' i!-"!nl fir 4 ' '<$ p=^ma\
— — = '' ct si J/i/b I \u'}
Use as much of the fine, pure lather of Ivory Soap
as you please, the more the better, and greater the
pleasure. There's nothing in Ivory Soap to injure the
most delicate skin. It improves the complexion by
cleansing the pores of all impurities.
Tomorrow, Not Sunday— The shoot
of the North Star Gun club on the
grounds at Rice street and the city lim
its, announced for Sunday, will be held
— o—
Her Divorce Granted — Judge Lewis
yesterday ordered findings for the plaint
iff In the divorce case of Bertha Hlrsch
against Charles Hirsch. Desertion was
the ground alleged.
— o —
Pined for Pipe Tin- ft— Robert Earle,
the young man arrested for the theft of
lead pipo belonging to the Northwestern
Telephone company, was fined $1 in the
municipal court yesterday.
— o—
Federal Office* to Clo«e— The Inter
nal revenue and customs offices in the
federal building will be closed all day
Saturday, when the funeral of the late
Vice President Hobart will be held.
AVill r«» Kxnmined Today — Mrs.
Maria Wahl, who lives near Mount Zion
cemetery, east of the city, was yester
day taken to the county Jail, and will
be examined as to her sanity today in the
prubate court.
— o—
Patience With Preachers — The
Tsinth Ward Prohibition club met last
night ut G2O Central park. The principal
number on the programme was an inter
esting paper on "Have Patience With
the Preachers."
Burdened With Liabilities — Potcr
H. Van Hovcn, who gives his occupa
tion as a trader, yesterday riled a pe
tition In voluntary bankruptcy in the
federal court. The liabilities are given at
J68.173.4G and the assets af $G7O.
— o—
Ob Municipal Charities— Dr. S. G.
Smith will deliver the eighth of a course
of lectures on municipal life at the Y.
M. C. A. rooms at 8 o'clock this evening.
The subject of this evening's discourse
Will be "Municipal Charities."
— o—
Hi* Arm Broken— Leonard Pihall, em
ployed at the Funk brewery, had his left
erm broken yesterday. His arm caught
In a rocking- tank, receiving such a sud
den wrench aa to fracture the bone. He
was taken to the city hospital.
.Funeral of John D. Fraaer— The fu
neral of John D. Fraser, brother of Pa-
APPLES at $1.25 and $1.50 per barrel
that are good for immediate use".
APPLES at $1.75 per barrel that ought
to f.-tch a higher prices
APPLES at $2 per barrel that are
bound to reach a higher price.
APPLES at $2.50 per barrel that are
being bought by thrifty dealers who will
hold them for higher prices.
8 Cents
Per pound for fresh Pork Chops in our
M -at Market.
2S Cents
A pound for a fancy grade of Creamery
16 Ceats
A dozen for selected No. 1 Eggs; 14c for
-No. 2.
10 Gents
A gallon for pure, new, sweet Genlton
Cider, diilng or send your jugs)
IB, Cants
For five-pound baskets fancy Catawba
5 Gents
A dozen for good Messina Lemons; 10c a
dozen for choice ones.
6 Cents
A quaii for (.'ape Cod Cranberries.
Salmon Steaks, per 1b 15c
Halibut Steaks, per lb l^c
Cod Steaks, per lb 12kc
Whole Cod, per lb 0 C
Haddock, per lb 10c
Freafa Mackerel, each "".'.'!!.'.'!.' 20c
-Fresh Dee]) Sea Perch, per lb 12tec
Fresh Deep Sea Blue Fish, per lb 15c
Jresh Flounders, per lb 10c
Fresh Lake Trout, per lb " 100
Fresh Lake Whitensh, per Vb"""."" lftc
Fresh Lake Perch, per lb 8c
Fresh Lake Herring, per lb 5c
10-lb pail Herring- &£
New Salt Eels, per lb '.'.'. IX2
New Smoked Whlteflsh. per lb. '.'..'.'.'.'. Itte
Isew Smoked Salmon, per lb 10c
New Smoked Finnan Haddle, per"lb"l2%c
Large Standard Oysters, per at " 2oe
Large Shell Oysters, per dozen...;;.; 150
Large Live Lobsters, per lb 25c
Fresh Boiled Lobsters, per lb * 27c
Large Hard Shell Crabs, each; '.'.'.'.'.'.]'. 20c
Our Line of Counter Candies
Are exclusive with us. In no other store
can they be found. We make them our
selves; we have made them the standard
of all counter specialties, and do not
trust to factories to supply our trade,
but employ only the highest skilled ar^
tists and sell tnem first handed, so we
ere yours for fresh, pure, home-made
A few itams that are not Specials, but
regular stock:
All kinds of Cream Wafers- others
ask from 25c to 40c per pound; our
price 20c
Chocolate Eclairs, per pound 20c
Pearl Mints, per pound 15c
A box of Bon Boua and Chocolates' that
you cannot equal for less than 50c per lb
We -show you the lead by letting- you
have better for 19c per lb. box.
