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Progressiop Is the watchword of men and womsn who are alive and up-to-date. Old-fogylsm and stag nation are mental death. Nations, cities and individuals that progress are not afraid to get out of the beaten path. The aggressive, earn est, intelligent man or woman is not bound by codes or dogmas. They think for them selves, and humanity benefits thereby. As a class, the medical profession is clannish. The old school smacks of decay. Bleeding and blistering died hard, but died nevertheless, while homeopathy continues to progress, The great Pasteur was not a physician, yet he blazed a pathway which thousands now gladly follow. A few bright, active, progressive phy sicians, who will not be bound by precsdsnt, and who have the courage of their convictions, are doing a great work for ths profession as a whole. They bslieve that no man or school has absorbed all the medical knowledge ob tainable, and when a scientific discovery is made that revolutionizes a pet theory for the treatment of disease, are willing to give it * fair trial and abide by ths results if favorable. Such a physician Is Dr. L. M. Lander, of Chicago. Read and weigh the honest words of this noted specialist: "Several times during the past few years I have observed tho effects of Warner's Safe Cure In cases of Kidney Trouble. I found that the action of the medicine was highly curative In effect, and that most desirable results followed its faithful uss. I believe It to be a very fine remedy for Kidney disorders." (Jan. 20, 1900.) DR. L. M. LANDER. Dr. L. M Lander is a graduate of tha Imperial Ceiitral institute, Stockholm, Sweden. WEBSTER IS CAUGHT LONG CHASE OF THE POLICE KXDED IN MIXNE APOLU ACCUSED OF EMBEZZLEMENT Kiiniiiil Irving: Webster I« Chnrg'ori With Dm l>t//llnu Moneys From the Western MaKanine — Another ♦ tun m 11 (Iu<> HoHpitul Scmnl:il (•urhiini to Be 1< <•« l*«.r of Deeds— The \e«s of the Mill City. pLOEE'S MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE. O so WASHINGTON AY. SOUTH. The Minneapolis police last night arrr-st ed a man giving the name of E. I. Web ster. A reward of $25 was offered for the ar rest of E. W. Webster, who is wanted for embezzlement. It Is charged that "Webster would secure payment for sub scriptions to the Western Magazine, and then jump his board bill. This perform ance has been repeated at Preston, Roch ester and a number of other Southern Minnesota towns. After a short time the people commenced to write In to find out why they did not receive the maga zine they had paid for. Mr. De Lestry several weeks ago rin Webster down and had him arrested in Chicago, but County Attorney Blgelflw delayed issuing a warrant, and the chief of police at Chicago released the man, re fusing to hold him any longer without the proper papers. The specific charge upon which Mr. De Lestry says he will make his complaint against Webester Is that of embezzling $200. A dispatch from Albert Lea, Minn., cays: Last fall Edward Irving Webster came here and commenced working up bimness for an Albert Lea edition of De Lestry's Western Magazine, claiming to rtpiesoni that publication. He took some cash' for subscriptions to the magazine, and went away with a good-sized board bill unpaid. Those who paid never got the magazine, and the publisher repudiates Webster, al though he agrees to send the magazine where money was paid. Webster was 6mooth, and flew pretty high when here, stopping at the best hotel. He claimed to hail from St. Paul, where the maga zine is published. Held to the Grand Jnry. Patrick Cunningham was yesterday <>vVI vld* *mmi Women can keep secrets, -'/lyirfvl They often keep secret for fvi^L.V^'i a long time the fact that •TU/^i^ they are suffering from J*yysfS&( drains, inflammation, ulcer- l)T\os[)7\ ation, or female weakness. LVml^sjJ>J But they can't keep the se- $\}]jnw cret very long, because the oyl\V>^/ hollow eyes, cheeks that have lost their freshnes9, and lJ£vO"jT' the irritability which comes TTH^TfZy from sorely tried nerves, all yH^J^kj conspire to publish the sto- M^v^YffJj ry of suffering. The usual I>/^^tx^l motive for such secrecy, * dread of indelicate questions and offen sive examinations, is removed by Dr. Pierces methods. Diseases of the wom anly organs are perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. Sick women can consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V., by letter free. "Your wonderful medicine, ' Favorite Pre scription,"' writes Mrs. C. N. Anderson, of Rock bridge Baths, Rockbridge