criminals., fur the fiscal yeas end-
Ing July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred (1S08), one thousand dol
lars 1,000
tenth— For the same purposes for
the fiscal year ending July t'nirty
first 01 1, nineteen hundred and
one 1". 1 . ail. one thousand dollars .. 1,000
Eleventh For expenses for sheriffs
conveying prisoners to state pris
on and reformatory, for the ascal
year 1 ding July thirty-first (31),
nineteen inn:, ire. l (1900), eight
thousand five hundred dollars 8,500
Twelfth For the same purposes for
Lhe Bscal year ending July thirty
first (31), nineteen hundred and
one (1901). eight thousand live
illai .- - 8,500
Thii t •• nth For i d litlonal allow
on c for contlng it 1 xpens ta of
i! court, Tor the fiscal
: ending July thirty»first (31),
d (1900), set en
■ . .: ,1 fifty dollars 750
Fi For ( pesea
(iscal year ending July
. ;ind
- 750
■ : ;>er
1- ■ ■
Jul een
lj hi liun-
ling July
Us 1, nineteen hun
■ - eight
■' al
: . Kpensea
. - . •• ■; i.md
, .! partment for
- . ; ily thir
:• ! dollars 400
the same pur
year ending
Irty-firsi (31st >. nlnete in
Xi:: . ex
• tu
be fiscal year
: (31st),
hundred (liMO), twenty-
■ sea
1 tiy
>n hun
Tv. ■ mcc for
In tho stP.:-> audi
tor's office for s ear end
• (31st), nine
. • ;: 1 land
Twei I For the same pur
. year ending
• --en
one thou-
■ !:red
Ired and
Lhe fiscal
! year ending
I ec-n
nine l.ua-
ctra I iltora
• for tha fls
. ' . hiri --first
. in
I "la
he same ;
r ending
. eighteen
h -Additional salary
of 1 - ato eapl
by chapter
nil. .oral laws of
c!.:' 1 and ninety
thr 1 fiscal year
3t (Mist.),
Tn ■ . same p'ir
ir ending
ihirty-flrst (31st), nineteen
L), three hun-
Twi ir ■ and fur-
Iscal year
two thou-
r 2,000
' year ending July
nil tei hull
two ; : isand
'or 1 ,11 fht 3, w iter,
: !.■ capitol for the
li , July thirty
.. hundred
: ■ ':. : -;ve hundred
- 4,500
Thirl y-second— For the same pur
poses for the : ig July
thirty-first (31st), nineteen hun
.: ■ 1 sand
Thii nt of telephone
' sal year
fuly thirty-first (31st),
nineteen hundred (1900), five hun
:' lars 530
Thirty-fourth— For tha same pur
il year ending
lj shirty-first (3lst), nineteen
1 ■ '. ! and one (1901), t\ve hun
ind thirty dollars 530
Thirty-fifth— For payment of boun
ty for killing wolves for the fis
• ending July thirty-first
nineteen hundred (liHIO), six
lollars 6,000
Thirty-sixth— For the same pur
r the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31). nineteen
hundred and or.c (1901), six thou
sand dollars 6,000
Thirty -seventh— For forest preser
vation, as provided by chapter
hundred and ninety-six (196),
t neral laws of eighteen hun
. nr..l ninety-five US'35), for
•al year ending July thir
ty ■ nineteen hundred
five thousand dollars 5.000
Thirty-eighth— For the same pur
ir the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one U'^ol), five thou
ra v . 6,000
Thirty-ninth — For the purchase of
• i reports, as provided
by law, for the fiscal year end
ing July thirty-first (31). nineteen
. (1900), thirty-four hun
irs 8,400
Fortieth— For the same purposes
for the fiscnl year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred
(1901)," thirty-four hun
dred dollars 8,400
Forty-first— For printing, advertis
ing and binding, as may be pro
vided by contract, for the sev
eral state departments and of
• fls cal 5 ear ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hui i, twenty-two thou
irs 22,000
,^_ Forty-second — For the same pur
poses for th» fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (1901), fifty-five
dollars 55,000
3 irty third For salary of the dep
uty c commissioner, as
now ' by law, for the fis
cal Ing July thirty-first
teen hundred (1000),
three hundred dollars SOO
Forty-fourth— For the same pur
poses for the fiscal year enulng
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (1001), three
hundred dollars 800
Forty-fifth— For tha payment" of
expressage nnd exchange on re
mittances of county treasurers
to the state treasurer and ex
pense of collecting bonds and
coupons, for the fiscal year end
ing July thirty-first ('3l). nine
teen hundred (1900), ftva hundred
dollars 500
Forty -sixth— For the same pur
poses, for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31). nineteen
hundred nnd one (1901), five hun
dred dollars 600
Forty-seventh— For the contingent
fund of the attorney general. In
Iltion to the annual appropria
tibn heretofore established by
law, for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31). nineteen
hundred (I960), four thousand
five hundred dollars 4,600
Forty -el t^ht'li— For the same pur
pnsos, for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (lf'ol>, three
thousand five hundred dollars 8,500
Forty-ninth— For the railroad and
warehouse commission, for car
rying "tit fhe provisions of the
several iaws under which they
act, for tho fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred (1900), live thousand dol
lars 5,000
Fiftieth— For the same purposes,
for the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31). ' nineteen hundred
and one (1901), five thousand dol
lars 6,000
Fifty-first— For the improvement,
care and maintenance of the
state park at the Dalles of the
St. Oroix. for the fiscal year end
ing July thirty-first (31). nine
teen hundred (1990), seven hun
dred dollars <;S7o<"i) . For the
maintenance of the state park
of the Dalles of St. Crolx, four
hundred dollars ($400). available
at once. And there is hereby ap
propriated one thousand dollars
($1,000), or so much thereof «a !a
necessary to provide for the pay
ment of lands as per report of
the state park of th--> Dalits of
St. Oroix i omralaston, (Red
v/ith the governor, auditor and
attorney general, August 12th,
ISSS, in accordance with cbaptex
IG9, ' lws of 189&
Fifty-second— For the same pur
poses, for the fiscal year ending
July tbirty-flrst (3t), nineteen
hundred and one (1801), seven
hundred dollars 709
Fifty-third For printing the pro
ceedings ef the Minnesota Educa
tional asaocia lon for the fiscal
year ending July thirty-Bret C.w.
