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I fe-'i:.:- y-'. w* %V jt^a A} %h'' iwyw jyp'.iiik ^"JKVV .• •r* j. Saturday, June 7 1919 MARY AGNES PEPPER IIESII THIS CITY Member of "Pan-Hibernian" Family Passes to Her Reward. The death of Mary Agnes Pepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pep per of No. 3124 Blaisdell avenue, took place at the family residence, on Wednesday morning, May 28. She was 25 years of age, and was a young wom an of kindly and endearing disposition, whose death is sincerely mourned by all her acquaintances. She was a prominent' member of Division No. 1 of L. A. A. O. H. and was a member of the "Pan Hibernian" family, men tion of which was made in the Stan dard about a year ago, as holding the unique distinction of entire Hibernian membership. At that time a picture of the family group was presented which attracted notice throughout the coun try, since it is believed that this rec ord of Hibernian membership is unsur passed. The funeral took place at the church of the Incarnation on Saturday morn ing, a High Mass of Requiem being celebrated. Interment was made at Calvary cemetery, St. Paul. Besides the parents, three brothers and two sisters survive, William, Thomas, Francis, Catherine and Mrs. Bert Lee. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MEETING. The Particular Council of Minne apolis Society of St. Vincent de Paul Society, will meet at 3:30 p. m. Sun day, June S, at St. Charles Mission, 410 Cedar Ave. All conferences are requested to be present. SETOR CHILD'S BID6ET I OF ACTIVITIES An important meeting of all the girls who are in the Pageant is called for Monday evening at 6:30 in the Guild rooms. The speaking parts will be assigned by Mr. Holt, of the Minne apolis School of Music, and practice will begin immediately. The Choral Club, under the direction of J. Austin Williams, will meet at that' time for practice too. Dinner will be served in the Cafeteria rooms at 6:30 to ac commodate the girls who wish to stay down town. Robin Hood Singers. In the Robin Hood Episode, the leading roles will be sung by Irene Walsh Kennedy, Louis Klobba and Raymond McCloskey. Other members of the chorus will be: Mabel Doyle, Viola Kallberg, Helen Carey, Florence Benson, Irene Baker, Elizabeth Bacon, Irene Crriveau, Hen rietta Danlake, Aurelia Fortin, Blanche Gilpin, Susan Huston, Nora Larson, Lillian Nyquist, Vina Nadeau, Eljie Reichart, Grace Shannon, Esther Strom, Anne Walsh, Rose Wyrzkow ski, Laura Bachmann, Margaret Cory, Carrie Colombe, Sophie David Kath leen Fitzgerald, Mabel Gray, Ruth Green, Kathleen Harlow, Edna John son, Ildaphonse Kiesner, Mayme Madi gan, Lola Swenson, May Turnquist, Mabel Uhey, Mary Roney, Minnie Weltz, Bertha Witte, Hattie Wright, Marjorie White, Edith Sauer, Rose Shannon, Catherine Barber, Hazel Clark, -Angie Mallet, Mary Archer, Blanche Carroll, Vivian Fitzsimmons, Jessie Hall, Cecelia Weidlich, Manilla Anderson, Rose Herdlick, Maude Mac Murray, Harriet MacMurr, Minnie Blakesdell, Leona Carrig, Loretta Shea. Dance at West Side Commercial Club. A dancing party is to be given by the members of the Guild in the West Side Commercial Club Tuesday eve ning for members and their friends. The Seton Juniors archiving a re cital on June 13th in the Woman's Fortify Your System Against Diseases Father Mollinger's Herb Tablets When taken at night they induce sleep, make pure blood, cleanse the or gans, tone up the stomach, promote digestion, give lustre to the eyes and clarity the complexion. Father. Mollinger's Herb Tablets .4 a through o'u the United States and by our., soldiers overseas with al most miraculous re sults. The HERB TABLETS are not "patent" medicine but' a prescription composed of pure vegetable ingredients, compounded by a priest-physician Who dedicated his life to God and to suffering and afflicted humanity. ff Send $1.00 today for 125 tablets which 2. will supply a vWhen teM family for six months, Trial size 25 tablets 25c. Catalog describing 36 Mollinger pre scriptions mailed upon request. Mollinger Medicine Co. 108 JHollinger Building t? 14 EAST PARK WAY (N. 8.) PITTSBURGH, PA. tV writing mention this paper. £Ai $K"3S^ Christian Association Club, 1S94 First Ave. S. Miss Mary Burns has charge of the recital. The dances to appear on the program are: Trallen, Sailor's Hornpipe. Irish Jig. Cinderella. High land Schottische, Glow Worm. Reap the Flax. Norwegian Mountain Dance, Spanish Dance and Crowning the May Queen. The second dancing party at Seton Club will be Saturday evening in the large living room. Mr. Aron McCar- 1— ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CON TRIBUTIONS IN AID OF FRENCH The Superior Council of St Vinfcent de Paul Society in France has issued received the following for the fund: Rev. A. Millett Notre conference St. Stephens conference Particular Council, Minneapolis Incarnation conference Holy Rosary conference St. Elizabeth's conference .... St. Bridget's conference Pro. Cathedral conference .... C. A. Lapeire J. M. Gleason H. N. Schenno -Miss Minnie