Newspaper Page Text
16 '?' s"SpliJll& (F^n^Pw ■ NEWS OF THE OITY . A*fc j.lj «_U~IB k__|^ • *%^L'-.<! •.^■^^J *^* * -,TJfjfj>» *^*"*"' f*T *^>w 1 '■^ ■^■^■^■^w ■»■%.-J^.'""^"^"^ / wtm ssmmM Tag mm -^ •* GOVERNOR-ELECT JOHNSON NAMES ; FRANK 4. DAY AS PRIVATE SECRETARY . Successful Candidate -.i That no Other Appointments I ' Wijl^Be Considered Until He and His Party Return From J Two Weeks' Trip to the St, -If Louis Fair and Through^the s—-Smrth—-Chairman of ; State " Central Comm ttee, Who Wl/f Occupy This Close - Place* to i Governor, Is Intimate Friend of the New Chief Executive ' ■„. 'x "■y'V^ Syrfr'--(-.'' ■;" •'.■.*r'^'?''*^» --■ ■ iv'SSftSSSSsriiii..-.- .... iV .— .. ■ :-V~'\ ci- >."■•--\ -••.■'.";: -■;■„-.■•-. .: - .-,..-. - — *<~—-~^ » ;-.•-*--"..••- ' - •■' . , ;.- John A. Johnson, governor-elect, yes -tercla'f'Trrtrtounced ' that upon going into offieg be wjll appoint Frank A. Day his : private secretary, and stated in addi tion that he will !.: ny>t consider other patronage until he has returned . from a Southern trip that is expected to last _mone than two weeks. _ •, .. , ■ : , % Mr. Johnson T came from-' St. Peter to "be present at ,: the football game be ;^tween ;Minnesota. and Wisconsin^ which J he attended " '• of Mr. Day ;and : other: friends. While here he an- V: nounced that he had concluded to name > Mr. Day ;to 'the position of secretary. w say«*gh. th*t this would be his first ; act after assuming the 'dutiesi of :; governor. ~Mr. "Day, who will occupy the closest mil ARTISTS MEET Work or the Society for Year .Is Reviewed Reviews of the work of the Minne sota Art society during the last year "■were heard last night at the second annual meeting of the society, held in the senate chamber at the capitol. ''M-OPe-rhair fifty members and friends of the society were present. President Robert Koehler, of Minne i,aa?Qjis, said in part: "The most important work under .taken by our society during the year was the aranging of the first annual held at St. Cloud from ': April 4 to April 17. It proved a most fhapf>y beginning of our labors, en couraging alike as a purely artistic success and as a practical means of gaining our object, namely, to interest i large communities in the fine arts and •in artistic handicraft. The attendance •was between 4,000 and 5,000. "To my mind, the most important Tomorrow we will have the Hsavtest Apple Sale ....of the Season Low Prices Will Prevail New York Winter Keepers, es pecially labeled for Andrew Schoch, XXXX Brand, consisting of Bald », wins. Grimes' Golden, Kings, Greenings, Spitzenburgs, Bellflow er. Northern Spies, Russets, Starks, Swors. Holland Pippins, Phoenix. . Wagners, per barrel $2.50 M.tcliigan Apples, good winter stock. varieties: '; Ben ' . Davis, .- Russets, Greenings^ Baldwins, Pippins,- Ram- r . v <_■ bo, . Hubbardston, Telapahawken,.-: ■'."> ~ Fallow Water, Snows, Seeknofur- ' , ther, Nonesuch and other varieties, "per barre1......... $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 Special, attention to out-of-town orders. | Write or. wire for prices on carload lots. Fresh carload of ; New England Ap :. 1- pies, all varieties, per . barrel..;.-. $1.90 ," Carload. Nebraska Apples, - consisting ,'. j r of all varieties, per barre1.......... $1.80 a New York Kieffer Pears, per 3-'73usheL.. barrel (will stand ship- •■>:*, .ping):. • :".;.;..,.................. $2.75 Florida Oranges,, per doz. .30c, 40c and 50c Florida Grape Fruit, each.loc, 15c and 20c - Florida apples, each ... :1 ...r..- 20c Fresh Persimmons, extra large, doz. 50c . Jonathan Apples, per. bu box ....;..$1.75 Sweet Table Pears, per basket .. 25c Fresh car Jonathan Cider, ga1...... ■' 25c Special prices by % bbl. bb\., or cask. ; Boiled 1 Cider, quart b0tt1e........;... 20c Russian Caviar, in stone jars, each. . 25c FANCY GROCERIES FOR THANKS \':\iZh -Si' '~ GIVING TRADE. New Malaga "Layer' Raisins, ' ■-. •■&■■.