Newspaper Page Text
OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. VOL. XXIV.-ISO. 3. 1111 IB IMTED STATES CONGRESS WILL GET TO WORK AGAIN TODAY Ml' II TO !)« IS TWO IBOITHS 1\ THE SENATE THE ARMY REOR GANIZATION BILL IS PAR AMOINT SHIP SUBSIDIES MUST WAIT In the House the Renpportionmcnt Mill Will Be Fruitful of Bit- ' ter Discussion -^ and Much Debate. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.—The general expectations among senators is that the iirst tew days of the time of the senate nvening tomorrow wlil hi devot ed to reconsideration of the army reor ganization bill but there is some disposi tion to make an arrangement for a divi sion of time that will permit of the con tinued presentation of the ship-subsidy bill .luring a part of each day. When the committee of order of busi ness representing the Republican side of the senate made the subsidy bill the regular order of business at the begin ning of the present session there was an understanding that with the army bill should be presented for consideration the other measure should be laid aside temp orarily if considered necessary in order to secure the prompt passage of the army bill. There is apparently a disposition on the pait of some senators partially to disregard this agreement ■ and the friends of the subsidy bill, most of whom are also supporters of the army bill, are trying to secure an understanding for confinement of the discussion of the army bill to the morning hour of the sen ate's daily proceedings, giving the time each day after 2 o'clock to the subsidy bill. * A meeting of the committee on military affairs has been called tomorrow when the matter of procedure probably will b3 discussed and a decision reached as to whether the committee will ask for all the time of the senate until its bill is disposed of or for only part of it Some members of the committee are disposed to divide time with the subsidy bill for the present but all "senators regardless of politics, consider the army bill of pressing importance. 3demise of the fact that the time for which the volunteer soldiers in the Phil ippines were enlisted has almost ex pired, it is probable that some arrangement will be reached guarding against any protracted delay on the mili tary measure. While comparatively few of the opposition senators will vote for that bill none of them appears willing lo make any objection to its early con- lideration. There has been a general suirmi-e that Mr. Coekrell would offer a substitute for Use army bill, but he stated today he had no such intention at the same rim expressing his conviction that the bi'.l should be pressed to early disposition be • the condition in the Philippine-. Mr. Coekrell expressed the further opinic.n that the army bill would not bo debated at great length until there should be at the same time an attempt to (;ury the subsidy bill alonp with it lr. that event he th< nprht it most dif flcult to s<-t the army bill through promptly. The opposition senators gen • i-.i!!> will content themselves with an explanation of their views upon the army bill and will make no opposition to its iK a law. There are -=-1131 several speeches to be made upon the subsidy bill, but apparent ly none of the promised speeches has been prepared ?o .that Senator Hawley may t> ab!e to go on uninterruptedly for .some tim<- with the army bill regardless of any arrangement concerning the sub sidy bill. IX THE HOUSE. The house probably will dispose of the rc-apportionnent bill this week, although Chairman Burton, of the river and committee, te inclined to contest the right ■>( v.jy with the census committee' The reappurtionment WH, carrying out as it does a constitutional requirement 's R m::ttc-r of higher privileae thf;n an ap propriation bill and if Chairman Hopkins Insists it probably will be given prio.-itv. Mr Hopkins, however, may yield if he tint's that any large proportion of the members will not rott:rn from their hoi", day vacation in time to vote upon the measure this week. A very determined Uglii will be made against his bill by mcmbi is from states \vuich lose rerrc sentatives under it and Mr. Hopkins de s'res a full house when the vote la taken. He Is confident that his measure will carry with a full attends nee. In any event, mithrr Mr. tiopkins nor Mr. Bur ton desires to proceed tomorrow so that •Hon tomorrow probably will be brief and unimportant. On Friday ci.her tno harbor or river or reapportionment bill will bo taken up. If it should be the latter the expectation is that its con- Pldoration will be completed on Saturday If the former the length of time to be consumed is problematical THE PUBLIC DEBT. monthly statement of the public Deo snows that at \ he close of business, Deo 31. 