Co., Va., fis a God send to weak and sickly women, restoring; good health without subjecting their weak nerves to the shock of an examination. I was all run down in health; could not work but a short time without resting. Was very nervous and had a ■very poor appetite. / decided to wrilt to Dr. Pietce and state my case, and am thankful that I did, for I received^a favorable reply. I took six bottles of ' Favorite Prescription,' one of ' Gold en Medical Discovery,' and one vial of ' Pellets,* and I can now work as well as I could before I wus taken sick. I think Dr. Pierces medicine the bet* in the world for sick and nervous woinca.' given a preliminary trial on the charge of attempting to take improper liberties with a ttfteen-year-old girl named Min nie Schmidtke. He was held to the grand jury in the sum of $500, and released on his own recognizance. FREEDOM FOR FILIPINOS. Gov. Lind Irges That It Be Speedily Grnuted. Gov. Lind spoke last night to a lart?e audience in the chapel hall of the Augs burg seminary, under the auspices of tha Students' Historical association. He lamented the fact that England, th* great Christianizing country, was at the present time doing its best to conquer two little Boer republics in South Africa. Gov. Lind said that it w;«s wdl not to talk longer on the Boer subject, as there wa? another nation not far distant that ,vas engaged in a 6imilar occupation. If the United States had finished ihe Spanish war as it began it, it would have been the grandest act of a nation ever performed, and that he hopea the time would come when the United Slates would say to the little brown m n of Asia, "Go ahead, and govern yourselves tinder our protection." STABBED WITH A HAT PIN. Hovel Assault on a Deputy Sheriff by n Woman. Deputy Sheriff Wall went yesterday to serve an execution In an action brought by Harper's Weekly Crub Publishing company against Laura Brown Johnson, residing at' 712 East Fourteenth street, the bone of contention being thirty vol umes of the World's Best Literature, which the company sold on the install ment plan. On reaching the house he informed Miss Johnson of his mission and she ordered him frjm the premises, saying that neith er he nor all of the sheriffs in town could take her books. The officer proceeded to take the books, and he says Miss John son stabbed him with a long hatpin, after which she seized a number of the books and tore out leaves by the handful. The minion of the law finally got possession of what remained. H. P. IS GIILTY. Charged With Defrauding Uncle Sam of Ten Cents. The Northern Pacific railroad was yes terday found guilty in Judge Lochrens court of having defrauded the United States government of the sum of 10 cents. The case was brought against the North ern Pacific charging it, through its agent, Frank N. Fairbanks, of having failed to put a 10-cent revenue stamp on an export bill of lading. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. The case will be appealed to the supreme court. While the amount in question was merely nominal, the railroads of the country are watching the result of the trial with interest, as it affects them all. LOOKS LIKE GORHAM. If He Pleads Guilty to Being: a Re publican. David G. Gorham will probably be elected register of deeds by the county commissioners at their meeting this morning. Three of the five commissioners have pledged him their support. The official warrant notifying Register of Deeds Frank C. Metcalf of his removal by Gov. Lind for malfeasance in office, was formally served upon him hy Sheriff Phil T. Megaarden at 11 o'clock yester day morning. SHIT BRACKEN OUT. Secretary of State Board of Health Locked Out of Quarantine Hospital. It developed yesterday that Dr. 11. M. Bracken, secretary of the board of health, had been denied admittance to the Min neapolis quarantine hospital. An investi gation is probable. . Tired of Living. John Grady, a railroad man, -who lost his lees about a year ago by being run over by a train, committed suicide Tues day night by hanging himself with a trunk strap to a bed post Jn his room in a lodging house, 1020 Washington avenue south. W«« IS'ot itnrued. Mrs. C. K. Noras yesterday received a letter from her husband, C. K. Noras, dated from San Francisco, whom she heard had been burned to death recently at Forest City, Ark. . _^^^^__ m POUND THEM GUILTY. Cleveland Fraud Cftftca Against Da vis and Brookcr. CLEVELAND, O , March 7.