OCR Interpretation

The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, February 26, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059523/1900-02-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Ship's Adventure.
The Globe this morning publishes the
first installment of a thrilling
story of the sea by
CW#to*y Sftey of tlfye $ea.
The Globe this morning begins the publication of a serial story,
"The Ship's Adventure," by W. Clark Russell. The name of the author is
a guarantee of its worth. By the most eminent critics in the world the
highest praise has been awarded Mr. Russall as a writer of sea stories of
wondrous power and entrancing interest. By no writer, not even Smol
lett, Marryatt or Melville, has he ever been surpassed in depicting with
fidelity to nature sea scenes and changes and stirring adventures on the
storm-tossed oceans of both hemispheres.
Himself a sailor, Mr. Russell gives us, In his books, the salty flavor of
the ocean, and the power of his imagination welds together a series of
clever incident and detail calculated to hold the attention of the reader
with unflagging Interest. What Scott. Dickens, Thackeray and Stevenson
have done for those who live on land, W. Clark Russell has done for the
sailor mans sweetheart. "The Ship's Adventure" is a most delightful sea
romance, with a startling plot and action brisk as a yacht race. On
each Monday morning the Globe will publish an installment of this
story, never before in print. It will prove a most attractive feature.
Explains Why the United States Vcs
aels Were Not Hit More Freanent
-1> — An Example of Yankee Luck —
Criticises the Action of Admiral
Sampson In Reference to One of
the Don's Vessels.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— The bureau
of naval Intelligence has Issued a fresh
volume of its war notes series and prob
f ably the last of them to appear on the
battle of Santiago harbor. The present
publication is a translation from the,
Spanish of Capt. Victor M. Concas y
Paulau, formerly commander of the crui
ser Infanta Maria Teresa and chief of
staff to Admiral Cervera in the battle of
July 3.
The vital section of the narrative be
gins with the exodus of the devoted
squadron from Santiago harbor. Capt.
Concas says in accordance with previous
instructions the Teresa was headed to
ward the Brooklyn, hoping to ram her.
This -vas frustrated by the Brooklyn's
frequently discussed "loop" to starboard,
which Concas says "brought the Texas
and the lowa between her and the Ter
A note inserted in the narrative at thia
point reads, "the turn was made to star
board, though it would seem reasonable
for It to have been made to port." There
Is nothing in the bureau's publication to
indicate whether this foot note is by
Capt. Concas or not.
Continuing his story, Capt. Concas telis
of the successive sinking of the Teresa
and the other vessels of the squadron.
He dwells strongly on a point which he
declares all other critics have overlooked,
namely, that coming to the narrow and
tortuous channel past the Morro, the
Spanish vessels had to come out so tai
apart that they were each attacked by
the combined force of the American
squadron and destroyed in detail, making
it practically a series of combats, each
time a single ship against a squadron.
He called attention also to the prob
ability that the American estimate of 3
per cent of hits out of the shots aimed
at Cervera's fleet is too low. He says
the most horrible mortality in every case
was in the upper works, where the shots
left no marks except those wiped out by
flre. He says 6 per cent of hits probably
would not be too high.
In defense of the Spanish gunnery the
writer says that Cervera's ships fought
either bow or stern on nearly throughout
the battle. This reduced the number ot
guns they could bring to bear. But,
he points out, the Brooklyn, which
was the only vessel keeping up a parallel
broadside fight at close range for any
length of time, was
As she was under fire of the Vizeaya,
Teresa, and, for a short time, of the best
guns of the Colon, Capt. Concas says the
Spaniards gave very good proof of their
. ability as marksmen.
Another peculiar incident brought out
in the narrative, and a striking example
of Yankee luck, was that the Oregon, in
her pursuit of the Colon, remained un
consciously in the dead angle "between
the only two guns of the Colon powerful
enough to reach her." The Colon, it will
be remembered, did not have her big thir
ty-ton guns, and in the long stern chase
the Oregon happened always to keep just
in the spot" where the upper-deck guns
could not be trained on her, and the Co
lon could not flre without heaving to and
losing valuable time.
