Newspaper Page Text
SEWS OF RAILROADS NORTH KRX PACIFIC DIVISION SU PKHIN TENDE\TS COVKK Tl'K ENTIRE LIKE POSTING THEMSELVES A BIT They lln\e Come From Portland, MuUinu Daylight Runs to I'amil lari/. . ; Themselves With the En tire Sjste ■«— Frederick. C. Hills Loses Ills Life Through a Piece of I i!.>-ii'<isne.<t<i. Tho Northern Pacific division Buperin t« ntlents, who have been making em east ward tour of Inspection over the lines of the comr.any, reached St. l\iul yester day from Winnipeg. The parly was ac companied from Portlaiul by General Su perintends ,i Kimberly and Assistant General Superintendent VV. G. Pearce, of Tacoma. Those who made the trip Were I'ivis ..n Superintendents E. J. Pear son, TacoHaa; p. \y. Gilbert. Spokane; Charles I&ujseili Missoula; H. J. Horn, Liviaisßtani - Btwm Kline. Glendlve, Mont.; C. J. Nelson. Jamestown, N. D. ; George W. Vanderslfce, Winnipeg, Man.; B. C. Blam iutnl. Dulutli. and A. E. Law. of Minn, apolis. The party left Portland a week- ago Thursday, making a daylight run east ward and stopping nights at principal points along the line. The tour was or ganized by the general superintendent and his assistants in the West, for the purpose of familiarizing the division su perintend-. n:s with the condition of the lino, facilities at transfer and division points, and for the purpose of gaining such other Information of value as is af forded by a thorough inspection trip. Stops were made at Tacoma, Spokane, lilssoula, Glendlve, Livingston. James town, Winnipeg; Du'.uth and other points. The party will spend the day in the cit ies. Inspecting the terminals here, and the larger number will leave for the West again tonight on the coast train. CUTTING COAST KATES. The Published Tariff Doesnt Seem t<t He the .Standard. In spite of the constant denials entered by the Northern Pacific concerning the 3t sm reports of transcontinental rate troubles, the road was represented by stant General Passenger Agent Charl ton in a ses-slon held in Portland this week, to effect a settlement of present troubles. The general officers of the road still deny that there are any Western rate troubles, but daily telegrams keep coming in from the coast to the contrary. Advices from Chicago yesterday state that tickets had been found there sold by one of the coast lines, Seattle to Chi cago, at a rate of $W each. Six were captured in a bunch. Mo tickets have been on sale at the Western offices of the coast lines at reduced rates, but all the roads have been marketing their trans portation riutsiete at exceptionally low rates. No settlement of the trauble seems immediate yec R.YIMIOAD MAX'S DEATH. Frederick C. Hills (he Victim of a Hit of Carelessness. Gl> iger Frederick C. Hills, of the Sioux City & Western, is dead at Sioux City. The news was received in St. Paul in the form of a telegram to his \ -Mrs. D. 3. Elliott. Death was oc casioned by a particularly sad accident, the result -of carelessness upon the part of the cook in the Hills home. In order t«> kill rats, the cook mixed arsenic with breakfast food, and in preparing the morning meal Thursday made a mistake and cooked the wrong pan of food. Both Mr. Hills and his wife partook of the dish, and he was almost imme diately siezed with a severe illness. He died shortly after noon. Frederick C. Hills was fifty-five years old and a well known figure in Western railroad circles. During the past fifteen years he has been a frequent visitor in St. Paul, an,] is well known,. He was at one time receiver for the Pacific Short Line, and previously president and general manager of the Sioux City & Northern. He was also general superintendent or the St. Paul & Sioux City before it was merged into the Omaha system. Kiekauoo Valley Line Sold. S^t^Kß'S GROVE, Wls., Xov 24.- Ihe Kickapoo Valley railroad was sold at auction to the Western Wisconsin Rail road company, by Horace A. J. Fphani acting for the bondholders, for $520,95155* -me road runs from Wauzeka, Crawford ? fl ° U f& tO La F -f rse - Vernon county and is fifty-one miles long. The officers of the tow company are: President. Horace A Ipham; vice president, William E Black; secretary, Charles F. McClur treasurer. Charles W. Norrts. all of Mill •Raukeo; general manager. Norman W James, of Rich land Center, and superb tendent. W. H. Thompson, of Wauzeka Popular Official. Charles Mortality, who has recently re signed his position as roadmaster of tho Cascade division of the Great Northern was banqueted in Tacoma Thursday night by his associates in the employ of in road, and presented with a magnificent diamond stud, a heavy gold watch and chain anrl a traveling grip, as tokens of their esl -..„,. He left yesterday for Alaska to take charge of his new duties &" Yuko m roadmaster of the White p"S Pushimg the Track laying. -Tracklaying on the Mankato & New I \.l ni connecting branch of the Minneapolis <* St. Loui 3 b is being pushed with great rapidity owing to the "ap proach of cold weather. Rails were laUi yesterday to a point within two mile Blue Earth river, and it is expected that the steel will be laid complete by the first of the week. J c HonieseekerV Rate*. Northwestern roads have appointed E £. McL>eod, chairman of the Western fhTvT.H ***"***ta*i A. L. Cairns, of the Northwestern, and A. F. Merrill of the Milwaukee, as a committee to inves tigate the troubles over homeseekers 1 rates and devise a plan to prevent their recurrence. The committee will review the year as a whole, and not In sections as has been the previous plan, in order to form a satisfactory estimate of the rations* 8 ° n ICh tO base their calcu- » -£^. JS «I« ifcji n I . Bears the ,$ The Kind You Have Always Bought Sigiutiire Sp S/$/? f /T~ of Proceedings in Bankruptcy. