OCR Interpretation

The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, April 27, 1899, Minnesota Law Supplement, Image 13

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

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contracts which hear no interest before
See; -'. This act shall take effect and be
In force from and after November Ibt
Approved Apri.l 3rd. 1599.
CHAPTER 121— S. F. NO. 3.'5.
AN ACT to amend section 5135 of the
general statutes of ISJM. relating to the
time of the commencement of actions.
Be ii enacted by the Legislature of the
stme of Minnesot i:
Section 1. That section 513T> of the gen
ei.il statutes of l&M be and the same
hereby is amended so as to read, when
amended, as follows:
"Section 5135. Actions upon Judgments
or Decrees. Within Ten Years— First.
an a<-ti"ii upon a judgment or
decree of <i court of the United States,
or of any state or territory of the United
States; provided, bowever, that no such
action shall be maintained In any ease
where tho cause of action accrued «iore
than t'M HO) years prior to the com
mencement of the action in which such
judgment was rendered and the Judgment
debtor against whom the same lias been
obtained has for more than ten (I'M years
prior to tin commencement of the action
upon such judgment ln<-n continuously a
resident of ihis state."
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
!>•> in fore., from and after Its passage
Approved April Srd, 1899.
\ x ACT ••> RppronrhtTe money to reim
burse Richard S. MeNamee for ex
penses incurred in a contest for a scat
in the senate.
He it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section I. Thai the sum of two hun
nred laOm dollars be and hereby is ap
propriated out of the general revenue
fund oi said state to reimburse Richard
S McNamee for expenses incurred by
him defending his righi to a scat in the
senate daring ilu> thirty-first (31st) ses
sion of the legislature of said state, in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety
nine (1599).
Sec. 2. This set shall take effect
and !>>■ in ion-,, from and after its Das
Approv ed April Srd, is:t!t.
CHAPTER IL':V-S. V. NO. 609.
AN ACT to provide means for ivtrtially
completing and furnishing anj court
house and city hall building now m
process of erection in any city in this
state having over fifty thousand (50,000)
Inhabitants, and to authorise t h«- issue
and sale o£ ;ertiflcates of indebtedness
theref< r.
Be ii enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minn sGta:
Section l. For the purpose of providing
further money for the partial completion
and furnishing of any court house and
city hall building now in course of erec
tion In sny city in this state having over
fifty thousand (30.000) Inhabitants, the
board of court house and city hall com
missioners having In charge the erection
of such building is hereby authorized to
issue and sell certificates of indebtedness
to an amount not exceeding one hun
dred and seventy-five thousand (175,000)
dollars In par value. Said certificates
shall bear interest, payable semi-annual
ly. at a rate not to exceed four per cent
um per annum, and shall not be sold for
Ii ps than their .iar value
.. Said certificates shall become
a rtuirge against the city In which such
building may iw situated, and the pay
ment of the principal thereof and the in
terest Out.. in shall be provided for by
the city council of such city, and it i's
hereby made the Juty of such city coun
cil to levy a tax of one-naif mill on all
taxable property within said city annual
ly, until the money received fronisuehtax
shall be sufficient to take-up and dis
charge all such certificates of indebted
ness, together with the interest thereon
Sec. "?. The funds derived from the sale
of such certificates shall be. deposited by
the treasurer of said board according to
the directions of said board, and all in-
Urest or income that may be received
upon such deposits shall be accounted for
to the said boarci. and shall bo a part
nnd parcel of the fund belonging to said
board to be by them applied to the pros
ecution of the worK herein provided for.
Sec. 4. The money realized from the
s;;le of said certificates shall be used by
yaid board In the completion and fur
nishing of the ground floor and first floor
of said building, and no yart of such
money shall be expended by said board
until they shall have definitely ascertain
ed, by means of itemized estimates based
iJpon detailed specifications and drawings,
that the entire cost of completing and
furnishing such ground floor and first
floor, and making the same ready for
occupancy, including such recessary
heating and ventilating: apparatus,
plumbing, electrio light plant, office fur
niture and all expenses of supervision
and construction will in no event exceed
the said sum of one hundred and seventy
five thousand (175,000) dollars, it being
the purpose of this section lo restrict tho
entire cost of completing and furnishing
said ground and first floors to the sum
Seo. 5. This act shall tnke effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 126-S. F. NO. 122.
AN ACT to amend section six hundred
and ninety-seven (697) of the general
statutes of one thousand eight hundred
and ninety-four (1894). relating to the
establishment of section and meander
fiosts under the direction and author
ty of the county commissioners.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section six hundred
and ninety-seven (697) of the general
statutes of one thousand eight hundred
and ninety-four (1894) be and the same
Is hereby amended so as to read as fol
lows :
Sec. 697. Commissioners to Re-establish
Section and Meander Posts. The board of
county commissioners of any county
■where it shall be made to appear to their
satisfaction, at any regular or special
meeting, that the section, quarter sec
tion or meander posts or monuments es
tablished by the United States have
been destroyed or are becoming obscure,
shall have power to authorize and direct
the county surveyor of the county, or
Borne other competent surveyor, to re-
Burvey, re-locate and re-establish such
section, quarter section or meander posts
or monuments by having permanently
placed at such government corners an
Iron or stone or wood post, or monument
of a desirable character, of such size and
construction as in their discretion may
be deemed desirable. In making such
survey the said surveyor shall keep full
nnd accurate notes thereof, giving full
da*a by which the entire survey may be
re-located in the future, and shall file a
certified copy of the same, together with
on accurate plat thereof. In the office of
the register of deeds of said county. And
the points where said posts op* monu
ments are re-located and re-established,
'is aforesaid, shall be taken and consid
ered as nrima facie evidence that such
points are the points where the section
posts or monuments were established by
the United States government.
Provkl. (1 that sai.l county commission
ers may, in tht lr discretion, enter into a
contract with paid surveyor for the per
formance of said work and furnishing
said material, or any .part of either for
such price and upon such terms as to
Baid commissioners may seem proper
S.-c. 2. This act shah take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage
Approved April 3rd, 1.599.
CHAPTER 127-S. F. NO. 180
AN ACT to amend section three (3) of
chapter two hundred and twenty-nine
(229) of the general laws of eighteen
hundred and ninety-five (1895), relating
to municipal courts in incorporated
Cities having a population of less than
five thousand (fi.rtOO) inhabitants. ,
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section three (3) of
chapter two hundred and twenty-nine
(229) of the general laws of one thousand
eight hundred and ninety-five (1895) be
amended so as to read as follows:
Sec. 3. The qualified electors of such
city shall at the general city election to
be held in such city next after the passage
of this act, and at the general city elec
tion every fourth C4th) year thereafter,
elect a suitable person to the office of
. K ;iid judge of municipal court, who shall
be called "municipal judge," who shall
hold his office for a term of four years
and until his successor shall be clecteTl
and qualified.
