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SPEGIfIL, OFFE.R To Those Suffering From Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Pneumonia anl Consumption. In order to prove that HYOMEI Is a positive cure and sure preventive of the above diseases, I have engaged the services of an expert employed in th; laboratory of the R. T. Booth Co., who will give FREE TREATMENTS and explain the different methods of us n? HYOMEI in the various d sea es wh cli it is guaranteed to cure. AM, ARE WELCOME; no charge is made for treatment or advice. Come daily until you are convinc d that HYOMEI Is the first and only treatment •which can reach and destroy the germs causing diseases of the respiratory or jrans. FREE TREATMENT will begin Monday, May Bth, and continue one week. FREE SAMPLES of th- 'New Ge - micide" to all who requost them. W. S. GETTY, No. 34$ Robert St, St. Paul, Minn. CHARGE OF MURDER IT MAY BBS MADE AGAINST THE iIIAXEAI'OUS BI'RGLAR WHO BSCAPBD lI^UEST TO BE HELD TODAY It I* Expected to Show : Whether HutcHiiiHmi \\n* Killed by Police Officer Thompson or by a Ballet Fired by Mix Companion—Coroner Nelson —Ministers Invited —The Xcws of Minneapolis. fILOBt'S MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE, (7 10 WASHINGTON AY. SOUTH. lelrpltOHC X7»ti J—l. This morning at 9 o'clock Coroner Nel son will hold an inquest at the county morgue upon the remains of Harry Hutchinson, who was shot and killed Sunday night, while attempting to es cape from a police officer, who had sur prised Hutchinson. Herman Walters and a "pal" in the act of breaking open the safe in the offices of the Minneapolis Stove company, in the old church at Tenth avenue south and Fourth street. Previous to the inquest a post-mortem examination of the remains will be made. The police are much interested in the af fair, as ihe inquest may develop whether Uutchinson was shot by Policeman John Thompson or by his "pal," who escaped. Officer Thompson thinks that he fired in the air, and as the escaping burglar fired twice, simultaneously with him, Hutch inson being between them, it is general ly thought that the third burglar shot his partner. Herman Walters, better known as Harry Walters, waived'examination when af|9Llgn«'d in the police court yesterday, aflp3v;i.u held to the grand jury. He will be a witness at the inquest. If evidence is adduced to prove the theory of the police, the escaped burglar, if caught, will have to face a far more serious charge than burglary. Harry Hutchinson, who was killed. Is practically a stranger to the police, ex cept for his testimony recently In an attempt to prove an alibi for Plouff, who, with Patsy Dockerty and William W relch, burglarized a Nicollet avenue meat mar ket. Hutchinson roomed at 402 Third ;:\t-nue south, which was a headquarters for-th^ trio. In the room the police found many additional burglar's tools. Hutehinson's parents reside on the South side. His father told the police yesterday tha he believed his son to have been led into the crimes by his com panions, as the boy had always behaved himself in the past. Mr. Hutchinson stat ed that he was willing to do all in his power to aid the police in straightening matters out. Harry Hutchinson was only twenty years of age, instead of twenty seven as was stated. At the conclusion of the inquest today the body will be turn ed over to the family for burial. The police are energetically at work at tempting to capture the third burglar, who made good his escape. As nearly as can be learned he had a bicycle in the vicinity, and escaped on this. Another bicycle, which had been ridden by Hutch inson, was found in the neighborhood. It Is thought that the escaped burglar has left ■ "Jty. FATALLY HURT. I'lac ksmMh Will Die From Effects of a. Horse's Kick. It Newman, a blacksmith residing at Deephaven. was fatally injured on Sun day afternoon while shoeing a horse. The animal struck Mr. Newman a severe blow in the pit of the stomach with its A SERfION FOR nEN. The man who earns his living with his brains cannot afford to neglect his body. The body is the furnace and boiler that furnishes steam to the brain. If the fur nace is permitted to get clogged with clink ers, the boiler will make no steam, and the delicate machinery of - ez^^^' ~ the brain will slow • - l^^Si r* ' down and come to a -» . I^^l I 'When a man finds • jjj " g*^* |- ; i ! •' i that his ideas do not , I I . lg^^ j| '" _ « . come as freely as c3^p§jsL ■=—== ; they once did, he ft f ;'|^s|i '••-'■ needn't worry HP jSLjS~ about his men- flff^TiCWTTjlUM!