Newspaper Page Text
OFFICiAL PAPER —OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. VOL. XXIV.-NO. 60. muni WILLIAM M'KINLEY WILL BE INAU GURATED PRESIDENT OF THE IpklT-SD STATES TO BE BRILLIANT CEREMONY OFFICIAL PROGRAMME FOR MON DAY NEXT AND THE FOL LOW DAYS HOUSE WILL HAVE A SHOW For the First Time the Popular Branch of Congress Will Take Official Part in the Proceedings. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.—The prepara tions for the inauguration of President McKinley next Monday are rapidly near ing completion, and unless all signs fail, there will be a larger crowd of strangers present to witness the ceremonies than Washington has seen in many years. The general Inaugural committee has been hard at work for more than a mouth perfecting the arrangements and the spectacular features of the celebra tion, as well as the general arrangements made for the occasion, will be on an ex ceptionally fine scale. Although Pennsylvania avenue will be illuminated during the three nights of the 4th, sth and tali of March as rarely before, a special feature will be made of that part extending from Fifteenth street to Seventeenth street on the north front of the White House grounds. This sec tion has been designated "The court of honor," and many special features of il lumination will be introduced. Officers having government buildings in charge are putting in place special dec orations in honor of the occasion. Commander Baird, superintendent of the state, war and navy department building, lias made an interesting con tribution to the special decorations. He has placed electric lights forming the well-known badges of the Eighth and Ninth army corps, as used during the war of the rebellion, on the east pavilion of the great granite tri-department build ing. President McKinley, as a major in the arm:.-, served in both these corps in the civil war. Word.was received at the navy depart ment today that the training ship Dixie, which is flagship of the fleet ordered to take part in the inaugural ceremonies, left Hampton Roads this morning for Alexandria. The old warship Hartford also is within about the same distance of the capital. These two vessels prob ably will anchor off Alexandria tonight or tomorrow morning. The Lancaster and Topeka undoubtedly ■will reach the same rendezvous Sunday. It has been decided at the navy depart ment to keep these vessels off Alexandria and to bring their crews to this city by ferryboats. The big monitor Puritan is at the Washington navy yard and will remain there until after the inaugura tion. Representatives of the various veteran organization who yesterday, through Gen. Daniel Sickles, declined to partici pate in the inaugural ceremonies because they were dissatisfied with the place as signed them in the parade, today de clined an offer of Grand Marshal Gen. Francis V. Greene to send a guard of honor of twenty men from each local post to act as an escort to the president. The veterans declined to have any part in the ceremonies unless this invitation were extended to all members of the vet eran organizations, both local and visit ing from other cities. The inaugural committee has complet ed every detail of the programme. Tho events to mark President McKlnley's seo ond induction into office have been out lined as follows: OFFICIAL PROGRAMME. Monday, March 4— 11 a. m.—Gathering of high government officials, diplomats and specially invited guests m the United States senate cham ber. 11:50 a. m.—lnauguration of Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, vice president of the United States. Ceremonies in the senate, attended by the president and a distinguished company. 12 noon—President McKinley takes the oath of office in the presence of the as sembled multitude. Delivers inaugural address. 1:.» p. m.—lnaugural parade moves from the capitol up Pennsylvania avenue <:::0 p. m. Illumination of the court of honor in front of White house. 7:15 p. m.—Display, of aerial fireworks from Washington monument grounds. 8 p. m.—Doors of pension office open for reception of guests of the inaugural ball 9 p. m.—lnaugural ball opened by President McKinley. * Tuesday; March 5— 10:30 a -Dedicatory concert, pension office, In honor of the United States army. Marine band. •*»■.«!■.<:_ - p. m.—Dedicatory concert, pension of fice, in honor ° the United States navy. Marine band. '" n» p. m—Dedicatory concert, pension of- Slai-lne 522 "* the ***" of the Uoi°' Wednesday, March 6— 2 ii. m.—Dedicatory concert, pension of fice in honor of the congress of the Unit ed States. Marine band. t_ 8 p. m.