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*s 'u% &t "i ••i'. SI- %. x&i) r) .. FATHER WIEMANN DEAD. Assistant Priest at' St. Boniface Church, Minneapolis, Died Sud denly Last Week. Rev. Claude Wiemann, O. S. B., as sistant pastor of St. Boniface Church, of this city, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wiemann, 107 West Tenth street, St. Paul, died suddenly at mid night, Friday, January 24, at the parish house. Heart disease is said to have caused his death. He received Ex treme Uunction and the final absolu tion, after making his confession. The congested state of his lung prevented his receiving the Holy Viaticum. Father Wiemann was born in St. Paul, June 5, 1878, and was educated at St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn. He was ordained to the priest hood in 1903. He was appointed at once professor of mathematics at his Alma Mater, and then became procur ator at St. John's College. In 1911 he became assistant at the Church of St. Boniface in Minneapolis. During the influenza epidemic last November he contracted the disease while at tending the sick. This resulted in a weakened heart which caused his death. The body lay in state at the Church of St. Boniface last Sunday and Mon day afternoon, and then was removed to St. John's abbey at Collegeville: Solemn requiem High Mass was celebrated at the Church of St. Boni face at 9 A. M. Monday. Rev. Hugo Tell, O. S. B., was the celebrant. A solemn requiem High Mass was cele brated at St. John's at Collegeville Tuesday morning at which the Right Reverend Abbot Peter Engel, O. S. B., pontificates. Father Wiemann was buried in the abbey ground at Col legeville. Besides his parent's, Father Wiemann is survived by four sisters, Catherine, Gertrude, Mary, and Mrs. Anna Reimringer, and by a brother, Matthew. Mrs. Donaldson Hostess A Delightful. Social Function at the Donaldson Tea Rooms. Supervisors of Surgical and Garment Red Cress Workers Felicitated Upon the Splendid Results Achieved During the War. It was a delighted assemblage of women Red Cross workers that gath ered at the Donaldson Tea Rooms last Tuesday noon, the occasion marking the close of the active period of war welfare work in the several parishes of the city. The supervisors of the surgical and garment workers to the number of forty-five were in attendance, Mrs. L. S.- Donaldson occupying the chair of hostess. All of the units of the city were represented, and there was an informal interchange of felicitations among the ladies, all of whom ex pressed their gratification at the splen did results achieved, and their satis faction in having been able to con tribute so substantially to the com fort and safety of the fighting forces. It was the general opinion that the disciplinary effects of the campaign were of inestimable value to those who "saw it through," and that this excel lent exemplification of unity of pur pose and spirit would prove a perma nent benefit in future cases of crisis or calamity. Many of the units have reorganized their war welfare forceB for sewing, knitting and other charitable work for the benefit of the needy. This in deed was the suggestion of Mrs. Don aldson who presided at the gathering She expressed heartfelt gratitude fori the co-operation both in act and spirit which she had received during the campaign, and pointed out the po tential power for good that lies In the organizations already existing. These, she suggested, might easily and graciously be diverted from the activities of war to the ever present necessities of peace. Her remarks were greeted with hearty applause, showing that she voiced the sentiment of all present. Mrs. Donaldson was the recipient of a large bouquet of roses from the Red Cross supervisors in token of her valuable efforts in forwarding the work of the organization. The bou quet was presented by Mrs. Grace Ounn, one of the leaders of the Red Crass activities, who in a short but address expressed the love and oatoom in which Mrs. Donaldson is held among her co-workers. Jfra. Coonan, who was one "of the most active organizers of the Branches of the Red Cross Terr interesting work, reviewed the Twp»ign in a very Interesting man ner, and emphasized the necessity of preserving the organized parochial activities. TWIN CITY NEWS units (for wwt^*r •TVSIV- ^~*Vj^S£«a v» Saturday, February 8, 1919 E I I S S A N A Rev. T. A. Cullen, pastor of the Pro Cathedral, addressed the assemblage in congratulation of the loyalty and patriotism demonstrated by the Cath^ olic women of the city. The experi ence- which they had passed through, he declared, would be of lasting bene fit to