In case of any vacancy In the office of
municipal judge, the governor of the
State of Minnesota shall appoint some
qualified person to said office, until the
next general city election, occurring more
than thirty days after the vacancy shall
have happened, when a judge shall be
elected for n full term of four (4) years.
The governor of the State of Minnesota
Fhall Immediately after the passage of
this act, and the acceptance of the pro
visions of the same, as hereinafter pro
vided, appoint some suitable person to
said office, who shall hold the same until
his successor ta elected and qualified.
The jurls-e of said municipal court shall
be a qualified elector of said city.
Any municipal judge of a city where
no general city election Is held In the
year 1900 and whose term of office cx
l! lr ,°, s J" ""' yprir 190 °- snall continue to
hold his office until the next general <*itv
election to be held in such city after
said year 1900. and until his successor Is
elected nnd Qualified.
Any municipal judge of a city where
no general city election is hpld In the year
1901 and whose term of office expires in
the year IPOI. shall continue to hold his
office until the next general city election
to be held In such city after said year
IWI and until his successor is elected and
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 12S— S. P. NO. 489.
AN ACT to enable the city council of
any city of the class specified In chapter
235, general laws of lS9f>, to make or
construct public improvements and as
sess the cost thereof upon the real prop
erty abutting upon or benefited by such
improvement and make such assessment
payable in annual installments, upon pe
tition of the owners of three-fourths of
the property assessed.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
fatate of Minnesota:
Section 1. That whenever the city
council of any city of the class men
tioned in chapter 235, general laws of
ISOS, shall be requested by petition of the
owners of three-fourths of the real prop
erty to be assessed therefor, to make or
! construct any specified improvement
! within such city and that the cost thereof
! to be assessed upon the real property
; abutting upon such improvement or bene
, Hted thereby, may be paid in a Specified
number of annual instalments, such city
council may. if it deem such improvement
necessary, by resolution, grant such petl- |
tion and order such improvement made or !
constructed, and may thereupon proceed i
to make or construct such improvement
and assess the cost thereof upon the prop- ]
erty abutting thereon or benefited there- !
by, and otherwise proceed as provided Iti !
said Chapter 2;jr>. General Laws 1595, with- j
out any other or further proceedings.
| Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and !
! be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 129— S. P. NO. 372.
AN ACT to amend section three (3) of
chapter two hundred and four (204) of
the general laws of the State of Minne
sota for the year ISS7, being the same as |
section three (3) of chapter one hundred
and thirteen (113) of the general laws i
of the State of Minnesota for tho year I
ISS9. and also being the same as section
live thousand eight hundred and seven
ty-seven (")577) of the general statutes of
1X94. relating to the ownership of real
estate in the State of Minnesota and to
the quantity of land which corporations
may acquire, hold or own.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section three (3) of I
chapter two hundred and four (204) of
the general laws of the Stale of Minne
sota for the year 18S7, being section three
('?) of chapter one hundred and thirteen ]
(113) of the general laws of the State of
Minnesota for the year 18S9, and being
the same as section 5577 of the general
statutes of 1594 relating to the ownership
of real estate In the State of Minnesota
and to the quantity of land which cor
porations may acquire, hold or own, be
and the same is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 3. That no corporation other
than those organized fop— the construc
tion or operation of railways, canals or
1 turnpikes, shall acquire, hold or own,
over five thousand acres of land, so
hereafter acquired in this state; and no
railroad, canal or turnpike corporation
shall hereafter acquire, hold or own lands
so hereafter acquired in this state other
than as may be necessary for the proper
operation of its railroad, canal or turn
pike, except such lands as may have
been granted to it by act of congress or
of the legislature of this state.
Provided, that the provisions of this act
shall not apply to corporations hereafter
organized for the purpose of taking, hold
ing, owning and disposing of lands or
any interest therein now owned by the
same persons, or their heirs and devisees,
who, as tenants in common or as joint
tenants, owned the same prior to July 1,
Soc. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 3rd, 1899.
CHAPTER 130— S. F. NO. 249.
AN ACT to amend section three thousand
five hundred and ninety-six (3596) of the I
general statutes of eighteen hundred I
and ninety-four (1594), relating to the
record of behavior of prisoners in the
State Reformatory.
13? it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section three thousand
five hundred and ninety-six (3596) of the
general statutes of eighteen hundred and
ninety-four (1894) be and the same here
by is amended by striking out the follow
ing words: "An abstract of the record
in the case of each prisoner remaining
under control of the said board of man
agers shall ba made up semi-annually,
considered by the managers at a regular
meeting and filed with the secretary of
state, which abstract shall show the date
of admission, the age, the then present sit- I
uatlon, whether in the reformatory or
state prison, or elsewhere; whether any
or how much progress has been made, and
the reason for the release or continued
custody, as the case may be."
Sec. 2. This act shall" take effect and
be in force from and after its passage
Approved April 4th, 1899.
CHAPTER 131— H. F. NO. 460.
AN ACT to authorize county commis
sioners to grant additional salary to
county attorneys in certain cases.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That In counties having a
population of not less than twenty-eight
thousand (28,000) Inhabitants where the
annual salary of the county attorney 1$
arbitrarily fixed by special law at seven
hundred dollars ($700) or less, the county
commissioners may grant such county at
torney an additional sum not to exceed
three hundred dollars annually.
Sec. 2. This act shall take "effect and
be in force from and after Its passage
Approved April sth, 1899.
CHAPTER 132— H. F. NO. 575.
AN ACT authorizing appropriations by
board of county commissioners for pub- i
lie improvements, In, on, or about navi
gable lakes, in counties having a popu- I
lation of not less than one hundred and
fifty thousand (150,000) and not more
than two hundred and ten thousand
(210,000) inhabitants.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That wherever there exists
in any organized county in the State of I
! Minnesota, having a population of not
less than one hundred and fifty thousand
(150,000) and not more than two hundred '
and ten thousand (210,000) inhabitants a i
navigable lake or lakes, which is, or are '
I wholly or partly within the territory or |
limits of such county, the board of coun
ty commissioners of such county are |
hereby authorized and empowered to ap- ' :
propriate each year, from the general ■
< fund of such county, such sums for pub- ;
lie improvement, on, in, or about said !
lake or lakes within said county limits
I as In the opinion of said board may be
! necessary, provided that the total
amount of said sum or sums so appro
priated shall not exceed the sum of three
thousand (3,000) dollars in any one year :
! for a term not to exceed two years "from
■ the passage of this act; provided, further
I that the question of population shall be
determined by the official census next
preceding any appropriation made under ;
' the provisions of this act.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
In force from and after its passage
Approved April sth, 1899.