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, District of Minnesota, Third Division. In the Matter of \ Charles \,. Horst, \ In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. \ NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS To the creditors of Charles L. Horst, of the City of St. Paul, In the "County of Ramsey and District aforesaid, a bank rupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 24th ctay pf November, A. D. 1899. the said Charles L. Horst was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held at No. 411 Germe nia Life Building. St. Paul, Minn. on the 6th day of November, A. D 1899 at 1 o-clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove t i?ir ■claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before paid meeting. MICHAEL DORAN JR - u _ Referee in Bankruptcy Harvey .Officer, Attorney for Bankrupt Si. Paul, Minn. "*• POPULAR WANTS AGENTS AND AGENCIES. BANKERS' LIFE ASSOCIATION AS eets, JS50.000; largest, strongest, beat Minnesota life company; wants capable agents; gives producers every assist ance. Address Douglas Putnam. 8«c --reta ry. St. Paul. SALARIES or commission paid for sell ins: the best winter seller on the mar ket. Address H. G. Colman. Kalamazoo. Mich. HEI? WANTED — MALES. A MAX TO CLEAN and take dally care of a large business office; work to be done before S o'clock in the morning; no one without references or experience need apply. F 193, Globe. SALESMAN— Energetic salesman: school supplies; country work; $100 salary and extras. R. Q. Evans & Co., Chicago, lIL W LNTED— Men to loam barber trade. Only eight weeks required. Posi tions positively guaranteed. We have places lor 500 barbers Jan. 1. Come now and complete for these jobs. No ex pense to learn if you will work for us. Call or write at once. Moler Barber College. 202 Washington ay. south. Mln neapolls. T?oT^sT?w?)m£^A^^ general housework; must be a good cook. Call at C 92 HoPy ay. HOUSEWORK— GirI for general house work; small family, no children 610 __ Pine st. WANTED— Ladies to learn hair dress ing and manicuring by mall or at college. Four weeks com pletes. Special instructions, practical experience, positions guaranteed. Call or write. Moler College. 202 Washing __t on ay. south. Mi tinea pol ia^ FINANCIAL. ]Y| -$10, $20, $30. $40. $50, $100 TO LOAN Oon furniture, pianos, household goods, etc., without removal. Loans [^ can be paid in Installments, reduc ing cost accordingly. Promptness, C. privacy and lowest rates. Guar y anty Loan Company, 201 Man -1 hattan Building. Robert and Fifth. LOANS on furniture, pianos, etc., with out removal from residence; call for rates; confidential: private offices. Min nesota Mortgage Lean Co.. 317 Pioneer Press Bldg. liONKz* loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with reliable con cerns, upon their own names; call and get terms and plan of lending; easy payments; confidential. 117 Pioneer Press Bldg. MONEY JLOANSD on life policies; or bought. L. P. Van Norman. Guaranty Bulging. Minneapolis. W?. TO C PER CENT MONEY, with the on or before" privilege, to loan on *<n- Droved property in St. Paul and Mlnn«- RDolis. R. M. Newport & Son. Pioneer Press building. St. Paul. 6 AND 6 PKH CENT MONEY to loan on improved property in St. Pau) and Min neapolis. V. C. Gllman. New York Lifa building. REAL ESTATE. R. EM. LAWTON 350 Cedar Street, Opposite Court House. Don't fail to call and see me at once. I can sell you a lot or house at one-half cost, terms to suit. Don't delay as prices are going up. Keep your money out of banks and let me loan it on absolutely safe Real Estate Security. BOOMS FOE RENT. ROOMS— At Hotel Fey. corner Cedar aud Seventh, furnished rooms by the day 'or week: steam heat and bath: traxi- B)?nt trade solicited. FRANKLIN, 361 NORTH— Corner Fifth— Four large nice furnished rooms; $3 to $7 per month; one large front room, ground floor. JACKSON ST.. 598— Nicely furnished front room on first floor; suitable for either one or two; private family. PINE ST., 581— For rent, large front alcove room, nicely furnished; all mod ern conveniences; private family. FOB SALE. FOR SALE— One standing desk; very cheap. C. R. Groff Company, 194 East Third. FIELD GLASS $10, originally cost $30. very powerful, equal to new, not a cheap affair, but best French make; will send it for examination. Address Box 3tt2, Cincinnati, O. WANTED— To sell a very fine old violin, valued at $5,000; will sell at a great sacrifice. For particulars address J Barrett, 361 Stryker ay.. St. Paul, Minn. . — _ — HORSES AND CARRIAGES. LUMBERMEN. TAKE NOTICE— From SOO to 500 head of heavy logging and draft horses, weighing from 1,600 to 1.800 pounds, are always kept in stock, with fresh consignments received dally, at Barrett & Zimmerman's Horse Mar ket. Minnesota Transfer. St. Paul Minn. INSTRUCTION. SCHOLARSHIP in oldest business college in city; value, $50; six months, any course; will sell for $25 cash. Address R 174. Globe. MEDICAL. J-m. HALLiDAY'S BLOOD PURIFIIiiI ' cures all diseases of the blood, whether ' of recent or remote origin, such as rheumatism, erysipelas, old sore 3, ca . tarrh, kidney and urinary diseases, fe male complaints, general debility and nervous exhaustion. For sale by all diugglsts. Office. 374 East Seventh st St. Paul. DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women; have never had a sin gle failure; longest cases relieved in two to five days without fail; no pain no danger; no interference with work by mail or office, $2; all letters truth fully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co., 167 Dearborn St., Room 614 Chi cago. 111. LADIES— Free, harmless monthly regu lator: cannot fail. Mrs. B. Rowan R 93. Milwaukee. Wls. ELITE BATH and massage by a French lady at 320 St. Peter st. Telephone 1935-5 Main. T. H BLY, M. D.. specialist In all month ly irregularities; cure guaranteed; finest private home in central west for women before and during sickness. Out of town parties write 27 Fourth st. south Minne apolis, room 8, third floor. SgfJSj MASSAGE. MADAM LAURETTA'S massage and bath parlors; swellest in Twin Cities one call means_another. 