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8 SORE HANDS ONE NIGHT CURE. — Soak the "hands on retiring in a strong, hot, 1 ' '''l\^3/ creamy lather of Cuticdka Soap. Dry, and anoint freely with Cuti- 1 SWi CtTEA the great 9-ln cure. Wear, during the night, old gloves with the jggjj. finger ends cut oft, and air boles In the palms, or soft cloth bandages. IViiliions Use Cuticura Soap Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop pins; of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, ana sore hands, for baby itchings, rashes, and chafingß, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of Women use Cuticura Soap In the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations, and excoria tions, too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily sug gest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount of persuasion can Induce those who have once used them to use any other, especially tor pre serving and purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants'and children. JNO other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with tor ail the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Thus it combines in UNE Soap at One Price, the best skin and complexion soap, and the best toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour. ss»4 * © Consisting of Cuticuba Soap, to cleanse the Bkin of crusts and E'Slaßf^l'H'B*® scales and soften the thickened cuticle; Cdticuka of crusts and ¥^£^1111*4) scsJes and soften the thickened cuticle; Octicitoa Oettsient, to s.ltjU!9 ait instantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe X^aaiavwtanfj an( nea an( Cutioura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the TtJ I" CCT blood. A SrxGLE Set is often sufficient to cure the most tortur l«ls Olu 1 ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humours, rashes, and irritations, from Infancy to age, •with loss of hair, -when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. British Depot: F. Newbert & Boss, 28, Charterhouse 50,., London. PoitjUl Dmg am) Cubuical Cozfobaxion, Sole Props., Boitoa, U. 6. A. II! IS 11 IS ELMO )i'EI.ROY, OF MINNEAPOLIS, M E KTS DEATH WHILE BATHING EFFORTS MADE TO RESCUE HIM pouts Were Quickly Manned, but Body Was Not Recovered Until Life Was Extinct. Elmo McElroy, 3324 Clinton avenue south, Minneapolis, was seized with ap poplexy while bathing in White Bear lake last evening, and was drowned be fore assistance could reach him. Mc- Kiroy had been in the water for some time, ai considerable part of which he Bptnt on the toboggan slide. McElroy left the slide and wnile in the water about 200 yards from the bath house suddenly threw up his arms and tv» nt down without coming to the sur face again. Several people saw him, but at first were not alarmed. When the man failed to reappear boats were quick ly rowed to the spot where he went down. A heroic attempt to recover the body ■was made by a man named Drake, who Jumped Into the water without waiting: to disrobe, and William Boeringer, the 1< :al optician. About twenty minutes after McEl roy went under, his lifeless body was taken from the water and every effort to resuscitate him made without avail. ANDREW GROCERY GO., Broadway and Seventh Big bargains at the big grocery bargain corner make the warm days interesting. Drop in today and see us. We are fruit headquarters of the Northwest and now is the time to buy. Read the prices. A SHIPMENT OF FANCY SELECTED STRAWBERRIES FROM THE WEST EVERY DAY. BLACKBERRIES, CURRANTS, MIN NESOTA CHERRIES, CALIFORNIA CHERRIES, BLACK RASPBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, NEW APPLES, APRI COTS, PEACHES, GERMAN PRUNES, PEACH PLUMS, PINEAPPLES, BA NANAS, ORANGES AND LEMONS. Blueberries !&, 121 c Strawberries ca 6; qu. art. $1.00 Red Currants JSs 25c Gooseberries Ex....' 25c WstortTialnno A full carload Just received. ?f dIOMtIQIUnS They go today at Schoch's prices. PhfiC^hatfl (^nT delicious strawberry, rasp rill'O^lldlG berry, wild cherry and orange phosphates are just the thing for this 'sizzling weather. Enough in a bottle for 50 glasses of delicious, healthful summer drinks, lOn Price, per bottla lUll Gharries Fancy California, $1.00 tnSrtISS perlOpounds $!iUU Coffee House Java and ..°. c. h?:.. OK* UCiiCG per pound ZJB Flour Afresh lot of the famous Schoch's XXXX. iuul First Patent just received. Washing Compound If, c ai 0 OXBS.. 25c Washing Soap a, 25c Fresh Bread £[ 2U Lemons SSn 15c 400 Jars C?T*.^Z «\™ 14c Kam %%££*. Illc liUIIS per pound.