■■■ U*»Dor#d SmyrnaiLayer Figs, . Oriental Washed Fl o « in baskets. Nev(, Safo.SheJl Walnuts, i .-.^- New Shelled. Jordan Almonds, £ n . A -.-K-if. 3"o^. 1-0 NaPes Filberts. ■ ; Gordon & Dlllworth s Preserves, »•-. Franco-American - Plum :• Pudding, •fu r-.. v- eller' Jams and Marmalade. - J. H, Flickinger Canned Fruits, ; ? •Uaßesfde Brand Canned- Peas, " am. J*iS!r-'-l r Brand Cann*<* Tomatoes. _,■. sme.. JO?*?** brands represent the finest ; Roods that can be packed. - Rtl **«srr rar-df the famou's-SchDch'sXXXX B Brand.^Plow>«rrived ' today. *- This Flour other^r^ir bread> whiter bread, than r^SS -ere*Wfcents ■■ for ' the- celebrated Air P\£ rt.J&*£i irners and Maples. &.lb-J«s?Dslry Butter.., ... . ;..-.'...' • ' 90c ■ £h^s£iP£eaiu^i 'y- pep<ib.- W:-rr..-.-;;-.v 26c 1 Ivo«*apai£«j^arni Butter in 2 5 and ,5 16 jass,. . ; 2iattd a ibrjars of Pasteurized Golden . r - CrdßU Buttor. : - -:r ..:-'.-.., - "'-; --~ CureduHams. per ib'zi'.^'M 7.' I2y,c 1 Picnic Hams, per lb ..:;..r..-.. . •"-* 7|X * I-;ttie.J?ig^S»usage, per lb ...: '"i2'Ac Imported Pudding, .per can.'" 50c ■:.. 8: glasses; Pure ■ Strained Honey .-. v".{ ;. 25c New - Holland Herring.' per keg.... -; -• 90c Fiincy Summer Sausage, per &:^.~:;. Isc Scaled ' Herring;- per;. boxT:;: .V."...; . ~ 25c " Canada Craajm Cheese, per pkg. M: ■ 10c %*■ CIGAR "i DEPARTMENT ."-- Tw" Lessing a f __ #*_ PSontella .. rti.Vi ;r. —- i --A"-|; for 25^ *• Ocean Queen. .->. ...:; '::'.r.'r.r* 8 for ' 25c ' Barrister.- regular large " size; v 10c "I astought.- -Special sale ..a for 25c _z tV|E ANDREW SCHOCH GROCERY CO. J jir:- rjr-'i*..- <: ; Seventh and Broadway. *; " ' FRANK A. DAY position to the governor, is chairman of the state Democratic committee, and was one of the leaders In the f ght for Mr. Johnson. In addition he Is an Inti mate personal friend of the governor elect. They are both newspaper meiK Mr. Johnson being In business in St. Peter and Mr. Day in Fairmont. Following the reception Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Day will leave for the South, visiting the St. Louis world's fair and likely going still further South. Mr. Johnson stated positively while in St. Pau! that he would not consider other appoir-tments until he has returned from his vacation. department at the St. Cloud exhibition, was the department of crafts. It was within the comprehension of almost every visitor and It appealed to them from Its practical nature. "A feature that aroused much inter est was the awarding of prizes, as pro vided by law, to artists and artisans of Minnesota. "This has resulted in our acquiring the nucleus of a collection of art work. But the law restricts the prizes to Min nesota artists. For educational pur poses, however, it is important that we. acquire works ef high artistic merit, no matter by whom produced. What we have been able to acquire thus far. Is interesting Japanese color prints and a piece of silverware. 'We have also secured a collection of photographs of famous art works, which photographs are to be loaned to clubs, societies and "institutions throughout the state. "We have sent circulars to school officers of the state, urging that great er attention be given to the teaching of drawing and offering to assist by providing lectures and loaning photo graphs and original art works. "We have formally expressed our de-. sire to jolr in -abating the billboard nuisance by securing legislation or otherwise.". Mr. Koehler added that the society might stimulate the introduceion of art in manufactures by encouraging village industries, such aa rug weaving, lacemakin.e. metal and leather worto Mrs. William E. Thompson, of Ham line, the secretary and treasurer, re ported that out of $4,000 given by the legislature the society would have $1,900 for expenses during the fiscal year ending Aug. 1. 