OCR Interpretation

The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, March 06, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059523/1900-03-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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Railroad Men,
-— — Owing to the nervous strain to which they are
daily subjected, the physical hardships of the
-— j— constant jolting, exposure to all kinds of weather.
and irregular meals, break down in health unless
" ""—"' ™" nature is aided in the unequal struggle. Eighty
per cent of the railroad men who have been in
service any length of time are afflicted with some
form of kidney disease, and the standard remedy
in use by them is Warner's fiafe Cure.
_ ___ ___ Kindly read the subjoined testimonial from
Mr. Charles B. Ross, of 284 61st St., New
___ __ York city, a railroad conductor on the Metro
politan Railway, which is but a recent sample of
-. — hundreds of voluntary statements received by
Warner's Safe Cure Co.:
1 11
"By tha use of Warner's Safo Cure I have just recovered
from a severe attack of kidney trouble. My system was in very
bad condition. Every movement of my body caused Intense
pair., and at last I was compelled to abandon work. For four
- ——— — months several specialists doctored me, all to no benefit, but my
relief was obtained when I began taking Warner's Safe Cure.
After the use of this marvelous medicine, I was able to walk
about briskly, and In a few days was so far Improved as to be
able to attend to my work, and I haven't suffered one day since.
_ __ mmm I heartily recommend Warner's Safe Cure as the best and safest
cure that can be had."
Baalnraa oilln- loun Main
■dttttrla] Roonu 78 Main
< oui|»o.slit»; Itooni I<>.'{4 Main
B«sl«e»s OH!of 101
Editorial Roomi 88
School In Reopened—The Red Rock
■ I h;is been reopened.
Jobber* Will Meet The Jobbers'
uut'in will hold a meeting Friday.
Chamber of Commerce—The Cham
ber of Commerce weekly meeting will be
held this morning.
— o —
Reformatory Hoard Tonight — The
•tatd reformatory board will hold its
regular monthly meeting at the Mer
chants' hotel tonight.
—o —
Developed Suicidal Marnla _ State
Agent Grates has gone to New Jersey
with a. Minneapolis lunatic, who devel
op! :i sui.-idHl tendency.
—o —
Webb Tukeu to Still water—Stewart
W««l>!» was taken to Stiilwater yesterday
by Deputy Sheriff Hanson to serve ten
years for the killing of William Larson.
iwr h Social Reform In ion — Mr.
Blsrclow, organizing secretary of the So
cial Reform union, will address a meet-
It^ at the V. M. C. A. rooms this even
T<> Talk on Live Stock—Gen, M. D.
Flower will speak at the noon hour of
the Commercial club tomorrow on "The
Live Stock Market and I'acking Indus
tries of St. Paul."
—o— "
Divorce Caae Dimnl»*« ,1--The divorce
case of V. n. Mitchell against Anna
Mitchell was yesterday .iismtssed for
want uf prosecution. The Mitchells for
merly liw<i ;u St. Paul Park.
Stifii. Smith Returns -Sup!. Srniih re
tained yesterday morning from Chicago,
whore he has been attending a conven
tion of tht- superintendents' department
oi th* National Educational association.
'lV> Vrrnaife Kiitertniimient s— A.
Bohlan.l. Win. Seeger and F. C. Seherfen
berg have been appointed ;< committee
of the German-American Veterans' asso
ciation to arrange for entertainments for
each meeting-.
Orntury nt Mainline- The oratorical
contest ;>y the students of Hamline uni-
Tel. 7;* a. Meat Market. 788.
7 cents
Per pound for choice bright Evaporated
32: cents
A can for 3-lh. cans of Banta Clara Cal
ifornia Pears.
10 cents
A can for 2-ll>. cans of sweei wrinkled
Peas. These ure an excellent bargain
while they last.
6 cents
For 2-lb. packages Wheatling, a delicious
;ti.il whol< SUM" bieakfast food, made from
choice, selected wheat; contains the
sw,- ■ esl and most nutritious of the food
elements of wheat.
25 cents
For 6 H^s. Cracker Meal, usually sold for
er lb.
19 cents
l'(M Itox for Sea Salt, excellent for th e
15 cents
For lib. cans extra fine Asparagus Tips.
23 cents
Fi.f i-gallen cans fancy Michigan Apples.
12 cesits
P.m (\)7!>n for fancy California Navel
20 cer.h
Per dosen for fancy, large California
Navel Oianges.
10 cenb
Per d-.Zi-n for fancy California Lemons.
4 cents
Each for fresh milk Cocoanuts
2$ cents
For 10 lbs. Kansas Sweet Potatoes.
9 cents
For 2-lb. cans fancy Gooseberries.
1J cents
Per can for old-fashioned Louisiana Mo
25 Gents
For 10 bars j?ood Laundry Soap.