••• ••••«•••••••«••«•••••• 112U FRESH VEGETABLES. Fancy Cauliflower, per head 4c Fresh Peas, per peck 10c ■\Vax Beans, per peck 40c Carrots, per bunch lc Beets, per bunch* l c Minnesota Cabbage, per head 8c 11 liiiii hi i THE BIG STORE, Broadwiiy ana Seventh, St. Paul. «- .7. '■■ ■■-.' ■ :•-..■ Hot blankets and hypodermic injection! weie used without success. McElroy was about thirty yeaTS old. In his pouket was a railway employe's pass from Excelsior, Minn., to Minne apolis. The remains were taken to Ptillwater and from there will be sent to his home. Dr. E. 08. Frcligh, coroner at Still water, viewed the remains, and he pro nounced death to be due to cerebral congestion. BURNED BY MOLTEN METAL FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT LN A CHICA GO FOI'NDTtY. CHICAGO, June 26.—Caught in streams of molten metal which pourned into the cupola room of the foundry depart ment of the American Car and Foundry company today, seven workmen were frightfully burned, three of them fatally. The explosion of a dynamite shell which had been placed In the cupola with scrap Iron caused the accident. When the shell had been heated, It burst, breaking the walls of the cupola, the molten mttal streaming forth in* all directions. Not one of the men in the room escaped the white hot metal. The victims: Thomas Cusacfc, foreman of the cupola room, died on way to hospital. Frank Baleer, skull fractured and en tire body burned. Michael Smentak, entire body burned by metal, both legs broken. Charles Brown, scalp wounds and burned about body. Frank Diedo, arm broken and burned about faice and head. William Burke, body burned. John Sefiek, body burned and leg broken. WIN HONORS_AT ANDOVER MINNESOTA BOYS TO THE FRONT AT COMMENCEMENT TIME. BOSTON, Mass., June 26.—(Special.)— At the one hundred and twenty-third annual commencement exercises at Phil lips Andover academy today special hon ors and prizes were won by students from Minnesota. The first Harvard English prize for excellence in English composition and rhetoric was won by Claude C. Washburn, of Duluth, Minn. He also received a diploma in the clas sical department. Dwight M. Wishard, of St. Paul, received a prize and diploma in the classical department, and Ralph W. E. Hazenwinkle and Frederick S. Bailey, of St. Paul, in the scientific de partment. HARVEST HANDS HELD TJP. Kansas I-'arnu-rs Impress Laborer* From Santa Pc Train. BURLINGAME, Kan., June £6.—Driven to desperation by sight of their rich fields being ruined for want of harvest ers, a party of twenty Osage county farmers held up a west bound Santa Fo train last night to obtain the help neces sary for reaping their grain. No. 55 was pulling out of Peterson, a small town a few miles south of here, when four husky, heavily armed farmers entered the engine cab ani ordered the engineer to stop at a certain crossing a mile south of that place. At the same time others pointed revolvers at th« conduc tor amd brakemen and when the train stopped compelled them to cut loose from the two emigrant cars containing harvest hands bound for the Western fields. The engineer was compelled to move the fore part of the train on down the track, where it was held. Meantime there was a> fierce conflict going on be tween the farmers and the harvesters, who resented the vigorous measures tak en by the would-be employers. Clubs, ballast, shotguns and revolvers were brought into play, and for half an hour the battle raged fiercely. Finally, however, after several of each party had been severely injured, a compromise was affected by several persons not en gaged in the conflict, and the 200 har vesters agreed to work in Osage county at $3.50 a day. The two cars were soon emptied, the harvesters going across the prairie gxiid ed by the • farmers. The train was re coupled and backed up to Burlingame. Bears the <$ The Kind You Hava Always Bought Signature fjr , /rgy » & • -<»- , To Pan-American Via. the Lakes. A cruise on steamers as comfortable as ocean liners through regions unequaled for varied natural interests. Call at Sco Line ticket office and look up your route 379 Robert street. . Favors Fresh Air Excursion*. President Schiffmann, of the common council, thinks the present heated spell is an admirable time for local philanthro pists to contribute to a series of fresh air excursions for poor children. He thinks a boat could be secured, and says he is willing to contribute to the fund. Mrs. WinniOYFTi Soothing Syrtip Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS OF MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES th> CHILD. SOFTENS the GUM 3, ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Bp sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cent* a bottle. THE ST, PAU& GLOBE, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1901. Mil 111 m BOARD OF CATION DECIDE NOT TO MAKE IT GRADE SCHOOL LIST OF TEACHERS APPOINTED Complete Staffs Provided for All tlie High Schools — Very Few Changes Are Made. By a bare majority the board of educa tion decided last evening to permit the high school branch of the Cleveland school to remain, a resolution by In spector Waite, providing for its discon tinuance, being lost by a vote of 3 to 4. Inspectors Waite, Bassford and E. O. Zimmerman voting In favor of it, and Egan, Fry, Savard and B. Zimmermann against. The lists of high school teacn ers appointed therefore included a corps for the Cleveland branch. When the meeting opened Robert Brownson was the on'y member present of the citizens' committee, appointed to lay before the board the protest of the residents of the First and Second wards against the removal of the Cleveland high school. He stated that as he lived In the Second ward, and the school prop erly belonged to the First and as he had no children of high school age, he did not feel that he could fittingly rep rtsont the district or even the commiUee of which he was a member, although he was deeply interested in having the Cleveland high school maintained. He hoped the board would defer action until more of the committee could be present. The board, after determining that no appointments of high school teachers could be made until the Cleveland ques tion had been determined one way or the other, showed its disposition to be fair in the matter and its desire to hear what the committee had to say by send ing telephone messages to all of the committtemen who coald be reached in I that manner. After a wait ot some du | ration, B. S. Osgood, also from the I Second ward, arrived, and later Dr. R. O. Earl and E. A. Koen. Mr. Koen, who was the first membw of the committee to be heard, was some what severely called to account by In spector Waite for criticism of Mr. Waite's action in the Cleveland tchool matter, which he had published In a weekly paper of which he is the editor. I Mr. Koen stated that the committee had come to lty before the board petitions representing the combined "wisdom and foresight" of the First ward. Mr. Koen explained that the people of the Cleveland district h?ld Mr. Waite responsible from the fact that he, being a resident of the First ward himself, was expected to look after t.ha interests of that section of the ci y in the hoard, and furthermore because he was said to have been chiefly active in bringing about the action of the board Looking toward tht removal of the school. Mr. Koen fur ther said that the alumni of the Cleve land high school had taken the proposed abolition of their alma mater deeply to heart and had unanimously signed a pe tition for the abandonment of that plan. Another petition to the same effect was signed by all taut three ot the pupils of the grammar and lower grades of the Cleveland, in whose interest it had been said that the high school department of the school was to be removed. Dr. F. O. Earl, a physician of the First ward and a member of the committee, made an earnest argument for the re tention of the high school. In spite of the argu.nents of the mem bers of the committee, Inspector Waite still held to the opinion that the best interests of the city, and particularly the constituency of the Cleveland school, de manded that the room formerly devoted tc the high school should be given to the younger children. In keeping with that i>iea he introduced a resolution pro viding for the discontinuance of the Cleveland high school branch, with the provise that the pupils should be trans ferred to any of the other schools that they should prefer. The resolution was lost as stated. TEACHERS FOR THE SCHOOLS. The following teachers were appointed to the vanous high schools for the com ing year: Central—Mr. E. V. Robinson, principal; Mr. G. Rink, Latin; Mr. F. Carel, French; Mr. D. Lange, nature work; Mr. C. Fiske, Latin and Greek; Mr. O. Den ny, physics; Mr. J. Kenny, Latin; Miss M. Newson, literature; Miss J. Gauthier, drawing; Miss C. Austin, rhetoric; Misa S. Crumbacher, English; MiS3 L. Riggs, science; Miss L. Minor, mathematics; Mis 3 H. Pollock, history; Misa B. Mor gan, English; Miss A. Reilly, mathe matics; Miss A. Nix, German; Miss L. Tuller, Latin and history; Miss E. Gray, English; Miss