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& (SHf' c-vr. \V/I:*V 'IK' I .($&?• v.-. I pg^^. 1 I '&$•••'•> -i V',.'J:v-, i- •:. |tei|i stl |j| '..0 h. .} W: PtfW. **. liite.' lis®-,., a mm mM'. x.' V' p|®ISto k-'il VI*. -'.'"I" -.. W "Sr EafV pSfc s& U' m-1.& TkJ, 7K 5*£ ,L ^5». WW \':i'-, :,%*r-. t\,": tr,4^ Tvy- Vol. XIV. No. 20 By Thomas F. Nolan (From the pen of an eye witness) Just three years ago, the blood of Irishmen the world over was put a tingling by the news of an' Insurrec tion in Dublin. Many were the com ments then—favorable and otherwise We were too near the eve.nt' to judge It properly. Today we are in a much better position, we can look back through the perspective of the last three years, and in a clearer light and cooler spirit view (he doings of that eventful week. For many the Insur rection was a bolt from the blue, a complete surprise, but it was this for those only who were not in touch with the new Ireland. For those who knew the pulse and temper of the New Ire land the Insurrection was no surprise —it was forced by the logic of events This is not the place to enter into a complete analysis of the causes of the outbreak the causes were many .f:and complex. Briefly we will reduce ~y them to two: remote and proximate. The remote cause is written on every page of seven hundred years of bloody history and is well known by every son of the Gael. The proximate cause was England's show and hypocrisy in regard to the Homo Rule bill which was on the statute book. The leaders of the new movement saw clearly that John E. Redmond was .fooled in re ga«l to that bill, they saw that the yAung nfen beguiled by him into the English army, in thousands, were dy ing in vain, in the dykes of Flanders and on the beaches of Gallipoli, as far as Ireland was concerned—in a word they saw the break down of the con stitutional theory. I am not overlook tag or underestimating the influence', "^of /the literary movement. It was. to this literary qiovement that the lead ers owed their clear vision, their sage judgment, their all but prophetic out look. Personally I think that the Gaelic League had a large share in the insurrection. Don't misunder stand mq^-I will explain. The Gaelic League interested itself in an Irish literary revival in the study of the language and history of Ireland. Here the youth of our generation read the glowing accounts of the past, of pure early saintly Ireland, and then they longed for "the days that were they longed to know off the shackles of a merciless tyrant and breathe once more the free air of liberty, and taste once more the sweet portion of free dom. Then too, they read the lesson of history. It la a fundamental principle that from the same causes the same effects will follow1—granted that all the cir cumstances are the same, the results will be the same. Now the circum stances .were the same as on so many other occasions in Ireland's history, and the results would be the same if the methods adopted were the same. They got tired, of a well-tried constitu tional policy, they got tired of the "wait and see" of Mr. Asquith, of the "wait till after the war" of Lloyd George and they decided to make a dash for liberty confiding in the strong arm and stout heart of the "Irish Vol unteer." Before speaking of the insurrection proper, something must be said of the "Irish Volunteer," and how he came into existence. We must go back a few years previous to the insurrection. Carson and his covenanters swore a mighty oath that they would resist Home Rule to the death. To make good'their oath they prepared to de velop a volunteer force. The "Fan ny" sailed gloriously into the North of Ireland, laden with German rifles, direct from the Krupp factory Strange, she evaded the ever-watchful British Navy on the high seas! An other strange thing these rifles were distributed in Belfast without any in terference from the authorities! They even marched in solemn procession, with the air of men who had achieved something, and all went well. They drilled and organized, and later when the pwage of the Home Rule bill was Imminent they threatened rebellion. The soldiers at the Curragh Camp Kil dare, were ordered against them. Gen eral French, Gough, and several offi cers refused to obey! What was the result? General French was commander-in-chief of the British troops upon the western front, and not succeeding in that position was made head Lieutenant of Ireland, EASTER WEEK IN DUBLIN which Ugh post he is holding at present', a soldier who didn't know how to obey! And, Carson, the rebel was given a seat iir the English cabinet! Young Dublin looked on in wonder. Naturally it said: "What Carson is able to do to prevent Home Rifle, we can do to force it through." And as a consequence the Irish Volunteers were founded by Erin MacNeill. An Irish man: is a born soldier, and in a very short space the organization had as sumed proportions that began to worry England. The gun-running at Howth, which ended in the murder of innocent Dublin citizens by the military, gave a new impetus to the volunteer move ment. Strange again, in the North the authorities convinced at the gun running in Dublin, they ordered1 out the military! Enough to make the blood rise in any lover of fair play. Whilst this organization of the Irisfy Volunteers is perfecting itself, there are other