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"AT THIS POmt: 1 CRIED THE MEGAPHONE BRED PILOT "WE SEE THE SOUTHERN EXPOSURE OF THF CITY OF PHILYORGO" - S I gazed through the wonderful M» instrument devised by my §gj\ chance acquaintance at the ex •■» ternal beauties of the imperial city of Philyorgo, a huge rec tilinear edifice of enormous height rising sheer from the sea, I was soon made acquainted with an additional quality of the invention, and that was that what had been done by it for the vision had also been done for the sense of hearing. Nothing but con fused sounds reached me at first—a heavy, dull roar, made up, as it seem ed, of a million voices all going at once, something like the incessant soundings of the waves of the ocean beating upon some distant shore. And then, as by a manipulation of the screws of the instrument. I brought the whole spectacle into closer range, the sounds began to take on specific character. A huge airship hovering above the outskirts of the city was the first individual thing to catch my attention, and I account It a great piece of good luck that such was the case, since had it not been for the guidance of its pilot I should have lost many details of interest in this superb city of 4,307. The airship, as it turned out, was one of the vehicles of the Sightseeing in Phhyorgo com pany, and was In charge of a gentle man whose voice justified his claims to have lived for ten years on nothing but megaphones. His craft was oc cupied by a merry party of sightseers, among whom were a dozen or more ex tremely charming young women—a fact that I found most cheering, since it suggested to my mind that, however great other changes might prove to be, the institution of the American girl had passed do\vn the ages undisturbed in its glorious .perfection. "At this point," cried the megaphone bryd pilot, "we see the southern ex posure of the city of Philyorgo, the commercial capital of the universe. It is 228 miles in length, extending from what was once the city of New York on the north to the ancient city of Washington on the south, and from base to sky line runs 1,600 feet above the level of the sea. As you are aware, it is the greatest commercial aggre gation in the universe, having a great °r| ij&jj^ation 'than Mars, Saturn, the Great l)ipper and Europe combined, and is the result of the annexation by the city of Chicago of New York, Phil adelphia, "Washington and other small er cities lying between. It consists of thirty different strata, including base ment »and roof, its resemblance to the skyscraper of other times being due to the superimposition of city upon city, until the final plateau-like sky line was reached, upon which dwell the workers who during working hours go below the various underlying sections to which their business calls them." "Ain't it a cute little city?" giggled one of the young ladies in the airship. "The various floors are connected from basement to roof by fast flying elevators, which 1 daily carry the public to and from business at Hghtning speed. In the basement are the fur naces and dynamos by which the whole city is heated and by which the motive power for the rapid transit facilities of Philyorgo is supplied. The first floor above the basement contains all the longitudinal rapid transit walks, moving. without cessation around the city day and night at rates of speed varying from 400 to 500 miles an hour. These lines of movable walks are ar ranged in concentric parabolic circles, so that,a traveler wishing to proceed at the greatest rate of speed»by step ping briskly from the fixed and im movable walk on the outside across the intervening circles toward the rap idly moving innermost platform may with perfect safety board the section that is traveling with the greatest velocity. By this means a wayfarer in Philyorgo may go from one end of the city to the other in a trifle under two hours, finding at intervals of the ordi nary -city block the express elevator? that witt take him upward- to the stratum he desires to reach. This simple device for the convey ance of the greatest number of persons at the greatest rate : of specd ~ was • in vented in." 2963 by Thomas A. , Testa sixteenth, and has served materially to do away with the ' frightful congestion which prevailed prior to that time. No charge is 'I made for the use |of these : movable walks, the whole ■ expense be ing defrayed by the municipal govern ; ment. The ~ floor ; above Is; given over. ; entirely %to cars containing ! seats. 1: Of ' these there are five superimposing sec tions and one hundred and twenty-sev en lateral parallel lines, running trains every two minutes ;at ; the? rate '■'. of "a" hundred miles; an hour and so sched uled : that at every corner at least one train :is continually ; stopping to take on and set down .passengers.- The ■ fare for any f distance, is: 1 cent.: There are also Rockefeller-Morgan pipe lines fastened. to the roof of this rapid trnsit section, by ;., which, , on - payment of; 5 cents," a traveler may provide himself with a private leather case and be shot through a ;pneumatic tube at the' rate of v a thousand .miles a minute. This Is used largel - by financiers who "wish-to go hurriedly from:the Atlantic end of Philyorgo " out Ito ' the % Lake Michigan section,-, where stood the :former city of Chicago, and vice versa, and is design ed wholly for long distance • traffic" "I ■ should think it would be ' danger ™l ;*? *£ aS ! .ofx a collisIon."