1905. Miss Margaret Evans, of Northfield. vice president, reviewed the society's work much as did President Koehler. But she suggested that increased funds would add much to the practical use fulness of the organization. She said that Dr. John Qnincy Adams, of Penn sylvania, wno spoke on art topics last year before the Minnesota Educational association and under the auspices of the State Art society, had agreed to address the educational association again this year. Other speakers were Mrs. Robert M Seymour, of Duluth. and Miss Ellen Wheelock, of St. PauL FEARS FOR HUSBAND Body Found In River Arouses Montana Woman :• Thinking that in the body of a man found in the Mississippi.' river at St. Paul, Sept. 2, she may find the remains of her husband, Mrs. Vivian La Trou nelle, : a woman living at ' Lost Spring ranch, ninety, miles south of Miles City, | Mont., has decided to come to this city, to examine the effects of the dead man and to consult the description on file In the office of Coroner Miller. .. .-;- The ; body ' when found was ' supposed to be that- of Howard Valentine ' and might have -; been - buried under : that name had not Coroner Miller found that the body was not that of Valentine by;; an examination ~of ' the teeth, the dead man > having ;a ; perfect ; set;: while* Valentine had i four molars ■ missing. in. the upper Jaw. The body was buried, and not ;until; last week was the ques tion of its identity raised, again. " ; Mrs. La Trounelle wrote to a Minne apolis detective .askingV him to 1 locate her :husband," Jean La Traunelk?, who was . last. heard 'of , a week s before the -, ; body was found .in the river. V She said the husband left his ranch: and went •to : Chicago,"- where '- he ~ made ;.■ several sales .: *of -'" cattle. - On".„ his \ return he stopped at Minneapolis and he is known to have had ' about . $9,000 In his posses sion. He wrote to his wife that he ■would- soon"i be home '» and she • never heard from him again. '.- - : .*. " ' :• A description of the man found In the : river * was 1 forwarded :to i Mrs.' La Trou nelle,r> and ' she; said It corresponded .with that jof her husband. 3 She j tele graphed that she would start ' for the Twin Cities within ■ a few days. \ .- :"--*. -' ■' • '. - '."*■ 1 ' ■'"'.:,' - Room for University Gfrls .- To secure funds for erecting, at the" state university, a building- for the use of the '-. young i women students, an op eretta, "Dame Firefly,^ -will \ pro- > duced: soon at the university by - Twin City artists and a chorus :of 150 chil dren. . ■ ■ :' _ r'-,'.\.-y-:-\^\ '-" ■:- This plan and others in ' prospect will be :carriedl; out by the Women's league, of the University of Minnesota. -. Fifth Warders Are —The exec utive committee of the Fifth Ward Im provement association has . issued \ a caU for its members to attend the. meeting, of .the; boardV of i public works s Monday • afternoon at 2 o'clock, when-tbe matter J of fixing the t assessment district X for I • the paving of West ; Seventh street will : \ be considered. iif GcnuineSAstrachan Jackets.fworth $55 for $;3. Ra;>om & Horton, 98 E. 6tk. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1904 tt RAMSEY GOING T« GRttTJOWNSON Democrats Preparing to Pack The G!ob£ Special Tomor row Afternoon .. ■ St. Paul v Democrats received , ; 'with enthusiasm l, the i announcement :: of ar rangements with the North-Western"; line for "'The ;• Globe Special" 4! to 1 the governor's reception in v St_ Peter Monday evening, when the people will' be. given an: opportunity to pay their 1 respects itoV John i?A^ Johnson. Vys-~?'' ;." Judging- from « the • large '•;number *of • ; tickets that have been disposed * of, it Is evW«*nt that the limit to the accom modations will be reached long before the tram Is ready to pull ; out of the union depot at 4 o'clock Monday after noon. There Is not only a great desire to see ■ and hear the govern«r-elect, but innumerable persons t who loyally sup ported • Mr. Johnson desire' to , see; him in 'bis riianm *to«nr*amifl ?'RiSr roundings. ; - v'- All indications point to a success. St. Paul