movements afoot in Erin. The Irish Workers organized by Jim Larkin saw the' need of armed force and they too secured rifles and am munition. Then we have the Sinn Fein element, which has given a name to the whole movement. Sinn Fein means "we ourselves" and their policy was essentially a passive one, a policy of let aloneness. Meanwhile the entire Europe was plunged into war. The. Home Rule bill was on the statute book and Ireland generously waited. More than that, her brave noble youth flocked in thous ands and tens of thousands to the standard of liberty—even though it wait helping their greatest enemy. The call of the oppressed was never heard in vain by Erin, t&e wail of Belgium, faithful Catnolid sfster of Erin was heard and answered. The piercing cry of France, ever the friend of Ire land, was heard and answered. Eng land said over and over- again that she was fighting for the freedom of small Nationalities, and the majority in Ireland believed her! For two years we believed her! But, the better edu cated, the leaders of the hew move ments did not believe her. Events were happening under their very eyes some of which I ^iave referred to al ready, which showed them plainly that England was playing the hypocrite, which showed them that "tho' she should wear a thousand masks she is still Albion." Through two weary years of war they watched the trend of events, patiently waiting for Eng land to make good her promises. She failed, as might have been expected, and the elements mentioned already united in a common effort to force her, and we have what is slipping into his tory as the "Insurrection of Easter Week 1916." Easter Monday 1916, Dublin is lead ing her normal life the buzz of busi ness is not heard for it is a back holi day in the old city by the.Liffey. The street cars are filled with holiday, makers automobiles are taking pleas ure seekers to the race meets and sea resorts where in one'joyous afternoon they forget the worry and toil of life. In fact everything speaks of happincfss and joy in peace-loving Dublin. Around born companies of Sinn Feiners are seen coming from headquarters all are armed and fully equipped as if for a day's march. This is not very un usual, they have' been taking these marches quite frequently of late. Peo ple stop and look at them, admire their physique, their light-hearted air, .and manly swing, and then pass on. Sev eral companies come along and then disperse. I was in O'Connell street, and watched the maneuvres of these com panies with keen interest. After some time, all the companies but one had disappeared from O'Connell streec. Tills one led -by Sergeant O'Connolly marched ufc the center of the' street and wheeled at the general postofBce O'Connolly entered at the head of his men and thundered forth, "we take charge of the postoflice in the name of the Irish Republic." In a short time all was in their hands—the mili tary on duty surrendered, seeing that resistance was useless but few shots were fired. I realized then that this was no rehearsal and that these gar fellows ipeant business. Reports and news spread' like wildfire. The other companies had taken all the points of vantage around the city, and In half an hour the flag of the Irish Kepub- fSSiit^ j,' LAMr»%iaL' Tuesday morning people rose early, all expectant. Nothing had occurred during the night the Sinn Feiners were allowed the peaceful possession of their own city and all was going well. They had worked hard during the night, and they looked it never theless there was an air of proud con fidence, almost defiance, in the bearing of these young soldiers of Erin—they were worthy of the noble cause. Busi ness was of course, at a standstill, and the average Dubliner settled down to $7^ »w Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday, April 19, 1919 4] lie—the green, white and gold—was courting the breezes of heaven from (he highest turrets of the highest gov ernment buildings in Dublin. The proclamation of the Irish Republic was posted up all over the city and we breathed the free air of liberty whil'e it lasted. Things were done in a very business like fashion communi cation with England was cut off, rail way terminals seized, food stored up and all preparations made for the ever expected attack. Where were the British military authorities all this time? Enjoying themselves at the horse races outside the city, whilst others were fighting for them in Flanders! They were caught napping. The Sinn Feiners worked hard all Monday evening, blowing up bridges, wrecking the railroad lines, throwing up barricades in a word -making strong their position. There is an ironical touch about all this, the bit ter irony of fate, after all, is not? this their own city of Dublin? Why dp they have to prepare thus to hold itt, •itf flHSre some-highway rtbber to take from them whkt IS their own by every right under heaven? Towards evening they were well entrenched be hind their barricades and their Cor don, drawn completely around the city and supported by sharpshooters at' vantage points, looked like a stern re sistance and once completed, no one was allowed to pass through without a passport from the Irish Republic. Latfe in the evening the British mili tary authorities, returning from their day's sport, were much chagrined to be prevented from reaching their com fortable rooms in