Orders by Telephone, Cat! 732.
trolman Frank Fraser, who died Tuesday
at Superior, will be held this morning at
9 o'clock from the residence. 280 Charles
street. The Modern Woodmen will be In
— o—
DiiUKhters of Veterans— There will
be a regular meeting of Charlotte Vim
Cleve Tent No. 1, Daughters of Vet
erans, this evening. Inspection will be
the special order of business. A full
attendance is requested. All members of
the G. A. R. and S. of V. invited.
— o—
Attended the Reception— One of the
visitors at the reception of the Commer
cial club to Archbishop Ireland was Rev.
Jansen, a Catholic priest of Loretto, for
merly of Henderson, who also paid his
respects to Hon. Stanford Newel, the
minister to his fatherland, the Nether
— o—
Mission of Phrenology — Prof. Geo.
Morris will lecture at Central hall be
fore the St. Paul Phrenological society
this evening on "The Mission of Phre
nology." All are invited. This will be
the professor's last appearance before
the society, as he and Mrs. Morris are
on their way to the coast.
— o—
Xew Mining: Company— Articles of
incorporation were filed with the secre
tary of state yesterday by the ftilligoss
Mining company, of this city. The cap
tal stock is given at $10,000, and the di
rectors are as follows: George Purvis,
W. J. Ililligoss, A. D. Stephens, James
Stoddart and W. R. Begg.
— o —
In Signal Corps at Manila— Matt C.
Ives, son of the late Warren Ives, of
Hutchinson, and nephew of ex-Lieut.
Gov. Ives, of St. Peter, passed through
St. Paul yesterday on his way from the
Philippines to his home in Hutchinson.
Mr. Ives was a corporal of the signal
corps at Manila, and spent fifteen months
in Luzon in the service.
— o —
Leased Goodyear Store — Levy &
Hauser, for twelve years in the clothing
and gents' furnishing goods business at
Seventh and Rosabel streets, yesterday
closed a lease of the store at 98-102 East
Seventh street, recently occupied by the
Goodyear company, and will conduct a
similar business at that location. The
firm also has stores at 153 East Third
street, and in Janesville, Wis.
— o—
Body Xot Yet Identified— The body
of the unknown man who hanged himself
in the woods near the west end of the
Smith avenue bridge, last Sunday, is
still at the morgue, unidentified. Near
the body was- -found a satchel containing
clean clothing. From this fact it is be
lieved that the suicide was a stranger
in the city. A number of persons have
viewed the body, but no one has yet
been able to furnish a clue to who the
dead man was.
Raided Cnrtie e Residence— Burglars
raided the residence of David L. Cur
tice, 875 Laurel avenue, Wednesday
evening, carrying off property valued at
5300. The robbers secured an entrance
to the place by forcing open a rear win
dow. The family was absent at the time
Among the articles stolen were a pair
of opera glasses, a silver watch, two
watch chains, six rings, three pairs of
earrings and thirteen stick pins. The
robbery was reported to the police.
— o —
For n Pianola Recital— An enter
tainment will be given this evening at
the Jefferson school under the auspices
of the Jefferson School union. The en
tertainment will be in the form of a
pianola recital, under the direction of
Mr. Claus, of Dyer Brothers. Miss Edna
Mills will give a recitation. Miss Ella
Henniger a vocal solo, and Miss Florence
Hueaener a piano solo. There will also
be selections by the Jefferson School or
chestra. The proceeds of the entertain
ment will go towards purchasing a piano
for the school.
Say 8 He', a Fleming _ Postmaster
Smith has received a letter from Mrs
L. Moss, of Sloan, which she asks be
delivered to a Mrs. Fleming. In the ex
planatory letter accompanying Mrs Moss
says that recently an eleven-year-old boy
who said he was the runaway son of
Mrs. Fleming, of St. Paul, came to
Sloan, but when Mrs. Moss would have
detained him he succeeded in making his
escape. Superintendent of Carriers Had
lich is making an effort to find the Mrs.
