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14 shall. In ell cases, so provide that no copied by. an: such 1 in \. :.. • "■• r as to p.' ivent the .' su 1. highway by other vehicl i; and Provided further, that in case of the :v • "Jon v an> •• »< •'■ l ", :l " of this act, tha such railway shall, within six (6) ; mnths thei ■ nence and aiii iecute p:o for the con . i such portion of such va cat. .i i igliway as may '■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■•• ->■ .-' '■■" proper operation . i such railway, oner acquin .1 by purchase, and :ond< miiHiion or pur r igi,| an d Interest ol sura ow , .i , ay In and upon tne . at. d shall at om ■■ cease ■.. [thout an: other act or ; '',s,V h railway and all the . ; .i th( rewith shall at t to taxation by such rate as the ■•• , la th, r proper authority shall h tve ■ , v ■ In a tcora . .. mi...! and rate m ay b« changed from time to time, when ill so ■ itermine. ft shall take effect and be ,-,- from ar.d a ter Its passage. oth, LBS9. H i-\ NO. i&. AN '.'•■>■ ■ i :: " ' u . r '" St I forty-four (144) - of the State ol Mm. . i en hundred ,--.:■.) as amended by : ■ ,1-ty-tbree : laws of the State ol ■ , foi the year ci ;hteen hun .:.: act : rcls, bar i eral and ■ ■ . 'ider, gin ■.-:• ale, ...,-..■>-.-. beer, white ■s or other bev< , .am, ice cream and butter. I | is! . ure ■'■■ the - ta: on 1 fen ip ri , n (144) of the ■ ■ ar elght< en hundred an I nine ,-, . hapter one : • ty-three, general laws o1 esota tor tV..- year I and ninety-five (1595) be . . >as to iws: any person, per orporation mentioned in section Is ai i, or his, her or their ■ l make oath before aj > magis trate thai he, she or it has reason ... be lieve and does believe that any of his, hor lis or their b..;; ■-, boxes, syphons, tins ■ barrels or barrels, boxes, cans a description of the names, marks i r devi< es whereon has been on file üblished as aforesaid, are being un fully used or tilled or had, by any in or corporation, manufacturing or h era I or aerated waters, . jjl gei lie, small beer, lager beer, weiss beer, beer, white beer, v - i i. ■ -rages, or milk cream and butter, or that any lealer In second-hand ar any other per son or corporation, has any such bottles, tins, kegs, half-barrels, or I übs, in his, her or its possession or secreted in any place, the snid magistrate must thereupon issue a search warrant to discover and obtain . and may a.lso cause to be him the person in whoso poss •' bottles, boxes, syphons, i • -is. boxes, be found, and shall inquire Into the circumstances of such possession; and ir" such person is i guilty of violation of section two (2) ■ • he shall be punished as therein prescribe.'., and the possession of the property taken upon such warrant shall also be awarded to the owner there of. The r< quiring, taking or accepting of any ir any purpose, upon any bottle, box, syphon, tin or l:eg shall not be deemed or constitute a sale of such property, either optional or otherwise, in : T his act. t shall take effect and I ter its primage. oved April 20th. I CH-4 '— H. P. NO. 352. AX ACT tn arc : '; a ter two hundred -. 6 'nerai laws of one rht hundred an.l ninety i Ing an act entitled. An :"■:•' ic< lira enient ire of ;;ugar and pay r for. ' • gislature of the Section 1. ["hat section one (1) of chap i I and five (205) of the gen eral c thousand eight hundred I, b Ing an act en • ' ivide for the encour mt of the manufacture of sugar, ■ ; so as to read as follows: Section 1. That there shall be paid out 1 1 asury to any corporation, ■ r person that may be engaged In facture of sugar in this state from bei ts, sorghum or other yielding mown in the state a bounty of one (1) cent per pound upon i and every pound of sugar so raaiiu -•■! under the conditions and restric >f this act. •!. that the aggregate amount of alUthe I). .unties to be thus paid under the !< ns of tfiis act in any one (1) year shall ■ ,1 the sum of forty thou -40, I) d liars, and that in the event that the production of sugar under the itlons and restrictions hereof, in any ■ar at the rate «f one (1) cent per pound, shall earn more than the sum rty thousand (40,000) dollars In the that then and in that event unt of forty thousand (*0.p00) irs shall be divided pro rata among • - i f the several factories so ifacturing sugar in proportion to the ' sugar from their re : and Provided, that no more than twenfy • dollars shall be paid out for such bounties In any congressional ■ In any one CD ye r ir. furtl er, that the provisions of this act shall only continue In force the first day of January, nineteen red ar.d or.o npoil, an ,i there Is hereby annually appropriated out of any In the state treasury not other ■ rial ■ ' the sum of forty thou , or so much thf-reof ry to pay the bounty h may be earned under the pro ■ f this act. 3e 1 No bounty shall be piid for r «o manufactured under the pro ' ' £ this act unless such sugar shall ■rod !n this state, nor unl ' irar shall contain at '■''■ per cent of crystalized bu car. and in ease of sujrar mn'. 1^ from bus the mai ufacturer shall tluce good and sufficient receipts and vouchers to show at loast four dollars and twenty-five cf>r*s ($4.25) per ton of two (2.000) pounds hns nctually :'sil'l for a!! beets purchased con ■'?) per centum of su<*ar. The rjuantity nnd quality of sugar upon all of said no'inty'ls claimed shall be determined by the state aurUtor with whom ail claimants therefor shall, from to time, file verified statements, v Ing the quantity and quality of the sugar so manufactured and tho price paid the producer for the sugar beets actually •1 In this state from which the sugar which said bounty is so claimc-ci was made. person, firm or corporation po In ling to engage In the manufacture of sugar In this state shall, before commenc ing such manufacture, request the state aud »lnt a suitable Inspector, and upon such request it shrill be the of Bald state auditor to appoint an Inspector, and such assistants thereto, In each town wherein it shall appear to him from the application of such person, firm or corporation so engaged or intending to engage In the manufacture of beet sugar that such Inspector and assistants are needed. And In all cases where the output of any person, firm or corporation engaged In the manufacture of beet su^ar In this state shall aggregate one (1) ton or more per day, tho state auditor shall appoint a resMrnt Inspector nnd such assistants as may be necessary for the factory of such person, firm or corpora tion. It shall be the duty of such inspector or assistants to weigh all beets received by such person, firm or corporation en gaged in the manufacture of beet sugar and to keep an accurate account of the same with each and every purchaser of sugar beets, and to make such examina tions and tests as to the quantity and quality of the sugar manufactured as he may deem proper In arriving at the standard of sugr. - so manufactured by such person, firm or corporation. The Kugrar so manufactured In such factory Rhal!, under the direction of said' in spector, be placed in original packages and slia'.l be examined, weisrhed and branded by him by a suitable brand showing the quantity and quality con tained In each of said packages, and an accurate report and account thereof shall do riled by him with the state auditor. The said inspector and assistants shall perform all duties required by this act in an Impartial manner and shall furnish and file with Ihe state auditor, as well as with the manufacturers respectively of such beet sugar a monthly statement In duplicate of all sugar so manufactured by such persons, firms or corporations upon which bounty may be claimed under this act. It shall also be the duty of s?M In spector, upon receipt o* sugar beets at any factory, to select su' - : samples of beets as he deems fair -ad equitable and to f omptly weigh the same and keep an accurate record of the gross weight of such samples, and to estimate the per centage of said gross weight to be de- UJ^IOIAIj PL) BLMJATJLOJN Ol 1 THI^ UKJNJUKAL LjA\Vs OF MINNESOTA PASSED DURING SESSION OF 1899. -1 :•! therefrom as n reasonable and air illowance for dirt and dockage, nnd to !.