a county superin
Sec. 5. The superintendent of public in
struction shall cause to be held at least
two (2) examinations each year in every
county of the state, at such convenient
places as may be designated by the coun
ty superintendent thereof. The time for
such examination shall be uniform
throughout the state, and the examina
tion shall be conducted by the county
superintendent of the county In which the
examination la he!d or by persons appoint
ed by him, strictly according to regula
tions prescribed by the department or j.ud
lic instruction designed to secure uni
formity and fairness. An affidavit may be
required of such examiner, certifying that
the regulations regarding said examina
tion have been fully observed; provided,
that any county superintendent may, on
his own examination, issue a certificate
of any grade to applicants who present
satisfactory proof that they were unable
to be present at the public examination.
Such certificates shall be valid only In
a district specified on their face and until
the time of the next succeeding public ex
amination. Such public notice shall be
given of the time and place and regula
tions -governing the examination as the
superintendent of public instruction may
determine. The examinations shall be
public and the teachers desiring to take
the .same may dismiss their schools for
that purpose for a period not exceeding
two (2) days in each year, without loss of
Sec. 6. Examinations for all certificates
herein provided for shall be given in spell
ing, reading, penmanship, arithmetic
grammar, composition, geography, history
of the United States, physiology and the
practical facts of hygiene. In addition to
the above branches, all applicants for
first (Ist) grade certificates shall bo ex
amined In elementary algebra, plain geom
etry, physical geography, natural philoso
phy and civil government; provided, first,
that the state superintendent may, In his
regulations, designate equivalent subjects
that may be taken in lieu of physical geog
raphy, natural philosophy and plain
geometry, at the option of the applicant
provided, second, that all subjects In
which the applicant passes an examina
tion shall be designated in the certificate;
provided, third, questions shall be submit
ted in music and drawing to such appli
cants as desire to receive a standing fn
these subjects; and provided, fourth,' the
state superintendent of public instruction
may accept state hig,h school certificates
In any or the high school subjects, in
cluding the so-called senior common
branches In lieu of an examination in
pi^ch subjects, under such conditions as
he may prescribe, providing that no stanfl
ing of less than seventy-five (75) per cent
in such high school certificates shall be
Sec. 7. An appeal may be taken from
the decision of the county superintendent
to the state superintendent of public in
struction; and any applicant failing to
pass the scholastic examination provided
for herein may, upon appeal to the state
superintendent, have his papers reviewed
by the instructors In the corresponding
branches at the state university, but such
appeal must be taken within ten (10) days
from the date of receipt of notice of such
See. 3. Complete first and second grade
certificates under this law shall be valid
In all grades below the high school in any
special or Independent districts, unless
boards of education of such districts shall,
by formal action of said board, decide
Sec. 9. The state superintendent of
public Instruction may, in his discretion,
Issue certificates of qualification without
examinations to persons who have taught
in public schools of this state for five (5)
or more years, upon their filing with said
state superintendent or public Instruction
a written application approved by the
board of education or school trustees, to
gether with the city superintendent or
county superintendent under which said
applicant shall have taught the greater
part of five (5) years next preceding the
date of application.
Sec. 10. The local expenses for the ex
amination herein provided for in each
county shall be paid by the county in
which paid examinations are held.
The necessary expenses incurred by the
superintendent "of public instruction In
carrying out the provisions of this" act
shall be paid from the appropriation
made for conducting teachers' institutes
in the same manner as other disburse-
I ments are made from said fund; provid
< ed, that the amount paid out of said fund
for said purpose, annually, shall not ex-
ceed the sum of two thousand five hun
dred (2.500) dollars
Sec. 11. Chapter one hundred and eigh
ty-two (182) of the eeneral laws of eigh
teen hundred and ninety-five (1895), .and
sections thirty-seven hundred and forty
four (3744) and thirty-seven hundred and
forty-seven (3747) of the general stat
utes'of eighteen hundred and ninety-four
(1894), and all other acts and parta of
acts ' Inconsistent with the provisions of
this act, are hereby repealed; provided,
that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to invalidate any certificate
now in force.
Sec. 12. This act shall take effeo. and
bo In force from and after August Ist,
Approved March 27th, 1599.