Fleming for whom the letter Is intended.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on
each box. 25c.
i^ , —
Quick Time to St. Louis and Hot
The Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad
has shortened the time to St. Louis and
Hot Springs so that the "St. Louis Spe
cial" leaving St. Paul at 7 p. m. daily
arrives at St. Louis at 2:15 p. m., Hot
Springs 8:20 a. m. four hours shorter than
any other line. Ticket- office, 396 Robert
street; depot, Broadway, foot of Fourth.
Have your photograph taken by
Tlaynes, corner Virginia and Selby aye-
Boston $19.00 by the SOO LINE.
f|||9 1850-tBBB7t
g^^^ Known over the jfifSfiaßi
| world as a staple remedy gg ||
In Politics, He Saj», the Ri^lU
Tli l n » I» Sometime* \\ rout* and
the Wrong ThinK Sometime* IUI
-atively Hi^ht — Ho to the Vuuas
Man to Briu.tr About Any Needed
Reform In Affalrn.
"In politics the right thing is some
times wrong, and the wrong thing some
times relatively rig-lit," said Gov. John
Lind, in his address before an audience
at the Y. M. C. A, upon "The Young
Man In Politics."
"This statement sounds paradoxical,
but it is probably true In a great many
cases. Our conclusions would be that St.
Paul would be a better city if it owned
its own electric plant and street cars.
If these municipal improvements are to
be paid for by the public, then the public
should make and control them. On the
other hand, you say that municipal own
ership is comparatively an experiment
and is relatively wrong; that customs
and the ideas of the people are prejudiced
against such departures. There you have
the two illustrations of the statement.
When I was a boy there was not a town
or city that owned its electric light plant,
and today many of our cities not only
own their electric plants, but many other
like Improvements. By and by public
opinion may warrant St. Paul"s having
an electric plant of its own.
"In politics you have to recognize hu
man prejudices. To ride on the top wave
of public opinion is called statesmanship.
It is unwise to seek to accomplish any
thing ahead of the demand of the times
or public opinion and prejudices. Public
sentiment is always necessary. What,
then, should be more proper than that
our young men should strive to mold
public sentiment of any and every com
munity in favor of good, right and just
laws? We have two elements in citizen
ship. The passive element vote this or
that ticket because their fathers did and
look to their ease, and are to a degree In
different to matters of the greatest vital
interest to our land. The active ele
ment Is found chiefly among the young
men. They reason: This or that practice
or custom is right or wrong. A strong
motive incites them to look up and for
ward to better things, and primarily to
elevate , politics and elements of citizen
"If you want to bring about a reform of
the nation's affairs or of this city, go to
the young men. The old man has social
relations, is tied down with his family
and loves his ease, perhaps. His wife will
say: 'John, the earth was here a long
time before you happened along, and
there is no use of your fretting about
these matters. 1 The young man wants
the best for his country, and he will work
for it."
Gov. Lind here pointed out that some
of the greatest and best movements the
world had ever seen were made by young
men. The Reformation, that great pop
ular movement of the Teutonic races,
protesting against the authority and cus
toms of the Latin races, was led by a
young man. He mentioned Patrick
Henry, Jefferson, Hamilton and Madison,
all as strong men in their youth.
Gov. Lind urged social activity in all
lines. The gradual steps of humanity
through the ages had evolved from the
lower stages to the magnificent complex
civilization of today. Tho lowly and
small beginnings had developed into the
wonderful present.
"Public spirit." said the governor, "Is
not quite as strong as private enterprise.
Many people are very persistent in bet
tering their own condition and that of
their family, but do not think of others.
What we want is co-operation in every
thing. The development of the universe
is founded upon the word co-operation.
"The young man should begin to study,
and the old man continue to study. The
women are just as much Interested in
this as their companions. Why should
they not be? They share with us our
joya and sorrows and live In our homes."
Here the governor paid a tribute to the
women on the suffrage question. He was
not present to argue the question of
suffrage, he said, but if they wanted it
he thought they should have suffrage, or
anything they wanted. In Wyoming and
Idaho their influence had been an agency
to purify politics. »
Studying politics was studying the art
of administering laws and carrying on
the government. Politics did not mean
the putting up of jobs to carry caucasses,
but was far above that.
The governor asserted that the ballot
of the young man carried just as much
weight as that of the most influential
and substantial citizen in the community,
and urged with much fervor that it 3 In
fluence be made a power for good at the
Sew Store Waa Formally Opened to
the Pnblle.
Schoch's new grocery at Seventh and St.