319 Jackson st' MRS HATTIE SMlTH~ma^etlc mas e^n St 9 V., C^rd re g g - * EaSt 9ev - THE MANY CURES Effected by my treatment is proof of its absolute superiority over all others. Auy man sufferluK from nerTous debility, pbytioal weakness or auy wftgtinK disease resulting from yonihful errors, excesses or exposure, can be assured of s.peedy relief and a permanent cure by my modern rem edies. This grand treatment stops drains and losses, purifies the blood, restores the nerves and -.^-^^ reolaces energy, power and J§£ O^ vigor. CcasuUatlon free and §Utf> mM \ stricily confidential. Call or SB 1 write for question list. My X jS&tim borne treatment cures even the lw*^ss ra w <>«t cases. Hours: 9a. m W&RBBtm lo 8 p - m - Sunday, 10 i m to 12 m. *#! J?J?" W A T ATT ' GHfilffiib^Bfisß rUnneapoU*. ninn ' THE ST. PAUI* GLOBE* SATURDAY,, NOVEMBER 25, 1899. POPULAR WANTS SITUATIONS WANTED— MALES. Anybody oat of work In St. Paul or Minneapolis may Insert an adver tisement under this beading fre* Of cbnrjf*. "AS A MAN EATETH. SO IS HE."— Eat clean, nourishing: food at a penny a dish at the Helping Hand Mission, 143 East Third at. ATTORNEY— Thirty-flve years old, non commissioned officer and regimental clerk, late war, desires office position, railroad or otherwise; stranger in city, with family; references Al. H. ( 285 Nor ris st. ASSISTANT ENGINEER — Situation wanted as assistant engineer by young man; four years' experience with high speed automatic engines and dynamo. P 196. Globe. BILL CLERK— An A 1 railroad bill clerk wants situation. \V. J. R., 574 Aurora ay. BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, situation by competent bookkeeper; best of ref _ erences and bond, 378 Pleasant ay. COOK— Situation wanted by experienced meat cook; hotel or restaurant; first class references. Address E., 237 Rondo St.. St. Paul. COOK— First-class meat and pastry, city or country. L. J. Webster, general de livery, St. Paul. Minn. CLEANLINESS is Godliness. Free baths. Free laundry. Clean bed 10c. Free reading room. Free gospel every even ing. Helping Hand Mission, 145 East Third st. _ EMPLOYMENT— Honest young man of 19 wants work of any kind. Address A. M., JS7 Danfil st. EMPLOYMENT— Young man of twenty wishes work of some kind; would like work at once; is honest and industrious; references furnished If wished. Ad dress E. W. C, 539 Robert st. EMPLOYMENT— A good boy of eighteen years would like work of some kind; best of references, etc. Address 133*4 East Eleventh st. EMPLOYMENT — Situation wanted by young man who is willing to do any kind of honest work. Address J 183, Globe. ENGINEER, who Is capable of taking charge of any engine room or steam plant, electric light or any factory plant; able to do any machine work; nine years' practical experience; able to furnish good references; I will guar antee satisfaction, economically and mechanically. Z 154. Globe. FINISHER— Wanted, work by an expe rienced hard wood finisher. Address E. P., 683 Jackson st., St. Paul. HORSEMAN— Middle-aged man wants work in private family; experienced" horseman, careful driver; good refer ences; doctor preferred. L., 60 East Seventh st KITCHEN WORK— Young man wishes work in kitchen. Address A. G., 479 Wabasha. OFFICE WORK— Young man nineteen years old, good references, business college graduate, good penman, accurate at figures, wants position as assistant bookkeeper or any office work. Address C. R. Trempe, 206 West Third st.. Room 4t. St. Paul. Minn. OFFICE BOY— Boy sixteen years old wants position as office or message boy Apply 137 Smith ay. ° OFFICE WORK-Wanted, position In of fice Ot; store by experienced youth of sixteen; can furnish best of references E 191. Globe. OFFICE BOY— Wanted, by a boy sixteen years old, a job as office or errand boy. Address 136 West Fourth st. OFFICE WORK afternoon and Satur days wanted by experienced office boy who has a knowledge of shorthand W 193, Globe. OFFICE WORK— A man thoroughly ex perienced in office work, shorthand and typewriting desires position. Address J., i 63 Dayton ay. PAINTER and paperhanger wants work; nave tools for job work. Painter, 430 _\\_abasha st. PAlNTEß— Situation wanted, by a first^ class painter and paperhanger; twenty years 1 experience; will work cheap for the winter. Address Painter, 397 Rosa bel st. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMAIE3 Anybody out of work In St. Paul or Minneapolis may Insert an adver* tiicaicnt under this heading free of ctaarce. BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, position in an office: competent assistant bookkeeper; by lady. Address Miss G., 1712 First ay. a., Minneapolis. CASHIER— Young lady wants position as cashier in restaurant or clerk in gro cery store. Address P 188, Globe. CLERK— Wanted, by bright, intelligent young lady, position as clerk in any kind of store; Rood references furnish ed. S. M. M., 31 Thomson ay. COOK— Position wanted by a competent cook, with city references. Call or ad dress Monday, 917 Payne. DRESSMAKER wants sewing in fami lies, cutting and fitting. Call or ad dress 315 East Seventh st., third floo r. DRESSMAKER wants sewing In famT lies; cutting and fitting. Call or address 315 East Seventh st.. third floor. DRESSMAKER— An experienced drea3 maker wants sewing by the day in families. Call or address 312 Louis st. DRESSMAKER desires sewing In familyT 584 Dale st. GENERAL WORK wanted in family where there are no children. 171 SL Anthony ay. HOUSEWORK— GirI would like to do general housework. Call at 288 Rich mond st., up stairs. St., Minn. HOUSEKEEPER— A laity would Bke a position as housekeeper. Call 474 Ea~t Eighth st. POSTTTON-A youns lady desires poai tion in doctor's or dentist's office. 759 Iglehan St., city. STENOGRAPHER — An experienced stenographer desires position, either permanent!; or temporarily; can assist on books p.nd general office work- refer ences. 