themselves- and to the commu nity, and if in future any similar oc casion should arise for sacrifice and labor it would find them prepared for the emergency. During the luncheon and afterwards that followed, Mrs. Frances Vincent Coveney sang a number of songs in her usual capable manner, that were thoroughly appreciated, Miss Florence Noonan Kingsley being the piano ac companist. Cullen Killed Action Frank M. Cullen, brother of Mrs. J. D. Kehr, 1969 Laurel avenue, St. Paul, who was reported by the War Department to liave died in France on October 23 from pneumonia, was killed in action, according to a letter received from the grave records de partment, which stated that Cullen's body had been recovered from the bat tle field and was buried in a French American graveyard. Cullen, who served with the Third Minnesota on the Mexican border, was well known in St. Paul, where he vis ited often. His home was at Duluth. He enlisted in June, 1917, and sailed for France in September, 1917, as a member of D. company, Three Hun dred and Forty-ninth Infantry. Another brother, Leo Cullen, is still in France. He was wounded during the serious fighting in September, 1918. Cullen is survived by five brothers, three sisters and his father. David Cullen of Duluth. CERCLE FRANCAISE SHOWS SCENES FROM PLAYS OF EDMOND ROSTAND. The Cercle Francaise of the Univer sity of Minnesota presented *n the auditorium of the College of Si. Cath erine, on Tuesday evening, January 28, some scenes from the plays of Ed mond Rostand. These theatricals had been given, as a tribute to the mem ory of the recently deceased poet and dramatist, at Shevlin Hall on Friday, January 24. The proceeds are to be expended in the cause of French or phans. The cast included both French aii'l American students. The French st dents were Mile. Angele Petit, of 4e College of St. Catherine, M. Jean Catel and M. Paul Bonnet of the University of Minnesota. In the two scenes from Les Ro manesques, the principal parts were taken by Miss Margaret Sunwall and M. Jean Catel. In the three scenes from Cyrano de Bergerac, the parts were acted by Mile. Petit as Roxane, M. Catel as Cyrano and Mr. Joyce as Christian. Mr. S. M. Delson opened the eve ning with an address on Rostand and the significance of his work. He also briefly touched upon the plots of the dramas from which the scenes were taken. New Archbishop in St. Paul See (Continued from Page 1.) John Keane, archbishop of Dubuque. Special Ceremony Planned. A special ceremony will mark the beginning of the administration of Bishop Dowling in the diocese of St. Paul. It probably will be some weeks before Bishop Dowling comes to St. Paul, according to Rev. J. C. Byrne, vicar general of the dioecese and act ing head. Catholic churchmen today said it is believed Bishop Dowling will be in vested into his office faster Sunday— April 27. Bishop Dowling will assume the of fice of archbishop of St. Paul when he receives from Rome his official ap pointment on parchment and can ex ercise none of the functions of the office until he receives the paHium, it was said. At the special service which will be in the Cathedral of St. Paul, a bishop will invest Bishop Dowling with the pyiHnm after a mass. He will then become the archbishop of St Paul. Archbishop-Elect Prepares for New Office. Bishop Ahstin Dowling, named by Pope Benedict to take over the met ropolian diocese of St Paul, which was administered for so long a time by the late Archbishop Ireland, is getting his work in shape preparatory to taking up his residence here, ac- cording to word from Des Moines. Bishop Dowling's activities in Des Moines have covered such a wide field that he will, be kept busy during the short time he will remain there. "I have not' made a single plan for my new work in St: Paul," Bishop Dowling said. "I don't even know what the situation is there. All I can say is that 1 will take up the work as I find it. The ability of Archbishop Ireland was so well known that it needs 110 comment nor praise. It speaks for itself. All we can ex pect' is to keep pushing forward and endeavor to carry out some of that noble prelate's ideas." Bishop Dowling is a modest man. "I will be glad to announce at any time whatever plans may be made," the bishop said, in discussing his new appointment. Bishop Dowling is a man of strong personality. His friends in Des Moines are not confined to his own faith. His great work in civic activi ties has won him the admiration of thousands of Des Moines people. As a scholar he is best known. His work in establishing schools has at tracted attention far and near. He has planned more big things for