? suggested one of the fair travelers - r - . w^ *Wu Uld thi nk so '" smiled the; pi lot, but -. it was discovered as long ago as the twentieth century that two ciers. meeting head on. could go through each other without break!us-a Lone or adding a drop of blood." ,-> • The effect of this observation upon my own nerve centers was such that my hand still on the screw of the in strument, shook the focus back six hundred and thirty-eight years, so del icate was the adjustment of this spec trophone, and I found myself gaping upon a stranded Florodora company walking home from the north pole, but I speedily rediscovered the airship and it 3 party by a few turns of the screw knob, and was in time to hear the pilot describing the third stratum as the ar tery for all the city trucking. "It has the very great advantage not only of keeping the wheels of com merce constantly in motion," said the guide, "but it confines to a single floor of this great city about 70 per cent of the bad language which in the early days of New York and Chicago per meated pretty much the whole city. Above the trucking floor is the struc ture devoted to the wholesale trade, and above that is to be found the floor whereon are located the department stores and smaller shops. To get to these shoppers use" the two strata above one of which is devoted entirely to the use of pedestrians and the other to carriages. In, this way the maxi mum of safety for foot passengers on the highways is obtained, since persons found walking on the carriage way are promptly arrested, and of course it is impossible, even in case of a runaway, for a horse and carriage to"appear upon the stratum devoted to pedestrians." "How about automobiles and air ships?" asked a timid passenger. "Out where I live we're being run down by automobiles all the time, and last month an airship smashed in through my flat window and came out on the other side of the house, carrying my bureau, all the electric light fixtures and grand piano along with it." "There is a special automobile floor in the city of Philyorgo, and except on the roof, where the people live when they are not working, the city is air ship proof." "One whole floor given over to auto mobiles?" cried another passenger. "Well—almost. Automobiles and undertaking establishments," said the guide. "The city is arranged with an eye to the greatest convenience of the greatest number. Since the discovery of the elixir of life 3010, by Prof. Koch pasteur, the percentages of death show that only three per cent die of other than automobllious causes, and for that reason the speedway and the undertaking people were placed to gether. Above these stands the stratum given over to hotels and theaters. Fol lowing the pace set by New York and Chicago near the close of the nine teenth century, it was found desirable to have-an average of two large hotels and one theater to every 18,000 square feet of the city's superficial area. The hotel dwelling population of Philyorgo is now three and a half billion, one third of whom are permanent, the bal ance transient. A peculiarity of the Philyorgo hotel as differentiated from the hotels of ancient times is that in each hostelry are to be found accom modations ranging In price from the Mills basis on the top floor to the $100 - 000 a year suites on the first, second and third. In the Mills apartments the patron enjoys a comfortable box stall furnished with patent collabsible beds', which by an automatic arrangement worked from the office ejects the sleep er to the floor at sunrise in order that he may be at work betimes', and under the operation of the compulsory bath ing law, passed in 3036, the flooring of the room, arranged like a trap door yielding to the weight of the body, lowers the occupant into a tank filled with fresh hygeia water, charged with electricity, and of an antiseptic quality that materially Increases one's eager ness for work while destroying all germs that might prove detrimental to the general good. The $100 000 suites, on the other hand, are the most marvelously appointed apartments known to modern science. The appli ances invented by experts in luxury for the promotion of the comfort of the rich have attained to the highest de gree of perfection, and the hotels of Philyorgo now provide on this $100 000 basis anything a patron may call for from a college education for his son to a divorce from his wife. The baths in these apartments run hot and cold cologne of any desired scent, and a THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. SUNDAY, XOVEMBEK 13. ISSi- weary traveler desirous of literary en tertainment has only to turn the needle of a dial to the name any popu lar author printed thereon to have thJft writer's latest novel read aloud to him from phonographic cyclinders hidden in the wainscoting and in the author's GEN. KUROPATKIN RECEIVING CHINESE _ MUNICIPAL LEADERS AT MUKDEN H ' "^JtK^^S^^F Ji HH:^a mlVbm II I ' Mi in TttiliiffrllrfilffiM ' • j^^^^^Bg^^ -^ -"^j 7^ a ■ nr > PBr * wk V 4^^ nil ' own voice. Grand and comic opera by the best singers the world has known is synilarly obtainable" "How about the table?" asked an in quisitive member of the party. "Do they ever eat at these hotels?