Peter streets was opened yesterday and
a throng of patrons filled the store all
day and evening. The new establishment
was Li c recipient of many compliments,
being one of the finest as to commodious
ness and location in the Northwest.
The new store is deserving- of more
than passing notice, possessing, as it
does, facilities for the handling of an
enormous traffic, unexcelled anywhere in
the United States. There are three en
trances, one on St. Peter street, one on
Seventh and one at the corner. The in
terior Is arranged with every provision
for the comfort and convenience of pat
rons, the cigar, candy, poultry, "butter,
fruit, vegetable, as well as staple and
general departments, occupying spacious
quarters of their own, where goods can
be admirably displayed. Personal inspec
tion is necessary in order to appreciate
the good points of the new, up-to-date
emporium, whose tasty and elegant fur
nishings and new and artistic appoint
ments were favorably commented on as
in one voice.
St. Pnal Hibernians Deelded to Send
Both to the Iloers.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians cele
brated the anniversary of the execution
by England of the well known "Man
chester martyrs," Allen, Larkin and
O'Brien, at Cretin hall last evening. It
has been customary to hold those meet
ings publicly and in large halls hereto
fore, but the order chose to hold a secret
session on this occasion, and about 300
met and passed strong resolutions of sym.
pathy with the Boers in their struggle
now going on with England. A private
purse was raised by members at the
meeting for the express purpose of ser.a
ing something stronger than resolutions
to Africa by a special envoy.
Old Suit Over a Note for JJS3S In
Judge Otis yesterday filed a decision in
the district court in the ease of Aaron
Gottstein versus Joseph St. Jean, grant
ing the motion of the defendant for an
order dismissing the action for want of
prosecution. The case has been in court
for seven years. In the accompanying
memorandum the court says that the or
der is due the defendant, not as a mat
ter of discretion, but of right. The ac
tion was brought originally to recover on
a note for $35 in April, 1892, when the
If. we please you. tell others;
If we don't— tell ua.
It's important to get th«
right overcoat, of course, but
it's quite as important to pay
the right price for it.
We have tjiem as good as
•Mr. Merchant Tailor's best.
But our idea of price is from
2 5 to 50 per cent less.
Perhaps you don't know
about our Overcoats,
$8 to $25.
Seventh and Robert Streets.
complaint was served. The defendant
made no answer and the plaintiff would
have been entitled to Judgment by de
fault at the end of twenty days, In which
case the defendant could have deducted
$10 costs as a penalty for having brought
suit in the district court for such a trivial
sum. Nothing more was done by the
plaintiff until last August, and now the
court holds that the matter Is thrown
out by the statute of limitations.
Adjutant General's Office Busy With
Papers of the Wounded.
Pension applications from soldiers of the
Spanish-American war continue to coma
to the adjutant general's omce and a
summary of those that have been filed
discloses that about three score applica
tions have been filed.
Capt. Clarence G. Bunker, Company O,
Thirteenth regiment, residing at 579 Sum
mit avenue, has asked for a pension on
account of a gunshot wound received in
the wrist during the battle of Manila,
causing partial disability.
Roy C. Marsden also wants a pension.
He was a member of Company L, Twelfth
iVlinnesota volunteers, and is affected
with heart trouble, he claims, as a re
sult of typhoid fever contracted at Chlck
The other applications of the week are
as follows: \V. J. Thorne. 913 Hastings
avenue, St. Paul; Company D, Thir
teenth; deafness and chronic dysentery.
John Hasiik, 43 Michigan street; Com
pany E, Fifteenth infantry; disability, re
sult of malarial fever.
W. A. Jones, Company G, Thirteenth
regiment, Red Wing; wounded In left
arm, partly paralyzed.
G. J. Fehr, Company M, Thirteenth reg
iment, St. Cloud; permanently disabled.
J. O. Price, Wauconda; 111. ; sergeant
Company E, Thirteenth regiment: was
knifed while on police duty In Manila;
wounds, groin, left leg.
"Jj§ jther says' his lunch wouFdn't taste
halt .so good or digest half so well with
out his pint of ■'Jung's. Beer,' " Telephone.
207 Main.
» ,
They Are Called in Special Meeting
tor Tomorrow.
A special meeting of the St. Paul school
teachers has been called, to be held at
the assembly hall of the Central high
school tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock,
at which time the sentiment of the teach
ers will be tested as to the proposition
which has been made that the city fund
for teachers' salaries be augmented by a
popular subscription.
