Mary Mac Lane Still the Sensation of the Hour FROM one to thirteen years I was^a terror; from thirteen to fourteen years I wag a y>ung person; from fifteen to sixteen - a paragon; from sixteen to seven ! was a perfect lady, from s-rv-inteea to eighteen I was an old maid, and from eighteen to nineteen I was a genius; Of course I was always a genius; other characteristics were simply a So said Mary Elizabeth Mac Lane. at Butte, Mont., to me. This remarkable girl, who has just come before the lit erary world :n her book, "The Story of Mary Mac Lane," is as erratic as her story, and as much of a puzzle to her family as to others. The young authoress lived in Butte. on the one fashionable street. Excelsior avenue. She makes her home with her mother, sister and stepfather, and they occupy a modest residence that has an air of comfort and evidence of refine ment. In appearance this young, inexperi enced authoress is good locking, and, in spite of her claims to untidiness, like her claims to sinfulness, there is no evi dence of it. Miss MacLar.e is of pleasant, unassuming manner, notwithstanding the fact that her conversation is filled with statements and assertions of the most egotistical nature, such as her repeated reminders that she is a genius, that she is excessively odd, that she is wicked, that she is lacking in principle and moral nature, that she has no virtue, that she i 3 a thief and liar. Miss Mac Lane is of medium height, slender "build, with light brown hair, and a peculiar and indescribable, cold, gray ish eye. Her manner is languid and her conversation is not animated, in spite of the contrary impression it would give in print. She will say. "I would like to steal your purse," or "I would 101 l that man if i had a gun" in the same com monplace tone that she would assume !n observing that the sun was shining-. Knew Her Book Had Merit. When the object of the correspondent's visit was made known the young lady sat down into a chair with a "wearied look en her face, and with the air of a martyr, which, however, vanished as the conver sation progressed. "Were you not Baptised, Miss Mac Lane, when your book was accepted and put in to print so quickly" she was asked? "Oh, no," she replied. "I knew th.> book would be accepted, for, although no one can be expected to understand it, it being the work or a genius, still I knew that it had literary merit and would be published." Miss Mac Lane resented the designation of her book as a diary. "It is not a diary," she said, "it bs a portrayal—a J.yal of my .soui; a communion with my uiner seii during a rAriod of three months." '-' 'You make such frequent references to perfect ladies' in your book and writ ings. Will you please tell me what you mean by a 'perfect lady?"" Miss Mac- Laire was asked. •■Weil," said she, "a perfect lady 13 on_- that wears a silk petticoat and calls on her friends and sips tea and eats lit tle cakes, all the while talking about— oh, such shocking Bhlngs, in a trasrieat whisper." %"t of the book -was reverted • . t discover - - . . ■■ ... herself she ".Since I was three years old I analyzed n»yseif, but it was only two years ago that 1 began to write. I know myself. on. so well, I am a genius. "The MacLanea are a strange family. I have an aunt from -whom I inherit my nature. She was not a genius, but her litr* was one of bitter disappointment from beginning- to end, and so will mine be I can look at her and see bow I will look v. hen 1 get old.' 1 Satisfied to Be Unhappy. : iggested to the morbid young I it In her power to ge her life by changing her thoughts Oh. I don't mind," she replied. '-It la th.