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Just Say "I'm Sick" And I Will Send You a Way To Get Well. Just write a postal "card and tell me which book you need. That is all. Then I will send you an order—good at any drug store—for six bottles Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Tou may take it a month at my risk to learn what it can do. If it succeeds, the cost is $5.50. If it fails, I will pay the druggist myself. And your mere .. word shall decide it. That is my way of convincing you. Could you come to my office I would show you a vault filled with 65,000 letters from people whom I have cured. You would not need the month's test to convince you then. But you who can't come here —you who don't know me—are apt to doubt a stranger's claims. So I prove my faith in my treatment by letting you take the remedy, then you can decide whether you or I shall pay. I have labored a lifetime to perfect a remedy that would strengthen the inside nerves, and my Restorative does that. It brings back the only power that makes the vital organs act. When an organ fails in its duty, the nerve power is weak. There is usually no other cause. The organ is like an engine that needs more steam; and no skill in the world can remedy the trouble till the organ has power to act. My Restorative brings back that power, and that is the secret of my success. When that is done, the weak organ is well, unless a cause like cancer makes a cure impossible. In the past 12 years I have furnished my Restorative on trial to over half a million sick ones. Nearly all of the cases were difficult; many were desperate. Other treatments had failed in most of them. Yet 39 out of each 40 have paid for the treatment gladly, because they were cured. There are 39 chances in 40 that I can cure you, and you shall not lose a penny if I fail. Book No. 1 on Dyspepsia. Simply state which book is want- Book No. 2on the geart^ ed, and address Dr. Shoop, Box Boole No. 4f 6r "Women. 761 Racine Wis. Book No. 6 for Men (sealed). Book No. 6 on Rheumatism. Mild cases, not chronic, are often cured by one or two bottles. Dr. Shoop'-s Restorative is sold by all druggists. _ - - . ■ - Jffc* ■- - '■ - • - -■ • " ■• ■ - • ■ s*^ m*W JMasr Man Goes to City and County Institutions t»o Be Treated for Alcoholism and Ob serves His Surroundings— Tells the Tale of Three Weeks in a Modern Institu tion Devoted to Healing. I have been a patient in' the city and icounty hospital of St. Paul for three weeks. I went there unacquainted with any one in the building. To be strictly honest I had been on a "spree" and was afraid that I would have an attack of delirium tremens. Part of the time I was in the basement, or emergency ,ward, the worst quarters in the hos pital; part of the time I was in ward B, one of the best sections of the in stitution. I was treated no better and no worse than any of the rest of the. patients. No one knew that I was a newspaper man until just as J was ready to leave. For the first forty-eight hours of my stay in the hospital I was asleep most of the time. I have a faint recollec tion of two doctors —who I found out afterward were Dr. Dunning and Dr. Lewis—talking about strychnine at the foot of the cot on which I lay. Then I remembered a soft-voiced nurse coming to my side with gentle tread and giv ingl me medicine. The sleep probably saved me from delirium. The third night I was in the emer gency ward I looked at the foot of the bed and saw several faces with eyes glaring intently at me. The sleep, how ever, had fortified my mind against such visions. At once there came to me the remembrance of the old story: A man lay in bed after a spree with a revolver unTter his pillow. He saw a monkey perched on the footboard of the bed —at least he thought he saw one. He carefully took the revolver from under his pillow and pointed it at the supposed monkey. Then he soliloquized: "If you're a monkey," said he, "you're in a h 1 of a fix, because I'm' going to shoot. "If you ain't a monkey, then I'm in a h 1 of a fix, because I've got 'em." I laughed at the recollection and my mind wandered off on other subjects. After that there was enough divertise ment in the room to keep any one from having jim-jams. A stalwart chap who occupied a bed in the opposite corner of the room suddenly broke out with a violent attack of mania a potu. With a leap and a yell he was at the 'door, where he was