—The jury Jn the case against A'rbert E. Davis and Samuel G. Brooker, charged with defraud ing the city In connection with the so called city hall steals, this afternoon brought in a verdict finding both of the accused men guilty. They were employed as clerks in the public works depart ment, and were charged with making out and receiving money on false bills to the extent of many thousands of dol lars. O i£k, S3 •£.- i-tt. SC jSk. m Beans the ' Ttlß WN Ycu Hfjfl Always BougW THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1900. GOLD AT SIM RIVER RICHEST STRIKE! OF THE SEASON IS Ill'.roitTi:» ON THE RANDOLPH ADJOINS THE GOLDEN STAR Find Is Made at the Depth of Iso Feet and Shows Solid Mih of quint* Six «ud a- Half Feet Thick Between Walla—Former Oirner Says He Is Not *ur»rl»««i at the Development. WEST SUPERIOR,. March 7.—A special from Mine Center states that one of the richest strikes ever made in Western Ontario is reported on the Randolph, lo cated adjoining the Golden Star, three miles from that place. The mining cap tain who has been engaged on many of the mines in Western Ontario, states that on March 1 the miners took out more gold that day than any mine In that section ever took out in the same length of time. The mining captain also said: "It is the richest tiling in a mining way yet uncovered in the Seine river camp." Huge boulders of the rock were taken . out. which were fairly peppered with fine gold—a good indication. The walls ■were seven feet apart and were filled with six and one-half of solid quartz, the balance being mixed quartz and schist and very rich. The shaft is down ISS feet. Supt. Berger expects to crosscut from that depth and also start dfifting northwest and southeast on the vein. Supt. Flaherty, of the Golden Star, who recently visited the mine in company with several prominent mining men of the district, was surprised at the show ing, although operating the adjoining property, and expressed himself that it was in his opinion the best thing- yet shown up in the country. It has created no little excitement in the Seine river camp. George W. Randolph, who was one of the former owners of the Golden Star and Randolph, was shown the report of the rich strike made at the Randolph and asked about it. He said: "I left there several days ago. They were at a depth of 180 feet when I left. I am not surprised at the strike, as at that depth it was looking exceptionally well and had six feet of solid quartz be tween the walls, besides additional schist and quartz carrying gold values. We have all the confidence in the Golden Star, but in that property noth ing ever compared to the showing made by the Randolph at its present depth. It has continued to improve from a depth of seventy feet downward. Some of the enthusiastic ones are talking of a combination of the Golden Star and Ran dolph and the erection of a 100-stamp mill. The Golden Star has a crushing and power capacity already for thirty I 6tamps, but only ten in operation. "The. Foley is now in full blast and the Olive, and Golden Star are shipping bullion out every month. The outlook for the Seine river camp never was bet ter, with the Increased mining activity and the buildings of the new railway right by our mines. "We are making big preparations for travel by way of Tower, and the navi gation company, of which my son is manager, Is arranging to take care of it." STILLWATEB,. Parole Granted Two Prisoners— Lighting Bids to Be Considered. The board of prison managers met al the prison yesterday, but little bu&lnef-s came up for consideration aside from the customary routine of auditing accounts and allowing bills. Two paroles were granted. The miscellaneous cash receipts of thy prison for the month of February, as reported to the board by Warden Reeve, aggregated $113,5Gr>.19, of which amount $111.4X6.82 was for sales and col lections on binder twine. In the district court yesterday Judge Crosby finished the hearing of the action of A. T. .ienks vs the estate of Martin Mower, and the next case taken up la that of O. Coles vs. A. T. Jenks and James Mulvey, to compel the defendants to file an assignment and foreclose a mortgage. Secretary Jackson, of St. Paul, and Mr. Rich, of Red Wing, members of the state board of corrections and charities, W er« in the city yesterday and inspected Washington county's new jail. Mr. Jack, son said it was one of the best lalls in the state and that residents of this county could feel proud of the new structure, which is in decided contrast to the old building. The board of county commissioners met again yesterday and spent a greater part of the day in examining applications foi abatement of penalties and