■ v a record thereof, i>; well as of L 1!- net weight remaining after making ■:-.i h deduction tor uirt and dockage; to test or cause to be tested, said santpl a tn ascertain the true percentage of sugar they contain; to make a record thereof, and to make report thereof to the state auditor. The net weight and p sreentage o1 sugar ; determined by the teal of the samp] s a.-, aforesaid, shall bo the basis ol settle m tit i -.-' >.- en th< buyer a»id seller, as well es ii ■ claim for ihe bounty pro vided by this act The Inspector and assistants sh ill ca-h .uiw and file with the state auditor bonds tn the State <>t' Minnesota with good and sufficient sureties, t. be approved by the state auditor, in a sum to be fixed by said . ..ii ■ auditor not less two thou sand (2,060) dfoliars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties pro bed by this act, and shall also take, | subscribe and tile. In the office of tie state auditor, an oath for the faithful performance of the duties prescribed by this :-.t. according to law and to the b ; of his ability. The fees and compensation for tho services of such Inspector and assistants shall be lix.d by the state auditor, but shall nol exceed one-eighth <>*) of one (1) cent per pound Tor the beet BUgar ■xamined, weighed and branded by I them respectively, and shall not exceed va The aggregate the sum ol three (3) dol lars per day for any one (1) day's service :■ i rally performed. Thi ■ :■■ and compensation above named, ■■>■■ ther with the costs <>f brand ing such packages of sugar and of. all analysis so required to be made by said ctor or assistants, as required by , this act shali be paid out of the state , treasury, upon the warrants of the stale j auditor, and charged against the annual :• pi ia. ion made by this an as a prior ell Im thereon to be paid before the pay ment of any bounty under this act, and the amount SO (.lid shall 1>" deducted from the sum found due any person, firm or corporation, upon claims for bounty ed under tiiis act by tho particular factory u> the extent and amount so paid ou for the weighing, Inspection, testing and branding so don< In and for said fac tory. See. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage. Approved April 20th, ISS9. CHAPTER 308— H. F. NO. 95. AX ACT for the relief of William B. Mc- Namara and u> appropriate money therefor. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Thai Lhe sum of three thou sand (3,000) dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury not otherwise ap piopriated for the relief of William B. McNamara for personal injuries sustain ed by him while In the performance of his duties as a member of the National Guard of the State of, by rea son of the premature discharge and ex plosion of a cannon, whereby he was in jured and incapacitated from labor for life. Said sum to be paid to said William B. McNamara three (3) months after he shall arrive at the age of twenty-one (21) years, upon the warrant of the state au ditor upon the state treasurer, drawn in favor of said William B. McNamara therefor. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage. A]. proved Aprii "Oth, 1599. CHAPTER 309— H. F. NO. CS3. AN ACT to amend subdivision three (3) of section thirty-six (30) of chapter six (G) of the general statutes of one thou sand eight hundred and seventy-eight ( IMS), as amended by section two '2) of chapter forty-one (.41) of the general laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five (ISSS), relating to the inter est on deposits of state funds. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Thnt subdivision three (3) of section thirty-six (36) of chapter six (6) of the General statutes of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight (1S78), as amended by section two (:') of chapter forty-one (11) of the general laws of one thousand ei^ht hundred and eighty-five (ISSS), be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Subdivision 'i. Such bank or banker shall pay to the treasurer for use of the State of Minnesota such fair and equit- j able interest on all daily balances in their hands belonging to the state as may be agreed upon between such bank or banks and the treasurer, by and with' the ad vice and cmsent of the governor, secre tary of state and attorney general, which interest shall, in no case, be at a less rate than two per cent (2) per annum. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th. 1899. CHAPTER 310— H. F. NO. 676. AN ACT to restrict and regulate dis bursements and expenditures of money appropriated by legislature and to pre vent the several boards aud officers from exceeding the amounts so appro priated. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Wherever there has been an appropriation for any ,state institution providing for the maintenance of such in stitution for a stated period, or for tho construction, repair or improvement of any building, or tor the purpose of equip ments, or for the making of any improve ments of any nature whatever, it shall be unlawful for any state board or official to Incur indebtedness on behalf of said board, official, or tho Slate of Minnesota, in excess of the appropriation made for any of the foregoing purposes. It is hereby made unlawful for any state board or official to incur any indebted ness on behalf of said board, official, or the State of Minnesota, of any nature whatsoever, until after an appropriation therefor has been made by the legisla ture. Any official violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and the governor of the stato is hereby authorized and empowered to iemove any such official from office. Provided," that in caso of calamity or actions of the elements (such as fire, water, storms, etc.), such board or of ficials may obtain the consent or' the gov ernor, the state auditor and the state treasurer, in writing, stating the special amount of expense that may bo incurred, and such expenditure shall be considered a valid claim against the State of Min nesota. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1599. CHAPTER 311— H. F. NO: 677. AN a .<:T t" provide for joining two or mote railroad companies in actions to recover damages for regligence in the transportation of live stock and for the allowance of attorney's ftes in such cases. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Whenever any owner or shipper of live stock that is transported over two or more lines of railroad from the place of shipment to the place of des tination suffers damages by reason of the negligence of either of the carriers over whose line of road said live stock has been transported, said elamag-e having been caused by an unreasonable delay in the delivery of said live stock, and he is not certain on which said line of road said negligence occurred he may join any two or more of said railroad companies In an action to recover such damages, and upon the fria. of such action the court or lury shall determine through the negligence of which of the said railroad companies the damage was caused, and the plaintiffs shall be entitled to judgment against said company, and tho action shall be dis missed against the other defendants. Sec. 2. In actions brought In justice court uneler the provisions of this act, the plaintiff, if he recovers judgment for twernty-five dollars or over, shall be en titled to recover five dollars costs, and on appeals to the district court or any municipal court and the judgment Is not reduced ene-half, the plaintiff shall be en titled to recover ten dollars costs In that court. In addition to the amount allowed in justice court. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1899. ) CHAPTER 312— 11. F. NO. 578. AN ACT to regulate persons and corpora tions engaged in installing or repairing electrical wires and apparatus in cer tain cities of the State of Minnesota and to provide for licensing persons and corporations to carry on said busi ness. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. The governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, shall as soon as practical after the pas sage of this act appoint five (o) persons, two (2) of whom shall be at the time of appointment master electricians, two (2) of whom shall be at time of appointment journeymen electricians and one (1) who shall be at time of appointment a munic ipal electrical inspector of an Incorporat ed city of :his state, residents of this state, ar : - id appointees shall constitute a state '■ ard of electricity; one of the persons ! o appointed shall hold office for one (1) year, one for two (2) years, one for three (3) years, one for four (4) years, and one for five (5) years, unless sooner removed. A. pointments to -fill vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal before , i xplration of term, shall be made for the j ropi^'je of such term by the governor, subject to consent of senate, and all ap- pointments to fill vacancies caused by expiration ol' term t=Jin!l be mack; in tho siime manner, and «i that said board shall continue to bo constituted as here inbefore provided, viz.: of two (2) master electricians, two (J> journeymen electri cians and one (1) muncipal electrical in spector, and shall be (or a period of live 1..) years each. Sec. -. The members of said board, be fore entering upon their duties shall re spectively take and subscribe the oath required by other state officers, which shall be liled in the olliee of the secretary of state, who is hereby authorised to ad minister same. Thoy shall have power to elect out of their own number a presi dent, secretary and treasurer and adopt such rules and by-laws for the transac tion of the business of the board and the management or its affairs as they may deem expedient. See. 3. Each member of said board shall receive a compensation of three (3) dollars per day for actual service and ten (10) cents a mile for each mile actually traveled in attending the meetings of the board, which compensation shall be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the treasurer of said board; Provided, that the said compensation shall in no event be paid out of the state 1 1 1 asury. Sec. I. Raid board shall meet at least once each year at the capital of the state, and may hold special meetings as fre quently as the proper and efficient dis charge of its duties shall require, at a time and place to be fixed by the rules and by-laws of the board, and the rules and by-laws of the board shall provide for the giving of timely notice of meet- Inga to every member or the board. A majority of the members shall at any meeting organize and constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. See. 5. In all counties of this state hav ing a population of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand (lia.iNiO) inhabit ants, it shall be the duty of any person, persons or corporation, be they master electricians, journeymen electricians or special electricians, engaged in the busi ness or work of Installing or repairing wires and devices Inside or outside of any building for the transmission of elec trical current for are or incandescent li^lit. Cor motors, electrical gas lighting, electric heating and house annunciators, burglar alarms, telephone o» - telegraph systems, messenger call service, electric lighting- fixtures and any other electrical apparatus of whatever nature at the time of the passage of this act, to cause within six (iji months after the passage of this act, his, her, their or its name or names and residence and whether they are master, journeymen or 'special electricians, and in case of master elec tricians, his, her, their or its place of business, to be registered with said board, whose secretary shall keep a book for the purpose and enter such registration there in, upon the payment of a fee of two (2) dollars; and If as a master electrician, upon giving bond as hereinafter provided, and a transcript from such book certified to by the secretary with the common seal of said board, shall be evidence in any court of this state; and said board is hereby authorized to adopt and use a common seal and issue such certificates. Sec. 6. In all counties of this state hav ing a population of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand (126,000) inhabitants, before any person, persons or corporation shall hereafter engage In the business of installing or repairing electrical wires and apparatus and before any person, per sons or corporation now so engaged in said business, who shall have failed to register with said board, In accordance with section five (5) of this act, shall con tinue in .said business, such person, per sons or corporation shall apply to said board for a license to practice same, whereupon the applicant as aforesaid, shall present himself or herself before said board at a time and place to be fixed by said board; if the board shall rind upon due examination that the applicant or applicants are of good moral character; possessed of skill and knowledge in said business of installing and repairing elec trical wires and devices inside or out side any building, for the transmission of electrical current for arc or Incandes cent light, for motors, electrical g;is light- Ing, electrical heating and house annun ciators, burglar alarm, telephone or tele graph systems, messenger call service, electrical lighting fixtures and other elec trical apparatus, and have a reasonable knowledge of electricity and the natural laws appertaining to and governing same the said board shall issue to said appli cant or applicants, upon payment of the fee and giving the bond as hereinafter provided, a license to practice said busi ness of installing and repairing electrical wires and apparatus, and shall register such applicant or applicants as duly licensed electricians. Provided, this act shall not apply to interstate telegraph or telephone companies, nor shall tho em ployes of such telegraph or telephone companies be required to procure a license from the state board of electricity whila employed in and engaged upon the work of said companies; and, Provided, further, that electricians shall Le divided into three (3) classes namely: master electricians, journeymen electri cians, and special electricians; and no li cense shall be granted to any person, under the age of twenty-one (21) years except to special electricians. No license shall be granted to any person, persona or corporation as master electricians who has not taken and subscribed an oath, that he, or in case of a corporation, one of the principal officers or manager of such corporation, has had at least three (3) years' actual experience in installing and repairing electrical wires and appa ratus, or whose knowledge and experi ence and habits of life are not such as to justify the belief that he is competent to perform all classes of electrical work. No license shall be granted to any per son as a journeyman electrician who hag not taken and subscribed an oath, that ho has had at least three (3) years' actual experience in installing and repairing electrical wires and apparatus, or whose knowledge and experience and habits of life are not such as to warrant the belief that he is competent to install and repair electrical wires and apparatus. No license shall be granted to any per son as a special electrician who has not taken and subscribed an oath, that he has had at least two (2) years' experi ence in that special kind of electrical work for which he or she asks a license, or whose knowledge and experience and habits of life are not such as to warrant the belief, that he is competent to perform the class and character of elec trical work which ho or she asks to be authorized to engage In by said special license so asked to be granted to him. And provided, further, that each appli cant at the time of filing his, her, their or its application shall pay to the treasurer of said state board of electricity the sum of five (5) dollars, if the application he for a master electricians license, three (3) dollars, if the application be for a journeyman electrician's license and two (2) dollars if the application be for a special electrician's license. And pro vided, further, that every person, per sons or corporation before receiving a master electrician's