601 Selby ay. STENOGRAPHER - Lady stenographer desires work;* four years' experience best of references. Address Stenog rapher, 397 Grove st STRONG Danish girl, newcomer, wishes position (SS); also experienced German nurse. Inquire German-American Era ployment, IPS East Seventh. w . ASHIN £r- Wanted work; woman would like washing or ironing and houseclean jgf •w r e,t n &5h d ,t C ! f day ™*_*» m "■ WASHING - Worr an wants to go out S B Th?ma??ty,5 n ,ta^ Ulle Cieanln * WAITRESS-Wanted, by a competent waitress dining-room work at once Call at 43a Jackson St., N. Pixley. WASHING— A German lady would like to take washing at home. Call or ad dress M. W.. 809 Mississippi st. WASHING— A competent~woman wants *?JI O out washing or day work of any kind. Call or address 118 Martin st Room s. • WASHING— Woman wishes to take in washing or go out. M. G. 219 EaVt Fourteenth st. ' a3t BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE— Farm implement business i\ ? ne °£ *\° nh Dakota's best towns. Address G. Bros.. Globe. PATENT-Fo-.- -ale. r>Bt^^lTo~mu^Z sued Feb H, 1899. cutters foV biscuits cakes, etc: rortune in it. Address W* A. Hooks, Mac on. < ; ) CHIROPODISTS. LOCKWOOD'B Good Luck Salve; beat w tP^for Bore feet; all druggists; estab lished sixteen years. WATCHES. ißtfiiattx^ F. H. Harm' foVjjfc j£ POPULAHJIANTS MINES AXD MIXING. WWWVVV > yv < > NO SUCCESS EQUAL \ *< ' TO THE SALE OF 4 ' | > SUSQUEHANNA PLACER GOLD ] | < i MINE FIRST MORTGAGE DI- 1 ) ; VIDEND BE^RIjNG CERTIFI- < | < ; c^t^s. ! ; <> 400.000 sold m^cme week The *[ < , limit Is 2.500.000; 200,000 sold at 2 ( , < , cents first four" days; 100,000 loft at 5 ' , < , cents each. Them- 500,000 at 8 cents * > > then 500,000 at 10 cents, then 500, tM) ( . c at \2 x /t cents, then the flnal 500.000 at ' < y 15 cents. Hurry up your orders If ; • < ( want to get In on the 5 cent Issue" ! > < , The mine Is located on Hughes < ' < , Creek, Lemhi county. Idaho It < ' ; - contains 160 acres, pr 8.000,000 cubic 4 ' < ► yards of placer; gravel, estimated < 4 by the expert to run from $1 to $3 < ' i a yard, or a total of n2.000.0C0. < ' < ! The American, "Mmlng Investment < ' < ( Company, which row owns the < ' s mine, estimates the output at < i > $8,000,000. or 132 for each dollar in- < , , [ vested, within tsree. years. < , 3' EXPERT'S REPORT '! , ' Professor W. S. Eberman, for * > «r many years state chemist of the < state of Minnesota, has thoroughly i < [ experted this rich placer gold field ' » < > and among his many strong in- • < dorsements of .the great value of , ' i , the property he says: ■ > i xr" A ? OUt m feet above the cabin ■ \ I i i>o. 1. we commenced on the west ' , < ! ™£. c of tne creek to run a ditch 4 , < > This open cut was extended up the * i -, ' creek about 400 feet, and at the lat- * . ; ' ter point «. shaft was sunk i < i 'The distance to bed rock at this < < place was about 17 or 18 feet The < ' I , character of the gravel at the < ! 4 i ? ha . ft J™ 3 firs t alluvium for about < < , W Inches. We then encountered a * , ' > £^ m Int ermlxed with boulders ' ■ < > which were easy to handle, this ' < , stratum continued for 10 feet we ' • < , then came to quartz sand! ! » ► scnfstone and some pine clay > , FROM THE TOP ALL THE W\Y > J; DOWN THE GRA VET PROS- 5 < I PECTED WELL. Ri'NNTW i ' < , FROM TWO TO THREE CEN"T«? < ' ■ t PER PAN. OR AN AVERAGE OF < I , $2 PER CTTBTr YARD. THERE « : WERE FTVE SR\FtS SINK ON < C THE PROPERTY AND EA.CH < ! Jj CARRIED . ABOUT THE SAME ![ ' » "THE R VRS HA.YE BEEV < ! ► TUNNELED AND DRIFTED < ; WTTH F-v-c-t LEN^ rvc,t'tt« <' I THE GRAVEL AT RANSACK !» <* I^s A^ TD OULCH CARITTES ! -I ™g* $2 TO $3 PER CUBIC !| ' ■ thl F « Om th .° A first of Ma >' unt il the ! ! i , : hi fl 7 rt °, f ,. Au^ ust . Hughes creek ■ l will furnish from 8.000 to 10 000 i ► Inches of water. The company ha? < ! I vlj; l^ fOOO inches on the < . North Fork of the Salmon river * , , ' cLIPO. . i J "On the west side and at the J • m « u th of Hughes creek an open ! ' (nf t o h K S^ been , m a ade for th e ourpose « ! 1 %L% *?*, ro , ck flume - The flume is < < !??i J 6 ! 1 i n lei ? ffth and res ts on the < 5 f p O H, bed rock. It has the follow- J • tpH.i n l lon L£ n ?- is made of ma " i ' 1 nts a 1 desc , ribe <3: It is five feet ' 1 yLI ? c ear< our teet hl^ h ar -d 600 < ' 1 t?ZL in len C th - Zt is mad(i In sec- < ' S H°? s \ ° n box es. each box being <', i ' m/rt V 1 *L en *^ h - These boxe s a "c i ; , made of the best two-inch plank. » » 22 Inches wide, edges dressed and ' < ! Sit t matC n hed " The slll^ on ! * ► which the flume rests are Bxß <' J K eS> K the standards are Gxß <* J nUnt S> t b >T aced nd capped with 2x6 ; < \ Plank the entire -distance. The ' • b^^^e well fastened and an- ' * , chored to th*> bed rock * - < k Th ? cam P Is provided with ex- ! ' • eel ent quarters for the men a ' ► well arranged office, a laree din*- ' I I ing room. kitchen. sto^lroom S ! ?u e V hOU^; black^lih shoi coai ! ' he-Uhft,^ I**1 ** M ete " The Is ' j ► healthful, climate superb the > * f.^ter pure, and fish and game \ ■ < t> abound in. abundance In their se™! \*. t »*■(.» 11. j < ' «-'J T ° . assu Jf c ' •as abundance of f ► water for hydraulic purposes an I excel ent flurae of the following- d" € 1 SS? B^ ben constructed to ; 1 Eni, ,S? W , ater from tlie North ' ► Ped The flume Is battened and I' < grade is seven feet to the mile and < ' ! I ffl easily carry 2.000 inches or 50 < ! ► f«H a/i* ° f Wat6r Per socond - Th e ' ! , rail at the pressure box is 300 feet i ! « the pressure being 150 pounds to the ' ', 5 There is 2.000 feet of < ! f£,n t£ yd fl au]lc Stee! plpe inning ' 1 KcUv fed^, thls plp e »s Per- J < wt n I/ 611 anchored in the > < JuS* P° s s«We manner and wafer ' > i} s , n . The pi P c a t the pressure ' , box is 30 inches In diametef. taper! ! ! 1 'V ? ii°T n v, tO ffi * nches . and at the ► • 0 Y .14 ln ches. There are two No ' , 2 giants, with four nozzles, varying ' S from 2 to 4% Inches." < , <l _ P^ANT PAID FOR. j! j! will put 30 m!ncr.