Newspaper Page Text
ffit* 1/ A •SPL, Wr $• ^day ,. JMf'il* ^f%fttl^0ities S 't|«r4*r Sriofesop left on the. Dixon )3at_ I¥' if®" •5 ^^®^J'^rea9®r®r- Johnson secured & soow Ew'"f'hoe pks& QPd Oyer the trail for Du- yesterday iborniDg. !g| N^lsorij tif Ltitflen, who was -r ,_ aarrit^ iir Ikiliithrecently, returned I home ifith his bride Monday evening "v With the refcijm ,of the Dixon to Du "tttth lapt Tuesday navigation along the Worth shore closed for the .season, -A little walk of 86 miles is all that now separateaus from the outside world. Upon complain t'of Daniel MoDonouglf an order was issued last week for the ar Test of Bhody Kennedy on the charge of insanity. Deputy Sheriff Fqllerton left on the Dixon lest Saturday to make the arrest,' found Kennedy on hiB home stead and had no trouble in taking him to Lntsen -where he awaited the return of the ))ixon and took Kennedy to Two Harbors for exataination. 8#^OMMI88IONER proceedings. Special Meeting Cook County Commissioners NOT. 5th, t806 Called to order at 9:^a.ta, Present—Hacs Eagelsen, Fred JackPonand "Win. Fisher clerk. J)ttC'8on chosen chairman pro tens^ minutes oflast meeting read and approved ^«s follows: The record of the previous meeting amended to read, That Fred Jackson, commissioner, wan appointed a committee of one to take1 charge of road work in District No. 3. Carried. John Hathesonjndge of election. days. m- 1 Gust^ Olson firewarden posting notices 5 ^^^fe^^^Mdays A .i........ Ole Olson fire warden posting notices 2 days..*..":..,.' JO A A A jlel«m bntt*^5 8 20 Hans, Gilbjerison jtfdge of election and fg/ messenger, .j,.-.: 12 80 15 10 •Jin*, J. Johtisoh judg'eTof election' and mesaenger Sw«mp rCariboo messenger and assisting carrier. C. A. A. Nelson clerk of electiod and messenger, house rent 17 QQ -12 20 Win. Howenstine house rent for election 9 00 p. Pfitameier messenger of election ^3 00 ohn jacobaon jr. sqecial Election con a a to I a 3K J. LeTourneau A Go^. election printing ^*25-00' J, J.lieTourjieau 4 Co. stationery..-.., 7 50 Chris' Murphy sample ballots......j:.. 2 00 £hriB Mnrphy commissioner proceedings andcouilty printing.. 137 25 It ^Jn. I'iSher expense to Duluth printing county tickets .'.v.....?.-. 10 00 6 00 5,» 1:1 A-Bcjoth Packing Co. one tare. H. L. Sliepherd^naps ...i.,... .......... Chas J. Johnson Treasurer trip to Duluth to look after bank failure.. !. Brown Treacy A Co. stationery blank® ballot bpxes etc... 0413 "W A Peterson", aaalstlng Are warden V& ^4 flays. ..-.. ^2 25 Aug A. Nelson assisting fire warden 0 0 Gust Nelson assfsting fflre "warden 1 dajf |^i 50 Chas Moore do Hdayglf 75 y8T-«nks ,„doI 1 day^ 60 August Amundgdir ^o lday|^50 Jaines'Geesxck do day&".^L 50 .Claik-H Oarhart do IdayM JBernt Jacobson fire warden posting no 'tices2 days ». ilana (xilbertton fire warden posting no tices 5days: •. 4. 50 400 10 00 10 00 '0 00 OlfBrttn^ fire .warden posting notices 2 da) if assigned to -^tdrew ^hristianson ppl 00 6le Berglund ffltSa'Wardiin iwisting notices 'Va days.... .". jQQ O A A Nelson fire jWarden e^tticguishine fire 7M-days, !6 4 Ed Johnson fireextinguishing.,, ^fire3« days. ISFJ BO AD MSTHICT NO.LT Alax Easier 5% days road work hi bushel timothy seed...^. ,t 3d. ndt HokaOaon 12^daya/oad wprk Pet Olson4 days rbad 4oh?i McGuire }}£days oald work paya We to A A Nelson :... JohnJETarrisi 3ays-road w.orkpayableto 75 Aug list Xtlndskog SH days road work aS-:^ v- «lgned to a: Mayhe»r .0 road work-as-, signed to? May fie#:. Larson ,v& "diys tjad work'as-1 Oft... work aSSdteised tb 5 «n»y* roadSWOrk"as-* A Pfftpa^mlth&ro .. H40 ^road woii. assjgnediif -^iteiirtoais «s^gnpMQ^B^it^^| Qh lAr»ofc3^da3rt/r»d wo*^r 4 G^tav'Ehngs&^dSyi worl4 .^ Andrew ^cMuu^fe^'days, road^WJsk^a^ ,. as to O $ 5 lVe¥ Iverson 7 days roadiwork 8& O a Mojuk^ia^ days^ad -ChasHaglund SHi days road work, 95 Qtn sfrSodetberg 25 days road' Work. it-SO Peter Bi^dal g{4 days road wbrk',. i# 15 Mavhew freight on tools,. 35 Kelly Eardware Co tools JBOAD DISTBXOI SO. Jobn AMcFarlandl4iiday»jToad:woA assigned loTred Jackson..... ,/ ^31.75 JBernt Jacobson 17*4 days road work as signed to Fred Jackson ... '5'30 82 Bernt JfMsohson '.fish, assigned to. Ered'S^ Jackson Ijiv^ g$ Ole Brunes freight assigned to Andrew Chrlstianson. 05 Ole Brunes 12 days 'raTd woirk,'assigned" to Andrew Chrlstianson .{, /. .* August Brunes 10 c[ays road vTork as signed to Andrew Chrlstianson. '1 Andrew Chrfstianson freight..1^' A-S Carlson J1 days road work...'?..^... Gotfrled £rnan 14 days road work assign edtoAS Carlson, John Bjerkland 15 days road work as-./. signed to A S Carlson. 22 50t Louis Elliagson li days rited wotk' ^.