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• JSL_. TfieStPaul Globe TRB GLOBE CO.. PUBLISHERS Entered at Postoffice at St. Paul. Minn.. 83^econp-Class Matter. TELEPHONE CALLS Northwestern—Business. 1065 Main. Editorial. 78 Marln. Twin City—Business. 1066; Editorial. 78. CITY 7 SU BSCRIPTIONS ' By Carrier—Monthly Rate Only bafly only.' 40 cents per month Daily and Sunday 50 cents per month Sunday 20 cents per month " COUNTRY SUBSCRIPTIONS ' By Mall. 11 nag. J6 mos. 112 moa. bally only TZS $1.50 $3.00 Dally and Sunday .. .36 2.00 4.00 jßunday 20 1.19 2-00 EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE W. J. MORTON. 160 Nassau St., New York Cttr. 87 Washington St.. Chicaeo. THE ST.PAUL DAILY GLOBE'S ■ circu'alfon Is now the larg est morning circulation In St. Paul. IIAORE copies of the St. Paul '*■ Globe than *»f any other morning newspaper In St. Paul or Minneapolis are delivered by carriers to regular paid subscrib ers at their homes. THE St. Paul Sunday Globe is ■ now acknowledged to be the best Sunday Paper in the North west and has the largest circu lation. A DVERTISERS get 100 per *■ cent more In results for the money they spend on advertising in The Globe than from any other paper. THE Globe circulation Is ex ■ elusive„ because it Is the only Democratic Newspaper of gen eral circulation in the Northwest. A DVERTISERS In The Globe *■ reach- this great and daily Increasing constituency, and It cannot be reached in any other way. RESULTS COUNT— THE GLOBE GIVES THEM. SUNDAY, NOV. 13, 1904 INTERVENTION POSSIBLE For the first time since the opening: of war between Russia and Japan there Is a reasonable possibility of media tion and arbitration. The reports to this effect are so general, the discussion of them is so uniformly favorable and the parties Interested, while maintaining silence on the subject, are at least per mitting without denial so many reports of their willingness to listen to pro posals to arbitrate, that we think the outlook good. The fall of Port Arthur Is understood to be the critical point. Japan would, of course, with that great prize just within her grasp, listen to nothing that should deprive her of her opportunity; but after the stronghold was In her hands it is quite credible that she would not merely accept but welcome any intervention that should put an end to the terrible burden she Is now carrying. Both nations are wiser than when they went Into this struggle. Both are probably at this time convinced of what appears' so clearly to everybody else in the wopW, that a prolongation Df the war can bring nothing but dis aster to either participant. That either should come out of it a decisive victor ever the other in this fight is unthinkable. There Is no force that Russia can throw into the East which would exterminate the Japanese peo ple, and that would really be necessary for Russia's final triumph. As long as there is a remnant of fighting men left they will fight; and it is well under stood that the other powers would not permit Japan to be wiped off the map. Russia, therefore, has nothing to gain but some little restoration of her mili tary prestige that might follow a suc cessful battle. Japan has nothing to Bain. She cannot subjugate Russia, knows it and does not want to. She could not hold Manchuria if she won it all. It is against her own objection to Russia's position, it is against her friendly relations with China and it would either alienate or actually em bitter the other powers. Japan could get nothing more out of ten years of fighting than she is sure of now. It seems to be a case in which both powers, having had their eyes opened, are waiting for a chance to let go with honor. Neither can, of course, so far humble its pride as to make the first proposal; but either, we are sure, would come in with very -g^od grace to an arrangement that should bring about peace without sacrificing its own dignity. The disposition of the rest of the world is good. Certainly Great Britain, which is Japan's ally, and the United -States, which is most friendly to her,..would be glad to see the fight- Ing ended. Certainly Prance, which is close to Russia, does not want her ally any further weakened. Everybody is sick of a cdhtest which has indeed demonstrated the wonderful military qualities of twa. lieoples. but which has nothing further in store but endless bloodshed. The cry all over the world is for peace. Terms •of-atrftngenicnt ought not to be difficult to reach. With the single exception of holding Port Arthur, it ia probable that Japan would be satisfied now with, just what she asked fqr be fore the war opened. If Russia should resign Manchuria to. China, to whom >t belonged, if she should acknowledge the Influence of Japan on Korea, leav ing that an independent state