12 cents for one dozen boxes of Globe
Parlor Matches.
23 cents for a v>-\b. bag of as absolutely
pure Buckwheat Flour as ever came
from Wisconsin mill.
Sugar-Cured Hams, r>rr lb ll c
Picnic Hams, per lb go
Bacon, by the strip, per !b .'. io c
Salt Pork, per lb {£
15 oaats per lb. for Brazil-nut bar. Fresh
made hourly at less than half-price.
lv crnis for a pound of fresh-mad^uTohn
njr-Oake. (Pop-corn and Molasses.)
10 cent>i per pound—only half-price—asked
for Peanut Taffy. This is for a few
versity will be held In the chapel Friday
evening. Contestants In the state con
test will be chosen.
< onsTresatioual Iu M tallatlon — The
Pacific Congregational church has called
a council of sister churches In the Twin
Cities to assist in the installation of Rev.
William J. Gray as their pastor this aft
ernoon at 3:30 and evening at 7:30.
To Plan Entertainment— The com
mittee of the Commercial club in whose
hands have been placed the reception and
eiit'-rtninment of the Republican league,
which comes to St. Paul in July, will
meet at the club this evening at 5 o'clock.
To Try a New Buff Killer—A new
chinch bug exterminator is on exhibition
in Illinois at the state university, and
Prof, Otto Lugger, Minnesota state ento
mologist, has gone to Chicago to investi
gate .'ts merits.
—o —
Moyds Apply for Admission — The
United States Lloyds Marine Insurance
company, of New York, has applied to
the state Insurance department for ad
mission to Minnesota. The company waa
organized in 1372, and now has cash as
sets of J1.092.0C0. The company is reach
ing out after lake business.
—o —
To Consider Market I'Jiuu — The
board of aldermen will hold a regular
session this evening. If a full attend
ance of membeis can be secured the re
port of the special committee recom
mending the selection of the Eagle atreet
site as a public market will be approved.
—o —
Fort Rl>>ley' M Uarly History—Mon
day evening, March 12, there will be a
meeting of the historical society at the
rooms in the state eapitol. The subject
for discussion will be: "Early History
of Fort Ripley." n is expected that a
number of prominent pioneers will be
present and speak upon the subject
Common*' Xi s nt Sehool-The night
school of the St. Paul Commons will
continue through the spring. Thosa de-
Biring to enter should do so at once. The
school is in session Monday, Tuesday
\\ ednesday and Thursday nights The
German class meets on Wednesday at
<-0. All sessions are in the Madison
Will Meet on Mouduy — The Grade
Teachers' association met in the ordi
nary of the Ryan hotel yesterday aft
ernoon. The association has decided to
meet hereafter on Mondays, hi accord
ance with the constitution. The Wednes
dcy meetings were found to conflict with
the school work of a number of the prin
cipals and teachers.
Sold Under Foreclosure — Sheriff
Wagener yesterday sold certain prop
erty under a foreclosure brought by
Michael Doran against Mary Smith and
Robert A. Smith. The property was lots
12 and 13, block 69, Dayton and Irvine's
addition, and portions of lots 5 and 6
same addition. The property was bid in
by the mortgagee for $24,328.50.
—o —
Will Be Placed In the City Hall-
The joint city hall and court house com
m^-slon held a special meeting yester
day morning to consider the advisability
of providing room in the city and county
building for the new police alarm sys
tem. The room in the basement former
ly occupied by the carpenter was set
apart for the new system.