correction of assessments. The board will meet again this morning and will pr baby be In seai sion until noon. The city council will meet In committee of the whole this afternoon to consider the proposition made by the Stillwater Gas and Electric Light company for lighting the city. The council will also consider two ordinances referred to a committee of the whole. In the case of Charles Walquist vs. Lena and John Nelson, Judge Wllliston has filed a decision decreeing that the plaintiff is the owner and entitled to pos session of a disputed strip of land In this county. Plaintiff is also given judgment for his costs. Oscar Christopherson was killed yes terday at Sutton's camp, near Barker, Minn. He resided at South Stillwater and the remains will be brought here for interment. FIRE AT INSANE HOSPITAL. Laundry at the St. Peter Institution Totally Destroyed liarlj Yesterday. ST. PETER, Minn., March 7.-(Special.) —The St. Peter state insane hospital was visited by a disastrous fire early this morning, but one which, fortunately, was unattended by any fatalities. The fire started in the drying room of the laundry and spread rapidly to the adjacent build ings, used respectively for the electric lighting department and the sleeping apartments of the women employes. The latter had narrow escapes, leaving in their nightclothes, and were hardly out side when a terrific explosion occurred, caused by the overheated water in one of the mangles of the laundry. For &ome time the main building, occu pied by the patients, was endangered, and had this caught fire a frightful holo caust must have occurred, similar to the terrible fire of 1880. But inasmuch as the connecting building, the new kitchen, is of absolutely fireproof construction, this danger was averted. After working sev eral hours the city and hospital1 fire de partments got the conflagratien under control. The loss will be about $40,000, covered by Insurance. SITREME COURT CUTS IN. Another Move In the Matter of the McClellan Estate. PIERRE, S. D., March 7.—(Special.)— The supreme court tonight granted a pre emptory writ of mandamus ordering the circuit judge of the second circuit t? In quire into the matter of disqualification of County Judge Wilkos to act In the matter of the appointment of an ad ministrator In the McClellan case It, which rival claimants are fighting fcr property at Sioux Foils. If the conten tion of the applicants for the writ is bus. tamed by the evidence the whole matter will be thrown wide opan again and the appointment of an administrator by Judge Wilkes is null and void. . Appeal in Rollins Case. REDWOOD FALLS.March 7.-(SpeciaJ.) —Judge Webber's decision in the case of COMBINED TREATMENT U'C fo«if ~£)F THE GREAT CURATIVE POWERS ****• Patients from all parts of the Union come to the famous State Electro-Medical Institute for treatment, and are positively and per manently cured alter all else failed. Having ability, experience and an established reputation fc r RELIABILITY, the 25peciaiists of this Institute will not accept any case for treatment unless they can GUARANTEE A CURE. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN Blood Poison, Lost Manhood, Impotence Gonorrhoea, Emissions, Catarrh, Strictura, KyJracele, Weak Organs, Piles VARICOCELE AND RUPTURE CURED TO ©T/\Y CURED. Write fiSSSftl StfSSiaaß aSSS»JB^JS»Sffa Kef ©fp n^ « ***** — Leading Business Men of the cty. at tbe office have be«n cured AT HOME by our special treatment. " ttl* B I>B «*Bi**« 3 Open Ba.m.toß p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. State ElectiM>"Medii;al Institute^ PermanentCy Loeafed at 381 Henn^ln Iwe. } Cer. Third Street, Kinntapeli*, Minn, THE 0N% T E E^ cIRSS!i^ WSTU the State vs. Lester Rollins, refusing to grant a new trial, has been appealed to the supreme court by D. A. Stuart, who was retained to continue 'the case. A meeting of the Republican county committee has been called to take place on March 14, when the orders of the state Republican committee for the hold ing of couraty conventions will be carried out. No Smallpox at Northfleld. NORTHFIELD, March 7.'— The business men of Northfield held a mass meeting today and passed a strong resolution, re questing the board of healht to raise the quarantine at once. ; The. board decided to comply with the request, it has b;-en proven that the cases which were sup posed to have been smallpox were not that disease at all, and there is no small pox in town. ;- ; ■ Dates for Party Conventions. HASTINGS, Minn.,. March 7.