C. Kellogg. English; Mr. E. Bonnell, commercial; Mr. H. Schmidt, physics; Miss A. Doherty, history; Mifcs M. Doherty, history; Mr. F. Berger, mod eling; Mr. L. Sickles, Latin; Mr. Beggs, Latin; Miss E. Thomson, English; Mr. F. AJiller, German; Miss A. Corcoran, domestic science; Miss M. McFetrldge, mathematics; Miss A. Hosmer, mathe matics; Mr. W. Gordon, Latin and Grefk; Miss H. Austin, reading; Miss O. Long, drawing; Miss M. Keane, librarian; Miss G. Newson, assistant librarian and science; Miss- Lyons, French. Mechanic Arts—Mr. George Weitbrecht, principal; Mr. C. L. Caldwell, mechani cal drawing; Mr. W. McClintock, science; Mr. W. McGovern, Latin anj French; Mr. J. Zuber, woodwork; Miss N. Denn! son, mathematics; Mrs. E. Farrar, Ger man; Miss M. E. J. Colter, drawing and literature; Mr. C. Duncan, bookkeeping; Miss M. Chislett. modeling; Mr. W. Pow els. Ironwork; Miss J. Stevens, mat&£ matics; Miss M. Colter, history; Mr. F. J. Lange, German and English; Mr. W. J. Little, chemistry; Miss H. Woodman mathematics; Miss E. Deems, Latin and English; Miss E. Thuet. English and mathematics; Mr. D. Condit, mathemat ics; Miss F. Longley, Latin; Miss H. Merrill, history. Humboldt—Miss H. S. Baker, r r n cipal; L. Burlingame, Latin and Greek; Miss H. Mann, mathematics: Miss E. Na'bersberg, drawing; Mr. F. Smith, science; Miss E. Darr, English: Miss B. Bkjuet. French: Miss E. Garrison, his tory; Miss M. Fanning, English; M:ss E. Graves. English; Miss M. Martin, elocu tion; Miss Foerston, German. Cleveland School—S. A. Farnsworth principal; Miss J. Ickler. Latin; Miss E. Freeman, German; Miss A. Andrews English: Miss M. Axtell, drawing; Miss M. Blodgett. mathematics; Mr. H. Alex ander, science; Miss L. Ickler, history Miss M. Morton, elocution. In Labor's Field. The Steam Engineers' union held a meeting last night which was principally devoted to the election of the following officers: President, W. H. Van Allen vice president, M. Johnson; recording secretary, N. McDavitt; financial secre tary, M. J. O'Conneil; treasurer. H Knobbs; conductor, O. Erbb; guard F Loritz; de>egates to the Trades and La bor assembly, E. F. Mullaney and H Grube. The union feels much pleased at the action of the city council in refusing to grant a franchise to a private corpora tion for heating and lighting purposes which the union opposed, and will as strongly oppose a similar proposition from the Northern Manufacturing com pany. M. Crawford was elected delegate to the national convention, which meets ip this city. Great preparations are be ing made for the union's excursion to Shakopee, which will take place July 7, the boat leaving here at 10 a. m. Re ceipts, $19.50; disbursements, $20. Servant Girls' Entertainment. Th« Servant Girls' union, which has had a great growth and is in a flourish ing condition will give its first social en tertainment Wednesday evening, July 10, in Assembly hall. It will be a strictly invitation gathering, and at a special meeting of the union last night the In vitations were distributed. Several influ ential vuion men will assist at the gath- erlng 1, for which an elaborate programme has been provided. Plasterers Postpone Nominations. President "Gray presided over a meeting of the Plasterers' union last night. A communication was received from the secretary of the International union re porting business good throughout the country. Mr. HenneHy, representing the International Hatters? Union of America, addressed the union, which indorsed his views, and all members were pledged to purchase only union made hats in the future. Nomination for officers was post poned until next meeting, when all mem bers of the union are expected to be present. Receipts, $8.50; disbursements, $7. LABOR NOTES. The following unions hold meetings to night: Bricklayers, Stonecutters, Cigar makers and Stonemasons. - - The Team Drivers' union proposes mak ing a great showing in Labor day parade, when they will have 1,900 horses in line. The Lathers' union failed to hold a •meeting last night for want of a quorum. The Wood Workers' union failed to hold a meeting last night for want of a quorum. ;: > TOLD OF CROOKED WORK WITNESS IX OLSON CASE DEPOSES TO ATTEMPTED CORRIPTIOX. • The trial of the case of Nels S. Olson against the Soo railroad was resumed be fore Judge Brill yesterday, and another mild sensation was developed by the tes timony of a witness named Hasdor Thompson, a wir>er in the round house at Enderlin, N. D. Thompson ■ testified that after . t'ne ac cident he received a call from Olson, who told him that the. company would not settle, and that, as he was about to bring suit, he would like to have "him I sign a paper regarding the • accident, I which had been prepared by Attorney I Keefe, of St. Paul. Tnompson testified that he told Olson that, as he had not witnessed the acci dent, he could not swear to it, but after further conversation he signed it. He also testified that Olson offered him $20 to . swear to the paper, which he refused to do for fear he would be sent to the peni tentiary. Tne paper was produced -in court, and it was almost a duplicate of the one shown by Bartlett the day pre vious. ■■■' ■■■■[■• S/ •"%•.