Democrats take the position that they cannot afford to be outdone by Minneapolis or any other town, and promise to be on hand with a crowd that will fill the train. The Minneso ta State band will lead the local 'con tingent, enlivening the trip on the train and participating in the evening parade. A popular feature of the trip is that it will be possible to return to St Paul in time to catch the 12 o'clock street cars. Mill City Train There will also be a\ special train from Minneapolis, accompanied by a band and ■a . large i automobile. Inter est in the reception in' the other twin' is intense, there being an announced determination to outdo St. Paul on the occasion. , This makes it necessary that the -local enthusiasts make ' a * deter mined effort to Bee"; that this object is not accomplished. _. : . .'". -■ There will also be special trains from the followingstowns, each accompanied by a band: '£ Blue - Earth, / Mankato, Sleepy Eye, Faribauß, Tracy and New Ulm. In addition hundreds of visitors will aarlve '. on ; the regular: trains dur ing^eJday.'^-'." -^V., . . • ; "r • .- ; ; ■ *;• Extensive : preparations; \ have •. been made in St. Peter for the event. In the evening there will Ibe a torchlight pro cession, the • like of , which '. has . : never been seen :in St. Peter. The r review- Ing stand and ' speakers* ■ platform will be erected .on Minnesota avenue, the principal business street '• of; the » town. There -will be special, decorations throughout . the town, it appearing, that the. citizens have without exception joined hands in-- a determination to make the . event successful.. ; Committee Is Going The Ramsey county Democratic committee will attend the reception in a body, this having been agreed upon yesterday. The committee will make every effort possible to arouse interest nn& thereby bring about a showing that will be a credit to St. Paul. The local members of the state committee have joined with the county commit tee. "A reception of the character plan ned will be an event in the history of Minnesota," said F. A, Pike, chairman of the county committee, "and it would seem to me that there should be a greater number of persons desiring to go than can be accommodated on a train. From what I kav« heard there is great interest apparent, and I be lieve that Ramsey county will make a most creditable showing. The county cominitteemen will do all in f'ieir pow er to bring about success.*' Tickets can be secured a the count ing room of The Globe and at the city ticket office of the North-Weatern line.. The charge for the round trip is *1.50. MURDER CLEW LEADS OFFICERS TO ST. PAUL New Ulm Chief of Police mad Sheriff After Cocaine Fiend Suspect Sheriff Julius, of Brown county, and Chief of Police Klausen, of New llm, were In St. Paul yesterday searching for a man suspected of being concerned in the Gebhardt murder at New Ulm. The officers started for Montevideo, vrhere a man thought to be the sus pect was under arrest. The man had been released before they arrived, and they learned that he had gone to the Twin Cities. He Is said to have been a cocaine fiend and is thought to have visited the office of Dr. Gebhardt a few days before the crime was committed. The dßlcers have a description of the man they want, trot they had not asked the local police yesterday to aid them In their search. Genuine Astrachan Jackets, guaranteed. 24 to 36 In. long; worth up to $55. Special Cit. Ransom & Uorton, 3S E. 6th. MICHAUD FOR MANY YEARS our liquor depart ment has enjoyed the distinction of cater ing exclusively tc the trade of families, physicians and hospitals. Purity and the highly medicinal qualities of our wines aad liquors arc the foundation stones of the high esteem In which this department stands with particular people. ••Londo* Dock" Port, 5 yean old, */k y gallon 7 .". :'.': .......'.......,".:....... 50c Elegant Riffling %-gal bottle. *- 50c Fine Maderia Wine, bottle ....;.. : 75c Virginia Seedling • Claret, .. very " old. • •" .: - bottle -...;.