—(Special.) —The Republican city convention will be held here on the 23d inst., and the prima ries the preceding evening. The Demo cratic city convention wnl be held on the 2Cth inst., and the primaries the pre ceding evening. < ALL AROUND THE NORTHWEST, Be Bmet. S. D.—The De Smet roller mills were destroyed, completely by flre yesterday. Damage, $25,000. Hammond, Minn.—Mr. and Mrs. N, Shouweiler are receiving congratulations cover the arrival of a ten-pound boy on March 4. Dell Rapids, S. D.—This place is to have a new church to be built by the Lutheran society. It will be of stone and will cost $7,000. Moorhead, Minn.—The Congregational church will have a new edifice, plan 3 having been adopted"'and $3,000 raised at a meetlnr held Tuesday night. Bird Island, Minn.—At a special school meeting $7,500 of bonds were voted for the purpose of securing money with which to build an addition to the schoolhouse. Madison, S. D.—A new saloon ordinance providing $100 fine and thirty days' im prisonment for selling liquor without a permit, was given its first reading at Friday's meeting of the city council. Rochester, Minn. Rev. F. F. Arndt arrived last night to assist Rev. H. Hensel in his protracted meetings, which will continue this week every evening at 7:30 p. m., and afternoons at 2 o'clock. Madison, S. D.—Farmers hereabouts are interesting themselves in a rural de livery mail route. Postmaster Mease in forms them that routes not less than twenty-five miles long can be arranged for one -hundred families or more. Waseca. Minn.—The Silver Lake cream ery in Wilton township was completed last week and commenced receiving milk last Thursday morning. It is said to be one of the most modern and best equipped creameries, in the county. Waseca, Minn.—Mrs. E. A. Hanley, of this city, has leased the "St. Louis hotel in Winona. The building is now under going repairs, and as soon as .these are completed she will go to Winona to take possession, which will probably be not later than April 15th next. DEATHS OF A DAY. CLEVELAND, 0., March 7.—News was received from Havana, Cuba, of the death of Thomas J.i Mooney, of the firm of Mooney Bros., of this cl.ty. Mr. Mooney had tone on a Southern cruise for the benefit of his health and had been absent for about a month. Hia-death occurred at sea. while one day out from Havana. Mr. Mooney was welj known in New York city, having been buyer for his firm for years. NEW YORK, March 7.—Dr. John Fried erichs fifty-seven years of age, founder, publisher and editor of the American- Swiss Gazette, of .this city, died today. MORRISONVTLLE.Vt., March 7.—Bow man Shaw, father of Gov. Shaw, of lowa, died at his home here last night, -aged eighty-four years. SANTA BARBARA, CaL.March 7.—Mrs. Duryea, of Portsmouth, N. H., widow of the laite Gen. Henmanns Barulee Dur yea, died at her winter residence in this city today, after an illness of two weeks. BURLINGTON, 1 0 ., March 7.—C. W. Rand, a wealthy capitalist of Burlington, died at Riverside, Cal., last night, where he went for his health. Mr. Rand was prominently identified with the lumber business of the Mississippi valley. Another Wreck Victim Dead. KANSAS CITY, March 7. —W. R. Vaughn, the Cincinnati newspaper man who was injured in the Missouri Pacific wreck at Independence, a week ago, died at the University hospital today, after an operation on his arm. This makes four deaths as a result of_the wreck. Bnried In Arlington. WASHINGTON, March 7.—The remains of sixty-six soldiers, who died In Cuba, were buried at Arlington" cemetery today with military honors. The bodies of about 800 soldiers whp died in Cuba now rest in that nlstoric_spot. Wealthy New Yorker Kills Himself. NEW YORK. March 7.—Conrad Anel man, a wealthy retired produce mer chant, fifty-five years of age, committed suicide tonight at his Jiome in Brook lyn, by shooting himself in the head. He had suffered from nervous prostration for months. '_ Secretnry Hoot in Cuba. HAVANA, March • 7.—Secretary Root arrived here at 8 o'clock this morning on board 'the United States .transport Sedg wick. Gov. Gen. Wood and all the di vision staff and tltfs department of Ha vana staff escortedj%he party ashore. PostofHoc j&aud Order. WASHINGTON, March 7.—A fraud or der was issued tonfey by the postoffice department againstft. X>k Bass; the Union Teachers' AgGncleigot. Jlmerica and the Bureau of Civil SdPiice Instruction. GBAIN-0! GRAIN-0! Remember that name when'you want a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it. Grain-O is made of pure grain, It aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder and the children aa well as the adults can drink it with great benefit. Costs about % as much as coffee. 