Newspaper Page Text
» Ladies' Union Suits Bnp^F^^M-^n^wM^^ Damp Weather Shoes .1 J^pJjL Worth $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 KOT # I l^W J " I jßß^^^ That are warm, will keep the feet dry and are stylish _ . j^itifSffiO tf* • ImM I *f» If* W In appearance. Box Calf with stout soles. Mannish 'VfiflPS9 <■'• Jsi | Special Monday $1.50 |RMB|B!fflSipMfcMlWgßi^^^ :^ l rr^lV^t"r^ u r^l c 131 ' '''!!•■ gr , JBMaiJ^al^iP^^^^^lißllllllll^^^^^^^**^^ V soles; Blucher and Straight Lace, patterns. 30 K'^^^B >-iW; mfllH "Merode" Brands. All wool, 3-4 grr= —' '•''...:.t.;;;'"""~:..." '~ ' .:"_?•"..,''':; .": "*-':';,. l•' " '.:'~' v v~ •"' ;" "~~~"f~- r- -: women's knit House suppers, with ;r - •: *v & A jmßs *' Wm Wool and 1-2 Wool. White, natural IP people have no confidence in what, you say to tAem in your advertisements *^^w^t^r££ M JFW i': WM gray, new blue and black. The values 1* ypu might, as well talk Lo the wind or Lell it, U> Che moon. The secret of J£ n ££ Brade-Spectal for 79c :>7-V-/\ -^ ■mSJBF^W --if l§r i are ;just as ; advertised, -^^-^y^^ business success is confidence. And confiience is earned by straight dealing and ;: wL^wani, ishoes/feiYsoiesand -• ;,. : ' -WKm/^^fy^ m$ i. 75f $2. on and $2. 25 t U honesty in the treatm 2 nt of all. Confiienca never is acquired permanently by £*£«£*, SST^STS? i££! S^ i:i: »a grades, Monday at. y.z^. '?r-. -. ,-.".•:■. - deception, T trickery or misleading the psople or misrepresenting the merchandise '"■ trimmed 'in lac *. t>»tton '»nd con- - dmgj&r I 4-'" ♦ - -^ftP** . ' - -'• ".-■ --■■->>••■>■■"'- :--v—.-irrS;~::.:-.-•.';•*?-:.•:-^.d ' lif-*^^— *?*-*\Z^-2*^f^-r.^:-'^s~~. styles, at 98c/$1.25, $1.50. and ..' - . .|BS^^'; .-^--Ure'*--**:?^' "'I —... - . ..,..,, .^:.--,^.r,;--:^>:;;^.:^:~.^-yfv,^' —' you have to sell. It pays to teH the : truth. It's f business policy on our part to *2.00. i^^^ :^;~?^f^^-:-;\::': -■>:-^A^^Zrr^..-xr::"- ■v^v^H;; '} Thanksgiving % jji tell the people the truth about our good, and our low prices. That's what children* a? ippers for 25c j2SS n?t *nr"trimmed f*!t 75c ' • '"•■' '-■■-: ""^ #%■"-"■' 4i -'•-■'■ 7'"' >'-' jr- RfeyVx "~* ■ '•' *"- '•»"■• ~ = 'j'i_: — -Ti '• •~'-^ -'"• rtt^-" -* '— -•" • ■ " * —« -^'"? - '"; ■ ■ •■'• ~ - r.: •■ ■■■ --i^T" "'t^T-^-^ cnuaren^at :..;.'.... fitijt\* Juliets, at. ....T...-.7.:'..■...T4"^#w*'X< ,* I msvm " Ct#tl^t " : ~ ■ we nave *oae *or over *** years, and we believe in it now stronger than ever. wow«i- s feu House suppers, with Men's feu -shoes, a iar ge assort- l' i 1 -lißfr*|l J^illK r^^Ri/lK — : • --- ~ • ''■■-■ •:--•■' • - • . -- ■ ■ - - --_•■ . •■■•.:;:: ■ •■-. leather -_: -...rvtA-: ..; " iA_ ment,• wit* *elt. leather or rubber '■',',] ' WUlVli \^%AM^t ~ SfaSZLtoeA^^W - —.'•-.- -. ■• -■•■; .. -,-.-- -..--. —~~~~ ■■:•■■■ - •■- -.. -^-,*>-.—-*■.- -~- : - -~ 501e5...: -.V.-..:.....'.-;.*KrC- soles, plain, and' leather trimmed, at <, ,wj^^ w4^?srtwß"' tHmf Two Extra Soecial Silk Bargains -"——'--98 c KSS~ 5?.:4*c ijjj $1.50, $2.15. *2.75, $4.50. $5.90. each . Malt \k^J Vr*"""VL_ *▼ ▼ W mhmfi\ I*l U UpWIUI VJJLAIV I/Ul JE^UlllO " " 1- — "" ' '■' ' " :::: Also a lot of fine Napkins, 75:, 95c, , I^Z- - I&3f\a\\ %sij . '■ -« - »i»>^mi««»~» — • '^*■ '_ m ■■"■'■' -' s?