a luxurious hotel. It was amusing to see them being or dered to turn their own automobiles upside down to help to strengthen the barricades. The poor fellows had to seek quarters for the night outside the city! And where would they receive a welcome? This was Erin's first day of the new Republic. We retired to rest, not knowing what the morrow would bring. (f)A Messrs. Baxter, McPartlin, Gleason, McGrath, McLaughlin, Welch, Leonard, et al, offered the following resolution: Whereas, it is the sense of the people of Americk that the inhab itants of, Ireland should, under the principle of the self-determina tion of small nations, be free to assume among the nations of the earth the equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitled them and that their efforts for freedom and independ ence be recognized and their hopes in this direction realized Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the House of Representatives of the State of MinnesQta, does hereby proclaim its sympathy in the aspirations of Iceland, and does hereby call tipon those in authority in this nation, representative of this government at the Peace Con ference, to use every effort to bring about the freedom of Ireland and its recognition as a nation among the nations of the earth and that it hp given full power and authority to accomplish its long cherisheo. idesire to become a republic, modeled upon that of its friend aiia constant refuge for its persecuted people, the United States of America. Be ItVFurtherv Resolved, That copies of this resolution be for warded byffte Chief Clerk to the President of the United States and to the members in Congress from this state. Mr. Baxter moved the adoption of the resolution.^ if' Which motion prevailed. .. ^v:- 't'i Ji llnnilT lETfNEK, enjoy his enforced hoftbay. From the time that' the Sinn Feiners took the city a policeman could not be seen. The wily authorities took him off thfc streets only to put him on duty again in civilian garb. In this way the au thorities received some information. People spoke more freely when the embodiment of the law was not to b» seen. One heard strange things dur ing these early days. The consensu of opinion seemed to be that the out break was foolish and would end in a failure. Such remarks as these might be heard: "What' can these fellows do if the authorities just leave them alone—they will get tired waiting, an starve." "These fellows will cool oif when they feel the pinch of hunger." But the British authorities evidently thought differently they didn't give them time to starve. Very soon England began to realize that there was something amiss in the sister isle. No communication of any kind during twenty-four hours' What can be the matter? Surely we are not being stabbed in the back! A gun boat in the Liffey on Tuesday evening told us that England had not forgotten us the expected was near at hand. The Sinn Feiners had been unable to take charge of the Kings bridge Railway terminal—tHey had not a sufficiency of men.. They trusted to For IrelancPs Freedom t.«JV their comrades in Naas, a town six teen miles down the line, to blow up the road there, so as to prevent the possibility of troops getting into the city. The Sinn Feiners at Naas were over powered by the military and police— they failed and the city lay open on this side. Dublin at this time, had an army of occupation of about twelve thousand men. On Tuesday evening they were ordered out. A regiment of Lancers were first sent out to re connoi(er, but Sinn Fein bullets could see further than they, and they were forced to retire. At about 5 p. m. on Tuesday evening the general advance on the city was commenced. I watched, this advance along the north Bide of the city I will describe what I saw there. The mode of attack was simi lar at other points. The soldiers ad vanced, armed to the teeth, in com panies of about one hundred and fifty, there were four companies of this kind to take the bridge that was held by j^feput fifteen stout hearted $inu!'Feln erir.' between the flrpt' and se«cmd' company, came artillery, heavy can non, and wagon loads of ainrfvunition. The artillerymen opened heavy fire on the barricade and. the first company rushed, up. The English soldiers seemed to think that the Sinn Feiners would not stay behind tjiat barricade, but they did, and opened lire on the advancing company. Men fell the Red Cross ambulance was busy, and we realized, for the first time, that we were in the inidst of open war. After desperate fighting the bridge was taken, and the young soldiere of Erin fell back on their second de fense, disputing every inch of the ground sharp-shooters from the houses on either side made the ad vance of the English hazardous and expensive. Similar attacks were made at the different points of entrance to the city some of these were carried, but always with heavy loss others re mained in the hands of the insurgents. "All day long the noise of battle rolled" and the zip zip of rifle and the cackle of machine gun counted the weary moments through the live long night. We were nq( yet accustomed to war—we could not sleep. In the daily rifle practice and man euvers of the militatry I had been hearing these same sounds, but they never affected me as now. Lying awake on that first night of battle these sounds had a new significance. I realized