— ' tal machinery, (rt^^KS^'Pt better look to iS^^R ft|jf- %=L bis body. His p&{;Hp^ stomach and in- :■;"': ■••-: si^m^TH, testines are clogged with the j['j |?s|/^1 clinkers of indigestion. His |{ ||| blood is impure, and does 15 §8 • • \ not receive the proper ele- [i El :-' 1 inents to put vim and speed i; »u^ ■ into the machinery of the - V ■ brain. If he neglects this "* ,\ condition he will suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, confusion • of ideas, despondency and lack of energy. Eventually he will break down with nerv- ; ous exhaustion or prostration. . There is a remedy that will promptly. put a man right • under these conditions.. It is Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery. It cures indi gestion, fills the blood with the vital ele ments of life, tones the nerves, and- makes the brain bright, clear and active. ■ It cures all nerve and brain' troubles: due to in sufficient or improper nourishment. The " Golden Medical Discovery " is for sale by all good medicine dealers, and only an un scrupulous dealer will try to induce a cus tomer -to take some worthless . remedy, * alleged to be "just as good." - Mr. Ned Nelson, the celebrated Irish Come dian and Mimic, of 577 Royden Street, Camden, : N. J.. writes :,..". We fulfilled an engagement of twelve weeks and the constant ' traveling gave • me a bad touch of that dreaded disease called dyspepsia. I had tried everything possible to ■ cure it till last week while ■ playing at B. F. . Kceth's Bijou Theater, Philadelphia, in " the - Nelsou Trio, a.professional friend :of • mine advised me to try Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. I tried it, and, thank God, with good result*.""; . : . • .^. :._ : .. .' *J? ' Coustipaticn is promptly cured by Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellet*. All medicine ■ dealers. ■*--T<' ■'.. ■ :-: •-•:-r> • ■^-•->--'- ■■■■ ■ hind hoof, and until late yesterday af ternoon he had not regained eonscous-r ness. Dr. Perkins,-the attending phjs lcian, gives little hope for his re ov ery. WON'T JOIN TRI'ST. ConHolidated MillinK Coimiiany De. nlcß the Revived Rumor. It was rumored at the chamber of commerce yesterday morning th t the Consolidated Milling company was teri ously considering another piopasitirn to enter the Mclntyre flour pool. Tha story was promptly denied by A- C. L. ring, secretary of the company, who sail that to the best of his knowledge no deal of the kind was on foot. He repeated the assertion that there is no possib:lity of his company entering the pool. SHAW WILL COME. lowa'H Gotvernor I'mmlscK to At- tend the Jubilee. S. T. Johnson, president of the Minne apolis Auxiliary association, returned yesterday from a short trip to Dus Moines, lowa, with the Information that Gov. Shaw, of that state, wlil attar.d the proposed peace jubilee. Mr. Johnson extended a personal invitatU n t> the governor to be present on that ocension and the governor promised to attend with his military staff, the famojs lowa State band and battalions from the Cu ban and Philippine campaign. I)H. M.l.son IS MARRIED. forouer of Hennepln Connty Snr- lirisi-N Hlh Friend*. Coroner Henry S. Nelson was quietly married in Chicago March 20. The bride Is Miss Grace Yeagly. The docto.- made a hasty trip to Chicago, the knot was tied, and he returned to Minneapolis with nobody the wiser. A week ago he returned for Mrs. Nel son, and since hi? return last Tuesday the happy couple have been living at the Berkeley hotel. Mast Sell Bouidu First. At the meeting of the Minneapolis city hall and court house commission yester day afternoon the architect's estimate of $169,346 for the completion of the first two floors of the city side of the building was received. The report of the finance com mittee was read and adopted. This re port recommended that circulars be is sued inviting- bids on the $175,000 worth of bonds, on .or before May 22. No work will be done on the building and no con tracts let until the bonds have been dis posed of. Peace Mass Meeting;. A meeting of the advisory board of the woman's council was held in the council rooms at the court house yesterday morn ing. In response to a call issued by the international council of women, it was decided to hold a mass meeting May 15, In the interests of the peace conference which will be held at The Hague, May 16. The advisory board will meet at the court house at 4 o'clock Monday after noon to arrange further concerning the meeting and the place will be announced later. Baptists Invited. The special train bearing the Baptist ministers from the national conference at San Francisco will arrive in Minneapolis at 6 o'clock a. m., June 9. As the min isters will be in the city all day and will not leave until late at night, the local Baptist ministers decided at their regu lar meeting yesterday to entertain them. One of the features of their visit will be a big mass meeting in the evening. Three Were Hart. Dollie Walker, about five yeani of age, and the daughter of John F. Walker, of 905 Cedar avenue, was seriously injured yesterday afternoon by a runaway ac cident, as was also a three-year-old child of Mr. W ralker's ancl the seven-year-old daughter of a family named Mpnahan. MINNEAPOLIS BREVITIES. Bids for roofing, plumbing and flre proofing the new city hospital were opened at the meeting of the board of charities and corrections last night, but before they were announced a. motion to adjourn until Wednesday evening pre vailed. J. A. Keriworthy, a meber of Company I, Thirteenth Minnesota regiment, arrived in Minneapolis yesterday morning, from San Francisco, where he and three other Minneapolis men arrived a few days ago. An operation was performed at the city hospital upon Charles Hecker, five years old.. A piece of