nineteen hundred <l!i;0). four
hundiod dollars 400
Fifty-fourth— For the same pur
poses, fur the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundr .1 and one (1991), four hun
■;; iii dollars 400
Fifty -fifth— For expenses of the
state board ot health in estab
lishing and maintaining n labora
tory, tor the Bscal year ending
July thirty-ftrst <::n, nineteen
hundred (1900), seven thousand
five hundred dollars 7,500
Fifty-stxth— For the same pur
poses, for the fiscal year ending
thirty-first (31). nineteen
hundred and one 1 1901 >, ?even
md five hundred dollars 7.500
Fifty-seventh— For the expenses of
the state board of health, in ad
dttion to the annual appropria
tions heretofore established by
law, for preventing the spread of
contagious or Infectious diseases
air. 11 . horses, or other
domestic animals, for the fiscal
year ending July thirty-firs! (31),
hundred (WOO), two thou
sand five hundred dollars 2.500
ty thousai I dollars ($30,000) and onehan
dred and fifty-seven dollars <.*lr£) per
capita per annum for each person actu
ally present in excess of a dally average
number of one thousand (1,000) patients
each month, said excess number to be
certified by the board of corrections and
charities; „
Provided, that !n determining said cx
c S3 number for any month and aa a
basis :'.>r ascertaining the same, all per
sons transferred to and cared for in any
asylum for the insane hereafter provided,
shall tie considered as still in the hospital
from which such persons were trans
And provided, further, that tho board
of trustees of the state hospitals for the
insane shall have authority by and with
the approval of the auditor of state to
transfer, in c;:se of recess!; y, a portion of
the funds appropriated for the. current ex
penses of any one of the several insti
tutions no-w or hereafter under their
charge to the use of any other institution
now or hereafter under their charge; and
in case asylums for the insane are here
after constructed, said board, with the
approval of the state auditor, shall each
month transfer from said current expense
funds to the credit of such new asylums
an amount of money proportionate to the
number of persons in such new asylum at
the rate of one hundred and fifty -seven
dollars (5157) per capita per annum, the
ber of such persona to bo certified to
by tha state board of collections and
charities. And the following appropria
is to become available immediately:
Second— For extraordinary repairs
and improvements, five tliousand
dollars $5,000
Third— For heating, plumbing, re
pairing and furnishing the north
detached ward complete, twelve
usand dollars 12,000
Fourth— For finishing and furnish
ing laboratory complete, twelve
hundred dollars -.-. 1,200
Pec. 11. Appropriations for the Roches
ter state hospital for insane.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For maintenance in addition to
the standing annual appropriations thir
ty-six thousand dollars ($36,000), and one
hundred fifty-seven dollars ($157) per capi
ta per. annum for each person actually
present In excess of a daily average num
ber of one thousand one hundred and
fifty (1,153) patients each month, said ex
cess number to be certified to by the
board of corrections and charities:
Provided, that in determining such ex
cess number ..for any month, and as a
bnsis fur ascertaining the same, all per
sons transferred to and cared for in- any
asylum for the insane hereafter pro
vided, shall be considered as still in the
hospital from which such patients were
And, provided further, that the board of
trustees of the state hospitals for the in
sane shall have authority by and with
the approval of the auditor of state to
transfer, in cr.se of necessity, a portion
01 the funds appropriated for tho current
expenses of any one of the several in
(tions now or hereafter under tholr
■ 1-a.rg-e to the use oi any other institu
tion now or hereafter under their chargo
and l:i case asylums for tho insane are
hereafter constructed, said board, with
the approval of the state auditor, shall
each month transfer from said current
expense funds to the credit of such now
asylums an amount of money propor
tionate to the number of persons in such
new asylum /at the rate of one hundred
ar.4 fifty-seven dollars ($157) per capita
per annum, the number of such persona
to be certified to by the state board of
corrections and charities.
Second— For extraordinary re-
X)airs and Improvements, four
thousand dollars $4,000
Third— For the purchase of one
hundred and sixty (160) acres of
land, four thousand dollars 4 000
Fourth— For completing the boiler
house, five thousand dollars 5,000
B— For the year ending July thirty-first
(31). nineteen hundred and one (1901).
First— For maintenance in addition to
standing annual appropriations, thirty
six thousand dollars ($36,000), an<3 one
hundred and fifty-seven dollars ($157) per
capita per annum for each person actual
ly present In excess of a daily average
number of cne thousand one hundred
llfty (1,151) patients each month, said ex
cess number to be certified to by tho state
board of corrections and charities:
Provided, that in determining such ex
cess number for any month, and as a
basis for ascertaining the same all per
sons transferred to and cared for In any
asylum for the insane hereafter pro
vided, shall be considered as still In the
hospital from which such patients wera
And, provided, further, that the board
of trustees of the state hospitals for the
insane shall have authority by and with
the approval of the auditor of state to
transfer. In case of necessity, a portion of
the funds appropriated for the current
expenses of any one of the several insti
tutions now or hereafter under their
charge to tha use of any other Institu
tion now or hereafter under their charge,
and in case asylums for the insane are
hereafter constructed said board with
the approval of the state auditor, shall
each month transfer from said current
expense funds to the credit of sumli new
asyiums an amount of money proportion
ate to the number of persons in such new
asyium at the rate of one hundred and
fifty-seven dollars (?157) per capita per
annum, the number of such persons to
be certified by tho state board of correc
tions and charities.
Second — For extraordinary re
pairs and improvements, four
thousand dollars $4,000
Third— For plumbing for main
building, three thousand dollars. 3.C00
Fourth— For books for library, five
hundred dollars 500
Sec. 15. Appropriations lor the Fergus
Falls state hospital for insane.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), eighteen hundred and nine
ty-nine (1899).
First— For the construction of a
cold storage building, fifty-five
hundred dollars $5,500
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1906).