** "It is the essence of perfection," re- piled the guide. "Each apartment Is provided with the Oscar Table d'Hote powders, which when placed upon the tip end of the tongue in the process of dissolving impart to the palate all the delectable sensations of the most ex quisite table d'hote dinner conceivable by the highest priced chefs in the uni verse. The Public Dinner Tablet, con structed on similar principle?, first feeds tire consumer to his heart's con tent and then lulls him into a delicious sleep. In which he dreams he is hear ing after dinner speeches by the most eloquent masters of the art from the time of Demosthenes and Depew down to Gen. Horace Simeon Ford, present head of the After Dinner Speakers* union—but of the hotels anon. We shall inspect them and the theaters before our day's excursion is finished. CHICAGO PREISER -LIMES ISIS IN A VERTICAL FLAT THERE io one man in Chicago who has solved the puzzle of li**i:£ above and below himself. He : has evolved out of many styles of i architecture the model flat —the flac Above this floor are the cafes and sa loons, adjacent to which, on the floor above we find the courts of justice, city hall, prisons and other institutions connected with the administration of public affairs. And so it goes on up ward toward the roof—floors for table supplies, floors given over to schools and playgrounds for children—until we come to the first floor beneath the roof, where are located the churches of Phiiyorgo in groups, each group con taining one each of all denominations— and finally conies the roof, whereon, high up in the open air, are th© homes of the citizens of Phiiyorgo. stretching east, west, north and south as far as the eye can reach, on broad, beautiful avenues, each dwelling having its own grounds and gardens and filled with a happy, work loving people, free from debt and contented." "That's fine," observed one of the party, "especially the free from debt part of it. How do you keep.the peo ple in that condition?" "It is the result of the Rockefeller- Carnegie fund, established In 1910 by the government, which confiscated the possessions of these famous financiers of the twentieth century," explained the guide, "and kept untouched at compound interest for a thousand years. This has reached such pro portions that the annual interest ac cumulation placed at the disposal of the public has rid the people of all personal need for money." » "But," observed a visitor from Mars, "if all men share in this fund how do some people have to live on a Mills hotel basis and others enjoy $100,000 a year?" "It's perfectly simple,'' explained the guide. "In the city of Phiiyorgo every living person is employed by "the gov ernment, no matter what his work, and his share of the fund is based upon the amount of service rendered." "And do you mean to say that the men who pay such sums for the lux- urlous suites at the hotels are worth that amount of money to their fellow men?" "Yes," said the guide. "Else they would not enjoy such an income." "That is a radical change," said the visitor from Mars. "Up in my planet the chaps who do that are about the most useless persons in the social or der." "Well." said the irufde, "that only proves that you people in Mars haven't progressed any further than New York had as far back as 1904." that's built on end, with no room for a family below or above. But this vertical flat, as the occupant rails it, has more than this one claim to fame. It is utilitarian in more ways than one. It is a flat, so planned and occupied, but it is at one and the same time the church tower, church en trance and monument. The vertical flat stands at the corner of and Is part of the First Congrega tional church of South Chicago. From a distance it looks like an ordinary church tower—not a steeple, mind you, but a tower such as you have seen in the pictures of old English castles. The average passerby would never sus- Pect it to be anything but a pigeon roost, a refuge in daytime for bats, and the silk mill of a million spiders—just as other church towers are. Lives in the Tower But it Isn't. This tower is the homa of Rev. George A. Bird, who for twen ty-three years has been pastor of the largest Protestant church in South Chicago. He planned the tower and paid for it, and when he saw it was going to cost him $6,000 he resolved to make it useful as well as ornamental. As the tower stands finished there are few men who pay high rents for cramped little five-room flats who would not gladly change living places with this minister—if it were not for the stair climbing. Twenty-three years ago and a littla more Rev. Mr. Bird, then a young man just blossoming into a preacher camo West from Andover college and preached for a short time in Englewood. He had an ambition to be a foreign missionary, but his plans went awry. The year he came here the big steel mills were being built at South Chi cago. He went out there, where ha thought he could find a substitute for the foreign mission field, established the Congregational church, and has* been there ever since. The