egg shell was removed from hie throat. William Gotzell is at the city hospital suffering from concussion of the brain, the result of a fall at his residence, 618 Marshall avenue. The John Ericsson Memorial association will give a picnic at White Bear lake, June 24. The Improvement league will have its annual meeting Tuesday at 4:30 p. m. at the West hotel. The funeral of Bernhard Golling, who committed suicide in a sensational man ner near the postoffice Saturday morning, took place from his parents' residence, 217 Fifth avenue north. Rabbi Yoffey offi ciated, and the Interment was in the Hebrew cemetery. China's Powerful Sword. There is an ancient and dreadful sword in China. It gives to the man who happens to hold it the power to cut off the head of any one he wishes with out danger of punishment. All people flee from this sword as fearfully as stomach ills flee before the approach of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This fa mous remedy cures all forms of stom ach troubles, beginning with constipation and ending with liver cr kidney disease. It will be found in all drug stores and it always cures. AN INDIGNANT LIBERAL, Sir William Vernon Harconrt Re. plies to Lord Rnsclicry. LONDON, May B.—The Dai: y Mall an nounces that Sir William Vein on Har court, the former Liberal leader In the house of commons, at the dinner at the Welsh house last Saturday evening 1, delivered a "resentful and outspoken re ply" to Lord Rosebery's references-to the state of the Liberal party in his sp ech last week at the banquet of the City Liberal club, at Walbrook, London. Har court, according to the Daily Mail, de clared that the Liberals had no occasion to turn backward and that It ill b?came one of Mr. Gladstone's colleagues to ad vocate wiping out the whole inheritance Liberalism had received from that Illus trious statesman. SAW THE SULTAN. Admiral Him Ihoii at Tangier to Support American Claims. TANGIER, Morocco, May B.—The United States cruiser Chicago has ar rived here to support the claims of tht» United States government against the sultanate of Morocco. Rear Admiral Howison and the Unitad States consul general, Mr. Samuel R. Gunners, paid a visit to the foreign minister of Morocco Sid Hamed Ben Musa. GERMANY'S CONFESSION. Could Not Compete With the United States at Sea. BERLIN, May 8.-The Neuste Nach ricnten, of this city in an article urging the Immediate increase of the German naval power confesses that Germany is "not able to compete with the United States at sea, apart from English In fluences." Beautiful Cars. 7 he, maln room of the dining car is a handsome apartment, finished in ma hogany richly carved and decorated with marquetry. Done in empire style, the color is kept in cool sage greens, soften ing towards the ceiling, where the high lights reach a delicate silvery tint. The draperies are in admirable harmony with the color scheme. The floor covering is a dark green Wilton carpet; the window hangings, rich silk plush, falling in soft deep folds. The tables are set with Ha-viland china, decorated with the dain ty St. Cloud pattern, and silverware made to an especiar- design"—the dining cars run on the Milwaukee's Pioneer Limited trainß dally between the Twin Cities Milwaukee and Chicago. «~"ies, THE ST. PAUL, GLOBE, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1899. MIST PAY FOR IT CONTRACTORS HAVE CUT 7,000,000 FEET OF GREEN TIMBER ON CHIPPEWA LANDS DEPARTMENT ACTS PROMPTLY Says the Difference of $3 Per One I lioiiNiind Feet Matt Be Pntrt Be fore the Contractors Can Take the Timber From the Minnesota Lundx— Extra Payment Will Innre to the Benefit of the Indians. WASHINGTON, May 8. — Inspector Hessler, of .theilnterior department, who has been Investigating violations of the timber laws in the Chippewa reservation in Minnesota, reports to the department he has found 7,000,000 feet of green tim ber which has been cut by contractors under the pretense that it was dead and down timber. In response to his request for instructions as to disposition of the timber, Secretary Hitchcock has wired him orders not to deliver this timber to the contractors until they pay the neces sary additional $3 per 1,000 feet, the price fixed for the green timber by the gov ernment, being $5 per 1,000 feet, and only for the dead. This extra payment will inure to the benefit of the Indians. ENGIKEER Ql i\\ KILLED. St. Paul Man the Victim of a Sn- i;erlor Railway 'Wreck. WEST SUPERIOR, Wis., May B.—A bridge between Saunders and Allouez bay gave way at noon today as a heavy ore train was passing over. The engine and entire train were precfpltated into the Ne madji river. Engineer Thomas Quinn, of &42 Westminster street, St. Paul, was killed, and Fireman Harry Miller, of this city, was seriously injured. Miller was brought to this city by special, and taken to the hospital. His leg is crushed and he is otherwise injured. The bridge which gave way Is on the transfer track to Allouez bay ore docks, and waS a wooden structure 1,200 feet long. Forty loaded ore cars are In the river. No others of the train crew were Injured, but Switchman Henry Evahn had a narrow escape, jumping from the front board of the engine to the bridge string ers as the structure went down. The coroner's jury tonight rendered a verdict In accordance with the facts with out attaching blame to anyone. The cause of the accident Is not known. It is supposed that the spring floods had weakened the structure at some hidden point. ST. CLOUD. Boy's Wrist Broken—Woman Hart by a Scorcher-Riley Funeral, ST. CLOUD, Minn., May B.