1900, the national debt, less cash .i! the treasury, amounted to $1,090,101310 a decrease for the month of $1,983,565 ' lhe debt is recapitulated as follows: Interest bearing ■ debt, $1,001,499,770- debt on which interest has eased since matur l£-iLr^' 070: debt beari "S no Interest. $385,144,086; total, $1,389,298,046. i This amount however, does not in clude $.54,012,379 in certificates and treas ury notes outstanding, which are offset by an equal amount of cash on hand The cash in the treasury. is classed as follows: Reserve fund in gold, $150,000, --000; trust funds in gold, silver and United States note?, $754,012,379; general fund. 130,559,478. In national bank depositories to the credit of disbursing officer and the i nited States treasurer, $96,699,694.., Total 11,131271,562, against which there are de- r a « S ii £"," tl? 8 outetandln« amounting to $841,164 lcavinn a cash balance on hand of $290,107,336. The cash in the treas ury increased during the month $930 548 ;;: CUBAN CUSTOMS. The division of insular affairs of the war department today issued a compara tive statement (bowing custom house re cepits at the various ports in the island of Cuba, for th first eleven months of 1900. as compared with the same period of the" preceding year. * - The statement sets forth a total of $14,459,947 as the amount of customs re cepits from all sources for the first eleven months of 1900, an increase of $1, --0 over 1899. THR LAWSHE REPORT. Secretary Root was asked if the Law ehe report on the Cuban frauds would be pent to the senate in compliance with the Baron resolution. He would not an swer the question directly, but Intimated very strongly that the president had sus tained his view of the matter, and that Continued on Seventh I'nife. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE 111111 IGNATIUS DONNELLLY'S DEATH WAS A SHOCK TO PEOPLE OF A STATE HE HAD SERVED FOiITY IE4SS SOMETIMES IN PUBLIC AND AT OTH ERS IN PRIVATE CAPACITIES, BIT ALWAYS SERVING FUNEKAL WILL BE IN ST. PAUL It Will Be Held Satnrdny From the Residence of His Son, Stan J. Don nelly. ** By order of Gov. the flag floats at half mast over the capitol, to remain there until after the funeral of the late Ignatius Donnelly, wjiich will be held from the home of his son, Stanislaus J. Donnelly. 817 Portland avenut, Saturday at 10 a. m. Its second lieutenant governor, three terms a congressman, eight years in the state senate, and two terms in the house, would have commanded this tribute of respect on the part of the state, even ha.l not tlie governor a personal tribute to pay as well. He said: "He was ;i man of commanding intel lect, a great scholar and a splendid speaker. I enjoyed a close acquaintance with him for many years, and found him oik; of the most charming of men in his sociul intercourse." As fully half of the present senate, and a large representation of the house of representatives, served with Mr. Donnelly in those two bodies, it is probable that large delegations from both houses will attend the funeral Saturday. Relatives from Philadelphia and from Butte are expected to attend the funeral. As early as 1555, when he was but twenty-four, Mr. Donnelly, still a resi dent of Pennsylvania, was tendered a nomination for the legislature, but de clined on account of the attitude of the party on the slavery question. After coming to this state, which was then Democratic, he was twice defeated for state senator before being elected lieuten ant governor. He was serving as lieu tenant governor when the civil war broke out, and when Gov. Ramsey, who was in Washington, made the first proffer of troops to President Lincoln, he telegraph ed to Lieutenant GovernoK Donnelly, who mobilized the troops with such dis patch that the First Minnesota regiment of volunteers ranks first in time of all the volunteer regiments of the Union army. He was re-elected lieutenant governor in IS6I, and the year afterward was nomi nated for congress. Within a month, the Sioux Indian war broke out, and Mr. Donnelly .loined the volunteers and went to the front. He did not take his seat in congress until 1563. Early in his political career in the house of representatives Mr. Donnelly made himself prominent by a letter,which afterward became famous, protesting against certain items which had been in cluded in the budget required to carry out the conditions of the Chippewa In diana treaty. Mr. Donnelly characterized the item as a direct swindle, and exposed what he believed to be an attempt to rob the government by a powerful ring. Be cause of this letter he made many ene mies. He always thought it was the cause of the opposition to his renomina tion. However, he was renominated and re-elected to congress. He defeated Col. William Colville, who had commanded the Fir.