license, which li cense shall Qualify, authorize and empow er him, her, they or It to encage in busi ness as a contracting and employing elec trician and to hold htmse'.f, herself, them selves or itself out to the public as such, shall execute and deliver a bond in the penal sum of five thousand ("000) dol lars, with sufficient surety or s::-eties to be approved by and filed with the state board of electricity, conditioned for the faithful performance of any and all work entered upon or contracted for by said master electrician; said bond shall be for the use of and action may be maintained thereon by any and all persons injured or damaged by reason of want of skill or suitable or proper material used or employed in the performance of any work contracted for or undertaken by said master electrician or his, her, their or its servants and employes. And provided, further, that no person, persons or cor poration shall engage In the business of installing or repairing any of the electri cal apparatus or devices hereinbefore mentioned, in any county of this state having a population of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) inhab itrnts, without having first secured a li cense as such master electrician, except a Journeyman while in the employ of a master electrician and except a special electrician within terms of his or her license, and except an employe of s n in terstat i telegraph or telephone company while engaged in the work «if such com pany. Sec. 7. Said board shall have full power at any time to revoke any license granted by said board for proper iiauso and after a full hearing of all parties in Int Sec. 8. Such license shall be d by a majority of the board and ;. cd with its seal. Sec. 9. All persons receiving su li cense who shall register before "said board as provided in section five (5) of this act shall also register the fact at th ■ office of the city electrical inspector, U there be one In the city In which he, she, they or it, purposes to carry on business, and any person or persons or corporations ob taining a license under this law shall «o register at the office of the city eleo trical inspector, if there be one In the city In which he, she, they or it purposes to carry on business as aforesaid, and shall also display said license in a conspicuous place in the office or place of business of such licensee if he, she, they or It main tains a place of business, and any and every journeyman electrlcl \n shall pro duce for Inspection on lawful demand his or her license. Provided, nothing In this act shall prohibit any person from serv ing as an apprentice in said trade under a duly licensed electrician, nor from at tending as a student In any school, where in Instruction concerning electricity, elec trical appliances and apparatus and the natural law» governing nm« are taught} providerl, further, that not more than one apprentice to t Wo e i e ctrk-tans shall be en- SBjgta by or allowed 10 .Cay master eleo w^i«a nceased under the provisions of Bee. 10. Any person, persons or corpo ration or member thereof who shall prac tice or engage hi the business of install ing or repairing electrical wires or ap paratus in any county of this state hav ing a population of one hundred and twenty-live thousand (125,000) inhabitants without having complied with the pro visions of BectTona five (5) and .six (6> of this act, shail be guilty of a misdemean or and upon conviction thereof before any court shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than ten <.ll>> dollars or more than one hundred (1<H)) dollars or to im prisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days. Sec. 11. No license granted or issued under the provisions of this act shall be assignable or transferable and every such license shall specify the name of the person, persona or corporation to whom it is Issued. Sec. 12. All tees collected under the provisions of this act shall uo to be used for the purpose of said board to defray its necessary expenses. Sec-. !X it shall bo the duty of said board before the first Monday in January of each and every year to make a report in writing to the governor of thla stale, containing a detailed statement of the nature of the receipts and the manner of expenditure and any balance of money remaining at the end of the year after payment of expenses, including per diem of members of board and other necessary expenses incurred by the members of the board in the discharge of their duty, shall be reserved by the treasurer of said board to meet the necessary expenses of en suing year. Sec. 14. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, ISay. CHAPTER 313— H. F. NO. 44G. AN ACT to prevent messenger, telegraph, etc., carrying companies from sending minors to places of lil repute. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation who employ persons under the age of eighteen (IS) years as messengers for delivering let ters, telegrams, packages or bundles, to send such minors in connection with their business into any known house of prosti tution or assignation. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be considered guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a line of not less than fifty (50) dollars or more than two hundred (200) dollars for each and every offense, or by imprison ment In the county jail for a period of not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days, or both line and im prisonment, at the discretion of the court Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1599. CHAPTER 314— H. F. NO. 283. AN ACT requiring railroad companies or corporations to provide cabooses on freight trains with toilet rooms, and to provide a penalty for the failure thereof. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. Every individual, company or corporation, owning, managing or operating, or who may hereafter own, manage or operate, any railroad or part of a railroad over bridges or through tun neis. as well as elsewhere in this state, who carry passengers or whose duty it is to carry livestock or emigrants as a common carrier, are hereby required to furnish to all shippers of livestock, hav ing the right to accompany the same, and to emigrants, a caboose or other suit able car for the transportation of such shipper or shippers. Provided, that all such cabooses or cars on all such trains shall-be furnished with a toilet room for the accommodation of passengers. Any railroad company or corporation doing business In this state failing to comply v.-ith the requirements of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred (100) dollars for each day's negligence or fail uro to cc mply with the requirements of this act. . . Sec 2. It is hereby made the duty of the county attorney of the several coun ties of this state to prosecute all viola tions of this act. , Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after September first (Ist) eighteen hundred and ninety-nine (1899). Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 315— H. F. NO. 571. AN ACT to enable counties, towns, .cities and villages of the state to use auto matic ballot machines at all elections therein. . . Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. The board of county commis sioners of any county, within the state may, at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provide for the use of automatic ballot machines in such county or in one or more precincts there of at all elections held therein; and it shall be lawful for the common council of any city, or the board of trustees of any incorporated village within this state by a two-thirds (2-3; vote to determine upon tho use of automatic ballot machines at all elections to be held within such city or incorporated village, or In one or more precincts thereof; and It shall be lawful for the supervisors of any town within this state to determine upon the use of automatic ballot machines at all elections to be held within such town; and there upon such ballot machine shall be used for the purpose of voting for all public officers, to be elected by the voters of such county, city, village or town, or part, precinct or precincts thereof, for which the same shall have been adopted, and upon all constitutional amendments or propositions or questions which may be lawfully submitted to such voters, and for registering and counting the ballots cast at Fuch elections. Hut nothing in this act contained shall be construed as compelling the use of any ballot machines at any elections of school ofP.cers in any city, village or town, at which no other public officer Is to be elected. Provided, however, that no automatic ballot machine shall be adopted or used within this state at any election held for the purpose of electing any public officers, unless such ballot machine is so con structed and operated as to insure the ab : solute secrecy of each voter's ballot, and provided with mechanism which will eu tomatlcaUy keep an accurate numerical register arid count of all the votes cast at any election wherein such machine may be Used, and which will also conceal and keep from view the number of ballots cast for any and all candidates ballotPd for, from the opening of the polls to the closing thereof. Sec. 2. In case any county, city, in corporated village or town within this state shall, through its proper officers, determine upon the use of any such bal lot machines, to be used at any election occurring therein, it shall be the duty of the chairman or presiding officer of said board of county commissioners, common council, village trustees or town supervisors to call a meeting of such boards, common council, or supervisors not less than ninety (90) days preceding such election, for the -purpose of pre scribing and making, and it shall be tho duty or such boards, commo:; council or supervisors to prescribe, make and pub lish, at the same time and in the same manner as under the existing laws elec tion notices are published, suitable rules and regulations for the use of such au tomatic ballot machines at elections; such rules and regulations so prescribed by said boards, common council or su pervisors shall be submitted- to, and ap proved by the attorney general of this state before they are published and car ried into effect. Sec. 3. No ballot clerks shall be em ployed in any county, city, village or town election district wherein automatic voting machines are used at any election: and no more than three (3) judges or election shall be appointed or employed for a compensation, in any town, village or city precinct wherein such ballot ma chines are used at any election, and no other person or persons shall be author ized to act In any capacity as election officers in such election precinct. Sec. 4. All election officers are hereby charged with the proper carrying out of the necessary regulations prescribed for the use of any automatic ballot machines, provided in their respective town, village or city precinct. Sec. 5. All laws and parts of laws now In force within this state which relate to state, county, city, village and town elections and defining the powers and duties of election officers so far as appli cable, to the use of automatic voting ma chines, shall remain in full force and ef fect; and all laws and parts of laws in consistent herewith shall be suspended in each county, city, village, town or pre cinct wherein such ballot machines are used, so long as the same shall be used therein; and nothing in this act contained shall be construed as repealing any exist ing laws, or authorizing any deviation or omission therefrom, except as provided for or set forth therein. Sec. 6. Any "iolation of the provisions of this act or any willful attempt to in jure or render any such auto matic ballot machine, provided in accord ance wit" ' '"" provisions of this act, shall be deen .d a misden- -anor. Sec. 7. Tuid act shall tuke effect and be In force from and after Its passage. Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 316— H. F. NO. 387. AN ACT for the relief of Jo3eph Mo- Knlght for personal lrjeries sustained while a patient In the Rochester hos- pital for the Insane at Rochester, Min nesota, during A. D. eighteen hundred and nlnoty-nve (1895), and to appropri ate money therefor. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. That the sum of fifteen hun dred (1,600) dollars be and the same Is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise ap propriated, for the relief of Joseph Mc- Knfght for personal Injuries sustained by him while a patient at the Rochester state hospital for the Insane at Roches ter. Minnesota, during the year A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-five (1896), whereby he was injured by overt acts of attendants, and incapacitated from fol lowing hia profession as an attorney at law for life. Sec. 2. The state auditor la hereby directed Immediately after the passage and upon the approval of this act, to draw his warrant on the state treasurer for fifteen hundred (1,500) dollars in favor of and deliver the same to said Joseph McKnight. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 181)9. CHAPTER 317— H. F. NO. 23. AN ACT to amend section six (C) of chapter three hundred and nine (809) of the general laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (1897), relating to tho taxation of express cumpanles. Bo it enacted by the Legislature of the fetate of Minnesota: Section 1. That section six (6) of chan ter three hundred and nine (309) of tha general laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (1897), be amended to read as follows: Section 6. It shall be the duty of the state auditor on or before the fifteenth (ltth) day of March of each year to make his draft on such express companies for the sum In the nature of a tax to ba com puted by taking five (5) per centum of tho amount fixed by the state auditor under the provisions of section four (4) of this act as the gross receipts of such companies for business done between points within the State of Minnesota lor the year ending the last day of December next preceding, as reported to the state auditor, and place the said draft in the hands of the state treasurer for collec tion, which shall be in lieu of all taxes upon all personal property of any ex piess company so paying the same. Ail taxes collected by state treasurer under the provisions of this act shall bo paid into the state treasury and be ac credited to the general revenue fund. If any express company fails or refuses to pay said tax within sixty (60) days after a demand therefor shall have been made by the state treasurer, ho shall thereupon add to the tax due a penalty of ten (10) per cent thereon for each sub sequent month in which the tax remains unpaid; and if such taxes are not paid within sixty (GO) days after demand there for by the state treasurer, he shall dis train sufficient goods and chattels be longing to such company, charged with such taxes to be found within the State of Minnesota sufficient, to pay the same, together with the penalty accrued there on. The state treasurer shall immediately proceed to advertise the property dis trained by him, by a notice to be pub lished in two (2) newspapers, printed in the County of Ramsey, stating tho time and place where the property will be sold, and if the taxes for which such property is distrained and the penalties accruing thereon are not paid before the time appointed for such sale, which shall not be less than ten (10) days after the taking of such property. The state treasurer, or his deputy, shall proceed to sell such property at such public vendue, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay such taxes and penalties 'and the cost of such distress and sale. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 318— S. F. NO. 677. AN ACT to appropriate money for the support of manual training in the state training school for boys and girls. Be It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated for the sup port of manual training in the State Training school for the fiscal year end ing July thirty-first (31st), nineteen hun dred (1900), the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500); and for the fiscal year ending July | thirty-first (31st), nineteen hundred and one (1901), the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500). Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1599. CHAPTER 319— S. F. NO. 658. AN ACT to amend section one hundred and twenty-six (126), chapter eight (8), laws of eighteen hundred and ninety five (1895), entitled. An act to provide for the incorporation, organization and government of cities. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. That section one hundred and twenty-six (126), chapter eight (8), laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five (1895), entitled, An act to provide for the incorporation, organization and govern ment of cities, be and the same hereby Is amended so as to read as follows: Section 126. City council to control finances, limit on bond issue. The city council shall control the property and finances of the city, and shall have the power to appropriate money for city pur poses only, except as hereinafter provid ed; to provide for the payment of its debts and expenses; to borrow money on its credit city purposes, and to lsffOe bonds therefor, as herein provided; to is sue bonds in the place of, or supply means for paying maturing bonds or to consolidate or fund the same; provided, that the total indebtedness of such city, except as hereinafter provided, shall not thereby be made to exceed five (5) per cent of the total value of the taxable property of such city according to the last preceding a-ssessment for purposes of taxation, except in cities where such lim it has already been reached, or expendi tures have already been authorized by vote of rhe people of said city, which will cause the said limit to be reached; pro vided, however, that the certificates of indebtedness Issued for the creation and malntc-nance of the permanent improve ment revolving fund shall not be consid ered as a portion of the indebtedness of the city for the purposes of this section. Provided, further, however, that in case of any such city now organized or terri tory hereafter to bo organized the total indebtedness of which at the time of the passage of this act exceeds five (6) per cent of the total value of the taxable property of said city, according to the last preceding assessment for purposes of taxation, when such city shall accept the provisions of this act, the city council of such city may issue bonds sufficient to pay all the floating indebtedness ar.d judgments th<=n existing of such city, and any certificates of Indebtedness of such city then outstanding, the proceeds of which bonds shall be used solely for the purpose of paying such indebtedness; and thereafter the city council of such city shall not be authorized to Issue any bonds, except as hereinafter provided, and except for the purpose of paying ma turing bonds of said city, until the total Indebtedness of said city, except as here inafter provided, shall bo reduced to an amount lass than five (5) per cent of the total value of the taxable property of such city, ticcordlng to the last preceding assessment for the purpose of taxation; and thereafter the city council of such city may issuo bonds In accordance with the provision!; hereof and within the lim its herein first described. Provldfd further, that any city hav ing a population of less than 8,000, an indebtedness of not to exceed ton per cent of the total valu? of the taxable r.roperty of such city may be incurred by {he issuing of bonds In the same manner as above provided for the Incurring of Indebtedness not to exceed five (5) per cent. Provided further, that any ordinance or resolution authorizing the Issuance of bonds that would increase the bonded in debtedness to an amount exceeding five (5) per cent of the total value of the tax able property of tho city shall be sub mitted for ratification to the electors oT the city at the next regular city election, or at a special election called for that purpose, the form of ballot to be used at which shall be prescribed by tho city council. If two-thirds of all the electors ■voting upon such question shall vote In favor of the Issuance of such bonds, then said ordinance or resolution shall take effect and be In force; otherwise, the same shs.ll become null and void. Provided further, that where any city has, prior to its becoming subject to the • provisions of this act, for the purpose of constructing, erecting, maintaining, ex tending or improving suitable water and light plants, or either of such plants, or for tho purpose of purchasing, maintain ing, extending a.nd improving any water and light plant, or either of such plants, already In existence in said city, or for the purpose of acquiring and paying for any real estate or other property needed in connection with such water and light plants, or either of them, for the protec tion of the purity of the water supply, or otherwise, issued or authorized to be la sued bonds so that the amount of said bonds when added to the other Indebted ness of said city shall cause the entire Indebtedness thereof to exceed five (5) per cent of the total value of the taxable property of said city according to the last preceding assessment for purposes of taxation, then said bonds shall not bo deemed to be a part of the total Indebted ness of said city, which said city Is here inbefore forbidden to make to exceed five (5) per cent of tho total value of such taxable property; and thereafter said city may Issue such additional bonds as may be necessary to extend, -enlarge or Im prove such water and light plant, or eith er of such plants; and such additional bonds so Issued for nuoh purpose shall also not be deemed to be a part of the total Indebtedness of Bald city, which said city is hereinbefore forbidden to make to exce.ed said five per cent of the total val ue of such taxable property. Such bonds shall be authorized, Issued, negotiated and Bold in the came manner as other city bonds, and shall be a first Hen upon all water and light appliances and structures or every kind. If Issued for both, or If for only one, then for the appliances and structures thereof, and all property ac quired or used In connection therewith erected, owned or purchased by said city; and the proceeds of fiaid bonds shall not be expended for any other purpose than that for which they are Issued. Provided further, that tho city council by a majority vote thereof may Issue such bonds In place of. or to supply means for, paying maturing bonds winch have been Issued for either of said pur poses, or to consolidate or fund the same, and If any plant or plants acquired, by the city by purchase havo outstanding bonds which by their terms were not due at the time of such purchase and the city has assumed said bonds or has purchased said plant or plants subject thereto, the city council may at any tlmo exchange tho bonds of said city for such outstand ing bonds of said plant or plants, or any part thereof, the bonds so exchanged not to boar any greater rate of Interest or to be greater In amount than the rate of Interest or the amount of the par value of such outstanding bonds for which they are exchanged, and said bonds ho Issued for tho purposes aforesaid or either of them shall not bo deemed to be a part of the total Indebtedness ot said city, which said city Is hereinbefore forbidden to make to exceed five per cent of the total value of the taxable property In such city, according to the last preced ing assessment for purposes of taxation. Provided, further, that the city council shall set aside annually such portion of the gross Income from tho water and light plants, or either, of the city, as they shall determine to create a sinking fund lor the payment of said water and light bonds, or either, as they become due. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage. Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 320— S. F. NO. 243. AN ACT to legalize acknowledgments of conveyances and other instruments, and the record thereof. Be It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. That all acknowledgments to any conveyances or other Instruments heretofore taken by any person previous ly appointed or elected and thon acting as a notary public or other officer au thorized to take such acknowledgments, be, and the same are hereby, legalized and made "of the same validity as though the term of office of such officer j had not expired at the time of taking such acknowledgments," and th* record of such conveyances or other instruments Is hereby declared to be legal and valid, and effectual for all purposes; provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to any action or proceeding now pending in any court of this state. Seo. 2. This act shall take effect and Jt>e in force from and after Its passage. Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 821— S. F. NO. P7. AN ACT to amend section six (6) of chapter thirty-five (35) of the general statutes of eighteen hundred and sev enty-eight (187S), being section 4960 of the general statutes 1894, as amended by chapter thirty-three (33) of the gen eral laws of Minnesota for ISSS, as amended by chapter ninety-three (93) of the general laws of Minnesota for 1897, eclating to courts of Justices of the peace. Be It enacted by the Legislature of tho State of Minnesota: Section 1. That section six (6) of chap ter sixty-five (C 5) of the general statutes eighteen hundred and seventy-eight (1878). being section four thousand nine hundred and sixty (4960) of the general statutes of eighteen hundred and ninety-four (1894), as amended by chapter thirty-three (33) of the general laws of Minnesota for eighteen hundred and ninety-five (1&95), as amended by chapter ninety three (i) 3) of the general laws of Minne sota for eighteen hundred and ninety seven (1897), be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section C. The jurisdiction conferred by the last section does not extend, however, to a civil action. First, in a case involv ing the title to real estate. Second— Nor for false imprisonment, libel, slander, malicious prosecution,crim inal conversation or seduction, or upon a promise to marry. Third— Nor for an action against an executor or administrator n.s such. Ac tions must in all cases bo brought in the township village or city where plaintiff or defendant or one of several plaintiffs or defendants reside, or where any at torney-at-law who has been duly admit ted to practice In Ihe courts of this state and who represents the plaintiff In the action resides, or at the county seat; pro vided, that if the defendant or one of several defendants reside in an incorpo rated city of more than 50,000 Inhabitants such actions shall be brought within paid city; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not prevent the bringing of actions against such defendant or defendants In other counties than the one In which such city Is located, when such defendant or defendants come with in the jurisdiction of the courts of Jus tices of the peace in such other coun ties. If none of the defendants reside In this state, action may be brought in any coun ty and township wherein either of the de fendants may be found. If there be no qualified and acting Justice of the peace In the proper township, the action may be brought before any qualiiled and act ing justice of the peace in any adjoining township In the same county. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to abrogate or qualify the right of change of venue In civil actions now provided by statute. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be In force from and nfter its p-is=age Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 322— 5. F. NO 19 AN I . A( l t t0 enforr; e the payment of taxes which became delinquent in and prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven (1897) B %J\ en^ ctPd , b >' the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1. At the time of making the list of delinquent taxes for the year IS^S as required by section 1579 general stat utes of 1594. the auditor of each county shall make out and append to such delin quent list a list of all tnxes upon real estate In the county which appear to have become delinquent In the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven (1597), or any prior yenr or years and have not been satisfied by payment re demption, or sale of the real" estate to actual purchasers. Such list shall Include all taxes not barred by the statute of limitations upon any real estate which may have been at any tax sale struck off to. or declared to be forfeited to the state, whether such sa.le or forfeiture was valid or Invalid' and It shall also contain a description of each piece or parcel of land upon which such taxes shall not have been paid or satisfied as aforesaid. and opposite such description the name or the owner to whom assessed, if known, and If unknown shall so state, and the amount of taxes, principal ami interest due thereon, according to the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. The same proceedings shall be had with reference to advertisement, judgment and sale of the property de scribed In such forfeited lists, as are re quired by the general tax law for ad vertisement, judgment and sale of prop erty described In the regular delinquent list, but separate tax Judgment and copy tax judgment books shall bo provided for the forfeited lists. Sec. 3. Any person having an Interest in any tract or parcel of real estate In cluded In such forfeited list may redeem the same pt any tlmo before the sale thereof, as hereinafter provided, by pay- Ing into the county treasury tho original amount of taxes due thereon, with ten (10) per cent per annum Interest on the amount during the time said taxes have been delinquent. - together with all costs of proceedings herein described. At least sixty days prior to the sale tho county auditor shall make out and mall to each person named as owner In such forfeited list, a notice of such tax sale, giving the description of his land the amount for which the same is liable to be sold, and the date of sale; find tha' said sale will be final and absolute; said notice shall be mailed to the postofnee ad dress of the person, if the same Is known to the auditor, and If not, then the same shall be mailed to such person at tho county seat of the county where the said sale Is to be held; provided, however, that If any person is In the actual occupancy of any piece or parcel of land described in such forfeited list, the county auditor shall cause the aforesaid notice to be personally served upon -such occupant at least sixty (60) days prior to said sale. Such notice shall be served and returned by the sheriff of the county In the manner provided for the service and return of summons In civil actions. Sec. 4. Tha sale herein provided for shall be made by the county auditor, at his office, Immediately following; the de linquent sale in May, and shall be abso lute and final. The auditor shall sell such forfeited property at publlo vendue. each piece or parcel separately in the order described on the copy Judgment book a: ii by the description therein. In offering such property for sale, he shall state the amount of taxes, interest and costs due thereon as hereinbefore provided for re demption thereqr, and he shall first olttr each piece or parcel to the highest bidder therefor, but If no bidder shall offer to pay such amount due, or more, he shall then offer the same to the bidder who -will pay the highest sum, less than the amount of taxes, Interest and costs due. The county treasurer shall attend at the sale and receive all money paid thereon. Sec. 6. The auditor ehali execute to the purchaser of any piece or parcel of prop erty at such sale a certificate, which may be substantially in the following form: I, Auditor of the County of do hereby cer tify that, at the sale of forfeited kinds pursuant to real estate tax Judgment en tered In the District Court in the County of on the day of 19.