-; at work April ! < next, and will run the mine to Its ; I > full capacity of 2.500 cubic yards a J > i aa.y , or $1,200 cash output a( * < day. wlth three big dlvllnd { \ i clean-ups' next summer. It will ' J also double the capacity of The * j Plant so as to clean up the whole ' ' , mine in from three to ? five 7ea rs » • ii * ma eniftcent new hydraulic ' , Plant now on the mine 1 3 of the ! ► latest improved design. See Prof ' > Eberman's report in full. J f -J*l^N OF INVESTMENT < I C -^ he CGi:Q P ar 'y Issued a Trust < ■ > Deed covering the property ' Itl ' S Sr° d i lC^ for twen^' y ea ". and the ' | r^ant. to secur* the entire product ]> > °U th * c mms LS &***«*■ to be dN ' 5 vlded among holers of rst mort- * , > gage certificates. The total num. <, b.> r of certlf!cafp ? authorized in the 4 ' 5 trust deP-1 2.560.JW85 and theJe are J. C ls »usd and sold hi block certificates 1 < of 50, liX). 2S^ m. 500 1000 3 (Mft ' . and 8.000. and sold at the foHowinS J < prices, fixed in the trust deed- 5 ! ► s'So-^ ir- d) at , 2 cent 3• • M - w t {. dm;.(wo at o cents is; rttn < 500.000 at 8 cents.... inn^X ► < SEE NEXT COLUMN J NAWVVVVV.ISAAA iWWvwwv^ CIAIEYOYANTS. AT^AST?TTra^VTLTL^^M^h^^ o^ h , a X c arrlved - 5 » *-'c city, mediums and clairvoyants; who can be depended on, their revelations A^e wonderful- losa no time but see them at once; why suffer when help Is at hand; they can h 4 p »/°? when otners h ave failed. No 308 Market st. ALICE McBAIN. clairvoyant, tells Di3t and future; reunites the separated: 63 -ig a jt__gfyentr< st.. third floor. DON'T FAIL TO CAIIToFIiIE HITNGAEIAN GYPSY WOMAN __14JEAST_SEVENTg ST. ProG66dinQs in Bankruptcu. DISTRICT COIRT OF THE IMTED States, District of Minnesota, Thiril Division. In the Matter of \ Peter H. Van )In Bankruptcy. Hovon, Bankrupt. \ T^ NOTICE OF FIR?T itEETING OF CREDITORS. «f ♦£ C f^ ltor ? S f Peter H - Va " Hoven. of the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and District aforesaid, a bank- N £.' Cc ' s^? e reby given that on the 24th day of November. A. D. 1899. the said ",- Y ai \. Ssoven was duly adjudicated barAtru^T. and that the bSS m^ etln .f, J£ ,Ctoditors will be held at No 4u G. e rmjfnia Life Building. Paul Minn., Jjn the 6th day of Bc cember. A. D. 189fr; at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which frme the said ere* itors may atten*,: jWove their claims, appoint a trustew; examine the bank rupt and -trsnsadt> sfiich other business meet!n y proporly> { -" qme 'before said MICHAEL DORAN JR. Wo™ t>- ». R^^ rre^ c *n Bankruptcy, t™ GT f - R ' cha rdsotP. & Lawrence, At torneys for Bankrupt. National German- American Bank Building, St. Paul, Minn POPULAR WANTS MIXES A\D MlNlNG— Continued. AWVWMMM WSWW W VVV 500,000 at 10 cents 50,000 £ i[ 500.000 at 12% cents 62.500 <> <J 500,000 at 15 cents 75,000 J| <| Total to be realized $246,500 j> > The company has placed these < < ' dividend bearing first mortgage * > < ' certificates on the market at the * > <' following prices and terms: '► 1 ► Z PRICES AND TERMS J ; i, 50-share certificates for $2.50. i[ * , 100-share certificates for $5. < , < , 200-share certificates for $10. $3 < , < i down, $5 in 60 days, and $2 in 90 < . r days. Z i ' 800-share certificates for $15, $5 < > < down. $5 in 60 days, and $5 in SO S i , days. < ► <, 500-share certificates for $25. $5 S C down, and $5 a month until paid. > 1,000-share cer tinea te.s for $50, $5 <• < ' down and $5 a month till paid. < ' i ' 3,000-share certificates for $150 $10 < ► ' down and $5 a month till paid. < ! < ' 5.000-share certificates for J250, $15 i * i down and $10 a month until paid. ? < ' < ( PROBABLE PROFITS. <| < , Tt will be seen from the figures < | J that even should the total of 2,500.- S « 000 certificates be sold, realizing % < $246,500, holders of the certificates * ► < ( would realize in 1900 from 10 to ?0 ► i ( times as much as thoy invest in J > 1899. ► 4 . These certificates are sold ac- * i ' cording to the terms set forth in > 4 this advertisement, and are se- . > < ( cured by a trust deed or mortgage , > < f on the mine executed by the com- < > i f pany to the trustee, in favor of < ► j • the certificate holders, providing: * , * That all the proceeds from the < ' , ' sale of the certificates shall be paid < \ < ' over to the trustee, and one-half < < thereof to the original owner of <[ i , the mine until he has received $80.- % > 000 in a.U. According to the Trust < . > Deed the whole amount to be re- 4 * < > ceived is $246,300. of which the < [ < » first $2,000 goes for advertising, i [ i' printing, revenue stamps, etc.; $80,- <: * 000 to the original mine owner, » leaving $164,000. Of the latter > J ► amount $100,000 is to be set aside i * , » by the Trustee and deposited in a < ► i ► Trust Company bank, to be de- < > i * voted exclusively to carrying on •4 * «r mining operations. The remaining * 4 ' $64,000 is set aside for expenses. < < A copy of the trust deed is de- < > < , llvered to each certificate holder. * y (' * i < * CERTIFICATE HOLDERS' < , > MEETIN6. < < 1 The certificate holders shall meet i . i ' in the City of Minneapolis, either < ! < ' in person or by proxy, on the 10th < > * ! of July in each year during the <> > life of the trust deed, of which due > 4 ► notice will be given by the com- ) 1 t > pany to each one. and at such ] > ,> meeting the certificate holders ;► 4 > shall appoint one committee of five ! ► to examine the company's books, 9 * » one committee of five to examine X ] 1 the trustees' records, and bank ac- * \ : > counts, and they shall appoint J i < three inspectors, one a mining ex- J > pert, one an exoert accountant. % y and one of good business capabili- * y ties, who shall visit the mines and # ! ■ examine and investigate all opera- <J i I tions, methods and accounts there, 4 ' 4 ( and shall report their findings in 4 [ ( writing to an adjourned meeting or < » , to the certificate holders thrdusrh s | « , the mail, and said certificate hold- ( , ; era may adjourn to a date con- ' , < ' venient to receive said report if ' . < they choose. The expenses of said ' 1 < Inspectors to and from the mines. ' 1 < I and while there, shall be fully paid '< < by the company. < J i REPORTS. 