=t Minne?ota regiment with dis tinguished gallantry. During this term of office Mr. Donnelly engaged in a very sharp controversy with Elihu Washburne, and the manner in which he conducted his side of the arguments and debates added to his fame. In 1869 he became a candidate for Unit ed States senator, but Alexander Ram sey was given the exalted position in his stead. Mr. Donnelly took his defeat bitterly, but continued to act with the Republican party until 1870, when he ran for congress on a low tariff platform with the endorsement of the Democrats. He was asked to do this by 3.600 Republicans, who signed a petition. Two years later he supported Horace Greeley as a liberal Republican. His first wife died five years ago. There were several children by this marriage. Two sons survive. Dr. Ignatius Donnelly, Jr., and Attorney Stan Donnelly, of St. Paul, and a daughter, Mrs. George Gil linan. Dr. Donnelly is on his way to at tend the funeral. In 1597 Mr. Donnelly married Miss Mary Hanson, daughter of Martin Hanson, of Minneapolis. ALLIED FARMERS MOURN. The following resolutions were adopted last evening by the allied national ag ricultural associations: Resolved, That we, the Allied National agricultural associations of America, in supreme council assembled, learning with profound sorrow that Almighty God, in his wisdom, has called to his eternal rest our late beloved and much lamented brother, the Hon. Ignatius Donnelly, Resolved, That in the loss of Stwr de ceased brother, we recognize the attain ments of his brilliant mind, the eloquence of his tongue, the force of his vigorous character, the purity of his life, his strong personality, with a heart throb bing for humanity and beaming w\th kindness and goodness, a life devoted to the advancement of his fellow men, 'Resolved. That we. while bowing to the will of the supreme being in calling our late brother to his final resting place express our most sincere sorrow and ex tend our heartfelt sympathy to the re'a. tives of our deceased brother in this, the hour of their sorrow and affliction. —Thomas S. Russell. —Juhu C. Hanley. —M. P. Moran. Signed, committee The following gentlemen. were named as a committee to represent the National Allied Agricultural associations at the funeral of the late Hon. Ignatius Don nelly, viz: James J. Hill, Judge M. P. Moran, Gracevlll. Minn; Col. H. A. Wil cox, Nashville, Term; Hon. J. C. Han ley, St. Paul; Prof. T. S Russell, Hon. H. V. Allen, Meridan, Kan: William «j Dunbar, Cylon. Wis: Williant 8. Eaarl, Las Vegas. New "Mexico; M. S. Blar Ogetta. S. D.; H. S. Greely, Chicago WAS FABIOrs ABROAD. London Papers Held !,<>n«>- Obltu- Aries of Ig'iiatin* Donnelly. LONDON. Jan. 3.—The death of Mr. Ignatius Donnelly at Minneapolis yester day was followed today by long obit uaries and editorials in the London pa pers. MAILS FROM DAWSON Brought to Skagway Over the lee in Quick Time. VANCOUVER, B." C, Jan. 2.-The steamer Victoria arrived today from Skagway with forty passengers and mails from Dawson. They left a? lato THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1901.— TEN PAGES. as Dec. 16. making Quick time over the ice. A. F. Lander, of Seattle, was the latest passenger and he came out on a bicycle. Mrs. Ballinger, wife of Dr. Bal linger, who left Dawson on Dec. C for Skagway and completely disappeared, also came out by the Victoria. She heard nothing of her husband, who it is feared met with foul play, and is now on her way to seek assistance of rela tives In Seattle. An application for a new trial for John F. Slorah, who murdered his mistress, was refused at Dawson on Dec. 14 and the sentence of hanging on March 1 prob ably will take its course. The wrecked steamer City of Topeka is reported to be in good shape and probably will be successfully raised. HIS NAME IS DENNIS. MOIiH.VSKA OFFICERS DID NOT CATCH CROWE. CHADRON, Neb., Jan. 2.—lt was re ported today that the officers who were reported to have captured Pat Crowe, the alleged abductor of young Cudahy of Omaha, while endeavoring to make good his escape across the Pine Ridge country yesterday, were thrown off their guard by Crowe's friends and sympa thizers, many of whom live near the agency. Crowe's friends are said to be spirit ing him away to the Hole in the Wall country In Wyoming, where he is to join an old-time friend and cattle r ustler, and may enter a secluded life away from the reacfi of the officers of the law. The officers yesterday ran down a Boston curio hunter named Dennis, but he was released on proving his identity. J. J. CROWE RELEASED. YOI'NG CUDAHY FAILED TO IdEX- TIFY HIM. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 2.—Edward A. Cudahy failed today to identify J. J. Crowe as one of the men" who kidnaped him. Shortly after 2 o'clock today the Cudahy youth appeared at the city jail and confronted Crowe in the Bertillon room. After looking at the suspect five minutes or more young Cudahy remark ed: "1 never saw that man before. He is not the one who stood guard over me and if he had anything at all to do with the kidnaping I did not see him.'' After making this declaration the lad was taken before Chief Donahue for a private conference. Crowe was released from custody at 3 o'clock. He was tak en before Judge Learne for a hearing as no charge was preferred the c^urt dismissed the case. COST OF IMPERIALISM. Gen. MacArthnt'o List of Dead in the Philippines. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.—Gen. Mac- Arthur's latest casualty list is as fol lows: Manila. Jan. 2, 1901—Adjutant General, Washington: Following deaths have oc curred since last report: Dysentery—Dec. 20: Co. M, volunteer infantry, Simon P. Rechteldt; Dec. 27, Co. D, Forty-ninth volunteer in faniry, Oliver Smith; Dec. 22, troop D, Eleventh volunteer cavalry, Prlntis Sul teen; Dec. 21, troop E, Eleventh volun teer cavalry, Sergeant William P. Monavt- Dec. 23, Co. H, Seventeenth infartry George Morgan; Dec. 25, troop M, Klev^ enth volunteer cavalry, Chester A Mark ham; Dec. 1, Co. M, Sixteenth infantry Hughie Flynn. All Other Causes—Pec. 15, Co. G. Forty seventh volunteer infantry, Charles H Williams: Dec. 24, troop L, Third vavalry Corporal Ross D. Bond; Dec. 27, Co. "I Thirty-sixth volunteer infantry, Sanmel L. S. Preuse; D</. 1, Co. E, Sixteenth infantry, Samuel^E. Swearingan; Dec. 27 Co. F, Seventeenth infantry. James it' Lyon; Dee. 22, Co. B, Thirty-third volun teer infant!y, George Brown; Dec. 25 tio I, Thirty-third volunteer infantry, Ser geant Michael J. O'Brien; Dec. 24, Co D Third infantry, Thcmas J. McGuire; Doc' 25, Co. F, Twelfth infantry, Emil Betting; Dec. 23, Co. I, Fourth infantry, Corporal William O. Stephens; Dec. 24, Co. X, Thir ty-fourth volunteer infantry, Knute Ma son; Dec. 10, Co. H, Nineteenth, infantry Thomas Welch. —Mac Arthur 1111 [111 THrS ONE THREATENS DESTRUC TION OF THE ENTIRE CUD AHY FAMILY IS BELIEVED TO BE A FOKGERV POLICE ARE AS r * MUCH IN THE DARK AS THEY .EVER WERE JOHN CEOWE IS RELEASED There Wa« No Evidence to in Any Way Connect Him With the Kidnaiilni; of Young Codah;.. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 2.—Another letter, printed with a lead pencil was received by E. A. Cudahy, this afternoon, de manding the withdrawal of the reward for the kidnapers. The fact that the ad dress was printed in similar style to the former ones, gave rise to the suspicion before it was opene<£ that it was from the same course, but, Mr. Cudahy stated tonight that it was a rank imitation and said he did not attach the slightest sig nificance to it. It was mailed in the postofflce about 3:30 o'clock in the after noon. He showed the letter to a report er who called at his home to verify the report that another letter had been re ceived from the kidnapers and said it was evidently patterned after a fac simile of the former letter that had been print ed. He said it was of the tame class as several others that had been received from various points, except that it had been printed. He pointed out that there way, a marked dissimiiaiitybetween it and the one receive.! from the kidnapers both in ihe shape of the letters and the gen l era] wording of it, as well as in the spell ing. Apparently every word that was I possible of mis-spelling : was misspelled. The letter demanded* the withdrawal of the Cudahy offer of reward and the city's offer also, under penalty not only of trouble for the children, but the destruc tion of the entire "Cudahy family." The epistle closed with an injunction to "head this warning.". "In spite of th-3 two fortunes which hqve been offered for the arrest and convioliop of the Cudahy kidnapers their secret is still kept. For several days an optimistic feeling per vaded police circles. It was argued that the $50,000 reward mad* startling de velopments almost sure within a short time. When John Crowe, brother of Pat Crowe, was arrested at his home on tne Broadway road in Council Bluffs, New Year's day, the general impression was that some one, to use the police parlance, had "squealed."' TOLICE ARE AT SEA. But this point of view proved to h? as illusory as some of the fine spun theories which have gone by the