The author indignantly denies that the
Colon was wrecked by her crew after
nhe had surrendered. He says she was
run ashore and her sea valves opened be
fore her flag was hauled down. Regard-
Ing this incident, the writer ?ay»:
'"The Cristobal Colon was leys fortunate
than all tne others, for, although going at
a speed of thirteen knots, she ran ashore
on sand; and if Admiral Sampson, with
a more seamanHke spirit, had ordered ths
divers to close the valves, he could most
certainly have saved the cruiser, but,
with feverish impatience, he towed her
off with his own flapsh!p, the New York.
Hardly had the ship been floated when
she began to list, at which moment, with
great dexterity, he pushed the Co:on back
again with the ram of his own ship
toward the sandy shoal, but it was 100
late, and, turning over, that noble and
ill-fated cruiser went to the bottom of
the sea forever. The few Americans and
Spaniards who were still on board hasti
ly saved themselves."
Speaking of the nature of the wounds
inflicted by modern naval shell flre, Capt.
Oonoas declares that they are more hor
rible than can be described. A boatswain
of the Teresa had fourteen wounds. No.ie
of the men injured at all escaped with
less than two. i .

Flight Over the Measure to Betaken
Up Today.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.-Th? event or
the week in the house of representative^
will be the taking of the vote on the
Puerto Rican tariff bill. This has been
set for 3 p. m. Tuesday, although the
differences which have aiisen cfh tie bl'l
may compel a rearrangement of the pro-
gramme. The general d bate on tho meas
ure will close on Monday, and on Tues-
§b£ £t Ifewl #W»
day, up to the hour of voting, the debate
will proceed under the five-minute rule.
Extraordinary interest attaches to the
outcome of this struggle, owing to the
differences which have arisen on the Re
publican side of the chamber. It had
been arranged that the debate should
proceed Monday night, but this must give
way to the Republican conference in the
hall of the house at 8 p. m., when a final
effort will be made to reconcile differences
and agree upon a compromise bill.
For the rest of the week no exact pro
cedure has been arranged, except that
the Alabama contested election case of
Aldrich vs. Robertson will be considered
as soon as the Puerto Rican bill is out of
the way. This case involves race ques
tions, and gives the opportunity for that
extended range of debate usually excited
by questions of that nature.
The army appropriation bill is on tb.3
calendar, and doubtless will receive con
sideration the latter part of the week.
Owing to the extent of the military
forces in the Philippines this year, the
appropriations are exceptionally heavy,
and this may bring on a general discus
sion of army affairs and the Philippines.
The Hawaiian bill and the Nicaraguan
canal bill are awaiting a hearing, al
though it Is not likely either of them
will be taken up this week.
Cornea I i» far Discussion in the Sen.
ate This Week.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— The time of
the senate during the present week will
be divided between the questions of the
finances, the government policy towards
the insular possessions and the seating of
Senator Quay upon the nomination of the
governor of Pennsylvania. The Hawaiian
bill remains the unfinish?d business, sub
ject to removal at any time by the Quay
resolution, and also by the conference re
port upon the currency bill.
Senator Aldrich has given notice that
he will make a speech in explanation of
the currency bill agreement on Wednes
day, and that he will call it up the next
day, and then ask final action upon it.
The request, of course, will lead to a spir
ited contest, to many sharp &p;eches, and
to the final adoption of the report by
practically the same vote by which the
bill originally passed the senate. The
matter may be before the senate for sev
eral days. • ■
There will be a number of speeches dur
ing the week on the Quay resolution, and
there is a probability of reaching a vote
on it the latter part of the week. Sena
tor Chandler probably will speak for Mr.
Quay Monday, and Senator Turley in
opposition." Later in the week Senators
Hoar and Penrose will talk for Mr. Quay,
and Senator Burrows in opposition. Aft?r
these, only a short session will be held.
Senator Penrose says he will make an
effort to have the discussion confined to
the morning hour, so as not to interfere
with other questions before the senate,
but that if a disposition to delay the vote
should become apparent, he will then
press the Quay matter. He counts upon
a vote late in the week, and says he ex
pects a larger vote than was cast in Mr.