^"^^^"^^- ■-' ■-~~ '■ ----- . - rTf^> - - - m. ■ '"''-" • ■ -%■.'--^-■"■%'•*'-."■".''<'" $1.10, $1.40, $1.75, $2.45. per dozen... irriCe W)^^^P\ ---'- r -•-•■"■-1- - FOR MONDAY ONLY ."- V ■ V:, .;_.^... ; Jm IVfpfiC TIoTV/ir»f ITI aW*^^* 4 S.^^7JKiSs^^ IISS:.6rc "^^^^r - These are the silks left from our ***" silk sale last week. • '-r^ • v S|^^M^S^SRWI?KSrS: ■ — M m •': -—- 9 -— - .-" ;.- 49c Japanese Silk, all c010r5......:. f-IS J ily: so ; bi-.-v 'faff^ta 9MV ' "'n/**' * -"I") t t ■--v J#^ youmoney- iiii I O#|ipc 9 Y^l/%\/O Qala : ' 49c Black India Silk.. /V ll 59- Color JcreD-dLchiW*. *-*'-**'** ■: ■ II #44 Peter Wright's Norfolk and New Brunswfck full '■• L^aQieS V^lOVe. Oaie ,- . Odd and ends of Fancy Silk worth 59c, §7 W 69c Wh?,^h it!l '"" I U ynELali^ English Cash- fashioned extra heavy natural pure t Kid Gloves for all occasions, from a light weight ktd-to-a-v^l Af| 69c and 75c a yard . ■:......... # I --: 59c Cc^O ed^^a si 1^" '"'" "'l' IWZ fcEli^ -mci Jj*ll^ *?- *" at. -S2 "50 - : heavy silk lined cape or a mocha Your choice, per pair .... S I .00 ■ AH «™ M nn A*» J> -' L ,V*> -V« .• Co ore a Taffeta Silk •r • ••• vv • • v-.-i- i"yd ' V- 4fc2^O garment i ty&.*J\*ll . ■,—• =- " '■■.-:~:'T * All go Monday at ............ ;.r.^.%-;fci_l# ' 59c Colored Satins—All go Monday at WW y- ".underwear^at,-armsnt.;TsP^» JV Conradi & Friedman's best full ■ •"'.. 100 dozen Ladies' All-wool Seamless Perfect Fitting Gloves; in navy, " - ~ .' - ' 21 7 /Z^ 'ii V Conradi A Friedman's German fashioned Egyptian cotton under- I" brown, gray, mode, red, black or white; regular 50c quality. The Coming: Week: The Most linporUiit Cfe^^ ~~~ Enth^Sei worsted fashioned underwear at wpflr at ~, r «* • m**. U saie ph««, Monaay. per pair J/C The Coming Week: The Most Impartant Offerings of the Entire Season in ££t $2.50 me°' -'••"•» $1-50 | 100 dozen Children's Heavy Wool Mittens and lined Mocha - - - S - ■-- ■ V- 7 '^- v'^^ _w mi v x T , ,T Dr. Wriqht's best erade t>ui* worst- <o "—-"-• o---^ , 35c , riofllrr CoAtC lAckpt^ Wr/IM S^^^^S .'Ss^S^s3&! " Jv 7';-, Santa Claus Headquarters for V^lVrUliLOj VVUIOi tJaVlVvtO* ff 1 UU)i ment . >_S.UU sterling union suits for men; blue ♦" J *J/^ -;*-Tt .'" TT "rT v , ;:L--- ' : -*..:-■ m ? -.-'-": Anchor Mills silk and worsted derby .or natural, $5.00, $4.50 and suit, "!' mm Toys, Dpljs Surts^ Costumes, Skirts, Furs; iiiiSSli ■ dHd'GdHI6S Thlsweekwlllt>e a'marvelous week of attractions in our famous cloak and suit:depart-" S°n" -■ ':: ; *^-^^^*"^^ ment.