Meantime, the teachers' counsel Is
pushing the friendly proceeding for the
settlement of the dispute as to the school
law. John D. O'Brien, who is represent
ing the teachers, yesterday presented to
Corporation Counsel Markham a redrafted
statement of agreed facts, amending the
first stipulation along lines laid down by
the corporation attorney, and it Is ex
pected that this will meet with the ap
proval of the corporation attorney today,
so that the matter can be heard In the
district court at special term tomorrow.
It Results in the Arrest of John
John Ehrnreiter, a seventeen-year-old j
youth, was charged in the police court
yesterday with assaulting John Etel, liv
ing at 13 East Geranium street, with a
dangerous weapon. It is alleged that
Ehrnreiter stabbed Etel during a fight
on Rice street, near Geranium, last Sun
day. Etel received two wounds, one in
the small of the back, close to the spine,
a-nd the other uuder the left shoulder.
He was attended by Dr. Nippert,, who
says <he injured man's condition is not
Ehrnreiter we* released on $100 bail un
til Monday.
No artificial preservatives in the pure,
sparkling, delicious and healthful Jung's
Beer. Paul Martin, 262 Jackson street.
Telephone, 207 Main.
Prof. Richard G. Moulton to Be
Heard ai Park Church.
The New Century club has arranged a
course of four free lectures on "The
Bible," to be given at the Park Congre
gational church, the first one next Sun
day night. ."P'rot Richard G. Moulton,
scholar, Shakespearean student and lit
terateur, will deliver the course, which
will include among his subjects "Eccle
siastics," "Job" and "Moses." Prof.
Moulton hag been delivering a course of
lectures in Minneapolis, which have been
largely attended.
Prof. Moulton Is an Englishman and a
Cambridge man, with a national reputa
tion in this country as an authority on
the Bible. The Century club desires and
Invites all persons interested to attend
the lectures.
(let a case of "Jung's Extra N Brew." if
you wish a fine strength builder. Tele
phone, Main 207. Paul Martin, manager.
Walkinft to Chicago.
Buntaro Kumagai, a private in the Jap
anese army in the China-Japan war, was
a caller on President Bridgman, of Ham
line university, yesterday. He said he
waa walking from Seattle to Chicago,
where he has friends that have agreed
to give him an English education.
— m ■
New York $17.00 by the SOO LINE.
loss of Appetite.
Hersf oNs fieid Phosphate
Strsngthenff ttifc stevnaen anti creates
a good orv&etlte for food.
Genuine beoft niiSe Horsf ord'» or wrapper.
w—EtTPtir — Tiy^aETW- ' J wwrai w wnrnnwi
They Thlnlt the State Board Has
the Power to Make F.K-rplloni !
Where There In a Manifest liijun
tice to the Merchants Involved
In the WorLins of tin* Ten Per
Cent Bond Requirement.
A delegation of Minneapolis commission
men were before the state railroad and
warehouse commission yesterday for In
formation concerning the Grlndeland bill
and further enlightenment. Several ap- |
plications for blanks were made, and the
question of the amount of the bond waa
again brought up. It is contended now,
both by the commission men and by many
prominent members of the bar, that the
10 per cent clause Is an lnjuattoe. The
duty of fixing the amount of the required
bond rests with the commission, accord-
Ing to the terms of the law.
The question was raised that, under
the circumstance.-:, the requirements were
unjust, and that since the law fixed the
duty of regulating the amount of the
bond upon the commission, It was empow
ered to mako exceptions, and upon an in
spection and the production of satisfac
tory evidence, could modify the require
ments where an injustice was apparent.
The commissioners" were of the opinion
that the method of arbitrarily fixing a
bond requirement, to be met by a dozen
diversified classes of commission men,
was unsatisfactory. Commisisoner Rlng
dal was of the opinion that upon the
production of a company's books, or oth
er conclusive evidence, the commission
could make a modification In the 10 per
cent clause, and fix the bond in a safe
and reasonable sum.
Specifications for Gas and Electric
Lighting: Arc Accepted.
The specifications for gas and electric
street lighting for next year, as adopted
by the board of aldermen Tuesday night,
were concurred in at the meeting of the
assembly last evening. Attorney Carl
Taylor, representing the gas company,
explained the changes. There had been a
misunderstanding, he said, at the meeting
of the aldermen, when the statement wa3
made that the city, If the specifications
were adopted, would have to pay $27 per
lamp per year. The contract price per
lamp would be $23, and to this would have
to be added about $2 for interest on gas
mains and posts on each lamp in service.