- inevitable. There is no happiness fur me. I cannot g-tt away from myself. I am bo . Mac Lane sail shu have had such success i. tins your first one before the oublic -ked. "Oh. yes; I shall have a literary ca- reer. but I shall never write of anything but myself. I have attained an egotism that is rare indeed, but I am a genius. I am morbid and cannot get away from mv thoughts." Miss Mac Lane repeated that she had' no virtue and that she was lack: in morals. I. Miss Mac Lane, you are a virtu ■.■.?' 8. in the negative," she replied "But if the proper temptation »fi T would fall." "Do yon have the sensations that you describe in your hook?" •T certainly do." Raid the erratic soul. In reply to the question whether sh^ had ever seen any man who resembled levtL she said: "No; there are only a few real deviis :t eooae, abe added. "I think most of myself, but I cannot get her out of my mind.'' She claims to have but one true friend and thinks that friendship might have been blighted had not the object moved away irom Butte. This is the lady : of In her book, being the r.niy character mentioned, besides Miss Mao- Lane and her devil. Speaking- of her book, the authoress said: "There is a vein of humor running ?li through it. but of course it is of ttie kind that leaves a bad taste in your mouth." She did not intend her book to be sensa tional, and she objects very much to tne newspapers calling it erotic. There is a sort of litany in her work in which she calls upon the "good devil" to de liver her from her various grievances. •'There ia one prayer that I should have adued to my litany, and that is. 'Good devil, deliver me from the jtews papera," " she said. When askl am dead I shall be herded alona Rue dcs Granges, or the street of barns, and contained a few scattered dwellings. There were two taverns, three blacksmith shops and one bakery. Strange- to say, there was no posloffice until the United States gov ernment established one in ISO 4. The old church of SL Louis occupied its present site, but It was then only a structure of hewn logs. In this building was buried the Spanish governor, Leyba. in front of the altar. The present church of St. Louis dates from 1534, as one can read from the inscription upon it. A score of years ago it looked as though it might be centuries old. Later it was "restored" in part T>y" putty and paint. It is grad ually regaining its air of antiquity, as its shiny coat is yielding to the sun and rr.ln. The Inscriptions on Its front are in Hebrew, Latin, French, and English. This church belonged to the diocese of Cuba at the time of Gov. Leyba's death. At the time of the transfer of the town there was a starve fort called the "Half Moon." where the floating docks were constructed long afterwards. There were also several other forts, with mud walls and palisades between ttoem, the whole forming a rude semi-circle about the place. The streets were narrow, an*d the town was distinctly French in its char acter. No such thing as a newspaper published at St. Louis had been dreamed of. However, the newspaper does not long delay its appearance in an Amer ican town, and within four years the Mis pouri Republican (which evolved into th« St. Louis Republic) was established. Doubtless the St. Louis exposition will bring to light a large amount of colo nial folklore. No more interesting relic of the old days remains than the venera able Church or St. Louis; for thouea the present building will have rounded out but seventy years, iv contents are much older and it* records go back to th« I will send you this letter. I like to think of you, although you are of no interest to me. It is only that you make me think of a large dish of freshly made fudge or & fine ripe red tomato, a rare, tender porter house steak, a wide expanse of open green country. You quiet my restless soul. You are like a good dinner, well served, or a plate of ice cream on a warm day. You yourself are nothing to me—you have no literary ability, and I am a genius, so how; can I feel any interest in you?" beginning of our Revolutionary war. "On March 8. 