-and m^t L wondeHul;bppwtumlies,await You can buy the;scasoh*slrichest;: '/:DL ;: , w . S^:w^;; :'S^^S'y3i:^^£iiiS:^l tTovs Dolls De- materials in the latest advanced styles at concessions that meaniunusuaHmbney iavino-; " Ts™ " • LII\PTI '-'HiiliiliCPrCnipfC^':"' ATlrf GSITIGS Thss WCek wiH be a marvelous week of attractions in our famous cloak and suit depart- & ' garme" * son' ;;;; ment» a"d most wonderful opportunities await you. You can buy the season's richest m - t - m m 9 M •• • i^»fe Co-Tie and see our wondrous Doll De- materials in the latest advanced styles at concessions that mean unusual money savino-. Mfil C HntifiKPrCmirfc '",'. ffl: Wem- ■'■ payment where we handle everything in As you know, the season has been backward, weather has been warm, and no condition *"* ! * t^ T" . "U11UI!LCI ; Novehy Dolls SS'^ftS is S° SeVCrC Otl lhe man^«urer as a backward season. The merchant in a position to . E*™ S**^ Tomorrow /M I\i ■ line of doll heads, wigs. arm;;, eyes, doll- 1 take advantage of the trade exigencies of this sort is the one 1- having a very large outlet, :: | Values Up to 25c on Sale at I2^c- :■ A i"! / Iffll fl) AV|--:---:-ft:-\\: house bric-a-brac, in fact Everything in an( with unlimited capital at his command. Such conditions favor thVGoldeii^Rule. I A -,l?; ~:'i£- K--,-M^-''&^^ v ____m»__i'i v, r "',\ sSs.o^ '7£*%z *£ pL > and, alr ar adhering to our -time ) onore<i policy of selling as mb^ Ma# *™ ;- »3KSs^tS>S&^SSSSSSS^ | ?MtWal J^: wuhin the reach of all ; See the .new ' week of the greatest opportumties of the season. ..<„ .. :. - ",'>i"i: - ; o f ih« new op»n work horn in tba lot. The. arc values : 1 V,;. :\% 8^: ■:-: dolls with fine celluloid heads. y Women's Batcher Coats-Also I . l^ai.iU:^ /^^| New For Uned Coats of excellent quality kersey. i, ? «nrV«thje= to 25c Extra special Monday ; | £'/*Q WV, ;■ . • -. - '- . ■'■•: ■■■ . ■■■-:. . styles, strapped and belted, back, : some lined :- lITfrWV and lined with Sbenan squirrel fur. deep collar of P"?11^ •"■ ..«■•«>•»♦;. :. v ... .-y ....... ;r.. ...:.../. v -.;'., ♦;; Our Toys bettei, the assortments are larger than ever before. throughout, others sleeves and yoke £ £ &£_£_! ' Persian lamb and marten. Just look around «_d you ■ : —— '~ ' " "' ;' "" N u*~**t I" Don't put off your Christmas toy buying until the last' minute this year. hnf Q' Wonderful -V J»^. V?W& will find same . coats in other stores <!• #% y^ WSKBBfe:-'w*-'''?-'--^: : ~':' ' ;''• — •-'": i.-' ■' '" ■■■""' "■*' W-'''-' '^' - ' .:-. ' ■•."- ■l ■• -'^- '-v%:r\-,-... :. ■• • va1ue5............ v7f£r^*r.^.. »<dPll .:" at $50 to $60^: Our:,;r^ :.^.»;-,- %%I 1 f ".-- 'v Tl/^v««nf4> T%^v«s.i> '■ /•.■"..'•-"'.,. - ~ — ; Special $10 Coat Offering-rhls "offer not only - price V " l/OIIICSt>IC 1/601* f t&<»\ lirilO* _* ■ • SpecJals. . saves you from $£ to $7, but gives you choice ■ ■'^fIST-iS^^^.^^e^ * 200 pairs of full 10-4^grayi-arid'- tan ao c^ses ofVfull"l0-4:cotton Blanket^'^ j JJl*U<r %lltlffr'lPC ofs^vsra! of the *cry latest styles brought out. iS\ *^P" 1*"1 <»* <-ravene(te Co«ts in tan. 200 lrs of fuJl 10 . 4 and tan 10 cases of full 16-4 cotton Blankets, \\\ HA \JUII\II ICO Monday - .. •" They range from the J26 Inch paqaln coat to 44 !©&>*• NSI 1" i ?',m?d^. ;cravenette. mads in . wool Blankets, with cotton warp, wool finished (no seconds),, worth..,. _ '■' -ir. '■; -. , .;,; •^\-v-^.-^,:-^--:-,^- s v;.