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.limn »^ T —'-^ ■ f 1- n" IK "^**^ -~a ~ "" ii jiii mi ti*T* __ ■ i~~"^*^J "■■ "•"-'-■i ■■■'■■ "' ■ ■■ ■ i ■ ■ tefc^^BE^^^^^ ■.' "^*^ " 'iJiL^v. **L t'/ **^^ vm^t^m^^^ 111 illfJU j nUlib£illlH.rlWly 1 I z~[ .'^ . T^rt|Wy> ■ y • / .. *■■'■■/ \ IS r i 1 *■• "w^l j.* -* .: '* / •■"' "'''■■•■■/'<■'■■'« » I 1 V^JL • it i • -#—-* * * i ■*■■'■ 4^:.:. :;'■•. f '< ' W \. \ P Mi ■ . " T " 1 * T '•''' '■''*''"'/ » til f^*- ' ' % '■ ": M — Ijy -^r ***"^ » ■*• •* *■ - v *™ Vi^* <fc *J K—S^7 *j ** i*y'■-j J^f' 2^ HOW many of you girls know anything about housekeeping! How many of you can cook! And what can you make when you do cook! In my young days, the answer given by nine out of ten girls would have been in one word, "Cake!" That was the one thing wo learned how to do before we attempted anything else in the culinary line. Axe you girls of to-day like that* Aa a matter of course, a great many of you take it for granted that you will do work outside of your home. You are studying to be in somo profession or business that will keep you away for the whole day. You do not expect to marry, you will tell me. (I wonder if you are quite honest with yourself or with me when you say that!) So why should you learn anything of housekeeping 1 Well, there are a number of reasong in f aror of it. In the first place, you never can tell but what you may marry, in spite of all your expectations to the WU A T AM V PI D T rDIrV[ r^ C AQ \£ department of questions and answers conducted ±1 £\ A IVI 1 UlftL-rniLnUu A O N • by mrs. Christine terhune herrick WIIJ.. you tell me through the pages of your paper how long I ought to wear my hair In a braid? I am I.'. years old, and I think I am old enough to do my hair up on top of my head- But my mother doesn't think so, and so I nave to wear It in a braid down my hack. When will I be old enough to wear it some ether ■way? Very truly yours, EMILY J. You are pretty old to wear your hair in a braid down your back, unless you are small in stat ure. Would not your mother be willing to have you turn your braid up at t&e back and tie it with a bow of ribbon ? That is a pretty, girlish way to dress the hair. I should not advise you to dress it on top of your head for a couple of years yet. You will have plenty of time to be grown up. Be a young girl as long as you can. * » • f AM A YOUNG girl of 20. and lam leaving my home In * the South to go to Philadelphia to study art. What would you advise me to do to eke out a too-slender income? I have a scholarship at one of the big schools, and so will only have the expense of my board and ma terials: but not having quite enough even for these, I thought perhnps yea would advise me on the subject. I hope to be able to do something that will not Interfere with my classes at the art school. Believe me, I should be very grateful for your advice. Sincerely, SARA L. One of the things you can do is to address envelopes. For this work a dollar a thousend is paid, and there are regular establishments where you can secure the work. You can take it home with you, and all the materials are provided. An other good plan would be to go to the Y. W. C. A. and ask them to advise you about work. What can you do ? Can you read aloud well, or are you fitted to act as a secretary in the evenings or during your leisure hours, or can you use the typewriter well enough to do a little copying? If you could.learn manicuring or shampooing—and neither is very difficult—you could get clients whom you could at tend at their homes. • • • IREAD your very interesting sisterly talk In the Sun day paper. To say that I enjoyed it does not express the pleasure that 1 took in perusing the paper. I have ofttimes felt that the paper would b* of much grrater interest to mo did it contain a department ex prassly for girlc The want Is supplied now. and th» editor—well, the very Tact that she is dear Marion Har land's daughter makes us love her. I belong to a club here in our town that considers every woman as a sister, some one to be respected, admired and helped. We are taught to have compassion on ail sorts and conditions of ••omen, to guard against all race and sect prejudices not by word or deed to offend another, always to lend a help- Ing hand. Now, I think (of course, I am young and lnexterl snred). that if we each one of us who belong to this im mense universal Sisterhood (every girl and woman be longs) would have these few virtuous prin cities as watch words to lead us up to ideal womanhood, thax if we are faithful and persevering, we will sooner auSiln that I realize that a great deal of good teaching and sisterly advice reaches girls through the columns of a "eirls^ie partment' that would never roach them any other