First— For maintenance in addition to
Standing annual appropriations, one hun
dred and sixty-five thousand dollars
($165,000), and one hundred fifty-seven dol
lars ( 51 57) per capita per annum for each
person actually present in excess of a
daily average number of twelve hundred
(1,200) patients each month, said excess
number to be certified to by the board
of corrections and charities:
Provided, that in determining such ex
cess number for any month and as a
basis for ascertaining the same, all per
sons transferred to and cared for in any '
asylum for the insane hereafter provided.
shall be considered as still In the hospi
tal from which such patients were trans
And provided, further, that the board
of trustees of the state hospitals for the
Insane shall have authority by and with
the approval of the auditor of the stats
to transfer, in case, of necessity, a por
tion of the funds appropriated for the
current expenses of any one of the sever
al institutions now or hereafter under
their charge to the use of any other in
stitution now or hereafter under their
charge, and in case asylums for the in
sane are hereafter constructed said board,
with tho approval 01 the state auditor,
shall each month transfer from said cur
rent expense funds to the credit of such
new asylums an amount of money pro
portionate to the number of persons in
such r.ew asylum at the rate of one hun
dred and fifty-seven dollars ($157) per
capita per annum, the number of such
persons to be certified to by the state
board of corrections and charities.
Second — For extraordinary rnpalrs
and improvements, thirty -five
hundred dollars. $3,500
Third— For construction of a vege
table cellar, two thousand dollars 2,000
Fourth— For tho construction of a
green house, fifteen hundred dol
lars 1,500
C— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For maintenance In addition to
ar.d one hundred fifrjr-savep. dollars tHST>
standing annual appropriations, one hun
dri <1 sixty-Cive thousand dollars (si6">,M)o)
per capita per annum for each person ac
tually present in tatmm u£ a daily aver
c\go number of twelve hundred (1.200) pa
tients eaeb month, said excess number
to M corn lied to by tne board of cor
rections and charities;
I'nivlilnl, that in determining such ex
cess immii'T for any month and as a ba
sis tor mm nrtafniTMT <lio aamo all persons
transferred to and cared for in any usy
i him for the insane hereafter provided
:-!:;< 11 be considered as still in the hospital
iron* which such patients were trans
! ftrred.
Ami, provided, further, that the board
oi' trustees of the state hospitals for the
I insane shall have authority, by and with
the approval of the auditor of state, to
i transfer, in caso of Beeesatty, a portion
of the funds appropriated for the current
.■\p<:!ses ot' any one of the several Insti
tutiona now in- hereafter under theii
eh&l'ge to the use of any other institu
tion now or hereafter unaer their charge,
niul In case asylums for the insane aro
j hereafter constructed, said board, with
the approval of the Btata auditor, rshall
each in. mi h transfer from current ex
pense funds io the credit of such now
asylum un amount of money proportion
ate in the number of persons in such new
asylum at the. rate of one hundred and
t'l'iy -seven dollars <$lfi7> per capita per
annum, the number of Mich persons to
bo certified to by the state board of cor
rections and charities. ,
Second- Fur extraordinary repairs
and Improvements, thirty-five
hundred dollars 3.500
Third For stand pipe and hy
drants for water supply and lira
protection, eight thousand dol
lars 8,000
Bee. 1(5. Appropriations for the Soldiers'
Horn •:
A— For the fiscal year ending July thlr
, ty-fust (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
! First— Kxtraordir.ary repairs and
improvements, fifteen hundred
| dollars '..... $1,500
Second — For a water supply, three
thousand dollars 3,000
B — For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For extraordinary repairs
and improvements, fifteen hun
dred dollars $1,500
Sec. 17. Appropriations for tho School
for the Deaf:
.A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), eighteen hundred niiiety-nin«
! (1599.)
First— For plumbing and connec
tion with the city sewer, one
thousand dollars 51,008
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1200).
First— For maintenance in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, thirteen thousand five hun
dred dollars ?13,500
Second— For extraordinary repairs
and improvements, two thousand
dollars 2,000
Third— For new roof, five thousand
dollars 5,000
C— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For maintenance in addi
tion to standing annual appropri
ations, fifteen thousand live hun
dred dollars 515,500
Second— For extraordinary repairs
and improvements, two thousand
dollars 2,000
Third— Deep well, pump, reservoir
engine, shafting and coal shed,
three thousand dollars 3,000
Provided, that the board of directors
of tne Minnesota Institute for Defectives
shall have authority by and with the ap
proval of the auditor of state to transfer
in case of necessity a portion of the funds
appropriated for the current expenses of
any one. of the several institutions under
their charge to the use of any other in
stitution under their charge.
Sec 18 Appropriations for the School
for the Blind:
A— Fur the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900)
i> irst— Current expense in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, eight thousand dollars ?S 000
Second— Extraordinary repairs,
eight hundred dollars SOO
Third— For musical and school ap
paratus, four hundred dollars 400
Fourth— Books, three hundred dol
' lara jog
Fifth— Sundry improvements, side
walks, etc., three hundred dol
lars 3qo
Sixth— Plumbing- and connection
with city sewer, five hundred
dollars 50Q
E— For the fiscal year ending Jury thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For current expense In ad
dition to the standing annual ap
propriations, nine- thousand dol
-1 ars ■ go aaq
Second— For extraordinary repairs
eig-ht hundred dollars 800
< v- P; '° 1 , V r i , lW ' that the b °ard of directors of
the Minnesota Institute for Defectives
shall have authority by and with the
approval of the auditor of state to trans
fer, in ease of necessity, a portion of the
funds appropriated for the current ex
penses of any one of the several insti
tutions under their charge to the use of
any other institution under their charge
t^r \ , Appropriation for the School
for Feeble Minded:
tht"T F ? r i h ?™ flscal year ending July
Sn'eVy-ffi fe etehteen hUndred *"*
First— Plumbing and connection
with city sewer, three thousand
collars $3 000
?— Fo .r tho fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1000).
tirst— Current expense, in addi
tion to standing annual appro
propriaiion, sixty-two thousand
dollars $62,000
becond — Extraordinary repairs
three thousand dollars 3 000
Third— For building hospital and
detention ward, and equipment
complete, twenty-five thousand «
dollars 25,000
1' ourth— For laundry machinery
boilers and additional heating at
central building-, two thousand
eight hundred dollars 2,800
C— For the fiscal year ending July
thlrty-frst (31), nineteen hundred and
one O SOJ).
First— For current expanse, in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priations, sixty-four thousand
dollars $64,000
Second — Extraordinary repairs,
three thousand dollars 3,000
Third— For building cottages for
boys on farm and necessary
heating and equipment of the
same complete, eighteen thou
sand dollars.. 18,000
Provided, that the board of directors
of the Minnesota Institute for Defectives
shall have authority by and with the
approval of the auditor of state to trans
fer, in case of necessity, a portion of the
funds appropriated for the current ex
penses of any one of the several institu
tions under their charge, to the use of
any other institution under their charge.