CHAPTER 133— H. F. NO 572
AN ACT to transfer a certain appropria- '
tion of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for :
the construction of a bridge in Crow •
/X\ ng <: olmt >'- as made in title thirteen
llZl's eha l' tor one hundred and three
(103), general laws of Minnesota for
eighteen hundred and ninety-seven I
(1897), to the road and bridge fund of
Crow "Wing county.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the I
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the sum of five hundred
dollars ($500) appropriated by title thir
teen (13), chapter one hundred and three
(103), of the general laws of the State of
Minnesota for one thousand eight hun
dred and ninety-seven (1597), for the pur
nose of constructing a wagon bridge over i
the Crow, Wing river on the section line !
between sections twenty-three and twen- i
ty-four, town one hundred and thirty- i
three (133), range thirty (30), in Crow
Wing county, which said sum nor any i
I part of the same has been drawn, used '■
or expended. 4s hereby transferred to the
general road and bridge fund of said i
Crow Wing county, and the commission- '
ers of said county are hereby authorized
to expend said money upon the roads and !
i bridges of said county in the place and in
| the manner as they may consider just '
and proper.
Sec. 2. When such money shall be so i
| expended, said commissioners shall cer
| tify to such fact to the state auditor I
I who shall draw his warrant upon the :
state treasurer therefor, and the same
Shall be paid over to said county for the
purposes herein provided. " ■
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be :
: in force from and after its passage
Approved April sth. 1899.
CHAPTER 134— S. P. NO. 238.
AN ACT fixing the salaries of the judges
of the district court of the State of
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section L The judges of the district
I court shall each receive a salary of three
■ thousand live hundred dollars per annum.
; provided that whenever any county shall'
i have a population of one hundred' thou
sand or more there shall be paid annual
; ly by each said county out of the county
funds, to each of the judges of the dis
trict court of such county the sum of
fifteen hundred dollars, payable quarter
ly, in addition to said sum of three Oou
sar.d five hundred dollars.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage
ami approval.
Approved April 7th, 1899.
CHAPTER 135— S. F. NO. 277.
AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred
and sixty U6O) of the general laws of
1897. relating to the taxation of freight
line and equipment companies.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section five (5> of chap
ter one hundred and sixty tl60) of the
general laws of Minnesota for the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (1897),
be and the same is hereby amended so
as to read as follows:
Sec. 5. Tlio state board of appraisers
and assessors shall, on or before the first
Monday In October report to the state
auditor the amounts fixed by it us the.
value of the capita! stock representing
capital and amounts fixed by it as the
value of the property of freight-line and
equipment companies employed and used
in Minnesota; at the same time the board
shall file with the state auditor the state
ment of the various companies and other
papers before it. It shall be the duty of
the state auditor in tho month of No
vember, annually, to charge and collect
from each freight line and equipment
company doing business or owning cars
which are operated in this state, a sum
In the nature of an excise tax or license,
to be computed by taking two (2) per
cent of the amount tixed by the state
board of appraisers and assessors as the
value of the proportion of the capital
stock representing the capital and prop
erty of such company owned and used
in Minnesota, and certified to the state
auditor, after deducting the value of the
real estate locally, if any there be.
All taxes collected by the state auditor
under the provisions of this act shall be
paid into the state treasury and credited
■to the general revenue fund. If any
freight line or equipment company falls
or refuses to pay said tax during the
month of November, the state auditor
shall add to the tax due a penalty of
fifty per centum thereon, and shall
forthwith proceed to collect the tax and
penalty by any means provided by law
for the collection of taxes by county
treasurers, and for his service shall be
allowed five per <?entum on the amount
of penalty collected, which he is author
ized to retain out of such amount. And
it shall be the duty of the attorney gen
eral, or any county attorney, on request
of the state auditor to prosecute any
action or proceedings for the enforce
ment of this act, and all funds collected
by said attorney general or any county
attorney shall be paid into the state
treasury immediately upon receipt there
of by him. Any action brought under
the provisions of this act may be
brought in the name of the state in any
county in which any such company does
business; and service of summons
against any such company may be made
upon any officer or agent of said com
pany in the same manner as provided
by law for the service of summons in
civil actions.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1899.
CHAPTER 136— S. F. NO. 292.
AN ACT appropriating money for the
erection of a monument in commemora
tion of the victims of the "great Hinck
ley tire" of September Ist, lb'J4, at the
Hinckley memorial cemetery in the vil
lage of Hinckley in Pine county, where
the remains of said victims are interred.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the sum of twenty-five
hundred dollars ($2,500), or as much there
of as may be necessary, is hereby appro
priated out of any money in the state
treasury, not otherwise appropriated for
the erection of a monument in commem
oration of the victims of the "great
Hinckley fire" of September 1, 1894. at the
Hinckley memorial cemetery In the vil
lage of Hinckley in Pine county.
Sec. 2. That said monument shall be
erected under the supervision and direc
tion of Robert C. Saunders, Daniel Mc-
Laren, John T. Craig, John K. Anderson
and John M. Currie of Hinckley, in said
county, -who are hereby appointed a com
mission with full powers to have said
monument designed, planned, erected,
suitably inscribed and completed, the
plans, specifications and design of said
monument, to be approved by the village
council of the village of Hinckley before
any contracts shall be let or work com
menced or authorized for or upon the
erection of said monument by the com
mission aforesaid. A majority of said
commission may act in the premises.
Sec. 3. Payment of all expenditures
made or in any manner connected with the
work of designing, planning, erecting and
completing the said monument, shall be
made upon full and complete statements
or accounts, which shall be made and cer
tified to by a majority of the members of
said commission and approved by the
governor; such statement of account shall
then be laid before the state auditor for
examination, and if found to b*i correct
and in compliance with this act. shall be
audited and shall be paid by the state
treasurer, upon the warrant of the state
auditor, 3uch warrant to be drawn in
favor of and to the order of the person or
persons entitled to receive the amount
therein named.
Sec. 4. Upon the final completion of
said monument, the said commission shall
make a full and complete report of all its
doings in the premises 'and of the work
done, which report shall include an item
ized statement of all the expenses in
curred in designing, planning, erecting,
inscribing and erecting said monument.
Said report shall be duly verified by a
majority of the members of said commis
sion and addressed to the governor and
state auditor, and on its approval by
them, shall be filed with the secretary of
state, and payment of all sums shown
thereby to be due and owing by the
state, shall be made as provided in section
three of this act.
Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1899.
CHAPTER 137— S. F. NO. 105.