1804," says Prof. N'usick. "Missouri belonged to Spain; on the 9th it belonged to France, and on the 10th it was the property of the United States." The explanation of this singular fact Is this: When Capt. Amos Stoddird, of the American army, was sent to tak* possession of the town, it was still un der the control of the 'Spanish officers. Since we had purchased the territory from France and not from Spain, it aid not seem to be legally prop-r for uj to receive it directly from the Spanish au thorities. Capt. Stodilard. therefore, had provided himself witji a commission to act as the agent of- France. As fueh he received from Dob Caries Deiassus the keys of the public buildings on the Oth of March, and rai-:ed the French flag, which thus waved iver the town for one day. On the tOtS as an cfiicer of the United States, he lowered the French tricolor and raisedv the Stars and. Stripes. GOT AIX THEY PAID FOS. Man of So Account end Funeral Ser vice Accorded With Merit. Many Maine people who live ;n a certain Fart of Cumberland county will well re member one ■"Abner"--so he always called In iii» town. Abner was tlte wit of the village, a'though rather locked clown on by the average citizen, because of hi 3 ir ability to hold on to the goods of this world. Abner was commonly selected to taka charge of funerals, because he was about the only man in town, who had f.inr.e hang ing on his hands, a citizen diod, a man who never amounted to much, who was never positively wicked, because triat would have required more of un effort than he was willing to make. He was, however, far enough from being a ,?ood citizen, and Abner knew it ad well a3 anybody else. Abner was requested to ask a certain minister to conduct the service, and he hitched up his old horse and drove to his house. The minister said he would attend and then tried to get a little information concerning the late lamo-ittd. "What sort of a man was he?" he ask ed. "Well, about the same as no sort of a man at all,'' replied Abr.n- frankly. "I suppose his loss will be deeply felt In the community. ' said the minister. 'Ihey're all bearing up well under it," said Abner 3lowl\>^ "Was he a Christian," asked the minis ter. "If he'd been accused of it, the verdict would have been not guilty, and the jury wouldn't have left their seats," replt-id Abner cheerfully. "Did he attend church"" asked the min ister a bit anxiously. "I never card of his doing it." said Ab ner. "How did he die?" continued the minis ter. "Just the samp as he lived, sort of nat urally," said Abner. "I don't see how I'm to preach much cf a sermon under such circumstances," said the minister. ''The neighbors all said they didn't think they wanted much of a sermon and so they sent me ovbt to Bee you," said Abner. minister pocketed his wrath, and a $5 bill, and after the funeral the satisfied Abner said. "Well, we got Just what we wanted, bgosh."—Lewiston Journal. Quite Impossible. "As far as municipal affairs go. I be lieve one political party is as bad as the other. "Nonserse: Both can't be in power .at —Philadelphia Press. gasket bargains IZ Choice Plants for 50 cents. X. A, May & Co.. 64 E. Sixth St , -%> sv\y 111 lw \v<^^R^^!y C/t/fm J/ s' .'V WE ARE going to make this last week of May a record-breaker for phenomenal bargains In seasonable goods. We are overloaded In seme of our departments, and we take this summary way of disposing ■ of this surplus stock. Remember we have everything In our line that's seasonable, at lowest prices. Easiest terms. ■ -'"•- 7 •.