grabbed by the muscular attendant. "They're after me!" he shouted, "they've got a Gatling gun turned on me. I must get away." In less than a minute four doctors, all but one of whom was clad in a b"ath robe and slippers, were on the scene. Miss Brown, the -pretty night nurse, brought the leather cuffs and straps and the patient was soon secure ly tied to the cot. "He's got 'em good and hard," said one of the doctors. Dr. Lewis felt the man's pulse and gave some instructions to the nurse. In a moment a powerful sedative was given him. It had no effect, however. For seventy-two hours the delirious man never closed his eyes. With all his raving, however, he was a gentle man. Never did .a profane or vulgar word pass his lips, and whenever a nurse approached her presence seemed to quiet him. Visions of Delirium. On the whole, the man's experiences In delirium were rather pleasant. He saw beautiful women clad in hand some gowns; birds in gorgeous plum age flitted before his eyes; he sipped tea and cake in Japanese tea gardens and drank dry champagne in Ameri can hotels. Only once in every few hours would he appear frightened, and then it was only for a short time till he got out of range of the revolver "77 W Breaks up Colds and cures the which he thought I was pointing at him. By the side of his bed was nothing but a solid blank wall. Yet the pa tient's imagination placed a window in this wall, and through it he saw vis ions which, from the look of rapture on his face, must have been beatific. Horses raced madly down the stretch before his eyes; beautiful opera sing ers entranced him with enchanting mu sic; pretty English bar-maids served him with drinks, and from the disjoint ed remarks which he made he seemed to be in a veritable palace of delight. "Come on, boys," he said one after noon. "Sit down and drink with me. We'll break training and drink a toast to the best football team of the best university in the United States." , In years gone by the man was a THREE OF THE HOUSE PHYSICIANS. BaIBBBaBBK^' s &&&&&&$& x%9?& Mll^^^^x^ i* la»: J? &SI « sIii&BHHiHHBBaB&te. '^s«Ej§^§ii3 @SBflßßßB^— v W%s ys K©^fx ■ asnaas «3£iifaiß««aßißa**^' la BHBK^iraßfl i^i fjlifp's^ '** *""' jßkB£Eßß&*^ ,*^£^^ » ',N- "■'-4 BBBB'i^sIB^bhI"" v?'' ' "t? BS^^BBi :'j^^^^^^^-^^B R^^^^^^^^^^ißS^^P^^lAii^^^l^i ' . "_. ■'-'_=.-"'" ___ 'S- r"j't. DR. W. M. BROWN. famous player on the University of Michigan eleven. But even his rugged frame and vig orous constitution began to give way under the strain. He tugged at the straps which bound him, and at one time thought he was in jail. Finally, when he had been ninety hours without sleep a look of care came over Dr. Lewis' face as he approached him. He had given him hypodermic in jections of morphine and almost ev erything known to medical science which would produce sleep. At last some red fluid was brought the pati ent in a glass—it looked like whis ky. An hour after he drank it he fell into a profound slumber which lasted for nearly forty-eight hours, being only broken when he took food and medicine. When he awoke he was perfectly rational and had no recollec tion of what occurred during his de lirium. In the room which I occupied in the emergency ward were four cots. One was occupied by a German, about whom little is known. He is supposed to have been injured by a trolley car, as he was found by the side of the track on Seventh street a month ago with a wound in his head. He has not recovered his reason, though at times in his wandering he utters cer tain abstruse chemical formulae cor rectly. He is evidently, a man of ed ucation and is probably a stranger in St. Paul. From an empty envelope found in his pocket it is thought his name is Henry Ziegles. The Emergency Ward. There are many queer characters in the emergency ward which is known in aesculatpian terms as the "dirty medical and surgical." Men are placed there who are suffering from alcohol ism, from insanity and other troubles which the young society debutante is supposed to know nothing about. Some of the men are "crooks," or at least have a knowledge of the way of th.c inhabitants of the world of graft. The other night I heard an old white bearded man with a sore foot talking to a young man for an hour. The use of such words as "Chi," for Chicago; the "sty," for the pentitentiary.and "the front office," for the chief of detect ives, was evidence that they were not