AN ACT to provide for a custodian of
public documents and supplies in the
office of the secretary of state, defining
his duties, fixing his compensation, and
appropriating money therefor.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. The secretary of state is
hereby authorized to appoint a suitable
person to act as custodian for his office
and the basement connected therewith,
and to have custody and control, trider
the supervision of said secretary of state,
of all public documents connected with
said office.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said cus
todian to take proper care of the office
of said secretary of state, to care for all
public documents and supplies, and at
tend to the distribution and shipment of
the same, and to perform such other du
ties in this connection as the secretary
of state may require.
Sec. 3. The salary of said custodian
shall be twelve hundred dollars per an
Sec. 4. For the purpose of carrying out
tho provision of this act there Is hereby
annually appropriated the sum of twelve
hundred dollars.
Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1899.
CHAPTER 138-S. F. NO. 244.
AN ACT to regulate the importation of
dependent children.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any
person, a?sociation of persons, or corpora
tion, to bring or send, or cause to be
brought or sent, into the State of Minne
sota, any dependent child for the pur
pose or placing it out or procuring us
adoption within said State of Minne
sota, or to place out or procure the adop
tion of such child, or abandon such child
after being brought or sent into this
■^tfite, without first obtaining the consent
of the state board or' corrections and
charities and conforming to this act and
such further regulations as the said
board may prescribe.
Sec. 2. Such person, association of .per
sons, or corporation must give an rndem
nity bond in favor of the State of Minne
sota in the penal sum of one thousand
(1.000) dollars, conditioned as follows:
That they will send or bring into the
state no child that is incorrigible, nor one
that is of unsound mind or body. That
they will remove such of their wards as
shall become public charges during their
period of indenture and such as shall
be convicted of crime or misdemeanor
within three (3) years after the time of
their arrival into the state. That they
will place each child under a written con
tract which will secure to such child a
proper home and make the foster parent
responsible for its proper care and train
ing. That they will' properly supervise
the enre and training of «uch children
and that each child shall be visited at
least once a year by a responsible agent
of the child-placing agency. That they
will make such reports of their work as
th.' state board of corrections nnd char
ities may from time to time require.
Provided, that this act shall not be
construed as prohibiting any person re
siding In Minnesota from receiving at.d
adopting Into his family any child or
children from another state.
Sec '■'. The state board of corrections
and charities shall have general super
vision of th<? matters contained In this
chapter and may make such other and
further regulations not inconsistent here
with, as they may deem necessary for the
placing out. adoption and subsequent
supervision of such dependent children
and they shall approve both the form
and sureties of the bond required.
Sec 4. Any person, association of per-
sons, or corporation, bringing children
into this state contrary to the provisions
of this act, shall be guilty of a misde
Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and bo
in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1890.
CHAPTER 139-H. F. NO 338
AN ACT to appropriate money for the
salary of the second assistant to the at
torney general, and to repeal conflicting
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the sum of two thou
sand ((2,000) dollars be and the same is
hereby appropriated for the year eighteen
hundred and ninety-nine (1599) and
annually thereafter out of any moneys of
the state not otherwise appropriated for
salary of the second assistant to the at
torney general.
Sec. 2. That paragraph three (3) of sec
tion one (1) of chapter two hundred
eighty-seven (287) of the laws of eighteen
hundred and eighty-nine (1889) ap
propriating fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500)
annually for clerk hire in the office of
the attorney general be and the. same is
hereby repealed.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April Bth, 1899.
CHAPTER 110-H. F. NO. 576.
AN ACT to provide for the election of
county assessor in all counties having
a population of not less than one hun
dred thousand (100.000) and not over one
hundred and eighty-five thousand (185,
--000) Inhabitants, and defining the duties
and fixing the compensation of such as
sessor, and repealing all acts and parts
of acts inconsistent therewith.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. There shall be elected in each
county in this state having a population
of not less than one hundred thousand
(100,000), and not over one hundred and
eighty-five thousand (185,000) inhabitants,
a county assessor who shall hold his of
fice for two (2) years from and after the
first Monday in January next succeeding
his election, and until his successor is
elected and qualified, and shall keep his
office at the county seat.
Sec. 2. Su'-h assessor, before commen
cing his duties, shall take and subscribe
an oath of office and give bond in the
penal sum of five thousand (5,000) dollars
to the State of Minnesota, with sureties
to be approved by the board of county
commissioners, conditioned for the faith
ful discharge of the duties of his office,
which bond with the written approval of
such board of coimty commissioners, and
such oath shall be filed and-recorded in
the office of the register of deeds.
Sec. 3. Such assessor shall have power
to appoint one or more assistant assess
ors under him, each of whom shall be a
resident freeholder and qualified elector
of said county, and to remove the same
at pleasure, and for whose acts he shall
be responsible. Each assistant assessor
aforesaid shall act under the direction of
the principal assessor, and may be as
signed by such principal assessor such
district or portion of said county or such
other duties as such principal assessor
may deem expedient and shall receive
such compensation as such principal as
sessor may deem advisable; provided, that
each township ami village shall be entitled
to its own assistant assessor, who shall
be appointed^>y the principal assessor.
Sec. 4. That for the faithful perform
ance of the duties of the office of such
county he shall receive out of
the treasury of such county the following
amounts, to-wit: In odd numbered years
the sum of seven thousand five hundred
(7,500) dollars, twenty-five hundred
(2,500) dollars of which shall be the sal
ary of such principal assessor, and the
remaining five thousand (5,000) dollars
shall be for such assistant assessors and
clerk hire; and In even numbered years
the sum of nine thousand five hundred
(9,500) dollars, of which two thousand
five hundred (2,500) dollars shall be the
salary of such principal assessor, and
seven thousand (7,000) dollars shall be
for such assistant assessors and clerk
hire: that no other or further sums shall
be allowed or paid to such assessor, as
sistant assessors, or clerks, except as
herein provided, and shall be In lieu of
and in full for all clerk hire and assist
ance of every kind in making complete
assessments of all of the property of such
county for taxation, and performing all
the acts necessary in the performance of
the duties of said office. That the salary
of such principal assessor shall be paid
to him in equal monthly installments,
and the salaries of such assistant assess
ors and clerks shall be paid them in equal
monthly installments out of the treasury
of such eoiTnties.
Sec. 5. Said principal assessor by him
self, or with th.- aid of his assistant as
sessors and clerks, shall assess all prop
erty subject to taxation within such
county under the laws of this state.
Sec. 6. That the board of county com
missioners of such counties, shall at their
first meeting after the passage of this
act, nominate and appoint a county as
sessor, who shall fill such office and
qualify therefor and perform the duties
of such office, as herein provided, until
the next general election to be held in the
month of November, 1900, and until his
successor is elected and qualified.
Sec. 7. All acts and parts of acts in
consistent with this act are hereby re
Soc. 8. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 10th, 1899.
CHAPTER 141-S. F. NO. 411.