-.:.......-...:7;.:.. 1:v.../. soo l>i f'h dlf Art * Pja Ffre > years ■ old; gov- ImUICIICU Kyc eminent Inspected; aged In bond. We pay the tax and , there- j fore 1 can * guarantee > the purity. | Extra" fine quality; recommended for medic- .C | An inal use. Full quart, only .v.\ *I«UU Leader Rye, old and mellow, full qt. «5c Standard - Rye. full qt.TTr.v.rr.-. .^..'. '• 78c Jockey : Club 'Rye, 12 years old, • re-"- ■ - nowned for "its J richness." "Its ■< mellowness." "its flavor." "Estab- ,; v lished a: reputation when men : now ' - old were boys." Full <jt.r;;rirr.v; $1.50 Imported French Brandy. Imported In * case, guaranteed strictly * pure. • per * - bottle .-. rr.:-. :vt:r.-.T.-^i.00,~ $1.28, *I.*> Isvalfd Tonic Port e«ce^n a °u d; high-class." Great blood maker. Absolutely pure. This - noble wine ■is well worthy of: the; highest t esteem*, that « can :be ' awarded • It, both by the connoisseur, and the medi cal fraternity. The buyer ■ cannot be i too careful rin I selecting, : especially •if required for medicinal 1 purposes; $I.o# ••:• or* 1 grade, per bottle, i only^iTrrrn^irriv O 3J filJifl Stand thejest a ill 111 My $2-50 * Shoes -stand' .111 •111 the test °f wear, style U f |tl U an<J flt Why pay 3-"iSf # ■ ■•*** **$i *3.50 fe for. J the ;v same Drtinn # thing? B^o.T# - \hAO3 S" T- 7th st.. si- M.irsJ^ I4lttn«4 P»'^; 313 Ntcoltet ■^^■-vnUwll Aye., Minneapolis. -C; CLOSING OUT AT HALF PRJCTAITESS The entire stock of H. Stein & Co., comer 7th and Cedar streets, is being closed out at Half Price and Less; everything must be djs^eT^Fa^nj as possible. The stock is being sacrificed at any price; it matters not how much we lose on the same. • ~ 25c Fleisher's Yarn 15c 75c flannelette Gowns 39 c 18c Wool Socks 9c 5 Fleisher's best German": Knitting Yarn,: . Ladies' very ; heavy Flannelette Niaht- v, , " '^; : v.~^-.~"-r" V-■ WW Ifrs?r^Ske^f' our regular :Cl^i% gowns, nicely trimmed with mJL -Men's heavy wool mixed Socks, A / price 2oc. Closing Out Sale ISC braid; 7Se kind. ■ i<%^» the-18c kind. Closing Out Sale Ckj* - l'P^rpersi^;.^.;-::\;;.;.;;;;»iyV;; :• ;N0w.:...;..::.u.; ...-..":■.":.......:•.: V^pV. ' Price, per pair v .-1..^;..;;.....;- vV iligiiiop ] jsr Wrappers^" ,JFWISIOcF Closing Out Sale Price, per */>C Ladies' fme Percale Wrappers, wide -'*|g^^-r s°cta-^ spOQl -• • /JSV flounce, wide ruffle round > A Now /Of —.... r — ,v.C ■■ , rf-r^ r~ ' yoke, made full and wide, faf&j*' : *VV Eft Onlftin n| nA A- -.«--• the $1 kind. Now L.HWV — ___ DC Oafety PIUS, 2C —.—i "J..S ' Bllf Mpn'<! llnJcnmiar Qow Best Columbit Safety Pins, the 10p JorseiJmers jfe "iCII 0 UHUCIWodI :""-'-''-;:..:^:-;:^'v' """ " v > Good quality Corset Covers, the ■ - m :. wear, several kinds to select A lUU riGCbUU Stockings 10c '13e Corset Covers, lace truhmed.^ ' ' .. ..... .. ' "*. ;. „. .„.\ . •".' :' Stock- oj??^* ": •?••—;••-:••••••••••• .^ : W:,\»/:.V.:^:.>: ; 8o 0/f J" A ili^'rili* 11^ J^iiJ,^ fVn v ISS? d re -ton id& -e^Toiv^r.^.i^f^.^r.oc $1.50 Men's Onderw'rßßc N0w........ ;i ,..« .....,.:......;.......-....;;;1V> r3oc Corset' Covers, embroidepy' in-. •, Mpn , Q w - ,1-', „ , nr;;:H|-^^^.V:"^:Vw^ ■ serfonana lace •trimnyy.^y 1 5c - ' 6«« ■ 9Kn U/hnl vtnnlAinirn Iflft : '-• - - ' worm 51.50. now ..^^v 25c Wool Stockings 10c SUITS, CLOAKS, SKIRTS, __ Children I very heavy wool ribbed WAISTS, FURS, SHAWLS, 01 OR U/nnl OllinnlftS-n 70n SSSSSSSd IsTvaffe £o£ Iftfr ETC., AT HALF VALUE. '..0.1 .ZO WOO! OWBal6rS 73C ing Out Sale -Pric e V..;-.^i.t.j.,. : IW _ v .' ' .' V Boys' and Youths- fine pre wool 85c Wool Underwear Me *» *KL%J!& 6™K*sc Ladies' very fine wool plated ribbed many kinds and styles iflvjfl •a —-———— ■'*; :'- _____ , Underwear, extra fine finish, silk • , to, select r from, worth -^Ll tkCk ■>» «* • « - front and silk, ribbonlrieck, F m>2i : "■ *"» N0w....;..;....V...:.....;.whV7 75c Overshirts 3Ec •: grt^^"JS!^°^!!;.4^C; -•.