Sec. 20. Appropriations for the State
Public School.
A — For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), eighteen hundred and
ninety-nine (1899).
First — For expenses disinfecting: as
directed by the state board of
health, etc.. two thousand five
hundred dollars : $2,500
IJ— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (SI), nineteen hundred 0208).
First— For current expense, in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation, twenty-two tliousand
five hundred dollars $22,500
Second— For state agency, in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation, four thousand five hun
dred dollars 4,500
Third— For extraordinary re
pairs, fifteen hundred dollars 1,500
Fourth — For completing new school
house, four thousand five hun
dred dollars 4,500
Fifth— For remodeling old school
building. fifteen hundred dol
lars 1.500
C — For tho fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (£1), nineteen hundred and
one (1901).
First— Current expense, In addi
tion to standing annual appro
priation, twenty-two thousand
five hundred dollars $22,500
Second — For state agency In ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation, four thousand five hun
dred dollars 4,500
Third— For extraordinary repairs,
fifteen hundred dollars 1,500
Fourth — For new improvements,
including rearrangement of laun
dry, and new laundry machinery,
cold storage building, extension
of waterworks, now slate roof
on engine house and water
works, ntorage vault, and iron
vault fixtures, silo, furniture,
bedding and househol-.l supplies,
including piano, iron bedsteads,
mattresses and cooking appar
atus, library books «nd addition
al book cases, six thousand dol
lars (5,000
(Cold storage building herein provided
for to coat not exceeding two thousand
I (2,000) dollars.
Sec. 21. Appropriations for Stale Train-
Ing School.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thlr
! ty-f'irst (SO. eighteen hundred and nine-
I ty-nine (1889).
First — E'eftfienoy for constructing
heatin? plant In school building,
nine hundred and ninety-five dol
lars $593
B— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For current expense in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation, twenty-two thousand
collars $22,000
Second— For extraordinary repairs,
flftaan hundred dollars 1,500
.hird-For library books, two hun
dred and fifty dollars B0
l'ourth— tor deficiency in cost of
artesian well, f our thousand flva
hundred dcll;ti a . 4,500
Fifth— For assistant 'to state agent,
six hundred dollars 600
Sixth— For uniforms and instru
ments for band three hundred
;u;rt fifty dollars 350
'—For the fiscal year ending July thlr
-I'nrM ( )# lilnp teen hundred and on*
First— For current expense in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation, twmty-two thousand
a *»Hws $2 2,000
Second— l- or extraordinary repairs,
iiii.cn hundred dollars 1,500
Third— Assistant to state agent,
six hundred dollars COO
Section Tl. Appropriations for the State
A For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first Cil), eighteen hundred and ninety-
Bine (1869).
First— For tho purchase of addi
tional land, not less than two
hundred and forty i-4(i) acres in
extent, three thousand six hun
dred dollars $3,600
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1'JOO).
"1 Irat— For current expense, in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation*, thirty-eight thousand
dollars $38,000
Second— For extraordinary repairs,
one thousand five hundred dollars 1,500
Third — For furnishing new cell
wing complete, two thousand dol
lars 2,000
Fourth— "For building administra
tion building, ten thousand dol
lars 10,000
C— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First—For current expense, in ad
dition to standing annual appro
priation, forty thousand dollars,. $40,000
Second— Extraordinary repairs, fif
teen hundred dollars 1,500
Third— For building administra
. tion building, ten thousand dol
lars 10,000
Section 23. Appropriation for the State
A — For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First — Kxtraordinary repairs, fif
teen hundred dollars $1,500
Second — For additional new ma
chinery for the twine plant, twen
ty-six" thousand dollars 26,000
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31). nineteen hundred and one
First— Extraordinary repalr3, fif
teen hundred dollars $1,500
Section 24. Appropriation for the Du
luth Normal School.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For the erection of a normal
school building, thirty-seven
'Fifty-eighth— For the same pur
poses, for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (1001), two thou
sand five hundred dollars 2,500
Fifty-ninth— For the expenses of
the Minnesota Historical society,
in addition to the annual appro
priations heretofore established
by law, for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31). nineteen
hundred (1900), one thousand five
hundred dollars 1.500
Sixtieth— For the same purposes for
the fiscal year ending- July thirty
first (31), nineteen hundred and
one (1901), one thousand five hun
dred dollars 1,500
Sixty-first— For enforcing the pro
visions of chapter two hundred
ninety-one (291), general laws of
eighteen hundred and ninety-sev
en (1897), relating- to the deporta
tion of non-resident insane, for
the fiscal year ending July thirty
first Gil), nineteen hundred (1900),
three thousand five hundred dol
lars 8,500
Sixty-second— For the same pur
poses for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (11)01), five thou
sand dollars 6,000
Sixty-third— For printing the quar
terly bulletins of the board of
corrections and charities for the
fiscal year endmgjuly thirty-first
(31), nineteen hundred (1900), one
hundred and twenty dollars 120
Sixty-fourth— For the same pur
poses for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (1901), one hun
dred and twenty dollars 120
Sixty-fifth— For use of the board of
regents of tho university in pro
viding care and treatment for
crippled and deformed children
under the provisions of chapter
two hundred and eighty-nine
(2SS)), general laws of eighteen
hundred and ninety-seven (1897),
for the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (SI), nineteen hundred
(1900), eight thousand dollars 8,000
Sixty-sixth— For tho same pur
poses for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred and one (1901), eight
thousand dollars 8,000
Sixty-seventh— For the use of the
state board of corrections and
charities, in compiling the ana
lyzed accounts of the expendi
tures of institutions now or here
after under their charge, for the
fiscal year ending July thirty
first (31), nineteen hundred (1900),
one thousand five hundred dol
lars 1,600
Sixty-eighth— For the same pur
poses for the fiscal year ending
July thirty-first (31), nineteen hun
dred and one (1901), one thousand
five hundred dollars 1,500
Sixty-ninth — For printing and
binding one thousand (1,000) copies
of the eighth biennial report of
the state board of corrections and
charities for the fiscal year end
ing July thirty-first (31), nineteen
hundred (1900), four hundred dol
lars 400
Sec. 3. Miscellaneous appropriations for
the fiscal year ending July thirty-first
(31), eighteen hundred and ninety-nine
First— For publishing laws of the