CHAPTER 102— S. F. NO. 265.
AN ACT to amend section four (4), chap
ter two hundred and twenty-nine (229)
of the general laws of lSi>s, entitled
"An act to establish municipal courts
in Incorporated cities having a popula
tion of less than 5 000 inhabitants.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section four (4) of
chapter two hundred and twenty-nine
(229) of the laws of 1895 be and the same
hereby is amended so as to read as fol
Sec. 4. Before entering on tha duties
of his office, the judge shall take and
subscribe an oath ns prescribed in the
general statutes for judicial officers,
which oath shall be filed In the office of
the city recorder of said city.
He shall have the general powers of
judges of courts of record, and may ad
minister oaths and take and certify ac
knowledgments in all cases, and as a
conservator of the peace shall have all
power and authority which is by law
vested In justices of tha peace, or any
other judicial officer.
In cases of sickness or other cause re
quiring his absence or in case the judge
is interested, either directly or indirect
ly, or in which he would be excluded
from sitting as a juror, or in any case
in which he has been, before his election
or appointment to the office of municipal
judge, an attorney, he may procure any
competent and disinterested attorney in
the county to act for him.
Such attorney so called In shall take
and subscribe the same oath of office
and have all the powers possessed by the
municipal judge in said matter, or during
such time as he may, by tha written
order of such municipal judge, be re
quested so to act. Prior to the entry of
such appointed person upon the dis
charge of such judicial functions, the
judge shall enter a full copy of such
order In the records of the court.
Nothing in this act shall be so con
strued as to disqualify or prevent the
municipal judge from practicing as an
attorney in any court of this state, ex
cept in said municipal court.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved March 29th, 1899.
CHAPTER 103— S. F. NO. 304.
AN ACT providing for the issue
of bonds for the purchase of sites
and erecting school houses in independ
ent school districts, and to repeal chap
ter three hundred and fifty nine (&>»)
of general laws of Minnesota for 1897.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That in all cases where the
legal voters of any independent school
district shall have, at a legally called
meeting, by a majority vote, authorized
the purchase of a site or sites, and the
erection thereon of a school house or
school houses, and designated the amount
of money to be raised for such purposes,
the board of education of such independ
ent school district may issue bonds of
such district for the amount so designat
ed, which bonds shall be signed by the
president and clerk of such board of edu
cation. Such bonds shall be payable in
such amounts and at such times, with
such interest not exceeding five (o) per
cent per annum, as the board of educa
tion may direct, and shall not be sold for
less than their par value.
Sec 2 That chapter three hundred and
fifty-nine (359) of tha general laws of
Minnesota for the year 1897 be and the
same is hereby repealed. „ „ A
Sec 3. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved March 29th, 1899.
CH \PTER 104— H. F. NO. 54G.
AN ACT to amend chapter ninety.-mne
(99) of the general laws of 1897 relat
ing to newly organized counties.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section five (5) of chap
ter ninety-nine C») ot the general laws
of the year eighteen hundred and ninety
seven (1897) be and the same Is hereby
amended so as to read as follows:
See. 5. Counties organized u.nder the
provisions of this act shall have all the
usual and ordinary powers of other or
ganized counties; ■ provided and except
ing that not more than eight thousand
dollars shall be raised or expended with
in five years from the time of the organ
ization 'of any county organized hereun
der, for county buildings, nor shall more
than thirteen thousand dollars be raised
or expended for such buildings within
ten years from such organization; nor
shall any indebtedness be Incurred by
such county within ten years from the
time of its organization for any purpose
other than county buildings, except as
herein provided, and the total tax that
may be levied in any such county in any
one year for ten years after the organi
zation of such county shall not exceed
the sum of twenty thousand dollars for
all purposes whatsoever, excepting the
one mill local school tax and the one mill
general school tax and village taxes; pro
vided, should it be found that a sufficient
fund is not secured t.>r th.c purpose of
holding a five months' school In each
year in any district in such counties
from the tax provided for In this act for
this purpose, then an additional tax of
not to exceed two mills may be levied
and collected in such district, but no
more; provided, further, tliat any such
county may Issue county warrants' for
necessary current expense:?, but at no
time during the said period of ten years
subsequent to the time of the organiza
tion of such county shall the outstanding
warrants so issued exceed the sum of
twelve thousand dollar?, and any war
rants issued in excess of such sum shall
be void.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its nassage.