indeed, but more or less under Japans direc tion, and if Port Arthur is allowed to remain in Japan's hands, we believe that the island empire would be satis fied. Russia on her side would have to give up most. She must surrender her gre,at pretensions in the East and re sign her present hope of humbling and isolating Japan; but she would stop a contest that must ruin her if contin ued, and would still retain her great railroad and all her Asiatic possessions as a base from which to work for the future. It is but natural that the Japanese, having so much advantage in opera tions thus far, should come out of peaceful negotiations with the better end of the bargain. Nevertheless, we think that a proposition by the powers along these lines is likely to be made; and that, after due provision against offending sensitive dignity, it may like ly be accepted during the winter and the war brought to a close before spring. A CAPITOL APPROACH Representative Hickey has the right idea about providing proper surround ings and approaches for the«new capi tol. The plan he has in mind and has presented to The Globe is admira ble, and we believe that when its de tails have been worked out the people of the state generally will give them a hearty approval. In the entire country there are few buildings so stately and so beautiful as our great new marble capitol. It will stand there for genera tions to come, a witness of the majesty of the people. The state has provided funds for the construction and com pletion of this splendid edifice on a generous scale. It would be no more absurd to leave one of its fronts un finished hanging in the air without steps to reach it than to provide no suitable approaches. The effect of the building upon the beholder and the appreciation of its architectural value will depend largely upon the immediate surrounding. No such building as this can produce Its proper effect if it is cramped In di minutive grounds or surrounded by dwarfed or unsightly buildings. The eye must travel over generous spaces that fit in with the generous propor tions of the capitol itself in order to comprehend it as a whole. It can never become the ideal of its planner or the pride of the state that it ehould be until it has an appropriate setting. That the people of the state will pro vide this we cannot for a moment doubt. It Is a matter for them to con sider. The people of St. Paul take a special and personal pride in the new capitol. They will do their share. All that the city has to contribute will be given gladly. The power of the state and the resources of the state are needed to secure the necessary ground and make the proper improvements in the state's property. By the time the next legislature meets the whole capitol question will have entered a new phase. The build ing will be no more a mass of scaffold ing with signs of work about it, but will stand in its completed beauty ap pealing to the pride of every man. The members of the legislature who sit in those great new halls for the first time will feel inspired with enthusiasm to do the most they can to make our new capitol the perfect piece of art that it may be. We believe that they will take the remaining steps necessary for this, and congratulate Mr. Hickey upon having already set the ball rolling. He who leads in the "work of capitol com pletion will deserve well of the state and receive great credit. THAT ORIGINAL GIBSON GIRL An enterprising statistician has been doing some figuring lately and the result is his announcement that there are eleven "original Gibson girls" on the stage, fifteen employed as artists' models, one married to an In diana novelist, and two who are Gotham saleswomen. Each of these, according to the statistician, makes the claim that it was she and she alone who inspired the illustrator when he gave to the public his famous pen and ink creation. He asks in de spair how it will be possible to nine positively the only "original Gibson girl" when there are so many claim ants of the honor and the creator of the type refuses positively to telL Of course it is not a matter of life and death that the "original Gibson girl" should be positively identified, but the statistician evidently belongs to that class which likes exact knowl edge about everything under the sun- Were he less literal a happy solution of the problem would long ago have occurred to him. It is something like ten years, we believe, since Mr. Gib son drew the first "Gibson girL" That would put the "original Gibson girl" out of the girl class, of course, and the fact brought delicately home to all the claimants would undoubtedly give them pause. It Is very probable, in deed, that only she who was entitled to the honor would have the courage to stand by her declaration. For while the