• - ' \ ' ■ , ' - ■ - ' ygg|i^ Go-Carts and Carriage*/- (4Mz/f^\ r3^nr^^^^^Bj Every Carriage and Go-cart will go this week for at Vi "^LwTtf vl 11 yyS I lIJH fff l4aSt 2° ptT Cent off regular prices. A few of them ,/t \, JJ (jtl I lf lCrSS§l]|jb\ (shopworn ones) have had their prices cut In two. '& > | ->^ V/ I JtTKf §^V Every one Is a "KINLEY." which means the best and «--- „-_. _ m S7^T~Zl* V^^pglpr^^ most thoroughly up-to-date Co-cart or Carriage on the BIG BARGAINS IN --■ ■'■•■-■ ■"*■■■ '■-'■ na*oL NEW AND SECOND lill*** C\ss f&*a& nnnu bILILLLi. Off* 1 V/II Oil ,>JSf >^^|kj We sti!l have about 35 Wheels oa _ . wg&? ■-v-^:""^«>; aVW^n*l^, Ak> hand to close out at next to your q*/~, Rea.dy-made Cwpet^ i'^^i^i JS^SSV*"- c"" '""*" .-- .- , ' i>*'f«Pi/-,j $60.00 Cresctn;. nsv,ctst to lj«.oo Our ixceptio-al?7- spring Carpet business hss Vjr^f , fifry^. I hVI S3° 00 *'hu# Fl7er' rtw ' cut t3 $*5.00 left us 3 lot of cf tolls. We have made these up V*^^^^> x I l^x $30.00 Ariel, new. cut » Ho.oo into Misfit Carpste. and offer them to you this week J^fM^Wwi/h^ 25"00 'A"p 2nd;4 n u' "t0 *"5° at the above reiu'ctlonl^Brtng the size of your roo rr \^ffe^.KWj^b «2'S? X r"csat' af J*"!" t3 !' 500 We are pretty sure to have the Le you wantf r°Om- >«P^^ f^^S^SSi^SoSii " _jinn— > -> EASIEST TERMS. ■V] f^ff fg| '&?' |H» yO^C^^iT Gasoline Stove i-.t-.ufaciured 'hit Is -».^^Bl^B HI jBW "«\\ I selp under a safety gn-.rintS'j—it cmn't Jg^Mjl a "cold blast- This Dresser 3^ "^r^a^-*- "lIJS-lfcl^.--"" Refrigerator like this 11 ->»|| j '^^fe^^"^! ! for only Is fitted with heaviest French ,Mi '" M^l . * •"^^-•' n mirror, with beveled edges. Fin- //iff li\\ iT ===ti3TT« T"*""^."." ... ©£ C f whed golden or mahogany. Our Mv^. _J))n SpeCl&l Prices This Week On &om9 price, cash or credit, only J^^iSlK, Lawn Chairs and Rockers. This is but one of -«^^ 'Ti ~"^^ " *"^^ Settees, Hammocks. Camp dozens of other bar- $£l %£ jf% &* k-i".*^ » >ji Stools, Hammock Chairs. Ice gains in Refrigerators »®O«^J -, •*!" -rT7"j3 Cre^m Freezers. Etc. and Iceboxes. . ff^ V^ • »■ • t&Zxte&A We can sell you a rattung O *' E^^j^a J^a^:.-aLa We can sell you a rattling «•> **f v*- k J good HAMMOCK Or%#^ 52.95 tO 545. It is worth at least £12.50, IgS^Xafe^M or jrVJ^ -£crnis. c?^€^pp3 Prices. CADETS ARE APPOINTED AX ADDITIONAL. COMPACT WILL UK FORMED On YEAR Commandant Cole Will Have Clinrce of the Battalion—Major Will lie Selected From Among This Year's Captain*—Long Liat of Appoint ments Is Announced — Name* of the Lucky Ones. . The last drill of the year of the uni versity battalion was held yesterday when appointments for next year were announced. An additional company will be formed Text year, making seven in all, incluling the battery. ! Commandant Cole will have charge of the battalion next year, the major being selected from among this year's cap tair-s. Captains Fernald and Duncan are un derstood to be after the posh ion an.l the choice will probably lie between thede two. . . - _, . Following is the list of appointments: To be Cadet Captains—T. A. Beyer, C. L Honey. E. R. .Mother, Chester, Tib bttts, S. S. Collins, P. D. McMillan, Bar ry Dibble To Be First Lieutenant and Adjutani- Otto Sobotka. To Be Cadet First Lieutenants—H. E. Barlow, J. Yon Williams. J. B. Ladd, 11. R. Knight, C. W. Brooke, M. L. Page, Robert Newhall. . , . . To Be Cadet Second Lieutenants—A. C. Whitney, C. F. Stockmaux. J. D. Hal leck, E. H. Williams, C. H. Lewis, S. W. Bailey. R. W. Putnam. To Be Sergeant Major—R. S. Pattee. To Be Quartermaster Sergeant—George H. Stone. To Be Chief Musician—S. A. Hatch. To Be Principal Musician—C. W. Colby. To Be Chief Trumpeter—J. E. Finley. To Be Cadet First