people out in the smoky suburb think a good deal of this man, and they say he has don« a great deal for South Chicago, but they all confess they believe the great est thing he ever did was to build a memorial home with one room piled on top of another. A City of Spires When a person goes to South Chi cago he may easily surmise why a man who has lived in the suburb twen ty-three years would like to live in a tower. The people out there have the tower, dome and steeple habit. From one street crossing twenty-nine dif ferent designs of towers can be count ed, and even then you can't see one fifth of the suburb. Of all these many towers Rev. Mr. Bird's vertical flat is the greatest. The church, of course. Is supposed to be the main part of the edifice, but In this case it is only a supposition, for it is a case of the tail wagging the dog. The tower la bigger, handsomer, lighter and newer than the church proper. Three years ago the church had neither tower nor steeple, but it had a place where one ought to be. At one corner of the edifice was a vacant plat of ground, 18x20 feet in dimensions. When other denominations built churches the Congregntionalists asked one another if It would not be a good idea to put a steeple on their church too, but something came up each time to kill the project. For nine years Col lowing 1893 the church's appearance was not altered. The building was good enough. The membership constantly grew. The Sunday school found new pupils each month. The entertainments always brought out a person for every pew. It hasn't been a church of many changes. It has had but one pastor, A. G. Ingraham has always been Sun-lay school superintendent. Three years ago occurred the d,eath of Mrs. Bird, who had always been an earnest worker in the church, and who had spent the greater part of twenty years in an effort to help in every man ner the people of the town in which she lived. At the time of Mrs. Rird'a death the minister lived in a small frame cottage several blocks distant from the church. Later, when ha wanted to get nearer to the church, ho could lind no house. He Wanted a Homo "I'll build a home," he told the mem bers of his church. And then ha thought of the plan for which he had been secretly savins his money. He wanted the church to have a large or gan, and he wanted it to have a steeple. "I can't build a home and a church steeple and buy an organ," he said. '"Which one had I better spend my money for?" "We will buy the church organ if you want to build a home," the mem bers told the minister. "But the steeple?" he asked. "Let the steeple go," they answered. The minister said he would take their advice, but he couldn't get away from the idea that the church ought to have a steeple. After some one had sug gested that the steeple be built as & monument to Mrs. Bird he was ready to abandon the idea of having a home of hia own. Every time he met a church member he had a talk about that steeple. Some suggested that it be high and pointed. Others thought a dome would look better. Some wanted it built this way and others that way. "What's the use of steeples, any how?" the minister asked himself one day. "They cost a lot of money and can be seen from afar, and —and that's about all." Tower and Home, Too He had almost given up the idea of building the spire when the subject was again brought up. •'The thing would be all right if you could live In it," said one of the mem bers. "I can live In it," he said. "That's what I'll do. I'll build a tower, a sort of vertical flat building. I won't mind climbing the stairs. We'll have a steeple on our church -and I'll have my home." The Rev. Mr. Bird commissioned an architect to complete plans for a ver tical flat, modeled after an old English tower. He told how many rooms he wanted; the architect told him how high the tower would have to be. "I want the rooms large, light, and airy." said the minister. "Oh, those on top will be airy enough; don't worry," said the archi tect. Not long after that the brick and stone masons were at work. Within a short time they had the tower com pleted, ar*d the Rev. Mr. Bird moved into his new home. This home is a curious place. The first or ground floor is Just as It would have been if the church people had built an ordinary spire. It is the main entrance to the church and auditorium. It is divided by a partition, however, and from this little room cut off from one side of the entrance a stair leads to the second floor. This room is but 14x16 feet in size and is mo3tly win dows. The room was set aside for a peculiar purpose. It is the matrimonial room, in which the young people who come to the Rev. Mr. Bird to be mar ried are taken. The windows are of stained glass, to prevent the curious people in the street from watching the ceremony. More than a score of cou ples have been married in that room, and several of the principals have car ried on their courtships across the sea. The kitchen contains a gas stove, and is completely fitted out. Rev. Mr. Bird cooks his own breakfasts. His other meals he eats e'sewhere. Th« minister is his own ho'asekeeper, and that he is a- neat one is shown by the cleanliness of this kitchen. He couM give most housewives a few valuable pointers in the use of the scrub brush.