—Dedicatory concert, pension of fice, in honor of the vice president and speaker of the house of representatives. Marine band and grand chorus of 500 voices. CEREMONIES AT THE CAPITOL. The inaugural ceremonies proper for the first time will be conducted by a joint committee of the senate and house, tho custom heretofore having been to leave the conduct of the inauguration entirely In the hands of the upper body of con gress. At 11 o'clock Mr. Roosevelt will take the oath of the vice presidency in the senate chamber In the presence of President McKinley and a distinguished company. After the delivery of his in augural address the vice president will administer the oath of office to the sena tors-elect. At noon the oath of office will be administered to President McKinley by Chief Justice Fuller, in front of the main entrance to the capitol, where a stand for this purpose has been con structed. The president then will deliver his inaugural address. He will take his lunch at the capitol, before heading the brilliant inaugural parade Up Penn sylvania avenue to the executive man sion. Gen. Francis V. Greene will head tho parade as grand marshal. President McKinley will follow, escort ed by Troop A, of Ohio. The body of the parade is divided into two grand di visions, military and civic, and will be a notable pageant in many respects. A company of volunteer troops from Porto Rico will form a part of the first brigade and be an attractive feature of • the parade, as will a large detachment of sailors and marines. The grand inaugural ball, which will be held in the great court of the pension building, will be the social feature of th. occasion. Large amounts of money are being expended In floral and other decor ations, and the committee having this part of the programme in charge have r.o doubt that this great' room will eclipse In point of beauty and brilliancy anything Washington has seen. — : : __J ; I : ! '' :.*^:M-r>^-- '.:•••-■_ "~ .. . ' ATLANTA WOMAN VICTIM OF ASSAULT NEGRO BOUND HER FAST AND THEN STARTED A FIRE. BE NEATH HER. ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 28.—Mrs. C. A. Buchanan, wit:} of a well known jeweler, living in Spring street, in the heart of a prominent residence section of the city and within two blocks of the governor's inan_ioi], was the victim today of an outrage which has caused much excite ment in Atlanta. Her condition tonight is critical. Mrs. Bacbanan was compelled at the point of a pistol, held by a burly negro, who stealthily entered the house, when She was alone, to give him her purse, containing $5. r 7 The negro then said he wanted some breakfast, and when Mrs. Buchanan said there was nothing cooked, command her to cook something, and while she was engaged in this, he stood with his pistol constantly pointed at her. After the food had been placed on-the table, the negro seized Mrs. Buchanan and bound her to a bedstead. He then ate his breakfast. When he had finished, he gathered some paper and placing it under Mrs. Buchanan, set fire to it. Mrs. Buchanan kicked the lire away, but the negro threateningly told hei.not to do so again, and replaced the fire which was now blazing vigorously under his victim. The negro then quickly ran from the room and jumping through a rear window escaped. Mrs. Buchanan again kicked the burning mass from her and by severely wrenching her wrists, managed to free herself. She ran to the front door of the house and by her screams attracted several persons who assisted her in extinguishing the flames before they had obtained much head way. Mrs. Buchartan told what had hap pened, and almost immediately relapsed into a state of extreme nervousness, and was unable to tell anything further than give a brief description of her assail ant. The entire detective force, with the assistance of several policemen and bloodhounds, are looking for the negro. About noon, Mrs. Buchanan relapsed into a comatose state and has been un able even to recognize her friends around her bedside The assault of Mrs. Buchanan is the latest of a series of crimes in the past few days in which negroes have robbed and assaulted white women, and <scaped. WILLIAM M. EVARTS DEAD TIIE DISTINGUISHED JURIST AND STATESMAN HAS PASSED AWAY. NEW YORK, Feb. William M. Evarts died at his home in this city today. The cause of death was pneumonia. Soon after 4 o'clock this morning Mr. Evarts suffered a relapse. He became unconscious at 6 o'clock, and breathed his last at ten minutes after 9 o'clock. His wife and his children were with him. The sons are Allan, Sherman, Rev. D. Prescott and Maxwell Evarts, and the daughters .are Miss Mary Evarts. Mrs. Beaman, Mrs. Tweed and Mrs. Scudder.- Mr. Evarts was eighty-three years old. For several years past he had been with out the use of his eyes, and he was otherwise so feeble that he was unable to leave his home. He was the nomi nal head of the law firm of Evarts, Choate & Beaman, although for many ears he had not been in active prac tice. Mr."Evarts was secretary of state In President Hayes' cabinet, and he was in tire United States senate from 1885 to 1891. He took part in numerous political cases and frequently represented the gov ernment in international contests. The funeral of William M. Evarts will take place at 10 o'clock Saturday morn ing from Calvary Protestant Episcopal church. After the services here the family will go with the remains to Windsor, Vt., where services will be held again. Interment will be in the family plot of the cemetery there. The pallbearers will not be chosen until to morrow afternoon. FERRELL EXECUTED. aiIRDEKER OF CHARLES LAKE PAYS THE DEATH PENALTY. COLUMBUS, 0., March I.