Sergeants—F. A. Cannon, L. P. Campbell, W. C. Adanu, E. L. Noj-€S, G. L. Gillette, U. T. Rosen waid, W. W. Thorpe. To be Cadet Sergeants—O. W. Kinnard, if. «. >-•-«*, c **. t..inu, c. a. truoa cell, E. A. Woodward. R. H. Keyes. R. S. Schouten, Dwight Yerxa, M. A. Nye, A. R. Gibbons, L. P. Anderson, L. - W. Powell. A. P. Asher, E. J. Cheney, R. B. Taplin, H. G. Morton, C. J. Thompson, M. T. Barker, A. F. Kovarik. H. E. Pet erson, S. Bookman, G. H. Manthey, U. E. Johnson, J. W. Howatt, C. G. Ktlsey, A. R. Fairchild. A. B. Welle3, L. S. Aid- T. E. Richard, E. B. Lewis, N. S. New hall, H. A. Hanson, A. B. Sheldon, U. 31. Bosworth, C. H. Benson, A. C. Remele, C. V. Pierce, E. J. Jackson. J. W. Dunn, R. C. Ten Broeck, W. S. Covey, S. Ward, M. Towle. C. T. Glass. To be Cadet Corporals—G. M. Harring ton, M. T. Davenport, L. H. Northrop, H. Aldrlch, O. Matteson, I. D. Oakes.H. A. Puffer, H. G. Gerrish. F. H. Newell. F. C. Frary. A. M. Ormond, M. lovish, G. N. Heasel. A. L Peterson, O. G. Tread well, Walker. R. F. Sanford, G. E. Gar ter. A. W. Robertson. W. E. Thompson, D. T. Smith, Alexander, W. V. Heights. C. D. Robinson, R. H. Pratt, L. F. Jack son. J. R. Macßae, W. F. Jacobson. C. N. Smith. F. L. Weidman, Jordon Flatter, M. Yon Schlegel. J. Sanborn G. A. Tuck, Abbott, B. Fisher, F. W. Payne, F. A. Wildey, Lagers P. P. Meyers, Rln ker. A. C. Koch. H. L. Bookman, Dorr, L. H. Frahm, Steisegutt. A. W. Kraft, E. K. Parks, Leoch, J. H. Hartzelt, Sorenson, R. G. MarshalL A. J. Miller. Simmon, C. A. Bozith, A. D. Smalley. R. H. Smith, J. M. Wardell, C. R. Wright. Cressy, F. A. Olson, P. F. _ Bunce, J. E. Ransom, Pierce, Albert Thompson, C. W. Burnham, O. I* Lefevre, R. C. Lewis, J. Terrence. C. L. Gilman. P. H. Campbell. C. H. Benson, ■H. E. : Patterson, T. Fair-child. A. R. Joyce, G. A- Boardmas, L. L. Kelts. CHRIST CHURCH IS IN DANGEROUS CONDITION City Engineer Says 'Walla Are Out of Plumb and Mast He Fixed at Once. City Engineer Rundlett says the front wall of Christ church. Fourth and Franklin streets, ts in a daag?roua con dition and a meeting: extraordinary of the vestry has be«>n called for tomorrow evening to see what can be done. The trouble, according to th> engineer, Is due to the two towers or spires which adorn tho two corners, measurements taken showing that they are badly out of plum. Their decided leaning has also pulled the front wall out of shape and tho vestry has been Informed that if it does not want the church closed it nut act without delay. Christ church is one of the oldest re ligious edifices in the city and though substantially built, there has been a noticeable sinking of the walls ar.3 towers of late years. It is thought that the trouble can be rectified at a small expense. MILLION DOLLARS AS A BAIT. Salary Offered a. German by Mur^nn All In Vain. BERL.IN. May 24.'—Several responsible papers reassert that J. Plerpont Morgm during the- negotiations with the nevl,ji tfon syndicate tried to get the German Jinea to merge their Identity therein, or fering Herr. Ballin, the director general of the Hamburg-American line, a sal ary of a million dollars a year to act as president of the combine. Herr Ballin. it Is again said, refused to constd v; the proposition on any terms. The above rumors were , current «n Hamburg shipping circles a month ago. Xaval Veteran* to Attend Charrb. Th 9 naval veterans of St. Paul and Min neapolis and vicinity will attend servico this evening at 8 p. m. at Christ church On May 29 at 11 a. m. the Minnesota as sociation of Naval Veterans of the Civil War will present a picture of Admiral Farragut to th« Central high school, past Rear Admiral Fos^ delivering the pres entation address. On Decoration day the ceremony of casting flowers on the water % to memory