^v- J -;-r^r-:>, -~^f ■ inch long tourist coat, made from j fine all wool f" f/AA«L' Cs! Sf-- 1 Improved style. These w-re made to sell at ••'■'win wash'and wear weli, cheap at 65c. . Special .for this : sale ? >IQ_ <•< I IOC | cake for Packer's Tar *>C -for. Omega: Bulb Syringe... material belted \S iitted e^fe-t?. JS i7_ 4^l)l^ "] < $\ hnt-^ «asoa _ tfar' advanc9d' CIA $3, 25- Our Speclal >: C^ _LQ ?oi&Xfs:?rtttvi?^tt 49C l''''\ lUC Soap. _: _ ■■/;..— O^C 50c kind. ;; V ;{j some lined with ,ilk. oth=rs yoke $1 rt JA-- X weh4v.pricrtth.mrt JW | price If7^»-W-»-^ 5 c^ses of fnU 11-4 cotton flexed- -", Mir IZ'1 Z' I° r '°.° PerfumLa O'«C^ a bottle for Luckey'B and sleeve lined. Special at ...;. «P * -V.; -i ff jj \■; ■>! • ■;. n^"--;; • —.—;.-• •; ••........... T._ 50 pairs of full 11-4 all wool gray Blankets. gray only. handsMne*.' t; : *f >1 If x'n Rosinß> -^J!V,* Transferring FluldT6oc ' 3-4 Length Coats; from fine montagnac and r-V^ Y^M f\A I ; -::> Women's 3-4 Length Tourist Co.ts-Also Blankets, will weigh 5 lbs. a bar- r rd^ r r n s;^ oJ^ n 9,!^ Special 75r f Pinauds Carnation or Lilac. botUe - - " ,V- C, covert doth, black and tan, lin 9 d throughout :■ ■ \i/.:-#V«t« ;SJ - -new I paquln- coats and Several other late gain-at »4.25. Our *•*<> AQ : 'or Monday onl> .._._..,.^ f,JU«,. ( ,; 1 <C^% a box for Bathasweet, : - -.'^ ' r '; r with fire satin, :b3ltsd back" and cuffed sleeves. ~ M ■ "H. i"' -^ '37 brought out styles, mad* from elegant kersey - special price only .-'.". yy&iJ>i l *Tj3Fz. 5 bales of extra •;:: heavy : waiter -; ;;|* IOC Talcum or Bath Powder. - Madame Yale's Toilet Article.. A wo nh $15 and $17. £» «/X+f — TVtil R^ '" <7 " In black. blu« and -^tjf^^^/^. 5 boxes of extra fine : and heavy '^f^'Sjlff 0! 00.''* 11.^' Z ith- '" AQ^ for Hospital Water, Bot- • full line at unusually low prices. .Priced. . JK 1O 7j - ; vlf V r --~ brown shades:- i*ir-=Jl|':|-2" ill "winter; weight: comforters, covered ;^ t °L S f S 2l fnrt VOC tie, finest quality, usual ' Samples Satin Skin Face Powder : at; L ..;. ... vr ...... S* IVtl^ ?£&M \/A IK f\i - vdous^valu^ V.-Sf,«^»^V : wjtlyljench percallne, fancy scroll ■ Staile ' iTl^t^!" ?1 , 5 size, 3 q uans. • Free. Ask for the _ ,; h^ju^~^t oir la^ Jk tJ^V Costume S^ at S^). worth $35 to Kpec^ $1.79 '. " *■• l^ _.v.; .. : .V-* ■-_ ■_■- _ _ -.:.-' -;-■.* >W. /.;■-:" stock, and wilPbe shown for the rirsttlme~t<>.-4-^/^|^/Jl^ 9\ $4°" F!lst we "*nt «<> call your attention to "W" boxes of ver>- fine home-made, Lifting Department.. ii- > /^^.A Z■■ 4>W^t IJ A L!i Ot using Del ; Monte- mcrro-w. Tourist coats, ne* paquin. full backs, iMh rk'^i '•■^toW-^ the fact that ths/ ars all brand nsw, fresh and tend-tied Comforters, covered with EXTRA SPECIAL—SO pieces of 3G- ;;;; lii t fir* naDIT Tea or Coffee- You new" fitted backs, plain, gentsel tailored, and lJLj^ V«' -; Vv " clean, dir;ct from the maker (no old soiled or good.silkoline and filled with lami- inch fine brocaded stripe Sateen, in- ,, /*' *** *»«^^ ■■•"■*•>■ should not judge them braid and button trimmed effects, coverts, . |">f»f»\Xs r . dirty, redyed samples). Exclusive creations J£i c? w cott °J]' cheaP^ a4 g-»J; fast black only,^ScrTSpe^^.