board within the past two weeks. It was evi dently the fear that something might get away that impelled the police to take Crowe into custody. No evidnce to con nect him with the kidnaping was adduced when he was brought'before Judge Leanr this afternoon. No complaint was file! against him and he was discharged with out ceremony. During the afternooii Eddie Cudahy was taken to the city jail by Detective Donahue. In the BerUllon room had congregated a number of police officer?. In to this assemblage, Crowe was brought and Questioned, the purpose being to let young Cudahy hear -his -foice. The bandit who stood guard o'^ecf the young mm at night and day { a rich Irisri brogue. John Crowe hits a touch of the brorjue himself, andtliifc was really abo*it all the evidence the police had collected BULLETIN OF IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY Weather Forecast for Sfe Paul: Fair; Warmer. I—Funeral of the Sage. Congre«« Reconvenes Today. The Boer War. Cudahy Gets a Letter. 2—McCardy Is Too Busy. New Teachers Taken On. Minneapolis News. 3—News of the Northwest. 4—Editorial. C— Spurting- News. The Senatorial Situation. 6—Title to Lines Whoset Day In the Courts. 7—Makers of Impure Food. In Federal Supreme Court. B— New* of the Railroads. Wants of the People. 0— Market Page. May Wheat, 77 l-4c. Bar Silver, 64c. Stocks Active; Irregular. 10—Library Board Broke. against him aside from the stories told of his having often been seen with his brother Pat prior to the abduction. When the inquisition was at an end and Ed die Cudahy declared that the voice of John Crowe bore no resemblance to the voice of the guard-. He said in addition that Crowe was not nearly so stout as the man who had pointed the revolver in his face and called him "Eddie Mc- Gee." This was interesting to the police in asmuch as John Crowe is a man five feet ten inches in height and stout enough to weigh in the eighborhocd of 200 pouds. When Crowe was led to the desk of the sergeant he said to his attorney: "Some one must have quarreled or pre tended he knew something. I have not been out of my house any night for the past month." Equally bad fortune befell the police in their efforts to identify the horse and buggy belonging t 0 John Crowe. Secret Service Agent Witten today stated positively that he saw Pat Crowe in St. Joseph, Mo., the Friday after the kidnaping. He does no* thin he was one of the kidnapers. MONEY WAS MARKED. Cudahy Hansom Gold Will Be r Watched Fop. -." DALLAS, Tex., Jan.:2.— the banks of Dallas today received ! descriptions of the money paid by Mr. ;_ Cudahy at Omaha for the ransom of his son. " It is claimed that | marks : were placed on the. money -by which to; identify it. L When' any of rit is attempted to b3 passed the - arrest of the person or . persons offering the marked - money is. to follow. Banks . throughout the United . States • a nil Can-, ada and Mexico have received similar : notice. MOSQUITOES AT BERMUDA. Fonr of Uncle Sam's Tiny Defenders Sighted. HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. 2.—Four "nited States war vessels have just been signaled. Their names have not yet been ascertained. The four vessels are, in all probabilities, the Annapolis, Froiic, Wompatuck and Piscataqua. They sail ed from Hampton Roads for Bermuda on Sunday on their way to Manila. They are all small vessels. The fleet did not get up in time to en ter the channel before dark. PRICE TWO CENTSH ™Krt«;v«. 111 ID ii tl 11 Situation of the British in South .Africa Is Be coming; Serious in the Extreme, If Not Critical. Boers Are Everywhere Active and the Cape Dutch May Rise Against the British at Any Moment. CAPE TOWN, Jan. 2.-The British bat tleship Monarch will land guns tomorrow as a precautionary measure. The situa tion is undoubtedly serious. It is true that the Dutch have not joined the invaders in any considerable numbers, but a lack of arms is believe! to be the true reason for it. In many places horses are freely offered and In formation freely supplied to the Boers. The early proclammation of martial law in the Cape Town division is expected. This division does not include Cape Town itself. The latest reports show the situation to be generally as follows: Kuruman, if still uninvested, probably win. Griqual and West is filled with small parties of Boers, who are working south toward Prieska for the purpose of co operating with or supporting Command ant Herzog, who advance parties are in the neighborhood of Frazerburg. The Boers are close to Graaf Reinet, where of late Dutch have given many de monstrations of extreme sympathy. In the eastern part of the colony the advance guard of the Boers is close