then, with a sort of creepy feeling, that they were sounding the death knell of the brave. And yet there was a feeling of exultation,— Ireland was proving true to her his tory her sons were dying in the sa cred cause of liberty. Wednesday morning there was a lull in the fighting, or elBe we were growing accustomed to war. The im provident were beginning to feel the effects of two days' vacation. One might see respectable old gentlemen smile all over when they had secured a loaf of bread. Why, in those days, men carried milk jugs who had never before carried anything but a walking stick. The pantry supply was running low and things lookpd serious. It is remarkable how we can become friendly when in distress. Men who moved in different circles of society spoke to each other as brothers, the first bashfulness once lifted they quick ly exchanged confidences. The zip zip of the rifles continued but we did not seem to heed. Dublin was acting as if war was its normal lite. Late on Wednesday there was an important piece of news: General John Max well,—oh, ye brave! ye dead!—was ap pointed commander-in-chief of the British forces. Troops began to pour (Continued on Page 8.) (cort N Sv-/ s-SOflSV 5c the Copy National President's SPIRITED LETTER FROM MRS. MARY McWHORTER, NATIONAL PRESIDENT OF LADIES AUX ILIARY, A. O. H. Chicago, 111., April .11, 1919.- Editor, The Irish Standard,- /||I Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Please accept my sincere^® thanks for the many nice complimemh^f|j! you paid me in an editorial appeariug||S' in your great paper a couple of weeks^|' ago. I trust 1 have' deserved them.:||||| I am sure of one thing at least and that is, I have tried to do my duty by my kin in Ireland, I have defended.).^? them from the charges made against' them by British propagandist's in the A*® columns of an American subsidized press during a time when to do so meant that one was open to the charge.'*^ of treason toward America. Your own great paper was a valu- able aid during that trying time and no doubt at a great pecuniary loss for1 the stand you took on the s$tf IriBh Ques- tlon must have lost you considerable advertising and all that, still you nev er faltered. I trust that Irish America will prove grateful to you for the great service you have rendered Ireland,^ and, that this grSflTHfHf will take tho$|S form of a large increase in the circula-^¥f, tion department. Hibernian Progress in Minnesota. I have followed with pride the pro gress which the Ancient Order ot Hi-„ bernians and its Indies' Auxflfary^O have made, and are now making in the'$| great state of Minnesota. Nj&n the La-I^" dies' Auxiliary department', which 1 am God will continue to bless their efforts in the future bb He has In the past. .With* Iter*- was tjte je**IWvt w^rk. of V ladleB undfev the inspiring lead^rslitp of that great and patriotic organizer, Mrs. Mary B. Daley, the state presf-, dent, for the two years ending July 1918, and they have now started an other campaign for membership. I am sure when they could make such a wonderful gain in membership dur ing the war, and at a time when the Irish question was anything but popu lar, what will they not do now when there is such a revival of the Irish spir- vi 1, it all over the land. Through the. columns of your great paper I wish to thank Mrs. Daley, the state president, S the energetic county presidents like Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Murphy, and Mrs. /, Conroy, the members of the state and -j! county boards/ the division president?, and every member of the Hibernian '||f|| Auxiliary in your great state for the splendid manner In which they have cooperated with me for the honor and "felory of the Hibernian cause, which) y/' Is also the cause of Ireland. I hope I am sure, yourself and the mem bers of the A. O. H. and L. A. In Min nesota will be glad to know that pros pects were never brighter for the two Mm orders than they are at present. I have Just returned from an extended j?f" trip through the East and it was my pleasure to speak In crowded halls and ^j|| theatres on an average of four nights #|4|| a week. It has been recognized that i|§|| the old Ancient Order was the society that stood iir the breach in the past for Ireland's cause and hence it is the society.that will live in the future., The Irish History Crusade, The Iribh History Crusade carried 'Mp on by the two societies for the past ten years is now recognized as the one thing above all others that saved the Irish race in America from almost total oblivion, and certainly the small amount of money which the A. O. H. and the L. A. have spent on this move 1 ment, is the very best investment they have made. I During my three years as National President of the L. A. in visiting HI bernlan centers all over the country, It has been my first care to visit the schools and academies for the purpose of speaking on the subject of IrU(r| history to the advanced pupils, and' during the hearing of the Gallagher bill in -the House of Represent last December, I had the pleasure ofM addressing the students of Km a Trlnltjrif college on the invitation of Slsterlto^) ence Louise the secretary of the lege, who asked me to tell the st the reason why conscrlption was r»-| slsted last year in Ireland. I wtth Mfe* Editor yon could havo been with (Continued tin Page J,)