—With ho dimuniticn of the wonderful nerve that has been characteristic of the man since the time of apprehension for the pre meditated murder of Charles Lane last August, Rosslyn Ferrell at 12:06 this morning walked calmly to the electric chair in the Ohio penitentiary and ex plated his crime. Up until 7:30 yesterday evening Fer rell was in company with his three brothers in his room at the penitentiary. At that time the brothers were asked to retire and Reverend Fathers Kelly and O'Reilly entered the room and remained with Ferrell to the end. They administered the sacrament in the early part of the evening, and the rites had hardly been concluded when Ferrell proposed a game of checkers with one of the clergymen. Tiring of this after a while,he played his guitar and sang until he was summoned to the death chamber. He walked into the room as calmly as if he was merely a spectator. His face did not change color, and his steps were firm and resolute. He sat down Jn the elec trocution chair at 12:06. He was asked if he had any last message and replied in a voice full of strength and without tremor: "I have nothing to say." The officials made the last preparations, the fatal current was turned on, and at 12:09 he was declared dead. PENITENTIARY BURNING NEBRASKA STATE PRISON IX DAN- CiER OF DESTRUCTION. LINCOLN, Neb., March Fire which started in the living rooms' of the war den In the main building of the state penitentiary at midnight last night seems certain to destroy the entire main building, together with the cell house an other buildings. Just alter 2 o'clock this morning a telephone message came say ing the room in which the telephone instrument was was in flames and must be vacated. This cuts off the only means of imme diate communication with the prison, which is nearly four miles from the busi ness district of the city. Between 1 and 2 o'clock, however, a message from a member of the Lincoln fire department by telephone said the penitentiary was doomed and the fire was spreading. Before the flames had gained great headway Warden Davis gave orders to release the convicts from the cells and march them to the prison yard under double guard. The removal waS accom plished safely and without disorder. Nebran-u Senatorial Deadlock. LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 25.-The vote to day on United States senator was as follows: Allen, 37; W. H. Thompson, 11; Berge. 4; Hitchcock, 13; Harrington, -13; D. E. Thompson, 38; Meiklejohn, 34; Cur rie, 13; Martin, 4; Hinshaw, 13; Crouse, 7; Rosewater, 15; scattering, 14. . The Republican senatorial caucus met tonight, but with only forty-five mem bers present, less than enough to nom inate under the -rules, and adjournel un til next Thursday, . ; ■■- FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1901. if in ii WHITE-WINGED PEACE HOVERED OVER THE NATIONAL CAP- ' ITOL YESTERDAY GRIST OF WORK TURNED OUT SENATE PRESSED RIVER AND HAR BOR AND AGREED TO WAR REVENUE It 1.1. HOUSE ALSO DID BUSINESS Conference Reports Adopted iv the Lower Branch Included Also That on the War Reve nue Reduction Bill. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.—The serenity in today's session of the senate was in sharp contrast with the tempestuous nature of yesterday's session. A number of bills were passed. - The' river and harbor appropriation bill carrying ap. propriations of more than $50,000,000 was passed without a word of discussion and the senate adopted the conference report on the war revenue reduction measure without disturbing in the least the mill pond smoothness of the pro ceedings. Final conference reports were made and agreed to on the diplomatic and consular and agricultural appropriation bills and another conference on the postolfice bill was ordered. Conference reports on several other measures were agreed to and several bills of a minor chaiacter were passed. The last hour and a half of the ses sion was devoted to the consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. An effort was set on foot in the senate today to add the house omnibus bill with numerous additions to the sundry civil bill, a san amendment, and a meeting of the committee on public buildings and grounds was held to decide upon a meas ure. Conferences with leading senators, however, convinced those interested that it would be impossible to hold their amendment in conference. They there, fore abandoned their effort to secure the enactment as an amendment, and re newed their work looking to the passage of the house bill. They received strong assurances that that bill would be al lowed to become a law with the one addition of the proposed increase in the Indianapolis public building. When the senate convened today the president pro tern., Mr. Frye, presented a letter from the Marquis of Lansdowne expressing the appreciation of his majesty, King Edward VII. for the reso lution of senate adopted on the occasion of the death of Queen Victoria. A resolution was adopted, authorizing the committee on finance to make an in vestigation of internal revenue, customs, currency and coinage matters and to re port to the senate. PETTIGREW'S LITTLE ROAST. Mr. Pettigrew's resolution to discharge the committee on education and labor from consideration of the eight-hour labor bill and make the bill an immediate order in the senate, was laid before the senate. Mr. Pettigrew's colleague, Mr. Kyle, is chairman of the committee on education and labor. Mr. Pettigrew de clared that the committee was incompe tent in