Gibson girl of the sketch is ever "fresh and blooming and blond and fair," there is no rea son to believe that time has stood THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1& 1904 still for the sake of the "original Gib son girl." To quote an odious re mark, she must be getting on in years. And wh«n one remembers how very closely the girl of the sketch resembles an anatomical study, it is Impossible to avoid the conclusion that the "orig inal Gibson -girl" does not now look best in evening clothes. By calling the attention of the twenty-nine claimants to these facts, the statistician should succeed' in re ducing the number to one. There is the possibility, of course, that even the one will prefer youth to fame and will decline the honor, and that the world will be left without an "original Gibson girl." But undoubtedly there will spring up In a few yearg a crop of "daughters of the original Gibson girl" which will console the public for its temporary deprivation. HtS OPPORTUNITY Signs are not wanting that President Roosevelt realizes the remarkable op portunity before him and may take steps to improve it. He stands in an entirely unique position. While he was elected as the candidate of the Repub lican party, the tally of votes shows him to be the choice in an unusual sense of the body of the people. Hiß great popular majority was contrib uted by men ordinarily Democrats, as well as by Republicans. He is still a party man,' but is emancipated from the lower obligations to party In a sense that no president who had won his fight by a narrow majority could be. Under these circumstances it is natural that he, having a high and worthy ambition, should endeavor to realize It with wider scope and mean ing than mere adherence to party would permit. A> strong indication that he looks at his own future in this light is furnish ed by his immediate announcement, as soon as his election was secure, that he would not be a candidate for renoml nation. This emancipates Him from a brood of troublesome and unwholesome obligations. The mere placeman can have no hold upon him. Senators and representatives cannot dictate to him about patronage and legislation, under threat of withholding their support four years from now. He can make himself independent of the party wire pullers, just as the tremendous vote cast for him makes him Independent of the less worthy and more galling party ties. He is freer than any president has been since the "era of good feel ing." What will he do with his liberty? It is open to us to hope that he will make it memorable in all history. He has the qualities of courage, high spirit and ideas of public duty which, how ever overlaid In the past by an unfor , tunate stratum of personal ambition, are now unhampered. He may deter mine, courteously but with that obsti nacy characteristic of him, to be a president of all the people'; to make of civil service reform an actuality in stead of an empty theory; to cleanse the departments of their driftwood and their parasites; to hold down official extravagance both by executive act and by vetoes of bills proposed for looting the treasury; to raise the standard of executive Independence against a senate whose usurpations during the past ten years have been as egregious and as dangerous as they were unostentatious: to resist the tyranny of greed that has fastened upon the Republican party; in a word, —to insist upon and to further all those reforms that are dear to the peo ple's heart, but are constantly impeded and rendered unfruitful by what are considered to be necessities. Above these necessities President Roosevelt may, without the least trea son to party, rise if he will. H e has nothing to consider but what he owes to the country and to himself. He has nothing to 16se by giving to the repub lic the best that his intelligence can furnish and his conscience dictate. He may gain a name that would be re membered as long as the government should live. This is his and the na tion's opportunity, and we hope that he is the man to grasp it. AN UNWISE RESOLVE We shudder for the reading public's morals, now that Conan Doyle has definitely decided to kill or marry Sherlock Holmes. For there never was a time In the history of literature when a great detective was so badly needed. He Is needed to counteract the influence of the bold, bad thieves of both sexes that are adorning tales nowadays. The public may love a lover, but it is undeniable that it much prefers to read about fascinating bur glars and detectives who are always right. And when the supply of fas cinating burglars is greater than the supply of Infallible detectives, then there is danger of public morals be coming affected. And the late Mr. Holmes was just the kind of detective to keep the weight of public