w*»- For Instance A girl leading a purposeless life reads thi newspaper, and ofttimes she sees her fault; her languid" GIRLS contrary. I have known many girls who made endless resolutions about this, and they were all knocked endwise when the right man came along, as I hope they will be in your case. In the second place, because, putting the thoughts of matrimony aside, a woman can never tell when she may have housekeeping cares thrust upon her. She may have to keep house for her father or brother. Some rela tive with little children may die, and it may Beern her clear duty to go and take care of tliem and keep house for them. An Old Maid's Paradise Even if none of these things happens I can hardly believe that you look forward with equanimity to an old age in a hotel or a boarding house. Have not all of you dreams of one day possessing a little horns of your t! There may not be a man in it It may n old maid's paradise, shared by a brother, iter, a friend, or it may be only a solitary blishment. But you anticipate having 1 a nest one of these days after the first ss of life is past. The older you grow and more weary you become the more you will : forward to it. Do you recollect th« Tiling little poem of KiLgsley's: "When all the world is young, lad. And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away; Young blood must hare its course, lad. Ana every dog his day. Wlien all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown; And all the sport is stale, lad. And ail the wheels run down. Creep home and take your place there. The spent and maimed among; God grant you find one face there, You loved when all was young." This is the way a man feels, but how much more must it mean to a woman to have a place of her own! For women were made for home life, and •while they may go out into the world and do good mind realize* that she la not filling the place In the great army that was intended for her. She awakens,-shakes off her lasy habits, and In a short time Is a new girl. Had It not been for some kind slater's advice or story of the busy life *h« herself leads, this girl would •till be a poor, depraved creature groping in darkness to find her real self. I am certain that with your excellent supervision the department will he a success, and a great help to the girls. we all need advice, and do greatly delight In reading the experience of others. We must all remember that our ilf» is largely what we make it. We can't heap troubles and trials corn to us, but we can keep a light heart, and a orient, happy countenance, . This •is a simple letter from a plain. tittle country school teacher. I am certain that there will he many letters which will be far more interesting. If I can b« of any help to any of the sisters I will be delighted to have the honor of assisting them in any tray within my limited power. ■• • O. B. . This is a good helpful letter, Mid I thank yon for writing to me, my dear little teacher. . If more girls felt the earnestness of life as you do and the sisterhood of "women the world would be ft better and a brighter place to lire in. Pass on the good word to those who need it» and help when ever you get a chance. • • ♦ A FRIEND and I had a dispute about politeness.- "Will *» you please tell me who Is to say "How do" or "Hello" first, a boy or a girl, after knowing each other for a long while? Also,' If first introduced? MAT O. • In this country it is the part of the woman to recognize the man first. That Is, he waits until she bows 'before he -lifts his hat. I think, however, thai between old friends, it is rather absurd to stand upon ceremony in a matter of this kind. ".•# ♦-■♦ | AM 1« years old and have been receiving the attentions * _of a young man of 23. lie Is very affectionate end kisses me a great deal. I don't know whether lam wrong to let him do it or not. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I hate myself for letting him do it. Please tell me truly. X am yours In great confusion. - '" K. M. You are pretty youthful to think of receiving at tentions from a young man. Yon should not allow him to be affectionate with you unless you are en paged to him and; expect to marry . him. . If you give him the right to caress you, what are you keep ing for the man whom you may one day hope to marry I In any case, be chary of demonstrations. The fact that you are repelled by them at times, or, , as you say, hate yourself for" permitting ■ them, is pretty good evidence that you do not love him as a woman should love the man whose wife she hopes' to be. "•": ~ "v • • • .-.-■ AVINQ read of the new department recently added to II the Sunday; paper. I hereby submit a few questions' which I desire answered in next Sunday's issue. How can I arrange my hair low on the neck? Explain process of ar i ranging.