Quinn, Springfield, Minn Miss Mary Chute /...... Miss Bessie'Chute Miss Agnes Chute of Mr. James Devlin a merchant of Pen dleton and a brother of Fire Chief Devlin, of St. Paul, who was an inti mate friend of Mr. Kelly, accompanied the remains" to St. Paul. Mr. Kelly came from Ireland about 40 years ago and' had resided near Pendleton for 37 years. He was devoutly attached to the Catholic faith, and took a lively interest in the parish activities. Three sisters survive him, Mrs. J. B. Pewters and Mrs. Susan Murphy of St. Paul, and Mrs. Thomas J. Magee of Dubuque, la. COMMENCEMENT AT ST. CATHERINE COLLEGE Tw.enty-seven Graduates in Class of '19—Address by Rev. John Dumphy —Baccalaureate Sermon by Rev. John Seliskar. The Fifteenth Annual Commence ment Exercises of Derham Hall High School of the College of St. Catherine were held Tuesday morning, June 3, at 10 o'clock, in the Jeanne d'Arc Au ditorium. The class of twenty-seven young women marched in to the strains of Chauvet's Processional: "March Religiona." A chorus of over one hundred voices, with Professor Leo pold Bruenner directing and Professor George A. Thornton at the organ opened the program with two songs The address by the Reverend John STSL2" IT ,Co!!eK at. Thomas, was an inspiration to thnaa ion 4.Banner, Irl™ ivf J61* gram. The members of the clasr passed from the stage while Omart' Recessional, Festival March, played., Song Recital cent J. Dowling of St. Paul gave song recital at the College of St. Cath erine, Monday evening, ^une 2, at of the program was mann, prestidigitator. The Reverend John Seliskar, of the St. Paul Seminary, delivered the bac calaureate sermon in the chapel of Derham Hall High School, Sunday evening, June i, at 7:30 o'clock, pj, U", a stirring call to the United States for jagher, Bishop of Detroit and a vice funds to help the work of rehabilita president tion of that sadly devastated country. Freedom. "All our ideals, including the four- Responses to the appeal are being made by the several conferences and teen'poiu'ts, have been abandoned, by many individuals co-operating^with what the soldiers won on the field them, wherever the society is organ- 0f ized. J. M. Gleason, treasurer of the Conference. The result has been apt Particular Council of Minneapolis has iy, if inelegantly, summed up by the man who said recently. Lloyd George brought home the bacon and Wilson the squeal.' "Under the present plan our. hands are tied, our feet are dragged down to the level of European diplomacy with all its intrigues and treachery. contributions Dame $130.00 55.00 45.00 50.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 MICHAEL KELLY, OF PENDLETON, ORE., BURIED AT ST. PAUL. Michael Kelly, formerly a resident St. Paul, died at his home near Pendleton, Ore., on Sunday, May 25. The remains were taken to St. Paul on Thursday and interment was made at Calvary cemetery. A Requiem Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral by Father Morgan, who took occasion to pay a high tribute to the life and char acter of the deceased. lz aiT °f,edUr- wnr„« th °WlnS vV-" 'V*-1 BISHOP GALLAGIER SCORES LEAGRE "Ties America to Imperialism of Eng land and Japan," Says Beloved Shepherd of Detroit. "The League of Nations as it now stands is the greatest blow struck at democracy in centuries. It ties Amer- «%IVU «UVVM* *•%. MVU AUIV* tin will furnish the music. Rev. Fa- 'ca band and foot to the imperialism ther Jaeger will speak to those who are at the club on Sunday afternoon of'England and Japan. Our voice is stilled our mouth muz^ed we be come the imperialized tool of England. The bird of freedom is pinioned, on the one side by England, on the other by Japan." This*was the statement made pub licly by the Rt. Rev. Michael J. Gal livV Alia HC\ Ji IVUttCl of the Friends He continued: HIERARCHY OF OREGON PROVINCE PLEADS FOR JUSTICE TO IRELAND Portland, Ore.—The Archbishops and Bishops of the ecclesiastical prov ince of Oregon who were recently in Portland have sent the following tel egram to all the United States Sena tors of the northwestern states: The undersigned Archbishop and Bishops of the province of Oregon City, comprising the state of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, ap peal to you to urge a guarantee of self-determination for Ireland before the ratification of the league of na tions' covenant by tile, United States Senate. A. CHRISTIE, Archbishop of Oregon City. EDWARD J. O'DEA, Bishop of Seat tle. JOHN P. CARROLL, Bishop of Hel ena. MATTHIAS C. LENIHAN, Bishop of Great Fails. DANIEL F. GORMAN, Bishop of Boise. JOSEPH F. McGRATH, Bishop of Ba ker City. "A league of nations which leaves Ireland in chains is a monstrous in justice and a denial of every princi ple for which America fought in the great war," said Archbishop Christie, who comes of did American Revolu tionary stock, in discussing the ques tion. "Peace with justice his been the watchword on our lips throughout whlle ZZZZ* EXZSS can we tice keep words, Father Dumphy pointed out joint of bayonet?" that education, in its