Quay's favor In taking the resolution up.
When the Hawaiian bill is voted upo:i
the Puerto Rican bill will he- taken up.
Senator Depew, on Thursday, will speak
on the problems connected with the Phil
ippine ißlands.
Arranged for a Convention at Kan
sas City July 4.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— Judge A. W.
Rucker, of Denver, Col., president of the
United States Monetary league, has been
in Washington for several days confer
ring with the leading bimetallists through
out the country with the view of getting
their opinion concerning the propriety of
holding a national convention of bimetal
lists at some time in the future. It is
now definitely, determined that such con
vention will be held at Kansas City on
the Fourth of July.
It is expected that some six or eight
hundred delegates will be in attendance
from all the states and territories of the
Union. A committee has been chosen
to confer with the local committee at
Kansas City for the purpose of securing
accommodations for the guests.
No Communication Made by French
Authorities to State Department.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— The Asso
ciated Press is authorized to state that
no communication whatever has been
made by the French authorities to th«,
state department relative to the Hay-
Pauncefote treaty and the Panama canal.
This statement was made in reply to a
question put in official quarters regarding
the publication that the French ambas.
sador has had a conversation with the
secretary of state relative to the Hay*
Pauncefote treaty.
Fireman Killed and Two Men Hurt
During Its Prog-res*.
DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 25.— A fire to
night in the Detroit Steel and Spring
company's works destroyed b:.th hte coti
pany's rolling mills, and caused the loss
of a fireman's life, besides indirectly re
sulting in injuries to a physician and an
ambulance driver. The property loss is
about $100,000, fully insured.
The blaze started from an unknown
cause in the rolling mills engine room.
The double rolling mills buildings, 400 by
130 feet in, size, were destroyed. Fire
man Timothy tvaohane was standing fri
Hubbard avenue when an eighty-foot
iron stack fell across the street, striking
and killing him instantly. A hospital am
bulance running to the scene collided
with a swiftly running electric car. Tha
ambulance was smashed to pieces, and
its occupants, Driver Frank Bertheaur
and Dr. J. T. McKittrick, were badly
bruised and shocked.
Ten Minutes After Hia Departure
the California Waa Aground on
Rani Island Ledge — Life Saving
Crew From Cape May "Went to the
Rescue, but Sea Was So Rough
Passeiißfrs Remained Aboard.
PORTLAND, Me., Feb. 25.— The big Al
lan line steamship California, which left
her dock at midnight, went ashore on
Ram Island Ledge, just outside of the
harbor, a few minutes after her pilot left
her, this morning. All the passengers are
safe, although still aboard. Most of the
local seafaring men are of the opinion
that the rocks have penetrated the bot
tom of the vessel in several places, and
they doubt very much if she can be
saved. The vessel is valued at $3,000,000;
the cargo at $300,000. There are six cabin,
five intermediate and ten steerage pas
sengers, besides a crew of seventy-five
men. The cabin pasengers are: Mr. and
Mrs. Patton, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Wilson, Toronto; Miss Bailey, Ottawa,
and Mr. Browell, EsqiihnauK, B. C.
The California was in charge of Pilot
Edward T. Parsons, and at the time he
left her the wind was blowing hard from
the southwest, and was accompanied at
the time by a heavy rain.
Pilot Parsons left the ship on reaching
the bell buoy off Cushlng's Island Point,
after he gave the officers of the ship the
correct course. Ten minutes later the
California was hard and fast aground on
Ram Island Ledge. This is a reef which
runs out from Ram island, and the shii*
had gone several points off her course
when she struck.
This morning the life-saving boat from
the Cape Eddy life-saving station, sev
eral miles away, launched a boat and "put
off for the steamer, intending to trans
fer the passengers from the steamer to
the tug Piedmont. Some of the women
passengers desired to be transferred, but,
on seeing the manner in which the life
boat pitched and rolled, they decided not
to leave the ship.