-., Is It . proper, , after an acquaintance •of > eve* months, for a young lady to allow;a gentleman caller to kiss her good-night"? Sincerely yours, , BLUE BELL. " ■•'. For a girl of your age it is best to braid the hair in one braid, tie it and then I turn it up, the ends ■ THE ST. TALL GLOBE. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER ]3, 1904 » ;^>*&Jtt^mmm^mZJ^^mmmmTi*& MH**«93rS9vSr*Bßi*^Mvßßßßß' BBBBk ■ work there, there is always in their hearts a long ing for home.. Sooner or later the woman usually cornea to it, in one form or another. When she does come to it, she should be fitted to take care of it. More than this, it is well for her to know some thing of housekeeping while she is on the way to a settled home. I have had more than one letter from you girb in which you have spoken of doing light housekeeping in your own rooms. How many of you know how to do it to the best advantage • How .many of you have any idea of what food to eat that will best nourish you and keep up your strength and fit . you for' continuing in your work without losing ground physically ? A woman cannot expect to toil all day and keep her health if she lives on bread and tea, a piece of pie or a chocolate eclair, with an occasional sausage or slice of bacon. She needs wholesome food of the right sort, and she needs to know how to prepare it —and how to buy it before it is prepared. ' If this applies to you girls who have to go out to daily work, it is even more important to you others who expect to btay at home for a while, at least, or who are still at school. You younger ones are in great luck - if you have tho sense to profit by the mistakes and misfor- tunes of the other girls. . But how many of you do it? Which of : you knows how to buy even plain food intclli- gently? Once I went to : give ft chafing dish lecture in the house of ft young woman who prided herself upon knowing about housekeeping. (I afterward learned that the way she kept house was by letting-., the cook plaa the meals and then take the list made out in the kitchen and leave it with the butcher or the grocer.) In writing the list of articles that would be required in the lessons, J had put down among them lobster meat and sardines. One dish was to bo lobster a la Newburg and another grilled sardines. I had stated that a pint of lobster meat would be needed and that the sardines should be taken from the box, drained and skinned. When we entered the dining room, where every- "underneath, and tie it on the neck, close to the head, with a* broad ribbon. In answer to your seo ond question I refer you to my reply to "K. M." •«• ■ . IT IS with the greatest pleasure that we girts learn that * we are to hare a department all to ourselves, and that you will be In charge of It. We are all In love with you •Iryady, ana know that the girls' page -will be the moit aaaghtful one la the paper. - Welcome, dear Mrs. Herrlek. and may you be with us for many years to comet I have just one little question to as*. Do you think I could wear a black thibet ruff with a peacock blue coat with gray Persian Jamb collar arid lapels? I have tried It and am afraid it would not look well. What flo you think BRUNETTE. . Thank you for your welcome—-thank* to all of you .girls. Come to me as often as you will. I shall always bo mere than glad to hear from you. / I am afraid the ruff will not look very well with the combination you mention. - If it wore gray, or if the gown were black, it would bo all - right, but under the circumstances, I think you would better not wear the ruff with that especial gown. • • • •-".*' 1 8 IT WROXO for a airl to smoke cigarette* If her * brother taught her. end the girls she -goes with all .- do It? Also. If a married man makes love to a girl, Is It really a sia, or do men Just hare women tanght that it la for their own protection? Married men go wrong all the ' time, and yet they are the dictators, and every one over looks weak morals In a man. If a girl has the same In ■ heritance as her brother, why should he be forgiven for doing wrong, while I have to write to you to find out how much of the things girls are taught are true. I have a mother, but ehe's too good to ask such questions of. - . ALICE. There is no question of moral wrong or right in cigarette smoking;. It is not wrong, but it is gener - ally , inexpedient. - Personally, I would advise you against it. The girl who smokes produces an ; im pression of being fast, even if she is not. Your second much more important. The moral law is not the say-so of any one man, but the result of the" sense 'of righteousness iof genera of men and women. The fact that men, married or , unmarried, go wrong, does not alter the case. Mar