unfamiliar with the ways and the lan guage of criminals. However, the city hospital is not a reformatory institution. Disease is treated there, but it must be a disease of the body and not a disease of the morals. These men received just as good care and attention as those who occupied a private room and paid a high price "for their treatment. Another man in the emergency ward came from the workhouse with typhoid fever. There is no convenience at the I house of correction for caring for pria- THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1902. oners who are 111, and so he was sent to the city hospital. He was under a sentence of ninety days, which the time passed in the hospital completed. During his convalescence he was a willing inmate of the emergency ward, but when his time expired he waff coarse and vulgar in his express de sire to leave the hospital and go home. He was not in fit condition to leave, but made himself a nuisance in the ward by his clamor. "See here, young man," said the in terne who attended him. "You must stay here quietly until we tell you to go. If you don't, you will have to go back to the workhouse and serve out the seven weeks you have spent here. It rests with us whether that time counts on your sentence or not." Where Orderlies Are Recruited. It was a bluff, pure and "simple, but it worked like a charm. The man from IN THE HATERNITY WARD "'"• "' "•'•' '"'■'•* ' ': ' * ''"' ' ' -------- . - \ _^ii_i^_iii_^ijii^i_^__. ■. Some of the Children Were Born in the Hospital and some ere Picked Up as Foundlings. the workhouse uttered scarcely another word for the several days he remained. However, most of the men in the emergency ward were good fellows. All showed a willingness to work, and it is from these ranks that the orderlies of the hospital are recruited. In fact, the nurses say that the men who are. treated at the hospital for alcoholism are the best workers during their con valescence. Many of the patients in the emergency ward are flat broke, and they eagerly read the "Help Wanted" columns of The Globe ev ery morning to look for a chance to go to work. Some of them get minor po sitions in the hospital, which gives them a good home and a small salary. The city hospital is an ideal place for the tramp, who is skillful in coun terfeiting disease. In case he can fool the doctors, he can have three square meals a day and a good bed all win ter. But the doctors at the hospital acquires a good deal of wisdom by ex perience and are not easily deceived. Mike Murnane was the name a man gave who came into the hospital about two weeks ago. He was apparently suffering agonies from rheumatism. He took the colchicum, or whatever medi cine was given him, with good grace, but he ate his meals with a better grace. All day long he would lie quietly in bed, apparently unable to move a limb without pain. At night, however, he would get up in the ab sence of the nurse and move around the ward in a lively manner. The other day Dr. Ancker, the super intendent of the hospital, came into the ward with a grim smile on his face and went to the rheumatic pa tient's cot. "You'll have to go, Murnane," said he; "you can't work your game on us any longer. I've got your record. You're known as 'Red-headed Mike, DR. IRWIN D. STRECH. the hospital fake,' and you "hive work ed almost every hospital in the West." Murnane, who saw the game was up, jumped from bed when his clothes were brought to him, dressed hurriedly, and walked out of the ward whistling "When the Robins Nest Again."- He is now in the city hospital in Minneap olis under another name. Another character in the emergency ward was formerly -a fireman in a city not far from St. Paul. He has the record of saving five lives and is a v hale, hearty man of about fifty. He works hard all day long and is a val uable adjunct to the hospital. He more than earns his board, but is content with that and does not want money. His Besetting Sin. "There Is nothing the matter with me," said he in confidence the other night, with the understanding that his name would not be used. "Nothing in the world the matter with me except dipsomania. No one in the world ever fought harder than me against the liquor habit. Ten years ago I came into possession of $12,000. I think since then I have spent $5,000 on so called whisky cures. I have been sev eral times to the alleged gold cure. I went to a cure in