15c and 25c t>er package. Ask your grocer for Graln-O. BOERS IN RETREAT Continued From Firs* Page. It cannot he the Boer game to be beaten In detail. Their only chance is to collect the bulk cf their forces for a decislvo battle. If they have not enough men to stand up to Lord Roberts, their case is hopeless. It begins to look, indeed, as If my original estimate of the strength ol the enemy's forces, about 50,000, were not far wrong. In that case the game is up, for they must have lost 10,000 of the original 50,000. The escape of the Boei forces yesterday, however, Is most dls. appointing. A good general is not satis fled with the retreat of his enemy. He wishes to destroy them." QUEEN'S WISE MOVE. Will Visit Ireland for First Time- Since Death of Prince Consort. ♦v,LO^™ ON> March 7—At no time since the Diamond" jubilee has the queen been so conspicuous an object In the present mind as she is tonight. This promises to be even more strikingly the case tomorrow. Her majesty's visit to London for a drive in semi-state from Paddington station to Buckingham pal ace would be sufficient in Itself to create great public manifestations of loyalty, but the announcement this evening that for the first time since the jubilee she will tomorrow drive from Buckingham palace along the embankment to St. Paul's cathedral and back through Hol born and Picadilly to St. James is bound to make tomorrow a gala day in the an nals of London. Beyond all this is the announcement of the queen's intention to visit Ireland for the first time it Is sad, since the death of the prince con sort. This is regarded as one of the most remarkable acts of the queen's life. No minister of the crown has ever dared to suggest such a remarkable undertak ing. "The trip," said a well informed official this afternoon, "is the spontaneous sug gestion of the queen alone, and the en. thusiasm it is bound to create when known in London tomorrow is impossi ble to estimate. It is a wonderful proof of her majesty's intense devotion to her poeple and her sacrifice in making a trip at such a season of the year is renewed evidence of the keenness "of her mind in selecting the proper act at the proper time." DUBLIN, March 7.—Earl Cadogan an nounced the queen's Intended visit this evening at the drawing room. The new» had been promptly telegraphed by the various news agencies and was already known among the city, causing much good feeling. Her majesty's visit will be of a private character, such as she is in the habit of making periodically to the South of France. It will probably extend for more than a fortnight. Her last visit was in 1861. MODERN WARFARE. Winston Churchill* Graphic De scription of a Battle. LONDON, March 7.-Writing of a modern action, as judged by the hard fighting that preceded Spion Kop, Win ston Churchill says in the Morning Post: "Modern action is very disappointing as a spectacle. There is no smoke, ex cept that of the bursting shells. The combatants are scattered, spread over a great expanse of ground, concealed be hind rocks, clad in neutral tints. All the bombs and magnificence of Omdur man, the solid lines of infantry, the mighty dervish array, bright with flash ing spears and waving flags were ex» eluded. Rows of tiny dots hurried for ward a few yards and vanished into the brown of the earth. Bunches and clus ters of brown things, huddlied among the rocks or in sheltered spots. The artil lery unlimbered and horses hlden in the sheltered places, were scarcely visible. One shell in miniature, through field glasses, a great wave of infantry surge forward along a spur and disappear be. hind a crest line. The patter of Mauser rifles swelled into a continuous rumbling like a train of wagons passing over a pontoon bridge, and presently the wave recoiled, the minute figures that com posed it squeezed themselves into cover among some rocks, a great many groups of men began carrying away black ob jects. A trickle of independent drops dispersed itself. Then we groaned. There had been a check. The distant drama continued. The little distant fig ures began to move again, little active forms moved about among the rocks. Then the whole wave started again, full of impetuousity, started forward and never came back again. And at this we were all delighted, and praised the valor of our unequaled infantry and wished we were near enough to give them a cheer." WORD FOR THE BOERS. Monliix'n White on Subscription* to Maine Fund. WASHINGTON, March 7.