^ signed to A8Carlson 21 (K£ Barney McCoy 10 y* days road work ag- _' signed to Mayhew. Its Ys) John Jacobson Jr. 43a day6 road work,afK-., signed to Mayhew.:... jkV.C. 1 6 37 Olaus Jacobson 10H days road" work as signed to Mayhew 15 75, Fred Jackson 15 days road work (com^v"" mittee work) rt.'1' 30 00 Ole Gunderson 14V4 days road work as signed to Barney McCoy 21JJB Sander Jen toft 14 days road work. 21 00 ThosTrevillionsupplies 20 70 M»vhew temporary relief as ojlo^f Sam Zimmerman...*.."X. Mrs A Benson Koginochiwa Mayhew freight and carting Mayhew oil Meeting adjourned to l:Sn ?v? Tlie following bills, upon separate conslde?^ tio»,Were allowed: AJ£r.,efl Jackson town clerk record of births land ,4 SI 00 Aug A^Lindfllcog clerk of election. 5 go Grist I* Peterson judge and messenger, ft-/ 12 10 Andrew Johnson elerk of electio^-.W.'*:-i 4 25 -,v 'P"1 do .1:80 p.m.' 2 Op 5 00 Aug 4. Nelson Oust Olson Thomas! GaTter.1 Mils N Berg Ludvig EJliasen to Andrew Christiaaflon ....v-\\. 5 50 ^red Jackson clerk of election and met* jeenger.'. ...1 nigo sS^- -iv io do V^'|ga So do assigned J. E. Mayhew clerk of election .... 935 Clayton MKelly^. do- i1:j&1i.I1.' .410 John ,v.^ do *«". 350 GustafKhng^ do' .!.!!!! '4 75 Chris Holte'judge of election* -Jb 20 John Taylor judge 61 election/.,.. K", 9 35 W Mayhew -do ...... 9 85 JohnCKePx. .130 '8 10 J. Ole Brunes' "e,do n, "iklgned'^v S t° Andrew Chxistianson i^6 8ft 1 ®mil Elias^a judge ofelection assigned?"^ 1 to Andrew Christiansen' ~±r -6 60 Barney -M^Cby judge of election.. Mi. 6 60 MM •liii[|ift'ir»iiiia» WITH mi. fishing: deppljr 15 (0 1 50 16 50 fX,i 21 00s .5 00 25 00 14 00 1150 50 I p. m. Board met pursuant to adjoiurnment 1- .. v*! -, Present—Engelson and Jackson.?- 'if The petition- for road of Chris. MurphV et 'al granted", and road commissioner ordered to fix road according to pretitlon. & .Meeting adjourned hour^ ,' ,0i Met as per adjournment.1 .All present .% Meefing adjourned to 9 a. m. Nov.Jth. ADJOUBHKD MEETING. November 6th, 1896. Commissioners Engelson and Jackson present Nellie Usher, clerk|"J •f-1® Commissioner Jackson ijistfucted^to purchase 2000 shingles and tar felt paper to-repair tool house ,in District No. 3, and Jo bank court house '.Upon motion by Jackson, second 'by Engelson, county order No. 1491, issued as security for the, loan of$700.00 placed by. Treasurer C. J. Johnson at the H. E. Bmith'& Ci?.. Bankers, bank for use of county road fund, is hereby ap proved, and C, J. Johnson, treasurer, hereby.di rected to use said order as security for said loan. Y6tlng ^ye» Engelson' and Jackson. .-^^sjtto.wing bU3s allowed:. Pioneer Press Co. stationery*etc.. 32 "Jamfes"A. TuckM poRlage'and key-i.*iC^:pv' 4 Hans Engelson^days and miles re a so 2 a an 95 00 11 10 00 1 Ked Socks killed an Englishman,'btft tip to date' no, American bicyclist has taken blood-poison that way. 1 1 ®r -T The nail' trnBt appears to hare been hit on the head and driven into a hole, Bat there are others still doing-business. Tom Watson had better success as av cnininal lawyer than as vice presidential candidate he oleared his client who was charged with murder. If it tobk Mark Hanna two' years to get Gov. McKicley his first Presidential nomination, can "he get it for him the second J^me in four years? Having stirred up Bassia and France Bismark is now throwing stones at the British Lion, whom he: accuses of want ing toL:Qpntrol the whole menagerie. It's dollars to peanuts^hat if President Oleveland extends .the civil service-rules to the fourth-class postmasters, his action Will be upset .by President McKinley With Hon. Theodore Roosevelt and Rev. Dr. Parkhurst openly commending flrstic combats prize fighting will proba bly enjoy a greatJt«om in. New York city. It is hardly-fair to call a man spend thrift who has spent $750,000 in good deeds, as Buskin has, ana yet it seems that he might have been" better to him self. MJ! What is notoriety worth afterr?all? Ferris, the inventor-of the big wheel, died the other day'in a Pittsburg hos pital, and the big wheel is in the hands oUsherflcgf The 1. turkey-raiser "who1 sent Thanksgiving birds to President Gleve land, President-elect -McKinley-and^ex candidateBryan istiotopen to the charge of partisan 'prejudice: S§£ s® 'tti ^-v. -r- Those men who are ^hungering' for Spanish blood should lose no time in joining* the Ouban^./jThat is the only opportunity thej will^have, and that mdy vanish before springi If it be. jingoism for this government to compel Spain tolpay for every dollar's, worthy of property^ owned1 by American citizens in Cnba which. has been destiioyi If a Bftn Franoisoo lawyer isn't 9 first class faker,flying ship that, flies is now an dacomviiahad fact, and uir line* urates "vyiJlapoji be biding a^ainsfc fehej^d died «.t the'Asylum~6f trauspoitation companies for busmese.