Approved March 29th, 1899.
CHAPTTR .105— H. F. NO. 487.
AN ACT to transfer a certain unexpended
appropriation of three hundred and fifty
(350) dollars to the road and bridge
fund of Villard township In Todd
Whereas, By title six (6) of chapter
one hundred and three (103), general
laws of the State of Minnesota for the
year 1897, among others, the sum of three
hundred and fifty (350) dollars was appro
priated to aid the town of Villard, in
Todd county, to construct a bridge over
the Long Prairie river on section twenty
four (24), known as the Sears bridge; and
Whereas, By reason of the construction
of a bridge on an adjoining section of land
In Morrison county, which answers the
purpose of the proposed bridge, the said
appropriation remains unexpended.
Therefore. Be it enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the sum of three hun
dred and fifty dollars ($350) appropriated
by title six (6), chapter one hundred and
three (103), general laws of the State of
Minnesota for the year eighteen hundred
and ninety-seven (1897) be and the same
is hereby transferred to the road and
bridge fund of the Town of Villard,
Todd county, Minnesota.
Sec. 2. Upon a receipt by the state au
ditor of an order drawn by the chairman
of the board of supervisors of said Town
of Villard, the state auditor shall Oraw
his warrant upon the state treasurer for
Raid sum in favor of said town, and cle
liver the same to the treasurer of said
town, who is hereby authorised to draw
the money and place .-s^eno to the credit
of the road and bridge fun-Is therein.
Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in
consistent with this act are re~
pealed, so far as same relates to said
sum of three hundred and nfty dollars
Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after Its oassage.
"* Approved March 29th, 1899.
CHAPTER 106-H. F. NO. 427.
AN ACT to amend chapter sixty-four
C 64), general lawF eighteen hundred and
ninety-five (189S), entitled An act to
amend chapter one hundred and twen
ty-two (122), general laws eighteen hun
dred and ninety-three (1893). entitled. An
act to amend chapter two hundred and
forty-two (242). general laws eighteen
hundred and eighty-nine (ISS9). entitled,
An act to amend chanter one hundred
and fifteen (115) of the general laws or
eighteen hundred and eJjrhtv-ono (1881).
entitled. An act to provide for the pub
lication of a legislative manual.
Be it enacted by, the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota: ,
Section 1. That section six (6) of chap
ter sixty-four (••■!), general laws of
eighteen hundretV and . ninety-five (1895),
entitled. An act to amend section six (.})
of chapter one hundred and twenty-two
(122), general laws of i eighteen hundred
and ninety-three (JB9*>, entitled, An act
to amend chapter two hundred and forty
two (212), general laws of eighteen hun
dred and eighty-nine (ISS'.i), entitle 1, An
act to amend chapter one hundred find
fifteen (115) of the general laws of eight
een hundred and eighty-one (1881), en
titled, An act to provide for the publica
tion of a legislative manual, be and the
same Is hereby amended to read as fol
1 Sec. 8. The secretary of state may, un-
der the contract of the state printer, and
upon as favorable terms as he can secure
for the state, cause ten thousand (10,000)
copies of the legislative manual to be
published, In addition to the number al
ready published for the year one thousand
eight hundred and ninety-nine (189S), to
be distributed as follows:
Fifty (50) copies to each member of the
Fifty (50) copies to State Historical so
ciety for exchange with other states.
Five (5) copies to state university.
Three (3) copies to state library.
Two (2) copies to congressional library
at Washington.
Two (2) copies to soldiers' home.
Two (2) copies to each free public li
brary in this state.
Two (2; copies to each public college,
seminary or academy In this state.
Two (2) coplew to each state normal
school. •
Two (2) copies to each state high school.
One (1) copy to each Independent, spe
cial and common school district in this
And the secretary of state shall Bend
the number of manuals required to be
furnished said school districts to the
county superintendent of schools of each
One (1) copy to each state institution
not herein provided for.