More Olco Pro*eeutlon«-Complaints
were filed in tht municipal court yester
day against Valentine Hosch a restau
rant proprietor, and Mrs. C. H Meyer a
boarding house keeper, charging \hem
with furnishing oleomargaine instead of
x" rV«.. h° complaint 3 are signed by
Agent Gibbs. of the state dairy and food
I.ost p urM{ . and Money-Miss C Con
rad, employed at Sohuneman & Evans
store, lost a purse containing $t while
riding home on a Merriam Park car
After paying her fare Miss Conrad put
the purse back in her pocket. She later
discovered that it had disappeared, and
ls nCp!Sed. t0 the beHef that he" iS-S
p"i::ns^^£^^-;- e
•-Ming and sentenced Dee. I?* pa? I
Sf °i^ an, d SOrVe (hlrty da >'* 1" jail
The board of pardons knocked off the
Se fine "* bUt retal"^
Relief Corps, Open Meeting-* cker
Relief Corps No. 7 will hold a shor
business meeting Thursday. March 8 foil
lowed by an open meeting for memorial
for Anna Whettenmire £„
Keller will have a na per . Mrs. White
clippings, and others are on the pro
gramme. Comrades, members of the W
R. Q D. of V.. S. of V. and the W. C.
T. U. are invited.
Collection From Syrncnse-The pro
gramme for this evening's meeting- of
the St. Paul Camera club will be a
demonstration of making lantern slides
by the lantern slide committee at 730 to
be followed at 8:30 by an exhibition of
lantern slides made by prominent Eng
lish amateur photographers, and loaned
to the American lantern slide inter
change by Mr. Timmons, of Syracuse,
Will Inspect Charltlen-The members
of the state board of charities and cor
rections left yesterday afternoon on a
tour of inspection of the state charitable
Institutions. The party consisted of Dr
Folwell. Judge Willis, J. H. Rich, of
Red Wing; Rev. G. H. TVahlund'. of
Spring Lake; Col. E. C. Gridley. of Du
luth, and Secretary Jackson. They will
visit the insane hospitals at St. Peter.
Fergus Falls and Anoka, and posslbly
Borne of the other institutions.
Ha Promliei to Place Beloro the
ICnstern Grain Trado the Recent
Letter of Chief Grain Inspector
Refdkiu, and the Fueta and Flsr-
BMi Which Were Seuit With It-
Mr, siiunuhun'tt Letter.
State Grain Inspector Relahua has r«
colved a personal letter from J. D. Shan
ahan, Inspector of the port of Buffalo,
In answer to a letter concerning th«
statements of the latter with reference
to the methods of the Minnesota depart
ment. Mr. Shanahan Indicates that his
published interview was given under a
misapprehension of facts, and that, hav
ing been further enlightened, ho is will
ing to recall all statements reflecting
either upon the Minnesota state grain in
spector or the state Inspection depart
ment. He calls attention particularly to
the fact that the letter to a St. Paul pa
per was given with no thought of becom
ing mixed up In a political squabble and
regrets its publication. The letter reads:
"I am very glad to find that the Min
nesota chief lnsp&ctor did not say that
he believed the charges against the Buf
falo department, and 1 am very sorry
that I made such a vigorous denial of
those charges before first obtaining a,
personal denial of the statements. I
will take particular pains to bring your
communication of recent date before tha
local grain trade, and see that it is given
"In my letter to a St. Paul panar I
said nothing whatever concerning No. 2
northern or No. 3 northern Minnesota
wheat, but used the term, 'inferior
wheat.' 1 regret exceedingly that I have
done the Minnesota department an in
justice, and had it not been for your re
ported bolief in the charge ogalnat tho
inspectors of this port I would have been
disposed to defend you. 1 think you and
your department can readily understand
what such chargos as were reported to
have been made by yourself would mean
to any grain market, coming from a
sourco of much importance and recog
nized authority. I can sympathize with
you in thinking that it Is too much to
be responsible for your gi-ades after the
grain has been handled several timea In
transit to Europe. I thought, however,
that it was shortsighted to lay the blame
on any particular market without abso
lute proof that the grain was being tam
pered with.
"However, if I have done you or iha
Minnesota department any injustice, be
lieve me that I did it honestly, thinking
that It was up to me to defend the Buf
falo market from an unjust attack, and
not with the idea of pretting mixed up
in any political squabble, nor for tha
sake of hearing myself talk. I aineeroly
hope that no such misunderstanding shall
again come up to disturb the pleasant re
lations between this and the Minnesota
inspection departments.
—"M. D. Shanahan."
St. Paul Council Is Working- Hani
Without Del«>Kmte» at Cleveland.
The council of Jewish women now
holding its second triennial convention
In Cleveland, 0., has a branch council
here in St. Paul known as the St. Paul
Council of Jewish Women, of which Mrs.
H. S. Haas is president. The local coun
cil is not represented this year at the
convention in Cleveland, the members
deciding that In view of the heavy de
mands that will be made lh!s spring and
summer on the treasury of th» council
for philanthropic work the money had
better be saved for that purpose. The
council was organized in Chicago during
the world's fair, and the same fall the
St. Paul branch was organized here.
There is also a council in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Emanuel Cohen, of that city, Is at
the head of the Minnesota branch. Al
though the work of the council is broad,
aiming as it does to keep the Jewish
women in touch with all that is most
modern in science, art, literature and
economics, here in St. Paul the work has
developed principally along philanthropic
lines. in 1895 the women belonging to
the council started an industrial school
for the children of the Polish Jews liv
ing over on the West side flats. The
school was held during the summer
months, the girls being taught to .sow
and the boys the rudiments of manual
training. For the nominal sum (if 5
cents each child was allowed to keep
whatever garment she made, the material
being furnished by the women. The
school has been continued every summer
since it started, and now a plan Is being
considered to enlarge it Into What will
be known as the Neighboring Hou?e. It
will combine an industrial school, a cir
culating library, a lecture room, and
possbly a creche, where working wom
en may leave ther babes knowng that
they will be cared for during their ab
sence. Although the plans for the school
are embryonic as yet, it will probably be
located on the West side, where the in
dustrial school has been kept. The
school will be opened earlier this spring
than has been customary, the women
planning to begin their work in May.