|"Saw eu^ Caen, ialfa^ch-J840J .'.Ufa it-,^^S.uJed in wt iron: pr0te«?t3O9i", fijHer^fim^ t'rofet !Free Press, gives.ja clew to inventiotf of4aj Albany quaVfyjpaji tutting ^istojie^^Tnstead, hoWver^ $£ hemp, lie proposes to use wire 'rope, andtwith this he will carvia th&marbl^ and 'stone right out of its native be4» The* wire is wound in stiraids,: and hais 6. very rough' surface, po^^rfiil' niajphi|X-, ery gives- a strong and "steady strain,' would be easy enot%h to cut the blocfes aftertihey moved from'the quar| ry, but where the cleverness of the in ventor comes in is deviling .mechanist that cam be applied to the stone while. in the quarry. This is effected by siak-J ing two,parallel .channels in the'quarjpy' to a ttepth of-little greater than that of, the lowest levej of the stone/ to -be cut. The channels may be from 2 to 100 feet or more, apart." At the"bottom of each.! is made,a small hole to receive the footVi eods of the shafts of the machine, TMs is the only preparation of the quarryi that is necessary. The-ropes,-whiehf are coiled on huge dri^tns.' are th^nl passed around the channels, and a» the* jdrums revolve, the cutting proceeds. Suitable brakes are provided for the regxdation of the speed and pressure. The ordinary speed of the strand is, BOO feet a minute, so that a* mile length: of it passes in six minutes. While the strand is moving, crushed- stone Or chilled shot and water can'be intro duced to increase the attrition'. Fait better, however, than either .of these is a composition obtained from -the tailings of a magneticaroa separator, which costs abotit one-tenth as much as tht chilled shot. It does not leave the lines caused by the shot, and-it, can be used oyer and over again. WELCOMING A RIVER. A Joyful Occasion ta the' People of a Portion of Peru. In the long coastal desert of.Peru,' which is some 2,000 miles in length,' but only 120 miles broad at its: widest part, the rivers, Maj. A. F. Sears says, disappear in the dry season and begin to flow again in February or March when rain falls in the Cordilleras. One of the most important.of these rivers is the Piura, the rgturn of whose waters is., welcomed with great rejoicings by the inhabitants of „its banks. About the" time when "the coming of the river" is expected, says the Youth's Company ion, eager inquiries as to the progress'' of the water are put to all persons who' chance to come from the head of the.' valley, and when, the water approaches' the town of Piura processions go out to meet it, aaid escort,its first.trickling stream- down the dry river-bed with!* music and fireworks. At the outskirts of the city thousands of people greet it^ arrival." The valley of the Piura is said by Ma j. Sears to produce excellent cot ton, 'although its possibilities in this respect axe not well- developed for lack of systematic' irrigation. 'Once in a period of Jrom five to "seven years rain falls upon-the coastal plain, whereupon/ with 'magic quickness^ grass and flow ers cover it,' an.d cattle browse in its pastures, but in a few weeks everything' withers, and desolation reigns cjnce^ more upon the barren sands. LONGS TO BE A SLAVE. A Southern. Negro Who Wants to Go Into Bondage Again. /Some of the letters that Mayor" Thacher gets are curiosities in their way.. People from out of town who wish to find out anything in the city 0$ Albany invariably write letters tp the mayor. It doesn't make any difference what the information desired relates to the mayor, they think, ought to know, says the Albany Argus. A letter was received irom a negro away down south, who, Mr. Monahan says, has been deaft for 30 years—not literally-a- corpse, but deceased as far., as his grip on hustling, progressive nineteenth century life was concerned This man believes that slavery is stil]^. an institution in this great land, and is ignorant-of the glorious-fact thatthe master's whip hasn't' cracked for 30 years. Henever heard of the president's proclamation, never knew that thejnortli had whipped, the south, and that ljUOO, 000 lives had' been sacrificed to free the slave. In his letter to the mayor this colored man asked to b£ brought north. and sold back into slavery.^'There is no question that he found it injpossible to live in the south, and longed again foif the irresponsibility from'iself-suppontfj of slavery days which" he thought stillJ flourished in the, south.