-, In proceedings to enforce payment -of taxes upon real estate delinquent in pie year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven (18S/7), and for prior years, for tho County of which scle was held at i n saiJ County of on the day of the following described piece or parcel of land situate In said County of State of Minnesota, to-wit. : was offered for sale to" the' highest bidder', and at said sale I did sell the said piece or parcel of land to the gam of dollars, that being the highest sum bid therefor, and he having paid said sum. I do, therefore, In consideration thereof, and pursuant to the statute In such case made and provided, < or.vey th-a said piece or parcel of land in fee simple to enid his heirs and assigns forever. Witness my hand and official seal this day of , 19 _ County Auditor. Such certiHcate shall pass to the pur chaser the estate therein described with out any other act or deed whatever, and may be recorded as deeds of real estate, and the record of such certificate shall have the same force and (.ITect ns evi dence or otherwise, as the records of deeds of real estate. If any purchaser snail purchase at H.aid sale mon: than one piece or parcel of laid, all of the plec.-a or parcels ho purchased may be Included in the same certificate. Sec. 6. Said certificate or a copy or the record thereof, .shall b- ; prima facie evi dence that the title to th» tract or tracts of land therein mentioned is in the per son named In said certificate. Sec. 7. When any piece or parcel of land shall be so sold, the purchaser shall be entitled to Immediate possession of the piece or parcel purchased by him, and if on demand and presentation of the cer tificate of sale, the person in pos j session of the piece or parcel refuse or neglect to deliver such possession such person may be proceeded against as a person holding over the termination of his estate, which proceedings may be In stituted and prosecuted under the pro visions of chapter eighty-four (84) of the general statutes: and the Judgment and < sale herein provided for shall not be set aside unless the action In which the valid ity of judgment or sale shall be called into question, or the defense to any ac tion alleging its Invalidity be brought whhin nine (9; months of the date of said sale; except that in case any tract or parcel shall be included In any such Judgment when such taxes shall have been paid, or such property was exempt from taxation, that said judgment and Bale shall be void, upon proof at any time that such taxes have been paid or such property was exempt. Sec. 8. The proceeds of such sale shall be distributed pro rata to the severa) funds for which the taxes were levied, and in no case shall any piece or parcel be sold for any sum le?s than fifty (50) per centum of tho original taxes dv* thereon. Sec. 9. If no bidder shall bid an amount equal to that for which the piece or par- c t i mt yf be sold then the county auditor shall bid in the same for the state for the amount of the judgment against such piece or parcel of land. Sec. 10. The board of county commission ers of any county in this state may and they are hereby authorized to allow tha county auditor such compensation as may be reasonable for the services required under the provisions of this act. Sec. 11. All acts or parts of acts In consistent herewith are hereby repealed provided, this act shall not be construed as repealing or modifying chapter 290 of the general laws of -Minnesota for the year 1597. Sec. 12. This act shall take effect and be In force from and after July Ist 1899 Approved April 20th, 18D9. CHAPTER 323-S. F. NO. 820 AN ACT to cure county drainage pro ceedings wherein the notice of the pen dency of the petition or the notice of hearing on the viewers' report has not been posted in the places designated by town meeting's. B I. U . cn ?<; ted b >' the Legislature of tha State of Minnesota: Section 1. That in all ca3es where pro ceedings have been had or attempted un der chapter ninety-seven (97) of the gen eral laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven (1S87) and acts amenda tory thereof, for the establishment «.f county drains, and the notice of the pendency of the petition or the notice of hearing on the report of tho viewers h s been posted up In three of the pub lic places of each of the towns through which such drain 13 located or proposed to be located, but which notice has not been posted up on the -jlaees designated by the legal voters of such town at its annual meeting as the three-public or the most public places of such town, such notice and the proceedings based thereon If otherwise susTvient, shall not be af fected by reason of the aforesaid irregu larities. Provided that nor.c of the provisions of this act shall apply to nny action now pending in nny of the courts of this stare Sec. 2. This act shall t«ke effect and be In force from and after its uassage Approved April 20th, 1899. CHAPTER 22!— S. F. NO. 112 AN ACT legalizing the foreclosure of mortgages by any foreign executor or administrator who has not filed a duly authenticate.! copy of hi mi nt as such executor or idministrator, in the office of the register of deeds In the proper county before such 1 closures were made, unless the action wherein any such foreclosure Is calird in question, has already been com menced or shall be commenced within ninety days after the passage of th's act. Be It enacte.l by the Legislature of the Stats of Minnesota: Section 1. In no ense where a foreign executor or administrator has heretofore foreclosed or attempted to foreclose any mortgage on real estate by advertisement, without having first tiled !"r record in the office of the register of deeds of the coun ty where tho iand affected is situated, an authenticated copy or hla appointment as such executor or administrator, shaM the foreclosure for that reason be sot as:<'.e or held invalid, unless the action In which such foreclosure is atta k ■•! or called in question, has already been coninei.-. 1. v or unless such action shall be rorameti 1 within ninety (90) days after the ;..issa.;e of this act. 1 Sec. 2. Tills act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved Api il 20th, > 19 CHAPTER 326— 5. F. NO. 328. AN ACT to amend section five thousand five hundred and thlrty-tnree fiis33) of the general statutes of 1894, relating to husband ar.'l wife noi being liable Cor each other's debts, except In certain cases. Be. it enacted by the Legislature of the Stat<* of Minnesota: Section 1. That section five thousand five hundred and thirty-three i 053?,> of tha general statutes of 1894 bo and t'no same is hereby amended so as to read as fol lows: Section 5533. No married woman shall be liable for any debts of her husband, nor shall any married man be liable for any debts of his wife, entered Into either before or during coverture, except that necessaries furnished to and used by th« family are chargeable upon the property of both husband and wife, or either of them, and in relation thereto they, may be -;ued Jointly or separately. • rov-ulea, however, this act shall not apply fo any debt contracted prior to the passage of this act. „ . Sec 2. This act shall take effect aad be in force from and nfter Its passage.- Approved 20th. ISO 9. CHAPTER 526-S. F. NO. 146. AN ACT to legalize sheriff a certificates In certain cases. ... ".e It enacted by the Legislature of tha " State of Minnesota: That no certificate heretofore executed under and by virtue of section eleven (11), chapter eighty-one <81>. title one (1), statutes of Minnesota, shall be deemed invalid by reason of the samo n>t hav ing been made, executed, proved or ac knowledged and recorded within the twen ty (20) days mentioned in said section; or by reason of the affidavit of coats and disbursements as provided in section &i>Gl of the general statutes of 1594, having been filed after the expiration of t.->n (10) days, and tho record of all such cer tificates heretofore execute,!, proved or acknowledged and recorded after the ex piration of the said twenty <20> a. Is hereby legalized and made valid 1 . said record shall have the .same fon. .nd ef fect aa if said certificate had I en exe cuted, proved and acknowledged and re corded within the said twenty (3fi) days: provided, that nothing: herein contained shail b- construed to apply to cases now pendln... which Involve •'• • legality or validity of any such cr :•■[:'■■ Ues of sale. Sec. 2. This act sha.l! take effect and ha In force from and afte: Its passage- Approved April 20th, 1899.