Minneapolis, to one in St. Paul, to one at Cornwall-on the-Hudson, and to one at Astoria. I have been to the Washingtonian Home in Chicago, the Washingtonian Home in Boston, at Fort Hamilton, N. V., and at the New York Christian Home in Mt. "Vernon, N. Y. - I have taken long sea voyages and have lived on the plains, hundreds of miles from liquor. "But given the opportunity and I am a drunkard. I think it's an inherit ed disease with me. My great-grand father was the first chief justice of one of the New England states. In his house was in vogue the English cus tom of removing the cloth after dinner and drinking port wine. The tradi tion is that he used to be carried from his dining table to his bed five nights out of seven. "My grandfather was a judge, and many of his decisions, though they rank as good law today, were given when he was in a state of inebriety. My father was a member of congress and was a hard drinker. His wine cellar was celebrated in New England and he used to buy whisky by the bar rel and would not drink it till it had been in the cellar ten years. Two of my uncles, one a navy officer, the other a lawyer, died of delirium tremens. "You can see by this that I come 'honestly by my taste for liquor. I admit that If I had the proper morale I might be able to overcome it But three generations of hard drinking ancestors have weakened my will pow er to such an extent that when my : ■ ■ impaired Tiervous system demands stimulants I am not strong enough to resist the temptation. "The only thing that at all takes the place of whiskjr In pea system is nitrate of strychnine. I mldfe that until my nerves and musclefelcJ begin .to twitch and then stop it for a week or two. "I am happy here. I am waiting peacefully for the end. ' "t have done wrong when I have beefa flrunk, but when sober have lived an upright, hon est life. As Omar Khayam says, 'I am willing to trust my life tq that pow er from which is came.' "I led my class in college, the name of which I do not care tO'tnention, and was successful in my professional life. Fifteen years ago I became a fireman, overcome my disease —call it a moral, mental or physical disease, as you like. It did not do so. "This is rather a sad end for an ed- ucated man, but I think -mi the great hereafter we shall be judged more by our intentions in this "world than by results caused by physical and men tal weakness." Patients Help With ths Work. When patients in the are convalescent they are asked to do light work in th,e building. a good thing 'firir them physically a^id a help to the institution. It saves 1 money in wages and in"this, way .better food can be furnished, the" inniates'. Work takes the patients* minds' 'fitt them selves, and they "consequeritTy regain their strength and spirits more quick ly. But the fact that work is asked of some of the patients gives evidence of the brutal and selfish weakness of certain characters. Men who have been at the hospital for weeks, who have been skillfully treated for serious diseases, who have had the advantage of the best medical skill the North west affords, who have cost the city nearly $100 in food, medicine and ser vice, will often refuse to make a bed or fold a blanket. "I .came here to be cured, not to work," said a husky-looking man In ward Bj'when he was asked by Miss Jamesgoord, the head nurse, to as sist in moving a patient. The man looked strong enough to carry a ton of coal an hour. "I think you are. cured/ 43aid the nurse, quietly, and^v another patient helped her move tM^lfek' man from his bed to a chair. V;V> However, the episode did not end then. The remark was reported to the senior interne, the patient was ex amined, his appearance, his movements and his -"clinical chart showed that he was well and strong:. His clothes were DR. F. D. ROGER&f; brought to him and he waaiJaimmarily ordered out of the hospital. Strict discipline is necessary in such an Institution, and to the? rigid rules which Dr. Ancker enforces much of its 'aucceßS is due. But now to look into the rules en forced at the hospital. I did not find them irksome and I obeyed every one of them and did every bit of work ask ed of me as well as I could. To be personal, I am used to rather better Jiving than is furnished at the hos pital and am not used to the kind of work done there. But I realized that I was being treated for charity's sake and every bit of work which I did