—(Special.)— Frank Hunstger, a boy about sixteen years old, had his left wrist broken this morning while leading a horse to water. The ten months old child of Emil Huff man, who lives in • the North end of the city, died rather suddenly yesterday ir.orning. The cause of the' child's death was a quantity of summer sausage which It had eaten. As Mrs. William Goedker was alighting from a street car at Sauk Rapids she was struck by a bicyclist who was going at a high rate of speed. She was thrown a distance of several feet, and when picked up it was found that she had sus tained a fracture of the right thigh bone. The funeral of the late John Riley was held from the house of his son, A. L. Itiley, yesterday afternoon. The mem bers of the James M. McKelvy G. A. R. post, of which the deceased was a mem ber, attended in a body. MINUS A FORTUNE. Red Jacket, Michigan, Saloonkeep- er Robbed of $1.1.000. CALUMET, Mich., May B.—Marcus Sterk, a Red Jacket saloonkeeper, is minus $15,000 today, which he carried in his inside vest pocket. It is suspected that the money was stolen from his clothing while he was taking a bath in the public bath house. SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC. Fifteen Cases at Le Clair, lo n Cause a Quarantine. DAVENPORT, 10. May B.—Fifteen cases of disease in Le Clair, la., have been identified by officers of the state' board of health as smallpox. The Daven port council tonight declared a quarantine against Le Clair. Kraemer Affain Indicted. DULDTH, Minn., May B.—P. G. Kraem er, the commission man who was in dicted a couple of months ago for grand larceny in the first degree in connection with the theft of a large quantity of flour from the cargo of the steamer Ar thur Orr, which was wrecked last fall on Lake Superior, was arrested Saturday night again on the same charge. Last term the cases came up and the county attorney dismissed all of those against Kraemer and others because the Jury had acquitted one of them and the attorney thought he could not get a fair trial for the state. Now the cases have been re vived, and the grand jury took them up today. Badly Mangled. MADISON, Wis., May B.—Andrew Ol- Bon, a young married man living on East An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on tlie kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs •are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IiOTTISVILLE. XT. NEW YOKK, N. T. For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50c per bottl* Dayton street, was truck by a train and instantly killed en the Northwe^orn rln road bridge over the Yahara rive? O - son was fishing from the brhtee and was standing on the track taff by nort^ bound trains when a freight came along. He stepped over on the track to get out of its way, not- seeing the south-bound passenger coming from the otheV dreo tlon. He was badly mangled. STRIKE STttrfb ON. _L t *" Not Much Change In the Situation ■-; at i>ulnn,. ',;.. - :; , . E DULUTH, . Minn.. kftfc>.- 8.-The - street railway strike, seems farther from settle ment than ever. .-;, This morning ; a :com mittee called ;on ; Mayor Truels=n " and asked for, protection? fop. the f cars : The mayor assured them that he was doing all :he could, and would swfar in twenty more special? policemen.; • •■ Today : the ■ company had about three quarters of • its cars in, operation. . : v-.- --■:.' Residence framed. _CHIPPEWA FALLS,'TVis., ..May - 8:— Fire destroyed the residence and barn of •j.i Hellen and all'cbritfents save piano and household goods <Jft3«he first floor of «c nnn m- J he Property i cost between ?i >??2- as?J'ooo'-and was Insured for 15,100, $2,600 an residence; $2,300. on con tents, and $200 on barn. . • - ' Cyclist Injured. OSAGB,, 10., May B.—Roy Townsend, a seminary student of this p!ace, was badly injured while riding a bicycle at the fair grounds. He was scorching at a danger ous speed when his wheel collapsed under him, throwing him violently to the ground. His throat was badly cut and he sustained serious injuries about the head. He was carried to his boarding place in an unconscious condit'on. Railway Conductors' Convention. DETROIT, Mich., May 8.-«pecial cars from St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo and Cincinnati bearing delegates to the bi ennial grand division convention' of the Order of Railway Conductors arrived to day, and others will arrive during the night. Bishop at Morris. MORRIS, Minn., May B.—(Special.)— Bishop Trobeo, of St. Cloud, yesterday confirmed a class of 275 members at tie Church of the Assumption. It was the first visit of a bishop to this church in seven years. The bishop deivered lid dresses in English and German. District Conference. CROOKSTON, Minn., May B.