his church in Des Moines than has been carried on anywhere else in the state. He was consecrated as Bishop of Des Moines, April 25, 1912. SOLDIERS IN TRENCHES DON'T HATE GERMANS (Continued from Page 1.) they gave her some patched clothes as coming from America, and she knew that nobody in America would send such stuff as that. It is hard to have to choose between being just ami be ing good American. I won't tell you what attitude I took, but I'm afraid my dear old lady still thinks she has an argument to prove that the Boches are robbers. "At any rate, the older griefs of these people are for the soldiers who have come through an intense war experience—echoes of 'old, unhappy, far-off things, and battles of long ago.' They judge the German soldier by their own experience and by soldier standards they don't fear him they don't hate him they don't despise him either. They respect him when he puts up a good fight or makes a clean getaway, and -that lias beeu most of the time. When they meet him now the impulse is not to hit him, but to give him a 'tailor-made' cigarette and swap experiences. "If I can judge by the tone of the press the civilian mind has had a quite different set of experiences. You are much more bitter over there. You talk of the 'Huns,' and it is the rarest thing to hear a soldier in a combat division talk of 'Huns'—it is always the 'Boche' or 'Heinie' or sim ly 'the Germans.' Perhaps it is what you have been fed upon perhaps it 4s something that, is fundamentally decent showing itself in a crooked way when some fellow who isn't in damning the Kaiser or bursting the windows of a delicatessen store or teaching his kid to insult some little towhead in school. In France ani mosity was characteristic only of re cruits or warriors of the rear areas who never heard or fired a shot, "It was a fine spirit on the part of our troops, much better than hatred would have been. I cannot see that deep bitterness could have made them bolder. It only would have made them less efficient. And the spirit is admirable in itself. I saw a Ger man airman do a particularly daring bit of wOrl$ and bring down one of our observation balloons in sight of 20,000 soldiers, and I do not think there was a soldier in the bunch that didn't say: 'I hope to God the beggar gets away.' "You can easily understand that now that our fellows have licked them in fair fight on both sides, they are kindly disposed towards them. And you can understand, too, the rea son for the prophecy I have often heard many of our officers make, that the return of the front-line troops will do much to soften the bitterness of American opinion with regard to German conduct of the war, though it will not change American views on the war itself or the need of our get ting into it." Father Duffy, who is one of the great individual heroes of the war, writes from the heart of the Ameri can Army, for he is marching with the Rainbow Diyisldh through Ger many. His letter will serve to en lighten the American people who have been systematically deceived by that element which has fostered the spirit of hatred and has sought to Incite unforgiving bitterness and hostility against the German people. He Is big enough and courageous enough to tell the American people that they have been misled and that the spirit of hatred which is so pronounced at home is unknown at the front the fight manifests his feelings by Theilman, where he remained until his V-'"" Death of Father Zahner —Had Been Paul Father Zahner was assistant priest at' Fairmont, Mffin., for a year, and was pastor at Lismore, Minn., from 1902 to 1905. He was then transferred to Woodstock, where he remained un til 1911. In that year he was appointed to Conception, with the mission of death., POPE ASKS INTERVENTION TO END UKRAINE "TROUBLE. Paris, Jan. 26.—Pope Benedict has requested intervention by Mons. Rat ti, papal delegate at Warsaw, and Archbishop Bilozeskl of Posen and Archbishop Szeppycki of Lemberg, to end the conflict between the Ukrain ians and Polish troops, according to a message received in Paris by the Pol ish national committee. It is said that General Petiura, head of the peasant army of the Ukraine, will send a subsidy of 1,000,000 rubles to the Ukranian troops fighting the Poles in Galicia. The Red Cross mission, sent by the International Red Cross at Geneva, has arrived in Cracow to take care of Russian war prisoners still in Poland. MOOSE HALL. a Student Seminary. at St. Rev. Joseph Zahner, pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church, and St. Joseph's Church, Theilman, Minn., died in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Wab