seemed to lessen the obligation. When I peeled potatoes and carrots in the kitchen one morning I felt that I had almost earned my board for the day.a I had the same feeling when I wash ed the ironwork of forty small cots. rFhc work was not hard and its intrin sic value was slight. It was work, how ever, and a help to the management of the hospital. It removed the feeling of pauperism which a man is bound to feel when he is in such a place. Most of Them Shirk. As a matter of fact, about one-fifth of the patients work willingly and with a good grace; two-fifths work sullenly and feel insulted when asked to carry a tray or dust a rom; two-fifths try in every possible manner to get out of work altogether. They }ie,~f£ign sick ness and make every manner of ex cuse to avoid exertion. They are na tural born paupers and the sooner they go to their final home the: better the world will be. When men .of this class recover their health they receive scant courtesy at the hospital. As soon as they are well they are shipped off and left to make their own \*tg^f iTo the class which works willingly slight fa vors are extended. Nursea are but human, and who could blame them for sneaking an extra glass of milk or cup of tea to a willing worker 1? > The women patients in.the hospital also do their share of the work. The morning I worked in the kitchen a pretty girl, with a pale facfe and at tenuated figure, came in trarid took a chair near me and began to cut up the potatoes which I had peeled. She was convalescent from typhoid fever. There were marks on her fingers where rings had been worn and the look that she gave me with eyes unashamed made it evident that she knew some thing of the lower world. She began to cut up the potatoes. She did not know how to do it. I be gan to peel a lot of carrots. I didn't know how to do that. ' I was cutting away the skin Just as I had done the potatoes. "You're not doing that right," said she. "You should scrape the skin off." "You're not cutting the potatoes Furniture -■^*Jl/' '^^SM^ Furniture Bargains ■;:- :^-^||3 : Mr F Bargains Commencing Monday morning at 9a. m. till after stock taking we will sell our . complete ;: line :'bf'-* Furniture, Carpets, Dra f-peries, Stoves,= Etc., at 33}^ per cent off, Note "a few prices below to give you an idea of the way -we will sell our ■ complete •,; line of Housefuriushings. m ~*ft&f&**^ <g ■ :'.:v:" T---; '-'~-\-: "S_ ■■>. '■'■■': : $9.00 Dresser v.r $6.00 $6.00 Iron^Be^i*-.\V^V..^^^^^s4^O >\ -- :; ■■ 'Vr '•';.;--.'{"; v# i $2.00 Rocker.,. ..$1.34 $i2.QG Dresser.... $3.00 $8.00 Iron 8ed5...... $5.34 $12 Sideboards.... $8.00 $3.00 Rocker $2.00 $15.00 Dresser:;;.slo.oo $12.00 Iron Beds ;VV.^:/i^v.^;^sßX»-sl.s;Sideboards::..-SIO.OO • $4.00 \ Rocker.: $2.67 $20.00 Dresser.. ..$13.34 $15.00 iron Bads iiV^V^V.. $10.00 Slf^b 0"?""'! 16*5 5 $5.00 Rocker ,^3.34 $25.00 Dresser....sl6.67 $20.00 Iron Beds ;O;.Y^. i; $13.34 ; $30 i Sideb6arS."..'.s2oso Special Men- ■.^fflfe ßß pi- aß a« ? «aHa^ $10.00 couch..;..:::;:;.;;;; $ 6 ; 67 S mr pay • finnfiivpnfn SBH^^^^^^^^V $12-00 Couch $80° C' Ml lion utven lv .$15.00 couch $1000 cdciput -:: -•.::: Country : ■ ;'^9HBH^^^^^^f' $20"°° r Cowh-"- ••-»• •• • $13.34 rntsbnt :.. ':-> nrrtorc '■ ■- - V&RSzEzfFTr***™^*^ $25.00 Couch:.-,.......,-.....516.67 inn BSII PC ;••. : . -^UiUBiOi-s- v .-:■-; •■■';• 4^p...r ..-.-vv-;':''.-.™-- v $30.00 Couch ..$20.00 lUU iTllLto r > V '""'" mmmmm^mmmmmmmm ;■'."". •- ■'': . ;'<:':.:-:/. ._ ;' ■-■.-■;. ; ; $40.00 Couch .' V.. "..■.';.. $26.67 ; ''■'■■' :' ••■;--":- •- .■-'•'- Mlb Bllii 140- !44 East Seventh St, right," I replied. "They should be cut into smaller pieces." Then I showed her how to cut pota toes in the style used by sheep-herd ers in Arizona. The cook liked the manner in which they were prepared and gave us each a cup of coffee. The girl snowed me how to peel carrots and the morning passed away merrily. I do not know the girl's name nor where she lived, but she was certainly a woman of education and dissipation had not destroyed all marks of refine ment in her face. Are a Hungry Lot. Work in the kitchen is eagerly sought for by the men who are able to do it. It may seem strange, but the hospital life of a convalescent creates an appetite for which many a million aire would give half his fortune. The food which is supplied the pati ents is of a good quality and there is plenty of it. There are mixed diets, soft