opinion on th« right, the moral side. In the first place, he was a gentleman born and bred. Not all the great detectives of litera ture, alas, have been gentlemen. Then he kept nothing from the public. In the very first chapter It was Invariably put in possession of all the facts, and while it doubtless found it painful to have to admit that it was generally quite as stupid as Dr. Watson, this could not prevent it from feeling grateful to Mr. Holmes for his frank ness. Furthermore, the public likes the "qoiet, 000 l sort," -whether they be detectives or burglars, and the late detective was at all times cool and calm. For tffls and for another rea son he appealed to the gentler sex. He moved in an atmosphere' of mys tery and melancholy for which his pro fession would not altogether account. He seems always to have a foreboding of his own doom. It was impossible to understand him completely. There fore, his charm. But he is gone, and the reading pub lic is a-burgling with the burglars. It is hoping devoutly that Nance Olden j will come out all right and that Raf j fles' social reputation will not be ruined through a discovery of its theft. Its hopes, its fears are all with the under world. It gloats over the discomfiture of such bungling -detec tives as seek to follow the trail of thieves. And so for its salvation a ( j new and great detective would seem to be absolutely imperative. Will not some literary gentleman or literary lady provide him? A PEACEFUL WAR Peace hath its wars as well as its victories. A pamphlet issued by a Bos ton physician reviews the forces at present engaged in the fight against consumption, and it is comforting to note that every country in the civilized world has contributed its quota of trained fighters to down humanity* dreadful scoTirge. In Russia, for in- Btance, there is a national anti-tuber culosis society in Moscow, St. Peters burg, Odessa, Sebastopol, Tiflis and other towns. Indeed, the great Musco vite empire, which by many people is regarded as unenlightened, sets the rest of the civilized world a very good exam ple in the encouragement It gives to those who have enlisted in the fight. Tuberculosis exhibitions which teach in an easily understandable manner how to prevent the disease and how to care for the victim when it is developed have been held in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and it Is the intention of thft Russians who are interested in the movement to increase these exhibi tions. But no country has shown a lack of interest in this peaceful warfare. The anti-tuberculosis crusaders teach those to whom they preach that fresh air, sunshine and wholesome food are the most effective weapons, and it is not difficult to estimate how much good this preaching accomplishes not only in the matter of warding off and pre venting the spread of consumption, but of all other diseases. The pamphlet re cently issued states that if in Germany the decline in the mortality from tuber culosis continues at the same rate aa at present, the disease will be exter minated In less than thirty years; and in England in about forty. In New York city the diminution from 1886 to 1901 has been more than 30 per cent. In five Eastern states and ten other cities of the United States there has been a diminution of 18 per cent, ac cording to the pamphlet. Koch dis covered the bacillus in 1882 and in 1886 the results of the direct attack were al ready perceived. The pamphlet prom ises a complete victory to those en gaged in tfie peaceful war against the great enemy. WHERE YOUTH IS PERENNIAL Ail actress eighty odd years young is touring the country with a play spe cially written for her. Just the other day an actor whose age exceeds by many years the biblical limit an nounced his retirement from the stage, but the reason for the same, look you, was not old age, but failing health. It was Dr. Holmes, we believe, who, in responding to the toast, "The Boys," spoke of it as a lifelong play. But the real play, too, is for "the boys" as long as they live, for the profession of player is one of the few that does not draw the deadline of years. A piece of smart fiction tells the story of a man who went to New York to seek his poor and aged sister. He consulted a detective who flippantly advised him to advertise in the paper for young and beautiful chorus girls. It Is only in the chorus girl ranks, however, that age on the stage is a Joke. The man in some other profes sion who Is thinking sorrowfully of stepping down and out, not because he must, to be sure, but because he i« close on fifty and not yet a success, sees his contemporary on the stage still studying hopefully, buoyed up by the thought that In fifteen or twenty years, perhaps, there Is a prospect that he will have arrived. Yet It is