truest sense, is not fully attained when there is a "sound mind in a sound body," but that there must be a moral growth as well. Two choral numbers and The Star Spangled in which all PRIESTS The P. PTO" Wh,ch while Mrs. John L. Whltaker and Mr. Vin- The old palace of Bishop King has snt J. Dowling of St. Paul gave a been secured. Thin pfon/la In CI 4- A1 clock.. In Mrs. Whitaker's delight- root, which covers premises now di ful group Tschaikowsky's Aria— vided into dwelling houses and shops Jeanne d'Arc and Horeman's Bird of A chapel Is to be built on the site of the Wilderness were particularly the old stables in the rear of the prem- 'Tricks and Talk," by Mr. Al. Schnee- wellian colonel after the Bishop's death. ¥r Pit in the words of those who P^fessing to be lovers of jus- Ireland in subjection at the WILL BE TRAINED AT OXFORD. London, May 12,1919. new settlement of Oxford, of Msgr- The members of the class verted clergyman, is in charge, is an TOiri thft at a va whila nmart'a arts important venture. It consists of a was seminary for priests, who will con tinue their studies for the priesthood Stapleton Barnes, a con- following the university courses. been secured. This stands in St. Al date's and was built in 1543, the arms 8 of the. Bishop appearing on the fine Mr. ises, but for the present Mass is said Dowling were accompanied by Mrs. in the great hall. The property has Frank L. Hoffman. A unique feature come back to the Church after many the nuihber, vicissitudes, being given to a Crom- FOX & LONG (Undertakers ther Seliskar, with characteristic ear-: Directors neatness, dwelt upon the great neces- c.-fu. kt t? slty and advantages of a truly Chris-' 13 tian education. -N. 160^ A 41073 and Funeral St^ N« E« jggg I E I I S S A N A of Irish battle Wilson has lost at the Peace The war was fought to make the world safe for democracy. Instead, it is making it safe for imperialism. "The English Parliament is up in arms at the very suggestion that Amer ica retain the enemy ships interned in our ports. It is not the freedom of the seas, but the freedom of the dominant partner that England wants. "Under the league plan, might re mains right, and might makes right. If justice prevailed, Ireland would be given her freedom, government by force would be abandoned. Germany is out of consideration as a war menace for fifty years. The danger which America faces is war with England and Japan. America should not be tied to either power, if it is to maintain its independence, and be in a position to side with liberty and jus tice anywhere in the world." BROTHER RARILLY IS RELEASE! Had Been Held at EIHs Island on Complaint of English Officers. The Rev. Thomas A. Rahilly, su perior-General of the Presentation Order, with headquarters in Cork, Ireland, and branches throughout the United States and Canada, was re leased on May 19 from Ellis Island, where he had been detained for sev eral days on charges of having criti cized the British Government. The release was brought about on orders from Immigration Commis sioner General Caminetti after a hur ried conference with Vice President Marshall, before whom the facts in the case had been laid by Assistant District Attorney Alfred Talley and Dock Commissioner Murray Hulbert. The Rev. Fattier Rahilly was pa roled in the custody of Mr. Hulbert, pending action by the Canadian offi cials at Ottawa. Mr. Hulbert trans ferred the care of the reverend pris oner to Alfred W. McCann, who de livered him to the Carmelite Fathers, 33S East Twenty-ninth street. New "Vjork. where he will be held subject to the final disposition of his case. ALL THE YEAR FAMILY MEDICINE If you are losing weight, are thin, pale and run down—you are in danger. Father John's Medicine will build new flesh and strength for you. It is an all-the-year-round tonic flesh-builder and people gain steadily while taking fl»i» wholesome food medicine. If you want to gain weight begin taking Father John's Medicine right now. It is safe for children, too, be cause it does not contain alcohol. Begin taking it today and see how you gain in weight and health. It is guaranteed free from alcohol or dan gerous drugs in any form. No. 19504. Order for Hearing Final Aceonnt and l'etltlon for Distribution. State of Minnesota, County of Henne pin. In Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Martha Fraser Bloms, decedent. On receiving and filing the final ac count of the administrator of the estate of decedent, and his petition pray ing for the allowance of said account and for a decree assigning the residue i' x,s 4 esfate ln to the persons by law en titled to the same It is ordered, That all persons inter ested in said estate appear before said Probate Court on Monday, the 23rd day of June, 1919, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, at the Probate Court in the Court House at Minneapolis, in said county, then ana there to show cause, if any there be, why said account should not be allowed and said estate should not he distributed as prayed for in said oe tition. .And It Is further ordered, That no tice of such hearing be given by pub lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks, prior to said daiy of hearing in the Irish Standard, a newspaper printed and published in said county, and by mailing a copy of fh'a order to all the heirs-at-law of said decedent when their address is known or can be ascertained by due diligence, at least fourteen (14) days before the date of said hearing, unless notice is waived. Dated at Minneapolis, this 27th day of May, 1919. By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL,. __ Judge of the Probate Court. Majy 31, June 7-14. Order to Skow Cause oa Filing Petition to Sell Lands. No. 15641. State of Minnesota, County of Henne pin. Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter McCormick, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of the administrator of the estate of said deceased, praying that license be to him granted to sell certain of the real estate of which said deceased died seized, and it appearing by said petition that there is not sufficient personal estate in the hands of said administrator to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased and the expenses of administration, and that It Is necessary In order to pay such debts and expenses, and would be for the benefit of said estate to sell the said real estate in said petition described. It is therefore ordered, That all per sons interested in said estate appear before the said Probate Court at a special term thereof to be held on Mon day the 16th day of June, A. D. 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Court House, in the City of Minneapolis, in said County, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted to said admin istrator to sell said real estate, accord ing to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, That no tice of such hearing be given to all persons interested In said estate, by publishing this order once each week for three successive weeks, prior to said day*f hearing. In the Irish Stand ard, a newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated at Minneapolis this 21st day of May, 1919. By the Court: JOHN JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court. J. McHALE, May 24-31-June 7. pd- 'r No. 2129S Order for Hearing Flul Aecaut Petttloa for DUtrthntloa. State of Minnesota. County of Henne pin. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Matie A. Sweeney, Decedent. On receiving and filing the final ac count of the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of said decedent, and his petition praying for the allowance of said account and for a decree assigning the residue of said estate to the persons by law entitled to the same It Is Ordered, That all persons inter .. ,Jn.sai1 estate appear before the said Probate Court on Monday, the 30th day of June. 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Probate Court in the Court House at Minneapolis, in said County, then and there to show cause, there be. why said account should not be allowed and said estate should not be distributed as praved for said petition. And It Is Further Ordered. That no tice of such hearing be given bv pub lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks" prior to said day of hearing, in the Irish Standard, a newspaper printed and published in said County. Hated at Minneapolis, this 3rd dav of June. 1919. By tlie Court: JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court. Notice is hereby given that default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made, executed and delivered by Henry L. Lamm and Ella J1*8 as Book 999 and page 91 of Mortgages. hereas, there is now claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date here the sum of ($1,054.33) One Thousand Fifty-four Dollars and Thlrtv-three Cents. Now, therefore, notice is hereby giv en, that the premises described in said mortgage, as all that tract or parcel or land, lying and being in the County of Hennepin, and State of Minnesota, to-wit: Lot Eight (8), Auditor's Sub division No. 12 of Block One (1), Pos ter Addition to Minneapolis, according th® Plat now on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, in and for said County and State, will be sold by the Sheriff in said County, under the power of sale contained in said mortgage, in the main office of the Sheriff, in the Court House, in Minne apolis, in said County and State, on Monday, the ninth day of June, -919, at 10 A. M., to the highest bidder for cash, and the said mortgage will be hereby foreclosed to pay the amount due at the date of said sale, together with the expense of foreclosure, and the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50) as at torney's fees, according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Dated this 26th day of March. 1919. MORTGAGE REDEMPTION COMPANY OP AMERICA. By JOHN S. MORRISON. B. W. PLACE. President. Attorney for Mortgagee, 645 Plymouth Building, Minneapolis, Minn. April 26, May 3-10-17-24-31, June 7. $.