- BEAU BRUMMELL. IL, At the Grave of fi Fsmotit^Uandy and Wit Eiigli&h visitors to Taiy-e^^ffll^ having satisfied then curiosity, tu^n to Oaen, where lie 'the bones of an Eng- lishman. -y^ho. has left vbeliind am him-, mortal reputation as a dandy imda^it.'' Bean, Bruni^U, after having beens the friend"r«f the prince regent/ died in poverty, a'lriendlesS imb^e,i'!6oMi in': 1778, Gejorge^Er^an Brummelf^was^lu-^ cated at Eton, where he made b, n^me ior'social aplomb, readiness of repartee and fastidious neatness iif dress. I^e, went to .thee Oriel college, Oxford, jj-br^a', years. He waspresented with a eorooet^ cy by the prince'of Wales in theOTen|h. ^Ussars, and for som^ y|ar^r4hjoj^a %hp friendship-bf the pzvace, who^w^k fffferward Geojge ^. ^lsit 'tbey/ qha^le^AHC^Bea^' BrumrnetHhe^ hi| own»in«oeiety until gamabK^g lqss^s. iha,fie fle6 the Country. -In 1836 he \vasJ appoi^.ted British x»n»ul^jGac|i.'' Ifig crediters c^oeed^ rdund himf^nfl'^a I May, 1835, hpwa^efflst into spirit aeSined to hiav^leen. br^enl aj|l', in 1817 he showed eigns of intb^ility^. ti tfJ3 smfiy 1 —.ijj BBC Be 2:6, lioo 1hiur^T irej is believed' to, he true'in"ever^r re ^ct.? V/^ will the'earth's motion slow tiintii the-day will" be one,1 two, and P»ee 'times"as long, as it is at present, Jbnt this pace-slackening process will i|brease 'witli time, tintil the day will |eventually be et week or even W month ^BL length. The "retarding"medium," ^vvhich: the astronoiners speslk of as be-i iinff the cause of this phenomenon, is not ^'fi|lly understood' at present. J^ir Robert Ball says that it is the fric tion of the-tides Which is responsible fdX the most of it. He urges that the ltiafae.vvill 'come, when the day will,be a full year in length!. Others among the 'investigators along this line declare that it will be absolutely impossible for this day-lengrthening process to in creaSe-beyond one Mnar month! HER WEDDING PRESENTS.^ Tlie Princess Maacl Now Possesses Forty- Eisbt Wheois. ^tt'"iif^ividenrt. that Princess ^Ta^Td, who married Prince. Carl of Denmark, will riot Jack for means of locomotion, sagrs the London, tetter. The parents of the, bride and the aristocracy having presented their gifts, to the young bridal couple, they are-now 'being fol lowed by the numerous towns, counties, shires and guilds. Among the presents received there are not less than 48 ladies' bicycled, for it is known that Princess Maud, is an enthusiastic whe^lwoman. There are wheels of almost every class, make and of the" most varied construc tions and executions, some adorned yith engravings and others with in scriptions. Besides the wheels the princess is the recipient of sev eral '"dozen" motor carriages, some driven by-steam, others by petroleum motors, compressed air and electricity. Since tlie exhibition of wedding pres ents is still fashionable in aristocratic .England, the show of Princess Maud's wedding gifts looks very much like a cycle show or an exhibition of motor carru5£es. -'Y Notice for Publication. Land 'Office at Doluth Minn October'^, 1806. Notioe is hereby given that the following nam ed settler filed notice of his ijitontion to qiake final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be madd before the register and re ceiver U. 0. Land Office Dnlath^Minn., on De cember .15th, 1896, viz: Richard"" Dowman who made homested entry No. 10306 for the eeH of section 22 township 65 north range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, 6aid land, -friz: Nicholas Probeck, John Morrison, Jas Morrison Henry Mayhew. and Oliver Jackson of Grand Marais JMinn. and Zefah D. Goodell of Duluth Minn. artdExank.JN. Schaaf of Gun Flint Lake .Minn, ,, i'/ K: A. J. Taylor Register. K. N. Marble Atty. 10-10 Timber Land. Act June 3, 1873.—Notice of Pub .lication^—U. S Land Office, Duluth Minn. September 16,189(5. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of .the act Qf Congress of June 3, .1878, entitled "Ari act for the sale of timber lands' in the states of California, Oregon, 'Nevada, and yya&hington Territory." as extended to all the public, land ptates by act of Augiist 4, 1892, I. Alexander J. Gurtin of Duluth, county of St, Louis state of Minn., Ms this-dny filed in this office his sworn statement No 30H6. for the pur chase of the lots 1. 2" and b'A neU of section in township 64 north range 4 west, and will offer proof to show that the land .sought is more valu able for its. timber or stone than for agricultural purposes., and to establish his claim to. said land before the Kegisterand Becever of this office at Duluth Minn". 011 Tuesday, the 15th day of December 1896. He natne#as witnesses: Joseph Couture. Peter J, Ericksdrip'Almer Nelson and Edgar \V. Crafhet all of Duluth, Minn. Any and all persona .claiming adversely the above-depcribejjttahds are requested to file their LS office on or belore said istli day of claims ii this •November 1896. a. 10-3 ••'t. A. J1.Taylor- Register, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.