^ by the price-buy a pound Of each, and after trying, if you don't like kerssy cheviots, b.acks. blues, brown, caster. jFteri^V^ VjjS> for dinner and semWress occasions, beauti- 25^ ... _/. . . $ I .59 onlyfor M°nday ' ISf ! ./ l. v ... , , , , tan, white and chamDagne as well as burnt s4&JmVi/P terxJUr- fully trimmed *;th lac«^ fit»ofn» an rf m. *##««»^^ ""'> a «^V*- , them return one or both and your money will be refunded. oranpe all marked "at a savintr of from //9,lm^A ™2-5r !i ri Irimmea. *ltn »»c^, and me- -. . . ' ' orange, au mar.-yea at a saving ot trom fry Ll¥tg*\Bk IKr^ dal.ion. Perfect duplicates of highest art — 1 ,,, T<Vrr- "Str* TKSbTiaß'.-TBDyPl'.-.SS^^SS ■ Stationery t% XAjf* ti'M* •- -£L ■» ' t- •T^-'^ r- -^/-^st=^/ • at...;:..:... -•'•' Ap«f^^ ... ■' ■.:.'* . ■' ':^>> - ... Gw\J^* •-,' ■ mm %m\f __ ■-.."■■• • . 3BS&rHtfiM*M^!l»»r--" ■•-"•":"" . ■•v^* ■*• i- The popular Berlin Bond Paper. Envelopes to match, 25 in -■<~--.*9- »*., "■ civ — 7T ■ ~t~^- '■ Fur C«7nents^iid Neckwear: Positively Lowest Prices |^^#&pl iSrSil|iffiii:i /^T^P St. PaillS GreateSt A fur St°Ck valedln^ comprehensive and varied display of the season's favorite furs, offering splendid 150 IV^eTllZ S£J£. l^.. .A. iSC t UfC/?S\l---- ■ ■■>»■■■ "«•'"" opportunities for selection and absolutely unquastionabie valuss. ■ . ■ ■■.-;; In box paper in St. : Paul. v« |O r Steamboat Playing Cards, C I^'" jPi—i||r:-:i ' ..' f]|*rtPKPr >V ' Choice quality Electric Seal Coats, very special va!ue at 525. S»ble Dyed 000-sum Scarfs, extra large and with s'x 14-inoh " Mond" ■ bo;[-•■ •• -• *9v. •'"^-■■■■■■-:---..^3C;j; ///j&Sttftjlr r■' .^^* \#%^»m^jl JT Best quality Near Seal Coats, very special value at $33. lone raccoon tails, regular $7.50. at. special, $4.93. -'. .. - ' '■ : 7. '■ = ~~^r. v ' ;>' -- I Vf/C -"- - *S. ■■■r:' ——- .-■' ■ El«=WcSe.!Coat^.hna.riacoll»cuH S ,ndr 8 , ws . ll $2S. U«.ofd S ,;?.W 9 Cl,.ster&ar^ia every P o D u!ar. favorite"^- Q/%ll#l QiK/OK ITI <l4>lir/*V>A 1 f/^^Ss3^ iJPT>Af*tniPflt AsWklMn^its. ll»-bMt on =ath uul no tar.r« .ny prlM. ol lh« S ~>on. a. J3.48. *4.53. $6.55. $?.S0 and $».r5. OQIIQ OHVCI I* luIWUFC 1- WSPPO A/VMUI uiiciii GrayK ° nmm ; r ,„„,,„ younEElrlst e Ve ■*•'/- and $ss 72-tnoh long Sable and Isabella Raccoon Scarfs, *20 I^^Sl^^aV •Great -':- Mond :"<^^iy^*^^^ii'j'-: W^:Wy%&K * ■ s Gray Knmmsr Coats fcryoung girls. $35, S4, and $55. trimm . d S !x fox tails, cord and pasiemeS '-Si^UIS At a-Great Saving Monday ' ..." - ' ~ . &i (B9i : ThanktgiVinff sea"s6r Is, almost 1 here.* Our: spe-'- S'M = »"d Isabella Fox Scarfs, at from $10 to $35. terie,; at. spe;iil:;..:...:: .':V^7^Tr^Tr^r:..r.S? «f W>: ;i " Ap,e« yf W,d« lß! ,fm ls h, d mFren=h pay . ■ - : '>' t\ (FIT^V i" J''"u\-V" a''"r^<^""rf"Tih-nTT>u:compi^^ "'"" ■ ' ' ; -"- ---•" : ' "--.•. -: ' .*• ■..;:£=•;-: . A pretty flower design finished In French, gray..- T I, xW^k*^^^ -: ; freshness and fullness brings-: forth constant r " :" --:"" /'-^^ - - ■ - - >—:"-^ $6.00 solid silver ber- Cyi A ,mo solid individual salad *' X^r^J^^ expressions of surprise and delight from the _ . m '£ .->•.■. 