Its duties as a committee. He had read a letter from a representation of the Federation of Labor, criticising the committee for not taking action upon the bill. Mr. Piatt (Conn.) made a point of order against the resolution and it was sustained by the chair. Mr. Pettigrew then offered a new reso lution, providing merely that the com mittee be discharged from consideration of the resolution. It went over. A resolution previously offered by Mr. Allen (Neb.) calling upon the secretary of the navy for copies of Gunner Charles Morgan's letter to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson seeking promotion and the admiral's ' indorsements - thereon, to gether with all correspondence bearing upon the matter, was adopted- DOWN TO BUSINESS. The conference report on the military academy appropriation bill was agreed to. A conference report upon a bill re lating to the location of homesteads upon the Fort Fetterman military reservation in Wyoming also was agreed to. The conference report on the measure creating a commission for the adjudica- tion of Spanish war claims in accord ance with article 7 of the treaty of Paris was agreed to after Mr. Butler (N. C.) said he feared the enactment of the law would inaugurate a raid upon the treas ury and Mr. Foraker had replied that the total amount of claims now on file was less than $20,000,000. Bills were passed as follows: Authoriz ing the' Citizens' Bridge company to con struct a railroad and wagon bridge across the Mississippi river at Burlington, Io. ; authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Cumberland river at Carthage, Term.; authorizing the construction of a bridge by the . Texas & Pacific railroad across Red river at Turnbulls island, La.: authorizing the construction of a bridge across Pearl river at Monticello, Miss. The senate agreed to the house amend ments to a bill "for the relief of settler. under the public land laws to lands with in the indemnity limits of the grant to the Northern Pacific Railroad company," thus passing the measure. A house bill to" refund excessive postage paid on cer tain newspapers was passed, and also a bill amending the laws-relating to the taking of timber from public lands, so that the restrictions shall not apply to the south slope of Pryor mountains, in Montana. The conference report upon the bill amending, an act to provide temporarily for revenues for Porto Rico and to in crease the salary of the commissioner of education was adopted. A conference report upon a bill to pre vent the failure of military justice by requiring the attendance upon court-mar tial of civilian witnesses was agreed to. Bills were passed as follows: Granting a charter to the general federation of women's clubs; amending the - statutes in relation to the fees of United States commissioners and . enabling deputy clerks of United district courts to ad minister oaths. Mr. Chandler gave notice that on Sat urday evening at 8 o'clock he would ad /dress the senate on the resolution de claring, that William A. Clark was not duly and legally elected to the senate. IN THE HOUSE. The house cleared the decks today of a number of important conference re ports without much difficulty. The con ference report on the war revenue re duction bill proved generally acceptable to both sides and was adopted without division. Mr. Richardson, the minority leader, acqulesceel in It, as the best thing that could oe done, although he stated that the minority still believed the war taxes should be reduced $70,000,000. Final reports on the diplomatic and consular and agricultural appropriation bills were Continued on ; Fifth Page. MANY LIVES COULD ; ..HAVE BEEN SAVED COAST GUARDSMAN DISREGARDS distress-Signals of the ILL- FATED 1110 DE JANEIRO. SAN FRAKCISro, Feb. 28.—Ellingsen, the coast guardsman connected with the Fort Point'life "saving station, who was on duty, at the time of the wreck of ,the steamer Rio de Janeiro, on February' 22, has'confessed "that he heard the Rio's signals volf;,; distress, but ;no importance was attached to. them, and "for 1 that rea son-he failed to arouse the life saving station. Capt. Hodgson, in charge of the station, has suspended Ellingsen, and will make a thorough investigation. It has been claimed by persons who were on the. wrecked steamer and by others,' that if the life . crew had been made aware of the; disaster, many lives could have been saved. V * Immediately after the wreck Ellingsen denied flatly that he heard the Riu's whistles, and he persisted in ■ that denifil until he confessed to Hodgson. " When Ellingsen made his confession to •-apt. Hodgson, the latter became infu riated and seized the guard, and besides giving him a" sound thrashing, choke 1 him severely in his anger. Capt. Hodg son is so chagrined at the disgrace'ca -it upon the station that he can hardly talk of the matter. .- • ' Ellingsen has disappeared, and the men at tne life saving station believe that he has made away with himself. COLLAPSE OF BOER WAR NEGOTIATIONS IN PROGRESS BE TWEEN KITCHENER AND ROTH \." s^°* DO *N' March ''..J:f The Daily News "We learn that Commandant General Botha offered to surrender on certain conditions, and that pour parfers still in progress. It is probable that Mrs. Botha nt proposals frof her husband to Lord Kitchener." OUDTSPOORt, Cape Colony, Feb 28 — Gen. eWet' forces, It is said, having failed to cross the Orange river at Dai poort are hurrying to' Roonfontein by way of Petrusville. ■ y The Orange river Is failing. COMMONS m WRATHY STILL SORE AT TttEIR TREATMENT AT OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. LONDON, Feb. 2S.