to Maraisburg, about twenty-five miles northeast of Cradock. GENERAL RISING FEARED. The general opinion here is that the position is not properly, appreciated in England. The Worcester conference ex cited the Dutch throughout the colony. Many old residents, who are by no means alarmists, regard a general uprising of the Dutch as quite likely. The Boers commanded by Hertzog, Wessels, Pretorius, Nieuwenhaut, are continuing their march on Frazerburg. It is reported that they have arrived at Spionberg. Looting continues. The Boer rotscs are footsore and there is great wart for fod der, as the country is barren. Communication with Frazorburg is sus pended and it is doubtful when this will bo restored, inasmuc'n as the Boers are traveling along the line. Col. Thorny croft and Col. De Lisle are continuing the chase, but their horses and mules are very tired. Many Dutch residents attended th* funeral of a Boer killed in action and placed wreaths upon his coffin. The Boers captured and destroyed the mails due Dec. 30. MARTIAL LAW. LONDON, Jan. 3.—"Martial law has teen proclaimed in the Worcestershire, Ceres, Frince Albert, Fraserburg and Sutherland divisions," says, tne Cape Town correspondent of the Dtiily Mail, wiring yesterday, 'the enlistment of vol unteers is nctive and the best authori ties anticipate "avorab'c developments shortly. "The great trouble is the scarcity of horses. Seven hundred Boers have broken through the cordon at Zvurburg and are advancing upon Richmond. Tha magistrate there reports t'nat they are hurning and looting a few miles from the town." "Lord Methuen is concentrating a force at Vryburg, where a thousand troops have been sent from Kimberley and qUeeN : vicToi{i a Maizes IIS LOIJP qOJBEIiTS Art EAJfiL COWES, Tsle of Wight. Jan. 2-The steamer Canada, having Field Marshal Lord Roberts on board, anchored off Osborne at 11:15 a. in. today. « The ships in the roads wore gaily dressed, the sea front was elaborately decorated with bunting and Venetian masts with festoons adorned the route to Osborne house, at the entrance of whien was erected a unique tribute of the queen in -'appreciation of the field marshal's work, in the shape of an arch of laurel. This was the first time such an arch had ever appeared there in honor of any sub ject of her majesty. A large concourse of people awaited Lord Roberts' arrival at Trinity pier and landing. Tne field marshal landed from the royal launch at 3:30 p. m., which was the signal for deafening shouts of welcome. Princess Beatrice, in her capacity as governor of the Is!e of Wight, and the Duke of Con naught, representing the queen, awaited Lord Roberts, whose arm was stl'.l in a sling as a result of being thrown from 1 Is hoise in Soutn Africa. He was? warmly greeted and the party started in royal carriages for Osborne house. The r^ute was lined with troops and thronged with cheering sight-seers. Lord Robert; stopped on his way at the town hall of East Cowes, where eulogistic addresses of welcome were presented to him. He then resumed his drive 3nd entered the grounds.of Osborn house by the Prince of Wales' entrance and proceeded up the noble, troop lined avenue to her majesty's Isle of Wight residence. When Lord Roberts reached Osborne house, he found THE RUSSIAN BEAR GRABS MANCHURIA ROW IP TO ENGLAND AND 'KAISER WILHELM TO SAY SOME THING. LONDON, Jan. 3.-The Pekln corres pondent of the Dally Mail, wiring Jan ] says: "Russia by conciliation is trying to se cure special advantages and there Is a strong belief that she will receive-"Amer! can support. It is hinted that Russia inspired unfounded charges of barbarity against German troops, her motive be ing to sow dissensions between Great Britain and Germany." In a dispatch to the Times from Po kin, dated Dec. 31, Dr. Morrison gives the text of the Russo-Chinese agree ment for the Russian protection of the Manchurian province of Fen Ting. Rus sia, he says, consents that China shall resume the civil government on the fol lowing terms: First the Tartar general Te Seng un dertakes to pacify the region and extend the construction of the railway. Second, he must kindly treat, feed and lodge Russians engaged in the mili tary occupation and In the protection of the railway. Third, he must disarm and disband the OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. I' " —' — others from more northern towns to deal with a commando that is raiding around Kuraman. "The Boers have occupied Jagersfon teln, which, together with Fauresmith, the British evacuated on Christinas day. The convoy of retiring inhabitants, with hundreds of wagons, extended for several miles. It was a mournful specticle. Camp was pitched at Edengurg. I gather^ that the motive for the evacuation was' the difficulty of maintaining food sup plies so far from the railway." STILL CHASING DE WET. The war office has received the fol lowing dispatch from Lord Kitchener: "De Wet tried to move toward BeMilew hem, but he was headed off by Pilcher and returned toward Llndley or Rietz. "One hundred and thirty Boer horses have been captured near Thaba N'Chu. 