Newspaper Page Text
CHIDLOW CHIDLOW CHIDLOW CHIDLOW CHIDLOW CHIDLOW CHIDLOW jotygAP^ pKeAO off KAO Sf|^i\D dRJBJIID BREi\D BRHAD I Hurry up! Hurry UP ! I YOUR GROCER has 1 1 Don't make the I Condensed Energy Our kitchen is as "ChidiOW" Bread I Anyone sick I I baker-man, bring us I Ch | dlow 1 § mistake of baking § 1 clean as yours - is our bread, the name lat your house? I I some I UniaiOW I I 00 or Wad W^ I 4^+ uc*ui db yours. is our bread, the name 1 ■ 1 I ,^ U .. A ..,.. 1 R|-<>flH 1 J°L .7 j6 I CKldloW COme, See it; COme is our name—our label § Buy _ I I "Gil BLOW" I tsreaa I I dontjrfwedo, M.-. ji". see US bake oneveryloaf. I CHIDLOW I 1 , 1 recommends it too. 1 I get your Money- I Dread... _ „ m I V-.Oll^j^VJW | I fast as you can. I DAILY . I bacfc - I S QlldloW —5 C — I BREAD I ALL GROCERS L^ . Ward=Corby Co. 5 CentS the loaf W Breads WARD-CORBY CO. I Makes delightful toast. I HORSE SHOW GIVES PRIZE FOR RECORD Five Hundred Dollars to the Four-in-Hand That Makes One. ■Ever since George E. Palmer broke the world's record for a coach and four at the horse show last year there has been considerable discussion as to the bility of dipping off a few more '•.ids. Aurel Batonyi, the expert New- York whip, thinks he has a four-in-hand team that can do the trick, and A. E. D. R. MILLS. j ■ . ■ ■ ■"■■.■■ !M;u:aser of St. Paul Horse Show. Ashbrook, of Kansas City, claims that he now has four that can accomplish the feat. There has been considerable rivalry between Ashbrook and Palmer the past year, and each is anxious to own the champions. As a special feature for horse show ■week. Col. Carling has offered $500 to the man that can lower the record, and the probabilities are that there will be at least three entries —Palmer, Ashbrook and Batonyi. The record made by Palmer's team last year was a mile in 2:55%, drawing a coach loaded with passengers. All three of the men that are likely to make the entries for this event are experienced whips and would not like ly undertake the trial unless they thought they could succeed, hence tho probabilities are that at least two of them will succeed, and If more than one starts he is willing to add $200 and make it a race, the whole of the purse to go to the winner. If the pres ent plans are carried out it will prove one of the most exciting races ever witnessed, and will attract thousands from all parts of the country. An Ohio Queen. Out in the Buckeye capital city Is a woman who imagines she is of a royal family, and who thinks Uncle Sara is in dented to her to the extent of $10,000. She is one of those claimants who do not like to let go. Whenever the mails get small in bulk and uninteresting, the officials of the interior: department are prepared to find tucked away in a small envelope with the Columbus postmark a letter from this royal seeker of fortune. This is the last of her scries of communications, now carefully Bled away in the records as a matter of formality: Mr. Ethan Allen Itttchcock— Dear Sir: I write you a few lines in re ?lU *iASr>A he mone >' I for. The amount is $10,000, and I have never got any Brswer from the president. It has been quite a while ago, I wish you would please gee for me. I want $10,000 at once, and if you cannot send It answer me at once. I got Air W. L. C— to see the president «nriT' e *wfw afraid to see in the case end he sent the moil to me and I have e'jx. it yet. bend me the money or the will —Queen Jerusha A. W—. —New York Tribune. THIS ELEGANT WATCH $3.75. msrnm itfsstek Eefore you buy a watch cut this **5E < iffl&J out and SBnd t0 us w"n your C 5> name and address, and we will 1 5 .—3§3t1, send you by express for ex ; «l2k£«iiii^. ami nation a handsome WATCH "Mg&&Msk AND CHAIN C. O. D. $3.75 iM^AymSsk double hunting case beautifully HV? WrVfrlPH ened, stem wind and stem KS&<^3lrliii Eet> fittsd wlth rlch!y Jeweled IBHAJB^W movement, and guaranteed a WffiHT 1 0r, r«d timekeeper; with loi-g WH|r uolcl plated chain for Ladies or •*s*k£&* vest chain for Gents. " If you COLD FILLED WATCH.'WarraSio VIaI? rtytr.e express agent $3.75 and ex. digs., and it wJX S M °?, r 2,°r year EUa? ntM sent ewith each w.tch. Mention if you want Gents' or Ladies' size Add, r T« E DIAMOND JEWELRY CO.. Dep' S. 35, 22c.C3«rcorn street. Chicago, 111. ' ? $ Bb i"v>\«F J^k -r' «1a >*-" &£sHe BHft uSv i Ban ~■■-■■■'■-■■■■■■*:':' -■'"■.■ ■''■: '■■■■- ■ -■ . • .:.,..