diets, house diets, light diets, liquid diets, and milk diets, according to the needs of the case -as seen by the doctors. The mixed diet is the heartiest. Here was what was served one day last week to the patients who pay riothing for their treatment. oreaKTasi. An Egg. Oatmeal, Sugar and Milk. Glass of Milk. Bread and Butter. Coffee. Dinner. Vegetable Soup. Roast Beef and Good Gravy. Potatoes and Parsnips. Glass of Milk. Supper. An Egg. Corn Bread. Molasses. Bread and Butter. Toast. Tea. This bill of fare seems to be good enough for any one. I have dined at Delmonico's and drunk with my meal some of the famous General Arthur sherry, which costs $15 a quart. Yet I never enjoyed a dinner at the famous Fifth avenue restaurant as much as I did some of the plain meals at the hos pital. Caviar and cocktails may fur nish a good appetite for dinner, but there is nothing like the hunger which comes when nature's forces are at work building up a man's depleted system. And yet there are patients in the hospital who complain of their food. In ward B they are the patients who lie and sneak out of work in every possible way. As a matter of fact the food is of better quality than "many of the men get at home, and it is cer tainly cooked better. The reason why men desire to work 1b the kitchen is because they get one extra meal a day. It is< a light lunch, to be sure, but it is good and whole some. Then, too, the men who work in the kitchen take their meals there, and who shall blame the good-natured cook If, in the absence of the house keeper, she sneaks them some little dainties too much of which have been prepared for the patients who pay for their treatment. The Patients Who Pay. These persons form a class by them selves. They are served their meals on fragile china and get full value for their money, but who cares how they are treated. They have money and can buy what they want. It is in the treatment of the destitute that the public has an interest. The Hospital Doctors. And now as to the duties of those in the hospital. The medical and sur gical staff of internes comprises Dr. William W. Lewis, Dr. Walter Hi. Brown, Dr. Edwin D. Strech, Dr. Ed ward A. Meyerding, Dr. A. G. Liedloff, Dr. Hugh Custes Arey and Dr. Fred Drake Rogers. Dr. Arey Is the path ologist and attends to all the posts mortem, and Dr. Rogers is a homeo pathic physician and cares for all the cases in the homeopathic ward. The internes alternate from the sur gical to the medical side of the hos pital, and vice versa. At present Dr. Lewis is the senior medical interne and Dr. Brown the senior surgical in terne, and upon them devolves most of the work just now. The doctors are =on duty twenty-four hours during the day. Of course, they go to bed nights, but scarcely a night passes that they are not summoned to attend some poor fellow brought in as the result of an accident or to investigate the condi tion of some patient who has grown suddenly worse. The "senior interne has to visit from fifty to seventy-five patients twice a day. The senior surgical interne vis its a less number, But he has to at tend to the dressing of twenty or twen ty-five wounds or injuries every day. Sometimes the visits are made with the staff physician and sometimes the in terne goes alone. Take a morning in the basement ward as an example as to what the senior medical interne has to do. An Interne's Morning Work. In one room, there is a patient suf fering from delirium tremens. All medicine so far has failed to put him to sleep. A dozen questions present themselves at once to the doctor's mind. What can be given to produce sleep? How long wiH his constitu tion stand the strain he is under at present? Will a change in his diet have any beneficial effect? These and other things must be decided quickly. There is no time to waste, for in the next cot is a hopeless case. A stalwart man is gradually sinking down to death. No specific disease is apparent. The best physicians in town have failed to make a satisfactory diagnosis. His mind is clouded, he grows weak er and weaksr every day and death Is approaching fast. What can be done to prolong his Ufe? How can he be m&de more comfortable? These questions must not take too long in solution. The interne has only seen one patient that morning. Sixty two more remain to be visited. Then there is the old man with the ctouble pneumonia, kept alive during thejiight with