The ship is lying under the lee of Ram
island, on the ledge, and, although the
waves are breaking with great force, th«
long ledge acts as a breakwater and pro
tects the ship.
The wind is now blowing strongly fron»
the westward, and the sea is rapidly sub
The passengers will probably be taken
off tomorrow morning, without danger,
and, if the sea is smooth, the work of re
moving the cargo will commence. The
local officers of the company think th%
ship, can be. floated: They will wreck th<»
ship themselves. :
Tonight there is a westerly wind arid
the conditions are favorable.
The California was bound for Glasgow,
by way of Halifax. Capt. Barclay says
that the hold is full of water, the flrea
are extinguished; there is a heavy sea,
and the passengers are perfectly safe. A
full list of the cargo of 3,000 tons cannot
be obtained until tomorrow. The-princi
pal items include 2,500 boxes of meat; 3,000
pieces of fresh meat, -1,200 pails of lard,
1,000 barrels of apples,. 1,600 boxes of
cheese and a large consignment of grain
and general cargo. The greater part ot
the cargo was probably Insured by the
consignee?. It is not known whether the
ship was insured.
The steamship State of California, now
named the California, was built on the
CJyde, and launched in 1891. She is built
of milled steel, is class A 1 at Lloyd's
ship survey, and with addltional-etrength-
ening over Lloyd's requirements, as well
as to comply with demands of the ad
miralty for transport service. Her length
is 400 feet, beam 48 feet and depth 32 feet
8 inches. Her tonnage capacity Is 5,800
tons. She Is divided Into eight compart
ments, the bulkheads of which are all
carried to the upper decks. These, with
the cellular double bottom. Insure the
gieatest amount of safety in case of ac
It Ciinni'd a Fatal Wreck on the
LonlHvllle & Nashville.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Feb. 25.— A Lou
isville & Nashville passenger train from
New Orleans was wrecked by an open
switch near Flomaton this morning.
The negro fireman was killed. Another
fireman was probably fatally injured, anl
Engineer John Coins was badly hurt.
Both engines were thrown down the em
bankment and badly wrecked. The pas
sengers in the day coaches were thrown
from their seats, but none were hurt.
The train was a double-header, and
heavily loaded with Mardi Gras excur
Wenthy Gunpowder Manufacturer
Expires at Old Point Comfort.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Feb. 25.—Ly
curgus F. -Lafljn, of Chicago,. the wealthy
gunpowder manufacturer, di^d today un
expectedly at the Chamberlain hotel, Old
Point Comfort. He arrived here from
Chicago several days ago, and was ex
pecting his son tomorrow. The hotel of
ficials will give out no information about
the cause of his death until his son ar
rives. Mr. Laflin was one of the princi
pal stockholders in the Hampton Roads
Hotel company, owners of the Chamber
lain hotel.
Independence T)u> Popular With the
order of Gen. Wood making yesterday a
holiday, in honor of the beginning of the
revolution, was very popular, and was
observed generally. Except for a few
American houses, it was impossible to
find a business estab'ishment open.
The Cubans consider the day in the
same light as the Americans do the
Fourth of July. Tluf principal celebra
tion was held at the Antonio Maceo club,
where the speeches were quite different
in tone from any made at any previous
demonstration. The speakers accepted in
good faith the intention* of the American
government to establish the independence
of the Cuban republic, and one advocated
a loan for the payment of soldiers of the
Cuban army.
—^- \
Fire Burna a Busy Business Block
in Chicago.
CHICAGO, Feb. 25.— Bight firms were
burned out today in a fire which destroy
ed a four-story brick building at 51-55
Jefferson street. The loss on the building
was $30,000 and on the contents $33,000.
The following firms suffered: Lammert
& Mann, machinery; William M. Vernon,
gas machinery; James. Barry & Co., pat
tern makers; Hartley Electrical company;
George H. Nye, pump manufacturer;
Charles B. Sandham, pattern maker; A.
J. Bodkin, circular addressing company;
W. A. Jones company, foundrymen (of
fices only). The building and most of
the contents were insured.