- *King Mogy" and Some of His Subjects in the Realm of the Newsboy. "Huxtra, huxtra; all about the ex plosion. Paper, Mister, buy a paper for 2 cents." Two hundred newsboys sell papers on the streets of St. Paul. The ages of these "newsies" range from 5 to 50, and all of them ' are hustlers. If a boy is not a hustler, he has no busi ness trying to sell papers in St. Paul, because the competition here is so. strong that the youngsters have to work for every penny they take in. The boys who sell the morning pa pers are out as early as 5 o'clock, ready to cater to the first people on the streets. From 5 in the morning until 9 in the forenoon the person de siring to purchase . a morning paper will have a half dozen or more oppor tunities within the range of a block in most any down-town section of the city. Nearly every newsboy has his own particular "stand" and very few of them wander far from the selected locality. After the hour of 9 in the forenoon very few "newsies" are to be found on the street until the "noon extras" are off the press. These noon editions are delivered to the boys at 11 o'clock and from that hour until 1 in the afternoon the youngsters go after the pennies of the man going to his lunch. When the noon editions are disposed of the youngsters have another breathing spell until the eve ning papers are out, and then they again take up their positions and hus tle until 6, and many of them 7 in the evening. Thus the grind goes on, day in and day out, and the pennies grow into THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, SUJSDAY, MAY 17, 1903. NEWSIES OF ST. PAUL dollars as the papers disappear. Some of these boys make good money and save it, while others who sell papers more to get a little spending money than because they have to, spend their day's earnings before they go home in the evening. Of Many Nationalties. Of the different nationalties repre sented by the "newsies" the Jews and Italians lead by large odds, although there are a few Syrians, some Amer icans and fewer negroes. In St. Paul there are but two colored newsboys. And of these 200 youngsters who sell papers on the streets of St. Paul, none work harder and few sell more papers than the little 6-yetir-old girl, who can be found in front of the federal build ing each evening. No matter what the weather is, fair or stormy, hot or cold, this little girl never misses a day, and her punctuality has won for her many regular customers. And this same little girl has a younger brother who is entitled to some distinction, inasmuch as he is the youngest and smallest "newsie" in the city. With a bundle of papers almost as large as himself, this young ster "makes the court house" and after that building has been thoroughly worked, takes up his position at the federal building, where he and his sister work together. When The Globe photographer found this little fellow, and stated that he wanted him to pose for a pic ture on account of his being the youngest boy in the business, the lad was not pleased at all. "I might be de smallest in size," he said, "but I sells just as many papers as de rest of 'em. Buy a paper and you can have me picture." The paper was bought and the youngster posed, but .before the ca mera could be trained ftp the little fel low he had spied a p&spective cus tomer a half block a»'d|f, and was off like an automobile. *He sold a paper and returned to keep Ms word. Then another grouiOof the young sters was found at Sejenth and Wa basha streets. Here If< a dozen or more were lined up for their pictures, and everything was wjfijking lovely for the man with the cfimera when one mischievous "newsie^gfarted trouble by demanding pay. t « "Say, wot do we git for dis work? Our time's, worth money. Dig up or we won't stand." The demand caused^ a stampede among the others and all of them de manded pay before they would pose. After some argument'tiiey agreed to a proposition, and stoodtfior a snap shot. The Boys Ar^Honest. Whatever may be saH of the aver age newsboy it must be said that he is honest. Take his word and you will lose nothing buy it. There may be some tricks to their trade, and they may sell you a paper a little out of date, but when they tell you a thing you can generally depend upon them. Buy a paper of one of them and tender them a larger piece of money than they have change for and you will have no cause to