legislature for the session of
eighteen hundred and ninety-nine
(1599), forty thousand dollars $40,000
Second— For refunding to the Will
iams' Gasoline Engine Works an
incorporation fee paid in error,
same being a manufacturing cor
poration exempt under the law,
fifty dollars 60
Third — For reports from commer
cial agencies on securities on
state depositories' bonds, five
hundred dollars 500
Fourth— Contingent fund for con
ducting examinations providing
for state certification of teachers
by the department of public in
struction, seven hundred and
fifty dollars 750
Fifth — For enforcing the provisions
of chapter two hundred and nine
ty-one (291),- general laws of
eighteen hundred and ninety
seven (1597), relating to the de
portation of non-resident insane,
fifteen hundred dollars 1,600
Sixth— To pay the claim of the
Pioneer Press company for sup
plies furnished the house and
senate prior to the opening of
the session, one thousand and
ten and ninety-six one-hun
dredths dollars 1,010.96
Seventh— To pay the claim of the
Keystone File company, for file
binders, furnished the legislative
session of eighteen hundred and
ninety-seven (1897), one thousand
dollars ($1,000); provided that said
sum be accepted by said com
pany in full settlement of their
Eighth—For printing five hundred
(500) copies of tho seventh bien
nial rerrort of the state board of
corrections and charities, one
hundred and twenty-five dollars.. 125
Ninth— For refunding the amount
expended by the state board of
corrections and charities, in in
vestigating county care of the
chronic insane, four hundred dol
lars 400
Tenth — For improvements inltasca
State Park to be expended by
the park commissioners under
the direction of the state auditor,
four hundred dollars 400
Eleventh— For the expenses of the
department of public Instruction
in conducting summer training
schools, five thousand dollars
(15,000). it being intended that the
amount expended for this purpose
in any one year shall not exceed
twenty thousand dollars ($20,
--000). and that the department of
public instruction shall anticipate
each year fifteen thousand dol
lars ($15,00 C) of the standing an
nual appropriation available for
the next succeeding year.
Twelfth— To provide for five thou
sand (5.000) additional copies
of the second volume of "Min
nesota in ihe Civil and Indian
Wars, IS6I-1&65," to be distributed
In the manner prescribed for the
distribution of the first edition,
and to be published under
the supervision of the commis
sioners appointed by the act of
Aprii 16, 1889, and whose services,
including the editing, are to be
without compensation, four thou
sand five hundred dollars 4.G00
Sec. 4. Appropriations for deficiencies.
First— For salary of the deputy in
surance commissioner, as pro
vided by law, one hundred nine
ty-one * and sixty-six one-hun
dredths dollars $10161
Second— For contingent expenses In
the office of the governor, on»
thousand dollars 1.000
Third— For repairing and furnish
ing capltol building, five hun
dred dollars too
Fourth— For state board of equali
sation Recount, sessions of one
thousand eight hundred and nine
ty-seven and one thousand eight
hundred and ninety-eight (IB9T
and 1808), fourteen hundred seven
and fifty-nine one-hundredths
dollars 1,407.69
Fifth— For expenses of sheriffs In
conveying prisoners to the prison
and reformatory, three thousand
dollars 8,000
Sixth— For publishing constitution
al amendments In newspapers In
eighteen hundred ninety-eight,
(1898), twelve thousand five hun
dred and thirteen dollars 12,613
Seventh— For printing, advertising
and binding for the several
state departments for one thou
sand eight hundred and ninety
seven (1857) and prior years, thlr
ty thousand five hundred dollarß 80,600
I'Jghth— For printing paper, for
eighteen hundred and ninety-seven
(1897) and prior years, four thou
sand five hundred dollars 4,500
Ninth— For bmiul of soldiers and
sailors, one thousand dollars 1,000
Tenth— For use of the judges or
tho supreme court to purchase
books for the state law library,
one thousand five hundred dol
lars •• 1,500
-Meventh— For expenses of the de
partment of the public examiner,
three thousand live hundred dol
lars 8 600
Twelfth— For extra help for attend
ing to the ventilating and lighting
system of the oapitol building
during the session of the legisla
ture of eighteen hundred and
ninety-nine (1899), live hundred
dollars 500
Thirteenth— To reimburse the Min
nesota Historical society for
printing done and paid for by said
society, seven hundred and fifty
dollars 750
Fourteenth— For printing-,' advertis
ing and binding, as may be pro
vlacd by contract for the several
state departments and officers,
twenty-five thousand dollars 26 000
Fifteenth— For stationery purchas
ed by tho printing expert, four
thousand six hundred and twen
ty-two and seven one-hundredths
dollars 4 622 07
Sixteenth— For thfl encouragement
of higher education, for the sup
port of high schools under chap
ter one hundred forty-four (144)
of tho general laws of eighteen
hundred and eighty-one (1881), in
addition to the sum now allowed
by law for the support of high
schools, three thousand three
hundred dollars 3300
Seventeenth — For deficiency In
clerk hire for insurance commis- .
sloner, four hundred and fifty
dollars 450
Sec. 5. Appropriations for the University
of Minnesota.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first C-,1), eighteen hundred and ninety
nine (1899).
First— For repairs on old main
building, five thousand dollars... $5,000
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (.31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For extraordinary repairs
five thousand dollars $5 000
Second— For building anatomical
building, complete with equip
ment, fifteen thousand dollars 15 000
Third— For building clinical MjulM
ing, comply-to with equipment, fif
teen thousand dollars 15,000
Fourth— For alteration of the mcd- -
ical building- for the accommoda
tion of the dental department,
two thousand dollars 2 000
Fifth— For library books, seven
thousand dollars 7,000
C— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For extraordinary repairs,
five thousand dollars $5,000
Second— For library books, seven
thousand dollars 7 000
Third— For building physical lab
oratory complete, twenty-five
thousand dollars 25,000
Fourth— For alterations and rear
rangement of chemical build
ing complete, twenty thousand
dollars 20,000
Fifth— For enlarging and rearrang
ing Mechanic Arts building com
plete, twenty thousand dollars.. 20,000
Sea. 6. Appropriations for the school
of agriculture.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For additions and, extensions
to heating plant, ten thousand
dollars $10,000
Second — P\jr the erection and equip
ment of an horticultural hall
and physical laboratory com
plete, thirty-five thousand dol
lars 35,000
Sec. 7. Appropriation for the Grand
Rapids sub-station.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For equipment and mainte
nance,, three thousand two hun
dred and fifty dollars $3 2nO
X— For fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For equipment and mainte
nance fund, three thousand two
hundred and fifty dollars $3,350
Sec. 8. Appropriations for Crookston
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1300).