—:Sp3C<al ) — The Methodist district conference opened today, Dr. Forbes, of Dulu h presiding. The attendance Is large T^e sessions will continue until Wedn'sJay evening. FILIPINOS II YIELD Continued from First Page, return to the San Fernando river after having been reinforced, on recently pur chased li.?ht-drsft Spanish steamers. The Filipinos surprised the United States forces at San Fernando with a dar ing trick yesterday. A railway train with an engine at each fend was run almost to the American oiitp6st3 and in plain sight of the townsmen. Before they could be reached a gang of natives sprang off the train, tore up several lengths of the railway track, boarded the train and steamed away so quickly that there was no opportunity to capture the raiders. The Nebraska regiment is asking for a temporary relief from =duty. Only 375 men of this regiment are left Jat the front. WASHINGTON, May B.—The war de partment has received from Gen. Otis a dispatch giving the situation in the Phil ippines, some parts of which have been omitted by the war department in making It public. The dispatch is as follows: "Manila , May 8. — Adjutant General, Washington: Situation as-follows: Law ton at Maaeln and Baltnag; scouting par ties to north and e*st. • MacArthus at San Fernando. • ♦ • Population of country between Manila and northern points held by troops returning home; ap pear cheerful and contented. Army gun boats operating tn rivers. Have cleared country west of Mac Arthur of insurgents. ♦ * • Signs of Insurgents' weakness more apparent daily. • -.. —"Otis." The war department officials seem to be even more encouraged over the condition in Manila. The report of Gen. Otis re ceived today indicates that the American troops are well disposed. It has been evi dent that the insurgents, who were oper ating In the swamps and jungles east of Gen. Mac Arthur, have been very annoy ing, but the army gunboats have made it too hot for them to remain. Gen. Law ton appears to be pushing northward some fifteen miles to the east of Mac Arthur. The Rio Grande river lies between them and there the gunboats evidently are at work. The portions of the dispatch which the department has not made public per haps refer to the future movements ol the two divisions of the army. MINNESOTA MEN. Another of the Thirteenth Dead Be fore Manila. WASHINGTON, May' B.—The war de partment today recetve'a the following cable from Gen. Otis: 'Casualties not heretofore reported: KILLED. Thirteenth Minnesota-^"May 4, L, Pri vate Fred Buckendof. WOUNDED. Thirteenth Minnesota—H, Private Jas. Barrett, shoulder, nrbderate. Second Oregon—Capt. H. L. Heath, leg, slight. Sixth Artillery—D, ' Private William Betzeld, arm, slight. < , Fifty-first lowa—Private George Shan non, C, hip, slight. Twentieth Kansas—H, Private Arthur K. Moore, hand, severer" First Washington—H,, Private William Schermerhorn, arm,, slight. Gen. Otis reports five following deaths: Variola—May 3, Edward Vaughan, pri vate, C, Fifty-flrst Iowa; May 4, John V. Smith, Li, Fourteenth Infantry. Drown ed—April 29, William L. Higgins, cor poral, B, Ninth infantry; Harris W. Mal lory, private, B, Ninth infantry. Septl cemia from Phelgmen—April 30, Myron Steams, Sergeant, B, First Nebraska. Gunshot Wound (accidental)— May 1, Jas. 8. Lynch, private, C, Ninth infantry. Wounds in Action—May 4, John C. Hoov er, private, F, First Nebraska. Typhoid Fever—May 5, Guy Neybergale, private, I, Twentieth Kansas. TUeerative Celitls —John A. Moore, sergeant, X, Fourth iri fantry. Fred W. Buckendorf, who Is reported killed at Manila, is a son of William F. Buckendorf, a florist, who resides at 1007 Park avenue, Minneapolis. He enlisted in Battery B, at the outbreak of the war, but when it was found no artillery would be taken from Minnesota he was trans ferred to the Thirteenth" Minnesota, through the influence of Col. Ames, who was a personal friend. He was sent to Manila from San Francisco with the last lot of recruits, and was for a time at tached to Company B, but was later transferred to Company L. He has been dungerously ill with smallpox, and had been out of the hospital but a short time when he was killed, j Buckendorf was about nineteen years of age, a young man of finer-physique, stand- Ing about six feet in'height, and weigh ing 190 pounds. He wafe an all-around athlete, and was a* IBall player. NBXrRos ivo.\ o\ i-:k. NEW YORK, Maj* «.^X dispatch from Hong Kong says: M. brother of the loyal president W the island of Ne gros, arrived here to§a^, bearing letters of Introduction from <3eas Otis. His mis sion Is to purchase Tstefcmers for trade among the islands '\Jhd*V the American flag. In an interview, !81. Lacson said: "The proclamation *of r- t the American commissioners is enUrelx.satisfactory. It gives us autonomy and greater liberality than we demanded. We believe that America will not fool us with treaties. as Spain fooled us. Aguinaldo was honest as long as he was under the influence of Dewey and Wlldmaiv but he listened to the statements of the Hong Kong junta who are American traitors. Negros wants nothing to do with Agulnaldo's proposed conference. We are loyal as New York, and our soldiers now inarct»-. under the American flag." '.flffl. MILES SILENT DECLINES TO DISCUSS THE FIND INGS OF THE ARMY BEEF INQUIRY BOARD BOWS TO HIS SUPEEIORS Would Be Unaoldlerly for Him to Criticise the Action of Hl* Su perior Officer, the President, Who Is Commander-in-chief of the Army—ln in the Dark an to What May Be Developed hy Congre»i, WASHINGTON, May 8.