Five I'M-sons Hurt, Two of Them
Probably Fatally.
ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 25.— A street car
on the Decature Bhie line was wrecked
this morning near Oakland cemetery by
striking' an obstruction, which had evi
dently been placed across the track. The
car Jumped fully ten feet into the air
and rolled fifteen feet down an embank
ment. The twelve passengers on the car
were more or less injured. Those sus
taining serious Injuries are: Motorman
George Maddox, Herschel • Dellaperry, po
liceman; Eugan Coker, policeman; Sid
Coogler and E. W. Wallace.
It is thought Dellaperry and Coker were
fatally wounded. BeSfdes sustaining
frightful cuts and bruises, both were In
jured internally. The car was completely
Plait— Say, Ma«i V** Want a Man From Mew York! What's the Mat
ter With Me t .
—New York Tribune.
two BUMP mmm slain
Anticipated Their Attuck and Gain
ed a Victory, but "Wittf Severe Loss
—A Maxim Gun Was I serf With
Deadly Effect. '
CHICAGO, Feb. 25:^-A special to the
Chronicle from Pottahv SOnora, Mexico,
The Mexican federal troops under Geni
Torres have saved Quayamas from the
Yaquls, but by dint of the fiercest fight-
Ing of the war and at a sacrifice of 200
soldiers. The town here Is filled with
wounded and all the public buildings are
Torres anticipated the surprise the Ya
quis intended. The Indians were accom
panied by ten adventurers, miners and
cowboys, who acted as commanders of
separate companies of forty men each.
The Yaquis had also a Maxim gun, which
had been smuggled through at Bisbee,
Ariz., in a load of machinery. The gun
was manipulated, the Mexicans claim, by
two ex-rough riders. Torres reached here
Thursday afternoon and then decided to
advance his army of 700 men in two di
visions. The first and strongest, flanked
by the gunboat Democrata, left here at
daybreak Friday morning. No scouts pre
ceded the force, and the first intimation
of the presence of the Yaquls was a with
ering fire from the Maxim and of rifle vol
leys from concealed fortifications in a
dense thicket. The first division retreated
in confusion and was sheltered in the
timber growth along the river. More
than 100 men fell at this first fire. The
Democrata then steamed up and swept
the thicket with her machine gunus, but
evidently ineffectively. Her forward
decks were swept and the protected up
per deck peppered with butieis from the
Ten sailors and First Lieutenant Eam
bolo, of the army, were killed. The Dem
ocrata drifted for more than half a mile
until a bend in the river sheltered her.
Later in the afternoon hilj signals show
ed the waiting commanders of the First
division that the second detachment had
reached the neighboring heights to the
southeast in its flank movement. A »im
ultaneous attack_was then made from
the front and flank ajid the Indians re
treated. The Maxim gun, displaced and
useless, was brought into f»ottam, and
seventy-three Indians, the tifficlal report
states, were found dead. Tfiere was no
pursuit, and the Indians must have with
drawn in good order. During the first
fire of the Yaquls "twenty-three Mexican
federals were driven into the river in a
panic and were drowned. The total Mex
ican loss was 227. The Democrata has
Weather Forecast for St. Paul:
Snow Flurries and Warmer.
I— Liner on the Rocket.
Santiago's Naval Battle.
Cron.fe Still Holds Out.
2— Manila Heroes Burled.
Wealth of the Range.
In the Political Swim.
B— Minneapolis Matters.
Jforlhnesl Sew».
4— Editorial.
"Washington Goaslp.
Pan-Is Suburb Scorched.
s— Sporting- Newa.
6— Popular Want*.
7— Weekly Market Review.
Farm and Household.
B— ln the Field oil Labor.
Clews' Stock Letter.
NEW YORK— Arrived: Munchen, Bre
men; Pennsylvania, Hamburg.
QUEENSTOWN— SaiIed: Waesland. from
Liverpool, Philadelphia; Lucania, from
Liverpool, New York.
METROPOLITAN— "Arizona," 8:15 p. m.