4 > « I The company will report under J > < , oath, by its president and secre- j 1 , tary, in writing, to the certificate • , i holders, each month, beginning < , « Jan. 1, 1900, during the life of the « , 1 \ Trust Deed, and will send out ' , < p therewith the auditor's report, J 1 , through the mails.' to each and C 1 every certificate holder. < ! ; THE AUDITOR. « | , ' The auditor is not an officer or i \ , shareholder of the American Mm- C ing Investment Company, but has < > < ' been designated, with the approval * > < ' of the Company and the Trustees, * > < and he shall make a full report in * > 1 , writing under oath to. the certlfi- ! ; 1 1 cate holders at the beginning of < 1 each month as to the status of * , « the finances of the company, and ' , < I the Trustee, as to this enterprise. * > « and shall state how much money * > 4 is in each fund at the dates of his « ' I reports, how much has been paid C ', * to the original mine owner, how < ' < * much to the company for ex- < < ' penses. how much for mining op- < : , erations, etc., etc. < ( , Certificates are delivered at once C for the amount of cash paid, at ► 4 the above rates. A contract is is- > i . sued for the total number of certi- ( I < ( flcatea ordered on the option plan , 1 < , and the certificates are issued in , • i 1 any of the above denominations to ; ; 1 suit, as fast as payments are ''> 1 > made. ' 1 ' 1 No more than 5,000 certificates ' > * > will be sold to one person, \ > ' > There can be no question about , t 9 the richness of the mine. That is • ; ( , herewith established on the high- < , ' , est authority. In addition to that * > ' 1 the security given makes the cer- * , ' 1 tiflcate hereby offered to the pub- * > ' 1 lie the safest and most profitable \ i 5 quick return investment ever laid '. > ' > before the public. < > \ ■ MANAGEMENT. J ' < t AMERICAN MINING INVEST- * \ * MENT COMPANY OF MINNE- I * 1 SOTA (lncorporated>. , ' * i CAPITAL, $10,000; FULL PAID. ( ' ' > General offices. 316-317 Bank of 4 ' * > Commerce Building. Minneapolis. 4 I W. E. RICHMOND. < , 5 Bonded Trustee. 1 » ; > W. S. BRILL, of St. Paul, Presl- \ * 4 ' dent. , I <> J. W. TOUSLEY, Auditor. < * 4 ' You can invest in these certifl- 4 [ C cates now in sums from $1 up to j C $100 or $250. Call or order by mail. < ' < ', All money orders or checks must < ' * , be made payable to < < I W. E. RICHMOND, Trustee, i , * > And all letters and remittances < , 5 must be adressed to the j 1 AMERICAN MINING INVEST- j, ! ! MENT COMPANY, < , 4 * 316-317 Bank of Commerce Building, < , 4 » Minneapolis, or to 806 New York ) > < Life Building, St. Paul, Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey — District Court, Second Judi cial District. Mary Ann Murphy, Plaintiff, V 9. Win. Murphy, Defendant. The State of Minnesota to the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and requir ed to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above-entitled action, which is hereto attached and herewith served upon you, and which is on file !n the office of the Clerk of said Court, at his office, in St. Paul, Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, in the City of St. Paul. In the County of Ramsey, with in thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. JOHN E. HEARN, Plaintiff's Atorney, 407 N. Y. Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota, 198 W. 9th St.. City. I A PERMANENT CURE | ] 1 of the mott obstinate caaes of Gonorrhoea if j! and Gleet, guaranteed in from 3 to 6 % I, days; 110 *»ber treatment required. Sold by all druggisu. Pennyroyal pills P /-<E»~V Original and Only Genuine. A y*./TfcVN safe, ii»»j« rtllabU. laoiks uk P"jY\ lit Drn«?li» for Chickttter « Englia\ DU j/f\\ Lt\&&tm&m.*nd Drar«l la Had uid G-oLi m«taKlo\\Bf —^WBboiw, toaM with bio* ribbon. Toko \Br IP 9^k W« no other. A .-ftu* iongtrw* mbttitu- V I"/ — Mf ti<m* or.d im&ution*. At Drasgl.u. or UO4 4U. I <m- jf U ttanp* for parlionlan, t»ttimceteb ud \ V 0 **KAUeT fcr toUm," t» Uttar. brntan -X Jy MalL 14KOOO TcMtmaoteb. Jfant Foptr. i#iatraaLo4«r6ro«u<*«^.. I 2>HI]UU>X,T£ POPULAR WANTS HAIR GOODS. HAIR :-: CHAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. $100 GLT\dL Up. Everything iv our line, wholesale and retail. GOLDMAN'S EUROPEAN HAIR PARLORS, 3HS WAJSASHA STREET. Articles of Incorporation of the Municipal Investment Company. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ents: That we, the undersigned, have associated and do hereby associate our selves tOKether for the purpose of becom ing and forming a corporation under and pursuant to the provisions of Title two (2), Chapter thtrty-foar (34). of the Gen eral Statutes of the State of Minnesota, and all acts of said State amendatory thereof, and to that end. hereby respect ively adopt and subscribe the following Articles of Incorporation, to-wlt: ARTICLE I. The name of the corporation hereby formed and orKanizecTshall be "Municipal Investment Company." and the principal place of transacting the business of said corporation and the location of its prin cipal office shall be in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and Starte of Minnesota. ARTICLE H. The business and purpose of this Com pany shall be the purchasing, acquiring, holding and the selling of stocks, bonds, debentures, contracts, or other obligations of other corporations, partnerships, per sons, associations^ undertakings or pub lic or private bodies, and the lending of money to the same, and to that end it shall have power to purchase, sell, ex change, assign, transfer and convey any such obligation or security, and to pledge hypothecate, assign aprt transfer the same, ana to Issue ana sell its bonds, de bentures or other obligations as well upon the securities so pledged and hypo thecated as otherwise; it shall nlso have the power to deal in. buy. sell and exchange real estate, plat, subdivide, lease, mortgage and Improve the same; to construct, own. sell, lease and rent buildings, and to purchase and sell any personal property. It shall also have the power to lend money, either for Itself or as agent for others, upon approved se curity, whether real or personal, and to act as agent, broker, manager and re ceiver, and otherwise the performing of whatever acts may be necessary, conve nient or desirable in or about such busi ness. ARTICLE 111. The time of commencement of said cor poration shall be the first day of Decem ber, 18S9. and the period of its contin uance shall be the term of thirty (30) years thereafter. ARTICLE IV. The amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be $50,000.00. divided In to 000 shares of $100.00 each, and the capi tal stock of said corporation shall be subscribed or issued in such manner and amounts and shall be paid in at such times and In such installments as the Board of Directors may determine. ARTICLE V. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation shall at any time be subject shall be $20 000 00 exclusive of bonded, mortgage or deben ture indebtedness. ARTICLE VI. The names of the persons forming said corporation are as follows, to-wit: W J Dyer. Franklin H. Griggs and W. "H. Dickson. all of St. Paul. Ramsey County Minnesota, ARTICLE VII. The government of said corporation and the management of its affairs shall be and is hereby vested in a board of di rectors, which shall consist of not le«s than three persons, each and all of whom shall be stockholders In said cor poration, and a majority of whom shall constitute a aUorum for the transaction of business. Such directors shall be elected at the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of said corporation which shall be held on the first Wednes day In January in each year; or. in case of failure to elect at any such annual meeting, at any special meeting of the stockholders specially called for that pur pose. Members of said board of direc tors shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The first board of directors of said corporation shall be composed of the fol lowing persons, who shall hold office un til the first annual meeting of the shire holders of said corporation, and until their successors are elected and qualirW- W. J. Dyer. Franklin H. Griggs and W H. Dickson. T,he officers of said corporation shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer Such officers shall be elected annually by the board of directors at the first meet ing of said board that shall be held after any stockholders meeting at which a new board of directors has been elected, and shall hold office respectively until their successors are elected and qualified. \ny one person may hold the offices of Sec retary and Treasurer at the same time The Boaid of Directors shall have pow er to establish by-laws; and the duties of the officers of thi3 corporation shall be such as are denned by its by-laws hereafter to be adopted. Whenever any vacancy shall occur In said Board of Directors, or in any office of this corporation, the same may be filled by the board of directors at any subsequent meeting thereof; the person or persons so chosen shall hold office unless sooner disqualified, until the next succeeding annual meeting of the stock holders or directors of this corporation, or until a successor has been elected and qualified. The first officers of said corporation shall be the following persons, who shall hold office until the first meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation and until their successors are elected and qualified: President— W. J. Dyer. Secretary and Treasurer— W. H Dick son. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 16th day of November, 1599. TV J. DYER. fSe?l ) FRANKLTN H. GRIGGS, (S~a\) W. H. DICKSON. (Seal ) Signed, sealed and delivered in pres ence of: Albert Johnson. C. H. Williams. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey— ss. On this 17th day of November, A D 18S9. before me personally appeared W J Dyer, Franklin H. Griggs and W. H' Dickson. to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the fore going instrument, and they acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. (Notarial Seal.) E. N. SMITH. Notary Public*. Ramsey County. Minnesota (10-cent revenue stamp, canceled.) OFFICE OF REGISTER OF DEEDS County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota — ss. I hereby certify that the within Arti cles were filed for record in this office on the ISth day of November. A D 1839. at 10:55 o'clock a, m.. and was duly recorded in Book I of Ineoroorations page — . EDWD G. KR A TIMER. Register of Deeds. STATE OF MINNESOTA. DEPART ment of State. I hereby certify that the within Instru ment was filed for record in this ofllce on the 18th day of November, A. D. 1899 at 10 a. m.. and was duly rworded In Book W 2 of Incorporations, on page — ALBERT BERG, Secretary of State. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey— ss. In Probate Court. Special Term, November 17, 1899. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles 11. Little. Deceased: On reading and filing the petition of Charles H. Clark, administrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Charles H. Little, deceased, representing among other things that he has fully adminis tered said estate, and praying that a time and place be fixed for examining and al lowing his final account of administration, and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled there to; It is ordered that the said account be examined, and petition heard, by the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 11th day of December. A. D. ISS!>, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Probate Court Room In the Court House in St. Paul In said County. And it Is further ordered that notice thereof be given to nil persons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three successive week 3, once in each week, prior to said day of hearing, in the St. Paul Globe, a daily newspaper printed and published in said County. By the Court. E. W. BAZILLE, (L. S.) Judge of Probate. Stringer & Seymour, Attorneys for Administrator. POPULAR WANTS HAIR GOODS. a HAIH SWITCH SS CentH. m o^ c Sell HnmHn Hair A switches to match any hair at Mk from 85c to J5, the equal of 9m Switches that retail at iZ to $*. 