As there would be only an increase of
twenty arc lights next year, and half
of this number would be In public parks,
there would be no removals of gas
lamps and consequently no charge for re
movals. It had also been stated at the
present meeting of the aldermen that the
city was paying more for gas than pri
vate consumers. He read from statistics
presented at the meeting of the League
of American Municipalities figures show
ing that, on the basis of 20,000 cubic f«et
consumed in each lamp, and the cost of
maintenance at $9.40 per lamp, the city
was getting its light at the rate of 80
cents per 1,000 feet, while private con
sumers were paying $1.30.
Assemblyman Albrecht opposed the
adoption of the specifications for the rea
son that the legal department of the city
had advised against the changes.
If the city, as a matter of fact, was to
pay the gas company $27 or $25 per lamp,
it was well to let the public know the ex
act price to be paid. For years th« city
had been masquerading under the con
tract which called for $23 per lamp, while
as a matter of fact the price, including
the interest, was nearer $27 than $23 per
year. Minneapolis was getting gas for
its lamps at $1 per 1,000 feet, and St. Paul
was paying more than other cities. If
the specifications would raise the price
per lamp to ?27 he was in favor of the
public knowing It.
Attorney George C. Squires, speaking
for the gas company, said Mr. A'brecht
was mistaken in saying the lamps cost
the city $27 per year.
Mr. Albrecht, In reply, contended that
because the representatives of the gas
company stated that the cost of mainte
nance was $9.40 per lamp, was no reason
It was so. In Minneapolis the cost of
maintenance was $7, which was $2 less
than In St. Paul. It was plain that if
the city paid $23 per lamp for lighting
and $2 additional for interest on each
live post, the price would be $25 per lamp,
besides the charge of $4 for removals.
Corporation Attorney Markham stated
that there could be but one bid sub
mitted for lighting the city with gas and
electric lights, and this condition would
prevail as long as the city was forced
to let the contract for no longer period
than one year. There had been talk of
a charter commission, and, if there was
one, the charter should be modified so
as to allow lighting contracts for a pe
riod of years. This would allow other
firms to come Into the city and compete.
So long as the present conditions existed
the gas company could dictate terms. He
advised that the Interest clause be elim
inated, and the company should bid a
price per lamp which would cover all ex
Assemblyman Benson took the ground
that there was no need of adopting speci
fications on which the gas company
would not submit bids. If the council
wanted to use Incandescent gasoline
lamps, instead of gas, advertise for pro
posals for this kind of lighting. If the
city wanted gas and electric lighting, then
adopt specifications which the gas com
pany would make a bid on. The specifi
cations, as adopted by the board, were
agreed to by a vote of 6 to 2, Messrs. Al
brecht and Thompson voting in the nega
tive. The resolution directing the city
clerk to advertise for bids, to be opened
Dec. 7, for gas and electric lighting, was
passed by a vote of 7 to 1, the only nega
tive vote being Mr. Albrecht. President
Dlx was absent.
The award of the contract for gasoline
lighting to the American Development
company at $16.56 per lamp was agreed to
by a vote of 7 to 1, Mr. Albrecht voting
In the negative.
An ordinance directing the street rail
way company to extend Its Lafayette
and Rondo line, on Maryland avenue,
from Greenbrier to Earl streets, was pre
sented by Assemblyman Nelson. Assem
blyman Benson moved a suspension of the
rules and the passage of the ordinance,
but Messrs. Craig and Warner objected.
Mr. Nelson explained that the line would
be a great convenience to the people liv
ing in the district and the new German
Lutheran cemetery. There could be no
objection on the part of the company.
A motion to refer to the committee on
streets was lost by a tie vote, and the
motion to suspend the rules did not re
ceive the necessary two-thirds vote, so
the ordinance went to the committee,
with the specifications for the new police
alarm system.
Jung's Beer goes "right to the spot."
It Is brewed in the good old German
way. Absolutely no impurities. 262 Jack
son street. Telephone. Main 207.
Three Small Blaaea.
The fire department was called to the
home of Martin Flood. 698 Otsego street,
yesterday afternoon to extinguish a small
blaze caused by a spark from a stove.
The spark flew to a sofa and set the up
holstering afire. The damage was slight.
Fire slightly damaged the roof of the
residence of M. F. Kennedy, 315 Dayton
avenue yesterday afternoon.
A chimney fire called part of the fire
department to a dwelling on Cedar street, '
opposite the court house, last evening:. «
New York $17.09 by the 300 LINE.
Field, Schlick & Co.