•:;.-.-.;,.:.... a .-..•: ; T •:.-.. • *»G uVersninS dbG ~ A^i ..<• •--:--'- ■ • • C 1 Kfi QhirtlifCliofo 7Kfl Men's heavy Flannelette Over- ft A 11 linfiprwpar Mo SI-50 Shirtwaists IDC "W^^^l^Mt IP I UltUUllfUai JUU Ladies' fine Shirtwaists, made of best " ' ' - ; ' - "'" Ladies' 1 very -fine Lamb's Wool Under- mercerized black sateen, pleated back, .- :..■■: . wear;reguiar3lCK) ': ' i^a- - oke effecV large sleeves. ■■• Cf|n PrOOlfionr QllPnonrloro OKft ;r e -rwfTf v- •;.-.•'-'■-'■ 53C Ne o 9 w ? I?°.^L.!. eT.'...75c 50c President Suspenders 25c "•.'7'". . ——*'* '"•'""" ** ' ■- ■• -•■ ■:--■-■ -'. ••" •-■ - - .-; .:, .' \ - ....■•■.; The genuine President Suspenders sold M Underwear 22c $7.00 Girls' Coats $3.75 .sgggul!^SSMfc Children's very heavy fleeced Under- Coats for airls made r.f nil wnni mo i 09 A c panic «1 QQ ~~ 2l"^ 3°. k:"± ZZC o r -with«i7; 5Z.4D raillS AA Infants 111 r^ t fllij «— , Worth $7, now /.. .-.-„■„•&&*:£,+?■. Men's fine Pants, made of fine-cheviot; 7Bp !ni3lllS Wnnl \hinO IIP »H.OO Girls' CoatS, n0w..... $4.75 kersey and fancy tfv« » A ZOU IrUUI 0111110 lib $15.00 Girls' Coats now ... $7.50 ~'*§£&*%£??!?. "1.'.?. -•'-■»K''39 Infants' very An« Cashmere Wrappers,** /;'" Jt* •'"' '"'•'' -;<!"r • •"" *' •—--:- - •—•....--;. ; --.^ ■ , .-;. <-y .- r. ,-. .--3-"*» :..■: \)f~ very fine fim€l»^ the 28c kind. j mam "^ W JiVJVj*- vVi ':; -i;*"-,: i?: ■■ l'>o. • .-.-• ~ ■',.•>:-.-■: ..•:• ■• , ■;■ hr. . ssr?..^..^.: :. :J7c Tourist Coats and Jackets $5 Sheepskin Coats $3.48 •.--•/• v.-'--?7C-**"^'n*ii»ii#j»i*»''': Aft. '"'' A large line of up-to-date Tourist Coats / ... :"'.:.._:'_.. 'IHP ' ni/fllKHlx "IXP and Short Jackets, fitted, semi-fitted Men's Sheepskin Lined Coats, made of 'v:- IUU vlUllllUlUv UUII or loose backs, made of all the latest extra heavy duck, best , sheepskin H«»»vv:.''rotten :■ ■ Rlflno .»Vd^-e*- <n *• » stylish materials, many kindsi to select lined, shawl fur collar. Thompson's "Jiz^^Srl^S^^SWili? ?t": 10" from, lined with the best guaranteed . patent fasteners, union-^ a » a SSiiiSll^ -;. ?wS J £ «O. ... S..SO. S lu^fe%-t.... C. 1.--.s3*4s : — " ' v -^-^w SlO, . S9, S6, S5, m^ A^ ' $1.75 Comforters $1.08 ; ""^^^^ $1,50 school Shoes 98c Esi™ t"rs vi y75 kSd orters ' iS7 -i^r <9Q Toilnrori Quito <11 Rfl B Oys - and Liule g^^« u and C.osu, g olt.Sa.e-, i $kos OZO I dIIOIBU OlillS dI I .UU s^^z'fsvss^S. co nn r^™V«^f™' "'t^™' c.. One large lot of Ladies' Tailored Suits, $I.SO. Sale ->;/« Ql?^' 52.00 Comforters.• Now. si.4o many kinds and styles to select from. Price..... ../...V^V 512.23 . Comforters. Now $1.75 including new butcher coats, short :. -' "" : ■ ■: m $2.50 Comforters'.' ; Nbvw.r.'..i....i....^5r.90 jacket style and many others; made of $2.73 Comforters. Now $2.15 fine all-wool zibeline, broadcloths or AQ Il ftn f o OhnflO 01 Rfl .23 Comforter... Now *2.40 l^Ps^^is $5 MBIIS 00088 0 I ,41l $3.30 Comforters. -:;N0w::.;............52.75 |2S 00. - :^|| -^! One large lot of Men's Shoes, consisting «_ .- #%| I " SUfi 110 °Ul Sale 5| .JO of box calf, velour calf and vici kid # A VhllATinfir di% i-rice ._. -»^»«*-r"v Lace Shoes, good heavy soles, worth ill OlfUUtlllcL Oil 52.50 Fur Scarfs, now ..51.25 up to $3 00. closing f jta Heavy- var,, wi de u^eached LL^ »«.OO Fur Scarfs, now .v- .00 . .gS^^;£^^ ...$| 4 49 ;Sheeting; regular 7c kind. a $8.50 Fur Scarfs, now- ••,.•„•'•• $4.25 ; ■-.■ • ' ■■-■ ■■-.•■■.•. ' -■ ■■■■■ ■■♦:;■' -;' •Closing Out Sale Price, <(^ 535 Astrachan f*na»c now St 22 SO . • -- peryaV^-^..".:.::^':.:^...:!:......;.....^^ •« AStracnan OOalS, now 522.50 : Women's best , quality, fleece lined ..''.„'. — ■.'■-••-■■ ■-^v ■ • - - --—^—s—i_'.' r -. # , —; — .-..'...,..'■" " "7 —''■.".'. ' Storm Rubbers, all - sizes, air a 7c Outing Flannel 3&c BcHandkerchiefs 3c —^"'•— s<)c . Heavy Outing Flannel. 27 rmches,wide,. '. Very fine imported Hemstitched Hand- 1- - Men's, Women's, Boys,' Misses' and regular. 