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t'.. Eai .. or any i übs sting. The ■r su< U : uli s as ii : ibe may h< ar any person In i ter ' ■' . ■.. it. :.r sii a persons i iiort. £■ ■ . : : . \\'h< •:• . tuncll lands to be tuk s of a ► and shall naj be ■ to i... , ii..« rew Ith with the ich .-' mm on council shall . om who shall ■ rs of .i vi w the lands or nd :; i ■ priat ■ i i amount . satl'on ■ ■ ■ p i to be 1 o - mor< of such - shall constitute a quorum, my act required mmls: ' inei • Th< 5 ■ : . . » 1 1 be uo ■ ■ ■ '; by' notice to be thei evci ally, either per ■ tl : ill, to ttend at 1 day fix d by him, | not wo(2)daysa rvice or imiiling .if such ru lualify and lv md If any com ; refi : ■ iect to at tend : and pay to he Mim of Hi rs to be : ; . 1: eil y in a civil in i ny co n ounty such city shall be situated, and .-. rum of such commi: sloners ■ ■ ai Lend at th< :ii :•■ and place mayor of j ■ writing iifpoint one or any ! te< s. Th. ners shall any officer au to ad mini: , to barge • s : tilssl oners In the r with fidi tiality and ; return .-f th< ir action 10 - hall give no) ice In the offlcl il of such city, I hat they \\ 111 . d In such notice, 1 shall be at l< ast ten t ; t" days 11. ■ r the first (Ist) n of such ■■ Lee designs tod In such nr.;i.-<- 0 pr< po: d to 1. ■ . roprlated, ■ 1m and award therefor 1 pens;] lii n and d 1 that th. y will then and th and woofs as lnteres d pers yol fer. Such commissii . and vi< « the pi - .. I to such notice, '■ ■ 1 time and ' mises may, fur the hearing r< r i: '-~ ratl' n oi 1 . > to any other convenleni ■ such city; ! ai'.ci ■ ' rue ! and im| artial appralsi ment and award "f ■ '■■ ■ paid to each person whose property is to be \ tak. •' or appropriated, and report the Bame to said >- : 1 imon council, and su :h award shall lie over until the nexi regular meeting of s;;.-h common coum shall occur at least one week after the reception of such aw: 1 I, at which, or a'.-.y subsequent time, the mcil may act on such awa ar any ob- Jections n 1 may refer the n-.attcr to a committee to hear such ob jections, and report thereon. Tho com souncil may confirm such award a vote of • if the mer.: ■ annul *he same, or send the same back to the same or a new board ers, for further considera !'.. n, and such commissioner? may, in Buch in on giving notice pub!! In tho official paper of such city, meet <-.i a time ami place to be designated In such notli ■ which shall be at least hvn (2) days after ihe publication of such d hear any further evidence d by interested per* Bons, and may h<!J. urn ?r..p.i time to time, and correct any mistakes In such award End revise and alter the same, as they n. ... . ist, and again report such award to such common council, who may confirm < r annul the same; when any such award s'.'..i!i be confirmed by the common council by a vote of two-thirds (2-3) of the members-elect thereof the same shall bo final and conclusive upon all parties interested, except as herein after provided. 4. Whenever an award of com ix nsatlon and damages shall be eonilrmed by such common council and not ap -1 from, and whenever the same, when appealed from, shall not be set aside by the court, the same shall con- Btltute a lawful and sufficient condemna tion and appropriation for public use of the land and property and lights of prop erty for which compensation or damages are c !. and such damages or compensation shall thereupon become a public charge such city to be payable within one year after the con firmation of tho award or the determina tion of tho appeal therefrom; such com mon co'.incil may at its election, cause such compensation or damages to be paid from the permanent improvement fund of such city or from funds not otherwise ap propriated or from funds to be raised by taxation in the same manner as funds are raised for other public purposes In such city. In case such payment is not mar.c within one year after the confirma tion of such award or the determination of the appeal therefrom, the proceedings •hall be deemed to be abandoned. Before payment of such award, the owner of such property or the claimant of the award, shall furnish aru.abstract of title showing himself entitled to all of the compensation and damages claimed. In case of neglect to furnish Such abstract ' r there shall be any doubt as to who Is entitled to such compensation or damage, or any part of the same, the amount so awarded shall bo by the common oouncll appropriated and set apart in the city treasury for whoever shall show clear right to receive the same. The common council, may, In its discretion, require of suoh claimant a bond of good and suffi cient sureties conditioned to Indemnify and savo the city harmless against ail other claims for such compensation or damages nr for the property for which the same was awarded, and all losp, costs or expenses on account of such claims. Provided, that whenever the attorney for such city shall certify in writing through the common council, that in his opinion, he is in doubt to whom award shall be paid, the said common council may order a warrant to be drawn fnr tho same payable to tho clerk of the district court oi the county In which said city may be located and the city clerk shall deliver tho name to Bald clerk of the court and ask him receipt for the same, which deposit with Bald clerk of the court shall havo the same effect as if set aside In the city sury, as hereinbefore provided, and lit case the parties entitled to the same shall establish their right to the same by a petition to said district court Betting" up the facts entitling them thereto, and by proving the same to thi I 1 on of the court, when bo established the .court ■hall make an order directing to whom the same shall bo paid. Upon the pay ment of said award or appropriation, or the setting apart of the money in t'r.3 city treasury to pay the same as afore said, the city shall become vested with the title to the property taken and con demned, absolutely, for all purposes for which the city may have occasion to use the Bame, and may forthwith enter upon and uso the same. Bee. 6. Any person whose property Is Proposed to be taken or condemned un er any of tho provisions of this act. and who deems that there Is any lrregulaiity in the proceedings of the common council or Action of the commissioners, by rea- Eon of which the award of the commis sioners ought not to be confirmed, or who is dissatisfied with the amount of damages awarded to him for the taking of or Interference with his proportv, may, at any time before such award shall be confirmed by such common council, file with the city clerk In writing his objec tions to such confirmation, setting forth therein specifically the particular Injuries complained of. and containing a descrip tion of the property affected by such pro ceedings, and If, notwithstanding such objections, the common council shall con firm the award, such persons so objecting ehail have, the right to appeal from such order of conffrmittion to the district court of the county in which said city Is locat ed, at any time within ten (10) days after such order. Such appeal shall be made by serving a written notice of such appeal upon the city clerk of said city, which snail specify the property of the person affected by such award End refer to tho objections filed as aforesaid, and also by delivering to said city clerk a bond to ■uch city executed by the appellant or by some one on his behalf, with two sureties, who shall justify in the penal sum of fifty (60) dollars, conditioned to pay all costs that may be awarded against the appel lant. Thereupon the city clerk shall make out and transmit to the clerk of said dis trict court a copy of the award of said commissioners as confirmed by the com mon council, and of the order of tho common council confirming the same, and of the objections filed by the appellant as aforesaid, all certified by the city clerk to be true copies, within ten (10) days after the taking of such appeal, but If more than one appeal be taken from any award it shall not be necessary that the clerk In appeals subsequent to tho