'The railway ha 3 been damaged south of Sarfontein. Williams engeged the Boers southeast of Middleburg, Cape Colony, and the British now occupy Graaf Reinet." The Standard commenting on the in vasion of Cape Colony says: "IPh« American civil war provides a useful parallel. The confederate raids failed to achieve anything serious." KRUGER IS ILL. Oom Panl's Physician* Are Keeping Him In Bed. , THE HAGUE, Jan. 2.-Mr. Kruger is suffering from a slight attack of bronchi-, Us. While there is no anxiety as to "his condition he is obliged to keep to h's bed. Doctors Heymans, Van Knuysen ami Coeurt, during the day, issued the foN lowing bulletin: "Mr. Kruger has for some days been suffering from a recurrence of bronch t'.s, which in view of his age and the effects of this climat'.? make it necessary for him to be more than ordinarily caiei il." BOl'fttETS FOR BOBS. But the liOndon Press Doettn't Par- ■get; That War Still Wages. LONDON, Jan. 2.—Lord Roberts figures largely In the papers this morning and there Is a chorus of eulogistic editorials. All call attention, however, to the ser ious position in South Africa and to'ha need of patience and moderation and all appeal to public to avoid in what is cer tain to be a tremendous ovation today, any misplaced exaltation and above any repetition of the indecorous scenes all that have disgraced the capital on former cccasiins. PROMOTION FOR KITCHENER. Is Slated for Contmnnder-ln-Chief la. India. LONDON,Jan 3.—lt is understood that at the conclusion of operations in South. Africa Lord Kitchener will become com mander-in-chlef in India. that the queen was out driving and ha conversed with several of the princesses while waiting for her to return. The audience lasted a quarter of an hour. Lord Roberts was then taken to Southampton by the royal yacht Alberta and went on board the Canada, where he will spend the right. The'quten bsst'nved an earldorr. on Lord Roberts, with a special remainder for his daughters. He was also made a knight of the garler A remairder, as referred to in the dispatch from Cowes, is "proven from the passage of nobility to special succes sor of line of succession. In default of . male Issue on the decease of a present holder." The only son of Lord Roberts. Lieut. The Hon. F. H. Roberts, died, Dec. 17. 1599, of a wound received in the engage ment at the Tigela rivei. For gallantry in attempting to rescue the British guns abandoned on that occasion, he was recommended for the Victoria cross, and the queen, as a mark of appreciation of the young man's valor, and the services rendered by Lord Roberts to his country pevious to his departure for South Af rica, took the occasion when Lady Rob erts visited Windson Castle a few days before she sailed for the Cape, to hand her a small parcel, saying: "Kejre is something I have tied up with my own hands, and that I beg you will not open until you get home." Lady Roberts found that the parcel contained the Victoria cross worn by her dead son. Chinese soldiery, delivering to the Rus sians all munitions of war in Buch ar senals as the Russians have not yet oc cupied. Fourth, all forts and defenses in the province not occupied by the Russians and all powder magazines not destroyed by them must be dismantled in the pres ence of Russian officials. Fifth, Niu Chwang and other places now in Russian control shall be restored to the Chinese civil administration, when Russia is assured that the pacification of the province is complete. Sixth, the Chinese shall maintain law and order by local police, under a Tar tar general. Seventh—A Russian political resident with general powers of conerol, shall be stationed at Mukden, to whom the Tar tar general, Te Seng, muet give all in formation regarding Important matters. Eighth—ln the event of the police be ing insufficient for local emergencies. General Te Seng will notify the Russian agent and invite the Russians to send reinforcements. Ninth—The Russian toxt shall be tho standard. "The problem raised ia very serious. The agreemr-nt is utterly ineconcililile with Russia's professed attitude toward China and the assurance eho has volun teened to the powers. In fact tho :|tua tion contemplated by the Anglo-Gorman agreement seems definitely to confront us."