—Mr. Mon tagu White, the representative of the Transvaal in the United States, today authorized the following interview: "My attention has been drawn to the appeal for funds issued by the committeo of the American ship 'Maine.' I have not the slightest wish to check the gen erosity of those who are desirous of re lieving the British sick and wounded in ■ South Africa, but though it may seem somewhat superfluous, I deem it my duty to point out that as the Boer lines are some three to five hundred miles inland the suffering Boers are not in the least likely to profit by the charity of the 'Maine,' even supposing that those re» sponsible for the undertaking really de- Bire to extend their care to the republl- can belligerents. I, therefore, feel com pelled to request all those who ar» anxious to assist the Boer sick and wounded or the widows and orphans to send their subscriptions to me, or any of the properly constituted organizations which are collecting money for that purpose." STUDENT'S INTERFERED. Stop-the-Wair Meeting: in Edinburgh Broken Up. EDINBURG, March 7.—A "stop the war" meeting, admission to which was regulated by ticket, was held in this city this evening. Notwithstanding this a large body of university students secured possession of the hall. It is Bald thai several hundred of theso gained admis sion by counterfeit tickets, r.nd the audu ence became so unruly that the doors were barricaded. James Kyrie Hardie. secretary of the Independent Labor leaguo, endeavored to speak, but to no purpose. The other speaker, Mr. Cron Wright-Schreiner, was outside. The meeting was thereupon abandoned by the, promoters and a rush was made for the platform. The police used their batons and a free fight ensued. Numerous ar rests were made. A gentleman whose identity has not been established was severely handled outside the hall by the crowd under the impression that he was Mr. Cron Wright. Schreiner. He fainted, fell and was trampled. Ultimately he was rescued, insensible, by the police. The students finished the anti-peace demonstration by parading through the principal streets. FLLL OP FIGHT. President Steyn Talks of Horrors to Come. LONDON, March 7.—Mr. A. G. Halles. correspondent of the Daily News, who was captured by Boers Feb. 9, and re leased a few days ago, at Bloemfontein, telegraphing from Sterkstroom, Sunday, says: "While 1 was a prisoner at Bloemfon tein I ha-J an Interesting interview with President ,Steyn. Ho said the burghers were determined to fight to the last man, and that the struggle in the Free States would be child's play compared with what would follow in the Transvaal. "President Steyn predicted that the capitulation of Pretoria would be pre ceded by events that would astonish Europe. He appointed a deputy presi dent to remain at Bloemfontein during his absence at Pretoria in the interests of the Free State." SPRIG OF SHAMROCK. Queen Orders It Worn on St. Pat rick's Day. LONDON, March 7.—An army order is sued tonight announces that the Queen has, ordered that in future on Bt. Pat rick's day all ranks of her Irish regi ments shall wear as a distinction, a sprig of shamrock in their head dress, to com. memoFAte the gallantry of her Irish eol diers in the recent battles in South Af rica. DOWN TO HORSE MEAT. Mafeklng Garrl*on Living: on De cidedly Short Rations. MAFEKING, Feb. 19.—Horse meat now composes a considerable part of our ra tions. There is little grumbling. The first pinches of the siege Is over and the town has settled grimly to stick It out. What may be typhoid malaria has brok en out In the women's laager, and dys entery, due to the absence of vegetables, Is rife among the garrison. DEMAND IS MADE. St. Louis Street Car Fniploji's Pre- Nent Their Cnae. ST. LOUIS. March 7.—The demands of the employes of the St. Louis Transit company were presented to General Man ager Coleman today, in accordance with the resolutions adopted at the meeting Tuesday night. They were presented by a committee acting in the Interest of the employes of the company. Mr. Coleman assured the committee that the resolu tions would be placed in the hands of the board of directors of the transit company and a preliminary answer In the form of a statement as to when the company would be prepared to give a definite and final answer would be forthcoming as Boon as possible. The board of directors was in executive session all afternoon and far into the night, but arrived at no conclusion. It is expected that a definite answer will be given to the employes at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. Schooner Hood Missing?. T*ROVIDENCE. R. 1.. March 7.