*~The discontent re garding the treatment of the commons at the opening of parliament V again cropped up in the house this evening, when it began the discussion oi the civil service supplementary appropriations. After being subjected to violent criticism the government only Succeeded in carry ing the vote for the maintenance of the parliamentary buildings •oya. meager ma jority of 52. V ...-;.--—,... EDUCATORS AT CHICAGO. National Association Chooses Its Officers and Adjourns. CHICAGO, Feb. Alcohol as a food was condemned at today's session of the superintendence department of the Xv, tional Educational aSsociatoin. ■ The following officers were reported elected by the secretary: V / Vr. . President— R. Glenn, "Atlanta. First .Vice President—H.^T.^Emerson. Buffalo, N. Y. ' '. ; .' Second Vice President—F. W. Cooiey, Calumet,. Mich. -■-■- Secretary—John W. Deitrich, Colorado Springs, Col. • Chicago' was chosen as the meeting place for the next annual session. • •. ■■■-/-■' "Individual Instruction an Imperative Need in Our Schools" was discussed after the alcohol question Tiad been disposed of. At. the ! afternoon • session several . sub jects of interest were discussed. Among the speakers were Supt. R. G. Boone, of Cincinnati,. and Dean L. B. R. Briggs, of Harvard college. . -•:■■••-_■."•.•— -'■-— .-■•■ The report of the committee on teach ing of physiclogy, as bearing on the effect of alcohol, was as follows: "We recommend that a body of educa tional doctrine be formulated which may guide temperance- in instruction in the schools throughout the country^ and we further recommend that the scope of in vestigation be so enlarged as to cover not only topics suggested, but also'; the field of personal hygiene, 'so . far :as this is a practical matter for school instruction. "We also recommend that this investi gation be conducted under the direction of the National Council of .Education, in accordance- with the * regulations of the National Educational association." " ..-: The convention, which has been in ses sion three days, closed- tonight. ~ NOT THE MAN WANTED. Indiana Negro Who Was Near to a Lynching: Is Released. JNDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 28.—Late this afternoon the negro, . "Doc" Reed, was again taker to the Darter home, in Irvington, and after carefully scrutin izing the prisoner. Miss Darter declared he was not her assailant.-^ He was then released from custody. Oiport«> Consul Recalled. LISBON, Feb. 28.—The Brazilian gov ernment has ordered its consul at Oporto to return immediately to Brazil with his family. " *y» s - I g oo . *; ' I X '^JT%irX Xv^^M^--:; The Fr.t Trout smiles In sleek content And plies in the (golden Muff: To Labor It Mays: "Your chance villi come . When I have sot enough." V 7 i : —Philadelphia Times. 111 ill GOV. BECKHAM AND JUDGE BAR- KER, OF LOUISVILLE. IN A ". 7"" MERItY WAR ALL ABOUT A GAMBLING CASE HIS EXCELLENCY HINTS AT COR RUPTION ON PART OF PROS ECUTION - HIS HONOR WAXES WRATHY Charge** the Governor With Lack of Gratitude for the Court's Stand ; During the Late Elec tion Contest.' . LOUISVILLE. Ky., Feb. 28. — Strong statements made by Gov. Beckham in in dorsing the pardon. he granted today to Ed Alvey, convicted in the criminal court at Louisville of setting up a game of chance and given two years in the penitentiary, had an extremely sensa tional aftermath in the criminal court today. Gov. Beckham was denounced to the court by R. C. Kinkead, who was one of: the attorneys that prosecuted Alvey, and the executive was the subject of ji long address to the grand jury by the Judge of the court. Alvey was convicted on state's. evidence turned by three men who . were indicted with - him, and par doned by the governor on affidavits which the governor thought established that Alvey was a subject of .discrimination. In brief, Gov. Beckham charged that Al vey was convicted to suppress competi tion in gambling in Louisville. lif his of ficial indorsement on the pardon, grant ed Alvey, Gov. Beckham says: ROASTED BY BECKHAM. "This is the most barefaced and In excusable case of -judicial and political persecution that has ever ._ come before my notice. By a bold and shameful con spiracy, this man Alvey has been se lected as the helpless victim, while oth ers equally as guilty, or more so,; who seem to bask in the sunshine* of official favor, are allowed absolute -immunity from prosecution in the Jefferson crim inal court. ._ . "This warfare seems to have been in spired . not by an intention to suppress gambling, . but by a desire to destroy competition in that business. The pa pers before me show beyond douot that this man was convicted upon evidence secured by one of the most infamous bargains ever tolerated in any court." R. C. Kinkead, who was counsel pros ecuting Alvey, considered that refer ences • to an "employed prosecutor" in Gov. Beckham's pardon indorsement