Mrs. J., Wirth, of Ashland avenue, is
chairman of the committee having tho
school in charge.
■ m
Widow of the I.ate WatMnftoa M.
Mrs. Anna K. Stees, widow of the late
Washington M. Stees, died yesterday at
her home. 388 Grand avenue, at the ad
vanced age of ninety years, fifty of which
had been spent in St. Paul. Death follow
ed an illness of but one week's duration.
The deceased is survived by one daugh
ter, Mrs. F. D. Kendrick. and a sister,
Mis. Brown, who lives in Philadelphia,
Mrs. Stees' early home.
Her husband had a furniture store in
St. Paul early in the '50s, and the hos
pitality of "Wash" and Mrs: Stees was a
tradition of the early settlement. In
deed both are mentioned favorably as
among the early hosts to entertain vis
itors to the promising com unity' of half
a century ago in the "Pen Pictures" pub
lished a decade or more ago by Maj. T.
M. Newson.
She was a member of the Central Pres
byterian church.
Price of Paper Has Not Been Sta
tionary Recently.
Bids for supplying the various city
departments with stationery for the en
suing six months were opened yesterday
by the city clerk. Wright, Barrett &
Stilweil secured the contract, agreeing
to furnish the supplies for $1,295.67, this
being $6.47 lower than Wedelstaedt &
Co.'s bid. Brown, Treacy & Co. secured
the contract for election stationery sup
plies, at $165.18.
The increased cost In stationery, the
bidders claim, will make the expendi
tures for stationery cost about $350
more than for the six months in 1900.
Churned With l>i»criiMliiut !iik In Fa
vor of Twin Cities*.
The answer of the defendant In the
case of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission against the Northern Pacific
Railway Company was filed yesterday In
the United States crcuit court. The road
was charged with discriminatng aganst
St. Cloud in favor of St. Paul and Min
neapolis In the matter of flour rates. The
answer denies any discrimination suhl
sets up the leng-th of haul as justifying
its rates.
Don't be misled this time. Buy the
Gordon Hat and take no other.
Knox Hats, Brokaw Clothing, Ilanan
Snow or rain, sleet or hail
are impotent against our $10
It hardly seems reasonable
that $io will buy such pro
tection, but these ulsters were
$14. 515 and $16.
March is not too late for an
ulster to get in its best work.
The Best Outlining House in America.
Ihe Plymouth Clothing House.
Seventh and Robert.
Police Spent YewtWday Looking fop
the Conductor* Aji valiant a, bat
t'p to a Late Hour Laat Night Xo
Arrests Hod Been Made— Mil wuu
kee Short Line v t i-ossinu the
Fred Wilson, a conductor on the Seventh
street car line, was,..the victim of a sav
age assault late Sunday night, in which
he sustained a severe gash on the head
from some bfunt "instrument and was
also pounded a\nd kicked almost into in
sensibility by his assailants. Conductor
Wilson had nearly $30 in his possession
at the time he was attacked, and it Is
suspected that robbery may have been
the object of those who assaulted him.
He was able to take his car back to the
barn, but was here relieved from duty
and will be unable to take his "run" for
at least a week, so serious are his in
The assault took piace at the short line
crossing, out West Seventh street, at 11
o'clock, and was committed by two stran
gers. The men boarded the car at Sev
enth and Ramsey street. They persisted
in remaining on the platform and con
stantly crowded about the conductor.
They were either slightly intoxicated"
or feigned drunkenness, and used vile
language, as we!l as otherwise conduct
ing themselves boisterously. Conductor
Wilson several times admonished the men
to conduct themselves more quietly, but
they paid no attention to him. Finally he
threatened to put them off of the car. A
few minutes later the car stopped at the
railroad crossing, and Conductor Wilson
went on ahead to see that no trains were
approaching. Ho did not notice that the
two men left the car and followed him
into the darkness beyond the tracks. As
he turned to signal the car to proceed
the men rushed at him. Fearing they
Intended robbing him, Conductor Wilson
attempted to elude them, but received a
heavy blow on. the side of the head with
somo instrument that knocked him
down. He thinks he was struck with the
butt of a revolver. Whilo he was down
both strangers attacked him, beating him
and kicking him about the head and b-dy.
Wilson called Xo M^otorman Radend lor
help. The thugs heard the car door open
and took to their heels, leaving Wilson
bleeding in the street. When Wilson was
assisted inside of the car he was covered
with blood running fr->m an ugly gash
on the side of his head. He was slightly
dazed, but continued the trip to the end
of the line and return, when he was re
lieved. He was, taken to Dr. Binder's of
fice, where his wound was sewed up,
when he was removed to the Post Siding
hotel, where lie boards. As a result of
the savage treatment accorded him Wil
son is laid up "In bed and will be unable
to work for some time.