First — For maintenance and equip
ment fund, five thousand two
hundred and fifty dollars $5,250
B— For tho fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— For equipment and main
tenance fund, five thousand two
hundred and fifty dollars $5,250
Sec. 9. Appropriations for St. Cloud
normal school.
A— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), eighteen hundred and nine
ty-nine (1899).
First— Deficiency in current ex
pense fund, eight thousand dol
lars $8,000
Second — Deficiency In building ac
count fund, ten thousand eight
hundred dollars 10,800
Third— Extraordinary repairs, two
thousand dollars 2,000
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First — Current expense, in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, seven thousand dollars.... $7,000
Second— Library books, one thou
sand dollars 1,000
Third— For apparatus in school and
gymnasium, five hundred dollars. EOO
Fourth— For additional furniture,
one thousand dollars 1,000
Fifth— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now estab
lished by law, five hundred dol
lars 600
C— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
First— Current expense, in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, seven thousand dollars $7,000
Second — Library books, one thou
sand dollars 1,000
Third— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now estab
lished by law, five hundred dol
lars GOO
Sec. 10. Appropriations for Winona
Normal school.
A — For the fiscal year ending July thlr
flrst (31), eighteen hundred and ninety
nine 0899).
First — Deficiency in current ex
pense fund, two thousand five
hundred dollars $2,500
B— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— Current expense in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, five thousand dollars $5,000
Second — Library books, five hun
dred dollars 800
Third — For plumbing and sewer
connections, three thousand five
hundred dollars 8,500
Fourth — For extraordinary repairs,
two thousand five hundred dol
lars 2,500
Fifth— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now established
by law, five hundred dollars 500
O— For tho fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31). nineteen hundred and one
First— Current expense, in addi
tion to standing appropriations,
five thousand dollars $5,000
Second— For extraordinary repairs,
two thousand five hundred dol
lars 2,500
Third— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now estab
lished by law, five hundred dol
lars 500
Sec. 11. Appropriations for the Man
kato Normal school.
A— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31). eighteen hundred and
ninety-nine (1S09).
First— Deficiency current expense
fund, two thousand five hundred
dollars $2,500
B — For the fiscal year ending July thlr
flrst (31). nineteen hundred (1900).
First— Current expense, in addi
tion to standing annual appro
priations, five thousand dollars.. $5,000
Second— Extraordinary repairs, six
teen hundred dollars 1,600
Third— For purchasing additional -~
lot and for grading, fifteen hun
dred dollars 1,500
Fourth — For library books, five
hundred dollars 500
Fifth— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now estab
lished by law, five hundred dol
lars 500
C— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (81), nineteen hundred and
one (1901).
First— Current expense in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, fly* thousand dollars $5,000
Second— For extraordinary repairs,
sixteen hundred dollars 1,600
Third— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now established
by law, flve hundred dollars 800
Fourth— For library books, five
hundred dollars 800
Sec. 12. Appropriations for the Moor
head Normal school.
A— For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1000).
First— Current expense in addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, three thousand dollars $3,000
Second— For extraordinary repairs,
seven hundred and fifty dollars.. 750
Third— Library books, five hun
dred dollars 600
Fourth— Additional to the salary of
the president, as now established
by law, five hundred dollars 500
B— For the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
Finst— Current expense In addition
to standing annual appropria
tions, three thousand dollars $3,000
Second — For extraordinary repairs,
seven hundred and fifty dollars.. 750
Third— Additional to the salary or
the president, as now established
by law, five hundred dollars 500
Sec. 13. Appropriations for tha St
Peter state hospital for insane.
A — For the fiscal year ending July
thirty-first (31), nineteen hundred (1900).
First— For maintenance in addition to
tha standing annual appropriations,
thirty thousand dollars ($3o|0O0) and one
hundred and fifty-seven dollars ($157) per
capita per annum for each person actu
ally present In excess of the dally aver
age number of one thousand (1,000) pa
tients each month, said excess number to
be certified to by the board of corrections
and charities.
Provided, that In determining such ex
cess number for any month, and as a
basis for ascertaining tha same, all per
sons transferred to and cared for in any
asylum for the insane hereafter provided
shall be considered as still in the hospital
from which such persons were trans
And provided, further, that the board
of trustees of the state hospitals for the
Insane shall have authority by and with
the approval of the aulitor of state to
trarTsfer, In case of necessity, a portion of
the funds appropriated for the current
expenses of any one of the several insti
tutions now or hereafter under their
charge to the use of any other Institution
now or hereafter constructed; said board
with the approval of the state auditor,
shall each month transfer from said cur
rent expense funds, to the credit of such
new asylums, an amount of money pro
portionate to the number oS persona in
such new asylum at the rate of one hun
dred and fifty-seven dollars ($157) per
capita per annum, the number of such
persons to be certified to by the state
board of corrections and charities,
becond— For extraordinary -repairs
and improvements, flve thousand
dollars $5 000
Third— For building, smoke-stack
complete, five thousand dollars... 5,000
Fourth— For the construction of a
new green house complete, fifteen
hundred dollars...* 1500
Fifth— For the completion of the
kitchen, twenty-six hundred dol
-lar s 2 600
Sixth— Repairs to electric 'light
plant, one thousand dollars 1000
Seventh— To complete the heating
Plant, three thousand dollars.... 3,000
Eighth— For the completion or the
slaughter house, two thousand
dollars 2 000
Ninth— For repairs to floors and
ceilings, twelve hundred dollars.. 1,200
B—i or the fiscal year ending July thir
ty-first (31), nineteen hundred and one
.First— For maintenance, In addition to
the standing annual appropriations thlr
thousand five hundred dollars... $37 500
B— For the fiscal year ending July trilr
(1901) nineteen hundred and one
First— For the completion of a nor
mal school building, thirty-seven
thousand five hundred dollars... $37,500
Section 25. This act shall take effect
and be in force from and after Its pas-
Approved April 19th. 1599.