We will place on sale today over 2,000 pieces of Imperfect Table Linens
of all kinds — Table Cloths, Lunch Cloths and Napkins. Now every one of
these shows a manufacturer's imperfection of some kind— imperfect weaving,
dropped threads, cut selvedge or a drop of oil from the machine. If these im
perfect parts are carefully darned the article will wear as long as any linen that
ever left the looms.
We will make prices low enough to close out the
entire lot in a single day.
TABLE CLOTHS. 125 Damask Linen Table Cloths, bordered all
around. 2 yards wide, 2\ t 3 or 3£ yards long. If perfect <H 4 r~ r\
prices would be $3.50, $4.00. $4.50 and $5.00. Choice of \ 1 *-\| I
this lot for Vj/ > +>J\J
TABLE CLOTHS. 300 Damask Linen Table Cloths. <X <f f\f\
bordered all around, 2 yards wide and 2 yards long. If perfect ft 1 Ijl I
they would sell for $2.00 and $2.50. This lot will go at *r * ♦^V/
LUNCH CLOTHS. 450 Damask Linen Lunch Cloths. 54
inches square. If perfect they would sell readily at $1.25, $1.50 f\^\n
and $1.75. Take your pick today for \J^JK,
LUNCH CLOTHS. 300 Fringed Damask Linen Lunch •
Cloths. 5 feet wide and 6 feet long. If perfect the lowest prices f\^(*
would be $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. This whole lot will go at \J>J^>
NAPKINS. About 600 Damask Linen Napkins, full y B^H *1
sizes, which would sell up to $2.50 a dozen if perfect. We'll sell them In
by the dozen or singly at, each . . *
NAPKINS. 525 Damask Linen Napkins, full %\% sizes, which f\
would sell all the way from $3.00 to $4.50 a dozen if perfect. These W/*
will be sold by the dozen or singly at, each x W
Now we repeat. All of these Cloths and Napkins show manufacturer's
imperfections. But think of the next-to-nothlng prices. The sale will begin at
9 o'clock and we propose to close out every single piece -today.
Field G*i\
In One Place the Indictment Charges
Him With Seeking the Death of
Justice Smith, In Another With
Planning to Kill Miller, Whom
He Did Shoot— His Arraignment Is
Fred E. Guion, charged with the mur
der of James Miller, appeared before
Judge Bunn yesterday, in the district
court, accompanied by John H. Ives, his
attorney, who filed a demurrer to the In
dictment. The matter was set for hear
ing at special term tomorrow.
The demurrer is based on two grounds
one that it is not sufficiently direct in
setting forth whether the killing of Miller
was premeditated, or whether there was
a premeditated design on the part of the
defendant to kill Joseph Smith. The
other objection was based on the claim
that the indictment charged two' offenses,
the killing of Miller bji premeditated de
sign and also with killing Miller with a
premeditated design against the life of
Joseph Smith.
The formal arraignment of Guion was
delayed at the request of counsel.
State Game and Fish Commission
Complete* Season's Work.
The Minnesota game and fish commis
sion has Just completed the annual dis
tribution of nsh fry in the rivers and
lakes of the state, and no more young
fish will be shipped from the hatchery
until next spring.
In round numbers the commission has
placed 2,500,000 trout fry, nearly 1,000,000
pike, 275,000 croppies and 52,000 bass.
With this distribution the commission
still has on hand over 500,000 trout eggs
that are being hatched and an equal
number of the other varieties.
Owing to the continued high water In
the spring the distribution this year is
materially less than in the past. The
Mississippi river was on the rampago
three times, and during the period when
the commission usually accomplishes the
best results. The water was so disturbed
and high in Pike river that the commis
sion was unable to secure the usual sup
ply of young pike from that point, and
there was a corresponding scarcity of
bass, owing to the disturbed condition of
the Mississippi.
Executive Agent Beutner stated yester
day that the commission would attempt
to blast the rocks out of Pike river, east
of Vermillion lake, at the point where
the fish are usually netted and stripped
of their eggs. Last spring the rushing
torrent made it an impossibility to cap
ture the fish, as the river Is full of large
rocks. A few days' work with dynamite
will clear a space large enough to per
mit the use of nets in case the water
again reaches the high-wat^r mark.
The great bulk of the fry were placed
In Wlnona and St. Louis counties. The
former county has perhaps the greatest
number of improved trout streams of any
locality in the state. The North shore
of Lake Superior is also noted for its
secluded retreats for the gamy trout and
has perhaps more streams than Winona
county, but few of them have been stock
ed previous to this yoar. Mr. Beutner
reports that a great many applications
have been received for fry from St. Louis
county, and an unusually large number
of fish have been put in the north shore
streams. "The commission," said Mr.