7c kind. Closing. aI/ - - feerchiefs;. our regular 8c: kind: -"-^ ? i: " Children's Overshoes, Felt Shoes, Out Sale Price, *>>%■/ \ /i- Closing Out Sale ' <*i* r' " Leggins, and all kinds .of Lumber per yard .:....ii.-.. ...-..:...-.«.:.......... V/2V Price 1...1;^.,V:V- men's Footwear at half value. RA'.LJfOJkO ISIOTICEU "- * St. Louis Rates Cut In Two "fs' *'. : Only 0.00 for round trip to the World's Fair Nov. 14 to H, good returning to Dec 1. Call at Minneapolis - & St. Louis rail road ticket office, 39S Robert . street.-- for tickets or berths. • Two fine trains a day. ; St. Louis ■ Rates ; Cut In Two i\'_- Only JIO.OO for round trip to the world's Fair Not. 14 to 26. pood returning, to Dec' 1. Call at Minneapolis & St.: Louis rail road ticket oSice, :395; Robert street." for tickets or berths. .Two tine.trains.a day.. . Through - Tourist Cars . to; California.-- • ".Two cans a week, with choice of routes [ and experienced conductors In * charge. The Minneapolis _ St. Louis R. R. is the ; pioneer | line t and gives ' best - service, c Get I rates or berths at 398 Robert Street. • St.; PauL .- ... ■;"- ■_ -;., :.-^ :■ •»- Best Lighted Trains In America "•; - The "North ' Coast: Limited" and" "Lake 1 Superior Limited? ■of the Northern Pacific railway ' are . worthy -.^ the ■ title. ; - Try them * and - see • for yourself.;.- City A ticket office. Fifth and Robert streets. :-. • .... ."..The Comfort of Horned * \ls the r kind ' you find on 'Northern, Pacific trains. Low rate*, fastt time. City:ticket office. Fifth and Robert streets. ' *- • ' ; St. • Louis } Rates Cut In Twof, y^ :-• Only $10.00 for round trip to the World's !■ Fair -- Not. 14 to ? *6, r good returning to :Dec."lfa Call at '■ Minneapolis & j St. Louis .Railroad 7 ticket' office, 390 -. Robert street, for tickets or berths. Two fine trains a day. -.- ■ . • •-. ■ .- -•»<-. hjv r» --.'♦^»-«c' ■»* :'^ THE BIG TREES £-V A WondroMS and Awe-liisplrino- Product y.l of; Nature. Found ' Only in California !J California's ■ attractions >>«re mostly of its -o«n kind, peculiar to the state.-and oX ncne;is^thi3:sojcirvhatK^lly l> true as that unique product the Bis; Trees. The age of these colos. 1 is from 1.500 to 3.000 . years. - The - Martposa • Grove. • which ; can be visited while en route to the Yosemite. : contains - some .: of c the & largest. -..: In the Calaveras Grove are from ninety to one hundred of huge size.". Near Santa Crux Is a beautiful prove of redwood Blr Trees which .win^trell employ a day's visit. These can ba best reached by the Union. Pacific .whose - fast - trains ■ from Missouri river-reach-California 16 hours ahead of ■ all competitors. ?. "- ' ' ' . Pamphlets ■ and . - maps describing the wonders •of >. California, and . full Informa .ion about » the ' most comfortable and , di rect • route to - the Pacific Coast, can be obtained - of ; J. O. GoodseU. ; T. P. A.. Omntu»>. N*b. •".,>-: ■ ■ ■ ■ •. : •. - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY *. ■'•' Marriage i Licenses C. D Joslln. • Daisy Jenkins.r Ilaf. M. Jeanberg. Sehna;Olson.' - ' Ole Johnson, Nellie k Dlsley. •:■ ~* -":»>'•'-.- - :. A. B. Fletcher. Mamie C. Davidson. FOR SALE—A NINE-ROOM >;. HOUSE, -*. southeast: corner • Lincoln 3 and Avon; to I . be moved out: : nine • rooms and bath, hot •; water, hardwood floor: -Inquire of S. ■:£W. Raudenbush, 789 Lincoln or' Sixth and St. Peter. .^-. > r .r ■--' ■>■ .'.■'TT-Tk .LOST—A HEART - SHAPED - LOCKET i with.lnitials "V. L. M." Reward on ','-return 3to• B. K. Edwards, ; 307 Manhat tan Bids. . :^ —• --.- .....■■■-,• NEATLY FURNISHED, STEAM-HEAT- Hed j room i with * board; ail; modern con - -enlences. Senby ay. .: -- -j*. ■ : ■.-; -j • FOUND—BICYCLE. LEFT IN -FRONT itJ of -W0 f Shertmrne say; r. owner can * have same ■by calling i and ■ paying t charges. -, WANTED—A SWEDE OR GERMAN girl to, wash and iron three day? in the .: weefc. Apply 302 Summit ay. Monday ' or Tuesday before 10 o'clock. X.'