CHAPTER 254-H. F. NO. 438
Als ACT declaring the effect, as evi
dence, of the records and files of the
engineering department of municipali
ties In the state.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of tho
btate of Minnesota:
Section 1. All records of surveys made
by the engineering department of any
municipality In this state, including Held
notes of surveys, profiles, plats, plans
and other iilen and records of such de
partment, shall be prima facia evidence
in any proceeding in all courts In this
state of the correctness of the showing
and statements therein made; and the
existence of such files and records in the
ofttco of such engineering department shall
be considered prima facio evidence of the
fact that such files and records were
made by such engineering department for
the use and benefit of such municipality.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and
Approved April 19th, 1899.
CHAPTER 2SS— H. F. NO. 870.
AN ACT authorizing county commission
ers to allow and appropriate money to""
towns in counties changing from the
county system of caring For tha poor, in
certnin cases.
Be it enacted by the Legislature cf the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the county commis
sioners of any county in the State of Min
nesota, which has heretofore or may
hereafter change Irom the county system
of caring for the poor to the tov.-ri sys
tem of caring for the poor, are hereby
authorized to audit, allow and appro
priate such sums of money as they deem
advisable, out of the poor funds of such
county, to reimburse any town In such
county for money expended by such
town for the care of the poor of such
town; provided, that no town shall b« al
lowed aid under the provisions of this
act, unless such town has expended or
Incurred a debt of three hundred dollars
or more for the cars of the poor In such
town within the year next preceding the
application for aid.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 19th, 1599.
CHAPTER 2S6— H. F. NO. 516.
AN ACT declaring certain dogs to be
public nuisances, and providing for their
Be It enacted by -tho Legislature of tha
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. A dog that habitually wor
ries, chases or molests teams, blcyclo
riders or persons traveling peaceably on
the public highway Is hereby declared
to be a public nulsnnce. '
Sec. 2. An action to have a deg de
clared a public nuisance may be com
menced by filing with any lustlce of the
peace a complaint stating that such dog
is a public nuiaar.ee, and containing a
description of said dog, including hia
name, if known, and the namo of his
owner, if known, and if the nany of such
owner Is unknown that fact siiall bo so
stated. If said owner is known said Jus
tice shall thereupon Issue a summons
commanding him to appear before him
on a certain day, not less than six (ti)
nor more than ten CIO) days from the fil
ing of said complaint, and make answer
Sec. 3. Sal<l summons shall be served
upon such owner In the manner provided
l>y law for the service of summons In
fictions In Justice courts, at least six (6;
days before the return day thereof.
See. 4. If it appears from said com
plaint that the owner of paid clog Is not
known said Justice shall cause a notice
to be posted In at least three public con
spicuous places In the town wherein he
has his office. Such notice shall state
that the aforesaid complaint has been
filed with him and shall contain a de
scription of said dog as given in said
complaint, and shall also contain a notice
of the day and place when a hearing on
s;iid complaint will be had. which day
shall be not lees than six (G) nor more
than ten (10) days from the day of the
posting of such notice. »
Soc. 5. On the return day named In said
summons, or on the day' named in said
notice, as the case may b(\ said Justice
shall hear the evidence adduced In said
matter and render his decision therein.
If he shall decide snld dog to be a pub
lic nuisance he shall forthwith order a
constable of his court to apprehend, de
stroy and bury tho same, and said con
stable shall execute such order forth
Soc. 6. The costs In the first Instance
shall be paid by the party making the
complaint; In case the dog is declared to
bo a public nuisance, find (he owner of
tho dog is known. Judgment shall be en
tered against such owner for the costs
of the proceedings.
Sec. 7. This act shall take effect and
be In force from and after Its passage.
Approved April 19th. ISU9.
CHAPTER 287— H. F. NO. 222.
AN ACT to provide for tho encourage
ment of the live stock interests of the
state, and to appropriate money there
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the sum of one thou
sand (1.000) dollars annually is hereby ap
propriated to the Minnesota Stock Brood
ers' association, to bo expended by the
executive committee of said association
for the purpose of disseminating useful
knowledge and information regarding t.he |
live stock interests of the state, making ■
exhibits of fat stock, paying premiums,
or publishing reports of meetings hold
under the direction of the association for
the betterment of the live stock interests
of the state.
Sec 2. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage
Approved April 19th, 1899.
CHAPTER 288— H. F. NO 441
AN ACT to appropriate money for the re
lief of Marietta Crawford in settlement
of a claim not adjusted under the provi
sions of an act entitled, "An ant for the
adjustment of certain alleged claims
against the state," approved November
fourth (4th), A. D., eighteen hundred
and eighty-one (1881).
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That the sum of one thou
sand dollars ($1,000; be and the same 13
hereby appropriated out of any money in
the state treasury not otherwise appro
priated, for the purpose of paving and
discharging two (2, certain claims held
and owned by Marietta Crawford re
ceived by her from her father's estate,
and which through mistake or oversight
were not adjusted and allowed pursuant
to an act entitled "An act for th.j adjust
ment of certain alleged claims against
the state," approved November fourth
(4th), eighteen hundred and eighty-one
Sec. 2. That the auditor of state upon
being presented with the original orders
evidencing ilie claims of Abner Lewis, the
father of the said Marietta Crawford,
against the state of five hundred dollars
(SfiOO) each, Is hereby authorized to draw
his warrant upon the state treasurer for
the amount hereby appropriated in favor
of the Bald Marietta Crawford, her heirs,
assigns or legal representatives Upon
the receipt of such original claims the
auditor shall at onoe cancel the same and
preserve them In the files of his office
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after Its passage ;I
Approved April 19th, 1539.
CHAPTER 289-H. F. NO. 171.