1-^ >'-: r A**\ 1 :"-- - - ry spoon. Monday ;P4',00- forks vl": - mdnldual ■ salad f . "^^ s^r^sctis Buy Your DreSS GOOCIS Tomorrow SkiC »i9B S:i;r,;;;;/i-S ! /[i^>J^v •^'i^\ I^^ tv 5 ~-nA :- ' - j ". V - ' $ I'-ft*t :-£oSky?.;j': .i. v-:."V.^l^B3^^^ /fi^7^^S\ 100 piece English semi- P orcelaln dinner set in « • . . J . *1 83 M°Dday *I.OJ*- •-/^•/^^■i*-^Wn . pretty green decoration. Regular £ A QC' There Will be nO COmpariSOn lla regard tO priC€S— The different qualities advertised 1.-"^T.*:™-??!* 7:^-- •-•s?fe?.: /s2.oo.solid : silver bon- C« *%C\\\\ I %</ fflf VI^WD -Price 16.95. per set a<f,7J , , "i , . . . 'n 53.00 solid silver jel- C/% <>£J bon scoops, Monday "*» I.£H " * \Uym~fP 1«> P"« En B Ush dSner .«1n "* M°W th<! re2ul" wholesale pr.CeS. . ly »Poon S . Mon<lay *2.39 .5 O solw Bllver „„., .pj,^ i^ r;^^^M©."«^^ 1"*. Os Ifs; ; Only a Matter of Who Gets Here First tor First Choice :p 52£5E".....»1.39 ?^iil|JiSiiiii >^icj deiicat, pink dcor.,. r go,i^^bs,^/ ? tomorrow 1W Dress Suitings at... C All-wool Me!rose,at CO C .»o «,. M »ive r c 6i^^e^Vfolkt: Sf^-'J 5O I /f^-^sTV// '" ' -ha. nd- ■■• pretty shape; regular £ ACT ?.-■-: :.25c .:Best English %P* '" 50c Fancy l.mac *% : ~ - ■•--^^ Mon- i - - v v'r. "SI-AX' *4-50 solld silver tea spoons, set I" r TO^feOT 10° plcce GeniiaV China-dinner-se-t-dainty., pink 25cFancyCreen WistC^ ; sOe3<Mn. All-wooi X fl <md CraVenettCS at o9C 53.75 solid silver cold meat forks. £«•£«-«—g^S t-:' " YVM^/VA)} sold, line .bandies;^ (a ap 25cFancy Green Waist C_ 50c38-in.AU-woolHiS^^- - - c"w °L l V M on- • :■^ r-rl^i^^::<:^ l^W-M^S - «»«iar price $i 3.98. per 5et._..:,.. Cloths at -.-.... .:. ... .. OG Albatross goes at. 1 JOC $1.25 50-in. Fancy A A 'day : -.............,.-. r ..^iOJ ;l!on^S'..v.^.:^:.: *7.95 :'f::" ([r^^A^-^^A^/ Our-entire line-of open stock.dinner-ware-pat- i 'v« .Satin Stripe I".—. _ j ?5c50-in. AU-wool^ ~ Mohair Saitmgs ot49C 52.50 solid silver let- *1.83 ; .''<»? ' 'n, «* -2fl-«» iS N^^«^=< -terns, lnc!udin g; .our"H a vlland Chinas and Satin Stripe Q MOhMT SmtmgSj at Sf^Fg^ -,tuce L .forks, Monday .^ I .Q4 U\ liS^ ?- lid s!lver .■tab£^*™™: . + y-. si^'i'^V^---'^ ported semi-porcelains. The largest assort- ChallieS tomorrow 1/V Cheviot tomorrow *f"^rG «-> o^ * A vat M 53.00 solid silver ■■ '.-.■- ; C*% Zf**g%\ Monday." : $9 95 ♦♦ ///>4l _<^ ment In the Twin Cities to choose from. Our kn* _ t*^:.^ **'^ <*c a'j^^^^^x^^^ *?:2^. 111011 *fl»Cy Man- . cake servers, Monday. - *^.^V : ti,= ft "- '"- " VT"' ri ' "m"** <>.<■ . s^-^gtr,^ 20% &23r.,~29c ws^f^p^Solll;s3c StSST?SI.7S ss?fia«ar H. 83 ll£.. :. m:^j9sk Off our regular lew prices. .....&\j w/o Bnliiantine at •••• •*& *\* WOOI Crepe ClothS J^C tomorrow -■■ • AI•C 3' dine forks, Monday Monday.. CHIEF ENGINEER OE ARMY FIGURES Gives Estimates for Coast De fenses and River and Har bor improvement WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 12.