worry about your change if the boy go^s for change and gets out of your sight. They are sure to return with your money. The newsboys who sell papers in St. Paul are supplied from four substa tions, one being at the newspaper of fice, where the down-town hustlers get their papers, and the others dis tributed in the out-lying districts of the city. One queer thing about the lads who sell papers in St. Paul is that not one out of twenty-five of them depend upon their paper sales for mainte nance. Many of them are poor and support themselves with the money they earn, but they have homes and would continue to eat and sleep were they never to see another paper. An other thing is, a large per cent of them attend school, selling their papers out side of school hours. One of the most interesting charac ters who sells papers is the old man who can be seen daily at Seventh and Robert streets. He is probably fifty years old and little is known of him. Recently he was released from the hospital and, having no money, started selling papers. He cannot speak Eng lish, and were it not for his bundle of papers one would not known what he was trying to say as he calls his wares to the passersby. King of the Newsies. Every city has its "king of the newsboys," and St. Paul is no excep tion in this particular. "Mosy is king." Everybody knows Mogy, although if he were to be referred to as Mr. Bern stein not one in a thousand of his daily customers would recognize the name. They know him simply as "Mog-y," and that is sufficient. Mogy has some fifty boys under him, and to these youngsters he furnishes papers when their first supply received at the newspaper office is sold out. Mogy has been selling papers for a good many years, but he hustles just "I CURE IN ONE VISIT" Mwter COBIE T0 /l^S Don't bo Gut; you may be ruined mcSlci Wsisii^^ f &T m PAUL FOR ////3 Special* ijSF^lf one. day 1 M We cure without a knife, J|j|s|gP^ /^^ ll Varicocele ruins the lives of ihou- J^|»I^ISAVE YOU GOT IT?" Ill'BireSfißß^S H „., "rl + c > ? cel2fe' a prevalent disease of men, Is a dilatation or enlargement of th« KVifiiH^flr H vei^ sof the spermatio cord In the scrotum, which from various causes beoomeg Wiß^firaii maSB/ i 2° & Ad £ nd knotty, feeling like a bundle of angleworms when taken in the Uli'.^l' SgF H hand. It usually occurs on the left side, ami producer dragging sensations In the TO&lif II EcsPifg^ -11 groin, and weak back. It impairs the general health and causes much worry. You/ rar>Wll?i^ls?^VP[ brain becomes weak and you grow despondent. r™. No sensible man should wait. He should realize that the longer he delays the more the organ affected will waste away. Don't live and linger when we have TmkmSSnma&Wgßmgm an *osolute oure for >our 7i CO(1« and weakness and can make you a happy, f^^msMkM^sMSmJ^ manly man, with mental and physical powers complete. -fw. /MSSm certainty of cure I lIBMB I9MS.WBM& H la what you want We She a written LEGAL guarantee to cure, or refund your I nlviw/fl^Sfnouiln\ bU money. ««.i X*J V l?® dea I d, ly Varicocele that is dragging and worrying your life out It is ™? at l 3 makl"fv, >'°v SO tired, so listless, so stupid. It is this that is robbing \M ffilli&fti^MWsk 0U Of your strength of manhood, your nerve force, your ambition. It is draining 'SKWI//lls/M M\IM?M the Vs ry Bap. out of your body- and will- make a wreck of you in time Cure It H. b^l V^? S t ( ?°* far^ Ori y?ui ,Every tram brin S 3 some man from a distance ROW Ps«lPPls^^ cured. Railroad fare deducted for out-of-town patients coming to the city. Wm H m WOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID unless cured. Mtmllllm nSUm 'I? 111! 011 lay , Heidelberg Medical Institute. St. Paul. Minn.—Dear Doctors: Will BmHllm Iflws/f Varjocoalo 1; write you a few lines as promised, and lam happy to say that lam * Effltilm yltlnufl cured at last. My varicocele is cured, emissions ceased long ago. My organs atl m mWllilfl Wlffill .in a. normal condition. lam tho happiest man alive. Now I can tnijov life as I IU luIIUM WSliil never could before. Now I can do a hard day's work, eat and Bleep like a man mUmli&iH !fi«s3?/l and that '? Ba>'i n * a *00<i dool- I shall ever remember your goodness and what THF !!l}/Pfi!