-j. FOR «: RENT—FOUR vi ROOMS, s- ■ FIRST f floor,; sewer. * water and • closet.' 703 B«d --.'-• ford ■t^.--7.-."..vr.^r:^-g,-:r-^-.-7.~.- ..'■ -*.' -.^ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for rent. 121 Iglebart sL Two ; Through Tourist '[ Cars to California The , Chicago Great - Western . railway offers choice .of - two through . tourist cars every, week to California, one leaving Minneapolis and St. Paul: Tuesdays - via Omaha and the Rock Island route; r the other leaving on Thursdays via Kansas .City and the Santa Fe route, -For further information . apply to •J.r N. Storr, Gen'l Agt.. corner Fifth and Robert streets, St Paul ;-;^.^fev>^ . SIO.OO Return Ticket to St. ; Louis : ; The * Minneapolis - & St Louis railroad will sell excursion first -class tickets to the World's : Fair '<and ■ back for only $10.00, Nov. 14 -to . 26, good for return any •" time before Dec. 2. Two fast trains a day to the gates of., the" fair. - Ticket office, - 393 Robert street, St. PauL . contract WORK ' Paving Fort Street, From Third Street to -J'- Tenth Street ■ ,~ Office of the Board of Public Works, . ■ :* City of St. Paul, Minn.. Nov. 3, 1904. — > Sealed bids wiilbe received by the LJoard of Public Works in and' for the -corpora- ■ tion of the City of ; St. i l>aul, Minnesota at t tbelr-. office in said city i until '2- p. m. on the 14th. day "ef i November, A. D." ' 1904, - for the paving of -Fort street with asphalt," from Third street to ,Tenth street In said city.'.according to plans and spec! --: fications on til c in the office of said | Board. ;--'A bond . with at least • two • (2) > sureties :In a sum of .at least twenty : (20) * per cent or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul in a sum of at least ten per cent of . th*; gross - amount bid. ~ must - accompany ■ each bid. i Said check f shall be made pay able to the Clerk of said- Board.-^ ■;-•;,-. -r*iThe. said Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids.' --. -- v.--'-, ■ *' - :..;-• ;/:'.".-.» :v. |;-i JOHNS.^CRODK. v • • *- •:"■■-. •*;.■'■{ ■ -.;*•■ President. Ofl.clal: r R:, 1.. GORMAN. r*< ■? *:■•••■ \ ?££. v--*-fw! Clerk •. Board iof Public Work*. r z I Nov. 4-1901-XOt : Dr. W. J. Kurd, £gl BP . OX K. SEVENTrf'ST. .-."*• jfirar k - ■*" §3 Palnlets Extracting. Fillings, JfJ^s^^m • - a Plates, Crowns and Bridges .jffiljE; *$& - 1 a Specialty GUARANTEED. M&fSjjtt\* SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KfVmk mSa&vteSßlKxmLaiA aßfiltt 198119 Im SV3IMEXTILLi:,S.C. '-".': -- OF*ssD«j:l;lßot.-- r ■■> Hizh-erass hotel strictly in the Pines: Wo tin- \ do-ir»bl«>'" • >ule. ■ Eton teen-hole Golf Links. Fine hunting.; Excellent drives. -, .; : - XiwKt utditle »nl harness horses. ;&**** V ■ ' Oar .New Bnoklet, > *~ I F. W. W br * < '"■. Prm)H..( .barlet-ton^^-^ •|K V- ':CHICH*ESTER s'en'cUSH *' -^'- MjiyKSVal pills i 1 AfV te CHICHESTEB'S . KNGUSS; S trN^V^Aia UED u:<i'Gold tnettHlo boxes. ei«l*4..-' f.--v "lvi *"**ribbc»- «ko otker. Jicfnta.':, | bVNBA*Z. Ai-»yirHi»b,« Ladfes uk DrnnM SSltt to CHICTIESTEK'S K>GJLISH IMffSla UED u4 Gold TOtiUla boxe* r»!td witt6ii»t>bbci!. Take no other. Uefba* "JTI «?S* «V| f>H->-cr»u« SBbaUtntloaa and Irj!L». f J (X tlan*. 80/ ef your i>ru-gi<:. or mvi Ut. ta I ZL. ■' « s*U?2*i> ftr. F"<J="«a»^. Tertlßionlai* ? 0 »*i ** Reflef IWr La4tecan, n m iefMr, by re •^V- *" i' t«m Mall.. 10.9O#TcstiBocLs>>5. - S..'..lbf T »11 I.ra«sau. Ctl<-he.»er«-h-mlra! v*, mtti:. ihi, :*em. StodUoa b«uib i'l;lLA« 4*4* : is^^s^j|':«iEN WOWIEM, >}S^^cUEE.; ><twS| Coa BiK « for unnatural . in l*• • <i>t>/B disrbarp?s,inflaaiin;ition», • #-^f Ga«r»ot«4 .11 irrititiong or ulceratLt>n», m&Mi =•« •» Kriomi*. of inacon meaibrane*.*" * E~rf :rf»»«»t«r«!i.lM.-,-p»in!e»», and n»t «*«*in.r?: EEVANSChEHICMUB. pent or poisonous. ■ CittUUUTI,BjBH i-; Sold by £>raeirl*U- ■; '^k9k C.S. i. J^T or tent in plain wrapper. " 'S^^B Si en. or 3 bottle $2.75. "--. - _-^%«f»^% y. f»/i Circular »ent na r*ju«»r, -