inhalations of oxygen. Can any thing more be done for him? Win his heart stand the strain which the, ad ministration of larger quantities""' 1 of oxygen will produce? As he is flour ing out these problems he' is hastily called into the big ward where .a man suffering from heart disease is thought to be dying. The doctor Usten&^tt-his chest a moment and quietly says, "nitroglycerin." A swift-footed nurse brings him, the required fluid and a hypodermib^syr inge in an instant. A small pQriicnuof this most powerful stimulant is in jected under the skin. In a moment the color comes into the patient's face and his heart beats more strongly. Half an hour's delay in injecting the stim ulent and the man would haVe been dead. Across the ward is a typhoid" fever patient. The night before his temper ature was 102; now the little thermom eter marks 104 —beyond the danger line. How shall I reduce that tem perature is the question the doctor asks himself. Is an ice pack advis able? The senior surgical interne has a similar experience in his wards. Take it all in all It is an intensely wearisome life and it is a wonder that the doctors preserve any nerve powers at all. Their work is much more arduous than that of physicians in private practice. The latter do not visit as many patients and have more time to consider each case. And now in regard to the nurses. There is twenty-five of them in the hospital, and their names are: Mrs. P. D. C. Campbell, superintendent of nurses; Mrs. I. Porter, Miss B. McEl wee, Mrs. T. Revard, Miss E. Nick, Miss J. Sheriff. Miss M. Sohns, Miss A. Peters, Miss F. Porter, Miss G. O'Connell, Miss E. Lee, Miss A. Theobald, Miss L. Rogu son, Mrs. C. Robbins, Mrs. M. Slaw Miss A. Murphy, Miss D. Brown, Miss M. Holmes, Miss E. Newmann, Miss L. Thompson, Miss C. Jamsgaard, Miss P. Maxwell, Miss E. Dormer, Miss J. Marie, Miss M. Torce, Miss F. Pace, Mrs. Mary A. Edwards, matron. It Is the Strenuous Life. In the first place It should be said to all girls who wish to become nurses, "Don't, unless you have a strong con stitution; unless you are willing to sacrifice your life in the interest of hu manity; unless you are willing to be come accustomed to see sickening sights and hear heart-rending sounds; unless you* are willing to run the risk of contracting all kinds of contagious and even loathsome diseases; unless you are willing to work twenty hours out of twenty-four; unless you have the patience of Job and the temper of an angel." The nurses at the city hospital are for the most part gentlewomen. All have education and the large majority have the manners which can only come from good-breeding. They are quiet, unassuming, firm when firmness "Is re quired, tender when tenderness is needed. They possess tact, patience and good sense. They are women un afraid. Every day in the hospital a dozen things occur to each nurse, any one of which would set the ordinary woman's nerves on edge or drive her into hysterics. Tet the nurse tafyes them as a matter of course and does not permit them to disturb her equilib rium for a moment. She can't be dis turbed by them. She would not make a good nurse if she were. She has to b"ear with the vagaries of the delirious patient; listen to the whims of the convalescent; hear the Idle complaints of the worthless char acters and go on taking temperatures, feeling pulses, smoothing pillows and watching for any changes in patients' conditions with a pleasant face. She mustn't get angry; she mustn't get merry. She must preserve a calm de meanor and be at all times ready for any emergency. These qualifications the nurses at the city hospital ac quire during their three years' stay - there.- It Is exceedingly hard on them the first year, easier the second, and the third year it comes to them as a mat ter of course to bear burdens under which an ordinary woman would sink. The work of the nurses at the hospital lasts twelve hours each day with one hour's rest. They are on their feet all the time and I never-saw one of Grand Opportunity to Buy Warm Goods at> the Lowest Prices. Ladies first quality Boston 3 buckle AA« .''-•. >^k :. - Men's .: felt : lace Arctics, worth $1.75, on table at.;-... %fQV .