of those who lost their '.iv 3 in the naval service will be performed at Harriet island at 9 a. m. The flowers will be strewn from the shore and, she boats of the St. Paul Yacht club". Children's Meeting; Postponed. The meeting of children for free distrib ution of flower seeds, which was to have been held this afternoon at the Audi torium, has been postponed for a week. Mrs. A E. Clark has. however, Been giving seeds away during: the week, and has also placed a supply with the prin cipals of different city schools. - . ... BL"RU\UTO!V HEIGHTS. The La-lies' Afternoon Euchre club met P'nday at the home of Mrs. E. B. ry. Favors wera won ay Mrs. Geoff Rowlands, Mrs. H M. Ttielio. Mr*. Ira Eeanett and Mrs. James Daley. Mrs. George Huntingdon, of Mtnn3»polls, lias been the guest of her mother. Airs. M. B. Wetherbee. during the week. Mrs. John I Swinburne gave a kitchen rbtwer Thursday evening for M!s« May m Brigsrs, a June bride. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Searing of St. Paul, ET?ent part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. . Greaza. Miss Anna Shalleen, of St. Paul, epent several days during the week with Mrs. John Swinburne. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vroman, of Minn»- Maty 29tb Olsseum Bap HOOP LA! WHERE ARE YOU AT? YOU CAN GET OFF AT NEXT THURSDAY IF YOU GIVE :-Bap§■-Earnings 9 •^part of tho week with I. O'Connor BPmnt BoBda» Wlth Mn c M, r: C tills, lOWCL. Mr. Samuel Giltman. of Philadelphia. OUtmaa " U'* *U"M °f hii sister' ilra »>^ r*- FH- Ca3or;>' and children Imvo Sock a flat at f ll8**4**1' In the bflele Mr ana Mrs. E. R. McGiv. n, of St. Paul, spent Sunday with Mr* F. a. ciscno.. HEWPORT. lUm Bertha Brocht. of Hastings, haa been spending a few dayj with her sister Mrs. Levr Shelton. Mix Cordelia Wilkinson hu b-en the guest of Miss Addio Kendall, of St Paul .Park, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Honry- .acker of st- Paul were Sunday guests of Airs. Mary Schabacker. The Ladf.-3' Aid of the Methodist church met Wednesday . ah ilrj. B. K. Calderwood. Mrs. Mary Noltimier i 3 entertaining her son Harry B. Koltimlcr, of Valley City. Mrs. R. L. Smith entertained her moth er, Mrs. Edgerton, of St. Paul, Sunday. Mrs. m. F. Bqie« baa been entertain!nc Mrs. Fred Anderson, of Uuluth. Miss Gertrude DUlmore. of St Paul spent Sunday with Mrs. Shelton. Miss Lulu Blackmun Is tho guest of Airs. Mac Donald, of Greycloud. Miss Cordelia Wlikinson spent Sunday in Minneapolis. . ■- ... Slioneei of Rubber. Novelty Is shown In a sponge that has made its appearance. It Is of Russian manufacture and resembles closely a dark brown sponge, but. while It con sists chiefly of holes, whatever solid ma terial there is of it Is rubber. These sponges come In two siz«"s, ob long, with rounded corners. Whether, being made of rubber, they are l*»as liko ly to form germ repositories than th« genuine article remains to be seen.—Pitts burg Dispatch. Aj)j»oarauce» Are Deceptive. An Irishman boarded a crowded Mar ket street car. He had In his hand a frerhly lighted and very odoriferous clay pipe. "X i smoking on this car," the conduc tor said to him. in loud and harsh tones. "I'm not Known*." said Pat. "You have your pip« in your hand," said the conductor, sharply. "V. ' replied Pat, "and I have me fe^t in me ehoea, too, but I ain't walkla* "— Ftlladelphia Times. Paid With the Turkey Mrs. B. Arist»r—So you cleared that poor Mr. L,lftem from the charge of stealing that turkey? I'm e'ai ot It. but he's such a worthless character that I don't believe you'll ev«r get i. cent for your cervices. B. Arister (famous criminal lawyer)— Perhaps not, but I've got an all-f:r«d good turkey out In the woodshed, Just the game.—New York Times.