ried men are not the dictators; but the laws of; decency, as .well as of expediency, demand; purity. In an ideal state of society we should demand the : same . standard ;of r purity - in a 1 man . that we do in a woman, and there are men who recognize this and hold this standard for themselves. : Put aside: for the moment the accepted laws in the matter and try to grasp the truth that there lis something .in r you that would revolt against a lowering of such standards. ■: More than that, recollect that \if i you did depart from r this law -of self-respect you are bound to suffer, not only in your own estimation, but also in the esteem of the - men who * find 1 you ': attractive now just because do hold yourself in reserve, but who would look upon you in quite an- HOITSEKEEPING thing was supposed to be in readiness, the first object that met my eyes was a large live lobster, sprawling and squirming on a tray. Beside him stood a box of sardines, un opened. "But the lobster is not boiled!*' I exclaimed. "Oh, dear, how careless of the fishmanP cried the hoste&s. "I told him especially that I would need the pint of lobster meat. And he hasn't opened the sardines, either, after I said that I must hare them all skinned!" Take a Course in Housekeeping She had not known that she could hardlj have the lobster boiled and the meat taken out unless she made a stipulation to that ef fect, and it had not occurred to her that it was not the business of the fishman to open the sardines and prepare the fish for cooking. There are many other blunders like thi* made by ignorant young housekeepers, and the comio papers are full of poor jokes made at their expense. Even if you may not make gross errors, you yet increase your cares and the cost of living by not knowing how thingi are to be done. If you are to have servants to direct, you put yourself at a disadvantage by having no knowledge of how the different de partments of the household are to bo conducted and by your ignorance of what is wrong if a dish fails or the clothes are not done up properly. So I advise all you girls to take a course in house* keeping. Learn the simple things that every one is supposed to know how to do, and that just for this reason are seldom done well. Learn how to make good tea and good coffee—the latter not in a patent coffee pot, but the good old boiled coffee, that may be made in a tin pail if your French drip or other patent coffee pot is not at hand. Practice making biscuit, even if you don't undertake bread, and learn how to make quick muffins and griddle cakes, to bake potatoes and to stew them, to broil a steak or a chop, to boil or poach an egg. Gain a little knowledge of soup making and of roasting or stew ing. Many a girl can make delicious cake and jelly and other sweets who would he filled with consterna tion if she were asked to roast a piece of beef. The cake is very well in its place, but the substantial stand you better in the long run. Housekeeping isn't all cooking, though. The abil ity to sweep a room is a good thing, and unless you other way if you took the same light view of purity which you assert they hold. You are in a rather dangerous position, you poor child! I wish I could say something that would be of real help to you. Lot me beg you, for the sake of your own comfort and peace of mind, to have noth ing more to do with married men of the stamp you describe in the part of your letter which I have not made public Nothing but suffering can come from it. You may think your mother ''too good" to ask about Buch matters, but, depend upon it, she has right on her side. It's a way mothers havel Some day you will come around to her point of view. In the meanwhile, hold fast to your self-respect. • • • I AM an old girl (30). but as unused to the world aa a girl of 16. So, may I not have your help? I came to this small Western town from a small Eastern town two years ago. Am a stenographer, and ezpeet to leave here within a week to take a better paying place In a lurge city. To explain how a woman could have reached my age «nd yet be so provincial, will say I come from a fine old family, but have lived an almost isolated life in my home town, owing to famlrv circumstances. I ask yoa these questions below so that I may not appear at such a disadvantage when traveltng: I hare never stopped at a first-clans hotel. Will you •tart at the first step aud tell me Just what to do? I do not know bow to order frum menu card. Will you tell me? I am so sensitive to ridicule. Please write me fully. I am a bright, fresh-looking woman, and no one suspects my dense Ignorance, nor could I acknowledge it to any but you, Mrs. Herrlek. I will deeply appreciate any help you may give me, and feel sure your page will be a great