The assault was reported to the police
Sunday night, and several detectives
were yesterday looking for the guilty
Her ('hanging MOOII the Ilreey,e That
Sways Police Court .Justice.
James Mulligan, whom Katie Rush,
living at. 267»/i West Seventh street, had
arrested for the alleged theft of $20. was
discharged in tho municipal court yes
terday. Though she signed ihe com
plaint against Mulligan, the young wom
an went on the gtand and swore that
she did not believe Mulligan had stolen
the money.
She explained that there was another
person in the room at the time the money
disappeared who "might have had an op
portunity to take it, so Judge Hine or
dered Mulligan's discharge.
Have you yours? The Gordon Hat.
flre you in it ?
I ■
Our new Seu.i-Annual Directory
will go 'to preSs In a few days.
Ask about ouc< new measured
service, fated' Business or
Residence. :: :: :: :: :: ::
Telephone Exchange Go.,
Contract Department.
Fifth and Cedar Sts,St. Paul, Minn.
Tel. Main 10.
She Was Brought to St. Paul Yes.
tetdo y Afternoon, to Look Upon
the Face of the Dead Before the
Funeral Today— Service* at Christ
Church Today Will He Especially
The saddest chapter of the mournful
circumstances surrounding: the death of
Rt. Rev. Mahlon N. Gilbert, bishop co
adjutor of the Episcopal diocese of Min
nesota, was closed ye3terday afternoon,
when the deceased churchman's devoted
wife was brought to St. Paul from
Farlbault, Minn., where she has lain
dangerously 111 during the period of her
husband's fatal Illness and death. Mrg.
Gilbert reached St. Paul at 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. She was brought from
Farlbault by a special train furnished by
the Great Western railway for the pur
The physicians decided yesterday that
Mrs. Gilbert was sufficiently recovered
to make the trip from Faribault to her
home here without danger. President A.
B. Stickney. of the Great Western, at
once volunteered his services and placed
his own private car at the disposal of
Dr. C. L. Greene, the attending physician,
and a small party of friends. The car
was taken out of St. Paul yesterday
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mrs.
Gilbert, Dr. C. L. Greene, J. H. Ames,
of St. Paul, a close friend of the family; I
Mrs. B. I. Stanton, an intimate friend of
Mrs. Gilbert; Miss Wiggin, a nurse, and
the two daughters of the late bishop left
Farlbault for St. Paul. Immediately
upon the arrival of the special train
Mrs. Gilbert was taken to the family resi
dence, 18 Summit court, attended by her
physician, her daughters and the nurse.
She was still too weak to walk and show
ed traces of acute suffering. She bore
up well under the ordeal and stood the
trip even better than the physicians an
Mrs. Gilbert's illness has been one of
the saddest Incidents of the family be
reavement. Dr. Rose, who attended her
In Farlbault, was exceedingly anxious
lest the shock of her husband's death
should have fatal consequences. Late
laat night Dr. C. L. Greene wai asked
for information concerning her condition.
He did not cara to make a statement,
but intimated that at present Indications
seemed favorable. During the bishop's
illness she was unable to leave her bed,
and, confined at Farlbault, was compelled
to daily hear less and less favorable news
of him and finally of his sudden death.
At 10 o'clock the first service will be
held. This will be at the Episcopal resi
dence and private, only the family, the
officiating clergymen and a few intimate
friends being present. Dr. C. D. Andrews,
of Christ church, will be in charge of
this service, and Bishop Tuttle. of Mis
souri, will assist In reading prayers. The
service will consist of prayers only.
Following this short service the body
will be removed to Christ church. The
hearse will be followed only by the two
carriages containing the eight active
pallbearers and possibly a carriage or
two with the attending clergymen.
Teh active pallbearers are Rev. T P
Thurston, Wlnona; Rev. C. C. Rolllt Red
Wing; Rev. D. J. W. Somervllle. Austin;
Dean Slattery, Faribault; Rev. G H
Mueller. St. Paul; Rev. G. H. Ten Broeck'
Merriam Park; Rev. S. B. Purvis Min
neapolis; Rev. C. R. Taylor, Litchfleld.
These eight men, the younger clergy
men of Bishop Gilbert's diocese, will con
stitute a guard of honor at the bier dur
ing the time the body lies in state. Six
will remain always beside the bier, two
being relieved every half hour.
The catafalque upon which the casket
will rest will be placed at the head of
the main aisle, at the foot of the choir
steps. The doors will be opened at 11
o'clock, and the public will be admitted
at the front door of the church and will
be allowed to pass In single file down the
nave past the catafalque, where they
may look for the last time upon the face
of the dead bishop, and out through
the tower door.