A.N ACT entitled an act authorizing each
of the district court judges of this «tate
to nppoint a district court, reporter, and
fixing his duties and compensation.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. Each of the district court
judges of this state are hereby authorized
to appoint a district court reporter, who
shall be well skilled in the art of short
hand writing, and competent to discharge
the duties required, and who shall hold
his office during the pleasure of the
judge so appointing him.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said re
porter to make or cause to be made in
shorthand writing a true record of all
proceedings had and evidence given upon
the trial of issues of fact, and in all pro
ceedings before the judge so appointing
him, when requested by said judge; and
in all actions tried by said judge with
out a jury and in all proceedings had be
fore him and in all cases of a motion
for a new trial upon the minutes, said
reporter shall when so requested read
his said record to said judge or furnish
him with a true transcript thereof for
his use:
Provided, that whenever the judge shall
refer any action pending in his judicial
district* to a referee to hear, try and de
termine, said reporter shall, at the re
quest of said judge, attend said trial be
fore said referee and make a record of
the trial of said action in the same man
ncr as if tried before the court, and at
the request of said judge or referee he
shall read his record to the referee, or
furnish a true transcript thereof to him
for his use. Such reporter shall also
act in the capacity of private secretary
to the judge so appointing him whenever
so directed by said judge, in all matters
pertaining to the official duties of said
judge: and he shall, when requested by
the .judge so appointing him, without
charge therefor, transcribe his notes or
any part thereof for the use of said
judge. In recording the testimony of wit
nesses sworn and examined unon trials or
in any proceeding before said court, or
before any referee, it shall be the duty
of said reporter to record the questions
put to the witnesses and their answers
thereto given by the witnesses in the ex
act words used by the questioners and
the witnesses. He shall not be required
to record the argument of counsel, but
shall record the charge of the judge to
the jury, and shall record all objections
and the grounds thereof as stated by
counsel, and also the rulings of the judge
thereon, the exception taken by counsel
to such rulinfis. and all motions and ad
missions made during tho trial or pro
ceeding. Such reporter shall upon the
completion of any trial or proceeding fllo
his record thereof in such shorthand
writing, in the office of the clerk of court
of the county where such action or pro
ceeding is pending, or in any other coun
ty in said judicial district when po or
dered by the .iurt,-?e presiding. It shall be
the duty of such reporter, "whenever re
quested so to do by any party to an ac
tion or proceeding, to make and furnish
to such party a transcript of his record
in such action or proceeding, and he shall
make such transcript , in the exact words
represented by the signs or characters
used by him in his shorthand writing-.
Sec. 3. Whenever for any cause" any
district judge shall preside in place of,
or perform any of the duties of the iud^e
appointing such; reporter, he mar re
quire such reporter to perform all tho
duties that he inlght required to per
form by the judfte" appointing him.
Sec. 4. The amount'of compensation of
such reporter shall be not less than eijrhl
hundred dollars8($890) nor more than fif
teen hundred dollars (31,500) per annum, to
b*> fixed by the judge \sr> appointing him,
and shall be paid monthly upon the war
rant of the auditor Hf each county re
spectively of the judicial district for
which he is appointed in tho following
manner: The proportionate part of spid
sum to be paid by ea/'h county shall be
determined by the proportion that thr
number of days a stenographer v.-g«» act
ually employed in the. trial of causffi for
each county of the judicial district, bears
to the total number of flays a stenog
rapher was actual!;' omploved in the trial
of causes for all the counties of said- lu
diclal district, and each eountv shall nay
such proportionate part of said sum thst
the whole number of days for which b
stenographer was employed for each
county, bears to the total number of days
a stenographer was actually employed In
the trial of causes for all the counties of
the said Judicial district. Each Judge of
the district court, after having made an
appointment, under this act shall on or
before the first day of April of each
year after the passage of this act, de
termine the amount which said reporter
is entitled to receive from each county
in said district, and in determining such
amount said judge shall take as a basts
the number of days which each county
of the judicial district actually employed
a stenographer for the trial of causes
for the year Immediately preceding the
adoption of this act, and annually there
after bears to the total number of days a
stenographer was employed in the trial
of causes for the whole judicial district.
I 'pon making such determination said
judge shall file a copy thereof with the
auditor of each county in said judicial
Provided, that said reporter shall be
entitled to charge at the rate of eight
cents per folio of one hundred <100> worai
for transcripts of his said record, and
two cents per folio of any copy thereof
if ordered so it can be made at the same
time with said transcript.
Sec. 5. The order or a district court
judge making an appointment under this
act, shall be filed with the county auditor
of each of the counties composing the
judicial district for which such reporter
is appointed; and before such reporter
shall enter upon the discharge of his du
ties, he shall make and subscribe an oath
that he will to the best of his knowledge
and ability faithfully perform the same,
a copy of which oath shall be riled with
each of the auditors of the counties com
posing the judicial district for which he
Is appointed.
Sec. 6. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after the first day
of the month next succeeding its passage,
and all acts or parts of acta now in force
in this state inconsistent herewith, are
hereby repealed.
Provided, however, that this act shall
not apply to judicial districts containing
cities having a population exceeding 5'),
--000 inhabitants, or affect any laws now
in force applying to such districts.
Approved April 11th, 1899.
CHAPTER 142— S. F. NO. 281.
AN ACT to amend sections six (6), seven
(7) and eight (8) of chapter one hun
dred and forty-five (145) of the general
laws of Minnesota, for the year one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-live
(1895), being an act to revise the laws
relating to banks of discount and de
Be it enacted by the Legislature of tha
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section six (6) of chap
ter one hundred and forty-five (145) of the
general laws of Minnesota for the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-five (1S!)5) be
and the same is hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
Sec. 6. The affairs of each bank shall
be managed by a board of not less than
three directors, who shall be elected by
the stockholders, and hold office for one
year, and until their successors are elect
ed and have qualified. A majority of the
I board of directors shall constitute a
j quorum for the transaction of business;
I provided, that when the number of di-
I rectors shall exceed nine they may once
in six months designate by resolution
nine members, any five of whom shall
constitute a quorum. In the first instance
the directors shall be named in the ar
ticles prescribed in section two (2) of
this act or elected at a meeting held be
fore the bank is authorized to commence
business by the superintendent and after
wards elected at the annual meeting of
| the stockholders each year; and if for
any cause an election is not had at that
I meeting it may be held at a subsequent
meeting called for that purpose, of which
duo notice will be given as provided in
the by-laws adopted by such bank. At a
meeting of stockholders for election of
directors each share shall entitle the
owner to one vote for each director, and
a stockholder may vote at any meeting
of the corporation by a proxy in writing
signed by him. Every director must own
and hold in his own name not less than
rive (5) shares of the capital stock of
such bank, except that in banks having
a capital of fifteen thousand dollars or
less, a director must own and hold in his
own name not less than three (3) shares
of the capital stock of such bank; pro
vided, that frf the shares in any bank
are less than one hundred dollars in par
value, the directors shall hold shares of
the value of five hundred dollars in the
first instance and three hundred dollars
in the second instance. Any director who
ceases to be the owner of the requisite
stock, or who becomes in any other meas
ure disqualified shall thereby vacate his
place. Bach director shall take and sub
scribe an oath that he will diligently and
honestly perform his duties in such office,
and will not knowingly violate or permit
to be violated any provisions of this
act, and that he is the owner in good
fnith and in his own right of the amount
of stock of the bank required by this act
to qualify him for such office," standing
in his name on the books of the bank, or
subscribed and paid for, and that the
same is not hypothecated, or In any way
pledged as security for any loan or debt.