help and pleasure to girls. £. R. Whon you go to a hotel, you will be met at the door by a porter, and you can either £0 to the offico with him or ask him ft* engage a room for you from the clerk. The former is the better plan, al though if you wiah it the clerk can brine the regis ter to you to be signed. But it is altogether custo mary for a woman to go to the office to engage her room, and you need not feel that you are doing any thing conspicuous. State what sort of a room you wish, and learn the price. The clerk will pivc the key of your room to a bellboy or a porter, who will show you to your room. When you are there, do as you please. If you want the chambermaid, ring for her and tell her what you need. After that, behave as you would in any private house where you felt at home. Leave the key at the office when you are going out. Bear in mind that for the time being the hotel is your home and that you have a right to order anything in it that you are prepared to pay for. Don't be afraid of any one. Keep the same thing in mind when you order meals. Take your time over the menu card. Select what you want as you would if the waiter were not there. If you look grave and dignified the attend ants will think you are a haughty, reserved person who knows it all, and will defer to you. Keep us ■ . "" wv!^^tef had studied the matter, you would not believe how few women know how to dust thoroughly and prop erly or how to clean nickel and brasses and -liver, or to polish mirrors and window glass, or to keep lamps in order, or to do many other of the taken for-granted things that every one is supposed to know. How many of you girls can do these things? Who of you would feel that she was able to keep house if the cares of a homo were thrust upon her I Believe me, my dear girls, it is as noble and ane a business to keep house well as to run a shop or a profession, or a school, or anything elae that sounds more important than a home. Don't put off learn ing how until too late, when you may have to be out of the house at work that girts no leisure for housework. If you are at school, take a turn at these things on Saturdays and holidays. Get ready for the work that may be coming to you. • this Impression. Tip the waiter a quarter for any order of from $1 to $2, and beyond that on a scale of 10 per cent. The bellboy who takes up your bag will expect a dime tip. The chambermaid will look for a quarter if she has done anything especial foi you- If not, don't tip her. Don't be afraid of anything or any one. In all probability they are all as much in awe of you ai you are of them. Do write to me again, and tell ma how you get on. I am interested in you. • • • WHAT »s yoar opinion of a young girl who has to tafcs the place of mother, as this letter defines. Do you think keeping house on $5 a week for three grown-up folks possible? Would like to see such a menu for one week published »om» time in your paper. MADQB. I don't liko to seem critical, my dear child, but have you any idea of how self-absorbed you are! That is a grr»at fault with young girls—and with some old girb, too. As you go on in life it will become worse unless you take it in hand now. Try to think of others more and study their happiness rather than your own. In answer to your first question, I think you have a pretty hard task, that requires great unselfishness and gentleness. This is a work that God has given to your hand. Try to discharge it in the right way, for the happiness of others. Xo, I do not think you can feed three persons on five dollars a week unless your supplies are helped out in some other way than by purchase. If you have a garden or keep poultry or a cow, you can make it out without difficulty, but it would be hard to give three persons three substantial meals a day for such a sum. I suspect that it would be al most impossible, unless you lived very plainly. An answer to your Bccond question in a way re plies to your third. I cannot give you a stated menu, but I will say in general terms that you would have to study manners of cooking vegetables nnd cheap cuts of meat, and you would have to give little meat to your household. Have substan tial vfgetable soups often, learn to make good vege table stews with just enough meat to flavor them; do without any sweets except the plainest, and waste nothing. I wish you would write again and tell me how you feed your household—what are your meals for a day or two. It would be helpful and interesting to other girls who have to plan for their households. Don't think that I am unsympathetic, dear. I know things are hard for you, but believe me when I say you will be much more contented and useful when you have learned to put self into the back exound and to live for others.