—Gen. Mackenzie, chief of ;.'engineers;, of the United States army, In his annual re- i •■ rt presents an exhaustive'review of the work accomplished by his corps du:ing the * fiscal v year 'ended;- June 30 u»i submits /estimates"- of appropria- tion ;required;. for the fiscal year be ginning July 1* next. The report says that [: the seacoa defenses of the United States are ;now somewhat : more; than 50 per cent con pleted and *>, that the |-' existing f -. projects comprise 364 heavy guns, 1,296 rapid firing ; guns and 524,' mortars, while-.up to the present/ time'; provision has bee made for .'ens placing. 334 heavy - gun 557 rapid fire and 376 mortars. Th most ' important of , the sites Ito be r quired lis < the one atl the : southern en trance ZttT; New - York . harbor, rendered necessary,^ it is stated, .-b>v ; the ■ ■ new deep-water - entrance under construe^" tion. Improved methods of construe tion have necessitated modifications fof the earlier constructed fortifications in order to*- modernize them. The new works constructed in connection with the scheme of seacoast defenses' to the present time represent an expendi ture of ;O,C'jO for engineer -work THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1904 alone. The estimates of appropriations required for fortification work are as follows: General and mortar batteries. $4,000,000; modernizing oW emplacements, |>42.500; installation of range finders, $500,000; sites for fortifications, $650,000; search lights for hrubor defenses, $500,000; preservation and repair of fortifications. $300,000; sea walls and embankments. $200,000; casement?, etc.. for submarine mines. $600,000; construction of seacoast batteries in Insular possessions. $2,000. --000. Sitfts for defenses on Hawaiian isl ands. $226,100. Rivers and Harbors The expenditures for river and har bor work during the past fiscal year aggregated 123.925.094. Estimates for the ensuing fiscal year have been made as follows: Under continuing contracts, $5.442.394 rivers and harbors (general), $21,444,257; examinations, surveys and contingencies. $500,000; prevention of deposits in New York harbors, $85,260; enlargement of Governors Island, N. V.. $100,000. The estimat of the Mississippi river commission has been reduced by the chief of engineers to $2,575,000. Gen. Mackenzie states that the fol lowing amounts can be profitably ex pended in the next fiscal year in the districts named: Mississippi river, between Ohio and Mis souri rivers, $650,000; Mississippi river, between Missouri river and St. Paul. Minn., $400.00<); reservoirs at head waters of Mississippi river, and Mississippi river, between Brainerd and Grand Rapids, Minn.. $200,000; Southwest Pass. Miss., $1,250,000; harbor at Sabine Pass. Tex.. $300,000; Galveston harbor. Tot., $450,000; Galveston channel. Tex.. $150,000; Galves ton ship channel and Buffalo bayou. Tex.. $200,000; harbor at Duluth. Minn., and Superior. Wis.. $52,000; Ashland harbor. Wk, $75,000; Harbor of Refuge at Grand Morals, Mich.. $70,000; Manitowoc harbor, Wis.. $100,000; Milwaukee haTbor. Wis.. including harbor of refuge. $190. wO; Fox river Wls., $&0.«00; Chicago harbor, $295. --•00; Calumet river, IT!., and Indiana. $250, --000; Saugatuck hartor and Kahunazoc river. Mich.. $75.00u; Holland harbor, Mich., $6*.WX); Muskegon harbor, Mich., f l3? 