re flected on him, in the criminal court, on motion of Mr. Kinkead. Judge Barker appointed a committee of five lawyers to "investigate statements con cerning the attorney made in the gov ernor's indorsement. Judge Barker ordered the entry of the following order: . -. . "Comes R. C. Kinkead, a member of this bar, and moves the .court for the appointment of a committee of not les3 .than; five members of the bar of Louis ville, whose duty it shall be, to fuiiy. in vestigate'the insinuation of professional misconduct on the part of the. said Kin kead in the reasons assigned by the gov ernor of Kentucky, in granting the par dons of Ed Alvey, convicted here on Feb. 25." Judge Barker then called before him the grand jury and explained his atti tude in the gambling cases. He said in part: - . .. < COURT COMES BACK. "Insofar as it is intimated that this court has discriminated between one set of gamblers and another, 1 desire to state to you, upon the honor of a man, that that is untrue. . .• V" - ' "That whole pot pourri of Information that is filed is made of the statements of men who were either convicted, or who turned states evidence for fear of conviction. it was amazing to me be cause I could not but remember that when only a little over a year ago the present governor of Kentucky and his branch of the legislature fled in terror from Frankfort to the city of Louisville when they were threatened with arrest by the military commanded by the then Gov. Taylor It was to -this court that they came for protection, and it was this governor and iin his favor that I invoked all the power with which the commonwealth had Invested me. "I have it from him and the members of the: legislature that but for the ac tions of this court his legislature would have fled In terror and never have been assembled again. • Right in this court he came for protection. 1 do not say this in ' a boastful, spirit, but merely to show that if , this court could have been awed then by the governor with all his militia at his back there'would have been no Gov. Beckham now to in sult . this court.'.' W Golden : Wedding Anniversary. WINONA. Minn., Feb. 28.—(Special.)— Mr. and Mrs. William Reuss, of this city, celebrated their golden wedding anniver sary In an appropriate manner today. A large number of the relatives of the couple were present at the gathering. A number of fine presents were made the old couple. PRICE TWO CBXTa^{g^«ifft^ '£r':-'.Zi^'7 f ... BULLETIN OF ./x/:77-7 r'^7 IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY Weather Forecast for St. Paul. V Fair; Variable Winds. I—Mr. In ley's Inauguration. Calm In Congress. Hot in Old Kentucky. State . Editors in Tumi. Forged Check nnd Left. - vV'V Dlx to Hold Two Places. Blow Aimed nt Charter. —Legislative Doings. Thompson Feels Hurt. After Randall's Scalp. In the Dakotas. 4—Editorial Page. The Golden Idol. Of Social Interest. 6—Sporting News. Big League Adjourns. Troops Leaving Luzon. News 'of the North-west. --■-' - ■. • ' , 6—News of Railroads. Popular Wants. Want No Vaccine Virus. 7—Markets of the World. Chicago May Wheat, 75 7-Bc. Bar Silver, «I I-Bc. Stocks Lower. BCunningham Divorce Suit. Report of Hospital. WEATHER FOR TODAY. Minnesota, North and . South Dakota— Fair Friday and Probably Saturday; va riable winds. Wisconsin—Rain or snow in northern portion; fair in southern, with rising temperature Friday; Saturday fair; fresh' southerly winds. y- lowa-Fair Friday and probably Satur day; variable winds. ■S Montana—Fair Friday and probably Saturday; southwesterly winds. <g St. Paul — Yesterday's observations, taken by the United States weather bu reau, St. Paul, P. F. Lyons, observer, for the twenty-four hours ended at 7 o'eiock last night.—Barometer corrected for tem perature and elevation: Highest temper ature, 36; lowest temperature, 10;' average temperature. 23; daily range, 20; barom eter, 30.20; humidity, 79; precipitation, trace; 7 p. m., temperature, 34; 7 p.m. wind, southwest: weather, cloudy. X i'aX .' *Bp.m.High i_ . *Bp.m.High Battleford ...42 48 Chicago .....28 28 x Bismarck ....48 54 Cincinnati ...38 44 Calgary ......52 56 Cleveland ...26 28 Duluth 32 34 Galveston ....66 68 Edmonton ...48 M Jacksonville .50 58 Havre ........52 54 Marquette ...32 36 Helena ..;.... 52 64 Montgomery .60 64 Huron 40 50 Montreal ....10 14 Med. Hat ...46 52.Nashville ....58 60 (Minnedosa ...38 38. Orleans ..62 70 Pr. Albert V.44 '..New York ...20 28 Qu'Appelle •. .36 88 Philadelphia .30 32 S. Current ..38 44 Pittsburg ....32 36 Williston -....40 50|St. Louis ....34 38 Winnipeg ....36 3fi|S;ilt Lake ...52 54 Buffalo « 18,Ste. Marie ...21 28 Cheyenne ....46 521 ♦Washington time (7 p. m. St. Paul.) OCEAN LINERS. New Arrived: Bovlc, Liverpool. Sailed": La Gascogne, Havre; Rhein, Bremen. ..!'.. Boston—Arrived: Ivernla, Liverpool. ! Rotterdam — Arrived: Potsdam, New York- - Sailed: Statondam, Boulogne and New--York.', . • .-... V Lizard — Passed: L'Aquitaine, New York, for Havre.; 7' . V Liverpool—Arrived: - Maj.estjc, New York. Sailed: Belgenland, Philadelphia; Commonwealth, Boston; Montfort, St. John's, N. "8., and Halifax.