—The three-masted schooner W. P. Hood, bound for this port, is reported to have foun dered on or after Feb. 22. The Hood left Baltimore Feb. 7 laden with about 1,070 tons of coal for East Providence. It f 553 CONDENSED MILK.I I SEND F0R"BABIES uABGOXFOR MOTfi£RS.\ m INFANT POOP. Gordon'a Condensed WJlIk Co., Now York B took fifteen days for her to reach Dela- Xen^T Kba" WhGre She WM laat APPALLING AFFLICTION. Virulent Smallpox Raging «v lllmU County, MtM»l*«lppl. JACKSON, Miss., March 7.-An official report made to the Hinds county board of supervisors today reveais an appalling state of affairs In the Jonesville neigh borhood in the southern part of the county. The community is literally honeycomb ed with smallpox of the most virulent and loathsome form, and during the past six weeks nearly 100 deaths have oc curred. On some days the death rate has been so large that it was impossible to secure coflins, and rude caskets were made from rails. Whole families have been wiped out of existence, and of sev eral large families only one or two chil dren are left. Many of the patients who are now In a critical condition are with out medical attention, and dying at the rate of from three to five per day. The death rate exceeds 75 per cent, and the entire lower portion of the county is de moralized. The board of supervisors will make an effort to check further spread, and at its morning session caite blanche was given the physicians to purchase supplies and medicines. A bill for forty-three cof fins, used within the past two weeks, was allowed. PRECIOUS STONES. Report of Gem Kxpert on Their Pro duction In. America. WASHINGTON, March 7.—George N. Nunz, the gem expert of the geological purvey, has substituted his annual re port on the production of precious stones in the United States for ISHit. He reports an increased output of sapphires in Mon tana, and the discovery of a fine blue stone that afforded gems up to three carets in weight. Beautiful sapphires of various colors were discovered in Grant county, Montana. The total value of gems produced last year was $185,770, a gain of $21,850 over the previous year. Diamonds in the value of $3uO were pro duced in the United States. CRUSHED TO ..DEATH. Fnll of Iron Plytng Futility Injure* Two Men. NEW YORK, March ".—A bundle of iron piping which fell from the window of the sixth floor of the rear of H. C. F. Koch & Co.'s department store. -m West One Hundred and Twenty-fourth street, today Btrock two men who were unload ing a truck at the curbstone below. They died within a short time. The dead men are Walter Welsh, a driver, and his help er, John Connors, both living in Mutt Haven. GOVERNMENT PATCHED UP ■»IF,NSU>. BOND AND MORRIS COM PROMISE THEIR DIFFERENCES ST. JOHN'S, N. F., March 7.-Messrs. Bond and Morris, the chiefs of the Lib eral factions, have compromised Jtheir differences, united forces and formed a government, absorbing the Morlne wing of the Winterite party, who baited from the Conservative ranks a fortnight ago and upset the Winter ministry. The Bond cabinet is likely to be announced on Sat urday, Mr. Bond taking the premiership and the portfolio of finance, Mr. Morris the portfolio of justice, Mr. Elie Dave the department of fisheries, Mr. Norwood the post of colonial secretary, and Mr. Augustus Harvey the leadership of the council, or upper house. The other posi tions have nut yet been filled. Anxiety for Overdue Ship. HAVRE, March 7.— The anxiety in re gard to the overdue French line steamer PauiHac, which sailed from New York Feb. 5 for this port, is Increasing. The officials of the company express the hope that" the Paulllae, with her machinery damaged, I'as merely drifted out of the route of the trans-Atlantic liners, and is trying to reach port linger sail. Siiuar Worker* Idle. NEW YORK, March ".—Thp one thou sand employes of the Jersey City sugar house of the American Sugar Refining company, who are now laid off, were told this morning that they would not be needed for an Indefinite period. The American Sugar Refining company has decided to keep the Jersey City plant shut down for several days more and probaly for weeks. Special Rate Announced. HOUSTON. Tex., March 7.-The South western passenger bureau has authorised a rate of one fare plus $2 for the trans- Mississippi commercial congress, which meets In Houston April 17 to 21. tickets to be on sale April 13 and 14, limited to twenty-one days. This rate will apply from all states nnd territories west of the Mississippi river. 3