The taking of such oath shall be "duly
certified arid noted in the minutes of the
records of the bank. The oath shall be
immediately transmitted to the public ex
aminer, and shall be preserved in the
files in his office. Any vacancy in the
board of directors shall be filled by the
remaining members of the board, and the
directors so appointed shall hold office
until the next election.
Sec. 2. That section seven (7) of chap
ter one hundred and forty-five (145) of the
general laws of Minnesota for the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-flve (1895) be
and the same is hereby amended so as
to read as follows:
Sec. 7. The board of directors of a
bank may declare a dividend of so much
of the profits of the bank, after providing
for all expenses, losses, interest and
taxes accrued or due from said bank, as
they shall judge expedient; but before
any such dividend is declared not less
than one-fifth of the net profits of the
bank for the preceding half year, or for
such. period as is covered by the dividend,
shall be carried to a fund to be designat
ed the surplus fund, until such surplus
fund shall amount to twenty per cent of
its capital stock, and thereafter such
surplus fund shall equal twenty per cent
of the capital stock of such bank, and
whenever the same becomes impaired It
shall be reimbursed in the manner pro
vided for its accumulation.
Sec. 3. That section eight (8), chapter
one hundred and forty-five (145) of the
general laws of Minnesota for the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-five (1895), be
and the same is hereby amended so as to
read as follows:
Sec. 8. The board of directors of each
bank shall annually appoint from Its
members, an examining committee, whose
duties it shall be to examine the condi
tion of the bank at least once every six
months or oftener if required; and such
committee shall report to the board, giv
ing in detail all Items included In the
assets of the bank which they have rea
son to believe are not of the value at
which they appear on the books and
records of the bank, and giving the value
of each of such items as In their judg
ment they may have determined, and the
board shall cause said report to be record
ed in the minute books of the bank, and
a duly authenticated copy thereof trans
mitted to the public examiner.
Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after Its passage.
Approved April Hth. 1899.
CHAPTER 143— S. F. NO. £53.
AN ACT to prescribe method of pleading
and practice In certain municipal
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That sections numbered one
thousand three hundred and seventy-six
(1370) and one thousand three hundred
and seventy-seven (1377) of the general
statutes of one thousand eiyht hundred
and ninety-four (1534) be extended and
shall apply to all municipal courts here
tofore established in cities having over
two thousand (2.000) inhabitants, where
the act establishing said court provide
for the issuance of the summons of said
court by the clerk thereof.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage
Approved April 11th. 1899.
CHAPTER 144— S. F. NO. 270
AN ACT to provide for leasing the real
estate, containing veins, lodes or de
posits of iron, iron ores, or mineral ores,
coal, clay, or any kind of substance val
uable for any purpose, belonging to per
sons under guardianship.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. Whenever the real estate, or
any part thereof, of a person or persons
under guardianship, contains veins, lodes
or deposits, of iron, iron ores or mineral
ores, or coal, clay or any kind of sub
stance valuable for any purpose, the
guardian or guardians of such person or
persons are hereby authorized tO execute
leases and contracts for the mining and
shipping of such ores, minerals or de
posits, upon the conditions herein pro
vided, and upon obtaining license there
for and proceeding as herein provided.
Sec. 2. To obtain such license, the
guardian shall present a petition to the
probate court from which he received his
appointment, setting forth a description
of the real estate containing such ores,
minerals or deposits, and the character,
quantity and value of the same, so far
as known, and the names of all parties or
persons interested therein, and their places
oi' residence, so far as known, together
with :• statement to the effect that It is
desirable and for the advantage of such
ward that such ores, minerals or de
posits, contained in said real estate.
should be mined or removed under leases
or contracts, and setting forth the nature
and terms of Bald proposed leases or con
Sec. 3. If it appear to the satisfaction
of the court by such petition that the
real estate, or any part thereof, in the
hands of such guardian, contains such
ores, minerals or deposits which could be
mined under leases or contracts and be
made valuable and produce an income,
and that the entering Into wueh proposed
leases or contracts would be an advant
age to said ward, the probate court shall
thereupon make an order directing all
persons interested in said estate to ap
pear before it at a time and place therein
to be specified, to show causo why a 11
--censo should not be granted to such
guardian applying therefor, to enter into
a lease or leases, contract or contracts,
for the mining and removing of such
ores, mineral or deposits, which order
shall be duly published.
Sec. 4. That probate court, at the time
and place appointed in such order, upon
proof of the due publication of the order,
shall proceed to the hearing of such pe
tition and shall hear and examine the
allegations and proofs of the petition and
of the persons interested in the estate
who oppose the petition.
Sec. 5. If it appears to the court that
said real estate or any part thereof, con
tains such valuable ores, minerals or de
posits, which could i>e mined and re
moved under lease or leases, contract or
contracts, and be made to produce an in
come, and that it would be tor the benefit
of the ward that such lease or leases,
contract, or contracts should be executed.
license shall be granted and the decree of
the court granting such license shall fix
specifically the terms of the lease or
leases, contract or contracts.
Sec. 6. The time for which such leases
or contracts may be entered Into under
tha provisions of this act, shall be fixed
by the said probate court in its decree,
but such time shall not in any event ex
ceed the term of twenty-five (25 > years.
Sec. 7. The probate court may, in like
manner, authorize the guardian to make
an extension or renewal of any existing
lease or contract made under the pro
visions of this act.
Sec. 8. The income or proceeds from
any such lease or leases, contract or con
tracts, shall be subject to the order of
the court In like manner and to the same
effect as other personal property in the
hands of such guardian.
Sec. 9. AH of the provisions of chapter
forty-six (46) of the general laws of
eighteen hundred eighty-nine (1889), and
the amendments thereto, so far as appli
cable, shall apply to this act, except In
so far as herein specifically provided oth
Sec. 10. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1899.
CHAPTER M5— S. F. NO. 284.