• v» NEW RTHMOU WAtS re,to TheWirthmor Plan—The Wirthmor Stores and Wirthmor Waists The WIRTHMOR PLAN is a superior, economy-effect ing way of Blouse making and Blouse selling The WIRTH MOR STORES are the progressive stores in several hundied cities throughout the Country who have adopted the Wirth mor Plan and WIRTHMOR WAISTS are the product that results from the'co-operation of this vast chain of Stores with America's largest Blouse Manufacturer. —aIways have the utmost confidence in the name W1K1HMOR, as you can have the utmost confidence in the stores wherein these Waists are sold. Only because of our give you the Four charmingly youthful models as illus trated have just arrived. Two are with round necks one of these of fine checked organdie, the other of voile with dainty embroidered front a third, square neck model is effective *y trimmed on collar and cuffs with plaited riflfle of colored Crepe a fourth is of Batiste with collar, deep cuffs and front panel of fine ttriped Organdie. Your Choice at Just $1.50 WELWORTH BLOUSES are like the Wirth mor, the product of the WIRTHMOR PLAN, and are only obtainable in the WIRTHMOR STORES. Price $2.50. POWERS THE COLLEGE OF ST. CATHERINE A STANDARD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN ijns. +. °rer of ir mortgagors, to Elizabeth Russell, as mortgagee, which said mortgage bears the date of No vember 12th, 1915, and was dulv re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds In and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, on the twelfth dav of No vember. A. D. 1915. at 4:30 "P. M. in r,., page 34 and whereas, the said Elizabeth Russell, mortgagee, duly assigned said mortgage and note to the Mortgage Redemption Company of America, a corporation, by written as signment dated January 16th, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Hen I nepin, Minnesota, on the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1919, at 2:30 DERHAM HALL •, A COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Address: The Office of the Dean1 sg Houriag Deaeeat of of Mn'Wsgota, County of Henna- Pin.—88. in Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of James McGeary, Decedent. ,„Jhe Petition of Belle McGeary. hav- a a court, representing among other thinga St p»»1 McG«ary. who died at 'm! the County- of Ramsey, xr^- °v Minnesota, on the 16th day of iMioru 19H. seized of an estate of in cfrtaln in 6'"Jterest lands in the SVi Hennepin and State of Minne Miit' sald Petition, and that said petitioner has an interest in Bald tSfSL8, th&t more than five years have elapsed since the death of said McGeary, decedent, and that no Jli1' *!fs been probated, and administra Ei°i2 b«Le,1 fhtatae graPted or had. of State, and prolini descent of said lands and of of said petitioner therein be £0"rt determined and said landa ?uc£ Pepsons as may be entitled thereto by law. *3 J®, o/dered. That all persons In terested in said estate appear before Probate Court, on Monday, the Jn June, 1919, at ten clock 511 »!lf £?re"°on. at the Probate Court, said Pmmtv House at Minneapolis, in saia County, then and there to show any there be, why said estate said petition tribUted aS prayed for further ordered. That no- ii£hin£ IV? hearing be given by pub £hine,. hls er once each week for successive weeks, prior to said 2 hearing in the Irish Standard, taid counfyr prlnted and of'jjlyf 1919MInneaP°liS Published in thls 19th day By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL. BELLE MCGEARY1"6 May^24 ^31 -Vune 7^" Probate Court St PaUl No. 21527. Order for CredltorM to PreNent Claim*. S,pln. %robSte&CoSWP°Unty °f In th Henne' matter of the estate of Alexan der 1J. Klimislun. Deceased. Letters of administration on the es tate of Alexander P. Klimishin. de ceased late of the county of Hennepin ind state of Minnesota, being granted to state- K,lm,shln said county and It is ordered. That six months be and the same is hereby allowed from and after the date of this order, in which all persons having claims or demands the sail1 deceased are required to file the same in the Probate Court of siiul county of Hennepin for examina tion unii allowance, or be forever barred. It is fuYther ordered. That the first Monday in December, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at a general term of said Probate court, to no held at the court house in the city of Minneapolis, in said county, be and the same is hereby appointed as the time and place when and where the said Probate Court will examine and ad just said cliiims and demands. And it is further ordered. That no tice of such hearing be given to all creditors and persons Interested in said estate by forthwith publishing this or der once in each week, for three suc cessive weeks, in the Irish Standard, a newspaper printed and published In said county. Dated at Minneapolis, this 14th dav of May, 1919. By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL. Judge of Probate. May 31, June 7-14. KNOW1.* and RECOGNIZED Hifel do we have the exclusive sale of these \teists and -commend them so highly. ^1