-'• ••'<■ -'• JEWELER IS TRIAL. 11. Michnisky Charged With Receiv ing Valuable Stolen Property. Judge Lewis, of the district court, and a jury are engaged-: in trying the case of the state against Hyman Michnisky, an East Third street jeweler, who was Indicted on the charge of receiving a large quantity of stolen jewelry from Jo seph Peters. The latter, who is now doing time In the Stillwater penitentiary, was convicted of robbing the store of Fred Kron, of Blue Earth county, and he brought t'ne booty to St. Paul, where, it Is said, it was disposed of to the defendant. Peters was brought from Stillwater on a writ of habeas cor pus to testify for the state. The jewelj^ consisted of a large number of cheap rings, a number of chains and charms, opera glasses, teaspoons, watches, fruit knives and bric-a-brac. JCDSON SUCCEEDS HIM.SEI*P. Reappolnted as Director of County Board of Control. The Judges of the district court, sitting en bane, yesterday appointed Edward H. Judson as a director of the board of control of Ramsey county, to succeed himself, for the term of three years from July 1 next. A strong effort was made to defeat tne reappointment of Air. Jud son, owing to his supporting Dr. Ancker during the city hospital fight, but, in view of his past record on the board, during an Incumbency of nine years, he was chosen without a dissenting voice. Blames Loss on Emarine. Judge Lochren, of the United States court, yesterday took up the case of Forrest T. Woodward against the Mil waukee Railroad company, in which ac tion was brought to recover dama-ges of $8,321, alleged to have resulted from the destruction by fire of certain buildings owned by the plaintiff. The latter, who is a farmer residing In Cottage Grove, Washington county, suffered a serious loss from fire a year ago last May, and he claims that the blaze was started by sparks carelessly emitted from an en gine belonging to the company. Suit Over Timber Cut. Judge Amldon, of the United States cir cuit court, and a jury are still engaged in trying the case of the United States against E. W. Durant Jr. and others, which involves the Illegal cutting of over 800000 feet of timber from government land in Douglas county. The govern ment brings suit to recover damages In the sum of $10,407. Pabst Company Lose* Case. The jury in the case of Samuel Green berg and others against the Pabst Brew ing company, in which action was broujnt to recover heavy damages for the al leged illegal seizure of 10,000 bottles from the warehouse of the plaintiff, and which was tried before Judge Lochren, of the United States court, returned a verdict for the sum of $250 in favor of the plaint iffs. Condry Is a Free Man. Junlus Condry, who was held to the grand jury some time since on the charge of assault in the second degree, was yes terday discharged from custody by Judge Lewis on motion of the county attorney. The grand Jury failed to return an in dictment, and, as the principal wiW GOOD BREAKFASTS. Start the Day Rig-lit. The breakfast is perhaps the most Im portant meal of the day. Europeans usually eat a very light breakfast. Many Americans have stomach trouble because they eat too much or food of not the right sort for the morning meal. An ideal breakfast Is a baked apple or some other fruit, a dish of Grape-Nuts Food with a little cream, and a cup of Postum Food Coffee. Leave off all meat, hot biscuits, etc. Grape-Nuts and Postum both furnish the phosphate of potash together with other food elements that go to make up brain and nerve centers, as well as muscle and tissue, and both can be digested by the stomach of an infant. It Is the part of wisdom nowadays to use food especially selected for nourish ment and that can be easily digested. Ten days' trial of this breakfast and you will feel as though you had "cleaned house." The exhilaration of bounding health is worth a hundred times the small outlay of time and