-"The presi dent is commander-ln-chief of the army and my superior. He has approved the findings of the Wade court of inquiry. Therefore, I have no comment to make. It would be an unsoldierly act were I to do so." With these words Gen. Miles replied to a reporter who saw him for a moment to day with regard to the probable action he would take in view of the adverse re port of the court. "Will you formulate a protest to the president?" was the next question. "I have nothing to say. No, sir," re plied the general. "Will you inspire congressional investi gation?" "No, sir. I will not' talk upon the sub ject." "Do you believe congress will rectify the matter?" "I do not know what congress will do, nor have I any means of knowing in ad vance what the verdict of the court may develop. I have no comment, criticism or statement to make in this matter, and you may take it as certain that any alleged interviews or intimations to the contrary said to come from me or near me are wholly and unqualifiedly false. I was, and am now, actuated solely by the consideration of health, lives and in tegrity of the army. My duty is done." INCIDENT IS CLOSED. A very close friend of Gen. Miles and an officer of the army, when asked if there was anything for the general to say or do in regard to the report of the beef board, replied: "There is nothing for him to say or do. The report has been approved by the president, and the president is the com mander-in-chief of the army. Criticism of the report or any other action would be a violation of military law." Inquiry was made as to the status of officers criticised and what course they might pursue, and it was stated that, as a military legal proposition, it was Im possible for any action to be taken by any of the officers aggrieved. They might demand a court of Inquiry, but this was a court of inquiry, which rec ommended that no further action be tak en; this being approved by the presi dent, precluded any further Inquiry. Gen. Eagan, who is specified in the report, is not likely to ask for any further investi gation. But Col. Maus, of Gen. Miles' staff, the other officer criticised, feels it keenly. His friends say he was among the witnesses whom Gen. Miles asked to be called and was not called by the court. GERMAN GOOD FEELING. It Is Expressed in a Letter Received by Secretary I.oiriß. WASHINGTON, May B.—Secretary Long has received the following letter from the minister of marine in the German cab inet, expressive of the good feeling pre vailing in the highest naval quarters of Germany towards the United States naval authorities: Berlin, April 17, 1859.-Capt. Lieut, yon Rebu-Paschwltz, assigned to the imperial German embassy at Washington has re peatedly spoken in his report of the very great courtesy he has met with In United States naval circles. On the occasion of his presence in this city said officer con firmed his reports in words of the warm est and most grateful appreciation, and expressed the conviction that It was solely through the valuable assistance of all authorities concerned and the ever ready courtesy of the officers of thfc United States navy that he was enabled to discharge his duties during and after the Spanish-American war. Capt. Lieut, yon Rebu-Paschwitz fur ther stated gratefully that wherever op portunity offered he had enjoyed the most liberal hospitality of his American comrades. There can be no doubt but that the great readiness of the author ities in giving information, and the ex treme courtesy of the different officers and officials of the navy, ashore as well as on the sea, Is to be ascribed primarily to your excellency's iniative. I therefore desire to express to your excellency my most sincere thanks for the assistance given Capt. Lieut, yon Rebu-Paschwitz and I have the honor to request that you will transmit my thanks also to the gen tlemen of the office of the secretary of the navy, the commander-In-chief of the Atlantic squadron and other gentlemen concerned. I ask that your excellency will accept the assurance of the high esteem with which I have the honor to be, very re spectfully, —Tirpitz, Rear Admiral, Minister of State and Sec retary of State of the Imperial Marine Office. CHINESE PROTEST. Do Not Relink Being Excluded From Cuba. WASHINGTON, May B.—The Chinese legation here has made a strong protest to the state department against the ex tension of the Chinese exclusion act to Cuba, this having been one result of a recent executive order extending the im migration laws of the United States to Cuba and Porto Rico. Mr. Yung Kwal, an attache of the legation, said today that the legation had made such a pro test, and that In view of the fact that the Chinese would make the best kind of citizens for the settlement of Cuba he believed that the order would be modi fied so as not to exclude his country men.' "The dowager empress," he added, "has recently granted the most liberal pro tection to Americans, and wishes to be come more closely allied with America, and this country will be going against Its own interests if it refuses to meet China half way." Secretary Hay later said that the mat ter was under consideration by the state department. PRESIDENT'S OUTING. "Will Fat in a Week at Hot Spring!!, Virginia. WASHINGTON, May B.