Beutner yesterday, "is paying particular
attention to trout culture, as It was pri
marily organized to keep the streams
stocked with trout. We have several
thousand breeders at the hatchery and
rely upon these entirely for our supply.
"Taken right through, fishing has not
been particularly good this year, as the
water has been very high.
"The open season on deer closed Mon
day; tomorrow the five days' time for get
ting the game out of the woods expires.
Owing to the absence of snow, hunters
have not been as successful as they
would. If they had been able to track the
game. I only know of one moose being
brought into Duluth. It weighed 1,500
pounds. Moose are, however, quite plen
tiful in Lake and St. Louis counties, but
as soon as the shooting begins they travel
far into the interior."
Boston $19.00 by the SOO LINE.
Remember that name when you -want a
delicious, appetizing, nourishing food
drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by
all grocers and liked by all who have used
It. Grain-O ie made oi pure grain, it aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves. It
Is not a stimulant but a health builder
and the children as well as the adults can
drink Jt with grreat beneßt. Costs about
y, as much as coffee. 15c and 25c per
i. package. Ask your grocer for Grain-O.
II OF 111
62 East 7»h Streat, St. Paul.
Mnud WorthinKton's Sentence for
Having Two Hnabaud ...
During the past twelve years Maria
Bentley, alias Maud Worthlngton. haa
had four husbands to whom she was le
gally united, as she told Judge Bunn yes
terday in the district court, where she
appeared for sentence on a conviction for
bigamy. When, after telling her story,
the court decided that, in view of palliat
ing circumstances, six months in the pen
itentiary would wipe out the offense
against society, Mrs. Bentley gracefully
thanked the judge.
The prisoner told the court that she
was twenty-six years old, and born In
Cedar Rapids, 10., where she was turned
out to shift for herself at the age of six.
Consequently she had never gone to
school. When she was fourteen she em
barked for the first time upon the sea
of matrimony by marrying Mr. Bentley,
who died about a year later. Her next
husband was one Worthington, who se
cured a Dakota divorce. The third on the
list was Joe Holzern, a Minneapolis
young man, who eventually received a
workhouse sentence for drunkenness.
Left to her own resources, Mrs. HoJ
zern became 01 and then Pasquale San
tillo came upon the seen* 1 . He paid bills
and attended to the nursing, and when
Mrs. Holzern recovered he told her that
Holzern's workhouse sentence invalidated
the marriage. Warmly he urged his suit.
and the result was that Mrs. Holzern was
made Mra. Santillo by Court Commission
er Gallick. Holzern and Santillo were
both in court when sentence was pro
nounced. Both profess to still care for
their erring wife.
It Will Be Attended by Maaoitir and
Other Organizations.
Paladin Commandery No. 21, Knights
Templar; Osman temple, Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine; Constellation chapter.
Order of the Eastern Star, and the Sona
of the American Revolution will all at
tend In a body the funeral of the late
Col. R. T. Flournoy, which will be held
this morning at 10:30 from the family
residence. Summit place ana Dayion ave
The Masonic organizations will meet a)
the Masonic Temple at 9 o'clock, and the
funeral will be under Masonic auspices.
R.'v. W. W. Everts, of Woodland Parli
Baptist church, will officiate.
New York $17.00 by the SOO LINE.
public guardians
A A prominent New York
official said the general
use of the telephone had
made the task of efficient
ly protecting life and prop
erty over 50 per cent
Te ephoning in cases of fire, acci
dent or burglary has become a recog
nized necessity.
Every well regulated household has
a telephone.
Have you one in your home?
e #""°^S»>l CdRI TCBRSfIFf
J •tttIKWX I Un> Big 6 for uur.aUral
y /ia iio ft i»j«.\ I dlkchaigW, lufliamiatioda,
ftff-rf G*»r»a<««* \J trrltoliomt or ulc«r»tlont
JvSjH ■•* "° »•"•*■*•• of nine out membrsMS.
!E^3r™ vtllu «»»*H«ob. Paialoes, and not uh4a-
VotAIfHEEyANaGKEtttOAi-Co. * <>Nt or prfaoaoiu.
\\« KCm«ATI.O.£"~I ** w fe y Praflglsss.
V VO.S. A. 7 Tor «ent In plain wrapper
JW -^oAI *>* exprew, prepaid. fo€
">iU * .00, or » bottle*. 18. 74.
T^~*w. in v Oircatetf MM *a n«Uft