00?; &*»*«• o' refuge at Sand Beach. Lake Huron, Mich., $300,000; St. Mary's river at the falls. Mich.. $964,000; Hay lake and Neebish channels. St. Mary's river. Mich.. $500,000; Detroit river. Mich.. $450,000; Coquille river. Or., $55. --000; canal at Cascade. Columbia river. Or.. $71,000; Willamette river, above Portland. Or., and Yacnhill and Long Tom rivers. Or, $$0,000: Columbia and lower Willamette river,, below Portland. Or., $450,000; mouth 3f Columbia river. $77C. --000; highway bridge, across Potomac river, $.'00,000; improvement of Yellow stone National park. $163,000; road into Mount Ranler National park, $109,000. The Pass Fol lowed A young man who was working for the railroad company went to one of the directors and asked for a pass to some distant point. "You have been working for us some time?" inquired the official. "Yes, sir," the young man answered. '•Have you ever had any complaint to make?*' So, sir.l' answered the employe. "Weil, IT you were working for a I farmer would you have the nerve to I ask him to harness his horses and take you to a certain part of the country?" the director asked. "No, sir. But if he had his horses all ready and was going to that point I ( would call him a very mean farmer if he refused to take me," was the young fellow's reply.—Boston Advertiser. A Matrimonial Library A "matrimonial Ibrary." from which students may absorb information that dates back to the beginning of man's knowledge and extends down to the heart sciences of today, was added to the Uni versity of Chicago library system yester day. The students, with the girls well in the lead, made a rush for the new vol umes, which number 1.700. Not only does the new library treat of . marriage customs in all lands and of ail | time, but there are -tens of thousands of i helpful suggestions for those who desire to sever marital ties in the divorce courts. ] There also Is almost endless advice on the j subject of the family institution. The books were placed m a special sec tion of Cobb hall, which 'is to be known am "the matrimonial department.-' With the innovajjon came the announcement that Dr* Harper -would provide a professor to superintend the collection and to teach a class in "matrimonial institu tions." The books are the gift of Prof. George E. Howard, author and professional lec turer on history. They were gathered in ail parts of the world, and are considered the largest and best collection ever mad« - on the subject. A School for Sleep How to sleep well and gracefully is, according to an advertisement, to be shortly taught here in what will surely be a night school. Among the points of the curriculum will be lectures on how not to snore, and precepts for preventing one's mouth from remaining wide open during slumber. How to compose the limbs artistically and restfuHy before dozing off will be taught. Ladies "will, in particular, be instructed as to the best way in which to do the hair before lying down to repose. The idea of the school is tp insure that its pupils "-ill always wa3;e up cheerful, fresh, good-tempered and full of energ> In the morning and never get out of bc<4 — the wroue way.—London Telegraph. 31