One (1) copy to each elective state of
One (1) copy to each appointed state
oftlcer who is the head of any depart
One (1) copy to ench officer and employe
of the house and senate.
One (1) copy to each supreme and dis
trict court judge.
One (1) copy to each United States sen
ator and member of congress from this
One (1) copy to each auditor's office in
this state.
Two hundred and seventy-five (275)
copies to remain in the olfice of the sec
retary of state for distribution among
the members of the next succeeding leg
The remaining copies shall bo held in
the office of the secretary of state for dis
tribution, as he may deem best.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved March 30th, 1599.
CHAPTER 107— S. F. NO. 337.
AN ACT to provide for the cutting and
destruction of weeds and grass on pub
lic highways and streets of incorporat
ed villages and cities of less than fifty
thousand (50,000) inhabitants, and pro
viding a penalty for refusing or neg
lecting bo to do by any road overseer
or street commissioner.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. It shall be the duty of every
overseer of highways or street commis
sioners of incorporated villages and cities
of less than fifty thousand (50,000) in
habitants In the State of Minnesota to
cause to be cut and destroyed all weeds
or grass growing upon the public high
ways or streets within their road dis
tricts in the niannor hereinafter provided.
Sec. 2. Every such road overseer and
street commissioner is hereby authorized
and empowered, and it is hereby made his
duty, to require any person, and as many
as necessary, liable to road labor and
road tax, to appear with teams, mowing
machines, or such other implements, if
he own the same, as the overseer or
street commissioner may demand, at a
time and place designated by him for
the purpose of cutting and destroying
weeds or grass growing upon such high
ways or streets.
Seo. 8. Said labor of cutting and de
stroying weeds or grass to be paid for
at the same rate and in the same man
ner as other highway labor, said labor
to be superintended by the ove rseer of
highways and street corrTiissloner, who
shall receive compensat i therefor at
the same rate as for supe. ...tending other
highway labor.
Sec. 4. Said cutting and destruction of
weeds or grass on the public highways or
streets, shall be performed not earlier
than the fifteenth- (15th) day of July nor
later than the first (Ist) day of Septem
ber each year.
Sec. 5. Every overseer of highways and
street commissioner shall so regulate the
road labor in his road district, that the
cutting and destruction of weeds or grass
on the public highways and streets, as
provided for by this act, shall constitute
part of the highway labor and road tax
now provided for by law.
Sec. 6. In case any person required to
cut and destroy weeds or grass, as pro
vided for by this act, refuses or neglects
to comply with such requirement for a
period of two (2) days after the time set
by the overseer or street commissioner,
the overseer or street commissioner is
hereby empowered to employ a person or
persons to perform such labor, said la
bor to be paid for out of the delinquent
road tax fund, when application Is made
to the supervisors of the town or village
council at the rate hereinbefore provided
Sec. 7. Any overseer of highways or
street commissioner who refuses or neg
lects to perform any of the duties pre
scribed by this act, shall, for every such
refusal or neglect, forfeit the sum of ten
(10) dollars, to be sued for by the chair
man of the board of supervisors of the
town or village council, and, when re
covered, to be applied by him in mak
ing and improving the roads and high
ways and streets therein.
Sec. S. All' acts and parts of acts In
consistent herewith are hereby repealed.
Sec. 9. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1599.
CHAPTER 108— S. F. NO. 375.
AN ACT to detaclv Cook county
from Lake county, and to organize
Cook county for judicial purposes.
Be It enacted by the Legislaturo of the
Stats of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the County of Cook
heretofore attached to the "County of
Lake for judicial purposes, is hereby de
tached from said County of Lake and or
ganized for judicial purpose"?.
Sec. 2. Terms of the district court shall
t-o held In said County of Cook at such
time or times ,".s shall be fixed by any
two or more judges of the Eleventh Ju
dicial District. And it shall be the duty
Oi such judges, when, in thoir opinion. 1'
shall be necessary to hold a general term
of the district court in said County of
Cook, to give at least forty days' notice
of the time when such general term shall
be held by publishing, or causing to be
published, In some newspaper rubllshed
in said County of Cook, if any there b-3,
if not, then in an adjoining county, a no
tice that such term will be held; and
such term or terms shall be held and
shall be deemed to be general terms of
said district court as fully and to all In
tents as though the time nf holding the
same had been designated by an act of
the legislature.