—Notice lor Pub lication. U, 8. Laud Office. 'Duluth, Minn., August 10th, 1896. ^Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the.prQyisiansoi the act of congress of June ,1878, entitled AII act for the sale of. timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as amended bv act of August 4,1892, Severiiv Jacobson. Superior, coun ty of Douglas, state of Wisconsin, has this day filedrin this office his sworn statement NoA 2998, for the purchase of the lots 7 and- 8, nw^ of ew \i and ewl/4 of nwJi of section 20 in- township 63, range 3 West, and wil offer, proof to show that the land, sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and. to establish his claim to said land belore the regis ter and receiver of this office at Duluth, Minn., on Thursday.gthe 3rd day of December. 1896. He names as witnesses: George Slgnalnas and Andrew Johnson of West Superior Wis. and Keinhold B. Graetz of Grand IVtarais, Minn.- and Andrew- T. Bestul of DuinthMinn. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 3rd day of December, 1896. V7 1 XT A. Jr.Taylor, Register. B. N. Johnson A€ty. 1 9-26 Timbedffl&jd, AcfJuneB. 187(},—Nofl?afor Pub liCat*vffiSHu. S Land Offic-9,*' Duluth, Mintt -. -fifeptemfflr 29,1896. Notice is-hereby given that in compliance with the pr.6vision of the act of congress of June S, 1878 entitled, "in act ior. the g9,le of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada arid Washington Territory" as /amended by act cf August4,3892, Christian 01s n, ofDuluth, county of St. Louis, state of Minnesota has this day filed in thiB office his sworn statement No. 2841, for the purchase ot the eyt ot se}4 sec. 8, wii of trysr^ section 9 in township 64^ range 2 west, and will offer prooi to show that the land sought is more valuable "for its tim'ber or. stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kegister and Receiver of this office at Dnluth, Minn,, pn,Tvjt sday,vthe 22nd c^ay of December, 1S96. 'W- He names as witnesses: EdWard GroChau, B. Grande and Ed. Gustaf pon of Duluth Minn. and. Andrew Larson of Grand Marais Minn. Any tod all persons claiming adversely ihe above described lands are requested to file their elaims is this office on or before said 22nd day of December 1896, -.A Taylor'."Register. Timtie^ Land, A'ct JnneS, 187S.—Notice for Fuh iication. IvS.,Jjand Office at Duluth /Minn. July 15th, 1896. •Notice is hereby'given that in compliancewithJ the provieions'-of the act of GongresB June 8.1^78, entitled•""An aotfor the sale ?i tinpiber Jands in the .states of California, "Oregon, Nevada- and 'Washineton Territory," as -extended-to fell the pnblic land.etateB by act of August '4, 1892. WilUam MoBean, of- Dulnth county of St. Lbute state of Minnesota, hwr tjjia day filed hi this Office Ma. swrom 6tatm«nt -No.. 296S, for the P^r^heae of_ the lots 1 and 2 of section 25 in ^*&Pt'November. 18f6, He frames as witnepa iT«K« ti1 «n»Afr, TH, Aaf:=aad jali-parfioiss claiicioy«dt^eels ~fh( ^&^e^j»Tibod i£ttds. are 0 isip their tKo»etnp»r, l! ^ET^yintelligealXapMlyneedB ih addi- known general family newspafer la^'the fEoledv) WeeJsijr Blade, .^or^thiity years has^ Ijeen a re^ulaV Visit oMri eVery ptot' of ^e pnion^ and la'" V&lf' "khOWfi'^t ^al mosjb every one of tbe, in the country. "Itis edited with refer ence to a national circulation, It is a^ Republican paper, but men of all politics take it, beoauae of its,'honesty and fair ness in the discussion of all pnblic ques tions. It is the favorite family paper, with something for every, member of the household', Serial stories, poetry,, wit and humorj the ^Household department' (best in the world), Young Folks, Sunday School Lessons, Talmage's Sermons, the' Farmstead, the Question Bureau (which answers questions for subscribers), the $fews of the Week in complete form, and Other special features.-.' Specimen copies gadly send us a list of addresses, we will mail a'copy to each! Only $1 a year. If yojijnsh to raise a club, write for terms. Address THE BLADE, "Toledo," Ohio. Timber.Land. Act Jnne.3,1878,—Notice for Pab- Om08 MiM" Notifcais hereby driven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ,An,, .act for th© e^le of^ timber lands ln the statea of California, Oregon, Neva daand Washlcgton Territory," as extended to all the public land states by, act of August 4,1892. Lawernce Ignasick,. of Dulutii county of Louis, state of Minnesota has: this 'aay 2835." of St. in thie office his sworn stSemtat^No. *2835.' for the purchase of the"se& of se^, lots 1. 