—Presld. Nt and Mrs. McKinley left the city tonight for a vacation of a week or ten days at TORPID LIVER Dr. Radway—Dear Sir: I have been using your medicines —that is, your Pills and Ready Relief. These two medicines have done ma and my family more good than a whole drug store. I am S3 years old. I used about six boxes of your pills since last spring . I am as regular now and feel like a healtny man or 20 years. Now, I want to find out about your Re solvent, to use In case of a young lady (etc ttc). Respectfully, AUGUST WITMER "' April Bth, 1898. 642 E. 134 th St.. New York. Badway's Pills Purely vegetable, mild and reliable. Cause perfect digestion, complete absorption and healthful regularity. For the cure of all dis orders of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Blad der, Nervous Diseases, Piles. SICK HEADACHE AND ALL. DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Price 26 cents per box. Sold by ail drug gintft, or s»nt by mall on receipt of price. RADWAY & CO.. 55 Elm St., New York. B« sure to get "Radwajr's." J. - MANY young women are completely prostrated for a '''j\. Jj■'-" week ; out of every month by menstrual ■ sufferings. - > . The terrors of menstruation overshadow their whole - , I lives. How needless this is in most cases is shown by the . - " thousands of grateful letters constantly ■'" ' " " '■- ''■■ "; __ - coming to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., --- M ~^^^ _,__ __ from women she has helped. WwA GGJm Miss Joie Saul, Dover, Mich., writes -» - *%»•** mm a 'J' . as follows to Mrs. Pinkham :'; lrJ% CES IN , "I suffered untold agony every " mmM*%mm^mm month and could get no relief until I WwOiwIEN tried your medicine; your letter of ; ad- ' — ■ ' » , vice and a few bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound have made me the happiest woman alive. :" I shall bless you as long as I live." ' < --• -ailiSSr ' Miss Rosa ' Helden, 126 .W. __ y^rill I^^^ Cleveland Aye., Canton, °- 'v ,; r \ "Dear Mrs. Pinkham— . r /sf^SStk* -f^*^^^**^, * X Four years ago I had almost '/ /> S\ given up hope of ever be % f/sS* /^ "^^^Wlf 1 ing WeU again> l waS V / \ J f^e^" y*~ ' S«\ afflicted with those ([ V* \ Sjfi^ ASI dreadful headache spells V U\ SV Jh S*~ Qr >• M/ which would sometimes I lll('^ ziir jJ& x * W/ last three or four dayS' '" im v m*^T V wwli Also had backache, bear f "iV^^^w^-) '^y WJf ing-down pains, leucor '" x^^^^* *)vi m rhoea, dizziness, and terri t , /^^T^^i, * \ f hie pains at monthly periods \ '* C/^ . .^ "' -^ 5 confining me to my bed. C j£)£ r j/ y^^ f • * After reading so many testi p\^\^\/y I f monials for your medicine, I $~^*)r/ 1 fK I concluded to try it. I began £?^rr '--: A ■ Wfc tO pick BP after taking 1*57 VSSWn the first bottle, and have IMlvk) ■ BW7 continued to gain yZZ&L- - rapidly, and now feel a'J^YF^T^TT (/ /) /If VV^- ft like a different woman. nr>/'*/ hi] 1/ J / ffl\\V>- V I can recommend Lydia ¥* v.<J&f_^^iv M I 'XVxltW'* 'E- Pinkham>s Vegetable V^..£* Sjr^"^^ n J/VWt, Compound in highest terms *^ . dLw^'^ w to all sick women." Pain leaves its mark. Faces become pale and thin. Fea tures grow sharp and haggard. The stamp of suffering is un mistakable. Write to Mrs. Pinkham for aid. Her experience is the widest in the world and her advice is free. Hot Springs, Va. The trip was made in a handsomely equipped specal train. The president and Mrs. McKinley occu pied the private car Cleopatra which was attached to the rear of the train. The party included also George B. Cortelyou, the assistant secretary to the president• Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rixey and Mr. Barnes, of the White house clerical force Minnesota Pensions. WASHINGTON, May B.—Northwestern pensions were granted today as follows: Minnesota—Original: Lars Nelson, Bran don, $10; Lyman L. Locke, Minneapolis, *6. Increase: Orlando N. Gardner, South Minneapolis, $8 to $12. Widow: Elizabeth C. Paquin, Marshall, $8. Jfevr Postmasters. WASHINGTON, May B.—Northwestern postmasters appointed today were: Min nesota, Bullard, Wadena county. H. Koldt; Coon Rapids, Hennepin county, August Doherty; Lillemon, Grant county, Andrew Selander. South Dakota— Kam paska, Coddington county, E. D Wheelock. Spain's New Minister. WASHINGTON, May B.—The state de partment has been Informed that the Duke of Arcos will present his creden tials as minister of Spain early in June, and that Hon. Bellamy Storer will be received by the queen regent of Spain at the same time. SERIOUS RATE WAR. It Involves Questions of Critical Importance to Eastern Lines. CHICAGO, May B.