Sec. 3. All acts or parts of acts incon
sistent with this act are hereby repealed
Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after January 1 1901
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 109— S. F. NO. 380.
AN ACT to authorize religious societies
heretofore incorporated to Increase the
number of trustees to a number not ex
ceeding: nine.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That any religious society
heretofore incorporated, or attempted to
be incorporated or which may hereafter
become incorporated, may Increase the
number of Its trustees to any number not
exceeding nine, by a majority vote of all
the members of full age belonging to such
religious society who are present and vot
ing- at an election called and held for that
Sec. 2. Such election shall be held in
tho manner and upon the notice provided
by law for the organization of religious
corporations and election of trustees b»
ing title four (4) of chapter thirty-four
(34) of the general statutes of 1878
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage
Approved April 3rd, 1599.
CHAPTER 110— S. F. NO. 661
AN ACT to authorize and empower the
common council of any city having a
population of ten thousand (10,000) or
less, in this state, to appropriate and
expend money in assisting in the Im
provement and maintenance of the
roads leading into such municipalities
and the bridges thereon.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the common council of
any city having a population of ten thou
sand (10,000) or less, in this state, is here
by empowered and authorized to appro
priate and expend such reasonable sum
or sums of money as they think proper
for assisting In the improvement and
maintenance of the roads leading into
such municipalities and the bridges there
on: and such city is hereby authorized
and empowered to expend such sum or
sums of money so appropriated on roads
and bridges situated beyond the bound
aries of such city, or beyond the bound
aries of the county in which such city is
situated, whenever the city council of
such city shall so determine.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 111— S. F. NO. 251.
AN ACT to amend section six hun
dred and fifty-one (651) of the gen
eral statutes of Minnesota of eighteen
hundred and ninety-four (1894), relat
ing to the change In county seats.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section six hundred
and fifty-one (63) of the general statutes
of Minnesota of eighteen hundred and
ninety-four (1884), the same being section
nve (5) of chapter one hundred and sev
enty-four (174) of the general laws of
Minnesota of eighteen hundred and eigh
ty-nine (1889), be and it hereby is amend
ed so as to read as follows:
In any of the counties of this state
where a special election has been held
under this act for the change of the
county seat, no notice of Intention to
circulate a petition for the change of a
county seat, as provided for by this act,
shall be published or posted, and no such
petition shall be circulated, signed, pre
sented or filed until after the expira
tion of a period of five (5) years from
the date or such special election.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 112— S. P. NO. 248.
AN ACT to amend section six thousand
four hundred and eighteen (6418) of the
general statutes of Minnesota for the
year one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-four (1894), relating to unau
thorized communications with convicts
In the state prison.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section six thousand
four hundred and eighteen (8418) o_f the
general statutes of eighteen hundred and
ninety-four (1894) be and the same is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 6418. A person who, not being au
thorized by law, or by written permis
sion from the board of managers, or by
the consent of the warden of the prison
or superintendent of the reformatory, has
any verbal communication with a con
vict In the state prison or state reforma
tory, or brings into or conveys out of
any state prison or reformatory any writ-
Ing, clothing, food, tobacco, or any ar
ticle whatsoever, to or from any convict
under sentence in such prison or reforma
tory wherever such convict may be, is
guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 113— S. F. NO. 254.