GRAND— "Secret Service," 8:15 p. m.
Palm Garden— Vaudeville, 2 and 8 p. m.
Minnesota Congregational club meets,
People's church, 8 p. m.
Formal opening women's annex, Minneso
ta club, 8 p. "m.
Benefit entertainment, "What Happened
to Hummingtop," Raudenbush hall,
Sixth and St. Peter streets, 8 p. m.
Mozart club annual masque ball, Mozart
hall, 8 p. m.
War Relief meeting. Y. M. C. A., 8 p. m.
Eighth Ward Democrats meet.
hall, Thomas and Gaultier streets, 8 p.
been taken to Guayamas for repairs. Th's
is the first lime the Yaquls have made use
of fortifications.
■ — = — ' ' ♦ — ■
Interstate Commission to Investfsrate
a Nebraska Complaint.
NORFOLK, Neb., Feb. 25.— The. inter
state commerce commission opens a hear
ing here tomorrow, the object being to
investigate charges of discrimination pre
ferred by the Norfolk Business Men's as
sociation against railroads doing business
in the state. . Norfolk has complained
several times in the past in this matter,
but to the state board of transportation.
That body has held several hearings, the
last one being conducted some weeks ago,
and as a result the Chicago,' St: Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad was or
dered to equalize rates on shipments to
that point.
Norfolk is situated on both the Union
Pacific and the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis
souri VaHey railroad, the latter being
practically a part of the Northwestern
system. No other outlet exists and the
business men claim they are discriminat
ed against to such an extent as to se
riously interfere with their business in
terests. Among discriminations charged
in the complaint to be filed tomorrow are
the following: Rates on 20,000 pounds
first class freight from Duluth to Nor
folk, $250; Duluth to Lincoln, 142 miles
further, $170; Duluth to Florence, Neb.,
152 miles further, $160.
A similar schedule of rates on Chicago
shipments is also submitted.
Hi* Execution Will Probably Take
Place in Sing; Sing- Today.
NEW YORK, Feb. 25.— Everything is in
readiness for the execution of Antonio
Ferraro, in the electric chair at Sing Sing
tomorrow morn'ng. The execution Is set
for the coming- week, and It; is- almost
certain that it will take place before noon
Monday. The last details have been at
tended to, and the usual tests have been
I^erraro, contrary .to expectations, has
resigned himself to his .fate. He is now
calm, and says" he will go to the chair
without trouble. This is more than was
expected. The loss of all hope has work
ed a wonderful change in the man. He
has lost the sullen and vicious manner
which marked his conduct all through his
long Imprisonment;
On April 4, 189S, in a fight with a fellow
countryman, Luciano Muchino, in Brook
lyn, Ferraro cut his opponent's throat
with a razor, killing him instantly.
L,ate»t Features of the Rioting in
FORT DE FRANCE, Island of Martin
ique, Feb. 25.— The French cruiser Froude
returned here yesterday morning from St.
Pierre and the French cruiser Suehet has
arrived at Fort de France. An incen
diary fire was kindled at three points on
the Perrinelie plantation, in the outskirts
of St. Pierre.
mm suborn fight
British Gain Ground and Nnrrow
the Limits Held by the Conra
seou« Boer General— Vigorous At
tack Made lft»on British Outposts—
Fighting; In Natal Is Still of the
Desperate Sort.
PAARDEBERG, Orange Free State,
Feb. 23.— Gen. Cronje's position is more
hopeless than ever. Our guns dominate
the sloping ascents from the river on all
Bides, and by the rush of the Shropshlres
on Wednesday night up the river bed the
Boers lost 200 yards' space in their cover.
Deserters say the British fire has been
very deadly, and affirm that Gen. Cronje
himself is willing to surrender, but ia
overborne by the young Boers from the
There are women and children with the
Boer force. Gen. Roberts proposed to let
them pass out of danger, but this sugges
tion, as well as the proffer of medical aid,
has been rejected.
The kopje captured by the British last
Wednesday, when fifty prisoners were
taken, is a most important strategical
position. Its possession should enable the
British to repufse any Boer reinforce
ments from the eastward.