not, perhaps, so much that youth is perennial on the stage as that age is valued. A public will re ceive respectfully a new dramatic cre ation of a man or woman whose hair under the wig is scant and white, but were that same roan to occupy a clerk's stool in an ofßce, It would instantly doubt his capacity. To be sure the public also receives respectfully the offering of a novelist or of a painter, and the fact that he is an artist in his line may explain to the satisfaction of some the long tolerance of the player. But it does not explain it for every body. As much in the way of physical exertion is demanded of the player an is demanded of the man In the office. He is quite as much in evidence as bis work- Only the public is willing to judge the player by his mental capac ity alone. And it is only necessary for his acceptance that this should be average and he faithful. Perhaps in time the stage still be quite as rigid in the matter of drawing the deadline as other trades and other professions. Perhaps the public will demand of a player that he will retire at forty if h* hasnt arrived. But this Is not probable, for it would be conl trary to all stage traditions. It is far more likely that other trades and other professions will be affected by the kindly attitude of the stage and that men and women will be permitted to hope that their work will continue to be acceptable after fifty. THE GLOBE'S SPECIAL The admirers and supporters of John A. Johnoon will join in calling on him at his own home and congratulating him upon his magnificent victory. What was first a plan for a modest Reception to be given by a few personal friends has expanded under the irre sißtible impulse of public sentiment into a larger public affair. The en thusiasm in behalf of Mr. Johnson has grown steadily since his election. The people are more than overjoyed with their own work, and today are delight ed to do him honor. Responding to this general feeling and desire, The Globe has made arrangements such as to accommodate the friends of John A. Johnson in St. Paul. It has chartered a special train, which will leave St Paul at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon for St. Peter. This will reach Mr. Johnson's home town at 6:15, in ample time for the re ception, it will depart for the home ward journey at 9:30, so that all the excursionists will be able to take the street cars to their St. Paul homes. By The Globe's arrangement the round trip can be made for a small part of the ordinary fare, and the trip will be made pleasant and comfortable. A legion of Mr. Johnson's friends are preparing to take advantage of the op portunity given them by Th c G1 ob c. Long before the tickets were ready yesterday morning they were in de mand, and they could scarcely be pro vided fast enough to accommodate the hosts of Johnson's friends anxious to pay him this tribute. Let everybody join The G1 ob c's special excursion. A train will also be run from Minneap olis, and the men who piled up a mag- nificent vote for Johnson in St. Paul want to be on-hand and show that this city takes no second place in honoring the governor-elect Join The G 1o be's excursion for a pleasant trip and a kindly word with the coming man of Minnesota. THE ADMIRAL'S "JOLLY" The primness of the war continues to be relieved by the unconscious hu mor of the high sounding "orders of the day" issued by the czar's repre sentatives In the field and on the high seas, a few days ago, for instance, Admiral Rojestvensky issued an order that included two telegrams, one sent by the czar to the impulsive com mander of the Baltic fleet, and the ad miral's reply. The former contained the following: "With all my heart I am with you and your dear squadron. I am certain the misunderstanding will soon be cleared up. The eyes of Rus sia are upon you. I am full of faith and hope." The admiral's reply to this is a master stroke of diplomacy, and proves conclusively that while In the beginning of the cruise lie may have looked upon the vodka when it wis red, he's for temperance and a clear head now. "The squadron is, with a single heart, at the foot of your maj esty's throne," he says simply yet grandly. Whatever fault can be found with the Russian's general method of con ducting actual warfare, certainly none can be found with the language with which they conduct it. Their marks manship may be poor, but their vocab ulary is above reproach, and the ad miral's "jolly" proves conclusively that all the eloquence is not possessed by the land forces. To express in four teen words, as did Rojestvensky, a patriotism so" lofty that it Is apt to make the public, to say nothing of the recipient, forget in admiration dfr it the awkward affair that precipitated it is a feat of which any literary man might well