AN ACT to amend section 3314
of the general statutes of Minnesota,
of the year 1894, relating to co-operative
life insurance associations.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section three thousand
three hundred and fourteen (3314), of the
general Ptatutes of Minnesota, of the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-four,
(1894), be and the same hereby Is amend
ed so as to read as follows: "Nothing in
this act contained shall be construed to
require any society or any subordinate
lodge or body of any secret or fraternal
or industrial society now organized in
this state, paying only sick benefits not
exceeding two hundred and fifty ($250.00)
dollars in the aggregate to any one per
son In any one year, or a funeral bene
fit or relief to those dependent on a
member, not exceeding three hundred
and fifty ($350.00) dollars to make any
report thereof as herein contemplated;
nor to require the subordinate lodges or
councils or other bodies, by whatever
name known, of fraternal or secret or
industrial societies, to 'make and file re
ports with the commissioner of insur
ance, when the money, benefit, charity,
relief or aid Is payable by the grand or
supreme body of the same, and is derived
from assessments upon such subordi
nates or their members- but such re
ports shall be made and filed by such
grand or supreme body. Nor shall any
thing in this act prevent the creation of a
reserve fund by any corporation, asso
ciation or society transacting the busi
ness of life, endowment or casualty in
surance, upon the co-operative or assess
ment plan, which fund or its accretions,
or both, are to be used for the payment
of assessments or death losses, or for
benefits. Nothing in this act shall be
construed to affect the grand or subor
dinate lodges of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, as they now exist, nor to
any grand order (or) subordinate lodge
of Free and Accepted Masons, nor any
grand lodge or subordlnate\lodges of the
Order of Sons of Hermann of the State
of Minnesota, or of the Modern Woodmen
of America."
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and arter its passage
Approved April 3rd, 1599.
CHAPTER 114— S. F. NO. 2G7
AN ACT to authorize the board of man
agers of the State Reformatory at St.
(.loud, to discharge inmates of paid In
stitution before the expiration of the
minimum term fixed by law at the time
of their sentence.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
btate ot" Minnesota:
Section 1. That In all oases where,
since the sentence of any person to the
State Reformatory at St. Cloud, the min
imum term of imprisonment for the of
fense upon which a conviction v,-as had,
has been reduced by law, the board of
managers may at its discretion discharge
such person from said institution at any
time after he shall have served therein
the length of time specified in the law
under and by which such minimum term
was so reduced.
Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts In
consistent herewith are hereby repealed
Sec. 3. This net shall take effect and be
in force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 115— S. F. NO. 261.
AN ACT to amend section one thousand
two hundred and sixty-four (12G4) of the
statutes of Minnesota for the year one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-four
(1894), relating to the duties and com
pensation of village recorders.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section one thousand
two hundred and sixty-four (12W) of the
statutes of Minnesota for the year one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-four
(1894), being section forty-six (10) of chap
ter one hundred and forty-five (,145) of the
general laws of one thousand eight hun
dred and eighty-live (1885), be amended
by adding thereto" the following:
"For the performance of ail of the du
ties hereinabove set forth, except such as
are enumerated in subdivisions 'fifth'
and 'seventh' of this section, the vil
lage recorder shall receive 3uch com
pensation as shall be fixed and deter
mined by the village council cf his vil
lage; and the village council shall fix his
compensation by resolution thereof at
their first regular meeting after the an
nual village election in each and every
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 116— S. F. NO. 162.
AN ACT establishing a Board of equal
ization in incorporated cities having a
population of less than ten thousand
(10,000) Inhabitants.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That In all Incorporated cities
within the State of Minnesota having a
population of less than ten thousand (10,
--000) inhabitants (except cities whose char
ters provide for a board of equalization),
the mayor, city recorder, or city clerk
and aldermen of each of said cities shall
constitute and be the board of equaliza
tion thereof. Such board shall meet on
the fourth Monday of June at the rooms
where meetings of the common council are
usually held, for the purpose of review-
Ing the assessments of property In such
city, and they shall Immediately proceed
to examine, ascertain and see that all
taxable property in their city has been
properly placed upon the list, and duly
valued by the assessor; and in case any
property, real or personal, shall have been
omitted, by Inadvertence or otherwise. It
shall be the duty of said board to place
the same upon the list, with the true
value thereof, and proceed to correct the
assessment, so that each tract or lot of
real property, and each article, parcel or
class of personal property shall be en
tered on the assessment list at the true
and full value thereof; but the assess
ment of the property of any person shall
not be raised until such person shall have
been duly notified of the intent of the
board so to do. And on the application
of any person considering himself ag
grieved, they shall review the assessment
and correct the same as shall appear to
them just. A majority of said officers are
authorized to act at such meeting, and
they may adjourn from day to day until
they shall finish the hearing of all ca«es
presented to them. All complaints and
grievances of Individuals, residents of the
city. In reference to the assessment of
personal property, shall be heard and de
cided by the city board.