first (Ist) shall send up anything except the certified copy of the appellant s objections. There shail be no pleading in such appeal but the court •hall determine In tho first (Ist) instance Whether there was In the proceedings any such Irregularity or omission of duty firejudicial to the appellant and specified n his said written objections, that as to him the award or assessment of the commissioners ought not to stand, and whether said commissioner* had Jurisdic tion to take action in the premises. The OFFICIAL. rui-lIiICATION OF THE GENERAL LAWS OF MINNESOTA PASSED DUKING SESSION OF 1899. case may be brought on for hearing on eight (8) days' notice, ai any regular or Bpecial term of the court, and shall havo precedence of other civil eases, and the judgment <•( the court shall be either to confirm or annul the proceedings only • ted ihe property of the lant proposed to be taken and de scribed in said written objection. From mination no appeal or writ of error shall lie. In ease the amount of damagesawi : led Is complained of by such appellant, the court shall, if the proceed ings shall be confirmed In other respects, upon such 1 onflrmatlon, ap"po nt three dis interested freeholders residi nts of said city, commissioners to reappraise such ages and benefits. The parties to such eal shall be heard by said court upon the appointment of Such com missioners, am] the court shall fix the and place of the meeting of such commissioners; they shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties a3 missioners, and shall proceed to view the premises and hear tne parlies rested with their allegations and proofs pertaining to the question of the amount of Buch damages. Such commis sioners shrill be governed by the same a in respect to the method of arrivh ■ i the am unl of damages, and in ;>.H other material respects as are In '■'■'- a■: made fur the K->>vernmont of commissii ners appointed by 1110 common council. They Bhall, after such hearing and view ot the premises, make report to said court" of their appraisal of dam ages in respect to such appellant. The award of such commissioners shall be final unl - set aside by the court for E - li! i ca ■ ■ shown, [n case such report Is set 1 :■:■' s, the court may, in Its dlscre tlon, rec< mmlt the same to the same commission! rs or appoint a new board, as it shall deem host, hut no appeal or writ of error shall be-allowed from any order of the court In the premises. Said court ' allow a reasonable compensation to 1 ommissioners for their services, and a award of costs In such ap ! eal, Including corn pen sat ion of suchcom . as it shall deem Just in tho premises. In case the court shall be of the opinion that said appeal wasfrivolous and vexatious, it may adjudge double - against such appellant. S.c. 6. Whenever any person of any award made by the commissioners and irmed by the common council, ns hereinbefore provided In this act, shall be annulled by the court upon appeal as hereinbefore provided for, the common eil may again appoint commissioners to view the property which was affected by such appeal, and appraise and amend compensation and damages to be for the taking or appropriation of the same, and like proceedings shall be had, so tar as applicable, as hereinbefore icribed. If such award shall again, up on appeal, be annulled by the court, still another commission may be appointed and award made In the same manner, and so on until a successful award may be made. Sec. 7. This act shall be in force and take effect from and after Its passage. Approved April 19th, 1899. CHAPTER 293— H. F. NO. 514. AN ACT to detach the lands and terri tory belonging to any school district in the State of Minnesota, which are sit uated wholly within the boundaries of any other school district In said state, and which lands and territory are en tirely surrounded by the territory of the school district within the boundaries of which they are situated, and which lands and territory are not contiguous^ to any part of the remaining territory of the school district to which they be long, from the school district to which they belong and attaching such lands and territory, which are situated wholly within the boundaries of a school dis trict to which they do not belong-, to the school district within the boundaries of which such lands and territory are situated. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota- Section 1. Thnt whenever any lands or territory, belonging to any school dis trict in this state, are Bltuated wholly within the boundaries of any other school district In this state, and such lands or territory are entirely surrounded by the territory of the school district within the boundaries of which they are sit uated, and are not contiguous to any part ot' the remaining territory of the school district to which they belong, such lands and territory so situated within the boundaries of a school district to which they do not belong, are hereby detached from the school district to which they belong and are attached to and made a part of the school district within the boundaries of which they are situated. Sec. 2. All territory detached by this act from one school district and attached to another school district, s'.ali be held responsible for all obligations, whether bonded or otherwise, contracted by the district from which It ia detached, prior to tho passage of this act, but shall not be held liable for the prior obligations of the district to which It is attached. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be In force from and after Its passage. Approved April 19th, 1599. CHAPTER 204— H. F. NO. 527. AN ACT to amend section two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two (2922), general statutes of Minnesota, eighteen hundred and ninety four (1894) relating to the property of corporations not or ganized for pecuniary profit. He it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. That section two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two (2922), gen eral statutes of eighteen hundred and ninety-four (1894), be and the same Is hereby amended by adding thereto the following proviso: Provided, further, that no street, road or alley shall hereafter be established, opened or extended through or upon the lands, not exceeding ten (10) acres In area, upon which is situated a building used as a hospital and belonging to any corporation heretofore organized and in corporated as a hospital pursuant to the provisions of title three (3), chapter thir ty-four (34), general statutes of Minne sota," eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (1S78), and the amendments thereto, or pursuant to any re-enactment of sai.l title, except by and with the consent of the managing board of such hospital. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be ia force from and nfter its passage. Approved April 19th, 1539. CHAPTER 295— H. F. NO. 499. AN ACT to prevent fraud in tho sale of dairy products, thoir Imitations or sub stitutes, to prohibit and prevent the manufacture or sale of unhealthy or adulterated dairy products, and to pre serve the imblic health. He It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. The governor shall appoint a commissioner who shall be known as the state dairy and food commissioner, who shall be a citizen of this state, and who shall hold his office for a term of two (2) years, or until his successor is appointed, and who shall receive a salary of eight een hundred (1.SO0) dollars per annum and his necessary expenses Incurred In the discharge of the duties required of him by law, and shall be charged with the enforcement of the various laws com ing under his department. It shall be the duty of the said commissioner to en force all laws that now exist or that here after ir.av be enacted In this state re garding the production, manufacture and sale of dairy products, their Imitations and substitutes and food prepared there from, the production, manufacture, sale or adulteration of which Is made subject to this or other laws, and to prosecute or cause to be prosecuted any person, firm or corporation or agent