6 and 9 of Section 29 township 63,-range 4 west,and will offer Proof to show that the land sought is more yal nable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ^d to establish his'claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at DuinthMinn. on Friday, tlie 15th day of Jan uary 1897. He names as witnesses: George Wartnor and Reinhold R. Graeia: of Grand Marais Minn, and Christian Hang of ,^mn- and AlJjert F. Graetz of West lialnthiMinn Any and all persons claiming adventely the acove-qesonbedlands are requested to file their claims m:thisoffice,on.or before said 15th day of January, 1897. ,"WX-. TO TT ii ,',A -A. J. Taylor Register. W. H. Smallwood Atty. 11-14 Wanted SALESMEN. We -v^ant one or two men in each county to take orders for Norsery Stock, and are willing to pay- well for good work, We agree to REPLACE FREE anything that dies from natural causes.. Notice for Publication. ^Land Office at Dulutb Minn., July 27,1896. Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed settler ha,s filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and re ceiver at Duluth, Minn, on September 16th, 1896, viz: HansWannebo homestead* entry No, 5869 for the of seij. nw^ -of se}£ section 32and sw!4 1 east °f section 33 in townshiP 62 north range He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Hans Gulbrandson, Gust Olson, John Hanson and Helmer Helmerson all of Grand Marais Minn. .T A Taylor, Register N Johnson Atty. -&.g Notice for Publication. Land OfiBce at Duluth: Minn. Aug. 2S: 1€96," Notice is hereby given that the: following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of .his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the .U. 8. land office at Duluth Minn, on October 28,1896, viz Andrew Swaneon, who made homestead entry No. 5836 for the sH of sei4 sec, 33 and &V± of swji of sec. 34 town ship C2 north ranpe 1 eiist. HenameB the following witnesses to prove his Cfwitinnons residence upon and cultivation of, said land, VTK: Gnataf Kling, 0 Monkery Andrew Larson and Hans Gilbertso** all of Grand Marais Minn. 7-25 A. J. Tailor Register Timber Land, Act June 3,187g.—Notice for Pub licatin.. U.'S. Land Office* Dnluth Minn*' October fith, 1896. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of act of Congress of June 3 1818, entitled ''An act for the sale of timber landB in the states of Calif ornia, Oregon^ Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4,1892. Hen rr EvCoole, of Duluth, oounty of St. Louis state of .Mxnnesota, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 3010, for the purchase of the lot 3, el4 of- swii and swJi of sei4 of section 30 in township 65 north, range 5 west 4th P. M., and will offer proofto show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultnral purposes, and to establish his claim to. said land before theRegister and Receiver of this office at Dnlnth Minn on Tuesday, the 7th day of-January 1897. He names as witnesses: Jacob F. Noll, -John F. Segog end William Bassett of Dulnth Minni and Telcf Oleson of Grand Marais Minn. Any and all persons, claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to fileeir th claims in this office on or before said 7th day of January, 1897. A, J&Taylor Register. Frank Cutting Atty. ip, 11-14 Timber Land. Act June 3,1878.—Notice for Pub- .. lication. U. S. Land Office, Duluth, Minn, October 26, 1896. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act of congress of June 3,, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington Territory," as amended by act of August 4,1S92, ATnt E. Juberg. of West Superior, county of Douglas* state of Wisconsin, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2914, for the purchase of the lots 2, 3. 4,7 and 8 of section 4. township north, "range 5 west of 4th miv&nd will offer proof to show that the land sought is.more valuaDle lor its| timber or stoue than for agricultural purpose^ and toestablihtf his claim to said land before the register and re ceiver of. this office at Duluth, Minn, on 'Tuesday the 19fh day of January 1896.\"V ^v He names as witnesses: August Juberg of West Superior Wis. and John •t1'. Segog, and William^Bassett of Dnluth Minn' •and John E. Ross of Grand Marais Minn. Any and all -persons claiming-adversely the above describedlands are requested to file their claims in this office on or belore said t9th day of January, lb97. A Taylor, Register. 11-21 H. Carting Atty. 'ffA Timber Land, Act JnnV 3, lS78.T-Notice for Pub Jjcation. United States- Lan'd Office Dnluth O^t 23rd, 1836. Notice is hereby given that in fcompliance with the provisions of the act of ^Congress of June 3. J8?8v entitled "An act -for., the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, arid W ashington Territoryr" as extended1 to all, the public land states by act of August 4, 189k.: William A. Harbour, of .Dnluth, oonnty of St. Louis state of Minn, has -this day filed in this office his sworn statement No, 2839, for the purchase of the ©H -of sate section S7 and loc 2 "and sw34 of sw34 of section: 26. .in township 63 north, range 4 west, of 4th P. M., and will offer prjof to show that the land sought is mora fAlnaKl& fni) vita the.RSeiPBter andut i^us race at Dulnth Minn. ShTuesday the 23rd day of Ee'jruary. 