be proud. And the "Jolly" proves that disas ters do not mar the Russians' chaste literary style; that,*on the contrary, they serve to develop it. Whether peace comes soon through intervention or whether Japan and Russia fight it out to the bitter end, it is at least cer tain that the "finish" will be a great literary triumph for the latter coun try. The Baltic fleet has not yet reached the Yellow sea and Rojestven sky Is still In command. There is every reason to believe, therefore, that there will be more Addisonlan tele grams. Moreover, until and even after Port Arthur falls, eloquent or ders of the day mast continue to be issued in the far East, where the pen and the sword appear to be competing for mastery in the Russian ranks. While admitting the capacity of CoL Roosevelt as a vote-getter let us not forget the workmanlike job that Mr. Johnson does. Pease, of Anoka, just had to get even If it took all the roosters in the shop to expreas his feelings the day after elec tion. It looks as though Henry Gassaway Davis* son-in-law, Steve Elkins, had given papa the double crass. Esopus appears to have been saved from the wreck. {Comment on the Election! £ ___ __._ i :;- Victory Was Personal .^: r Prosperity, .ra- deep and widespread i desire for its dShtinttenife, ana -a feeling , perhaps • not less widespread * that " the ■democratic party.isrnot yet "rlt to gov ern, -; are reasons;which,: sufficiently ex plain the * very ': remarkable iresults >of the election held yesterday ■ this country. in addition to the solid Re ! Publican vote tiv. 4 Roosevelt has re ceived throughout ' the entire ? North an immense Democratic vote, ranging from a few thousands in a state like Massachusetts _\p'; more r than . 100,000 ■in the state of New York. Judge . Par- • ker has received with few exceptions 1 the vote ;of the independents, the ! class formerly described by the term "Mug ■ wump;" he has v; received, we .'judge, the greater part of the sound-money Democratic;, vote, together . with;' the ; V 2 -%^° - tnose unswerving, old-fashion ed Democrats, -.the- bone and i sinew of the party, who never vote anything"! but the Democratic-ticket. The result 1 is a victory that is not so much Repub lican as it i Is : persona* to Mr. Roose- X? i a Kl ? to.r y:: mo sweeping and re markable even than- that' of Mr. Mc- Kinley; in 1596, and : comparable rather to that of Grant-over Greeley in IS7£ —New York- Times. • . :•:■ Vindicated Roosevelt If there bad been somewhat less to •applaud in the Republican administra tion and considerably more to admire in the Democratic candidate, the prac tical result would doubtless have been the same. A few faults of official con duct on the part ofi President Roose velt would not have offset in the de liberate judgment of the voters a shin ing record- of achievements conducing to the permanent honor and welfare of the country. But they were not com pelled to make allowances which still left a conclusive balance on the right side. Under the searchlights of a long campaign the president's administra tion has been vindicated <at every point. It was because every legitimate argument of the opposition faHed that his opponents resortadrrat.Jajs.t in des peration to the base weapons of in trigue and slander, ft is deplorable that their candidate was found to be capable not merely of consenting to such warfare, but of leading the ven omous attack.—New York Tribune. The Note of Alarm A political party is" never in such danger as when it seems to Itself to be perfectly secure in power through an overwhelming victory. That is the po sition of the Republican party today, and unless it sees the troth about its position and takes its measures ac cordingly, its overthrow is only a ques tion of time. The Republican party cannot stand still. It must go forward. It must go forward to grasp the new problems of the day and pause not in the solution of them. That has been its past. That ought to be its future. In a word, the Republican party is put by its victory of yesterday in a po sition where i± must plan and watch and work as ii has not done since it gathered behind Abraham Lincoln to save this nation from disunion.—Chi- cago Inter Ocean. Hopes for Reform "We have had many severe things to say about Mr. Roosevelt and his ad ministration, and we sincerely regTet It. We regret far mote that there is not one of them that we can unsay. There has never been a refutal or a contra diction of anything. It will be happi ness inexpressible If Mr. Roosevelt's own administration, which we count from today, should itself furnish a refutation. He has it in him to be a patriotic and.a complete president, to be the president, not the decayed and corrupt half of the Republican party, but of the whole people, of the United States. In everything that betrays such an intent he will "have the stout and clean-handed support of the Sun; but in respect of that which is con trary thereto* our freedom to condemn shall know no let or hindrance.