thereof, engaged In the manufacture or sale of any im pure, adulterated or counterfeit dairy products thr-t are produced, offered for sale, or sold, contrary to the laws of this state. Said commissioner may be removed from office at the pleasure of the governor and a successor appointed In his stead. The said commissioner Is hereby authorized and empowered to ap point a secretary whose salary shall be twelve hundred (1,200) dollars per annum, ore assistant commissioner, whose sal ary shall be fifteen hundred (1,500) dollars per annum, one chemist whoso salary shall be fifteen hundred (1, 500) dol'.arß per annum, one ag^ distant chemist when needed, to be paid not to exceed one hundred (lOOi dollars per month, and such number of Inspect j ors as may by him bo deemed necessary, i to be paid at the rate of one hundred (100) dollars per month and the necessary ex penses incurred In the performance of their duties, ajid to employ such counsel a* may be deemed necessary. The sum of fifteen thousand (16,000) dollars an nually Is hereby appropriated to be paid for the execution of the fi&lry laws, out of any money In J;he state treasury not otherwise appropriated. All charges, ao counts and expenses authorized Dy this act shall be paid by the treasurer of the • state upon the warrant of the state au ditor. The said commissioner Bhall make biennial reports to the legislature not jator than the fifteenth (15th) day of January of his work* and proceedings, and shall report In detail the number of Inspectors he has appointed and em ployed, with their expenses and disburse ments, and the amount of salary paid the same, and he may from time to time Issue bulletins of Information, when in his Judgment tho interests of the state would be promoted thereby. The said commissioner shall have rooms In the capltol, to be set apart for his use by the governor, and a laboratory In the capltol where all chemical analysis for the de partment shall be conducted. This sec tion shall not affect the tenure of ofilce of the present commissioner, and he shall be regarded as having been appointed I under the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. The said commission** and aa- sistant commissioner and such Inspectors, hm' nts, expects, chemists and counsel as they shall duly authorise ior tho purpose, shall have access, ingress and egress to nil places of ouslness, factories, farms, I'iiiliiinicK, carriages and cars used In the manufacture and sale or transport of any dairy product or any substitute therefor, or Imitation thereof, and also Into all restaurants, dining halls, cafes, hotels and all room* thereof, and all oth er places wherein food is prepared, stored or served to patrons. They shall also have power and authority to open any package, can or vessel containing such article which may be manufactured, sold or exposed for salo In violation of tho provisions of this act, or laws that now exist or that may hereafter bo enacted In this state, and may inspect the contents thereof, ami may tuk6 samples therefrom for analysis. All dealers, clerks, book keepers, express agents, railroad offi cials, employes or common carriers shall render to thorn all the assistance in their power when so required in tracing, Hud ing or discovering the presence of any article prohibited by law. Sec. 3. Any refusal or neglect on tho part of such dealers, clerks, bookkeep ers, express agents, railroad officials, em ployes or common carriers lo render such friendly aid shall be deemed a misde meanor and shall be punished as herein after provided. MILK. Sec. 4. No person, firm or corporation shall offer or expose Cor Bale, or sell or deliver for sale or consumption, or have in his possession with intent to sell, any unclean, impure, unhealthful, unwhole some or adulterated milk, or cream from the same, or any milk, or cream from the Mime, which has not been well cooled, aerated, or to which preservatives of any kind have been added. Sec. 6. No person, firm or corporation shall keep cows for the production of milk for market or for sale or exchange, or for manufacturing- the same, or cream from th.- same, Into articles of food, in a crowded condition, or in stables which are not perfectly ventilated, or which are filthy from an accumulation of ani mal refuse or from any other cause. Nor shall milk for such purposes be drawn from cows which are themselves In a condition of fllrh or uncleanness, or from cows which are affected with tuberculosis, ulcers, running sores, or any other form of disease, or from cows which are fed, either wholly or in part, upon distillery waste, or brewery grains, or the. waste of vinegar, or that of sugar factories, not properly preserved In silos, or upon any other form of food which will pro duce milk which Is unhealthful or un wholesome; or from cows within fifteen (15) days before and five \5) days after parturition; and all milk thus produced is hereby declared to be unclean, impure, unhealthful and unwholesome milk, and any milk which is shown by analysis to contain any substance or substances of any character whatever not natural or normal constituents of milk, or to havo been deprived either wholly or in part of any constituent naturally or normally contained In milk, or which Is shown to contain more than eighty-seven (87) per centum of water fluids, or less than thir teen (13) per centum of milk solids, of which not less than three and one-half (3V£) per centum shall be fat. Is hereby declared to be adulterated milk. This section shall not be construed to prevent the feeding of ensilage from silos. The having- in possession by any person, firm or corporation producing milk for market or for sale or exchange, or for manu facturing- the same, or cream from the same Into articles of food, of distillery waste or brewery grains, or the waste of vinegar, or that of sugar factories not preserved as aforesaid, or any other form of food which will produce milk which is unhealthy or unwholesome, shall be con sidered for the purposes of this act as prlma facie evidence of an intent to uso the same contrary to the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. No person, firm or corporation shall manufacture from unclean, impure, unhealthful or unwholesome milk, or of cream from the same, any article of food. Sec. 7. No person, firm or corporation shall sell or offer for sale or have in his possession with intent to sell, any cream taken from impure, unwholesome or dis eased milk, or cream that contains less than twenty (20) per centum of fat. Sec. 8. 'So person, firm or corporation shall sell or expose for sale, or have in his possession, with Intent to sell, in any store or place of business, or on any wagon or other vehicle used in transport ing or selling milk from which cream has been removed, or milk commonly called "skimmed milk," without first marking the can, vessel or package containing said milk with the words "skimmed milk," in large, plain, black letters- upon a light colored background, each letter being at least one (1) inch high and one-halt' (•£) inch wide; said words shall be on the top or side of said can, vessel or package where they can be easily seen. Sec. S. The state standard milk meas ures or pipettes shall have for milk a capacity of seventeen and six-tenths (17 6-10) cubic centimeters, and for cream shall have a capacity of eighteen (IS) cubic centimeters, and the state standard test tubes or bottles for milk shall have a capacity for two (2) cubic centimeters of mercury at a temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit between "zero" and ten (10) on the graduated scale marked on the necks thereof; and the standard test tubes or bottles for cream shall have a capacity of six (6) cubic centimeters of mercury at a temperature of sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit between "zero" and thirty (30) on the graduated scale marked on the necks thereof, and it Is hereby made a misdemeanor to use any other size of milk measure, pipette, test tube or bottle to determine tne per cent of butter fat, where milk or cream is pur chased by, or furnished to, creameries or cheese factories, and where the value of said milk or cream Is determined by tho per cent of butter fat contained In the same. Any manufacturer, merchant, deal er or agent in this state who shall offer for sale or sell, a cream or milk pipetto or measure test tube or bottle which Is not correctly marked or graduated as herein provided shall be guilty ol a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in section thirty (SO) of this net. Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for the owner, manager, agent or any employe of a creamery or cheese factory to man ipulate or underread the Ba'ocock test or any other contrivance U3ed for determin ing the quality or value of milk. Sec. 11. No person, firm or corpora tion shall manufacture "for sale, adver tise, offer or expose for salo. or sell, any mixture or compound intended for use an an adulterant of or preservative or milk, butter or cheese, nor shall any person, firm or corporation add to milk or butter or cheese, or during the process of their manufacture, any borax, boric acid, salicylic acid, formaldehyde, form alin, or any other substance or- sub stances In the nature of adulterants, anti ferments or preservatives. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to pure salt added to but ter and cheese. LICENSES. -. Sec. 12. Whoever by himself or his agents conveys milk in carriages, carts or other vehicles, or in any manner, for the purpose of selling the same, In any city or town of one thousand (.1,000) in habitants or more, shall annually on the first day .of May, or within thirty (3U) days thereafter, be licensed by the state dairy and food commissioner to sell milk within the limits of said city or town and shall pay to the said state dairy and food commissioner the sum of one (1) dollar for each and every carriage, cart or other vehicle thus employed, to the use of said dairy and food commissioner. Licenses shall be used only in the names of the owners of carriages, carts or other vehicles, and shall for the purpose of this act be prlma facie evidence of ownership All licenses shall terminate on the first day of May of each and every year. No licenses shall be sold, assigned or trans ferred. Each license shall record the name, residence, place of business, num ber of carriages, carts or other vehicles used (where more than one Is employed), the name and residence of any driver or other person engaged In selling or deliv ering said milk, the number of the car riage, cart or other vehicle, where he has more than one, and the number of license. Each licensee shall, before en gaging In the sale of milk, cause hia name, the number of his license, and the number of the carriage, cart or other vehicle, where ho has more than one and his place of business to be legibly placed on each outer side of all carriages carts or other vehicles used by him In the conveyance or sale of milk and he shall report to the state dairy and food commissioner any change of driver, or other person employed by him, which may occur during tho term of his license. Any person keeping not more than one cow shall be exempted from the provisions of this section. 6ec. 13. Every person, firm or corpora tion before selling milk or offering It for sale, or having It in his possession, with Intent to sell in a store, booth, stand creamery, cheese factory, or any other place, In the respective towns or cities as designated in section thirteen (13) of this act, shall procure^, license from the state dairy and fooo: commissioner or his authorized agents, and shall pay therefor the sum of one a) dollar Every such license shall terminate on the first day of May in each and every year. No license shall be sold or transferred BUTTER AND CHEESE. Bee. 14. No person by himself or his agents or servants shall sell, supply or bring to be manufactured, to any butter or cheese manufactory, any milk diluted with water or any other substance what ever, or any unclean, Impure, unhealthy adulterated, or unwholesome milk, or milk from which any cream has been taken (except pure skim milk to Bklm cheese factories), or shall keep baok any part of the milk commonly known as "strlppings," or shall bring or supply milk which Is sour, to any butter or cheese manufactory (except pure skim milk to skim choeso factories). No but ter or cheese manufactories except those which buy all the milk they use shall use for their own benefit, or allow any of their employes or any other person to use any ot tho milk or cream brought to said manufactories, or tho product thereof, without the consent of the owners thereof. Every butter and cheese manufacturer, oxcept those who buy all the milk they use, shall keep a correct record of all tho milk dally re ceived, and of tho number of pounds and packages of butter, tho number and ag gregate weight of cheese made each day. the number of packages of cheese and butter disposed of, which record shall bo open to Inspection to every person who delivers milk to such manufacturer. Sec. 15. No poison by niinself Or his agents or servants .«hall manufacture for sale, have in his possession with in tent to sell, offer or expose for sale, or sell as butier or as cheese any substanco not tho exclusive and legitimate product of milk or cream. Sec. 16. No person by himself or his agents, or his agents or servants shall manufacture for sale, have in his possos- Bion with Intent to sell, expose or offer for sale, or sell as butier or as cheese, or as substitutes for butter or cheese, or aS Imitations of butler or choeae, under any name or title whatsoever, any mixture or compound, which is designed to take the iilaco of butter or of cheese, and which is made from animal or vegetablu oils or fats, or by the mixing or com pounding- of the same, or any mixture or compound consisting in part of butter or of cheese in mixture or combination with animal or vegetable oils or fats, nor shall any person mix, compound with or add to milk, cream, butter or cheese any ani mal or vegetable oils or fats, with de sign or intent to make or produce any article or substance ln imitation of but ter or cheese, nor shall any person coat, powder or color with annatto or with any other coloring matter whatever, but terine or oleomargarine or any mixture or compound of the same, or any article or compound made wholly or In part from animal or vegetable oils or fats not pro duced from milk or cream, whereby the said article or compound shall be made to resemble butter or cheese, nor shall any person offer or expose for sale or sell any article, substance or compound made, manufactured or produced in vio lation of the provisions of this section, whether such article, substance or com pound shall have bten made, manufac tured or produced within this state or in any other state or country; and the hav ing in possession by any person, firm or corporation of any article, substance or compound made, manufactured or pro duced in violation of the provisions of this section shall be considered as prima facie evident or an Intent to sell the same as butter or as cheese contrary to the provisions of this section. Sec. 17. The Minnesota state dairy and food commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to procure and Issue to the cheese manufacturers of the state, and under such regulations as to the custody and use thereof as he may prescribe, a uniform stencil brar.d bearing a suitaDle device or motto, and the words "Minne sota State Full Cream Cheese." Every brand issued shall be used upon the out side of the cheese, and also upon the package containing the same, and shall bear a different number for each separate manufactory, and the commissioner shall keep a book in which shall be registered the name, location and number of each manufactory using the said brand, and the name or names of the persons at each manufactory authorized to use the same. It shall be unlawful to use or per mit such stencil brand to be used upon any other than full cream cheese or packages containing the same. All cheese branded as "Minnesota State Full Cream Cheese" shall contain not less than forty-five (45) per centum of