care in arranging such a breakfast. Mrs. Riley, 125 Chestnut street, Cam den, N. J., says she formerly breakfasted on chops, hot biscuits and coffee. "After such a meal I would have severe pains and they would last sometimes far Into the night." She finally determined on a change in her diet and had for breaK fast only Grape-Nuts Food and a little cream with Postum Food Coffee. She says: "In a very few days the intestinal trouble all disappeared. I have regained my old-time weight, lost the irritability and nervousness, and life takes on a new aspect. "When I feel a little exhausted in the> day I Bimply drop everything and stir a spoonful of Grape-Nfs in a little cream or hot milk, ani in ten minutes I have regained my vigor and fresh ness," Grape-Nuts Food Ja best when served just as it comes from the package with out any cooking whatever. The food has already been cooked ten or twelve hours in the process of man v fact v ring it. When made up into puddings, pies and other desserts it does not hurt it to be cooked again, but when served simply as a breakfast food It should never be cooked. On the contrary, Postum Coffee absolutely must be boiled fifteen or twen ty minutes before the food value and flavor can be brought out. I TELL YOU, SIR! nesses have left the state, there was but small chance of a conviction; Hass Open-ed "Wrong: Letter. Frederick H. Hass, a youth of sixteen, was arraigned before United States Com missioner Spencer yesterday on the charge of opening a letter addressed to J. D. Kelly. Hass, who was employed In the Northern Pacific general office, pleaded guilty, and he was held to await the action of the federal grand jury. H:s bail was fixed at $500, in default of which he was committed. Action to Quiet Title. Judge Bunn yesterday heard testimony in the case of Lucretia M. Pomeroy against the City of St. Paul, in which ac tion is brought to quiet the title of property located at the junction of Uni versity avenue and Jackson street. Lemke Must Pay Wife $250. The jury in the case of the state against John Lemke, who was charged by Lizzie Leith with non-support of their child, returned a verdict of guilty, and he was ordered to pay the sum of $230, and in default to stand committed. Defense Will Be Heard. In the case of H. W. Pearson against the Great Northern Railway company Judge Kelly yesterday denied the motion to dismiss, and after Attorney Cy Wel ling had addressed the jury, the witnesses were sworn for the defense, . , Wife Granted a. Divorce, Judge Bunn yesterday granted a de cree of divorce in the case of Nellie A. Ferguson against John J. Ferguson on the grounds of desertion. UNDER A NEW PRESIDENT. Seventh. National liu.nk of Sew York Reported Sound. NEW YORK, June Edward Thom as, the newly elected president of the Seventh National bank, took charge of the institution today. \ Early in the day he was in consultation with Edwin Gould, who, as president of the Bowling Green Trust company, is indirectly interested in the Seventh National. William H. Kirn-ball, who retired from the presidency of the bank, was at his desk today, wind ing up some private affairs. He said: "The morning mail has brought the bank many offers of assistance. These offers will not be accepted for the rea son that they are not needed. Mr. Klmball will remain on the bank's directorate and will continue to take an active interest in its affairs. At 11:30 it was announced that all banks having debit balances at the clear ing house paid them today. The Evening Post says: "The Seventh National bank interests were in conference this afternoon with William Nelson Cromwell, a corporation lawyer. It was understood the delibera tions had to do with ascertaining- the legal status of the securities held as collateral for loans and the devising of means of realization, If need be. "A person familiar with the negotia tions said a decision probably will be reached tonight respecting what ought to be done." After a conerence with Mr. Cromwell, President Thomas, of the Seventh Na tional bank, gave out the following state ment: "This bank has met all its obligatins In due course and is conducting its busi ness in the usual manner. There has been no 'run' on the bank and no undue pressure. Indeed, the manifestations of confidence on the part of its depositors have been most gratifying." ON A CHARGE OF MURDER. William Groulx, of Bay City, Mich., Arrested at Dnlulli. DULUTH, Minn., June 26.—(Special.)