AN ACT to amend section 4116 ot- the
general statutes of 3894, as amended by
chapter 100 of the general laws of 1895,
and section 4417 of the general statutes
of 1594, fixing the compensation of
judges of probate and clerks of the pro
bate court.
Be is enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minesota:
Section 1. That section 4416 of the
general statutes of 1594, as amended by
chapter 100 of the general laws of 189."),
be and the same is hereby amended so
as to read as follows:
"There shall be allowed and paid to the
several judges of probate in this state an
annual compensation for their services as
follows: In all counties having a spe
cial law fixing the compensation of such
judge of probate such sum as therein
provided; in all counties in which such
compensation is not tixed by a special law.,
having a population of one. thousand or
less, the sum of one hundred dollars; and
In all other onunties the sum of .one hun
dred dollars for the first one thousand in
habitants and an additional sum of fifty
dollars for each additional thousand of
population or major fraction thereof to
be paid monthly by the treasurer of the
county upon the warrant ct the county
auditor, provided, that in counties hav
ing a special law fixing the compensation
the same shall not exceed the sum of four
thousand dollars per annum. Provided
further, that in all counties having a
population of not less than one thousand
and not to exceed ten thousand the board
of county commissioners of such county
may allow the judge of probate of such
county such a sum In addition to the
amount above stated and fixed, as in the
discretion of such board of county com
missioners shall be just, providing the
said additional amount shall not make
his total salary more than six hundred
dollars per annum. Such salary so fixed
and allowed by the board of county com
missioners shall be paid at the same time
and in the same manner as above provid
There shall be allowed and paid to the
several clerks of the probate court in this
state an annual compensation for their
services as follows: In all counties hav
ing a special law fixing the compensa
tion of such clerk of the probate court or
for clerk hire such sum or sums as there
in provided. Provided, lioWevei, fchaj in
all counties having a population of
one hundred and fifty thousand or
over, the compensation of such clerk of
probate shall be fifteen hundred dollars
per annum, and two thousand five hun
dred dollars per annum for additional
clerk hire, the same to be p.-iid monthly
by the treasurer of the county upon the
warrant of the county auditor."
Sec. 2. That section 4417 of the sren
eral statutes of 1894 be and the same is
hereby amended ho as to read as follows:
■"The county auditor in determining the
population of any county for the purpose
of ascertaining 'he compensation to be
paid to the judge of probate, tho clerk of
probate, or for additional clerk hire, shall
take the census taken by the State of
Minnesota in eighteen hundred and nine
ty-five or any census thereafter taken
by the United States or the State of Min
nesota, and add five per cent of the popu
lation, as shown by the census last tak
en, ror each year expiring after the year
in which such- census was taken."
Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts
inconsistent with this act be and the
same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1599.
CHAPTER 146— S. F. NO. 117.
AN ACT granting reward for killing
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section. 1. Every persnn who shall kill
a lull-grown wolf during the months of
January, February, March, April and
May shall be entitled to a reward of
seven (7) dollars, or a cub wolf at any
season of the year, three (3) dollars, and
any person who shall kill any fuW-grown
wolf at any other season of the year
shall be entitled to a reward of five (6)
dollars: one-third (1-3) of which shall be
paid by the county wherein the wolf or
wolves -shall be killed and two-thirds (2-3)
thereof shall be paid by the state, and all
counties wherein the interest and welfare
thereof requires, are hereby empowered
to grunt such rewards herein provided,
and to increase the same so far as con
cerns the liability of said county.
Sec. 2. The person or persons so claim
ing such reward shall within thirty days
after the killing of such animal exhibit
the carcass of the animal so killed with
the head and ears entire to the town
clerk in the presence of two witnesses j
of the town wherein such animal was
killed and make oath that the animal |
so exhibited is the animal killed by such i
claimant, stating the time and place and |
where such animal was killed by him j
and" that the claimant did not spare the i
life of any wolf within his power to kill.
Thereupon the town clerk shall issue B
certificate that such animal was exhibited i
to him and that the scalp of the same I
was removed in the presence of himself |
and the witnesses required, after which I
the carcass shall be destroyed; and it j
shall be the duty of such town clerk to I
file the original certificate in his otlice
and issue a copy thereof to the person I
so claiming said reward, for which service
the clerk shall receive as compensation
for each original certificate Issued, the
sum of twenty-five cents and ten cents I
for filing same, said fee to be paid by the
person claiming reward, provided that
in unorganized towns the claimant for
reward shall apply to tho nearest town
clerk of the same county, the person or
persons so claiming such reward shall,
within thirty days after the killing of
the animal produce said certificate to the
auditor of the county wherein such unl
mal was killed.
Sec. 3. The auditor shall thereupon Is
sue to such claimant his warrant upon
the county treasurer for the entire sum
to which said claimant Is entitled, and
the treasurer shall pay the same.
Sec. 4. Such auditor shall transmit a
copy of such oath and warrant to tha
state auditor, who shall audit such claim
and two-thirds (2-3) thereof shall be paid
out of the state treasury, by warrant is
sued by the state auditor upon the state
treasurer in favor of the county thereto
fore paying the same and forward the
same to the auditor of wild county.
Sec. 5. No person shall be entitled to,
or receive, any reward from the state
unless the county wherein such wolf
shall be killed shall pay, of Its own ac
cord, one-third (1-3) of said reward as
afoi esald.
Sec. K. Any person or persona who
shall falsely or fraudulently claim or
obtain such reward or issue any order
or -v, arrant therefor, or obtain the" money
herein provided, shall upon conviction
thereof be fined not less than twenty
five (2.i) dollars nor more than one hun
dred (1C0) dollars, and in default of the
payment of such line be imprisoned in
the county jail not less than thirty (30)
nor more than ninety (90) days.
Sec. 7. That chapter one hundred and
forty v seven (147) of the laws of eighteen
hundred and ninety-three (1593) as amend
ed by chapter forty-three (43) of the
laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven
(1897) and all other acts or parts of acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, are hereby repealed.
See. 8. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Approved April 11th. 1899.
CHAPTER 14T-S. P. NO. 135.
AN ACT granting aid to the widow of the
late Judge John Whytock, appropriat
ing money therefor.
Be It enacted by the legislature of the
State Of Minnesota:
Section 1. The sum of two hundred
ninety-one and sixty-six one-hundredths
dollars ($291.66) be and the same is here
by appropriated out of any money in tho
state treasury not Otherwise appropriat
ed, for the benefit of Mrs. Virginia Why
tock, widow of John Whytock, deceases
late judge of the Tenth judicial district.
Sec. 2. The state auditor shall upon
the passage and approval of this act,
draw his warrant upon the state treas
urer for the amount specified in section
one (1) of this act, payable to the order
of Mrs. Virginia Wliytoek.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect" and
be In force from and after Its passage
Approved April 11th, 1899.