None of those entering the church dur*
ing the time the body lies In state will
be allowed to remain there until the fu
neral service.
The crowd will pass through the.
church until 2 o'clock, when the church
will he cleared and the doors closed.
About fifteen or twenty minutes will be
allowed for the clergymen present to
look upon the dead, and then the doors
will be opened again to the public.
No seats will be reserved in the church
except for the clergy.
Just before the service at the church
the body will be removed to a position
in the middle of the chancel, where It
will rest In a mass of green ferns and
palms. The only decorations In the
church will be the purple and white
hangings, a cross of Easter lilies and a
wreath of laurel; these latter symbolizing
the resurrection and the triumph.
The service will be in charge of Bishop
Tuttle, of Missouri, who will be assisted
by Bishop Edsall, of North Dakota, and
probably Bishop Milspaugh, of Kansas,
and Bishop Nicholson, of Milwaukee; Dr.
Andrews, of Christ church.
The music will be simple and impres*
slve. R. Nelson Barber will preside at
the organ, and the vested choir will sing
the funeral anthem and the musical por
tions of the regular burial service.
A favorite hymn of Bishop Gilbert's,
"My Faith Looks T'p to Thee," will be
sung, and another hymn, which has baen
selected as particularly appropriate. Is
"I Need Thee Every Hour."
The honorary pallbearers, who will be
In attendance at the church service, and
who will also attend the body to the
last resting place, are as follows:
Dr. George R. Metoalf, for the Minne
sota Veterans' association, to which the
bi.shop belonged; Henry P. L'pham. for
the bishop's lodge, Ancient Landmark
No f> A. P. & A. M.; Rev. Dr. Wilson, |
of Seabury hall; Rev. E. S. Peakc. of St.
Mary's hall; Rev. Dr. Dobbin, of Shat
tuck school, for the church (institutions ;
at Faribault; Reuben Warner and John ;
6. Adams, for the vestry of Christ
cTuirch; Rev. Dr. Tanner, for the Breck
school at Wilder, Minn.; Judge Wilder, of
Red Wing; Judge Atwater, of Minneap
olis, two of the oldest laymen in the dio
cese, and a membei of the Minnesota.
Society of the Sons of the Revolution;
B G. Yates and G. A. Vandersluis, rep
resenting St. Clement's parish, St. Paul.
Rev. Ernest Dray, rector of St. Clem
ent's, is in charge of moat of the detailed
preparations for the funeral.
A personal notice has been sent to ev
ery rector In the diocese, notifying him
of the loss that has come upon it, and in
viting his presence at the funeral. Should
*he weather be bad today the burial ser
vice usually read over the grave will be
read instead in the chapel at the ceme
tery, but If the # day is pleasant the fu
neral cortege will move directly to ihe
The Minnesota Society of Colonial
Wars, of which Bishop Gilbert was a
member, has Issued a mourning an
nouncement of the death of this one of
its most honored members.
All members of the Sons of the Ameri
can Revolution are requested to attend
the funeral services of Bishop Mahlon N.
Gilbert, late president of the Minnesota
Society of the Sons of the Revolution,
at Christ church, in St. Paul today at
2:30 p. m. _
Dlvlxion of D. A. Monfo-rt's Efttate.
Judge Bazille yesterday In probate
court ordered a partial distribution of
the estate of the late Delos A. Monfort.
Of the $59,000 distributed, Mrs. Monfort.
Mrs. McGhee and F. A. Monfort were
each allowed one-third, less the amount
of life insurance each had received.
Gordon Hats are everything that a per
fect hat should be.
Field, Schlick & Co.
Opening Sale of New Dress Goods.
A remarkable collection of Newest Spring Dress Goods Is now ready for
your Inspection. Every desirable texture Is here from the sheer, clinging fab
rics to the heavier, rougher materials for tailor-made Suits. And there's
also a bewildering collection of Newest Cotton Wash Fabrics.
All of these goods have been selected with our usual care and judgment
and we believe no equal assortment Is to be found in the Northwest Whether
you only want to pay 50c a yard or whether you want the finest goods made,
you may be sure of finding what you want at most reasonable and satisfying
...Three Important Specials...
W» will offer today 10 pieces strictly all wool twilled Cheviots,
made with a wiry finish that will stand the hardest kind /
of wear, full 48 Inches wide, positively worth $1.00 a yard, r\ I C
for • ***
And 15 pieces strictly all-wool French Vigoureaux in s
all good colors, full 46 Inches wide, at the extra special price r% iC*
of *"' '
BEST OF ALL. Only 10 pieces strictly all-wool Cheviot a q
Serges in two shades of navy blue, full 46 Inches wide, positively ZJ.W/*
75c quality, today only '
New Petticoats...