1397. 1 tie names aa .witnesees: -Reinhold R. "Graetz ot Grand JWatais- Minn. «od Albert F. Gtadtz, and Edward Mottner of JDnltfth Minn, ami* George SignaJLuess of West Superior Wis.- irnary 1897. da^^f' etai"i a Any Mid all 'persons clfani'in^ adve^ieTy^the Taylor Roister. B. N-, JobBson^Att^^-^^l^ ,. 1^.5 WANTBD-SEYEEAL .FAITHFUL- N women to travel for responsible1established' hq-uje to.Minwsola. §alaxv ^'89 payable #15 tretkly -and jeipehse^ P^iOon^ permauefit.' ,P-eference,. A.n^Jose selC-addre^ed^tum&d eh?r ~*efanc, Sao National, Stat Building^ hjeag^ Timber Land. A ct Juue-A 1878.—Hotice for Pd jlica^"*" fMir caiitir .Mini /jNotii fttAe Land pr. ^78,0 in the 7O^Xrp0stofBees CaUforni^rDregon, Nevada^ ^g^4C^oj^"nase?te^ded. to aU th# and the3 gpjjlic l^a states by airtP of Augoat 4,^1892. Jwrte& Hgdbefg oYIDukftb,3Counfif-o£ St^-Louw[state qigfe jpalies^s^^jia thM. day filed in this office hisrT aworttJ8tatementNo2ftT(l,fort'hepurcha8e6fth©S e'/f'df-nwfe, lota^ar'fi 3 of«eetion30in townshij^iJ 64Etege'lwe^and?|!^lloffer:»roof toehow that^-^ the jand sought is more valuable for itri timber Stone than for agricultural purposes, and establish ,hiB claim to said land before th®|j Register' and Receiver of this office at Duluth^ Minn, o!u Thursday, the 3rdiay of December 18964 He names^ as witnesses: Charley .Gn«tafaen, Eniil Storthzl, Nils Fersoi and Niltft.0. Hinor all of Duluth Minn. Any and 4 all persons claiming adversely above described tands are requeated. to file-' thei claims in this office OELOI befote said 3rd daw December, 1886.T V.- W m+n N Johnson Atty. ^^sylor Register 9-28 Timber Land,'Act June 3,1878.—Notice for Pub .lication, S. Land Office, Dnluth Minn. September 3rd 1896. Notice whereby given-that in compliance with the provisions of tne'act of Cengresd of Jnne 3, 187$, entitled "An: act for'rtimber lands in the: istates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of AusUst 4, 1892, August Juberg, of West Superior, county of Douglas state of Wisconsin, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2916, firt the purchase of the' lot 1 section 28, lots 4 and.5 section 29 lotS:2 and i-o£ Section 32 in Township 65. Range 5 west, and will offer' proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pi rposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Duluth Minn, on Wednesdays the^th day of Decemder, 1896. I the public He narcesas witoesserf: John 1'. Segog. TellQf Oleson, and John E. Ross of Dnlnth Minn, and Ajcdfaw K. Jnbetgef West Superior Wis.- Any nnd aJl persons claiming adversely the above described lands, are requested to file-their claims in. this office on -or before said 9th day December, 1896. Timber Iiand. A. Ji Taylor Register Act Jnne 3.187&.—Notice for Pab- ficatioA. United States Land Office, Duluth Minn., August 28, 1896. N otica i» h»roby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the etates of Galitornia, Oregon, Nevada, and' Washington Territory," as extended to all tb» public'iand stat» Hy act of August 4. -1892, Lars C. Hugge of Duluth county of St. Louis^i^ state of Minnesota, hasthi&day filed in thieoffic»$fS bis sworn statement No. 2925, tor the pnrcha*®. of the lots 1, 2, 3," and aw3£ of ne% of eectionfe-^ 19 in. township 65, north range 5 west, anjdif -will offer proof to show that the landed sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for.agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Duluth Minnesota on Thursday, the 3rd day of December, 1896. He names as witnesses: Hans Hillman, Ananies Peterson, W. G. Park and Tolof Olson ail of Duluth Minn.. Any and all pereons claiming adversely the abofe-described lands are requested to file.their claims in this office on or before said Sra day of December, 1896. A.J. Taylor Register *V Frank Cutting Attv. 9-19 Timber Land, Act June 3,1878,—Notice for Pub lication. U. S. Land Office Dulnth Misn. Septembers, 1896. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with' .t the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the Bale of timber lands in the states of California! Oregon, Novada and Washington Territorj," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892, Helooer Jnberg, of Dulnth, copnty of St. Louis State of Minnesota, has this day filed in this office his sworn statment No. 2S17. for the pur chase of the nM of neH sec. 9 and nV3 of nw^ of section 10 in township 64 north range 5 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land Defore the Register and Receiver of this office at Duluth Minn, on Thursday the 3rd day of December, 1896. He names as witnesses: John F, Segog and Wieliam Bassett of Duluth Minn, and John E. Ross and Thorval Peterson of Grand Marais Minn. j. Any and all persons o?aiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or-before said 3rd day of December, 1896* -A. Taylor Register S Frank Gutting Atty. 9-28 *%${ Timber Land. Act June 3 1878.^Notice for-Pub^4i lication:—U. S. Land Office, Duluth -Minn.^® September J5, 1896. Henames Ci. John, F. Segog and Jacob ¥7Noll of Dnluth Minp. and Arnt Juberg and Julius Jnberg of Grand Marais Minn. Jig ','S Notice is hereby given that in compliance ?f« with the proyisious'of the act of Congress June 3,1S78, entitled ^An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory as amended by act of A ugust 4,1892, Theodore M. Helinskiof Duluth, county of St. Louis state of Minnesota, has-this dayJUed in this office his sworn statement 2945, for the purchase of the n1/. Of nwjj and n'/3 of neij. of section 27 township 65 north range 5 west, of 4th P. -M.' and will offer- tf. prbof to show that the land sought is mere'I^ valuable for its timber or stone than for amicuU turnl purposes^ and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Duluth Minn, on Tuesday, the .J 15th day of December, 1896. Any and all persons claiming adversely the' above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 15th day of December 1896. -A. J.Taylor Register-M Timber Land, Act une 3,1878.—Notice for Pub-™3 lication. U. S:. Land Office Duluth Minn. October 22nd, 1896/ Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ot* it June 3,1878, entitled "an act-for the sale of tim-# ber lands in the states of Ca.ifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all thepublic land--states by act of August 4, 1892, Edward Mottner, of Dulnth, county of St. LouiH stateof Minnesota has this day fileid in this office fcis sworn statement No. 2837, for'??' the purchase of the se% of section 24 in town sWp jBS north range 4 west 4th P. M. and will.' offer proof to show that the land Bought is more, valuable for its timber or stone than fori®.' agricultural purposes, and to establish his cl«im to .said land before.the Register and Receiver ot, this office at duluth Minn, on Friday, the 15tlrP®$$ day of Jannttry 1897. "He names as witnesses: Lanrenz Ignnsiak and Gust Anderson of* Dn luth Minn, and Albert F. Graetz and Reinhold v'ta R. Graetz of Grand Marais Minn. Any and all persons claiming adversely th®g%&il above nescribedlands are requested to file theiimMM claims in this office on-or be&re said 15th day ofP January,. 1897, W.a.Wl»ood^ Timber Land, A---Ta!lorE^to| ACt June 8,1878.—Notice for Pubfj licstion. U. S. Land Office, Duluth, Minnil November 9th, 1896. Notice is hereby given that in compliance witlfe'l the provisions.of the act of- congress of Jnne 3 1878. entitled "An-ftct for the sale of timber lands' in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" as amended by act of August 4,1892, William Harvey of Duluth, counw-j^J ty of St, Louis state of Minnesota has this dajfe ofiled in this-office his sworn statement No 8017, fojp^1 the purchase of the wYt. ofne^, neJi of nwji aas'' lot 3 ol section-18 pi township 64 north, rangex 2 weBt of 4th p-m., and will oner- pi oof to show the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for, agricultural purposes, and establish: his claim to said land before the Tegisi ter and receiver of this office at Duluth, Minn..vl^| on Tutsday, the 2nd day of February, 1897, 3 He names as witnesses Joseph Couture and Ole Westling of Dulnth, Minn and Swan Norguesl and John Faqoett of tiunflint Minn. ..Any and all^persons claiming adversely the?-r ^ppTe desoribefl lands are rfeqaeste^ to file .their elaimffin this oflackoa.or before said 2nd day of-1-. February, 1896. r 11-28 'WAH. J. Taylor, Registeiy^ Duluth Minn. SetpemberJCt-hj JfSo. .• t,. Complaint having been entered at this offic# by W®, Howenstein against Odilon Dnguay for •abandoning his Homestead entry No. eotl. datpd May 18th, 1893, upon thesw^ of neif, seic nwj^of seK and ne^ofsw^ of section.^'" Wwnship ^3 north Tange 4 west, in Cools:s Npvember. l§96, at 10 o'clock A. to respond «nd turnish^teatimony^concernlng s»id alleged 9-f abandonment. ', v,'AN'l tL'—VEJiAl, FAITHFUL WEK Oii^i I to-travel iptvTeRponsiblo estab2i4t^' ionse^iH Minn?iBOta. -JjalarF R?80, pajable »J5,V •Tfretly, -fintf1 expenBesf Position permaoar Enaois6 scl addressed mamped velope TheSatiOhRl, Star Jiuildlng,. Chieaso^-f i-4'