CHAPTER 148-8. P. NO. 319.
. ACT P rovlf H'<K tot an investigation
of Sunday labor, by the commissioner of
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section L The commissioner of labor
la hereby directed and required to Inves
tigate the subject of Sunday labor in the
State of Minnesota with respect to the
number of persons employed, the condi
tions of employment and other facts re
lating thereto that he may be able to
Sec. 2. The said commissioner shall In
corporate In his biennial report to tha
legislature the results of the investiga
tion authorized by this act.
Sec, 3. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1899.
CHAPTER 149— S. F. NO. 324.
AN ACT to amend section seventy (70)
and section seventy-one (71) of chapter
forty-six (46), of the general laws of
the State of Minnesota, for eight. ■■■n
hundred and eighty-nine (1889), the same
being sections four thousand four hun
dred and seventy-seven (4477) and four
thousand four hundred and seventy
eight (1478; of the statutes of the State
of Minnesota for 1894, as amended by
chapter ninety-eight (98), of the law*
of the State of Minnesota for 1895, re
lating to administration and distribu
tion of estates of Intestates.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section L That section seventy (70) of
chapter forty-six (46) of the general law*
of the State of Minnesota for 1889, thesamu
being section four thousand four hundred
and seventy-seven (4477) of the statutes
of the State of Minnesota for 1894, b i
amended by changing subdivision two (2)
thereof, so as to read as follows: to wit.
2. "In case there 1s no widow surviving,
then such allowance shall be made to the
minor children, If any. and be selected
by the guardian of the children, provid
ed, that if the application for the ap
pointment of administrator is made by
the surviving widow or minor children
and where there are not other assets suffi
cient for the payment of expenses of ad
ministration belonging to the estate, then
the selections of personal property provid
ed for In subdivision one (1) and twoi2)
of this section shall be subject to the
payment of such expenses of administra
Sec. 2. That section seventy-one (71)
of said chapter forty-six (46), of the gen
eral laws of the State of Minnesota, for
1889, the same being section four thou
sand four hundred and seventy-eight
(4478) of the statutes of the State of Min
nesota, for I>s94, as amended by chapter
ninety-eight (98) of the laws of the staie of
Minnesota for 1895 be amended by chang
ing subdivisions first and second thereof,
so as to read as follows: to- wit;
"First. The widow, surviving husband,
or next of kin, or both, as the judge of
probate may think proper, or such person
as the widow, surviving husband, or ne*t
of kin may request to have appointed, if
suitable and competent to discharge the
'"Second. If the widow, surviving hus
band, or next of kin, or the person -••
lected by them, is unsuitable or incom
petent, or If :he widow, surviving hus
band, or next of kin neglects for thirty
days after the death of the tntestati
apply for administration, or to ret]
that administration be granted to .
other person, tho same may be granted
if the deceased was a native of any for
eign country, to tho consul or other
resentative of the kingdom, state or coun
try, of which the deceased was a nati
residing In the State of Minnesota, •who
may have filed a copy or" his appointment
as such consul or representative with
the secretary of the- state, or to
per.fjpjj BJ such consul or representative
I may reqileii 10 liuye appointed, if suisa
l ble and competent to aH-charg* the. trust;
i but if such deceased was not a nalfv p
I any foreign kingdom, state or country,
I or if si'id consul or representative shall
for thirty days after notice, served as
! required in section three hundred and
seventeen (317), oi this act, neglect to
apply for administration or to reo.
that administration be granted to .-■
other person, the same .may be granted
to one or more of the principal creditors,
if any such are competent and will: .
take it, or to such other person as may
be Interested in the administration o(
estate of the deceased.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after its passage.
Approved April 11th, 1899.
CHAPTER 150— S. F. NO. 325.
AN ACT to amend section fifty-four (54).
of chapter seventy-three (73), of the
general statutes of eighteen hui:
and seventy-eight (1878), being section
5706 of the general statutes of 1894, re
lating to the records of foreign courts.
Bo It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section titty-four (54)
of chapter seventy-three (73) of the gen
eral statutes of eighteen hundred and
seventy-eight (1878), being section
thousand seven hundred and six (6706) of
the general statutes of eighteen hundred
and ninety-four (1894) be and the a
hereby Is amended so as to read as
I Section M. The records and judicial
j proceedings of any court of any -
i or territory, or of the United States, or
' of any foreign country, shall be admissl
i ble in evidence, in all cases in this state,
| when authenticated by the attestation Of
i the clerk, prothonotary or other officer
having charge of the records of such
court, with the seal of such court an
Section 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage..
Approved April nth. 1899.
CH tPTER 151 S. K. NO. 3°.1.
AN ACT regulating the manner of draw
ing jurors in counties having a popula
tion of over two hundred thousand.
Be it enacted by the legislature of tho
State of Minnesota :
Section l. In all counties having a pop
ulation of more than two hundred thou
sand, the judges of the district court, or
a majority thereof, of tne district embrac
ing such county or counties, shall, annu
ally, on some day during ;hi> month of U&
cember of eve.ry year, at the court house
in said county, select from the qualified
electors of said county two hundred per
sons properly qualified to serve as grand
jurors, and two thousand persons prop
erly qualified to serve as petit jurors, and
shall make out separate lists there, it.
which lists shall be certified by said
judges, or a majority of them, and forth
with deliver to the clerk of the district
court of said county; and from sai.i lists
of persons to serve as grand jurors and as
petit jurors shall respectively be drawn
all grand jurors and petit jurors
at any time required for the
transaction of business In the dis
trict court of said county; provid
ed that if in any year, such selection and
lists shall not be made, in the month of
December, the same may be done at
time thereafter that any judge of said
court may designate; and if from any
cause there shall be a deficiency of per
sons resident in said county and properly
qualities in either of such lists, such
judges, or a majority thereof, may, at any
time designated by them, select from such
qualified electors of said county other
persons to cover such deficiency, and In
like manner may certify and deliver to
such clerk lists of the persons so selected.
which supplementary or additional lists
shall thereafter stand as parts of tho
original list; and provided further, that
the validity or legality of such selection
or lists shall not be affectM by the fact
that any person or persons so sel.
may be disqualified from serving as grand
or petit jurors, or by the selection of a
greater or less number of persons than as
specified In this act.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after July Ist, 189t».
Approved April 11th, 1899.
CHAPTER 152— S. F. NO. 348.
AN ACT to amend section 1532 of the
general statutes of the St=ite of Minne
sota of 1594. relating to laying out pub
lic roads and cartways.
T-io It enacted by the r.epri.slature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section 1*22 of the gen
eral statutes of 1R94 be and the same Is
hereby amended so as to read us fol-
Sec. U3S. All public roads to be laid
out by the supervisors or county com
missioners shall not. be les3 than four

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