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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
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Page Four JOB TVaSWPJTSK. - S L'3 New ; -j ing to n Portable ( -> O:;!y 10c a dayl ■* • •*> - ' < ?»v »v ?'•' "S' \v-.’v-4-I?*'v ■ y C>n!y t .k< buy? this ltre»t mcxld auchinc. Noi a u<-d or ret Alt typewriter. Net tn tn nm [Jete >:.«hw. A bi-nd «?«u> regulation RctDing ton jx,. 'at • Stt:.«Urd 4-row keyboard; standard wim.-i cerroge; ' :-rsin release oa keyboard ;btik '■ ' <■•:: 'ut< c:*«k ribbed reverse; every essential t. ■■ .<• : B-.d m standard typewriters. Carrytnf C". a-ST&eehotDe-cypewrtting course. ) - .absolutely the bi&gest typewrite* vjite cier utured! Warning! Don’t take the wrong package When you ask for Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations—be sure you get them. Don’t let the clerk hand you the wrong package. Hundreds of people have been deceived—just because they failed to say Dr. FRED Palmer’s. The original Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations have proven their merit and when you buy them, you know you are getting the best. Insist on Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Preparations— AND TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. e Ask for and get Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER PREPARATIONS from your druggist ▲ trnuoM trial aampla of ths Skla WhitaM*. Boap and Faee Powdar sent for 4a la aUatpa. Addrasa, Dr. Fred Palmer'a LaboratorUa, Dept. 21, Atlanta, Ga. DEFECTIVE PAGE Posters 22x30 any color per 100 $6.25 Hand Bill 9x12 assorrted colors 500 2.50 “ “ 6x9 ” ” \ 500 2.00 Business Cards 500 $1.75 1000 2.50 Letter Heads 8 '< 11 Sulphite Be nd 500 2.50 Envelopes No* 6’s Commerci.' 2.50 Advertisings Program 8-pages c implete 12.00 Advertising Program 16 ” ” 18.50 Special Ladies Personal Statinery in strong New Cabinets with monogram printed on paper and envelopes, an ideal gift 100 sheets 50 envelopes (printed) Perry Printing TWIN CITY HERALD 248 4th Avenue South PRINTING Call Atlantic 8638 Publishers of iwffXHn qjnpJxT|S CASH LOANS i * Made in a few minutes To any one steadily employed LOW RATES Lincoln Finance Co. 294 Endicott Bldg 2nd Floor Robert Street Entrance St aul Minn, rac; > Tin Isiwfiiisi IN TINS LOAVES ■r TWIN CITY HERALD Company the Minneapolis &mucuj $3.00 Where to attend |- Church Sunday J St. James A. M, E. WMfeh bile and Central Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning service 11:00 a. ftl Christian Endeavef* <8:30 p. m. Evening service 7:45 p. m. W. E. Guy, Pastor DAle 0596 Border Methodist Episcopal Church 4th Ave. and Aldrich Ave. N. Sunday school 9:30 a. ttt. Morning service 11$) a. m. EpWtMh 4-tdgue 6:45 p. m. Ervhtftg service 8:00 p. m. Damon P. Young Pastor CHerry 9978 8L n T re E h iSMpa ' Tbe Power H «»» Cor. sth Ave. S. and Lake St. | | CHURCH OP GOD IN 10:00 a. m. Church school. | 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and CHRIST ’T$%. m. Young People's Feb tW K ”liX ft. Holy eommuMon on MINNEAPOLIS fgt Bundays. Elder P. L. Pastor RgVi Jo Ha Thompson 4 re weicomr* Rector FrBE Swcrefs MWfSnes You Need of the Natural and Supernatural laid bare before your very eyes. Ex plained bo that even a child can under stand. You need this priceless knowledge —this Wisdom which is the root of al) Power. Regardless of your condition, It can be mastered. There is no heart So dark that light cannot be brought irito it. Complete information free. SEND NO MONEY. i RAMA CtEDOU 143 West 143 d Street Dept. 24, NtW York City Wayman A. M. E. Church 537 James Ave. N. I Sunday school 9:30 a. nt. Morning service 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:45 p. m. C. H. Copeland, Pastor B. E. Scott .'»• .-•cr Bldg. St. Pawl Minn. Phene CSdar 1918 Accident & Health Insurance RUSS NEFF Pure Oil Service Western and Univ. Ave., Washlag Groatlng Pollshleg Batteries Now Is the time to hove year car serviced for semmer driving. ARE YOU LONELY? —Then Join the — WASHINGION SOCIAL LETTER CLUB an* .M <!•>.. VHto for iafenMtien Today! POfTOFFICK BOX 3173 fTABMINGTON. D, Q, Saturday, Oatabar lt» IMP* Bethesda Baptist Church Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning service 11:00 a. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:45 p. m. W. E. Wadlinglon Pastor LO. 0597 * 6 Zion Baptist Church 1124 Lyndale N. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. , B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. H. W. Botts, Pastor GEheva 1542 SI. Peters A. M. E. Church 22nd St. and 10th Ave. S. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning service 10:45 a.* m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. tn Evening service 7:43 p. th. Rev. Carlyle Fielding Slewart, Pastor COlfax 6188 St. James A. M. E. Church 3rd St. and 13th Ave. S. Sunday school 9:30 a. th. Morning service 11:00 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:45 p. m. <. Rev. H. Reddick, Pastor C. L. DOKMO Shoe Repairing Guaranteed Work at a Fair Price Expert Custom Shoetnaktag 589 Wabasha St. St. Paul, Mln*. Spicer Motor Maintenance Specialising CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH SERVICE GENL'RAL REPAIRING Ne« Located at 396 W. Central, bat. Wester* A Arundel ELkhurst St. Paef. Mian. Special Sprang Rates I BETTER DRIVE IN, BUDDY,) fn [BEFORE HURT SOME J I CARES- V R E( J w .? nJ* iix N vJOwi'' st xV f J J. I