Provided, that the complaints of non
residents In reference to the assessment
of any property, real or personal, and of
others In reference to any assessment
made after the meeting of the city board
of equalization, shall be heard and deter
mined by the county board.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the as
sessor to attend the meeting of the city
board of equalization, with his assess
ment books and papers, and note all
chang-ps and additions made by the board
and correct, his work accordingly.
Sec. 3. The mayor and aldermen of
each city of the class mentioned in the
title of this act shail each receive as
compensation for his services as a mem
ber of the board of equalization three ($3) j
dollars per day for each day <*f actual
service: provided, however, that no mem
ber shall receive prij r for more than three
days In each year.
Sec. 4. Any city In the. rlass mentioned
in the title of this act which may wish
to avail Itself of the provisions of this
act shall do so by a resolution of Its com
mon council expressly accepting tho nro
vlslons hereof, which resolution shall be
adopted by a four-fifths (4-5) vote of all
the members elect of such council and b*
approved by the mayor of such city; and
this act shall not apply to any such city
until the adoption as aforesaid of such
Sec. B. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after November L
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 117— S. F. NO. 309
AN ACT to amend section one thousand
five hundred and fifty-eight (IKS) of
chapter eleven (11), general statutes of
one thousand eight hundred and ninety
four (1894), relating to tax levy rate per
cent for state, county and other pur
Be it enacted by the Legislature of tht
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. Section one thousand flvj
hundred and fifty-eight (1558) of i-haptei
eleven (11) of the general statutes of on«
thousand eight hundred and ninety-foul
(1894), be and the same is hereby amend
ed so as to read as follows:
There shall be levied annually on each
dollar of taxable property In the staU
(other than such as by law is otherwist
taxed) as assessed and entered on th«
tax lists for the several purposes enum
erated, taxes at the rate specified as fol
For state purposes, such amount aa
may be levied by the legislature; for
county purposes, such amount as may be
levied by the county commissioners, the
rate of which shall not exceed five mills
In any county having a taxable valua
tion of one million dollars or more, and
the amount of which shall not exceed
five thousand dollars; In counties having
a taxable valuation less than one million
dollars, the rate of such tax shall
not exceed one per cent in any county.
For township purposes, such sum a«
may be voted at any legal town meet
ing, the rate of which shall not exceed,
exclusive of such sums as may be voted
at the annual town meeting for road
and bridge purposes, and for the support
of the poor, two mills in any township
having a taxable valuation of one hun
dred thousand dollars or more, and the
amount of which shall not exceed one
hundred and fifty dollars In any town
ship, having a taxable valuation of less
than one hundred thousand dollars, and
the rate of nuch tax shall not exceed
one-half of one per cent in any town
ship. The rate of tax for road and
bridge purposes in any town shall not
exceed five mills per dollar, and the tax
for poor purposes shall not exceed two
For school district purposes, In addition
to the general tax of one mill, such sum
as may be voted at any legal meeting or
the qualified voters of the district, tho
rate of which shall not exceed fifteen
mills, for the support of the school, or
one per cent for the erection of a school
Provided, that the aforpsald limitations
shall not be construed aa prohibiting as
sessments on property adjacent to local
improvements made in any city or In
corporated town or village, for the pur
pose of paying the cost thereof and the
damages occasioned thereby; and that
nothing In this section shall be construed
to prevent the county commissioners,
township supervisors, or corporate au
thorities of any city, town, village or
school district, from levying any tax
which by any special law they may be
authorized to levy.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER US— S. F. NO. 200.
AN ACT to repeal section seven thousand
five hundred and nine (7509) of the gen
eral statutes of eighteen hundred and
ninety-four (1894), relating to the notifi
cation to district judges by the superin
tendent of the state reformatory of
the number of prisoners in confinement
In said reformatory.
B6 it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section seven thousand
five hundred and nine (7509) of the gen
eral statutes of eighteen hundred and
ninety-four (1894) be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 119— S. F. NO. 338.