3Bm ° BP Offer— Cut this ad. out /XjMffl an d send to us. Inclose a good- JfSSPm Ei ,? ed sample of the exact SBuiSm Bliade wanted, and cut it out fflwjHn as near the roots as possible, JHmJH inclose our Mpeeial price flßrilMfl yao *** d and 5c extra to pay /Mill Postage, and we will make LDB^Bgh *"« »«i'ch to match your HDj ' Ja ««" exact, and send to yotl tTJPfWIS y mall Postpaid, and if you are \/Ei?tvffll not Perfectly satisfied, return it UfUfWl) and we will immediately refund wvfi t<^ your m °ney. Shampooing, 25c; S^? ressln !' 25c:^alp Treatment. 25c. h^/J ma<3e to ordrr from your own th hi E GUARANTEE OUR WORK the highest grade on the market. Order Ym, c and get tne3e special prices. j Wn?r /?" , Unte for Fl- ee- Catalogue of Hair Goods. Address Phoenix Hair Dress yw v • n 'i any 4H Building, over i er.xa s, st. Paul. TRAVELEBS' GUIDE. UNION DEPOT, SIBLiiY STREET. Trains leave and arrive at St. Paul as follows: Ju^B 1. 1809. LEAVE FOR lARBtVEHKM Kenvon Dodge Center, t 8.10 am.f 8.30 pra Oelwem. Dubuqne, Free- 8.10 jhui 750 am port, Chicago and Ecost. . 11.20 pm? 12.55 pa CfcdarFalls.Waterioo.Mar- t B.loamf 8 30 pra shalltown, Dcs Moines, 8.10 pmj 7.50 am St. Joseph, Kansas City, j 11.20 pm! 12.55pm C^n^TansT^eTWlngr t 8.10 am;* 8.80 pin Nprthfleld, Faribautt, 6.05 pm 9.50 am Waterville, Mankato. H MantorvUle Local. ~"*~ 6.05 ygj 9CO am a Ti r * ia 'ru m 2 1 S ed + **» daily except Sunday; other* daii7. The tUO p. m. train "Gr»at Western Limited" vs tfca best and moet complete train to Chicago. Eu iro« reclining okair cars, new compartment and : "tandard sleeping cars and new boffet-library car. The 11.20 1 p. m. train "No. 8," is the only trein to Chioa^o after 8.10 p. m. by any line. Free chair oars, buffet-sleeping cars, and makes all afternoon connections in Chicago. Trains from Union Depot. City Ticket Office, «th & Robert St«.. St. Paul. Ticket OiHce Hubert St. l'li o ne y8 a(«>Daiiy^_bEx. Sun. ! Leave. 1 Arrive. Chicago ''Day 1 ' Express. |aß :3oam I alO:15om Chicago "Atlantic" Ex..;a4:3Opm'all:4?am Chicago "Fast Mail >1 ....|a6:55pm' 1 a3:2opm |w Pioneer wr ivs-!*! 8 * 5 .. Chi via Prdu Chien d!v. I b4:4Opm;bll:lsara Peoria, via Mason City.. ;a4:4Opm all :lsam Red Wing and Rochester b3:lspmtbll :45am Dubuque via La»am bn>:lspm St. Loui3 and K. City... aS:33am a6 :2spm Milbank and Way bS:2onmi b«:30om Aberdeen and Dak. Ex. a7 :ospm! aß;Osam Nor'fieM, F'bault & Aus;b7 :2opm; b3:2oatn sgC^ TSCK£T CFFiCIF «/^Tm sth & "ok 01 " 1 B <s. \4?Vvx KUwaakse Jtailon, SlnneapoU. Dir.intr nr.ti Pu ln-?in Cars on Atumjr Winnipeg and Cuaaff ralna. Paslflelfail, my.Tmi^imamtom-Llf?*' \ ATriVi: Bozeman Helen*, Bmte.M.^.'.ula.iffl 9" 9 M Spok»Be,Taconia,S3»tti..,i'(,rt.r.cL;r«.^i)pm tfi l/Vp.n Daketa ft lltcitsta 2sp. Dai!v ; Far™ tergus Falls, \Vahp<HoD; Crooks- fl M j?? «g ton, Gd.ForL3.Gm/ion, Winnipeg fl.Sl/pm /iidaw 7ar2oa3dL»«:hLaioLs:s!, Paiivex a m ■»a Sun; St. Cloud. Braiwrd. Walicr X I*l Ml nil Ht^J^^r-d Paf Wrf *% B k IS 3.4 3 a M <3i .Ik B Tick-.-t Office— l 99 East Third St l^hone G. N. 18. _ Leave, j a Daily, b Ex. Sunday!"" 1 Arrive. bß :3sam St.Cl'd. F'gs F""isTF r rgo! bf. rOsprn bS:3sam|\Villmar, via St. Cloud 1 bs:iippm a9:o2am;.Or^-U Northern Fiyer. l a- 7 4"pm b9.loam, £»»£. 4&S«SJ| bsisßpn, b4 :4opm!.. Excel. & Hutchinson.. b!l:3">am a-;ospm|Breck. Fargo.G.F..Wpg! a7:4sam aS:3opm;..Minn. & Dak. Exp..: a? :3oam EASTERN MINNESOTA RAILWAY. m | Duluth AW. Superior. | gi^m Sleeper for 11:15 p. m. train can be oc cupied at any time after 9 p. m. 11 NORTH- WESTEiUi LINE.' 1 c, st. p., m. a 3. Office 395 RD&erf St. 'Pboii 480. Leave !a Daily. b^ Ex._Sund£y.( Arrive. aß :3oa .ni... Chicago "Day Ex 7 \.raio7fspm a4:sspmi . . "Atlantic Express" . . !all :3"am a6:sspmt. Chicago "Fa^t Mali 1 . 1 aS:loaza Chi'po "N, W. Limitetl" 1 a7:4oam a6:sspmiW'3au.F.du Lac. Q.Bay ! aß:lo,im bS:Csam'.Duluth, Superior, Ash. M:4'ipm a4:3Opni!.Duluth. Superior. Ash ! a9:n?pm b7 :4oam?. St. James. Sioux City. l ht:4opm bTM^am'Elmore, Algona. Dcs M b7:-Jspm al0:0Oam Su City. Omaha. K. C alzGpm bt:sopm M'k'to, N. Ulm. Eimore blG:»sam b4: r ,opm!.. Fairmont. St. James. hlO:o>am a7:4opm!.Su City. Omaha. K. Cj a7 :2sam TrTPAUL^OULUTiI S.i. From Union Depot. City Office, 393 Robert St. Leave. I a Daily, b Ex. Sunday. 1 Arrive. bS:3oam) " OULUTH Ja7 :lsam a2:2spm f ""yT}* ' " ,_«^b2isopxa &nj2sVK_\ W^ST SUP^RJ^?! |a6:,sopm Sleeper for 11:25 train ready at 9 p. m. For Stillwater, b8:3O am., n12:10.~a2:25, b4:06, a 6:10 pm. For Taylor's Falls. bS:3O am . b4:06 pm. BURLI3GTOAI ROUTE. FINEST TRAINS ON EARTH LvTForT STATIONS. I At. From B :lsam Chicago, except Sunday 12:55pm B:lsam;. St. Louis, ex. Sunday B:ospm|Chi. & St. Louis, dally 7:45 am. TlckeTbffice. 4Co~Rcbert~Str Tel. MalnH M., ST. P. & S. S. M. BY. i|f " Leave.! .~ __EAST. _ >m 7:2opnv. Atlantic Limited (daily). B:4sam 9:00om Bhinelander Local (.exSun) s:osynj WEST. .Pacific Limited (Pacific. 9:<Vsam Coast) 7:on>ra 6:oOpm|St. Croix Falls Local, ex. ISu.iday. From Broadway] |.. Depot, foot Fourth St.. 9:lsara s.lspmjGlenwood Local (cx.Sun) WISCONSIN CENTKAL E'Y. CO. City Office. 373 Robert St 'Phone No. 654 gggj All Trains Dally. [ Bfg^l8 fg^l JEau Claire. Chip. Falls! 8:00 am Milwaukee and Chicago B:lsara Ashland. Chlppewa F'ls»| 7:4opm!.Oshkosh. Mil. and Chl.| 4:10p:a M. & St. L. Depot-Broadway &. 4th. MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS H. B. '•ALBERT LEA UOITK." Leave. [ a^atly. b Ex. Sunday. | ArrivgT IMankato.Des Molnes.Ce-l b9:lsam)dar Rapids. Kansas City! bs:3oprn bS:4sam ..\Vatertown, New Ulm..| bl:s6pjn bs:oCpru New Ulm Local !blo:2«)a'n a":00t)m Dcs Moines&OmahaLlmi aS:4oan: a7:oopm!Chicago & St.Louis Llm! aS:4O-anv b4:4spmlA2. Lea & Waste* Loc&liblO:3ouat 7