LONDON, Feb. 25.— The war office pub
lished the following dispatch from Lord
"Paardeberg, Feb. 24.— Parties of Boer»
recently arrived from Natal attacked our
outposts in force again yesterday. They
lost a good many killed and wounded, and
nearly 100 prisoners, including a com
mandant and three field cornets. Our
casualties were four officers wounded,
nine men killed, twenty-three wounded,
two men missing. On the 21st and 22d one
officer and thirteen men were wounded.
Six men were wounded yesterday by hol
low-nosed Mauser bullets. The nickel
case is slit with four slits, making the
projectile of the most expansive arid e»«
plosive nature possible. A wounded Boer
brought to our hospital yesterday had
sixty of these bullets in his pockets.
."During the advance to and at Kimber
ley the casualties were: Officers, 2 killed,
13 wounded; men 4 killed, 78 wounded."
LONDON, Feb. 26.— Perhaps never be
fore in the course of the present cam
paign have such crowds visited the war
office rs went there yesterday. As the
Times remarked today, "such dearth of
news can only mean that success is im
No diminution of confidence in Lord
Roberts is felt, however, and the public
is ready to believe that he Jias good rea
sons for not mentioning Gen. Cronje in
the official dispatches. Probably he is in
no hurry to end a situation which daily
brings parties of Boers "in a vain effort to
reinforce Gen. Gronje. These he can deal
with in detail. Lord Roberts has already
captured over 400 Boers, and at this rate
he will soon have quite a respectable ar
ray of prisoners to hold as hostages for
the 3,500 British already in Pretoria.
Gen Cronje's refusal to accept the of
fer, of Lord Roberts regarding the women
iUid children indicates either that the po
sition is less desperate than is reported, or
that he had been able to dig an absolutely
safe place for them. ''_ " _ _
Everything goes to show that Gen. But
ler's advance is most stubbornly contest
ed and most carefully thrown out. It is
hoped he will soon be in a position where
Gen: White will be able to assist him ma
The situation Is- now presenting a most
interesting phase. In about a month the
congress of the Afrikander bunrl will
meet, and it is then believed Mr. Hof
meyer will propose peace terms on the
basis of the republics retaining absolute
independence, but offering to disarm. If
these terms are rejected it is understood
that a manifesto will be boldly issued to
the Dutch throughout South Africa call
ing upon them to throw off their alle
giance to Great Britain. Probably these
rumors are exaggerated, but there is no
doubt that the greatest anxiety prevails
in Cape Town regarding coming events.
Germany, through the semi-official Ber
liner Post, reiterates that all reports of
German interference are quite without
Capt. Raymond Harvey de Montmor
ency who was killed in Gen. Gatacres
reconcolssance Saturday, was the heir
of Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency,
and was the fourth heir to a peerage
Continued on Fourth Page.
HAFtfltKjJ- I ' — * .' yJSftl
%mmSßh\ (if
Boer army at Paardeberg under Cr0nje.......... *•■£*}
British, under Kitchener, surrounding Cronje' s army * u . uw
Kimberley to Bloemfonteiii *J F]{^*
Klmberley to Paardeberg -ft '" s
Bloetnfontein to Pretoria fix " „; "
Kimberley to Mafefcing ! if ™,'^,
MafpkinK to Pretoria • ; \\ 180 miles
"Ladysaiitb to Bloemfontein ....Jto mne
The First Chapter
Of a Continued Story by W. CLARtf
RUSSELL entitled "The Ship's
Adventure" will be found
COLENSO, Natal, Feb. 24.— The Boers,
who had been reinforced, made a stand on
Thursday at Grobler's Kloof and on a
range of hills running east. They had
been forced from all their positions on
the right.
Gen. Lyttleton's division, on Thursday,
advanced under 'cover of the kopjes. The
Boers fired a few shots and a "Long
Tom." The British artillery was well
sheltered in action at daybreak and until
late in the afternoon, when a heavy rifle
fire on both sides developed.