fats to total solids, and all cheese pur porting to be full cream cheese which contains less than forty-five (45) per centum of fats to total solids, shall be deemed, for the puroose of this act, to be adulterated. Sec. 18. All cheese which contains less than forty-five (45.) per centum of fata to total solids Is hereby declared to be skim cheese," and It is hereby required and directed that the same shall be marked with a stencil or brand with the words "skim cheese," in plain black let ters, not less than one and one-half (IV.I inches in length and of proportionate width, upon the circumference of the cheese, and upon the outer surface of the box or package containing the same; and any dealer or trader who, by himself, or as the servant or agent of another per son, has ln his possession with intent to sell, offers or exposes for sale, or sells any skim cheese as hereinbefore defined which is not stenciled or branded as here .lnbefore required and directed, shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to the penalties pro vided in this act. Every dealer or trader who offers or exposes for sale or sells skim cheese as hereinbefore defined, shall cause to be kept continuously posted in a conspicu ous position upon tho walls qf the room wherein such skim cheese is offered or exposed for sale or sold, cards upon the face of which is distinctly and legibly printed in the English language, and in letters of sufficient size to be visible from all parts of the room, the words "Skim Cheeso Sold Here." Sec. 19. No person, by himself or agent, shall sell or offer or expose for sale, or have in his possession with mtent to sell, cheese branded or labeled with a false brand or label as to the quality of the article, or as to the county or state in which the article is made. Sec. 20. Every proprietor, keeper, land lord or steward of any hotel, restaurant, dining car, eating house, boarding hous^ or lumber camp, either public or private, who shall supply the guests or boarders or such hotel, restaurant, dining car, eat ing house, boarding house or lumber camp with any oleaginous substance or substances, or any compound of the same, or any other com pound other than that produced from unadulterated milk, or of cream from the same, or any article designed to take the place of butter, shall causo to be plainly printed trpon every bill of fare used In said hotel, restaurant, eating house boarding house, or lumber camp, when such adulterated compound is used im mediately under the title thereof and be fore the naming of any article of food thereon, in capital letters, no smaller than those known as nonpareil Celtic In tho English language, the words "Oleo margarine (or butttrlne) used as a sub stitute for butter." In case no bill or fare is used ln said hotel, restaurant dining car, eating house, boarding hous^ or lumber camp, then the proprietor or keeper thereof shall cause to be posted upon each and every side of the dining room or eating- room, in a position where the same can be seen from any part of said room, and in letters large enough to be distinctly seen and read from any part of said room, a card containing the words ln the English language "Oleo margarine (or butterine) used as a sub stitute for butter," and shall keep the same continuously posted as aforesaid so long as said compounds, or either of them, are kept and used. Tho provis ions of this section shall not be construed as ln any wise amending or invalidating any of the provisions of sections fifteen (15) or sixteen (16) of this act. Sec. 21. The commissioner shall pro vide blanks which shall be furnished to all proprietors, or managers of creameries and cheese factories, within the state for the pm-pose of making a report of the amount of milk and dairy goods handled, and embodying such other statistical in formation as the commissioner may re quire, and all owners or managers of said creameries and cheese "factories shall, on the first (Ist) day of November of each year, send to the "dairy and food commissioner a full and accurate report of the amount of business done during the year, including the statistical in formation required by said commissioner Sec. 22. It shall be tho duty of said commissioner, assistant commissioners. Inspectors and agents at any and all times to seize and take possession of any and all food and dairy products, or substi tutes therefor, or imitations thereof, kept for sale or for a purpose, or held in pos session or under Control, contrary to the provisions of this act, or other laws which now exist, or may be hereafter enacted. Such seizure may bo had without a war rant and said commissioner, assistant commissioners, and all Inspectors and agents appointed pursuant to law are hereby given full power an* authority Of constables. Any court having Juris diction, upon receiving proof of probable cause for believing in the concealment of any food or dairy products or substitutes therefor, or imitations thereof, kept for sale or for a purpose, or had ln possession or under control, contrary to the provis ions <>f this act. or other laws which now exist or may be hereafter enacted, shall Issue a search warrant and cause a search , to be made in any place therefor, and to that end may causo any building, en closure, wagon oijicar to be entered, and any apartment, chest, box, locker, tub, jar, crate, basket or package-to be broken open and the contents thereof exam ined. Sec. 23. All such warrants shall be di rected to said commissioner, or assistant commissioners, or any Inspector or agent appointed pursuant to law, or the sheriff or constable, commanding such commis sioner, assistant commissioners, inspect ■ or. agent or officer to search the house or place when such food or dairy product or substitute therefor or Imitation there of for which he Is required to search Is believed to be concealed, which place and the property to be searched for shall be designated in the warrant, and to bring such food or dairy product, or substitutes therefor or imitations thereof, when found, and the person in whose possession the same Is found, before the magistrate who Issued the warrant, or before some other court or magistrate having Juris diction of the case. Sec. 24. When the officer in the execu tion or any search warrant Issued under this act finds and seizes any food or dairy product, or substitute therefor or Imitation thereof, all the nroperty or things bo seized shall be safely kept by the direclion of the court or magistrate so long as is necessary for the purpose or being produced in evidence in any trial, and on sut:h trial. It being found that such food or dairy product, or any substitute therefor or imitation thereof, Is being kept for Bale or for a purpose, or held in possession or under control, contrary to the provisions of this act, or other laws which now exist or may bo hereafter enacted, the court shall, in ad dition to the other penalties prescribed by this act, order that said property be forfeited to the State of Minnesota, and shall order the same sold for any purpose other than to be used for food, and the proceeds thereof paid Into the stale treas ury and placed to the credit of the state dairy and food commissioner's fund. The dairy and food commissioner, his agent or inspector is authorized to take sam ples from products seized for the purpose of analysis. " Sec. 25. No person shall efface, eras?, cancel or remove any mark, statement or label provided for by this act with the Intent to mislead, deceive, or to violate j any provisions of this act. Sec. 26. No action shall bo maintained on account of any sale, or other contract made in violation of, or with intent to violate any provisions of this act. Sec. 27. The doing of anything pro hibited, and the not doing of anything directed to be done by this act. shall be prima facie evidence of a willful intent to violate the different sections and provis ions hereof. Sec. ?.S. In all prosecutions arising un der this act the certificate of the chem ist making the analysis, when duly sworn to by such analyst, fchall be prima facio evidence of the fact or facts therein cer tilieci. Sec. 29. All moneys received from li cense fees, all fines collected for the vio lation of laws relating to food or dairy products, their imitations or substitutes Sot i § roc^ds from all goods confis cated and sold under the provisions of this act and other laws relating to dairy or food Products, their imitations or sub stitutes shall be paid into the state treas ury and placed to the credtt of the dairy and food commissioner's fund Sec. 30. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction f?n«°£ «be r unls n<?<3 for each of flj]i ,£ y a flno of not less than twenty nve (2o) nor more than one hundred (luO"> dollars, or by Imprisonment of not less Sffi^aSS d£ys ' nor «">«'££ Sec. 31 Chapter eleven HI), general n*m ° f hun <*red and ninety-one OS91) and all acts and parts of aefs li %£&%£&?* provlßlonß *««* « bp B ln fo 2 - T £' 3 act Bhall take effect and be in force from and after Us passage. Approved April 19th. 1899. AT* *9£n APTL:R 256 - 8 - f - n O. 640. EU«. th« tO t aut h°rize cities containing te « thousand inhabitants to" fm- « u S - tor the P urcha se of lands fo a site lor state Institutions. ltit« ena p Ct^ by the Legislature of the fc>tate of Minnesota con-.Vn^^- That , any clt >' ln th!s state containing a population of l«ss than ten thousand inhabitants may issue uTnegTo tiable bonds for the purpose of acquiring lands to be used by the State of Minne *cL\a as , a v. srTo ,/°, r the. establishment of an> state hospital or state Institution or state asylum for the insane. Sec. 2. The amount for which said bonds may be issued shall not exceed the sum of sixteen thousand (16,000) dollars and the proceeds of such bonds when Issued and sold, shall be applied ln pay ment of the purchase money for the lands to be used by the state for such hospital site, or for public Institutions, or for a state asylum for the insane Sec. 3. The city council of any such city may. by a majority vote of all the members-elect thereof, adopt a resolution directing the issuance of the bonds of ths said city, to an amount not to exceed sixteen thousand (16,000) dollars, for the purposes hereinabove specified. Said bonds shall be for sums not less than one hun dred (100) dollars, nor for more than I one thousand (1,000) dollars, and shall bear interest at the rate of not more than four (4) per cent per annum, and shall be due at such times, not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date thereof, and payable at such places as the city council by Us said resolution shall di rect; the said bonds shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the city olerk of the s^aid city, and shall have af fixed thereto the corporate seal of said municipality. Said bonds shall be sold for not less than the par value thereof. Including in terest to the date of the sale, and the moneys and funds realized therefrom shall be applied to the purposes herein above set forth. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be ln force from and after Its passage. Approved April 19th, 1899. CHAPTER 297— 5. F. NO. 641. AN ACT to permit • the city councils of cities containing less than ten thou sand Inhabitants to levy a special school tax. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. The city council of any city containing a population of less than ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants, ln which school taxes are now levied by said city council, shall have the power and it shall be their duty onco in each year to cause a special school tax to be levied on all taxable real and personal property ln said city, sufficient ln amount to cover all deficiencies as estimated by the board of education for any school district whose boundaries are coterminous with the cor porate limits of the said city for ordi nary school purposes; provided, that the said tax levy shall not. for any finan cial school year, exceed fifteen mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of the property in said city. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts, whether general or special. Inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. * Approved April 19th, 1809. CHAPTER 208— H. F. NO. 617. AN ACT to prescribe the duties of the deputy state treasurer. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. The state treasurer Is here by authorized to appoint a deputy who shall hold ofilce during the pleasure of the state treasurer. In case of the absence or inabilitj- of the state treasurer, the dep uty shall perform all the several dutiea required by law of the state treasurer. The state treasurer and his bondsmen shall be held responsible for all acts per formed by such deputy state treasurer. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be ln force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 299— H. F. NO. 282. AN ACT to regulate the payment of cor oner's and Justice's juror's fees and mileage in tho State of Minnesota, and to make the same equal and uniform In k all the counties throughout the state. *Bo it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Each juror sworn before any coroner at any inquest taken by him shall be entitled to one dollar for each day's attendance upon such Inquest, and ten cents for each mile traveled in going to and returning from the place of holding the same; the distance to be computed by the usual traveled route, and shall be paid out of the county treasury of the county in which the service is rendered. The coroner shall deliver to each juror a certificate for the number of days' attend ance and mileage traveled for which he is entitled to receive compensation. Sec. 2. Each juror sworn in any action pending in a justice court or before any sheriff on a writ of Inquiry, shall be en titled to one dollar, to be paid in the first Instance in all civil actions by the party requiting such Jurors. Sgc. 3. The certificate of the coroner for services rendered as a juror before him shall bo filed with the county auditor, who shall at once thereafter Issue his warrant upon the treasury of his county for the amount due, which certificate shall be a proper and sufficient voucher for the issuance of such warrant. Sec. 4. All acts and parts of acts whether the same be special or general acts that are Inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be ln force from and after its passage. Approved April 20tft*, 1899. CHAPTER 800— H. F. NO. 617. AN ACT providing for leasing the ele vator site now owned by the State of Minnesota at Duluth to the Grain Growers' Co-operative Association of Minnesota. Be It enacted by the Legislature of tho State of Minnesota: Section 1. There Is hereby created a commission, consisting of the governor, attorney general and state auditor, who are hereby empowered to lease the site for elevators now owned by the State of Minnesota at Duluth, St. Louis county, to the Grain Growers' Co-operative Asso ciation of Minnesota, Incorporated under title two (2), chapter thirty-four (84), gen ernl statutes of Minnesota for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (1878), with general offices ln Minneapolis, and Intending to do business also at Duluth, storing and selling grain for the produc ers thereof. The description of said site Is as fol lows: Commencing at a point upon the southeasterly (S. E.) line of the right of way of the Duluth Transfer Railway company where it intersects the easterly boundary line of tho riparian estate and submerged lands appurtenant to Har rington's addition to Duiuth, as shown In book "I," page "IT," agreements, register of deeds' otJlce, St. Louis county, and plat attached thereto, running twen ty-three hundred and eighty and four tenths (2.3504-1O; feet to United States flock line. Thence westerly (W.) two hundred and thirty (230) feet on said dock line to center of commercial slip. Thc-nce northwesterly (N. W.) parallel to the nrst line twenty-three hundred and sev enty-one and two-tenths (2.371 2-10) feet to t; 16 Duluth Transfer Railway company's right of way, at a point two hundred and thirty and elghteen-hundredths (23018-lOui lect westerly <\V.) from the point of be