—The Michigan Cen tral road today gave notice that, to meet competition, it would ignore the Chicago switching tariff on east-bound freight. All the other roads have followed suit, and for the present the tariff is suspend ed. The effect of this action is to saddle the Eastern roads with the payment of switching charges aggregating nearly $500,000 a year, which have formerly been paid by the shippers. The Michigan Cen tral charges that the Erie first absorbed these switching charges, but the other roads say that the charges are not proved. Unless the matter is settled promptly serious trouble will result, the situation being much more troublesome than in an ordinary rate war. The busi ness affected comes almost entirely from the Northwestern and Milwaukee & St. Paul lines, which are not reached by any Eastern road. The charges average $5 a car, and the traffic runs up to some 8,000 cars a month. M. & ST. L. FINDS TROUBLE. Mihvnnkro Blocks the Construction at Storm Lake. The Milwaukee road is evidently out to make it hot for the Minneapolis & St. Louis. The Minneapolis & St. Louis sa cured its right of way through the town of Storm Lake, lowa, and had been given a quit claim deed from L. J. Metcalf for a depot site, which iJ. neglected to have condemned for that purpose. Sunday morning the Milwaukee suc ceeded in getting possession of the site. It filled up a construction train «it Fond dv Lac, and under Trainmaster Horton, of the Dcs Moines & Northern, went to Storm Lake. Here it laid 1,275 feet of track directly across the grounds that had been secured by the Minneapolis & St. Louis. No attempt at grading was Ripans Tabules are great sellers everywhere, even at the news and confectionery Hands in railroad stations. Old travelers and commercial men all know that a Ripans Tabule will counteract the bad effects arising from change of water and hasty meals. "We have been selling Ripans Tabules for some time," said the attendant, "and •re selling a good many of them." Then he added the story that one hears every where—that is, that RTP-ANS are an excellent medicine for dyspepsia, constipation, etc., and said that he had personally used them for constipation with perfect satisfaction. "They do not gripe," said he, "and I find them to be just what I need, and just what Is claimed for then\." Ripans Tabules have come into such common use as a medicine for the every-day ills that beset human beings that there is a pretty universal inquiry for them wherever anything is kept for sale. Ripans Tabules may be' found wherever people go who have stomachs and are in the habit of eating. fweWe packet* for IS etnts, mar be hart »t anr t niz «U>re Tenl, -. .« .'""'•' <■l p A-VS. 1 ' f»r ft .ent?, or 3 done, only the loosest kind of work be ing performed. The affair raised great excitement at Storm Lake, the workmen refusing to answer any of the inquiri s of the clti2sens respecting the object of the work. RAILWAY NOTES. The annual meeting of the Canadian .Pacific will occur this week. It was ru mored yesterday in Wall street, accord- Ing to a New York telegram, that the president of the road. Sir William C Van "o^e. will retire from office in favor of T. G. Shaughnessy, vice president of the road. It is understood that the change will be made at President Van Home s suggestion, and that he will re main identified with the road as chair man of the board of directors. President Mellen, of the Northern Pa cific, makes the statement that the road will apply for a charter to construct a line from Morris, Manitoba, southeast to the national boundary, between ranges L.« and 8> east of the first Principal mer idian. This would end about fifty miles east of Pembina. Robert C. Wight, secretary for the Great Western, returned yesterday from the East. He was taken ill in New York, and was unable to continue his trip to the Bermudas, as he had expected. Vice President J. M. Hannaford, of the Northern Pacific; Francis B. Clark, gen eral traffic manager of the Great North ern, and P. C. Stohr. general traffic man ager of the Great Western, have left for Washington, where they will attend the railroad conference with the Interstate commerce commission. Robert Rantoul. division freight agent of the Northern Pacific, returned yester day from the East. A party consisting of W. C. Brown, general manager; W. L. Brecken ridge, chief engineer; J. D. .Bessler. general su perintendent; D. Cunningham, division superintendent; F. A. "Delano, superin tendent of hotive power;-*nd E. J. Biakf consulting engineer, all of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, came up over the northern division Saturday night to in- Bpect the bridges along the Toad. THE HAGUE COXFEREXCE. What the American DelegateN to Peace Conference May Propone. LONDON, May 9.—The Berlin cor respondent of the Standard siyn: "The United States delegates to the peace conference at The Hague have in structions to advance three leading prin ciples—the institution of courts of arbi tration, the extension of the declaration of Paris of 1556 to the ncn-i onflseatlcn of all cargoes not contraband of war and the extension of the Geneva agreement to war by sea," OASVOHIA. Bean the -_^^ 8 Kind You Have Always Boogfcl SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nervous feet, and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T.