- Quecnstown—Arrived: Waesland, Phil adelphia, for Liverpool. Sailed: German ic, Liverpool, for New York. Genoa—Arrived: Kaiserin Maria There sa, New York, via Naples. Hamburg—Arrived: Pennsylvania, New York, via Plymouth. -Southampton—Arrived: Westernland, New York, for Antwerp. AROUND THE HOTELS. At the Merchants'—H. W. Pearson, Du luth; J. S. Brooks, Olivia; Howard Fol son and wife, Brahain; Frank Jeff era, Red Lake : Falls; George A. Ralph, i Crookston: N. B. Barker, Sauk Center; ! Carl M. Borgen, Brandon; H. S. Clark, | Stephen; George Johnson, Argyle; E. P. I -Stevens, Warren; M. R. Brown, Crooks i ton; Scott Way, Stephen; CV W. Wagner I and wife, Litchfield; E. W. Lewis, Will mar; D. C. Anderson, Carlton; H. W. i Middleton, Jamestown. N. D.; L. R. Mar | tin. Duluth; John Sanger, Duluth; G. ! S. Pease, Anoka; Harry Rines and wife, ! Mora; H. G. White, Arlington; W. C. Faland and wife, Benson; S. J. Leahy, j Faribault; J. E. Green, Carlton; John E. i King, Adrian; A. W. Swanson. Royalton; I H. Bliss and wife, Big Timber; Ed H. I Folsom, Taylor's Falls; F. A. Sherwood, j Aberdeen, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. B. Levin, j "Virginia; F. J. Jones, Watertown, S. D. ; C. E. Hall and wife, Hutchinson; ,H. B. ! Wakefield and wife, Hutchinson; xJ. A. I Gates and wife, Kenyon; Jason Weather head. Ada; H. C. Miller, St. Peter; W. D. Bell. Slayton; P. C. Peterson, Moose Lake; O. H. Phillips, Dodge Center; Mrs. E. M. Robertson and daughter Grace viile; W. .J. Peterson, Litchfield; D. V. Reed, Slayton; C. D. Belden and wife, Austin; J. J. Folsom, Hinckley; C. S. Baker and wife, Aberdeen. P. D.; F. B. Simmon's and wife. Long Prairie; J. B. Sutphin, Duluth; Charles Avery, Hutch inson; A. J. Schaller and wife, Hastings; A. McMillan, Winnipeg; H. B. Brooks, Renville; M. B. Childs, Bird Island: J." L. Nelson, Fuld; W. E. Hutchinson, Eagle Bend; J. P. Cough lin, Faribault; M. C. Whiteford, Janesville; Irving Todd, Has tings. At the Metropolitan—Val Baty, Held ingford; B. S. Russell, Jamestown; S. A. Wood, Detroit: W. C. Eraser, Rochester; Rev. J. Fath," Muscatine, Io.; R. A. Hen derson,. Detroit; Louis E. Jackson, Will mar. ' At the Windsor—W. B. Stone and wife, Seattle Wash.; O. Tufte, Belvlew; O. En erstaed, Bel vie; C. H. Wall, Faribault; F. Dimond. Winthrop; N. Geib, St. Cloud; W. V. Davee, Clear Lake; Elmer E. Adams, Fergus Falls; Newton Trenham and wife. Alexandria; C. H. Bronson Osakis; W. G. Graham, Long Prairie; Aug. C. Finke, Hulls, Minn.; Ezra G. Valentine, Breckenridge: W. M. James, Breckenridge; Mrs. C. AY. Stanton, Ap pleton, Minn.; Burt W. Day and wife, Hutchinson;. Ward G. Day. Hutchinson; C. H. March, Litchfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haradon, Madison, Minn.; P. A. Koo shus and wife Glenwood; H. S. Saylor, Buffalo; P. H. McGarry, Walker; Fred B. Chute, Minneapolis; H. Spalding, La Crosse, Wis.; J. T. Jones, La Crosse, AVis.; T. W. Bolton. Plainview; C. C. Eastman and wife, St. PetMer; Misses. Vera and Flossie Est, Madella; N. P. Satterlee and wife, Annandale; W. B. Easton, Stillwater: W. C. Clement and wife, Waseca; W. S. Freeman,' St. Cloud; CV H. Braden St. Cloud; Mike Grimes, St. Cloud; O. M. Peabody, Echo; F. Di nard. Echo; C. F. MacDonaWl, St. Cloud; H. 'G. White, Arlington; C. Schaneau, Houston; C. F. Sencer, AVillmar; E. D. Child, Crookston; W. O. Buen, Eden Valley; W. W. Holmes, New Paynesville; W. H. Maginnis, Duluth: N". D. Bar ker, Sauk Center; Carl M. Bagen, Bran don; H. C. Hotaling, Mapleton; E. F. Barrett, Le Sueur; Miss H. S. Saylor Buffalo; Misses Helen and 7T?*orv Wise, Mankato; John C. Wise, Jr., Mankato; J. J. Qulnn, Fort Dodge, lo.' V!■.:•..?..■■.. '.-:■ At the Claredon— T. Dranz, Staples; G. J. Hanson, Milwakuee; H. W. Don aldson. Kennedy; E. F. Stevens, War ren; W. B. Hatton and wife, Milton, N. D.; Charles Wallin, Gaylord. Belevue Nurse Acquitted. NEW YORK, Feb. 28.—The trial -of Jesse R. Davis, a Bellevue hospital nurse, accused of the murder of Louis H. Hll liard, an insane patient, closed tonight and the jury rendered a verdict of ac quittal, v. v '.-"'-'., OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE — CITY OF ST. PAUL. m 1 THE or ST. PAUL BELONGS TO THE RURAL PENCIL PUSHERS AT PRESENT DEVILS IN CHARGE AT HOME THOUGHT MOLDERB PUT ASIDH ( CARES AND HAVE JOLLY * : VCV7. ; TIME SPEAKER BOWLING HONOREI Magnificent Ivory Gavel Suitably Inscribed In Presented to the ■«_? Presiding Officer of the House. The Minnesota Editorial association has possession of St. Paul and tho "devil ' has charge of the state. This ls something that happens once a year and ye editor is glad of it. St. Paul is glad of it, too, and so is the whole of the state, not excepting the "devil," who Is undoubtedly playing Grand High Moloch Extraordinary with a vengeance. Sharply at 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing the association gathered at the Com mercial club rooms and it was a cheery sight to see the editors and their wives and daughters and relatives and friends laughing and chatting together like so many family circles. It was with con* siderable difficulty that they were made -to pay attention to the work in hand. President Charles Mitchell wasted no time in calling the meeting to order, but it was with some difficulty that he mad« himself.heard, lor the feminine part of the gathering in the club rooms insisted .upon telling