— Wm. Groulx, wanted at Bay City, Mich., en a charge of murder, was arrested here late this afternoon and neld to await the arrival of Bay City authorities. Nothing is known here of the crime, and the arrest was made by direction of the sheriff at Bay City. Groulx says that his alleged victim was a young boy. The latter annoyed him and he shook him vigorously. A few days later, he says, the boy took sick and died of pneumonia and he was accused of being responsible. The affair occurred last fail and he im mediately'left town and has been a fugi tive ever bince. He is about 24 years old. RICH FARMER IX TRAMP ROI^E. Charles Looby, the man. with a ■wood en leg, who 'has been bound over to the district court at Omaha for running amuck in a Farnam street hotel, is one of the best known characters of central South Dakota, says the Chicago Intar Ocean. His occupation, when he was not wandering around the country in the guise of a tramn seeing trouble, is-that of a farmer. He owns several quarter sections of valuable farm land in San born county and a large herd of cattle. He is of a very quarrelsome disposition, and when his neighbors refuse to quarrel with him he dons the most tattered suit of clothing he can procure, and to vary the monotony of life on the farm, sallies out into the world In search of excite ment. He usually sets more than he bargained for, but this does not deter him from making his "raids" on the peace ful communities of South Dakota, lowa and Nebraska. Looby has repeatedly been "run in" by the police as a vagTant, although his ch£ck for thousands of dol lars would be honored by bank officials . who are aware that he is the owner of a large quantity of valuable property. Last April Looby made one of his periodical trips, and having made his es cape from the police at Sioux City, where he had been arrested as a tramp, he went to the Nebraska side of the Mis souri river and worked his way toward his home in Sanborn county, this state. While at Hartington, Neb., he called on Father Loecker, of the local Catholic church and applied for money to pay his board bill. In pity for his supposed poverty and hysioal condition the father granted his request. Father Loecker soon afterward noticed the cripple making his way in the direc tion of the residence of the sisters who conduct the Catholic school at Harting ton. The priest sent a messenger to in- For the annual meeting of the National Educational Associa tion at Detroit, Mich, July 8:h to 12th. Tickets good for return until July 15th— and by depositing ticket at Detrait. limit can be extended to September Ist. On Sale July sth, 6th and 7th. Ticket Office, 400 Robert St. (55) Tel. K M %%" s^%7^rrl" 36 form the sisters that alms already had been given to Looby and instructing them to give him nothing more. The sisters inadvertently informed Looby of their reason for refusing his request for money. The cripple became greately en raged, and, returning to the house of his benefactor, made a savage attack on the priest. He adopted his usual mode of attack by unbuckling his wooden leg am] utilizing it as a club while he hop; about on one foot. SeveTal persons went to the rescue of the priest and the crip ple was overpowered and lodged in jail, but Father Loecker refused to prosecute him. Since that exploit nothing had been heard of Looby until his attack the other day on the employes and guests of the Omaha hotel. _ BABY SPOILED THE FtJiX. Detroit Free Press. After the mother of the wife came on to visit the young couple who have mad') a good start in Detroit she soon detected an undue amount of depression in the domestic atmosphere. Like man/ an other mother-in-law she has a good head and a good heart, but their combined in spiration and observation failed to en lighten her. Direct Inquiry of her daughter brought out the fact that they had been deserted by the young folks who were their con stant visitors and entertainers. "They used to make excuses to come here and enjoy an evening with us," said the young wife, "but now they scarcely ever put in an appearance, and when they do It Is only for the briefest of formal calls. I can't think of a thing we have done to offend them." The mother did a lot of quiet think ing and finally suggested that her daugh ter issue invitations for an evening ptrty. The guests came. Promptly the little baby of the house was given the cen ter of the stage. Every woman had to talk baby talk and every man had to^pat the cheeks or solicit the hands of the youngster. Then all others had to be silent whila the father and mother took turns in tell ing how smart the baby had been and what cute antics It