The British infantry had advanced a
mile and a half and a continuous fire was
kept up until after dark. The Boers
stuck to their positions. The British ar
tillery fire was Irregular. A few salvoes
were sent toward the thickly wooded
spots and ravines from which the Boer
fire was heaviest. The Boers sent shells
into the headquarters baggage, close to
the hospital, but no material damage was
done. Gen. Wynne was slightly wounded.
The Boer positions are not considered
strong with the exception of Groebler's
Klcof. The hills eastward are not so
high and cannot be intrenched so well as
the mountains which the British have
The Somersets were the first across the
pontoons on Wednesday. They were sub
jected to a heavy fire for five hours In
an isolated position. It was the first
time they had been under fire, and they
behaved excellently.
Early on Friday a severe rifle fire was
resumed on the right and front from the
positions held over night by both side*.
The British naval guns, howitzers, moun~
tain and field batteries shelled the Boer
trenches incessantly. The Boers replied
with two heavy guns, some of their shells
bursting over the hospital. As a result
the British wounded were removed.
During the afternoon the Fifth bri
gade, the Innlskillins and Dubllns lead
ing, began to advance up the hills. In
spite of the constant shelling the Boers
stood up in the trenches, aiming delib
erately down the hills. The infantry ad
vance was further covered by parties on
the right and left, firing volleys. It was
slow, the British taking advantage of
every bit of natural cover. Th« Boers
on the crests of the hills, as well as from
the trenches part of the way down. •
poured lead along the advancing line. At
dark the British, infantry had reached
within a few hundred yards of the first
line of Boer trenches.
CAPE TOWN, Saturday, Fob. 24.—With
in the past few hours over 200 prisoners
have arrived here, and preparations are
being made to receive large numbers.
Fifty officers and men are being dis
patched to Walkflsch bay, where It is re
ported that Boer munitions are being,
landed. It is said that about 50 per cent
of the members of Brabanf/s horse hay*
taken their discharge, having completed
their engagement for three months.. Va
rious reasons are given. ■
First Step* Toward Concentration
of United State* Sentiment.
DETROIT, Feb. 26.— Leaders In thii
state of the pro-Boer movement are ar
ranging to call a conference In Detroit
of those active In the cause in the various
states for the purpose of consolidating
the movement in the hope that such unit
ed effort may be Influential In preparing
the way for mediation and arbitration ol
the British-Boer differences.
The originator of this movement, Sybri
ant Wessel'.us, of Grand Rapids, was one
of the speakers at a mass meeting held
this afternoon, at which 3,500 Boer sympa
thizers cheered the pro-Boer sentiments
expressed. At the conclusion of the meet
ing the following resolutions were adopt-,
"We free born citizens of the United
States do solemnly declare that we de
plore the conduct of Great Britain, its at
tempt to destroy the autonomy of the
South African republics and to subju
gate a brave and free people, and regard
such effort as a gross breach of solemn
treaty obligations, unworthy of a great
nation degrading to humanity and a
menace to the liberties and independence
of all republics; that we protest against
the official life of this republic giving
countenance to and aid in the despoil
ment of this brave people, who worship
the same God and are entitled to the
same right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness' that we ourselves possess.
"Resolved. That we hereby extend deep
and heartfelt sympathy to the inhabitants
of the South African republic and Orange
Free State in their brave struggle to
maintain the rights of man. to preserve
and protect their homes and property and
the guaranteed and God-given right of
"Resolved, That while we recognize the
wisdom of the time-honored policy of the
United States against alliances with for
eign nations, or Intervening in their af
fairs we respectfully request the presi
dent in accordance with precedent and
the behests of a common humanity, to
offer the friendly mediation of this repub
lic to both the combatants to the end
that b'oody hostilities may cease and the
integrity of the republics be preserved,
that the republics may not perish and
that real civilization and humanity may
be thereby promoted."
Copies of the resolutions were ordered
cent to Senator McMillan and Congress
man Corliss, of Detroit, with requests
that they be submitted to President Mc-
Kinley for action.

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