—New York Sun. Hope Trinmphs Over Experience It can truly be said of the people's choice of Mr. Roosevelt, as Disraeli said of the man who married a second time: 'It is a triumph of hope over experience." If President Roosevelt will be satisfied with this splendid vote of confidence, the ciimax ,«f his whole career, the greatest personal triumph ever won by any president—if he will strive for four years for the place In history to which his earlier ideals would have bid him aspire—the popu lar mandate resisted and deplored by Democrats aad independents may yet redound to the welfare and the true glory of the republic. His announce ment that he will not be a candidate for re-election is a first firm and most sagacious step in the right direction.— New York World. Vote of Confidence The only cause of surprise is the ex tent of the victory. The result itself was long since discounted. It is no time now to talk of causes or to specu late as to consequences. As the Plain Dealer said on Monday, the only ques tion really before the people was whether President Roosevelt should have a vote of confidence. There can be no mistake as to the popular an swer. A campaign which turned on men rather than issues has ended 10 one of the most emphatic indorsements ever received by a presidential candi date in American history. President Roosevelt is now something more than the inheritor of McKinley policies.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Democrats Feared Trusts Judge Parker simply failed to inspire the earnest, the genuinely Democratic elements of his own party with confi dence. They did not feel that in voting for him they would be voting for Dem ocratic principles. And he did not at tract Republicans who are tired of the reign of special interests and are ready to come over to the Democracy when the Democracy has the courage to be Democratic. The Democratic party has been rout ed because it was afraid of the trusts, because It preferred the "sane, safe and conservative" course of knuckling to them and begging them for favors to the Democratic course of fighting them. —New York American. People Not Blind The people of this country are not blind. They are not forgetful of their past, not indifferent to the future. Had they done what a reckless and desper ate band of slanderers asked of them they must have made of representative government a thing for the Jeers of the rest of the world. For our own nation they must have put a premium upon chicanery and fraud; they must have taught every public official that good and faithful service could avail him nothing and this republic nothing. They must have placed •words above deeds; absolute performance beneath ques tionable promise and lies over truth.— New York Press. Invincible General Prosperity We may expect no end of expert an alyses and theories to explain the re sult. It was, however, due to causes that He near the surface and which have been folly discussed in our col umns —a lingering 1 distrust of certain elements In the Democratic party, the failure of tta leader* to unite in forcing an issue on vital questions, and. above all. to the presence of the invincible Grneral Prosperity fighting on the Re (PUblican side. —New York Herald. What the Editors Say I;.- John; A. Johnson ; will: carry into the executive chair the same high quali ties jof miod and heart that f have. dis tinguished him ;throughout< his life and • nave won for him the cordial good will and; support of his i friends and i neigh- .v-^ bors. He will be the first executive ; to transact the business of t"hat office ~ c™£.l HhS^l Some and imPosing new capitol building, and it is indeed 5 fitting i -;< win *™ >? man has been chosen. He 7. \V nil the position with grace and'Vi. Jn^-X *?$ his past record * .assur-• -0 h?£ >-iat he - will fill it' with honor Ito £? DuSh HeVild" the • Commonwealth.- ■ Duluth, Herald. . .v -rr.--.,,, - •■■; .-V, ceiled f^ C- thf J°hn A Joh*«>n re ceived 5S>. \otes against 132 for his opponent In the city of St. Peter in dicates the malicious stories circulated : -: ?" over the signatures of ■ G. A. Blom berg and. Tip Witty .^. had very- little influence where .-the;,: two men who -■" signed: the statement .were best known St. Peter is a Republican town; but it r-. Ukes -clean politics-" and ~ would not -V stand for.: the slandering of one of its v best : citizens.