Opening display and salo of the
New Petticoats for spring. All the
new shapes and styles in Taffeta
SUk, Moreens and Silk Moreens, Lus
ter Cloths, Italian cloths. Jeans,
Sateens and "Mercerized" materials.
Mercerized Cotton looks like silk and
wears much better. And the cost Is
only a mere trifle.
This entire stock fs marked at
prices that will force.early buying.
Fast Black Sateen and {h < f\f\
Jean Petticoats with corded /X I 111 I
flounce, only H* ' *VV
Fast Black Sateen and "Mercerized"
Cotton Petticoats In colors, {£ < tZf\
with accordion flounce, /X I
$1.75 and H* >♦>**/
Petticoats of Black "Mer- (h O £T
cerlzed" Cloth, finished J)^^(j^
with deep accordion flounce •
Pettlcoat3 of Black Silk Luster Cloth
with double ruffle or ac- rh
cordion flounce, $4,00 d>O»^D
and «^
All-wool Moreen Petti- {£» <
coats, thoroughly good and /X I \\
well made, $2.85 and... *r * +**>+
Field, Schlick & Qo.
Vice Consul Dloriihy- Greeted With
Prolonged Applause—First Public
Meeting of Minnesota C'oinuilttee
of the Transvaal Wa.r Relief Fund
—Xo Taxation Without Reisresen
The Hags of Great Britain and America
mingled their folds last evening over thj
platform of Y. M. C. A. hall, where ihvj
admirers of Tommy Atkins had gathered
to testify to their appreciation. It was
the first public meeting held under the
auspice.-) of the Minnesota committee of
the Transvaal war rellof fund, and the*
hall wan crowded to its utmost capacity
with the enthusiastic Britons. Chairman
Ben Davied, of the committee, presided,
and, besides patriotic songs, there worv:
addresses by E. 11. Morphy, British vice
consul; Rev. A. B. Meldrum and Dr. Alex
Chairman Davlea explained the purpose
of the meeting and of the organization
aa being to aid the widows and orphans,
the sick and wounded and the wives ard
the families of British soldiers temporarily
in distress. Then Secretary George R. T.
Hart read tho minutes of the two pre
vious meetings of the committee, and t bo
chairman intrcducad Vice Consul Motphy.
who was greeted with prolonged applause.
He said in part:
"It may be considered by some an im
pertinence for us to gather together to
express ourselves on the Issues of this
war. To American citizens this war is
a foreign war with which they have noth
ing to do. But, as Britons, we may gath
er to aid to the best of our abiliiy the
men and their families that have sulT. re-1
through this war. I want to congratu
late you upon the dignified stand you
have takon in so long remaining Bilent,
despite the misconceived outbursts that
have been indulged In by others.
"But, no matter what we may think of
the economics of the question, that has
no place here tonight. We have gatnetetl
to appeal to you on behalf of the desti
tute and suff. ring. Whatever may haye
been the mistakes of the government or
the generals, Tommy Atkins Is nor to
blame. It is for his wives, his widows
and his children that we appeal lo you
"One cannot say anything against .he
brave little people that are Ughting f >i
what they believe to be their rights, bur
the time has gone past when people can
have taxation wiihout representation."
Mr. Morphy's speech was liberally punc
tuated by applaus?. He was followed by
A. A. McKechnle, treasurer of the com
mittee, who spoke of the encouraging re
ception that had been met with both In
Minneapolis and St. Paul, a tribute to
"the splendid, dogged courage of Tommy
Thomas Boyd sang "So diers of th?
Queen," and received an encore. The aa
dience joined heartily in the chorus. He
was succeeded by Miss Olive Morphy, a
daughter of the vice consul, who recited
Kipltng's "Absent-Minded Beggar. 1" Ms .
Morphy received almost an ovation, and
when, at tho close, -she passed down th<
aisles with a tambourine, the sliver dol
lars and greenbacks poured in so last
that she was compelled to pour out the
money on the treasurer's table and make
a second trip.
George J. S. Collins sang "The Old
Jj Cere irregularities'
§T 9 « b o^ peculiar to -women.
B»aEaM 10 cents &25 cents.
Silk Moreen Petticoats in (t^ O C
newest colors, with deep ?K/j A.l
flounce, only »^/W***>^
Silk Moresn Petticoats in black and coU
ors, finished with double {t« A *"1 F"
ruffles and fancy braid. Cb i» /yD
Special "^
Taffeta Silk Petticoats rh A Qr
with corded ruffle, very /K^4- yj
good $6.00 kinds for *r x♦ '
Two Hosiery Bargains.