their secrets before they forgot them, and the men were kept busy making themselves interesting. He soon restored order, however, and the busi ness of the morning was covered at a lightning pace. Une' Pease, of Anoka, was one of tho first to bring himself into notice, and it (surprised no one to find that he had brought along his little hammer. Ho said the time had now come for all the editors of the state to put their shoulders ■to the wheel and do something and then knocked gently over the way in which the profession had been treated by cer tain officeholders left over from the Llnd administration. It developed in the course of his remarks that part of his Ire was directed against Public Examiner Pope, whose order in regard to the print ing of county commissioners' statements had cut down the revenues of the papers. He recommended that a committee be appointed to confer anent the matter with tho house committee on appropria tions. The following were appointed: Messrs. Stanton, of Appleton; Eastman, of Stillwater, and Gorden, of Crookston. President H. A. Boardman, of the Com mercial club, soon made his appearance and delivered the address of welcome to the editors. Mr. Boardman showed deep sincerity in his remarks and he was listened to with much , interest. He hoped the editors of the state would eve*' strive to attain the ideal,- for much power was in their hands and they, had more influence for good or evil than peo ple in other professions. He knew.they would, for they could not help being proud of their home state. He said that what the editors wanted was latitude, not longitude and made some laughing references to latch keys, sleepy police men and the like. 'j. \ H. P. HALL AS MAYOR. President Mitchell responded in kind. In the heartiest and most wholcsouled manner he could muster he thanked the club in behalf of the association for its hospitality—a hospitality which had cov ered a period of many years. He then sprung a "con game" like a past master by Introducing H. P. Hall as Mayor Smith to deliver the address of welcome for the city. It is known that Mr. Hall could not say a dull thing by mistake, and It was expected that he would immediately, take a hand in the hoax himself. He said in beginning: "Gentlemen, otherwise, and ladies: Recognizing in Mr. Hall my logical suc cessor, and being unable to -be present myself, although here, I make Mr. Hall my authorized substitute to welcome you to St. Paul. He will play Dr. Jekyll to my Mr. .Hyde." -.v.V Vi In this inimitable strain he kept things humming, and every sentence was punc- * tured with laughter, by the listeners. The ring of his welcome was just about as strong as it could have been. The association went emphatically on record as favoring a $30,000 appropriation for the Minnesota exhibit ' at the Pan- American exposition. Mr. Whitney pre sented a resolution and it was immedi ately adopted. One paragraph of the resolution reads: ... "Our only regret is that the sum pro posed to be appropriated is not larger and more in keeping with the progress of tho state, and we respectfully urge the leg, islature to give at least this small sum to advance the business interests of Minnesota." The next on the programme was the address of President Mitchell. He paid a glowing tribute to the memory of John C. Wise, of Mankato, and said that the association had been properly represent ed at the funeral services. An appreci ative reference was made to the work done by the law supplement committee. He called attention to the need of ac tion on the government printing of return envelopes. He wanted every association In the United States to pay the, expenses of a representation in Washington to fight this invasion of private business. He denounced advertising agency sharks and reviewed the editorial' excursions, saying their success .was due to the fact that the state has one of the best as** sociations in the country. VISIT TO STILLWATER. Promptly at 11:45 the editors and their wives and daughters boarded electrlo cars for Stillwater. On arriving thero they were treated royally by Warden Reeve. Luncheon was first in order, after which the visitors were taken through the prison. This occupied most of the afternoon, and at 5 o'clock the ed- j itors started on the home trip. The visit to the prison proved to he of great interest, the binding twine' plant being the chief attraction. Conde Hamlin had announced, during the afternoon that a reception would" be tendered the association at the Ryan ho- j tel at 8 o'clock. By ft everyone was present and the reception parlors were j a .decidedly gay . appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin, President and Mrs. Mit chell and Joseph Wheelock received the visitors, and "presiding at the tables wero ice cream and-cakes and frappe were served were Mrs. J. Wheelock. Mrs. John Jackson, Mrs. Webster hemlock. They were assisted by. Mrs. W. E. Bramhall, Mrs. Boysen, Mrs. W. H. Vit tum, the Misses Helen Austin, Gertrudo Kirk, Mabel Robinson and Julia Gal lup. :'" ' 7 -' : 77; The music of the evening was furnished by the Metropolitan quartette and tho singing was enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. C. P. Yale, Miss Florence Pace and Har-. Continued on Fifth i'ajie-