—Blue Earth County En- j terprise. ." •,; • . An exchange speaks of a man who, V it is said, always paid for : his paper a year in advance. : As a result he has - U^ YeK beer\ *&& ip his i J^e, #ever had . £ corns'- on his toes f nor toothache his He potatoes never rot, his babies never cry at night, his wife never scolds and * he succeeded in serving three years on 11. the school board without. being cussed. - — warren- Register. l-.: .i.;S~ Whether well founded or not N P Hugo, of Duluth, is being frequently referred to as the corporation candi date tor speaker of the next house. It is now quite certain that the speak ership fight will narrow down between Hugo and Frank Claque, of Lamberton, and a lively contest is predicted.— Browns Valley Tribune. The Hearst papers now declare that "in order to win the Democratic party must be democratic." There is a dif ference of opinion as to what consti tutes Democracy, but there is no dif ference of belief as to one thing— that the Hearst papers did not support the Democracy this year.—St. Cloud Times. When you stop to think that Roose velt carried Missouri, it is not sur prising to know that Bob Grady failed to be elected county commissioner on the Democratic ticket.—St. Paul Her ald. Minneapolis stood as handsomely by its man Ray Jones as it did on a for mer occasion by its man Doc Ames. There is no accounting for tastes.— Anoka Free Press. Dan Patch isn't the only racer in Minnesota. John A. Johnson, of St. Peter, goes some.—Red Wing Repub lican. In defeating Dunn those who sup ported Johnson have defeated the Re publican party of the state. —Princeton Union. "Too much Johnson" did the Re publicans and they are now in sack cloth and ashes.—Fergus Falls Free Press. In a word, who'd a thunk it?— Belle Plaine Herald. Among the Merrymakers Value of Confederate Money That ' Confederate money was never takpn seriously Is well illustrated in the following story told by the late Gen. John B. Gordon, and which, as far as can be ascertained, has never appeared in print: One day during a temporary cessation of hostilities between the opposing forces a tall, strapping Yankee rode into the Confederate camp on a sorry-looking old horsw to effect a trade for some tobacco. "Hello, Tank," hailed one of a number of Confederate soldiers lolling about on the grass in front of a tent, "that's a light smart horse you've got there." "Think so?" lfturned the Yank. "Yes, what'll you take for him?" "Oh. I "don't know.'' "Well. I'll K ive you $7,000 for him," bantered the Confederate. "You go to blazes!" Indignantly re turned the Yank: "I've just paid $10,000 Of your money to have him curried."— Lippincotfs. Why They Parted The artist was of the impressionist school. He had Just given the last touch es to a purple and blue canvas when hia wife came into his studio. ".My dear," said he, "this is the land scape I wanted you to suggest a title for.'' •\»liy not call It 'Home'," she said, after a long look. " 'Home'! Why?" "Because there's no place Hko it," she replied meekly.—London Tit-lilts. Just Like a Woman Husband —My dear, did you notice that gentleman who Just got off the car? Wife —Do you mean that dark, heavy set man in the light gray suit, brown derby hat and low tan shoes, wearing a turn-down collar with a narrow black tie and diamond pin. carrying a book and a silk umbrella with a heavy gold-mounted handle? Husband—Y-es, I guess Wife—No. I didn't notice him. Why?— Kennebec (Me.) Journal. Heartless "Ugh!" grunted Mr. Skinnay, who was bolnu uncomfortably crowded by the Jolly looking fat man. "these cars should charge by weight." "Think so?" replied the fat .man; "why, they'd hardly think it worth while to stop for you."—Philadelphia Ledger. His Harvest "Hurrah!" cried a jubilant plumber, "We've bidden farewell to sumber; A pipe I shall mend. And then I shall send A bill that is truly a humber." —Puck. Complete Discouragement "Which candidate is going to win?" "I don't know yet," answered young Mrs. Torkins, "but I think I can find out by asking Charley which one he has bet on." —Washington Star. Going His Way She—Did you meet with any cyclone* out West? -» He —No. but one caught up with us.— Yonkers Statesman. Too Light There was a gay maid of Japan Who never would love any man. The reason for this: The heartless young miss Was only a maid on a fan. —Chicago Chronicle. Skeptical People "Skeptical people In this world," re marked the Observer of Events and Things, "always look with suspicion on tbe given age of women and whisky."— Yonkers Statesman. A Hot One The first match made In heaven, Tradition doth aver. Was one to whom was given The name of Lucifer. Press. Made It to Suit Himself "Yes, sir; that man has made history." "Wtet is he. a soldier or a statesman?" "Nokher. A historical novelist."—Chl cap-j Record-Herald. Joy« of the Rich The vi>-h man's son inherits lands. And piUs <>f brick and stone and gold; An.l be aci.'iires dirty hands From running autos, so we're told. —Cleveland Leader.