The "Wayne Knit" Black Cotton Stocb>
Ings for women—made of fine Egyptian
Cotton, medium or heavy, high special
heels and double soles,
6 pairs for $.135
Boys' heavy Corduroy ribbed Cottof
Stockings, best wearing kinds, sizes 6 to 1Q
3 pairs for 50 cents
Both lines are worth considerably morf
and the prices are not likely to be re*
Brigade," and then Dr. A. B. Me!drun»
was introduced and greeted wtth ap
plause. He said in part:
"I deem it a privilege to declare to my
fellow citizens of St. Paul that I atlll
believe in my mother. One thing that
has made me proud of my brothers and
sisters Is the splendid self-restraint that
they have exercised under great provo
cation. I am alisast ashamed to break the
record of self-respecting silence that you
have shown; but, while considering it be
neath my manhood to deny some of tho
baseless allegations that have been pub~
licly made, I want to go on record as re
pudiating some of the things that luiva
been said by men in high office and men
who would like to be.
"I do not believe that any foreign-born
citizen needs to emphasize his Ameri
canism by assuming an attitude of Ihm
■ tlllty towards the land of his birth. I«
the depths of my heart I believe that
England is right. I have been an Amert*
can citizen for seventeen years and dur
ing that time I do not believe Übtai my
Americanism has ever bff.n under mis
plcion. I have never been In the police
court, never have been taken out >ji
saloon and never waved either ilit- i
flag or the green. There is one Raff
for mt—the Stars and Stripes. I am
here as an American citizen, with the
full conviction that the land of my birth
is fighting today the battle of human
Rev. Alexander McGregor, the i
speaker, wa9 preceded by Mr. Harbour,
who sang "The Death of Nelson."
"When I have thought of the mag
nificent sacrifices that the land at my
birth is making for civilization and
liberty I have tried to be patient th^sa
six months and I can hardly keep bot
tled up any longer," said Dr. McGregor.
"America and England wero never BO
near each other as now. lam not a con
sul and I am not looking for any posi
tion. I am a settled preacher on tha
hill. Consequently I can say what I
think as an American citizen."
Dr. McGregor spoke of the reflections
cast upon Britain by "the newspapers and"
people with light heads" and dwelt on
the services rendered In the cause of civ
ilization by his native Scotland."
The meeting closed with another pa
triotic song by G. jL 8. Collins.
Mount Zlon Congrreicatioii'M Furin.-r
Priest Scrlonxly 111.
Rabbi Hess, formerly of Mount Zlon
Temple, is seriously 111 at St. Joseph's
Dr. Hess recently suffered a severe op
eration and had to sums extent reru
peratcd, but latterly has been HI again.
jfiy ""^—i Medicine for Men on Trial
m^ **. %&S%^B aml Al»t>roval. Court* ol
jr afl vT*V»^i magic l!kerecncdi«, niul wen.
llM*^ -S^/lder- working appliance. All
I yru7 ! you've l-een longing for of
iTffra i >>cni W nothing. W<j fond
onf> l .pjoval. Create conn let*
L urd nerve \i^or.
s£k *CE«'^ T'rtok of raii-information.wilh
HL JJB9 Jbo proof*, ncnt under \ Uin
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' \
[ Cf£| B|l 5 I lo Mfh person Interest*t
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SjßCtfl ? S Souvenir I'uni Mifesoritai
■ UESn '■ ) «iiy Hniomil <l#s»ir«d. Sub
_ A _ ,__ S i>c»i>;l..ii!i m« low is $1 OJ I
\ &x 7 fifl i •«» •nttlto diiaor to thl«
H*hyj J dulu.il> anis-.ic raltiue.
£03^i "Field Piowsrs," \
_„_ _ . . iO'O ll J.OU::<I. Hjcll). Ml %I I
THfc Boo* of »«r iiica;« rf muM-rii'iton i
irso teuliirv. Io t.'j« tmu\. U-ot c «n- i
b*nd«oru«ly II- i» n , « *elecii'>a »t VtoWu
Migrated.bv-Ja Itciauu in'^t/eprcieal-i- ','
of lb« WorW » iiv B works e-,-1 !, t«*4f
, urchin a.- foi .ieine.y.
"■• ■ Bui for Hi* n'.Wa en- i
Uli utlon oi !!'.;» \rorio*
prenitn artl*t« vht* book t-mhJ io; Suva
rtvu pja?iuf»c-in:c{l for itv* ihnn £7. 1K).
Tb« fund rri»t«4 1? diviu»a eqsmlif !i>-
Iwvtii '.!.« ftni.tJy (( i a » Jftte EtiK^ii* r"le!<* '
»ud i:w TaiMl foi ib<» i .l'icinj; of a moun. (
tt«iu n> ihu memory of U>» beloved po«-l ol
clili*U lO^i. Ad.ird
i-O(jVfcJNIR 1-\>.ND.
180 Mouroe It. C'bieag*
(As«o ai Beoa Siore«.>
If ♦>-■.!! «i»o w;«n to aeud po4tae«. «uolo««
10 Will*.

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