AN ACT conferring jurisdiction on dis
trict courts in two counties in actions
affecting title to land.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. *In all cases where there Is
dispute or doubt as to which of two ud
joining counties in one judicial district
any lancis are situated, any a;id all ac
tions affecting the title to any such land
may be brought and maintained in either
of such adjoining counties;- notice of
the pendency of any such action may be
recorded in the office of the register of
deeds In each of said adjoining counties,
and when so recorded it shall be notice to
all persons of the pendency of such action
and of the rights of the parties thereto
as the same shall be finally adjudged In
the action In which such notice is entitled.
This act shall be held to apply to all lands
affected by any statute enacted since the
year 1803, defining or purporting to define
the boundary line between twe counties
lying in the same judicial district.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 120—8. F. NO. 255.
AN ACT to amend section 3294, of the gen
eral statutes of Minnesota of the year
1894, relating to life insurance com
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section 3294, of the gen
eral statutes of Minnesota of the year
1894, be and the same hereby Is amended
so as to read as follows: That all asso
ciations or secret orders, such as Masons,
Odd Fellows, Druids. Knights of Pythias,
Ancient Order of United Workmen, Grand
Lodge of the Order of Sons of Hermann
of the State of Minnesota, Modern Wood
men of America, Firemen and other be
nevolent or fraternal co-operative socle
ties, associated or incorporated for the
sole purpose of mutual protection and
relief of its members, and for the pay
ment of stipulated sums of money to the
families of deceased members, are hereby
declared not to be life insurance com
panies in the sense and meaning of the
general life Insurance laws of the stato,
and they are and shall be henceforth ex
empt from the provisions of said general
Insurance law.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and b*
In force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 121-S. F. NO. 352.
AN ACT to legalize the organization of
certain towns.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of tho
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That all towns in this state
heretofore organized, or attempted to be
organized, under any <>f the laws of this
state and now exercising the powers of
bodies corporate, are hereby legalized as
towns, with all the powers, franchises
and liabilities of su^h bodies corporate,
as provided by chapter ten (10) of the
General Laws of One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Seventy-Eight (IS7S), and
subsequent laws of this state, with their
boundaries as now actually established,
whether the same comprise one (1) of
more congressional townships or frac
tional part or^parts thereof; and all tha
acts performed by any officer or officers
of such town or towns within the scopa
of the laws of this state are hereby le«
galized. Provided, that nothing herein
contained shall In any way affect any
action or proceeding now pending.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 122— S. F. NO. 17.
AN ACT to amend section one (1) of
chapter twenty-three (23) of the general
statutes of eighteen hundred and sev
enty-eight (1878). vol. two (2>. the same
being section two thousand two hundred
and twelve (2212) of the general statutes
of the State of Minnesota for eighteen
hundred ninety-four (1894) relating ta
the rate of interest.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of th«
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section one (1) of
chapter twenty-three (23), of the general
statutes of the State of Minnesota for
eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (1878),
volume number two (2). the same being
section two thousand two hundred and
twelve (2212) of the general statutes of
eighteen hundred and ninety-four O8D4),
be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
Sec 1 That interest for any legal indebt
edness shall be at the rate of six dollars
upon one hunind dollars for a year, un
less a different rate is contracted for In
writing; and no person, company, or cor
poration shall, directly or indirectly, take
or receive In money, goods, or things In
action, or In any other way, nny greater
sum. or any greater value, for the loan
or forbearance of money, goods, of
things in action, than ten ($10) dollars on
one hundred dollars for one year; and
( n fV. P I'nmputatlnn of interest upon any
1 bond, note, or other Instrument or agree*
ment, interest shall not be compounded,
But any contract to pay interest not usu
rious upon Interest overdue shall not b«
construed to be usury. Provided, that all
contracts hereafter made shall boar tha
same r:ita of interest after thoy becoma
due as before, and that any provision in
any contract, note or Instrument provid
ing for an increase of the rate of interest
upon maturity, or any Increase therein
aftfr making .and delivery thereof, shall -
v-oik a forfeiture of tho entire interest
thereon. Provided further, that the fore
going proviso shall not apply to notes ot

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