had gone through. Following this the little chap was put through his paces, waving his hands making a bow, saying "Papa" and "Mam ma," pushing a chair and trying to swil low a watch. There was no chance for the visitors to talk over the current events of the day, gossip, flirt or ask questions. Then it was that the grandmother seiz ed the baby, announced that it must al ways be in bed at 7 o'clock hereafter, hoped to see all the young people again, bade them good night and retired with the little monopolist. A few ventured in as scouts for the next night or two, their reports were sat isfactory and now the old-time joyous ness has returned to the house. PAN-AMEAICA.N EXPOSITION. Low Rates to Bnflalo Via The .Vorth- Western Line. ?24.50—Return limit, ten days. $31.35—Return limit, fifteen days $88.80—Return limit, Oct. 31 Tickets, illustrated pamphlets and all Information at city ticket om>es- BS2 Robert street. St. Paul; 413 Nicollet ave nue, Minneapolis. Hustings Matrimonial Evenis. HASTINGS, Minn., June X.— (Special.)— William Biskupski and Miss Mary Knoll were married at St. Boniface church yes terday by the Rev. Othmar Erren. A marriage license was Issued today to Joseph A. S. Kirk and Miss Maria Klaus, I of Empire. Soo Line Tld-Bita. Sault Ste. Marie and Macklna- excur sions Tuesdays and Fridays, round trip, $13.50. Buffalo, X. T., and return, only $20.00. Detroit, Mich., and return, $17.00; July 6, 6 and 7, N. E. A. meeting. Buffalo, N. V., and return, J35.00, in cluding sleeping car, berths on steam ra and meals en route Nine-day personally conducted excur sions to Pan-American weekly, all ex penses included. $67.50. Twelve-day personally conducted excur sions to Pan-American, all expenses !n --cluded, $67.50. Twelve-day personally conducted excur sions to Pan-Ajnerlcan, all expenses in cluded, $75; leaves Mirjieapolis and St Paul, June 26. Twerrty-one-day personally conducted midsummer excursion to the East, takts In Pan-Amcrioan, all expenses included $200.00: leaves Minneapolis and St Pa 1 July 4. Banff Hot Springs and return, $30, in cluding sleeping car and meals en route Tuesdays. Most attractive lake and rail routes Get itineraries and full particulars at Soo Line's ticket office, 379 Robert street AMATETJR PHOTOGRAPHERS f7/7£&n*xt*mn**)\xi\\ aid , cs %•/« *~»^irm— jj|i iiliim to select a Camera, sell It to you at the lowest pos sible price and teach you without charg» the proper use of It. Headquarters for the UNIVERSAL. DEVELOPER arid Green Fixing. 101 EAST SIXTH STREET. > Telephone IS6S-J-3 Main. Cbenp Round-Trip Hate Between St. Paul, Minn., and The Pacific Const. On July i BtV Northern Pacific Ry. will place In effect a low first class ro mi to^VL'V 000 from Ka ßtP rn t.-rmlnaJl to Seattle, Tacoma and Portland Date* or sale at Eastern terminals will he from July 6th to July lath Inclusive, and t£a P«2r li mit for retur n Will be August 3L. 1901. Destination must be reached not later than July 18th: stopovers leing al lowed in either direction within tha transit limit. . This offers an unsurpassed opportunity for those desiring to hunt nrw homes and ' farms, to go into the Northw«st and look ' over the country, or for those wishing to visit relatives or friends or to maka pleasure trips, to do so VITAL STATISTICS. MARRIAGE LTOE.N R. J. Messing, Ellen V. Br R. J. Mitchell, Julia B. Rile.v. Henry Ott, Caroline Gnuipuiann. If. Champlorier, Hannah Shanghnossy. Leonard Batrott, Augusta Plci William J. Scoville, Cora E. Johnson. Rudolph IT. Hanson, Catherina M. Parfl, Henry Raubar, Mary Hannlgnn. Louis Erickson, Sophia Strausburg. AMUSEMENTS. iETRQPOLiTaai L.i^r2£.r TaYSv. 25c I Tonight, 25c-50c Criterion Stock Co. ROBERT DROt-JET And a Strong Cast In THE THREE MUSKETEERS Next West—"UNDER TWO FLAGS." 2 P. M. TODAY—TO?UGHT AT 8 Grand Street Parade 10 a. m. Circus Grounds, Dale and University, PAWNEE BILL'S WILD WEST. 1000 Men and Horses Employed EMPIRE THEATER THIRD AND WABASHA. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT THIS WEEK, Coolest Place In City Open Afternoon and Evening. ADMISSION pfRBB Coney Island Hotel, On M. & St. L. Ry., 8 miles west of Minnetonka Lake. Railwa} fare $1.00 round trip. Rate for board and use of row boats, $8.00 per week. The only first-class family resort In Minnesota. My steamer will make connections with all trains at the water tank (Coney Island station). Fishing very good. R. ZEGLIN, Prop. Hotel. M ■ Dr. W. J. HURD, W^ Painless Extracting. j&w£ossJil ' Crown and jSt SaflH Bridgeiuork. vmVtXP^j Filling and Plate 3. H^jQP^^i.