AN ACT to amend section six (6) of
chapter two hundred and lifty-slx (256)
of the general laws of Minnesota for
the year one thousand eight hundred
and ninety-five (1595), entitled an act to
noncorporate villages of two thousand
Inhabitants, and over, as amended by
chapter two hundred end thirty-seven
(237; of the general laws of Minnesota
for the year one thousand eight hun
dred and ninety-seven '1597;
lie it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. That section six, of chapter
two hundred and fifty-six (256) of the
general laws of Minnesota for the year
one thousand eight hundred and ninety
five, -as amended by chapter two hun
dred and thirty-seven C 237; of the general
laws of tne State of Minnesota for the
year one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-seven (1887) be and the same la
hereby amended so as to read as follows-
Sec. 6 The municipal judge of said
village shall receive a salary to be fixed
a il determined by the village council
which shall be not less than one hundred
rtnlVf^f' «i° E Enr nr more than fift?en hundred
u ll , ar S. ner year, and the same
shall be paid out of the village treasury
in equal monthly installments
Said municipal Judge shall be r-x-offlolo
clerk of the municipal court of said vil
lage, and shall perform all the duties of
the clerk of such municipal court as pro
vided in said chapter one hundred ana
forty-six (140), In the place and stead of
tne ▼mage recorder, as therein provided,
and the village recorder shall receive no
compensation for his services r-xcept as
Is allowed by the village council
Vvhenever the judge of said municipal
court shall be In any manner interested
In any cause or proceeding, which shall
t PPeT, eT } dm^ !n said municipal court or
shall in any manner be disqualified to
try any such cause or proceeding. It shall
bf the £nty of the village council, unon
the certificate of the Judge that he Is dis
qualified, to appoint sr.me attorney at
law, duly admitted to nractice in all tha
courts of this state, residing In the coun
=Ln H erel V saill . court ls located, who
sha be acting judge of said court, and
shall preside over the said court unon
the trial of the said cause or proceeding
and all matters pertaining thereto in said
court: and shall, so far as such action or
proceeding Is concerned, possess all the
s™;" 3 *? a t Z xcr < ci * c aII thf > functions an<i
cm ,rt £ «< c 3 V. Eof Pald municipal
court, In said action or procee.lln<*
Ihe person so appointed shall befogs
assuming the duties of such acting Judge
take and subscribe to the oath provided
b> the general statute for the Judicial
h? C |s"^ « UCh appointment and oath shall
be riled in said court, with the other
papers in said cause r
*h^! d >, aCtln!? J U(:lge - so t0 b9
snail be such person as all th* parties
in said cause or proceeding shall agr*e
upon or In case they are unable to ajree
then the sriKl municipal Judge « ha 11 an'
at"law S who h aCti " S 3ud^ "»• attorS
at law who possesses the oualificationa
is located se Where such cou^<
jj 3^- / Th ' s ac * shall tako effect and
be in force from and after Its nas«=a.«re
Approved April 19th, 1899. ss *se.
A Ma^ C f T acfu r r,n^ ce C o eUef of th ° R^" La '
B |taW«ne¥ot£ c *-*■»«•■*• of the
Section 1. There Is hereby appropriated
from he state treasury, from T nv funds
n?tv /-nf7\ S , c an P r °Prtatea. the "sum of
fifty (50) dollars, to reimburse the Rem-
Lap Manufacturing Co. for a pavm e ™t
made by mistake to the state treasurer
op the twelfth (12th) day of \mj" <=£
eighteen hundred and ninety-seven n*!.
And the state auditor Is hereby author
ised and directed to draw his warrant on
the state treasurer in favor of said Rem
«S SfflSK** Ca for t h" sum of
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage
Approved April 19th, ISO 9.
.„ CHAPTER 291-11. F. NO. Si
AN ACI entitled, an act to -prevent sales
of merchandise in fraud of creditors
|JI 1^ 1 by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. A sale of any portion of a
ftock of merchandise otherwise than in
the ordinary course of trade in the r.->«u
lar and usual prosecution of the seller's
business, or a sale of an i ; c of
merchandise in gross, will be presumed
to be fraudulent and void as against the
creditors of the seller, unless the seller
and purchaser shall at least five
(v) days before the sale make a
full detailed inventory showing the
quantity and, so far as possiDle, with
the exercise of reasonable diligence, the
cost price to the seller, oJ
to bo included in the saie; and unless
such purchaser shall at least flve (5) days
before the sale, in good faith make full
explicit tnaulry of the seller a,-? to the
names and places of residence or places
of business of each and ail of the cred
itors of the seller and the amount owing
each creditor; and unless the purchaser
shall at least five (5) daj - before the sale.
In good faith notify or cause to be noti
fied personally or by registered mall, each
of tlie seller's creditors of whom tho pur
chaser has knowledge, or can with the
exercise of reasonable dil mire
knowledge, of said pi le, and of
the said cost price of fhe merchandise to
bo sold, and of the prk-e proposed to ba
paid therefor by the purchaser. The seller
phall at least five (5) days before such
sale fully and truthfully answer. In writ
ing, each nnd all of said Inquiries. %
Sec. 2. Except as expressly provided in
this act. nothing therein contained nor
any 1 act thereunder, shall change or af
fect the present rules of evidence or the
present presumptions of law.
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be
in force from and after its passage
Approved April 19th, 1599.
CTIAPTER 292— H. F. NO. 684.
AN ACT authorizing cities of mor<- than
fifty thousand (50.000) inhabitants to
acquire land by condemnation for the
purpose of public markets.
Be It enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Minnesota:
Section 1. Whenever the common c«mn=
cil in any city of this stato hiving- at
the last preceding state census more tha.rj
fifty thousand (50.000) inhnbltanin
shall consider it necessary to pro
cure grounds for a public mar
ket, such common council shall ai~
polnt a committee of not less than thre*
of its members, who, together with thl
city engineer of such city shall make ex
amination and propose to said commoij
council a location and description of th»
land suitable for such market, and pro
sent to the common council a plat of thi»
land proposed to be taken, and in (heiir
report Fh;ill show, so far as the commit
tee shall deem necessary, what bulldlntrit
or structures can be DSed In the appro
priation and any other matters which tin
committee shall deem proper for the In
formation of the common council, ami
such committee may present for the con
sideration of the common council mor<
than one location and plat.
Sec. 2. Such committee shall file tholj
report with the city clerk of Bach city,
who shall give notice by publication twic-p
In the official paper of such city tha*
such report Is on file In his office for th<*
Inspection of all persona interested, and
that the same will ba presented tc th*i
common council for action thereon at ti
meeting of such common council to txi
named in such notice, which shall bo
the regular meeting of such common
council, which shall occur next. afi«:r onrt
week from the second publication of such
notice. At tho meeting named In saM
notice the city cl«rk shall next after read-
Ing the minutes of the previous nTcrtMn.s
present such report, and the matter maj
be acted upon by the common council v