asha, January 23. The cause of death was influenza followed by pneumonia. The funeral was held from St. Felix Church, Wabasha, Friday morning, January 24. In accordance with Father Zalmer's expressed wish, the remains were laid at rest in the lit tle cemetery near the hospital. Father Zahner was born December 1877, at Saukville, Wis. He made his classical studies at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, and St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn. His course in philosophy was completed at the St. Paul Seminary. He studied Winona Priest Succumbs to Influenza theology at St. Meinrad, Ind., for three years. He was ordained at St. Meinrad Seminary June 1, 1901, by Right Rev erend Dennis O'Donoghue, present Bishop of Louisville, Ky„ for the Dio cese of Winona. FRIENDS OF IRISH FREEDOM MEETING MONDAY EVENING FEBIUMY 10th Over Kennedy Bros. Store 326 Nicollet Ave Every Airferican Citizen of Minneapolis who believes that Ireland should be a free nation and take her rightful place among the nations of the world should be present at this meeting and become a member of this organization. Every youngs man and woman. be4hey of Irish blood or not, \(they love America and love liberty, they should join this organization. OUR CATHOLIC GENERALS. Scannell O'Neill, writing in (ho "Catholic Columbian," gives the fol lowing list of Catholic generals in the American army. He does not claim to have exhausted the list but such as it is we thing it will prove distinct ly illuminating: Major General Joseph Theodore "Dickman, Supreme Commander of the Ainericau Army of Occupation in Ger many. Major General Francis J. Kernan, Organizer of Overseas Servico, Chief of Embarkation and member of Su preme War Council. Major General William H. Johnston. Major General Robert Lee Bullard. Major General John E. O'Ryan. Major General Thomas IT. Barry, Commander of the Eastern Depart ment. Major General Samuel Davis Stur gis (whose father, the late Major Gen eral Samuel Davis Sturgis, was a com mander in the Civil War and a devout convert for many years before his death.) Major General James W. McAndrew. Major General Frank Mclntyre, As sistant Chief of Staff, U. S. A. Major General John E. McMahon. Major General Joseph E. Kuhn. Brigadier General Charles A. Doyen, U. S. M. C. (died December, 1918.) Brigadier General John Ryan. Brigadier General Manus McClos key. Brigadier General Hugh A. Drumm, Chief of Staff, A. E. F. Brigadier General O'Neill. Brigadier General Dennis Nolan, Chief of Intelligence, A. E. F. Brigadier General Robert Emmett Callan. Brigadier General James E. Ma honey, U. S. M. C. Brigadier General James A. Ryan. Brigadier General Charles McKln styr, U. S. Engineers. Brigadier General Edwin B. Bab bitt (son of the late General* E. B. Babbitt). Brigadier General William J. Nich olson. Brigadier General Lenihan. Brigadier General Augustine Mc lntyre. Brigadier General Edward T. Don nelly. February Sale of Furniture The more than 4,000 pieces of furniture on our floor, their beauty, their self-evident worth, has aroused many already to buy, and as the merits of the sale keeps growing better known, the sale gathers force. Won't You Act Tomorrow? Every Piece of Furniture on Our Floor 10# to 50# Less POWERS SEND TODAY STANDS HARD WEAR We want you to try a pair of our FAMOUS WORK SHOES. We know you will be delighted. Comfortable and easy bullion styliah lace Bluclier l.n«t. Why pay more lor shoes not so good. Sizes 6 to 12. If you don't find them all you expect, send them right back and we will immediately refund your money. NO. S502 Special Price Delivered Free $3.85 H. R. Brandt Company Minneapolis, Minn. 1 •a Choi Health Hew. Bynon, Pa., August, ltlT. I wa* suffering from nervous breaa luwu kino* 6 month*, had tried dootoi •nt of no avail. I bioama worse am lost my mind completely then I uai mstor Kocnlg'a Nervine and lmprov after 11 botllae I am now In health again. although I did not Saliva, for which I thank the N _Mrs. Pastor Marr Pusa. 3, Bporer of Salem, la., usafl Koenlg's Nervine for nervous* bees, which did her a great deal Of good and made her stronger. Mrs. Frank Wagner of Dexter, Minn, baa a year old daughter who w&a id nervous alnce several mpntha, that shi Often fainted and twisted her moutB and eyes and vomited, but since she took Pastor Koenlr's Nervine has not, been any more In that oondltlon. FREE A Valuable Book on Nsr* voue Dlaeaaee and iBampla bottle to say addrew. Poor p# (taut* al«o (et the medlrtne mi Prepared by Rav. Paths* Kobmml aC PmiWith, lad., aiao* 1876, ead bow bp 0 KOENIG MED. CO, Chicago, ID. f«r 3: ''0: -A .ft* *S i?V