ginning, as shown fully on the plat at tached to the deed now in custody "of state treasurer. The said commission is also authorized to turn over to Bald, the Grain Growers' Co-operative Association of Minnesota, the plans and specifications made for state elevator in eighteen hundred and ninety-three (1893), now in the custody of~ the railroad and wan-house commission. bee. 2. Before the commissioners named in section one <1) of this act shall deliver to the president of the Grain Growers' Co-operative Association or Minnesota a lease of said elevator site described in section one (1) of this act they shall require a guarantee from the Grain Growers' Co-operative Association °£ £ linn . es , ota Uiat tne sald association ehall build an elevator of not less than four hundred thousand UOQ/iOO) bushels capacity on said site within thre* (3> years and operate the same for public H E ? " n , der rule s and regulations estab lished by said association and approved by the governor, which shall be a condi tion of the lease; also an agreement that the charges for the handling or storing r r ( L'- ( ''-!!rM VaUing shipment or 6ale sha 'l be The commission shall fix the amount of annual rental to be paid for the use of said site at such sum ns they deem proper considering the object of the lease, being that the said association shall create an open market for grain to the producers wishing to ship through 3^ t SS&P w m:irkets of the worla Sec. 3. The time for which said le.nse %&&£zrsssn£tir* of the Sec. 4. The condition of len^n shall b« to C hn,',d at t"v an T '«*»«lature shall decide to huild state elevators on the said sito Lrt tho r 'Jfilitate a frro and open ma" ket than this assor-iation can establish the state reserves the right to cancel the lease for the unoccupied pprt of the slt« courts from garnishment therofor an exempting such cash bail so deposked Iii r TJt U '^ l \ n^ nt & nci execution." 1 tLd Lesisiaiu - <* the stat'fh^-w Al < y , muili cipal court of this bvauVhnH? «rin>taal Jurisdiction is here bail Fnrth tO aoce P t and receive cash rented »nri a P» ea ™ n ee of any person ar reatea and brought before such nr,,,, --shai? e bv W ord a " ls <»«nean r or. bU The en cash ban %t t T i£ x the amou M of such fj? ™ ' but the am °unt so fixed shall th« hi^f c , cX ° c^ d « double the amount of no«» 5 f Cash - flne P^vlded to be im- SSh wh'S 888 °l convlc «°n of the crime with which such person co applying to be admitted to bail is charged. After the amount shall have been fixed by the £?,?«*■ C ° Urt may ' from time to time reduce the amount so fixed or Inoreasc ton'rt^'u 0 ' *? c ? Ceed the above mln- M S l c : fl 2 ' f^' h t t, never cash ball shall be de posited for the appearance of any per son brought before such court aa In this act provided, the same shall for all pur poses be deemed the property of the per son charged with the offense, whether the same be deposltd by such person personally or by any third person or per sons in his behalf. And in case simh court shall by its order reduce the amount thereof and order the release of any portion thereof, or upon the final deposition of the case order the releas or the whole amount on deposit pay ment to such person personally or to any other person on his written order shall be full satisfaction so "Tar as such court and the officers having custody of such cash are concerned. cC ' a' . Whe " ever cash bail shall so be ordered by such court to be deposited for the appearance of any such person the Bame shall be deposited with the 'clerk Cf such court, and the same shall re main so deposited with such clerk until the final disposition of the case and the further order of the court in reference thereto. Such cash shall be disposed of as the court shall direct in one of the following ways: In case of the absolute discharge of the defendant, or in case the court shall order his discharge upon hid executing bond to keep the peace the court shall direct the whole amount re maining on deposit to be at once returned \° * m ' In case tllc charge against the defendant upon which he shall have already deposited such cash bail shnll b.e withdrawn and a new charge or charges shall be preferred against him the court may direct the ball so deposited to stand as if deposited for his appear ance to answer to such new charge or charges, or it may release part thereof and direct the balance to so stand, or it may direct the amount to remain on de posit as a portion of an Increased amount which such court shall order for his ap pearance to answer to such new charso or charges, and the defendant may be committed till such additional sum be fut rnshed without such commitment operat ing to release tho amount so deposited In case of the conviction of such defend ant the court may order the amount de posited to be applied upon any fine im posed, and If such tine be less than thi amount then deposited, the balance be ordered to be at once paid to the 'V fendant. If such fine shall equal the amount th<-n depi sited the same m ■ . ordered paid to satisfy such fine. If such fine exceed the amount then deposited the amount then deposited may be or if re(J -, V bo aPPHefI "P°» such fine, and the defendant committed until the bal ance be paid. Such commitment howev er, shall not exceed one day's time for each one, dollar of such unpaid balance In case the defendant be convicted and punishment other than a fine be imposed the court shall order the amount then on deposit to be at once returned to him In caso of the death of tho defendant before final disposition of the matter, the court ehall order the amount then on deposit to be at once paid to his person;!! repre sentatives, and payment of the wnole amount to any one or more of such ren resentatlves shall be full satisfaction so far as such court and tho officers having custody of such deposit are concerned. Sec. 4. Whenever any such cash bail shall be deposited as herein provided, whether such deposit be retnilar'y made or not, the paid court, and the clerk and the several officers thereof, shall each and all be absolutely exempt from gar nishment, and such funds so deposited shall be absolutely exempt from attach ment or execution so long as the same shall remain in the physical possession of such court, clerk or other officer of such court. Sec. 5. Nothing In this act rontalned shall be construed as limiting the power of any such court to require a bail bond to be given by any such defendant, but such power shall remain as heretofore, and in caso any such defendant phßll offer to furnish such bond ho shall be allowed to do so without cash ball beiiv required, and if cash bail has already been deposited, such bond may be sub stituted therefor at any time, and there upon upon the approval of such bond the court shall order the amount of cash bail then on deposit to be at once return ed to tho defendant. Sec. 6. Misdemeanors as governed by this act shall be construed to mean all crimes provided for by the statutes of this state which do not amount to felo nies, and also all violations of city ordi nances. Sec. 7. Cash ball deposited under tho provisions of this act and thereafter for feited shall be disposed of in the man ner now provided by law for the disposi tion of the proceeds of forfeited ball. Sec. 8. All acts and parts of acts in consistent with this act are hereby re pealed. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect end be in force from and after its passage. Approved April- 20th, ISC9. CHAPTER 302— H. F. NO 452 AN ACT to fix the salary of the deputy state treasurer and "to appropriate money therefor; to amend subdivision twenty (20) of section ten (10) of chan ter seven (7) of the general statutes for the year eighteen hundred and sev enty-eight (1878), and to repeal chapter forty-seven (47) of the general laws of the State of Minnesota for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-one (1831), extra session. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. That the salary of the deputy state treasurer for the fiscal year A. D. 13 one thousand eight hundred mid vinr-tv ninf) (18W> and annually thereafter «-'i.all be two thousand (2,000) dollars. Sec. 2. That subdivision twenty C2O-1 of section ten (10) <.i , en ,-, of the genera] statutes of A. D. < .sand eight hundred and a . l«7»j be and the same Is hereby ami ed so as to r< ad as I ollows: 20th. For salary of th dep ity treasurer two thousand (2,000) dollars See. 3. That chapter fo ty-seven (47) of the genera] laws o( II the year on* thousand eight hundred and eighty-one (1881), extra . and the same Is hereby repealed. See. 4. This ;i<t shall tak< i tf< ft and be in force from and after Its passage. Approved April 20th, 1 >:■. CHAPTER 803 ii. P. NO. 321. AN AC! to facilitate the purchase ana condemnation of lands within the limits <>! Itasca State Park and to nppioprfate money thi Whereas, with c view to preserve in its natural beauty for tl if this and future generations, the sourci of the Mis sissippi river and a trad of 'land containing thirty-hve (35) sq miles surrounding the sai ature of i '■.'..- tate In the s Ushed Itasi a State Pai . Whereas, upon r< hat thi'? state would maintain Invlol; ie for park purposes all the land within the limits or said park, the governmei united States, in th dred and ninety-two 0892) leroualy granted to the ol Mi a all that It possessed therein, comprising about one-half the entire arc:,- . whereas, during all th< -!n"ce elapsed, no adequate meat ■■ i>een taken to acquire the lands owm vate parties within the limit park, there still being moi eiaht thousand (8,000; acres over which Lhe state has no control; and Whereas, there Is constant and incn rg Oangfr that these lam are Intricately Intermingled with I will bo cut ov.T by lumbermen and de nuded of their natural growth of forest, thus marring the beauty of thi whole and inviting fires that would every green tiling an<l entlr< t xh<; objects for which said park was estab lish.-d; therefore Ec it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota : Section 1. That thr ; sum of twenty thousand (20,000) dollars, or so much thereof as may be found ne< • and the name is hereby appi ■ I out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise i ■ of carrying int.; effect the section seven (7/ of chaj ■ . and six (106) of the general laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five I and to pay for any and all la than school lands, that may be acquired by purchase or condemnation, according to the provisions of said chapter, and to pay all expenses connected v.ith euch purchase and condemnation. Of the foregoing approprii '!<-<n ten thousand (10,000) dollars shall be avail able for the fiscal year ending July thir ty-first (31st), eighteen hundred and nine ty-nine (1889), and ten th. .liars ($10,000,1 for the fiscal yeai July thirty-first (31st), nineteen hund] Sec. 2. As soon as any n become available for on.v;. mc out the pro vislona of said section seven (7j of chap ter one hundred and fix (li gen eral laws, of eighteen hundred -.'.<.. <\ ninety five (1895), the governor shall .iirf-ct the attorney general to enter upon an.l prose cute proceedings for the purchase and condemnation of such lands as ;. ro n<"~t already owned by the state within the limits of said park as the same v.'ero established by chapter fifty-six ■ •• general laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one (189] .), as amended b one hundred and f-lx (106) of the general laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-Jiv« (lSi)s.t; and the attorney genera l , 'shall thereupon commence such proceedings and prosecute the same with all reason able diligence. He; shall first endeavor to ao<i".lr.^ such parcels- N as shall seem to him to be In most Imminent danger of being denuded of timber. Bee. 3. In case the appropriation herc-ln made In section two (2) for the purchase and condemnation of land shall become exhausted, or shall. In whole or In part, be unavailable when needed, and v snail transpire that the timber is liable- t<. be cut from any land within the limll said park, the attorney general shall en deavor to secure from the owner of such land an option to purchase the same, for a term not exceeding two years, which shall contain an agreement that the tim ber thereon shall remain un 'hir ing said term. He may pay fo tlon, if secured, a si'.rr; not exceedii g four percentum per annum of su upon the value of said land as the sumo may be estimated by him. Sec. 4. The sum of one thousand I dollars, or co much thereof as •■ be found necessary, is hereby a] for the purpose of carrying oui the pro visions of the pi • Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved -April 20th, lk'AK CHAPTER 304— H. F. NO. 618. AN ACT to amend chapter r.r;e 'u:n dred eighty-one (181) of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven (18S7), as amended b; two hundred twenty-five (225) of the laws of one thou - and ninety-seven (Is!'7>. entitled, "An act to reorganize tho Stai ' •■:ral society and confer police pov the board." Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. That section one (1) n* rhap *er one hundred eighty-one i! 5 !) of the general laws o <:-ed nnd etghty-sev s amended by chapter two hundred twi i of the general laws or" eight and ninety-seven is hereby amended so as to read as fol lows: Sec. 1. That hereafter the sfatr> agri cultural society shall be ■ i the following members: First— Th: gates to : and appoinfked by ci <!i of district agricultural :■■ and In case any such soci . neglect to choose ami fates, then and in that ■ * ent, secretary ar.d treasui ciety shall, by virtu . he members of the State Aj ciety. Provided, that a county i ciety does not exh I fairs In any county, : to agricultural . such sti such and appoint su the president, . ( such society shall, by \. office, be members tural society. Provided further, when more than on* street fair association or so I hold its mccl Ings In any the senior association or - II bo entitled to such memb trship. Second— Honorary life mci by reason of >-. ■ culture, or In the nris and nected therewith, or of I ful service In the s conferred upon it, may, b; (2-3) vote ar any of i;s annual mci b» elected os such. Third— The ■ the following societies and assoi lations: The Stn»e Horticultural Society the State An. her ('mm Soclefy, th ■ I men's Association, the 9 Association, the Southern Minnesota Association, the State Poultrj Associa tion, 'he Stnif- B •■•■ X s< clal I n and the president a ary of the State Farmers' Alliance and the >Hnne sota Stock Breeders' Association. Fourth— Provided, that all su b a ■ i 1 s and association tarn an i '.lye existence and hold annual . I have paid out as mn<-h f ■ .- - na ■ they receive from thi ■■an annual membership <>f twenty-five I more members, and Provided further, that In the of officers, ar.f 1 upon all questions Ing at any meeting of sal ' iein tural society, each of the p mentioned, f>x' - .>i'i i:' payment of one (1) In person, or by proxy, provl ■ ■ is from the same county. Sec. 2. This- act shall ti ke efTi ct i nd bo In force from and .if; -;e. Approved April 20th, CHAPTER 305- -IT. F. XO. Sls AN ACT empowering be I inty commissioners '.. . of years, the construction :>• < of street railway lines upon the high ways in their respective coi side of cities and villages. Be it enacted by the I-cfJslaLure of the State of Minnesota: ■ Section 1. That boards of missloners of the several counties • state are hereby author!; ered to grßnt, by resolution, to be <n tered at length In their minutes to In &h [duals, companies and corporations. the right to construct, maintain •■•■ 1 operate street railway linos by than steam power, for the transportation of passengers, wholly or parti} upon any of the public roads and highways In their respective counties, outsit". > of i Itles and villages, except such as may have been parked or boulevarded, or otherwise spe cially prepared for light driving, for a period not exceeding twenty-!': vr> (26) years, upon such terms and con<l ; as to the use and occupation of the snme for such purpose as the said boards of county commissioners shall prescribe In such resolution. Provided, however, that such resolution