^Srv^V Shots, leather fox- Ladies' : 1 buckle Arctics \, good «„ ', 'jj ' •J@^~^mwiL~ e<*»" rubber soles and quality, worth $1.00, £L A " Jz^''jmffi'*' ~' ';^i . neels, worth $3.00, ontableat V^V £-^-'WJl^ JH cut C^ S(\ Ladies' felt,"fur.trimrnVd^Junets^^>^^i^^^S^^; to'"-^^*^V ; worth $1, £±Qkp .._-.:/ "^ "' J&SmM 'Men-! s - felt lace on table at V7V "" t S%. ft "l 1' ll&B&m&SP* " Shoes, felt sole rub iLadies' felt lace /ff^ -JjSJrW^ ' foxed, worth $2.50, Shoes, leathersolss, Otij^g^Z~~~sEP?™3&^ cut 42!1 /%d v/i th or without to Ai^^fO lea[ h*^ foxlnes' _.- ,^,a2. Men's 1 buckle Overshoes, first quality worth $1.50, cut ..•.;••" $Vi Boston, worth $1.50, broken>} MP. , lot cut to /9V Men's i. 1 i buckle rubbers '; for sox, solid ? : ' Misses' and Children's ' felt, fur form - ; rubber heels, worth $1.50 AA« Juliets, ? worth 90c, cut ft/** e_cut to-- .i... .TV. V^V to :.. .;;....;. .\ :.-."v. .< 49C ;• Misses' fine - Satin - and * Colonial i Slippers, : worth $1.25, ." -, .-.v ■*] 7<t» cut to /4V W&lM££%as?k them rest while she was on duty One evening after a hard day's work one of the second year nurses was tak ing temperatures when one of the pa tients—a worthless character—pur posely dropped the thermometer on the floor and broke it, at the same time uttering a profane word. The nurse's face grew scarlet, tears welled out of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She went hurriedly from the ward, but came back in a moment as im perturbable as ever. One of. the interesting features of the hospital is the maternity ward Here are always on hand a number of new-born babes and at present several foundlings are being cared for there. The quarters are rather crowded at present but the new maternity ward will soon be in readiness and then there will be plenty of room. The pharmacy of the hospital is a complete drug store and men are em ployed in it every morning rolling bandages for the operating and dress ing rooms. Some of the boys in the hospital are most expert bandage mak ers. All are under the charge of phar macist Prince. Comparisons, of course, are odious, but as a matter of justice and truth I must say a word about the man agement of St. Paul's city hospital. I have investigated Bellevue hospital in New York; the Cook conty hospital in Chicago; the city hospital in Min neapolis; the city hospital in Denver, and the city hospital in Omaha. My investigations in those hospitals were carried on as a newspaper man, and of course. I only saw the best side of things. In the city hospital in St. Paul, as a patient, I saw the worst and best alike. I. must say that in manage ment, discipline and treatment of pa tients it far excels any of the other institutions which I have seen. The discipline of the hospital has been brought to its present state of efficiency by Dr. Arthur B. Ancker. He has been at the head of the institu tion for twenty years. By the patients and employes Dr. Ancker is regarded as a stern man. They are right. What ever genial qualities Dr. Ancker may exhibit outside, in the hospital he ia stern. He has to be to deal with the characters which come into the place. If he were not stern and had not shown that he possessed a rigid "backbone tho hospital would not occupy its present high position. Now, a word of advice to anyone who is unfortunate enou/jh to be obliged to go to the city hospital for treatment. Obey every rule and do all the work you can when you are convalescent. You will not regret it. —Hospital Crank. JAMES BOWMAN LINDSAY WAS AHEAD OF MARCONI Scotchman Discovered Wireless Teleg- raphy Fifty Years Ago. LONDON, Dec. 27. —When Mr. Mar coni lectured at Dundee he gave full credit to the Scotch lnventcr, James Bowman Lindsay, for being the first man who thoroughly believed in the possibility and utility of lcng distance wireless telegraphy, fifty years ago. He contended that Lindsay's system was not considered practical on account of the enormous electrical energy re quired, even for the most moderate dis tances, and the . necessity of placing immersed plates at a considerable dis tance apart, but he admitted that the inventor would have done much more If he had lived in the present time and been armed with tne resources of electrical science. Automobile Tickets With Pianos .and Organs. We Issue Automobile coupons till Janu ary 1, 1903, two for every dollar of pur chase, whether cash or time sale. We 'also issue them on all cash paid in on account of old contracts. W. W. Kim ball Co., 382 St Peter street Sigma Nu. CHICAGO, Dec. 27.—The biennial convention of the Sie-ma Nu College fraternity will be held in Indianapolis Dec. 31-Jan. 2.