/ I mlMll yoU hava d(no. for mo- and X would advise young men to try your treatment a"a »ff ili last resort bof ore Saving up all hope. If there is a cure you can cure them Will bPSm IhKSKA y °U a RCXt month< X am' Kratefull>'. F., Murdock. Minn. BEST liil li^Ka. IAI r.IISF §P. hilis- & et Seinillal Weskn2SS- Enlarged Estate, nnR- IW I MLOU UUfiL Stricture, Pimples, Lost Manhood, Unnatural Discharges! b dE§i HELPING HAND mwiiMMiwmn Kldnai and Bladder Diseases. * TflD v^l~l Til FVPRY UArJ IUX titril MAM 11/DITC People who live Jn the smaller outside towns or in the HfniTr X^V If It II I. oounti-y write for examination and advice free. Many W ft 11 i~ cases can b« cured by home treatment. . ■■11l I lj*'l mS JSiB?M^faBB'HH- Baß^^B^B^ ■ '"■- . HDBBHfISiktB^HE^HSS KWgjajgßWk njr jk#l •«»«kI I -"i pvff E^n| KM JEW Bm f■ -I k 9 jp^ MpA| t^T"^^^^Si mß3&^^^*BS^^ 1 ill UllE PQI HFBDFL BFRft Meal kll^blin^briUl institute Corner Fifth and Robert Sts., St. Paul 9 Minn. x ENTRANCE-108 EAST FIFTH STREET. Dally B>-• m. to Bp. m. ..^^ILARQEST'mbdIcAL INSTITUTe IN THE NORTHWEST, N Sunday* Ba.m.tol p. m. as hard today as he did at any time in his life. He has sold papers in a num ber of the principal cities of the coun try, having come to St. Paul from Omaha three years ago. Since coming here his hustling propensities seem to have inspired his younger competitors, and the "hustling" is done with much more vigor than it was a few years ago. "St. Paul is a good street sale town," said Mogy, when asked to com pare it to other cities in which he had hustled. "It is one of the best I have ever worked in, and I might add that it is getting better every day." Sure He Was an Agnostic. The Rev. Washington Gladden, after a lecture at Harvard, discussed with a number of students the Christian re- # ligion. The students, as is sometimes the way with young men, manifested a lack of faith. They were not ashamed of this lack, either. They seemed, on the con trary, to be proud of it. "I," said a lad of eighteen years, a freshman, "I am an agnostic." He spoke pompously, his hands in his pockets. He regarded narrowly the effect on Mr. Glad den of his bold words. "You are an agnostic?" said the cler gyman. "I am an agnostic." "What is an agnostic?" Mr. Gladden asked. "Tell me, won't you, Just what meaning you attribute to that word?" The lad swaggered about the room. He still kept his hand 3in his pockets. "An agnostic," he said, frowning, "why, an agnostic is—ah—a fellow —a fellow who isn't sure of anything." "How does it happen, then," asked the clergyman, "that you're sure you're an agnostic"—New York Tribune. Bridge Tally Cards. For a set of tally cards for bridge whist an artist has recently designed a set of water color studies of bridges, which are most charming. One shows the East River bridge, another the Bridge of Sighs at Venice, a third the ice bridge at Niagara, a fourth the natural bridge of Virginia, a fifth London bridge. In addition to these are various quaint old bridges in Holland, Norway and this country. Several small bridges mossy and picturesque and design ed simply for their picture quality, also formed a part of the set. A Very Excellent Thing. The stenographer who couldn't spell was called into the private office. "This is outrageous!" exclaimed tiie employer. "What's the matter?" asked the ste nographer. "Half of these words are misspelled," said the employer. But the stenographer was resourceful. Only a day or so before she had been read ing an article on spelling reform. "How do you know they are?" she asked. ''Any dictionary will prove it," replied the employer. "What's the use. of relying on diction aries?" asked the stenographer. "We are in a period of great changes." Thereupon she brought out six different magazines that had articles on the differ ent methods of simplyfying English spell ing and demonstrated to him without trouble that authorities could be produced for any old combination of letters that she cared to l? ut together.—Brooklyn Eagle. How to Cure a Cat. It may be an old trick, but I never heard of it until Dr. F. L,. Van Note, the Flatbush dentist, told me about it yes terday. Tis office cat was ailing and he was going to administer a dose of medi cine to her. "How do you do It?" I asked. "A cat is so plaguey obstinate!" "Yes-, but it is very easy to make her take medicine." said be. "Just put it into something sticky and rub it on her paws. She will lick every particle of it off." There's ingenuity worthy of Conan Doyle.—Brooklyn Eagle. 11